3SIXTY May 2009

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Amazon ‘sorry’ for gay error THE ONLINE RETAILER GIANT Amazon. com has been forced to apologise after a series of bungles that meant all gay-related books were labelled as ‘adult’. Amazon previously charted all books due to sales figures until all gay books suddenly disappeared from the list. Challenged on the decision by authors and publishing houses, the company initially said that they had removed the gay books “in consideration of our entire customer base”. But after further outrage and investigation, Amazon appeared to backtrack, stating that the move had actually been an automated error. “This is an embarrassing and ham-fisted cataloguing error for a company that prides itself on offering complete selection,” said Patty Smith, director of corporate communications at Amazon. “Many books have now been fixed and we’re in the process of fixing the remainder as quickly as possible, and we intend to implement new measures to make this kind of accident less likely to occur in the future.” Ms Smith also admitted that the error had had a global impact, with all gay-related titles being removed from the product search facility for an

newsinbrief wales sees rise in crime convictions The number of people prosecuted for anti-gay hate crimes in Wales has tripled in the last three years. The figures, released by the Crown Prosecution Service, show that although there has not been a significant rise in reported homophobic incidents to the police, the number of cases take up by the CPS has risen. A CPS spokesperson said that the statistics should encourage victims of crime to come forward.

liverpool art legend dies

‘unacceptable’ amount of time. An array of authors including E.M. Forster, James Baldwin and John Barrowman saw their books disappear from sales rankings. www.amazon.co.uk

One of Liverpool’s most legendary artists has died. Yankel Feather (right) was one of the most exuberant gay characters of Liverpool’s 1960s art scene, and opened the infamous coffee club The Basement, where John Lennon was a regular. Feather was suffering from cancer. He was 88.

survey of gay lawyers launched

airline refuses to hire male cabin crew ‘in case they turn out to be gay’ AN AIRLINE THAT ALLEGEDLY refuses to interview male cabin crew for work in case they turn out to be gay is being taken to court. Alexandria Proud, a cabin crew manager at charter flight company Gama Aviation in Hampshire claims that she was told not to put forward men for any of the company’s job vacancies because they didn’t tolerate gays. “I was specifically informed that if there was a male flight attendant it would be thought that he was gay and the owner would not tolerate such an individual on the aircraft,” says Ms Proud. It is also claimed that the company would only

consider applications from female cabin crew who were young, single and no larger than a size 12, and that the owner, Alireza Ittehedeh, insisted on physically inspecting the candidates himself. An investigation continues.

anti-gay petrol bomb attacker arrested A TEENAGER WHO THREW a petrol bomb into a pub in Aldershot in an alleged anti-gay attack has been arrested. The 19-year-old, who hasn’t been named, lobbed the Molotov cocktail through the window at the Lord Campbell pub in Alexander Road, Aldershot in the early hours of April 1st. Neighbours reportedly heard homophobic remarks being shouted during the incident.

Anyone with information about the incident should call Aldershot CID on 0845 045 4545 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

New research into the barriers that wannabe lawyers face due to their sexuality is being launched. Only four law firms made it on to Stonewall’s Workplace Equality Index this year, making law the second least gay-friendly profession on the list. The study hopes to identify how to improve recruitment opportunities for gay lawyers.

thugs attack in london Police in London are appealing for information after a group of teenage thugs attacked two gay men. The Metropolitan Police is hunting a gang of five or six males who shouted abuse at the men, who were walking in Fulham, West London, on Sunday 5 April between 7.30pm and 8.15pm, before hitting them. If you have any information on the incident call DS Tony Reseigh at Fulham Police Station on 020 8246 2854 or you can anonymously call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

‘play zones’ launched at gay venues Sexual health charity the Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) is rolling out it’s ‘safe sex in gay venues’ message across the UK from this month. After a successful pilot in London and Brighton, THT is working to launch it’s ‘Play Zone: Code of Good Practice’ in venues in England and Wales. “The Code aims to raise awareness around sexual health and help to reduce the number of new STI and HIV infections,” said a spokesperson. “Saunas and other venues voluntarily participate in the Code giving a clear message that they recognise the importance of providing a safe, clean environment for customers and staff.” www.tht.org.uk/playzone

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3SIXTY launches online shop 3SIXTY MAGAZINE IS KICKING off the summer season with a series of new launches. This month, the magazine’s first ever online shop goes live, offering readers the chance to purchase their favourite underwear, accessories and clothing at discounted prices. Called Shop3SIXTY, the store stocks well-known brands such as Ginch Gonch and B*Boy underwear (designed by Kylie’s stylist, Will Baker) as well as a selection of other must-have items. The shop is online at www.shop3sixty.com and on pages 40/41 in this issue. 3SIXTY is also pleased to announce that it is supporting and sponsoring a number of pride events that take place in the UK this summer. In July, 3SIXTY is the exclusive gay magazine sponsor of Bourne Free, the annual pride event

in Bournemouth, which takes place from the 10th – 12 July. This month, 3SIXTY is a primary media sponsor of both Blackpool and Birmingham Pride festivals. Next month, 3SIXTY is co-hosting a street party celebration in Bristol, and supporting Oxford Pride. 3SIXTY is now also the media supporter of the London-based Orca gay water polo team, which hopes to travel to Cologne next year to compete in the Gay Games. “3SIXTY has been embraced by communities nationwide over the last 12 months,” said 3SIXTY publisher Tony V. “Through our sponsorship and ongoing support of community groups and events, we hope to give something back to the people that support the magazine.”

man found guilty of murdering his exboyfriend by setting him of fire A MAN WHO SET his ex-boyfriend on fire in a fit of rage has been found guilty of murder. Nadim Kurrimbukus, 25, of Hounslow, Middlesex, poured petrol over the head of Charlie Davies and set him alight outside his home

in Templedene Avenue, Staines two months after their relationship ended. Mr Davies, 23, was badly burned and died in hospital almost two weeks after the attack, which occurred last summer. Mr Kurrimbukus was also found guilty of one count of arson, which related to an incident in which Mr Davies’ mother’s car was damaged before the attack.

hollywood star attacks gay parents GAY MEN WHO HAVE children are ‘vain and egocentric’, according to Hollywood actor Rupert Everett. Everett (right), who is gay, launched his scathing attack on gay fathers last month in an interview with the Daily Beast website, calling gay surrogacy “absolutely horrendous”. “These endless IVF treatments people go through. I mean, if you are meant to have babies then great. But this whole idea of two gay guys filling a cocktail shaker with their sperm and impregnating some grim lesbian and then it gets cut out is just really weird,” he said. “If I did have the impulse to be a parent, I would adopt - or foster. But this whole thing of forcing

the idea of parenthood on us gay men is so bogus. Marriage? Babies? Please. I want to be illegal. I want to live outside the mainstream. It’s all Abercrombie & Fitch and strollers.” He also described gay activists as a bunch of “middleclass old queens”.

newsinbrief ‘second mothers’ could get leave The same-sex partners of lesbian mothers could be granted paternity leave for the first time if a new law is passed this month. MEPs will vote on whether the new legislation should be adopted by all 27 EU member states. If successful, lesbian partners of new mothers will be able to take two weeks’ compulsory paid leave. Paternity leave is currently voluntary in the UK. Voting on the matter, which starts at the beginning of May, is expected to be a lengthy process, with those opposed to the proposals given time to put their side across. The idea has already met opposition by some Christian Democrat and Conservative MPs. The law, if passed, will also introduce compulsory paternity leave for heterosexual fathers in the UK.

peter tatchell awarded blue plaque Human rights activist Peter Tatchell has been awarded the prestigious Blue Plaque. The plaques, which recognise outstanding achievement, are displayed on the homes of those they are awarded to. Residents living in the south London borough of Southwark voted on who should receive the award, which was announced by Southwark Council. “This is a big honour,” Mr Tatchell told reporters. “I am very grateful to the people who voted for me, especially since there were other notable, worthy and deserving nominees. I hope my receipt of this award will encourage others to campaign for human rights.”

policeman guilty of underage sex A policeman in his late 30s who had underage sex with a 15-year-old boy has been sentenced to twoand-a-half-years in prison. Thirty-eight-year-old Metropolitan police officer Mark Brigham, from Hackney, was found guilty of having sex with the boy at a party in Portsmouth last August. He had worked as a lesbian and gay liaison officer for the force. “He [Brigham] wants to apologise to the young boy and the Metropolitan police force, which he served in for nine years with distinction,” commented Brigham’s lawyer commented after the sentencing. “His behaviour came at the end of a long downward spiral in his life.” Brigham will be forced to sign the sex offenders’ register, and will remain on it for the rest of his life.

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Dictionary defines gay marriage An American dictionary maker has announced that it is redefining the word ‘marriage’ to include gays and lesbians. According to publishers MerriamWebster ‘marriage’ now means: “The state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognised by law,” but adds the term also applies to “the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage”.

The gay dad running for Senator Gay New York City senior official Jon Cooper has announced that is considering running for US senator in 2010. Cooper, who has five adopted children, would be the first out senator if successful. He is currently the majority leader of the Suffolk County legislature in New York.

Lesbian mayor elected The city of Zurich, Switzerland, has elected its first openly lesbian mayor. Social Democrat Corine Mauch won with a lead of 11,000 votes over her opponent. One of her first public speeches will be at the opening of the Europride 09 parade, which takes place in Zurich this June.

Trans shelters introduced The city of Austin, Texas is to provide dedicated shelters for homeless trans people. The number is trans people living on the streets has reportedly risen recently, although the exact number is unknown. The suggested amendments to make shelters more welcoming to trans people include adding curtains in the communal showers for privacy and changing intake forms to include a blank space instead of a requirement for a guest at the shelter to define themselves as ‘male’ or ‘female’.

Iraqi gays murdered Six gay men murdered in Iraq due to their sexuality were killed by their own families, according to police. The attacks allegedly occurred after a local Shiite cleric repeatedly condemned homosexuality, bringing shame on the relatives of the gay men. The police are investigating.

Swedish gays marry from May Gay couples in Sweden will be able to fully marry from the 1st of May. Six of the seven parties in Swedish parliament have backed a proposal to introduce a ‘gender-neutral’ marriage law, which replaces the civil-partnership legislation that already existed in the country. Couples with a ‘registered partnership’ can either retain this status or apply to have it amended. The only party to oppose the ruling was the Christian Democrats.

Vermont the way to go Vermont has become the latest state in America to legalise gay marriage. It is the fourth US state after Massachusetts, Connecticut and Iowa to allow gay couples to fully marry.

Vow of aid for bullied kids A mother whose son killed himself after being subjected to sustained antigay bullying has vowed to help other children. Sirdeaner L Walker, 44, says she will spend the rest of her life being a voice for kids who are too scared to speak out against bullies.

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Silence is golden Schools across the US fell silent on April 17 to mark the National Day of Silence to highlight the ongoing battle against LGBT bullying. The event, which began in 1996 at the University of Virginia, is observed by hundreds of thousands of students in over 8,000 schools.




Spanish man pregnant with twins A Spanish trans man has followed in the footsteps of American Thomas Beatie to become the latest ‘pregnant man’. Ruben Noe Coronado, 25, announced he had conceived after undergoing a course of fertility treatment, and is expecting twins. Coronoado plans to bring up the babies, due this summer, with his wife Esperanza Ruiz, who is 43. Thomas Beatie became the first trans man to give birth in July last year.

Aussies block gay websites The Australian government is planning to block a number of gay websites. The move, which intends to blacklist all sites the authorities deem ‘inappropriate’, was meant to prevent child porn rings from operating, but extends to many gay porn sites. The Australian Communications and Media Authority is defending the plans, insisting they are trying to improve ‘cyber safety’.

Hate church supports gay rights Gay activists in the United States have launched a novel way to get back at the notoriously homophobic Westboro Baptist Church. Every time members of the Church – famous for its ‘fags burn in hell’ slogans – protest against gay people, the Driving Equality group is asking people to donate money via the website www.phelps-a-thon.com to LGBT causes. The idea has already generated more than £8,000.

March makes pigeon steps A march for gay rights in Uganda last month has been labelled a ‘disaster’ after less than 20 people turned up to take part. Homosexuality is illegal in Uganda and the government is known for its anti-gay attitude. Activists estimate that the east African country, with a population of 31 million, has around 500,000 gays and lesbians citizens. It’s thought that people are currently too scared to openly march for gay rights.

Free to marry abroad Japanese homosexuals are now free to marry their foreign same-sex partners abroad. Officials in Japan have given the go ahead to a new scheme that allows local authorities to issue documents certifying a person’s right to marry abroad, which was previously only available to heterosexuals.

A bite of the Big Apple New York is launching a massive advertising campaign to lure gay and lesbian tourists to the city this summer. The new marketing drive, called The Rainbow Pilgrimage, aims to make The Big Apple the most popular destination for gay holidaymakers. Last year, an estimated 47 million people visited New York, accounting for £30 billion in spending. Gay and lesbian vistors made up around ten per cent of these figures.

Priests ‘tested’ for gay acts

With commissions, premieres and exclusives from:

The Catholic Church of Melbourne, Australia has confirmed it will test men who apply to the priesthood for ‘homosexual tendencies’. The Church says it is following advice from the Vatican, which hopes to root out any type of ‘deviation’. Gay Rights Lobby spokeswoman Hayley Conway is warning that the plan is “Dangerous. The Catholic Church seems to be moving backwards in a lot of ways. If the plan is to root out paedophilia, targeting people with homosexual tendencies isn’t the way to go about it.’’

Anish Kapoor | Hofesh Shechter Company Diamanda Gal s | les ballets C de la B | Teater Patrasket Jordi Savall | June Tabor | Willkommen Collective Flat Earth SocietyÕs The Oyster Princess Rimini ProtokollÕs daily news show | ShakepeareÕs Globe and much more

Blondes have more dumb A Miss USA candidate was booed on stage after blasting gay marriage. Current Miss California Carrie Prejean was asked her opinion by celebrity blogger Perez Hilton. Miss Prejean said that she thinks marriage should only be between a man and a woman, resulting in Perez branding her ‘a dumb bitch’.

Three weeks of serious fun 2 Ð 24 May 2009 01273 709709 www.brightonfestival.org

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STUDIES FOR A PORTRAIT BY DANIEL REITZ Internationally known artist Julian Barker is dying, and three money-hungry men are vying for his attention - and his multi-million dollar fortune. Moving, disturbing, and intriguing. Oval House Theatre, London, 19 May – 13 June. www.ovalhouse.com

THE IRON EYELASHES Pieter and Anna are a brother and sister separated the night the Berlin wall goes up. Pieter is a drag artiste who works in a club in the West of the city. The morning after the rise of the wall, Pieter must make a choice; return home to his family and face the restrictions of the East, or search for freedom in the West. Alone. The Iron Eyelashes examines the effect of an oppressive regime on the life of a gay man and how the rise of the wall forces him to choose between his family and freedom… 15 to 23 May Warehouse Theatre, Croydon 0208 680 4060 24 and 25 May, The Marlborough Little Theatre, Brighton, 01273 709 709

TOM TOM CREW Combining Australia’s freshest acrobats, champion beat-boxer Tom Thum, drumming sensation Ben Walsh and master record scratcher DJ Dizz1, Tom Tom Crew is an extraordinary mix of drumming, circus acrobatics and music. Need we say more?. Fri 19 June to Sun 19 July, E4 Udderbelly at Southbank Centre, London www.southbankcentre.co.uk/udderbelly


Now a major motion pictur e’ is what you expect th e advertising campaign to shout. Wel l, for the youn ger among you, Mamma Mia! – the AB BA musical - was on ce a stage sh ow – and still is. Appare ntly lion people ha more than 40 milve seen it w orldwide in the last te n years, too. Amazing! www.mamm a-mia.com This is a book now : Metro Radi o Arena Newcastle, 12 D 10 January 20 ecember 2009 to 10

BREAKING CONVENTION Fast becoming a globally renowned event, Sadler’s Wells’ international hip hop dance theatre festival, Breakin’ Convention, returns to host some of the world’s hottest poppers, lockers, bboys and b-girls across May Bank Holiday 2009. Think it won’t be your thing? Think again. Look them up on YouTube to find out why. 0844 412 4300 or www.sadlerswells.com

ALL NEW TOPPING & BUTCH All singing, all entertaining duo Topping & Butch are known for their current affairs ditties and red leather costumes, but are back… with a difference! Gone is the red leather, gone is the bondage gear, but staying is the sharp wit and camp attack, this time focusing on love, with that all-important feel good factor. May 6 The Parlure Spiegeltent, Old Steine www.theparlure.com

PLAGUE OVER ENGLAND Plague Over England, by Evening Standard Theatre Critic Nicholas de Jongh, centres around the scandal around Sir John Gielgud’s arrest for cottaging in 1953, and the dramatic changes in social attitudes to gay life in the last fifty years. Stars Celia Imre and a beautiful cast of men! Until Sat 2 May, The Duchess Theatre, London www. duchesstheatre.co.uk

DAVID MILLS’ THE NEW BLACK Caustic cabaret – we like. Mills’ signature meltdown cabaret mixes biting wit and acerbic insight into original songs and deliciously edgy reinventions. An acid-tongued and hysterical rant with the occasional apocalyptic vision and a gospel melody. Wed 6 – Sat 23 May, Oval House Theatre London. www.ovalhouse.com

JIM BAILEY IS JUDY GARLAND BUY MORE SH*T OR WE’RE ALL F**KED Who said anything about a credit crunch? Just in case you’ve forgotten that we’re all deep in recession, artists Modern Toss have a selection of screenprints to remind you. Many of them include marvellously bad language. Ink_d Gallery, Brighton, 1 - 30 May www. ink-d.co.uk

American entertainer Jim Bailey is respected as one of the world’s best female impersonators, with a repertoire of the biggest gay icons in history. One of his most enjoyed impersonations is Judy Garland, and, to mark the 40th anniversary of her death, Jim is bringing his show to London, singing all of Judy’s greatest hits, including Over the Rainbow and Get Happy. Judy would have been 87 years old on 10 June. Leicester Square Theatre, London Tues 9 to Sun 14 June www.leicestersquaretheatre.com

THE SATURDAYS There’s nothing like a charity single to cement a new girl group’s position in pop success, and building on this crescendo of popularity The Saturdays are heading out on their first ever UK tour. In nine months, The Saturdays - hot-on-the-heels of Girls Aloud - have had four top ten singles and a top ten album and their debut album Chasing Lights has now gone platinum. Touring nationwide throughout June, visit www.gigsandtours. com for full dates.

BEYONCE PUTS A RING ON IT We thought she’d still be catching her breath after the superdancing aerobics video for Single Ladies, but no - Beyonce is already in rehearsals for her UK PETER PAN IN KENSINGTON GARDENS, LONDON tour, which rolls into town in Peter Pan, last seen in Kensington Gardens! This summer, a new produc- June. And her popularity is as tion of the childrens’ classic is being staged in a purpose-built tent in the high as ever: due to phenomenal demand – a fourth London date has been added. Gardens, including a bar and picnic facilities. Bliss. 26 May - 30 August. Is there no stopping her? May 23 Birmingham NIA; May 25, 26 London O2; May www.visitlondon.com/peterpan 27 Manchester MEN Arena; May 29 Dublin O2; May 31 Belfast Odyssey; May 22 Newcastle Arena; June 6 Liverpool Echo Arena; June 7 Sheffield Arena; June 8, 9 ANTONY AND THE JOHNSONS London O2. www.aeglive.co.uk or 08444 775 775. Antony and the Johnsons long awaited new CD The Crying Light has cataOH COME ALL YE FAITHFUL pulted Antony into pop superstarIf you’re a Marianne Faithfull fan, then dom and gained him overwhelmyou’ll probably be creaming yourself ingly positive reviews. In May, at the news that the lady herself is he embarks on a headline tour to performing a on-off gig at the Royal show off his unique talent. Thu 21 Festival Hall in London this July. The May Brighton Dome; Fri 22 May concert is to support the release of Birmingham Symphony Hall; Sun her new album, Easy Come Easy 24 May Bristol Colston Hall; Wed 27 Go, which was released in March. May London Hammersmith Apollo; Mon 20 July, Southbank Centre’s Fri 29 May Gateshead The Sage; Royal Festival Hall, London. Mon 1 June Belfast Waterfront; Thu www.southbankcentre.co.uk 4 June Edinburgh Playhouse. www. antonyandthejohnsons.com

SANDRA BERNHARD Sandra Bernhard has been combining comedy and controversy for 25 years. Our favourite ever description of her was written by the New York Times, which called her ‘a living breathing bonfire’. This May, she’s celebrating her 20th anniversary of her breakthrough comedy show, Without You I’m Nothing, reworked especially for the West End. Tues 26 May - Fri 5 June, Leicester Square Theatre, London www.leicestersquaretheatre.com; Sat 6 June, The Sage, Gateshead, Box Office 0191 443 4661.

LIFE’S A GAS The hen party from hell is in full swing and Cherry, a territorial drag queen, finds herself sharing a dressing room with a young stripper. He’s late. He’s inexperienced. He’s cocky. And he’s not going to get an easy ride! Sundays at 7.30pm, 3 May – 14 June King’s Head Theatre, 115 Upper Street, London www.kingsheadtheatre. org.uk

sing out sister VARIOUS VOICES 1-4 MAY 2009

Over the early May Bank Holiday weekend more than 60 queer choirs from across Europe and North America will descend on London’s South Bank for Various Voices 2009 – ‘Europe’s largest celebration of LGB choirs and singers’ - four days of concerts, workshops and events, all of which are open to the public. Here’s our pick of the best of the 70+ events: Words: Steve Bustin Hellmans Drengar


SING FOR THE CURE One of the classical highlights of the Various Voices festival, this is the European premiere of a major piece for choir and orchestra about breast cancer. Celebrity narrators Jennie McAlpine (Fizz from Corrie) and BBC newsreader Jane Hill tell the stories, reflected in the music, of people who’s lives have been affected. The concert is raising funds for Breakthrough Breast Cancer charity. (Sat 2 May, 8pm, Royal Festival Hall) Amy Lame

All the choirs taking part in Various Voices perform in at least one concert at the Southbank, with 11 performances showcasing three choirs at each, highlighting just how varied choir music can be. Sweet & Power, from Bern in Switzerland, are a lesbian choir singing songs devoted to women, while The Deep C Divas from Leeds sing songs of the suffragette and protest movements. At the other end of the spectrum, Podium Paris sing pop from the Bee Gees to Madonna, and Schmaz from Zurich include a bit of yodelling in their show! Classical fans are well served by choirs including Canta:re from Berlin, singing songs of the Romantic period and Classical Lesbians, also from Berlin, singing early music. Die Fetten Koketten Soubretten

Our Lady J

BEST IN SHOW Bringing together a hint of X Factor, a touch of Pop Idol, a large dose of Eurovision and the wit of Amy Lamé and this promises to be the talent contest to end them all. Celebrity judges including jazz legend Lea DeLaria, DJ Lucio Buffone and TV star Chico will be praising and dissing the best acts that Various Voices has to offer! (Sunday 3 May, 8pm, Queen Elizabeth Hall)

WITH ONE VOICE Another big classical concert, this sees that perennial crowd pleaser Carmina Burana (think ‘Old Spice’ advert) performed by a mass choir, alongside a specially commissioned piece by gay composer Steve Martland. (Sun 3 May, 8pm, Royal Festival Hall)

CABARET Some of the best cabaret artistes around will be strutting their stuff for Various Voices. Our Lady J flies over from New York for her show Gospel for the Godless while fellow American Lea DeLaria performs her incredible jazz. Jonathan Hellyer (better known as The Dame Edna Experience) hosts and sings at a night of small ensembles called Small and Perfectly Formed while Sandi Toksvig hosts the Opening Ceremony and a concert of songs about London, Voices of Our City. For more details of all the events visit www.variousvoices.com Sweet & Power


Die Fetten Koketten Soubretten are five male and five drag singers with their own darkly humorous take on well known standards, while Hellmans Drengar from Sweden have a policy of having 25% of the male choir made up of straight men – can you spot them? Canta-re

THE BIG GAY SING A sparkly night of sing-a-long fun, The Big Gay Sing sees Lorraine Bowen and Timberlina leading a musical romp through the camp songbook. Expect Abba, Kylie, Beyonce and an awful lot of divas! (Saturday 2 May, 8pm, Queen Elizabeth Hall)

As Europe gears up for the 54th Eurovision Song Contest, Niall McMurray takes his pick of the litter and once again discovers that the UK is the runt… othing flicks two fingers to the recession like the Eurovision Song Contest. Even though the world economy could probably be saved just by not staging it, spending four hours watching squillions of quid being flushed down the toilet so that a vile piece of Eurotrash can have five minutes in the spotlight is absolutely worth it, don’t you think? Let’s take our annual look at the runners and riders…


United Kingdom: Jade Ewen My Time (19/1) Sigh. Just look at those odds. Yes, despite the involvement of Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber and Dame Diane Warren, plus a four-week talent search on BBC1, we’ve ended up with Jade ‘faintly-talentedbut-let’s-be-honest-she’s-not-Leona’ Ewen. The song, My Time, is a load of old bobbins that gets a little bit good in the middle but then pisses it all away in a stream of ballady blandness. Can we get Xenomania in next year please? Norway: Alexander Rybak Fairytale (2/1 favourite) This is the hot favourite with the bookies, and it’s not hard to see why – this is the recession buster - all fiddles (nice and cheap) and optimism. Fairytale is performed by a young man who looks suspiciously like something Gepetto carved out of off-cuts from Pinocchio, but by any standards it’s pretty fabulous. If Europe is feeling humble and rustic on the night this will be the winner. Greece: Sakis Rouvas This Is Our Night (9/1) Greece has had a bloody good run of late but they were robbed last year, frankly. They’re represented this time round by the unfeasibly good-looking Sakis Rouvas, whose Adonis-like beauty might well distract voters from the slight blandness of the song. Likely to be ruined on the night by the Greek male habit of wearing a white suit with a white v-neck t-shirt under it. Why, in Aphrodite’s name, why? Malta: Chiara What If We? (21/1) A lovely ballad from Chiara (whose name roughly translates as Michelle McManus), this has gained a surprising amount of support and could well be the dark horse of the night. Eurovision tends to be a sucker for vulnerable ladies, so well worth a flutter. (/ s *J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK;

The rather delectable Sakis Rouvas, Greece

Azerbaijan: AySel and Arash Always (13/1) Do you know, I have the strangest feeling that this, of all bloody things, could take the prize. Despite being one of those awful boy-girl duets filled with over-enthusiastic finger-pointing, it’s one of the favourites. I might be mistaken, but it appears it’s actually performed by the Pharaoh and his missus from out of The Mummy, so things could well turn nasty if this loses. Although a plague of locusts showering the crowd at the end would certainly make a change from glitter. Sweden: Malena Ernman La Voix (13/1) Sweden came a bit of a cropper last year with their unbelievably camp entry, so for 2009 it’s gone away and come up with a different approach – go even camper. La Voix starts off a bit Can’t Get You Out of My Head and then EXPLODES into a huge, huge operatic chorus, getting bigger and bigger until the poor woman is just plain screaming at the end. Come to think of it, it’s a bit like the music that I imagine plays as you ascend into heaven, and all sung by a blonde goddess who has a tendency to go a bit boss-eyed during the high notes. This, if you hadn’t guessed it, is 3SIXTY’s pick of the bunch – how it will go down in Moscow is anybody’s guess.

AySel and Arash, Azerbaijan

Of course, one vital ingredient is missing this year: Sir Terry Wogan, having endured years of Eastern European block-voting, has flounced off in a fit of petulance, only to watch agog as Euro-bosses reintroduced the jury system to stop such flagrantly unfair practices. The BBC - clearly thinking well inside the box - has replaced him with bloody Graham Norton – nul points for that particular decision. Otherwise, it’s business as usual: stock up on international cheeses, make some cute little flags and suspend all irony for the night – it’s Eurovision!

The Eurovision Song Contest is on BBC One on Sat 16 May at 8pm www.eurovision.tv

Flying the flag... Jade Ewen, UK Chiara Malta

Malena Ernman, Sweden

Alexander Rybak, Norway

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Oh yes, the UK’s summer pride season 2009 is upon us already. Has it already been a whole year since the last lot? Almost! But, if like us, you like summer and you like pride festivals, then it’s time to get excited (and start planning your jaw-droppingly stunning outfit). Hooray!


May 2009


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EuroPride 2009 : Zurich Pride • 2 May - 7 June | www.europride09.eu Blackpool Pride • 16 - 17 May | www.prideblackpool.com

June 2009

July 2009

Bear Pride, Manchester • 22-25 May | www.bearpride.co.uk Birmingham Pride • 23 - 24 May | www.birminghampride.com Pride Games 2009 • 31 May - 7 June | www.pridegames.org Oxford Pride • 6 June | www.oxfordpride.org.uk York Pride Fest • 8 - 14 June | www.yorkpridefest.com Outburst UK - Black LGBT Pride Festival, London • 27 June | www.outburstfestival.org Swansea Pride • 27 June | www.swanseapride.com London Pride • 4 July | www.pridelondon.org Bournemouth’s Pride Festival - Bourne Free • 10-12 July | www.bournefree.co.uk Sparkle 2009, Manchester • 10 - 13 July | www.sparkle.org.uk Torquay - Pride Torbay • 16-19 July | www.pridetorbay.org Thanet Pride • 18 July | www.thanetpride.co.uk

August 2009

Brighton Pride • 25 July - 3 August | www.brightonpride.org Nottingham Pride • 25 July | www.nottinghampride.co.uk Hull Pride • 25 July | www.hullpride.com Leeds Gay Pride • 2 August | www.leedspride.com Cornwall Pride • 8 August | www.cornwallpride.co.uk Gloucestershire Rainbow Day, Cheltenham • 8 August | www.gloucestershirepride.org.uk UK Black Pride, London • 15 August | www.ukblackpride.org.uk Swindon Pride • 15 August | www.swindonpride.co.uk Plymouth Pride • 15 August | www.plymouthprideevent.co.uk Doncaster Pride • 16 August | www.doncasterpride.co.uk

:_\Zb k_\ n\Yj`k\ ]fi dfi\ [\kX`cj fe Yfk_ \m\ekj%

Manchester Pride • 21 - 31 August | www.manchesterpride.com

Cardiff-Wales Mardi Gras • 29 - 30 August | www.cardiffmardigras.co.uk

Spetember 2009

Reading Pride • 5 September | www.readingpride.co.uk

October 2009 November 2009

Pre-hiBEARnation, Manchester • 6 - 9 November | www.manbears.co.uk

December 2009 Have we missed any UK pride festivals? Let us know! readers@3sixtymagazine.com

Roll up, Roll up, for the...



Launch Night

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great summer holiday,

british revisited This year, huge amounts of holidaymakers will stay in the UK for their summer break, according to tourism experts. So where does this leave the globe-trotting homosexual? 3SIXTY investigates.


ccording to a recent poll by Visit Britain, 1 in 5 Brits who holidayed overseas last year are thinking of spending their summer holidays this year in the UK. The pound is weak, air travel now costs the earth, (literally, as over-priced fuel surcharges that are meant to make us feel guilty about emitting so much CO2), and we’re cutting back on luxuries. Which for many goes further than cutting back on Starbucks – it means we’re holidaying at home, guys. ‘The number of enquiries into secondhand caravans, campervans and motorhomes has gone through the roof since the beginning of the year,’ says classifieds website, VivaStreet.co.uk. ‘With more and more credit-crunched Brits choosing, or being forced, to take their holidays at home this summer, caravanning is very much back in vogue.’ Caravanning? Yuk. The UK’s tourism industry is taking the findings of the Visit Britain survey mighty seriously, though. “The short term picture for UK tourism is looking very good,” says Professor John Fletcher, from Bournemouth University’s International Centre for Tourism & Hospitality Research (ICTHR). “There is a window of opportunity for the tourism industry to set out its stall, showing the quality of its products and services, so that as we move further into the 21st century, with the combined forces of higher energy costs and the pressures of climate change, the UK tourism industry can look forward to a strong, robust future.” Ready to give up Gran Canaria for a visit to your Gran in Skegness? No, didn’t think so. But forget caravanning, there are now other options available for gay holidaymakers within the sunny (ish) shores of the UK: this month, Britain’s ‘first gay resort’ opens up to paying guests. Key West, now open in Torquay in Devon, bills itself as ‘the UK’s first – and only – gay resort’. Gay owned and managed, it hopes to provide an attractive alternative to the Gran Canaria and Mykonos favourites. “Torquay has a micro-climate, so it’s always a few degrees higher than the rest of the country,” says Peter Gordon, one half of the team bringing a touch of foreign glamour to the British holiday. “When the sun is shining, it’s very warm, and the beauty here is that you can come for a weekend rather than a week, with no planes involved. The credit crunch is actually good for us. I’m one of the few people around who is welcoming the credit crunch and global warming!” Peter and his business partner Brendan Kennedy bought the Key West resort and

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Key West Resort, Torquay

The real Daddyhole

hotel, which had been run as a family destination, two years ago, and had immediate desire to turn it gay. “As soon as I saw it I could see what this place could become,” says Peter. “Torquay is a lot like Brighton was 25 years ago. There’s room to make something of the gay scene and surroundings here. I think cities like Brighton now become a little too impersonal; I like smaller places where things are a little slower, and this makes for a great holiday. “The pool is the key to this resort, as is the garden area. We’ve spent a year making the place special, and tailoring it to the gay market. For instance, we made sure the pool was near the terraces for the bar; if it was a straight hotel, they would want

“Torquay has a micro-climate, so it’s always a few degrees higher than the rest of the country”


How would you feel about holidaying in the UK this summer? Caroline Caoe, 32, Brighton Well you can smoke in bars abroad! And, you don’t have to fly to stay in the UK. And there is so much that’s beautiful in the UK, such as the Lake District – a little bit of heaven!

Alex Spinks, 18, Worthing

Peter Gordon, Brendan Kennedy and friend at Key West Resort, Torquay

to pool further away, because if people were in the pool they wouldn’t want to be watched over, whereas in a gay hotel, gay men enjoy the fact that they can be seen. The layout has to be totally different”. Coincidentally, less than a mile from Key West is an area of grassland called Daddyhole Plain, which has lent its name to the resorts newly built sauna. “The word ’Daddy’ is an old Devonian name for the Devil, and an old wives tale says that the Devil lives in a cave at the bottom of the cliffs beneath the plain, so, it’s called Daddyhole,” Peter explains. “We just thought it would be funny,” Laughing aside, there might be a more serious reason to stay within our dear shores this summer: the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office is busy using the gay press to spread a message of warning to all gay people thinking of travelling abroad this summer. “There are countries where the law and local attitudes mean LGBT travellers should think very carefully before they travel there,” says the FCO’s Steve Jewitt Fleet. “We tell all travellers they should fully research the destination before they go and make informed decisions based on this information. “In some countries, although being gay has been decriminalised, the local laws may not give you the same rights you have in the UK. For example in 2007/8 there were 8,700 Civil Partnerships in the UK - some resulted in honeymoons abroad and if the couples concerned booked a hotel in a country with no Goods or Services legislation, they may have found on arrival they couldn’t share a room never mind a bed. “On the FCO website www.fco.gov.uk/travel there is a section specifically for LGBT travellers and from there a link to the (International Lesbian Gay Association) ILGA website which goes into some detail on the specifics of the law around the world and is well worth looking at before planning a trip. “Also, think about what activities you’ll be engaging in. For instance, condoms may not be of the same quality as those sold in the UK or not readily available. If you go cruising or use chatrooms find out about the local situation – police in some countries carry out entrapment campaigns. Some hotels won’t accept same-sex bookings, contact them before you book and ask about their policy. Some gay destinations can be quite segregated when you’re outside the local area and expressions of affection may get you into trouble. Check any medication you are taking is permissible in the country you are going to. What counts as a ‘controlled substance’ will vary country to country.” Suddenly, Skegness seems more attractive after all. Or Torquay, at least.

There are a lot of places in the UK I haven’t been so that really wouldn’t be a problem for me. I’d like to go somewhere like Birmingham or Manchester purely to see the different sights, nightlife and shopping facilities. The only thing that Britain lacks compared to some counties abroad is cuisine!

Ben Wilkins, 21, Brighton The diversity of the nightlife is generally better in the UK. More choice of themed nights, many more targeted niches. However, clubs are generally open longer abroad and you can still smoke inside in lots of places. Manchester or Leeds are great in the UK.

Charlot Brisley, 22, Stratford on Avon I wouldn’t be totally against it, there are plenty of good places in the UK. I would like some sun though!

Carl Duncan, 22, Hartlepool Why go abroad when I have all that I need in Brighton? Sun, sea, sand (well, pebbles) and of course men!

Izzy Hersom, 20, Essex If I didn’t go abroad this year it would be disappointing to miss all those bronzed bodies in bikinis, and, of course, a cigarette with the perfect pint!

Dean Barden, 19, Holliton, Devon I have never been abroad so the idea of staying in the UK doesn’t phase me, in fact it helps our economy if I travel within the UK.

Sarah Aranden, 21 Croydon I think that there are many hidden gems in the UK. I believe that the UK is an underestimated holiday destination.

Ray, 22, London

Key West Resort, Meadfoot Sea Road, Torquay 01803 200063 / www.keywesttorquay.co.uk For more about holidaying in the UK, visit www.visitbritain.co.uk For advice on travelline abroad, visit www.fco.gov.uk/travel

I would definitely miss that the restaurants abroad, for instance in Cyprus, that give you complimentary brandy instead of water! And, of course, a nice smoke at the dinner table!

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7 ZVX]Ydlc ; Zhi^kVa 9 Zk^a»h 9n`Z 7 g^\]idc ' -·(& 6j\jhi ' %%. Pink and Green?

Despite the credit crunch the Environment Agency is maintaining its focus on diversity and inclusion. Our staff are our greatest asset and we are committed to supporting and developing the careers of all staff absolutely equally. We are continuing to support events such as the London LGBT job fair and our plans for Brighton Pride this year are well under way. Our LGBT network have a busy programme of events for 2009 and we intend to make the top 20 in the Stonewall Index this year.




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Looking further afield this years Pride festival in Birmingham is going from pink to green after winning support from the Environment Agency. Pride organisers hope to use the new partnership to reduce the environmental impact of the event and its carbon footprint. Festival director Lawrence Barton said: “This support is a first for Pride and we are delighted to work alongside the Environment Agency as a social partner. Our Midlands Regional Director , Mark Sitton-Kent, said: “Not only can we use Pride to make positive environmental change, but we can also use this exciting partnership to demonstrate our full commitment to LGBT equality.

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afestivalbythesea As both the Festival and Pride seasons kick off, Peter Burton previews some of the more interesting events at this year’s Brighton Festival. is curious that while Brighton promotes itself as some kind of gay capital, the seaside city doesn’t have any kind of gay cultural focus along the lines of Glasgow’s GlasGay, Liverpool’s Homotopia or Manchester’s Queer Up North. It seems that rather than Art with a capital A, gay Brighton is more enthusiastic about men in frocks and nightclubs, dancing, drinking and drugs. However, the city does host a festival every year that is now the second largest annual arts and culture festival in the UK and, invariably, that three-week event includes appearances and performances of more than passing interest to the culturally-inclined of the gay community. I suppose by any stretch of the imagination Diamanda Galas has to be described as a diva. She has an appropriately outlandish appearance – somewhere between silent screen vamp Louise Brooks when she was playing Lulu in Pandora’s Box and Anjelica Houston as Morticia in The Addams Family – and a growling voice that only the dedicated could love. An acquired taste, for my money Ms Galas sounds like a backstreet moggie in the final throws of sexual ecstasy. Of Anatolian and Greek parentage and resident in New York City for the last twenty years, Galas is a woman of forthright opinions and is perhaps most famous for her controversial Plague Mass. A requiem for the dead and dying from AIDS, she performed it at the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC and released it as a double CD in 1991. “People keep saying ‘Why a subject like AIDS? You should keep to more general things,’ “she told interviewer Kris Kirk in 1987. “And I think ‘Oh, you mean like lovers and drug addiction and all that old shit? I’m so bored with these little boys whose girlfriends have left them. So many of them use expressions like ‘Death and Destruction’ as some sort of trendy fashion statement, but as soon as you start discussing death with them, they say ‘Oh, I really can’t handle that right now. I really have to go…’


Diamanda Galas: ‘like a moggie in the final throws of sexual ecstasy’

Galas will be premiering her Songs of Exile at the Dome Concert Hall on May 2. It is likely to be an intense evening focusing on songs of love, torture and death. Much of Jean Cocteau’s erotica couldn’t be published in his lifetime

Mortality is also a theme of Cocteau on the Underworld, a Platform performance of a work in progress Jean Cocteau (1889-1963) was a mercurial and multi-talented Frenchman who produced novels, plays, poetry, paintings and drawings (a whole book has been devoted to his homoerotica, much of which later adorned a limited edition dinner service) and film maker. His film Le Testament d’Orphee drew on his obsession with the Greek legend of the poet Orpheus who travelled to the Underworld to bring back his deceased wife Eurydice and this serves as an inspiration for this new opera by University of Sussex-based composer Ed Hughes. Cocteau in the Underworld (libretto by Roger Morris) is built around a dream in which the auteur himself journeys to the Underworld in order to recover a dead lover and return him to the world of the living. Cocteau in the Underworld will be at the Royal Pavilion Theatre on May 4. Thirteen, based by Paul Hodson on a novel by Sebastian Beaumont, is another of Brighton Festival’s Platform performances of a work in progress. “Thirteen came about because Paul Hodson – who’d already written the successful monologues Fever Pitch and Meeting Joe Strummer – had read the novel and thought it would make a monologue.” Based on Beaumont’s own experiences as a Brighton taxi driver, Thirteen may develop into a full-scale production if the Brighton Festival deems it warrants further funding on the strength of this trial run. Beaumont, whose most recent novel, The Juggler, was published in February, is thrilled to have the book adapted to the stage and has no qualms about the way Hodson will turn the novel into a work for the stage. “I think I’m very open and liberal about the way he will interpret my work,” Beaumont admits. “I’m not a theatre person and I’m very much of the opinion that you should check out a potential adaptor and if you think they know what they’re doing, just leave them to it.” Thirteen will be performed hourly at a venue to be disclosed on purchase of tickets on May 10. *J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s ),

Audience participation (no cottaging required): The Erpingham Camp

During his all-toobrief career, Joe Orton (1933-1967) wrote three full-length plays (Entertaining Mr Sloane, Loot and posthumously staged What the Butler Saw), four one-act plays (The Ruffian on the Stair, The Good and the Faithful Servant, The Erpingham Camp and Funeral Games) and sold the film rights for two of the three full-length plays. Almost entirely self-educated, he admired a wide range of writers from Sophocles to Ronald Firbank and Evelyn Waugh. It comes as no surprise, then, to discover that The Erpingham Camp (originally written for television) should have derived from Euripides’ The Bacchae. Euripides, one of the most performed of the Greek dramatists ‘skill as a playwright is of the highest order,’ declares the 1993 edition of Chambers Biographical Dictionary, ‘he can construct plots which are exciting beyond anything attempted by his predecessors, and he has an unerring instinct for “situation”.’ During an interview in 1966, Orton told me that he felt that many of the then current crop of new dramatists became obsessed by dialogue. His fascination with Euripides’ skills as a writer became evident. He pointed out that an obsession with dialogue “works against the play” before going on to admit that though he enjoyed writing dialogue “it could go on and on without a plot and sub-plot and ultimately lead nowhere. A plot gives you something to fall back upon and gives rise to lines itself.” Orton’s one-act plays are infrequently revived and, thus, Hydrocracker’s promenade production of The Erpingham Camp is to be especially welcomed. Joe Orton

Jon Savage: In Conversation

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Transposing Euripides’ tragedy to a British holiday camp run by the eponymous central character with all the fervour of a leader of a leader of Empire, Orton wrote The Erpingham Camp as a satire of national pride and in the style of Shakespeare’s history plays as seen with the perspective of Bertold Brecht. Hydrocracker’s site-specific promenade performance appropriately takes places on Brighton Pier with the audience taking on the role of the holidaymakers in Erpingham’s camp. Directed by Ellie Jones, The Erpingham Camp will be performed from May 12. Jon Savage, author of the seminal England’s Dreaming: The Sex Pistols and Punk Rock (1991) will be In Conversation with iconoclastic bassist Jah Wobble (Public Image Ltd) to discuss Savage’s newlypublished The England’s Dreaming Tapes. “I was asked by the publisher of England’s Dreaming if I’d like to put together a book of the interviews that I’d undertaken tfor the original book,” Savage explained. “There was a lot of unused material which comprised a wider social history of the period that I didn’t have space for in England’s Dreaming. “The England Dreaming Tapes is substantially a different book. For example, one of the things I decided to do with it was not to chop up the interviews to fit them into an on-going narrative but rather to leave them as whole as I could so as to make more of a sense of the person speaking instead of using edited extracts from their interviews simply to illuminate the role they played in punk… “The Brighton Festival event came about in the form it is because it is built around a book which uses other people’s words and it seemed to me the ideal way to present it – an ‘In Conversation’ with one of the people who’s in the book …” Savage briefly alluded to Antony and The Johnsons, the Mercury Prize-winning band who are also appearing during the festival. “Antony belongs in that New York-Velvet Underground tradition,” he announced. “I saw London punk as a recreation ten years after the event of the Andy Warhol Factory. It was about people recreating themselves, taking lots of amphetamine. But there was something dark about The Factory and there was something dark about punk which reflected the states of those two countries at those particular times. “What happened with punk is that its influences have been as pervasive as those of any other twentieth century cultural movement.

“Antony is much more in the Warholian tradition. American punk was much more inclusive of diversity, of transgender, of transsexual and transvestite –think of Holly Woodlawn and Candy Darling, for instance. British punk was much more puritanical and, let’s face it, homophobic. But there was something interesting going on there, an interesting gender strop built around strong women like Souxsie Sioux and Chrissie Hynde and rather hopeless boys like Adam Ant and Pete Shelley…” Jon Savage will be In Conversation with Jah Wobble at the Thistle Hotel on May 15. For many younger festivalgoers, this year’s highlight will be the premiere of Antony and The Johnsons’ The Crying Light tour. The British-born but New Yorkbased Antony, winner of 2005’s Mercury Prize for Crying Light: the album I Am A Antony Bird Now, has had a cult following since the release of his debut album Antony and The Johnsons on the Dutro label in 1998. This small independent company, founded by publisher David Tibet, was an ideal launch pad for this most idiosyncratic of singers. An entrepreneur for the decadent (he has brought back into print the complete works of Eric, Count Stenbock whose total dissipation killed him off in 1895 at the age of thirty five), Tibet is thanked in the sleeve notes for that first album ‘for taking me under his wing’. Somewhere between singer and performance artists, Antony’s work combines haunting ballads with a rarefied use of androgyny. Admired by audiences, critics and peers, he has toured with Lou Reed and worked with such as Bjork, Boy George and Rufus Wainwright. Antony and The Johnsons will be at the Dome Concert Hall on May 21.




cuttingedgefringe The Brighton Festival Fringe (2-25 May 2009), offering 3 weeks of more than 570 events (“it’s 191,940 minutes of fun”, exclaims the website) in 240-ish venues in Brighton and Hove is the third largest Fringe in the world, after Edinburgh and Adelaide. It’s different from the Brighton Festival because it’s open to all, completely un-vetted for quality and genre; it’s a totally open access festival (the main

Festival is, of course, curated). At the time of going to print, the Sundown Show Bar, which was billed as the venue where most of the gay-friendly events were taking place, was cancelled. This means that most of the events that we had hand-picked for your pleasure were also homeless and therefore probably cancelled as well. So, our apologies for not being able to promote the array of gay

Seaside Scandals

Cheesy Cabaret! Sex, Style & Stinky Socks. Marly Wotever / Wotever World

Royal Pavilion Only the broad-minded will appreciate these ‘tabloid style’ revelations of bygone Brighton low life, presented in the best possible taste. This is local history in the raw. Adults only! 1, 7, 8, 15, 21, 22 May 7pm

Marlborough Little Theatre Grown Up Queerlesque and Music. Butch Rockabilly with Queer Music Hall, Modern Twists and a Cheese Board. With Mister Meredith, Claire Benjamin, David Somerset & Hank Bobbit. Open For All! 2 May 4pm

Women of Woodvale and Extra-Mural Cemetery with Rose Collis

The Madonna Nudes by Martin Schreiber (pic left)

Woodvale Cemetery A ‘Walkie Talkie’ about the notable women buried in Brighton’s ‘Victorian Valhalla’, including famous relatives of Virginia Woolf, Lewis Carroll and Vita Sackville-West. Sponsored by 3SIXTY 3 May 2pm, 24 May 2pm

Joe Orton’s Brighton with Rose Collis Brighton Station Front Entrance Join writer Rose Collis for an entertaining and informative ‘Walkie Talkie’ on places and people linked to the infamous gay playwright Joe Orton. Sponsored by 3SIXTY 10 May 2pm

Time Out: Historic Gay Pubs Tour Rose Collis Brighton Station Front Entrance Join the author of Brighton Boozers for a tour of some of the town’s most historic lesbian and gay pubs - past and present. Sponsored by 3SIXTY 17 May 2pm

Coming Out of Make Up Brighton Hove Actually Gay Men’s Chorus St Andrews Church (Hove) The Chorus in a very special concert featuring some of the best loved entertainers in the city as you have never seen them before. 23 May Start: 7:30pm

Bourgeois & Maurice Eurovision Upstairs at Three and Ten Copenhagen, 1966. Hours before the Contest, UK entrant Didi discovers that love isn’t as simple as her song suggests. Brian Mitchell and Joseph Nixon’s touching comedy about keeping dreams alive. 29 May Start: 7:30pm • 4, 5, 6, 23, 29, May 8:30pm

Komedia Pack up your troubles in your Prada bag and join the darlings of London’s neo-cabaret scene. Bitingly funny songs, stunning film footage and sensational costume changes. 10 May Start: 7:30pm

Lea DeLaria (pic right) Rainbow Chorus presents Choral Propaganda The Old Market Music is a tool for social change - Gay rights, women’s rights and workers’ rights. Suffragette anthems, contemporary folk, rabble-rousing socialist 1930s’ songs, gay Berlin cabaret - it’s all here! 21 May 7:45pm )/ s *J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK;

and gay-friendly performances as we had intended; keep up to date with developments via the website, www.brightonfestivalfringe.org.uk. 3SIXTY’s sister publication, one80Brighton, will feature an up-to-date listings in the next issue, out on Friday 1 May. What we do know, is that these events are going ahead (well, at the time of going to press, anyway):

The Old Market Up-tempo swing and the wittiest of repartee. US celebrity and gay icon Lea DeLaria performs haunting ballads with her jazz trio. 7 May 8pm


Impure Art Gallery Long before Madonna decided to let it all hang out –and penetrate in – in her dirty photographic book Sex, she posed wearing nothing but a smile for New York. Based Martin Schreiber. This was 1979, when Madonna was an unknown, prowling the streets of the Big Apple eager for work and studying at a local dance school. The fee? $30. Thirty years later the images – which show an innocent side to the soon-to-besuperstar - are being exhibited as part of the Fringe at Impure Art Gallery. May 1 – June 28

BOOKWORM New books, reviewed by Peter Burton

CRAWLING THOUGH THORNS by John Sam Jones (Parthian, £9.99) Af_e JXd Afe\jËj gi\m`flj Yffbj `eZcl[\ knf jc`d mfcld\j f] Y\Xlk`]lccp \o\Zlk\[ j_fik jkf$ i`\j =`j_Yfpj f] M\ieXqqX# N\cj_ 9fpj Kff Xe[ X Zfdg\cc`e^ efm\c XYflk XdY`^lflj i\cXk`fej_`gj N`k_ 8e^\cj Xe[ =li`\j % ?`j cXk$ \jk# :iXnc`e^ K_ifl^_ K_fiej# `j jfd\k_`e^ f] X [\gXikli\# Xe \m`[\ekcp XlkfY`f^iXg_`ZXc \g`Z ilee`e^ kf Xcdfjk ]`m\ _le[i\[ gX^\j Xe[ \eZfdgXjj`e^ e\Xicp ]`]kp p\Xij% :iXnc`e^ K_ifl^_ K_fiej kXb\j k_\ ]fid f] X c\e^k_p i\]c\Zk`fe fe _`j c`]\ Yp Af_e @[i`j Afe\j Xj _\ i\Zfm\ij ]ifd dXafi _\Xik gifYc\dj% K_\ Yffb iXe^\j fm\i _`j kiflYc\[ X[fc\jZ\eZ\ `e X jdXcc N\cj_ Zfddle`kp Xj _\ [`jZfm\ij _`j _fdfj\olXc`kp dX`ecp Yp nXp f] fg\e$X`i Zil`j`e^ Xe[ ZfkkX^`e^ Xe[ ni\jkc\j n`k_ Yfk_ _`j ]X`k_ Xe[ _`j j\olXc`kp% 9p k_\ k`d\ _\ ^\kj kf le`m\ij`kp# Af_e `j n\cc fe k_\ nXp kf X e\imflj Yi\Xb[fne Xe[ Xe le_Xggp i\cXk`fej_`g n`k_ X ]\ccfn jkl[\ek glj_\j _`d fm\i k_\ \[^\ Xe[ `ekf X ^i`d gjpZ_`Xki`Z le`k% JlYa\Zk\[ kf giXp\i Yp fe\ [fZkfi Xe[ Xm\ij`fe k_\iXgp Yp Xefk_\i# Af_e \m\e$ klXccp Xkk\dgkj jl`Z`[\% 8j _`j cfm`e^ gXi\ekj Xi\ leZfdgi\_\e[`e^# _\ jkXpj n`k_ X cfZXc gXjkfi Xe[ _`j n`]\ n_f _\cg _`d kf ^\k X ^i`g fe _`j c`]\ Xe[ Y\^`e k_\ jcfn gifZ\jj f] j\c]$XZZ\gkXeZ\% 8 _Xiifn`e^ i\X[ n_`Z_ jfd\k`d\j dfm\j Xk X kff c\`jli\cp gXZ\# :iXnc`e^ K_fl^_ K_fiej `j# e\m\i$k_\$c\jj# i\nXi[`e^ Xe[ X k`d\cp i\d`e[\i f] ZfdgXiX$ k`m\cp i\Z\ek [Xpj n_\e ]fi dXep Y\`e^ ^Xp nXj ]Xi ]ifd afccp%

LEAVING TANGIER by Tahar Ben Jelloun (Arcadia Books, £7.99) 8q\c `j X pfle^ DfifZZXe n`k_ Êk_\ Yf[p f] Xe Xk_c\k\ jZlcgk\[ `e Yifeq\# n`k_ X g`hlXek jflg$ Zfe f] ]\d`e`e`kp% Hl`k\ X jkl[ <[lZXk\[# Ylk ]Xd`c`Xi n`k_ k_\ le[\infic[ f] KXe^`\i# k_Xk Z`kp f] YXe[`kj Xe[ kiX`kfij# e\`k_\i YXe[`k efk kiX`kfi# f] Zflij\ ¿ j`dgcp X dfjk Y\Xlk`]lc fYa\Zk# Xe fYa\Zk kf k\dgk \m\ip \p\%Ë 9lk Xck_fl^_ _\ `j X ^iX[l$ Xk\# fggfikle`k`\j ]fi nfib fi X[mXeZ\d\ek Xi\ jc`^_k Xe[ c`b\ jf dXep f] DfifZZfËj pfle^ 8q\c cfe^j kf \jZXg\ kf <lifg\% ?`j Z_XeZ\ Zfd\j n_\e _\ `j kXb\e lg Yp D`^l\c# X n\Xck_p Xe[ _fdfj\olXc JgXe`Xi[# Xe Xik [\Xc\i n_f ]Xccj `e cfm\ n`k_ _`d% KiXejgfik\[ kf JgX`e# _\ ]`e[j _`dj\c] c`m`e^ X c`]\ lec`b\ Xepk_`e^ _\ _Xj gi\m`fljcp befne# p\k _\ `j _Xlek\[ Yp X j\ej\ f] [\jgX`i Xe[ nfik_c\jje\jj \e^\e[\i\[ Yp X i\cXk`fej_`g k_Xk _\ ]\\cj `j ]Xcj\ Xe[ Yp n_`Z_ _\ ]\\cj kiXgg\[% C\Xm`e^ KXe^`\i `j X jki`b`e^ efm\c XYflk [`j`cclj`fed\ek Xe[ [Xe^\iflj Z_f`Z\j% K_\ \ek`i\cp Xgk ZfeZclj`fe `j kilk_]lc Ylk j_fZb`e^%

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PAPERBOY: A MEMOIR by Christopher Fowler (Doubleday, £16.99) :_i`jkfg_\i =fnc\iËj d\df`i GXg\iYfp `j efk X Yffb XYflk _`j i\d\dYiXeZ\ f] X k\\eX^\ c`]\ jg\ek [\c`m\i`e^ e\njgXg\ij2 iXk_\i `k `j k_\ jkfip f] X Yfp fYj\jj\[ Yp nfi[j Xe[ k_\ Yffbj Xe[ Zfd`Zj k_Xk ZfekX`e\[ k_\d% ?`j fYj\jj`fe \m\eklXccp c\[ kf _`j Y\Zfd`e^ X jlZZ\jj]lc gfglcXi efm\c`jk% GXg\iYfp `j Z\eki\[ fe (0-' Xe[ `e X j\i`\j f] j_fik# g`k_p Xe[ ]i\hl\ekcp cXl^_$flk$cfl[ Z_Xgk\ij _\ [\kX`cj _`j gXi$ \ekjË [pj]leZk`feXc dXii`X^\ BXk_ nXj b\\e fe c`k\iXkli\# 9`cc nXj dX[ XYflk dfkfiY`b\j 2 _`j gXk\ieXc ^iXe[dfk_\iËj Ylccp`e^2 _`j fne \jj\ek`Xccp ]i`\e[c\jj X[fc\jZ\eZ\ Xe[ _`j cfm\ ]fi k_\ Z`e\dX Xe[ _`j ]XjZ`eXk`fe n`k_ n_Xk 9i`k`j_ dfm`\j _X[ kf jXp XYflk n_Xk _\ ZXd\ kf `ek\igi\k Xj X _pgfZi`k`ZXc jfZ`\kp% K_\ dX`e k\ok `j `e]fid\[ Yp nXjg`j_ ]ffkefk\j n_`Z_ j\\d kf _`ek f] k_`e^j kf Zfd\ Æ f] KfiZ_p k_\ 9Xkk\ip 9fp# Xe Xe`dXk\[ k\c\m`j`fe j\i`\j# _\ jXpj# ÊKfiZ_p c`m\[ fe Xefk_\i gcXe\k n`k_ X gff[c\ Xe[ X kXcb`e^ c\kk\iYfo ]fi ZfdgXe`fej% ?\ nXj `eZi\[`Ycp ^XpË Xe[ f] k_\ g_fkf^iXg_\ij n_`Z_ X[fie\[ k_\ Zfm\ij f] _`j dfk_\iËj be`kk`e^ gXk$ k\iej _\ jXpj ÊDfjk f] n_`Z_ _Xm\ efn Y\\e klie\[ `ekf X iXe^\ f] jdlkkp Y`ik_[Xp ZXi[j jl^^\jk`e^ k_Xk k_\ df[\cj n\i\ i\ek Yfpj fi fe [il^j%Ë =fi k_fj\ f] X Z\ikX`e X^\# GXg\iYfp n`cc gifmfb\ d\dfi`\j2 ]fi k_fj\ Xepn_\i\ le[\i ]fikp `k `j c`b\cp kf gifmfb\ Xdlj\[ `eZi\[lc`kp%

HUNTING WITH BARRACUDAS by Chris Snyder (Constable, £7.99) ?lek`e^ N`k_ 9XiiXZl[Xj `j X [\c`Z`fljcp nXjg`j_ d\df`i f] Xlk_fi Jep[\iËj nfib`e^ c`]\ n`k_ ?fccpnff[ X^\ek @i`j 9likfe j_\ jg\Z`Xc`j\[ `e Z_`c[ XZkfij n_`Z_ n`cc Y\ i\X[ Y\ZXlj\ f] `kj ZXe[`[ gfikiX`kj f] _\i dfjk ]Xdflj Zc`\ekj# dfjk efkXYcp k_\ Yifk_\ij I`m\i Xe[ AfXhl`e G_f\e`o% K_\ Xe^\c`ZXccp Y\Xlk`]lc I`m\i# i`[`e^ _`^_ X]k\i _`j jlZ$ Z\jj gcXp`e^ X ^Xp _ljkc\i `e Dp Fne Gi`mXk\ @[X_f# `j gfi$ kiXp\[ Xj Xe flk$f]$Zfekifc dfejk\i n_fj\ [\Xk_ ]ifd X [il^ fm\i[fj\ j\\d\[ jX[cp `e\m`kXYc\% AfXhl`e Xgg\Xij Xj X dXe Y\[\m`cc\[ Yp `ej\Zli`k`\j Xe[ k_\`i _`gg`\ dfk_\i j\\dj kf ]leZk`fe `e X dXee\i k_Xk `j \ek`i\cp Xe[ [X]]`cp j\c]`j_% Jep[\i _Xj ni`kk\e X k_fifl^_cp \ek\ikX`e`e^ jkl[p f] ?fccpnff[ gfn\i gfc`k`Zj Xe[ `e]`^_k`e^% K_\ eXiiXk`m\ `j [fd`eXk\[ Yp k_\ leZfd]fikXYc\ i\cXk`fej_`g Y\kn\\e X kilcp dfejkiflj nfdXe @i`j Xe[ X ^Xp dXe k_\ Xlk_fi k\ii`]`\[ kf Zfd\ flk f] k_\ Zcfj\k% LeljlXccp# ]fi k_`j b`e[ f] Yffb# legc\XjXek kilk_j XYflk Yfk_ k_\ c`m`e^ Xe[ k_\ [\X[ Xi\ jXk`j]p`e^cp jg\cc\[ flk%

MAURICE BOWRA: A LIFE by Leslie Mitchell (Oxford University Press, £25) C\jc`\ D`kZ_\ccËj Y`f^iXg_p f] Fo]fi[ XZX[\d`Z DXli`Z\ 9fniX (/0/$(0.( `j k_\ ]`ijk jlZ_ Xe[ f]]\ij X k_fifl^_cp \eafpXYc\ \oXd`eXk`fe f] X kpg\ f] g\ijfeXc`kp Xe[ X nXp f] c`]\ Xe[ `e]cl\eZ\ gifYXYcp ef cfe^\i \okXek% 9fie `e :_`eX Xe[ Xe `em\k\iXk\ kiXm\cc\i k_ifl^_flk _`j c`]\ n`k_ Xe \jg\Z`Xc `ek\i\jk `e >i\\Z\# >\idXep Æ k_fl^_k k_\ cXkk\i _\ \m\eklXccp gcXp\[ [fne Æ Xe[ 8d\i`ZX # 9fniX nXj X :cXjj`Z`jk n_f nifk\ \ok\ej`m\cp fe k_\ Zlckli\ Xe[ c`k\iXkli\ f] k_\ 8eZ`\ek >i\\Z\ n_`Z_ _X[ Y\\e jf `ejkild\ekXc `e ]fid`e^ _`j fne m`\nj Xe[ Y\c`\]j% D`kZ_\ccËj Z_Xgk\i J\o Xe[ J\olXc`kp `j gXik`ZlcXicp `ccld`eXk`e^ fe n_p k_\ gifYXYcp \ek`i\cp _fdfj\olXc Ylk gfjj`Ycp Y`j\olXc 9fniX nXj jf ]\Xi]lc f] c\kk`e^ _`j `eZc`eXk`fej Y\ befne% ?\ nXj ]i`^_k\e\[ f] Xgg\Xi`e^ mlce\i$ XYc\# ]i`^_k\e\[ f] i`[`Zlc\ Xe[ ]i`^_k\e\[ f] gifj\Zlk`fe k_\ j_X[fn f] k_\ N`c[\ jZXe[Xc f] (/0, cffd\[ cXi^\ fm\i k_\ c`m\j f] ^Xp d\e ]fi dfjk f] k_\ kn\ek`\k_ Z\eklip % 8 n`kkp p\k nXjg`j_ dXe# 9fniX d`jkXb\ecp Y\c`\m\[ _`dj\c] lecfmXYc\# p\k mXcl\[ _`j ]i`\e[j Xj _`^_cp Xj `] k_\p _X[ Y\\e cfm\ij Xe[# `e Zfej\hl\eZ\# [`]]`Zlck`\j jfd\k`d\j Xifj\% K_`j Y`f^iXg_p ni`kk\e Xj X j\i`\j f] k_\d\[ Z_Xgk\ij `j fZZXj`feXccp dXii\[ Yp i\g\k`k`fe Ylk `k `j Xcjf ]i\hl\ekcp \ec`m\e\[ Yp k_\ dfi[Xek n`k f] \`k_\i `kj jlYa\Zk fi `kj Xlk_fi%

TOM OF FINLAND XXL | Edited by Dian Hanson, is published by Taschen at £120 | The drawings of Tom of Finland are genuinely iconic. They inspired a distinctive ‘gay look’ (that of the clones on the 1970s) and spilled over into popular culture by way of such outlandish show business phenomenon as the kitschy Village People. Somewhat fascistic, Tom of Finland’s drawings focus on men in, or bursting out of, skin tight uniforms that highlight gravity-defying cocks and bubble butts who are frequently enjoying evidently non-consensual sex with other equally well-endowed men. Tom of Finland XXL is an appropriately large book (19x40.5 cms, running to 666 pages). Stylishly presented, the book also includes eight especially commissioned commentaries by the likes of controversial academic Camille Paglia, filmmaker John Waters, art critic Edward Lucie-Smith and novelist Armistead Maupin. Buy it for yourself and watch your friends drool with envy.

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d ies aroun m countr z, David o fr rs e e rm and perfo ula Martin , 00 artists as diverse as Urs inger Lea Delaria 1 n a th s re t o ts n to is m ia – rt s ll A g a ri n b l. is month h festiva o appeari utch and culture th l Queer Up Nort poke to b rice – who are als h s it Y w T r IX e a S e u r; 3 ing qu e annu e and Ma to appea ter is go ity for th Borgeois aring up rs e g ta Manches escend on the c s re t a re c a cab d lor Ma rging nu the world Chris Goode, Tay and eme tu t, S n o o lo McAlm Booga ance star glittery d re. o find out m

he Manchester-based arts festival Queer Up North, which opens for a two-week run of theatre, performance, cabaret, music, comedy, and debate on Tuesday 12 May, started life in 1992 with the aim of providing a platform for national and international gay-related performance and art. “Queer Up North celebrates and supports artists who create work on their own terms, in their own way,” says Jonathan Best, Artistic Director of this year’s festival. One of the unique aspects of Queer Up North is its celebration of alternative; the weird, the wonderful, the, well, queer, and it’s this that has gained the event the respect it deserves. And it’s growing. “This year sees more new work than ever before,” assures Best, “with a truly exciting group of artists from the UK and abroad making new shows with us or premiering their latest work”. Brighton-based Boogaloo Stu is best known in Brighton and London as club promoter and disco-glam scene personality. As the man behind Brighton club night Dynamite Boogaloo, he helped hundreds of alt.students through their uni years via a mix of Blondie-fuelled playlists and adult-themed party games that involved partial nudity, audience participation and, essentially, lots of sexual innuendo. Now a fully-fledged dancer, he’s on a mission to bring Ballroom and Cha Cha to a queer audience more used to pop and Hi-NRG soundtracks. “To me, Queer Up North has always been edgy and interesting; the programming that they achieve is alternative but accessible,” he says. “It’s much more inclusive with lots of comedy and art; London can be up its own backside sometimes, and Queer Up North is just what it is. And, of course, there are no bubblegum pop acts or drag queens hosting.” Stu began dancing in 2001, after being persuaded to learn so he could partner up with his friend and longterm collaborator, Miss High Leg Kick. “Miss High Leg Kick competed at places like Blackpool every year, and she was bored of being paired with the same men. I relented and eventually had one lesson and loved it, and realised I possibly had a natural talent for it. What emerged was a love for dance that has grown


Boogaloo Stu and Miss High Leg Kick © Russell Bell

into a passion for teaching dance moves; Stu and Miss High Leg Kick now offer a School of Dance workshop. “We teach people how to Samba, how to Cha Cha, how to Jive…” Stu giggles. “It all starts with a show – and me wearing lycra, obviously – and then we get interactive. We teach a lot of complicated steps immediately. We have a teacher with us who has an incredible way of teaching people very quickly. At the end of the lesson some people are doing quite complex Samba steps… it’s way beyond what you would expect from a traditional school. “People don’t generally fall over either! It’s all held in a nightclub setting, with low light, so if people do fall they’re not seen too much, and we don’t point and laugh at them. Too much, anyway.” Perhaps unexpectedly, the School of Dance is a big hit with gay men (a recent three week stint at London’s Barbican sold out completely), presumably due, in part, to the fact that gay men are predisposed to enjoying Latin rhythms, and partly due to the fact that many dance styles are same-sex couple friendly. “With the Samba or the Jive, for example, you don’t have the same steps as ballroom, and neither person leads, so it can work,” says Stu. “But it’s the couple that decides who does what – if you want to do the lady steps

then that’s fine! But gay men are great at relaxing into it and swivelling their hips; they’re much better at hip swivelling than straight men!” Boogaloo Stu and Miss High Leg Kick bring their School of Dance to the Spiegeltent on the Monday Bank Holiday 25 May (www.boogaloostu.com).

Skipping out of their sell-out run at London’s Soho Theatre and also heading north to show off their twisted take on cabaret performance is the deliciously dark and musical duo Bourgeois and Maurice. Comprising the luscious Liv (Maurice) and the make-up-clad, fake eyelash-wearing George (Bourgeois), the twosome morphed from real life to their chosen comedy/cabaret characters over the year when they lived together whilst at university. “We used to piss around, because we were bored, inventing characters and having entire conversations with each other as made-up people,” laughs Maurice. “I used to play the piano publicly when I was a kid, so we wrote songs together, in character.” What results in a darkly comic duo already causing a stir on London’s cabaret scene. “When we started, we didn’t have an agenda,” admits Maurice. “We weren’t aware of what was out there in terms of alternative cabaret, so I guess we didn’t know what we were letting ourselves in for. We also didn’t realise we had such a dark sense of humour!” One of B&M’s most well-received songs, which focuses on stalking, is Addicted: ‘I spy on you on the internet/And I watch you in your flat/I follow you when you go to work/But I hide ten meters back’ “I enjoy twisted lyrics,” laughs Bourgeois. “When I listen to pop lyrics on albums out at the moment, such as Lily Allen’s new album, I think ‘how boring’. We want to push things a lot further than that. Most of our songs would probably never be allowed on the radio though!” The gay scene, always first to embrace new cabaret talent, has warmed to B&M almost immediately. But do they see themselves as a ‘gay act’? “We didn’t intend it that way, but I guess there’s not much experimental stuff on the so-called ‘straight scene’,” says Maurice. “Of course, the gay scene is much wider now and more inclusive, but gay nights tend to be more open to performance art.” “Not all of them though,” continues Bourgeois. “We appeal to a queer audience rather than the more main-

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Bourgeois & Maurice © The Two

stream gay guys I think. Perhaps a polysexual crowd is where we want to be. Our dark humour seems to appeal to a gay audience, who I believe want something fresh, something more honest and real. I’ve always hated the crap cabaret side of gay culture and performance – silly drag queens. But there is, thank god, a good underground circuit in London.” Catch Bourgeois and Maurice at The Queer Up North Spiegeltent – La Gayola on Sunday 24 May (www.bourgeoisandmaurice.co.uk). After nearly three decades as an entertainer, Lea DeLaria is a chart-topping, award-winning, Broadway show-stopping, Carnegie Hall diva — but still, in many ways, the self-styled ‘fuckin’ dyke’. And we wouldn’t have it any other way. With a new album out — The Live Smoke Sessions — and a busy year of live dates lined up here and in the US, DeLaria is in ebullient mood right now. There are other reasons, of course: as she said at a recent gig in Brighton, “I’ve been happy since November 4th — I wonder why?” So has ‘TFD’ turned into a great big softy? Not on your nelly queen — but she is extremely sensitive to all tastes: during her sets, she’ll quite generously offer to explain to straight members of the audience anything terms they don’t understand — like ‘fisting’. But, recently, she has noticed that the risk of becoming the vocal point of her some of her gags doesn’t intimidate people in quite the

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same way as it used to: “People go to the toilet when I’m talking between songs now. No-one’s afraid of me when I talk any more!” Except, perhaps, Hollywood’s powers-that-be, for most of whom she’s probably still ‘the fuckin’ dyke’. Right from her ground-breaking appearance in 1993 as the first out gay comic on a US talk show (Arsenio Hall), her loose-tongued, no-holds-barred approach to comedy has always said ‘to hell’ with comfort zones and taboo subjects — and shamed the more conservative ele-

“A polysexual crowd is where we want to be. Our dark humour appeals to a gay audience who want something fresh and real” Bourgeois and Maurice

ments who stayed in their closets while she cleared the way for them. So don’t expect her to get her own eponymous TV show, a la Rosie O’Donnell or Ellen DeGeneres, any time soon. In fact, DeLaria would be more than happy with the type of part she calls ‘the third banana’: the kind of scene-stealing non-lead character role akin to the parts

she’s played in Friends and Will & Grace — only bigger and better. It’s just possible that, for some audiences, the rapier quality of her still-sharp tongue has been slightly blunted by growing admiration for her latter career as an interpretive jazz singer of impressive quality and range, showcased in her new album which features highlights of the 40s and 50s American songbook. DeLaria and longtime partner and musical director Janette Mason spent some six months prior to recording, choosing and arranging the songs, which she described as a mixture of ‘all-time favourites, and others that we had an affinity with, and a feeling for, and which we thought we could do something different with.’ They include several Cole Porter classics, including a scatty Love Me Or Leave Me and a Miss Otis Regrets that will leave you regretting rien. These days, DeLaria is more of a bebop gal than a swinger (catch her scatting her way through What’s New Pussycat, for instance): “It’s a more intricate style of jazz; I’m really into the language of the music”. Though her early musical love was Ella Fitzgerald, whose work she still reveres, her maturing taste swung her towards Betty Carter — “I loved the musicianship of Betty Carter’s singing. Ella was a swinger; Betty was a be-bopper.” So, apart from the singing and swinging and getttin’ merry like Christmas, what can her audience at this month’s Queer Up North gig expect? “It’s going to be a totally different show. I’m going to be talking, which I really don’t do that much any more. But it’ll allow me to

The man with the incredible voice, David McAlmont performs at The Queer Up North Spiegeltent – La Gayola (May 24) Photo © Robert Taylor

It’s no surprise, given the temperament of American comic and singer Lea DeLaria, that her website is called ‘Delariadammit’. But these days you’re just as likely to find her jamming as damning. Lea interview by Rose Collis. Photo © The Studio St Louis MO USA

open up and start screaming at queer people again, ‘cos we’ve got enough to scream about.” And, as if her point needed any proof, the week DeLaria spoke to 3SIXTY came the news that the majority of NHS therapists are still offering lesbians and gay men ‘cures’ for our sexuality. Let the screaming commence, then. As DeLaria observes, “Queer people don’t know where we are at the moment; a lot of that has to do with how uncertain the world is — we’re a microcosm of society. And the politics of our community has been overtaken by mainstream middle-class concepts. While a lot of them are interesting — like gay marriage — they don’t appeal to the average radical queer. And I’m from the radical queer world. There still some basic concepts about what happens to gay people in society that we have been working on for years, which still haven’t been fixed. I’m not complacent; I’m still very angry about where we are. But I’m trying to effuse some of the maturity that I’ve gained over the last 25 years. We cannot change people’s hearts and minds — but we can demand people’s respect. “Even in the American election, we had two people running for office who could not have been farther apart — except on one issue… and that would be us! That’s really basic — and that’s something we seem to have lost sight of. As I get older, I find I’m a bit more tolerant, and less tolerant, all at the same time. I don’t want to find myself in that place where we were as feminists, where our intolerance — of each other and of others

— killed the movement. There’s a way to have your rage, and eat it, too.” There’s still plenty to chow down on: DeLaria still hates the ex-president ‘Dubya’ with a vengeance — “I’m Sicilian, I’m gonna hate that guy forever — that’s just the way it is” And, despite the winds of change that have blown Barack Obama into the White House, she remains deeply sceptical about who our political friends might be: “At least, with the Republicans, I know how they feel, I know what they’re gonna do; with the damned Democrats, I never know what they’re gonna do!” Catch Lea DeLaria at The Queer Up North Spiegeltent – La Gayola, on Saturday 23 May. The Live Smoke Sessions is released by Warner Classics and Jazz. For full tour dates, see www.delariadammit.com.

Queer Up North runs from Tuesday 12 May to Monday 25 May at venues across Manchester www.queerupnorth.com

Ursula Martinez, star of La Clique and a founder member of Duckie, premieres her first new theatre production for 6 years; My Stories, Your Emails – an uncategorisable melange of stand-up comedy, film, storytelling, live-art, and probably some other stuff too. (May 13-16, Library Theatre) Photo © Ori Latter and Shekhar Bhatia

Chris Goode, ‘the UK’s most consistently exciting theatrical pioneers’, premieres The Adventures of Wound Man and Shirley, a queer, superhero, bedtime tale for grown-ups (Festival performances, May 19-23)

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LIVING IN FEAR The gay people beaten by their own just for being who they are

In 86 countries in this world, homosexuality is illegal. As we approach this year’s International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO) on 17 May, Rahil, a gay man from Algeria, tells a distressing story of violence and persecution in his home country, and how he has found safety at last in the UK. is the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (nothing to do with the American State, or the film My Own Private Idaho). It was founded only a few years ago, in 2005, by Louis Georges Tin, a professor and activist who lives in France, to fight for the rights of LGBT people worldwide, and especially in countries that still criminalise homosexual behaviour. Although still in its infancy, IDAHO is growing year on year, attracting more attention from politicians and public supporters. IDAHO is recognised internationally on May 17 each year; this date was chosen because it is the date in 1990 when the World Health Organisation removed homosexuality from its list of mental diseases. “IDAHO is needed because 86 member states of the United Nations still criminalise consensual same sex among adults. Among these, 7 have legal provisions with the death penalty as punishment. In addition, there are 6 provinces or territorial units which also punish homosexuality with imprisonment,” states the UK IDAHO website. The UK Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group, formerly the Stonewall Immigration Group, is a charity that provides information, advice and support for lesbian & gay asylum seekers who suffer persecution in their home countries due to their sexuality. Sebastian Rocca, Executive Director of UK, recalls the case of Rahil (not his real name), a gay man from Algeria, who now lives in the UK. ‘Rahil remembers that around the age of 6 he chose a female name for himself and imitated girls’ behaviour. From that time on his family shunned and ostracised him, excluding him from family activities and locking him in the cellar when guests visited the house. Rahil experienced terrible mental, verbal and physical abuse from all members of his family, enduring regular beatings in an attempt to ‘drive the girl out of him.’ ‘Rahil was so afraid of his father he would urinate in his presence. Rahil believes that it is because he has always been very feminine in his mannerisms - the way he walks, talks and acts, that his father was so angry and ashamed of him. Once, when Rahil was found wearing his mother’s bracelet, his father broke his arm. On another occasion his father tied him to a chair, stripped him naked and beat him all over with a thick belt. His father burnt both his legs with a blowtorch and told him if he continued to act as a girl he would burn his whole body. ‘In a continuation of the violence in his home, Rahil was also persecuted at school. Every day his peers taunted him with derogatory abuse and physically bullied him for his feminine appearance. Rahil says that he stood out as different from other boys and it was this difference that


made people react so violently towards him. At the age of 10 Rahil was raped by a group of teenagers, who told him if he acted like a girl he would be treated like a girl. This was the first of many rapes and gang rapes. Rahil was unable to tell anyone of his ordeals knowing that they would be seen as his fault and would bring further shame on his family. ‘When he was 14, Rahil ran away from home, moving around several areas of Algeria. He was destitute and scared with no one to turn to. He says older men would This is not Rahil, his identity has been protected

“At the age of 10 Rahil was raped by a group of teenagers,who told him if he acted like a girl he would be treated like a girl. ”

approach him for sex and at times he felt completely violated. On one occasion he was walking with a man when they were captured by a group of men in a car. They were taken to a secluded place, tortured and told they would be shot in the head. Rahil was so afraid that he reported this incident to the police who spat in his face, told him he should kill himself because he ‘gave himself to men’, that he was a shame that dirtied society and said if he came back to that area he would be arrested and imprisoned. ‘Rahil sought sanctuary and solace in the mosque but the Iman told him he was corrupt and should be thrown

from the tower. The Iman sent for his father and Rahil was returned to his family home where he was repeatedly abused and held captive for days on end. When he was allowed to leave, his father made him strip and checked his anus and other parts of his body for signs of sexual activity on his return. When Rahil was 17 his father put a gun to his head and told him if he did not join the army he would shoot him, believing that the army would make him a man. ‘Rahil was expelled from the army after four days because ‘homosexuals are incapable of becoming soldiers’. He was held for four months in a psychiatric hospital where his ‘perverse illness’ was treated – including repeatedly telling him that his problems were a punishment from God. Rahil was made to grow a beard, to act and behave as a man and sent to study Islamic sciences. ‘From then on he led a double life, teaching Islamic duty during the day and having secret relationships with men in the evening. He lived in constant fear that he would be discovered and found it nearly impossible to conceal his nature - although he tried to emulate a more masculine character, he was aware that people were suspicious of him. ‘Even though he was trying to appear more manly, his students, his parents and members of the community, continued to abuse and persecute him because of his innate feminine characteristics. He says he hated himself both for this pretence and for being gay. He did not choose to be gay but he could not stop being attracted or wanting the company of other men. ‘In 2000, Rahil was targeted by an Islamic terrorist group and received a fatwa sentencing him to death. He was terrified because the same group had targeted a number of men in the area believed to be gay, one of whom they had decapitated, hanging his head from one tree and his body from another. In the same year Rahil was travelling in a taxi with his deaf sister when they were abducted by the driver and another man and taken to a secluded house where his sister was raped. Rahil’s family told him he was responsible - that his sister was raped because he brought dishonour and shame on the family by being gay. His mother told him he would be hunted down by the whole family and community and would be killed to restore family honour. It was this that finally made Rahil flee Algeria. ‘Rahil came to the very first UKLGIG asylum seekers meeting in November 2005 and was granted asylum in July 2008.’ Events are being held across the UK to observe IDAHO. To find out about your nearest event, visit the UK IDAHO website at www.idaho.org.uk. For more about asylum in the UK, visit www.uklgig.org.uk.

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europride This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in New York, and also, an extra-special Europride hosted by that most welcoming of cities, ZĂźrich.

t’s fair to say that Switzerland isn’t known for its all-night boozers and animalistic party instinct, so you may be surprised to discover that ZĂźrich, in 2009, has more clubs per head than any other European city. Moreover, the city is consistently voted as the city offering the best quality of life in the world; quite an achievement for the ‘little big city’ on the lake. ZĂźrich is to Switzerland what Sydney is to Australia; not the capital (Bern takes that Swiss crown) but the city that draws the tourists and is considered the centre of everything. It’s pretty pretty, too, constructed around the meandering Lake ZĂźrich and sporting a mixture of Italian, German and French architecture, both traditional and modern. It’s also an economic hub; home to a

huge amount of banks and bankers, Zßrich is the regarded wealthiest city in Europe and the monetary centre of one of the richest countries in the world. So if you’re in need of a sugar daddy‌ Zßrich is proud of its history, proud of its culture and proud to be hosting Europride. Its people are liberal and welcoming; it’s atmosphere fun and relaxed. Europride holds more poignancy and celebration this year because it’s 40 years since the Stonewall riots in New York City - often recognised as the birth of the gay rights movement. Europride was inaugurated in London in 1992 and has been hosted in a different city each year since (bar blips in 1995 and 1999 due to financial problems). It grows each year; what began as 100,000 revellers in 1992 is now a million-person-plus event. The UK has hosted it twice – in addition to the London launch, Manchester played

home city in 2003 (and London will host the new WorldPride event in 2012).

So what’s on? Well, like many pride events, the festival now lasts a full month, and has evolved into a dynamic combination of music, sport, culture and nightlife events. The Opening Ceremony is on Saturday 2 May, followed by a huge party that promises to continue through the night. Hosts of the stage programme are local well-known personalities. During the opening weeks, there are sports competitions, film events, cabaret parties, theatre events, concerts and art festivals, but the main weekend takes place on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 June. On the Saturday, a huge parade of floats and dancing boys and girls will wind through the streets



of ZĂźrich’s city centre. This year, it coincides with ZĂźrich’s Christopher Street Day, kicking off at 2pm. Organisers are planning a huge event - ‘the music will be pumping, the visuals spectacular, and the atmosphere electric’. Tens of thousands of people are expected to line the streets. Quite what the relatively small gay community of ZĂźrich will make of it remains to be seen.

So where do we go out? BarfĂźsser is billed as ‘the longest consistently running gay bar in Europe’, opening its doors for the first time in 1956. It’s recently been redesigned as a 70s lounge, offering sushi, a wide variety of drinks, and cute-as-abutton waiters. Nearby is Cranberry, known for its huge cocktail menu – the best in town? – and it’s modern interior. This is a bar that wouldn’t be out of place in Manhattan. Club T&M is ZĂźrich’s oldest gay disco and has featured drag talent from around the world and holds regular theme nights. But it’s not all about disco house; if you like your music grungy, Mannerzone plays chilled out garage and grunge, and the Pigalle Bar spins pop music and, er, German folk. Enjoy!

WHERE TO STAY LUXURY: PARK HYATT ZĂœRICH 142-room hotel opened in 2004. Big rooms, ‘jungle’ themed interiors, a fitness centre, two restaurants. The first five star hotel to be built in Zurich for 30 years. zurich.park.hyatt.com COOL: HOTEL ENIGMATT Nestling in a residential area, Enigmatt is a fabulous mixture of contemporary and cute, boasting a leafy traditional garden and orangery, and modern rooms. www.enigmatt.ch AFFORDABLE CHIC Boutique hotel warmth and modern chic make this the affordable luxury option. www.plattenhof.ch

SWITZERLAND TOURISM For more information on Switzerland visit www.MySwitzerland.com or call our Switzerland Travel Centre on the International freephone 00800 100 200 30 or e-mail, for information info.uk@ myswitzerland.com; for packages, trains and air tickets sales@stc.co.uk. SWISS INTERNATIONAL AIR LINES SWISS operates daily flights from London Heathrow, London City, Birmingham and Manchester to Zßrich, Geneva and Basel. Fares start from £69 return, including all airport taxes and charges. For reservations call 0845 601 0956 or visit www.swiss.com. EUROPRIDE 2009 EuroPride runs from Saturday 2 May – Sunday 7 June The Parade Weekend is 5 - 7 June For details, visit www.europride09.eu



WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? When a young man is taken from his bed and killed, a family mourns. When eyewitness accounts suggest the murder is an anti-gay hate crime, a city is shocked. But when a court rules that there was no homophobic intent, a community is outraged, finds Alice Reeves. n July 2008, the gay community of Liverpool was shaken to the core when Michael Causer, an 18-year-old gay hairdresser from Merseyside was viciously beaten to death. Evidence presented to the court suggested that Michael, drunk and asleep, was dragged from bed, verbally abused and attacked because of his sexuality. Despite eye-witness accounts published in media reports of the trial, Michael’s murder did not go down as an anti-gay hate crime, outraging the community and leaving many gay people fearing that progress made towards tackling homophobic crime in their city would be set back decades. The Liverpool community, led by Michael’s friends and family, made their disappointment clear throughout the trial, holding demonstrations outside Liverpool Crown Court in February, when 19-year-old Gavin Alker was acquitted of Michael’s murder after successfully claiming he acted in self-defence. Then in March, James O’Connor, also just 19, was sentenced to life imprisonment, with the judge accepting that he also did not act with homophobic intent. “We’re totally dismayed,” says the Chair of Liverpool’s LGBT network, Tommy McIlravey. “The most recent verdict is yet another blow to the LGBT community’s trust in the justice system. There was already shock after the not guilty verdict on Gavin Alker, and there’s now a sense that no matter what the police do, the judicial system don’t seem to back them up.” Liverpool is no stranger to anti-gay hate crime. In 2007, fearing parts of their city were a hotbed of ignorance and violence, Liverpool City Council commissioned the Stormbreak Report, and discovered that homophobic hate crime in Liverpool was indeed a huge problem. To their credit, the police and the council sprang into action, channelling more energy and resources into tackling the problem. “The police have done a great job in encouraging the reporting of hate crime,” continues McIlravey. “But, like many cities, Liverpool is still very patchy. There’s definitely fear in some parts of the city. But I believe that that fear is returning in the aftermath of the Causer verdict, and that we’re now at a stage where the case is undoing the good work that the police have already done.” What seems to be confusing – and angering – Liverpool’s gay community is that the police treated Michael Causer’s murder as a hate crime right from the beginning (meaning an offence committed against a person because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, gender or disability) but the court dismissed any hate crime claims. “Michael Causer’s murder will always be on record as being investigated as a homophobic hate crime, that won’t ever change,” says Police Constable Tracy O’Hara, chair of the Merseyside Police Gay and Lesbian Support Network (GLSN). “It is clear that people are


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Protester’s in Liverpool call for justice for Michael Causer

disappointed with the outcome of the trial; not disappointed with the police, but with the outcome.” The police are, perhaps unsurprisingly, keen to distance themselves from the court’s verdict and, moreover, eager to dispel any ideas that the police don’t take homophobia seriously. “The Stormbreak Report was conducted before we had dedicated LGBT liaison officers; now all hate crime investigations are handled by detectives who are trained in specific equality issues,” says PC O’Hara. “I think if we were to do Stormbreak again now and spoke to people who had been through the justice system and dealt with the police, then we’d get a very different response. Stormbreak gave us a yardstick, something to measure ourselves by, but three years on I think things are different.” Detective Inspector Richie Carr, senior investigating officer in Michael Causer’s case, disagrees that there has been any reduction in the gay community’s confidence in the ‘system’. In fact, he thinks things have improved since Michael’s case. “The town of Knowsley, where Michael was from, has seen an increase in reported hate crime across the board over the past year,” he says. “I believe this is due to increased confidence in the police to thoroughly investigate offences of this type.” In a bid to prove that Liverpool can move forward, the City Council has given the go ahead for the Liverpool’s first Pride event, which is now planned for 2010 (Liverpool has long been the only city of its size not to have its own Pride event). At this month’s International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO), on 17 May, Liverpool Town Hall will fly the rainbow flag for the first time and host a Pride consultation event organised by Liverpool’s LGBT network. “We want to get the opinions of the people of Liverpool and deliver a Pride event based on that next year,”

says McIlravey. The Lord Mayor of Liverpool will also be presenting a book of condolence to Michael’s parents on the day. Merseyside Police has supported IDAHO every year and will continue to do so, flying the rainbow flag and illuminating their headquarters with rainbow lights. “All these positive events continually reinforce our stance that homophobia has no place in Liverpool,” says PC O’Hara. Michael Causer’s family continue to strive for a private prosecution. Liverpool’s LGBT network, in partnership with Michael’s family, will be using money raised by the Michael Causer fund, set up soon after his death, to establish a permanent memorial to Michael in the city. “We hope in that way what happened won’t be forgotten,” says McIlravey. “Michael won’t become just another statistic.” If you want to donate to The Michael Causer Fund, visit www.lcvs.org.uk and click the button. If you have been affected by homophobic hate crime in Liverpool, Merseyside Police ask you to contact: StopHateUK: 0800 138 1625 SIGMA (Hate Crime Unit, Merseyside Police): 0151 709 6010 Merseyside Police Gay and Lesbian Support Network (GLSN): 07764 621 430 A fundraiser all-nighter at Destination on Temple Lane, in the heart of Liverpool’s Gay Scene, will take place on Saturday 2 May, raising money for the Michael Causer Fund from 6pm (opening early for this very special event) until the small hours of the morning.

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*J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s +.

Marble Media


Launch Party

Following a hugely successful launch in Brighton, the Marble Media Publishing empire set its sights on London earlier this month with a fabulous party at the city’s Soseki restaurant. Nestling in the shadow of the iconic Gherkin building, it was the perfect location for one80news Ltd and 3SIXTY Magazine Ltd to make their mark in the capital! Photographs by www.mazzimage.com. Thanks to www.happenevents.co.uk for organising another great party!

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CLOSER TO EQUALITY Stonewall’s 20th Anniversary This May gay equality organisation Stonewall celebrates two decades of campaigning for the rights of gay, lesbian and bisexual people. With so many successes under its belt, it’s a time for celebration, but there’s no intention to slow down, finds Torsten Højer. we don’t change where everything was our direction formalised, happened at we’re likely to Ian’s home. end up where “I remember a discuswe’re headed’, says an old sion where people were Chinese proverb. In 1988, asked about their vision the notorious Section 28 and I said something – a controversial Act that about Equality generstated that schools ‘shall ally... actually looking not promote homosexuat and supporting other ality’ – was introduced, minority groups. I was plunging children across jumping ahead of myself the UK into a world where at the time but subse‘gay’ was swept under quently Citizenship 21 carpet, ignored. Bringing was set up which was kids up in an environa very powerful project ment where homosexualin that it enabled differity wasn’t recognised or ent minority groups, such Stonewall campaigned to end the ban on discussed meant we were as people with disabililesbian and gay people serving in the armed heading towards a situaties, faith groups, gay forces. This was lifted in 1999. tion where an entire gengroups, to come together eration would be ignorant and look at common of what being gay really issues and gain a greater was; and ignorance, as we understanding about each know, leads to discriminaothers needs and experition and homophobia. ences. Everybody was firA year later, the gay equaling on all cylinders, ready ity organisation Stonewall and raring to go, and go was set up with one main they did! goal in mind: to repeal “Even as an optimist, Section 28. Twenty years I never dreamed that later, Stonewall’s list of achievements Stonewall would have achieved all towards equality of lesbian, gay and that it has... In one of Martin Luther bisexual people is staggering (see the King’s speeches he said something timeline of achievement on the right). along the lines of ‘...one day children Many people associate Stonewall will ask what is racism?” I would like with Sir Ian McKellen, but various other to add that one day they will ask, founding members were present at the ‘what is homophobia?’ birth of Stonewall twenty years ago “At the time of Stonewall’s 20th this month. Olivette Cole-Wilson was anniversary, we’re looking forward to one of them… the next twenty years. In two decades “Back in 1989, I lived in London time, what can we achieve? I would and [the actor] Michael Cashman and his partner like to see an end to any form of discrimination. I Paul Cottingham were my neighbours. Section 28 know this is probably unrealistic, but at least an end was everywhere, the media were going mad for to any form of discrimination in religious institutions it. Michael Cashman’s now famous gay kiss on or organisations, because I believe religion, at it’s Eastenders (the first ever in a British soap opera) most negative, has a lot to answer for in relation to was also causing quite a stir! perpetuating homophobia. Can this change in the “We were eager to do something, and talked next twenty years? I really do hope so. about setting up a group to advance gay issues. At “Stonewall’s birthday message is clear: the law the beginning it was largely a local gay rights group, may have changed, but society needs to catch up. based in Tower Hamlets in London. At least half of We won’t let the momentum halt. We’ll continue the members lived in the area: Michael, Ian, Lisa to campaign to win hearts and minds in the next Power, Jenny Wilson, Matthew Parris and myself twenty years. We won’t stop until every single were all local residents. We met several times lesbian and gay person can love without regret, live before we launched officially. I remember us meetwithout fear and fulfil every bit of their potential – at ing on occasions at Lisa’s flat, but the big occasion, home, at school and at work.“


TIMELINE OF ACHIEVEMENT 1989 Stonewall set up to oppose Section 28 and other barriers to equality. Founding Director is Tim Barnett 1991 Ian McKellen meets Prime Minister John Major 1992 Angela Mason appointed Director 1994 House of Commons votes to reduce gay male age of consent to 18, still unequal. Stonewall and Euan Sutherland launch appeal to European Court 1995 Rank Outsiders & Stonewall launch campaign against ban on gays in the military 1997 European Court rules that unequal age of consent violates convention rights. New government recognises same-sex partners for immigration purposes 1998 In June, House of Commons votes to set the age of consent at 16. In July the Lords rejects the move. Waheed Alli becomes first openly-gay peer 1999 On 30 April a bomb explodes in the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho, killing three. European Court overturns the ban on gays in the armed forces. Repeal of Section 28 included in the Local Government Bill but subsequently defeated in House of Lords 2000 Government lifts the ban on lesbian and gay men serving in the armed forces 2001 Age of consent reduced to 16. Stonewall sets up a Diversity Champions programme for 20 major employers 2002 Equal rights granted to same sex couples applying for adoption, Alan Duncan becomes first Conservative MP to voluntarily come out as gay 2003 Ben Summerskill appointed Chief Executive. Second campaign to repeal Section 28 is successful. New laws outlaw discrimination against gay people at work 2004 Sexual Offences Act abolishes crimes of buggery and gross indecency. Civil Partnership Act passed in November 2005 Stonewall launches Education for All campaign to tackle homophobic bullying in schools. New Criminal Justice Act, amended by Stonewall, introduces tougher sentences for offences motivated by homophobia. Following another Stonewall campaign, Government amends the Equality Bill to outlaw discrimination in the provision of goods and services – from NHS care through to hotels and restaurants. Jody Dobrowski murdered. Relaunched Diversity Champions programme reaches membership of 100. First civil partnerships take place across the UK in December. 2006 Stonewall launches Speak Out, the largest survey ever conducted of young people’s experiences of homophobic bullying. The first annual Stonewall Awards are held. Sheri Dobrowski, mother of murdered Jody, is voted Hero of the Year 2007 Prime Minister Tony Blair addresses Stonewall’s Equality Dinner. Our goods and services protections become law. Stonewall holds its first Gay Youth Event and launches a major ‘Some People Are Gay. Get Over It!’ campaign 2008 The Army becomes Stonewall’s 400th Diversity Champion. Parliament passes the Fertilisation Act, giving equal recognition to same-sex parents and their children. Michael Causer, 18, stabbed to death in Liverpool. After extensive lobbying by Stonewall, Parliament passes a new criminal offence of incitement to hatred on grounds of sexual orientation. Stonewall reveals damning inequalities in the first major study in Europe on lesbian health

www.stonewall.org.uk *J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s +0


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66 BrightonjZ\e\

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Portsmouth SUNDAY



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>>>8 9I8E; E<N 98I @E 9FLIE<DFLK? D@E@ 98I K_\ cXk\jk X[[`k`fe kf 9flie\dflk_Ëj ^Xp m`ccX^\ `j D`e` 9Xi# X jg\Z`Xc`jk mf[bX YXi f]]\i`e^ lg jfd\k_`e^ Zfdgc\k\cp [`]]\i\ek ]fi k_\ cfZXc jZ\e\% K_\ m\el\ fg\e\[ fe >ff[ =i`[Xp `e 8gi`c n`k_ X Yljp cXleZ_ e`^_k Xe[ k_\ ,' ]XYlcflj mXi`\k`\j f] mf[bX ^f`e^ [fne X ki\Xk% K_\ D`e` 9Xi `j Xcjf fe\ f] k_\ Z_\Xg$ \jk gcXZ\j kf [i`eb# Xj X kn\cm\$dfek_ gi`Z\ gifd`j\ ]i\\q\j Xcc g`ekj Xe[ Xcc [flYc\j Xk fecp )%,'% K_\i\ n`cc Y\ X Jle[Xp Zfd\[p e`^_k# X c`m\ mfZXc`jk fe N\[e\j[Xpj# Xe[ \oZ`k`e^ gcXej Xi\ X]ffk ]fi Xe \ok\ej`fe# n`k_ ;Aj `e ]fi Yljp e`^_kj% nnn%dpd`e`YXi%Zf%lb G_`cc`g Xe[ KfYp ]ifd GXk`jj\i`\ 8e^\c`hl\ Xk D`e` 9Xi

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for the wild side of your lifestyle nnn%n_`k\k`^\ijkfi\%Zfd ). K_\ Ki`Xe^c\# 9flie\dflk_

72 South CoastjZ\e\ >>>JFLK? J:<E< =F:LJ D8P )''0 >>>@jfYXi Jflk_Xdgkfe <m\ip =i`[Xp `j Kfjj\ij E`^_k# pfli Z_XeZ\ kf n`e pfli ifle[ f] [i`ebj X^X`e ]fi ]i\\ D\Xen_`c\ ;A 8c\o = gldgj flk k_\ cXk\jk kle\j

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BristoljZ\e\ 75 >>>:<C<9I8K@E> FE K?< JKI<<KJ 9I@JKFCËJ G@EB G8IKP N@K? *J@OKP# J8K - ALE< 9i`jkfcËj N\jk M`ccX^\ Zfddle`kp Xe[ *J@OKP DX^Xq`e\ Xi\ Zfd`e^ kf^\k_\i kf glk fe X jki\\k gXikp fe JXkli[Xp - Ale\% K_\ gXikp n`cc ]\Xkli\ \`^_k _flij f] \ek\ikX`e$ d\ek fe k_\ jki\\k `eZcl[`e^ j`e^\ij# c`m\ dlj`Z Xe[ ZXYXi\k ]ifd d`[[Xp k_ifl^_ kf /gd# Y\]fi\ i\]fZlj`e^ `ekf k_\ G`e\Xggc\Ëj YXi Xi\X n_\i\ k_\ ]\jk`m`k`\j b\\g ^f`e^ Êk`c d`[e`^_k% K_\ \m\ek n`cc Y\ _\c[ fe Jk% >\fi^\Ëj IfX[# Yfk_ `ej`[\ Xe[ flkj`[\ k_\ G`e\Xggc\# n`k_ K_\ Hl\\ej_`cc`e^ Xcjf glkk`e^ fe X YXi Xe[ k_ifn`e^ X ]fXd gXikp fe k_\ JXkli[Xp e`^_k% ÈN\ i\Xccp nXek\[ kf glk fe Xe \m\ek k_Xk nflc[ efk fecp Y\ X cfk f] ]le# Ylk k_Xk nflc[ _\cg kf glcc k_\ Zfddle`kp kf^\k_\i#É jXp ;fd`e`Z Xe[ ;\Xe# cXe[cfi[j f] k_\ G`e\Xggc\% ÈN\ nXek Yi`e^ g\fgc\ YXZb kf n_\i\ `k Xcc Y\^Xe%É K_\ \m\ek ]\Xkli\j Zfd\[p# j`e^`e^# ]ff[ Xe[ [i`ebj# Xcc _fjk\[ Yp [iX^ [`mX KiXp CX KiXj_ n`k_ Di ; 8iZp% CfZXc Xe[ eXk`feXc kXc\ekj gXik`Z`gXk`e^ `eZcl[\ <c\ZkiX =\eZ\# Ilk_`\ K# IXZ_\c ;Xe`\c# ClZ`e[X CXj_\j <mX CX ;`mX# <Z_f# JXjb`# CfcX CXjX^e\ Xe[ mfZXc j\ejXk`fe :cXl[`X GXki`Z\% *J@OKP `j gifl[ kf Y\ jlggfik`e^ k_\ gXikp# n`k_ ^ff[p YX^j Xe[ X jkXcc# `e XjjfZ`Xk`fe n`k_ Gljjp Xe[ G`eb <c\g_Xek N`e\j% ;`i\Zkfi f] DXiYc\ D\[`X# k_\ e\n glYc`j_\ij f] *J@OKP DX^Xq`e\# Kfep M jXpj# È9i`jkfcËj ^Xp Zfddle`kp _Xj XcnXpj \dYiXZ\[ *J@OKP# Xe[ _Xj n\cZfd\[ lj Xj k_\ e\n glYc`j_\ij n`k_ fg\e Xidj% N\Ëm\ _X[ jfd\ ^i\Xk e`^_kj flk k_\i\# Xe[ nXek\[ kf jlggfik jfd\k_`e^ k_Xk nflc[ [\dfejkiXk\ k_\ jg`i`k f] 9i`jkfc% N\Ëi\ cffb$ `e^ ]finXi[ kf jlggfik`e^ dXep dfi\ f] k_\j\ cfZXc \m\ekj%É Fk_\i jkXccj fe k_\ [Xp `eZcl[\ X ]i\\ dXi$ ^Xi`kX jkXcc# X ÊKi`Y\Ë jkXcc# cXleZ_`e^ k_\`i YiXe[ e\n [i`eb# X Gfc`Z\ Zfddle`kp jkXcc# X 99H Xe[ Xe `Z\ Zi\Xd jkXcc%

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78 BristoljZ\e\

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Northampton Milton Keynes Aylesbury Cheltenham Swindon

Oxford Reading Newbury

Bristol Mare






Guildford Farnham Crawley Southampton




H Eastbour

Fo]fi[ Gi`[\ )''/ nnn%DXqq@dX^\%Zfd

supported by





Stonewall Rebellion with

peace, love & flower power

un F E E R F OXFORD PRIDE FESTIVAL 29 MAY to 7 JUNE OXFORD PRIDE PARADE & EVENT & PARTY SATURDAY 6 JUNE Prizes for Best Individual Costume, Best Dressed Couple & Best Group


s drink nt y u Te &b ride dise Bar P t r o ra n Pa supp help e Pubs o th from



performers include:

Nicollete Street Liz Oki Souls of Prophecy village stalls The Rabbit Foot Spasm Band non-stop entertainment Swindon Idol’s Stevie great food from Brookes Restaurant Lydia Pritchard plus a Fun Fair for the Rose Garden whole family to enjoy! Grey Matter Lee Devon Loz

Volunteer with Pride Be a Steward for the PARADE and EVENTS

Sponsors & Media Partners

w w w. o x f o r d p r i d e . o r g . u k

OXFORD PRIDE FESTIVAL HIGHTLIGHTS Fri 29 May Festival Media Launch Oxford Pride @ Oxford Castle Peace, Love & Flower Power @ Coven Sat 30 May Summer Eights OU LGBTsoc @ Christchurch Meadow FLASHBACK by Mazz Image @ Jam Factory Sun 31 May Walk on the Wilde Side Queer Oxford LGBT History Walk meet @ Magdalen Bridge Mon 1 June Pride Arts Walk : meet @ The Vault & Garden Cafe, then The Nosebag & The Honey Pot then: Queer Arts Exhibition @ Jam Factory WayOut youth event with THT Tue 2 June Sappho : Oxford Lesbian History Group @ Oxford Town Hall Morse Code for Cats by Tom Conyers Book launch Laguna Press @ Jolly Farmers Fancy Dress Drinks : OU LGBTsoc @ St Peter's College Flower Power Party : POPtarts @ Baby Love Bar Wed 3 June Stonewall at 40 : a panel debate Equality and Diversity Unit, University of Oxford @ Rewley House, University of Oxford Thu 4 June LGBT Domestic & Sexual Abuse workshop @ Old Music Hall, Cowley Let’s Talk About Sex workshop @ Grove House, Iffley Karaoke @ Castle Tavern Fri 5 June Trans-script performance + Q&A : Invisible iNK Magazine & Oxford City Amnesty International @ East Oxford Community Centre, Cowley Pre-Pride Party @ Castle Tavern Dirty Angel : Project 80 @ Coven Sat 6 June Oxford Pride Parade 11am meet @ Ship Street Oxford Pride Event 12:noon - 8pm Oxpens Field OX1 1RQ Oxford Pride Party 8pm - 3am @ Paradise Big Tent Post Pride Pubs Jolly Farmers Brewery Gayte & Castle Tavern Sun 7 June Then & Now : Queer Oxford LGBT History Walk meet @ Wadham College Line Dancing : First Sundays @ St Columba's United Reformed Church

celebrating lesbian, gay, bi, trans & queer life in Oxfordshire

84 WalesjZ\e\ <o`k :clY Kfep GXiip nnn%f[pjj\pg_fkfj%Zfd

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86 The


Key West

Torquay Devon

Peter & Brendan welcome you from near and far to


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Key West Bar & Hotel now open Opening offer: Three nights for two

Bathm\el\j K_\ 9Xk_ KXg s (0$)' Jk AXd\j GXiX[\ s '()), +'+ *++ DXe[Xcpej s (* =flekX`e 9l`c[`e^j s CXej[fne IfX[ s '()), +), +'* s nnn%dXe[Xcpej%Zf%lb

Exeterm\el\j www.daddyholesauna.co.uk coming soon www.tomscruisebar.co.uk coming soon

www.keywesttorquay.co.uk Key West Resort Meadfoot Sea Road Torquay TQ1 2LQ Tel: 01803 200063

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Plymouth Torquay



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92 NewcastlejZ\e\

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NewcastlejZ\e\ 93


3SIXTY’S SUMMER OF LOVE THE COMPETITION CONTINUES! 3SIXTY’s Summer of Love competition – a nationwide search to find Britain’s longest-running gay couple - is in full swing with the buzz already spreading. Thank you to all the couples who have entered so far – we’ve had entries so far from across the UK, Bournemouth to Blackpool and all in between - it’s been great to hear you stories. The top three couples’ stories will be printed in the June issue of 3SIXTY, out on Friday 29 May, so check back here to feel the lurve... First up, though, is a message from 3SIXTY publisher, Tony V. “I met my partner 26 years ago, but it took another twelve years before we became lovers. One sunny day, I decided to head out to sunny Sydney Australia Day weekend and there he was, sitting at the bar. I went up to him, said ‘hi’, had some beers with him, went home to his and never went back to mine. Fourteen years later, we’re still together, working and living together 24/7. That is, until we moved to the UK, where we had to endure working apart for some months. It was like losing a limb. Now we have started Marble Media Publishing,

we are back to living our lives together, and we love it. We share the same clothes, he loves my cooking, I love his choice of wines. He loves scary movies, I hate screaming but watch them. I love Corrie, Emmerdale and Eastenders, he hates them but will sit through endless hours of soaps. That’s love.” All couples from the UK’s LGBT community are eligible to enter the competition, and the winners will be the entrants who can prove they’ve been together the longest. Prizes for the winning pair include a stay at Brighton’s luxurious MyHotel, a case of Pink Elephant wine, a three-course dinner for two at the Pitcher and Piano restaurant and a £500 voucher from bespoke jeweller Michael Rose. One of the most exciting parts of the prize is a 15-minute professionally produced and recorded radio show by Faux Show, who will record your story, present it in a real news story-style documentary and include vox-pops comments from friends and family, which you will be able to keep this on CD forever! So get entering: the closing date is Monday 11 May.

If you’d like to enter or nominate someone you know, get in touch now by emailing readers@3sixtymagazine. com, calling 08706 201 360 or writing to 3SIXTY’s Summer of Love, 4 Steine Street, Brighton, BN2 1TE.


GJP:?@: Celebrity Readings FERN BRITTON It does come out straight away in the reading that something that should have been so personal ended up in public domain. There is definitely a sense of embarrassment, anger, and even confusion as I do the reading. I also feel that Fern’s decision to leave her presenting job on This Morning is the right one. I pick up the names Frank and Alexander in this reading, I’m not sure where I want to place them in Fern’s life but they seem to be important to keep close by as there is a sense of helpfulness about them. I feel at the moment all she needs is to have her family around her and start enjoying life, rather than worry even time she looks down the camera lens about what other people are thinking. She will get bored of this time out eventually, and there will be no shortage of offers of work. I feel that there has been a very interesting offer already put to her and for some reason I pick up the importance of her father in her life. Around November 4th this year, seems to be a very interesting time as she puts her feelings into words.

>Xm`e :ifdn\cc `j X Z\c\Yi`kp gjpZ_`Z d\[`ld n_f jg\Z`Xc$ `j\j `e m`j`k`e^ _Xlek\[ cfZXk`fej% ?\ _Xj nfib\[ Xcc fm\i k_\ LB# fe iX[`f Xe[ k\c\m`j`fe# Xe[ f]]\ij ($kf$( ZfejlckX$ k`fej# gXiXefidXc `em\jk`^Xk`fej# kXifk nfibj_fgj jg`i`klXc ^l`[XeZ\% nnn%^Xm`eZifdn\cc%Zfd

SIR IAN MCKELLEN At 70, there is no sign of Ian McKellen slowing down yet. I sense a strong Egyptian vibe coming from this reading. Also, a strong female presence called Rose moves in closer as I do this reading. Something magical will present itself to Ian, making him to look at things from an unconventional angle. There seems to be a male around him at the moment, trying to get ahead in his own career and is looking to Ian for guidance and advice. Even though it is important to do this, I feel it could become tiring for Ian. I feel that he has a friend close by that is good with astrology, and on this note, I feel I want to say Ian does possess some quite interesting gifts of his own. I do sense chaos at the moment that could end in tears, but an escape to a private location, that could be even in another country, does seem imminent and is much needed as he begins to reap the benefits of his long life’s work. I will end on the note warning Ian to be careful of somebody’s scandalous words.

CHRIS BROWN The Chris Brown and Rhianna drama is still a main topic of conversation in the US. Even though I will NEVER condone what he’s done, there are two sides to every story. I do see Chris being quite broken and I do want to blame the really bad influences around him even now. He will try and hold it together, even though there’s going to be a lot of hate thrown at him, he still seems to have a very loyal base backing him. Chris will lose something very big that means a lot to him, changing him completely as a person but also as an artist. I do feel that he will get the help that he needs, and that a positive voice from his family will come forward. The 15th of August seems to be a challenging time and also the 14th of December an emotional time. To me I see a lot of red around him, which tells me I see a frightened boy in the middle of a very big mistake. His lesson will be learned.



Where their business is your business

Park plaza sherlock holmes A night worth investigating. Words: Tony V

clinic 9 The new age of aesthetics As more and more people seem to be succumbing to the vast array of beauty treatments on offer in the marketplace, 3SIXTY takes a look at Clinic Nine - arguably the most comprehensive medical, dental, and cosmetic facility available on the South Coast. Within the past 5–10 years there has been nothing short of a revolution in the provision of aesthetic treatments within the UK. This has resulted in an ever increasing population of people who are not only well informed, but have incorporated these treatments into their day to day lifestyles. It is now not inconceivable that, in your lunch break, you can pop out for anything from a quick Botox fix or removal of an unwanted mole, to a shot of restylane to smooth away the signs of a hard day at the office. One of the main reasons for this ever increasing trend for the “Body Beautiful” is that the costs have reduced as the amount of procedures has increased, plus many individuals now have the financial means to undertake these treatments - reducing them from a special treat to a routine occurrence. Allied to this, the stigma of aesthetic interventions has now been banished to the history books resulting in a more open mode of practice and, hopefully, reducing covert, unscrupulous practices as well. Another important reason for this ‘beauty treatment’ renaissance is that there are now more plastic and facial plastic surgeons who are well trained within the sphere of aesthetics to provide a quality service that is now also accessible. The staff at Clinic Nine believe that they offer all of these attributes plus a sense that the treatment envisaged has been thought through and sensibly discussed with the individual concerned. “Some aesthetic treatments can be delivered by non-surgeons or non-health professionals,” say the practitioners at Clinic Nine, “and it is certainly not our business to speak out against these individuals. We can, however, emphasise the benefits of being treated in a professional, courteous manner in a professional environment as it is safe, minimising any potential risks. “Complications with any procedure are, unfortunately, a fact of life but thankfully they are a rarity. Nevertheless they should always be discussed with a potential patient, and, in the rare situation when something unwanted does happen, it can be dealt with in the appropriate manner.” It thus stands to reason that any practitioner delivering this type of service needs to be well trained, have extensive experience gained under appropriate supervision and, if there are problems, they need to be able to deal with the consequences. “The final word is that it really doesn’t matter whether you are having a wrinkle removed, Botox, a breast augmentation or nose job, attention to detail is paramount,” say the staff at Clinic Nine. “Adhering to this dictat, we achieve good results and have happy patients but without it, we are merely reduced to technicians and this devalues the very essence of what we do and relegates the individual concerned into a “hit or miss” case!”

clinic 9

212 Church Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 2DJ Tel: 08452 416912 Fax: 01273 732549 Email: info@clinicnine.com www.clinicnine.com

You think of Sherlock Holmes, and you think of a smoking calabash pipe, a deerstalker cap and ‘elementary’, My Dear Watson. But you also think of old London; a city of townhouses and Baker Street. And this is where you find the Park Plaza Sherlock Hotel. Being Australian, we see the idea of Sherlock Holmes and London as tourists. Therefore, spending an evening at the beautiful Park Plaza Sherlock Hotel on Baker Street was an even more exciting experience. My partner and I chose to celebrate our 14th anniversary at the hotel; we’d heard it was fabulous, and it was, with a relaxed atmosphere, an array of rooms and packages, and gorgeous executive suites. The comfortable executive living room boasts a lounge large enough to stretch out on and relax, and, hey, why not allow yourself to guzzle the complimentary bottle of champagne to start? The hotel is situated within walking distance of Madame Tussaud’s, the Sherlock Holmes Museum, Selfridges (hooray!) and ten minutes from Oxford Street. The best way to get there is in a Limo (the other way is the underground to Baker Street and a 3 minute walk). But we’re not sure why you’d want to spend that much time out of this hotel – you’ve got full use of their gym, spa and sauna, and reservations can be made for their in-house beautician to pamper you.

Park plaza sherlock holmes

108 Baker Street London W1U 6LJ www.parkplazasherlockholmes.com Reservations: Please call 020 7486 6161 Room rates are from £109 per room per night (room only, excluding tax).


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