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Shelf Control

Shelf Control

If you suspected that your allergies could be a trigger for chronic sinusitis, you are 100% correct!

Allergens are everywhere and we, at West River Allergy Clinic, commonly see children and adults alike struggling with itchy eyes, repetitive sneezing, runny nose with post nasal drainage and chronic sinusitis. We can help you! Very frequently the diagnosis and treatment of allergy can improve one’s quality of life and significantly reduce the number of sinus infections a patient has each year.

We can allergy test children and adults in our office usually in less than an hour. After a thorough history and physical examination we proceed to testing. If the patient tests positive, we formulate a recipe for therapy specific to the patient’s history and positive allergens.

One treatment option we have found to work particularly well to relieve allergy symptoms is sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT). This type of immunotherapy is great for children or adults who hate shots. We custom make allergy drops that are placed under the tongue once a day. The drops absorb through the lining of the floor of your mouth and over time can influence your immune system to reduce or eliminate allergy symptoms. So there is no need to show up to the office every week for an allergy shot!

By using these allergy drops consistently over time we have found our patient symptoms to greatly improve. The number of sinus infections also usually goes down. And for those patients that still have problems with sinus infections, we offer both inoffice and outpatient surgical procedures to address these persistent sinus symptoms.


4940 5th Street Rapid City www.westriverent.com 605-791-0602

www.westriverent.com 605-791-0602

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