WDRWS Newsletter
Planning for the Future
Congressional Delegation Supports WDRWS
Study Through Legislation
The South Dakota congressional delegation is actively supporting a plan to bring water from the Missouri River to western South Dakota communities. Sen. John Thune, Sen. Mike Rounds, and Rep. Dusty Johnson introduced bicameral versions of legislation in September to authorize a feasibility study for the Western Dakota Regional Water System (WDRWS).
“We applaud Senators Thune and Rounds, as well as Representative Johnson’s introduction of bills to authorize a Bureau of Reclamation feasibility study for Western South Dakota Regional Water. We’re also grateful for Senator Rounds’ legislation to reauthorize the Reclamation Rural Water Supply Act of 2006,” said Cheryl Chapman, executive director of WDRWS. “Authorization of the feasibility study is the next crucial step to deliver abundant, quality water to all corners of western South Dakota.”
“We now have two pathways forward to receive authorization for a feasibility study,” said Chapman. Currently, large scale water projects require two levels of congressional authorization – first for feasibility studies and a second for construction. Sen. Thune’s, which was co-sponsored by Sen. Rounds, and
Rep. Johnson’s bills would require the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study to determine the feasibility of constructing a project to supply municipal, rural, and industrial water from the Missouri River to the WDRWS.
“The Western Dakota Regional Water System is a promising proposal to address the rapidly growing water needs of the Black Hills region,” said Sen. Thune. “This legislation would advance the project by authorizing a Bureau of Reclamation study in order to determine the feasibility of the project, and I’m proud to join Rep. Johnson and Sen. Rounds in this critical effort.”
“Water is essential,” said Rep. Johnson. “Ensuring our Western South Dakota communities receive sufficient and clean water is necessary for healthy, growing communities. I am grateful for Senator Thune and Rounds’ partnership on this issue and (cont. page 4)

Engineering Team Update
The engineering team of AE2S, Black and Veatch (BV), and KLJ advanced a number of technical evaluations for the WDRWS Project.
Pipeline and Intake Corridor Study: KLJ has been leading a Critical Issues Analysis (CIA) of potential pipeline corridors for the engineering team. The purpose of the CIA is to identify environmental, cultural, and social resource attributes which may hinder development or routing of a proposed pipeline. The CIA for transmission pipelines from the Missouri River to the Rapid City metro area was completed in 2023. The CIA for potential pipeline corridors north and south of the
metro area will be completed by the end of 2024.
The engineering team has also been simultaneously working on multiple intake evaluations, led by BV. The efforts have been evaluating intake options in both Lake Oahe and the Missouri River below Lake Oahe. A third alternative is looking at converting an irrigation pumping facility located adjacent to the Lake Oahe Power Plant into a supply source for the project as well. Design concepts have been developed for all three alternatives. Cost estimates for the alternatives will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2024 and presented to the board of directors at their December 2024 meeting.

Greenfield site vs reusing existing facility considerations:
• Number/size of pumps • Surge protection
• Electrical service • Access to site

Board Updates

At our most recent board meeting, Jake Fitzgerald, manager of West River/ Lyman-Jones Rural Water Systems (WR/LJ), was elected president, and Jim Martin, manager of Colonial Pine Hills Sanitary District, was elected secretary/ treasurer. Both bring extensive experience and a strong commitment to WDRWS’s mission.
Jake joined WR/LJ as an operator, later advancing to general manager. Under his leadership, the system earned South Dakota System of the Year in 2013, and Jake was named the 2016 South Dakota Rural Water Manager of the Year. He has served on several boards, including the National Water Resources Association, Missouri Sedimentation Action Coalition, and
Haakon County School Board. A South Dakota State University graduate, Jake holds Class II water treatment and distribution certifications and a Utility Management Certificate from the National Rural Water Association.
Jim represents small systems on the WDRWS Board. He served over 23 years in the U.S. Air Force, specializing in B-52 Avionics Maintenance and B-1B Advanced Weapons Delivery Systems, with assignments across the U.S. and abroad. After retiring, Jim continued to serve his community as a church administrator and financial assistant before becoming manager of Colonial Pine Hills in 2001. His operational expertise and leadership continue to benefit both the district and WDRWS.

West River/ Lyman-Jones Rural Water System
The West River/Lyman-Jones (WR/LJ) Rural Water System’s service area encompasses 8,100 square miles in west central South Dakota, providing service to rural areas and communities in seven counties. WR/LJ distributes quality water from both ground and surface water sources. The groundwater comes from wells drilled in the Inyan Kara aquifer. In addition, WR/LJ purchases treated Missouri River water from the Oglala Sioux Rural Water Supply System through a purchase agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation.
We look forward to their leadership as we continue working to provide clean, reliable water for the region.
Newly-elected WDRWS Board President and General Manager of WR/LJ, Jake Fitzgerald stated, “If the proposed WDRWS pipeline between the Missouri River and the Black Hills area becomes a reality, it will likely be routed through the heart of our service area. WR/LJ will continue to support WDRWS to ensure our area has access to quality water as the needs of our membership continue to grow.”
Individuals and water system organizations of any size are able to support the work of WDRWS. So whether you’re a subdivision, a municipality or an organization who has a stake in our water future, please consider joining. To learn more, visit: wdrws.org/membership
Class 1 Member
Voting member – $1500 annual dues
An organization with at least 200 residential connections or commercial equivalent
Class 2 Member
Voting member – $750 annual dues
An organization with less than 200 connections or commercial equivalent or an organization with over 200 residential connections that is fully built out within its jurisdictional territory
Associate Member
Non-voting member –$375 annual dues
Any firm, corporation, political entity, or subdivision not eligible to be a voting member but desiring to support WDRWS
Supporting Individual Non-member – $50 annual dues
Any individual or interested party desiring to support WDRWS
PO Box 484
Rapid City, South Dakota 57709
Technical Sessions
Technical sessions are expert-led presentations, covering key topics relevant to WDRWS’s work. To learn more, visit our website.
Preview of Key Issues in the 2025 Legislature with Western South Dakota Legislators. Listening to perspectives on upcoming legislation impacting water in South Dakota.
Friday, January 10th at noon mountain time
Climate and Drought Outlooks for the State of South Dakota presented by Laura Edwards, South Dakota State Climatologist. Learning more about the services of the South Dakota State Climate Office and how its climate-related information serves the state.
Friday, April 4th at noon mountain time
2025 Membership Renewals!
Watch for your renewal notice in November. Annual dues remain the same price. Not a member? Scan the QR to join!
Planning for the Future (cont.)
look forward to continuing to advance the Western Dakota Rural Water System project.” Sen. Rounds also introduced legislation in June alongside Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota. Reauthorization of
Executive Director Message
Cheryl Chapman reports on progress toward authorization for a Federal Feasibility Study.
Thank you for your attendance at our 4th Annual Meeting in September. Attendees had an opportunity to hear about current congressional events, the growth of Ellsworth Air Force Base’s mission, new research on regional water resources, and progress of Western Dakota Regional Water System.
Senator Thune and Representative Johnson, with support from Senator Rounds, have introduced stand-alone legislation, authorizing the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to conduct a federal feasibility study. This legislation provides a second route toward authorization, complementing the effort to reauthorize the Rural Water Supply Act. Thanks to our unwavering Congressional support, we are optimistic to receive authorization.
A Bureau of Reclamation feasibility study builds on the solid foundation of feasibility studies underway, thanks to funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), State Water Resources Management System (SWRMS), local support and memberships. Our engineering team’s work in canvassing systems, researching environmental resources, and analyzing hydraulic demands, provides the information for the federal feasibility process, saving money and years in moving our project forward.
the Reclamation Rural Water Supply Act of 2006 would allow the Bureau of Reclamation to develop and recommend rural water supply projects. Without it, Congress must authorize feasibility studies on a case-bycase basis, as represented in Sen. Thune and Rep. Johnson’s legislation.
“Access to clean water in rural areas is critical for South Dakotans,” said Sen. Rounds. “Authorizing a feasibility study for the Western Dakota Regional Water System gets us one step closer to delivering more water West River. I’m pleased to be joining Sen. Thune and Rep. Johnson in this effort.”