FORT Y Gr ow i n g as a Pr of essi on al
Taking a Fresh Look at Your Career
Hanging out with Co-Workers St yl e for Hi m: Bui l di ng a Wardrobe The True Cost of Getting Fit I S GRA D SCHOOL FOR YOU?
THISISSUE The True Cost of Getting Fit When it comes to your health, it' s not all about the Benjamins
Thinking About Grad School Sometimes going back to school might be the right choice
Taking a Leap Starting your dream career now w ith a netw ork of #BossBabes.
Preparing for your First Evaluation 24 Embracing the Good, the Bad and the Ugly can be hard if you' re not prepared Hanging out w iht Co-Workers From happy hour to the next level of office friendship
Advice for Getting into Acting M ark Wahlberg did it; so can you.
From the Director Grow ing as a Professional
Career Spotlight Chasing Hollyw ood
Breakroom Bites Fine Dining for One
Dress for Success Capsule Wardrobe for Him 14 Out of Office Apps for Traveling Abroad
When Facebook first introduced its "O n this Day" plugin, I rolled my eyes. Mark Zukerburge trying to copy Timehop? Not that revolutionary, my friend. But one day a memory from my first year at Southwest Airlines came across my Facebook news feed. I couldn't help but pause at the posed picture of me and two co-workers at JetBlue University in O rlando, FL. We had traveled there for an annual conference about digital publishing and distribution. When the photo was taken, I remember being nervous about attending my first industry conference and wondering how to act. I was anxious at the thought of conference happy hours and wondered would I enjoy a three-day work trip. I looked at the picture for a moment longer and kept scrolling. A year in the past, the photo reminded me I have grown so much as a young professional in just a short amount of time.
The p h o
t o t hat
st ar t ed
i t al l .
When planning Issue 5 of Forty Magazine, that same theme of growing as a professional. immediately came to mind. After one year of publishing, our magazine has come a long way. We have nailed down a consistent creative process, hosted our first contributor event in Dallas, TX and are now in a better position to expand our magazine to new audiences. As we continue to grow our magazine in ways we never pictured before, we want you to be a part of our journey. Comment on articles, share posts, subscribe to our website and engage with us online. O ur goal as we expand Forty Magazine is to grow with you and your career. We will strive to be your number one digital resource for growing as a professional.
40 HOURS Devoted to your day-to-day interactions and experiences in the workplace
THE LEAP BY M YCA WILLIAM SON When she graduat ed from college, inst ead of w ait ing for Em ployers t o t ell her she's qualified, M yca William son st art ed her ow n net w ork of fashion and st yle professionals.
FEARLESSLY ASPIRING SOMETHING HIGHER When I chose journalism as m y m ajor, I did so under t he unw avering convict ion t hat I did not w ant a " 9-5" career. The idea of clocking in and out for 20-plus years at a giant corporat ion, w ait ing t o cash out w it h a t ad bit of recognit ion and piece of ret irem ent , didn't appeal t o m e. I w ant ed a career t hat w ould allow m e t o ex perience a new perspect ive every single day. And t hat 's ex act ly w hat I've gained as t he founder of F.A.S.H: enriching ex periences t hat const ant ly challenge m y int ellect and deepen m y know ledge and underst anding of t he fashion w orld and it s people. Fearlessly Aspiring Som et hing Higher, aka F.A.S.H., reflect s so m uch m ore t han w hat 's t rending on t he runw ay. St yle t ells an int ricat e lit t le st ory about our m ood for t he day, rebels against predefined social const raint s, and com plim ent s t he beaut y of our individual quirks. ?F.A.S.H. is an im port ant vessel t o show case t he t alent s of t hose w ho w ant t o share t heir skills,? said Yara Pozos, a founding m em ber of F.A.S.H. ?I am proud t o say t hat F.A.S.H w ill open doors t hat revolut ionize t he w ay w e see fashion and t ake it back, as our ow n.? F.A.S.H. is a digit al plat form and net w orking com m unit y t hat aim s t o bridge t he gap bet w een aspiring fashion professionals and indust ry leaders. Through F.A.S.H., beginners w it h som e ex perience, and m ore im port ant ly great
passion and creat ivit y, have access t o a hub of resources t o build a professional port folio and online presence w hile sim ult aneously launching t heir dream career. When I finished m y st udies at Sout hern M et hodist Universit y, I realized t hat t he real reason I w ent t o school w as t o develop skills and nurt ure int erest s t hat I w ant ed t o pursue fullt im e. The m ost im port ant lesson I learned in college w as t hat I am in cont rol of t he direct ion t hat m y life and career t akes. Alt hough I init ially got caught up in t he m onot ony of filling out dozens of job applicat ions, I quickly realized I w as searching for an unfulfilling job, w ait ing for som eone t o t ell m e I w as qualified t o do som et hing I knew I could already do. I w ant ed t o dedicat e t he rest of m y life t o, had t o have definit e purpose and align w it h w hat m akes m e happiest . Telling st ories t hrough st yle and helping people pursue t heir dream s has alw ays been at t he heart of m y personal joy. I m arried t hose endeavors w hen I creat ed F.A.S.H. and now oversee 14 F.A.S.H m em bers, including t w o phot ographers, four m akeup art ist s, t hree st ylist s and a sm all business t eam . ?I joined F.A.S.H because I've alw ays w ant ed t o be involved in a t eam and I sucked at sport s,? said Am berly Wat t s, social m edia m anager for F.A.S.H. ?It 's so fun w orking w it h such t alent ed people and building som et hing.? Wat t s m anages t he Tw it t er, Inst agram , Facebook and Tum blr account s for F.A.S.H. In less t han a year, t he account s have gained over nearly 2,000 follow ers. Aft er seeing so m uch social success, FASH/ FORWARD launched as a w eekly blog feat uring designers, art ist s and ot her creat ives w ho collaborat ed w it h F.A.S.H. m em bers in Novem ber 2015. The sit e provides a sm all st age for m em bers? individual product ions in bet w een larger com pany project s and allow s F.A.S.H. m em bers t o show case
Actor Michael Maponga contines to chase his gift across the United States as an Actor, comedian, and advocate for africans in modern film and media
Michael Maponga knew he wanted to be an actor way before he even graduated. Nearly six years later, the budding actor talks how he stays focused and motivated in a field many only dream of entering.
rowing up in Texas, boys are
expected to do one thing in school – play football. Michael Maponga grew up a multiathlete in Dallas. He played football, basketball, soccer, track, you name it. He always loved the competitive nature and camaraderie of sports, but when forced to choose between athletics and his acting, only one could win. “At first, I was embarrassed to let [my coaches] know what I was doing on the side,” he said. “I was actually in acting school and I was not going to take a chance of missing a weekend [at KD Studios Actors Conservatory] for any game.” Michael started his acting career in the U.S. around the age of 13, nailing weekend roles in local productions of nationally syndicated shows like Friday Night Lights. But not all of his auditions led to landed roles; some of his casting calls, just helped him get his name out there. “I auditioned for the Nickelodeon executives and they did not like me. I guess I wasn’t good enough, I guess I not what they were looking for.” But one of the Nickelodeon executives, Amber Horne, approached him after the failed auditioned and offered him a scholarship to her private acting workshops in Dallas. While Maponga’s career started off in Texas, his passion and roots remained in his birth country of Zimbabwe. After five years of acting school, when he moved to San Antonio for college, Maponga spent his spare time developing a
new acting career path inspired by the Zimbabwean TV show called Gringo. “It was a comedic show and my family loved it. Everybody was laughing; they really enjoyed it,” he said. “I loved seeing people enjoy watching something, watching an actor produce this feeling in them, and that’s when a passion started brewing.” The young actor tried his hand at stand-up comedy the first two years of his undergraduate career at University of Texas San Antonio. A complete aboutface from his film and acting training, Michael struggled to find a routine that worked in a college setting. His first on-stage experience as a comedian “bombed” miserably, and motivated him to try something else. “I sucked it up and went back the second week,” he said. “I rewrote the jokes and made them my own. It’s just the actor in me. Give me a script and I’ll make it my own. I just wrote my own [comedy] script.” His second performance was met with more praise and Maponga grew connected in the comedy scene. Those
connections from his early comedy show performances led to connections to local film directors. He started getting acclimated to the film set environment and making his dedication known to others on set by staying focused and not getting drawn into the traditional “set life.” “A lot of people mess around, talk to girls… but I wanted to take my roles and my profession serious. So I was practicing my lines, asking for directions on set, still congregating with everyone else, still having fun. But I came with that serious [mentality] and made a lot of connections.” One of his directors connected him to a filmmaker in Atlanta. Through a video audition, Maponga landed a leading role in an old school Halloween horror film, Creature Feature. The film, shot in Atlanta, was one of Maponga’s first out-of-state projects. Now up to 2-3 productions across the United States, his career is taking off. His proudest achievement was filming with Actor Stephen Baldwin in Hollywood and launching his most recent project, AfroLandTV.
Maponga on set of the short film I Love You More.
Pictured Below (Left to Right): Maponga on set of Symphony of Silence, Extinction Event, and I Love You More.
“Basically, AfroLandTV is an African Netflix. And that doesn’t mean I’m segregating film, but most of the content that is on that website is from African-produced filmmakers,” he said. “As the channel grows to the measureable statistics, the status that we want, then we’re going to continue to move on and license film.” Rather than compete with the established and dramatized Nollywood film scene in Africa, Maponga’s vision for AfroLand is to modernize the African film industry. His goal is to support modern African film efforts that rival if not outdo the American film scene. Through various partners and public subscribers, he has been able to start that initiative with AfroLandTV. “The most powerful tool to influence anybody
is through TV or radio. My gift is TV film so I’m going to use my gift to the best of my ability to bring purpose to Africa.” Maponga’s dedication to growing his professional craft shows in every project he touches. He is a firm believer “finishing is better than starting. Patience is better than pride.” As his range of talents as comedian, actor, filmmaker, and more continue to grow, Maponga is confident every step in his career path is a part of his gift. “If you’re giving to your career, it’s going to give back. If I’m doing everything that I can in my power as a growing actor, then [my career] is going to give back. That’s the way I approach it.” You can follow Maponga on Facebook at Actor Michael Maponga.
ing m a e r t S ican r f A n r mode e at n i l n o a medi T d n a AfroL
Modern Media from the MotherLand
FRESH OFFICE STYLE Thanks t o Mar k Zuker berg and St eve Jobs, t he m oder n wor k war dr obe f or m en has t aken on a r elaxed f eel. Bazaar Voice Technical Wr it er I dan Englander dem onst rat es how com f y cool is t he new of f ice look.
For an in-depth look at Idan's office style, visit
THE DEFINING STYLE OF A MODERN CEO There used to be a time when chinos and khakis ruled the office. They were the staple of middle-aged men trying to embrace business casual and the comfortable go-to look for fraternity men turned office drones. But then the modern CEO emerged, a young professional addicted to practical function and minimalist style. His wardrobe called for two basics ? good shirts and good pants? and repeated over and over without care of social reproach. He made a new norm for men in the office, and it has trickled to offices everywhere. Fresh office style is comfy, cool and casual, able to transition from work to play. Creating your own work wardrobe that channels the subtle brilliance of Mark Zukerberg and Steve Jobs takes some, but not exhaustive effort. The key to CEO style is picking a palate of neutrals. Seersucker plaid, stripes, and large logos are not part of the style vision. Opt for premium basics in white, black, or grey. These colors are easy to find in store and at any budget. They can transition with you as you climb up the corporate ladder or move to entirely different field. Jobs may have brought back the comfy ?Dad? jean in the 80s, but a modern approach to his style calls for a pair of well-fitting pants. Dark jeans are common in the workplace,
but colored pants could become your new staple. Popular retailers like H&M and Zara have a wide selection of comfortable navy, forest, and brown pants that could become a part of your signature look. The final touch of a relaxed office look isn?t something you can buy in a clothing store. What makes the style of tech tycoons so noteworthy is their lack of attachment to material things like as clothing. Zukerberg often describes his commitment to the same t-shirt as a matter of practicality. Why waste time fussing over clothes in the morning when you could fast forward to breakfast and get on with your day? Trends in business style come and go. At one point, CEOs were known by their three-piece designer suits. But now, you can boss up and make your own modern CEO style. You can define your office style with colorful bowties, trendy glasses, or a classic tee and jeans. The key is being so good at your job that no one cares what you?re wearing.
Preparingfor Your First Evaluation
For some, it' s more dreaded than tax season. Writer M olly Price helps you prepare for your annual performance evaluation and conquer your first one-on-one.
If you?re an introvert, people-pleaser, or have even the slightest amount of social anxiety (me too! ), performance evaluations are the w orst. Even the good ones can start to feel bad. You find yourself struggling to respond to your boss?s compliment and end up spitting out w ord vomit that?s somew here betw een the acceptance speeches of too-confident Kanye and overly-shocked T-Sw ift. It?s w eird. If you?re an extroverted or a socialite w ho shivers w ith excitement at the thought of netw orking, then good for you! But during evaluations, you may have your ow n social problems too. M aybe you?re struggling w ith
how to reel it in a little bit and w ant to seem more calm and professional. If that?s not your normal personality, this too can be w eird. The good new s is that everyone goes through it. The social anxiety associated w ith evaluations is normal. M aybe that?s not the most comforting sentiment, but it?s true. Chances are your peers and even your leaders have all been evaluated. It?s just one small piece of office life. With a little bit of know ledge, grace, and enthusiasm, you?ll be able to go confidently into your next evaluation and really get something out of it. Here are a few pointers:
Tip2: Prepare
For those of us w ho obsess over our ?date w ith destiny? for w eeks at a time, evaluation anxiety can be torture. When you start to panic, take a breath and realize this evaluation isn?t a deep dive into your personal psyche or a much sought-after chance to riffle through your closet for skeletons. It simply is an opportunity to sit dow n w ith your leader and look at w hat you?ve brought to the table and w hat opportunities for success might be in your future.
Prepare, you say? But I?m the one that?s supposed to sit and listen to a performance review . Yes, that?s true. How ever, a bit of preparation can go a long w ay. Take some time before the meeting to w rite dow n a few thoughts. What w ould you like your leader to know about your w ork? What questions do you have about future projects or current processes? Show ing up w ith questions and comments w ill show you genuinely care about your evaluation, you?ve given it forethought, and you aren?t just plopping dow n to get it over w ith.
Tip3: Accept thegood,the bad&theugly
Time to strap on your adult hat. If your leader has nothing but good things to say, then appreciate that. Thank them genuinely, and let them know their leadership w as a part of your success. Should the evaluation bring up places w here you missed the mark or made a mistake, take it in stride. If your instinct is to jump into defense mode, take a second to think before you speak. Rather than make excuses, ask how you could?ve handled the situation better. Take notes here, and apologize if you know you w ere w rong. Show ing maturity and respect in the face of constructive criticism is the mark of a true professional.
Tip4: AnAttitude of Gratitude Even though your company probably requires evaluations, and you?re both obligated to attend, thank your leader for their time. It?s tough for leaders to carve out 30 minutes or an hour to talk to each employee under their care. Let them know you truly appreciate the time they spend helping you become your best self.
Tip5: Put it intoPractice Great, you survived! The evaluation is over and you?re back to the grind. Show your leader you listened and are focused on improvement by keeping your notes, or rew riting them into bullet points. Put this information somew here in your w orkspace, and make a conscious effort to w ork tow ard your new goals and suggestions.
Tip6: Passit On Your anxiety may be over, but perhaps your cube neighbor has that all too familiar knot in her stomach about her upcoming evaluation. Support your peers and encourage them! Let them know your evaluation w as not nearly as scary as you expected. Show ing some love to those around you and offering a supportive ear is the best w ay to build relationships in the w orkplace.
ATgr aduat ion, I r emember t hinkingone t hing? ?Oh, shit !?
I had just graduated with my bachelor?s degree, diploma in hand and reflected on the four long years in the English Department that led up to this memorable event. That feeling of pride and accomplishment quickly turned to doubt, fear, and worry as I realized college is over, and I had no idea what was next. Should I put my resume on Monster and hope for the best? Should I seek more education? Should I sell paper dolls on Etsy? If only life had a Magic 8 ball to answer these questions (and no, TRY AGAIN LATER, isn?t going to help). Why doesn?t life come with an instruction manual like my IKEA furniture? I didn?t feel like there was an easy answer for ?What do I do next?? and it took a lot of soul-searching for me to answer that question. While I was trying to figure it out, I took an entry level job not even remotely in my field to make some money. Two years later, I finally decided on what I wanted to do: graduate school. I decided I wanted to become a technical writer and that earning a graduate degree was the way to get me there. And although it wasn?t always a smooth ride, it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Graduate school is different for everyone, but this is what I learned from getting my master's.
You get to j oi n th e conv ersati on. In undergraduate, I felt the question was, ?What do scholars say about this topic?? In graduate school, they take it a step further, ?What do others say about this topic, and what do I have to say about it?? As a graduate student, you are invited to join the academic community and to share in field conversations. The big discussion in technical writing while I attended grad school was whether literature should be used in freshmen writing courses. In graduate school, your voice matters and others want to hear it. But perhaps one of the biggest benefits of going to graduate school is that I felt I grew up there. Engaging in conversation with my professors, my peers, as well as esteemed people in the technical writing field somehow put me on an even footing with them. Due to this feeling of equality, I learned I have something valuable to contribute to the conversation. I began to see myself as more than a student.
You?re not j ust a number. There were so many students in the English undergraduate program at my school that I often felt I got lost in the shuffle. Even teachers in whose classes I excelled had trouble recalling who I was the next semester, let alone three or more semesters later when I would ask for recommendations letters. It wasn?t until graduate school that I felt like I was part of a community. We worked, supported, and relied on each other.
Hanging out with Co-Workers Off theClock By Allie Martin
One of the biggest struggles as you transition into the workplace is knowing where to draw the line between personal and professional life. Some people are strongly opposed to coworker socialization off the clock, throwing around adages like ?Your personal life should remain personal.? But, as with most things in life, spending time with coworkers outside of the office is about making smart choices and finding harmony.
Are you Friends with your Coworkers on Facebook? A recenter survey of 722 Facebook users were split. 55% percent are okay with being friends with cowokers while 45% say dislike.
What aretheBenefits? Depending on your situation, you?re likely spending 8+ hours a day with your coworkers. Making connections with these people outside the office can have many benefits that extend into both your professional and personal life. Empathetic listeners Sharing the highs and lows of your day with parents, friends, and significant others can be cathartic, but no one understands your workplace better than the people who share it with you. Meeting up with coworkers off campus allows you to unload your frustrations and celebrate victories with empathetic listeners. Expanded friend circle Being a young professional brings a lot of other potential changes to the mix, like starting a family, buying a house, or relocating to a new city for a job. While nthese life changes may not end your longtime friendships, you may find yourself struggling to keep in
touch. If you're starting over with your local friend circle, there are plenty of venues to meet new friends. Your coworkers just may be an excellent (and convenient!) resource. Better workplace dynamics Knowing your colleagues socially can help you understand them professionally. Working closely with friends does have its obstacles, but there?s something to be said about being able to see your coworkers as more than just coworkers. You will be able to interpret and anticipate their decisions better and create a professional dialogue that you are more invested in because of the personal connection you have with them. Fun work environment Beyond workplace synergy, being friends with your coworkers makes for a more enjoyable work environment. The hours pass faster with inside jokes and conversations that don?t center on project deadlines and technology problems.
Oslo Harbour photo by Kevin Tuck
TRAVELING ABROAD? there’s an app for That International Traveler Jessica Gillespie Swanwick shares her favorite apps to use aborad and how her iPhone helped her plan a vacation to Norway.
Similar to determining what kind of trip you’re going to experience, determining which apps to use can also be stressful. These are the apps I use when traveling abroad.
The view from Jess ama ica’ zing s AirB listi nB ng i nO slo, Nor way .
AIRBNB I've used AirBnb on a few trips, and on this trip to
Oslo, it worked out really well. Like most lodging websites/apps, you search for your location, dates, and price range. Verify amenities and cancellation policies, then book when you're ready.
HOTEL TONIGHT On my way back from Oslo, I had an overnight stop
in New York City. Contrary to the app's title, you don't have to use the hotel that night in order to get a good deal. I booked a boutique hotel steps away from Grand Central Station and the Empire State Building for just $119. The app only lets you book about four days out, but it's a great option for a last minute trips or procrastinators.
TRIP CASE I used to print out my booking information and carry
it in a folder when I traveled. Trying to downsize luggage and save a few trees, I started exploring other options. TripCase lets you forward any email with travel information and presents it in a wonderful UI. When I forwarded flight and hotel information, it worked great. The only reservation it didn't recognize was a local airport shuttle. The app also offers tips to explore your destination. I didn't fully explore this feature for Oslo, but the app was on-top of flight delays. When I was flying from New York to Dallas, TripCase sent me more notifications about my flight delay than Southwest Airlines.
YELP At home in Dallas, I use Yelp
at least once a week. Abroad, Yelp is also fantastic. After walking through snow flurries at Vigsland Park, I wanted something hearty and warm to fill me up, but I was already on a train and had no idea what I wanted. I filtered by area and price, then took the waiter's advice and ordered the most amazing steak, tomato, and parmesan sandwich. Norweigen cuisine is based on game and fish native to Scandinavia.
TRIPOMATIC By far, one of my favorite travel
apps is Tripomatic. They've gone through a few significant updates and now the app integrates really well with tour-provider Viator, and shows points of interest in a map view. It's also easy to move activities between different days and to add your own activity or lodging. The app is strongest in the pre-planning stage of travel, and allows different export options, like email links or PDFs. Before Google Maps allowed users to download maps for offline use, I splurged on Tripomatic Premium to have unlimited offline maps.
FLIGHT DIARY What better way to
humbly brag about your trip(s) than by tracking it. The completed map at the end of the year is always a satisfying way to relieve memories. For aviation geeks like me, the website also has a cool feature that autopopulates your aircraft information and nose number once you've plugged in your airline code and flight number. If airline codes (e.g., American Airlines – AA) aren't your thing, skip this feature and focus on the cool map.
ou If y ve an t ha onal ’ n do rnati ge, inte packa p a ap dat s the i . s i u h o t y for
LOCAL apps
No matter where you’re going, check out the local apps. Sometimes these apps are more reliable than global ones or provide a different perspective.
OSLO PASS RUTERREISE Initially, I downloaded this app to use the Oslo Pass, a This is the official app of the Oslo bus and train tourist card for museums, public transportation, and more. But I didn't need the Oslo Pass for my short trip so I didn't get the full app experience. The UI is really user-friendly, and if I had purchased the Oslo Pass, I'm sure I would have loved this app.
schedule. It didn't work offline, but I used it to preplan the night before and took a ton of screenshots to use the following day. More reliable than offline Google Maps.
At the end of the day, technology is a great tool and apps are a fantastic way to enhance your travel experience, but don’t forget the importance of learning from those around you as well. Some of my favorite travel experiences have come from the suggestion of a local instead of any travel app I was using.
Oslo Opera House by Kevin Tuck
BREAK BI TES Devoted to our favorite part of the workday ? lunch.
Fine Dining for One Making the most out of her local dining scene, Blogger Krystal Hardgrove embraces her innerconfidence and treats herself to fine dining.
In my early single years, I used to skip things I really
wanted to do because I was simply too afraid to do them alone. I shied away from creating new experiences in my life because I had somehow convinced myself that I couldn't possibly enjoy certain activities without a friend or date. Then one day, almost two years ago, I took a big step. I walked into a beautiful restaurant in Uptown Dallas and requested a table for one on a Friday night. I didn't sit at the bar or bring a book to keep me busy; I just enjoyed the moment-- MY moment. The thing is, I've always enjoyed food. In fact, I worked in an upscale Dallas restaurant for three years to help pay for college. After learning about fine dining, the art of wellcrafted cocktails and how to pair wine with food, eating out became a huge part of my social life. When I first opted to be a solo diner, I was often greeted with puzzled looks and asked about my relationship status on several occasions. While I tried to never take offense to these things, I did come to understand that single people choosing to indulge in a fine dining experience deserve the same treatment as romantic couples. Singles don't have to be confined to a life of takeout. If we desire a moment to ourselves with a medium flank steak and a hearty glass of Bordeaux, then we can indulge ourselves as much as we want. Dining solo gives you the opportunity to self-reflect, the courage to release superficial relationships that are no longer adding value to your life, and ultimatealy provides space to learn more about yourself. The thing I've learned the most about from dining solo is that there is confidence in doing things alone. I've learned to value my ability to do and try many more new things on my own. Due to this, I am now
enjoying the city that I've called home for six years so much more. The city has so much to offer on the fine dining scene, there's hardly time to conquer it all. I also have been indulging in more social foodie experiences as well. I have my first solo trip to Austin planned for a food and wine festival this summer! Truly embracing my single season, dating myself, has been one of the most empowering things I've done in my 20s thus far. I am a better version of myself because I now practice a doctrine I regularly preach about: self-care. You're in a much better position to serve others when you regularly make time to care for yourself. So treat yourself. Celebrate where you are in life with a thick hearty steak and do something that is for your happiness only, especially if it involves a fine wine.
Krystal Hardgrove is the author ofWorking Gal Blog, a blog that connects, inspires, and encourages women during the quarter life crisis. You can follow her on @Krystal.Lou.
W ELLNESS Devoted to taking care of yourself now to prepare for your future.
GYM M EM BERSHI P? $ 45-$ 300 A M ONTH HOM E WORK OUT V I DEOS? $ 20-$ 100 A HEA LTHY OUTLOOK ? PRI CELESS There is a lot of hype about joining the gym and staying fit. However, it can be daunting trying to find the most economical way achieves your fitness goals. Not to mention, there are many non-cost related factors that can affect your new fitness routine. Breaking It Down: Det ermining W hat You Want Before you even begin looking for a workout, you first need to figure out WHY you?re starting this journey, and make sure you have a sustainable reason for working out. What does that mean? There are healthy reasons to work out and unhealthy reasons to work out. You should never begin a program JUST to look hot in a swimsuit, or because you think you look fat. You should start your journey with a positive perspective; otherwise you?ll fall into self-defeat. Maybe you want to be healthier to have more energy, or prevent future illness. Working out could even be a way for you to meet people, or spend time with your friends. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look better, but make sure to focus on being HEALTHY, not skinny or bulky. Now that you?ve determined the WHY, it?s time to figure out the HOW. What levels of activity are you looking for, how much time do you have to spare, and what activity do you enjoy? Are you looking for a personal trainer? Do you want to join a dance studio or a pole fitness class? Is cycling for you? Maybe yoga? Your options are nearly limitless. To help narrow it down, first pretend that money is no object and think about what you enjoy. If you don?t have any idea what type of activity speaks to you, many gyms and fitness studios have special deals where you can try classes for free. Get out there and start exploring! So you have the WHY and the HOW. Now, it is time to start the DO. How do you start this new journey to fitness? There are a million ways to get started and then stay on track: 1. Find a support system. A gym buddy or Fitbit group will keep you on track and help motivate you. You can also an online forum, such as the one on or to provide accountability. 2. Track your progress. Take a ?before? picture. Keep a food log, and mark a calendar every day that you work out. It?s inspiring to be able to see how far you?ve come! 3. Expect progress not perfection. It can be easy to completely give up if you miss one day of working out, or fall victim to that amazing chocolate cake. It?s ok! You don?t have to do everything every day, you just have to do your best.
FORT Y Gr ow i n g as a Pr of essi on al
Taking a Fresh Look at Your Career
Hanging out with Co-Workers St yl e for Hi m: Bui l di ng a Wardrobe The True Cost of Getting Fit I S GRA D SCHOOL FOR YOU?