Higher education in Ukraine 2013-1014

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Higher education in Ukraine



Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv IV Level of Accreditation. License АВ № 034984 from 12.06.2012

Rector - Leonid V. Hubersky, Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Hero of Ukraine Year of Establishment – 1834. Tuition Form: full-time, part-time Postgraduate and Doctoral Curricula are available. Study Period: • Bachelor’s Degree Programs, 4 year course; • Specialist Degree Programs, 1 year course; • Master’s Degree Programs, 2 year course Tuition fees (per year): • Bachelors’ Degree Programs – (the Ukrainian language) 1900 – 3800$; (the Russian language) 2100 – 4000$; (the English language) 4000 – 4500$; • Specialist Degree Programs – (the Ukrainian language) 1500 – 3800$; (the Russian language) 2200 – 3900$; (the English language) 3100 – 4500$; • Master’s Degree Programs – (the Ukrainian language) 1500 – 3800$; (the Russian language) 2200 – 4100$; (the English language) 3100 – 4500$ Foreign students are provided with a hostel. Cost of 90 $ per month. University Academic and Research Staff: : more than 600 scientists are Professors, Doctors of Sciences, 60 of them are Academicians and Corresponding Members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, and more than 1,570 are Associate Professors List of Institutes and Faculties: 15 Faculties (Geography, Geology, Economics, History, Mechanics and Mathematics, Radio Physics, Cybernetics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Physics, Philosophy, Chemistry, Law, Faculty for International Students, Preparatory Faculty), 7 Institutes (of High Technologies, of International Relations, of Journalism, of Philology, of State Security, Military, and the Postgraduate Education Institute), and 1 Educational and Research Center (the Institute of Biology). Courses are provided by 192 Chairs, which train about 27 thousand of students every year.

Preparatory Faculty: 94 Off., 36 Vasylkivska Str. (Metro “Vasylkivska”), Kyiv, Ukraine, 03022 tel.: +(38044) 521 33 01, fax: +(38044) 521 35 50 WEB-site: http://pfku.univ.kiev.ua E-mail: pfku@univ.kiev.ua

MAJORS for BACHELOR’S DEGREE PROGRAMS: • Arts and Humanities: Cultural Studies; History; Philology; Philosophy. • Engineering and Technology: Computer Engineering; Geodesy, Cartographic Studies and Land Surveying Studies; IT; Optoelectronics; Program Engineering; Radio Engineering; System Analysis. • Life Sciences and Medicine: Biology; Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Use of Natural Resources. • Natural Sciences: Applied Mathematics; Applied Physics; Chemistry; Geography (physical); Geology; Hydrometeorology; Mathematics; Mechanics; Physics; Statistics. • Social Sciences and Management: Accounting and Auditing; Advertisement and Public Relations; Applied Statistics; Country Studies; Economic Cybernetics; Economic Theory; Economics of Enterprises; Finance and Credit; Geography (human); International Business; International Economic Relations; International Economics; International Information; International Law; International Relations; Journalism; Law Studies; Management; Political Science; Psychology; Publishing and Editing; Social Pedagogy; Social Work; Sociology; Tourism Studies.

MAJORS for MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMS: • Arts and Humanities: Archeology; Classical Languages (Ancient Greek, Latin); Folklore Studies; History; Literary Writing; Oriental Languages and Literature (Arabic, Azerbaijani, Chinese, Georgian, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Turkish, Uzbek); Philosophy; Religious Studies; Russian Language and Literature; Slavic Languages and Literature (Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Polish, Serbian); Translation; Ukrainian Language and Literature; Western European Languages and Literature (English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish). • Engineering and Technology: Cartography; IT; Laser and Optoelectronic Engineering; Radio Engineering; Software Engineering; Systems Analysis; Land Utilisation and Cadastre. • Life Sciences and Medicine: Biochemistry; Biology; Biophysics; Botany; Genetics; Human and Animal Physiology; Laboratory Diagnostics; Microbiology; Phytophysiology; Virology; Zoology. • Natural Sciences: Applied Mathematics; Astronomy; Chemistry; Computer Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; Construction Geography; Geochemistry and Mineralogy; Geographic Information Systems and Technology; Geography; Geoinformatics; Geology (Specialisation in Economic Geology); Geology of Petroleum and Gas; Geomorphology and Palaeogeography; Geophysics; High Technology; Hydrogeology; Hydrology; Mathematics; Meteorology; Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics; Natural Geography; Physics of Nuclei and High-Energy Physics; Physics; Radiophysics and Electronics; Risk and the Mathematics of Finance; Statistics; Systems of Land Tenure and Land Survey; Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; Theoretical and Applied Statistics.

• Social Sciences and Management: Accounting and Auditing; Advertising; Applied Economics; Archiving; Banking; Business Administration; Civil Service; Company Economics; Economic and Social Geography; Economics Cybernetics; Economics; Ethnology; Finance and Credit; Geography of Recreation and Tourism; Geography of Ukraine; International Business; International Economic Relations; International Economics; International Information; International Law; International Relations; Journalism; Law Studies; Management and Administration; Management of Innovations; Media Communications; Political Geography and Geopolitics; Political Science; Psychology; Public Relations; Publishing Industry and Editing; Safety and Security Studies; School Management; Social Informatics; Social Pedagogy; Social Work; Sociology; Tourism Studies. Languages of teaching: Ukrainian, Russian, English At the Preparatory Faculty Ukrainian and Russian are taught for academic purposes.

The Faculty for International Students: 306 Off., 90 Vasylkivska Str. (Metro “Vasylkivska”), Kyiv, Ukraine, 03022, tel./fax: +(38044) 521 33 53 WEB-site: www.knuinternational.org.ua E-mail: international.faculty@ukr.net UNIVERSITY WEB-SITE: WWW.UNIV.KIEV.UA

KYIV NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CONSTRUCTION AND ARCHITECTURE The 4th level of accreditation. License of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine AG 582636 of 21.12.2011 for the right to train specialists for foreign countries

Petro M. Kulikov ( 1952 ) Rector of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (2013) Honoured Educator of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize in Science and Engineering, Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor. Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (former Kiev Civil Engineering Institute) was founded in 1930 combining Construction department of Kiev Polytechnic Institute and Architectural faculty of Kiev Art Institute (existed since 1898). The post-graduate courses were opened in the University in 1932. The scientific-research section was created for carrying out scientific research work. Graduates and instructors of KNUCA have made a considerable contribution to the development of construction and architectural sciences and the construction of cities and towns in our country. At present 7,5 thousand students (including all forms of training) study at the University. Foreign students have begun to study at the University since 1948, while the first post-graduates since 1955. The training of foreign students is carried out in Russian or Ukrainian. Foreign students study in the groups of contract students together with contract students from Ukraine. The Preparatory Department for Foreign Students that trains foreign citizens to receive full secondary education for entering our University and other technical, economical and medical higher education establishments of Ukraine was opened at our University in 1967. We also train Russian and Ukrainian. The training is carried out according to contracts. The total area of the University is 80.000 square meters (including educational and laboratory premises). There is a Scientific Research Complex in the University that includes 14 scientific research and problem laboratories specializing in construction. The library of the University plays a great role in the professional training of the specialists. The total number of books is 1,5 millions. It has close connections with Ukrainian and foreign libraries. Computers are widely used in the educational process in the computer center and chairs’ laboratories. We have access to the Internets. Student hostels fully satisfy the needs of the University. To maintain healthy support of students, postgraduates and teaching staff the university has its own sport and healthy complex consisting of sport grounds and gymnasium for various kind of sport (football, volleyball, basket-ball, boxing, wrestling and heavy

athletics). There is swimming pool and a football stadium there. Every day medical service is rendering in the University dispensary. There is the previntorium in one of the hostels of the University where students can improve their health without stopping to attend lectures and classes.


Graduates of all technical departments acquire the qualification level of Bachelor of Science - 4 years, Specialist and Master of Science 5 year. At the architectural faculty: qualification level of Bachelor of Architecture - 4,5 years, Specialist and Master of Architecture - 6 years. The graduates are given the diplomas that give them the right of doing all kind! of work according to their qualification and specialty. The University has permanent scientific pedagogical and educational ties with more than 20 leading universities of Europe, America, Asia and Australia. Among the graduates of the University there are famous academicians, doctors of sciences, public and political leaders well known in Ukraine and abroad. The University was often awarded by state prizes for its high level of training qualified specialists.

Ukraine, 03680, Kyiv - 37, Povitriflotsky avenue, 31, tel. +38 (044) 241-55-22, Fax. +38 (044) 248-49-01 e-mail: knuba@knuba.edu.ua; interaffairs@bigmir.net www.knuba.edu.ua

10-12 April 2014 n o i t a c u d E r e e r a C d an




Education & Science – Investigation – Professionalism – Excellence

Odessa National Polytechnic University Rated as IV-th level accreditation University 1, Shevchenko avenue, Odessa, 65044, Ukraine. phone: +38048 734 84 60; fax: +38048 2 344274, http: www.opu.ua. Contact to: Vice-Rector for International Relations Assoc .Prof. Viacheslav S. Shobik e-mail: shobik@opu.ua

ONPU Rector Honored Worker of the National Education of Ukraine Dr.Eng., Prof. Guennady A. Oborsky During years of its existence the Odessa National Polytechnic University became the most reputed center of intellectual life in the southern Ukraine whilst growing into a diversified educational and scientific complex, consolidating the 10 educational and scientific institutes, 2 faculties. 3 training institutes, 3 International education centers where over 20 thousands students and almost 400 postgraduates are trained in 62 departments by 4 thousands of highly qualified teaching staff . In 1994 ONPU joined the European Universities Association CRE/EUA, and in 1996 it became collective member of IAU and EAIE associations In 2000 within frames of UNESCO/UNIТWIN Chairs program on the basis of ONPU there was established UNESCO Chair uniting scientific and teaching potential of four researcher and educational institutions of the Odessa city. In 2012 we joined the European Nuclear Education Network ENIN. Presently ONPU cooperates with 50 institutions and Universities in Europe, Asia and America. Our working principles take issue from the conception following to the Magna Charta Universitatum signed by ONPU in 2006.

Founded on September 18th, 1918, years running, the Odessa National Polytechnic University launched into professional life dozens thousands of youth. Its graduates are successfully working at 102 countries around the globe. The 90.000 scientists and engineers, having obtained ONPU Diplomas in 65 professional fields of B.Sc., M.Sc. и Ph.D. programs include 4.000 nationals of foreign countries graduated from Mechanical engineering, Machines technology, Electrical engineering, Nuclear and Power Engineering, Circuitry, Radio and Telecommunications, Economics, Management, Chemistry, Ecology and Computer Science specialties Apart other Departments, ONPU structure includes a special Institute of foreign students training where nationals from other countries have a possibility to undergo a preparatory linguistic cycle prior to entering further university studies. The teaching process follows multistage system: Bachelor - Specialist (practical engineer) – Master of Science, Ph. D. and the Doctor of Science. TUITION FEES: Monthly expenses Preparatory faculty: 1500 USD Accommodation at ONPU campus: 40 USD B.Sc.: 1800 - 2000 USD a year Maintenance and nourishment : approx. 250 USD M.Sc.: 2000 – 2200 USD Library, books, computer time, sport halls Ph.D.: 3000 USD a year Free of charge(included to tuition fee) D.Sc.: individually with respect to scientific field


Detailed specialties list available at www.opu.ua

National University «Odesa Law Academy» National University «Odesa Law Academy» was founded in 2010 according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine on the basis of the Odessa National Law Academy, which was the legal successor to the Law Institute of Odesa State University named after I.I. Mechnikov. - 9 separate University branches in Mykolaiev, Law Faculty became Law Institute at the Odesa Nikopol, Simferopol, Kriviy Rig, Cherkassy, State University named after I.I. Mechnikov; Chernovtsy, Ivano-Frankivsk, Sofia and Tiraspol. 1997 – Odesa State Law Academy was formed as a The teaching staff of 55 Departments have a separate educational institution. solid training experience. It includes more than 1998 the University became a member of 450 Doctors of Law, Professors and Associate European University Association. Professors. Judges of the Supreme Court In 2000 the University was awarded the title of a of Ukraine, General Prosecutor’s deputies, National institution of higher education according Academicians of the National Academy of to the Decree of the President of Ukraine. Legal Sciences. Eminent professors and legal In 2002 the University signed the Magna Charta professionals from Western countries are taking Universitatum in Bologna. an active part in the our training process. Since 2004 the University hosts the Coordinating President of NU «OLA» The University has all necessary facilities for Justice Council of the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Doctor of Law, Academician, training, academic research and recreation that 2004-2008 the University was nominated as the Honored Lawyer of Ukraine fit European standards. It has 38 buildings, in Sergey Vasilyevich Kivalov Best Higher Education Institution in the Southwhich equipped classrooms, moot court rooms, Western region of Ukraine. computer rooms equipped ultra-modern PC and access to Internet, conference halls, dormitories, library with In 2008 the University became a member of European Public more than 1.000000 books, 400 journals- and 180 newspapers Law Organization and received the European Quality Award editions, the University’s TV channel, own regional newspaper, pursuant to the Decision of European Council of Rectors. publishing house. In 2010 Odesa National Law Academy obtained a status University is a founder of 5 peer-review journals, every third National University «Odesa Law Academy» and was nominated Ukrainian textbook on legal issues is published in University as the Best Legal Higher Education Institution in Ukraine. publishing house. In 2011 The Southern Regional Centre of National Academy University’s international partners include academic and of Legal Sciences was created on the basis of National University research institutions from Azerbaijan, Austria, Bulgaria, «Odesa Law Academy». Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Poland, Russia, For more than one and a half century of its existence, our Switzerland, Turkey, the UK and the USA. higher education institution was striving to encourage academic University has more than 18 thousands of students who research in the field of juridical science as well as to equip future professionals who will do their utmost to promote the idea of specialize in Law, Political Science, Sociology, Journalism, Intellectual Property, Consolidated Information and Public Freedom and Rule of law. Service. University provides comprehensive training from a UNIVERSITY COMPRISES: one-year preparatory course to granting Bachelor, Specialist and - 3 institutes: the Institute of Prosecution and Investigation Master Degrees. University has Academic Councils, that awards including faculty for investigators training; the Institute for Candidate of Science (PhD) and Doctor of Science Degrees in Professional Judges Training (in Odessa); the Institute of Law and Political Science. Intellectual Property (in Kiev), TEACHING LANGUAGES: Ukrainian, Russian and English. - 13 separate faculties and other training units: More information about the University can be found on our Administrative Justice and Public Administration; International web-site: http://www.onua.edu.ua Legal Relations; Journalism; Civil and Economic Justice; Advocacy; Labour Law and Social Security Law; Extramural and Evening-time Education; Second Degree Education; Political Science and Sociology; Law College; Master’s Training Program of Civil Service, Post-graduate (PhD) and Doctoral Studies Programs.

National University «Odesa Law Academy» 23, Fontanskaya Doroga street, Odesa, 65009, Ukraine

Tel.: +38 (048) 719 87 69, +38 (0482) 68-93-23 Fax: +38 (0482) 63-97-64 E-mail: international@onua.edu.ua www.onua.edu.ua













Poltava Cherkasy




Mykolayiv Odessa








Contents Welcome to Ukraine.......................................................................................2–4 The Structure of higher education system in Ukraine.....................................5–6 Regulation on Education of Foreigners and Stateless Persons in Ukraine.....8–11 Full list of higher education establishments which have license for studying of foreign citizens (2013–2014) .............................................. 12–64



Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture............................................................................2nd page after page 42 Kharkiv State Design and Arts Academy.....................................2nd page after page 42 Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade..........2nd page after page 36 National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute».... 1st page after page 42

KYIV........................................................................................................... 12–25

National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” .................................37

The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management............. 1st page after page 18

National University of Pharmacy.................................................. 1st page after page 36

The State Institution "Institute of neurosurgery named academic A. Romodanov NAMS of Ukraine"...................................................24

O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv.....................................................2nd page after page 38

Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture........ 2nd page after cover

KHERSON REGION..........................................................................................43

Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics........................ 3rd page after cover

KHMELNYTSKY REGION................................................................................44

National Aviation University........................................................2nd page after page 12

KIROVOHRAD REGION..................................................................................44

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University ........................... 1st page after page 12

LUGANSK REGION.................................................................................... 45–46

National University of Food Technologies....................................... 1st page after cover

Luhansk National Agrarian University......................................... 1st page after page 44

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.....................................2nd page after page 18

Lugansk State Medical University................................................2nd page after page 44

National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine...................................................................2nd page after page 16 R. Glier Kyiv Institute of Music......................................................................................13 Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education............................................................. 1st page after page 16

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.........................3rd page after page 44 LVIV REGION............................................................................................ 46–48 Lviv University of Business and Law...........................................2nd page after page 46 Ukrainian Academy of Printing ................................................... 1st page after page 46 MYKOLAYIV REGION.....................................................................................49

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv..................................2nd page of cover

Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding..............4th page after page 44

Ukrainian-American Liberal Arts Institute “Wisconsin International University (USA) Ukraine” ..............2nd page after page 16

ODESSA REGION....................................................................................... 49–54

University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine (Kyiv) ..................................14

Odesa National Maritime Academy.............................................. 1st page after page 50

CRIMEA..................................................................................................... 26–28

Оdessa National Polytechnic University......................................... 4th page after cover

Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky........................................................ 1st page after page 26

Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture.........................................2nd page after page 50

First Ukrainian Maritime Institute..............................................2nd page after page 26

POLTAVA REGION.................................................................................... 54–56

National Academy of Environmental Protection and Resort Development ................................................................................................26

Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University........... 1st page after page 54

CHERKASY REGION........................................................................................28 CHERNIVTSI REGION.....................................................................................28 CHERNIHIV REGION......................................................................................29 DNIPROPETROVSK REGION.................................................................... 29–32 Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan........................................2nd page after page 28

National University «Odesa Law Academy»........................................4th page of cover

Poltava University of Economics and Trade................................3rd page after page 54 Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy ............................ 2nd page after page 54 RIVNE REGION................................................................................................56 SUMY REGION.................................................................................................57 Sumy National Agrarian University...............................................................................55 TERNOPIL REGION................................................................................... 57–60

Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute of Traditional and Non-traditional Medicine.......7

I. Ya. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University................ 4th page after cover

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine...............................2nd page after page 28

Ternopil National Economic University....................................... 1st page after page 58

Ukrainian State Chemical-Technology University...................... 1st page after page 28

VINNYTSIA REGION...................................................................................... 60

DONETSK REGION.................................................................................... 33–35

National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia......2nd page after page 58

Donetsk National University........................................................2nd page after page 32

VOLYN REGION...............................................................................................61

Donetsk State University of Management....................................3rd page after page 32

Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University...............................................59

Mariupol State University..............................................................4th page after page 32

ZAKARPATYA REGION...................................................................................61

M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University.......................... 1st page after page 32

ZAPORIZHZHYA REGION........................................................................ 61–62

IVANO-FRANKIVSK REGION.........................................................................36

Classical Private University..........................................................2nd page after page 60

KHARKIV REGION.................................................................................... 36–43

Zaporozhye State Medical University........................................... 1st page after page 60

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education............................................................2nd page after page 36

ZHYTOMYR REGION................................................................................ 63–64

Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko........................................................ 1st page after page 38

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University........................................................................63



Welcome to Ukraine Ukraine is located in the Central East Europe between Azov Sea ports are Mariupol, Berdyansk and Kerch. Due 44''20' and 52''20' N and 22''5' and 41''15'E, in the to its advantageous geographical location and its branched southeastern part of the East European plain. The capital network of air, sea, railroad and motor transport, Ukraine city of Ukraine is Kyiv. is a transit point for passengers and cargoes from various Ukraine’s geographic position is quite advantageous countries. since the most important transportation routes are Most of the country is flat, with mountains only in its crossing its territory linking West Europe with countries western part, as well as its southern part, Crimea. These are of Trans-Caucasia and Central Asia. the Carpathian Mountains and the Crimean Mountains. Ukraine is the largest country entirely located in Europe. The highest Ukrainian mountain peak is Hoverla Speaking in numbers, it has an area of 603,628 sq. km. It (2,061 m) in the Carpathian Mountains. represents 5.7% of the total area of Europe and 0.44% of the Ukraine’s climate is mainly moderately continental. world’s dry land surface. Ukraine stretches 1,316 km from However, there is a subtropical area in the very southern west to east and 893 km from north to south. According to part of Crimea. That’s why the southern coast of Crimea measurements made in 1887 by the geographical society has a great many sea resorts. Ukraine’s nature is very and the military department of the Austro-Hungarian diverse and enchants even seasoned travelers with its dense Empire, the geographical center of Europe is in present- forests, endless steppes and midland rivers. In spring and day Ukraine, as indicated by a special signpost near the summer, they are a cheerful green color; in autumn they are town of Rakhiv in Zakarpattya Region. bright yellow, orange and red, while in winter everything The territory of Ukraine consists of the Autonomy is covered in blankets of snow. Ukrainian winters are Republic of Crimea and 24 regions (oblast): Vinnytsya snowy, but not too cold, with snow usually arriving in late region, Volyn region, Dnipropetrovsk region, Donetsk November or in December. Therefore, Ukraine offers you region, Zhytomyr region, Zakarpattya region, Zaporizhzhya many different impressions! region, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Kyiv region, Kirovohrad Ukraine has a wide outlet to the Black Sea and Sea of region, Luhansk region, Lviv region, Mykolayiv region, Azov that link it with countries of the Mediterranean. Also Odesa region, Poltava region, Rivne region, Sumy region, through the sea Ukraine borders with Bulgaria, Turkey and Ternopil region, Kharkiv region, Kherson region, Khmelnytsky region, Cherkasy region, Chernihiv region, Chernihiv Chernivtsi region. There are 490 districts, Rivne Sumy Lutsk 459 cities, 885 towns and Zhytomyr KYIV Lviv 28450 villages in Ukraine. Kyiv Kharkiv Khmelnytsky Poltava Ternopil and Sevastopol are the cities of Cherkasy Vinnytsia Ivano-Frankivsk special status. Uzhgorod Lugansk Ukraine borders with Chernivtsi Kirovohrad Dnipropetrovsk Donetsk Belarus to the north, Poland Zaporizhzhya to the west, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova to the Mykolayiv southwest, and Russia to the Kherson Odessa east and northeast. Its southern territories are washed by the Black Sea and the Azov Sea. Simferopol Its largest Black Sea ports are Sevastopol Odesa, Illichivsk, Sevastopol and Kherson, and its largest


2013-2014 Georgia. The area of the exclusive (sea) economic zone of Ukraine is over 82 thousand sq. km. According to the Constitution of Ukraine the state symbols of the country are: • The State Flag of Ukraine. • The State Coat of Arms of Ukraine. • The State Anthem of Ukraine. The monetary unit of the present-day Ukraine is hryvnia. Ukraine is one of the most densely populated countries in Europe. The population of Ukraine is 45,553 million people. Ukraine is the 5th country in Europe (after Germany, Italy, Great Britain, France) and the 21st in the world. Ukrainian population makes up 7,3% of population of Europe and 1% of the world’s population. 68,6% of Ukrainians live in cities and 31,4% - in rural areas. Ukraine is inhabited by people belonging to more than 110 ethnic groups. At present, the average density of population totals 77 people per 1 sq. km. The most densely populated region includes the industrial southeastern part of the country represented by Donetsk (187), Dnipropetrovsk (107), and Lugansk (85) regions. Besides, significant quantity of Ukrainians lives in the forest-steppe part of western Ukraine, namely Lviv (116 people per 1 sq. km), Chernivtsy (111), and Ivano-Frankivsk (99) regions. The mentioned regions (plus Zakarpattya and Ternopil regions) are also notable for the highest density of rural population. The lowest density of population characterizes Kherson (38,5 people per 1 sq. km) and Chernigiv (34 people per 1 sq. km) regions. Kyiv is the largest city and the capital of Ukraine. It is the most significant political-and-managerial, economic, scientific, and cultural center of the state, and also is the center of Kyiv region and Kyiv-Svyatoshyn district. Kyiv embraces some 2.6 mn inhabitants. The city is divided in 10 districts. Kyiv hosts the Verkhovna Rada (Supreme Council) of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine and its Secretariat, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and most state institutions. There are more than 20 institutions of higher education in Kyiv (Taras Shevchenko National University, National Technical University “Kiev Polytechnics”, medical university, and many others). Also, Kyiv accommodated the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and its numerous research institutes. Among them, a special heed should be given to the worldfamous E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute. Besides, Kyiv is notable for the National Opera and Ballet Theatre, Ukrainian and Russian drama theatres, lots of museums, architectural sights, and picturesque parks (especially those located on the near - Dnipro slopes). Kyiv is one of the largest industrial centers of Ukraine. In particular, Kyiv is well known due to its precision and

complex machine-building, and instrument-making industries. Besides, Kyiv hosts a number of enterprises that represent light industry (knitwear, garment, and shoe factories, silk-making integrated works), and food-processing industry (confectionary factory, meatprocessing plant, milk and bread-baking plants, etc.). Kyiv is the large transportation center. Railroad, river, and motorcar roads, and airlines connect Kyiv with other Ukrainian cities and numerous countries worldwide. Also, Kyiv develops its own subway. The official language of Ukraine is Ukrainian. Higher education in Ukraine has always been and still preserves high quality of education. Over 20 years of independence the country has built a well-developed, competitive and ramified system of national education in the European educational area. At the moment Ukraine runs over 823 higher educational institutions of all accreditation levels and forms of ownership: 199 universities, 64 academies, 90 institutes, 243 colleges, 109 technical and 118 specialized schools. Our graduates, especially those who have diplomas in mathematics, physics, medicine, aviation and naval professions, engineering and chemical technologies are in demand all over the world which is evidenced by the fact that Ukraine has signed the Lisbon Convention on Mutual recognition of qualifications of higher education in European region. The contingent of students of higher educational establishments of I-IV of levels of accreditation is made by over 2 millions 170 thousands of persons, including over 52 thousands of foreign students. Annually higher educational establishments of I-II of levels of accreditation are produce over 99 thousands of persons, by higher educational establishments of III-IV of levels of accreditation over 340 thousands of persons. An educational process in higher educational establishments of I-II of levels of accreditation is provided by over 37 thousand pedagogical workers, in higher educational establishments of III-IV of levels of accreditation -

Types of higher education establishment 250 200 150 100 50 0



238 66

64 102 90 1



120 109 122 118

2011/2012 2012/2013

150 100 50 0


64 102 90 1


120 109 122 118



2011/2012 2012/2013

Types of higher educational establishment of the 1st – 4th accreditation levels (at the start 0f 2012/2013 academic year) Vocational Technical schools; 13,24%

schools; 14,34%

Universities; 24,18%

Academies; 7,78 %

Quantity of foreign citizens which studied in the INSTITUTE of higher of Ukraine in 2011/2012 years 19923 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0




2747 303




Institutes; 10,94% Colleges; 29,53%

163 thousands scientifically pedagogical and pedagogical workers. Ukraine today is the most interesting country among the former Soviet Union republics where one can study, work and rest, get acquainted with the history of the country. Ukrainian cuisine is one of the best in Europe. It has its own traditions and is famous for its great variety and good taste qualities. In Ukraine works a multi-branch transport system due to which you can get to any place both inside and outside the country by air on by land. The city public transport network includes trams, trolleybuses, buses and taxi. Big cities have a metro. The academic year in higher educational establishments in Ukraine starts on the 1st of September. It is divided into two terms, the first term is from September to the end of January and the second begins in February and ends in June. Each term lasts 17-18 weeks, followed by a 3 week examination period. Foreign citizens who would like to enter the higher educational establishments in Ukraine get visas at the Embassy or diplomatic representative offices of Ukraine in their countries and on the grounds of invitation from Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine or a higher educational institution. All leisure and sports facilities are available both for foreigner and Ukrainian students. Tuition, accommodation and other facilities fees are fixed in the corresponding agreements. In comparison with the western countries education and accommodation fees are quite reasonable in Ukraine for all strata of population. Accommodation

Percent of foreign citizens which studied in the INSTITUTE of higher of Ukraine in 2011/2012 years Countries of North America; 0,57%

Countries of Latin America; 0,48%

Countries of Africa; 17,77%

Countries of Australia and New Without citizenship; 0,25% Zeland; 0,01% Countries of CIS; 37,80%

Countries Near East; 19,76% Countries of Asia ; 18,14%

European countries; 5,21%

for students is not a problem at all. Almost all institutions offer accommodation at a moderate price. You can also rent an apartment. Ukrainian higher educational establishments welcome everybody giving them an opportunity to obtain education of the international level. Ukrainian people are well known as a hospitable nation and we are sure that any visit to our country will be useful, interesting and exciting.



The Structure of higher education system in Ukraine The structure of higher education system in Ukraine is based on the education systems of the developed nations of the world in accordance with recommendations from the UNESCO, UN and other international organizations. Higher education is an integral part of the Ukrainian education system as laid down in the Law of Ukraine «On Education». The four-level system provides thorough academic, professional and practical training with the following degrees: Junior Specialist, Bachelor, Specialist, Master. Higher education can be obtained in higher education establishments of a certain level of accreditation. The applicants must have either basic general secondary education, complete secondary education, or hold degrees of the Junior Specialist or Bachelor, as well as of the Specialist or Master if they apply for a postgraduate degree. The students can take either the full-time courses (day), part-time courses (evening classes, distance learning), or take a combination of these. Sometimes they can do an external course. Admission to higher education establishments is selective and depends on the applicants’ ability; it does not depend on the ownership type of the education establishment or the sources of money to pay tuition fees. According to their status, all education establishments fall into four categories: • First level – the technical school, vocational school, or other schools of the same level; • Second level – the college, or other establishments of the same level; • Third and fourth levels (according to their accreditation) – the institute, conservatoire, academy, university. The higher education establishments can award degrees: • Junior Specialist (technical schools, vocational schools, and other education establishments of the first accreditation level); • Bachelor (colleges and other education establishments of the second accreditation level); • Specialist, Master (education establishments of the third and fourth accreditation levels) The multi-layer structure of the higher education system means that on completion of education on a given

level, students obtain a corresponding degree and can move up from level to level. According to the structure of the higher education system, the first level leads to Junior Specialist Diploma, the second level to Bachelor’s Degree (basic higher education), the third to Specialist, Master’s Degree (complete higher education). Accredited education establishments provide instruction according to their accreditation level. However, the higher the accreditation level of an education establishment is, the more options it can offer its students, who can graduate it with a diploma or degree of any chosen level.

Being a participant of the Bologna process, Ukraine intends to join common European education system by 2010, as well as European academic research community. In this way it will take part in creation of the «Europe of Knowledge», and become more competitive. This work has acquired new dimensions after Ukraine joined other member countries of the Bologna process. A new set of requirements for obtaining the Bachelor’s Degree has been adapted to meet European standards. Another

6 important objective is to revise syllabuses and qualification requirements.

Education management

Education management is carried out by state and public self-governing bodies. State higher education management bodies include: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; • Central executive bodies that are in charge of higher education establishments; • Supreme attestation commission of Ukraine; • State accreditation commission; Ministry of Education and Science is the central executive body that supervises education. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine • participates in defining government policy in matters of education, science, and professional training; • develops education improvement programmers and standards, leases with education establishments and state bodies of other countries in matters within its competence; • accredits higher, professional and technical education establishments, licenses and certifies them, • attests teachers and academics and confers them

2013-2014 qualification categories, pedagogical and academic degrees; Supreme attestation commission of Ukraine attests teachers and academics, supervises degree awards, and confers the honorary title of Senior Scientist. Ministry of Education and Science works with other ministries which have education establishments and taking account of the results of attestations • controls the education standards and grants the right to issue certified diplomas; • determines the accreditation level of an education establishment; • informs the public on the quality of education and research at education establishments. Education self-governing bodies are • Ukrainian conference of educators; • General staff meeting at an education establishment; • Regional or district conference of educators; • Conference of educators of Autonomous Republic of the Crimea. The education self-governing bodies submit their proposals for regulation of the government’s education policy.

DNEPROPETROVSK MEDICAL INSTITUTE of Traditional and Non-traditional Medicine License: AГ 582090 from 17.10.2011. Level of accreditation: III Subordination: Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Form of ownership: Non-state. Year of establishment: 1993 SPECIALTIES: • General Medicine – term of studies – 6 years • Dentistry – term of studies – 5 years EDUCATIONAL LEVEL: Specialist Preparatory faculty for foreign citizens – 10 months – languages courses, biology, physics, chemistry LANGUAGES OF TEACHING: Ukrainian, Russian, English FORM OF EDUCATION: full-time TUITION FEE: • General Medicine – Russianspeaking foreign students – 2435 $ per year, Englishspeaking foreign students – 3100 $ per year*; • Dentistry – Russian-speaking foreign students – 2435 $ per year, English-speaking foreign students – 3100 $ per year*; • Preparatory courses – 1450 $ per year* • Education fee by the 20th of June 2013.

Foreign students are provided with accommodation in the hostel. Tuition for living – 80-120 $ per month. In Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute of Traditional and Nontraditional Medicine students have the possibility to gain higher medical education according to the state standards as well as thoroughly study methods of traditional and nontraditional medicine, including manual therapy, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, pharmacognosy, homeopathy, reflexotherapy, bioenergoinformatics, iridology, Eastern health-improving systems and others. Rector of the Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute of Traditional and Non-traditional Medicine, Professor Victor V. Abramov, PhD, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine

Educational and educative process is provided by highly qualified lecturers among whom are 16 Professors, PhD and 47 Associate Professors. On graduating from Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute of Traditional and Non-traditional Medicine students obtain the Diploma on Higher Medical Education of State pattern.

Address: 49005, Sevastopolskaya str., 17, building 4, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (056)-370-24-45, Fax: 38 (056)-370-24-45 E-mail: dmi_nm@i.ua, dmi_nm@mail.ru



Regulation on Education of Foreigners and Stateless Persons in Ukraine


1. This Regulation shall govern issues related to the training in Ukraine experts for foreign states, and shall be committing for all educational institutions and scientific establishments regardless of their subordination and form of ownership. 2. This Regulation shall not be applied to foreigners residing permanently on the territory of Ukraine, who have the right to the education equally with citizens of Ukraine. 3. Foreigners shall obtain education on the basis of a day-form education, unless otherwise provided for by international agreements of Ukraine. 4. Accredited educational and scientific institutions, which have a license to carry out educational activities, shall admit foreigners for obtaining education by them. 5. Educational and scientific institutions shall admit foreigners without any restriction by race, colour of skin, political, religious and other views, gender, ethnic and social origin, status, place of residence, language and other factors.

establishments providing postgraduate studies and opportunity to take doctor’s degree; • postgraduate educational institutions. IV. CONDITIONS OF ADMISSION 8. Foreigners having a degree of complete general secondary education shall be admitted to study in Ukraine.

9. Foreigners, who studied in higher educational institutions of foreign countries, shall be admitted for the further obtaining of higher education in Ukraine on the basis of documents evidencing the completed educational–qualification level. Persons, who have no such education degree, shall be admitted for their education in Ukraine pursuant to the requirements of this Regulation. 10. Foreigners, who have the complete higher education and expressed their skills for scientific and research work shall be admitted to the postgraduate courses of higher educational and scientific institutions. 11. Foreigners, who have the complete higher education degree, shall be admitted to obtain the postgraduate education.



6. Foreigners shall be admitted for the education in Ukraine on the following grounds: • international agreements of Ukraine; • national programs; • agreements concluded by educational institutions with legal and physical persons.

12. Foreigners, who have no medical contra–indications to live in climate conditions of Ukraine and study according to the respective directions of training and for the respective professions, shall be admitted for the purpose of obtaining education in higher educational institutions of Ukraine.



7. Foreigners may obtain education in Ukraine in: • technical and specialized schools and colleges; • higher educational institutions; • higher educational institutions and scientific

13. Foreigners–candidates for obtaining education in Ukraine shall submit the following documents: a. completed application form;

2013-2014 b. a copy of the document of education with the list of studied courses (subjects) and received grades (points) – secondary school diploma and transcripts or college/university diploma and transcripts; c. an original and copy of the Passport; d. the medical certificate of the state of health certified by an official health care authority of a country, where a foreigner has come from, and issued at least two months prior the entrance into Ukraine for education; e. the insurance policy for emergency medical care (except for foreigners arrived from countries, with which agreements on free provision of emergency medical care are concluded); f. the document evidencing the absence of HIVinfection, unless otherwise for by international agreements of Ukraine g. a copy of the birth certificate; h. 6 photographs having the size of 6x4 sm; i. ticket valid for one year with an open date for the applicant’s return to his/her home country. 14. Persons, who enter the postgraduate studies or studies for obtaining doctor’s degree, shall additionally submit a list of the published scientificresearch works with the specification of a place of publishing, and such works shall be certified by a head of educational institution, organization at the place of work. Postgraduates, who have no published works, shall submit research papers (reports) in the area of the scientific profession selected by them.


agreements of Ukraine. 16. Documents set forth in Articles 13 and 14 of this Regulation issued to persons sent to studies pursuant to international agreements and national programs through the diplomatic institutions of Ukraine or the diplomatic institution of his/her country in Ukraine shall be forwarded to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine by 30 June in order to be admitted within the current year to the studies for taking degrees of a candidate or doctor of science, postgraduate courses, and by 30 May for all others forms of education, unless otherwise provided for by international agreements of Ukraine. Documents received after the deadline may be considered in order to make a decision regarding studies in the next year. 17. Persons, who arrive to study under agreements (contracts) entered into between educational institutions and legal entities or individuals, shall submit documents listed in Articles of this Regulation directly to the educational institutions. VII. ADMISSION OF FOREIGNERS FOR STUDIES UNDER INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS, NATIONAL PROGRAMS AND AGREEMENTS ENTERED BETWEEN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND LEGAL ENTITIES AND INDIVIDUALS

When admitting to the studies for taking doctor’s degree, the following documents shall be submitted additionally:

18. Admission of foreigners for studies under agreements, national programs, agreements entered into between educational institutions and legal entities and individuals shall be made pursuant to the Regulation «On Admission of Foreigners and Stateless Persons for Their Studies in Higher Educational Institutions» approved by Resolution # 1238 of the cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 5 September 1998.

a) comprehensive plan of a dissertation work for taking the scientific degree of a doctor of science;


b) copy of the diploma on awarding the scientific degree of a candidate of science.

19. All foreigners shall pay for their education in Ukraine, unless otherwise provided for by applicable Ukrainian legislation or international agreements of Ukraine.

15. Documents set forth in Articles 13 and 14 of this regulation shall be in the Ukrainian, Russian or English languages, and documents set forth in paragraphs «b», «c», «d» and «f» of Article 13 and paragraph «b» of Article 14 shall, in addition, be certified pursuant to the legislation of a country of their origin and legalized pursuant to the established order, unless otherwise provided for by international

20. Foreigners, who study in Ukraine under international agreements or national programs, shall use classes, reading rooms and libraries, sports and culture complexes, shall be provided with scholarship and places In students’ dormitories on the equal basis with Ukrainian students, unless otherwise provided

10 for by respective agreements or programs. 21. Terms and conditions of education of other classes of foreigners shall be determined by agreements (contracts). 22. Educational institutions shall not bear any costs, and shall not assume any other responsibility in connection with the stay in Ukraine of families of those students, who study in Ukraine. 23. Foreigners, who study on the basis of international agreements or national programs, shall be moved from one educational institution to another one upon the end of an academic year pursuant to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and other classes of foreigners – under written agreement between educational institutions. IX. PREPARATORY YEAR. LANGUAGE STUDIES 24. Foreigners (except for those taking degree of a candidate or doctor of science, and postgraduate students), who do not speak the Ukrainian language, or any other language of studies shall be admitted to the preparatory faculties (departments) for foreigners of higher educational institutions for one year pursuant to the results of testing. At the request of foreigners, they may study at the preparatory faculty (department) during two years with the annual payment in the amount determined by Resolution # 136 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On Education of Foreign Citizens in Ukraine» dated 26 February 1993. 25. At the preparatory faculty (department) foreigners shall study the Ukrainian language, history of Ukraine, regional geography, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography and other subjects, depending on the profession they wish to master. 26. There are final examinations upon the end of an academic year. Persons, who pass successfully their final exams, shall receive a copy of the appropriate certificate. The original certificate of the persons, who studied on the basis of international agreements or national programs, together with personal records, shall be sent to the educational institution pursuant to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and for other classes of foreigners - at the written request of the educational institution, and in the event of the continuation of studies at the same educational institution, such documents shall be left in the personal file of a student. The place and educational institution, where a foreigner will study

2013-2014 after the preparatory faculty, if such foreigner is admitted under international agreements or national programs, shall be determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and for other foreigners – under terms and conditions of the respective agreements (contracts). 27. Foreigners, who did not show at the preparatory faculty skills and knowledge required for further education, shall be sent down and returned to their native countries. 28. Foreigners, who are fluent in the Ukrainian language or any other language of studies, shall be admitted to receive education under the results of written testing for the studies language and profile subjects of the complete general secondary education. X. EDUCATION IN VOCATIONAL AND HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 29. The contents and term of the education in vocational and higher educational institutions, as well as terms and conditions of awarding an appropriate qualification to foreigners pursuant to applicable Ukrainian legislation. XI. EDUCATION OF FOREIGNERS HAVING THE EDUCATIONAL-QUALIFICATION DEGREE OF A BACHELOR IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 30. The contents and terms of the education in higher educational institutions, as well as terms and conditions of awarding an appropriate qualification to foreigners, who have the educational-qualification degree of a bachelor, shall be determined by the State standards of education, and be in consistence with the Regulations «On Organization of Educational Process in Higher Educational Institutions» as approved by Order #161 of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine on 2 June 1993. XII. TRAINING OF SCIENTIFIC-PEDAGOGICAL AND SCIENTIFIC PERSONNEL THROUGH STUDIES FOR TAKING DEGREES OF A CANDIDATE AND DOCTOR OF SCIENCES 31. Foreigners shall be admitted to the studies for taking degree of a candidate or doctor of sciences at the higher educational and scientific research institutions for the preparation and defense of a thesis for taking the degree of a candidate or doctor of sciences pursuant to the results of an interview. 32. Terms and conditions of the studies for taking

2013-2014 degree of a candidate or doctor of sciences, as well as the term of training of scientific-pedagogical and scientific-research specialists through the studies for taking degree of a candidate or doctor of sciences shall be set forth in the «Regulations on Training Scientific-Pedagogical and Scientific-Research Specialists» as approved by Resolution # 309 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 1 March 1999. XIII. POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION 33. Foreigners, who wish to receive new qualification and profession on the basis of the qualification and profession previously received in the educational institution and experience of the practical work, to extend their professional knowledge and skills in their specialty and profession, shall be admitted to the postgraduate educational institutions. 34. Foreigners, who arrive to receive the postgraduate education for a period of one year, must speak fluently the Ukrainian language or the language of studies. Persons, who arrive to receive, the postgraduate education for a period of more than one year and do not know the Ukrainian language or the language of the studies, shall be provided with the possibility to learn the language in the admitting Educational institution within the period of education. 35. The contents of education and the term of the studies, as well as the terms and conditions of awarding the respective qualification to foreigners in the postgraduate educational institutions shall be


determined pursuant to the applicable Ukrainian legislation. XIV. DOCUMENTS ON EDUCATION 36. Foreigners, who completed the studies, defended the graduation thesis (paper), passed the state examinations pursuant to the requirements of the educational-professional program of the training, shall be given, by the decision of the state commission, the respective educational degree (qualification), and the document on the education in the form approved by Resolution # 1260 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On Documents on Education and Academic Status» dated 12 November 1997 shall be issued to such foreigners. 37. The educational institutions shall put down the Apostil in the documents on education of graduatesforeigners with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine or legalize them with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. XV. PROCEDURES FOR MAKING FOREIGNERS ACQUAINTED WITH THE «REGULATION ON EDUCATION OF FOREIGNERS AND STATELESS PERSONS IN UKRAINE» 38. Educational institutions shall be obligated to make foreign students acquainted with this Regulation. 39. Foreigners, who receive education in Ukraine, shall confirm in writing their consent to observe the requirements of this Regulation.



Full list of higher education establishments which have license for studying of foreign citizens (2013 – 2014) Higher Educational Institutions of ІІІ and IV accreditation levels (by regions) Abbreviations used in the table:

• IV – 4 rd level of accreditation (Bachelor, Specialist & Master degrees) • III – 3rd level of accreditation (Bachelor and Specialist degrees) • I – II level of accreditation – JS (Junior Specialist)

Institution’s Name

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page

Additional Information


The Academitian Yuriy Bygay International Scientific and Technical University

3, lane Magnitogorsk, Kyiv, 02660, Ukraine www.istu.edu.ua/en

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 041500 from 14.08.12.

Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

2, Velyka Zhytomyrska str., Kyiv, 01025, Ukraine www.dipacadem.kiev.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 034503 from 30.03.12.

European University

16V, Academician Vernadsky blvd., Kyiv, 03115, Ukraine www.e-u.in.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 529911 from 11.08.11.

The Institute of Art for Decorative Modelling and Design named after Salvador Dali

5, Berezhanska str., Kyiv, 04074, Ukraine http://mixmd.edu.ua

III Level of Accreditation License AД № 041438 from 13.07.12.

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University License: AB № 586532 from 30. 06. 2011. Level of accreditation: IV (the highest). Subordination: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Year of establishment: 1834. Training of foreigners: since 1991

Today the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University is an acknowledged leader of pedagogical education of Ukraine. Leadership status of our university in the system of pedagogical education and science of Ukraine is provided by around 1600 teachers, among which there are almost 280 doctors of science, professors; 702 candidates of science, associate professors, around 40 academicians of NAS of Ukraine and academies of other branches. More than 30 thousand students are enrolled in the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, among them there are over 400 students from 26 countries.

Rector Viktor Andrushchenko, Corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, Academician of NAPS of Ukraine, Doctor of philosophy, Professor, Honored worker of science and technics of Ukraine, Vice President of Club of Rectors of Europe, President of the Association of Rectors of Pedagogical Universities of Europe

Our university trains foreign students in the following specialties: Preschool education Management of sociocultural activity Elementary education Human’s health Practical psychology Arts Technological education Correctional education Logopedics Psychology Social pedagogics Social work

Physical education Sports Philosophy Cultural studies Design Religious studies Musical art Choreography History of law History Philology. Ukrainian language and literature Publishing and editing

Foreign philology: English (German, Russian, Polish, Italian, French, Spanish, Chinese, Arab, Japanese) language and literature Philology. Translation Sociology Management Pedagogy of the higher school Management the educational institution

Administrative management Law Political studies Mathematics Physics Economics Informatics Tourism Chemistry Biology Geography Ecology

Tuition fee for foreign students varies from $1500 to $4500 per academic year and depends on the specialty and qualification level. Preparatory department for foreign citizens: $1050. Duration of training: 9 months. University has 7 hostels, library with 8 reading-rooms, sports complex with a pool, computer classes, internet cafeterias and canteens. Accommodation fee: approximately $320 per year.

There are more than 60 cooperation agreements, which our university concluded with leading universities and research centers.

University has become a member of the European University Association, Euroasian Universities Association and International Association of Universities; University has been awarded a “European quality” award by the decision of Scientific Council of the Vienna International University (Austria) jointly with the Nominating Committee of the European Business Assembly (Oxford, Great Britain). Rector Viktor Andrushchenko is a Vice President of the Club of Rectors of Europe; National Pedagogical Dragomanov University is a founding member of the Academical Network of Central and Eastern Europe – AnforCEE.

Сontact information 9, Pyrogova Street, Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine. Tel.: +38 (044) 234-11-08, +38 (044) 234-37-60, Fax: +38 (044) 234-65-57 http://www.npu.edu.ua e-mail: foreign@npu.edu.ua

NATIONAL AVIATION UNIVERSITY KYIV, UKRAINE Aviation has always been at the forefront of sci� entific and technological progress. Tens of thou� sands of specialists for more than 140 countries have graduated from the largest aviation university in Ukraine, the National Aviation University (NAU). Now the University continues to provide training in promising areas and various specialities. The University was founded in 1933. It has the 4th level of accreditation. Acting License number is АD # 034536 dt. 23.04.2012. Academic activities is performed by a highly skilled scientific and pedagogical team, including Members of the Academy of Science of Ukraine, Doctors of sciences, Professors, PhD holders, senior lectures, honored persons in science and engineering of Ukraine and winners of the State prizes. More than 50 thousand students study at the University today, 1400 foreign students from 53 countries are among them. 14 educational institutes, 8 faculties, 10 research institutes and centres, 7 colleges, 4 lyceums function under the auspices of the University. 75 airplanes and helicopters, 42 aircraft engines, 3 aircraft simulators, 240 on�board sys�

tems, test benches and about 2500 modern com� puters are used in the educational process. The University library has got more than 3 million books. The University has a training aerodrome, unique hangar, aircraft and airport radio, elec� tronic and navigation equipment facilities, aero� dynamic training complex with the wind tunnel, State Museum of Aviation. The University campus includes 12 dormito� ries, a canteen with a seating capacity for 1000 people, a sports centre, an art and culture cen� tre, an Internet�cafe, a health centre with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment, a billiard club and student clubs. One of the priorities of the University is the integration into the international research and educational environment. The University teaching staff and students carry out a wide range of research with universities of Great Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, France, South Korea and other countries. The University successfully collaborates with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Two ICAO European Regional Training Centres are successfully functioning for aviation personnel upgrading.

CONTACTS: 1, Kosmonavta Komarova ave., Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine, tel./fax: +380 44 408�28�23, tel. +380 44 406�73�02 E�mail: deanfsf@nau.edu.ua, post�fsf@nau.edu.ua, http://www. nau.edu.ua, http://dmz.nau.edu.ua

Directions Aircraft and Rocket Engineering Avionics Air Navigation Maintenance of Aircraft Transportation Technologies Power�Plant Engineering Automation and Computer�Integrated Technologies System Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronic Devices and Systems Micro� and Nanoelectronics Radio Electronic Devices Radio Engineering Telecommunications Metrology and Information�Measuring Technologies Information Security Control Security of Information and Communication Systems Technical Information Security Systems Applied Mathematics Applied Physics Computer Engineering Computer Sciences Software Engineering Publishing and Polygraphic Business Design Architecture Construction Geodesy, Cartography and Land Resource Management Biotechnology Chemical Technologies Accounting and audit Economic Cybernetics Economics of Enterprises Finance and Credit International economics International Law International Information International Business Marketing Management International Economic Relations Ecology, Environment Protection and Balanced Natural Resources Management Philology Journalism Jurisprudence Documenting and Information Activity Tourism Psychology Sociology Training of students is conducted in Ukrainian, Russian or English

R.Glier Kyiv Institute of Music INVITES students and citizens of other countries for study and cooperation

Chancellor National Artist of Ukraine Professor Alexandr Zlotnyk

R.Glier Kyiv Institute of Music is associated with names of many famous reative figures – classics of Ukrainian music. Among the renowned colleges graduates is a bright celebrity of XX century pianists V.Horowitz and many others whose contribution to the musical art has been recognized by history. Nowadays R.Glier Kyiv State Higher Music College is a developed educational structure where the training of pianists, performers on string-bow, wind, percussion, folk instruments, and artists of choir, conductors of a choir and an orchestra, singers, pop performers, sound producers, musicologist is done. The college is a leading educational institution where the preservation of the best cultural traditions is combined with the quest of new modem ways of improving performing skills. As a centre of methodology, the college is a basic institution for launching new standards of education, projects, programmes and scientific - art arrangements of the Ministry of culture and tourism of Ukraine. Kyiv Institute of Music. International relations of R.Glier Kyiv Institute of Music (KIM) The International Relations of R.Glier KIM have essentially developed within last ten years and are put into effect in different ways. Bilateral agreements have been concluded with professional music educational institutions worldwide. The intensive international relations of R.Glier KIM contribute to the experience exchange between Ukrainian and foreign musicians. The International Relations Department deals constantly with the matters of improving the performance level of Ukrainian and foreign students. Thus, during 2007 - 2009 there were 14 master classes given by the world-renowned performers: professors from leading institutions of the USA, Russia, Germany, Poland, Turkey, Israel and Finland. The R.Glier KIM has been actively cooperating with diplomatic representations accredited to Ukraine, Kyiv. A lot of international projects were completed in the framework of international artistic exchange. The R.Glier KIM organizes and holds international projects: 1. The International competition for young pianists in memory of Vladimir Horowitz. 2. The International Festival "Kyiv Summer Music Evenings". 3. The International summer music academy. 4. The International Festival "Virtuosos of the planet". 5. The International scientific practical conference "Young musicologists". The R.Glier KIM actively works on keeping connections with its graduates. To achieve that, with the help of the Head Department of Culture at the Kyiv municipal state administration of Kyiv, upon the initiative of graduates of R.Glier KIM in January, 2009, a public organization "International association of graduates of the R.Glier Kyiv State Higher Music College", the first and only association in Ukraine among music educational institutions, was established. Development of international standing of R.Glier KIM also lies in constant increase of foreign students' contingent. Nowadays R.Glier KIM has foreign s tudents from the following countries: Moldova, Uzbekistan, Montenegro, Israel, the USA, Germany, countries of Middle and Far East - Syria, Iran, China and South Korea. The foreign students as well as Ukrainian ones actively participate in all art projects of the Institute in performance training.

R.Glier Kyiv Institute of Music, founded on a basis of the oldest in Ukraine first professional musical educational institution R.M.Glier Kyiv State Higher Music College, is a leading educational institution of Ukraine which prepareshighly qualified experts in the sphere of musical art.

TEACHING SYSTEM • elementary education at school studio. • educational and qualification level: Associate - 4 years • educational and qualification level: Bachelor, Specialist - 4 years • educational and qualification level: Master - 1,5 years

SPECIALIZATIONS: Piano. Orchestral stringed instruments. Orchestral brass and impact tools. Folk instruments. Musicology. Singing (academic, variety), Variety musical art (jazz) Period of study in R.Glier Kyiv Institute of Music - 4 years - Foreigners with secondary education are accepted to the Institute - Study is conducted on a contract basis Institute has Preparation Department Period of study: 1-2 years

Receipt of documents and entrance examinations for foreign students will take place from 1 June until 15 November Address: 31, L.Tolstoy str., Kiev 01032 R.Glier Kyiv Institute of Music Tel./fax (044) 288-32-62, 288-31-68, 288-32-68, e-mail: kimglier@ukr.net www.glierinstitute.org

University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine (Kyiv) – specialized higher educational establishment of the National Bank of Ukraine of the IV level of accreditation that trains professionals for financial and credit system and improves their qualification.

On May 25, 2012 the University was granted the license of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (AД № 041151, dated June 12, 2012) that gives the right for educational activities realization.

THE UNIVERSITY INCLUDES Institute of Masters and Postgraduate Education in Kyiv / 1, Andriivs’ka Str., Kyiv, 04070/ www.impo.ubs.gov.ua Lviv Institute of Banking / 9, Shevchenka Ave, Lviv, 79005 / www.lbi.wubn.net Kharkiv Institute of Banking / 55, Peremohy Ave, Kharkiv, 61174 / www.khibs.edu.ua Cherkasy Institute of Banking / 164,Chornovola Str., Cherkasy, 18028 / www.cibs.ck.ua The University trains specialists in the field of “Economics and enterprise” in Lviv Institute of Banking the University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine and Kharkiv Institute of Banking the University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine. - at the educational-qualification level of Bachelor by specialities: "Finance and Credit"; "Accounting and Audit"; "Economic Cybernetics"; "Personnel Management and Labour Economics" - at the educational-qualification level of Specialist by specialities: "Banking"; "Finance and Credit"; "Accounting and Audit"; Retraining of specialists in: "Banking"; "Finance and Credit";

- at the educational-qualification level of Master by specialities: "Banking"; "Finance and Credit"; "Accounting and Audit"; "Economic Cybernetics"; "Personnel Management and Labour Economics"; MBA programs "Business administration"; "Management of financial and economic security"

1, Andriivska Str., Kyiv, 04070 Ukraine, tel.: +380 44 462 53 10 ubs@ubs.gov.ua www.ubs.gov.ua

2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page


Additional Information

The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

2, Frometivska str., Kyiv, 03039, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (044) 527–95–72 Fax: +38 (044) 527–95–72 E-mail: mpimaup@ukr.net www.maup.com.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 073155 from 08.01.13. Fields: Management and Administration; Marketing; Economics and Enterprise; International Relations; Psychology; Sociology; Political Science; Philology. Terms of training: Preparatory faculty – 10 months, Bachelor degree – 4 years, Master degree- 1–2 years, PostGraduate course – 3 years. Languages of study: Ukrainian/ Russian. On graduating students receive state standard diplomas for foreign citizens in accordance with the international requirements.

The State Institution "Institute of neurosurgery named academic A. Romodanov NAMS of Ukraine"

32, Platon Mayboroda str., Kyiv, 04050, Ukraine Tel. +38 (044) 483–95–73 E-mail: neuro.kiev@gmail.com www.neuro.kiev.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 498233. List of licensed specialities for foreign citizens: neurosurgery. Post-Graduate Training (ordinatura) - clinical. Specialization Course of neurosurgery. Teaching program includes 6 basic cycles in neurosurgery: the features of clinic presentation and brain trauma and trauma of peripheral nerve system; diagnostics and treatment of the tumors and vascular pathologies of central nerve system; pediatric neurosurgery; spinal neurosurgery; diagnostics and medical treatment of acute cerebro-vascular diceases; radioneurosurgery. Term of fellowship – 2 years. SI «Institute of neurosurgery NAMS of Ukraine» can prepare aspirants, speciality – neurosurgery and pathological anatomy in the section of the pathology of nerve system. Term of fellowship – 3 years. In addition you can pass a fellowship in some field of neurosurgery (vascular, pediatric, functional, recovery neurosurgery, neurooncology and some others) in term from 6 months to 3 years. Cost for fellowship for foreign citizens: 2900 USD per year. For foreign citizens SI «Institute of neurosurgery AMS of Ukraine» have got a hostel.

Karpenko-Kary Kyiv National University of Theatre, Cinema and Television

40, Yaroslaviv Val str., Kyiv, 01034, Ukraine www.knutkt.com.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 582581 from 22.11.11.

“KROK” University

30–32, Lagerna str., Kyiv, 03113, Ukraine www.krok.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АЕ № 270721 from 02.07.13.

Kyiv International University

49, Lvivska str., Kyiv, 03179, Ukraine www.kymu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 072604 from 14.08.12.


2013-2014 Institution’s Name

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Kyiv Medical University of Ukrainian Association of Folk Medicine

9, Tolstoy str., Kyiv, 01004, Ukraine http://kmu.edu.ua/

IV Level of Accreditation License AВ № 110158 from 13.08.12.

Kyiv National Linguistic University

73, Velyka Vasylkivska str., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine www.knlu.kiev.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 041191 from 15.06.12.

Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

36, Schorsa str., Kyiv, 01042, Ukraine www.knukim.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 582096 from 19.10.11.

Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

31, Povitriflotsky ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine Tel. +38 (044) 241–55–22 Fax. +38 (044) 248–49–01 E-mail: Knuba@Knuba.edu.ua, interaffairs@bigmir.net www.knuba.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АГ № 582636 from 21.12.11. Construction technological department: technology of building structures products and materials; science of commodity and commerce. Automation and information technologies department: hoisting, building, road, reclamation machines and equipment; automation management by technological processes; computer management systems and technologies; computer design technologies; professional training on production, operation and repair of hoisting, building, road, reclamation machines and equipment; professional training in the field of computer technologies in management and education. Sanitary engineering department: heat and gas supply and ventilation; water supply and water disposal; ecology and environment protection.

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

2, Nemirovich-Danchenko str., Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine E-mail: knutd@knutd.com.ua Valentina Shulga Director of the Education Center of International Cooperation of KNUTD Tel.: +38 (044) 256–21–64 Fax: +38 (044) 280–80–61 E-mail: interoffice_learning@knutd.com.ua; valentinashulga@gmail.com www.knutd.com.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 073067. THERE ARE SUCH FACULTIES AT THE UNIVERSITY: design; technologies, service and fashion; mechatronics and computer technologies; chemical technologies; economics and business; market, information and innovation technologies. KNUTD INCLUDES 5 INSTITUTES: extramural and distance learning; continuing education; pre-university, accelerated, individual training; chief scientific and research institute of metrology, certification and quality management of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (in the structure of KNUTD); scientific and research institute of economics. And also 3 colleges: KNUTD college; Lviv college of light industry; Chernihiv industrial and economic college. University facilities: Academic buildings; Student hostels; Science and research library; Dining-hall; Sportshealth-improving camp; Editorial-publishing department; Youth student sports club; Center of Cultural and Art.

SHUPYK NATIONAL MEDICAL ACADEMY OF POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION Yurii V.Voronenko Rector of the Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Academician of NAMS of Ukraine, Honoured Science and Technology Worker of Ukraine, State Prizewinner of Ukraine in the Field of Science and Technology The Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education is the oldest higher educational institution of post-graduate of physicians. It was founded in 1918 as a Clinical Institute of Kyiv union of physicians which was later renamed Kyiv Institute of Advanced training of physicians, Kyiv State Institute of advanced training of physicians, Kyiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Shupyk Kyiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. Through its existence the Academy has become a leading institution of post-graduate education in the field of medical science and health care of Ukraine. The Academy has been given a national institution status by the Decree of the President of Ukraine in national and international acknowledgement of its work. Today, NMAPE is a leading institution of post-graduate medical education, modern scientific and clinical centre of higher (IV) level of accreditation. Scientific and methodological work is performed in 79 departments, parts of three institutes (the Institute of Dentistry, the Institute of Family Medicine, the Institute of Reproductive Medicine), and in 5 faculties of surgery, therapy, pediatrics, medical prophylactic and pharmaceutical; a faculty for advanced training of teaching staff. There is Central Scientific and Research Laboratory, Research Academic and Methodological Centre of Distance Education, State Academic and Geriatric Centre, Centre of Prophylactic and Preventive Dentistry. At the departments over 790 faculty members work, including 2 Heroes of Ukraine, 6 academicians of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, 17 associate members of the AMSU, 6 associate members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 200 doctors of sciences, 460 candidates of sciences. The major directions of the academy are:  post-graduate education and continuous professional development of doctors and pharmaceutists, including: internship(residency), master’s courses, specialization, topical advanced course, pre-certification course, clinical residency course, traineeship and other forms of education that are in conformity with the laws of Ukraine;

 training highly qualified health-care specialists in accordance with government orders and contractual obligations;  training scientific training staff at the pre-certification course and doctoral course;  training and re-training specialists for foreign countries. According to AB № 552351 license of 29.09.2010 for providing education by educational institutions, the training of specialists includes the following directions: medicine and pharmacy (post-graduate education of the master’s qualifications). The training is performed in the specialties:  therapeutic training;  pediatrics;  medical-prophylactic,  dentistry,  pharmacy,  clinical pharmacy. According to the above-mentioned license the training of 25000 doctors and pharmaceutists including 400 foreign citizens has been planned. From year to year the relation of the Academy and foreign countries develops. Awarding honorary titles (Doctor Honoris Causa and Professor Honoris Causa) to prominent foreign scientists is a good tradition at the Academy. The list of honorary doctors of the Academy includes Professor Theodore Helbrugge (Germany), Professor Albert Schitzel (Switzerland), honorary professors – Nobel Prize Laureate George Vithulkas (Greece) professor Hubert Von Voss (Germany), professor Ktibor Stephan Weiss (Austria), Trevor Gibbs (Great Britain). The Academy was the first of medical higher institutions in Ukraine to become a collective member of International Personnel Academy (UNESCO), the European Academy of Natural Sciences and the International European Association of Medical Education. The international cooperation has been established with 58 European and world associations, schools, universities, societies.

9 Dorogozhytska str., Kyiv, 04112, Ukraine Tel. +38 (044) 440-30-79, 456-10-79, Fax: +380 (044) 456-90-27 E-mail: priymalnya@nmapo.edu.ua; prore-interdep@nmapo.edu.ua http://www.nmapo.edu.ua

National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine Founded in 1930. International Students since 1955. State-Run Institution. IVth Level of Accreditation. License AE №270144 from 07.05.2013

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS’ TRAINING Pre-admission course in Ukrainian and Russian (1 year). Bachelor’s Degree (a 4-year course): • Bachelor of Sport; • Bachelor of Physical Education; • Bachelor of Human Health. Master’s Degree (a 1-year course) in specialties: • Olympic and Professional Sports; • Physical Rehabilitation; • Physical Education. Post-graduate Ph. D. course (3 years). Tuition Fees per Academic Year: Pre-admission course – 1500 $; Bachelor’s Degree (4 years) – 1900 $; Master’s Degree (1 year) – 1900 $; Ph. D. course (3 years) – 3000 $. Annual cost of hostel accomodation - 350 $. Contact: 1 Fizkultury st., Kyiv,03680, Ukraine Tel. +38 (044) 289-66-15; 287-54-52, Fax: +38 (044) 287-61-91 E-mail: rectorat@uni-sport.edu.ua; fd_nupesu@i.ua http://www.uni-sport.edu.ua

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Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

19, Kioto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine Tel.: + 38 (044) 531–49–49, 531–49–51, 513–33–48 Fax: + 38 (044) 544–39–74, 544–74–14, 531–49–51 E-mail: knteu@knteu.kiev.ua Preparatory Department for Foreigners Tel. +38 (044) 531–49–22, 513–63–54 E-mail: vdpig@knteu.kiev.ua www.knteu.kiev.ua

Kyiv State Institute Decoratively Applied Art and Design named after Mykoli Boychuka

32, Kikvidze str., Kyiv, 01103, Ukraine www.boychukart.kiev.ua

III Level of Accreditation License AГ № 582096 from 19.10.11.

M.M. Amosov National Institute of CardioVascular Surgery

6, Amosov str., Kyiv, 03038, Ukraine http://amosovinstitute.org.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 034966 from 28.05.12.

IV Level of Accreditation License АE № 270202 from 10.04.13. List of Bachelor’s Degree Programs: Psychology; Advertising and Public Relations; Law; Economic Cybernetics; International Economy; Economy of an Enterprise; Marketing; Finance and Credit; Accounting and Audit; Science of Commodities and Trade Entrepreneurship; Management; Food Technologies and Engineering; Hotel and Restaurant Business; Tourism. List of Master’s Degree Programs: Psychology; Advertising; Law (Business Law; Finance Law; Legal Provision of Entrepreneurial Activity Safety; Legal Provision of Entrepreneurial Activity (extra-mural); Economic cybernetics; International Economy; Economy of an Enterprise; Marketing (Marketing, Advertising); Finance and Credit (State Finance; Insurance Management; Finance of an Enterprise; Financial Intermediation; Leasing Activity; Financial Investment; Financial Analyst (extra-mural); Banking; Accounting and Audit (Accounting and Audit in Entrepreneurship; State Financial Control; State Finance Audit (day time; information resources management in accounting); Science of Commodities and Commercial Activity (Science of Commodities and Foreign Trade Organization; Science of Commodities and Commercial Logistics); Science of Commodities and Customs Expertise; Expertise of Goods and Services; Goods Quality and Safety Management; Wholesale and Retail Trade Organization; Management of Organizations and Administration (Management of Trade Organizations; Management of Customs; Management of Hotel and Restaurant Business; Management of Tourist Business; Management of Exhibition Business; Personnel Management); Management of Innovative Activity; Management of Foreign Economic Activity (Management of Foreign Economic Activity, Management of International business); Management of Investment Activity; Management in the Sphere of Economic Competition; Logistics; Technologies in Restaurant Business; Hospitality Service and Restaurant Business; Health-Resort Business; Science of Tourism. Master programs in Tourist Management Business, Foreign Economic Activity Management and Finance of an Enterprise are taught in English. The cost of study: The cost of study at the Preparatory Department for Foreigners – 14449 UAH. Bachelor Degree – 81630 UAH; Master Degree – from 20750–43580 UAH Post-Graduate Degree – 58 000 UAH The cost of hotel accommodation is: 2544–3840 UAH per year.


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National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine

22, Trutenko str., Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine http://academy.ssu.gov.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 073221 from 8.01.13.

National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture

20, Smirnova-Lastochkina str., Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine www.naoma.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 073069 from 12.02.13.

National Defence University of Ukraine named after Chernyakhovsky

28, Povitroflotsky procpect, Kyiv, 03049, Ukraine www.naou.mil.gov.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270232 from 10.04.13.

National O. O. Bohomolets Medical University

13, T. Shevchenka bulvar, Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine www.nmu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270518 from 05.06.13.

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

9, Pyrogova str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (044) 234–11–08, 234–37–60 Fax: +38 (044) 234–65–57 E-mail: foreign@npu.edu.ua www.npu.edu.ua

National Transport University

1, Suvorova str., Kyiv, 01010, Ukraine www.ntu.еdu.uа

IV Level of Accreditation License АЕ № 270203 from 10.04.13.

National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

37, Prospect Peremohy, Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine http://inter.kpi.ua/

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 582622 from 05.12.11.

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 586532 from 30. 06. 11. Our university trains foreign students in the following specialties: Preschool education; Management of sociocultural activity; Elementary education; Human’s health; Practical psychology; Arts; Technological education; Correctional education; Logopedics; Psychology; Social pedagogics; Social work; Physical education; Sports; Philosophy; Cultural studies; Design; Religious studies; Musical art; Choreography; History of law; History; Philology. Ukrainian language and literature; Publishing and editing; Foreign philology: English (German, Russian, Polish, Italian, French, Spanish, Chinese, Arab, Japanese) language and literature; Philology. Translation; Sociology; Management; Pedagogy of the higher school; Management the educational institution; Administrative management; Law; Political studies; Mathematics; Physics; Economics; Informatics; Tourism; Chemistry; Biology; Geography; Ecology. Tuition fee for foreign students varies from $1500 to $4500 per academic year and depends on the specialty and qualification level. Preparatory department for foreign citizens: $1050. Duration of training: 9 months. Accommodation fee: approximately $320 per year.

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NULES of Ukraine)

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine is one of the leading universities of our country and is well-known through the world. It is the centre of agricultural education, science and culture in Ukraine. Since 1950 more than 3000 foreign students from 89 countries all over the world have graduated from the University. Among them more than 500 graduates have obtained Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science degrees.

Rector of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Dmytro O. Melnychuk, Doctor in Biology, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honorary Professor of wellknown Universities of the World, Hero of Ukraine.

License: AE № 270579 till 01.07.2023 Level of accreditation: IV (the highest) Form of ownership: state property Year of foundation: 1898 Training of foreigners: since 1950 Languages of teaching: Ukrainian, Russian, English * Qualification levels: Bachelor, Master Post-graduation training for the degrees: PhD, DSc All the specialties are licensed for foreign students’ training

Tuition fee for foreign students for 2013-2014 studying year, UAH





Bachelor program (price per year)

14960 - 22400

17405 - 24845

25600 - 28000

Master program (total price)




Postgraduate program Advanced education

28000 - 38000 per year 3000 per one month of training

Study terms: • Bachelor training — 4 years; • Master training — 1- 2 years after bachelor program; • Candidate of science — 3 years (in the presence of master diploma). The course starts on September 1. Living Conditions Students live in the students' hostels in single or double rooms. The price of double-room is 300 UAH per month; single- room 600 UAH per month (according to conveniences). Student Leisure Foreign students have access to library collections. It has developed sports facilities, everyone has the opportunity to keep fit and become a member of various sports competition.

Heroyiv Oborony st., 15, Kyiv - 03041, Ukraine E-mail: inter.nubip@gmail.com, inter@nubip.edu.ua Tel./fax: +380 (44) 258-42-34, +38 (044) 527-81-19 http://nubip.edu.ua/

EDUCATIONAL-QUALIFICATION LEVEL “BACHELOR” • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Social Pedagogy Philology (translation) Law Economic Cybernetics Economics of Enterprises Marketing Finance and credit Accounting and Audit Management Ecology, Protection of Environment and Balanced Nature Management Computer science Automation and Computer-integrated Technologies Machine Constructing Electronics and Electrotechnics Biotechnology Food Technologies and Engineering Woodworking Technology Building Transport technologies (by mode of transport) Geodesy and Cartography, Land Planning Agronomy Technology of Production and Processing of Animal Products Forestry and Park Gardening Water Bioresources and Aquaculture Power Engineering and Electrotechnical Systems in Agroindustrial complex Processes, Machines and Equipment of Agroindustrial Production Veterinary Medicine *

EDUCATIONAL-QUALIFICATION LEVEL “MASTER” • Quality, Standardization and Certification • Pedagogy of Higher School • Administrative Management • Social Pedagogy • Economic Cybernetics • Finance • Accounting and Audit • Economics of Enterprises • Marketing • Taxation • Management of Enterprises • Management of Foreign Economic Activities * • Law Science • Ecology and Environmental Protection * • Land Management and Cadastre • Agriculture Machinery and Implements • machinery of Forestry Complex • Electrotechnical Systems of Electroconsuming • Technology of Reservation, Conservation and Processing of Meat • Technology of Fish and Sea Products Storage, Preserving and Processing • Power Engineering of Agricultural Production • Farm Mechanization • Electrical Engineering and Automation in Agriculture • Woodworking Technology • Automatic Control by Technological Process • Ecoboitechnology * • Agrochemistry and Soil Science • Agronomy • Fruit, Vegetable Growing and Viniculture • Plant Protection * • Selection and Genetics of Agriculture Crops • Technology of Production and Processing of Plant Products • Water Bioresources • Forestry • Park Gardening • Veterinary Medicine * • State Service Training of foreign students is performed in Ukrainian and Russian. * For these specialties training of foreign students in particular disciplines is performed in English.

2013-2014 Institution’s Name

National Aviation University

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page 1, Kosmonavta Komarova ave., Kyiv, 03068, Ukraine Tel/fax: +38 (044) 408–28–23 Tel.: +38 (044) 406–73–02 +38 (044) 406–73–48 +38 (044) 406–72–49 E-mail: deanfsf@nau.edu.ua, post-fsf@nau.edu.ua http://www.nau.edu.ua http://dmz.nau.edu.ua


Additional Information IV Level of Accreditation License АД № 034536 from 23.04.12. Specialties: Airplanes and helicopters; Maintenance and repair of aircraft and engines*; Aircraft equipment; Aircraft flight operation; Airport work technologies and technical equipment*; Air traffic services*; Air navigation systems*; Automatics and automation control in transport industry; Gas turbine plants and compressor stations*; Electronic systems*; Electronic devices; Electrical systems of electricity consumption; Lighting technology and sources of light; Radio communication broadcasting and TV devices; Radio electronic devices, systems and complexes*; Biotechnical and medical apparatus and systems; Physical and biomedical electronics; Technology of electronic multimedia means; Computer-integrated technological processes and production*; Computer systems of automation and control*; System programming*; Information technical protection systems and automatic processing; Security of information and communication systems; Administrative management in information protection; Information control systems and technologies; Computer-aided design; Systems software*; Computer systems and networks; Information and measuring systems; Telecommunication systems and networks; Applied mathematics; Applied physics; Architectural environment design; Design; Highways and aerodromes*; Industrial and civil engineering*; Land survey and cadastre; Geoinformation systems and technologies; Ecology and environmental protection*; Ecological biotechnology and bioenergetics; Chemical technologies of high-molecular compounds; Chemical technology of fuel and carbonic materials; Pharmaceutical biotechnology; Economics of enterprises; Cybernetics in economics; Marketing; International economics; Accounting and audit; Finances and credit; Logistics; Management of enterprises and administration; Management of foreign economic activity; Energy management; Quality, standardization and certification; Intellectual property; Project management; Air transportation organization of transportation and management*; Transport systems; Organization of aerial works and services; International business; International economic relations; International law; International information; Jurisprudence; Journalism; Tourism; Office and information management; Psychology; Sociology; Social work. Training is conducted in Ukrainian, Russian and English (*) Tuition Fees per year Preparatory Department.................................. 2100$ (Russian/Ukrainian) Bachelor ...................................... 3400 $ (Russian/Ukrainian) ............................................................................... 4500 $ (English) MSc ............................................... 3600 $ (Russian/Ukrainian) ............................................................................... 5000 $ (English) PhD ............................................... 5900 $ (Russian/Ukrainian) DSc ................................................ 6900 $ (Russian/Ukrainian) Accommodation payment is 60–80 $ per month (depending on room comfort). Accommodation payment is settled by separate contract.


2013-2014 Institution’s Name

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page 15, Heroyiv Oborony str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine Tel./fax: +38 (044) 258–42–34, 527–81–19 E-mail: inter.nubip@gmail.com, inter@nubip.edu.ua http://nubip.edu.ua/

Additional Information IV Level of Accreditation License АД № 041440 from 13.07.12. Educational-Qualification level “Bachelor”: Social Pedagogy; Philology (translation); Law; Economic Cybernetics; Economics of Enterprises; Marketing; Finance and credit; Accounting and Audit; Management; Ecology, Protection of Environment and Balanced Nature Management; Computer science; Automation and Computer-integrated Technologies; Machine Constructing; Electronics and Electrotechnics; Biotechnology; Food Technologies and Engineering; Woodworking Technology; Building; Transport technologies (by mode of transport); Geodesy and Cartography, Land Planning; Agronomy; Technology of Production and Processing of Animal Products; Forestry and Park Gardening; Water Bioresources and Aquaculture; Power Engineering and Electrotechnical Systems in Agroindustrial complex; Processes, Machines and Equipment of Agroindustrial Production; Veterinary Medicine *. Educational-Qualification level “Master”: Quality, Standardization and Certification; Pedagogy of Higher School; Administrative Management; Social Pedagogy; Economic Cybernetics; Finance; Accounting and Audit; Economics of Enterprises; Marketing; Taxation; Management of Enterprises; Management of Foreign Economic Activities *; Law Science; Ecology and Environmental Protection *; Land Management and Cadastre; Agriculture Machinery and Implements; Machinery of Forestry Complex; Electrotechnical Systems of Electroconsuming Technology of Reservation, Conservation and Processing of Meat; Technology of Fish and Sea Products Storage, Preserving and Processing; Power Engineering of Agricultural Production; Farm Mechanization; Electrical Engineering and Automation in Agriculture; Woodworking Technology; Automatic Control by Technological Process; Ecoboitechnology *; Agrochemistry and Soil Science; Agronomy; Fruit, Vegetable Growing and Viniculture; Plant Protection *; Selection and Genetics of Agriculture Crops; Technology of Production and Processing of Plant Products; Water Bioresources; Forestry; Park Gardening; Veterinary Medicine *; State Service. Training of foreign students is performed in Ukrainian and Russian. * For these specialties training of foreign students in particular disciplines is performed in English. Tuition fee for foreign students for 2013–2014 studying year, UAH: Bachelor program (price per year): 14960–22400 (Ukrainian); 17405–24845 (Russian); 25600–28000 (English). Master program (total price): 26400–42000 (Ukrainian); 28845–44445 (Russian); 32000–60000 (English). Postgraduate program: 28000–38000 per year. Advanced education: 3000 per one month of training. Students live in the students' hostels in single or double rooms. The price of double-room is 300 UAH per month; single- room 600 UAH per month (according to conveniences).

2013-2014 Institution’s Name

National University of Food Technologies

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page 68, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine Tel/fax: +38 (044) 287–96–93, 289–02–12, 234–73–54 E-mail: info@nuft.edu.ua www.nuft.edu.ua


Additional Information IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 073002 from 16.10.12. Directions of Training and Specialties (Professional Majors) Faculty of Automation and Computer Systems Direction of Training – Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies; Information Conductional Systems and Technologies; Computer Integrated Technological Process and Productions; Computerized Conduction of Technological Processes; Automated Conduction of Business Processes of Enterprise. Direction of Training – Computer Sciences; Information Conductional Systems and Technologies; Computer environmental and economical monitoring. Faculty of Biotechnology and Environmental management Direction of Training – Ecology; Environment Protection and Sustainable Nature Use; Ecology and Environment Protection; Ecological Control and Audit. Direction of Training – Biotechnology; Industrial Biotechnology; Pharmaceutical Biotechnology; Environmental Biotechnology and Bioenergy. Faculty of Hotel-Restaurant Business and Tourism Direction of Training – Food Technologies and Engineering; Food Technologies. Direction of Training – Hotel-Restaurant Business. Direction of Training – Tourism; Wine Tourism; International Tourism. Faculty of Economics and Management Direction of Training – International economics. Direction of Training – Economics of Enterprise. Direction of Training –Management; Management of Organization and Administration; Informational systems in Management Management of Foreign Activity; Logistics. Faculty of Power Engineering and Energy Management Direction of Training -Thermal Engineering; Energy Management. Direction of Training – Energy engineering; Refrigerating Machines and Units. Direction of Training – Electrical machines and Electrical Techniques; Electrical Engineering System of Electric Power Consumption; Energy Management. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Packing Technologies Direction of Training – Mechanical Engineering; Machines and Packing Technology; Speciality – Machines and Packing Procession Resource; Saving Technologies. Direction of Training – Mechanical Engineering Equipment for Food and Processing Industry. Speciality – Equipment for pharmaceutical and biotechnological Production. Faculty of Meat and Dairy, Perfumery and Cosmetics Products Direction of Training – Food Technologies and Engineering; Fats and Their Substitutes Technology. Specialization- Perfumery and Cosmetics Products Technology; Technology of Meat Storage; Preservation and Processing; Technology of Milk Storage; Preservation and Processing. Faculty of Accounting, Finance and Business Direction of Training – Finance and Credit. Speciality – Finance and Credit. Direction of Training – Merchandizing and Trade Enterprise; Merchandizing and Commercial Activity; Merchandizing and Expertise in Customs Procedures; Wholesale and Retail Organizing. Direction of Training – Accounting and Audit. Direction of Training – Marketing. Direction of Training – HR Management and Labour Economics. Faculty of Health-Improving Products Technology and Food Expertise Speciality – Quality, Standartization and Sertification; Health-improving and Preventive Products Technology. Direction of Training – Chemical Engineering; Chemical Engineering of Food Additives and Cosmetics Products; Technological expertise and safety of food products.. Faculty of bakery and confectionery production Direction of Training – Food Technology and Engineering. SpecialtyTechnology of Bread; Confectionery; Macaroni and Food Concentrates. Specialty -Technology of Storage and Processing of Grain; Specialty Technology of Storage, Preservation and Processing of Fruit and Vegetables. Faculty of Fermentation and Sugar Industry Direction of Training – Food Technologies and Engineering; Technology of Fermentative Production and Winemaking; Technology Sugary Substances; Technology of Drinking Water and Watertreatment of Food Enterprises. Preparatory Department for foreign students – $ 1650. Tution fee subject to yearly change – Bachelors – $ 2320–2650, Specialists – $ 2430–2775, Masters – $ 2537–2800. Student hostel fee (per year) – $ 775.


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Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page

Additional Information

National University of «Kiev-Mohyla Academy»

2, Skovorody str., Kyiv, 04655, Ukraine www.ukma.kiev.ua

National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine

1, Fizkultury str., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine Tel. +38 (044) 289–66–15; 287–54–52 Fax: +38 (044) 287–61–91 E-mail: rectorat@uni-sport.edu.ua fd_nupesu@i.ua www.uni-sport.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AE № 270144 from 07.05.13. Bachelor’s Degree: Bachelor of Sport; Bachelor of Physical Education; Bachelor of Human Health. Master’s Degree in specialties: Olympic and Professional Sports; Physical Rehabilitation; Physical Education. Pre-admission course in Ukrainian and Russian (1 year) – 1500 $. Bachelor’s Degree (a 4-year course): Bachelor of Sport; Bachelor of Physical Education; Bachelor of Human Health – 1900 $. Master’s Degree (a 1-year courses) in specialties: Olympic and Professional Sports; Physical Rehabilitation; Physical Education – 1900$. Post-graduate Ph. D. course (3 year) – 3000 $. Annual cost of hostel accommodation – 350$.

R. Glier Kyiv Institute of Music

31, L. Tolstoy str., Kyiv, 01032, Ukraine Тel./fax +38 (044) 288–32–62, 288–31–68, 288–32–68 E-mail: kimglier@ukr.net www.gliercollege.kiev.ua

III–IV Level of Accreditation TEACHING SYSTEM - elementary education at school studio; - educational and qualification level: Associate – 4 years; - educational and qualification level: Bachelor, Specialist – 4 years; - educational and qualification level: Master – 1,5 years. SPECIALIZATIONS: Piano; Orchestral stringed instruments; Orchestral brass and impact tools; Folk instruments; Musicology; Singing (academic, variety); Variety musical art (jazz). Institute has Preparation Department. Period of study: 1–2 years.

Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

9, Dorogozhitska str., Kyiv, 04112, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (044) 456–10–79 Fax: +38 (044) 456–90–27 E-mail: prore-interdep@nmapo.edu.ua www.kmapo.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 552351 from 29.09.10. Number of specialities having an education license: all medical and pharmaceutical specialities. The training is performed in the specialties: therapeutic training; pediatrics; medical-prophylactic, dentistry, pharmacy, clinical pharmacy. Price List for foreign students: post-graduate course– 4500$ USA for 1 year studying; clinical residency – 3500$ USA for 1 year studying; traineeship– 350$ USA for 1 month studying; Studying of Ukrainian and Russian languages – 2700$ USA for 1 year studying. Availability and hostel payment for foreign citizens: 3 hostels – 30$ for 1 month.

State University of Information and Communication Technologies

7, Solomenskaya str., Kyiv, 03110, Ukraine www.duikt.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 073153 from 16.10.12.

IV Level of Accreditation License АВ № 617441 from 02.03.12.

2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page Preparatory Faculty: 94 Off., 36 Vasylkivska str. (Metro “Vasylkivska”), Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine Tel. +38 (044) 521–33–01 Fax +38 (044) 521–35–50 E-mail: pfku@univ.kiev.ua http://pfku.univ.kiev.ua The Faculty for International Students: 306 Off., 90 Vasylkivska str. (Metro “Vasylkivska”), Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine Tel./fax +38 (044) 521–33–53 E-mail: international.faculty@ukr.net www.knuinternational.org.ua www.univ.kiev.ua


Additional Information IV Level of Accreditation License АВ № 034984 from 12.06.12. List of Institutes and Faculties:15 Faculties (Geography, Geology, Economics, History, Mechanics and Mathematics, Radio Physics, Cybernetics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Physics, Philosophy, Chemistry, Law, Faculty for International Students, Preparatory Faculty), 7 Institutes (the High Technology Centre, the Military Academy, the School of Journalism, the Institute of International Relations, the Postgraduate Education Centre, the State Security Department, and the Institute of Linguistics), and 1 Trainingand Research Center (the Institute of Biology). Courses are provided by 192 Chairs, which educate about 27 thousand of students every year. MAJORS for BACHELOR’S DEGREE PROGRAMS: Arts and Humanities: Cultural Studies; History; Philology; Philosophy. Engineering and Technology: Computer Engineering; Geodesy, Cartographic Studies and Land Surveying Studies; IT; Optoelectronics; Program Engineering; Radio Engineering; System Analysis. Life Sciences and Medicine: Biology; Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Use of Natural Resources. Natural Sciences: Applied Mathematics; Applied Physics; Chemistry; Geography (physical); Geology; Hydrometeorology; Mathematics; Mechanics; Physics; Statistics. Social Sciences and Management: Accounting and Auditing; Advertisement and Public Relations; Applied Statistics; Country Studies; Economic Cybernetics; Economic Theory; Economics of Enterprises; Finance and Credit; Geography (human); International Business; International Economic Relations; International Economics; International Information; International Law; International Relations; Journalism; Law Studies; Management; Political Science; Psychology; Publishing and Editing; Social Pedagogy; Social Work; Sociology; Tourism Studies. MAJORS for MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMS: Arts and Humanities: Archeology; ClassicalLanguages (AncientGreek, Latin); FolkloreStudies; History; LiteraryWriting; OrientalLanguagesandLiterature (Arabic, Azerbaijani, Chinese, Georgian, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Turkish, Uzbek); Philosophy; Religious Studies; Russian Language and Literature; Slavic Languages and Literature (Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Polish, Serbian); Translation; Ukrainian Language and Literature; Western European Languages and Literature (English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish). Engineering and Technology: Cartography; IT; Laser and Optoelectronic Engineering; Radio Engineering; Software Engineering; Systems Analysis; Land Utilisation and Cadastre. Life Sciences and Medicine: Biochemistry; Biology; Biophysics; Botany; Genetics; Humanand Animal Physiology; Laboratory Diagnostics; Microbiology; Phytophysiology; Virology; Zoology. Natural Sciences: Applied Mathematics; Astronomy; Chemistry; Computer Engineering; Condensed Matter Physics; Construction Geography; Geochemistry and Mineralogy; Geographic Information Systems and Technology; Geography; Geoinformatics; Geology (Specialisationin Economic Geology); Geology of Petroleum and Gas; Geomorphology and Palaeogeography; Geophysics; High Technology; Hydrogeology; Hydrology; Mathematics; Meteorology; Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics; Natural Geography; Physics of Nuclei and High-Energy Physics; Physics; Radiophysics and Electronics; Risk and the Mathematics of Finance; Statistics; Systems of Land Tenure and Land Survey; Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; Theoretical and Applied Statistics. Social Sciences and Management: Accounting and Auditing; Advertising; Applied Economics; Archiving; Banking; Business Administration; Civil Service; Company Economics; Economic and Social Geography; Economics Cybernetics; Economics; Ethnology; Financeand Credit; Geography of Recreation and Tourism; Geographyof Ukraine; International Business; International Economic Relations; International Economics; International Information; InternationalLaw; InternationalRelations; Journalism; Law Studies; Management and Administration; Management of Innovations; Media Communications; Political Geography and Geopolitics; Political Science; Psychology; Public Relations; Publishing Industry and Editing; Safety and Security Studies; School Management; Social Informatics; Social Pedagogy; Social Work; Sociology; TourismStudies. Languages of teaching: Ukrainian, Russian, English. At the Faculty of Preparatory Studies Ukrainian and Russian are taught from academic purposes. Tuition fees (per year):

Bachelor’s Degree Programs – (Ukrainian) 1900–3800 $; (Russian) 2100–4000 $; (English) – 4000–4500 $; Specialist Degree Programs – 1400–3000 $; Master’s Degree Programs – 1900–4500 $. Foreign students are provided with a hostel. Cost of 90 $per month.


2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page

Ukrainian-American Liberal Arts Institute “Wisconsin International University (USA) Ukraine”

Office 1–4, 8/14, Turhenevs’ka str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine Tel: +38 (044) 236–19–16, 236–19–49 Fax +38 (044) 486–06–66 E-mail: wiuu@wiuu.kiev.ua www.wiuu.edu.ua

Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music

1–3/11, Architect Gorodetsky str., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine www.knmau.com.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 073182 from 08.01.13.

Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade

57, Chygorin str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine www.usufit.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 508680 from 18.07.11.

Additional Information III–IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 582478 from 14.12.11. Faculty: Management. Specialities: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) – upon graduation students receive international diplomas; Master of Business Administration (MBA) – upon graduation students receive international diplomas (FIBAA Accreditation). Second higher education: MBA. Subjects are taught in English. The instructors are from leading universities of Ukraine, USA and Western Europe. WIUU provides students with Business Internship. Corporative education for a MBA program.

THE STATE INSTITUTION “INSTITUTE OF NEUROSURGERY NAMED ACADEMIC A. ROMODANOV NAMS OF UKRAINE” IV Level of Accreditation. License AB № 498233. List of licensed specialities for foreign citizens: neurosurgery. Post-Graduate Training (ordinatura) - clinical. Specialization Course of neurosurgery. Teaching program includes 6 basic cycles in neurosurgery: • the features of clinic presentation and brain trauma and trauma of peripheral nerve system • diagnostics and treatment of the tumors and vascular pathologies of central nerve system • pediatric neurosurgery; spinal neurosurgery • diagnostics and medical treatment of acute cerebro-vascular diceases • radioneurosurgery. Term of fellowship - 2 years. SI «Institute of neurosurgery NAMS of Ukraine» can prepare aspirants, speciality neurosurgery and pathological anatomy in the section of the pathology of nerve system. Term of fellowship - 3 years. In addition you can pass a fellowship in some field of neurosurgery (vascular, pediatric, functional, recovery neurosurgery, neurooncology and some others) in term from 6 months to 3 years. Cost for fellowship for foreign citizens: 2900 USD per year. For foreign citizens SI «Institute of neurosurgery AMS of Ukraine» have got a hostel.

32, Platon Mayboroda str., Kyiv, 04050, Ukraine, Tel. +38 (044) 483-95-73 E-mail: neuro.kiev@gmail.com www.neuro.kiev.ua

2013-2014 Institution’s Name

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Additional Information

University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine (Kyiv)

1, Andriivska str., Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine Tel. +38 (044) 462–53–10 E-mail: ubs@ubs.gov.ua www.ubs.gov.ua

University of Management of Education of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

52A, Artema str., Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine http://umo.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 508984 from 18.07.11.

Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University

54/1, Peremogy ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine www.kneu.kiev.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270173 from 02.07.13.

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 041151 from 12.06.12. The University includes Institute of Masters and Postgraduate Education in Kyiv, Lviv Banking Institute, Kharkiv Banking Institute, Cherkassy Banking Institute. The University trains specialists in the field of “Economics and enterprise” in Lviv Institute of Banking the University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine and Kharkiv Institute of Banking the University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine. - at the educational-qualification level of Bachelor by specialities: "Finance and Credit"; "Accounting and Audit"; "Economic Cybernetics"; "Personnel Management and Labour Economics" - at the educational-qualification level of Specialist by specialities: "Banking"; "Finance and Credit"; "Accounting and Audit"; - at the educational-qualification level of Master by specialities: "Banking"; "Finance and Credit"; "Accounting and Audit"; "Economic Cybernetics"; "Personnel Management and Labour Economics". MBA Programs: “Business administration” “Management of financial and economic security” Retraining of specialists in: "Banking"; "Finance and Credit"; Tutition is 19 982,50 UAH per year. University provides accommodation for foreign students.


2013-2014 Institution’s Name

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Additional Information


South Branch of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine “Crimean Agrotechnological University”

Agrarne, Simferopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, 95492, Ukraine www.csau.crimea-ua.com

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 041440 from 13.07.12.

Crimea Engineering and Pedagogical University

8, Sevastopolska str./ al. Uchebniy, Simferopol, 95015, Ukraine www.kipu.crimea.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АД № 582620 from 15.12.11.

Republican Higher Educational Institution “Crimean University for the Humanities” (Yalta)

2, Sevastopolska str., Yalta, 98635, Ukraine http://cshi.crimea.edu

IV Level of Accreditation License АЕ № 270533 from 05.06.13.

NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND RESORT DEVELOPMENT Accreditation level: IV. License: License of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for training of specialists for foreign countries (License no. AГ 508098 dated 17.03.2011). Type of ownership: state-owned. Year of foundation: 1960. Training of foreign students: since 1992 Major

Qualification level (Degree)


Qualification level (Degree)

• • • • • • • • • •

Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree

• Economic cybernetics • Company Economics • Finance and Credit • Accounting and Auditing • Management of Organizations (specialization: Hotel, Resort and Travel Industry Management) • Nonconventional and Renewable Power Sources • Industrial and Civil Engineering • Structures and Materials Engineering • Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation • Water-Supply and Drainage System Engineering • Town-planning • Hydrotechnical Melioration

Specialist’s Degree Specialist’s / Master’s Degree Specialist’s Degree Specialist’s Degree

Economic cybernetics Company Economics Marketing Finance and Credit Accounting and Auditing Management Electrical engineering and electrotechics Construction Engineering (divided by activity types): Industrial and Civil Engineering Structures and Materials Engineering Water Engineering Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation Water Supply Engineering (divided by activity types): Water Supply and Sewage Hydrotechnical Melioration Architecture

Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree

Address: Bld. 181, Kyivska St., city of Simferopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine, post code 95493 Telephone: +38 (0652) 22-24-59 Fax: +38 (0652) 51-57-50 E-mail: napks@napks.edu.ua Web: http://www.napks.edu.ua

Specialist’s / Master’s Degree Specialist’s Degree Specialist’s / Master’s Degree Specialist’s / Master’s Degree Specialist’s / Master’s Degree Specialist’s / Master’s Degree Specialist’s / Master’s Degree Specialist’s / Master’s Degree

Preparatory department for foreign students Address: Bld. 181, Rostovka St., city of Simferopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine, post code 95050 Tel/fax: +38 (0652) 22-03-18 E-mail: foig@napks.edu.ua Web: http://foig.napks.edu.ua

State Institution «Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky» The Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky (CSMU) has the 4th (highest) level of accreditation (certificate РД-IV № 0120401 of 21.11.2010; license АД № 034982 of 06.06.2012). CSMU trains doctors in specialities “General Medicine” and “Pediatrics” (duration – 6 years), “Dentistry” and “Clinical Pharmacy” (duration – 5 years). Form of instruction is full-time. Language of instruction is Russian and English.

Rector CSMU - Anatoly Babanin, Сorresponding Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, MD, Professor, Honoured Worker of Science and Technique of Ukraine, Honoured Worker of Science and Technique of the Crimea, Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Poland, Academician of the International Academy of Integrated Anthropology, Academician of the Academy of Higher School of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine with the Course of Law, awarded the order of President of Ukraine “For Achievements” of III degree, the Albert Schwietzer gold medal.

Crimea State Medical University, founded in 1931, is one of the oldest and leading higher medical schools of Ukraine. More than 4.3 thousand students study at CSMU, including almost 1.4 thousand foreign citizens from 47 countries of the world. The admission of foreign students to the university has been carried out since 1961. Training foreign students is provided in Russian or English. CSMU is the leader among the institutions of higher education in quality of education. High level of education is due to the qualified academic staff including 874 persons. There are 105 D. M., Professors and almost 430 Ph.D. holders, Associate Professors. An educational process is organized according to the credit-module system that conforms to the requirements of Bologna declaration. The quantity of students in each group makes up 7-9 persons in junior courses and 6-7 persons in senior ones. All disciplines of the curriculum are provided with trainingmethodical materials and textbooks in English. The character of educational process corresponds to a modern level. Lectures are accompanied by high-quality multimedia presentations, educational films, videomaterials. Students acquire practical skills in the leading clinics of the city. The clinical departments are fully supplied with moulages, phantoms, diagnostic equipment. According to the results of the state licensed examinations “KROK-1” and “KROK-2” CSMU has a stable leading position among all higher medical schools and faculties in Ukraine testifying to a high level of training in Crimea state medical university. At University disposal there is a clinic of its own – it is an educationalscientific-medical complex, equipped according to the latest achievements of medical science and technique. In the unique laboratories of clinic, in its diagnostic center the students get acquainted with modern methods of research. The graduates of the University can continue their education at the faculty of post-diploma education in clinical ordinature or at post-graduate courses having chosen the theme of thesis corresponding to the needs of public health of the country.

Crimea State Medical University is the only higher medical school in Ukraine certified by the International Educational Society, which is a highly competent international expert organization, registered officially in Great Britain (London). By results of independent expert commission CSMU was awarded category AA. The certificate denotes “the leading higher educational institution, which is recognized and well-known in the world”. All foreign students of CSMU are provided with accommodation in the hostel. Hostels of the University are located in a park zone in the immediate proximity to educational buildings. These are modern buildings, equipped with all modern conveniences, where 2-3 students share a room. On the territory of CSMU and its campus there are 13 points of public catering where national dishes are served. Besides in the hostels there are kitchens equipped with modern appliances where students can cook food independently. In the hostels the students are also provided with different services such as automated laundry, hairdresser’s parlour, international telephony, International Commerce bank, etc. All necessary conditions are created at the University to provide both training and leisure for students. Dean’s office personnel of the International Medical Faculty organizes work of friendly associations of students from the same area, different national, religious and international parties, meetings, holidays and competitions. All this helps to broaden knowledge of culture and traditions of different countries and people, a real friendship is getting stronger, mutual understanding is growing. Students can participate in any of 23 groups of amateur art activities or creative societies. Sports life of the students is also interesting and various. Different sports and health clubs and sections are organized for students. Competitions and tournaments, sports and athletics meetings in 10 kinds of sports and sports holidays are held annually. Sports complex of CSMU includes three blocks, track and field manege, stadium, 2 sports grounds. In its blocks one can find a swimming pool, 7 sports and training halls, tennis courts.

95006, Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, 5/7 Lenin avenue; phone: +38 0652 27-44-62 (rector), fax: +38 065 27-20-92, phone/fax: +38 0652 25-04-00 (foreign affairs department), E-mail: foreing@csmu.strace.net; m2m@csmu.strace.net; www.csmu.edu.ua

First Ukrainian Maritime Institute “First Ukrainian maritime institute” - is a private higher educational establishment, of the III level accreditation, (License of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine АЕ№ 270145 from 07.05.13) founded in 2005 in Sevastopol, on the initiative and based on the shipping company PC “YUGREFTRANSFLOT.” Management System of the Institute is certified in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 by certification authorities SAI . Global and Association of certification “Russian Register”. The Institute is a member of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA London UK) and the MAGNA CHARTA UNIVERSITATUM Bologna, Italy.

STRUCTURE OF THE INSTITUTE • Lyceum, entering on the basis of a complete general secondary education (without certificate). A certificate of a qualified employee is issued upon completion of education. • College, entering on the basis of the results of entrance examinations, or complete general secondary education certificates or diplomas / certificates of a qualified worker. The diploma of junior specialist is received upon graduation. • Faculties. Admission on the basis of diplomas of junior specialist to senior courses. Upon completion the students receive diploma of bachelor. FACULTIES AND AREAS OF TRAINING The Institute has six faculties: • Navigation; • Marine energy; • Transport Technology and Management; • Hotel and Restaurant and the cruise business; • Philology and tourism; • Economics and Technology, integrating 10 departments and preparing bachelors in 12 areas, including: • Sea and river transport; • Electromechanics • Transport technology in maritime transport; • Business Economics; • Management; • Water Bioresources and Aquaculture; • Philology; • Hotel and restaurant management; • Personnel management and labor economics; • Commodity and trading business; • Food Technology; • Tourism, and specialists (based on the bachelor’s degree) in three specialties: navigation, exploitation of marine power plants, traffic organization and management of maritime transport. TEACHING AND TRAINING CENTERS Teaching and training centers provide practical training / additional training for ratings in accordance with the requirements of the International Convention PDNV-78/95 and the International Convention STCW-95F. The curricula and programs are developed in accordance with the standards of the

STCW, IMO, models, national provisions on training and certification of seafarers. To perform these tasks FUMI has workshops and classrooms, training simulators: • Trainer navigation pad NPS-1, 0; • Seamanship Training room; • Office of means of navigation; • «Navigating bridge» GMDSS RLT - ARPA; • Ship Simulator diesel power plant ERS 5000 (Engine Room Simulator 5000). Maritime work specialties: • 2nd class Seaman; • 2nd class Motorman; • 2nd class Electrical Engineer; • 4th class Cook; • 4th class Steward Training courses are open in the following areas: • 1st class Seaman • 1st class Engineer • 1st class Electrical Engineer (not only) Activities of Teaching and training centers are confirmed by the State Committee for Fisheries of Ukraine and the Protocols Compliance Inspections Training and Certification of Seafarers Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine.

NOVIKOV ANATOLII IVANOVICH Novikov Anatolii Ivanovich - rector of FUMI, Professor of the Department of navigation, Academician of the International academy of informatization at the UN, Academician of the Crimean academy of sciences EXAM PREPARATION FOR NON-RESIDENTS At the request of applicants examination courses can last for about a month, 6 months and 8 months. Classes start at the beginning of October. Tuition fee at the preparatory department is 1200 USD.

EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE Crewing Company selects highly-qualified personnel in all maritime professions to work on different types of vessels. The graduates, who have successfully completed FUMI, are taken to the staff database of the institute’s partners for further employment. EDUCATION FOR NON-RESIDENTS OF UKRAINE Education takes place on accredited training area. A tuition fee for foreign students is 2100 - 2300 USD per year. Accommodation for foreign students is in a hostel, a specialized hotel or in rented apartments and costs from 70 to 100 dollars a month.

CONTACT US: ADMISSIONS DEPARTMENT: UKRAINE, SEVASTOPOL, RUBAKOV 5-A STR., TEL. +38 (0692) 55 31 66, 41 25 82 E-mail: fumi-info@umi.com.ua, sea@umi.com.ua WWW.UMI.COM.UA

2013-2014 Institution’s Name

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Additional Information

Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky

5/7, Lenin ave., Simferopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, 95006, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (0652) 27–44–62 (rector) Fax: +38( 0652)  27–20–92, Tel./fax: +38 (0652) 25–04–00 (foreign affairs department) E-mail: foreing@csmu.strace.net, m2m@csmu.strace.net www.csmu.edu.ua

First Ukrainian Maritime Institute

5-A, Rubakov str., Sevastopol, Ukraine Tel. +38 (0692) 55–31–66, 41–25–82 E-mail: fumi-info@umi.com.ua sea@umi.com.ua www.umi.com.ua

National Academy of Environmental Protection and Resort Development

181, Kyivska str., Simferopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, 95493, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (0652) 22–24–59 Fax: +38 (0652) 51–57–50 E-mail: napks@napks.edu.ua www.napks.edu.ua Preparatory department for foreign students Bld. 181, Rostovska str., Simferopol, 95050, Ukraine Tel./Fax: +38 (0652) 22–03–18 E-mail: foig@napks.edu.ua www.foig.napks.edu.ua

Naval Academy named after P. S. Nakhimov

Sevastopol, Ukraine http://avms.org.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 508052 from 17.01.11.

Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Energy and Industry

7, Kurchatova str., Sevastopol, 99015, Ukraine www.sinp.com.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АЕ № 270536 from 05.06.13.

IV Level of Accreditation License АД № 034982 from 06.06.12. Certificate РД-IV № 0120401 of 21.11.10. CSMU trains doctors in specialities: “General Medicine” and “Pediatrics” (duration – 6 years), “Dentistry” and “Clinical Pharmacy” (duration – 5 years). Form of instruction is full-time. Language of instruction is Russian and English. More than 4.3 thousand students study at CSMU, including almost 1.4 thousand foreign citizens from 47 countries of the world.

III Level of Accreditation License АЕ № 270145 from 07.05.13.

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 508098 from 17.03.11. Major – Bachelor’s Degree: Economic cybernetics; Company Economics; Marketing; Finance and Credit; Accounting and Auditing; Management; Electrical engineering and electrotechics; Construction Engineering (divided by activity types): Industrial and Civil Engineering Structures and Materials Engineering Water Engineering Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation; Water Supply Engineering (divided by activity types): Water Supply and Sewage Hydrotechnical Melioration; Architecture. Major – Qualification level (Degree): Economic cybernetics (S); Company Economics (S / M); Finance and Credit (S); Accounting and Auditing (S); Management of Organizations (specialization: Hotel, Resort and Travel Industry Management) (S / M); Nonconventional and Renewable Power Sources (S); Industrial and Civil Engineering (S / M); Structures and Materials Engineering (S / M); Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation (S / M); Water-Supply and Drainage System Engineering (S / M); Town-planning (S / M); Hydrotechnical Melioration (S / M).


2013-2014 Institution’s Name

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Additional Information

Sevastopol National Technical University

33, Universitetskayа str., Sevastopol, 99053, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (0692) 43–50–02 Fax: +38 (0692) 43–50–20 E-mail: root@sevgtu.sebastopol.ua Department of Foreign Affairs: Tel.:+38 (0692) 435–026 Fax:+38 (0692) 241–304 www.sevntu.com.ua

Taurida National V. I. Vernadsky University

4, Vernadsky ave., Simferopol, 95007, Ukraine www.tnu.crimea.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 073026 from 16.10.12.

460, Shevchenko str., Cherkasy, 18006, Ukraine www.chiti.uch.net

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270582 from 02.07.13.

Bukovinian State Medical University

2, Teatralna square, Chernivtsi, 58002, Ukraine www.bsmu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 041096 from 13.07.12.

Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University

2, Kotsiubynskiy str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine www.chnu.cv.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270172 from 02.07.13.

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 034630 from 23.04.12. The list of specialties for Bachelor’s degree: Philology, Economy of Enterprise, Finance and Credit, Account and Audit, Management, Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Nature Management, Physics, Computer Sciences, Computer Engineering, System Engineering, Automation and Computer-integrated Technologies, Engineering Mechanics, Electrical Engineering, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Radio Engineering, Instrument-making, Shipbuilding and Ocean Technologies, Sea and River Transport, Motor transport. The list of specialties for Master’s degree: Mechanical Engineering Technology, Automobiles and Automobile Facilities, Instruments of Precession Mechanics, Ecology and Environmental Protection, Automated Control of Technological Processes, Automation and Computerintegrated Technologies, Computer-integrated Technological Processes and Production, Information Managing Systems and Technologies, Automation and Management Systems, Computer Systems and Networks, Finance, Organizations Management, Radio Engineering, Microelectronics and Semiconductor Instruments, Physical and Biomedical Electronics, Ship Power Plant Operation, Navigation, Ships and Ocean Technologies, Electrical Systems and Transport Complexes, Electromechanical Systems of Automation and Electric Drive, Physics, Metalcutting Machine-tools and Systems; specialist in all specialities of training master’s degrees and also Account and Audit, Economy of Enterprise, Translation. There is a preparatory department. Preparatory course costs 1300 US dollars per year. Training for Bachelor’s, Specialist’s and Master’s degree costs 2300–2700 US dollars per year depending on the speciality. Living at the University hostel costs 500 US dollars per year.


Cherkasy State Technological University CHERNIVTSI REGION

State Higher Educational Institution “Ukrainian State Chemical-Technology University” Level of accreditation: IV License of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for foreign countries: Series AB №443051 from 16.12.2008 State Higher Educational Institution Ukrainian State Chemical-Technology University” is a leading institution of higher education in Ukraine chemical technology profile. The University was founded in 15 may 1930. List of Bachelor’s Degree is 4 years program. List of Master’s Degree is 1 year program. The cost of training in all faculties is 1800–2100 USD per year. The cost of training at the department of preparatory is 1200 USD per year. The cost of hostel accommodation is 20 USD per month. №









Rector of the University, Professor, Doctor of Chemical Science Mykhaylo Burmistr


Fuel and Carbonic Materials Chemical Engineering High-Molecular Compounds Chemical Engineering FACULTY OF HIGHPolymers Processing Engineering MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS Fats and Fat-Substitutes Production Engineering TECHNOLOGY Materials for Publishing and Printing Industry Chemical Engineering of Wood and Vegetable Raw Material Processing The Equipment of Chemical and Building Material Plants Mechanical Engineering MECHANICAL FACULTY Automatic Production Process Control Metrology and Measuring Heat Power Engineering FACULTY OF ORGANIC Pharmaceutical Preparations Engineering SUBSTANCES Polymers Processing Practice TECHNOLOGY Organic Substances Chemical Engineering Ecology and Environmental Protection

Bachelor, Master (B, M) (B, M) (B, M) (B, M) (B, M) (B, M) (B, M) (B, M) (B, M) (B) (B, M) (B, M) (B, M) (B, M) (B, M)

FACULTY OF INORGANIC Chemical Engineering of Rare and Scattered Elements and the Materials on their Basis SUBSTANCES Chemical Technology for Food Additives and Cosmetics TECHNOLOGY Technical Electrochemistry Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances Refractory Non-Metal and Silicate Materials Chemical Engineering FACULTY OF SILICATE Equipment for Processing and Food Production TECHNOLOGY Equipment for Chemical Production and Structural Materials Plants

(B, M)

Industrial Biotechnology FACULTY OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, COMPUTER OF SCIENCE Information Control Systems and Technology AND ENGINEERING Specialized Computer Systems Enterprise Economy Marketing ECONOMICS FACULTY Economic Cybernetics Management of Organisations and Administrations

(B, M)

Аddress: 8 Gagarina str., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49005 tel.: 0 038 (0562) 47-46-70, 0 038 (0562) 47-46-94, fax: 0 038 (0562) 47-33-16. е-mаіl: ugxtu@dicht.dp.ua, prk_udxtu.@ukr.net, http://www.udhtu.com.ua

(B) (B, M) (B, M) (B, M) (B, M) (B, M) (B, M) (B, M) (B, M) (B, M) (B) (B, M)


MASTER PROGRAMMS Duration – 1 year Tuition fee – 1800 USD

International Students Office 4 Gagarin av, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 49600 +38056 3748194 +380562 474461 (fax) foreignmetal@gmail.com priem@metal.nmetau.edu.ua www.nmetau.edu.ua

PREPARATORY TRAINING Duration – 1 year Tuition fee – 1150 USD COURSES: Russian Language Ukrainian Language Mathematics Physics Informatics

BACHELOR PROGRAMMS Duration – 4 years Tuition fee – 1700 USD per year •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••

Metallurgy Chemical Technology Foundry Electro Mechanics Material Science Machine Building Mechanical Engineering Heat Power Engineering Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies Metrology, Standardization and Certification Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Natural Resources Computer Science Enterprise Economics Finances and Credit Accounting and Audit Economic Cybernetics Management Documentation Science and Information Activity Philology Professional Education

•• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••

Ferrous Metallurgy Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Special Metallurgy Chemical Technologies of Fuel and Carbon-base Materials Chemical Technologies of Refractory Non-Metal and Silicate Materials Foundry of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals Applied Material Science Composite and Powder Materials, Coatings Metal Science Metal Forming Heat Treatment of Metals Industrial Heat Engineering Heat Physics Electromechanical Systems of Automation and Electric Drive Mechanical Engineering Technologies Metallurgical Equipment Wheeled and Track-Type Vehicles Ecology and Environmental Protection Computerized Testing of Technological Processes Information Control Systems and Technologies Information Projects Technologies Enterprise Economics Finances and Credits Accounting and Audit Economic Cybernetics Management of Organizations Management of Foreign Economic Activity Documentation Science and Information Activity Projects Management Administrative Management Intellectual Property

POSTGRADUATE TRAINING Duration – 3 years Tuition fee – арргох 3000 USD per year

IV Level of State Accreditation. License of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine АГ № 582774 from 25.01.2012

DNIPROPETROVSK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN V. LAZARYAN 49010 Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk , 2, Lazaryan Str. Tel./fax: +38 (056) 793-19-20 e-mail: dnuzt@diit.edu.ua, distkursi@ua.fm Internet: www.diit.edu.ua

Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan was founded in 1930. Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan is the unique university in Ukraine at this area which has long-term experience of preparation of highly skilled experts for a railway transport and has modern scientific and technical base, and also professional pedagogical staff. University is the higher educational establishment and has IV level of accreditation. The License of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to train foreign citizens is АВ № 443610.

• • • • • • • • • •

Pshin’ko M. Olexandr Rector, Doctor of Technical Science, THE TUITION IS CARRIED OUT ON THE FOLLOWING SPECIALTIES: Professor, Academician of the Transport Bridges and Transportation Tunnels • Railway Buildings and Tracks Academy of Ukraine • Industrial and Civil Engineering Electro-technical Systems of the Reception on training of foreign citizens Electricity use • Water Supply and Drainage is carried out on following educational programs: Electric and Mechanical Systems in • Ecology and Environmental • Preparatory Department Automation and Electric Drive Protection for Foreign Citizens - 1 year course Electrical Transportation • Auditing and Accounting • Bachelor’s Degree – 4 year course • Management of Organizations Heat Engineering • Specialist’s Degree - 1 year course Rolling Stock and the Special-purpose • Intellectual Property • Master’s Degree – 1 year course Machinery for Railway Transportation • Finance • Ph.D. Degree – 3 year course Lift-transportation, Building, Railway • Computer Software for Automated Systems and Reclamation Machines and Equipment • Computing Systems and Networks • Economic Cybernetics; Management of the Transportation in Railway Transport • Applied Mathematics Automation and Automatization in • Information Protection in Computer Systems and Networks Transport Transportation Systems • Translation


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Nizhyn State University name after Mykola Gogolya

2, Kropiv’yanskogo str., Nizhyn, Chernihiv Region, 16600, Ukraine www.ndu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 072668 from 10.09.12.


Alfred Nobel University (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine)

18, Naberezhna Lenina str., Dnipropetrovsk, 49000, Ukraine www.duep.edu

IV Level of Accreditation. License AД № 034569 from 14.05.12.

Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Gonchar

72, Gagarina ave., Dnipropetrovsk, 49050, Ukraine www.dsu.dp.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AВ № 617401 from 20.03.12.

Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

2, Lazaryan str., Dnipropetrovsk, 49010, Ukraine Tel. +38 (056) 793–19–20 E-mail: dnuzt@diit.edu.ua, distkursi@ua.fm www.diit.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AВ № 585828 from 25.06.11. The tuition is carried out on the following specialties: Bridges and Transportation Tunnels; Electro-technical Systems of the Electricity use; Electric and Mechanical Systems in Automation and Electric Drive; Electrical Transportation; Heat Engineering; Rolling Stock and the Special-purpose Machinery for Railway Transportation; Lifttransportation, Building, Railway and Reclamation Machines and Equipment; Management of the Transportation in Railway Transport; Automation and Automatization in Transport; Transportation Systems; Railway Buildings and Tracks; Industrial and Civil Engineering; Water Supply and Drainage; Ecology and Environmental Protection; Auditing and Accounting; Management of Organizations; Intellectual Property; Finance; Computer Software for Automated Systems; Computing Systems and Networks; Economic Cybernetics; Applied Mathematics; Information Protection in Computer Systems and Networks; Translation. Reception on training of foreign citizens is carried out on following educational programs: Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens – 1 year course. Bachelor’s Degree – 4 year course. Specialist’s Degree – 1 year course. Master’s Degree – 1 year course. Ph.D. Degree – 3 year course.

Dniepropetrovsk State Physical Culture and Sport Institute

10, Naberezhnaya Pobiedy, Dniepropetrovsk, 49094, Ukraine Tel. +38 (0562) 46–64–22 Fax +38 (0562) 46–05–61 E-mail: admin_infiz@ukr.net

IV Level of Accreditation Licence AГ № 508026 from 07.12.10. Specialities: Bachelors: Phisical Education, Sport, Human Health Master: Phisical Education, Sport, Physical Rehabilitation Education Mode: day (full time) Education Cost: Bachelors: 2092 $ USA per a year (equivalent in national currency) Masters: 2406 $ USA Hostel Accomodation Cost: from 470 to 940 grn Ukr.


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Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute of Traditional and Non-traditional Medicine

building 4, 17, Sevastopolskaya str., Dnipropetrovsk, 49005, Ukraine Tel. +38 (056) 370–24–45 Fax: +38 (056) 370–24–45 E-mail: dmi_nm@i.ua, dmi_nm@mail.ru

III Level of Accreditation License AГ № 582090 from 17.10.11. Specialties: General Medicine – term of studies – 6 years. Dentistry – term of studies – 5 years. Educational level: Specialist. Preparatory faculty for foreign citizens – 10 months – languages courses, biology, physics, chemistry. Languages of teaching: Ukrainian, Russian, English. Form of education: full-time. Tuition fee: General Medicine – Russian-speaking foreign students – 2435 $ per year, English-speaking foreign students – 3100 $ per year*; Dentistry – Russian-speaking foreign students – 2435 $ per year, English-speaking foreign students – 3100 $ per year*; Preparatory courses – 1450 $ per year* * Education fee by the 20th of June 2013. Foreign students are provided with accommodation in the hostel. Tuition for living – 80–120 $ per month.

Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian University

25, Voroshylova str., Dnipropetrovsk, 49600, Ukraine Tel./fax: +38 (0562) 32–39–77 Department of International relations E-mail: interdsau@gmail.com www.dsau.dp.ua www.interdsau.com

IV Level of Accreditation License АГ № 582053 from 30.06.11. Form of property: state. DSAU was founded in 1922. It is one of the leaders in agrarian education of Ukraine. More than 6000 students study at the 7 faculties and 6 colleges of the University. Taking part in international projects (TEMPUS, exchange educational programs, practical and language training courses abroad) DSAU has long term experience in development and implementation of EU based Bachelor and Master (B&M) courses. There are also 15 PhD courses. Faculties: Agronomy Faculty: B&M\ Agronomy, Forestry and landscape. PhD\ Plant physiology, Plant-growing, Soil since. Biotechnology Faculty: B&M\ Technology of animal production and processing, PhD\ Animals breeding and selection, Animals feeding and feeding technology. Veterinary Medicine Faculty: B&M\ Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Expertise and Quality Control. PhD\ Physiology of human and animals, Animals pathology, oncology and morphology, Animal Hygiene and Sanitary, Epizootology and infectious diseases. Ecology and Land Reclamation Faculty: B&M\ Ecology and environmental protection, Hydraulic engineering, Water resources conservation. PhD\ Ecology, Agricultural irrigation. Agricultural Engineering Faculty: B&M\ Machines and equipment for agriculture, Food technology and engineering, Technology of grain keeping and processing. PhD\ Machines and equipments for agriculture, Plant products processing and keeping. Management and Marketing Faculty: B&M\ Marketing, Management, Management of organization and administration. PhD\ Economy and management at the state level, Economy and management of enterprises. Accounting and Finance Faculty: B&M\ Accounting and audit, Finance and credit. Tuition fee: Bachelor level – 1500 USD per year, Master level – 2000 USD per year, PhD level – 2500 USD per year.

Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy

9, Dzerzhinsky str., Dnipropetrovsk, 49044, Ukraine www.dsma.dp.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АВ № 585859 from 12.07.11.

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Dniprodzershynsk State Technical University

2, Dniprobudivska str., Dniprodzerzhynsk, 51918, Ukraine www.dstu.dp.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 073487 from 26.02.13.

Kryvyi Rih National University

11, XXII Partz’yizdu str., Kryvyi Rih, 50027, Ukraine http://ktu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 586026 from 23.08.11.

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

4, Gagarin ave., Dnipropetrovsk, 49600, Ukraine International Students Office Tel: +38 (056) 374–81–94 Tel/fax: +38 (0562) 47–44–61 E-mail: foreignmetal@gmail.com priem@metal.nmetau.edu.ua www.nmetau.edu.ua

National Mining University

19, K. Marx ave., Dnipropetrovsk, 49027, Ukraine www.nmu.org.ua


Additional Information

IV Level of State Accreditation License АГ № 582774 from 25.01.12. PREPARATORY TRAINING Duration – 1 year, Tuition fee – 1150 USD. Courses: Russian/Ukrainian Language, Mathematics, Physics, Informatics BACHELOR PROGRAMMS Duration – 4 years, Tuition fee – 1700 USD per year. Metallurgy, Chemical Technology, Foundry, Electro Mechanics, Material Science, Machine Building, Mechanical Engineering, Heat Power Engineering, Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies, Metrology, Standardization and Certification, Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Natural Resources, Computer Science, Enterprise Economics, Finances and Credit, Accounting and Audit, Economic Cybernetics, Management, Documentation Science and Information Activity, Philology, Professional Education MASTER PROGRAMMS Duration – 1 year, Tuition fee – 1800 USD. Ferrous Metallurgy, Non-Ferrous Metallurgy, Special Metallurgy, Chemical Technologies of Fuel and Carbon-base Materials, Chemical Technologies of Refractory Non-Metal and Silicate Materials, Foundry of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals, Applied Material Science, Composite and Powder Materials, Coatings, Metal Science, Metal Forming, Heat Treatment of Metals, Industrial Heat Engineering, Heat Physics, Electromechanical Systems of Automation and Electric Drive, Mechanical Engineering Technologies, Metallurgical Equipment, Wheeled and Track-Type Vehicles, Ecology and Environmental Protection, Computerized Testing of Technological Processes, Information Control Systems and Technologies, Information Projects Technologies, Enterprise Economics, Finances and Credits, Accounting and Audit, Economic Cybernetics, Management of Organizations, Management of Foreign Economic Activity, Documentation Science and Information Activity, Projects Management, Administrative Management, Intellectual Property POSTGRADUATE TRAINING Duration – 3 years, Tuition fee – аррrох 3000 USD per year.

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270600 from 02.07.13.


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Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (PSACEA)

24-a, Chernyshevsky str., Dnipropetrovsk, 49005, Ukraine Tel:: +38 (0562) 45–23–72 Tel/fax: +38 (0562) 47–07–88 E-mail: postmaster@pgasa.ua, dik@mail.pgasa.dp.ua www.pgasa.dp.ua

Ukrainian Academy of Customs

8, Rogalyova str., Dnipropetrovsk, 49000, Ukraine www.amsu.dp.ua

Ukrainian State Chemical-Technology University

8, Gagarina str., Dnepropetrovsk, 49005, Ukraine Tel.: + 38 (0562) 47–46–70, 47–46–94 Fax: +38 (0562) 47–33–16 E-mаіl: ugxtu@dicht.dp.ua, prk_udxtu.@ukr.net www.udhtu.com.ua

Additional Information IV Level of Accreditation Licence AЕ № 272223 from 10.04.13. License AB № 443945 from 10.07.09. Departments: Industrial and Civil Engineering, Construction, Architecture, Mechanics, Economics, the Institute of Ecology and Life Safety, the Institute of Correspondence and Distant Education. Property form: state. Subordination: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Founded: 1930. Foreign students since 1988. Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens. Education Fees at the Preparatory Department: 1400 $ per year. Education Fees: 1900–2500 $ per year. Training course. Postgraduate study. III–IV Level of Аccreditation License AЕ № 270111 from 07.05.13. IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 443051 from 16.12.08. FACULTY: Specialties FACULTY OF HIGH-MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS TECHNOLOGY: Fuel and Carbonic Materials Chemical Engineering (B, M); High-Molecular Compounds Chemical Engineering (B, M); Polymers Processing Engineering (B, M); Fats and Fat-Substitutes Production Engineering (B, M); Materials for Publishing and Printing Industry (B, M); Chemical Engineering of Wood and Vegetable Raw Material Processing (B, M). MECHANICAL FACULTY: The Equipment of Chemical and Building Material Plants (B, M); Mechanical Engineering (B, M); Automatic Production Process Control (B, M); Metrology and Measuring (B); Heat Power Engineering (B, M). FACULTY OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES TECHNOLOGY: Pharmaceutical Preparations Engineering (B, M); Polymers Processing Practice (B, M); Organic Substances Chemical Engineering (B, M). FACULTY OF INORGANIC SUBSTANCES TECHNOLOGY: Ecology and Environmental Protection (B, M); Chemical Engineering of Rare and Scattered Elements and the Materials on their Basis (B, M); Chemical Technology for Food Additives and Cosmetics (B); Technical Electrochemistry (B, M); Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances (B, M). FACULTY OF SILICATE TECHNOLOGY: Refractory NonMetal and Silicate Materials Chemical Engineering (B, M); Equipment for Processing and Food Production (B, M); Equipment for Chemical Production and Structural Materials Plants (B, M). FACULTY OF Biotechnology, Computer of Science and Engineering: Industrial Biotechnology (B, M); Information Control Systems and Technology (B, M); Specialized Computer Systems (B, M). ECONOMICS FACULTY: Enterprise Economy (B, M); Marketing (B, M); Economic Cybernetics (B); Management of Organisations and Administrations (B, M). The cost of training in all faculties is 1500–2000 USD per year. The cost of training at the department of preparatory is 1000 USD per year. The cost of hostel accommodation is 20 USD per month

DONETSK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Foundation date: 1937. Accreditation level: IV (highest). State License of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine АД № 072626. Legal Status: Public Property. International Faculty: since 1973.

Donetsk National University (DonNU) is the leading University of Eastern Ukraine occupying one of the top positions in the Ukrainian University ratings. In 2011 and 2012, the QS World University Rankings placed DonNU in the TOP-700 of the best Universities of the world. DonNU is also a part of the Donetsk Scientific Centre. The academic staff consists of 123 Doctors of Science, Professors, 591 PhDs and Associate Professors (including Academicians, members of the National and Branch Academies of Sciences of Ukraine and Honorary Workers of Science and Education). Over the 75 years of its existence, 120 thousand professionals in different spheres of knowledge and activities (including 2500 foreign citizens) have been trained. Today 15 thousand students including 300 foreign students study at the University. Donetsk National University successfully cooperates with more than 60 universities all over the world. It is a member of the European Universities Association, the Eurasian University Association and a participant of numerous European scientific and educational programmes. GRINUK ROMAN.F DonNU is a classic University, which trains professionals in Humanities, Rector, Head of Constitutional and Natural Sciences, Economics and Law at the Bachelor and Master’s levels in International Law Department 48 degrees and in 62 majors at PhD level. Its diplomas are accepted worldwide. Doctor of Law, professor Faculties: Mathematics and Information Technology, Physics and Technology, Chemistry. Biology, History, Philology, Foreign Languages, Economics, Accounting and Finance, Economics and Law, International. The International Faculty has offered preparatory courses in the following fields: Engineering, Economics, Medicine & Biology, and Humanities since 1973. Duration of study: International (Preparatory) Faculty – 1 year Bachelor’s Programme – 4 years Master’s Programme – from 1 to 2 years PhD Programme – 3 years Tuition Fees: International (Preparatory) Faculty – $ 1500 per year, Bachelor’s Degree – from $ 1000 to $ 2100 per year, Master’s Degree – from $ 1500 to $ 2500 per year, PhD Degree – $ 2500 per year.

Address: 24, Universitetskaya str., Donetsk, 83001, Ukraine Tel.: +380 62 302-06-00 E-mail: rector@donnu.edu.ua; int.pro-rector@donnu.edu.ua Web: http://www.donnu.edu.ua/

MARIUPOL STATE UNIVERSITY IV Level of Accreditation License of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine AE №270163 from 05.06.2013

Rector Kostyantyn Balabanov, Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Corresponding Member of Nationaфl Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Consul Honorary of the Republic of Cyprus to Mariupol


• “Russian Language and Literature” • “Ukrainian Language and Literature” • “English Language and Literature” • “German Language and Literature” • “Greek Language and Literature” • “Italian Language and Literature” • “Interpreting (Ukrainian, Russian, Polish)” • “Interpreting (Greek)” • “Interpreting (English)” • “History” • “International Relations” • “Document Management and Informational Activities” • “International Economics” • “Law” • “Management of Organizations” • “Pedagogical education” • “Applied Psychology” • “Journalism” • “Advertising and Public Relations” • “Ecology, environment protection and well-balanced use of natural resources”

Mariupol State University is a classical higher education institution with a wide network of international contacts and long-standing reputation in Ukrainian and foreign educational and pedagogical communities, a leading center of revival and development of Hellenism in Ukraine and a center for training highly qualified specialists: economists, lawyers, historians, teachers, psychologists, diplomats, interpreters, journalists – the brainpower of the society. Today Mariupol State University is: • 5 modern academic buildings, 9 computer centers with Internet access, a sports center, grounds, a modern students dormitory • central library with about 150.000 volumes of educational and scientific literature as well as fiction and literature concerned with teaching methods; the overall number of domestic and foreign periodicals is more than 250 titles; 5 specialized reading rooms with computerized catalogues • quality professional training for Bachelor’s, Specialist’s and Master’s degrees, compulsory instructions in at least 2 foreign languages, which guarantees job placement both in Ukraine and abroad. The annual percentage of job placement for the University’s graduates is 90-95 percent. More than 600 MSU graduates successfully work and go on for their education abroad in more than 20 countries of the world • scientific, educational and cultural cooperation with universities of Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, China, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Czech Republic and other countries, which promotes Ukraine’s integration into the European as well as into the global educational space • more than 500 official foreign delegations. • more than 80 agreements on scientific and technical cooperation with foreign partners • more than 300 students and instructors participate annually in foreign scientific, cultural and educational programs in 20 countries of the world • membership in many of the universally renowned international organizations. Among them are European University Association, Magna Charta Universitatum, Association of the Partner Higher Educational Establishments of Russian Federation and Ukraine, European Public Law Organization, Association of Juridical Universities of the CIS countries, Mediterranean University Network, etc.

Tuition fee for foreign students varies from $ 1100 to $ 2750 per academic year and depends on the specialty and qualification level. Preparatory department for foreign students: $ 1250. Training duration: 9 months. Accommodation fee: $ 300 per year.

Contact information: 129a, Budivelnykiv ave., Mariupol, 87500, Ukraine Tel./ fax: +38 (0629) 53-22-70, +38 (0629) 53-22-51 E-mail: mariupol.university@gmail.com www.mdu.in.ua

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Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

2, Derzhavin str., Makiyivka, Donetsk Region, 86123, Ukraine www.donnasa.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АВ № 617405 from 05.03.12.

Donbass State Engineering Academy

72, Shkadinova str., Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, 84313, Ukraine www.dgma.donetsk.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АВ № 585877 from 14.05.12.

University of Transportation Systems and Technology «Donetsk Academy of Motor Transport»

7, Dzerzhynskoho ave., Donetsk, 83086, Ukraine Tel: +38 (062) 345–21–90 Fax: +38 (062) 345–32–40 E-mail: rector@diat.edu.ua www.diat.edu.ua

Donetsk National Technical University

58, Artema str., Donetsk, 83001, Ukraine www.donntu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 072675 from 10.09.12.

Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhaylo TuganBaranovsky

31, Shchorsa str., Donetsk, 83050, Ukraine www.donduet.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270530 from 05.06.13.

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 508286 from 06.04.11. Management system as per ISO 9001: 2008 Pearson Edexcel Educational Centre № 97001 University consists of 6 faculties, 12 departments, a college, a preparatory department for international students, a research center dealing with transportation systems and technology, a student’s research bureau, ADR research laboratory dealing with the transportation of dangerous cargos, a department of training for foreign students. Students may get Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees. Languages of Learning: Ukrainian, Russian, English Specialties and Specialty Areas: Training field “Road transport” Road vehicles and autoservice. Vehicle Maintenance and Repair. Computer Diagnostics of Automobiles. Training field “Transport technologies” Organization of transportation and management in road transport. Transportation of international cargos. Customs control at transport. Transport logistics. Traffic regulation and control. Road transportation Law. Designing road traffic projects. Training field “Computer Engineering” Dedicated computer systemsю. Computer information systems for business management. In-built computer systems. Training field “Management (Logistics)” Logistics. Road transportation management. Transport Technologies and Logistical Management. Business planning of auto transport enterprise.


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Donetsk National University

24, Universitetskaya str., Donetsk, 83001, Ukraine Tel. +38 (062) 302–06–00 E-mail: rector@donnu.edu.ua; int.pro-rector@donnu.edu.ua www.donnu.edu.ua

Donetsk State Musical Academy named after S. S. Prokofiev

44, Artyoma str., Donetsk, 83086, Ukraine

Donetsk State University of Management

163A, Cheluskintsev str., Donetsk, 83015, Ukraine Tel: +38 (062) 344–09–56 Fax: +38 (062) 337–71–08 E-mail: info@dsum.edu.ua www.dsum.edu.ua

Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages State higher educational establishment "Donbass State Pedagogical University"

25, Rudakov str., Horlivka, 84626, Ukraine www.forlan.org.ua

III Level of Accreditation License AД № 073158 from 16.10.12.

Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities

43A, Parkovaya str., Kramatorsk, 84300, Ukraine www.kegi.com.ua

III Level of accreditation License AД № 072603 from 14.08.12.

IV Level of Accreditation License АД № 072626. Faculties: Mathematics and Information Technology, Physics and Technology, Chemistry. Biology, History, Philology, Foreign Languages, Economics, Accounting and Finance, Economics and Law, International. The International Faculty has offered preparatory courses in the following fields: Engineering, Economics, Medicine & Biology, and Humanities since 1973. Duration of study: International (Preparatory) Faculty – 1 year Bachelor’s Programme – 4 years Master’s Programme – from 1 to 2 years PhD Programme – 3 years Tuition Fees: International (Preparatory) Faculty – $ 1500 per year, Bachelor’s Degree – from $ 1000 to $ 2100 per year, Master’s Degree – from $ 1500 to $ 2500 per year, PhD Degree – $ 2500 per year.

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 072647 from 14.08.12.

IV Level of Accreditation License АЕ № 270526 from 30.05.13. Training is carried out on the following education- andqualification levels: Bachelor, Specialist, Master and MBA. Forms of training: full-time, part-time. The University trains specialists in the fields of economics, management, marketing, finance, investment, logistics, sociology, law and social management.

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Mariupol State University

129A, Budivelnykiv ave., Mariupol, 87500, Ukraine Tel. fax +38 (0629) 53–22–70, 53–22–51 Е-mail: mariupol.university@gmail.com www.mdu.in.ua

M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University

16, Ilyich ave., Donetsk, 83003, Ukraine Tel.:+38 (062) 344–42–01, 344–33–71 Fax: +38 (062) 344–42–01 E-maіl: oms@dsmu.edu.ua, gaydarova@dsmu.edu.ua www.dsmu.edu.ua

Pryazovskyi State Technical University

7, Universytetska str., Mariupol, Donetskiy region, 87500, Ukraine www.pstu.edu


Additional Information IV Level of Accreditation License AE № 270163 from 05.06.13. Specialties: “Russian Language and Literature”. “Ukrainian Language and Literature”. “English Language and Literature”. “German Language and Literature”. “Greek Language and Literature”. “Italian Language and Literature”. “Interpreting (Ukrainian, Russian, Polish)”. “Interpreting (Greek)”. “Interpreting (English)”. “History”. “International Relations”. “Document Management and Informational Activities”. “International Economics”. “Law”. “Management of Organizations”. “Pedagogical education”. “Applied Psychology”. “Journalism”. “Advertising and Public Relations”. “Ecology, environment protection and well-balanced use of natural resources”. Tuition fee for foreign students varies from $ 1100 to $ 2750 per academic year and depends on the specialty and qualification level. Preparatory department for foreign students: $ 1250. Training duration: 9 months. Accommodation fee: $ 300 per year. IV Level of Accreditation

License AА № 903185. Specialities: General Medicine (SM), Dentistry (SM), Pharmacy (S), Preparatory faculty for foreigners. Postgraduate study, clinical internship, training. The Post Graduate Faculty offers about a hundred narrow specialities in which foreign students are trained and retrained. Languages of teaching: Ukrainian, Russian and English. International Medical Faculty train foreign students in the following specialities: GENERAL MEDICINE: Obstetrics and Gynecology; Allergology and Immunology; Gastroenterology; Genetics; Medical Intensive Care and Therapy; Infectious diseases; Clinical Pharmacology; Cardiology; Skin and VD (STD); Combustology and Plastic Surgery; Radio Diagnostics and Therapy; Neurology; Neorosurgery; Neurology; Oncology; ENT; Ophtalmology; Pathological Anatomy; Psychiatry and narcology; Pulmonology; Rheumatology; Family Medicine; General Medicine; Traumatology and Orthopedia; Urology; Physiotherapy; TB care; Abdominal Surgery; Thoracic Surgery; Endocrinology ect. PEDIATRICS: Children’s Gynecology; Children’s Infections diseases; Children’s Surgery; Infant care and all as above (in General Medicine). DENTISTRY: Preventive Dentistry; Operative Dentistry; Prosthetic Dentistry; Children’s Dentistry; Orthodontics; Orthopedic dentistry; Dental Surgery ect. PHARMACY: Small scale production of medicaments; Medicative plants and plant therapy; Medicative plants quality control; Organization and regulation of the pharmaceutical enterprises; ect.

IV level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270282 from 05.06.13.


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Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

2, Galytska str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018, Ukraine www.ifnmu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АД № 072889 from 16.10.12.

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

15, Karpatska str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019, Ukraine www.nung.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 034578 from 14.05.12.

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

57, Shevchenko str., IvanoFrankivsk, 76018, Ukraine www.pu.if.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 586002 from 28.07.11.

International Slavonic University, Kharkov

9А, O. Yarosha str., Kharkiv, Ukraine www.msu.kharkov.ua

III Level of Accreditation License AД № 073240 from 08.01.13.

H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

212 V Office, 2 Blukher str., Kharkiv, 61168, Ukraine http://hnpu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 582586 from 22.11.11, АБ № 121863 from 15.03.05.

Kharkiv Institute of Banking Business of University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine

55, Peremohy ave., Kharkiv, 61174, Ukraine www.khibs.edu.ua

III Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270702 from 02.07.13.

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

58, Korchagintsiv str., Kharkiv, 61176, Ukraine Tel. +38 (057) 711–35–56 Fax +38 (057) 711–80–25 E-mail: office@med.edu.ua www.med.edu.ua

Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway Technical University

25, Petrovskogo str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine www.khadi.kharkov.ua


IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 073169  from 30.11.12. Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (KhMAPE) provides training courses for doctors and pharmacists in internship, specialization courses, qualification test preparatory courses and advanced training courses in 109 specialities. The Academy trains specialists in clinical residency, master courses, PhD and Doctor of Medical sciences courses as for Ukraine and also for foreign countries. The KhMAPE also provides the second higher education in speciality Management in Healthcare. Medical College of the Academy graduates junior specialists and bachelors (nurse) in the speciality “Medical nurse” as for Ukraine and also for foreign countries. IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270704 from 02.07.13.

National University of Pharmacy The National University of Pharmacy is an elite and prestigious higher educational establishment of Ukraine and Europe. The University is inferior to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and has a basic status among Ukrainian higher educational establishments on Bologna principles implementation. The diploma of NUPh guarantees a perfect career in many countries of the world. Year of establishment is 1805. Level of accreditation is the highest (IV) License of Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Youth and Sport of Ukraine AД №034968. Subordination of Ministry of Health of Ukraine. State form of ownership. Training of foreigners started in 1962 The number of trained specialists for 88 countries of the world who got Master Degree in Pharmacy and continue their career successfully is about 5 thousand. Currently NUPh is a large educational family which inludes about 11000 students, over 1300 of them are foreign students from 53 countries of the world, 650 lecturers, including 103 Doctors of sciences and professors, 365 assistant professors, 15 academicians and accosiate members of the National and branch academies of Sciences of Ukraine, 23 honored workers of science and techniques of Ukraine. 2002 – the University got a National status. Rector, professor 2008 – NUPh became an individual member of FIP VALENTYN CHERNYKH (International Pharmaceutical Federation). Associate Member 2009 – NUPh joined EAFP (European Association of Pharmacy of Ukrainian National Faculties). Academy of Sciences 2010 – University is awarded with the honour diploma of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Ukraine «Leader of modern education in Ukraine». 2012 – University got diploma «Leader of international activity» by the Ministry of Higher Education, Youth and Sport of Ukraine. The structure of the University comprises 10 faculties, 49 departments, 8 scientific and research laboratories, 60 educational and scientific subdivisions, 5 hostels. The University scientific library is the second one in the city with more than 1 mln. issues of books and magazines, starting with editions of 1841. Students have the possibility to go in for sports at 17 sections, such as basketball, volleyball, aerobics, shaping, sumo, wrestling, аikido etc. There are students' cafés in every building.

NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF PHARMACY TRAINS FOREIGN STUDENTS IN THE FOLLOWING SPECIALITIES, QUALIFICATIONS, TRAINING DIRECTIONS: Pre-university training Economics Humanities Medical and biological sciences Engineering Pharmacy Pharmacy Master Technology of cosmetics and perfumery Master Technology of drugs Master Clinical Pharmacy Master Analytical control of chemistry of medicinal compounds quality Bachelor Drugs manufacturing Bachelor Medicine Laboratory diagnostics Chemical technology Biotechnology Bachelor 4 years and engineering Economics and entrepreneurship Bachelor 4 years, Economics of enterprises Bachelor 4 years, Marketing Bachelor 4 years, Management Management of enterprises Bachelor Second higher education Quality, standardization and certification Master Higher school pedagogy Master Postgraduate training Pharmacology PhD Drugs Technology, organization of pharmaceutical business & forensic pharmacy PhD Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy PhD Foreign students training is conducted in Ukrainian, Russian or English.

10 months 10 months 10 months 10 months 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 4 years 4 years

Master 5 years Master 5 years Master 5 years 4 years 1 year 1 year 3-4 years 3-4 years 3-4 years


53, Pushkinska St, Kharkiv 61002, Ukraine Tel./fax: (38-057) 706-20-79, (38-057) 706-30-96 E-mail: interdep@ukrfa.kharkov.ua http: www.nuph.edu.ua

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education IV Level of Accreditation. License AД № 073169 30.11.2012.

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (KhMAPE) provides training courses for doctors and pharmacists in internship, specialization courses, qualification test preparatory courses and advanced training courses in 109 specialities. The Academy trains specialists in clinical residency, master courses, PhD and Doctor of Medical sciences courses as for Ukraine and also for foreign countries. The KhMAPE also provides the second higher education in speciality Management in Healthcare. Medical College of the Academy graduates junior specialists and bachelors (nurse) in the speciality “Medical nurse” as for Ukraine and also for foreign countries.

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education 58, Korchagintsiv str., Kharkiv, 61176, Ukraine Tel. +38 (057) 711-35-56, Fax +38 (057) 711-80-25 E-mail: office@med.edu.ua



Rector, Oleksandr CHEREVKO - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Honoured Scientist and Engineer of Ukraine

Address: 333 Klochkivska, 61051 Kharkiv, Ukraine Tel./fax: +38 (057)337 85 35 (Rector); +(38 057) 337 77 29 (Vice-Rector); +(38 057) 34 94 504 (International Students Office) E-mail: hduht@kharkov.com foshchan@yandex.ru (Vice-Rector) inter-dep62@mail.ru (International Students Office); Internet: www.hduht.edu.ua

Level of accreditation: IV License АГ № 582555 from 09.11.2011 Form of property: state Founded in1967 Foreign students since 1991 SPECIALITIES International Economics Finance Marketing Accounting and Audit Economics of Enterprise Management and Business Administration Management of Foreign Economic Activities Science of Commodities and Commerce Examination of Commodities and Services Equipment of Processing and Food Industry Production Facilities Bakery, Confectionary, Pasta and Food Concentrates Technology Technology of Storage Preserving and Processing of Fruit and Vegetables Technology of Storage Preserving and Processing of Meat Technology of Storage Preserving and Processing of Milk Food Technology Preparatory Training Department: – 50 persons

PRICES: Preparatory Training Department –$ 1350 per year BACHELOR’S DEGREE: Language of instruction– Russian / Ukrainian Price – $ 2000per year Language of instruction – English Business Administration & Management of Organizations; Management of foreign economic activities (specialization – tourism and hotel business) Price –$ 2200 per year MASTER’S DEGREE: Language of teaching – Russian (Ukrainian) Price: –$ 2400 per year Post-graduate courses –$ 3000 per year Accommodation fee $40 per month

2013-2014 Institution’s Name

O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page 12, Revolutsyi str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (057) 707–30–56 Fax: +38 (057) 706–15–48 Е-mail: rectorat@ksame.kharkov.ua www.kname.edu.ua Center of International Affairs and Studies: Tel. + 38 (057) 707–30–50 E-mail: intdept@kname.edu.ua http://ird.kname.edu.ua Faculty of Foreign Students:

Tel. +38 (057) 706–15–48,

707–33–34 E-mail: dekanatin@ksame.kharkov.ua http://fs.kname.edu.ua


Additional Information IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 5821 from 23.06.11. Duration of study: Prepratory deprtment – 1 year; Master’s degree – 1–1,5 years; Bachelor’s degree – 4–4,5 years; Post-graduate – PhD – 3 years. Faculties and specialties: Faculty of Economics and Enterprise – Economy of Enterprise (B, M); Accounting and Auditing (B, M); Management of Financial and Economic Security (M). Management Faculty – Management (B); Management of Organization and Administration (M); Logistics (M); Transport Technologies (B); Transport System (M); Transportation Logistics and Transport Management (M); Tourism (B, M); Hotel and Catering Business (B, M); Project Management (M). Town Planing Faculty – Constructing Engineering (B); Indastrial and Civic Engineering (M); Urban Engineering and Services (M); Architecture (B); Town Planing (M); Geodesy, Cartography and Land Management (B); Geo-Information System and Technologies (M). Electric Transport Faculty – Electromechanic (B); Electric Transport (M); Electromechanical Automation System and Electrical Drive (M); Electrical System and Complexes of Vehicles (M). Faculty of Electrical Maintenance and Lighting of Cities – Electrical Engineering and Electrical Technologies (B); Lighting Technologies and Light Sources (M); Electrical Systems of Electricity Consumption (M). Faculty of Engineering Ecology of Cities – Ecology and Environment Protection and Conservation of Nature (B); Ecology and Environment Protection (M); Construction Engineering (B); Water Supply and Sewerage (M); Heat, Gas Supply and Ventilation (M); Hydraulic Technologies (B); Water Resourse Conservation and Protection (M).

National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” IV level of accreditation. License АД № 041485 from 14/08/12. Year of foundation 1885. Licensed specialties far foreign students – All (check our WEB-site)

LIST OF MAJOR SPECIALITIES: Economical Cybernetics. Economics of Enterprises. Marketing. Finance and Credit. Accounting and Audit. Management (including "Tourism"). Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Nature Management. Mechanics. Applied Physics. Applied Mathematics. Informatics. Systems Analysis. Computer Science. Computer Engineering. Software Engineering. Systems Engineering. Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies. Oil and Gas Engineering. Materials Science. Mechanical Engineering. Machinery. Heat-and-Power Engineering. Hydro-Power Engineering. Power-Plant Engineering. Electrical Engineering and Electrical Technologies. Electromechanics. Micro- and Nanoelectronics. Electronic Devices and Systems. Acoustic Engineering. Radioelectronic Devices. Telecommunications. Metrology and Information Measuring Technologies. Device Development. Railway Transport. Automobile Transport. Chemical Engineering. Biotechnology. Food Technologies and Engineering.

ANNUAL TUITION:  Preparatory department (Russian Language)......... 1500 USD;  Bachelor (training in Russian)............................ 1700-3000 USD;  Master (training in Russian)................................ 2500-3000 USD;  Bachelor (training in English)............................. 2500-3600 USD;  Master (training in English)................................. 3000-3500 USD;  Postgraduate courses (training in Russian).............. 3500 USD; Hostel: 30-60 USD/month.

21, Frunze str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine Tel/fax: + 38 (057) 707-63-16 E-mail: lastovka@kpi.kharkov.ua www.kpi.kharkov.ua


2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page

Additional Information

Kharkiv National Medical University

4, Lenin ave., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine www.knmu.kharkov.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270274 from 07.05.13.

Kharkiv National University of Economics

9A, Lenina ave., Kharkiv, 61001, Ukraine www.hneu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 582608 from 14.12.11.

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

14, Lenin ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine www.kture.kharkov.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AВ № 617458 from 30.03.12.

Kharkiv National I. P. Kotlyarevsky University of Arts

11/13, Constitution square, Kharkiv, 61003, Ukraine www.dum.kharkov.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 072615 from 14.08.12.

Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko

44, Artema str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (057) 700–38–88 Fax: +38 (057) 700–39–14 Foreign Students Department: 92, Mironositskaya str., Kharkiv, 61023, Ukraine Tel./fax:+38 (057) 700–45–81 E-mail: khstua@lin.com.ua in_dekanat­_khntusg@ukr.net www.khntusg.com.ua www.khntusg.kh.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 508429 from 13.05.11. Licence АB № 552904 from 15.11.10. THE UNIVERSITY TRAINS BACHELORS, SPECIALISTS AND MASTERS IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS AND SPECIALTIES: Mechanization of Agriculture; Quality, Standardization and Certification; Power Engineering of Agricultural Production; Energetic Management; Machinery and Equipment of Agricultural Production; Equipment of Forest Complex; Wood Treatment Technology; Wheeled and Tracklaying Transport Vehicles; Equipment of Processing and Food Production; Technology of Grain Processing and Grain Storage; Management of Enterprises; Automated Control of Technological Processes; Accounting and Audit; Economics of Enterprises; Computer-Integrated Technological Processes and Production Transportation Technologies.

Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

40, Sumska str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine Tel: +38 (057) 700–01–12 (Rector) Fax: +38 (057) 700–02–50 (Rector) Tel./Fax: +38 (057) 700–02–40 (Vice-Rector) Tel./Fax: +38 (057) 700–38–50 (Dean's office for foreign students) E-mail: foreign@kstuca.kharkov.ua www.kstuca.kharkov.ua

IV Level of accreditation License AД № 041184 from 15.06.12. Specialities: Architecture of building and construction Design of architectural environment Machinery and equipment of chemical and building material enterprises Automated control of technological processes Technology of building constructions, products and materials Industrial and civil engineering Hydraulic engineering Heat-gas supply and ventilation Water supply and water sewerage Ecology and environment protection Enterprise economics Economic cybernetics Finance and credit Organizations management and administration No preparatory department for foreign students. Languages of teaching international students and post-graduates: RUSSIAN, UKRAINIAN. Training and studying to obtain: Bachelor’s degree, Specialist’s degree, Master’s degree, PhD degree. Tuition fee for foreign students $ 1700–2400 annually.

2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page


Additional Information

Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

4, Bursatski Uzviz, Kharkiv, 61057, Ukraine Tel./fax: +38 (057) 771–04–30 E-mail: moedcentr@yandex.ru www.ic.ac.kharkov.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License: АД № 034539 from 23.04.12. Education Area “Documentation Studies and Information Work” (Bachelor's degree (B), Specialist's degree (S), Master's degree (M)). Tuition fee: 2000 $ per year. Education Area “ Museum Studies and Historic Preservation” (B, S, M). Tuition fee: 2000 $ per year. Education Area “Cultural Studies” (B, S, M). Tuition fee: 2000 $ per year. Fields of study: History and Theory of Culture; Ethnographic Cultural Studies. Education Area “Management of Social and Cultural Activity”(B, S, M). Tuition fee: 2000 $ per year. Fields of study: Advertising Management; PR Management; Art Management and Producing; Leisure Industry Management. Education Area “Management” (B, S, M). Tuition fee: 2000 $ per year. Education Area “Social Pedagogics (Social Work) (B, S, M). Tuition fee: 2000 $ per year. Fields of study: Animation; Organization of Youth Initiatives; Social and Psychological Rehabilitation. Education Area “Book Science, Library Science and Bibliography Studies”(B, S, M). Tuition fee: 2000 $ per year. Fields of study: Library Science and Information Activity; Bibliography, Book Science and Book Publishing; Bibliography Studies and Information Activity. Education Area “Music Arts” (B, S, M). Tuition fee: 2100 $ per year. Fields of study: Brass Band and Percussion Instruments; Folk Singing; Folk Musical Instruments; Choir Conducting; Art of Variety Music; Pop and Rock Singing. Education Area “Theatre Arts”(B, S, M). Tuition fee: 2100 $ per year. Fields of study: Direction of Theatrical Shows and Festivals; Drama Theatre and Cinema Actor's Skill. Education Area “Cinema and Television Arts”(B, S, M). Tuition fee: 2100 $ per year. Fields of study: TV Direction; TV Reporters; TV Cameramen. Education Area “Choreography” (B, S, M). Tuition fee: 2100 $ per year. Fields of study: Folk Dance Choreography; Modern Dance Choreography; Ballroom Dance Choreography. Preparatory Department for International Students. Tuition fee: 1300 $ per year. Fees for residential facilities: 1200 $ per year.

Kharkiv State Design and Arts Academy

8, Chervonopraporna str., Kharkiv, 61102, Ukraine Tel. +38 (057) 720–23–20, 706–15–57 Fax +38 (057) 706–15–60 E-mail: academy@ksada.edu.ua, ulyanova@ksada.edu.ua www.ksada.org

IV Level of Accreditation There are following qualifying levels of training: the Bachelor, the Specialist, the Master Day time branch Graphic Art. Easel Painting. Monumental Painting. Easel and Monumental Sculpture. Art Criticism (The Theory and History of Art). Industrial Design. Graphic Design. Multimedia Design. Interior Design. Costume Design. Textile Fabrics Design. Furniture Design. Restoration of Easel and Monumental Painting. Tuition Fees for students training for 2013/2014 academic year: the Bachelor – $ 3500 the Specialist – $ 3800 the Master – $ 4000. Post-graduation training: $4300.


2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page

Additional Information

Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

99, Klochkivska str., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine http://hdafk.kharkov.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 041204 from 26.06.12.

Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy

1, Mala Danylivka str., Derhachiv, 62341, Ukraine www.zoovet.kh.ua

Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270127 from 07.05.13.

Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade

333, Klochkivska str., Kharkiv, 61051, Ukraine Contact: Rector Tel/Fax: +38 (057) 337–85–35 Vice-Rector Tel/Fax: +38 (057) 337–77–29 E-mail: foshchan@yandex.ru International Students Office Tel/Fax: +38 (057) 34–94–504 E-mail: inter-dep62@mail.ru E-mail: hduht@kharkov.com www.hduht.edu.ua

Kharkiv V. Docuchaiev National Agrarian University

Kharkiv District Campus of KhNAU, P/o "Comunist-1, Kharkiv region, 62483, Ukraine www.knau.kharkov.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 508676 from 26.05.11.

Kozhedub Air Force University, Kharkiv

77/79, Sumska str., Kharkiv, 61023, Ukraine

Level of Accreditation License AД № 072629 from 14.08.12.

IV Level of Accreditation License АГ № 582555 from 09.11.11. Directions of training: Hotel and Restaurant Business; International Economics; Economics of Enterprise; Marketing; Finance and Credit; Accounting and Audit; Science of Commodities and Commercial Entrepreneurship; Management and Business Administration; Mechanical Engineering; Food Technologies and Engineering. Specialities (B, S, М): International Economics; Finance; Marketing; Accounting and Audit; Economics of Enterprise; Management and Business Administration; Management of Foreign Economic Activities; Science of Commodities and Commerce; Examination of Commodities and Services; Equipment of Processing and Food Industry Production Facilities; Bakery, Confectionary, Pasta and Food Concentrates Technology; Technology of Storage Preserving and Processing of Fruit and Vegetables; Technology of Storage Preserving and Processing of Meat; Technology of Storage Preserving and Processing of Milk; Food Technology. Preparatory Training Department – 50 persons. Preparatory Training Department –$ 1350 per year. Bachelor’s Degree: Language of instruction– Russian / Ukrainian – $ 2000 per year. Language of instruction – English.Business Administration & Management of Organizations; Management of foreign economic activities (specialization – tourism and hotel business) –$ 2200 per year. Master’s Degree: Language of teaching – Russian (Ukrainian) – $ 2400 per year. Post-graduate courses –$ 3000 per year. Accommodation fee $40 per month.

2013-2014 Institution’s Name

National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page 17, Chkalov str., Kharkiv, 61070, Ukraine Dean office for foreign students Tel. +38 (057) 788–48–81 Preparatory Department Tel. +38 (057) 788–42–85 E-mail: prorector_ir@khai.edu www.khai.edu


Additional Information IV Level of Accreditation License № 041437 from 13.07.12. Number of licensed specialties for foreign students’ training – 52. Annual tuition fee for foreign citizens, USD Preparatory department..........................................1500 Bachelor (training in Ukrainian or Russian) ......2200 Master (training in Ukrainian or Russian).2200/2500 Bachelor (training in English...................... 2500/3000 Master (training in English)......................... 3500/4000 Post-graduate course (training in Russian)......... 500 Post-graduate course (training in English) .......5000 Airplanes and helicopters; Technology of airplane and helicopter construction; Robotic systems and complexes; Non-conventional power sources; Aircraft engines and power units; Aircraft engines construction technology; Gas-turbine plants and compressor stations; Heat Physics; Aircraft and air complex control systems; Control and automation systems; Rocket-space craft engines; Rocket and spacecraft complexes; Aircraft engines and power plants; Designing and manufacturing of composite materials constructions; System Analysis and Control; Dynamics and Strength of Machines; Internal Combustion Engines; Packaging Machines and Technology; Applied mathematics; Information measuring systems; Metrology and measuring equipment; Computer integrated technological processes and production; Ecology and Environmental protection; Information designing technology; Radio electronic devices, systems and complexes; Radio Communication, Broadcasting and TV Equipment; Manufacturing of electronic devices; Household Electronic Appliances; Geoinformation systems and technologies; Technology and means of telecommunications; Biotechnical and medical equipment and systems; System Programming; Information control systems and technologies; Specialized computer systems; Computer systems and networks; Organizations management; Enterprise economics; Financing; Software of automated systems; Marketing; Quality, standardization and certification; Project management; Power Generation and Supply Management; Applied Linguistics; Psychology; Documentation and Information Management of Foreign Economic Activity; Logistics; Information Communication Networks; Social Computer Science; Aircraft Servicing and Maintenance.


2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page

Additional Information

National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

21, Frunze str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine Tel/fax: + 38 (057) 707–63–16 E-mail: lastovka@kpi.kharkov.ua www.kpi.kharkov.ua

IV level of accreditation License АД № 041485 from 14.08.12. Licensed specialties far foreign students – All (check our WEB-site) Annual tuition: Preparatory department (Russian Language)... 1500 USD; Bachelor (training in Russian).........................700–3000 USD; Master (training in Russian).......................... 2500–3000 USD; Bachelor (training in English) ..................... 2500–3600 USD; Master (training in English).......................... 3000–3500 USD; Postgraduate courses (training in Russian) ....... 3500 USD; Hostel: 30–60 USD/month. List of major specialities: Economical Cybernetics. Economics of Enterprises. Marketing. Finance and Credit. Accounting and Audit. Management (including "Tourism"). Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Nature Management. Mechanics. Applied Physics. Applied Mathematics. Informatics. Systems Analysis. Computer Science. Computer Engineering. Software Engineering. Systems Engineering. Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies. Oil and Gas Engineering. Materials Science. Mechanical Engineering. Machinery. Heat-and-Power Engineering. Hydro-Power Engineering. Power-Plant Engineering. Electrical Engineering and Electrical Technologies. Electromechanics. Micro- and Nanoelectronics. Electronic Devices and Systems. Acoustic Engineering. Radioelectronic Devices. Telecommunications. Metrology and Information Measuring Technologies. Device Development. Railway Transport. Automobile Transport. Chemical Engineering. Biotechnology. Food Technologies and Engineering.

National University of Pharmacy

53, Pushkinskaya str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine Tel./fax: +38 (057) 706–20–79, 706–30–96 E-mail: interdep@ukrfa.kharkov.ua www.pharm.kharkiv.edu

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 034968. National University of Pharmacy trains foreign students in the following specialities, qualifications, training directions: Pre-university training (10 months) – Economics; Humanities; Medical and biological sciences; Engineering. Pharmacy – Pharmacy (M); Technology of cosmetics and perfumery (M); Technology of drugs (M); Clinical Pharmacy (M); Analytical control of chemistry of medicinal compounds quality (B); Drugs manufacturing (B). Medicine – Laboratory diagnostics (B, M). Chemical technology and engineering – Biotechnology (B). Economics and entrepreneurship – Economics of enterprises (B, M); Marketing (B, M). Management – Management of enterprises (B). Second higher education – Quality, standardization and certification (M, 1 year); Higher school pedagogy (M, 1 year). Post-graduate training – Pharmacology (PhD); Drugs Technology, organization of pharmaceutical business & forensic pharmacy (PhD); Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy (PhD). Master (M) – 5 yeas, Bachelor (B) – 4 yeas, PhD – 3–4 yeas. Foreign students training is conducted in Ukrainian, Russian or English.

NATIONAL AEROSPACE UNIVERSITY License of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No 041437 from 13/07/2012 Accreditation level of higher education institution – 4 (highest) Number of licensed specialties for foreign students’ training – 52


The KhAI is unique in Ukraine and it is one of the largest aerospace universities in Europe which trains specialists in all the fields of aerospace science and technology, knowledge intensive machine building, information technologies, radio engineering complexes, control systems, psychology, applied linguistics, etc. The University was founded on April 17th, 1930. The KhAI is a member of International Association of Universities of IAU/UNESCO, EASN, PEGASUS and other associations. It is officially recognized in many countries of the world. Nowadays about 10000 students and post-graduate students are trained along with 700 teachers and more than 2000 employees working at KhAI. Currently KhAI conducts training of students in 50 majors. The University trains bachelors, specialists and masters of sciences. Within its framework there are post-graduate course in 33 majors and doctoral course in 16 majors. • Airplanes and helicopters • Technology of airplane and helicopter construction • Robotic systems and complexes • Non-conventional power sources • Aircraft engines and power units • Aircraft engines construction technology • Gas-turbine plants and compressor stations • Heat Physics • Aircraft and air complex control systems • Control and automation systems • Rocket-space craft engines • Rocket and spacecraft complexes • Aircraft engines and power plants • Designing and manufacturing of composite materials constructions • System Analysis and Control • Dynamics and Strength of Machines • Internal Combustion Engines • Packaging Machines and Technology • Applied mathematics • Information measuring systems • Metrology and measuring equipment • Computer integrated technological processes and production • Ecology and Environmental protection • Information designing technology • Radio electronic devices, systems and complexes

University consist of educational and laboratory premises, that is 8 institute academic halls, 2 research institutions, research laboratories containing 1200 computers connected to global and local informational networks, University’s library contains the fund of about one million editions has at its disposal. University’s campus sufficient number of living quarters located near academic halls, sports complex, swimming pool, policlinics, preventive clinics and canteens. The University is the co-executor of "SEA LAUNCH" international space programs as well as joint research projects in association with Russia, U.S.A., Japan, Germany, Finland, Mexico, Netherlands and China. Oleg Kononenko - the graduate of 1988 year of our university made the 6-months space flight in 2008 as flight engineer of “Souz TMA-12” spaceship and 17th basic ISS expedition together with Sergiy Volkov and Li So Yon. On December 23, 2012 Oleg Kononenko started his second space flight. His crew is going to stay for 147 days at the space station. Achievements of KhAI’s scientists are well-known in areas of supersonic aerodynamics, aviation constructions strength, aviation and rocket engines design, aircraft control systems, etc. More detailed information can be found at website www.khai.edu.

• Radio Communication, Broadcasting and TV Equipment • Manufacturing of electronic devices • Household Electronic Appliances • Geoinformation systems and technologies • Technology and means of telecommunications • Biotechnical and medical equipment and systems • System Programming • Information control systems and technologies • Specialized computer systems • Computer systems and networks • Organizations management • Enterprise economics • Financing • Software of automated systems • Marketing • Quality, standardization and certification

• Project management • Power Generation and Supply Management • Applied Linguistics • Psychology • Documentation and Information • Management of Foreign Economic Activity • Logistics • Information Communication Networks • Social Computer Science • Aircraft Servicing and Maintenance

Annual tuition fee for foreign citizens, USD Preparatory department .......................................................................................... 1500 Bachelor (training in Ukrainian or Russian)............................................................ 2200 Master (training in Ukrainian or Russian).......................................................2200/2500 Bachelor (training in English)..........................................................................2500/3000 Master (training in English).............................................................................3500/4000 Post-graduate course (training in Russian)............................................................. 3500 Post-graduate course (training in English).............................................................. 5000

Address: 17 Chkalov street, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61070 Contact telephones: Dean office for foreign students – +38 (057) 788-48-81 Preparatory Department –+38 (057) 788-42-85 E-mail: prorector_ir@khai.edu http://www.khai.edu

Kharkiv State Design and Arts Academy IV Level of Accreditation

The Kharkiv design and art school has long traditions. Kharkiv Design and Arts Academy (KSADA) was founded in 1921 but the roots of art education in Kharkiv are in 18th century. There are recognized schools of drawing, painting, sculpture, poster, monumental art. The Academy has scientific periodicals. Over 1400 students of the daytime and correspondence form study on 3 specialities and 15 specializations of 3 faculties of KSADA now. The first foreign citizens began to study in KSADA in 1989. Specialized counsel on defence of Ph. D. Thesis on specialities “Design” and “Fine Arts” works in the Academy. All specialities prepare specialists on levels of Bachelor and Master and are opened for foreign citizens. The Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts cooperates with art high schools-partners of Russia, China, Germany and Poland. There are following qualifying levels of training: the Bachelor, the Specialist, the Master Day time branch

• • • • • • • • • •

Graphic Art. Easel Painting. Monumental Painting. Easel and Monumental Sculpture. Art Criticism (The Theory and History of Art). Industrial Design. Graphic Design. Multimedia Design. Interior Design. Costume Design.

• • •

Textile Fabrics Design. Furniture Design. Restoration of Easel and Monumental Painting. Tuition Fees for students training for 2013/2014 academic year: • the Bachelor - $ 3500 • the Specialist - $ 3800 • the Master - $ 4000. Post-graduation training: • $4300.

Victor Danylenko KSADA Rector, Doctor of Arts, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy Arts of Ukraine, Honored Artist

8, Chervonopraporna str., Kharkiv, 61102, Ukraine Tel. +38 (057) 720-23-20, 706-15-57, Fax +38 (057) 706-15-60 E-mail: academy@ksada.edu.ua, ulyanova@ksada.edu.ua www.ksada.org

Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (KHNUCEA) IV Level of accreditation. License АЕ № 270128 from 07.05.2013 Shkodovs`kiy U.M. Rector, Doctor of Architecture, Head of Urbanism department, People’s architect of Ukraine, Active member of Ukrainian Academy of Architecture, Ukrainian State Prize Laureate in the field of Architecture

SPECIALITIES:  Architecture of building and construction  Design of architectural environment  Machinery and equipment of chemical and building material enterprises  Automated control of technological processes  Technology of building constructions, products and materials  Industrial and civil engineering  Hydraulic engineering

 Heat-gas supply and ventilation

Adress, phone & fax namber, e-mail 40, Sumska Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine Tel: +38 (057) 700 01 12 (Rector) Fax: +38 (057) 700 02 50 (Rector) Tel/Fax: +38 (057) 700 02 40 (Vice-Rector) Tel/Fax: +38 (057) 700 38 50 (Dean's office for foreign students) E-mail: foreign@kstuca.kharkov.ua

 Water supply and water sewerage  Ecology and environment protection  Enterprise economics  Economic cybernetics  Finance and credit  Organizations management and administration

No preparatory department for foreign students Languages of teaching international students and post-graduates: RUSSIAN, UKRAINIAN Training and studying to obtain: Bachelor’s degree, Specialist's degree, Master's degree, PhD degree Tuition fee for foreign students $ 1700-2400 annually

2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page

Additional Information

Private Higher Education Institution Kharkiv University of Humanities “People’s Ukrainian Academy”

27, Lermontovska str., Kharkiv, 61024, Ukraine www.nua.kharkov.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 041234 from 02.07.12.

Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology National academy of medical sciences of Ukraine

80, Pushkinskaya str., Kharkiv, 61024, Ukraine www.sytenko.org.ua/eng

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 529881.

Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogic Academy (UEPA)

16, Universitetskaya str., Kharkiv, 61003, Ukraine, www.uipa.kharkov.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 508735 from 10.05.11.

Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport

7, Feyerbakh sq., Kharkiv, 61050, Ukraine http://kart.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270257 from 07.05.13.

University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

94, Chernyshevskogo str., Kharkiv, 61023, Ukraine www.apbu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270568 from 05.06.13.

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

4, Svobody sq., Kharkiv, 61077, Ukraine www-center.univer.kharkov.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 072664 from 10.09.12.

Yaroslav the Wise National Law Academy of Ukraine

77, Pushkinskaya str., Kharkiv, 61024, Ukraine www.nlau.net

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 072663 from 10.09.12.

International University of Business and Law

37-A, 49 Gvardeyskaya Divisiya str., Kherson, 73039, Ukraine www.mubip.org.ua

IV level of accreditation License AД № 073066 from 08.01.13.

Kherson National Technical University

24, Berislavske shosse, Kherson, 73008, Ukraine http://kntu.net.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270188 from 02.07.13.

Kherson State Maritime Academy

20, Ushakov pl., Kherson, 73000, Ukraine http://kmi.kherson.ua/en

III Level of Accreditation License AГ № 582514 from 31.10.11.

Kherson State University

40, Rokiv Zovtna str., Kherson, 73000, Ukraine www.kspu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270701 from 02.07.13.




2013-2014 Institution’s Name

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Additional Information


National Academy of the Borderguard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky

46, Shevchenko str., Khmelnytskyi, 29003, Ukraine

IV Level of Accreditation

Khmelnytskyi National University

11, Instutytska str., Khmelnytskyi, 29016, Ukraine www.khnu.km.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АД № 073016 from 16.10.12.


Kirovohrad National Technical University

8, Prospekt Universytetskyy, Kirovohrad, 25030, Ukraine Tel./Fax: +38 (0522) 55–92–12 E-mail: rector@kntu.kr.ua; fcsd@kntu.kr.ua www.kntu.kr.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АД № 072693 from 25.09.12. Field of training: Documentation and Information Activity. Economic Cybernetics. International Business. Economics in Enterprise Personnel Management and Labour Economics. Мarketing. Finances and Crediting (extra major in field “Finances”). Finances and Credit (extra major in field “Taxation”). Accounting and Auditing. Management (major in field “Management of Organizations”). Management (major in field “Management of External Economics Operations”). Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Nature Usage (major in field “Ecology and Environmental Protection”). Computer Engineering (major in field “Computer Systems and Networks”). Computer Engineering (major in field “System Programming”). System Engineering (major in field “Computerized Systems of Control and Automation”). System Engineering (major in field “Flexible Computerized Systems and Robotics”). Engineering Mechanics (major in field “Technology of Machinebuilding”). Engineering Mechanics (major in field “Machinery and Technology for Foundry”). Engineering Mechanics (major in field “Machinery and Technology for Plastic Formation”). Machine-building (major in field “Machines and Equipment for Agricultural Production”. Machine-building (major in field “Lifting, Construction, Road Making and Ameliorative Machinery”). Machine-building (major in field “Metal Cutting Equipment and Systems”). Welding (major in field “Restoration and Wear Resistance Increase Technologies”). Electrical Engineering and Electrical Technologies (major in field Electrotechnical Systems for Power Consumption”). Electrical Engineering and Electrical Technologies (major in field “Electrotechnical Systems for Power Supply Management”). Civil Engineering (major in field “Industrial and Civil Engineering”). Automobiles Transport. Agronomy. Power Engineering in Agricultural Complex (major in field “Power Supply in Agricultural Production”). Processes, Machines and Equipment in Agricultural Production (major in field “Complexes Processes and Machines for Agricultural Production”). Tuition fees per year according: Preparatory year 8100 UAH ($ 1000); Basic course 12000–15000 UAH ($ 1500–1875).


The License AE № 270228 from 10.04.2013.

Tkachenko Valentina Grigorivna is a rector of the Lugansk National Agrarian University, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Meritorious Worker of Ukrainian National Education

Lugansk National Agrarian University (LNAU), founded in 1921, is one of the oldest state educational establishments in Ukraine, of the highest fourth accreditation level. The University is the holder of the Certificate of merit by the Supreme Council of Ukraine, of the «Golden Fortuna» Diploma and the International Diploma «European Quality». It is also the laureate of the «Leader of the agroproduction complex-2007» rating. In 2010 the University obtained the Diploma of honorary award for high rates in the ranking exhibition competition «International Activities». The University develops as an educational-scientific centre, which unites 7 technical colleges, the Centre of training, retraining and professional development for specialists of agroindustrial complex, and the educational-scientific production agrarian complex of LNAU «Kolos», which gives students an opportunity to have practical training. 20 thousand students including foreign students from 29 countries study at the University. The University provides a stage system of specialists’ preparation: - Preparatory department – 1 year; - Bachelor – 4 years (5.5 years at the Veterinary medicine faculty); - Master – 1-1.5 years after obtaining Bachelors’ degree. After completion of education the graduates are given International Standard Diplomas. Successful graduates can continue their education at the Post-Graduate Course. Preparatory department for foreign students prepares foreign students to enter higher educational establishments of medical, biological, technical, engineering and economical directions. Term of study is 1 year. Students can arrive for study from the 15th of August till the 10th of November. It is possible to get the invitation for study starting from the 1st of June till the 10th of November. The certificate is given after the graduation which allows entering higher educational establishments of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.



Accounting and Audit Economical Cybernetics Enterprise Economics Economical Faculty Finances and Credit Management of Organizations and Administration Marketing Engineering Faculty

Industrial and Civil Engineering Roads and Aerodromes Land Surveying and Cadaster

Veterinary Medicine Faculty

Veterinary Medicine Quality, standardization and certification

Food Technology and Engineering Faculty

Milk Technologies Meet Technologies Ecology and Environment Preservation

Agronomy Faculty

Agronomy Forestry and Landscape

Farm Mechanization Faculty

Processes, Machines and Equipment of Agroindustrial Production

Biotechnological Faculty

Animal-Breeding Products’ Technologies

We invite you for training and fruitful cooperation! LUGANSK NATIONAL AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY LNAU, Lugansk, 91008. Ukraine, International affairs department Tel/fax: + 38 (0642) 34-36-92, E-mail: ryazanova@lnau.lg.ua www.lnau.lg.ua

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University Rector: Vitaliy Kurilo. The year of foundation: 1921. The level of accreditation: IV The license AE № 270229 FROM 07.05.2013

LTSNU prepares specialists for all educational and qualifying levels (bachelor, specialist, master) for full-time, part-time and distance forms of studying. Graduates also have the opportunity to continue their education in postgraduate studies and doctoral. You can get a bachelor’s degree in the following departments: The Institute of Culture and Arts: Culture studies; Cinema and Television Art; Musical Art; Choreography; Fine Art; Decorative and Applied Art; Professional Education (Design) The Institute of History, International Relations and Sociopolitical Sciences: Social work; History (specialization: Law); Political Science (specialization: Applied Politology); International Relations; Sociology; Country Studies; The Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology: Preschool Education; Special Education; Applied Psychology; Psychology; Primary Education; Social Pedagogy; The Faculty of Natural Sciences: Chemistry; Biology; Geography; Laboratory Diagnosis; Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Use of Natural Resources; Forestry and Landscape Farming; The Faculty of Ukrainian Philology and Social Communications: Philology (the Ukrainian language and literature); the Ukrainian language and literature (Russian, English, German, French and Chinese languages); Advertising and Public Relations; Journalism; Publishing and Editing; The Institute of Economy and Business: Applied Statistics; Finance and Credit; Marketing; Management; Professional Education (Economics); The Institute of Commerce, Catering Technology and Tourism: Merchandising and Commercial Business (specializations: Merchandising and Commercial Activity; Merchandising and Expertise in Customs Business; Design (specialization: Graphic Design; Art Modeling Design, Interior Design and Design of Environment, Landscape Design); Tourism; Hotel and Restaurant Business; Technological Education (specialization: Informatics); Professional Education (Transport; Technology of Textile Industry Production; Food Technology; Merchandising); The institute of Physics, Mathematics and Informational Technologies: Mathematics; Physics; System Analysis; Informatics; Software Engineering; Computer Engineering; Documentation and Informational Activity; The Institute of Physical Education and Sport: Physical Education; Sport; Human Health; The Faculty of Foreign Languages: Philology (the Russian language and literature); Philology (the Russian and English languages and literature); Philology (the English language and literature); Philology (the German and English languages and literature); Philology (the French and English languages and literature); Philology (the Spanish and English languages and literature); Philology (the Japanese and English languages and literature); Philology (the Chinese and English languages and literature); Philology (the English language and literature); Philology (English, Arabic, Turkish, Hebrew and literature); Preliminary Faculty offers a one-year preparatory course for foreign students, which includes studying Russian (Ukrainian) language and specialized subjects.

The Institute of Postgraduate Education and Distance Studying: the Ukrainian language and literature; Language and literature (English, French, German);Translation (the English language); Computer Studies; Mathematics; Design; Chemistry; Psychology; Practical Psychology; Physical Education; Health Protection; Biology; Geography; Pedagogy and Methods of Secondary Education; Labor Training; Social Work; History; Culture Studies; Finance; Merchandising and Commercial Activity; Ecology, Environmental Protection; Management of Organizations; Biochemistry; Documentation and Informational Activity; Special Education; Country Studies. Nowadays Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University consists of 8 institutes, 7 faculties, including remote departments in the Lugansk region in Roven’ki, Starobel’sk and Stahanov and also Alushta’s Training and Consulting Centre, 8 colleges, 4 lyceum, the higher vocational school, the educational complex “Children’s Academy,” The contingent of students of the LTSNU is 30 thousands. The young people from different regions of Ukraine, Russia, Europe, China and the Middle East, Africa are studying in the university. Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University prepares specialists in more than 360 directions of training, occupations and professions, 25 of which are pedagogical ones. Each year the educational institution prepares about 10 thousand of specialists for various industries and spheres of social activities of different levels. With the help of the leading university of the United States of America (Franklin Pierce) a unique program is realized, with the help of which students from Ukraine and from different corners of the world obtained the diplomas from American university in the sphere of Business Administration (MVA). From year to year the volume of international partnership of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University increases in different directions. LTSNU is a valid member of the International and the European University Association. Nowadays LTSNU is the only university, which has twice successfully passed the procedure of external evaluation of the university and confirmed its international status. The university has a system of training of the pedagogical staff in postgraduate studies (43 specialities) and doctorate (13 specialities). Additional information concerning post-graduate training is available at URL:http://www.luguniv.edu.ua/?z1=b,70.

International students are provided with the accommodation in university’s hostel.

Our education is your success!

Our address: St. Oboronna, 2, Luhansk, Ukraine, 91011, Tel.: +38(0642) 59 90 08, 53 93 16, 58 03 20, E-mail: mail@luguniv.edu.ua, www.luguniv.edu.ua International Cooperation Department: +38 (0642) 71 90 03, http://intercenter.luguniv.edu.ua

Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

Reム》or of NUS Serhiy Ryzhkov

Welcome to our University!

The Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding (NUS) was founded in 1920. It is a leading educational establishment of Ukraine which trains professionals for shipbuilding and other related fields. More than 55,000 specialists have graduated from NUS and now work for the national and foreign shipbuilding industries. Main training fields: Maritime Technologies; Shipbuilding Technologies, Welding; Engineering Materials Science; Computer Sciences; Software Engineering; Project Management; Power Mechanical Engineering; Heat Power Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Ecology and Environmental Safety; Electrical Engineering and Technologies; Electrical Mechanics; Electrical Devices and Systems; Instrument Engineering; Computer-Aided Engineering; System Engineering; Information Technical Security Systems; Law; Linguistics; Philology; Design; Sports; Economics of Enterprises; Accounting and Audit; Finances and Credits; Management.

You are in reliable hands! Friendly staff of the Educational Scientific Center of International Cooperation are always ready to help you! At the NUS there are many international students, studying by contract basis. The students are from USA, Germany, China, Vietnam, Iran, Pakistan, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Libya, India, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Guinea, Kenya, Russia, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Azerbaijan窶ヲ The NUS foreign students may also spend their leisure time, develop their talents and flairs. There is also a comfortable student hostel with a sports and fitness complex and computers with the Internet access. All the NUS buildings have free Wi-Fi Internet access and special computer classrooms for foreign students to communicate with their friends and families.

For high results in the field of the International Education the NUS was awarded with ツォEuropean Quality Awardツサ (UK, Oxford).

For more info contact Educational Scientific Center Of International Cooperation: +380512-424811 e-mail: idept@nuos.edu.ua site: http://idept.nuos.edu.ua

2013-2014 Institution’s Name

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Additional Information


Donbass State Technical University

16, Lenina ave., Alchevsk, 94204, Ukraine www.dmmi.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AВ № 617420 from 13.03.12.

Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

20A, Molodyozhny kvartal, Luhansk, 91034, Ukraine www.snu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 508017 from 06.12.10.

Luhansk National Agrarian University

LNAU, Lugansk, 91008, Ukraine International affairs department Tel./fax: + 38 (0642) 34–36–92 E-mail: ryazanova@lnau.lg.ua www.lnau.lg.ua

Lugansk State Academy of Culture and Arts

7, Krasnay Plosha, Lugansk, 91055, Ukraine www.lgiki.com.ua

Lugansk State Medical University

1G Block, 50 Rokyv Oborony Laganska, Lugansk, 91045, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (0642) 63–02–57 Fax: +38 (0642) 53–20–36 E-mail: kanc@lsmu.edu.ua www.lsmu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270228 from 10.04.13. FACULTIES – SPECIALITIES: Economical Faculty: Accounting and Audit; Economical Cybernetics; Enterprise Economics; Finance and Credit; Management of Organization and Administration; Marketing. Engineering Faculty: Industrial and Civil Engineering; Road and Aerodromes; Land Surveying and Cadaster. Veterinary Medicine Faculty: Veterinary Medicine; Quality, Standardization and Certification. Food Technology and Engineering Faculty: Milk Technologies; Meet Technologies; Ecology and Environment Preservation. Agronomy Faculty: Agronomy; Forestry and Landscape. Farm Mechanization Faculty: Processes, Machines and Equipment of Agroindustrial Production. Biotechnological Faculty: Animal-Breeding Products’ Technologies. The University provides a stage system of specialists’ preparation: Preparatory department – 1 year; Bachelor – 4 years (5.5 years at the Veterinary medicine faculty); Master – 1–1.5 years after obtaining Bachelors’ degree. After completion of education the graduates are given International Standard Diplomas. Successful graduates can continue their education at the Post-Graduate Course. III Level of Accreditation License АЕ № 270137 from 07.05.13.

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 072678 from 06.07.12. Training of foreign students from 1983 Now study 6828 students, including 2500 international students from 59 countries University trains in the direction of “Medicine”: in the field of “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Nursing”, “Dentistry”, in the direction of “Pharmacy” – specialty “Pharmacy”, “Technology of Perfumery and Cosmetics”. the university also provides internship in 25 specialties, MA and postgraduate courses in 58 specialties, clinical residency and advanced training courses including internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, pharmacy, dentistry and more. languages of teaching: Ukrainian, Russian, English.


2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page 2, Oboronna str., Luhansk, 91011, Ukraine, Tel.: +38 (0642) 59–90–08, 53–93–16, 58–03–20 E-mail: mail@luguniv.edu.ua, www.luguniv.edu.ua International Cooperation Department Tel. +38 (0642) 71–90–03 http://intercenter.luguniv.edu.ua

Additional Information IV Level of Accreditation License AE № 270229 from 07.05.13. LTSNU prepares specialists for all educational and qualifying levels (bachelor, specialist, master) for full-time, part-time and distance forms of studying. Graduates also have the opportunity to continue their education in postgraduate studies and doctoral. You can get a bachelor's degree in the following departments: The Institute of Culture and Arts: Culture studies; Cinema and Television Art; Musical Art; Choreography; Fine Art; Decorative and Applied Art; Professional Education (Design) The Institute of History, International Relations and Socio-political Sciences: Social work; History (specialization: Law); Political Science (specialization: Applied Politology); International Relations; Sociology; Country Studies; The Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology: Preschool Education; Special Education; Applied Psychology; Psychology; Primary Education; Social Pedagogy; The Faculty of Natural Sciences: Chemistry; Biology; Geography; Laboratory Diagnosis; Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Use of Natural Resources; Forestry and Landscape Farming; The Faculty of Ukrainian Philology and Social Communications: Philology (the Ukrainian language and literature); the Ukrainian language and literature (Russian, English, German, French and Chinese languages); Advertising and Public Relations; Journalism; Publishing and Editing; The Institute of Economy and Business: Applied Statistics; Finance and Credit; Marketing; Management; Professional Education (Economics); The Institute of Commerce, Catering Technology and Tourism: Merchandising and Commercial Business (specializations: Merchandising and Commercial Activity; Merchandising and Expertise in Customs Business; Design (specialization: Graphic Design; Art Modeling Design, Interior Design and Design of Environment, Landscape Design); Tourism; Hotel and Restaurant Business; Technological Education (specialization: Informatics); Professional Education (Transport; Technology of Textile Industry Production; Food Technology; Merchandising); The institute of Physics, Mathematics and Informational Technologies: Mathematics; Physics; System Analysis; Informatics; Software Engineering; Computer Engineering; Documentation and Informational Activity; The Institute of Physical Education and Sport: Physical Education; Sport; Human Health; The Faculty of Foreign Languages: Philology (the Russian language and literature); Philology (the Russian and English languages and literature); Philology (the English language and literature); Philology (the German and English languages and literature); Philology (the French and English languages and literature); Philology (the Spanish and English languages and literature); Philology (the Japanese and English languages and literature); Philology (the Chinese and English languages and literature); Philology (the English language and literature); Philology (English, Arabic, Turkish, Hebrew and literature); Preliminary Faculty offers a one-year preparatory course for foreign students, which includes studying Russian (Ukrainian) language and specialized subjects. The Institute of Postgraduate Education and Distance Studying: the Ukrainian language and literature; Language and literature (English, French, German); Translation (the English language); Computer Studies; Mathematics; Design; Chemistry; Psychology; Practical Psychology; Physical Education; Health Protection; Biology; Geography; Pedagogy and Methods of Secondary Education; Labor Training; Social Work; History; Culture Studies; Finance; Merchandising and Commercial Activity; Ecology, Environmental Protection; Management of Organizations; Biochemistry; Documentation and Informational Activity; Special Education; Country Studies. The university has a system of training of the pedagogical staff in postgraduate studies (43 specialities) and doctorate (13 specialities). Additional information concerning post-graduate training is available at URL: http://www.luguniv.edu.ua/?z1=b,70. International students are provided with the accommodation in university’s hostel.


Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

69, Pekarska str., Lviv, 79010, Ukraine www.meduniv.lviv.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АГ № 582786 from 07.02.12.


Complete name: Private Higher Educational Institution «Lviv University of Business and Law» License: АА №521984 is issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Level of accreditation: ІІІ-IV. Submission: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

For years of the existence the Lviv University of Business and Law became one of the leading educational establishments of Lviv Region for training highly skilled professionals, in particular, for economic industry. The University belongs to the top 10 educational institutions with private ownership in Ukraine that is confirmed by the National certificate «Leader of industry-2010». The high level of academic education is assured by the highly-skilled scientific and teaching staff doctors and candidates of economic, legal, philological, political, historical and other sciences, honoured journalists of Ukraine, experienced scholars and famous practicians.

University consists of 5 departments:  Law;  Economics and enterprises;  Journalism and information;  International relations;  Metrology, measuring technique and informatively-measuring technology;  Distance Learning. In our university you will be able to get the degree of junior specialist, bachelor and master's degree according to the following specialities:  «Finances and credit»  «Accounts and audit»  «Jurisprudence»  «Publishing business and editing»  «Metrology, standardization, certification and quality management»  «Medias-communications» The international scientific cooperation of the Lviv University of Business and Law is based on international agreements, international programs and projects, agreements between the university and foreign organizations and institutions of Germany, Italy, Poland.

Rector: Larysa Anatoliivna Yankovska is a Doctor of Economics, professor, academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, honoured educator of Ukraine, academician of the International Academy of Computer Science and Systems.

Students have at their disposal canteens, gym, fitness hall, library with reading-rooms. There is the single system of cultural, educational and sporting work at the university. Our students learn two foreign languages, computerization and international relations centers have been created.

TUITION FEES FOR FOREIGN CITIZENS: Speciality Form of studies : full time Preparatory Department for International Students 1 200 USD Finances and credit 1 500 USD Accounts and audit 1 500 USD Journalism and information 1 500 USD International relations 1 500 USD Faculty of Law 1 500 USD Medias-communications duration of studies: 1,5 year 1 500 USD New university department – Center of Preparatory and Professional Training for International Students has been established at Lviv University of Business and Law in September 2012. The Center provides following educational services: preparation of international students for admission to Ukrainian higher educational institutions, professional training of international citizens according to specialties accredited at the university.

Сontact information: Lviv University of Business and Law 99 Kulparkivska street, 79021, Lviv, Ukraine, Tel.: +38(032) 292-78-50, 292-87-08 site: http://www.lubp.com.ua e - mail: business_ law@ukr.net

2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page


Additional Information

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

1, Universytetska str., Lviv, 79000, Ukraine www.franko.lviv.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270196 from 02.07.13.

Lviv Commercial Academy

10, Tugan Baranovskogo str., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine www.lac.lviv.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 034991 from 12.06.12.

Lviv Banking Institute of University of Bankingof the National Bank of Ukraine

9, Shevchenko ave., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine www.lbi.wubn.net

IV Level of Accreditation License АЕ № 270702 from 07.02.13.

Lviv National Academy of Art

38, Kubiovicha str., Lviv, 79011, Ukraine www.lnam.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 582879.

Lviv Polytechnic National University

12, Stepan Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine http://lp.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 041218 from 13.07.12.

Lviv State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after S. Gzytskyi

50, Pekarska str., Lviv, 79010, Ukraine www.vetuniver.lviv.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 529930 from 29.09.10.

Lviv State University of Physical Culture

11, Kostushko str., Lviv, 79000, Ukraine www.ldufk.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 072884 from 16.10.12.

Lviv University of Business and Law

99, Kulparkivska str., Lviv, 79021, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (032) 292–78–50, 292–87–08 E-mail: business_ law@ukr.net www.lubp.com.ua

M. Lysenko Lviv State Academy of Music

5, Nyzhankivs'kyi str., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine www.conservatory.lviv.ua

III–IV Level of Accreditation License АА № 521984. University consists of 5 departments: Law; Economics and enterprises; Journalism and information; International relations; Metrology, measuring technique and informativelymeasuring technology; Distance Learning. In our university you will be able to get the degree of junior specialist, bachelor and master's degree according to the following specialities: "Finances and credit". "Accounts and audit". "Jurisprudence". "Publishing business and editing". "Metrology, standardization, certification and quality management". "Medias-communications". Tuition fees for foreign citizens: Preparatory Department for International Students – 1 200 USD; Finances and credit; Accounts and audit; Journalism and information; International relations – 1500 USD; Faculty of Law – 2300 USD; Medias-communications (duration of studies: 1,5 year) – 1500 USD. IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 617547 from 30.03.12.


2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page

Ukrainian National Forestry University

103, General Chuprinka str., Lviv, 79057, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (032) 237–80–94 Fax: +38 (032) 237–89–05 E-mail: nltu@ukr.net www.nltu.edu.ua

Ukrainian Academy of Printing

19, Pidholosko str., Lviv, 79020, Ukraine Tel. +38 (032) 242–23–84 Fax +38 (0322) 52–71–68 E-mail: uad@uad.lviv.ua www.uad.lviv.ua

Additional Information IV Level of Accreditation License АГ № 508666 from 07.06.11. Form of ownership: state. Subordination: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine/ Date of foundation: 1874. International Students: since 1975. List of specialties: * Forestry, Park and Gardening (B), Forest Management (S, M), Park-and-Gardening Management (S, M); * Ecology, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Nature Use (B), Ecology and Environmental Protection (S, M); * Logging (B), Felling and Wood-Yard Processing Techniques (S, M); * Wood Engineering (B), Woodworking Techniques (S, M), Technology of products from wood (S, M); * Chemical Engineering (B), Chemical Techniques of Wood and Vegetal Resources Processing (S, M); * Engineering Mechanics (B), Machinery of Forest Complex (S, M); * Computer Science (B), Design Information Technology (S, M); * Automation and Integrated Computer-aided Technologies (B), Computer-aided Manufacturing (S, M) * Management (B), Organizational Management and Administration (S, M);* Management of International Business (S, M); * Economics of Enterprise (B); * Accounting and Audit (B), Accounting and Audit (S) Fine Arts (B), Design (S, M); * Architecture (B), Town-planning (Landscape Architecture) (S, M); * Environmental and Natural Resources Economics (M) Tuition Fees per year: Main Faculty – $ 1 500 Accommodation fee in the student’s dormitory – $240. IV Level of Accreditation COURSES OF STUDY, DURATION AND DEGREE: Bachelor degree courses (4 years):

Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies; Engineering and Mechanics; Publishing and Graphic Arts; Fine and Applied Arts; Publishing and Editing; Enterprise Economics; Marketing; Accounting and Auditing; Commodities and Trading; Advertizing and Public Relations. Master degree courses (1,5 year):

Fine and Applied Arts; Enterprise Economics; Marketing; Accounting and Auditing; Commodities and Trade; Automation; Computer-Integrated Processes and Production Flows; Engineering; Packaging Equipment and Technologies; Printing Equipment and Automated Complexes; Print Production Technologies; Electronic and Multimedia; Publishing Technologies; Packaging Design and Production; Raw Materials; Computer Technologies and Systems for Publishing and Printing.

Ukrainian Catholic University

17, Ilariona Sventsitskoho str., Lviv, 79011, Ukraine www.ucu.edu.ua/eng

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 552352 from 30.09.10.

2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page


Additional Information


Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

9, Heroiv Stalingradu ave., Mykolayiv, 54025, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (0512) 42–48–11 Fax: +38 (0512) 42–48–11 E-mail: idept@nuos.edu.ua http://idept.nuos.edu.ua www.nuos.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 586137 from 01.08.11. Main training fields: Maritime Technologies; Shipbuilding Technologies, Welding; Engineering Materials Science; Computer Sciences; Software Engineering; Project Management; Power Mechanical Engineering; Heat Power Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Ecology and Environmental Safety; Electrical Engineering and Technologies; Electrical Mechanics; Electrical Devices and Systems; Instrument Engineering; Computer-Aided Engineering; System Engineering; Information Technical Security Systems; Law; Linguistics; Philology; Design; Sports; Economics of Enterprises; Accounting and Audit; Finance and Credits; Management.

Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University

10, 68-Desantnykiv str., Mykolayiv, 54003, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (0512) 244–189 Fax: +38 (0512) 500–333 E-mail: rector@chdu.edu.ua www.chdu.edu.ua www. moodle.chdu.edu.ua www.lib.chdu.edu.ua

III–IV Level of Accreditation License АД № 073054 from 08.01.13. Terms of Training: Bachelor’s Degree – 4 years of studies, Master’s Degree –1,5 years of studies Tuition Fee per year: 1503$ FACULTIES Faculty of Economic Sciences Faculty of Political Sciences Faculty of Computer Sciences Faculty of Sociology Faculty of Ecology and Medicine Faculty of Law Institute of Philology Institute of Public Administration Postgraduate Department: Tbilisi Branch of Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University


International Humanitarian University

33, Fontanska doroga str., Odessa, 65009, Ukraine http://mgu.com.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270551 from 05.06.13.

Izmail State Humanitarian University

12, Repin str., Izmail, Odessa region, 68600, Ukraine http://idgu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 586001 from 28.07.11.

Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

4, Didrikhsona str., Odessa, 65029, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (048) 723–33–42, 723–09–51 Fax: +38 (048) 723–69–04 E- mail: list@ogasa.org.ua www.ogasa.org.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 395884. Foreign students are to study for one year at the Preparatory department. Then they proceed to the Departments of Academy. Economics of Enterprises: Enterprise Economics (B, S, M); Building: Industrial and Civil Engineering (B, S, M); Hydro Technical Construction (B, S, M); Technology of Building Construction, Products and Materials (B, S, M); Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation (B, S, M); Tawn Construction and Roads and Airoport Construction (B, S, M). Water Resources: Water Supply and Water Disposal System (B, S, M); Hydro Melioration B, S, M); Architecture: Architecture of Buildings and Construction (B, S, M); Architectural Environment Design (B, S, M). Geodesy, Cartography Organization of the use of land: Organization of the Use of Land and Cadastre (B, S, M).


2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page 112, Kanatna str., Odessa, 65039, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (048) 712–40–20, 722–24–79 Fax: +38 (048) 722–01–27 E-mail: depforei@onaft.edu.ua www.onaft.edu.ua

Additional Information IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 073013 from 08.01.13. List of faculties, licensed for training of foreign citizens: Automation of Electromechanics, Computer Systems and Management. Economics of Business and Control. Innovative Technologies of Catering, Restaurant-Hotel and Tourism Business. Management, Marketing and Logistics. Safety Technologies of Meat, Dairy Products and Environmental Management. Technologies of Grains, Bread, Pastry, Compound Feed and Biofuel. Technologic Equipment, Packaging and Technical Design. Technologies of Wines, Canned Foods and Commodity Research. Energy Ecology, Oil and Gas Business. Low-Temperature Techniques and Technologies. Information Technologies. Currently the Academy carries out the basic training on the following directions (B): Economics of Enterprise; Marketing; Accounting and Auditing; Commodity Research and Commercial Entrepreneurship; Management; Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Nature Management; Computer Sciences; Computer Engineering; Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies; Oil and Gas Business; Engineering Mechanics; Heat Energy; Power Engineering; Electrical Techniques and Electric Technologies; Electrical Mechanics; Food Technologies and Engineering; Hotel and Restaurant Business; Tourism. By the following specialties:

Commodity research and Commercial Activity – SM; Commodity Research and Expertise in Customs Business – SM; Economics of Enterprise (by types of economic activity) – SM; Accounting and Auditing – SM; Management of Organizations and Management (by types of economic activity) – SM; Ecology and Environment – SM; Equipment for Food Processing and Food Production – SM; Technologies of Grains Storing and Processing – SM; Technologies of Bread, Pastry, Pasta and Food Concentrates – SM; Technologies of Fermentation and Winemaking – SM; Technologies of Storage, Preservation and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables – SM; Technologies of Storage, Preservation and Processing of Meat – SM; Technologies of Storage and Processing of Water Biological Resources – SM Technologies of Storage, Preservation and Processing of Milk – SM Food Technologies – SM Technologies of Good Products of Wellness and Preventive Purposes – SM; Automated Control of Technological Processes – SM; Applied Ecology and Balanced Nature Management (by industries) – SM; Environmental safety – SM; Environmental Control and Audit – SM; Information Management Systems and Technologies (by industries) – SM; Information Technologies of Designing – SM; Computer Systems and Networks – SM; Specialized Computer Systems – SM; Gas and Oil Pipelines and Gas and Oil Warehouses – SM; Combined Heat and Power – SM; Thermal Physics – SM; Refrigerating Machines and Plants – SM Cryogenic Equipment and Technologies – SM Compressors, Pneumatic and Vacuum Equipment – SM Turbine Plants and Compressor Stations – SM; Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources – SM; Machinery and Packaging Technologies – M; Drinking Water Technologies and Water Treatment in Food Industry – M. Tuition fees for foreign students per year: preparatory department for foreign nationals – 1250 USD per a course of training; Basic faculty – 2100–2300 USD per year; Internship – 400 USD per month; Post-Graduate Studies – 3600 USD per year. Hostel is available. Cost of living in the hostel – 243 UAH per month.

Odessa National Economic University

8, Preobrazhenskaya str., Odessa, 65082, Ukraine www.oseu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 034985 from 12.06.12.

Odesa National Maritime Academy The profession of a seafarer has always been international. Seas and oceans not only separate, but also unite continents, countries and people, mainly owing to seafarers. The world labour market has been formed in the world’s shipping today and Ukraine is firmly upholding its position of a leading marine country under conditions of severe competition. Having Ukrainian seafarers on this market is not only prestigious, but economically sound for our country: foreign currency earned by seafarers is, in fact, invested into Ukrainian economy. The Odesa National Maritime Academy has been well-known for a long time in the world of marine shipping owing to thousands of highly qualified specialists, its graduates who work for hundreds of shipping companies all over the world. With every oncoming year more and more shipowners of Great Britain, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands and other countries give preference to Ukrainian seafarers and first of all to the graduates of our Academy. Rector, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Academician of Transport Academy and Academy of Shipbuilding Sciences of Ukraine Mykhaylo V. Miyusov Odesa National Maritime Academy has been accredited with the highest accreditation level IV. According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine № 845/2002, dated September 21, 2002, the Academy was awarded with the status of National Educational Establishment of Ukraine. ONMA comprises four separated structural subdivisions: Azov Maritime Institute (the city of Mariupol); Izmail Faculty; Seafaring College of Technical Fleet (the city of Odesa); Maritime College named after O.I. Marinesko. The academic process is being fulfilled by more than 800 research and educational staff and lecturers with 15% having academic degrees of Doctors of Science, Professors; 51% - Candidates of Science degrees, Assistant Professors. Cadets’ training is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the International Convention of the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers ratified by Ukraine. Quality Management System for education and training, additional training, refresher and updating courses for officers and specialists of the Academy have been certified by the National Certification Body of Ukraine (the Shipping Register of Ukraine) and by the International Association of Classification Societies of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping according to the ISO 9001:2000 International Standard requirements. The top position of the Academy among the world leading maritime educational establishments is provided by the specialities’ accreditation by such well-known international institutions as the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology IMarEST and Nautical Institute NI (London, Great Britain); as well as the ONMA’s International Association of Maritime Universities (Tokyo,

FACULTIES OF ONMA SEA NAVIGATION FACULTY Speciality: Navigation. Specialization: “Deep-Sea Navigation”; “Cargo Transportation, Chartering and Agency Service”. MARITIME AND INLAND WATERWAY NAVIGATION FACULTY Speciality: Navigation. Specialization: “Navigation on Sea and Inland Water Ways”; “Sea-going Hydrographic Ships’ Navigation”; “Technical Service Ships’ Navigation and Dredging Operations”. MARINE ENGINEERING FACULTY Speciality: Ships’ Power Plants Operations. Specialization: “Ships’ Power Plants Operations”; “Ships’ Power and Refrigerating Plants Operations”.

AUTOMATION FACULTY Speciality: Automated Control of Technological Processes. Specialization: “Automated Control of Ships’ Power Plants”. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND RADIO ELECTRONICS FACULTY Speciality: “Operation of Ships’ Electrical Equipment and Automation Means”. Speciality: Radioelectronics Appliances, Systems and Complexes. MARITIME LAW AND MANAGEMENT FACULTY Speciality: Jurisprudence. Specialization: “Maritime Law”. Speciality: Management of Organizations. Specialization: “Management of Maritime Transport Organizations”. MILITARY TRAINING DEPARTMENT The Department undertakes training of Reserve Officers of Defence for the Naval Forces of Ukraine in different military occupational specialities

8, Didrikhsona str., Odesa, 65029,Ukraine E-mail: info@onma.edu.ua www.onma.edu.ua

Japan) membership and active participation of the academic staff in competent forums under the aegis of the United Nations specialized agencies. There is a postgraduate program (both for Candidates of Science and Doctors of Science) and the Scientific Council specialized in defending thesis at ONMA; 5 scientific and technical digests with research results approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine (as professional ones) are published at the Academy’s press-centre. Scientific conferences and seminars on safety in Navigation, Marine Power Engineering, Radio Electronics, Legal and Economic problems of Shipping are constantly held on the base of the Academy. Laboratory basis and unique facilities of ONMA are renewed and replenished with the most modern equipment which mostly has no analogues in Ukraine. Academy’s Military Training Department undertakes training of Reserve Officers of Defence for the Naval Forces of Ukraine. Graduates of maritime specialties can occupy positions of watch officers on seagoing ships without any limitations, as well as work at onshore structural enterprises of maritime economic complex, be engaged in scientific or academic activities. The graduates of Maritime Law and Management Faculty can obtain respective positions at onshore structural enterprises of maritime economic complex, public administration and local self-government bodies, law-enforcement agencies of Ukraine, be engaged in scientific or academic activities.

separated structural subdivisions OF ONMA AZOV MARITIME INSTITUTE OF ONMA Specialities: Navigation; Ships’ Power Plants Operation; Management of Organizations. IZMAIL FACULTY OF ONMA Specialities: Navigation; Ships’ Power Plants Operation. SEAFARING COLLEGE OF TECHNICAL FLEET OF ONMA Specialities: Deep-Sea Navigation; Ships’ Power Plants Operation. Training is fulfilled at educational and qualification levels “Junior Specialist” and “Bachelor”. Specialities: Hydro-Technical Constructions Design; Electrical

Equipment and Ships’ Automation Operation. Training is fulfilled at educational and qualification level “Junior Specialist”. MARITIME COLLEGE NAMED AFTER O.I. MARINESKO OF ONMA Specialities: Deep-Sea Navigation; Ships’ Power Plants Operation; Organization of Transportation and Transshipment on Water Transport; Operation of Mechanisation and Automation Means of Transfer Works. Training is fulfilled at educational and qualification level “Junior Specialist”.

Rector's reception office Tel. +38 (048) 777-57-74, Fax: +38 (0482) 34-52-67 Foreign Students Dean's Office tel: +38 (048) 732-52-30 E-mail: dwfs@onma.edu.ua

2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page

Odessa National I. I. Mechnikov University

2, Dvoryanska str., Odesa, 65026, Ukraine Tel. +38 (048) 32–92–28 Fax: +38 (0482) 37–86–46 E-mail: inter@onu.edu.ua http://www.onu.edu.ua http://imo.onu.edu.ua/

Odesa National Maritime Academy

8, Didrikhsona str., Odesa, 65029, Ukraine Rector's reception office Tel.: +38 (048) 777–57–74 Fax: +38 (0482) 34–52–67 Admission office Tel.: +38 (048) 733–23–34 Foreign Students Dean`s Office Tel: +38 (048) 732–52–30 E-mail: info@onma.edu.ua www.onma.edu.ua


Additional Information IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 034508. 1. Educational level: bachelor The field of the training: Cultural Science, Philosophy, Journalism, History, International Relations, Philology, Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Economy and Business Undertaking, Management, Low, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, Computer Engineering. 2. Educational level: specialist The speciality: Cultural, Philosophy, History, Ethnology, Archeology, Ukrainian Language and Literature, Language and Literature (English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Bulgarian), Translation, Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, International Relations, International Economic Relations, Journalism, Publishing, Jurisprudence, Economic Theory, Accounting and Audit, Management of Organization and Administration, Management of Foreign Economic Activity, Chemistry, Biology, Microbiology, Virology, Geology, Hydrogeology, Geography, Mathematics, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Physics, Astronomy, Applied Mathematics, Computer System and Networks. 3. Educational level: master The speciality: Philosophy, History, Ukrainian Language and Literature, Language and Literature (English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Bulgarian), Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, Journalism, Jurisprudence, Economic Theory, Chemistry, Biology, Microbiology, Virology, Hydrogeology, Geography, Mathematics, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Physics, Astronomy, Applied Mathematics, Preparatory Department for Foreigners. Cost of training for foreign citizens 1980–3465$ per year. Tuition for living – 30 USD per month. IV Level of Accreditation License АВ № 586064 from 14.09.11. Faculties:

Sea Navigation Faculty; Maritime and Inland Waterway Navigation Faculty; Engineering Faculty; Automation Faculty; Electrical Engineering and Radio Electronics Faculty; Maritime Law and Management Faculty; Foreign Students Dean's Office. Name of specialities:

Navigation; Ships' Power Plants Operation; Electric Systems And Complexes of Transport Means; Automated Control of Technological Processes; Radioelectronic Appliances, Systems and Complexes; Jurisprudence; Management of Organizations.

Facilities of the Academy: 7 academic buildings, sailing ship “Druzhba” for shipboard training, a campus with 4 blocks: a sport complex, an Olympic standard swimming pool, a medical centre, a canteen with 1200 places and modern equipment, a cafe, a club, a library, internet access. Today The Academy comprises Azov Maritime Institute of ONMA in Mariupol; Izmail Faculty of ONMA; the Seafaring College of Technical Fleet of ONMA and the Maritime College named after O. I. Marinesko of ONMA; Training and Certifying Center of Seafarers of ONMA, Training Centres equipped with modern facilities that meet world standards. There is a Training and Methodical Centre of Pre-University Education with access courses, which are also a part of ONMA. Forms of Education: full-time, part-time; on the contract basis and free of charge.


2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Оdessa National Polytechnic University

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page 1, Shevchenko ave., Odessa, 65044, Ukraine Tel. +38 (048) 734-84-60 Fax: +38 (048) 234-42-74 Contact to Vice-Rector for International Relations Assoc .Prof. Viacheslav S. Shobik E-mail: shobik@opu.ua www.opu.ua

Additional Information IV Level of Accreditation License AВ № 586058 from 29.09.11. During years of its existence the Odessa National Polytechnic University became the most reputed center of intellectual life in the southern Ukraine whilst growing into a diversified educational and scientific complex, consolidating the 10 educational and scientific institutes, 2 faculties, 3 training institutes, 3 International education centers where over 20 thousands students and almost 400 postgraduates are trained in 62 departments by 4 thousands of highly qualified teaching staff . The teaching process follows multistage system: Bachelor - Specialist (practical engineer) – Master of Science, Ph. D. and the Doctor of Science. Fields of training are availaible at the: MACHINE BUILDING INSTITUTЕ. INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY, DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT.



HUMANITIES FACULTY. TUITION FEES: Preparatory faculty: 1500 USD B.Sc.: 1800 - 2000 USD a year M.Sc.: 2000 – 2200 USD Ph.D.: 3000 USD a year D.Sc.: individually with respect to scientific field Monthly expenses Accommodation at ONPU campus: 40 USD Maintenance and nourishment : approx. 250 USD Library, books computer time, sport halls are free of charge (included to tuition fee).

Odessa National Maritime University

34, Mechnikov str., Odessa, 65029, Ukraine www.onmu.odessa.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 582060 from 29.09.11.

Odessa National Medical University

2, Valihovsky prov., Odessa, 65082, Ukraine www.odmu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 617403 from 02.03.12.

Odessa State Academy of the Technical Adjusting and Quality

15, Kuznechnaya str., Odessa, 65020, Ukraine www.kachestvo.od.ua

III Level of Accreditation License АЕ № 270279 from 07.05.13.

Odessa State Agricultural University

99, Kanatna str., Odessa, 65039, Ukraine http://osau.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 072559 from 13.08.12

Odessa State A. V.  Nezhdanova Academy of Music

63, Novoselskogo str., Odessa, 65023, Ukraine http://odma.edu.ua/eng

III Level of Accreditation License AB № 443296 from 01.04.09.

Odessa State Environmental University

15, Lvovskaya str., Odessa, 65016, Ukraine www.odeku.edu.ua www.ogmi.farlep.odessa.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 072666 from 10.09.12.

2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page


Additional Information

Odessa National O. S. Popov Academy of Telecommunications

1, Kovalska str., Odessa, 65029, Ukraine International Department Elena Shulgan Vice-Rector Tel/fax: +38 (048) 70–50–224 E-mail: shulgan@onat.edu.ua www.onat.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 159701. Infocommunication Faculty, majoring: Telecommunications (Information Telecommunication Networks; Telecommuncation Systems and Networks; Telecommuncation Technologies and Resources). Institute of Computer Technologies and Logistics, majoring: Networks and Systems of Postal Communication (Equipment and Technologies of Postal Communication; Automated Management and Control Systems of Postal Communication); Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies (Automation of Computer Processes; Computer integrated Technological Processes and Productions). Institute of Radio, Television and Electronics, majoring: Radioengineering (Radiocommunication, Radiobroadcasting and Television); Information Security (Information Security with Limited Access and Automation of its Processing). Institute of Economy and Management, majoring: Economy of Enterprise; Management of Organizations. Institute of Information Society Problem, majoring; Sociology Tuition fee: The Preparatory Courses (1 year): 1200 USD. All basic specialities for the Bachelor Degree (4 years): 1900 USD per year (training in Russian/Ukrainian); 2350 USD (training n English); for the Master Degree (2 years): 4060 USD for the full twoyear course (training in Russian/Ukrainian); 5025 USD (training in English) Post graduate training for the Ph.D. degree (3 years): 3800 USD per year. Hostel fee: 35 USD per month.

National University «Odesa Law Academy»

23, Fontanska doroga str., Odessa, 65009, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (048) 719-87-69 +38 (0482) 68-93-23 Fax: +38 (0482) 63-97-64 E-mail: international@onua.edu.ua www.onua.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation Specialization: Law, Political Science, Sociology, Intellectual Property, Consolidated Information, Public Service, Journalism/ University comprises: - 3 institutes: the Institute of Prosecution and Investigation including faculty for investigators training; the Institute for Professional Judges Training (in Odessa); the Institute of Intellectual Property (in Kiev). - 13 separate faculties and other training units: Administrative Justice and Public Administration Faculty; International Legal Relations Faculty; Civil and Economic Justice Faculty; Advocacy Faculty; Labour Law and Social Security Law Faculty; Extramural and Evening-time Education Faculty; Second Degree Education Faculty; Political Science and Sociology Faculty; Journalism Faculty; Law College; Master’s Training Program of Public Service, Post-graduate (PhD) and Doctoral Studies Programs. - 9 separate University branches in Mykolayev, Nikopol, Simferopol, Kriviy Rig, Cherkassy, Chernovtsy, IvanoFrankivsk, Sofia and Tiraspol.


2013-2014 Institution’s Name

The state institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky”

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page

Additional Information

26, Staroportofrankivs’ka str., Odessa, 65020, Ukraine www.pdpu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АД №073031 from 30.11.12.

Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University

20, Pershotravneva str., Kremenchuk, Poltava Region, 39600, Ukraine

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 041471.

Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University

24, Pershotravneva ave., Poltava, 36011, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (05322) 7–33–27, 7–38–02 E-mail: rector@pntu.edu.ua, v57@pntu.edu.ua www.pntu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270718 from 02.07.13. Specialties offered by Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University: Enterprise economy (B, M); Finance (B, M); International economy (B, M); State administration (B, M); Accounting and auditing (B, M); Economic cybernetics (B, M); Marketing (B, M); Management (B); Management of organization and administrating (M); Management of Innovation activity (M); Management of Investment Activity (M); Business Administration (M); Informatics (B, M); Computer Engineering (B); Computer Sciences (B); Telecommunications (B); Computer System and Networks (M); Artificial Intellect Systems (M); Telecommunication System & Networks (M); Oil and Gas Engineering (B); Oil and Gas Extraction (M); Oil and Gas Drilling Equipment (M); Building Engineering (B); Industry and Civil (M); Farm Buildings (M); Construction, Exploitation, Maintenance and Strengthening of Building Constructions (M); Exploitation, repair and strengthening of constructions of structures and buildings (M); City Construction and Economy (M); Technologies of Building Constructions, Products and Materials (M); Automobile Roads and Aerodromes (M); Engineering Mechanics (B); Machine-Building Technology (M); Automobile Transport (B); Automobiles and Automation (M); Electro-Engineering (B, M); Machine-Building (B); Lifting Vehicles, Building, Road, Amelioration (M); Business Correspondence (B); Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation (M); Ecology and Environment Protection (B, M); Hydraulic Engineering (B); Water Supply and Sewerage (M); Architecture (B, M); City Construction (M); Architectural Environment Design (M); Fine arts (B, M); Decorative Practical Art (B, M).

Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy

23, Shevchenko str., Poltava, 36024, Ukraine Tel./fax +38 (0532) 60–20–51 E-mail: mail@umsa.edu.ua www.umsa.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АД № 041116 from 13.07.12. The academy qualifies specialists in Dentistry (7.12010005, duration of studies is 5 years) General Medicine (7.12010001, duration of studies is 6 years) Pediatrics (7.12010002, duration of studies is 6 years) Medical Nursing (5.12010102), duration of studies is 3 years on the basis of the complete secondary education) Orthopedic Dentistry (5.12010106), duration of studies is 2 years on the basis of the complete secondary education) Pharmacy (5.12020101) Academy performs pre-graduate and postgraduate training of specialists at five departments and faculties: Dental, Medical No.1, Medical No.2, Postgraduate Education, Preparatory Training for Foreign Students. The Academy includes Medical College, Scientific and Research Institute of Genetic and Immunologic Foundation of Pathology and Pharmacogenetics Development, Specialized Scientific Council on Doctoral Theses and Medical Scientific-and-Training Department “Dental Centre”.


Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University Level of accreditation: IV (the highest), Subordination: Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine Year of foundation: 1930 Rector: prof.Volodymyr Onyshchenko Qualification levels: bachelor, master All specialties are licensed for foreign students’ studying Specialties offered by Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University: Enterprise economy (B,M) Finance (B,M) International economy (B,M) State administration (B,M) Accounting and auditing (B,M) Economic cybernetics (B,M) Marketing (B,M) Management (B) Management of organization and administrating (M) Management of Innovation activity (M) Management of Investment Activity (M) Business Administration (M) Informatics (B,M) Computer Engineering (B) Computer Sciences (B) Telecommunications (B) Computer System and Networks (M) Artificial Intellect Systems (M) Telecommunication System & Networks (M) Oil and Gas Engineering (B) Oil and Gas Extraction (M) Oil and Gas Drilling Equipment (M) Building Engineering (B) Industry and Civil (M) Farm Buildings (M) Construction, Exploitation, Maintenance and Strengthening of Building Constructions (M) Exploitation, repair and strengthening of constructions of structures and buildings (M) City Construction and Economy (M) Technologies of Building Constructions, Products and Materials (M) Automobile Roads and Aerodromes (M) Engineering Mechanics (B) Machine-Building Technology(M) Automobile Transport (B) Automobiles and Automation (M) Electro-Engineering (B,M) Machine-Building (B) Lifting Vehicles, Building, Road, Amelioration (M) Business Correspondence (B) Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation (M) Ecology and Environment Protection (B,M) Hydraulic Engineering (B) Water Supply and Sewerage (M) Architecture (B,M) City Construction (M) Architectural Environment Design (M) Fine arts (B,M) Decorative Practical Art (B,M)

The strategic goal of Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University is to ensure the quality of training in accordance with applicable international and national educational standards and a high level of competitiveness of our graduates in the labor market, improve their occupational mobility and flexibility. Today, Ukraine is intensifying international activities in various spheres of public life, including education. At the level of the University there is a co-operation with foreign partners from 18 countries worldwide through more than 40 contracts at different levels. Now in Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University there are students from 24 countries: Algeria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Venezuela, Ghana, Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Kazakhstan, Cameroon, China, Congo, Libya, Pakistan, Palestine, Russia, Syria, Sudan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Chad and Comoros. FOR STUDENTS: preparation department for foreign student ; 5 campus dormitories, with access to the Internet; dining room, a cafe; student sanatorium; medical center; 2 gyms; stadium; playground; education and recreation complex "Vorskla.“ MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL BASIS: 10 academic buildings; 65 teaching and research laboratories, equipped with full-scale equipment; access to the Internet via a wireless connection Wi-Fi system in academic buildings; computerized Science and Technology Library (500 thousand copies of the textbooks); 5 reading rooms with 500 seats Foreigners entering the university submit the following documents: • application form; • a copy of the document on education and points received on the subjects, certified in accordance with the laws of the country of issue; • document about the absence of HIV infection; • medical certificate of health, certified by an official health care of the country from which the foreign arrived, and issued no later than two months before leaving to study in Ukraine; • an insurance policy to provide emergency medical care (except for foreigners who come from countries with which there are agreements on free provision of emergency medical services); • a copy of birth certificate in accordance with the laws of the country of issue; • 10 photos of size 30 x 40 mm; • a return ticket with open date up to one year. Documents are given to the receiving commission by foreigners from August 15 to November 15.

Our address and contacts: Ukraine,36011, Poltava, Pershotravneva Avenue, 24 tel.: +38(05322) 7-33-27, +38(05322) 7-38-02. www.pntu.edu.ua e-mail : rector@pntu.edu.ua, v57@pntu.edu.ua

Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine

“Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy”

Rector of the Academy Zhdan Vyacheslav Mykolayovych is the Honoured Doctor of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, academician of Ukrainian Academy of Science.

Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy is the leading state higher medical educational institution in training both physicians and dentists. The Academy started its activity in 1921 as the Odontologic Faculty of the Kharkov Medical Academy. In 1967 the Institute was transferred to the city of Poltava and renamed as the Poltava Medical Stomatological Institute, which in 1994 was granted the highest (IV) accreditation level and the status of the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy. Its accreditation level IV was confirmed in 2004. License: АД № 041116 from 13.07.2012. 3615 students study at the Academy today, including 938 international students from 42 different countries. The academy qualifies specialists in 1. Dentistry (7.12010005, duration of studies is 5 years) 2. General Medicine (7.12010001, duration of studies is 6 years) 3. Pediatrics (7.12010002, duration of studies is 6 years) 4. Medical Nursing (5.12010102), duration of studies is 3 years on the basis of the complete secondary education) 5. Orthopedic Dentistry (5.12010106), duration of studies is 2 years on the basis of the complete secondary education) 6. Pharmacy (5.12020101)

Academy performs pre-graduate and postgraduate training of specialists at five departments and faculties: • Dental • Medical No.1 • Medical No.2 • Postgraduate Education • Preparatory Training for Foreign Students

The Academy includes Medical College, Scientific and Research Institute of Genetic and Immunologic Foundation of Pathology and Pharmacogenetics Development, Specialized Scientific Council on Doctoral Theses, and Medical Scientific-and-Training Department “Dental Centre”.

Address: 23 Shevchenko Street, Poltava 36011, Ukraine tel/fax +380532 602051 e-mail: mail@umsa.edu.ua

Poltava University of Economics and Trade Rector of the University Nestulia Olexii - is an Honoured Worker in educational sphere of Ukraine, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, academician of Ukrainian Academy of Historical Sciences, council member of Central Association of Consumer Societies in Ukraine, chairman of All-Ukrainian association of Local Lore, and a member of Presidium of Commerce Committee for Science and Methods at Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine. Dear friends, Poltava University of Economics and Trade (PUET) is a modern, dynamic and innovative higher educational establishment, which is open for international cooperation. Our main goal is to prepare a new generation of elite specialists, competitive in the world labour market. In our educational endeavour, we especially appreciate collaboration with European, American and Asian universities, aimed at integrating their experience and innovative ideas into our educational activity to meet Euro standards in education. The University is half a century old and remains committed to providing flexible and innovative courses designed not only to expand and develop knowledge, but also to be applicable to the real world. Our University is well-known in Ukraine and abroad for its educational activity. The University graduates work in Ukraine and in foreign countries; they facilitate its reputation with their intellect, professionalism. The University is organized into 4 faculties, more than 11000 students are trained here. University has been training students from foreign countries since its foundation in 1961. Among them are students from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Byelorussia, Georgia, China, Moldova, Nigeria, Cameroon, Russia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Israel and Tajikistan.

RESOURSES Library Recourses: The library contains 393,000 volumes. Computerized library services include card catalogue, interlibrary loans, and database searching. Computer Recourses: The University intranet includes 1,786 computers with access to the Internet and Wi-Fi (20 Access Points). DEGREE LEVELS AND DURATION OF DEGREE COURSES • Bachelor's Degree: 4 years of studying • Master's Degree: 1-2 years of studying

FACULTIES • Faculty of Finance and Accounting • Faculty of Economics and Management • Faculty of Commodity Research and Commerce • Faculty of Food Engineering, Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Business FIELDS OF KNOWLEDGE • Economics and Enterprise • Management and Administration • Food Industry and Agricultural Production Processing • System Sciences and Cybernetics • Service Industry

ACCOMMODATION: Dormitory with all modern conveniences SPECIAL FOR YOU: • All majors are taught in Ukrainian and Russian • Cultural adaptation • Ukrainian, Russian or English language support • Visa support • Developing contacts within international student media


14-16 November 2013 & 10-12 April 2014

Education r e e r a C d n a






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5HDG\ VWXG\ JR! Ukraine

SUMY NATIONAL AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY IV Level of Accreditation Serial code АВ dated 11th of March 2010, No 506630 Form of property: state

DEAR FRIENDS! Sumy National Agrarian University is an educational establishment, where about 10 thousand students are getting profound training and elite education. Experienced lecturers, among them 36 doctors of sciences, professors and 241 PhD, associate professors, work here. Our educational establishment is accredited according to the highest IV level and has a national status. We train experts in the promising directions of business management activity according to the state and international programmes, both private and public forms of ownership. Our graduates obtain diplomas of accepted all over the world Bachelor´s and Master´s Degrees. We do our best to fulfil the requirements of the modern world and make our efforts in order to supply fundamental knowledge and professional training of the international level to all the people, who connected their lives with the Sumy NAU. That is the guarantee of a successful activity after graduation and well provided life. Rector, Dr. of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Volodiymyr Ladyka. Sumy National Agrarian University founded in 1977 and became well-known in Ukraine and also got international recognition. Nowadays SNAU centre comprises 6 colleges and 5 educational and external centres. Students may get the degrees of Bachelor, Specialist and Master. The university provides a gradual system of specialists` training: • Preparatory department – 1 year; • Bachelor - 4 years; • Master – 1-1,5 years after obtaining Bachelors` degree. The education is held in Ukrainian, Russian and English. In 2011 preparatory department was started for foreign students to enter the economic, biological and technical and engineering departments. Sumy National Agrarian University is licensed to provide foreign citizens training according to accredited directions with licensed amount of 200 people per year. Training is conducted at 9 departments in the following specialties: 1) Agronomic Department: agronomy, plant protection, ecology, environment protection and sustainable nature management, landscaping; 2) Department of Veterinary Medicine: veterinary medicine; 3) Biotechnologic Department: the technology of animal products processing and production, fish breeding; 4) Food Technologies Department: technology of meat storage, preserving and processing, technology of milk storage, preserving and processing, food technologies and engineering; 5) Engineering and Technology Department: agrarian production processes, machinery and equipment, mechanization of agriculture , power engineering and electro-technical systems in agro-industrial complex; 6) Construction Department: industrial and civil engineering; land management and cadastre; highways and aerodromes;

160, Kirov Str., Sumy, 40021, Ukraine Tel./fax: +380542787473 www.sau.sumy.ua, interstud2011@gmail.com

7) Management Department: management of organization, foreign economic activity management, administrative management, logistics; 8) Department of Economy and Entrepreneurship: accounting and audit, finances, marketing, economy of enterprise, merchandising and commercial business; 9) Law Department: law, jurisprudence. We created all necessary conditions for highly-qualified specialists training. For the students‫ ۥ‬practical training we have an academic and scientific production laboratory (vivarium), where the live-stock and poultry are kept. It’s a kind of the live tutorial for veterinarians, live-stock experts and other specialists of the SNAU. Also, there is proper training and research farm with the land for cultivation about 533 ha, an experimental field, that is served by the group of the mechanical engineers with the help of the system machinery for processing of agricultural crops based on advanced technologies. On the territory of the university there are educational and research laboratories with the unique equipment almost for all areas of the agricultural sector.

5 academic buildings, stadiums, laboratories, 4 hostels for 1800 places are situated on the large, tidy, well-arranged and comfortable territory. In the hostels there are rooms for two and three wellfurnished with shower cabins, kitchens, TV and Internet access. All foreign citizens are provided with comfortable hostel rooms. There is a sport complex with sauna, a health center and a hall for ping-pong, there are gyms, where about 3000 students attend 29 sport sections, there is a „Kolos” stadium and grounds with synthetic covering for summer kinds of sport here. The complex of public catering is at students disposal. It contains a canteen, a cosy restaurant, the cafe and a large banquet room. Students from Russia, Byelorus, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Cameroon, Congo, Senegal and others study at the University.


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Poltava State Agrarian Academy

1/3, Skovoroda str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine Tel/fax.: +38 (0532) 50–02–73 Tel.: +38 (05322) 2–86–86 Fax: +38 (0532) 61–16–22 E-mail: gorb_oa@i.ua, pdaa@i.ua http://pdaa.com.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270547 from 05.06.13. There are 6 faculties where students are trained on the following specialties: Agronomy and Ecology; Technology of animal products processing; Veterinary medicine; Accounting and Auditing; Finance; Economy Enterprises: Management of Organization; Engineering-technological. Successful graduates can continue their education at the Post-Graduate Course. The University provides a stage system of specialists’ preparation: Preparatory department – 1 year; Bachelor – 4 years (5,5 years at the Veterinary medicine faculty); Master – 1–1,5 years after obtaining Bachelors’ degree. After completion of education the graduates are given International Standard Diplomas. Preparatory department for foreign students prepares foreign students to enter higher educational establishments of medical, biological, technical, engineering and economical directions. Term of study – 1 year. Students can arrive for study from the 25th of August till the 15th of November. It is possible to get the invitation for starting from the 1st of June till the 10th of November. The certificate is given after the graduation which allows entering higher educational establishments of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

Poltava University of Economics and Trade

3, Koval' str., Poltava, 36014, Ukraine Tel./fax: +38 (0532) 509–795, 502–476 E-mail: puetdecin@mail.ru www.pusku.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 585975 from 22.07.11. FACULTIES: Faculty of Finance and Accounting; Faculty of Economics and Management; Faculty of Commodity Research and Commerce; Faculty of Food Technologies. FIELDS OF KNOWLEDGE: Economics and Enterprise. Management and Administration. Food Industry and Agricultural Production Processing. System Sciences and Cybernetics. Service Industry. DEGREE LEVELS AND DURATION OF DEGREE COURSES: Bachelor's Degree: 4 years of studying. Master's Degree: 1–2 years of studying. Accommodation. Dormitory with all modern conveniences. Special for you: All majors are taught in Ukrainian and Russian. Cultural adaptation. Ukrainian, Russian or English language support. Visa support. Developing contacts within international student media.


National University of Ostroh Academy

2, Seminarska str., Ostroh, Rivne Region, 35800, Ukraine www.oa.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270118 from 07.05.13.

National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use

11, Soborna str., Rivne, 33000, Ukraine www.nuwm.rv.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 034553 from 03.05.12.

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Sumy National Agrarian University

160, Kirov str., Sumy, 40021, Ukraine Tel./fax: +38 (0542) 78–74–73 Е-mail: interstud2011@gmail.com www.sau.sumy.ua

Sumy State University

2, Rymsky-Korsakov str., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine www.sumdu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270230 from 10.04.13.

Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine

56, Petro-Pavlivsk str., Sumy, 40030, Ukraine www.academy.sumy.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270566 from 05.06.13.

IV Level of Accreditation Serial code АВ № 506630 from 11.03.10. Form of property: state Training is conducted at 9 departments in the following specialties: Agronomic Department: agronomy, plant protection, environment protection and sustainable nature management, landscaping; Department of Veterinary Medicine: veterinary medicine; Biotechnologic Department: the technology of animal products processing and production, fish breeding; Food Technologies Department: technology of meat storage, preserving and processing, technology of milk storage, preserving and processing, food technologies and engineering; Engineering and Technology Department: agrarian production processes, machinery and equipment, mechanization of agriculture, power engineering and electro-technical systems in agro-industrial complex; Construction Department: industrial and civil engineering; land management and cadastre; highways and aerodromes; Management Department: management of organization, foreign economic activity management, administrative management, logistics; Department of Economy and Entrepreneurship: accounting and audit, finances, marketing, economy of enterprise, merchandising and commercial business; Law Department: law, jurisprudence. In 2011 preparatory department was started for foreign students to enter the economic, biological and technical and engineering departments. The education is held in Ukrainian, Russian and English. All foreign citizens are provided with comfortable hostel rooms.


Ternopil National Economic University

11, Lvivska str., Ternopil, 46020, Ukraine Tel.: + 38 (0352) 47–50–51 E-mail: academ@tane.edu.ua www.tneu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 508981 from 18.07.11. Faculties: Faculty of Finance. Faculty of Banking Business. Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Management. Faculty of International Business and Management. Faculty of Economics and Management. Faculty of Accounting and Audit. Faculty of Computer and Information Technologies. Ukrainian-Dutch Faculty of Economics and Management. Ukrainian-German Economic Facult. Law Faculty. Novovolynsk Faculty. Sambir Faculty of Applied Software.


2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page 56, Ruska str., Ternopil, 46001, Ukraine Tel. +38 (0352) 22-02-21, 25-29-76 Fax +38 (0352) 25-49-83 E-mail: fri@tu.edu.te.ua, inter@tu.edu.te.ua www.tntu.edu.ua

Additional Information IV Level from Accreditation License AД № 072622 from 14.08.2012, Decision of Attestation Commission of Ukraine, protocol #104 of 30.05.13. Fields of Study (Bachelor’s degree Programme, English language of instruction): Machine Building, Computer Sciences; Management. Specialties (Master’s degree Programme, English language of instruction): Information Control Systems and Technologies; Management of Organizations. Fields of Study (Bachelor’s degree Programme, Ukrainian language of instruction): Computer sciences; Management; Automation and Computerintegrated Technologies; Program Engineering; Computer Engineering; Electrical Engineering and Electrotechnics; Instrument Engineering; Radio Engineering; Radio-Electronic Apparatuses; Mechanical Engineering; Machine Building; Welding; Construction; Automobile Transport; Psychology; Management; Economic Cybernetics; Marketing; Finances and Credit; Accounting and audit; Food Technologies and Engineering. Specialties (Master’s degree Programme, Ukrainian language of instruction): Automated Control of Technological Processes; ComputerIntegrated Technological Processes and Productions; Software Engineering; Information Control Systems and Technologies; Computer systems and networks; Electrical Engineering Power Consumption Systems; Lighting Technology and Light Sources; Power Management; Instruments of Precise Mechanics; Biotechnical and Medical Apparatuses and Systems; Technologies of Machine Building; MetalCutting Machine Tools and Systems; Technology and Equipment of Welding; Industrial and Civil Construction; Management of Organizations; Management of Innovative Activity Marketing; Finances and Credit; Accounting and Audit; Agricultural Machines and Equipment; Food and Processing Production Equipment; Technologies of Fruit and Vegetables Storage, Preservation and Processing. Languages of instruction: Ukrainian, English. Training of foreign students for further studying at the university in order to obtain Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree is being conducted at the preparatory department. Tuition fees: Preparatory department - $1100; Bachelor’s degree (Ukrainian language) - $1800; Bachelor’s degree (English language) - $2300; Master’s degree (Ukrainian language) - $2000; Master’s degree (English language) - $2500; Hostel - $45-55/ month.

Ternopil National Economic University Ternopil National Economic University is an authoritative educational center among economic higher educational establishments of the IV level of accreditation. Starting its history in 1966, the university has been following its best traditions of national education. The university is a member of the European University Association (Amsterdam, the Netherlands). The evidence of considerable potential in the personnel training and international recognition of high scientific-pedagogical level of activity of Ternopil National Economic University is its close collaboration with leading educational establishments of the USA, Canada, Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Greece, China, Slovakia, Spain, Italy and others.

Doctor of Economic Science, Professor Andrii Krysovatui Rector, Honourable Professor of the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics

Today, the TNEU is a multidisciplinary educational complex consisting of twelve Faculties (Faculty of Finance, Faculty of Banking Business, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Management, Faculty of International Business and Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, Faculty of Accounting and Audit, Faculty of Computer and Information Technologies, Ukrainian-Dutch Faculty of Economics and Management, Ukrainian-German Economic Faculty, Law Faculty, Novovolynsk Faculty, Sambir Faculty of Applied Software), and five institutes, three colleges that train specialists in eleven areas and twenty-five specialties, sixty-five Departments, and Education and Consulting Centers.

There are three specialized Academic Boards for Defense of PhD Theses, and two specialized Academic Boards for Defense of Doctoral Theses. The TNEU is the only Ukrainian higher educational establishment situated outside the capital that has its branch abroad, in Yerevan (the capital of Armenia). More than 500 young people of Ukrainian origin study there. The Branch was established twelve years ago and it is already successful and competitive at the Caucasian market of educational services among the universities of the US, France and Russia. The TNEU also has its Branches in Vinnytsya, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk, Kalush (IvanoFrankivsk region), Novovolynsk (Volyn region), Sambir (Lviv region), Svalyava (Transcarpathian region), Chortkiv (Ternopil region), Foros (Crimea). The University’s graduates are the vivid example of self-actualization, freethinking, national identity, and creativity in research. They are active participants of public and political movements, and democratic processes in Ukraine.

11 Lvivska str., Ternopil, Ukraine, 46020 Tel.: + 38 (0352) 47-50-51 E-mail: academ@tane.edu.ua http://www.tneu.edu.ua

Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University If you are interested in making a difference, taking on contemporary global challenges and in working to create a better world then Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University will help you in achieving these goals. The history of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University goes back to 1940 when Lutsk State Teachers’ Training Institute was founded. Within the period of 73 years the training institute has developed into a national university. Today it is one of the best known universities in Western Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Each year students and scholars from around the world come to EENU to study, conduct researches and participate in an academic life of the University community. At present the University includes 7 institutes (Institute of Social Sciences, Institute of Physical Culture and Health, Institute of Arts, Institute of Philology and Journalism, Institute of Foreign Philology, Institute of Economics and Management, Pedagogical Institute), 9 faculties/ departments and 75 chairs. It has the fourth (highest) level of accreditation. Among 882 professors who work at the University, 445 have Doctor of Science and PhD degrees, in addition to full associate professors. In 2013 the total number of undergraduate students at EENU is 12,369. EENU has certainly attained the status of a classical university. In recent decades Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University has become a unique training ground for professionals specialized in fields that are crucial to the international community. Our graduates become diplomats, negotiators, business leaders, language teachers, translators, interpreters and key players in other spheres of today’s global environment. Since July 2005 a rector of EENU has become Ihor Kotsan, Doctor of Biology, a member of the Ukrainian Academy of Higher Education, a board member of Specialized Academic Council at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. The EENU Vision EENU strives to be a national model of the best practices in student access, community engagement and learning in all spheres of the University. It is on its way to becoming the University of choice in the region and a national innovator in learning and services. EENU will be characterized in the years ahead by growth, cohesiveness and entrepreneurial operations. EENU Facilities Currently the University facilities and activities are housed in seven buildings with modern classrooms, research laboratories, equipment and resources that promote successful personal, educational and professional development of students. Our University takes particular pride in its University Library – one of the most important informational, academic, educational and cultural components of EENU. Its stock counts more than 600,000 books, monographs and periodicals in various fields of studies. There are seven reading rooms and several computer halls accommodating the needs and interests of each student, faculty and staff member. There are six student dormitories with comfortable rooms, lounges and other facilities on the University campus. In addition there are

also the following recreational facilities as a sports complex, 6 gyms with modern equipment, a stadium, sports grounds, recreational camp “Gart” located on the bank of the Lake Svitiaz (with the national park) and the botanical garden. EENU promotes healthy lifestyle through participation in exercises programs, individual and team sports, educational programs and recreational events. Application Procedure for International Students at EENU To gain admission to academic programs in EENU international students must prepare and submit the following documents to the Office of Admissions: • Completed application form; • Secondary school diploma and transcripts; • College/university diploma and transcripts if applicable; • Passport plus a valid visa if applicable; • Medical certificate authorized by a recognized medical institution in an applicant’s country, dated not later than two months before an applicant’s arrival to Ukraine; • Medical certificate confirming that the applicant is free of HIV/ AIDS infections; • Copy of an insurance for obtaining emergency medical care, unless the applicant is a citizen of a country which has free medical care agreement with Ukraine; • 6 photos (sized 40x60 mm); • A ticket valid for one year with an open date for an applicant’s return to his/her home country. The Ukrainian Embassy in your country will grant you obtaining an entrance visa if you present a letter of admission to EENU issued by its Office of Admissions. To obtain a letter of admission you must complete an application form and send documents mentioned above by regular mail to the EENU Office of Admissions (13, Voli Prospect, Lutsk, 43025, Volyn region, Ukraine). Students academically admitted to EENU will be provided with a dormitory room, medical services, library services, sports facilities and general support of the International Relations Office. Application deadline for international students at EENU is July, 15 of each academic year.

Contact us: Office of Admissions, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University 13, Voli Prospect, Lutsk, 43025, Volyn region, Ukraine tel./fax: +380332 24-71-42 e-mail: inter-vnu@ukr.net, post@univer.lutsk.ua, oia@univer.lutsk.ua www.eenu.edu.ua


2013-2014 Institution’s Name

I. Ya. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page

Additional Information

1, Maydan Voli, Ternopil, 46001, Ukraine Tel. +38 (0352) 52–44–92, 25–39–98 Fax +38 (0352) 52–41–83 E-mail: dean@tdmu.edu.te.ua www.tdmu.edu.te.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AГ № 508967 from 15.07.11. Medium of instructions: English, Russian and Ukrainian. Specialties and degrees offered: General Medicine: MD (MBBS) – Medical Doctor Degree (6 years program); Dentistry: DMD – Degree of Dental Medicine (5 years program); Pharmacy: Master Degree in Pharmacy (5 years program); Nursing: ADN – Associate Degree in Nursing (2 years program); BSN – Bachelor Degree in Nursing (2 or 4 years program); Master Degree in Nursing (2 years program). Postgraduate Training – Internship, Specialization, Clinical residency, Postgraduate Research (PhD). Specialities ofered: Obstretrics & Gynecology, Anasthesiology, Dermatology, Gastroenterology, Hematology, Infectious Diseases, Cardiology, Clinical Immunology, Combustiology, Endocrinology, Neurology, Oncology, Orthopedics & Traumatology, Otolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Pathological Anatomy, Pediatrics, Proctology, Psychiatrics, Radiology, Vascular Surgery, Therapy, Thoracic Surgery, Urology, Tuberculosis, Surgery. Preparatory Course for foreign students Course duration: 1 year. Language of instruction: Russian or Ukrainian.

National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia

56, Pirogov str., Vinnytsia, 21018, Ukraine International links department Tel.: +38 (0432) 57-05-61 Dean’s office Tel.: +38 (0432) 35-27-36 Vice-Rector for international links Tel.: +38 (0432) 35-82-21 Fax: +38 (0432) 57-02-07, 67-01-91 E-mail: foredean@vsmu.vinnica.ua, foredean@vnmu.edu.ua www.vnmu.vn.ua www.foreign.vnmu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation Faculties: Medicine #1(speciality: General Medicine), Medicine #2 (specialities: Medical Psychology, Paediatrics); Dentistry and Pharmacy (specialities: Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy); Preparatory Faculty for foreign citizens and also Post-graduate studies (in 53 specialities). The programme of training is subordinated to the main purpose: achieving the level of professionalism that gives the right to receive Physician Diploma and the title of “Doctor of Medicine”. To get admission directly to the first year of study without undergoing the Preparation Faculty you will have to pass interview in Biology (Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry) or in Chemistry (Faculty of Pharmacy) and interview in Russian or English (with English as medium of instruction). Languages of instruction are: Russian, English and Ukrainian. The University has 5 hotels, 4 canteens, 7 buffets. During the period of studies at the University, a place in a room at the student’s hostel, equipped with furniture, is provided for an extra charge. In the hostels the permitting regime functions and the appropriate protection is ensured.

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

3, Soniachna str., Vinnytsia, 21008, Ukraine www.vsau.org

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 041195 from 26.06.12.

Vinnytsia National Technical University

95, Khmelnytske shose, Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine www.vntu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AE № 270260 from 07.05.13.


ZAPOROZHYE STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Accreditation level – IV. Pattern of ownership: State. Subordination: Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Foundation date – 1903. The training of the foreign students has been provided since 1973. The system of training: premedical, undergraduate and postgraduate education. The premedical education for foreign citizens (1 year) is provided at the International Faculty No.1. The undergraduate education is provided at the International Faculty No.2 in the specialties: • General Medicine. MD. Period of study is 6 years. • Pediatrics. MD. Period of study is 6 years. • Dentistry. MD. Period of study is 5 years. • Pharmacy. Master of Pharmacy. Period of study is 5 years. • Technology of perfume-cosmetic preparations. Master of Pharmacy. Period of training is 5 years. The postgraduate education includes training in the internship, training for Master’s degree, clinical studies, postgraduate courses in 29 medical specialties and refresher courses for doctors and pharmacists. The training of foreign citizens is provided by contract basis. The medium of instruction is Russian, Ukrainian and English. For the tuition fees check out the webside: www.zsmu.edu.ua Zaporozhye State Medical University has a well-developed infrastructure, highly qualified staff, good material support, that provide high level of teaching process,

quality of specialists’ training, scientific and medical-diagnostic work. At present more than 10000 students are being trained at the University. There are 1500 foreign students from 42 countries among them. Since its foundation in 1903 more than 10500 specialists have got medical and pharmaceutical education and are working now in more than 100 countries of the world, taking up high positions in the public health systems of their countries. More than 101 Professors and Doctors of science, 400 Associate-Professors and PhDs, the Academicians of Native Academies, Honorary workers of science

and engineering, State prize winners are engaged in pedagogical and scientificresearch work at the 56 departments of the University. The departments and laboratories are supplied with the unique equipment: computer tomographs, devices for ultrasonic diagnosis, angiographic and endoscopic checkup, radioisotope diagnosis and many others to conduct fundamental and applied scientific investigations. 41 computer classrooms and 1300 PC provide education of students with academic curricula based on multimedia technologies and test control in main disciplines. The University has its own training-scientific centre “University Clinic” where practical classes are conducted and medical aid is delivered. There are 5 academic buildings, 5 hostels, scientific and belletristic literature libraries with reading halls and computer rooms, medical centre, student’s sanatorium-dispensary, sports center, courts and stadium, several canteens and cafes on the detached territory of the campus, equipped with the video control facilities.

Official name: Zaporozhye State Medical University Address: Mayakovskiy avenue, 26, 69035, Zaporozhye, Ukraine Tel.: (061) 224-64-69, Fax: (061) 233-60-07 E-mail: zsmu@zsmu.zp.ua www.zsmu.edu.ua

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Lutsk National Technical University

75, Lvivska str., Lutsk, 43018, Ukraine Tel./fax: +38 (0332) 74–61–03 E-mail: rector@lutsk-ntu.com.ua www.lntu.edu.ua

Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

13, Voli Prospect, Lutsk, 43025, Volyn region, Ukraine Tel. +38 (0332) 24–71–42 E-mail: inter-vnu@ukr.net, post@univer.lutsk.ua, oia@univer.lutsk.ua www.eenu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АВ № 482933. Faculties: Business Fuculty Construction and Design Faculty Ecology, Instruments and Power Systems Faculty Computer Science and Information Technologies Faculty Machine-Building Faculty Accounting and Finance Faculty Technological Faculty Tuition fees per year according: 8000 UAH- preparatory department, 11850–14400 UAH – basic course. Cost of residence 280–300 UAH per month per person. IV level of accreditation. Licence AД № 073056 from 08.01.13. Institute of Social Sciences, Institute of Physical Culture and Health, Institute of Arts, Institute of Philology and Journalism, Institute of Foreign Philology, Institute of Economics and Management, Pedagogical Institute, Department of Psychology, Faculty of History, Chemistry Department, Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics, Faculty of Law, Faculty of International Relations, Physics Department, Faculty of Geography. Fee: Tuition fee – $1900; Tuition for Preparatory Department – $1000; Accommodation – $200; Medical insurance – $40; Registration – $40; Miscellaneous (stationary, books, transportation etc.) – $150 (appr.) NOTE: In Ukraine all fees should be paid in national currency at the exchange rate of the National Bank of Ukraine.


Transcarpathian State University

89-A, Zan’kovetskoji str., Uzhhorod, 88015, Ukraine www.zakdu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АД № 072680 from 10.09.12.

Uzhgorod National University

46, Pidgirna str., Uzhgorod, 88000, Ukraine www.univ.uzhgorod.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АД № 073440 from 26.02.13.


Classical Private University

70B, Zhykovsky str., Zaporizhzhya, 69002, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (061) 220–58–63, 764–14–91 www.zhu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 072616 from 14.08.12. The University provides training for the following degrees: Junior Specialist (13 majors); Bachelor (28 majors); Specilist (28 majors); Master (34 majors). Majors for the Bachelor Degree: Philology; Journalist; Publishing and Editing; Advertising and PR; Socail Work; Sociology; Psychology; Design; International Law; Law; International Economics; Ecomonic Cybernetics; Finance; Auditing and Accounting; Economics of Enterprise; Applied Statistics; Marketing; Management; System Analyses; Program Engineering; Geodesy, Cartography and Land Management; IT; Theology; Tourism; Human Health; Physical Education; Hotel and Restaurant Business.


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Tavria State Agrotechnological University

18, B. Khmelnitsky ave., Melitopol, Zaporizhzhya region, 72312, Ukraine www.tsaa.org.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АГ 582561 from 10.11.11.

Zaporizhzhya Institute of Economics and Information Technology

16B, Kiyashko str., Zaporizhzhya, 69015, Ukraine www.econom.zp.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АЕ № 270577 from 02.07.13.

Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

20, Vintera str., Zaporizhzhya, 69096, Ukraine www.zmapo.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation

Zaporizhzhya National University

66, Zhukovskogo str., Zaporizhzhya, 69600, Ukraine www.znu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AД № 041174.

Zaporizhzhya National Technical University

64, Zhukovsky str., Zaporizhzhya, 69063, Ukraine www.zntu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АГ № 582637 from 23.12.11.

Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy

226, Lenin ave., Zaporizhzhya, 69006, Ukraine www.zgia.zp.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License АД № 073429 from 12.02.13.

Zaporozhye State Medical University

26, Mayakovskiy ave., Zaporozhye, 69035, Ukraine Tel. +38 (061) 224–64–69 Fax: +38 (061) 233–60–07 E-mail: zsmu@zsmu.zp.ua www.zsmu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 585815 from 22.06.11. The system of training: premedical, undergraduate and postgraduate education. The premedical education for foreign citizens (1 year) is provided at the International Faculty No.1. The undergraduate education is provided at the International Faculty No.2 in the specialties: General Medicine. MD. Period of study is 6 years. Pediatrics. MD. Period of study is 6 years. Dentistry. MD. Period of study is 5 years. Pharmacy. Master of Pharmacy. Period of study is 5 years. Technology of perfume-cosmetic preparations. Master of Pharmacy. Period of training is 5 years. The postgraduate education includes training in the internship, training for Master's degree, clinical studies, postgraduate courses in 29 medical specialties and refresher courses for doctors and pharmacists. The training of foreign citizens is provided by contract basis. The medium of instruction is Russian, Ukrainian and English. For the tuition fees check out the web-side: www.zsmu.edu.ua


2013-2014 Institution’s Name

Address, phone & fax number, e-mail, web-page

Additional Information


Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University

40, Velyka Berdychivska str., Zhytomyr, 10008, Ukraine Tel./fax: +38 (0412) 37–27–63 E-mail: rector@zu.edu.ua www.zu.edu.ua

Zhytomyr State Technological University

7A, Peremogy str., Zhytomyr, 10014, Ukraine www.ztu.edu.ua

IV Level of Accreditation License AB № 506194 from 04.02.10. Educational-scientific institutes and faculties: Educational-scientific Institute of Foreign Languages; Educational-scientific Institute of Education; Educational-scientific Institute of Philology and Journalism; Physics and Mathematics Faculty; History Faculty; Socio-Psychological Faculty; Faculty of Physical Education and Sport; Natural Sciences Faculty. BACHELOR AND MASTER DEGREES Pedagogical education: Primary Education, Philology (Ukrainian language and literature); Philology (English language and literature); Philology (German language and literature); Philology (Russian language and literature); Physics; Mathematics; Biology; Chemistry; History; Social Pedagogics; Physical Education. Applied Mathematics: Information Science. Humanities: Psychology. BACHELOR AND SPECIALIST DEGREES Pedagogical education: Pre-school education; Practical Psychology; Choreography. Humanities: Philology (translation); Journalism (Publishing and Edition). Economic Studies: Business Management. Art: Musical education.

IV Level of Accreditation License AЕ № 270208 from 10.04.13.

Published Association “Znannya” of Ukraine Tel. + 38 044 237-85-43, Fax + 38 044 287-37-43 E-mail: expo@znannya.org.ua www.osvitainfo.com.ua www.study-ukraine.net













Poltava Cherkasy




Mykolayiv Odessa








National University «Odesa Law Academy» National University «Odesa Law Academy» was founded in 2010 according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine on the basis of the Odessa National Law Academy, which was the legal successor to the Law Institute of Odesa State University named after I.I. Mechnikov. - 9 separate University branches in Mykolaiev, Law Faculty became Law Institute at the Odesa Nikopol, Simferopol, Kriviy Rig, Cherkassy, State University named after I.I. Mechnikov; Chernovtsy, Ivano-Frankivsk, Sofia and Tiraspol. 1997 – Odesa State Law Academy was formed as a The teaching staff of 55 Departments have a separate educational institution. solid training experience. It includes more than 1998 the University became a member of 450 Doctors of Law, Professors and Associate European University Association. Professors. Judges of the Supreme Court In 2000 the University was awarded the title of a of Ukraine, General Prosecutor’s deputies, National institution of higher education according Academicians of the National Academy of to the Decree of the President of Ukraine. Legal Sciences. Eminent professors and legal In 2002 the University signed the Magna Charta professionals from Western countries are taking Universitatum in Bologna. an active part in the our training process. Since 2004 the University hosts the Coordinating President of NU «OLA» The University has all necessary facilities for Justice Council of the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Doctor of Law, Academician, training, academic research and recreation that 2004-2008 the University was nominated as the Honored Lawyer of Ukraine fit European standards. It has 38 buildings, in Sergey Vasilyevich Kivalov Best Higher Education Institution in the Southwhich equipped classrooms, moot court rooms, Western region of Ukraine. computer rooms equipped ultra-modern PC and access to Internet, conference halls, dormitories, library with In 2008 the University became a member of European Public more than 1.000000 books, 400 journals- and 180 newspapers Law Organization and received the European Quality Award editions, the University’s TV channel, own regional newspaper, pursuant to the Decision of European Council of Rectors. publishing house. In 2010 Odesa National Law Academy obtained a status University is a founder of 5 peer-review journals, every third National University «Odesa Law Academy» and was nominated Ukrainian textbook on legal issues is published in University as the Best Legal Higher Education Institution in Ukraine. publishing house. In 2011 The Southern Regional Centre of National Academy University’s international partners include academic and of Legal Sciences was created on the basis of National University research institutions from Azerbaijan, Austria, Bulgaria, «Odesa Law Academy». Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Poland, Russia, For more than one and a half century of its existence, our Switzerland, Turkey, the UK and the USA. higher education institution was striving to encourage academic University has more than 18 thousands of students who research in the field of juridical science as well as to equip future specialize in Law, Political Science, Sociology, Journalism, professionals who will do their utmost to promote the idea of Intellectual Property, Consolidated Information and Public Freedom and Rule of law. Service. University provides comprehensive training from a UNIVERSITY COMPRISES: one-year preparatory course to granting Bachelor, Specialist and - 3 institutes: the Institute of Prosecution and Investigation Master Degrees. University has Academic Councils, that awards including faculty for investigators training; the Institute for Candidate of Science (PhD) and Doctor of Science Degrees in Professional Judges Training (in Odessa); the Institute of Law and Political Science. Intellectual Property (in Kiev), TEACHING LANGUAGES: Ukrainian, Russian and English. - 13 separate faculties and other training units: More information about the University can be found on our Administrative Justice and Public Administration; International web-site: http://www.onua.edu.ua Legal Relations; Journalism; Civil and Economic Justice; Advocacy; Labour Law and Social Security Law; Extramural and Evening-time Education; Second Degree Education; Political Science and Sociology; Law College; Master’s Training Program of Civil Service, Post-graduate (PhD) and Doctoral Studies Programs.

National University «Odesa Law Academy» 23, Fontanskaya Doroga street, Odesa, 65009, Ukraine

Tel.: +38 (048) 719 87 69, +38 (0482) 68-93-23 Fax: +38 (0482) 63-97-64 E-mail: international@onua.edu.ua www.onua.edu.ua

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