Health Hunger Hygiene Care to Learn Page 10
Springfield Nonprofit Impact Study The Center for Nonprofit Communication Page 20
Dr. Nancy O’Reilly on women’s empowerment
New Members
Welcome Back:
We’re gonna be on TV!
Join us on Saturday, June 28th 5:30 pm
It’s not just a one-time thing, either! Starting in May, look for us monthly on KOZL, Saturdays at 5:30 pm!
Join us on Saturday June 28th at 5:30 pm for the monthly episode of CARES tv! We will share great photos of events, upcoming events, interviews with nonprofits and an indepth interview with one of the leading philanthropists in our community. Tune in to watch Cara and Amy as they spend some time Highlighting Who CARES in our community!
Hosted by:
Amy Michael Owner/Publisher of CARES Magazine
Cara Trask Editor of CARES Magazine
Interested in being a part of the show? Contact Scott Dennis: 417.365.8063
Membership bership p Dire Directory ctor tory SSpringfield i fi ld CARE CARESS would ld lik likee to introduce i d the h following f ll i Members M b of the magazine magazine. e. Members must have nonprofit status and provide services to our community community.. If you are interested in becoming a mem member, mberr, please call us at 417-849-2273 4 for more information. Alzheimer’s Alzhe eimer’s Association 1630 W West est Elfindale Springfield Spring gfield Mo 65807 (417) 886-2199 g/greatermissouri
Giiving Help & Hope to Families Giving Impacted mpacted by Breast Cancer
American Red Cr American Cross: oss: Southern Sout thern Missouri Region Regi on
Drury Univer University sity 900 N Benton Ave Springfield, MO 65802 417-873-7879 www
Equi-Librium Ther Therapy apy Center 8710 E State Hwy AD Rogersville,, MO 65742 Rogersville 417-830-1409 www
Breast Cancer Foundation Breast Foundation o of the Ozarks (B (BCFO) BCFO) 330 N Jefferson Ave Springfield, MO 6580 65806 06 417-862-3838 www
Female Leaders Female Leaders in Philanthropy Philanthr opy (FLiP) 320 N Jefferson Ave Springfield, MO 65806 417-863-7700 www
Bridges for Y Youth outh outth 1039 W Nichols Springfield, MO 65802 658002 417-864-4167
1545 N W West est Bypass Springfield, Spring gfield, MO 65803 417-832-9500 417-8 32-9500 www
Bass Pr Pro o Outdoor Fitness FFestival estiival
Foundation for Foundation Springfield Public Schools 1131 Boonville Springfield, MO 65802 417 523 0144 417-523-0144 www
Caree to Learn Car 411 N Sherman PParkway arkway Springfield, MO 658 65802 802 417-862-7771 www
1935 South S Campbell Ave Springfield, Spring gfield, MO 65807 417-891-5334 417-8 91-5334 www
GYN Cancer Cancerss Alliance (GYNCA) 3023 S FFort, ort, Suite B Springfield, MO 65807 417-869-2220 www
Children’s Miracle Children’s Miracle a Network 3525 S National Avee Suite 203 Springfield, MO 658 65807 807 417-269-5437 www
CARES is a fan fantastic ntastic opportunity tto shar share e i f information ti about ab t all ll off our services, a and the program pr ogram has helped us organize our annual annua al communication communicatio on plan n -FFoundation for Spr -Foundation Springfield ringfield Public Schools
Community P Partnership arrtnership 330 N Jefferson Avee Springfield, MO 65806 658806 417-888-2020 www
65:<4,9 6 5:<4,9 5:<4,9 9,+0; 9 ,+0; ,+0; 6<5:,305. 6 < 5:,30 5 . <5:,305. ,9=0*, , 9= 0 * , 9=0*, VMM :WYPU V : :WYPUNMPLSK W Y P U NMPLSK N MP L S K 1 1VWSPU V WSPU W SP U >LZ[ > LZ LZ[ Z[ 7SHPUZ 7SHPUZ
Big B Brothers Brothers Big Sister Sisterss (BBBS) (BBB BS) 3372 W Battlefield St Springfield, Sprin ngfield, MO 65807 417-889-9136 417-8 89-9136 www Boyss and Girls Club 1410 N FFremont remont Ave Spring Springfield, gfield, MO 65802 417-8 417-862-9249 62-9249 www
Boy Scouts of America Ozar Ozark rk TTrails rails Council 1616 S Eastgate Ave Springfield, Spring gfield, MO 65809 P 417 417.883.1636 .883.1636 x233 www
Consumer Cr Credit ed dit Counseling Service vice 1515 S Glenstone Springfield, MO 65804 658804 417-889-7474 www .cccsoftheozar fth rks k .org
Council of Chur Churches rches of the Ozarks 627 N Glenstone Av Avee Springfield, MO 658 65802 02 417-862-3586 www
Developmentall Center of the Ozarks
Harmony House
519 E Cherry St Springfield, MO 65806 417-837-7700 www
The Humane Society of Southwest Missouri 3161 W Norton RRdd Springfield, MO 65803 417-833-2526
Isabel’ss House Isabel’ 2750 W Bennett Springfield, MO 65802 417-865-CARE www
JJunior unior Achievement Drury University- Lay Hall 900 N N.. Benton Springfield, Mo 65802 417-873-6989 www
1545 E Pythian Springfield, MO 65802 658802 417-892-0896 www m
Killuminati FFoundation oundation
The Doula FFoundation oun ndation
March Mar ch of Dimes
330 N N.. Jefferson Ave Ave. e. Springfield Mo 6580 65806 06 (417) 832-9222 doulafoundation.orgg www
1722 S Glenstone W110 Springfield, MO 65804 417-889-9397 www
Na National ational Multiple Sclerosis Scl lerosis Society Soc ciety 16775-J East Seminole 1675-J Springfield, Spri ingfield, MO 65804 417-882-8128 417 7-882-8128 ww
Ozaarks Ar Ozarks Area ea Community Action Act tion Corpor Corporation ation ((OACAC) OAC ACAC) 2155 S Barnes Ave Springfield, Spri ingfield, MO 65802 417 417-862-4314 7-862-4314 ww
Pregnancy Pr e egnancy Car Care e Center 13442 E Primrose Street 1342 Springfield, Spr ingfield, MO 65804-4224 ww
Republic Rep public P Paw aw Pantry Pantry PP.O. .O. Box 670 Republic, Rep public, MO 65738 417-893-0086 417 7-893-0086 ww
Souuthwest Missouri Southwest Office Off fice on Aging FFoundation oundation 17335 S FFort 1735 ort Avenue Springfield, Spri ingfield, MO 65807 417-862-0762 417 7-862-0762 800-497-0822 800 0-497-0822 ww
United Un ited Wa Way ay of the Ozarks 3200 N Jefferson Ave Springfield, Spri ingfield, MO 65806 417-863-7700 417 7-863-7700 ww w.uwozarks k .com
The Victim Victim Center Centeer
Women W omen in Need (WIN)
819 N Boonville Ave Sprinvgfield, MO 658 65802 802 417-863-7273 www .thevictimcenter h
Springfield, MO 65808 417-234-7338 www
Victory V ictory TTrade rade Sc School hool 1715 N Boonville Springfield, MO 6580 65803 03 417-864-2221 www
Ozarks Ar Area ea Community Com mmunity Action Corpor Corporation attion ((OACAC) OACAC)
PP.O. .O . . Box 4626
Youth Y outh of the Ozarks Thrift Stor Store e ((YOTO) YOTO) 1731 N Glenstone Ave Springfield, MO 65803 417-890-7283 www
215 S Barnes Ave Springfield, p g , MO 6580 65802 02 417-862-4314 www
Wish W ish I May 1700 W. W. W Walnut alnut Springfield, MO 6580 65806 06 417-844-6195 www
Women W omen Connect Connect4Good t4Good
It’ss an hon It’ honor nor to work with the team at CARES. W We e feel and valued an nd the customer st me service is excellent excellent. nt. -American Red d Cr Cross ross .com/womenspk pk www WomenSpk p www connect4good
S Sponsors rs TThe he following persons or bbusinesses have sponsored ed our members: Women W omen Speak, William H Darr, Darr D r, TTom om Slaight, TTom om & JJudy Jowett and Womens Health S Southwestern W omens He ealth
We W e have ha been n with CARES for a few mo months nths and it has been great! grea at! The staff staff has been great grea at to work with and the magazine is a useful and professional prrofessional resource resource for our o r community! -OACAC -O OACAC
Are you interested terested in a membership or sponsorship?
Call 4417-849-2273 17-849 -849-2273 for ddetails. etails.
Letter from the Editor Hello Sweet Springfield! By now our Premier show for CARES TV has aired. I hope you enjoyed the information about Empowering Women, and as you can see, this June issue goes right along with that theme. Recording for TV is certainly a new adventure for us…. I wasn't sure what to expect and of course was as nervous as could be, but we really had a blast and I am looking forward to future episodes! Please make sure to send us any pictures taken at events, or even short clips!! Make sure they are recorded horizontally! We can add them into our events section on the show! We have a lot of wonderful information this month! In addition to our large women's section, I am ecstatic to welcome Alzheimer's Association this month. Learn more about them on page 23! On page 11 Consumer Credit Counseling Service talks about how they can help current home owners in peril, or those who are looking to become home owners so that they are better prepared…. a very insightful read! I personally learned a lot! Remember we attract into our lives what we think about so keep your heads up and be positive. Reading about what our wonderful nonprofits here in Springfield do is certainly a happy and positive thing so enjoy reading this months issue!
Cara Trask Contributing Editor
Letter from the Publisher Hello Friends! June is upon us and with that, our theme for our new issue is Women's Empowerment! Yes Ladies, we have some great information inside this issue about the great nonprofits that help empower women to overcome obstacles and face fears. If you missed our Premier of CARES TV, please visit our website to see some clips. Our show included a wonderful interview of Dr. Nancy O'Reilly as well as an interview that showcases the many nonprofits that help women in various ways. We had a lot of fun recording it and we are excited for the upcoming episodes and issues. If you have an idea for a topic for our show please email us at As Cara said, please send us your photos of events that you have attended, we would love to share them each month in our magazine and on our show! CALL for VOLUNTEERS! Check out our NEW website: and go to the Springfield CARES page. You can register as a volunteer and set up a profile. You can choose which of our wonderful nonprofits you want to volunteer for, your skill set and even choose your availability! Our member nonprofits can search for you and contact you when they need some help that fits your profile. Go online and register now, it's FREE! Get Involved!!! This month marks the beginning of our 5th year with CARES. We are very thankful to all of you for your readership, your support and your love for the nonprofits here in our community.
Amy Michael Have a blessed June!
Publisher 6
Ron Penney CFP®, ChFC® Private Wealth Advisor
Helping you create the future you envision.
Penney, Murray & Associates Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.
1342-E East Kingsley Springfield, Missouri 65804
(417) 881-9200 Licensed to provide service in the following states: AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IA, IL IN, KS, MN, MO, MS, NE, NY, OK, PA, SD, TN, TX, VA, WA, WI, WY. Broker, investment and financial advisory services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. Some products and services may not be available in all jurisdictions or to all clients. 130179MR0112
JUNE 2014 [get involved] Sondra Hagerman/Springfield Baseball .................. 8
Murney Associates Realtors
Consumer Credit Counseling Service
Foster Child Awareness Month ....................................... 8
Ambassadors for Children
Subscriptions to your Door.............................................. 8 CARES Magazine
Looking to the Past to Find His Future............................. 9 OACAC
American Red Cross JacuzziÂŽ Walk-In Tubs
[calendar of events]
[nonprofit education]
games 3PRINGFIELD .ONPROFIT )MPACT 3TUDY The Center for Nonprofit Education
Bass Pro Shops Outdoor Fitness Festival
[letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s get local] 4HE -AGIC OF 6OLUNTEERING
Southwest Missouri Office on Aging Foundation
Glenstone Square
#AR 3HOW FOR +IDS United Way of the Ozarks
Amy Michael Publisher Cara Trask Editor Phil Dellasega Creative Director
Empire Bank/Central Trust & Investment Company
[empowering women] Debbieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Story of Breast Cancer Detection BY A h#AT 3CANv
Springfield CARES members listing
Letters from the editor and publisher
Care to Learn
Alzheimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Association
Membership Directory
Enjoy Outdoor Fitness Events and 3UPPORT ,OCAL .ONPROFITS
Michelle DeWitt Graphic Design/ Web Maintenance
Harmony House
Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks
Women Connect4Good
advisory panel
Women in Need of the Ozarks
Gerry Catapang PT, DPT
Pregnancy Care Center
March of Dimes
Ken Childers
The Doula Foundation
Rebbecca Fenton COTA/L Nancy Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Reilly
[furry friends]
Becky Overend Chris Shaefer
Tony Shalloup
The Killuminati Foundation
Robert Stoops
Cara Trask
Rotary Clubs of Springfield
Boy Scout of America Ozark Trails Council
our mission CARES Magazine is committed to providing our nonprofit community with a resource to inform and educate the public about their organizations. It is our goal to create awareness of charitable giving in the area as well as give to individuals and businesses that show they CARE. Š 2014 CARES Magazine. All rights reserved. Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced in any manner without written consent from the publisher.
122 Park Central Square Springfield, MO 65806 417.849-2273
Sondra Hagerman Cell: 417-425-6003 Office: 417-882-6222 email: web: 1615 E. Republic Road SGF MO 65804
2014 Springfield
Cut Out Child Abuse in the Ozarks during Foster Care Awareness Month Your Gi' Helps Local Foster Children - Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s How: ! A Day In May = "! Provides shoes for one year # A Day in May = $# Provides sports registra%on & A Day in May = !&& Provides an en%re year of new clothing To donate online visit ambassadors For the latest, follow us on Facebook at Ambassadors for Children
!! W. Battle"eld, Spring"eld, MO # $!% &'%-%!$-! # - www.ambassadors&
Home Games Away Games Dates are subject to change
$19.95 a year
9 2273 417 84
Subscribe online or call us today!
Looking To The Past To Find His... Once upon a time a little boy named Charles fell in love with the past and began his journey into the future. Charles began life in foster care, but was adopted by Charles & Carlye Withnell in Verona, Missouri, who enrolled him in OACAC’s Head Start Program in Monett. Charles fondly remembers his teacher, Ms. Renee, who sparked his imagination and encouraged his interests with her dinosaur-themed classroom. Sitting in Ms. Renee’s classroom surrounded by dinosaurs excited and fascinated Charles as he wondered about the many facets of past and present life on earth and he recalls, “From that moment, I was hooked.” Charles says that being in OACAC Head Start enabled him to develop and mature quicker than had he not been in the program and instilled good study habits. Charles’ ignited passion for learning about early life on earth was evident throughout his elementary and secondary school years. After he graduated from Verona R-VII High School he attended the University of Arkansas to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Anthropology.
Without the experience Charles had in OACAC Head Start he feels he might never have fallen in love with the past. The learning environment encouraged and delighted him and influenced his decision to continue his education and excel in school. Charles said, “OACAC Head Start is truly an amazing opportunity that gives kids that otherwise might not have had the chance to excel, the chance to pursue the unknown. After all, this is America, and every kid, regardless of their background, should have the chance to dream for the stars and never give up. I am just one example of the success of the OACAC Head Start program. Success stories like mine and countless others are a testament to our country's commitment to giving underprivileged children a ‘head start’ in life.” OACAC was founded in November of 1965 as a private nonprofit corporation to help low-income families become self-sufficient. OACAC sponsors Family Planning, Foster Grandparents, Head Start, Housing Assistance, LIHEAP, Neighborhood Centers, and Weatherization programs. For more information visit
The summer of his junior year in college, Charles traveled to Tanzania to the Serengeti; Mount Kilimanjaro; Gombe Stream Reserve; the Island of Zanzibar; and Olduvai Gorge. Visiting the Gombe Stream Reserve had special meaning because this is the site Jane Goodall did her first study of chimpanzees. However, Olduvai Gorge was Charles’ favorite experience as that is the place that the “tool maker” was discovered, which Charles considers one of the most important pieces of evidence for human evolution. He was so amazed with Olduvai Gorge that he decided to work on an Honors Thesis with Dr. Peter Ungar, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at the University of Arkansas, examining shrew dental microwear to ascertain whether diet or environment played a bigger role in their evolutionary development. As a result of his research, he graduated in May 2013 with honors and the study of dental microwear on shrews was published with a major peer reviewed scientific journal. Currently, Charles attends the Graduate Program in Evolutionary Anthropology at Arizona State University in Tempe where he is pursuing his doctorate. Charles will continue his study of both human and vertebrate evolution in East Africa.
On December 20, 2013, I sent a letter to Dr. Ruby K. Payne, an internationally known expert on poverty. The letter began, “Springfield, Missouri is an amazing city. Located in southwest Missouri, our community is filled with caring citizens who eagerly collaborate on major efforts. Three top-notch universities are located in Springfield as well as a fully accredited public school system with more than 24,000 students. Over 93% of Springfield’s children attend public school.” It continued, “This is a city where you can call the mayor, city manager, hospital CEO or university president and have a heart to heart discussion. We are known for our nationally recognized parks and library systems, the #1 Chamber of Commerce in the country, active non-profits and a strong small business force. Unfortunately, we are also known for the highest rate of child abuse and neglect in Missouri, a rapidly growing poverty rate, crime, methamphetamine and little diversity.” A lot has happened in the six months since this letter was sent to Dr. Payne. Dr. Payne spent three days in Springfield in February 2014 evaluating our community and its resources, exploring ways to improve workforce and economic development and helping us establish a list of priorities with strategies to address the issues surrounding poverty. Over 2000 people had the opportunity to hear her speak as well as engage in meaningful dialogue about our community. It’s going to take time, money and people power to begin to move the needle the other way, but we are Springfield. And as I said previously, “Springfield, Missouri is an amazing city.” Please watch for this column in subsequent months and I will share the progress we are making.
National Homeownership Month
June is National Homeownership Month. It is a time when we should reflect on how homeownership has enhanced our community. Most people believe the home is a personal refuge where one keeps their most treasured personal belongings. While that is true, homeownership has a ripple effect in the community. When homeownership is secure, it stabilizes families. Children thrive in school. Families then become involved in their schools and invest their time and money into the community. Jobs are created and maintained and real estate tax revenue is stabilized. All of these elements enhance our community. That stability has been threatened over the last six years with the recession. CCCS has seen this first hand. As a HUD approved housing counseling agency, our Certified Financial Professionals were able to assist more than 1,200 individuals and families remain in their homes from 2008-2013. That is good news. But the bad news is there are still some who need help. “We want the community to know that help is still available” says Denise Bench, Certified Housing Counselor. “We often see clients after they have tried to work out their own issues on their mortgage. A
person is far better off using CCCS for our expert experience.” The current trend is that clients often come to the office after they have tried to work directly with the lender. They are frustrated, confused and very scared of losing their home because of a paperwork mishap. Some have spent hundreds of dollars on “professional assistance” unnecessarily. CCCS’s housing counselors have tools that the average person doesn’t have and the assistance is free. CCCS also prepares homeowners for the reality of homeownership with their pre-purchase counseling and homebuyer education. During an appointment, a client can develop a spending plan that addresses ALL the costs of homeownership, obtain a credit report review and receive preliminary guidance on the process of homeownership. Homeownership needs to be a blessing and not a curse. Lastly, CCCS is approved by HUD to provide Reverse Mortgage counseling. Borrowers over the age of 62 can take a loan against the equity, not make any payments and remain in their homes until they are no longer able to stay there. There is a great deal of controversy about this type of loan, but it does have great benefits in the right circumstance. CCCS’s role in this mandatory counseling is that of an objective third party. The counselor will thoroughly review potential borrowers’ personal finances to make sure they have all of the information necessary to make the right choice. Consumer Credit Counseling Service is the trusted resource for those seeking to obtain or maintain homeownership. We have a thorough understanding of the ripple effect of homeownership and how it affects our community. For further assistance, please call 417-889-7474.
Military members past or present and their immediate family members participate for free thanks to the generosity of our sponsors!
S a t u r d a y, J u n e 2 1 , 2 014 - 7 : 3 0 a . m . Cox North Fitness 1423 N. Jefferson, Spring eld, MO !"#$ &'()*+', &-.(/' Awards: Oldest, Youngest, Masters Overall M/F; Overall M/F; Top 3: Under 14; 15 -19; 20-29; 30-39-40-49; 50-59 and 60+
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get involved fundraising events
Safe, comfortable bathing from JacuzziÂŽ
Technology Breakthrough
What To Look For in a Walk-In Tub:
Enjoy A Bath Againâ&#x20AC;Ś Safely and Affordably
Five major considerations to help make an informed decision before buying a Walk-In Tub:
Exclusiv foot ma e ssage jets!
U >VĂ&#x2022;ââÂ&#x2C6;ÂŽ PointProÂŽ Jet System
-Warranty - Ask for a lifetime â&#x20AC;&#x153;no leak guarantee.â&#x20AC;? The best tubs offer a lifetime warranty on both the tub and the operating system.
U Â&#x153;Ă&#x153; Threshold Step
The JacuzziÂŽ Walk-In tub is luxurious, feature-packed and affordable large volumes of water and others target specific pressure points. They are all arranged in precise locations designed to deliver a therapeutic massage, yet they are fully adjustable so that your bathing experience can be completely unique.
-Pain Relieving Therapy - Find a tub that has both water and air jet therapy to soak away your aches and pains preferably with a perfectly balanced water to air mix. This tub is the first to offer a specialized foot massage experience. Its unique spinning motion provides optimal therapy to feet and legs. Best of all, you get it at no additional charge. -Comfort - Insist on ergonomic design, easy-to-reach controls. -Endorsements - Only consider tubs that are ETL or UL listed. Also look for a tub tested to IAPMO standards and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s USPC Certified.
Other Brands
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Jacuzzi ÂŽ
Walk-In Tub
SEE THE JACUZZIÂŽ DIFFERENCE Laboratory tests clearly show how Jacuzzi jets outperform other manufacturersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; jet systems, producing a deeper and wider plume of revitalizing bubbles. You get the best technology for an affordable price!
Why spend another day wishing you could enjoy the luxury and pain-relieving benefits of a safe, comfortable bath? Call now and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll get an unsurpassed limited lifetime warranty. Knowledgeable product experts are standing by to help you learn more about this product. Call Today!
For information call:
1-888-960-0531 Call now Toll-Free and mention your special promotion code 58571. Third-party financing available with approved credit. Aging in the Home Remodelers Inc. is neither a broker nor a lender. Not available in Hawaii and Alaska
We are proud to support Operation Homefront in their efforts to assist members of the military and their families. Š 2014 Aging in the Home Remodelers Inc.
here is nothing like the simple pleasure of taking a warm bath. The cares of the day seem to fade away, along with the aches and pains of everyday life. Unfortunately for many aging Americans with mobility issues, slipping into a bath can result in slipping onto the floor. The fear of falling has made the simple act of bathing and its therapeutic benefits a thing of the past until now. JacuzziÂŽ, the company that perfected hydrotherapy, has created a walk-in tub that offers more than just safe bathing, peace-of-mind and independence, it can actually help you feel better. Unlike traditional bathtubs, this Walk-In Tub features a leak-proof door that allows you to simply step into the tub rather than stepping precariously over the side. It features a state-of-the-art acrylic surface, a raised seat, and the controls are within easy reach. No other Walk-In Tub features the patented JacuzziÂŽ PointProÂŽ jet system. These high-volume, low-pressure pumps feature a perfectly balanced water to air ratio to massage thoroughly yet gently. Some swirl, some spiral, some deliver
-Quality - A walk-in tub is a major investment. You want to find a quality tub that will last for decades. Look for one thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 100% leakproof, mold-resistant, full metal frame construction and one thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s American made.
Find a pediatrician at
Calendar of Events
Hello Cares Friends! We are so pleased to present this month’s Calendar of Events! The following section includes several of the businesses that work closely with our community’s nonpro !" by offering both their time and special pricing and/or services. CARES is so thankful to have this opportunity to highlight these wonderful businesses as a part of our Calendar of Events. In this month’s issue, we’ve included information about upcoming events as well as information about several other local businesses. We hope you enjoy this month’s Calendar of Events. The CARES Team
All Year
Farmers Market of the Ozarks 4139 S. Nature Center Way Rd.
The Farmers Market of the Ozarks combines farm fresh goodies, hand-crafted products, and local eateries all in one location easily accessible to our community. Shop for groceries, find unique gifts, have breakfast or lunch, enjoy local music in the brand new pavilion in the Usurer. The Market accepts SNAP, debit, and credit cards. March - October Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 PM
Summer 52nd Annual Tent Theatre Missouri State University MU enter their 52nd year in Tent Theatre! A theatrical excellence with three outstanding plays. Forever Plaid from June 11-14, June 16-21. You Can’t Take It With You from June 26-July 3. Fiddler on the Roof from July 9-12, July 14-20. For more information on these events visit
It’s that time of year again, Matrix can help ease the pain of Tax Season!
Call us at
March for Babies Joplin March of Dimes
Join your friends, co-workers, and families as we walk to support the health of all babies during a stroll through Field of Dreams 4601-4699 E. 7th Street, Joplin MO. March for Babies is a great event for families with lots of child-friendly activities. Get your team together and sign up today. Registration is at 10am and the walk starts at 11am! Please visit their website for more information or call 417.315.1777 or by email
13 th
Youth Mental Health First Aid Community Partnership of the Ozarks
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As part of our commitment to preventing youth violence, Community Partnership of the Ozarks and Advocates for Better Communities will hold a free Youth Mental Health First Aid training Friday, June 13, 2014 from 8:30am– 5:30pm at McClelland Hall on the campus of Southwest Baptist University.
300 S Je fferso n, Suit e 40 1 Spri n gfie ld, M O 65 80 6 16
14 th
Cycle for Life Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks
Ride starts at James River Assembly Fitness 6100 N 19th st., Ozark MO. Check in begins at 6:15am. 50-mile ride: 7am, 25-mile ride: 7:30am, 10-mile ride: 8am. For more information on this event please contact BCFO by phone 417.862.3838, by fax 417.862.3830, or their website You can register at
14 th
d We In Go
Dog Dayz of Summer in Republic Republic Paw Pantry
The Dog Dayz of Summer will be hosted by the Republic Paw Pantry will be held at the Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate - Southwest Group from 11am-3pm. Entry fee is $5 for adults and $2.50 for children and includes a meal. All proceeds will benefits RPP, a program based solely on donations by businesses, the public and fundraising events. Food donations are welcome! For more information call 417-893-0086.
1039 W Nichols Springfield, MO 65802 417-864-4167
Mission: To provide unconditional love and acceptance to all kids.
Beach Bash Developmental Center of the Ozarks
This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Beach Bash is on the dock and will be celebrated from Palms to Pines! Here's what to expect- plenty of auction items, great music by Canto 17 and, appropriate fare, and of course all the Lake Water you can handle! Tickets are $100/person and includes unlimited drinks. You may purchase your tickets online or you can contact Jennifer at 829-0890. Boat slip rentals (ahem table sponsorships) are also available!
eri ed
To Start Event Planning for 2014
417 864 7333
333 South John Q. Hammons Parkway, Springfield, Missouri 17
21 st
8th Annual Water Run/Walk Boys & Girls Clubs of Springfield
Make a splash for college scholarships for Boys & Girls Clubs’ BGC Partners in Education! Formerly the Boys & Girls Clubs of Springfield Auxiliary. Registration will begin at the Stalnaker Unit 1410 N. Fremont Ave at 8am, with the walk/run starting at 9am. For more information and pricing on this event please call 417-862-9249 or email .
3525 S National Ave Ste 203 Springfield, MO 65807 417-269-5437
Mission: Dedicated to raising funds and awareness for the medical care of children, birth through age 18.
Red Cross
Please plan to be a part of the Red Cross Run for REDiness and March for Military to raise support and awareness of Red Cross Disaster Services which includes Service to the Armed Forces. This 5k Run fundraising event is proudly brought to you by CoxHealth and the American Red Cross. You may register online at until Thursday or from 6:30 - 7:30 on race day. Get registered at . Questions? Contact Shawn Gallagher at or by calling 417-832-9500 ext. 3132.
21 st
eri ed
Run for REDiness & March for Military
CoxHealth Auxiliary Hosts Trivia Night Benefits the Equi-Librium Therapy Center
The CoxHealth Auxiliary at the Christian County Elks Lodge in Ozark, MO is hosting Trivia Night. This event will be benefiting Equi-Librium Therapy Center. Trivia night will begin at 5pm and doors open at 4:30pm. There will be a Silent Auction, 50/50 raffle, Prizes to the winning teams, Food for purchase and a cash bar! For additional information contact Hattie at 417-818-4113 or Barb 417-269-4169. $10 per person or $80 per table (8 person team.)
There are no second chances when it comes to having the right insurance coverage. Make sure you get it right the first time with Baron Financial Group.
1. the feeling that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust 2. the state of feeling certain about the truth of something
1740 S. Glenstone Ave. | Suite R | Springfield, MO 65804
At Baron Financial Group we understand that life is full of unfortunate circumstances. Drive with “confidence” !"#$!% '"()*+ *+,-' #.+! life happens. Craig R. Henley Insurance Specialist
nonprofit education
fundraising & nonprofit support
Enjoy Outdoor Fitness Festival Events and Support Local Non-Profits! Form a Team. Run for a Cause. We have several charities that use our events to make money while raising awareness of their missions. For example, Girls on the Run of Southwest Missouri runs the News-Leader 5K every year; a sea of girls moves out of the start line on Sunday morning, with their running buddies in tow. This group also has a fundraising arm called Solemates who raise money for scholarships so that all girls have access to this program, which teaches them to be responsible, strong, positive and healthy.
Register NOW for Marathon Weekend October 31 November 2, 2014
The Bass Pro Outdoor Fitness Festival celebrates fitness, health and wellness, outdoor adventures and wildlife conservation in the beauty of the Ozarks! Go online to register for: • • • • •
Get covered in “camouflage” color!
Conservation Marathon Cohick Half Marathon Mercy Marathon Relays News-Leader 5K Camo 2 Mile Color Run
Call 417-891-5334 or visit today, for more information or to register!
Whether you are participating in your first or fiftieth marathon, by becoming a SoleMate you are doing much more than achieving your personal fitness goals. Sign up today to be a SoleMates and let your love of running make a difference in the life of a girl.
Bass Pro Shops 1935 S Campbell Ave Springfield, MO 65807
Girls On The Run SoleMates. Charity running has become an integral part of most endurance events across the country. The Girls on the Run SoleMates program provides adults an opportunity to raise money for Girls on the Run while training for the athletic event of their choice.
Springfield Nonprofit Impact Study
by Dan Prater The Center for Nonprofit Communication at Drury University
In the fall of 2012, the Drury University Center for Nonprofit Communication began an 18-month study of the Springfield nonprofit industry. Faculty, staff, and students gathered data from IRS form 990s and other sources to study tax-exempt organizations with a Springfield, Missouri address.
Nonprofits are a big deal in Springfield. There's no denying that fact. But until the findings from a recent survey were released, not many fully understood the magnitude of Springfield's nonprofit sector.
In this article, we'll examine some of the key findings from this report, The 2014 Nonprofit Impact Study, released in April of this year. See directions at the end of this article on how to receive a copy of the full report.
Scope and Size We identified 1,556 organizations operating within Springfield city limits. This includes every tax-exempt organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;all 501(c) groups, charitable remainder trusts (considered by the IRS as a nonprofit), as well as some religious congregations.
The National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) is a method of categorizing organizations by their primary activity or mission. In Springfield, these are the top NTEE codes or types of work being done by the organizations:
Among the 501(c) groups, it was no surprise that 501(c)(3) was the most common type.
Code B - Education (148 Groups)
Here are the largest categories found:
Type A - 501(c)(3) B - 501(c)(6) C - 501(c)(4) D - 501(c)(7) E - 501(c)(5)
Code Y - Mutual & Member Benefit (109 Groups)
No. 665 59 34 33 31
Pct. 42.7% 3.8% 2.2% 2.1% 2.0%
Code X - Religion-Related (106 Groups) Code P - Human Services (99 Groups) Code T - Philanthropy, Grant Making Foundations (85 Groups) Code P - Health Care (80 Groups)
Springfield nonprofits employ nearly 39,000 people. That's more than half of the city's entire private workforce (excludes public sector). This is significantly higher than most cities, where nonprofit employment typically comprises 10 -12 percent of the total workforce.
The top ten nonprofit employers comprise almost 76 percent of all of the sector's employment. This means that of the 1,556 nonprofits in the city, 99 percent work for less than 1 percent of the groups. Or, 99 percent of the organizations employ less than one percent of the total nonprofit workforce.
Not surprisingly, Health Care accounts for the vast majority of the city's nonprofit jobs. But nearly 10,000 people work in Human Services.
Another interesting finding was that 285 of the identified organizations in the city reported having no paid employees at all. These groups operate exclusively with volunteers.
Springfield Employment
Other Sectors 49.9%
Nonprofit 51.1%
nonprofit education
fundraising & nonprofit support
To study nonprofit compensation, we used data from a study conducted by our center in 2013.
Health Care
Community Improvement & Capacity Building Crime & Legal Related
$126,260 $112,322
Philanthropy, Grant Making Foundations
Diseases, Disorders Mental Disciplines
We found that the average salary for a Springfield nonprofit CEO/Executive Director is $88,828.The highest paying category is Health Care, averaging $158,655. The data showed a direct correlation between organizational size and compensation â&#x20AC;&#x201D; especially at the top level. Small organizations typically pay the least. For organizations with budgets under $250,000, the average salary is $38,339.
The lowest paying CEO/Executive Director categories were Recreation & Sports, Animal-Related, and Environment. In a comparison with salary data from 2006, we found that there has been a substantial increase in the executive compensation. The average pay for a Springfield CEO/Executive Director has increased by 44 percent in the last 7 years. When compared to results of national nonprofit salary reports, Springfield organizations tend to pay lower average salaries, even after a cost-of-living adjustment.
A 2013 report by the Springfield Regional Economic Partnership lists the gross metro product (GMP) for the Springfield metro statistical area at $16.2 billion. In our study, we found that Springfield nonprofit organizations produce $3.8 billion annually, or about 23.6 percent of the total revenue.
Tempe, AZ (.66)
Vancouver, WA (.92)
Springfield, MO (1.25)
Once again, Health Care organizations were the top revenue earners. The two largest hospitals, Cox and Mercy, accounted for more than 45 percent of all revenue. Other large nonprofits with large revenue included Convoy of Hope, Burrell Behavioral Health, Drury University, and Evangel University.
0.5 0.0 Population # Nonprofits
161,719 1,070
161,791 1,495
159,498 2,009
Interestingly, most nonprofits operate on a very small budget. More than half of Springfield nonprofits operate on less than $150,000 each year. And within this group, more than one-fourth of the organizations operate on an annual budget of less than $50,000.
Cities with similar populations (National)
The study examined nonprofit density, or how many nonprofit groups exist per capita.
2.5 2.0 Group Average 1.44
1.5 1.0
Cape Coral, FL Sioux Falls, SD (3.31) (.82) 154,305 5,111
153,888 1,277
Nonprofit Organizations per 1,000 people 5
Cities with similar populations (Midwest)
4 3 2
Group Average 1.66
1 0 Population # Nonprofits
Wichita, KS (.64)
382,268 2,457
Tulsa, OK (1.02) 391,906 4,028
Lincoln, NE (1.14) 258,379 2,948
Topeka, KS (1.21) 127,939 1,557
Springfield, MO Des Moines, IA (1.25) (4.44) 159,498 203,433 2,009 8,953
We conducted several analyses to determine if Springfield's number of nonprofit groups is too high or too low. In other words, do we have too many nonprofit organizations? In a comparison of U.S. cities with a similar 2010 population, we found Springfield is actually below the average. In a comparison of similarly-sized Midwestern cities, Springfield is below average. In every comparison, Springfield's nonprofit density was below average. This helps answer the question about having too many organizations.
Nonprofit Organizations per 1,000 people
Conclusions It is clear to see that Springfield nonprofit organizations are pivotal to the economic and social well being of the city. When nonprofits thrive, it has a positive ripple effect on the entire region. To adequately serve the needs of the area, nonprofits must receive strong support from local for-profit businesses and the public sector. Support is needed in the form of financial con-
To receive copy of The 2014 Nonprofit Impact Study: 1. Download the PDF copy from, 2. Request a printed version by emailing Dan Prater at
tributions and volunteers to serve on boards and in program delivery. We encourage you to secure a copy of the full report, and use it to help educate yourself and others on the significance of the nonprofit industry.
Wednesday, June 25 at 10:30 am Morris Conservation Center (White River Confernece) 600 W. Sunshine - Springfield, MO
Some of our most cherished assets our Volunteers and Employees who give of their time and talent to help make our daily operations easier, more efficient, and accessible to those seniors who need us the most.
Morning cocktail/juices and plated lunch with a dessert. Silent Auction will feature a variety of themed baskets and random drawings will be held for unique prizes!
Enjoy the Happy Plunkers beginning at 10:30am and the magic acts of Joe Leventi, aka Magic Engineer Joe, during our luncheon program.
Help ensure progrms continue to serve seniors in 37 Senior Centers throughout our 17-county area in southwest Missouri.
____$5000 Underwriting Lunch Sponsor Includes prime seating lunch for 8, luncheon favor, recognition award, signage at event, program mention, and one full page ad in the Vintage Voice newsletter. ____$2000 Volunteer Awards Sponsor Includes lunch for 6, luncheon favors, recognition award, signage at event, program mention, and 1/4-page ad in the Vintage Voice newsletter. ____$1200 Program Sponsor Includes lunch for 4, luncheon favors, recognition award, signage at event, program mention and business card ad in the Vintage Voice newsletter. ____$600 Community Partner / Business Sponsor Includes lunch for 4, luncheon favors, recognition award,program mention, and recognition in the Vintage Voice newsletter. ____$ 40 Individual Tickets - Please reserve ______ tickets totalling $ ______ We are unable to attend - Please accept our donation to sponsor a volunteer(s) for $ _______ ____ You can also honor a special volunteer in our upcoming Vintage Voice Newsletter. Send in your tribute 50 words or fewer with a photo for only $30 Business Contact Address
E-mail City
Make Checks Payable to: SWMOA FOUNDATION Please call to pay by credit card. ____ Send me an invoice 1735 S. Fort Springfield, MO 65807. For more information: Juli Jordan 417-868-9523 or
let's get local
community focus
Cares Magazine welcomes new member 1. What is your mission? Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer's disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. 2. What kind of volunteer opportunities do you have and how can you get involved? We have many volunteer opportunities and provide the training and materials for our monthly education programs, support groups, and special event fund raisers. For details about these programs or to get involved, contact our Springfield office at 417 886 2199 3. Specifically, who/how do you help the community? We provide information and referral as well as care consultation and a full range of education programs to assist anyone who is interested in the effects and symptoms of dementia. This includes the care partner, a family member or friend, and anyone who is diagnosed with any illness categorized as dementia, especially Alzheimer’s disease. We also provide education programs at the professional level, helping those who work with residents in assisted living as well as long term care. 4. Could you tell a short story of someone you’ve helped? Char Harrell came to the Greater Missouri Alzheimer’s Association over three years ago. She had a fear she was exhibiting the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Char, a nurse for over 20 years, wanted to know why she was
Upcoming Events:
having difficulties doing her job and why she was hesitant going to the job she loved. Her physician was treating her for depression. Although Char had no formal diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, she was invited to attend the educational series Living With Alzheimer’s: Early Stages. On the day she attended, she shared with us that her physician, that day, had formally diagnosed her with Alzheimer’s. Since the diagnosis, Char has learned to live with Alzheimer’s and has helped others who have been diagnosed to live a full life and to continue doing what they love. Last year, Char and her husband Don recorded a 50's - 60's Classic Rock CD on which she performs several vocals - something she had never done before! 5. If you could thank one person/business in the community that has shown that they CARE, who would it be and why? That’s easy! We would thank everyone. The success of the Alzheimer’s Association rests on the communities and the families we serve. With the increase in the number of people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, community support becomes ever more important. Whether the support is financial or physical, the individual and corporate contributions have made it possible for the Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Missouri chapter to become the leader in information, education, research and support.
A Walk to End Alzheimer’s
June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month An opportunity to hold a global conversation about the brain, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. During the month of June, the Alzheimer’s Association® asks people around the world to wear purple and use their brains to fight Alzheimer’s disease.
Bolivar | September 6th Branson | September 13th Springfield | September 20th
Leaders Against Alzheimer’s June 5th
Joplin | September 27th
Longest Day June 21st | Start a team online!
For more information on these or future fundraising activities or to get involved with education and support programs, contact our Springfield office at 417-886-2199.
This event is held on the Summer Solstice to raise funds and awareness to advance the efforts of the Alzheimer’s Association.
CARING HAND when it seems life is an uphill climb. Life’s easier when you don’t have to go it alone. That’s why Empire Bank and Central Trust reach out to support our community and the member organizations of Springfield CARES.
LEASE TODAY! Competitive Lease Rates Professional Atmosphere
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Lease office: 1722-HH S. Glenstone St. Springfield, MO 65804 417.887.7829
B U S I N E S S O F F I C E S | R E TA I L C E N T E R L E A S I N G
let's get local
community focus
Debbie's Story of Breast Cancer Detection by a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cat Scanâ&#x20AC;? When is a "cat scan" really a cat scan? When it involves a four-year-old calico named Twilight.
Debbie completed treatment in September 2012; a CT and bone scan in January 2014 showed no sign of cancer. Debbie said she is grateful for good medical treatment, for an understanding employer who worked around Debbie's treatment schedule, and for the financial help from BCFO that allowed her to focus on healing. And then there's her cat. "I don't think they would've caught my cancer with a mammogram," she said. "They barely caught it with an ultrasound. My cat actually found my cancer. I love that cat."
Debbie, a social worker, would take occasional naps after working long hours at the office. "I would lie down and my cat would lie down in my armpit and start kneading," Debbie said. "No matter when or where we napped, she always kneaded in the very same place." Debbie was curious about Twilight's Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks behavior, so she examined the We had just bought our is a resource for individuals and families area and found "a little knot the in southwest Missouri and the four-state house and signed the size of my pinky," said Debbie. region impacted by breast cancer. BCFO A baseline mammogram two papers after my first provides: years earlier showed no signs of chemo treatment. BCFOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s "#$%$&#%' %((#()%$&* )+ ),+(* #$ cancer, so the lump was a big treatment for breast cancer surprise. When it failed to respond assistance gave us the to antibiotics, Debbie had an -.+)#+$%' (/00+1) ),1+/2, (/00+1) reassurance that we ultrasound and biopsy, and began groups and a mentoring program wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t lose our house. chemotherapy in February 2012 "1** 3&1**$#$2 4%..+21%. 51+21%. followed by surgery and radiation. to promote early detection Surgery revealed stage 2 breast cancer. Debbie also -6/&%)#+$%' 01+21%.( 7+&/(*6 +$ learned she carried the BRCA gene, so her sisters are prevention and early detection now able to make medical decisions based on 89.0,*6*.% :%1.*$) the information. 51+21%. 7+1 ),* /$#$(/1*6 and under-insured After struggling to pay the medical deductible, Debbie heard about the Breast Cancer Foundation of the For more information about Ozarks (BCFO) from her oncologist's office and applied Breast Cancer Foundation of for financial assistance. "We had just bought our house the Ozarks programs and signed the papers after my first chemo treatment. and services please call BCFO's assistance gave us the reassurance that we 417.862.3838 or visit wouldn't lose our house." BCFO also provided a gas card to help with trips for radiation treatment, and provided Debbie and her husband with a gift card to buy Christmas presents for their daughter.
June 21, 2014
Stay cool and give hope! Spring Mountain Air Heating and Air Conditioning will donate a portion of service calls and new system installations to
REGISTRATION 6:30 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 7 a.m. RACE STARTS AT 7:30 a.m. PREREGISTRATION $20 DAY OF RACE $25
during May, June, July, August. Call Spring Mountain Air at (417)831-4036 (24 hour service) for more information or visit
For more information contact bcfo at 417.862.3838 or visit MEDALS FOR EACH AGE GROUP 1ST â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3RD MALE/FEMALE * OVER ALL MALE/FEMALE AWARD # , *(&') , , , , , , , +
empowering women
women’s initiatives
empowered women
conquer fear By Nancy D. O’Reilly, Psy.D.
Excerpted from “Claim Your Power” e-book
You are a smart, amazing woman. Believe it and do not let anyone else push you to become like someone else. Transformation is not a process of pleasing others. It’s a way to become the most authentic YOU! If you suspect the need to make big changes in your life, the first hurdle is getting past fear. It’s normal to feel uneasy in the face of questions like, “Can I ever regain my joy and vitality?” “Can I find myself again?” “What if I fail?” Just asking these questions means you need change –– and we are all afraid of change. You may not even realize you feel fear. Can you focus? Can you envision a better future and make a plan? If not, that’s fear getting in the way. It’s like facing a blank wall. Doubt and confusion overwhelm all of us from time to time, but you can triumph if you hold this vision: I am truly independent, self-sufficient, engaged, excited and happy again!
do something you’d love to do but have been avoiding because it scares you! Regardless of how confused or uncertain you might feel, the “Power to…” is always yours. No one can take away your “Power to” although you may share it with others. At every moment you have the power to create the life you truly want and deserve. You deserve everything good, including the very best happiness in the world. But to actually receive it you must give yourself permission and work on accepting it.
So don’t worry about fears and doubts right now.We’ll build up your strength first, and then you’ll face––and conquer––your fears. You’ll take back your personal power. You’ll transform into the strong capable woman I know you are, with an abundance of inner beauty and gifts to share. I worked with a woman a few years ago whose business started to fail as a result of the sudden recession in 2008. She floundered in the crisis, as she saw looming debt overcoming her ability to support her home and family. I’m not sure any of us saw her struggle at the time, but the feelings she described were fear… fear of failure and losing everything. She reached out to network with other women and was fortunate to connect with patient, supportive women. This led her to new friends and a new job. She has regained her confidence and joy in her work that comes from finding her purpose. In her groundbreaking classic, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, author Susan Jeffers, Ph.D. sets out five truths about fear. We should recite these truths to ourselves 25 times a day, she says, while we work to build our confidence. 1) We will continue to feel fear as long as we are growing. 2) The only way to conquer a fear is to do the very thing we’re afraid of. 3) The only way to feel more confident is to do things we’re afraid of. 4) Everyone is scared of doing the unfamiliar. 5) Doing things that scare us is better than feeling helpless and powerless. Yes, change is frightening, but we are willing to suffer through it when we see we’re moving toward something better. So get out there and 27
CARE CENTER Life is just beginning for you... a bright new future ahead. You haven't even decided yet what you will do with your life, but you are ready to start. What do you do when an unplanned pregnancy happens? Do you have to do this alone? How will the father react? Your parents? What about your future? "I don't know how to raise a child," you may say. There are so many questions, where can you go for answers? The Pregnancy Care Center is here to help. With h multiple avenues of assistance, from helping mom with t wit her actual pregnan pregnancy and all that entails to helping da ping ga new dad wit with responsibility, w itth his re on ty PCC even offers fe ers guidance to the new grand grandparents-to-be. are
Each new mom receives the guidance needed to get through her pregnancy. Even after the baby is born, the family receives continued assistance with the new and exciting changes that occur in every child's first year of life. What if you do not feel ready to be a mom right now? Is adoption an option? These questions are also addressed and loving guidance can be given so that mom makes the best choice for her and her child. There isn't enough space to tell all the forms of assistance offered by PCC. If you or someone you know assis off is please contact us for i facing ffacin cing an n unplanned un nned pregnancy, preg g questions and guidance through this answers rs to qu tions an jjourney. journe
Here is Hester's story.
Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Stay in Touch! Get Involved Online at
@ Fa aceb co om m an ar
Client Help or Clliient Hel lp at 4
Phone 417-877-0800 n 417 877-0
Mail 1342 E. Primrose Ste. C, Springfield, MO 65804 ail 13
Cares Magazine welcomes new member 1. What is your mission? To be a source of emotional care, advocacy, and comfort for all mothers and their families during pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenthood. By providing services that ease the physical and emotional challenges of childbirth. Encouraging the bond between parent and child, and providing a sense of empowerment to new and soontobe parents. 2. What kind of volunteer opportunities do you have? How can someone get involved? We need volunteers to assist with daily operations, and ambitious fundraisers. Upper level college students seeking volunteer hours and internships. Volunteers to serve on a variety of committees, and doulas in training working on certification. 3. Specifically, who/how do you help the community? We help the community by walking alongside women and their families during their pregnancy, supporting them during birth, and empowering them in early parenthood. Our vision is to nurture a community of families whose lives and loving bonds have been enriched by the emotional care, education, and encouragement the Doula Foundation provides. We do this by providing prenatal, birth, and postnatal programs and services to women and children in Greene County and the surrounding areas. Our programs include doula services, prenatal yoga and health education. We also have parent and child classes, and childbirth education classes. Doulas (referred to by many as a form of community health worker and coming from the Greek word meaning “a woman who serves”) are supportive companions who are typically not a friend or loved one and who are educated and experienced in childbirth and the postpartum period. They provide physical (nonmedical), emotional and informational support to women and their partners during pregnancy, labor, birth, and in the weeks following childbirth. They are on call 24/7 for a total of 4 weeks surrounding the due date.
4. Could you tell a short story of someone you have helped? Feel free to change names if necessary. One of our doulas, Janene, received a call from a client, Molly. Her husband had promised to take her to an appointment, but decided not to last minute. Molly asked if Janene would come with her to her doctor’s appointment. Janene realized at one of their earlier appointments that Molly seemed very isolated. She took her to the mall to walk after her doctor’s appointment, and during their conversation Molly’s comments indicated that her husband was abusive. After confirming that before and during her pregnancy he had been hitting and pushing her, Janene talked with her about Harmony House, and she soon moved there. Janene was the only one at the hospital during the birth of her child because her family lived far away. Having Janene there at such a critical moment in her life is something that Molly says she will never forget. “I would have been all alone not only at my birth but during those exhausting first few weeks of being a mother. Janene was there for me and helped guide me through it all and for that I am forever grateful.” 5. If you could thank one person/business in the community that has shown that they CARE, who would it be and why? We are honored to have the support of Brown Derby Stores, Inc. Their family and business have been personally involved with the Doula Foundation for years. “The Doula Foundation’s programs and services are critical to our community. Many young mothers in the Ozarks would not have the appropriate level of support to confidently bring their child into this world if it wasn’t for the Doula Foundation. Brown Derby Stores, Inc. is proud to support a local charity that is providing help and hope and changing the lives of young families,” says Brad Feuerbacher.
Upcoming Events: Night of Caring September 13 | 7pm, VIP hour at 6pm
Brown Derby’s Oktoberfest October 11 | 1:30-4:30pm, VIP hour at 12:30-1:30pm
Join us at Farmers Park, 2144 E. Republic Rd., for our largest fundraiser of the year! There will be great food, drinks including Mother’s Company beer, and entertainment by Sequel Dose. There will also be a silent and live auctions. For more information contact Joe Kissee at
Tickets are $15 for general admission or $25 for VIP Sample over 100 beers. All proceeds benefit the Doula Foundation.
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Harmony House Program Services include case management, support groups, life skills and parenting classes, childcare, referrals, legal advocacy and transportation. For more info contact Harmony House at 417-837-7700. 30
women helping
“A network of women helping women.” The Women’s Initiative of United Way of the Ozarks, FLiP’s primary focus is on issues that affect women and children. There are three critical issue areas: Children at Risk, Basic Needs & Self Sufficiency and Healthy Families. We focus on helping to build women’s self-esteem and getting them workforce ready through Suit Yourself Boutique. FLiP partners with Ozarks Food Harvest in support of their Weekend Backpack program to help end childhood hunger in our community.
Making a Positive Impact...
E AT E D 2014 TH m 7, VE y2 seu SA Jul Mu ay, rt + nd pm ) ( Su :30 &' -8 #$% m !" 0p 5:3
“I came in today in need of work clothes. I have a 5 year old of my own and also take care of my younger brother so all of my extra money goes into caring for them. So needless to say, I forgot all about myself a long time ago. Today you guys made me feel really great and good about myself. Thank you so much and God Bless!” Rachel, Suit Yourself Client.
570 women were outfitted with attire and confidence to enter or re-enter the workforce at Phyllis’ Place-Suit Yourself Boutique. 314 kids received backpacks full of nutritious food every weekend through the Ozarks Food Harvest Weekend Backpack Program. 40 kids stayed warm this winter after a donation of coats, hats, gloves, socks and underwear to a local OACAC Head Start. 20 kids from Great Circle will attend a summer art camp that provides a creative outlet while instilling a love for the arts.
FLiP is the Women’s Leadership Initiative of United Way of the Ozar
We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to all past and present FLiP members. So many individuals and businesses have played a role in making FLiP what it is today, in turn, making the Ozarks a better place to live and work. We thank you for your support! 31
Giving Women 2003 What is your mission? The mission of WIN is to assist working women during a temporary financial crisis to help them make ends meet after a set back. Our services are designed to give women a “hand up,” not a hand out, and to keep recipients gainfully employed. WIN fills a gap in the community because these women do not fit traditional income guidelines for public assistance because they are working. With a little help, the women we help will remain productive, contributing members of our community. What kind of volunteer opportunities do you have? How can someone get involved? WIN holds many fundraisers throughout the year to raise money for the women we assist. We have a group of highly creative WINNERS, a large networking group of supporters who meet regularly to plan various fund raising events and serve on committees to make individual events a success. Volunteers are matched with their specific interests and expertise to assist in fund raising events. Specifically, who/how do you help the community? Our community has a wide variety of women with needs; therefore, the list of WIN recipients is very diverse. We have helped women who are young and some not so young. Again, WIN assists women with a temporary problem but who are otherwise maintaining employment and meeting their financial obligations. These women have come to a tough place in their lives for a multitude of reasons—medical illness, divorce, or having too many challenges at one time. These women are all working full-time and trying to make it on their own, without public assistance. WIN provides a one time financial assistance—for example, rental assistance, utility assistance, car repairs, etc. Applicants apply through the WIN
The Awards Committee is responsible for screening, interviewing and selecting the applicants to assist. If an applicant does not meet our criteria, they are referred to local social service organizations that may be able to assist them with their needs. By providing services to keep women employed, WIN helps the local economy and workforce—and diverts women from relying on governmental assistance programs.
A Hand Up!
win Celebrating 10 years
Could you tell me a short story of someone you have helped? A testimony: I am a single mother of two daughters; I just graduated from college in May and have worked all of my life. Upon graduating in May, I took a minimum wage job so that I could attempt to pay my bills. A single parent cannot take care of a family on minimum wage so I began to fall behind on my rent. I finally found a better paying job on the last day of July, but I did not receive pay for this position until August 31st. By this time I had fallen behind on not only rent, but other bills as well. I felt as if I would never get ahead and began to worry about becoming homeless, I really didn’t know what I was going to do. It was at this time I learned of the organization called WIN. They helped me pay the rent that I was behind on and really saved me and my children from an imminent eviction. I am very thankful for this organization. Without them, I would never have been able to catch up on my rent. This is a wonderful organization that can meet the needs of women like me, working women who occasionally need a little help. —K.E. Any upcoming events? Fashionista Fling April 25th at the Twin Oaks Country Club. Cocktails begin at 5:30 P.M. If you could thank one person/business in the community that has shown they CARE, who would it be and why? Carrie Quesenberry, Past President’s Council and one of the founders of Women in Need has been instrumental to the success of our organization. Her boundless energy and creativity has truly been the cornerstone of WIN and she is an inspiration to us all. The Springfield Business Journal has long been a loyal supporter of WIN, and we are so thankful for their help in spreading awareness of Women in Need and supporting our fundraising campaigns. We are also very appreciative of Matt Netzer and Alan Pierson, organizers of the Imagine Concert. Last year’s event was highly successful and was a sold out show.
76 Years of helping babies 1930-1950â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s U *Ă&#x20AC;iĂ&#x192;Â&#x2C6;`iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152; Ă&#x20AC;>Â&#x2DC;Â&#x17D;Â?Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC; iÂ?>Â&#x2DC;Â&#x153; ,Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Ă&#x192;iĂ&#x203A;iÂ?Ă&#x152; iĂ&#x192;Ă&#x152;>LÂ?Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x192; National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis Â&#x2021; > Ă&#x2022;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;ÂľĂ&#x2022;i ÂŤ>Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2DC;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x192;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2C6;ÂŤ Â&#x153;v Ă&#x192;VÂ&#x2C6;iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x192; >Â&#x2DC;` Ă&#x203A;Â&#x153;Â?Ă&#x2022;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;iiĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x192; Â&#x2021; Ă&#x152;Â&#x153; VÂ&#x153;Â&#x2DC;ÂľĂ&#x2022;iĂ&#x20AC; ÂŤÂ&#x153;Â?Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;° U ``Â&#x2C6;i >Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC; VĂ&#x20AC;i>Ă&#x152;iĂ&#x192; Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;i first grassroots fundraiser vÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC; Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;i >Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;>Â? Â&#x153;Ă&#x2022;Â&#x2DC;`>Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;] >Ă&#x192;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;i ÂŤĂ&#x2022;LÂ?Â&#x2C6;V Ă&#x152;Â&#x153; Ă&#x192;iÂ&#x2DC;` `Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201C;iĂ&#x192; Ă&#x152;Â&#x153; *Ă&#x20AC;iĂ&#x192;Â&#x2C6;`iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152; ,Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Ă&#x192;iĂ&#x203A;iÂ?Ă&#x152; >Ă&#x152; Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;i 7Â&#x2026;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152;i Â&#x153;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;i° /Â&#x2026;i ivvÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x152; Ă&#x153;>Ă&#x192; V>Â?Â?i` Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;i >Ă&#x20AC;VÂ&#x2026; Â&#x153;v Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201C;iĂ&#x192;] Ă&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2C6;VÂ&#x2026; Â?>Ă&#x152;iĂ&#x20AC; LiV>Â&#x201C;i ÂŤ>Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x152; Â&#x153;v Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;i Â&#x153;vvÂ&#x2C6;VÂ&#x2C6;>Â? Â&#x2DC;>Â&#x201C;i Â&#x153;v Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;i vÂ&#x153;Ă&#x2022;Â&#x2DC;`>Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;°
Did you know you are a March of Dimes baby? Every baby born during the last 76 years has been helped by the March of Dimes. Take a look at just a few things the March of Dimes has accomplished.
U March of Dimes provides first iron lung to assist polio victims. U >Ă&#x20AC;VÂ&#x2026; Â&#x153;v Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201C;iĂ&#x192; Ă&#x192;iÂ?iVĂ&#x152;Ă&#x192; Ă&#x20AC;° Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;>Ă&#x192; ->Â?Â&#x17D; Ă&#x152;Â&#x153; Â?i>` Ă&#x20AC;iĂ&#x192;i>Ă&#x20AC;VÂ&#x2026; Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC; VÂ?>Ă&#x192;Ă&#x192;Â&#x2C6;vĂ&#x17E;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} polio viruses. U 6Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x20AC;}Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;> ÂŤ}>Ă&#x20AC;] ° °] develops the Apgar Score] > VÂ?Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;V>Â? Ă&#x192;Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;iÂ&#x201C; vÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC; iĂ&#x203A;>Â?Ă&#x2022;>Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} >Â&#x2DC; Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;v>Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;½Ă&#x192; ÂŤÂ&#x2026;Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x192;Â&#x2C6;V>Â? VÂ&#x153;Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC; >Ă&#x152; LÂ&#x2C6;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;° Ă&#x17E; Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;i iÂ&#x2DC;` Â&#x153;v Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;i `iV>`i] Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152; LiVÂ&#x153;Â&#x201C;iĂ&#x192; Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;>Â&#x2DC;`>Ă&#x20AC;` ÂŤĂ&#x20AC;>VĂ&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Vi] >Â&#x2DC;` Ă&#x20AC;iÂ&#x201C;>Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x192; Ă&#x192;Â&#x153; Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;`>Ă&#x17E;° Ă&#x20AC;° ÂŤ}>Ă&#x20AC; Ă&#x153;Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;i` vÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC; >Ă&#x20AC;VÂ&#x2026; Â&#x153;v Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201C;iĂ&#x192; vĂ&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Â&#x201C; ÂŁÂ&#x2122;xÂ&#x2122; Ă&#x152;Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x20AC; `i>Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC; ÂŁÂ&#x2122;Ă&#x2021;{° U Ă&#x2022;Â&#x2DC;`i` LĂ&#x17E; Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;i >Ă&#x20AC;VÂ&#x2026; Â&#x153;v Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201C;iĂ&#x192;] >Â&#x201C;iĂ&#x192; 7>Ă&#x152;Ă&#x192;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC; >Â&#x2DC;` Ă&#x20AC;>Â&#x2DC;VÂ&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;
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For more information, or to get involved with the March of Dimes, contact Sharyn Dawson at 417-315-1777 or by email at
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The Distinguished Citizen Award 2014 Distinguished Citizen Award Winner
Bob Hammerschmidt Established by the Boy Scouts of America, the Distinguished Citizen Award recognizes noteworthy and extraordinary leadership of citizens in communities across the United States. Honoring distinguished citizenship delivers a message to our youth that character counts. The lives of distinguished citizens put into place guideposts that serve to inspire our youth to lead, to accept responsibility, and to care about principles and causes beyond self-interest.
On Saturday May 17th, 2014 The Ozark Trails Council presented its 2014 Distinguished Citizen Award to Bob Hammerschmidt of Commerce Bank. Bob Hammerschmidt is the Regional President for Commerce Bank, serving the company for over 26 years. Before accepting this position and moving to the Springfield area in 1998, Bob served for ten years as the Regional President for Commerce in Columbia, MO. Since moving to the Ozarks he has served on numerous boards, including Past-President of the Ozark Trails Council, Mercy Health System, Greene County 100 Club, Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club of SpringfieldSoutheast, and Salvation Army. He currently serves as the Chairman for the Mercy Health Foundation, Secretary/Treasurer of the Jordan Valley Community Health Center, Orientation Chairman for Southeast Rotary, and Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 1 at First and Calvary Presbyterian Church. Bob has hiked hundreds of miles across New Mexico at the Philmont Scout Ranch with all three of his sons.
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