CARES Magazine July 2014

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Pictured Above (left to right) Tony Shalloup Air Force 66-70 • Sean Crayton Army 1987-1999 • Brian Weiler Marine Corp 84-87 • Mike White United States Naval Reserve • Stephen Shanholtzer Army 70's • Dean Eartel Air Force 64-68 • Bill Nesbitt Army 68-70 • Eric Atkinson Navy 70's and 80's • Sam Hasker Air Force 70's • Don Akers Army 1951-53

We’re on TV!

Tune in every month to get the latest news, information and event coverage of the local nonprofit community!

Thanks to everyone that was a part of the Premier of CARES TV focused on Empowering Women. In June we focused on Veterans and resources to help them as well as honoring them and the sacrifices they have made. We would like to thank Gene Bicknell for coming on the show as well as Michelle Garand, both helping highlight Veterans issues and resources to help. If you missed the show you can view it on our website: This month will be focused on our kids and back to school initiatives. We are excited to bring you some great information for showing support and resources for those that need help. This show will air on July 26th at 5:30 pm and will work in conjunction with our August issue of CARES Magazine. Please contact us if you have something to share about kids needs and/or resources available in the community!

Interested in being a part of the show? For more information email or call 417-849-2273

Membership Mem bership p Dire Directory cttory SSpringfield i fi ld CARES CARES would ld lik likee to introduce i d the h following f ll i Members M b of the magazine magazine. e. Members must have nonprofit status and provide services to our community. community. If you are interested in becoming a member, mem mberr, please call us at 417-849-2273 4 for more information.

900 N Benton Ave Springfield, MO 65802 417-873-7879 www

Equi-Librium Ther Therapy apy Center 8710 E State Hwy AD Rogersville,, MO 65742 Rogersville 417-830-1409 www

Boy Scouts of America A Ozark Trails Trails Council Cou uncil

Alzheimer’s Alzhe eimer’s Association 1630 W West est Elfindale Springfield Spring gfield Mo 65807 (417) 886-2199 g/greatermissouri

American Red Cr American Cross: oss: Southern Sout thern Missouri Region Regi on

Drury Univer University sity

1616 S Eastgate Avee Springfield, MO 6580 65809 09 P 417.883.1636 x23 x2333 www .org

Giiving Help & Hope to Families Giving Impacted mpacted by Breast Cancer

1545 N W West est Bypass Springfield, Spring gfield, MO 65803 417-832-9500 417-8 32-9500 www

Female Leaders Female Leaders in Philanthropy Philanthr opy (FLiP) 320 N Jefferson Ave Springfield, MO 65806 417-863-7700 www

Breast Cancer Foundation Breast Foundation o of the Ozarks (B (BCFO) BCFO) 330 N Jefferson Ave Springfield, MO 6580 65806 06 417-862-3838 www

Foundation for Foundation Springfield Public Schools

Bridges for Y Youth outh outth

1131 Boonville Springfield, MO 65802 417-523-0144 www

1039 W Nichols S i fi ld MO 6580 Springfield, 65802 02 417-864-4167 www

Bass Pr Pro o Outdoor Fitness FFestival estiival 1935 South S Campbell Ave Springfield, Spring gfield, MO 65807 417-891-5334 417-8 91-5334 www

Girls on the Run

Caree to Learn Car

1722 S Glenstone Glenstone,, Suite JJ Springfield, MO 65804 417-763-3646 http://gotrswmo .org

411 N Sherman PParkway arkway Springfield, MO 658 65802 802 417-862-7771 www

Volunteers V olunteers Needed!!! N Want to Volunteer Want Volunteer but just don't know wher wheree to go, go, who needs you, you and if you will fit with their schedule and skills needed? n Log on to m and navigate to the Springfield location. Go to V olunteer and register register for FREE! Volunteer Y ou can create create a profile, profile o , select your You skill set, choose which w nonpr ofits nonprofits you want to work with and even put in your availability! availab bility! V isit our Visit site now to rregister egisterr as a volunteer for FREE!!! Big Br Brothers B others Big Sister Sisterss (BBBS) (BBB BS) 3372 W Battlefield St Springfield, Sprin ngfield, MO 65807 417-889-9136 417-8 89-9136 www

65:<4,9 65:<4,9 9,+0; 9,+0; 6<5:,305. 6 <5:,30 5 . ,9=0*, , 9= 0 * , V M : W Y P U NMP L S K 1 V WSP U VM :WYPUNMPLSK 1VWSPU >LZ[ 7SHPUZ > LZ[ 7 S H P U Z

3525 S National Avee Suite 203 Springfield, MO 658 65807 807 417-269-5437 www

3023 S FFort, ort, Suite B Springfield, MO 65807 417-869-2220 www

Community P Partnership arrtnership

Harmony House

330 N Jefferson Avee Springfield, MO 658 65806 806 417-888-2020 www

519 E Cherry St Springfield, MO 65806 417-837-7700 www

Consumer Cr Credit ed dit Counseling Service vice 1515 S Glenstone Springfield, MO 658 65804 804 417-889-7474 www

Council of Chur Churches rches of the Ozarks 627 N Glenstone Av Avee Springfield, MO 658 65802 02 417-862-3586 www

Developmentall Center of th Ozarks the O k 1545 E Pythian Springfield, MO 658 65802 802 417-892-0896 www m

Boyss and Girls Club 1410 N FFremont remont Ave Springfield, Spring gfield, MO 65802 417-862-9249 417-8 62-9249 www 4

GYN Cancer Cancerss Alliance (GYNCA)

Children’s Miracle Children’s Miracle a Network

The Doula FFoundation oun ndation 330 N N.. Jefferson Ave Ave. e. Springfield Mo 6580 65806 06 (417) 832-9222 doulafoundation.orgg


The Humane Society of Southwest Missouri 3161 W Norton RRdd Springfield, MO 65803 417-833-2526

Isabel’ss House Isabel’ 2750 W Bennett Springfield, MO 65802 417-865-CARE www

JJunior unior Achievement Drury University- Lay Hall 900 N N.. Benton Springfield, Mo 65802 417-873-6989 www

Killuminati FFoundation oundation www

March Ma arch of Dimes 17222 S Glenstone W110 1722 Springfield, Spr ingfield, MO 65804 417-889-9397 417 7-889-9397 ww ww.marchofdimes h fdi .com

Na National ational Multiple Sclerosis Scl lerosis Society Soc ciety 16775-J East Seminole 1675-J Springfield, Spri ingfield, MO 65804 417-882-8128 417 7-882-8128 ww

Ozaarks Area Ozarks Area Community Action A Act ti tion t Corpor C Corporation ation ti ((OACAC) OA ACAC) 2155 S Barnes Ave Springfield, Spri ingfield, MO 65802 417-862-4314 417 7-862-4314 ww

Pregnancy Pr e egnancy Car Care e Center 13442 E Primrose Street 1342 Springfield, Spr ingfield, MO 65804-4224 ww

Republic Rep public P Paw aw Pantry Pantry PP.O. .O. Box 670 Republic, Rep public, MO 65738 417-893-0086 417 7-893-0086 ww

Ronald Ron nald McDonald House 9499 E Primrose Street Springfield, Spri ingfield, MO 65807 (417) (417 7) 886-0225 http p://

Springfield Regional ional Arts Council 411 N Sherman Pkwyy Springfield, MO 6580 65802 02 (417) 862-2787 http://springfieldarts .org

Women W omen Connect4Good www www .W

Women W omen in Need (WIN) Southwest Missouri uri Office on Aging Foundation Foundation 1735 S FFort ort Avenue Springfield, MO 6580 65807 07 417-862-0762 800-497-0822 www

The Victim Victim Center Cente er 819 N Boonville Ave Sprinvgfield, MO 658 65802 802 417-863-7273 www

PP.O. .O. Box 4626

Springfield, MO 65808 417-234-7338 www

o of the Ozarks Youth Y outh Store Thrift Stor e ((YOTO) YOTO) 1731 N Glenstone Ave Springfield, MO 65803 417 890 7283 417-890-7283 www

Victory V ictory TTrade rade Sc School hool 1715 N Boonville Springfield, MO 6580 65803 03 417-864-2221 www

Wish W ish I May 1700 W. W. W Walnut alnut Springfield, MO 6580 65806 06 417-844-6195 www

It’ss an hon It’ honor nor to work with the team at CARES. W We e feel and valued an nd the customer st me service is excellent excellent. nt. -American Red d Cr Cross ross

Sponsors S Sponsor rs TThe he following persons or businesses have sponsored ed our members: Women W omen Speak, William H Darr, Darr D r,, TTom om Slaight, TTom om & Judy J Jowett and Womens S Southwestern Womens Health Heealth

We W e have ha been n with CARES for a few mo months nths and it has been gr ea at! The staff staff great! has been gr great ea at to work with and the magazine is a useful and pr professional rofessional rresource esource for our o r community! -OACAC -O OACAC

Are you int interested terested in a o sponsorship? membership or

Call 4417-849-2273 417-849 17--849-2273 for ddetails. etails.


Letter from the Editor Hello Hello Beautiful People! I don't usually like rain, but I have to say it's been kinda nice having an excuse to not have to go out and mow. I mistakenly purchased a lawn mower that isn't self propelled, and either I am a big wimp, or my yard is tough to mow. I'm not convinced it’s worth it though, because I love me some sunshine!! July is chock full of great content! I am very excited to welcome a few new members! Springfield Regional Arts Council on page 23 will show us how they transform lives and enrich our community through arts. The Ronald McDonald House on page 25 talks about how they improve the health and well-being of our children here in the Ozarks. They also have a "home away from home" for families with seriously ill and injured children who travel far from home for medical treatment. Girls on the Run on page 33 is a great read about how they inspire girls to be happy, healthy and confident using fun, experienced-based curriculum that integrates running. There is a 10 week program for girls 3rd to 8th grade that teaches life skills and helps empower them to make healthy decisions. We are also welcoming back Harmony House on page 31 and they talk about their capital campaign to raise funds for their new facility. There are a lot more great articles as well! Enjoy all this information highlighting our wonderful nonprofits here in Springfield!

Cara Trask Contributing Editor

Ron Penney CFP®, ChFC® Private Wealth Advisor

Letter from the Publisher

Helping you create the future you envision.

Hello Springfield! June seemed to fly by; I can't believe it’s already July! I love this month. I think it’s because everyone is enjoying the sunshine, having BBQ's with trips to the lake, and there seems to be more happiness in the air! Have any of you enjoyed some events lately? There was the Beach Bash benefiting Developmental Center of the Ozarks, the Evening in Paris benefiting FLiP, Run for Rediness with The Red Cross and many more. If you took any pictures or short video clips please send them over to As you may have seen from our CARES TV show that airs on the last Saturday of each month, July is highlighting our Veterans. We had the pleasure of interviewing Gene Bicknell, a Veteran and philanthropist, as well as Michelle Garand with Community Partnership who was filled with great resources for the Veterans in our Community. If you missed the show be sure to check it out online at In this issue we have a 7 page feature article starting on page 8 that is filled with very good information and support for our local Veterans. It was a pleasure to have some of our local Vets join us to get the amazing picture for the cover this month. Thanks again to all of you!

Penney, Murray & Associates Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.

1342-E East Kingsley Springfield, Missouri 65804

(417) 881-9200 Licensed to provide service in the following states: AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IA, IL IN, KS, MN, MO, MS, NE, NY, OK, PA, SD, TN, TX, VA, WA, WI, WY.


Amy Michael Publisher

Broker, investment and financial advisory services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. Some products and services may not be available in all jurisdictions or to all clients. 130179MR0112



JULY 2014 [bless our veterans] Introduction.................................................................... 9 Have You Recently Returned from Military Service?....... 10

Meeting Immediate Needs............................................ 12 The New Life Evangelic Center

Home of the Brave Motorcycle Rally ............................ 11

Veteran’s Service........................................................... 13 Honoring Our Veterans ................................................. 13

Benefiting Homeless or At-risk Veterans

American Detection

All About Veterans Celebration ..................................... 11 Southwest Missouri Office on Aging

Springfield Affordable Housing Center .......................... 14 Stand Down Springfield MO.......................................... 14

Counseling Services ...................................................... 11

Community Partnership of the Ozarks/American Red Cross

Resources for Veterans


Membership Directory Springfield CARES members listing


Letters from the editor and publisher

[calendar of events] Calendar of Events for July................................... 15

[nonprofit education] Enjoy Outdoor Fitness Events and Support Local Nonprofits .............................................. 19

Developing Young Leaders............................................ 20 The Center for Nonprofit Education

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor Fitness Festival


[let’s get local] Man of the Year................................................... 22

Introducing EARS.......................................................... 24

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Exotic Animal Research Studies

CARES Magazine Welcomes New Member.................... 23

CARES Magazine Welcomes New Member.................... 25

Springfield Regional Arts Council

Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Ozarks

[empowering women] The Caring Staff at the Doula Foundation...................... 26 Bella Medici Medical Spa.............................................. 27

An Evening in Paris....................................................... 30

Sondra Hagerman/Springfield Baseball ................ 27

Harmony House

Murney Associates Realtors

Walk 4 Life & 5K Run.................................................... 28 Pregnancy Care Center

Don’t Be Confused–Mammograms Save Lives! ............. 29


Amy Michael Publisher Cara Trask Editor Phil Dellasega Creative Director Michelle DeWitt Graphic Design/ Web Maintenance

CARES Magazine Welcomes Back Member................... 31 Thank You to All Who Attended the CARES TV Premier Party.... 32 CARES Magazine/CARES TV

CARES Magazine Welcomes New Member.................... 33 Girls on the Run

Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks

advisory panel Gerry Catapang PT, DPT Ken Childers Rebbecca Fenton COTA/L

[get involved]

Nancy O’Reilly Becky Overend

It’s Important to Stay in Touch After a Dementia Diagnosis...................................................... 34

(EALTH s (UNGER s (YGIENE Care to Learn

Chris Shaefer

Alzheimer’s Association

Summer’s Biggest Food Drive........................................ 38

Tony Shalloup

Congratulations Graduates!.......................................... 35

Ozark Empire Fair Food Drive

Robert Stoops

Junior Achievement

National Night Out ....................................................... 39

Cara Trask

4th Annual Scavenger Hunt .......................................... 36

Community Partnership of the Ozarks


our mission CARES Magazine is committed to providing our nonprofit community with a resource to inform and educate the public about their organizations. It is our goal to create awareness of charitable giving in the area as well as give to individuals and businesses that show they CARE. Š 2014 CARES Magazine. All rights reserved. Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced in any manner without written consent from the publisher.


122 Park Central Square Springfield, MO 65806 417.849-2273




e all know that we should be thankful each and every day to the men and women that have fought for our freedom. We know it the same way we know that we should be thankful for our food each month and not only during Thanksgiving, and that we should be thankful for our lives on more days than just birthdays. Even though we know this, we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of every day life and forget the sacrifices made by so many, for so many. This month, CARES would like to thank and honor our Veterans. Not only that, we want to share resources here in the community that Veterans can go to for help. There are a number of great agencies that care, and that have programs and services available. We have also taken some time to visit with some local Veterans, and have them in our pages to share their stories with you. Thank a Veteran by showing your patriotism, by protecting our community and children, and by supporting the nonprofits and businesses that help Veterans each day. In our article will give you some options for volunteering your time and other opportunities to get involved.


Have you recently returned from military service? If you’ve served, you’ve earned benefits. Now is the time to take advantage of the benefits VA offers OEF/OIF Veterans.

eligibility for enrollment, but once a Veteran is enrolled, that Veteran remains enrolled in the VA health care system.

Do You Want to Go Back to School? VA pays benefits to eligible Veterans, reservists and active duty service There are many ways that a Veteran may members while they are in an approved education or training program. qualify to receive top-notch VA health care at over 1,400 medical centers and clinics across the Are You Looking for a Good Job? nation. The VA has highly trained physicians Take advantage of the variety of resources that can help you land one. and clinicians that allow the VA to address many specialties. You may also be able to 5 Years of Cost Free Health Care receive assistance with prescription medication. OEF/OIF combat Veterans can receive cost free medical care for any VA health care is portable. Once enrolled, you condition related to their service in the Iraq/Afghanistan theater for may receive care at your home facility as well as five years after the date of their discharge or release. 180 day dental the nearest VA facility while traveling. benefit OEF/OIF combat Veterans may be eligible for one-time dental care — but you must apply with 180 days of your separation date from CBOCs are VA operated medical facilities throughout the state that active duty. offer primary care services to eligible Veterans. A CBOC provides services that may include, but are not limited to: routine physical Find Family Support at Vet Centers examinations, immunizations, prescription of medications, on-site If you have served in ANY combat zone, local Vet Centers can help you laboratory and x-ray services, women’s care, referral to specialists and your family with readjustment counseling and outreach services and/or the local VA hospital as appropriate, mental health, counseling, for free. and group therapy. VA Home Loan Guaranty Program The VA Loan Guaranty Service within the Veterans Benefits Administration is charged with the responsibility of administering the home loan program. Our mission is to help veterans and active duty personnel purchase and retain homes in recognition of their service to the Nation. All veterans and other participants in the program will be treated in a courteous, responsive, and timely manner.

Veterans Service Organizations provide Veterans with benefits and services, camaraderie with fellow Veterans, and opportunities to serve their communities. Many benefits enjoyed by Veterans are a result of the political activity of Veteran Service Organizations. By becoming a member of a service organization, especially if you are willing to be active and speak up on Veterans’ issues, you help ensure Veterans are a priority for our elected representatives.

Veteran Organizations Missouri Association of Veterans Organizations (MAVO) The Missouri Association of Veterans Organizations (MAVO), is composed of federally chartered Veterans Organizations. MAVO brings together the common interests and concerns of the many organizations to speak with one voice on issues that impact their fellow Veterans. MAVO is an independent organization that works closely with the Missouri Veterans Commission.

VA provides a Medical Benefits Package to all enrolled Veterans. This comprehensive plan provides a full range of preventive outpatient and inpatient services within VA health care system. Also, once you enroll in the VA’s health care system, you can be seen at any VA facility across the country. VA operates an annual enrollment system that helps to manage the provision of health care by providing an overall population of Beneficiaries. Additionally, the enrollment system ensures that Veterans who are eligible can get care and ensures that care is given to Veterans who are eligible. VA applies a variety of factors in determining Veterans’


Missouri State Veterans Cemeteries The Missouri Veterans Commission created a network of Veterans Cemeteries so that every Missouri Veteran will have reasonable access to a Veterans cemetery. Five cemeteries are in operation at this time; Springfield, Higginsville, Bloomfield, Jacksonville and Fort Leonard Wood. A sixth Veterans cemetery is located at the St. James Veterans Home, but is not open for interment. There is no charge for any of the services provided. These services include opening and closing of the grave, provision of a concrete grave liner, upright granite headstones, full military honors for the Veteran, and perpetual care. Those who choose cremation have the choice of in-ground burial or placement within a columbarium niche. Pre-registration for future planning purposes is also available for Veterans and their eligible family members.

Continued on next page.

Any item or service not listed in the following sections obtained from a funeral home will be at the families expense. Please contact a State or National Veterans Cemetery for a full listing of state and federal burial benefits that are provided at no cost. Eligibility To be eligible for burial in a National or State Veterans Cemetery, the Veteran must have been: s $ISCHARGED FROM ACTIVE DUTY UNDER CONDITIONS OTHER THAN DISHONORable. s (AVE COMPLETED THE REQUIRED PERIOD OF SERVICE AS REQUIRED BY LAW s -EMBERS OF THE 2ESERVE OR .ATIONAL 'UARD ALSO QUALIFY FOR INTERMENT if they are eligible for retirement pay as a result of 20 years creditable service. s 4HERE IS NO RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT FOR INTERMENT IN A -ISSOURI 6ETERans Cemetery. s 5 3 #ITIZENS WHO SERVED IN THE ARMED FORCES OF A GOVERNMENT ALLIED WITH THE 5NITED 3TATES DURING WARTIME MAY ALSO BE ELIGIBLE s /THER CRITERIA MAY APPLY &OR MORE INFORMATION ON ELIGIBILITY GO TO


Veterans, spouses, and dependent children may be eligible for burial and cemetery benefits by the State of Missouri and the Federal Government. Families should make these VA and State burial benefits arrangements through their funeral provider as neither the VA nor the State of Missouri make funeral arrangements or perform cremations.


the date ve 12:30 – 5:30 pm

rans e t e V t l Abou

All About Veterans Celebration at our new office Northview Senior Center on 301 E Talmage. The afternoon will begin with Bingo after lunch. Information and services available for Veterans and their spouses will be featured, including a panel of experts question/answer session, and booth vendors. A BBQ dinner and entertainment begins at 4:30 pm. Sponsored by AmeriPride Home Care, Vet Assist Program – Veterans Home Care, 417 Elder Law, Infocus Financial, and Southwest Missouri Office on Aging.

For more information call 889-4567

2EFERENCE FOR THIS MATERIAL HTTP MVC DPS MO GOV DOCS VETERANS BENEFITSguide.pdf Please visit this site for more great Veterans resources available or call Missouri Veterans Commission, Phone: (573) 751-3779 and as for a copy of the State Veterans Benefits Guide.

Counseling Services Locally we have a Counseling Service provided by The Vet Center. The Vet Center Program was established by Congress in 1979 out of the recognition that a significant number of Vietnam era vets were still experiencing readjustment problems. Vet Centers are community based and part of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Who is the VET Center? We are the people in VA who welcome home war veterans with honor by providing quality readjustment counseling in a caring manner. Vet Centers understand and appreciate Veterans’ war experiences while assisting them and their family members toward a successful post-war adjustment in or near their community.



Veteran’s Service Service Officers and Assistants are also available for any follow-up work necessary with the VA to obtain the maximum amount of earned benefits due any eligible Veterans and/or dependents. VSO/VSA’s are thoroughly trained and knowledgeable in all areas of Veterans benefits, including service-connected compensation, non-service connected disability pension, education and training, vocational rehabilitation, burial, and survivor benefits. They will also assist claimants with health care eligibility, VA Home Loan Guaranty, and other Veterans benefits, including those offered by the state. Veterans Service Officers and Assistants have access to the VA’s Benefit Delivery Network system, allowing them to expedite the filing of claims and delivery of earned benefits to Veterans. Claimants must provide written authorization before the VA will grant access to a particular Veteran’s file. This can be done when the Veteran applies for their earned benefits.

Bob Willson Veterans Service Supervisor 1410 S. Kansas Expressway Room #115 Springfield, MO 65807 Office Hours: 7:30am - 4pm Monday through Friday. Occasionally an office may be closed due to illness/weather etc. Please call the office the morning of your visit to insure the office is open. Contact Information: 417-895-6532 Supervisor: Counties served: Christian, Greene, Webster

Still Can’t Get Answers?

Honoring Our Veterans

!S WE MENTIONED ON THE #!2%3 46 SHOW MANY TIMES A 6ETERAN will suddenly lose benefits and will have tried local resources and still can’t find a solution. In this instance, Case Worker (ILLARY $EMPSEY FROM 2EPRESENTATIVE "ILLY ,ONG HAS GIVEN US her business card and directed anyone with concerns to call them directly so that they can assist in getting an answer for you. “My constituent services staff is always ready to assist veterans in their dealings with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other government agencies.�

We can provide assistance by ensuring veterans claims applications are on track to completion and work directly with the VA. We can work with local VA clinics, medical centers, and regional offices to answer any questions and provide a formal response to inquiries. Lastly, we can request a veteran’s service medals and request other service documents from the National PersonNEL 2ECORDS #ENTER Veterans in Missouri’s 7th District who need assistance should CALL (ILARY $EMPSEY IN THE 3PRINGlELD OFlCE AT


Jim L. Morris

Give American Detection a Call!

417-883-6254 13

The vision of the Springfield Affordable Housing Center was to establish a community-based housing office that would offer a one-stop housing & homeless prevention service center & that would provide a centralized access point for available affordable housing & homeless prevention resource information, eligibility screenings and referrals. The opening of the Center marks the first step in removing barriers for those seeking available affordable housing & for those seeking housing stability to avoid homelessness & reduces duplication of efforts leading to a more holistic approach to solving this important community-wide need. Together, Community Partnership of the Ozarks & the City

of Springfield have developed a centralized location where residents can access multiple agencies & organizations that offer safe, decent & affordable housing. Key housings service providers currently include the Springfield Community Land Trust, One Door, the Housing Authority, Veterans’ Administration, Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri, Division of Family Services & more. Each of these agencies provides important steps & services in the continuum of care for people seeking stability & affordable housing solutions. The Springfield Affordable Housing Center is conveniently located at 300 E. Central across the street from City Utilities in City Government Plaza. There is also a bus stop directly in front of the Center for easy access to public transportation. Springfield Affordable Housing Center hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm. If you are at risk of becoming homeless or are currently without a safe, stable place to stay, please contact One Door at 225-7499.

September, 23, 2014

Ozark Empire Fairgrounds E*Plex 10am-6pm At this event Veterans will gain access to:

Job Readiness Education Substance Abuse Treatment Behavioral Housing Resources & Medical Volunteers can sign up here: 14

Sponsored by:

Calendar of Events

Hello Cares Friends! We are so pleased to present this month’s Calendar of Events! The following section includes several of the businesses that work closely with our community’s nonpro !" by offering both their time and special pricing and/or services. CARES is so thankful to have this opportunity to highlight these wonderful businesses as a part of our Calendar of Events. In this month’s issue, we’ve included information about upcoming events as well as information about several other local businesses. We hope you enjoy this month’s Calendar of Events. The CARES Team


All Year

Farmers Market of the Ozarks 4139 S. Nature Center Way Rd.

The Farmers Market of the Ozarks combines farm fresh goodies, hand-crafted products, and local eateries all in one location easily accessible to our community. Shop for groceries, find unique gifts, have breakfast or lunch, enjoy local music in the brand new pavilion in the Ozarks. The Market accepts SNAP, debit, and credit cards. March - October Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 PM



First Friday Art Walk Springfield Regional Arts Council

First Friday Art Walk offers original art, live music, art demonstrations, food, fun, and more in 27 participating venues. Also, as part of the Art Walk, enjoy Art Walk Live! Featuring art, live music, cocktail specials, and a shuttle from UP to Downtown Springfield.



Raise the Steaks Community Partnership of the Ozarks

Fundraiser night! Join us for wood fire grilled steaks, made from scratch recipes and Southern inspired favorites - all while supporting your nonprofit group! Logan’s Roadhouse will donate up to 20%* of your group’s pre-tax dining checks back to your organization! This event will be July 10th, August 14th, September 11th, October 9th, November 13th and December 11th. This event is from 4-11pm.



Food Drive and Adoption Event Republic Paw Pantry

Join RPP in their efforts to help animals in need at the Walgreen’s in Republic MO. Get your picture taken with your pet for $1 or purchase a bottle of water for $.50. The event will be from 9am-1pm.


Back to School Giveaway Registration Springfield Victory Mission

Families in need from any county in SWMO are invited to register for free school supplies and clothing for school-age children grades K-12. Call 417-831-6387 for the necessary documentation to bring. Event held M-W-F from 9am-3pm, Saturdays from 10am-2pm. This registration is free to join. For more information on this event and other events held by Springfield Victory Mission visit their website at



Disaster Service Open


State Farm Red Cross

This year is the 21st annual golf tournament fundraiser for the Red Cross, hosted by State Farm Insurance. Teams of golfers enjoy a fun filled day with prized and food, all for a good cause. The Red Cross in southern Missouri responds to an average of two house fires every day across 40 counties. The money raised helps provide hope to someone who has lost everything to disaster. Call 417-8329500, email for more information.

od In G

rust We T

1039 W Nichols Springfield, MO 65802 417-864-4167

21 st

Scramble for Miracles

Mission: To provide unconditional love and acceptance to all kids.

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

Heavy Duty Rebuilders Supply presents the Annual Scramble for Miracles benefiting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. This event will be held at Fremont Hills Country Club from 11:30am7:30pm. There will be a Four-Person Scramble with 3 flights, 3 places each, contests, prizes and raffles. Regestration will begin at 11am with a box lunch, shotgun start begins at 1pm. Dinner, awards and raffle drawings begin at 6:30pm. For more information call Burk Day at 417-861-4633 or Tim Siebert at 417-269-3162

eri ed

LEASE TODAY! Competitive Lease Rates Professional Atmosphere

High Traffic Count

Variety of Spaces Available

Lease office: 1722-HH S. Glenstone St. Springfield, MO 65804 417.887.7829

B U S I N E S S O F F I C E S | R E TA I L C E N T E R L E A S I N G

24 25 27 th


5K Run/Walk for Life Pregnancy Care Center Team Captain Kickoff

You will receive all the materials and promotional items you need to make your walk a great success! Plus, lots of Prizes and Giveaways! Hors d’oeuvres will be served. The event will be held at the University Plaza John Q. Hammons Room from 6:30-8pm.


Pink Ribbon Gala - Joplin Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks

Raising funds to give help and hope to local families impacted by breast cancer. Grace Energy Corporation and Fastrip Present. For more information on this event please call 417-862-3838.

3525 S National Ave Ste 203 Springfield, MO 65807 417-269-5437

Mission: Dedicated to raising funds and awareness for the medical care of children, birth through age 18.

eri ed


An Evening in Paris Female Leaders in Philanthropy

Join us for an elegant evening including a silent auction and live art auction featuring local artists. Enjoy hors d’oeuvres, cocktails and excellent company as well as a live art demonstration to be auctioned off that night! Call 417-863-7700, email or visit for more information. Tickets are $75 per person.

27 th

Nurse of the Year Nominations March of Dimes

Do you know a nurse that has touched your life? Nominate them for Nurse of the Year! Nominations will be accepted through July 27, 2014 Nomination forms, catagories and more information is available online: For additional information contact Ann Fisher Jackson at (314) 513-9962 or




nonprofit education fundraising & nonprofit support

Enjoy Outdoor Fitness Festival Events and Support Local Non-Profits! Form a Team. Run for a Cause. We have several charities that use our events to make money while raising awareness of their missions. For example, Girls on the Run of Southwest Missouri runs the News-Leader 5K every year; a sea of girls moves out of the start line on Sunday morning, with their running buddies in tow. This group also has a fundraising arm called Solemates who raise money for scholarships so that all girls have access to this program, which teaches them to be responsible, strong, positive and healthy.

Register NOW for Marathon Weekend October 31 November 2, 2014 The Bass Pro Outdoor Fitness Festival celebrates fitness, health and wellness, outdoor adventures and wildlife conservation in the beauty of the Ozarks! Go online to register for: • • • • •

Get covered in “camouflage” color!

Conservation Marathon Cohick Half Marathon Mercy Marathon Relays News-Leader 5K Camo 2 Mile Color Run

Call 417-891-5334 or visit today, for more information or to register!

Youth for Christ YFC/USA Serving the Ozarks currently reaches area youth through YFC's Campus Life ministry with a club in Nixa, MO. The ministry combines healthy relationships with creative programs to help young people make good choices, establish a solid foundation for life, and positively impact the people around them. Entering its third year of ministry, YFC hopes to see significant growth throughout the Ozarks this year. Whether you are participating in your first or fiftieth marathon, by choosing to run for YFC, you are doing much more than achieving your personal fitness goals, you’re making a difference in a kid’s life right here in Southwest Missouri.

Bass Pro Shops 1935 S Campbell Ave Springfield, MO 65807






nonprofit education fundraising & nonprofit support

Developing Young Leaders by Dan Prater The Center for Nonprofit Communication at Drury University

"Change is inevitable. Things absolutely cannot stay the same. The type of change we invoke is up to each and every one of us." Yehuda Berg

Some companies hire young people with the idea that these individuals can be developed into leaders. For-profits are especially good at grooming and promoting from within. A Harvard Business Review report says for-profits fill 60 to 65 percent of their senior manager positions by promoting within. Nonprofits, on the other hand, are more likely to look for top leadership outside their current ranks. In fact,

Like it or not, change is coming! The Bureau of Labor Sta-

less than one third of nonprofit executive directors are inter-

tistics says more than 40 percent of the U.S. labor force is cur-

nal hires according to recent data.

rently made up of baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964). This includes a large percentage of the men and women who currently serve as nonprofit executive directors.

fessional over the past decade. But even so, smaller organizations still struggle to hire and retain top candidates.

As these leaders retire, a seismic shift is going to occur — a

The biggest draw for these nonprofits is, quite simply, their

new generation of leaders will emerge to replace them. A

mission. People are attracted to the idea of doing good, of

study by The BridgeSpan Group says that by the year 2016,

making the world a better place. This is especially appeal-

the nonprofit sector will need 80,000 new senior leaders

ing to millennials, who are known for their civic

each year, 40 percent more each year than is currently


needed to fill vacancies. Where will all these new leaders come from? Will they be ready when the time comes for them to take the helm? 20

There is no question that nonprofits have become more pro-

Even so, some young professionals question whether they

nonprofit education fundraising & nonprofit support

want to be a senior leader in an industry known for inade-

You can posture yourself for leadership by expanding your

quate compensation, long hours, and a never-ending pres-

education. Certificate programs, specialized trainings, and

sure to fundraise.

degrees with an emphasis in nonprofit work and organi-

With the exception of a few large organizations, most nonprofits do not have a structured system to develop mid-level employees into senior leaders. Since the majority of nonprofits employee fewer than 10 people, emerging leaders usually have to assume responsibility for their own progress.

zational leadership will strengthen your resume' and help elevate you as a leader.

1. Seek out new opportunities: Instead of waiting for your boss to give you new assignments, take the initiative and seek them out on your

If you are a young, emerging leader, here are three steps

own. Executive Directors (and board members) love em-

you can take to develop and mature your professional skills.

ployees who are excited to learn, grow, and are willing to

1. Find a mentor:

work hard!

A national study by Compass Point found that 96% of nextgeneration nonprofit leaders do not have a mentor. And of the 4% who do have one, most are male. Female leaders are being developed at an even lower rate.

Assuming new responsibilities will help you gain new skills, and will demonstrate to your boss that you have drive. Then when a vacancy occurs, those hiring will likely be looking for someone with strong work ethic, a willingness to expand, and the drive it takes to get the job done with

Mentors can be the tipping point — that person who shares

excellence. In other words, someone like you.

bits of wisdom and encouragement that keeps you going. In

Another great way of developing professionally is getting

case you think mentors are just for the weak or helpless, you

connected within the broader community. Join the board

should know that some of America's most successful busi-

of a nonprofit organization. You'll have the chance to see

ness leaders — Bill Gates, Warren Buffet — praised the in-

how boards work and you'll meet a lot of new people who

sights they gained from their mentors.

are probably well connected. Expand those opportunities

To find a mentor, look for some you admire, someone who has achieved success in the profession, is well-connected,

by joining business networking groups and service organizations, such as Rotaract.

and is willing to share one-on-one time with you. It's better

Ideally, all organizations are actively searching for and

if the mentor is not your supervisor, that way the conversa-

grooming young men and women to become the next

tion can always be open and honest.

leaders. But in the real world, if you want to grow and develop professionally, it is up to you.

2. Add to your current education:

By taking these simple steps, maintaining a positive atti-

The nonprofit sector, like many industries, has experienced a

tude, and always acting as a team player, you will develop

metamorphosis in the past decade. No longer are organizations

into the type of employee that all organizations want —

led by only social workers. Today many nonprofits have exec-

and you will get noticed!

utive directors with PhDs, MBAs, and other graduate degrees.


let's get local community focus

Man of the Year

Lighting done by: Cr Creative eative Outdoor Lighting Lighting (417) 882-0214 22

let's get local community focus

Cares Magazine welcomes member 1. What is your mission? The Springfield Regional Arts Council’s mission is to transform lives and enrich the community through the arts. The SRAC works to reach this goal by providing programming and support for many different groups and initiatives. We manage The Creamery Arts Center, a 35,000 square foot facility located in Jordan Valley Park that houses exhibition space, a costume shop, set design studio, and office space for 10 community arts and nonprofit organizations. Many readers have probably participated in the First Friday Art Walk or Artsfest, both of which are SRAC programs. Our Growing Up in the Arts programs provide underserved students pre-kindergarten to 8th grade access to arts learning experiences that promote literacy and school readiness. We provide bookkeeping support through fiscal sponsorships for smaller/young arts organizations. The list goes on! 2. What kind of volunteer opportunities do you have? How can someone get involved? We have many volunteer opportunities from our large festivals to hands-on activities. We are always looking for extra hands and different skill sets to help support the vibrant arts community in Springfield. While our work focuses on the arts and arts education for the community, it takes everyone to get the work done. Accountants, sculptors, lawyers, painters, organizers, performers, and many others are needed to help us sustain and grow. 3. Specifically, who/how do you help the community? Our vision is to make the arts a vital part of the community, a place where the arts are essential. In order to achieve this vision, the SRAC connects and supports of the arts and local community through a variety of activities. You might think of the SRAC as the Chamber of Commerce for the arts. Our work includes arts education, partnerships, exhibitions, advocacy, professional development, special events, festivals, grantmaking, and fiscal sponsorships.

worked as a bookkeeper for a local business. Once she retired, Roxie refocused her efforts on a passion she had always felt: visual art. Working alone, she struggled to connect to the local arts scene. Then one day she heard on KSMU radio about some classes at the SRAC called The Artist’s Way. Based on a book by Julia Cameron, the group was formed to support and encourage people to discover and recover their creativity. About the same time, Roxie heard about an SRAC program providing affordable studio space for local artists. The spaces encouraged a collaborative spirit among the different artists in the studio. “The Artist’s Way classes gave me the courage to be an artist, while the collaborative studio space gave me a good working environment,” says Roxie. Between the two SRAC programs and support from the SRAC staff, Roxie found her artistic confidence. Her mantra was and continues to be, “Do art whenever you can.” Through her volunteer work, she finds new ways to create such as painting live at Artsfest and working at the SRAC’s Free Art Day events. She even started her own program, Math to Go Anywhere to communicate math concepts using visual art. Now Roxie is the one who is encouraging and supporting new and returning artists to be their best creative selves. Through connections made at the SRAC, she is fully involved in the local artist community from chairing the Southwest Missouri Museum Associates for Visual Arts to leading a printmaking group at The Creamery Arts Center.

Welcome is continued on the next page. 4. Could you tell a short story of someone you have helped? Feel free to change names if necessary. Part of what the SRAC does is to support artists of all types, experience, and skill levels. Roxie Castro is one of those artists. After moving back to Springfield, she 23

let's get local community focus

6. If you could thank one person/business in the community that has shown that they CARE, who would it be and why? There isn’t enough room to thank all who support the arts. It takes an enormous team of dedicated artists, individuals, and businesses to keep the SRAC moving. Springfield is incredibly fortunate to have both public and private support for the arts. Support from The City of Springfield, the Public Works Department, and the Springfield-Greene County Park Board has been incredibly important in assisting with maintenance of The Creamery Arts Center, providing operating support, and leading the effort to integrate the arts in public settings. Be sure to visit the sculpture walk at Jubilee Park or check out the sidewalk poetry at MSU’s Brick City. Both are projects that wouldn’t have happened without the support of the City and Public Works department.

...transforming lives and enriching our Community through the Arts.

The SRAC coordinates the Go Arts Now calendar, the one-stop shop for a listing of arts events in Springfield. Printed calendars can be found at a variety of venues around town as well as online at Coming up in the Springfield arts community in July: July 4-28: Exhibition featuring artist Kate Baird at Arts and Letters July 9-12, 14-20: Fiddler on the Roof presented by Tent Theatre July 11-13, 18-20, 24-26: The Spitfire grill presented by the Springfield Contemporary Theatre July 12: ArtsFiesta! at the 6th Annual Butterfly Festival at the Botanical Gardens July 18-19: Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, Jr. presented by the Springfield Little Theatre






One person had two pet lions and one got loose chasing cars on the highway. It was a very scary and dangerous sight for the public, and also for the lion, because it could have been hit by a car.” One of my friends said, "You can take the animal out of the wild, but you can’t take the wild out of them." I think this is very true! It makes me happy to understand and share my message about wild animals with you through E.A.R.S.”

A Message From Avery “I once wanted a pet wolf, which is my favorite animal, until I saw a movie called An Elephant In The Living Room. The movie was about keeping exotic animals as pets. 24

The Exotic Animal Research Studies (E.A.R.S) is a researching project brought to you by Avery D., who has a true spirit with animals. She wants people to research exotic animals before owning them as a pet. Some people keep lions, tigers, bears, cougars, and venomous snakes. Even snakes that live in the rainforest, like the Burmese Python. People may think an exotic pet is cool and want to keep as their own, but there are many risks to the animal and the family. They don't think about their risk from keeping a large reptile. Only trained professionals should handle these types of animals.

let's get local community focus

Cares Magazine welcomes new member 1. What is your mission? To create, find and support projects that directly improve the health and wellbeing of children in the Ozarks. We have three core programs. The Ronald McDonald House® near Cox South has helped over 8,700 families since opening in 1988. The Ronald McDonald Care Mobile®, a mobile dental clinic fondly known as the “Tooth Truck”, has provided $9.3 million in dental treatment and prevention education for over 16,000 children since 2002. The Ronald McDonald House at Mercy Children’s Hospital opened in November 2012 and has welcomed 700 families. 2. What kind of volunteer opportunities do you have? How can someone get involved? Volunteers are the heart of our organization. We have regular volunteer opportunities at both Ronald McDonald Houses, on the Tooth Truck and through our events and fundraisers. Volunteers from the community provide home cooked meals at our Ronald McDonald Houses through our Family Dinner Program. More information is available at and 417-875-3501. 3. Specifically, who/how do you help the community? At the Ronald McDonald Houses, we provide a “home away from home” for families of seriously-ill and injured children who travel far from home for medical treatment. The Ronald McDonald Houses are also available during daytime and early evening hours for Springfield families and those not requiring overnight accommodations. The Tooth Truck provides dental treatment and prevention education for at risk children who have no access to care. The program is primarily school-based and in the summer months, visits local not-forprofit organizations such as Great Circle and Boys & Girls Clubs.

4. Could you tell a short story of someone you have helped? Feel free to change names if necessary. After experiencing the services of the Tooth Truck as a member of the Boys & Girls Club, Taylor Klingenberg was inspired to enter the dental field to make a difference in the lives of others. In addition to her studies to become a dental assistant, Taylor is volunteering on the Tooth Truck on a weekly basis. She uses her personal experience as a patient to connect with each child to ensure a positive dental visit. Taylor’s story demonstrates the lasting impact the Tooth truck makes in the lives of its patients. 5. If you could thank one person/business in the community that has shown that they CARE, who would it be and why? We are grateful to Dr. Everett Beguin of Southwestern Womens Health for gifting this wonderful CARES Magazine membership to Ronald McDonald House Charities. We look forward to sharing our mission with the community through this great publication!

Upcoming Events: Tour’s Price Cutter Charity Championship Presented by Dr Pepper August 7-10

from our Ronald McDonald Houses, along with local artists. The artwork will be auctioned, with 100% of the proceeds benefiting the local Ronald McDonald Houses.

19th Annual Cup O’Cheer Homes Tour Paint it Forward Friday, November 21st Friday, September 26 Obelisk Home is presenting PAINT IT FORWARD, an event showcasing the artwork of children who have benefited 25

empowering women women’s initiatives

The Cari Caring ring Staff at at TThe h D he Doula oula l FFoundation ounda d tion ti Faith Giedd, Faith Giedd, MSAS Chief Ex ecutive Officer Officer Executive

Julie A Anderson nderson FFamily amily Care Care Specialist

Faith serves Faith e e serves as our Chief Executive Executiv Officer. O fficer. She is a seasoned professional professsional fundraising with over over 15 years years of fundr aisin ng and nonpr ofit managemen expe erience. nonprofit managementt experience. providing She is passionate passionate about pr oviding soon-to-be soon-t o-be mothers the emotional emo otional care, education car e, educa tion and encouragement encourag gement women need.. One of the happi happiest-yet w omen need pp est-yet stressful life most str essful times in a woman’s woman’s lif e is before, bef ore, during during and after after the birth birth t of a child.. W When Mom we are child hen we we empower empower M om w e ar e giving precious babyy the support g iving her pr ecious bab suppor upport happyy start needed to to have have a healthy healthy happ star s t in life. support lif e. Working Working ttogether ogether with the su upport we of our ccommunity, ommunity, w e can help yyoung oung families rreach each their full potential. potential.

Joe K Kissee issee Communication Dir ector of Communications t s Director and Special EEvents vents

started Julie star ted with The The Doula dation Doula Foundation Founda August in A ugust of 2013. She has a degree degree in work social w ork and has worked worked for for over over ten ten yyears ears with families in the social work work field.. Her passion is pr providing field oviding preventaprevventative tiv e services services and has found found that that opportunity with the Doula oppor tunity Doula FFoundation. oundation. Julie believes believes that that everyone ev eryone deserves deserves to to be treated treated d with rrespect. espect. She has five five children, children, ranging ran nging from old.. She loves fr om 17 to to 3 years years old loves being eing a mom. She is excited excited to to work work for for o an organization or ganization that that supports supports moms before, during, bef ore, dur ing, and after after childbirth. childbirth h.

Joe spent spent his last semester semester at at Drury Drury University University as a Marketing Marketing Intern Intern with the Doula Doula Foundation. Foundation. A few few weeks weeks after after graduating graduating with a degree degree e in Advertising Relations, Advertising and Public Public R elationss, he joined the staff full time as the Director Direc e tor of Communications Communications and Special Events. Events. He is enjoying enjo j yying g his first experience exper p ience in n the nonprofit nonprofit world. world. He has found found it very very rewarding rewarding to to provide provide solutions that that help raise raise awareness awareness of an organization organizaation that that supports supports mothers and their families before, before, during, during, and after after childbirth. childbirth. email: Julie@doulaf



Br eezy Rogers Rogers Breezy Community Based d IBCL C, Community IBCLC, D oula Doula

Breezy Breezy attended attended her first birth birth 9 years years ago. ago. She was mother her ’s was in awe awe of the mother’s amazing strength strength and her ability ability to to bring bring life life into into the world. world. That’s That’s when w she fell love fell in lo ve with the idea of working working with mothers and babies. babies. She started starrted her career career as a Peer Peer Counselor, Counselorr, Childbirth Childbirth Instructor, Instructor, SIDS safe safe sleep sleep p educator educator and worked worked tirelessly tirelesslyy to to become become an International International Board Boar o d Certified Certified Lactation Lactation Consultant. Consultant. Breezy Breezy has been with the Doula Doula Foundation Foundation since since 2010. She is able e to to mentor mentor young young mothers through through the First First Connections Connections Program. Program. She truly feels feels that that she has found found her calling and enjoys enjoys nothing more more than to to see each e young young mother succeed. succeed. email:

Board Directors Board o of Dir ectors

Barb Houser President Barb President A ccountant-KPM Accountant-KPM

Jeff Allen Allen VP Treasurer Treasurer Accountant-BKD Accountant-BKD

Katherine Kather herine Craft Crafft Secretary Secretary College Director Director of Grants Grants College Devvelopment, OTC OTC Development,

Dr. Drr. C Cozi ozi Bagley Nurse N Educator Educator Cox C ollege Cox College

Mary Mary Chiles Community Volunteer Volunteer Community

Malinda M alinda O Owens wens Dir ector Hu uman Director Human Resources Resources PlayPower, P layPowerr, IInc. nc.

Dr. Dr. Tara Tara Downie Downie Psychologist Psychologist


Chandler Gregg Gregg Attorney Attorney Strong Law Law Firm Firm Strong

Mary Ellison WIC C Mary Coordinator oordinator Springfield-Greene County Spr i field-Greene C ing ounty Health Department D ep partment

Cindy Whitten President C indy W hitten Vice Vice P residen nt of Mercy Mercy Childr en’s Hospital and Women’ Women om men’s SServices ervices Children’ M ercy Hospital Mercy

empowering womwn women’s inititatives

Sondra Hagerman

"Hello, I'm Amy Michael, host of CARES TV show and Publisher of CARES Magazine. In the last 12 months I have gained 30 pounds and my skin has aged more than one year could account for. This was mostly due to stress and being on the run all the time. When I looked in the mirror one day last month, I didn't recognize the person staring back at me. She had circles under her eyes, puffy skin, large pores and a lot of extra weight. That's when I ran into my good friend Dan Morris and his wife Christine Gosch, owners of Children's Orchard.

Cell: 417-425-6003 Office: 417-882-6222 email: web: 1615 E. Republic Road SGF MO 65804

2014 Springfield




























Rest assured, not only does Christine hire the best, she is also a doctor. Her background is in the medical field so everything they do there is luxurious, relaxing and totally safe!



Turns out, Christine had just opened a Medical Spa down in Branson, Missouri called Bella Medici. Now, before you discount this as just another spa, listen to this: Bella Medici has technology that you can't find anywhere in the area. You would have to go to St. Louis to find the equipment with the technology that she has down there. She has a laser that MELTS FAT. If I owned that thing, I would sleep in it! Kidding... Anyway, under her watchful eye, the staff at Bella Medici is doing a total body transformation on me. Follow me on Facebook and in the magazine to see my progress.

Goals: Lose 30 pounds Remove years of stress from the face Hair removal Skin Tightening
















Skin Issue: Wrinkles, discoloration, puffiness, large clogged pores



Body Fat: 35%


Starting Weight: 153.8


Check out Bella Medici online at www.bellamedici.c om



Home Games Away Games Dates are subject to change

"I began treatment 5 days before we went to print, and in that time I have already seen a huge improvement in my skin. The large pores are unclogged and smaller, my skin is smooth and the wrinkles around my eyes are barely there. I have also lost 7 pounds so far. Stay tuned to see my progress!

And THANK YOU Bella Medici Medical Spa!"


empowering women women’s initiatives


empowering womwn women’s inititatives

Don't D on't b bee C Confused onfused -


or more than three three decades, decades, women over th the e age of 40 have been encour encouraged raged by physicians and br breast reast cancer advocacy groups to t pursue annual breast scr screening reening with mammograms and clini clinical cal breast exams. The suc success ccess of this strategy is indisputable. indisputable e. Since 1990, mortality in n the United States from breast canc cancer cer has plunged by 34%. Th This is drop is directly attributed to earlier earlie er detection and better treatment. ment. (Ameri(Ameri can Cancer Society, 20 2013) 013) In 1975, only 75% off women af af-flicted with breast cancer cance er survived their disease, but ut today the survival rate is 90% or be better. etter. Throughout the 90’s b breast reast cancer rates continue continued d to rise before leveling off after the e year 2000, yet in 2010 the United States experienced the few fewest west number (Na-of deaths from breast cancer ca ancer ever recorded in this country. c (Na tional Cancer Institute, 2013) 2 While the number of breast cancer cases in the United d States has risen, the risk of o dying has steadily decrea sed. 1 in 32 women risked death from breast decreased. cancer in 1980 1980,, but this number had dropped to 1 in 46 by 2010. is not widely The opposite is true in countries where screening is abwe where the risk of dyin abwe, ng rose from available such as Zimba Zimbabwe, dying 5 by 2010. (Reinberg, 2011) What is the 1 in 64 in 1980 to 1 in 35 disparitty? Quite simply – early det tection. The reason for such disparity? detection. te advocates this approach when it pro National Cancer Institut Institute pro-mogram and claims that “Getting a h high quality screening mamm mammogram al breast exam on a regular basis a are the most having a clinic clinical onal Cancer effective ways to detectt breast cancer early.” (National Institute, 2012) Unfortunately the gains that have been made in the fight against tened byy recent developmen p nts. In 2009, breast cancer are threat threatened developments. ntive Services Task Force (U USPSTF) isthe United States Preve Preventive (USPSTF) commending a decrease in tthe frequensued new guidelines rec recommending ecommends cy of breast screening. The USPSTF no longer re recommends nder age 50 or over age 74, and advises screening for women un under cy of screening for all other w women from decreasing the frequenc frequency ar mammograms. (United Sta ates Prevenyearly to every other yea year States Force e, 2009) While controversial, al, these rec tive Services Task Force, rec-ready begun to have an adv verse impact ommendations have alr already adverse have dropped in younger women men over the as screening rates have last couple of years. It is much likelier for younger women who o have more advanced or ag ggressive tu develop breast cancer to aggressive tu-g are simply mors and women who don’t get regular screening younge er. A study from Harvard me edical school more likely to die younger. medical this point very clear - 71% of all breast last September made this cancer deaths occurred in unscreened women and half of these t age 50 at the time of their death. women were younger than (Webb, et al., 2013) east cancer, her best opportu unity for sur If a woman develops bre breast opportunity sur-viving the disease is to detect the cancer early; the best way to ng mammo detect the cancer earlyy is to have regular screenin screening mammo-he frequency of mammograp phy we might grams. By decreasing th the mammography w save lives. Until there e is compelsave money, but we won’t trary, as a surgeon specializ ing in breast ling evidence to the cont contrary, specializing cancer, I continue to a advise yearly mammogramss starting at T paraphrase the old Fram o oil filter com age 40 for all women. To com-m now, or you can see me later.” As a mercial “You can see me breast cancer specialistt I would much rather you ssee me now

Ma Mammograms ammograms

save s ave li lives! ves! when breast cancer is beatable, becaus se if you put off getting because screening m ammograms you just mightt not get the chance to mammograms see me later. laterr. If you are over 40 get regular reg gular mammograms – it just might sa ve your life. save All views expressed in th this his article, while based on John facts, are opinions of Joh hn R. Bumberry, MD. Dr. Bumberry is a general surgeon at Mercy Clinic Surgery General and Specialty S urgery - S. Fremont and a Board Member of Br Breast reast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks. References American Cancer Society. (2013). Breast cancer: Facts and nd figures 2013 - 2014. Atlanta, GA: American America an Cancer Society. Retrieved March 2014 4 National Cancer Institute. nstitute. (2012). NCI Factsheet: Breast cancer risk in American women. National Cancer ncer Institute. Retrieved March 2014 National Cancer Institute. nstitute. (2012). NCI Factsheet: Mammograms. grams. National Cancer Institute. Retrieved March arch 2014 National Cancer Institute. nstitute. (2013). Stat fact sheet: Breast cancer. Retrieved March 2014, from Surveillance, Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Program: rogram: Reinberg, S. (2011, 1, September 15). Breast cancer rates increase ncrease worldwide, study finds. USA Today. Retrieved March 2014 United States Preventive ventive Services Task Force. (2009). Screening creening for breast cancer. United States es Preventive Services Task Force. Retrieved ieved March 2014 Webb, M. L., Cady, y, B., Michaelson, J. S., Bush, D. M., Cavillo, avillo, K. Z., Kopans, D. B., & Smith, B. L. (2013, March). A failure analysis of invasive asive breast cancer. Cancer.

Breastt Cancer Cancer Foundation of the e Ozarks (BCFO) provide es free Screening Mamm mograms to unin provides Mammograms unin-sured and a underinsured women who w meet BCFO's financial financia ial criteria. If you or someone som meone you know mammogram, needs a free screening mammog gram, please call office our offi fice at 417.862.3838

3,1. 3 ,1. ,1 1.

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Sho Show Sh ow your y u suppo ssupport p ort o t ffor or the the Br Breast rreast east as Cancer Cancer F Foundation oundation ou ndat on of tthee Ozar Ozarks arrkss Debi C Card Car arrd d ffr from rom om Guar Guaranty Gu ranty ranty anty Bank. Bank. Op Open en a G Guar Guaranty arranty an y anty w haP with Pink ink V isa is ® Debit Visa Bank checking Bank check eckking ngg account* c o n * and ccount* and w wil make k a donation nation n too BCFO CFO eevery very ey wee will timee you tim yo complete comp tee a sig ssignatur gnatur nature-based e- a e debit e-based d b t car ccard arrd d tr ttransaction. ransaction. a saction. ansaction. ction. on signature-based

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empowering women

An Evening in Paris

women’s initiatives

Sunday, July 27, 2014 Springfield Art Museum 1111 East Brookside Drive 5:30pm - 8:30pm Cash Bar – Heavy Hors d’oeuvres Tickets $75.00 per person All proceeds benefit

This special evening will feature a silent basket auction and a live auction with original art from local artists!

Phyllis’ Place – Suit Yourself Boutique The boutique helps women entering the workplace to shop, at no charge, for workplace appropriate clothing. Ozarks Food Harvest Weekend Backpack Program This program provides children in need with nutritious, child-friendly food for them to take home over the weekends. Art Works Summer Camp Scholarship In appreciation of the Springfield Art Museum a portion of the proceeds from An Evening in Paris will fund a


FLiP projects Please RSVP by July 21, 2014 Dress is Summer Casual Chic

scholarship for at-risk children to attend the museum’s Art Works Summer Camp program. Help Us Graduate (HUG) HUG offers support for high school seniors, living independently, who are working toward graduation. Funding from HUG helps youth with transportation, food, graduation costs, and more.

empowering womwn women’s inititatives

Mag gazine g Cares Magazine welcomes welco omes back member m 1. What are your go goals oals for 2014? Raising awareness in our community abou aboutt domestic violence and assist assisting ting in changing futures of o survivors. Achieving our goal o of raising $5,000,000 for a new n facility to ensure we are clo closer oser to meeting the need o of those we serve. The plans sta ages of a $5,000,000 Campaign Campaign to The planning stages e to build a address this issue are underway and we hope m these growing needs s, while we new facility to meet needs, he incidence of this tragic is ssue. work to reduce th the issue. The numbers (ARMO ONY (OUSE SERVED SUR RVIVORS AND s )N (ARMONY SURVIVORS children hild seeking ki g emergency shelter h lt r,, though th h hough h 735 shelter, individuals were tturned away due to lack off space. s )N WE SERV VED THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF O INDIVIDUs )N WE SERVED THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS AND WOM MEN AND CHILDREN WERE DEN NIED SHELTER ALS AND WOMEN AND CHILDREN WERE DENIED SHELTER spa ace. This is nearly 50% more more than the due to lack of space. year. previous year. s )N OVER INDIVIDUALS SOUGHT EMERGENCY shelter and were denied services at the tim me of their time request request. Our capacity is 80 iindividuals ndividuals per day and we regularly OVER EXTEND OUR SP ACE TO CARE FOR NEARLY MORE OR SPACE 7E REGULARLY APPROXIMATELY WOMEN AND CHILDREN 7E childre en than any other agencyy in SpringSpringhouse more children field. wh hat were some of your biggest big ggest highhigh2. Looking back what lights of 2013? 3TARTED A NEW $ATIN NG !BUSE !WARENESS #AMPA AIGN h7HO 3TARTED A NEW $ATING !BUSE !WARENESS #AMPAIGN h7HO 7E GO INTO MIDDLE E AND HIGH DO YOU THINK YOU AREv 7E c and girls on schools as well as colleges to talk to boys and RELATIONSHIP PS !LSO STARTED A 2APID 2E (OUSING 2 HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS 0REVENTION 0ROGRAM WHICH ALLOWS ALLOWS US TO AND (OMELESS 0REVENTION surrvivors of domestic violence. violence. quickly re-house survivors


Octoberr is:

Domestic Domes stic V Violence iolence A Awareness ware eness Month 3EVERAL ACTIVITIES A ARE BEING PLANN PLANNED ED 7 7E E ARE ALSO working to create an annual signature ture event.

3. List five things you need, e.g. things to help your fit volunteers, voluntee l t rs, community it support, t etc... etc tc... nonprofit, Volunteers, Community Commu unity Support, Donations (monetary Volunteers, fo or residents. and in-kind items for w g/ 31

empowering women women’s initiatives

Thank Tha T han nk Y nk You ou u The

team te eam would like to tha thank ank every single one of o you who attended d our premier party for tv on Mayy 31st.

Thank you to Dr. Drr.. Nancy O’Reily who w was gracious enough eno ough to let us use herr party. beautiful home h for the party y.. Simply provided Sim mply Delicious provid ded the tasty food, yes it was...


Representing R e p r esenting n


elicious LLC

empowering womwn women’s inititatives

Cares Magazine welcomes member 1. What is your mission. southwest missouri

Our mission is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. 2. What kind of volunteer opportunities do you have and how can you get involved? Our most popular volunteer opportunity is signing up to be a coach and mentor for the 10 week program. This program empowers 3rd through 8th grade girls to build their confidence through physical activity while also encouraging social, emotional and mental well-being. Other volunteer opportunities include signing up to participate in a race as a running buddy or agreeing to be a SoleMate which allows you to fundraise for Girls on the Run. 3. Specifically, who/how do you help the community? We provide a 10 week program for girls 3rd – 8th grade that utilizes interactive running games to teach life skills, helps them address challenges and empowers them to make healthy and thoughtful decisions. Approximately 60% of our participants are on a free or reduced lunch program. This after school program is offered at schools committed to providing support through staff, parents and volunteers. 4. Could you tell a short story of someone you’ve helped? We had a participant that joined Girls on the Run several years ago. She was very shy and didn’t have a lot of friends. She was struggling with her reading skills in school which embarrassed her and made her feel different. She was a very caring little girl with a huge heart. Throughout the course of the 10 weeks, she began to share a little more during Girls on the Run. The coaches

continued to encourage her and acknowledge her for her kindness to others. By the end of the program, she was able to talk easily with the other girls in the small group and her teachers said she was more assertive in class. Her improved confidence interacting with others also had a positive impact on her reading confidence according to her teachers. Her mom shared with us that she would not have been able to afford our program without a scholarship and was very grateful for the opportunity her daughter had to participate. 5. Who would you thank for their support and why? Girls on the Run began in the Springfield area in 2008 and we are very grateful for the support we have received from the community. We were recently awarded our 501(c)3 status which will allow us to continue to grow in the community. We currently employ one full time and one part time position and are thankful to our volunteers for their time, talent and treasure. We were recently approached by someone in the community who recognized the importance of marketing Girls on the Run and she has graciously given us a one year opportunity to promote our mission in CARES magazine. Thank you for believing in our mission to empower girls to be joyful, healthy and confident. 33

get involved fundraising events

It’s Important to Stay in Touch Today, more than 5 million Americans are living with good chance you know one of them. We encourage you to maintain contact with family and friends who have been diagnosed. In the early stages of the possible. Share your feelings before the disease robs them of

Greater Missouri Chapter Springfield Office Staff Marie Murphree Senior Associate Director

Nate Reed Director, Special Events

If you are not their primary caregiver, then it’s important that

Care Consultant

to communicate with them. Because Alzheimer’s disease affects the part of the brain where memory is stored, the person may be unable to find the correct word to use and

Rob Hulstra

Also, depending upon the disease’s progression, they may

and southwest Missouri.

Always approach them from the front so they see you clearly. Carl. I live next door and I always bring your mail when I get home from work”). Be sure to maintain eye contact and speak slowly and calmly using short, simple words.

It’s important to maintain a calm environ-

not true. Just smile and make an effort to see the humor in some of their remarks.

Since short-term memory loss is one of the first symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, you might have to repeat an answer several


Marci McKie

get involved fundraising events

Junior Achiev Achievement vement of SWMO would like to thank

Many volunteerss are motivated to give students stu udents a

our community it as we wrap up another th successful s f l

llearning i opportunity unity i they h wish i h they h h had d iin n school. h l

school year. year. With Witth the help of thousands of volunteers vo olunteers

Some volunteerss enjoy the opportunity to represent epresent

annually, annually y,


their business, polish olish presentation skills, or had d always

students in the classroom c for the experiencess they will

wanted the chance nce to teach. Others simply enjoy the

partnerships face in the real-world. real--world. Through our partners hips with



provides. id

Junior Junio or


businesses, busine esses,





community, community y,, y


experience erience



Achievement evement

Achievement provides prrovides relevant, life-long educational educational opportunities to o SWMO students. is to inspire young minds to Our p purpose p p and prepare p p t economy. succeed in the global g economy. We We educate students studen readiness, about work read diness, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy- skills ever e increasingly important as people

Congratulations Graduates!

enter the work fforce and higher education. We We have a program for each eacch grade level, starting in Kindergarten Kind dergarten

Junior Achievement emen of SWMO would like to extend

all the way through thro ough the 12th grade. For each ch lesson

community, our thanks to this community y,, our participating icipating

provide taught, we prov vide a hands-on, engaging activity to

We schools, and our generous volunteers and donors! nors! W e

lesson. assist in the less son. Junior Achievement is one on ne of the

would like to thank ank the Musgrave Foundation, on, Sam's

nonprofits few global nonp profits to use independent, third-party hird-party hird party

Club, Darr Foundation Club Foun ndation and Tom Tom Slaight, and the

program. evaluators to gauge gauge the impact of their progr am. Since

University. O'Reily Entrepreneurial eneurial Center and Drury University niversity.

1993, independent ent evaluators have conducted ed studies

Businesses who have had numerous volunteerss include

and on the effectiveness effective eness of JA. Findings prove time t

UMB bank, Bancorp Banccorp South, BKD, Clapp Business Busin ness Law, Law,

again that JA has ha as a positive impact in multiple ple critical

Henry, More-417 Pet Sitting, Jack ack Henry y,, Dunlap Remodeling, g, More

areas of learning, learning g, critical thinking, and recognizing recogn nizing the

lock Ross, Empire Empire Bank, Bank of America, Regions

higher education. Our programs importance of h progra ams all fit

Trust Bank, Central T rust and Investments, City Utilities,

common compliment into MO commo on core, and correlate as a com mpliment

Community Foundation undation of the Ozarks, Employee mployee

initiatives. to learning initia atives. Children involved in JA A have the

Screening Services, es, Merryl Lynch, Lynch, Missouri State e UniverUniver-

to experience the economic chance h t exper rience i th American A i econom mic i system t

sity, it , and d Waddell Waddell dd ll and d ReedR d just j t to t name a few! f w!!

and to recognize e the relevance of day-to-day learning,

If you or yourr business is interested in becoming coming a

out their future career care eer opportunities, and life. Check C

part of this great at organization, please contact act us. It

our website at w for more stats and www d info.

would be our pleasure to welcome you into nto this

Junior Achievement Achieve ement lessons are delivered to t schools

program and community mmunity of volunteers! Heidi Diemer is

(public or private) privatte) at no cost for the material, materiall, and are

the District Manager Ma anager for Junior Achievement Achievem ment of

business taught by busin ness and community volunteers. volunte eers. Not We SWMO, hmaried or 417-224-5003. 5003. W e

activities; only do studentss get the lessons and activities s; but are

look forward to hearing from you!

to the work volun-exposed p w and life experience p of our o volun get the opportunity to learn first hand teers. Students g f about different different work paths, choices, and experiences. exp periences. We W e have volunteers volunte eers from all walks of life from m business professionals, college co ollege students, retirees, and d commucommuStudents experience nity leaders. Stu dents always enjoy the experi ence of a volunteer outside voluntee er coming into the classroom, classroom, and the volunteer is given give en a rewarding experience and an nd opporopportunity to make a difference difference in young people's ple's lives.


get involved fundraising events

4th Annual

Bring your camera or cell phone to collect clues!

September 27, 2014

SATURDAY Hammons Tower Lot 901 E. St. Louis

Funds raised from this event will help families in Greene County who face emergency situations. We invite your support and we are seeking sponsors in the following categories:

GOLD - $500 Silver - $250 Bronze - $100

Registration 9:00 a.m. Cost: $42.00 per team (1 to 4 persons)

Prizes awarded to the TOP 4 TEAMS!

To register online visit or call 417.864.3448 for more information 36

get involved fundraising events

HEALTH HEAL TH H In just seven years sin since ce the founding of Care e to Learn by Springfieldia an Doug Pitt, Care to Le arn Springfieldian Learn has fulfilled over 25 50,000 emergent requests reque ests 250,000 from students in the areas a of health, hunger and a hygiene. In this month h’s issue of Cares Magazine, Magaziine, month’s the issue of student he ealth is discussed. health The number one he ealth reason that stude ents health students living in poverty miss sschool is because of asthma. asthm ma. Asthma is a treatable e medical condition when when a patient has access to h prescripttion healthcare and prescription medication. No stude ent should miss important important student school days because of o preventable and/or tre eattreatable medical condition ns! conditions! Children pove erty in poverty struggle with a disproportionate amount amo ount off childhood obesity, obessityy,, teen pregnancy y,, asthma, assthma, tobacco use and a pregnancy,

Investting in children’s children’s health h yields depression. Investing inccluding improved development, development, many benefits, including ng-term improved school performance and long-term c costs. savings in health care ps students keep their medical, Care to Lean helps men ntal health appointments appointments by dental and mental vouchers or bus passes. Care C providing cab vouchers to purrchased eye glasses and hearing Learn has also purchased aids for studentss as well as vital prescription cription medications. By caring for students early, earlyy y,, they will not experience ce development delays that hat will affect affect their abilityy to learn. Story: A high school scho ool student was missing school frequently because becaus se of illness. When questioned, tioned, b the student explained trans-ned that he did not have e trans portation to the doctor’s doctor’s office office and wass theretherefore, unable f bl to refill fill a needed prescription. n. Care to Learn provided round trip cab rides to the doctor’s office for this student. The mission of Care to Learn is to provide e immeimmediate funding to meet emergent nt health, hunger and hygiene needs so every child successild can be success uccessful in school. In next month’s ’’ss issue, we will discuss hunger and food insecurity. urity y..

Connect with th us! Address: 411 N Sherman, SGF SG GF 65802 Phone: 417-862-7771 7771 Website:


get involved fundraising events

SAVE $1 OFF ADMISSION WITH 2 CANS OF FOOD Bring two canned food items to any of the entrance gates during the Ozark Empire Fair and receive $1 off a general admission ticket! All food items donated will be given directly to families in need in Greene County!

Ozark Empire Fair Food Drive !


July 24 – August 2 !

get involved fundraising events

Tuesday, August 5, 2014 6:00 PM - Sunset Meador Park

SAVE THE DATE Tour Police, Fire & Safety Vehicles H Health & Safety Info Booths H Free Hotdogs & Ice Cream H Prescription Drug Takeback H Games H Dunk Tank

Learn More


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