Participants must be of swimmer classification or with an adult that is. Each team shall consist of four to six participants . Two participants shall handle the canoe during each leg. Each team shall have a team captain who will be the team's representative to the race meetings for communications, rule interpretations, safety, or disciplinary actions. Participants should be in good physical condition. Participants my wear gloves to help prevent blisters. To qualify for the race, an adult leader must accompany, by vehicle, each team during the race. This leader is responsible for transporting the team members to the paddler change out locations during the race. This is a very important aspect of this relay type race. If crew members are not at the designated change out locations when the canoe team arrives, the team must either continue on with the race or wait for the crew members to arrive. This will cause added time which may affect your placing in the race. No coaching of crews by advisors or adults from boats is permitted. Safety personnel and event judges observing the race may disqualify a team for improper conduct. A unit may enter as many racing teams as desired, but they must have an advisor or adult for each team. All entries must be registered. The canoe used at the start of the race must be used during the entire race, unless it is damaged during the race. If it is damaged, the Team Captain must check with a race official for qualification of a replacement canoe. Each canoe will be assigned a number upon registration and inspection. The number will be placed on the bow of the canoe below the gunwale. Hand bailers are allowed, but bilge pumps are not allowed. No participant may use more than one paddle at any one time during the race. Each team member must wear a shirt, pants, shoes, and a Coast Guard approved life vest at all times while on the water. Shirts must have sleeves to prevent chaffing from the life vest. Shoes must have uppers. No sandals or flip-flops are allowed while on the water. Life vests must be worn as they were intended with all snaps, straps, and zippers secured. Teams will be required to have one liter of water in the boat and one whistle per racer. Race observers including advisors, adults, parents, and other racers may report rule infractions to the race officials. Decisions and rulings will be made by the race officials and will be administered in accordance with the rules of the contest and common standards of sportsmanship. Time penalties may be assessed for infractions.
Captains, Ahoy, me heartys, listen t' th' news. Thar be goin' t' be a boat race. One o' them fer canoes an' th' other fer boats o' cardboard. So get yer crew ready n build yer boat or practice yer paddlin'. Arrr, so ye be wantin' t' go to sea an' ye don't be wantin' t' end up in Davy Jones' Locker. Then ye best be learnin' t' be talkin' like a buccaneer. So, stow plenty o' grog an' grub fer yer set sail. Dress in suitable attire. f ye`ve been a land lubber fer a while ye need t' get yer sea legs! Shiver me timbers! Watch ou' fer th' scallywags aboard th' sea rover o' th' jolly roger. They be havin' ye walkin' th' plank . Search fer th' booty o' dubloon coins n jewels.
Captain Jack
Make your own design. your boat doesn’t have to look like this.
Materials Cardboard, duct tape, packing tape, rope or string. Cardboard tubes, latex Paint, and liquid nails are permitted, but cannot use wood or plastic to cap the ends. A plastic bale bucket or scoop is permitted.
Some Suggestions 1. Bring a change of clothes, you will get WET! 2. Dress up for the theme of your boat or dress like a pirate. 3. Put your Patrol name and Troop Number on your boat. 4. And most importantly, have FUN!!!
Awards 1. Speed Boat Award for the team who completes the course in the fastest amount of time. 2. Titanic Award for the most spectacular sinking. 3. Design Star Award for the best design and theme (including boat & crew).
1. Only the items listed may be used to build boats. Cardboard tubes are permitted, but cannot have wood used to cap the ends. No pretreated or waxed cardboard is permitted. 2. Design is builder’s choice. Make your boat look like a race car, flying saucer, dragon, etc. Let your “imagination” reign supreme!! 3. Only the items listed in materials can be used in the construction. 4. No wrapping in tape, however, tape may be used to reinforce the bottom of your boat. 5. You must provide your own oar and the paddle may only be used to propel the boat. Oars may be made of any material. Rafts or flat boats which use legs for propulsion are not allowed. 6. Each participant must wear a PFD (Personal Floatation Device at all times when in or on the water; otherwise the team will be disqualified. 7. Each troop may have multiple entries. Each boat must carry at least two team members. 8. All boats must be built ahead of time and pass inspection prior to racing. 9. Team members in the boat must not be enclosed above the shoulders. Team members must be visible at all times while the boat is in the water. 10. Team members who start the race must finish the race without leaving the interior of the boat. If a team member exits the boat for any reason during the race, the team will be disqualified. 11. When a boat is finished with the race, the team must remove the boat and any leftover cardboard debris from the water area and dispose of it properly. 12. Teams are not allowed to sabotage anyone else’s boat. Any rough housing in the water will lead to disqualification. 13. All participants must wear a bathing suit and shorts (no denim) 14. Team members must supply their own towels. 15. Judging will be based on completing the race and the time.
AHOY Hello Example: "Ahoy there matey come on aboard me ship" AVAST: A nautical term meaning "What's up?" or "What are you doing?" Example: "Avast, me matey?" DOUBLOON: A gold coin minted by Spain or Spanish colonies, worth about seven weeks' pay for an average sailor. Example: "I'll be saving my doubloons to buy me own pirate ship. Arrr!" GROG: A pirate's favourite drink. Example: "Tis lovely grog that quenches me thirst" HEAVE TO: An order to stop. Example: "Heave to me hearties so that we can come aboard." JOLLY ROGER: The pirate flag with its skull and crossbones. Example: "After looting the island, we left our Jolly Roger behind, flying high in the sky." KEELHAUL: A very severe punishment by pulling someone under the keel of a ship from one side to another with ropes. Example: "Arrr we will keel haul him if steals our treasure." Land lubber: A term of contempt for a non seafarer. Example: "Those land lubbers would be useless in tryin' to sail the seven seas. ME HEARTY: My friend. Example: "Ahoy, me hearty, will ye be up to helpin' me look for buried treasure?"
PIECE OF EIGHT: Spanish silver coin, often cut into pieces to make change. Example: "We be searchin' the high seas for Long John Silver's hidden Pieces of Eight." SCALLYWAG: Bad person. Example: "Although Sir Francis Drake was knighted by Queen Elizabeth, his fellow pirates thought he was quite a scallywag." SHIVER ME TIMBERS!: An expression of surprise or fear. Example: "Shiver me timbers! I just saw a ghost ship!" SEA DOG: Experienced sailor. Example: "Blackbeard is one famous sea dog." SEA LEGS: "The funny way pirates walked on board because their ships rolled about a lot on the high seas." Example: "If it wasn't for me sea legs I would have been thrown in the brink." SEA ROVER: Pirate ship. Example: "Look! On the horizon, there be a dozen sea rovers heading this way!" SHIVER ME TIMBERS!: An expression of surprise. Example: "Shiver me timbers! I just saw a ghost ship!" WALK THE PLANK: A dire punishment in which one must walk off a wooden board on the side of a ship and fall into the ocean. Example: "The scurvy scoundrel stole me favorite pirate hat; I'm going to make him walk the plank!" YO HO HO!: Pirate Laughter. Example: "Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum"
Friday 6:00- 8:00` 7:00 8:00 –10:30 11:00
Registration, set-up SPL meeting Movie “Shipwrecked” Taps
Saturday 7:00 7:00-8:00
Reveille Breakfast & Clean-up
Flag Ceremony
(be on time & ALL present) Canoe Race/ Treasure Hunt
2:00-4:00 5:00-7:00
Cardboard Boat Regatta Supper & Clean-up
Order of the Arrow meet in campfire area (Cheerful Service)
8:00 11:00 Sunday 7:00 7:00-8:30 9:00
Campfire (meet at the flag pole) Taps Reveille Breakfast & Clean-up Worship Service \ Closing