VISION magazine Sothebys IR French Riviera

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L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

spring summer ’12 nº1

L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

e Burger Sotheby’s International Realty invites you into the world of exceptional Real Estate on the French Riviera. Come and share our vision of the future.

fr Burger Sotheby’s International Realty vous invite dans le monde de l’immobilier d’exception de la Côte d’Azur. Partageons notre vision de demain.

d Burger Sotheby’s International Realty lädt Sie ein, die außergewöhnliche Welt der Immobilien an der Côte d’Azur zu erleben. Teilen Sie unsere Vision von der nahen Zukunft.

ru Компания Burger Sotheby’s International Realty приглашает вас в мир недвижимости исключительно высокого качества на Лазурном берегу. Предлагаем вам разделить наш взгляд на завтрашний день


spring summer ’12 nº1

L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A table of content 6-11 A history of Luxury and Excellence since 1744

72-77 Our commitment to Prospective Buyers 78-83 Fall for the exceptional

12-17 We welcome you to a visionary world

84-89 Your vision of the unique

18-23 Extraordinary marketing and unique media coverage 24-29 Over 30 years of local knowledge and expertise 30-35 Strong values and ethical branding

90-95 Your investment of prestige 96-101 Prestigious luxury stays with Burger Sotheby’s 102-107 A prestigious choice 108-113 Tailor-made luxury stays

36-41 Commitment

114-119 Exceptional services

42-47 Services and drive for excellence

120-123 To be a brand... it is to keep promises

48-53 Our commitment to Property Owners

128-157 Sotheby’s International Realty Properties

54-59 Sell ​​your property

158-159 Our agencies

60-65 Optimize the management of your property 66-71 Ensure your return on investment

symbols used Living surface  Field surface  Terrace surface  Bedrooms 


spring summer ’12 nº1


symboles utilisés Surface habitable  Superficie du terrain  Surface de terrasse  Chambres 


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Legende Wohnfläche  Grundstücksfläche  Terrassenfläche  Schlafzimmer 

ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМЫЕ СИМВОЛЫ Жилая площадь  площадь земельного участка  Площадь террасы  Спальни 




6-11 Une histoire de luxe et d’excellence depuis 1744

6-11 Eine Geschichte von Luxus und Exzellenz seit 1744

6-11 История роскоши и совершенства с 1744 года

12-17 Burger Sotheby’s International Realty vous ouvre les portes d’un monde visionnaire

12-17 Burger Sotheby`s International Realty begrüßt Sie in einer visionären Welt

12-17 Burger Sotheby’s International Realty открывает для вас двери мира мечты

18-23 Un marketing extraordinaire, une couverture médiatique unique

18-23 Außergewöhnliches Marketing und einzigartige Medienpräsenz

24-29 Plus de 30 années de proximité et d’expertise locale

24-29 Über 30 Jahre lokale Marktkenntnis

18-23 Эффективный маркетинг, уникальное отражение в средствах массовой коммуникации

30-35 Unsere überzeugenden Werte, unsere ethische Markenbotschaft

30-35 Nos valeurs, notre éthique de marque

36-41 Unser Engagement

36-41 Notre engagement

42-47 Unsere Dienstleistungen, unser Streben nach Spitzenleistungen

42-47 Nos services, nos exigences d’excellence

48-53 Burger Sotheby`s International Realty - Engagement für Immobilienbesitzer

48-53 Le mot de Burger Sotheby’s International Realty aux Propriétaires

54-59 Verkauf Ihrer Immobilie

54-59 Vendre votre propriété

60-65 Optimale Verwaltung Ihrer Immobilie

60-65 Optimiser la gestion de votre propriété 66-71 Rentabiliser votre investissement 72-77 Le mot de Burger Sotheby’s International Realty aux Acquéreurs

66-71 Return on Investment 72-77 Burger Sotheby`s International Realty - Engagement für Kunden 78-83 Ihr Herz schlägt für das Außergewöhnliche

78-83 Votre coup de cœur pour l’exceptionnel

24-29 Более чем тридцатилетний опыт работы в регионе 30-35 Наши ценности, этика марки 36-41 Наши обязательства 42-47 Наши услуги и требования к качеству 48-53 Обращение Burger Sotheby’s International Realty к владельцам недвижимости 54-59 Продать вашу недвижимость 60-65 Оптимизировать управление вашей недвижимостью 66-71 Сделать рентабельной вашу инвестицию 72-77 Обращение Burger Sotheby’s International Realty к покупателям

84-89 Ihre Vision des Unverwechselbaren

78-83 Ваша страсть к высокому качеству

84-89 Votre vision de l’unique

90-95 Ihre Investition in Prestige

84-89 Ваша мечта об уникальном

90-95 Votre investissement de prestige

96-101 Prestigereiche, luxuriöse Aufenthalte mit Burger Sotheby`s International Realty

90-95 Ваши инвестиции в престижную недвижимость

96-101 Les séjours de luxe et de prestige avec Burger Sotheby’s International Realty 102-107 Un choix prestigieux 108-113 Des séjours de luxe sur-mesure 114-119 Des prestations d’exception 120-123 Être une marque...c’est tenir ses promesses 158-159 Les agences Burger Sotheby’s International Realty

102-107 Hochkarätige Auswahl 108-113 Maßgeschneiderte Aufenthalte auf Fünf-Sterne-Niveau 114-119 Außergewöhnliche Leistungen 120-123 Eine Marke zu sein…bedeutet, Versprechen zu halten 158-159 Burger Sotheby`s International Realty Agenturen

96-101 Роскошный и престижный отпуск с Burger Sotheby’s International Realty 102-107 Престижный выбор 108-113 Отпуск люкс по индивидуальной мерке 114-119 Высокое качество услуг 120-123 Марка – это выполнение обещаний. 158-159 Агентства Burger Sotheby’s International Realty


spring summer ’12 nº1


Cap Martin Private Domain For sale Ref. CF3328  850m2  4500m2  8


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


spring summer ’12 nº1


LUXURY and EXCELLENCE since 1744 The story starts in London in 1744, when Samuel Baker founded Sotheby’s, the first auction house in the world to specialise in books and manuscripts. Over time, Sotheby’s has gradually expanded its activities to include the sale of artwork, decor, and jewellery. From 1955, Sotheby’s initiated a settlement policy worldwide. As a visionary company, Sotheby’s has internationalized the art market. Its expansion has been punctuated by extraordinary sales that capture the world’s attention. It is on the foundation of this rich heritage that the luxury real estate brand Sotheby’s International Realty — dedicated to the exceptional and to the symbiosis between art, habitat and lifestyle — was founded in 1976. The Sotheby’s International Realty network, which currently has 600 branches in 45 countries, communicates in a unique way worldwide, and its continuing dedication to excellence has made it the pride of Sotheby’s for over two centuries. sotheby’s over 100 Auction Houses worldwide

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Cap Martin Private Domain For sale Ref. CF3328  850m2  4500m2  8 BURGER SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY

spring summer ’12 nº1


sotheby’s Plus de 100 maisons de vente dans le monde sotheby’s International Realty Un réseau mondial de professionnels de l’immobilier de luxe sotheby’s Institute of Art Une formation aux beaux-arts professionnels sotheby’s Diamonds Une collection des plus beaux et désirables diamants du monde sotheby’s Wine Les meilleurs vins du monde entier

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L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


Une histoire de luxe et d’excellence depuis 1744

Eine Geschichte von Luxus und Exzellenz seit 1744

История роскоши и совершенства с 1744 года

L’histoire a débuté à Londres en 1744, quand Samuel Baker fonde Sotheby’s, la première société de vente aux enchères au monde, spécialisée dans les livres et manuscrits. Au fil du temps, Sotheby’s a progressivement élargi son champ d’activités à la vente d’œuvres d’art, de décoration et de bijoux et dès 1955, amorçait une politique d’implantation à travers le monde. Visionnaire, Sotheby’s a internationalisé le marché de l’art et son expansion est rythmée par des ventes extraordinaires qui capturent l’attention mondiale. C’est sur les fondations de ce riche héritage que fut fondée en 1976, la marque d’Immobilier de Luxe Sotheby’s International Realty, dédiée à l’exceptionnel et témoin de la symbiose entre art, habitat et art de vivre. Le réseau Sotheby’s International Realty dispose actuellement de 600 agences situées dans 45 pays, communique d’une façon unique dans le monde entier et perpétue le dévouement à l’excellence qui constitue la fierté de Sotheby’s depuis plus de deux siècles.

Eine Geschichte von Luxus und Exzellenz seit 1744 Die Geschichte beginnt in London im Jahre 1744, als Samuel Baker unter dem Namen Sotheby`s das erste auf Bücher und Manuskripte spezialisierte Auktionshaus der Welt gründet. Mit der Zeit erweiterte Sotheby’s allmählich seine Aktivitäten um den Verkauf von Kunstwerken, Dekor und Schmuck. Ab 1955 trieb man die Gründung weltweiter Niederlassungen voran. Als visionäres Unternehmen hat Sotheby`s den Kunstmarkt internationalisiert. Die Expansion wurde von bemerkenswerten Umsätzen begleitet, die weltweit Beachtung fanden. Auf Grundlage der spezifischen Sotheby`s- Philosophie, wurde die Luxus-Immobilien-Marke Sotheby`s International Realty im Jahre 1976 gegründet und widmet sich seitdem der außergewöhnlichen Symbiose aus Kunst, Lebensraum und Lebensstil. Das Sotheby`s International Realty Netzwerk, mit derzeit 600 Niederlassungen in 45 Ländern, kommuniziert weltweit in einer unverwechselbaren Weise. Mit dem ständigen Streben nach Perfektion verfolgt es genau die Linie, auf die Sotheby’s seit über zwei Jahrhunderten stolz ist.

История началась в Лондоне в 1744 году, когда Сэмюел Бейкер основал Sotheby’s, первый в мире аукционный дом, специализирующийся на книгах и рукописях. Со временем Sotheby’s расширил свою область деятельности, включив в нее продажу произведений искусства, предметов декора и украшений, и с 1955 года компания начала проводить политику распространения по всему миру. Sotheby’s придал рынку искусства международный размах, его потрясающие аукционы всегда привлекают внимание мировой общественности. На фундаменте этого богатого наследия была создана марка недвижимости класса люкс Sotheby’s International Realty, посвятившая себя объектам недвижимости исключительно высокого качества и подчеркивающая симбиоз между искусством, жилищем и искусством жить. Сеть Sotheby’s International Realty располагает сегодня 600 агентствами, расположенными в 45 странах, проводит уникальную коммуникационную политику и продолжает традицию приверженности совершенству, составляющую гордость Sotheby’s вот уже более двух веков.



Theoule Sur Mer For sale Ref. CM3614  350m2  2600m2 6


spring summer ’12 nº1



L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Theoule Sur Mer

For sale Ref. CM3614  350m2  2600m2 6


spring summer ’12 nº1



VISIONARY WORLD As the exclusive representative of Sotheby’s International Realty on the Riviera, we welcome you to a visionary world. For over 30 years, we have specialized in exceptional properties on the French Riviera Our local expertise and international reputation will give you access to the widest range of luxury properties, both for sale and for rent. Our six professional and multilingual luxury real estate agencies are located in Cannes, Mougins, St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, St-Tropez and Beaulieu-sur-Mer. Our agencies are dedicated to your need for luxury, convenience, service and customized privileges. Jean-François Favelier Founder & Chief Executive, Burger Sotheby’s International Realty

➝ Luxury inspires us, and we enrich it with a service of excellence. Let us say a few words about it... And let our meeting be a story of visionaries

Ramatuelle For Rent Ref. ST2366  500m2  5000m2 5


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A



Burger Sotheby’s International Realty vous ouvre les portes d’un monde visionnaire

Burger Sotheby`s International Realty begrüßt Sie in einer visionären Welt

Burger Sotheby’s International Realty открывает для вас двери мира мечты

Représentant exclusif de Sotheby’s International Realty sur la Côte d’Azur, Burger Sotheby’s International Realty vous ouvre les portes d’un monde visionnaire. Depuis plus de 30 ans, nous sommes spécialistes des propriétés d’exception de la Côte d’Azur. Notre expertise locale et notre renommée internationale vous donnent accès au plus large éventail de propriétés de luxe, à la vente ou à la location. Nos 6 agences de professionnels multilingues en Immobilier de Luxe, situées à Cannes, Mougins, St-Jean-CapFerrat, St-Tropez et Beaulieu-surMer se dédient à vos exigences de luxe, commodité, service et privilèges sur mesure.

Als exklusiver Repräsentant von Sotheby`s International Realty an der Côte d’Azur begrüßt Sie Burger Sotheby`s International Realty in einer visionären Welt. Seit über 30 Jahren sind wir auf außergewöhnliche Liegenschaften an der Côte d’Azur spezialisiert. Mit unserer lokalen Marktkompetenz und der internationalen Reputation können Sie auf eine umfassende Auswahl an Luxus-Immobilien zugreifen, sowohl für den Anund Verkauf als auch für Mietgesuche. Unsere 6 Agenturen für Luxus-Immobilien finden Sie in Cannes, Mougins, St. Jean-Cap-Ferrat, St.Tropez und Beaulieu-sur-Mer. Das qualifizierte und mehrsprachige Personal engagiert sich dort ganz speziell für Ihre Wünsche nach Luxus, Komfort, Service und Individualität.

Экслюзивный представитель Sotheby’s International Realty на Лазурном Берегу, Burger Sotheby’s International Realty открывает для вас двери мира мечты. Вот уже более 30 лет мы являемся специалистами по недвижимости исключительного качества на Лазурном берегу. Благодаря нашему опыту в регионе и международному авторитету, вы получите доступ к широкому спектру недвижимости класса люкс, выставленной на продажу или для аренды. 6 агентств, в которых работают профессионалы, говорящие на нескольких языках, специалисты в области недвижимости класса люкс, расположены в Каннах, Мужене, Сен-ЖанКап-Ферра, Сен-Тропе и Больёсюр-Мер. Их деятельность посвящена удовлетворению ваших требований к роскоши, удобству, индивидуализированному сервису и привилегиям.


Le luxe nous inspire, nous l’enrichissons d’un service d’excellence Laissez-nous vous en dire quelques mots… Et faisons de notre rencontre, une histoire de visionnaires…

Luxus inspiriert uns und wir bereichern ihn für Sie mit einem vortrefflichen Service Lassen Sie uns ein paar Worte darüber austauschen… Und lassen Sie unser Treffen eine Geschichte von Visionären sein…

➝ Роскошь вдохновляет нас, мы обогащаем её безупречным обслуживанием Позвольте рассказать вам об этом... И сделаем из нашей встречи историю мечтателей...

Menton  800m2  35000m2 14 For Sale Ref. CF3497


spring summer ’12 nº1


Saint Tropez For Sale - Sole Agent Ref. ST2329


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

 190m2 4


spring summer ’12 nº1


EXTRA ordinary marketing and

UNIQUE media coverage As customers of Burger Sotheby’s International Realty, you will benefit from our unique communication, which is supported by the most prestigious international press as well as from our presence at every major international luxury real estate event. Our intuitive and multilingual website, which features magazinequality images, contributes to our worldwide visibility. And since discovering exceptional property is often a case of love at first sight- and the birth of a personal dream- we have established a partnership of excellence with Laurent Saint Jean and his image and media agency 3mille.

Cap d'Antibes For Sale Ref. CA4264  800m2  1200m2 7 BURGER SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY

spring summer ’12 nº1



Un marketing extraordinaire, une couverture médiatique unique Clients de Burger Sotheby’s International Realty, vous bénéficiez de notre communication unique, relayée par l’ensemble de la presse internationale de renom et de notre présence à tous les grands évènements immobiliers internationaux de luxe, à travers le monde. Notre site internet, intuitif, multilingue et doté de photographies de qualité magazine contribue à notre diffusion mondiale. Et parce que l’immobilier d’exception est tout d’abord un battement de cœur sur image, la naissance d’un rêve visuel, nous avons établi un partenariat d’excellence avec Laurent Saint Jean et son agence d’image et communication 3mille.



Außergewöhnliches Marketing und einzigartige Medienpräsenz

Эффективный маркетинг, уникальное отражение в средствах массовой коммуникации

Als Kunde von Burger Sotheby`s International Realty profitieren Sie von unserer einzigartigen Kommunikation, die von der renommiertesten internationalen Presselandschaft und von unserer Präsenz auf allen wichtigen internationalen LuxusImmobilien-Veranstaltungen getragen wird. Unsere benutzerfreundliche und mehrsprachige Webseite, die hochauflösende Fotos in Magazin-Qualität beinhaltet, folgt unserem weltweit einheitlichen Erscheinungsbild. Und weil es oft „Liebe auf den ersten Blick“ ist, wenn man eine ausgefallene Immobilie entdeckt und damit die Geburt eines persönlichen Traumes einleitet, pflegen wir eine ausgezeichnete Partnerschaft zu Laurent Saint Jean und seiner Bild- und Mediaagentur 3mille.

Когда вы становитесь клиентом Sotheby’s International Realty, вы пользуетесь преимуществами, связанными с нашей уникальной системой работы со средствами массовой коммуникации при поддержке всей авторитетной международной прессы, а также с нашим присутствием на всех крупных международных событиях в мире, связанных с недвижимостью качества люкс. Наш сайт в интернете, простой в использовании и имеющий версии на разных языках, с фотографиями журнального качества, способствует нашему распространению в мире. И потому, что недвижимость исключительного качества это прежде всего ускорение сердцебиения при виде картинки, рождение визуальной мечты, мы установили успешное сотрудничество с Лораном Сен-Жаном и его агентством визуальных коммуникаций 3mille.

Cap d'Antibes For Sale Ref. CA4264  800m2  1200m2 7


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


spring summer ’12 nº1


Exclusive Private Domain & Golf near Cannes “Terre Blanche” For Sale Ref. AP3889  445m2  9000m2


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

over 30 years of

LOCAL KNOWLEDGE and EXPERTISE We have been immersed in exceptional projects on the French Riviera for over 30 years. We share with you our intimate knowledge of this unique region, the local market and its preferences in order to support your procurement decisions and maximize your return on investment. Our six branches cover the 17 most desired cities on the French Riviera and offer you an unrivalled portfolio of exceptional properties. Our teams are composed of luxury real estate professionals. Our representatives are multilingual and offer customized service and superior quality support in your language.

Exclusive Private Domain & Golf near Cannes “Terre Blanche” For Sale Ref. AP3889  445m2  9000m2


spring summer ’12 nº1



Plus de 30 années de proximité et d’expertise locale Implantés et accompagnant les projets d’exception sur la Côte d’Azur depuis plus de 30 ans, nous partageons avec vous notre parfaite connaissance de cette région unique, du marché local et de ses spécificités, afin d’étayer vos décisions d’acquisition et d’optimiser votre retour sur investissement. Nos 6 agences couvrent les 17 villes les plus recherchées de la Côte d’Azur et vous proposent un éventail inégalé de propriétés d’exception. Nos équipes de professionnels de l’Immobilier de Luxe sont multilingues et vous offrent un service sur-mesure, un accompagnement de qualité, dans votre langue.



Über 30 Jahre lokale Marktkenntnis

Более чем тридцатилетний опыт работы в регионе

Seit über 30 Jahren tauchen wir in besonders interessante Projekte an der Côte d’Azur ein. Wir teilen mit Ihnen unsere detaillierten Kenntnisse über diese wunderbare Region, den lokalen Markt und seine Besonderheiten, um Sie in Ihren Entscheidungen zu unterstützen und Ihren Return on Investment zu maximieren. Unsere 6 Niederlassungen decken die 17 begehrtesten Städte an der Côte d’Azur ab und bieten Ihnen ein einzigartiges Portfolio an ausgefallenen Immobilien. In unseren Teams arbeiten Luxus-Immobilien-Profis. Sie sind mehrsprachig und unterstützen Sie mit individuellem Service auf höchster Qualität – ohne Sprachbarriere.

Поскольку мы обосновались и работаем над уникальными проектами на Лазурном берегу уже более 30 лет, мы разделяем с вами знание этого исключительного региона, местного рынка и его особенностей, что позволяет нам укрепить вас в вашем решении приобрести недвижимость и оптимизировать возврат инвестиции. Наши 6 агентств охватывают 17 наиболее востребованных городов Лазурного берега, предлагая вам непревзойденный выбор объектов недвижимости исключительного качества. Наши сотрудникиспециалисты в области недвижимости класса люкс говорят на многих языках и предлагают вам индивидуализированный сервис и качественное сопровождение на вашем языке.

Mougins For Sale Ref. CM3533  2800m2  200000m2 9


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


spring summer ’12 nº1



L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Cap D’ail For Sale Ref. CF1751  1420m2  4806m2 13


spring summer ’12 nº1



VALUES and ethical BRANDING Beyond our drive for excellence and results, our values ​​and ethics are the basis of our brand’s reputation. In a highly competitive world, we never compromise on our principles of transparency and scrupulous honesty. With every client, we establish a strong and lasting relationship, based on trust, commitment, service, discretion and confidentiality.

Cap D’Ail For Sale Ref. CF1751  1420m2  4806m2 13 BURGER SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY

spring summer ’12 nº1



Nos valeurs, notre éthique de marque Au-delà de nos exigences d’excellence et de résultats, ce sont nos valeurs et notre éthique de marque qui ont construit notre renommée. Dans un univers fortement concurrentiel, nous ne dérogeons pas à nos principes de transparence et d’honnêteté scrupuleuse. Nous établissons une solide et pérenne relation avec chacun de nos clients, fondée sur la confiance, l’engagement, le service, la discrétion et la confidentialité.



Unsere überzeugenden Werte, unsere ethische Markenbotschaft

Наши ценности, этика марки

Jenseits unseres Strebens nach vorzüglichen Leistungen und Ergebnissen, basiert die Reputation unserer Marke auf unseren Werten und unserer Ethik. In einer von intensivem Wettbewerb geprägten Welt machen wir keine Kompromisse hinsichtlich Transparenz und Aufrichtigkeit. Mit jedem unserer Kunden pflegen wir eine starke und dauerhafte Beziehung, die ihre Grundlage im Vertrauen, Engagement, Service, Diskretion und Vertraulichkeit hat.

Помимо нашей требовательности к качеству и результатам, мы приобрели авторитет благодаря нашим ценностям и этике марки. В мире, где правит конкуренция, мы не отступаем от принципов гласности и абсолютной честности. Мы устанавливаем с каждым из наших клиентов прочные долговременные отношения, основанные на доверии, выполнении обязательств, сохранении профессиональной тайны и конфиденциальности.

Saint-Tropez For Sale Ref. ST4260  500m2  25000m2 8


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Ramatuelle For Sale Ref. ST2800  700m2  1500m2 8


spring summer ’12 nº1


COMMITMENT We put your project at the heart of our approach. We employ all our resources to meet your needs. To meet your every requirement, we utilize our extensive personal networks and extraordinary connections with private bankers, lawyers, notaries, architects, art experts and other professionals and individuals.

To be a brand.... is to keep promises.

Ramatuelle For Sale Ref. ST2800  700m2  1500m2 8


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Être une marque… c’est tenir ses promesses. Eine Marke zu sein… bedeutet, Versprechen zu halten. Марка – это выполнение обещаний.


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


Notre engagement

Unser Engagement

Наши обязательства

Nous plaçons votre projet au cœur de notre démarche. Nous mettons en œuvre toutes nos ressources pour répondre à vos besoins. Nous disposons d’importants réseaux personnels et de connexions extraordinaires avec des banquiers privés, des avocats, des notaires, des architectes, des experts d’art et d’autres professionnels et particuliers, afin de satisfaire vos exigences.

Wir setzen Ihr Projekt in den Mittelpunkt unseres Denkens. Wir nutzen unsere gesamten Ressourcen, um Ihre Wünsche zu erfüllen. Damit wir Ihren Anforderungen gerecht werden, setzen wir unsere umfangreichen persönlichen Netzwerke und unsere außergewöhnlichen Verbindungen zu Privatbankiers, Rechtsanwälten, Notaren, Architekten, Kunstexperten und anderen Multiplikatoren ein.

В центре нашей работы – ваш проект. Мы используем все наши возможности, чтобы удовлетворить ваши потребности. NДля того, чтобы ответить на ваши запросы, мы располагаем мощной сетью личных связей , а также профессиональных контактов с частными банкирами, адвокатами, нотариусами, архитекторами, экспертами в области искусства и другими специалистами и частными лицами. Марка – это выполнение обещаний.



Cannes For Sale and Rent Ref. CM2905  1100m2  2100m2 20


spring summer ’12 nº1



L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Villefranche Sur Mer For Sale Ref. CF3650  500m2  2250m2 5


spring summer ’12 nº1



L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


and drive for

excellence Our support is tailored to your unique needs; we make a valuable partnership of. Our mission is to provide a quality support throughout every stage of your acquisition, sale or lease of a prestigious property. We offer an estimation of your property’s value, legal and fiscal assistance, promotion of your property, optimization of its management and help with your selection of experts for enhancing your property value. We combine our local knowledge with unique international resources, extraordinary local connections and meaningful partnerships with the most prestigious agencies, all to ensure your project is tailored to your personal vision and best interests.

Villefranche Sur Mer For Sale Ref. CF3650  500m2  2250m2 5


spring summer ’12 nº1



Nos services, nos exigences d’excellence Notre assistance est à la mesure de vos besoins uniques, nous en faisons un véritable partenariat. Notre mission est de vous apporter un accompagnement, un service de qualité dans toutes les démarches liées à l’acquisition, la vente ou la location d’un bien immobilier de prestige. Estimation de la valeur, conseil juridique et fiscal, promotion de votre patrimoine immobilier, optimisation de sa gestion, aide au choix d’experts pour sa valorisation… Nous combinons notre savoir-faire local avec des ressources uniques internationales, des connexions locales extraordinaires et des partenariats avec les plus prestigieuses compagnies de services pour réaliser sur-mesure votre projet, au mieux de vos intérêts.

Cannes For Rent Ref. MO1037  154m2 3


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


Unsere Dienstleistungen, unser Streben nach Spitzenleistungen Unsere Unterstützung ist auf Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten – daraus schaffen wir eine wertvolle Partnerschaft. Unsere Mission ist es, Ihnen in jeder Phase hochwertige Unterstützung zu bieten, egal, ob es sich um den Erwerb, den Verkauf oder die Vermietung eines repräsentativen Anwesens handelt. Wir bieten Ihnen an, den Marktwert Ihrer Immobilie zu ermitteln, geben Ihnen Unterstützung in rechtlichen und steuerlichen Fragen, bei Verkaufsaktionen, bei der Optimierung der Verwaltung und helfen Ihnen in der Auswahl geeigneter Partner, die zur Wertsteigerung Ihrer Immobilie beitragen können. Wir kombinieren unser marktnahes know how mit ganz besonderen internationalen Ressourcen, spezifischen lokalen Kontakten und bedeutsamen Partnerschaften mit den renommiertesten Agenturen, damit Ihr Projekt maßgeschneidert zu Ihren persönlichen Visionen und Interessen paßt.


Наши услуги и требования к качеству Наше содействие всегда соответствует вашим индивидуальным потребностям, мы создаем на этой основе настоящие партнерские отношения. Наша роль заключается в том, чтобы предоставить вам сопровождение и качественное обслуживание во всех действиях, связанных с приобретением, продажей или арендой престижной недвижимости. Оценка стоимости, юридические и налоговые консультации, продвижение вашей недвижимости, оптимизация управления, помощь в выборе экспертов для повышения её ценности ... Мы сочетаем наши знания региона с уникальными международными ресурсами, ценными местными контактами и самыми престижными партнерами, чтобы претворить в жизнь ваш индивидуальный проект с максимальным соблюдением ваших интересов.


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L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Super Cannes For Sale Ref. CM4004  900m2  10000m2


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to property owners

We offer the widest range of premium services available to promote, develop, manage and optimize your property assets.

Eze Village For Sale Ref. CF0073  1100m2  13000m2


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


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L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


Le mot de Burger Sotheby’s International Realty aux Propriétaires

Burger Sotheby`s International Realty - Engagement für Immobilienbesitzer

Обращение Burger Sotheby’s International Realty к владельцам недвижимости

Wir bieten das umfangreichste Angebot an PremiumDienstleistungen, um Ihren Immobilienwert zu fördern, zu entwickeln, zu verwalten und zu optimieren.

Мы предлагаем вам широкий спектр высококачественных услуг для продвижения, увеличения ценности, повышения рентабельности и для управления вашей недвижимостью.

Nous vous proposons le plus large éventail de services haut de gamme pour promouvoir, valoriser, rentabiliser et gérer votre patrimoine immobilier.



Cannes For Rent Ref. MO1009  400m2 8


spring summer ’12 nº1


Antibes For Sale Ref. CA3831  600m2  3157m2 10



L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


your property Based on the current market trends, we estimate your property and create a personalized marketing plan that we then submit monthly for your approval. Our partner, the agency 3mille, specializes in images of exceptional quality and will create your personalized visual identity, essential for your impact in this highly competitive environment (four hours professional photo and video reportage, aerial photography by helicopter, video tours, measurement and on-site plan drawing). After each visit, you will receive a report and written comments, and we will provide you with a monthly marketing report.

Antibes For Sale Ref. CA3831  600m2  3157m2 10


spring summer ’12 nº1



Vendre votre propriété

Verkauf Ihrer Immobilie

Nous estimons votre propriété eu égard aux tendances du marché et concevons un plan marketing personnalisé que nous soumettons à votre approbation. Notre partenaire spécialisé en haut de gamme et image d’exception, l’agence 3mille, crée votre identité visuelle indispensable à votre impact dans un univers fortement concurrentiel (4h de reportage photo et vidéo, photographie aérienne par hélicoptère, visites vidéo, mesures et plans). Après chaque visite, vous recevez un rapport avec commentaires écrits et nous vous faisons parvenir un rapport marketing mensuel.

Basierend auf aktuellen Markttrends ermitteln wir den Wert Ihrer Immobilie und erstellen einen individuellen Marketingplan, den wir monatlich mit Ihnen abstimmen. Unser Partner, die Agentur 3mille, ist spezialisiert auf qualitativ hochwertige Bildgestaltung und wird für Sie ein unverwechselbares visuelles Erscheinungsbild kreieren, das besonders positive Auswirkungen in diesem hart umkämpften Umfeld für Sie hat (4 Stunden professionelle Foto- und VideoReportage, Luftaufnahmen von einem Hubschrauber aus, VideoTouren sowie Vermessung und Lageplanzeichnung). Nach jedem Besuch senden wir Ihnen einen schriftlichen Bericht und Kommentare. Und jeden Monat liefern wir Ihnen darüber hinaus einen MarketingReport.



Продать вашу недвижимость Мы делаем оценку вашей недвижимости в соответствии с тенденциями рынка и разрабатываем индивидуальный маркетинговый план, который мы предоставляем вам для утверждения. Наш партнер, специализирующийся на высококачественном изображении, агентство 3mille, создает ваш визуальный образ, необходимый для внедрения в мир, где правит конкуренция (4 часа фото- и видеорепортажей, воздушная съемка с вертолета, видеовизиты, обмеры и планы). После каждого посещения вашей недвижимости потенциальным покупателем вы получаете наш письменный отчет с комментариями. Мы также направляем вам ежемесячный маркетинговый отчет.

Cannes For Sale Ref. CM4072  301m2 5


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Gulf of Saint Tropez For Sale Ref. ST3955  350m2  2500m2 5

spring summer ’12 nº1


optimize the


of your


Following your personal wishes, we provide you with a full tailored service or “à la carte” management of your property. Our expertise, professionalism, discretion and dedication to confidentiality all combine to ensure you receive numerous and dedicated services: accounting and settlement of utilities bills, administrative assistance, legal and fiscal assistance, park and pool maintenance, staff recruitment and management, immediate response to emergencies, concierge services, security surveillance visits with weekly reports and complete management of your construction or renovation projects….

We answer all your needs from the simple to the complex.

Theoule Sur Mer For Sale Ref. CM4200  320m2  2100m2 4


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Nous répondons à toutes vos exigences de la plus simple à la plus complexe. Wir geben Antworten auf Ihre Anforderungen, egal, ob sie einfach oder komplex sind.

Мы выполняем все ваши требования от самого простого до самого сложного.


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


Optimiser la gestion de votre propriété

Optimale Verwaltung Ihrer Immobilie

Selon vos souhaits, nous assurons un service complet ou « à la carte » de gestion de votre propriété. Notre expertise et notre professionnalisme, notre éthique de discrétion et de confidentialité vous assurent de nombreuses prestations de qualité : comptabilité et règlement des factures courantes, assistance administrative, juridique et fiscale, entretien des parcs, maintenance des piscines, recrutement et gestion de personnel, intervention immédiate en situations d’urgence, services de concierge, visites de surveillance de votre propriété et rapports hebdomadaires, gestion complète de vos projets de construction ou de rénovation…

Ihren persönlichen Wünschen entsprechend, wählen Sie bezüglich der Verwaltung Ihrer Immobilie aus einem FullService-Angebot oder einzelnen Bausteinen.. Unser Sachverstand, unsere Professionalität, unsere Diskretion und unser Engagement stellen in dieser Kombination sicher, daß Sie zahlreiche Dienstleistungen aus einer Hand erhalten: Rechnungslegung und Bezahlung von Rechnungen, sowohl administrative als auch rechtliche und steuerliche Unterstützung, Park- und Pool-Wartung, Einstellung und Anleitung von Personal, sofortige Reaktion in Notfällen, Hausmeisterservice, Sicherheits-Kontrollbesuche mit wöchentlichen Berichten und die komplette Verwaltung Ihrer Bauoder Sanierungsprojekte…



Оптимизировать управление вашей недвижимостью В зависимости от ваших пожеланий, мы обеспечиваем полное или индивидуализированное обслуживание вашей недвижимости. Благодаря нашему опыту и профессионализму, этическим принципам и конфиденциальности, вы можете получить разнообразные высококачественные услуги, например: ведение бухгалтерского учета и оплата текущих счетов, административная, юридическая и налогововая помощь, услуги садовника, обслуживание бассейнов, наем и управление персоналом, срочное принятие мер в случае экстренных ситуаций, услуги консьержа, еженедельные контрольные визиты и отчеты по ним, полное управление вашими проектами строительства и реконструкции...

Terre Blanche For Rent Ref. SP1040  350m2  4882m2 5


spring summer ’12 nº1


Cap D’antibes - Côté Ouest For Sale Ref. CA4176  540m2  3778m2 6


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


spring summer ’12 nº1



your return on

investment If you plan to rent your property in the short, medium, or long term, we examine the best solution with you, in order to maximize profitability. From a full inventory of your belongings to fully comprehensive insurance for your property and its contents, full service or “à la carte” management and organization of stays, we satisfy all your requests.

Our services provide you with profitability, safety and serenity. ➝

Cap D’antibes - Côté Ouest For Sale Ref. CA4176  540m2  3778m2 


spring summer ’12 nº1



Rentabiliser votre investissement

Return on Investment

Сделать рентабельной вашу инвестицию

Si vous envisagez de louer votre propriété à court, moyen ou long terme, nous étudions avec vous la solution la plus adaptée, afin d’en optimiser la rentabilité. Inventaire exhaustif de vos biens, assurance de votre propriété et de son contenu, service complet ou « à la carte » de gestion et d’organisation des séjours, nous satisfaisons toutes vos demandes.

Wenn Sie beabsichtigen, Ihre Immobilie kurz-, mittel- oder langfristig zu vermieten, suchen wir mit Ihnen den besten Lösungsweg, um Ihre Rentabilität zu maximieren. Von einer vollständigen Bestandsaufnahme Ihres Eigentums, über den Inhalt und Abschluß einer VollkaskoVersicherung für Ihre Immobilie, Full-Service oder „à la carte“Verwaltung, bis hin zur Organisation Ihres Aufenthaltes, erfüllen wir Ihnen Ihre Wünsche.

В случае, если вы намереваетесь сдать в аренду вашу недвижимость на короткий, средний или длительный срок, мы изучим ситуацию вместе с вами, чтобы найти наиболее приемлемое решение с целью оптимизировать рентабельность. Полная перепись вашего имущества, страхование вашей недвижимости и ее содержимого, полное или индивидуализированное обслуживание, связанное с управлением и организацией пребывания – мы находим ответ на все ваши запросы.



Cannes For Sale Ref. CM1646  357m2  1000m2 5


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Nos prestations vous assurent rentabilité, sécurité et sérénité. Unsere Services bieten Ihnen Wirtschaftlichkeit, Sicherheit und Gelassenheit. Наши услуги обеспечивают вам рентабельность, безопасность и спокойствие.


spring summer ’12 nº1



L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Villeneuve-Loubet  For Sale Ref. CF3852 117m2  180m2 3 For Sale Ref. CA4033  160m2  140m2 3 For Sale Ref. CA4343  100m2  22m2 3


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For over 30 years, we have specialized in exceptional properties on the French Riviera and shared with you our intimate knowledge of this unique region and- the local market and its specificities-, in order to support your procurement decisions and maximize your return on investment.

Col d'Eze For Sale Ref. CF3876  573m2  7215m2 5


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


Le mot de Burger Sotheby’s International Realty aux Acquéreurs

Burger Sotheby`s International Realty Engagement für Kunden

Depuis plus de 30 ans, nous sommes spécialistes des propriétés d’exception de la Côte d’Azur et nous partageons avec vous notre parfaite connaissance de cette région unique, du marché local et de ses spécificités, afin d’étayer vos décisions d’acquisition et d’optimiser votre retour sur investissement.

Seit über 30 Jahren sind wir auf die Vermarktung herausragender Immobilien an der Côte d’Azur spezialisiert und haben gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden unsere intimen Kenntnisse über diese einzigartige Region, den lokalen Markt und dessen Besonderheiten geteilt, um Entscheidungen zu unterstützen und Return on Investment zu maximieren..



Обращение Burger Sotheby’s International Realty к покупателям недвижимости Вот уже более 30 лет мы являемся специалистами по недвижимости исключительно высокого качества на Лазурном берегу, и мы разделяем с вами знание этого уникального региона, местного рынка и его особенностей, что позволяет нам укрепить вас в вашем решении приобрести недвижимость и оптимизировать возврат инвестиции.

Mougins For Sale & Rent Ref. CM3816  450m2  18000m2 8


spring summer ’12 nº1


Cap Ferrat For Rent Ref. CF0213  250m2  1500m2 4




You are looking for a property, one that suits your image and will speak of you... Tell us your dream, and then join us to explore the widest range of luxury and prestigious properties...

Cap Ferrat For Sale Ref. CF3774  452m2  2136m2 6


spring summer ’12 nº1



Votre coup de cœur pour l’exceptionnel

Ihr Herz schlägt für das Außergewöhnliche

Ваша страсть к высокому качеству

Vous recherchez une propriété unique, d’exception, celle qui vous ressemble, celle qui parlera de vous… Racontez-nous votre rêve et découvrez avec nous le plus large éventail de propriétés de luxe et de prestige…

Sie suchen eine Immobilie mit Charakter, eine, die zu Ihrem Image paßt… Erzählen Sie uns von Ihrem Traum, und entdecken Sie mit uns die umfangreichste Auswahl an luxuriösen und prestigeträchtigen Immobilien…

Вы ищете уникальную редкую недвижимость, которая похожа на вас и будет отражать ваши вкусы... Расскажите нам о вашей мечте и откройте для себя вместе с нами самый широкий спектр престижной и роскошной недвижимости.



Eze Bord De Mer For Sale Ref. CF2935  280m2  10000m2 4


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Hauteurs De Cap Ferrat For Sale Ref. CF0793  420m2  10000m2 6


spring summer ’12 nº1



vision OF THE unique Your acquisition project is a vision, your vision… Describe it to us in detail, and then we use all of our resources, personal networks and extraordinary connections to enable you to acquire it...

We open the doors to a visionary world...

Cannes For Sale Ref. CM1646  357m2  1000m2 5


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Nous vous ouvrons les portes d’un monde visionnaire…

Wir öffnen für Sie die Türen in eine visionäre Welt…

Мы открываем для вас двери в мир мечты...


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A



Votre vision de l’unique

Ihre Vision des Unverwechselbaren

Votre projet d’acquisition est une vision, votre vision…Décrivezla nous dans tous ses détails… Nous mettons en œuvre toutes nos ressources, tous nos réseaux personnels et nos connexions pour la découvrir et vous permettre de l’acquérir…

Noch ist Ihr Vorhaben eine Vision, Ihre Vision…Beschreiben Sie uns jedes Detail – dann setzen wir all unsere Ressourcen, persönliche Netzwerke und besonderen Verbindungen dafür ein, daß Sie Ihre Vision verwirklichen…


Ваша мечта об уникальном Ваш проект приобретения недвижимости - это мечта, ваша мечта... Опишите нам её во всех подробностях... Мы приведем в действие все наши возможности, личные связи и профессиональные контакты, чтобы найти её и позволить вам ее купить...

Cannes For Sale Ref. CM4290  83m2  71.07m2 3


spring summer ’12 nº1


Saint Jean Cap Ferrat For Sale Ref. CF0216  220m2  1400m2 5


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


spring summer ’12 nº1




Our mission is to provide you with support and service at every stage leading up to your purchase. Our professional and multilingual luxury real estate teams are passionate and committed and offer high-quality and tailored service in your language. We have realised your dream, let’s continue our journey together... We will put your investment into perspective and explore ways to optimize it and make it more profitable.

Saint Jean Cap Ferrat For Sale Ref. CF0216  220m2  1400m2 5 BURGER SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY

spring summer ’12 nº1



Votre investissement de prestige

Ihre Investition in Prestige

Ваши инвестиции в престижную недвижимость

Notre mission est de vous apporter un accompagnement, un service de qualité dans toutes les démarches liées à votre acquisition. Nos équipes de professionnels de l’Immobilier de Luxe sont multilingues, passionnées, engagées et vous offrent un service sur-mesure, dans votre langue. Nous avons concrétisé votre rêve…Continuons notre chemin ensemble…Nous mettrons en perspective votre investissement et nous étudierons les moyens de l’optimiser, de le rentabiliser…

Unsere Mission ist es, Sie in jeder Phase Ihres Vorhabens zu unterstützen. Unsere bestens ausgebildeten und mehrsprachigen Profis in unseren Luxus-Immobilien-Teams sind leidenschaftlich, engagiert und bieten hochwertigen, maßgeschneiderten Service in Ihrer Sprache. Wir haben Ihren Traum verwirklicht – lassen Sie uns gemeinsam weiterreisen…wir werden Ihrer Investition eine Perspektive verleihen und nach Wegen suchen, sie zu optimieren und noch profitabler zu machen.

Наша роль – предоставить вам сопровождение и качественное обслуживание при всех действиях, связанных с приобретением недвижимости. Наши сотрудники – специалисты в области недвижимости класса люкс говорят на многих языках, увлечены своей работой и выполняют свои обязательства, они предлагают вам индивидуализированное обслуживание на вашем языке. Мы помогли вам осуществить вашу мечту... Продолжим путь вместе...Мы рассмотрим перспективы ваших инвестиций и изучим способы их оптимизации и рентабилизации...



Cap D’Ail For Rent Ref. CF0802  300m2  1500m2 6


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Villefranche sur Mer For Sale CF0248 For Rent CF0820


 427m2  600m2 5

spring summer ’12 nº1





An exceptional stay... It is the coming together of a magical place, a place of exceptional living and high-standard services ➝

Villefranche sur Mer For Sale CF0248 For Rent CF0820  427m2  600m2 5


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Saint Tropez For Sale - Sole Agent Ref. ST2967  720m2  2340m2 6



Les séjours de luxe et de prestige avec Burger Sotheby’s International Realty

Prestigereiche, luxuriöse Aufenthalte mit Burger Sotheby`s International Realty

Роскошный и престижный отпуск с Burger Sotheby’s International Realty

Un séjour d’exception.... C’est la rencontre entre un endroit magique, un lieu de vie exceptionnel et des prestations haut de gamme

Ein herausragender Aufenthalt… Es ist das Zusammentreffen einer magischen Umgebung, eines Ortes bemerkenswerter Wohnkultur und hochwertiger Dienstleistungen

Исключительные условия проживания... Сочетание магии местности, уникальности места проживания и высококачественного сервиса




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L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


For Sale Ref. CM3920  485m2  4980m2 3


spring summer ’12 nº1




We offer the widest range of luxury properties, homes of prestige, exceptional villas, penthouses and exclusive high-standard apartments of the French Riviera. Our six multilingual Luxury Real Estate agencies are located in Cannes, Mougins, St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, St-Tropez and Beaulieu-sur-Mer and cover the 17 most desirable cities of the French Riviera.

Cannes For Sale Ref. CM3920  485m2  4980m2 3 BURGER SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY

spring summer ’12 nº1



Un choix prestigieux

Hochkarätige Auswahl

Престижный выбор

Nous vous proposons le plus large éventail de propriétés de luxe, de demeures de prestige, de villas d’exception, de penthouses et d’appartements exclusifs haut de gamme de la Côte d’Azur. Nos 6 agences de professionnels multilingues d’Immobilier de Luxe sont situées à Cannes, Mougins, St-Jean-CapFerrat, St-Tropez et Beaulieusur-Mer et couvrent les 17 villes les plus recherchées de la Côte d’Azur.

Wir bieten die umfangreichste Palette an Luxus-Immobilien mit hohem Prestige, außergewöhnliche Villen, Penthäuser und exklusive Wohnungen mit hohem Standard an der Côte d’Azur. Unsere 6 Agenturen für Luxus-Immobilien finden Sie in Cannes, Mougins, St. Jean-Cap-Ferrat, St.Tropez und Beaulieu-sur-Mer und decken mit ihrem Einzugsgebiet die 17 begehrtesten Städte der Region ab.

Мы предлагаем вам самый широкий спектр роскошных усадьб, престижных домов, уникальных вилл, пентхаузов и элитных квартир на Лазурном берегу. Наши 6 агентств, сотрудники которых являются специалистами в области недвижимости класса люкс и говорят на нескольких языках, расположены в Каннах, Мужене, Сен-Жан-Кап-Ферра, Сен-Тропе и Больё-сюр-Мер и охватывают 17 наиболее востребованных городов Лазурного берега.



Saint Jean Cap Ferrat For Sale & Rent Ref. CF3830  350m2  2000m2 5


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Luberon For Sale Ref. IN3674  1200m2  160000m2 9

spring summer ’12 nº1



luxury STAYS

Stay on the Riviera for family holidays or holidays with friends, or to organize a prestigious professional event, attend a renowned festival, experience a dreamy honeymoon, organize an unforgettable wedding reception or enjoy a prestigious residence all year round... Tell us your wishes and we will deliver on your dreams. Alternatively, simply choose your favorite property from our exceptional options.

Villefranche Sur Mer For Sale Ref. CF3828


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

 500m2  1540m2 4


spring summer ’12 nº1


Villefranche Sur Mer For Sale Ref. CF3828  500m2  1540m2 4



Des séjours de luxe sur-mesure

Maßgeschneiderte Aufenthalte auf Fünf-Sterne-Niveau

Séjourner sur la Côte d’Azur pour des vacances en famille ou avec des amis, concevoir un évènement professionnel de prestige, assister à un festival renommé, vivre une lune de miel de rêve, organiser une réception de mariage inoubliable, profiter d’une demeure prestigieuse à l’année… Faites-nous part de vos souhaits, nous concrétisons votre projet au mieux de vos intérêts... ou choisissez votre coup de cœur parmi nos exceptionnelles opportunités.


Sie möchten Ihren Urlaub mit der Familie oder mit Freunden an der Côte d’Azur verbringen, eine professionelle Veranstaltung organisieren, an einem berühmten Festival teilnehmen, traumhafte Flitterwochen erleben, eine unvergeßliche Hochzeitsfeier organisieren oder ein repräsentatives Wohnhaus das ganze Jahr über einfach nur genießen… Nennen Sie uns Ihre Wünsche und wir werden Ihre Träume verwirklichen. Alternativ dazu wählen Sie einfach Ihre Lieblings-Immobilie aus unseren zahllosen Varianten.


Роскошный отпуск по индивидуальной мерке Провести отпуск на Лазурном берегу с семьей или друзьями, организовать престижное профессиональное мероприятие, посетить известный фестиваль, провести медовый месяц вашей мечты, организовать незабываемый прием в честь свадьбы, постоянно проживать в престижном доме... Расскажите нам о ваших желаниях, и мы претворим в жизнь ваш проект с максимальным соблюдением ваших интересов ... или остановите ваш выбор на одном из уже найденных нами вариантов.


spring summer ’12 nº1


Luberon For Sale Ref. IN3674  1200m2  160000m2 9



services We are dedicated to providing you with top-quality expertise and professionalism, and committed to fulfilling your requirements, all to ensure your stay is a moment of serenity. From property management, property maintenance and concierge services to staff recruitment, we have established excellent partnerships with the most prestigious services to ensure we meet all your expectations and provide an unrivalled quality of living and superior comfort.

Luberon For Sale Ref. IN3674  1200m2  160000m2 9


spring summer ’12 nº1



Des prestations d’exception

Außergewöhnliche Leistungen

Высокое качество услуг

Notre expertise, notre professionnalisme, notre engagement sont au service de vos exigences, pour faire de votre séjour un moment de sérénité. Gestion de la propriété, entretien de la propriété, services de concierge, recrutement de personnel…nous avons établi des partenariats d’excellence avec les plus prestigieuses sociétés de services afin de répondre à toutes vos attentes et vous assurer une qualité de séjour et un confort inégalés.

Wir setzen alles daran, Ihre Anforderungen mit Kompetenz und Professionalität in TopQualität zu erfüllen, um sicherzustellen, daß Sie Ihren Aufenthalt als einen Moment der Ruhe und Gelassenheit wahrnehmen können. Ob Hausverwaltung, Wartung Ihrer Immobilie, Hausmeisterservice oder Einstellung von Personal: Wir greifen auf enge Partnerschaften mit den renommiertesten Dienstleistern zu und garantieren Ihnen eine unvergleichliche Wohnqualität mit hohem Komfort.

Наш опыт, профессионализм и выполнение обязательств стоят на службе ваших интересов, чтобы сделать ваше пребывание спокойным и беззаботным. Управление усадьбой, обслуживание, услуги консьержа, наем персонала... Мы установили исключительные партнерские отношения с самыми престижными компаниями, предоставляющими услуги, чтобы удовлетворить все ваши ожидания и обеспечить вам высококачественное проживание и непревзойденный комфорт.



Luberon For Sale Ref. IN3674  1200m2  160000m2 9


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Roquebrune Cap Martin For Sale Ref. CF3496  900m2  6000m2 9

spring summer ’12 nº1






For over 30 years, our customers and partners have trusted us. We are proud to be living a unique story with them. Come and meet us ... And together, let’s start our own story…

Arriere Pays Cannois For Sale Ref. AP1943  620m2  40000m2 7


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


Être une marque... c’est tenir ses promesses

Eine Marke zu sein… bedeutet, Versprechen zu halten

Марка – это выполнение обещаний

Depuis plus de 30 ans, nos clients et nos partenaires nous font confiance

Seit über 30 Jahren vertrauen uns unsere Kunden und Partner.

Уже на протяжении более 30 лет наши клиенты и наши партнеры доверяют нам

Nous sommes fiers de vivre une histoire exceptionnelle avec eux Venez à notre rencontre... Et ensemble, commençons la Notre...


Wir sind stolz darauf, mit jedem eine unverwechselbare Geschichte zu haben Lernen Sie uns kennen… und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam unsere eigene Geschichte schreiben…


Мы гордимся, что вместе с ними прожили исключительные истории Приходите на встречу с нами... И вместе, начнем и нашу историю...

Saint-Tropez For Sale & Rent Ref. ST3237  550m2  5500m2 5


spring summer ’12 nº1


France Paris - Place de l’Alma Place de l’Alma, just near by avenue Montaigne, on the third floor, 317m2 flat of luxury old block. Comprises vast reception room, dining room, large kitchen, 4 bedrooms suites.

France Paris – Avenue Foch In one of the most wonderful Haussmman-style Foch building, this exceptional 273 m2 garden floor property, is conceived as a house. This apartment has a gigantic reception, a living room, a dining room, a dining kitchen, and three suites with their own bathroom and dressings. Superb garden facing south. Maid’s room. Recently renovated by a renowned architect.

France Paris - Ile Saint Louis In a private mansion of the 17th century located in the renowned Ile Saint-Louis, superb apartment of 300 sq.m. It features a triple reception room, four bedrooms with private bathrooms, and a large kitchen. Exceptional views of the Seine river, the Pantheon and the Eiffel Tower. On the same floor, elegant 28 sq.m. studio. Two parking spaces and cellars included.


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

France Paris - Neuilly Area Exceptional town mansion of 620sq.m. (designer Cedric Vigneron) with a beautiful garden of 700sq.m. This 8-room property distributed over three levels features a large dining room, a master bedroom, 5 bedrooms. Exceptional swimming pool on the basement. 5 car parking spaces. Staff flat. Tastefully decorated by the famous interior designer Jacques Grange.

France Paris - Trocadero In a very luxury building, on the top floor, original duplex flat with a large terrace overlooking Eiffel Tower. 6th floor 193m2 comprising , vast reception room, large kitchen, 3 bedrooms with bathrooms opening on large balcony. On the 7th, 84m2 comprising a family room two more bedrooms with bathrooms. On 8th floor, 23m2 livingroom opening on 70m2 terrace view over roof-tops and Eiffel Tower. In exceptional condition. 2 parkings.

France Paris – Victor Hugo Located on one of the upper floors of a magnificient historic apartment building, this luxurious 350 sq.m. – apartment features a majestic entrance hall, a huge living romm, a vast dining room, a study, a dining kitchen, and five bedrooms including a master suite. Parking space and maid’s quarters. High-end features throughout.


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PROPERTIES A sample of fine properties selected from our 600 worldwide office


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L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

USA, NY New York One 57 One 57 is a 90-story condominium tower at 157 West 57th Street that will boast spectacular views of Central Park. One 57 will be one of the highest mixed-used towers in Manhattan, where residents will enjoy exclusive 5-star services provided by the Park Hyatt hotel, which will be located on the lower 30 floors. Christian De Portzamparc is the architect and Thomas Juul-Hansen will design the interiors.


spring summer ’12 nº1


USA, WY Jackson The Spackmans  10000 sq.ft.  15.61 acres 7 Private, end-of-the-road 15.6acre Tucker Ranch property borders Snake River and Tucker Lake. Expansive outdoor patios, accessed via every ground floor room. All living spaces in Weldon Turner-designed home have Teton views. Traditionally constructed of hand-hewn logs, reclaimed timbers, finished with meticulous details, property is one of few in valley that matches its unparalleled setting. Precision craftsmanship blends with reclaimed fir beams, Canadian spruce logs, Western fieldstone, custom plasterwork, lighting, cabinetry, and ironwork to create a rustic ambiance. 7 indoor/2 outdoor fireplaces and open floor plan add to home’s comfort. A detached guest house has 2 bedrooms, loft and kitchen that open into great room with cathedral ceilings. The guest house is designed with the same attention to detail as the main home.


USA, CO Wilson Peak Ranch Wilson Mesa A truly exceptional opportunity to create your own legacy on a breathtaking 329-acre ranch that shares, with just one other owner, over 800-acres of the finest recreational ranches in the Rocky Mountains. Located just 13 miles on yearround roads from the legendary resort town of Telluride, this ranch retreat offers its owners miles of trails for hiking, biking & snowmobiling; intimate log-and-stone Guest Cabin; a world-class sporting clay/ shooting course; 32,000 sq. ft. Equestrian Barn, featuring 21 stalls, with veterinary facility, game room, stocked trout ponds, flowing waters of Fall Creek & rolling meadows, towering trees & verdant green pastures offer staggering views of the surrounding 14,000 ft. peaks of the Wilson Range. • • • • •

329 Acres 818 Acres Adjoining Common Owned Ranch Stocked Trout Ponds Fall Creek Running Through the Property Staggering Views of the Surrounding 14,000 Foot Peaks

Equestrian Center • 32,000 Square Foot Equestrian Barn • 21 Stalls • Full Veterinary Facility • Indoor, Heated Training Arena • Game Room

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L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

USA, NY Sagaponack Exquisite Estate, Expansive Grounds, Sagaponack South On almost 3 acres of beautiful grounds by renowned landscape architect Ed Hollander this Traditional 11,800+/- sq. ft. home designed by Barnes Coy Architects and built to the highest standards offers 7 bedrooms including grand master suite, 12 baths, enormous gourmet eat-in kitchen opening to casually elegant sitting room with fireplace, formal living and dining rooms, library, state-ofthe-art media room, office, and screened-in porch bringing the outside in. Special features include 5 fireplaces, radiant heating, smart media systems, and all Waterworks baths with custom tile design. Finished lower level with full gym, sauna, steam room, billiard room, game room, and full bar makes this home its own perfect retreat. Meticulously groomed and completely private grounds offer oversized gunite pool and waterfall, pool house with kitchen and full bath, tennis, basketball, cutting gardens, and grotto with Jacuzzi. Very close to ocean beaches. New to market.

spring summer ’12 nº1


USA, CA Montecito The Glass Pavilion The Glass Pavilion is a redefining structure within modernism. It is a benchmark building that sets the bar as to what modernism is and can be. Throughout the last century there has been a few great buildings that defined modernism and inspired a generation to imagine what is possible not only within architecture but as a society as a whole. Mies Van Der Roh’s Barcelona Pavilion and Farnsworth house, as well as Phillip Johnson’s glass house were these type of defining structures. Now, Steve Hermann’s Glass Pavilion takes the architectural tenants of these greats and catapults these concepts into the new millennium. Set within a 3.5+/- acre estate of oak groves in Montecito and boasting 14,000+/- sq. ft. under roof, this home is impressive beyond words. An almost entirely glass home it allows occupants to be comfortably inside while completely enveloped within nature. As you drive down the long gated driveway, it slowly comes into view. You are immediately confronted with a large all glass home, floating above gently rolling lawns. The site of it is awe-inspiring. Through the use of massive structural steel beams, the home is able to appear weightless as it hovers above an expansive lawn. No expense has been spared during the six years that it took to complete this groundbreaking structure. All of the large glass panels are Star Fire glass, an incredibly clear glass usually reserved for jewelry displays. It s kitchen and baths are by such famous names as Varena, Poliform and Antonio Lupi. In each category the best and most exciting products from around the world were sourced to make this home flawless in each category. The home has five bedrooms, five and a half baths, grand hallway and large wine room. The glass pavilion includes an art gallery where the owner currently displays their vintage car collection. The space is so generous that it is capable of holding up to 32 cars within its walnut lined walls. This is a home with possibly no equal. The combination of architectural groundbreaking style and extreme detail in finish quality make it a home without compare. It is the pinnacle of architecture for this generation and will define the era in which it was built.


Miami 2999 Brickell Avenue Nestled on over 2 acres on Biscayne Bay lies Ca' Ziff; one of seven bay front estates on historic and tree lined Brickell Avenue. Architecturally significant, it draws inspiration from around the world and highlights the beauty of pure form. A symmetrical facade with monumental stairs and wall of double glass doors greet you upon arrival to the main house. The indoors are impressive in scale and showcase expansive bay views. A secluded and truly one of a kind compound with guest house and tennis courts.


Miami 100 S Pointe Drive #1810, Miami Beach Truly a Magnificent Residence at the finest property in Miami Beach - the Continuum South. At over 2,100 square feet, this 2 bedroom plus Den can easily function as a third bedroom or media room. Original owner has meticulously maintained this home in the sky, featuring marble flooring, custom closets, designer light fixtures, and upgrades throughout. The oversized terrace - accessible from all rooms - overlooks the ocean, Fisher Island, Downtown Miami, and South Beach. One of the last available value opportunities!


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Bermuda Coral Harbour Enjoy spectacular water views and access, beautifully landscaped gardens and the Belmont Hills Golf Course from this 5 bed, 5.5 bath property located on the prestigious Harbour Road. Designed with notable Bermudian architecture on the exterior contemporary sensibility on the interior, this home boasts state of the art amenities, 12,000 sq ft of living areas, spacious staff quarters, a fabulous entertainment room off the pool with wet bar, wine cellar, mooring and a deep water dock with electricity.


spring summer ’12 nº1


Hong Kong Chuk Yeung Road, 1-2 Size: 8,500 sq.ft. Size (Salable): 4,875 sq.ft. Layout: 5 Bedrooms (5 Ensuite); 7 Bathrooms; Separate Living and Dining Room;1 Garden, 1 Balcony, 1 Family Room, 2 Maid’s Rooms, 1 Utility Room View: Enjoy your own topiary garden from the living and dining room. While the house is surrounded by natural green, the master bedroom offers a distant sea view and a balcony hanging above the garden of the house. Internal Conditions: Extraordinary country house with luxurious ballroom-sized living room with teak hardwood floors. Up the marble stairway to the formal dining room and an American-styled kitchen. Generous-sized family room on the third floor has custom cabinetry for audo-visual equipment. Impressive 380-s.f. master bedroom suite comprises a hallway of teakwood wardrobes upon entry, a sitting area, and a deluxe bathroom with Swedish sauna room and large jacuzzi bathtub. French windows open out to the balcony and the natural environment. All other bedrooms also come with their ensuite bathrooms and builtin wardrobes. Kitchen comes fitted with top of the line appliances, a central island, and handmade cabinets. Maid’s quarters with two rooms, and the utility room together provide space for domestic service and storage. Outdoor: Japanese garden was designed by a world renowned landscape designer Miyamoto Taro. There is an exquisite array of trees, shrubs, rocks, a priceless 100 year-old Buddhist Pine and Koi pond. A large swmimming pool is situated on the elevated position upon a hill overlooking the Japanese garden. The garden and swimming pool area totalling about 18,406 s.f of outdoor space. Outdoor patio accessed through the American kitchen has barbeque equipment, an oriental-style outdoor kitchen and a casual dining area. Huge garage on the ground level can park four cars.


L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A


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L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Hong Kong The Nautilus (South Bay Rd 16A) Size: 4,675 sq.ft. Size (Salable): 3,513 sq.ft. Layout: 4 Bedrooms (3 Ensuite); 3 Bathrooms; Separate Living and Dining Room;1 Roof, 1 Terrace, 3 balconies, 1 Study Room, 1 Maid’s Room, 1 Utility Room View: The houses lying along the seashore take in magnificent vistas over South Bay and Repulse Bay. Night scenes are another attraction seldom found in Southside houses. This outstanding, contemporary development accommodates six detached houses and is a renowned and distinguished landmark in the vicinity. Internal Conditions: A waterfront gem with extraordinarily high ceilings and superb quality finishes throughout. Spacious and modern house with floor-to-ceiling screen windows across. Grand master bedroom suite includes a dressing area, a powder room, a walk-in closet and a marble ensuite bathroom. Three other bedrooms are sizeable and have built-in wardrobes. Western kitchen complete with an abundance of wooden cabinets as well as built-in European appliances such as gas hob, fridge, oven and microwave. All bathrooms are finished with high quality marble and ceramic. Generous utility room offers storage options. Outdoor: Wooden-decked private roof terrace has direct access from the master bedroom level enjoys boundless sea views all year round. It is definitely a place for hosting a party or a romantic alfresco dinner while overlooking the coastline and the bay. A large terrace extends the dining room, whilst three balconies off the living room, dining room and master bedroom offer additional standing space for an evening drink.


spring summer ’12 nº1



L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

United Kingdom Sandbanks, Poole This spectacular waterfront home is located on the world famous Sandbanks peninsular, offering breathtaking views directly over Poole Harbour and Brownsea Island. Commissioned by the current owners, Tides is exceptional in every way. The magnificent six bedroom home offers timeless ‘New England’ style architecture in abundance.

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Extensive patio and decking areas Private jetty and slipway Boatshed Heated outdoor pool Six bedrooms Five bathrooms Stunning mezzanine sitting room with feature vaulted ceiling Games room Double garage

spring summer ’12 nº1


United Kingdom Avalon A lavishly appointed Grade II listed Regency style house providing sumptuous accommodation, all set in a superb elevated position with panoramic views over Avalon’s own gardens and grounds of about 32 acres. Accommodation Reception hall • Drawing room • Dining room • Library • Sitting room • Family room • Study one • Kitchen/breakfast room • Study two • Two cloakrooms • Cellar and store room • Magnificent master bedroom with bathroom, two dressing rooms and study • Cinema room • Four further bedrooms • Two further bathrooms • Shower room • Laundry room • Pavilion comprising sitting room, kitchen and shower room • Formal courtyard with Grade II listed two bedroom coach house • Garage block incorporating staff accommodation with estate office, sitting room, kitchen, four bedrooms and four shower rooms • Summer house with shower room • All weather tennis/sports court• Gardens and grounds of 32 acres The Property Approached via electric wrought iron gates, Avalon is an impressive property dating back to the early 19th Century recently renovated to a beautiful standard with all modern amenities. Internally the property offers impressive accommodation and retains many fine features including high ceilings and large windows that let in an abundance of light. The four principal reception rooms all interconnect to provide spacious accommodation, perfect for entertaining on a grand scale.


On the first floor, several bedrooms have been amalgamated to crate a truly magnificent master bedroom suite consisting of the luxuriously appointed en-suite bath and shower room, with twin sink unit, his and hers walkin dressing rooms extensively fitted with Clive Christian wardrobes and private study. There are a further three bedrooms, two further bathrooms, shower room and a state of the art cinema room with LED ceiling lighting.

L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Gardens and Grounds Avalon boasts of superb panoramic southerly views over 32 acres of gardens and grounds and the far reaching Kent countryside beyond. The main formal garden lies to the front and side of the main house with statuary and floodlights making the garden a special place both day and night. Set within Avalon’s grounds is a two bedroom Grade II listed coach house, pavilion with sitting room, kitchen and bathroom overlooking the croquet lawn and tennis court beyond. The summer house, with shower room, is nestled in the corner of the charming walled garden and recently newly refurbished garage block with four bedrooms, four shower rooms, kitchen, sitting room and estate office. Location Avalon is situated between the villages of Hildenborough and Leigh, and close by to Sevenoaks and Tonbridge with their many bars, restaurants, High Street shopping and train services to London Bridge, Charing Cross and Cannon Street (approximately 40 minutes).

By car there is easy access to the M25 via the A21 for Gatwick and Heathrow Airports and M20 for Dover and Ashford’s Channel Tunnel Terminus. There are a range of leisure facilities in the area including Sevenoaks Sports and Leisure Club as well as several golf clubs, to name a couple, Nizels Golf and Leisure Club, Wilderness and Knole and Hilden Park Golf Course, Driving Range & Leisure Centre. Directions From Morleys roundabout on the A21 south of Sevenoaks, take the B245 south to Hildenborough. Continue for approximately 2.7miles passing Sackville School on your right. At the Flying Dutchman public house turn right into Leigh Road and the drive to Avalon will be found after approximately 0.75 miles on the right hand side on a sharp left hand bend. Central London – 32 miles Sevenoaks – 6 miles Tonbridge – 2.5 miles Gatwick Airport – 28 miles Please note that all mileages and times are approximate


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L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

United Kingdom 50 Orchard Court, Portman Square W1 An exceptional fifth floor lateral apartment, recently refurbished to the highest standard, overlooking a popular garden square. Orchard Court is an exclusive period building with 24 hour porterage conveniently located in fashionable Marylebone near Selfridges, Mayfair and the world famous shops of the West End. Accommodation includes a 25’ reception room and interconnecting 19’ dining room. The property incorporates a Crestron audiovisual system, Poggenpohl kitchen featuring Miele appliances, air conditioning and under floor heating. The well planned lateral accommodation provides a good balance of entertaining and private living space. Seven west facing windows all provide generous views of Portman Square. Residents have access to the private, gated gardens and tennis court. A tandem double parking space is available by separate negotiation. The property features a luxurious master bedroom suite with dressing room, en suite bathroom and views over the communal gardens. An en suite guest bedroom, third bedroom with en suite shower room, two further bedrooms and two shower rooms provide additional accommodation. Accommodation • Entrance hall • Reception room • Dining room • Media room • Kitchen/breakfast room • Guest cloakroom • Master bedroom suite with • bathroom and dressing room • En suite guest bedroom • Third bedroom with en suite • shower room • 2 further bedrooms • 2 further shower rooms • Utility room • Lift • 24 hour porter • Air conditioning

Specification • Air-conditioning heating Daikin units • Crestron controlled sound and vision systems • Lutron-controlled lighting, curtains and blinds • Poggenpohl kitchen, miele appliances, which include: 2 wine fridges, 2 refrigerators/ freezers, 2 double • ovens, 2 warming ovens, coffee maker, microwave, gas hob, utility room with miele washer and dryer • Marble flooring throughout entrance area, kitchen, bath­ rooms, utility room and corridors • Underfloor heating under all marble flooring


• Walnut wood flooring in principal reception rooms • 5 Bedrooms: 3 super king size beds & 2 double size • Master bedroom suite - 65 sq m (approximately 699 sq ft) • 3 marble en suites, including rainforest shower, 2 marble shower rooms, cloakroom • 180 degree rotating TV in main bedroom • Safe • Double glazing • 3 incoming phone lines and intercom system • Gas fireplace • Video door entry system to main and service entrances • Fire detection and alarm system • Panic alarm and security system • Natural ventilation system and tempered air distribution • WiFi connectivity throughout • Satellite reception • Fibre optic links • TV systems throughout, including the bathrooms • Renewal of electrical system throughout • Renewal of radiators throughout • Independent hot and cold water storage • Silk curtains • Bespoke wood lacquer doors, furniture, wardrobes

spring summer ’12 nº1


Italy Tuscany Fantastic Seview Design Villa  500m2  4000m2 Nestled along Argentario's shore, this unique design sea side villa is part of the exclusive gated community of Cala Moresca. It is surrounded by a beautiful Mediterranean garden with infinity pool and various terraces.


Italy Sardinia Villasimius  450m2  103 acres 5 Distance: • 40 Km from Cagliari (40 mins. drive) •

5 Km from Villasimius Marina

45 Km from Cagliari Airport (12 min with helicopter)

This one of a kind property is located in a breathtaking seafront position near the lovely town of Villasimius, in southern Sardinia. With 103 acres of fine vineyards, olive trees and Mediterranean gardens, an amazing white sand private beach and helipad, this luxury Estate is a unique place that will enlighten your senses like no other. The project of the main villa is by the world famous Architect and Designer Antonio Citterio (whose permanent collection is shown at the MoMa in NY and Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris), whose main purpose was to reduce the presence of the architecture on the beach by simplifying volumes and shapes, almost "merging" the building with the design of the surrounding nature. The main villa is arranged on two levels and measures 450 sq. mt. (4.843 sq. ft.). The ground floor consists of a wide double living room overlooking the sea, a dining room, a large modern kitchen, 1 bedroom and 2 bathrooms. On the first floor there are 4 bedrooms, all with sea view, 3 bathrooms and a 300 sq. mt. (3.200 sq. ft.) beachfront terrace. The interiors are crafted to the highest standards, reflecting Citterio's signature style and timeless design. This magnificent property includes a private 200mt.-long (2.150 ft.) white sandy beach, and has access to the nearby beaches of Campus and Campulongu. The surrounding 103 acres of land are divided among vineyards, olive trees and typical Mediterranean landscaped gardens. There is also a beautiful lemon trees garden next to the main villa, surrounded by white walls to protect it from the sea breeze. A second villa (150 / 1.600 sq.ft.), not far from the main villa and built in the typical Sardinian style, accomodates up to 8 beds and can be used as staff quarter or guest accomodation.

spring summer ’12 nº1



Italy Venice Piano Nobile Grand Canal Dorsoduro The piano nobile floor of one of the most beautiful and important palaces on the Grand Canal, having one of the most spectacular Venetian interiors, with divine frescoes, original chapel, extensive reception rooms and all features intact. Private jetty and boat mooring.


Italy Porto Cervo This unique seafront villa (300 / 3200 sq.ft) sits in an incomparable location with unobstructed views over the sparkling waters of the Mediterranean. Situated in Liscia di Vacca, one of the top locations of Costa Smeralda, the property lies on a total area of 2.200 (23,680 sq.ft) and is surrounded by flourishing gardens, olive trees and pinewood. Built in the typical tasteful style of the Sardinian dwellings, perfectly merged with the surrounding nature, the property offers direct access to an immaculate beach. The main villa features a wide living room with dining area, a kitchen, a service bathroom and 4 en suite bedrooms (two of which can be accessed from the garden). The guesthouse (50 / 540 sq.ft) offers a living area with dining space, a bedroom with bathroom. The stylish and comfortable interiors effortlessly blend traditional elements with contemporary decor, providing a magnificent yet relaxing experience. Additional features include a beautiful swimming pool, an outdoor porch for al fresco dining and covered parking space.

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Sweden Norrangen This unique property of 90 000 sqm on a private cape in the Stockholm archipelago consists of three buildings and a long beach line. The main building dates from the 1800-century and the stunning park with its original sculptures and exotic vegetation was designed in the early 1900-century.




Agence Saint-Tropez 18, rue du Clocher 83990 Saint Tropez Tel. :

+33 (0)4 94 97 88 97

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+33 (0)4 94 97 88 98

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Agence Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat 3, avenue Denis Semeria 06230 St Jean Cap Ferrat Tel. :

+33 (0)4 93 76 29 40

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+33 (0)4 93 76 29 49

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Agence Mougins 1 Place du Domaine Domaine de la Peyrière, 06250 Mougins Tel. :

+33 (0)4 92 92 12 88

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+33 (0)4 92 92 08 28

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L I V I N G on the F R E N C H R I V I E R A

Les agences Agenturen Агентства

Agence Cannes 45, Boulevard de la Croisette 06400 Cannes Tel. :

+33 (0)4 93 38 50 33

Fax :

+33 (0)4 93 38 50 63

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Agence Cannes Bis 1 rue Hélène Vagliano 06400 Cannes Tel. :

+33 (0)4 93 38 91 96

Fax :

+33 (0)4 93 38 81 34

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Agence Beaulieu sur Mer 37 Bd Marinoni 06310 Beaulieu sur Mer Tel. :

+33 (0)4 92 14 10 00

Fax :

+33 (0)4 93 88 12 69

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spring summer ’12 nº1


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