TheSkyis theLimit The issue for advancing your career
THISISSUE Laptop Bags for Work Time for a stylish upgrade
Social Netw orking for Professionals Google stalking has its perks
Balancing Career and Love Get your relationship back on track w ithout sacrificing a big promotion
How Lola Changed Everything A shop ow ner' s daughter inspires an online clothing destination for moms
Religion at Work Gracefully approaching conversations about faith at w ork -- pun intended
Advice for Starting an E-Business M ark Cuban did it; so can you.
From the Director Life Goes On The Sky' s the Limit
5 6
Career Spotlight Science meet M akeup
Breakroom Bites Sushi Date Night
Dress for Success Capsule Wardrobe
Out of Office Visit Yellow stone Park
l ifegoes on. Does wor k car e wh en l ife gets h ar d an d you h it an u n expected r ou gh patch ? I?ve fou n d m ysel f facin g th is qu estion th e past cou pl e of m on th s. If you ?r e l u ck y, you r em pl oyer an d m an ager wil l car e an d m ak e adju stm en ts an d accom m odation s, bu t th e wor k itsel f? it goes on an d pil es u p. W h en l ife settl es down an d you r etu r n to you r n or m al r ou tin e? wor k in g r egu l ar h ou r s; h an gin g ou t with fr ien ds; catch in g u p on h ou sewor k , ch or es, an d bil l s? h ow do you sift th r ou gh th e over wh el m in g pil e of wor k accu m u l ated in you r absen ce? I?ve com e to r eal ize th at l ife goes on wh eth er or n ot you can k eep u p. I (an d th e wr iter s at FORTY) don ?t h ave th e an swer s for ever y dil em m a you n g pr ofession al s face. Bu t, by sh ar in g ou r exper ien ces, th ou gh ts, an d exper tise, we can l ear n fr om each oth er an d em br ace th e su ppor t of a com m u n ity of wr iter s an d r eader s th at h aven ?t figu r ed ever yth in g ou t yet eith er. W or k ? an d m or e im por tan tl y, l ife? doesn ?t stop wh en you fal l beh in d; you h ave to decide to k eep goin g str on g. W h eth er you 'r e r eady or n ot, l ife goes on .
40 HO URS Devoted to your d a y-to-d a y intera ctions a nd experiences in the workpla ce
The New Orleans native turned her damaged locks into a promising career.
Meet Gavanne Cosmetic Chemist & Davis Natural Hair Advocate
When Gavanne Davis began her natural hair journey in 2007, her mission was to look good. Eight years later, she finds her hair to be her professional passion as a cosmetic chemist. When getting ready for work, women face an additional challenge for their morning routine– dealing with their hair.
and loving themselves,” Davis jokes, inspired her to part with her old hair habits for a more natural hair lifestyle.
Cosmetic Chemist Gavanne Davis found her hair routine simplified when she decided to embrace her natural hair texture and leave the chemical straighteners, flat irons, and damaging gels behind. But embracing her natural hair in a professional setting wasn’t always so simple.
In the African-American female community, going natural would mean taking months to grow out her chemical relaxer, a product used to straighten curly hair, and undergoing a “big chop.” She shed her coarse black locks in the summer of 2007.
Davis began growing out her natural hair back in high school when she had aspirations to be a professional dancer. She always had fine, shoulder-length hair that her classmates and family admired, but she wanted her locks to be thick, curly, and able to flow effortless down her back as she danced. Her dance teachers,hopeless “vegetarians into yoga
"So many people were like 'Gavanne, What the heck are you doing?” Why would you cut your hair off? This is such a bad decision,’” she said. “My parents were freaking out. My family was freaking out about it.” Her family and friends’ had two major concerns for Davis’ hair journey: one, that her long hair would never grow back, and two, that employers and peers would instantly judge Davis based on her
appearance. These concerns weren’t lost on Davis when she transferred from Mills College to Southern Methodist University in 2008. She initially struggled to define herself with natural hair. “I thought I had to be like Eryaka Badu or something, But then I realized that’s just not really my personality. I just told myself I’m going to be this glamorous chic with natural hair." Becoming “glamorous” meant experimenting with different hairstyles and products to create a look she loved. To learn more about her hair and what products to use, Davis found herself researching and questioning shampoo and conditioner ingredients. Davis became so passionate about understanding chemicals and compounds used for hair maintenance that she switched her major of study from dance to chemistry. Her plans for dancing across a stage with long curly locks were replaced by a reality of interviewing for jobs with a more corporate look. Her first test as a natural-haired professional came with an interview for an internship with the Tom Joyner Morning Show. Her friends worried how her future employer may perceive the college
junior with natural hair and advised Davis to straighten her growing mane. She grappled with taking their advice for a while, but ultimately ended up slicking her hair back into a “teeny bun” for the interview. She landed the job and found a hair mentor in her new boss who had dredlocks. “A lot of our conversations were about hair and being female,” Davis recalled. “I remember telling her I was so nervous [about the interview] and she said, “No you can wear your hair, just make it look professional and neat.” After successful internships at FSL Cosmetics, Vanderbilt and Geo Tag, Davis landed an interview for a full-time job at Coast Southwest Inc, a chemical distribution company based in California. Davis had already straightened her hair straight for graduation and ended up completing her interview at Coast Southwest with long straight hair. By time the chemical distribution company hired her for their Dallas office, Davis’ hair was back to its natural curly state. The night before her first day on the job, she worried how her new coworkers and mangers would respond to her alternate look. To her surprise, the feedback was minimal. “I got so many compliments on it. They reminded me to wear it tied back when I was in the lab, but that’s common for anybody... I was so nervous about it for nothing.” After a few months on the job, she quickly realized “people didn’t really care” how her hair looked; they cared about the bottom line. “If you’re making money for the company, they’re going to love you. If you’re not making money for the company, they’re not.” Davis excelled in her role as a cosmetic chemist and was promoted to a technical sales role in California a little after one year on the job. Now based in her hometown of New Orleans, Louisiana, Davis is seeking her masters at Tulane University, building her own brand Vann Cosmetics, and serving as a natural hair ambassador for women. “I’m not perfect,” she admitted. “I still struggle with worrying about what other people are going to think [about my hair] and stuff like that, but I’m going to try to be the light and help women like me get through this insecure thing that we have to go through [with our hair].” Davis’ journey as a cosmetic chemist and natural-haired young professional is far from over. You can find her at or on social media @VannCosmetics.
Modern Beauty. Modern Science. Create with Vann -Drafting Cosmetic Formulations -Brand Development -Developing Package Designs -Servicing Product Testing -Providing Bulk Orders -And More!
Laptop Bags for For Him Like a man in a good suit, a man with a good bag is someone to admire. These picks for him are Made in the USA.
4Don't let the foreign name fool you. This slate grey Timbuk2 case is made in San Fransisco. (Classic Messenger, $144)
6If you're looking for something slim, Korchman has you covered. This brief comes with a builtin pocket for your iPad and a removable strap . (Wesley Slim Brief, $198)
3This Filson classic 5There's more to Minnesota than freezing cold weather. Since 1882, the northern state has been home to retailer Duluth Pack known for durable gear. (Laptop Book Bag, $155)
Quick Picks for Both Don't feel boxed in by retailer labels. These laptop bags are great for men and women.
features storm flap made of a tin cloth, treated canvas material able to withstand the stormy commutes (Original Briefcase $69)
Prefer function over style? These practical picks from Poppin encourage work happy. Order an olive bag for him or an aqua bag for her. These options come in a variety of colors and ship in 1-2 business days. (Poppin, $12)
Some work requires attention while you're on-the-go. If your work requires regular toting around, do it in style.
For Her
Carry a laptop, tablet, notepad, and more with these larger bags designed with a feminine touch and extra storage.
4Be one-of-a-kind with a customized Rickshaw bag. Made in San Francisco, these vividly colored bags come in more than 40 different colors. (Nylon Long Handle Tote, $69)
5Fun and whimsical, this bag designed by print master Orla Kiely is just big enough for a Macbook Air. (Print Textured Jeanie Bag, $274.00)
A top pick by Laptop Magazine, this slim modern number comes in a cool contemporary style. Targus even guarantees its product with a limited lifetime warranty. (Targus, $60)
3For the classic business woman, this Europeanstyle bag designed by Woman in Business features genuine leather trim and delicate gold details. (Thoroughbred Laptop Case, $99)
5Easily go from office to happy hour with HP's Francine Collection. This crocidle-skin number is great for 13" tablets. (Lenox Carrying Case, $59)
Contemporary laptop bags flip the carry concept around. This 100% nylon and water-resistant backpack is made to protect laptops from annoying coffee spills. (MochiThings, $148)
SimplifyingYour Life (AndYour Closet) W ithACapsule W ardrobe Written by Ariadne Aberin
Asarecent graduateandyoungprofessional, adjusting to your new life can be overwhelming. You suddenly have so many more responsibilities- - paying bills, choosing insurance, saving up for retirement, and learning how to really be on your own. One thing I?ve learned as I?ve transitioned from school to working full- time is the importance of simplifying as many aspects of my life as I can. Doing this decreases stress and allows me to devote more of my time to activities that have meaning to me and that are productive. A great first step to simplifying your life is by starting with your closet. As much as we hate to admit it, most of us have closets brimming with things we don?t need, and only a small percentage of what?s in our closet are the pieces we actually wear on a regular basis. Wouldn?t it be great (and so much easier) if every piece in our closet was something we loved and wore and went with other pieces we owned? This would check a lot of the boxes on the list of criteria for a piece you should purchase or invest in- - the piece would be versatile, ensuring that you get a lot of mileage with it, and it would be a smart investment because you would wear it on a regular basis. This is where the idea of a capsule wardrobe comes in. I first came across the idea of a capsule wardrobe through a great style blog called ?Un- Fancy.?The writer of the blog, Caroline Rector, began a personal project of whittling her wardrobe down to 37 pieces, in an effort to simplify her life, curb impulse shopping, and instead spend her time in more valuable ways.
The result? A cohesive wardrobe where each piece just works with everything else. I loved how her wardrobe was carefully put together, and there were no extraneous or filler pieces- - each piece was selected with thought, and each piece helped to create a unique look. A capsule wardrobe is just what the name suggests- - a small, but ?style- efficient? wardrobe, where every piece goes with every other piece. The concept of a capsule wardrobe is rooted in the idea that less is more, and that we need a lot less than we think. It?s an idea that?s not unique to fashion, but I do think it?s especially true when it comes to fashion. A lot of us might think that the most fashionable people have huge, expansive wardrobes filled with the latest designer pieces- - but on the contrary, most of the people whose style I admire wear pieces that are classic, rather than trendy, and invest in fewer, better pieces. We?re often surrounded by so many choices, and we live in a society that tells us we need more- - especially when it comes to clothing stores, where sales pop up and tell us we can, and should, buy more. All these options, and the mindset that we need more, clouds our judgment. A lot of us (myself included) are guilty of impulse shopping and buying a piece not because we love it, but because it?s kind of nice and it?s on sale and cheap. Over time, our wardrobes become filled with these sorts of impulse purchases, and we find ourselves wanting more yet ?having nothing to wear?because our wardrobes are filled with impulse purchases, rather than thoughtfully- chosen pieces that reflect our personal style. A capsule wardrobe requires careful planning- - because you?re limiting your wardrobe to only a few pieces, you?re required to choose wisely and make sure each piece goes with everything else in your wardrobe. While this takes work and thought, the end result takes the stress out of putting together outfits and feeling like you always need something more.
"Acapsulewardrobeisjust what thename suggests--asmall,but style-efficient wardrobe,whereeverypiecegoeswith everyother piece."
There are so many benefits to keeping a capsule wardrobe- - even beyond just clothes. Your wardrobe is just one aspect of your life you can simplify- - and once you?ve gotten this down, you can apply this same principle of simplicity to other aspects of your life. You?ll be surprised at how much your stress levels decrease, and how much more content you find yourself.
Another factor to consider when planning a capsule wardrobe is your personal style. If you have a clear idea of what your personal style is, that?s great. If not, there are ways to determine what your style is. What types of pieces do you tend to gravitate towards? What colors do you tend to choose? Whose style do you admire and tend to emulate? Where do you tend to shop most often? My personal style is simple, with clean lines and classic shapes- - and as I planned my capsule wardrobe, I learned that I tend to go for neutrals rather than bright colors. I like to stick to basics and have an outfit formula, or uniform. I tend to emulate the styles of people like Emmanuelle Alt, editor of French Vogue, with her simple outfits of skinny jeans, ankle booties, and blazers or leather jackets. Find out what your style is, who your style icons are, and what clothing stores fit your personal style and budget. From there, you can select pieces that you know you love and will wear often. The final factors to consider are your location and your budget. Location is a huge factor in planning your wardrobe, because most of us are governed by the weather when we choose our outfits. Since I?m based in Austin, I don?t need to invest a whole lot in thick outerwear or create separate capsule wardrobes based on seasons. What I?ve found works for me is choosing pieces that are weather- neutral, and having a few heavier pieces to add to my wardrobe when it gets colder, and a few lighter pieces to add when it?s warmer. If you live somewhere where the weather changes often or there?s a clear winter, spring, summer, and fall, you may think about having capsule wardrobes for each season. As for budget planning, start with how much you have and are willing to spend on your wardrobe, and find clothing stores and brands that work with your personal style and your budget. One thing I recommend when selecting stores and brands is to keep an open mind. Don?t shop based on the outfits the stores display- - if you instead shop with specific pieces in mind, you open up a whole new host of possibilities for places to shop. If you?re shopping for a great vegan leather jacket or a pair of classic skinny jeans, you can find these items at a ton of budget- friendly stores that often get
overlooked. Your budget can be the final determinant in how many pieces you choose to have in your capsule wardrobe, so expanding your horizons on places to shop can help you maximize your budget and still find pieces that work for your style. Whatever your budget is, stick to it, and don?t let yourself impulse shop. This is a project in helping to simplify your life and be content with what you have- - so keep at it, and you?ll find it gets easier. It?s surprising how much more satisfied you can be with fewer, better pieces that you?ve put thought into buying. One final tip in creating a capsule wardrobe: most of us aren?t starting from scratch, and we do have pieces in our current wardrobes that we love. Think about the factors mentioned above, and start by shopping in your own closet. You might find that you have a lot of pieces that work for you, and you only need to purchase a few more pieces to complete your capsule wardrobe. Or, you might find that most of the pieces in your wardrobe don?t fit your lifestyle or personal style- - which gives you a starting point for finding the right pieces that do fit these criteria. There?s not a simple formula for creating a capsule wardrobe that works for everyone- - so take these tips and tailor them to your lifestyle. Keep in mind that creating a capsule wardrobe is an ongoing process. Change is bound to happen, and you may find that practices that worked for you before don?t quite work for you anymore- - don?t be afraid to change things up or make mistakes. Find what works; throw out what doesn?t. Most of all, enjoy the process, and enjoy learning about yourself, your style, your identity. Wardrobes are such a personal part of our lives and a reflection of ourselves- - and planning your wardrobe is no different. The end goal of a capsule wardrobe is multifold- - you want to look great, but most importantly, you want to feel great. And confident. And content. And happy. For more tips on building a capsule wardrobe, check out the wardrobe planner and capsule wardrobe practices on the Un- Fancy blog. Got any questions about capsule wardrobes? Send them my way on Twitter at @ariadneaberin, and check out the FAQs on Un- Fancy.
Top: old, from H&M (similar) Bottoms: Gap Shoes: American Eagle Scarf: old, from Altar?d State (similar)
Top: old, from Zara (similar) Bottoms: Hollister Shoes: old, by Candie?s (similar)
Dress: old, from Nordstrom (similar) Shoes: American Eagle
Fai t h i n t h e W or k p l ace Con tr ar y to ever yth in g you ?r e tau gh t in col l ege, r el igion CAN com e u p in th e wor k pl ace. No, you won ?t h ear abou t r el igion in an in ter view or qu ar ter l y eval u ation s, bu t you can discu ss ch u r ch an d you r faith in oth er settin gs with co-wor k er s. If you r r el igion is a big par t of wh o you ar e, don ?t feel pr essu r ed to h ide it in th e wor k pl ace. Br ian n a Sam -Sk in n er discu sses h ow you can r espectfu l l y sh ar e you r faith with oth er s an d cr eate a com for tabl e wor k en vir on m en t su ppor tin g al l r el igiou s bel iefs.
Little Lola INSPIRES
Big Shop Shop owner Shelby Moor started online retailer Lola’s Littles to help moms everywhere find quality, fashion-forward clothing for their newborns and toddlers. Just a few months into launching her new business, Moor reflects on how Lola’s Littles was born. Spoiler Alert: A lot of her inspiration came from the cutie to the left, Lola Jade.
would gain more motivation and find the perfect career for myself along the way. Ask a freshman student majoring in merchandising what their ideal career is after graduating college, and 6 times out of 10, they’ll say they want to be a buyer. If you would have asked me what I thought buyers do my freshman year, I would have told you that they’re the people who get to shop for companies. (In a sense, they are, but the “shopping” isn’t the same kind of shopping we as consumers know and love.) So naturally, I wanted that job too! I remember one of my professors my freshman year scoffing at the class because over half of us told
When our beautiful baby girl Lola was born, our lives changed that day.
ollege, marriage, graduation, a baby, five moves, and a business startup all in less than five years... That’s my life. Before these last five years, I led quite a stable life. I lived in the same house, have had the same best friend since kindergarten, always played by the rules, and finished what I started. I worked hard and knew what I wanted. It’s all easy when you’re young, right? I never really knew what I wanted to do past high school except go to college because that’s what society says is the right thing to do right after high school. I applied to one college because it was close to home, but still far enough away for me to move on-campus. Like the little rulefollower I was (although this may be considered more of an “unwritten” rule), I headed to
college. Except unlike most of my colleagues, I had no clear vision of what I saw myself studying. I originally thought about studying accounting because I’m good at math, and I knew numbers were involved. Then I thought about studying a subject that would lead to becoming a pharmaceutical rep because I had heard they made good money. Then I heard about fashion merchandising. I thought to myself, “Hey, I like shopping, and I like to dress up. Sign me up for that one!” So I went on a class tour with other freshman students who I could tell had done their research on fashion merchandising. They asked the professors very pointed questions along our tour, and right away, I felt a little behind on the whole college-thing. But I figured I
her we wanted to be buyers. She remarked that not every single one of us would end up with a job like that, and that we should explore other career options in our area of study. I was still young and ornery, so her response made me want to pursue this particular job even more. (Oh, the rebellious heart of an eighteen-year-old Sorry, Mom and Dad.) Fast-forward nine semesters, and I somehow graduated. The time couldn’t have been more perfect; I graduated just three months before my husband, Jason, and I were expecting our first baby! We were so excited for the arrival of our little girl, but had no idea how we were going to make everything work. We had
always talked about me staying home with our future kids, but had planned on waiting until later to start having children. I started looking at job options while seven months pregnant, but ultimately, our wish for me to stay home with our children outweighed any extra income I could have brought in working outside the home. On November
12, 2014, our beautiful baby girl Lola was born, and like any other parent will tell you, our lives changed that day. The same day Lola was brought into the world, Jason got a job offer that we couldn’t refuse, even though it would move us from our comfortable home in Dallas to a little town
in Oklahoma called Geronimo. Geronimo has a whopping population total of about 1,200 people. Going from suburbia to a little country town was quite the adjustment. We did get more house for our money and a gigantic backyard for our very large and obnoxious dogs, but we didn’t know a single soul in the area. We didn’t just get taken out of our comfort zone… we got kicked out! Thankfully we had wonderful neighbors and found a church home that gave us a sense of community. Jason’s job was a blessing, but his workload was never consistent. There were many days where he had little to no work and a few times he was traveling for few weeks at a time. I stayed at home with Lola and found myself getting bored often. Besides the occasional snapping turtles passing through our backyard, there wasn’t much excitement Returning to my fashion merchandising roots, I started finding adorable clothes for Lola online. I would buy a few pieces here and there, but my husband and I still weren’t making enough money to buy a ton. I noticed that a lot of these small shops were hosting contests to select “brand reps” or “enthusiasts,” and it piqued
my interest. Brand reps would help small shops advertise or market their products by taking good pictures of the children wearing or using their products. Over a certain period of time, brand reps usually get a few free products and enthusiasts get discounts. I started to enter Lola into these contests, and she began getting picked to represent quite a few shops! We had a spare bedroom at our house with amazing natural sunlight that made taking pictures so fun and easy since I was an amateur photographer. I had a little white quilt that I draped over a whiteboard to create a backdrop effect. I used my phone at first, but eventually progressed to a Nikon. As I got better at taking pictures, our follower count grew, and we took on more positions. At one point, we were representing over 40 different companies. My “job” for a while was literally just taking precious pictures of my little one. The second week of May, when Lola was just six months old, Jason received an opportunity to transfer back to Dallas. The catch was that we only had a week to move back. It was bittersweet because we had finally finished unpacking, made great friends, and got settled into our great house, but we knew we wanted to be near family again. Before news of the big move, I was toying with the idea of opening my own boutique, but I thought it wouldn’t be possible with the move before us. My husband has always been an amazing supporter in whatever I do, and in the midst of the crazy move from Oklahoma to Dallas, I had
This is exactly what I want -- to build my dream while loving on the little girl who inspired me to start in the first place.
the idea to start an online boutique. I discovered a whole new world of baby fashion through brand repping, and the style and quality of so many of the items we received superseded anything that I had bought in typical baby retail stores. I came up with the idea to open an online boutique that would help bring a lot of these shops to a larger market. I always hoped I’d have the confidence to eventually start a business, but I didn’t know it would right out of college. I officially opened my online boutique, Lola’s Littles, on September 1, 2015. It took quite a bit of time and a financial investment. I had to start the boutique when our family of five (two fur children included) was confined to one bedroom while searching for our new home. I made up my mind that I was going to go for it or else it wouldn’t have been worth the money and sweat I put into it. The first week or two of launching Lola’s Littles, I had a ton of support. My friends, family, and even acquaintances ordered items for their babies, which was extremely encouraging. My first really exciting moment was a purchase from a stranger. Gaining customers I had never met before was when it all finally started feeling real. I could really bring smaller brands to a wider audience with my shop. I could reach moms who aren’t satisfied with typical, cookie-cutter baby and toddler apparel and help moms find fashion-forward clothing. Babies don’t have to wear layettes, ruffles, soft pinks, and soft blues. Toddlers don’t have to be confined to cheesy cartoon themed clothes, either. Traditional department-store options are totally okay. But, for moms out there like myself who are excited to see something new, fresh, and current in baby and toddler apparel, Lola’s Littles could be for them. Since opening, I have learned so much! What I learned in school helped me a lot, but I’m still learning and that’s going to be a continuous process. Learning something every day is the only way that this little seed will grow into the dream I imagine it to be. Working from home with an active little crawler is not a walk in the park. It’s sometimes frustrating, exhausting, and occasionally feels like nothing is ever going to get done. Extra coffee, a few tears, lots of late nights, and bags under my eyes are all apart of it. It may take three times longer to do something because I have to stop and change a diaper, or rock Lola to sleep. But this is exactly what I want to do -- to build my dream while loving on the little girl who inspired me to start in the first place. Shelby Moor lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband Jason, German Shepherd Chief, mutt Stella, and curly-haired bundle of joy Lola. Her background includes a degree in Integrative Studies with an emphasis in merchandising from the University of North Texas. You can follow her journey on social media @lifewithlolajade and her shop @LolasLittles.
Online Boutique for Babies & Toddlers
UP THE LADDER Devoted to your persona l a nd ca reer d evelopment
Starting your own business is no easy feat. Store owner Shelby Moor shares her advice for launching and succeeding in retail, free of charge.
I had quite a few challenges during the opening of Lola’s Littles, an online clothing shop for babies and toddlers. Some of them were my own fault (I had a hard time getting organized with the craziness of moving from Oklahoma to Texas); and others were not. Here are some lessons I learned from opening my shop. EXPECT SOME DELAY Some of the products didn’t arrive when they were supposed to, so I learned to only list items that you have physically. You cannot trust mail carriers to deliver it in time! Things happen. It’s just best to be sure your product will ship in time by having it already. Everything in my shop now is ready-to-ship, which was my goal from the beginning. GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING I also had a conflict with one of the owners of a brand I had purchased from because we didn’t agree on some terms. We had two very different ideas of how the wholesale/retail relationship should work, and it just wasn’t a good business relationship to maintain. It was definitely a learning experience for me because I learned to make sure I am on the same page with any future brands I carry in terms of policies! This is mainly pertaining to newer or smaller brands as these relationships are much different than purchasing from larger or more established ones from showrooms at market. CHECK OUT LOCAL WHOLESALERS Speaking of market, I have found some amazing lines at Dallas World Trade Center to carry in my shop. They have the trendy, urban, and contemporary vibe that I’m looking for, but they’re still smaller companies so they’re not well known either. I recently picked out our shop’s merchandise from those lines for spring 2016, and I’m so excited! We have some amazing products coming for spring. THINK AHEAD OF THE TIMES I have some big goals for Lola’s Littles. I’m looking at rebranding in the near future to communicate a more gender-neutral vibe, versus a girlsonly baby and toddler boutique. I have a few boy and gender-neutral styles in the shop, but I have more coming for spring and want to continue to add to the boys’ selection! Baby boys and toddlers deserve to have just as much fun dressing up as girls. HAVE A LONG-TERM GOAL Within the next year, I want to open a brick-and-mortar location. It’s a big commitment, but it’s all part of my plan. I want Lola’s Littles to be a shopping destination, complete with chic décor and sleek store fixtures. I want moms and moms-to-be to be able to come in and see the beauty and feel the quality of our items firsthand. When customers walk in, I want them to feel the difference in who we are as a store versus the average baby retailer. I want Lola’s Littles to be the shopping destination for baby and toddler apparel for local moms and online shoppers. Moms need and deserve a better selection and a better experience while shopping for their little ones, and it’s my goal to provide that!
2 0 Minut es wit h Ju st in A d u
Yellowstone National Park Get close to the great outdoors w ith an adventure in Wyoming. Writer M olly Price takes you through her w eekend trip to Yellow stone National Park.
I t ' s t h e k i n d of f resh ai r you can ' t get i n a ci t y p ark ...
No w alk around the block or stroll through your local w oods can compare. This is Yellow stone. In the early days of September, w hen it w as still w arm in our sleepy Illinois tow n, the hubs and I hopped a jet to Salt Lake City, rented a car and drove until w e reached Grand Teton National Park. It?s unassuming at first, a little toll booth like any you?d see at your ow n state park. A kitschy National Park sign boasts an iconic font cheerfully evoking the reminder that only I can prevent forest fires. Then you see the mountains. Granted, my last three years in Texas and Illinois have revamped my appreciation for the mountains, but it w as stunning. We took in the view s along the park?s highw ay, w hich runs parallel to the base of the mountains. Even a novice can easily pick out the famous Grand Tetons, tow ering above the rest of the mountain range. A quick read through our 10-year old, yet still mostly relevant guide book (thanks, M om-in-law ) reveals that the majestic set of mountains w as indeed named by a cheeky Frenchman paying homage to w ell-endow ed w omen everyw here. Cheers. An hour?s drive north through the scenery gets us into Yellow stone. Our first stop w as for lunch at the Lake Yellow stone Hotel, a gorgeous lakefront art deco mansion w ith a beautiful dining room. We
ordered an Alaskan salmon w rap and bison burger. M y inner foodie w ishes I had Instagrammed this, but alas, I just dug in. It w as terrific. Bellies full, w e checked-in at The Old Faithful Inn, a castle of a log cabin sitting just beside its namesake geyser. With just enough modern conveniences to feel indulgent, it w as rustic, romantic and bustling w ith guests. I?d heard reservations for the hotel?s dining room w ere almost impossible to get, but I gave it a try the w eek before w e left and snagged a 9 p.m. table for tw o. The park is essentially made up of tw o large loop roads, one upper and one low er. Along the loops, there are several different areas almost like tow ns, each offering a w atering hole or general store and the occasional gas station. The majority of famous sights are along these loops. We?d spent time carefully planning our route around the park to make the most of our three days. Admittedly, three days felt a bit rushed, but w e?re marathon vacationers and w e pride ourselves on efficiency. I could recount a dozen favorite moments, and there are geysers and colorful geothermal pools everyw here you look but I?ll leave you w ith my Top 5 experiences.
Bison stampede This actually w as a bit nerve racking in the moment, but I caught it on camera and it?s one of my favorite memories of the trip. We w ere w alking the boardw alk of the M ud Volcano area taking in the sights, sounds and smells of volcanic mud and sulphur ?paint pots?, w hen suddenly a large herd of Bison came running up over the hill right through the tourist area. It?s surprising how fast they can move and a majestic reminder of just how w ild Yellow stone really is.
Old Faithful Though I?d heard of Old Faithful before, I w as actually surprised at how frequent and punctual the geyser is. The Old Faithful Inn posted the estimated eruption times, and they w ere impressively accurate. The geyser is by far the tallest w e saw w hile at the park and lasted for tw o or three minutes. It really is a spectacle that lives up to its name, and no trip to Yellow stone w ould be complete w ithout a visit to this beloved natural w onder. Overall, it w as beautiful. I can?t think of a more honest w ord to describe it. We spent three days unplugged and undistracted from taking in our natural w orld, and I loved it. Our national parks are such treasures. I truly hope our generation appreciates w hat has been preserved in this land. I don?t think I fully grasped the significance of those w ho came before us and protected this piece of the w orld until I saw it w ith my ow n eyes. It?s an unequaled opportunity to see our country the w ay it w as w hen it w as w ild--a breathtaking and humbling experience.
When Careers Pull
When you and your loved one are both on a path to success, maintaining a successful relationship can be tricky. Post-Grad Realities Blogger Simone Burnett shares how to keep the love alive when your career is pulling your relationship apart.
Relationships Apart
Seeing your relationship change when you’ve started building a career is normal. Getting it back on track takes work.
ork-life balance must have been the course that was only offered on Fridays at noon because no one warned you how hard it would be after college. You’re getting used to waking up before sunrise, attempting to maintain some sort of figure (who has time for the gym?), and trying to balance a relationship with someone you think is pretty special. Problem is, you and your loved one are both on a path to success and maintaining a successful relationship can be tricky when you’re aspiring for greatness. That promotion is so close you can taste it, but your relationship is starting to feel more and more off balance. You want to invest in your relationship, but there’s hardly enough time in the day to finish that major presentation, study for your certification, and binge watch Netflix with bae. When faced with this dilemma, what can you do? I’ve learned a few tips to ensure the two most important parts of your life can peacefully coexist.
Support Each Other This one is at the top of the list for one reason: it’s the most important. Part of having a successful career is having a supportive partner. It’s crazy what a positive impact a supportive partner can have on your career. The role of a partner is to motivate, encourage and push you to always be better. It’s a twoway street. Even if you don’t always agree with every choice they make, always be the partner you would want to walk through life with. There’s nothing better than a supportive partner and nothing worse than feeling like you’re alone on your journey to be great.
Leave Work at Work Please remember that your significant other had a hard day, too. Just like that co-worker who sent you a passive aggressive email, someone at their job rubbed them the wrong way, too. Let it go. Sometimes we expect our significant other to want to hear us vent, but they don’t. They actually don’t want to discuss work at all because that’s what they’ve been doing for at least the last eight hours. They just want to have a fun work-free date.
Stay in Touch It’s hard to respond to texts or phone calls in a timely manner when you’re constantly tied up with building your career. Finding a mode of communication that works best for you and your loved one is a huge part of feeling close even if you can’t physically be together. If you’re on a computer all day, and can’t talk from your phone, try emailing an funny photo or link to your partner. Communication like this doesn’t require an immediate response,
but still goes a long way in letting your love know you’re thinking of them.
Don’t Add Stress If you know it’s almost time for your partner to give that big presentation they’ve been stressing about, don’t pick a fight. In fact, think of a way to relieve some of his or her stress. No one wants to go from a stressful work environment to a stressful home environment, so make life outside of work a safe place even if that means you have to hold your tongue every once in a while- I’m looking at you ladies.
Remember the Little Things Birthdays and anniversaries are important, but so is the fact that he actually cooked dinner tonight. Or the fact that she went to the gym four times this week without complaining. Remember the little things and acknowledge them. Something that’s insignificant or minimal to you probably means the world to your partner. Just like everyone secretly wants to hear “good job” from their boss; they want to hear the same from their partner.
Don’t Forget to Spend Time Together. We all have emails, projects and deadlines; however, dating is crucial to any relationship. Of course, when you have two people both trying to climb the corporate ladder, you may have to get creative with the way you spend your time together. You may not be available for dinner at 7 p.m. on Friday, but brunch and an activity every Sunday may be perfect for you both. Make a day or an evening at least once a week that you will spend together; no negotiations. On this day you know you’ll get the quality time you need in, and it makes scheduling time for other work-related things easier because you know exactly when you’ll be spending time with your partner. Post-grad life is an adjustment to say the least. The main reason people say- especially to women- that you can’t “have it all” is because most people don’t know how to manage having it all. Our careers won’t always be perfect, and our relationships will have bumps in the road, but it is possible to have it all when you’re doing it together as a team. Just because you’ve clocked out of your 9 to 5 job doesn’t mean your work is done for the day. Working hard for your relationship, whether it be with family, friends, or loved ones – is a job worth the time. Simone Burnett is an Oklahoma State University graduate who currently works in corporate communications. She has a guilty pleasure of watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians and desires to be a voice for every recent graduate who’s just trying to get through this maze called life. Read more from Simone on her blog Post Grad Realities.
Devoted to our fa vorite pa rt of the workd a y - lunch.
Sushi Date Night Need a way to satisfy your sushi fix without breaking the bank? Try making sushi rolls at home. With a few techniques and necessary tools, homemade sushi rolls are fun and easy to make and are great for entertaining whether it?s for date night, girls?night, or just when you?re in the mood for something unique. Here?s how you do it.
Step Three Once the rice is ready, remove the rice from the pan and place on a plate for cooling. Cooling may take 15 minutes or so. Once cool, take a spoon and carefully cover the entire nori sheet, gently packing down the rice as you go. Try to pack the rice into a thin layer though thick layers are fine too. Leave ½ inch on the top of the nori uncovered with rice, as this ½ inch will be tucked under the roll when we put it together. If your roll doesn?t look perfect, don?t worry? it will all taste the same in the end!
Step Four Once the nori is covered with rice (except for the ½ inch at the side), carefully turn the rice-covered nori over so the green side is facing up. This is a delicate procedure so take your time turning it over. Rotate the ½ inch of uncovered nori so the uncovered ½ inch is at one of the sides and not the top. This is important when placing the vegetables and meats in the middle of the nori sheet.
Step Six Now it?s time for the cutting. Since the rice is sticky, cutting the roll can be tricky. I have a trick I use? I fill a wide-rimmed glass with water that I dip a perforated knife into after every cut. When there?s a ton of rice sticking to the knife, it?s very difficult to cut so the water helps prevent the rice from sticking to the knife and makes for cleaner cutting. Now you?re ready to eat! Grab whatever sauces or extras you want? wasabi, soy sauce, Sriracha, or you can quickly mix together spicy mayo, which is made from mixing mayo and Sriracha together. It?s easy and delicious. Lastly, enjoy!
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