3SIXTY Feb 09

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A new exhibition of Pop Art is on at London’s Belgravia Gallery, featuring original drawings, paintings, signed screen prints, posters and album covers from leading British and American Pop artists, including Damien Hirst, David Hockney, Banksy, Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol, and will run until Thursday 6 February. www.belgraviagallery.com

Fast becoming a globally renowned event, Sadler’s Wells’ international hip hop dance theatre festival, Breakin’ Convention, returns to host some of the world’s hottest poppers, lockers, bboys and b-girls across May Bank Holiday 2009. Think it won’t be your thing? Think again. Look them up on YouTube to find out why. 0844 412 4300 or www.sadlerswells.com


Ex-Texas singer Sharleen Spiteri’s latest album, Melody, was well-received as a slice of infectious and likeable pop, and reached sales of more than 100,000. She tours the nation throughout February. Dates are on www.ticketmaster.co.uk

ENTERTAINING MR SLOANE Imelda Staunton and Gavin and Stacey star Mathew Horne star in revival of Joe Orton’s breakthrough black comedy, which premiered in 1964. A brother and sister invite a sinister lodger into their home. Runs until 11 April 2009. www.theambassadors.com/tickets/london/trafalgarstudios/4994/entertaining-mr-sloane.html

SINDERFELLA Brace yourself! The seventh alternative panto shows no signs of dressing down, slowing up or becoming at all respectable! The usual cast of top drag queens will be tickling your fancy as Sinderfella and his fabulously over-the-top ugly sisters get an X-rated makeover. Thursday 19 Feb – Sun 1 March, 5pm and 8pm. Pavilion Theatre. www.brightondome.org

ALTERMODERN AT THE TATE Fourth display, curated by Nicolas Bourriaud, explores what ‘modern’ means in today’s globalised culture, and introduces Bourriaud’s new concept: Altermodern, used to describe work fighting commercialism. Writers, art historians, artists and philosophers participating. Runs until 26 April 2009. www.tate.org.uk



Varied, stylish and talented, Redcoat brings us an exhibition of young artists whose art is paint. Featuring artists such as Pop Artist Dave White who recently showed alongside Andy Warhol, Jeff Koons, Keith Haring and David Hockney at the Gallery Wild in Germany. Until 1 March at Redcoat Gallery, Glasgow. www.redcoatdesign.com

Although they’re called The Script, it’s more like The Script have thrown out the script and written their own narrative, becoming the biggest selling new band of 2008. Fresh from their number 1 platinum album and 3 hit singles The Man Who Can’t Be Moved, We Cry and Break Even, the band have announced their biggest UK tour yet. www.thescriptmusic.com

BOOGALOO STU DOES SUPER DYNAMITE BOOGALOO Boogaloo Stu and his ballroom dancing partner Miss High Leg Kick, with Dolly Rocket shaking her tail feathers, get the party started in true Dynamite Boogaloo style! Saturday 28 February www. komedia.co.uk (Brighton)

RAMBERT DANCE COMPANY Eternal Light is billed as Rambert Dance Company’s most ambitious collaborations. The boys perform an array of beautiful dances, including Swansong by Christopher Bruce and Carnival of the Animals by Siobhan Davies. Part of a nationwide tour, visit www.rambert.org. uk for dates.

LIFE DEATH & OTHER COLOURS IN BETWEEN Working in a multitude of media and materials, artist Ben Allen draws energy and inspiration from many pockets of life such as typography, Punk, skateboarding, life, death and Pop Art. Life, Death and Other Colours In Between is at Ink_d gallery, Brighton, until 1 March 2009. www.ink-d.co.uk

TOUCHED... FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME Sadie Frost stars in Touched, a high energy, onewoman, comedic play. The show tells the story of 36-year-old Lesley from Manchester from the moment, aged 14, that she hears Like A Virgin for the very first time. From that point on Lesley dreams of being a modern woman… and of being best friends with pop icon Madonna. Which one will come true? Trafalgar Studios, London from 4 Feb 2009. www.touchedtheplay.com

RHYDIAN That weird one with the funny skin and newly bleached blonde hair that was going to win X Factor and then didn’t is on tour, presumably trying to keep his dream alive. If you liked his version of Phantom of the Opera, then this is for you. The nationwide tour starts in May. www.rhydianroberts.com

ZOE LYONS AT BENT DOUBLE Fun and frolics hosted by if.comedy Best Newcomer 2007 award nominee Zoe Lyons. This gay friendly night also features Janice Phayre, Jo Enright and Isy Suttie. Sunday 1 Feb. www.komedia.co.uk (Brighton)

Happy Birthday



We’ve reached the grand age of

3SIXTY HAS taken us on an incredible journey since we bought the title in September 2004. It was launched, not by us, but by Newsquest, the newspaper chain that produces many regionalised newspapers up and down the country. One of the brains behind 3SIXTY was a former chair of Brighton Pride, PJ Aldred, who helped launch 3SIXTY for the Brighton area way back in 2002. The arrival of a new magazine was a breath of fresh air as it followed a wide brief, offering everyone a platform of expression in the community. But the success of the magazine in the early stages was not secured; soon, many thought that the magazine had lost its LGBT focus and that Newsquest were not committed to the local gay community. Advertisers lost interest and even though a new editor – a gay man – was appointed in 2004, things couldn’t continue. That’s when the two of us – David Harvey and David Tuck – and a third, Jamie Hakim, stepped in. We had all met as volunteers on Brighton Pride and we felt that the community shouldn’t lose this balanced outlet for local gay news. So when Newsquest folded 3SIXTY we bought it. Then, it produced 5,000 copies in Brighton, was half the size, and our first issue had 24 pages. Our early issues had a lot of news content as well as some gay scene content. We were breaking news stories that previously never saw the light of day and it got us noticed. Our third issue in January 2005 went up in size to an A4 format step and soon we produced a London version. When we first got 3SIXTY we had no idea it would expand so quickly. By the end of the year we were producing four versions: Brighton, London, South East, and South West with Wales. Each version reported on local news stories and it was this that slowly built 3SIXTY’s reputation across the south of the UK. In the summer of 2006 we merged all four titles into one, producing 25,000 copies with 80 pages. 3SIXTY was now a comprehensive magazine. For a while we included a supplement called Pink News, in conjunction with the hugely successful news website www.pinknews.co.uk, but the heavyweight political content didn’t really sit well in the centre of what was predominantly a scene magazine. This also coincided with the arrival

our current editor Torsten Højer who knew exactly the direction that 3SIXTY needed to take. He started to increase the gay scene content, celebrity features and the lifestyle content to make the magazine appeal to an incredibly broad readership. Under his editorship 3SIXTY has grown out of its adolescence into adulthood. Its editorial quality and integrity has always been why our readers love it. We steer clear of overtly sexual content but don’t shy away from hardhitting features when it comes to sexual health or education. We never write up stories just for our advertisers. We tell readers what’s good on the scene and good in life. This makes our readers actually read and keep 3SIXTY rather than flicking through to look at the pictures. 3SIXTY always flies out of the door leaving large piles of some other titles behind and as a result our advertisers get a better return for they money. The editorial and design team has turned 3SIXTY into a top end gay title worthy of a position on the newsstands alongside other well-known gay glossies. In 2008, the 3SIXTY staff count grew considerably; with more sales staff and Graeme Austin (the Aussie with an enviable vision for opportunity and growth) at the helm of business development, we managed to take 3SIXTY to a national audience. In the South, 3SIXTY is a trusted old friend. In the North, they can’t get enough of their new gay magazine. The credit crunch is, as many business owners will testify, in full swing. No longer the curse of the multi-nationals, smaller companies such as City Pride Publications, the publishing house that brings you 3SIXTY, are undeniably feeling the pinch. Times are tough, and everyone is cautious about spending money. 3SIXTY’s sales team is working hard to ensure that we can bring you 3SIXTY each month at no charge to you. We believe in the magazine, and we know you do too. So, as we reach the grand age of seven, we’d like to say thank you for reading, thank you for supporting, and we look forward to bringing you even more engaging, fresh material to keep you entertained and up-to-date throughout 2009. David Harvey and David Tuck, Publishers of 3SIXTY, February 2009.

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The Student Pride team



GET READY FOR THE BIGGEST LGBT STUDENT PARTY EVER! This March, gay students from across the country will descend on Brighton to celebrate the fifth LGBT Student Pride. 3SIXTY talks to Tom Guy, Chair of Student Pride.



tudents love a good piss up. You’ve arrived at university and for the first time in your life you can do whatever the fuck you like - you’ve escaped your parents, you’ve escaped your suburban upbringing and your sheltered life is a thing of the past. You want to have sex, you want to grow up. You want to party! Hooray! Do students get a rough deal in the press? Are they all lazy, daytime TV-watching layabouts with zero career plans and no sense of what a good education can do for them in later life? Well, who knows. What I do know is that a few of the students I’ve met recently swear on their lives that they’ve never even stolen a traffic cone. I mean, seriously! “Student Pride wasn’t created out of the desire just to have a massive party and get drunk,” says Tom Guy, the 24-year-old Chair of the not-for-profit Student Pride organisation, with a look in his eye that screams ‘don’t patronise me with your clichés and stereotypes please’. “It was actually born from the need for open debate about religion and sexuality, about the need for a balanced learning when it comes to accepting yourself and your sexual orientation when you arrive at university.” In 2005, hundreds of students gathered to hear a speech by a trainee priest at Oxford Brookes University. In it, he preached about the perils of homosexuality, condemning gay love and in the process, arming homophobes with all the excuses and empowerment they needed to make any LGBT students’ life a living hell. “This guy didn’t give a balanced view, he just spoke at the crowd,” says Tom. “There had been warning of the speech so some students had prepared questions to ask in order to fight their corner. But it was like talking to a brick wall.” Frustrated by the one-sided lecture and eager to give a voice to the LGBT students at the university, Tom decided to organise an official way to respond. “We wanted to put the other side of the argument across, so we invited student unions from other universities to join us at Oxford Brookes and take part in the debate,” says Tom. “We couldn’t believe the response; I think that students feel politicised when they start at university - they want to have a voice. Issues such as top up fees bring students together; issues such as homosexuality do too. We still haven’t achieved equality. I, for instance, don’t feel comfortable holding by boyfriend’s hand in

public or on campus. Many students struggle with issues such as religion, homosexuality and self-acceptance. So, we got together and made a statement. This was the birth of student pride.” Since then, things have snowballed. Word has got out, excitement has builded and this year’s National Student Pride event looks like it will be the biggest gathering of LGBT students this country has even witnessed. With the support of the majority of the gay press and a dedicated team of volunteers, preparations are now in full swing for Student Pride 2009. BBC Radio 1 DJs Scott Mills and Aled Jones are appearing (to DJ and to sit on the political debate panel respectively); a host of fresh LGBT live music acts are busy rehearsing; twelve of Brighton’s hot gay bars and clubs are bracing themselves for the student onslaught; the super-swanky Digital nightclub, situated right on the beachfront pebbles, is rigging up it’s sound system so things can get even boomier. “We’re really thrilled with the way things are going,” says Tom. “The feedback we’re getting is amazing. Lots of gay students are telling us that it’s so important for them to have an event where they can come and hang out with other LGBT students. If there isn’t a gay scene in the town where your uni is I think it’s great that gay people can come to a city like Brighton to Student Pride and see how many gay people there are, and that it’s not abnormal. That knowledge is so important. It’s good to know that there are thousands of gay students in the country rather than the six that you might bump into at your university’s gay group meeting. National Student Pride is about everyone being able to hear what their peers have to say. And most importantly, it’s about having fun together.” Cheers!



OCEANA CLUB, BRIGHTON - 1PM - 6PM Question time debate: chaired by Wes Streeting, President NUS. Confirmed speakers: Aled Jones (BBC Radio 1); Dr David Bull (TV presenter, Conservative candidate for Brighton & Hove); Ruth Hunt - Head of Policy and Research, Stonewall. Also, a market place, stalls and food, drink & live music. BAR CRAWL - 6PM-10PM • Charles street • Vavoom • The Bulldog • R Bar • Ghetto • Dr Brighton’s • Amsterdam • Legends • Queen’s Arms • Marlborough • PV Based from Revenge night club, with live music and free pizza, student teams will visit the student pride bars on rotation. Expect amazing drink deals! DIGITAL CLUB NIGHT - 10PM - 4AM Radio 1 DJ Scott Mills headlines as top tune spinner! This is going to be a massive party. Plus more to be announced! 3SIXTY is proud to be a primary supporter of Student Pride 2009.

*J@OKP s )(

Homophobia Homophobia AT WORK

A brief history of the fight for employment equality



QUESTION When did it finally become illegal to fire an employee just for being gay? (a) 1976 (b) 1983 (c) 2003

ANSWER The answer, shockingly, is (c) - 2003. Stonewall campaigned tirelessly for the employment protections of 2003. This means the treatment that lesbian, gay and bisexual people have had to swallow because of their sexual orientation – stuff like sacking, harassment, fewer perks and lack of promotion is now over. Finished. Against the law. The first employment tribunal to be tried under the new law was the case of Rob Whitfield who won £35,000 in 2005 after being subjected to five months of sustained abuse and homophobic taunts. Compensation awarded is increasing steadily, with a Glasgow publishing firm making a payout of £118,000 to Jonah Ditton early last year. He was employed for only 8 days before being dismissed. The average compensation awarded under the employment protections last year was £22,196. So what happened before the 2003 law? Government estimates suggest that there were up to 390,000 employees who experienced discrimi-

nation just because they were gay, with as many as 156,000 claiming they’d been sacked. The Armed Forces are probably the most high-profile example of a job which had an explicit ‘no gays allowed’ policy. This homophobic ban was only removed in 2000; but outright discrimination against lesbian, gay and bisexual people was perfectly legal for all employers until only 5 years ago. The fact that employers had no legal responsibility for the actions of their employees is one of the factors which allowed discrimination to take place and go unpunished for so long.

We’ve come a long way… Protection under the law is only the first step in the fight for gay equality. Whether at school, work or in accessing public services, laws can only ever make a real impact on our lives if the majority really believe in them. That’s why, back in 2001, Stonewall set up the Diversity Champions programme – Britain’s employers’ forum on sexual orientation, which is run by a dedicated team across England, Scotland and Wales. There are now nearly 450 Diversity Champion employers in Britain, all committed to making their workplaces better for their gay staff. The range of organisations working with Stonewall is impressive - including investment banks, local authorities, fire services and yes, all three of the Armed Services - the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force, and most recently the Army. Remember - these are the very institutions where until 2000, any serving military personnel who were suspected of being gay were subject to investigation by the Military Police. If found to be gay they’d promptly be fired, usually on a ‘dishonourable discharge’. The Armed Forces are now going through the slow process of paying for their past discrimination, with nearly £4million in compensation already awarded to lesbian and gay military personnel who were dismissed for being gay. This is a great measure of how far we’ve come - now all three branches of the Armed Forces are openly committed to proactively ensuring their staff can be open about who they are and give 100% of themselves to serving their country. The very same Military Police who used to carry out the investigations now have LAGLOs (Lesbian and Gay Liaison Officers) to improve relations with the gay community, and ensure that they’re serving all sectors of society equally.

But there’s still much to be done… The 450 employers who are working with Stonewall have all come a long way. Now they positively recognise the issues that arise on a daily basis for gay employees, and the good practice they’re developing is recognised every year in Stonewall’s Top 100 Employers – to be launched on 7 January 2009. But, sadly, there are still many organisations where employees wouldn’t even consider putting a photo of their same-sex partner on their desk and habitually avoid the coffee room on a Monday morning to avoid chatting about their weekend. There’s still a long way to go – one of the frequent topics of calls to Stonewall’s Information Service is people who are struggling to cope with discrimination at work with an unsupportive employer and no-one to turn to. According to Stonewall’s Serves You Right research published in 2008, nearly 1 in 5 lesbian and gay people have experienced homophobic bullying in the workplace. And discrimination can be much more subtle than outright bullying. The negative effect of having to lie about who we live with, who we spent the weekend with and where we went for a drink on Friday night, can lead to more subtle exclusion from workplace culture. Not being invited to dinners with the boss where employees will be informally groomed for promotion, because the boss doesn’t want to get into an awkward situation where you’re asked not to bring your same-sex partner along, can subtly put barriers in the way of career development of gay employees. An employee who can’t ask for paternity leave when her girlfriend is giving birth, because the paternity policy has the word ‘father’ written all over it with no acknowledgement of samesex family situations, is another. There’s still much to celebrate. Many organisations are now at the stage of tackling these more subtle points of discrimination. They’ve largely got beyond open and outright homophobic hatred and harassment. But it’s important not to underestimate the negative effect of bullying, undermining and exclusion of gay employees whose employers aren’t making an effort to protect them. Most importantly, in a time of economic crisis employers want their staff to stay motivated and work those extra hours to keep afloat on a tight budget. To achieve this, they need to do more to create the kind of workplace culture that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning, and focus 100% of yourself on the job in hand.

For more information on Stonewall’s Diversity Champions programme please call 020 7593 1868 or log on to

www.stonewall.org.uk/workplace (- s *J@OKP

The top

100 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 8 10 11 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 21 22 22 24 25 26 26 28 28 28 31 32 33 33 35 36 37 37 39 39 39 39 43 43 45 45 47 48 48 50

employers for gay people in Britain in

Organisation Lloyds TSB Hampshire Constabulary Brighton and Hove City Council Kent Police Nacro Transport for London London Borough of Tower Hamlets Manchester City Council Merseyside Police Home Office Ford IBM Goldman Sachs London Fire Brigade Barclays HM Prison Service Gentoo Group Avon and Somerset Probation Area Cambridge City Council Ernst & Young PricewaterhouseCoopers KPMG West Yorkshire Police Staffordshire Police BT East Sussex County Council Scottish Government Cheshire Constabulary Commission for Social Care Inspection West Midlands Police Simmons & Simmons Lothian & Borders Police Credit Suisse Greater Manchester Police Metropolitan Police Service Gloucestershire County Council Citizens Advice Nottinghamshire County Council Environment Agency Environment Agency Wales Newham College West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service London Development Agency Metropolitan Housing Partnership Royal Bank of Scotland Group Sheffield City Council Shaw Trust Essex Police Thames Valley Police HM Revenue & Customs

Last Position


6 3 9 26 1 6 17 6 NEW 14 43 5 38 13 17 17 14 67 16 78 9 29 51 3 11 33 51 88 78 33 NEW 11 17 43 33 29 24 67 59 59 NEW 43 NEW 33 NEW 17 94 38 59 78

50 50 53 54 55 55 55 58 58 58 61 61 63 63 63 63 63 68 68 68 71 72 73 73 73 73 77 77 77 77 77 82 82 84 84 84 84 88 89 90 90 92 92 92 92 92 92 98 98 100

2009 are:

Organisation North Wales Police Pinsent Masons LLP Foreign & Commonwealth Office Hertfordshire Constabulary Department for Work & Pensions Ministry of Justice Procter & Gamble UK Crown Prosecution Service HBOS plc Tower Hamlets Primary Care Trust Learning & Skills Improvement Service Newcastle City Council American Express Audit Commission Derbyshire County Council Morgan Stanley Welsh Assembly Government Blackpool Council British Transport Police Land Registry J.P. Morgan Accenture Cambridgeshire County Council MOD Police & Guarding Agency National Assembly for Wales Commission West Mercia Constabulary Deloitte Herbert Smith LLP Lancashire Constabulary Leicestershire Constabulary London Borough of Islington Bury Council National Grid Aviva plc Northamptonshire Police Skillset Sector Skills Council Suffolk Constabulary NHS Plymouth Gwent Police Cleveland Fire Brigade Time Warner Berneslai Homes Dept for Bus/Ent’prise & Regulatory Reform Dept for Env/Food & Rural Affairs Dept for International Development Suffolk County Council & Cust/Serv Direct Sussex Police Barnardo’s Knowsley Housing Trust Eversheds LLP

Last Position NEW 67 26 59 74 59 88 88 43 51 NEW 78 97 NEW 94 74 43 NEW 78 51 43 17 74 24 NEW NEW 38 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW 78 NEW 51 NEW NEW 94 NEW 26 NEW NEW NEW NEW 88 NEW 97 NEW NEW

*J@OKP s (.

Great news for all job hunters Proud Employers is a great place for lesbian, gay and bisexual job seekers to find their next position in an organisation that understands that people perform better when they can be themselves. For more information visit the website at www.stonewall.org.uk/proudemployers or email proudemployers@stonewall.org.uk. Stonewall Equality Ltd, Tower Building, York Road, London, SE1 7NX, Registered Charity number 1101255

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In the early seventies, nighlife options for gay men consisted mainly of dirty, backstreet pubs and strict licensing laws. But by 1976, that was all set to change when Bang, Britain’s first large-scale gay discotheque, revolutionised London’s nightlife. Peter Burton, who worked at the venue for a while from the outset, recounts the story.

1972: Licensees and breweries don’t seem to bother much with their gay pubs. I work from the assumption that that they know they will attract customers regardless of the state of the décor and the toilets – some of the latter are so disgusting that I commissioned an article for Gay Times called ‘Must We Wear Wellington Boots?’ which looked at the appalling state of clubland’s latrines. The names of the venues are very evocative – The Place suggesting anonymity; Le Gigolo and the Hustler (which had a motorbike hanging from the wall at the far end) suggesting sex of a raunchy kind; the Dorian intimating that the clientele would be rather boyish – they were! In 1972, most the clubs weren’t licensed. A large number closed at 11pm. Those that stayed open beyond pub hours served coffee and hot chocolate, fruit juice or milk – including the heavier cruise clubs that existed at the time such as the Catacombs in Earl’s Court. And those premises which did serve alcohol after pub hours – I think By Appointment in Bayswater was the first, followed by Yours or Mine at the Sombrero in Kensington High Street and the Masquerade in Earl’s Court – shared one thing in common: they were all fairly small. No one had yet contemplated gay venues with size. Until the beginning of 1976, that is. Bang disco opened up at the Sundown on Charing Cross Road at the beginning of that year, and marked, without a shadow of a doubt, the real expansion of the commercial gay scene in London. Quite why it took so long for anyone to open an enormous discotheque in Britain is difficult to imagine now. But it finally happened after Jerry ‘Gary London’ Collins returned from a holiday in Los Angeles and decided that London needed somewhere along the lines of Studio One in the City of Angels. The crowd that turned out for the opening night came as a surprise to everyone. Jerry and his partner Jack Barrie had offered free membership for the first two Mondays (yes, Mondays!), and the pair handed out in the region of two thousand memberships. Even though Bang operated on Monday nights only for the first year, Jerry and Jack pioneered something

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Captions, clockwise from left: punters queue up to get into Bang in 1982; revellers at Bang; topless guys at a Heaven Jungle Party; pints aplenty at Heaven; lads smoking at Heaven; Gary London DJing at Bang. © Peter Burton

that took off in a big way – and national press reports of this new phenomenon followed fast. Here, for the first time in Great Britain, were thousands of gay men and women queuing around the block to get into a packed and sweaty disco. The stars turned out in force, including Rod Stewart, Rock Hudson, Elton John, Andy Warhol and many more, eager to see what this new sensation was all about. Strangely, even the obvious success of Bang didn’t encourage other entrepreneurs to rush into the field and open up lookalike clubs. Copacabana opened, I seem to remember, three years after Bang; Heaven four years later and Subway some times after that. The London gay scene was expanding, albeit slowly… and the end result was, on the whole, better facilities for gay men. The launch of gay clubs and once-a-week discos up and down the country must have let a lot of people know that they were not alone. Gay men were ready to party like they never had before…

queens In 2009, Heaven remains one of the most famous gay nightclubs in the world, and one of the largest in terms of floor space in Central London. Now home to the well-known G-A-Y club nights, the venue has entertained gay men since opening its doors way back in 1979. But Heaven, when it opened, was more than just a club - it lit up gay London and helped pave the way for the future of clubbing worldwide. Jeremy Norman, founder of Heaven, tells the story. s the late seventies approached, the success of the Embassy Club, which I had set up in 1978 in London’s Bond Street, and other clubs emerging on London’s gay scene, inspired me to fulfil my real ambition to create a huge, exclusively gay, dance club. Even before the Embassy, I had had the site for Heaven in mind: 21,000 square feet ‘underneath the arches’ at Charing Cross in Villiers Street. These gloomy brick railway arches had a number of advantages. They were sufficient size to accommodate more than 1,500 revellers; the space was already licensed until 3am (the latest alcohol licence available in London at the time), and, above all, they were in an amazing location at the epicentre of London, close to all the night buses. The space was still trading, but only just, as Global Village. Soon it failed financially, and the club lease of 21 years was for sale. I realised that a great deal of money was needed to turn Global Village into my vision of Heaven Ultra Disco. At this time, gay clubs in London were discrete cellar bars holding a couple of hundred people apologetically hidden from public view. There was one brave ‘one-nighter’ at the Astoria called Bang, which was drawing a crowd of about 1,000 every Monday – traditionally the hardest night to fill. That gave me confidence that the right gay product would achieve capacity at the weekends. Experience had taught me that if you fill a club for two nights, you pay the overheads; every other busy night is profit. We decided to move away entirely from the traditional club design of tables round a dance floor when planning the design of this somewhat daunting space. I wanted something startling for a new decade. My partner, Derek Frost, who undertook the interior design, came up with an outstanding ‘hitech’ design, an innovation at the time. All wires, pipes and conduits were exposed and painted silver; walls were painted all black and surfaces hard. The three huge vaulted brick arches were exposed and remained unclad. We hung hard-hats on the walls, and the bars were constructed out of industrial materials. There was scaffolding everywhere, supporting the lighting rig and the sound towers. Our patrons could


be forgiven for thinking they were entering a factory or construction site. The ethos created was of a downtown warehouse in an American city, totally appropriate and in tune with the style and feel of a new decade. Although it seems impossible to believe today, Bang, and indeed all other clubs, still had DJs that took record requests and chatted away between records. To me this was an outdated concept that killed the atmosphere on the dancefloor. I had proved at the Embassy just how heady and seductive mixing records with a properly trained DJ could be. By using twin variable-speed turntables and the latest missing techniques, the beats per minute could be altered to segue one track seamlessly into the next. We found a relative newcomer DJ who shared my vision, Ian Levine (latterly nicknamed ‘Miss Piggy’), and together we helped develop ‘High Energy’ (Hi NRG) music. Ian was soon playing to packed houses with mixed sounds geared to the mood of the dancefloor. I believe that during this time, we invented ‘Rave’, some six years before it broke out into the mainstream, to become the bedrock of youth culture in the late eighties. For gay men, the dancefloor was truly a place of liberation: a place where we could feel free to express our sexuality and the unity of our tribe. The dance club was, in a sense, our cathedral; the music our liturgy and Disco our religion – a truly ecstatic and visionary experience. Gay guys have told me how their first visit to Heaven liberated them, making them realise that they were neither alone nor a freak, but one with thousands of other like-minded souls who were handsome, fun-loving, well-adjusted and happy. We were not the sad camp queens that the straight world had tried to make us believe we were destined to become. I firmly believe that no single experience is more liberating to a gay man then his first night spent dancing in a large gay club; it gives him the courage to be himself – what a revelation! The cornerstones of my new concept were exceptional sounds quality, total sound immersion coupled with ‘trip’ quality lighting effects, and a vast dancefloor. I had spent a lot of time in America going to clubs and studying their sounds, lights and décor and we drew from that experience. The lights were linked to the sound pulse so that the two complemented each other – in it day a new idea. The sound a lighting system being installed at Heaven was awesome for its day. We had an entirely new product for a new decade, and a mission to liberate the spirit and realise the fantasies of thousands of gay men. One thing I had learned from the success of the Embassy Club was that a successful gay club attracts straight women. They, in turn, attract straight men. Once you get too many straight men, gay guys feel uncomfortable; they don’t feel able to approach any man they fancy for fear of violent rebuff. In order to avoid losing our core market I decided to institute a ‘men only’ door policy. This led to criticism from the politically correct; they did not understand our reasons and therefore they assumed that our motives were sexist and anti-women. How else, I argued, can you ensure a gay club remains gay? You can’t interrogate every man about his sexuality, nor could you necessarily believe the answer. It is not enough to simply declare the club is gay to make it so. If a club is hot enough, it will attract all types. It was this very success that helped to destroy the unique mix at the Embassy and Studio 54 in New York. We opened in December 1979. Our first New Year’s Eve party at Heaven took us all by storm - the club was mobbed. We took £25,000 in one night. We were on our way. The notorious dog-shit-eating American transsexual Divine (voted ‘the filthiest person alive’) performed for us. So, too, did Boy George and his friend Marilyn on a nightly basis, but as paying customers. Heaven played host to live performances by Madonna before she was famous; she was still trying to build her career. Like so many canny pop performers she appreciated that, by appealing to the gay market, she could launch her career. Gay men are always at the forefront of taste and trends in entertainment. Once Heaven had taken off, I realised that I had spent five hedonistic years at the pinnacle of the club business and, frankly, I was burned out. Richard Branson had expressed an interest in acquiring Heaven for Virgin. I knew that I had to sell cheaply; I reasoned that not many businessmen would buy a gay club for a large sum of money. If I didn’t sell to him, I might wait for years another opportunity. After much haggling, we agreed a fair figure. It was time to move on. No Make-Up, Straight Tales from a Queer Life by Jeremy Norman is published by Elliot and Thompson and is available from www.amazon.co.uk

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The colour of love

With Valentines day just around the corner to cheer us all up... (?) Brighten the place up with a splash of red to show ‘em you mean business, or buy a novelty fun thing to make ‘em crack a smile. In these grey old times, we should all inject more than a bit of colour....oooh er! By Harvey Gillis. Scatter them ‘round your love nest, or brighten up that dowdy lounge, red felt lattice cushion, £20 Debenhams

St.George by Duffer red cardigan £35.00 from Debenhams

Red and candles... well that spells Valentines night. John Rocha red cut flower tea light holder £5, Debenhams

Fantastic 50’s stylie Vintage red blazer, £35, Beyond retro.com

Drink from the cup of lurve... ok, so it’s a glass... Red Stack tumbler by Linea £5.50, House of Fraser

Your very own Personalised Bottle of Champagne. £39.10 www. GettingPersonal.co.uk

Wooden postcards ready made for you to hand carve your own personal message of love. £4.37 www.GettingPersonal.co.uk

Daniel Lawrence Stunning ornate white mirror, suiting both contemporary or traditional decor. 150 x 125 cm. Special Valentines Price £355 (normally £455

T&G dotty tea sets, £various, www. stylishcookware.co.uk

The chocoholic’s dream: name your personalised box of chocolates. £29.31 www.gettingpersonal.co.uk Elegant double candle holder in mirror finish steel. £89.00 www. amaroni.com

Heart Woolly Warmer. £9.74 www.GettingPersonal.co.uk

On A Roll Kiss My... Toilet Paper. £3.87 www.GettingPersonal.co.uk

Crafted out of pure 99.9% silver featuring the unique fingerprints from your boyfriend, if you want! £64.95 www.GettingPersonal.co.uk Does he get stimulated when you touch him or is he soothed? Get him to hold noumic and relax, then ask those tricky questions and see his response! Designed to help people to relax or for meditation. This strange new age high tech monitor can also reveal to you what is happening within the nervous system when subjected to a range of stimuli. Available direct from the inventor’s website at £30. www.noumic.com

Wow! This range of men’s underwear is truly the gem in the Björn Borg crown. The Satin Trunk uses the silkiest, shiny fabric with pouch. £28.38. www.deadgoodundies.com So on trend and recession special...cotton harrington jacket £15, roll sleeve shirt £12,dark wash jeans £25, Lee Cooper @ Matalan, sshhhh.

50’s/80’s i’m tellin’ ya. Jacket £35,T-shirt £10,Jeans £30,Sunglasses £10 all at New look

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British pop duo Erasure have sold in excess of 15 million albums since they formed in 1985, making them one of the UK’s most successful musical exports. And, of course, they love to camp it up. But is all that glitters gold? Torsten Højer talks to Erasure’s enigmatic frontman Andy Bell to find out.

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ndy Bell, currently on the promo circuit beefing up interest in Erasure’s new greatest hits compilation CD, says he doesn’t really get recognised when he’s out in public these days. Which is entirely understandable given the fact he’s probably the UK’s most unlikely pop star (aside from Michelle McManus, perhaps). Andy is the kind of guy you could be cruising all evening in London’s 79CXR bar, mouthing the words to Oh, L’amour at, without it ever entering your pissed up little head that you’re staring at a multi million record-selling world famous artist and one of Britain’s most successful musical exports. In fact, if his other half in Erasure, Vince Clarke, hadn’t taken a shine to the 43rd auditionee named Andy Bell who stepped up in 1985 to sing his heart out for a place in the band, then Andy would probably be venting his small desire to perform as a drag queen called something like Mandy LaBelle performing in his hometown of Peterborough right now. “I’ve always loved watching drag queens performing on stage,” he says. “I’ve always thought that they are so courageous, as they never know what kind of audience they are going to get, especially if they’re not performing in gay pubs.” In Erasure’s first video, Who Needs Love Like That, in 1985, Andy Bell and Vince Clarke don drag and dance the Can Can in a pub full of bemused-looking drinkers (presumably wondering what the hell the barman has spiked their favourite tipple with). Needless to say, the clip introduced the new group as a camp – if not screaming – duo. “The idea to do drag mainly came from me,” laughs Andy. “I just wanted to be out from the word go, no there was no question about my sexuality. I was keen to be straight up with interviewers when they asked about boyfriends or girlfriends in Smash Hits or whatever, and tell them I was gay.” And so followed 25 years of out, gay Andy Bell and camp, glittery, Erasure offerings (it should be noted that although Erasure is often referred to as a ‘gay band’, Vince Clarke is straight). Erasure have, in the past, delved into the dangerous world of provocative song lyrics, but, in true Andy Bell style, any references to political agenda or, shock horror, the gay cause, have been mild-mannered. Notable examples are Chains of Love, which discusses society’s restrictions and stereotypes about what constitutes Andy Bell and Vince Clarke in 1985 real love (and arguing, presumably, that gay love is the real deal) and Boy, which opens with the line ‘Love you boy, till I fall/The child in me again, he plays the fool’ (a refreshingly bold and rare, gender specific lyric in 1997, and remains so in 2009, incidentally). But Andy says Erasure aren’t into politics, nor do they want their songs to carry any message. He’s said before that he admires groups like the Pet Shop Boys, whose songs he understands ‘say more’. “I just want people to have a good time,” he says. Fair enough. But you can’t hide from the fact that a man in a sequined frock sends out some kind of a political message to music fans, right? In 1992, Erasure shot to number one in the UK singles chart with ABBA-esque, an EP of four cover versions of ABBA classics (Lay All Your Love on Me, SOS, Take a Chance on Me and Voulez-Vous). The release marked quite an achievement, in that Erasure, known for their synth/Europop sound, had managed to make ABBA sound even gayer. Andy Bell appeared in the video for Lay All Your Love On Me in a tight, gold PVC outfit (complete with protruding bulge). In another clip, this time for Take a Chance on Me, Andy cavorts about in a clashing red and pink number and ginger wig, Anni-Frid Lyngstad-style. Live, Andy still indulges in a bit of questionable clothing, appearing in thigh-high silver boots, black hotpants and glittery blue jacket to perform Voulez-Vous to clap-along audiences. It’s one of the UK’s campest number ones (and a good ten years before Scissor Sisters brought their camp sparkle to the charts).


“I feel really proud when anyone suggests that I’ve had a positive effect on gay rights,” he says. “As we’ve toured so much, it’s been possible to actually meet fans and get lots of feedback. Lots of guys have come up to me over the years and said because of the way we were in our videos, because of the way I sang the songs, that they felt more comfortable with being gay because they knew there were lots of other people out there like them. We were having a good time when gay history was being written in the 80s; I’m very proud to have been a part of that. It felt like we were part of a movement, riding the crest of a wave.” Quite unbelievably, Andy Bell was so anxious about coming out at the start of his career that he went to a seminar that was being run by songwriter, BBC Radio presenter and gay rights activist Tom Robinson in London at the time. “I knew that Tom was speaking about gays in rock music, so I went along with the intention of asking him what the best way was to come out if you’re a pop star,” Andy remembers. “Tom told me that he used to wear a badge on his shirt, so that people would be intrigued and ask him what the badge was about, which enabled him to start a conversation about his sexuality.” This month, Erasure release a greatest hits album, Total Pop! The First 40 Hits. It’s a follow-up from their 1992 compilation Pop! The First 20 Hits (which reached number one in the UK album charts). Have Erasure really had twenty further hit records since 1992? Well, not quite, but not far off… Erasure have sold between 15 and 25 million records (depending on where you source your information from) but even if it’s the former, they’ve shifted a shedload of songs. Erasure are the band everyone seems to have bought into at some point, but no one seems to be a fan of. Or at least admits to being a fan of. But their records still sell, and will probably continue to do so even without a Woolworths promotion. How does Andy feel about the new release? “It’s really nice feeling to see all our songs together,” he (sort of) enthuses. “You get a bit fed up with it though – I got fed up with the first one [Pop! in 1992], as it was full of songs people expect you to play when you’re live and things. The new one, from Always onwards, is great material, and it makes you think ‘oh, it has been all worth it, all the things that you’ve done’. When you hear all those tunes together, you think ‘oh they’re really good, you know’ and they sounds really slick and the production is really good. Some of our songs are quite complicated, actually.” Bell once told an interviewer, a couple of years after the release of the first greatest hits album, Pop!, that he wasn’t really in love with any of Erasure’s songs. How does he feel now? “I did say that, yes. Like with anything, you get bored with things after a while. It’s the same with Blondie: I was talking to her about it and Debbie Harry said she refers to Blondie in the third person, and that’s how you feel after a while. Take a group like ABBA, they work together for years and tour together… it does kind of creep up on you that your life is not your own. Sometimes, you blame the songs. But I don’t feel like that about the songs now.” Andy Bell has just had eighteen months off from Erasure so he’s now, he assures me, “refreshed” and able to “see things in a different light. He tells me that the real Andy Bell is a polite and genuinely nice guy. A gentleman. Someone who prefers having a drink with friends at his local pub than going to celebrity parties. He says that he knows that when he’s on stage he’s someone else, someone happier, a man who feels like he can get away with anything. It’s an act. A carefully constructed craft that means he can pretend to be a pop star in front of thousands of adoring fans. But he also admits that he feels no pressure to be anything but ordinary when the show is over. “I’m not like pop stars like Boy George,” he says. “I like to sort of blend in more.” TOTAL POP! The First 40 Hits Deluxe Box Set / 2 x CD / Download by Erasure, is released 23 February 2009.

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bank Saturday 31st January Cabaret - Lizzy Drip Stripper - Outlaw

Saturday 7th February Cabaret - The Drag With No Name @ 10pm Stripper - Kane @ Midnight Saturday 14th February Cabaret - Connie Conway @ 11pm Stripper - Sexecute @ Midnight. With book launch at the club and will be signing copies. Saturday 21st February Cabaret - Cassidy Conners @ 11pm Stripper - David Blaze @ Midnight Saturday 28th February Cabaret - Connie Rogers @ 11pm Stripper - Willy the Kid @ Midnight

5 Miles from Junction 3 - M25/A20 London Bound

:K9A?;ÊI JH?F$$$ Duckie is something that almost defies definition: a conceptual theatre production that delights in screwing with gender identities and celebrating all that is ‘queer’ about being gay. The antics of producer Simon Casson have landed Duckie in the headlines many times, and now the outrageous show is hitting the road again… to the conservative South Coast town of Bexhill-on-Sea. Why? Jonny M investigates.


uckie has been entertaining queers and their friends at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern in Vauxhall for thirteen years, with the same six people still running the production. In these years Vauxhall has risen into a colossal gay clubbing hotspot, but all the while, from the very centre of it all, there’s been a voice screaming “it doesn’t have to be like this”. That voice is Duckie. “Why should going to a gay club always be about taking your shirt off, being sweaty, stinking a bit and getting off with someone in the toilets?” says Producer Simon Casson. “Why can’t it be about something else? About beauty, or hanging out with your Nan, or pretend family relationships? “We’re kind of the missing link between nightclub culture and theatre culture. Going to the theatre can be quite boring, young people and queer people often don’t want to. When we started this, all those years ago, we thought, how can we make this accessible and dynamic? How can we put performance on stage in a way that’s not dreary? It’s all about short, sharp, sparky performance.” The Big Bexhill Weekend on Fri 13 Feb and Sat 14 Feb is a grander version of the outrageous weekly show at The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, celebrating the thirteenth birthday in true Duckie style. But why take it to Bexhill; a town better know for its elderly inhabitants than progressive cultural activity? “We want to keep it real,” says Simon. “We don’t want to get too big for

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our boots. It’s fantastic that we’ve taken shows to the Sydney Opera House, to festivals in Tokyo and to the Barbican in London, but we’re also based in a ‘spit and sawdust’ pub in Vauxhall. I really like the idea that it’s a bit like our lives: one day you might be in a fancy restaurant, and the next night you might be in a back-street boozer. That’s the kind Reader’s Wifes of life we live, isn’t it?” On the night there will be a series of twelve performances, broken up with ballroom dancing, music and drinks. “We’re asking people to dress up - suits for men, dresses for ladies, or the other way round. People will be issued with a dance card, and there will be five formal dances throughout the night, because the night is all about romance and Valentines. So come on your own, or with your swoony, or find a swoony there. If you can’t find a swoony, we’ll find you a little old lady, and she’ll have to do for the night. After each block of performances, there’ll be a formal dance, in which Amy Lame asks people to take partners by the hand. But of course none of us can really ballroom dance, and it’ll be a right debacle.” It’ll certainly be a very different experience to an average night out. Simon believes that this is necessary because things are changing. “Gay is a moment in time,” says Simon. “It started in the 70s, and it won’t always be like this. There have always been people that have same-sex partners, without being ‘gay’. We call Duckie ‘post-gay’ because we like to mix it up, and mess around with what the rules are.“ “Gay means a lot of things. It means ghettoisation,

it means commercialisation. Often in the gay media we’re forced to look at hunky men, forced to take drugs, forced to be materialistic, and animalistic in our sexual desires. Maybe that’s not right for all of us, maybe that was a moment in time that we all had to go through, post-liberation. Maybe the whole nature of what gay clubs are will change.” But, thankfully, it’s not all about politics. “Ultimately, our one ambition is to provide great nights out. Full of colour, personality, and a little bit home-spun. In this corporate world, where everything’s always being sold to you, and about charging as much as possible but giving as little as possible back, it’s a little community enterprise.”

Miss High Leg Kick

The Big Bexhill Weekend takes place on Fri 13 Feb and Sat 14 Feb at the De La Warr Pavillion, Bexhill-on-Sea. Advance tickets are £15. Call 01424 229 111 or visit www.dlwp.com. Free buses will run from Brighton (Old Steine) and London (Vauxhall). www.duckie.co.uk

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TENthatGAY MOVIES changed the world... For decades, gay cinema has reflected society’s shifting attitudes to homosexuality – and sometimes helped shaped it. To celebrate LGBT History Month, 3SIXTY looks at the movies that made a mark in queer years gone by. Words: Steven Paul Davies.


Schlesinger’s film premiered in New York one month before the 1969 Stonewall riots that would mark the beginning of the gay-rights movement.

Released back in 1961, when being gay was illegal, Victim, was instrumental in paving the way for the legalisation of homosexuality in Britain. Bogarde, at the time Britain’s revered matinee idol, risked his career to portray a closeted gay lawyer who stands up to blackmailers, at a time when being gay was a crime. In one of gay cinema’s most memorable scenes, Dirk Bogarde explains to his wife the ins and outs of his gay desire “I wanted him! I wanted him, as a man wants a girl!”

1970 THE BOYS IN THE BAND The release of Mart Crowley’s film The Boys in the Band in 1970 coincided with the new activist gay movement and provided Americans with personalised examples of male homosexuals and their struggles. The film centres around a group of unhappy but witty gay men who lacerate each other and themselves. They are average guys who just happen to be gay. Written on the eve of Gay Liberation and released in 1970, less than a year after the infamous Stonewall Riots, Boys in the Band finally put to rest the Production Code’s repressive stance on gay subject matter and became a catalyst for future positive gay portrayals. The picture really was ahead of its time and, although looking a little dated now, there is still much to enjoy from what was one of the first gay-themed movies to emerge from mainstream Hollywood.

“ Victim was instrumental in paving the way for homosexuality in Britain

Today, yes, things are different, but Bogarde was born in 1921, and homosexuality was only finally legalised in Britain in 1967. As an actor, he risked a great deal to take a crucial role at a time when it made a difference.

1969 MIDNIGHT COWBOY Directed by John Schlesinger, this was the first gay-themed best-picture winner in Oscar history. 35 years before Ang Lee’s gay cowboys were gracing the silver screen, this gay-themed film was causing a stir. Of course, Midnight Cowboy could never have been as explicit, or as tolerant, as Brokeback Mountain - although it was certainly explicit, being the only X-rated film to be named best picture. Nevertheless, in its own way, Midnight Cowboy was the closest cinematic kin of Brokeback.


Midnight Cowboy was the first gay-themed movie to win the Best Picture Oscar, a full 35 years before Brokeback Mountain

Waldo Salt’s screenplay - about a male hustler (Jon Voight) and his buddy (Dustin Hoffman) - did everything it could to avoid acknowledging the true heart of its narrative: that of two deeply lonely men who find a measure of grace in each other. Ultimately, their relationship was left as an ‘are-they-or-aren’t-they’ affair. )/ s *J@OKP

Top to Bottom: Victim (1961); My Own Private Idaho (1991); Midnight Cowboy (1969)

With its multifaceted depiction of a society turbulently struggling with issues of class, race, gender and sexual orientation, My Beautiful Laundrette was a new departure for both British cinema and gay cinema. Set within the Asian community in London, Hanif Kureishi’s unusual love story concerned itself with identity and entrepreneurial spirit during the Thatcher years and featured an interracial gay affair between a white, left-wing punk (Daniel Day Lewis) and an Asian laundrette manager (Gordon Warnecke). My Beautiful Laundrette was just one British gay-themed film from the 80s which seemed to celebrate heroic homosexuals, a stance which would have been unthinkable before 1960 when the subject was almost never mentioned in films. This complex study of race, politics and sexuality remains a definitive snapshot of British life in the 1980s.

Left to right: Beautiful Thing (1995); The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994); Brokeback Mountain (2005); Milk (2008)

1986 PARTING GLANCES Bill Sherwood’s Parting Glances tells the story of a young writer whose present lover is leaving him for a foreign-based job, while his ex-lover Nick (Steve Buscemi) is dying of AIDS. It was described by the Seattle Times as, “The best movie ever made about gays in the United States... you can’t help wondering why most films can’t move this well or look this good.” Praise indeed, but deservedly so - this seminal gay drama is a triumph for anyone who has ever been in love, straight or gay, and it succeeds because the film indulges in no special pleading, merely regarding the disease as another fact of gay life.

1991 MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO Perhaps inspired by Midnight Cowboy, Gus Van Sant’s film coupled together two of Hollywood’s hottest stars – River Phoenix and Keanu Reeves as two hustlers who live on streets, do drugs and sell themselves to men and women. None of the American “new queer” films of the 90s, made much of a dent at the box office, with the exception of My Own Private Idaho. A worldwide hit, mainly due to the presence of the two lead actors, it is still remembered for producing some of the most iconic images in gay cinema. The campfire scene in which Mike (Phoenix) awkwardly declares his unrequited love for Scott (Reeves) is beautiful. Mike’s murmured plea, “I really want to kiss you, man,” as they sit round the fire, is nothing short of heartbreaking, a scene which helps make this a modern gay classic. This beautiful film which shows an entirely different side to the late River Phoenix. His acting here really shows us what a tragic loss the film industry suffered when he died.

synching to opera inside an oversized stiletto on top of a moving shiny bus? Absolutely fabulous! Aside from all the flamboyance though, Priscilla is also a very dark comedy, and very sad in places as we watch the lonely lives of the main characters struggling to find themselves, their families, and a place in society. Priscilla inspired a Hollywood rip-off To Wong Foo, and two years later came The Birdcage, the American update of La Cage Aux Folles, so by the end of the 90s drag had truly been embraced by mainstream culture.

1995 BEAUTIFUL THING Set during a long hot summer on a housing estate in South London, the film adaptation of Jonathan Harvey’s play Beautiful Thing turned out to be one of the most tender love stories ever told on film. A story of sexual awakening, this urban fairy-tale depicts what its like to be sixteen and in the throws of bashful first love. Hettie MacDonald’s delightful debut feature charts a seemingly unlikely romance between two teenage lads. Beautiful Thing is a coming of age film with a twist – all the usual teen angst coupled with the angst of realising and learning to deal with being gay. The main characters are believable and engaging, the story is compelling, and everyone loves the (reasonably) happy ending. The Mama Cass soundtrack is fab too. The film was certainly groundbreaking. It’s been taken up by many high school teachers (mainly in the US) who play it to classes to get across to both gays and straights that “it’s okay now”, a nice change in the last decade or so that suggests teachers now admit that some of their students are gay and don’t just appear when fully grown!

Ang Lee’s film had crossover appeal with the mainstream audience choosing to embrace it, as reflected in the box office returns and DVD sales. There is, quite simply, no doubt that Brokeback Mountain is the biggest breakthrough gay film of all time.

“Brokeback Mountain is undoubtedly the biggest breakthrough gay film of all time

2008 MILK MILK has been dubbed the new Brokeback Mountain. In a sense, if it wasn’t for Brokeback’s success at the box office a couple of years earlier, perhaps MILK would never have been made. Gus Van Sant’s much-anticipated biopic stars Sean Penn as Harvey Milk, the first prominent American political figure to be elected to office on an openly gay ticket back in the 70s. So loved was he that his brutal and homophobic assassination by ex-policeman Daniel White sparked the biggest riots in gay history. Oliver Stone and openly gay director Bryan Singer had both been developing their own Harvey Milk projects but Van Sant got there first. Now, Penn is already being tipped for the Best Actor Oscar at this year’s Academy Awards. It took 30 years but thankfully Hollywood filmmakers finally got around to documenting the event which shaped contemporary gay politics in the States.

1994 2005 THE ADVENTURES OF BROKEBACK MOUTAIN Nominated for eight Academy Awards, Brokeback PRISCILLA, QUEEN Mountain was the romance film of the decade - a OF THE DESERT

“By the end of the nineties, drag had been fully embraces by mainstream culture

The best gay-interest comedy of all time, Priscilla seems to have won the hearts of us all, partly for its lavish costumes and devotion to Abba, but mostly for the great performances of three drag artists who are on the road trip of a lifetime! And who could forget the scene with Guy Pearce lip-

gay-themed movie that captivated audiences around the world. A huge mainstream success, and quite simply a masterpiece, this landmark film was proof that times really were changing. Hollywood finally got behind a powerful, uncompromising and unapologetic gay love story, a film about two cowboys who unexpectedly fall in love while working together one summer in 1963. The trashier end of the media dubbed it ‘the gay cowboy movie‘, but gay groups celebrated the recognition and spotlight the film threw on the community, which had long been underrepresented in mainstream cinema.

Out At The Movies by Steven Paul Davies is published by Kamera Books at £16.99. www.stevenpauldavies.com

BOOKWORM New books, reviewed by Peter Burton

BOOKWORM EXTRA: MAKING A CASE Fifty-six years ago, one of the most significant novels about British gay life was first published. Peter Burton reflects on the impact of Rodney Garland’s extraordinary The Heart in Exile. <m\i j`eZ\ k_\ Zfem`Zk`fe Xe[ `dgi`jfed\ek `e (/0, f] k_\ \jjXp`jk Xe[ gcXpni`^_k FjZXi N`c[\ ]fi XZkj f] Ê^ifjj `e[\Z\eZpË n`k_ fk_\i d\e# k_\i\ _X[ Y\\e dfm\j kf i\]fid k_\ cXn le[\i n_`Z_ _\ _X[ Y\\e gifj\Zlk\[ Xe[ `eZXiZ\iXk\[% 9lk ^Xp d\e# n`k_ X efkXYc\ i\jg`k\ [li`e^ k_\ J\Zfe[ Nfic[ NXi (0*0$(0+, # _X[ c`m\[ `e k_\ cffd`e^ j_X[fn f] `ek\i]\i\eZ\ `e k_\`i gi`mXk\ c`m\j Yp Yfk_ k_\ cXn Xe[ Yp Zi`d`eXcj# k_\ cXkk\i `ek\ek fe YcXZbdX`c# ifYY\ip fi m`fc\eZ\% D\\k`e^ gcXZ\j n\i\ jlYa\Zk kf iX`[j Yp k_\ gfc`Z\ Xe[ `k nXj [\\d\[ `eX[m`jXYc\ kf b\\g X[[i\jj Yffbj# c\kk\ij fi g_fkf^iXg_j Æ Xcc f] n_`Z_ d`^_k Y\ c`b\cp kf gifm\ `eZi`d`eXk`e^ f] fe\j\c] fi fe\Ëj ]i`\e[j Xe[ XZhlX`ekXeZ\j j_flc[ k_\p ]Xcc `ekf k_\ nife^ _Xe[j% <oZ\gk ]fi k_\ n`c[cp \okifm\ik fi k_\ YcXkXekcp fYm`$ flj ÈN\ Xmf`[\[ Hl\ek`e :i`jg#É dp [\\gcp Zcfj\k\[ Ylk XZk`m\cp ^Xp ]Xk_\i feZ\ kfc[ d\# ÈY\ZXlj\ _\ nXj jlZ_ X [\X[ ^`m\XnXpÉ # ^Xp d\e d\i^\[ `ekf k_\ j_X[fnj Xe[ \ek\i\[ k_\ glYc`Z ZfejZ`flje\jj fecp n_\e k_\ jfiip ]\n Xgg\Xi\[ `e k_\ Zfcldej f] jlZ_ dlZb$iXb`e^ e\njgXg\ij Xj I\pefc[Ëj E\nj# K_\ G\fgc\ fi k_\ E\nj f] k_\ Nfic[ `e k_\ ^l`j\ f] XZZlj\[ jZflkdXjk\ij fi m`ZXij fi jZ_ffck\XZ_\ij n`k_ hl\\i kXjk\j% J`i Af_e Nfc]\e[\eËj ]Xdflj Zfdd`kk\\ Æ j\k lg kf [`jZljj Z_Xe^\j `e k_\ cXnj g\ikX`e`e^ kf dXc\ _fdfj\olXc`kp c\jY`Xe`jd nXj efk jlYa\Zk kf Xep c\^Xc jki`Zkli\j Xe[ gifjk`klk`fe [`[eËk d\\k ]fi k_\ ]`ijk k`d\ lek`c (0,+ Xe[ `k nXjeËk lek`c (0,. k_Xk `kj I\gfik nXj glYc`j_\[% @k kffb X ]lik_\i k\e p\Xij ]fi jfd\ f] `kj i\Zfdd\e[Xk`fej kf Y\ `dgc\d\ek\[# gXjj`e^ `ekf cXn Xj k_\ (0-. J\olXc F]]\eZ\j 8Zk# n_`Z_ fecp gXik`Xccp [\Zi`d`eXc`q\[ _fdfj\olXc XZkj Y\kn\\e d\e `e <e^cXe[ Xe[ NXc\j n_f n\i\ fm\i k_\ X^\ f] Zfej\ek )( Xe[ g\i]fid`e^ `e gi`mXk\ knf d\e fecp# Y\_`e[ j\Zli\cp cfZb\[ [ffij % K_lj k_\ glYc`ZXk`fe `e (0,* f] If[e\p >XicXe[Ëj K_\ ?\Xik `e <o`c\ dljk _Xm\ Zfd\ Xj X Zfej`[\iXYc\ j_fZb Æ efk aljk kf k_\ 9i`k`j_ i\X[`e^ glYc`Z k_\ Yffb Y\ZXd\ X Y\jkj\cc\i Ylk Xcjf kf k_\ 9i`k`j_ _fdfj\ol$ Xcj n_f n\i\ k_\ jlYa\Zk f] k_`j i\m\Xc`e^ efm\c% =fi k_\ \okiXfi[`eXip k_`e^ XYflk >XicXe[Ëj Yffb nXj k_Xk `k nXj efk jf dlZ_ X nfib f] `dX^`eXk`m\ ]`Zk`fe Xj X Zcfj\cp$fYj\im\[ [fZld\ekXip XYflk X j\Zk`fe f] 9i`k`j_ Zfddle`kp n_`Z_ nXj efk ljlXccp d\ek`fe\[ `e gfc`k\ jfZ`\kp% ?\i\ nXj c`]\ `e Êk_\ le[\i^ifle[Ë Xj >XicXe[ Z_XiXZk\i`j\[ `k Xj YilkXccp \ogfj\[ Xj k_Xk f] X Zfigj\ cX`[ flk fe X [`jj\Zk`fe`jkËj kXYc\% <hlXccp efkXYc\ nXj k_\ ]XZk k_Xk `k nXj \m`[\ek k_Xk k_\ Xlk_fi nXj \ek`i\cp ]Xd`c`Xi n`k_ k_\ nfic[ XYflk n_`Z_ _\ nifk\ n`k_ jlZ_ `ek`dXk\ befnc\[^\% 8j `k _Xgg\ej# If[e\p >XicXe[ nXjeËk Y\`e^ \ek`i\cp _fe\jk% >XicXe[ nXj k_\ gj\l[fepd X[fgk\[ Yp 8[Xd

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REGIONAL Zfek\ekj *) >>>februARY BARBOY & dance CHART s *- >>>south coast SCENE s */ >>>LONDON SCENE s +' >>>manchester SCENE s +) >>>liverpool SCENE s ++ >>>bristol SCENE s +- >>>thames valley SCENE s +/ >>>brighton SCENE s ,+ >>>wales SCENE s ,- >>>west SCENE s ,/ >>>midlands SCENE s -' >>>newcastle SCENE s -) >>>COMPETITION AND PSYCHIC s -/ >>>ADVERTISing & helplines s

;XeZ\ij Xk >Xk\ZiXj_\i# 9`id`e^_Xd%

36 South CoastjZ\e\ >>>8EK?<D M8C<EK@E<ËJ 98CC 8EK?<D# K?< ?8IK# <8JK9FLIE<# J8K (+ =<9 8]k\i X jlZZ\jj]lc cXleZ_ gXikp k_\ 8ek_\d k\Xd Xi\ YXZb n`k_ k_\`i j\Zfe[ \m\ek% K_`j k`d\# k_\ e`^_k _Xj Xe `ea\Zk`fe f] ZXdg# n`k_ jg\Z`Xc G8j ]ifd <lifm`j`fe ]`eXc$ `jkj E`Zb` =i\eZ_ Xe[ EXkXc`\ Gfn\ij f] JZffZ_% K_\ e`^_k ]\Xkli\j ;A Efk_\ieY\Xk# _fjk\[ Yp Jk\g_Xe`\ JkXic\k% 8ek_\d Zljkfd\ij ZXe kXb\ X[mXekX^\ f] jg\Z`Xc iXk\j Xk K_\ 9\jk N\jk\ie ?fk\c `e <XjkYflie\# g\i]\Zk ]fi X ifdXek`Z n\\b\e[ XnXp% nnn%k_\_Xik%Zf%lb

Bournemouth '( K_\ 9Xb\ij 8idj s .. :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s '()') ,,,,'- ') 9XqXXi s ('* :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s '()') )+( 00/ '* 9\ek s *-$+' Gffc\ ?`cc s '()') ,/0'-0 s nnn%Y\ek$ZclY%Zf%lb '+ K_\ 9iXebjfd\ s :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s '()') ,,),++ s nnn%k_\YiXebjfd\%Zfd ', :`iZlj 7 K_\ Fg\iX ?flj\ s ,.' :_i`jkZ_liZ_ IfX[# 9fjZfdY\ s '()') *000)) s nnn%fg\iX_flj\%Zf%lb '- Fm\i K_\ IX`eYfn s >Xp D\ej ?\Xck_ Gifa\Zk s '()') ),.+./ s nnn%iX`eYfnYflie\dflk_%Zf%lb '. IlYpq :XYXi\k I\jkXliXek s N\jk ?`cc IfX[ s nnn%ilYpq%Zf%lb '/ JXleXYXi s + 8m\el\ CXe\ s nnn%^XpjXleXYXi%Zfd '0 K_\ OZ_Xe^\ s + K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ s '()') )0+*)(

South Coast <8JK9FLIE< K_\ ?Xik s /0 :Xm\e[`j_ GcXZ\ s '(*)* -+* (,( s nnn%k_\_Xik%Zf%lb

GFIKJDFLK? ?Xdgj_`i\ 9flc\mXi[ s ( ?Xdgj_`i\ K\iiXZ\ s Jflk_j\X s ')* 0))0 .,'0 K_\ Fc[ M`Z s Jk GXlcËj IfX[ s ')* 0))0 .'(* s nnn%fc[m`Zgfikjdflk_%Zf%lb DXik_XËj s )). :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s ')* 0)/, )0,(

Southampton '( K_\ <[^\ s :fdgkfe NXcb s '.'0' +)* -// s nnn%\[^\$e`^_kZclY%Zfd ') K_\ <e[\Xmfli s . J`de\c Jki\\k s nnn%k_\\e[\Xmfli%Zf%lb '* ?)F s 0 Jk DXipËj IfX[ s ')* /'*/ -//' '+ @jfYXi s (''Z Jk DXipËj Jki\\k s ')* /')) )')/ snnn%`jfYXijflk_Xdgkfe%Zfd ', K_\ Cfe[fe s ) K\id`elj K\iiXZ\ s ')* /'.( '-,) s nnn%k_\$cfe[fe%Zf%lb '- K_\ G`eb 9ifX[nXp s .0&/' <Xjk Jki\\k s ')* /')* //'+ s nnn%g`eb$YifX[nXp%Zfd

South CoastjZ\e\ 37 >>>8 ?8GGP E<N P<8I 8K K?< CFE;FE

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Northampton Milton Keynes Aylesbury Cheltenham Swindon

Oxford Reading Newbury

Bristol Mare






Guildford Farnham Crawley Southampton




H Eastbour

48 BrightonjZ\e\ O =XZkfiËj Ilk_ n`k_ I\m\e^\ dXeX^\i 8e[p IfY\ikj

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Swanseam\el\j :_Xdg\ij s )(' ?`^_ Jki\\k s '(.0) -,,-)) ?lj_ :X] 9Xi :clY s )** ?`^_ Jki\\k s '(.0) +.*'**

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The >>>@E K?< M8LCK

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Wincheste Sout


58 MidlandsjZ\e\ ;M/ :?I@JJP ;8IC@E>

7 February

DOUBLE TRANCER Trance heavyweights go head-to-head! IAN VAN DAHL (Castles in the Sky) vs LASGO with a brand new single and vocalist.

14 February

MADONNA LOVESONGS SHOW with MELISSA TOTTEN plus support from RUDENKO with ‘Everybody’ the new Ministry of Sound smash (Radio 1 Tune of the Week).

21 February

CLEOPATRA – THE REUNION TOUR With a host of 90s Top 5 hits, the massive girlband are back together. Hits include ‘Cleopatra’s Theme’ plus ‘I Want You Back’.

28 February

BOOTY LUV The girls are back to perform their brand new single (out March) plus all the hits - inc ‘Don’t Mess With My Man’ & ‘Boogie Tonight’.

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MidlandsjZ\e\ 59 >>>K?< 9@> J8KLI;8P G8IK@<J

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60 NewcastlejZ\e\ O =8:KFIËJ 8LJK@E 8K K?< GFN<I?FLJ<

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GJP:?@: Celebrity Readings ALEXANDRA BURKE Alexandra’s new career will go from strength to strength. I see a short break for Alex after her Christmas number one and then her coming back with force. But it’s not all going to be plain sailing - Alex will have some battles with a few established industry egos and artists, but she will rise above this. These troubles will test her good nature and willingness to help people, and she will transform as a person. I see that her X Factor duet with Beyonce could be repeated, with a new song… and she will also be celebrating a number one album and success across the pond. I feel her older sister will become very protective of her and keep her in check; especially as a story breaks that will hit them in a very personal way making them very wary of those close to them. I also see a medical problem with her throat causing her to take some time out. On the plus side, I see a designer or cosmetic company making an unbelievable offer to her, and her now close bond with Cheryl Cole will continue to blossom and the girls might even begin working together on new material.

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MATT SMITH (THE NEW DR WHO) The Marmite Dr Who: you will love him or loathe him! I feel this could be the most controversial Doctor yet. I don’t think he really understand the responsibility he is about to take on. He will have a much laid back approach to all of this, and he will be a firm favourite amongst younger fans. Matt will take this job to another level and I feel there will be mixed reviews, but in the end he will turn it around to something pretty special and memorable. There does seem to be a passion for music there and I feel there is also some kind of classical background to his talents… Close friends who knew him before he got the role will notice a lot of changes to his personality, and in turn he will really begin to realise who his friends really are. There does seem to be a very social side to Matt, making him perfect bate for headline news... I believe he will become a very cult character. I also wonder if this will be the first Doctor to ‘come out’ of the Tardis, if you know what I mean…

BRAD PITT I have a strong sense that Brad Pitt is really going to start to show his age this year. The work for them will continue to roll in but I feel Brad will start to become choosier and also take a shine to doing work behind the camera. New job opportunities come up in his reading, allowing us to see a different side to his talents… But a health scare will also arise in 2009 and I see people being very shocked. We will begin to see him start to mature and something is telling me the family is about to grow some more… I feel that there is still a problem with his ex, Jennifer Aniston. I believe he still thinks, ‘what if?’ He has changed in his new relationship, influenced in a big way by a new way of life that is turning him into a deep and reserved person; but there is a naughty little boy screaming to get out once again. I see that it does get difficult for him sometimes because he is always ruled by the female(s) in his life.

we have a winner! So who’s won a cruise? Congratulations to Dave Raval who is the lucky winner of 3SIXTY’s cruise competition! Dave entered 3SIXTY’s competition just after Christmas to win an amazing luxury transatlantic crossing from Manhattan! By far the biggest prize we’ve ever given away, Dave will fly to New York on British Airways to spend two days in the city that never sleeps, taking in the sights with a helicopter tour over Manhattan. On the second day, he’ll transfer to Brooklyn to board Queen Mary 2 bound for Southampton, spending five days taking in the fresh air of the Atlantic and the luxury of the magnificent ship. Worth a staggering £5,878! “I’m so excited!” said Mr Raval. “My partner Russell has never been to New York and we were hoping to go this year, but given the credit crunch we weren’t sure if we could afford it. Now, we’re going to do it in style. Thank you to everyone at 3SIXTY!” Thanks to everyone who entered and commiserations to all those who didn’t win this time. Keep your eyes peeled for more great competitions in your favourite gay magazine from the next issue onwards! LUCKY COMPETITION WINNERS DAVE RAVAL AND PARTNER RUSSELL BURGESS



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