Start Something! Big Brothers Big Sisters page 7
New Member Charities for 2012
starting on page 8
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Have you y ever wondered wondered who creates the beautiful beautifful ads and pages we feature feaature in Springfield CARES magazine magazine every month? W onder no more. more. Wonder d.v sisster company to Springfield CARES. CAR RES. We We d.v.. LaRue is the sister not only create thee ads and layouts for the magazine, magazine, we developed the companion companion website, website, W widde variety variety of creative and print services seervices Wee also offer a wide for the business co ommunity. community. Let us provide you with the same creative expertise expertise and experience we use to develop the magazine each month. If you like like what wee do for Springfield CARES, CARES, you’ll you’ll love what we can do fo or you. for
Our business usiness is designing g yours ÜÜÜ°`Û >ÀÕi°V ÊUÊ{£Ç ÎÇ ÈÎ ÎÊUÊ`ià } J`Û >ÀÕi°V ÜÜÜ °`Û >ÀÕi°V ÊUÊ{£Ç ÎÇ ÈÎ ÎÊUÊ`ià } Ê Ê Ê Ê J`Û >ÀÕi°V
Membership Mem mbersh hip Dir Directory e ectory Springfield CARES would lik likee to introduce th the he following Members Membbbers provide of the magazine. magazine. Members M must have non-profit non-profit status and prov vvide services to our comm munity. If you are interested in becoming a memb b r,, ber community. member, please give us a cal callll for more information! Ambassadors For Childr Children en
Children’s Ch ildren’’s Miracle Network
Lost & Found Grief ef Center
627 N Glenstone Ave Avve
35255 S National Ave Suite 203
1006 N Cedarbrook Ave
Springfield, MO. MO. 65802 658802
Springfield, Sprin ngfield, MO 65807
Springfield, MO. MO. 65802
417-862-3586 ext. 236 2
417-269-5437 417-269-5437
417-865-9998 www www www
American Can Cancer ncer Society (ACS)
March Mar ch of Dimes
3322 S Campbell Ave Avve # G
Court Appointed Special Court Ad vocates (CASA) Advocates
Springfield, MO. MO. 65807 658807
11111 S Glenstone Ave
Springfield, MO 65804
Springfield, Sprin ngfield, MO. MO. 65804
417-864-6202 417-864-6202
www m
Big Br Brothers others Big B Sisters (BBBS) www
2200 E. Sunshine
United W Way ay of the e Ozarks
Fem Female male Leaders in Philanthr Philanthropy o opy (FL LiP) (FLiP)
320 N Jefferson Ave
Springfield, MO. MO. 65807 658807 417-889-9136
320 N Jefferson Ave
417-863-7700 www
Springfield, Sprin ngfield, MO. MO. 65806 www
3372 W Battlefield St S
417-863-7700 417--863-7700 417 863 7700
Springfield, MO. MO. 65806
The V Victim ictim Center er
Breast Cancerr Foundation of Breast the Ozarks (BC CFO) (BCFO) www
330 N Jefferson Ave
Good Go ood Samaritan Boys Ranch h
Springfield, MO. MO. 65802
Springfield, MO. MO. 65806 658806
242 E Norton Rd
Springfield, Sprin ngfield, MO. MO. 65803
www .thevictimcenter.orgg www
417-864-6698 417-864-6698
Bridges for Y Youth o outh
819 N Boonville Ave
Women W omen Connect 4 Good www
834 N National N i l Ave A
The Humane The H Society S i t
Springfield, MO. MO. 65802 658802
31611 W Norton Rd
Springfield, Sprin ngfield, MO. MO. 65803 www
417-833-2526 417-833-2526 www
TThe he following persons or businesses have sponsored our members: embers: Women Speak, William Women m H Darr Darr,r,, TTom om Slaight, ANPAC, ANPAC, Elliot E & Robinson, Southwestern Womens Womenss Health, dvLaRue Design and Developme Development ent
Mission: Springfield Springfifield CARES and GOiCARE.coom provide online and awareness print media to the thhe public to create aw areness of charitable giving and acknowledgment healthy living inn the area as well as give ack knowledgment to local community.. It is our goal to promote businesses that give g back to our community business,, provide savings local business p information and savin ngs to consumers and support the workk of the charities where we live. livve. 3
Empowering Special Needs Children Every parent remembers the day they first held
The Reach Effect Foundation was born in the Fall of
their precious child for the first time. As sweet baby
2010 to connect parents of children with special
eyes open for the first time, a flood of hopes and
needs to resources in our community.
dreams for the future fill the room. Play dates, trips
Our website was launched in April 2011 as a 24/7
to the zoo, melted ice cream cones, and soccer
resource for parents seeking to find medical and
games start to flash like snapshots of the future.
educational providers, support groups, social serv-
The weather is always sunny in these dreams. There
ices and encouragement. The mission of The Reach
is lots of laughter and smiling, cuddling, and love.
Resources Developmental Concerns Diagnostic Evaluations Physicians Psychologists
Effect is to empower all children with special needs
The dreams never include words like Autism, Spe-
to reach their highest potential. The main goals for
Learning Disabilities
cial Education, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syn-
2011-2012 are to raise awareness of the website
drome, or Depression. The gut begins to churn, the
and to promote the life long benenfits of Early In-
diagnosis comes, now what? How does a parent
Child Care
tervention. Birth to 5 is a window of time that can
find new hope in a world that seems foreign and
slip by ever so quickly. Parents are often in fear and
out of control? Where does a mom begin as she sits
denial when they suspect that their child has a de-
in the hospital staring into the beautiful eyes of her
velopmental delay. The Reach Effect is here to
Adoption Health
baby boy with Down Syndrome? Where does the
reach past the fear and stigma, and to support par-
dad turn as he lies awake at night wondering what
ents in finding the treatment that is the best fit for
the future holds for his precious daughter with
Parent Support
their family.
The Reach Effect is in active pursuit of donors and
sponsors to help us further our mission. The Reach
Autism? These parents are on a new journey. It is more like off roading than a Sunday afternoon drive.
Effect Foundation is a non-profit under the um-
As a mom who has spent some time "off roading"
brella of The Community Foundation of the Ozarks.
it with our son, I found an amazing support system
All donations go directly to community outreach.
of therapists, teachers and physicians to come
To learn more about The Reach
along side our family when we didn't know where
Effect or to donate, visit:
to turn. Due to intensive Early Intervention during
our son's pre -school years, he is now succeeding academically and socially in the classroom and at home. We are so proud of his determination and strength! As we went through the process of finding the help we needed, we found that there was
no central place to find all of the providers for children with special needs in Springfield. There was
Scan me with your smart phone QR reader app to get more information.
no road map for parents to learn about all of the different types of treatments and therapies availible in Southwest Missouri.
Social Services Funding Ideas
contents Springfield Cares members listing
5 Table of Contents 7 Start Something! Big Brothers Big Sisters
8 New Members Pages Introduction to new members
9 Ambassadors for Children
19 FLiP 20 Good Samaritan Boys Ranch 21 Humane Society of Southwest Missouri
22 Lost & Found Grief Center 23 United Way 24 The Victim Center
13 Bridges for Youth Centers
27 The Center for Nonprofit Communication Advice for nonprofits
28 Springfield CARES about Fitness
14 Children’s Miracle Network 15 Women Connect 4 Good
29 Games
16 Springfield CARES Scholarship
29 Home-Made Donuts
2 0 1 2
Charity Events for January
12 Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks
26 Calendar of Events
10 American Cancer Society 11 Big Brothers Big Sisters
J a n u a r y
3 Membership Directory
Fun stuff
Fun recipe to make with a little helper
advertisers 15
About Springfield Cares
Are You a Non-Profit?
BluCurrent Credit Union
Chips Against Cancer
Clear Channel Radio
dv LaRue
Fulpower Enterprises
Jeanne’s Hair Classics
Penney, Murray & Associates
Priority Tax Service
Rewards for Schools
Springfield Cares Subscriptions
Springfield Little Theatre
The Kitchen 17th Annual Bowlathon
advisory panel
Amy Michael Publisher
Jeff Gossman Mary Valloni Peter Edwards CIA Beverly Roberts Rebbecca Fenton COTA/L Gerry Catapang PT, DPT Ken Childers Chris Shaefer Becky Overend Sharna Rittmaster
Phil Dellasega Creative Director Cara Trask Editor Michelle DeWitt Graphic Design/ Web Maintenance Nicole Malinowski Designer Ryan Mulcahy Sales Executive 5
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Start Something in the New Year As the holidays come to a close, we begin to look
the programs that serve the children of South-
towards our hopes, dreams, and resolutions for
west Missouri, we are continually seeking com-
the New Year. What do you want to accomplish
munity support, through the gifts of time and
in 2012? What difference can you make? At Big
donations. Every time you donate your time or
Brothers Big Sisters of the Ozarks, we know
money to Big Brothers Big Sisters, you help
everyone has the ability to Start Something.
change a child’s life for the better, forever.
In honor of National Mentoring Month, Big
It doesn’t take much to Start Something. There
Brothers Big Sisters of the Ozarks is encouraging
are many big and little actions you can do
the people in our community to join the Start
throughout the community to help. Volunteer-
Something movement. Big Brothers Big Sisters is
ing as a Big is a small time commitment that
the largest donor-supported volunteer network
makes a huge impact. Our Bigs spend 6 to 8 hours
of long-term mentors for youth, providing
a month having fun with their Little. Common ac-
matching, screening, and on-going support for
tivities include going to the park, getting ice
Bigs, Littles, and their families. In 2010, our local
cream, or playing with a puppy at the pet store.
agency supported approximately 1,300 matches
Another easy way to Start Something for a child
in 20 counties located throughout Southwest
is to give a gift, whether $10, $100, or any
Missouri. At Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ozarks,
amount, every dollar is appreciated and helps
we match adult role models with a child to create
support our matches. Businesses can help BBBSO
a positive one-to-one relationship built on trust
too. Sponsoring one of our many events, provid-
and friendship that can blossom into a future of
ing discounts at your business for matches, or
unlimited potential. The Littles in our programs
scheduling a BBBSO presentation at your place of
are primarily children of single, low-income, and
business are all ways to get involved.
incarcerated parents. By matching a Big with a
We hope that as you look towards the New Year,
Little, we help build stronger communities, as we
you are inspired to Start Something. Children in
are committed to helping these children succeed
our programs, especially boys, are anxiously wait-
in and out of school, and realize their potential
ing for people like you to start making a differ-
for the future.
ence today. To learn more about our agency,
What if every child was set on the right path?
donate, or volunteer, please visit or
What if every child fulfilled their potential? That
call 417.889.9136.
could be the start of something BIG. January, National Mentoring Month, is the perfect time to start thinking about what you can do in 2012 to make a change in our community, and ultimately a change in a child’s life. To help sustain and grow 7
2012 Mem Members mbers of Spri Springfield ngfield CARE CARES ES
Springfield CARES C Magazine is excited to announce a our New Members of CARES for 2012!
Non Profit allows a N on Pr ofit to have a set amount of space in the magazine annually tthat hat they can schedule when theyy need it most.
As many of you know, know, we began in June of 2010 with four effort Charities in an a ef fort to create create more more awareness awareness of the work they aree doing. such a positive response from ar g We We experienced p p response p from the from community and a fr om those non-profits, non-profits, that we w began including moree and more mor mo ore organizations.
following aree the Members we have for 2012 so far! The follow wing pages ar We aree very excited W e welcome ome them as a part of CARES and nd we ar sharee more to shar m e information about them in the next 12 months. mor
Wee love being W bein ng able to share share more more stories, events evvents and resources resources community.. As we continued for help to the community contin nued to grow, grow, we lower than rrealized ealized that the only way to keep our ad content c with CARES. our information informattion content, we had to get creative creative e After months month hs of consideration and several several months more more of development, development t, we have launched a Membership Memberrship Program Program that
aree involved with a 501c3 and would If you ar uld like to know more more becoming Member,, check out pages about bec coming a Member pages 16 and 17 of this issue Membership months is ssue for details on our Membe ership Packages. It is Profits our goal to t have a network of all of the Non Pr ofits in the area area in one place.; ace.; unified voice rich with information ormation on all things charitable.. charitable Welcome W elcome Members!
Giving Help & Hop Hope pe to Families Breast Cancerr Impacted by Brea ast Cance
t Trus d We o G In
2012 Members of Springfield CARES Mission: To provide quality services and supports to abused and neglected children from our community that will enhance their self-esteem and provide them with opportunities to succeed. We also serve to alleviate financial strain on foster parents and provide specific ways community members and donors can get involved with supporting foster children & foster families.
“I was putting away clothing at the Kid’s Closet one afternoon and a foster mom walked in with a teenage boy, around 16 years old. He wore only jeans and a hooded sweatshirt & it was early February. The foster mom said she literally just picked him up & our Kid’s Closet was their first stop because he didn’t have anything else--not even a jacket. He hadn’t even seen his new foster home yet. We got him 3 new pairs of pants, 3 new shirts, new underwear, socks, gift cards for a new pair of shoes, pajama pants & sent him with a new coat. I just remember that it snowed several inches that night & I was so glad we got him that coat!” If you want to get involved and help our cause, we have an ongoing need for Volunteer Tutors (age 21 and older, no experience necessary, to work with foster children one on one in a public setting. You could also Adopt-a-Caseworker & support the year-round needs of foster children. This is a very fun project & can help out with much needed items. In the summer, we need volunteers to assist with all areas of the Price Cutter Charity Championship golf tournament fundraiser. During Christmas, we need friends to Adopt teenagers in foster care for Christmas. As well as volunteers to help us wrap approximately 1,700 Christmas gifts for foster kids. You can get involved by calling or emailing me directly.
Ambassadors for Children have several programs & each addresses a different area. We have served over 6,000 local foster children since 1999. Our Kid’s Clothes Closet provides new clothing to foster children from Greene County. Our Adopt-a-Caseworker program matches community members/groups with Foster Care Caseworkers in Greene County to fulfill unmet needs for foster children on the Caseworker’s caseload. We’ve served well over 1,000 children through this program in two and a half years, with an estimated in-kind donation value of over $60,000. We currently have about 40 matches & 18 Caseworkers still waiting to be adopted. Our Project Self-Esteem program funds items & activities to enhance the selfesteem. We have funded a wide array of things such as: replacement eye glasses, infant circumcisions, acne medicine, prom dresses, yearbooks, soccer/basketball/ gymnastics & other sport registration fees and equipment, and much more. Our Tutoring Program recruits & matches volunteer tutors with local foster children to provide individualized tutoring in a public setting. Our Pack-a-Bag program recruits supporters from the community to donate duffel bags/ backpacks filled with emergency overnight & hygiene items. These are distributed to children. It’s amazing how having their own 9
toothbrush and stuffed animal can provide some comfort on what must seem like the worst day of their life. Coming up we have our 2nd Annual Christmas Gift Wrapping party. It will be Monday, December 19th at the Council of Churches building. We still desperately need wrapping supplies to accommodate the over 1,700 gifts we plan to wrap. We would like to thank Bill Darr. His efforts to build the Darr Family Resource Center for foster children on the Boys & Girls Town campus really helped start our agency back in 1999. He & his wife have been wonderful supporters of our mission throughout the years. Gwen Hager with Great Southern Bank. She’s organized volunteers to switch out our seasonal clothing two times a year in the Kid’s Closet for the past 10 years. She also sits on my Advisory Committee. We’ve also got very strong support from some at First and Calvary Presbyterian Church and Wesley United Methodist. They have overwhelmingly generous church members that always seem to help with whatever the needs are.
627 N Glenstone Ave Springfield, MO. 65802 417-862-3586 ext. 236 Sponsor | Mr. and Mrs. William H. Darr
2012 Members of Springfield CARES
Mission: To create a world with more birthdays and less cancer. As a global grassroots force of more than three million volunteers, we fight for every birthday threatened by every cancer in every community. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery, and fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight.
The American Cancer Society helps the entire community, including those who have been touched by cancer. We assist newly diagnosed patients and their families with cancer information, transportation assistance, wigs and turbans, and offer support during an emotional time. We help survivors celebrate their survivorship at our events and connect them to other survivors and newly diagnosed patients who may need a shoulder to lean on. We raise money for the programs and services in our community, including transportation. Our volunteers and participants help us raise the funds needed for cancer research, helping us make new discoveries in the fight against cancer. We help patients daily, through our toll free number, when they visit for information, or when they come to the office to get a wig or turban after losing their hair during chemotherapy. Called the Society’s toll free number, 1.800.227.2345 and a patient navigator will be able to connect you to resources in the Springfield area. We have many volunteer opportunities: volunteering in a Cancer Resource Center in a hospital helping to distribute cancer information, gifts, and wigs to patients; volunteering for a Relay For Life event in the area as a committee member or the 10
day of the event; volunteering for Cattle Baron’s Ball, either on the committee or the day of the event; driving patients to and from treatment, when they don’t have a ride; licensed cosmetologists are needed to facilitate our Look Good…Feel Better programs; and many other opportunities where community members can donate their time and talent. We have many events in 2012, including our Cattle Baron’s Ball, Relay For Life events, DetermiNATION, and Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. The American Cancer Society is working toward a world with more birthdays with the help of our community. Our mission is not possible without the dedication of so many – whether it be a volunteer who drives a patient to treatment, or a local company donating a large sum for an event, each person involved with the Society helps us in the fight against cancer.
3322 S Campbell Ave # G Springfield, MO. 65807 417-881-4668 Sponsor | Anonymous
2012 Members of Springfield CARES
Mission: To provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one on one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.
“One particular family comes to mind when I think of Christmas Angels. Glenda lost her husband last year and has been caring for her granddaughter, Amy, since her mother went to prison several years ago. Amy is very shy and only speaks if spoken to. When Amy does speak you have to listen very closely because she talks in a whisper. Glenda is on a fixed income and has been struggling since her husband died. She told BBBS that her granddaughter had been suffering from depression since her mother was sent to prison and she just wanted to give her a reason to smile. The day came when it was time for Glenda and Amy to pick up their gifts. Glenda and Amy walked in the front door of the office and sat down. As usual, Amy had her head hanging low and showed no emotion. The staff began to bring out the gifts and load them in her grandmother’s car. Amy slowly raised her head and a huge smile appeared on her face. She stood up, put her hands over her mouth and began to cry. When I asked her if she was ok she yelled, “Thank you, Thank you!” She gave all of the staff a huge hug and skipped out the front door. Big Brothers Big Sisters would like to thank all of our generous donors that brought so much happiness to our families at this special time of year.” You can get involved too! Volunteer opportunities include being a Big, an adult role model, who spends one-on-one time with a Little in our program. These volunteers make a one-year commitment minimum to their Little. Community-based Bigs spend time with their Littles “out and about.” They do fun activities around town, such as going to the park, going for ice cream, or playing with pets at the pet store. These volunteers spend 6 to 8 hours a month with their Little. Site-based Bigs meet with their Littles at designated locations, such as an elementary school for lunch or the Boys and Girls Club in the evening. These volunteers spend one hour, once a week with their Little. We also are always looking for one-time volunteers throughout the year. These volunteers help ensure the 11
success of our events and are able to help our agency without having to make a long-term commitment. This program helps children facing adversity in Southwest Missouri to realize their potential and have a better outlook for their future. Studies have shown that Littles in our programs show improvement in school and personal interaction with others. They are less likely to use drugs and alcohol and to be violent. The Littles in our programs are primarily children of single, low-income, and incarcerated parents. By matching these children with Bigs, we are helping build stronger communities as we are committed to helping these children succeed in and out of school, and realize their potential for the future. We have our Bowl for Kids’ Sake event coming up next, it’s held throughout two weekends in March. The year 2012 marks the 27th year for this event in the Ozarks. Participants form teams of 5 and raise a minimum of $250 for BBBSO. In return, they enjoy 2 games of bowling, event t-shirts, pizza, and soda at the event. Teams who meet specific fundraising goals are also awarded prizes. To learn more about this event, contact Jessica Overend, Special Events Coordinator, at 417.889.9136 or We would like to thank Dr. Ed Douglas. Dr. Douglas is a Big Brother in our program. He has been matched with his Little, Zach, since September of 2006. Along with being an excellent advocate for our agency as a Big Brother, Dr. Douglas also financially supports BBBSO. For the past two years, Dr. Douglas has donated to Bowl for Kids’ Sake, and recently gave a large donation to our building fund. Dr. Douglas’ time and generosity shows that he CARES about BBBSO.
3372 W Battlefield St Springfield, MO. 65807 417-889-9136 Sponsor | Mr. and Mrs. William H. Darr
2012 Members of Springfield CARES Mission: Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks (BCFO) goal is to relieve emotional and financial stress by helping fill the financial gap caused by a breast cancer diagnosis. BCFO is committed to providing real help to families impacted by breast cancer.
Giving Help & Hope to Families Impacted by Breast Cancer
Carla a recently diagnosed breast cancer patient shared, “I’m not really sure I even know how to express the impact that BCFO has had on my life and the lives of my two children. Their very generous support meant that for the next several months my mortgage was paid and that my son could continue his music lessons, which are extremely important to him.” BCFO provides short-term, non-medical financial assistance to residents in 31 counties in southwest Missouri and the Four States/Joplin area that are in current treatment for breast cancer with demonstrated financial need. Assistance is
Hair H air C Classics lassics
also given to children of families impacted by breast cancer through the Charlie and Mary Beth O’Reilly Family Children’s Fund. BCFO provides free screening mammograms to those uninsured and underinsured. BCFO provides Lymph edema garments for the uninsured and underinsured. BCFO also provides survivor support groups, mentoring programs, a learning library and educational programs to local businesses, civic organizations and community groups. BCFO has many events throughout the year to continue to raise the funds needed to give help and hope to local families impacted by breast cancer. A Time to Share occurs Thursday, March 8 at University Plaza Convention Center. A Time to Share gives encouragement and empowerment for everyone concerned about breast cancer. A Time to Share is a dinner and fashion show benefiting BCFO and features breast cancer survivors as models. To find out more about this event and other BCFO events, please contact (417) 8623838 or visit BCFO continues to give help and hope to local families impacted by breast cancer because of our volunteers. BCFO is always looking for volunteers in many different capacities. We have needs for office volunteers, event volunteers and even personal shoppers for those we are helping through a breast cancer diagnosis.
We h We have ave the exclusive rights to sell TRI’s Aer og gel Styling Product! Product! Aerogel Open n Daily TTuesday uesd day - Saturday Saturday W alk--ins W elcome! Walk-ins Welcome!
In May 1999, founder Mary Beth O’Reilly established BCFO to provide help and hope to local families impacted by breast cancer. BCFO incorporated on February 23, 2000 and received not-for-profit status the following year. Because of Mary Beth O’Reilly’s vision and her ability to share that vision with the community, BCFO has been able to carry on its mission of giving help and hope to local families impacted by breast cancer.
Call fo for or an appointment
417.883.2497 41 7.883.2497
Wee do iitt aall... W lll.....
330 N Jefferson Ave Springfield, MO. 65806 417-862-3838
ffor or over over 30 30 years years 3162 S. Campbell Sp Springfield, pringfield, MO 65807
Sponsor | Dr. Nancy O’Reilly PsyD 12
2012 20 012 Memberss of Springfiel Springfield d CARES
t Trus e W d n Go
Mission: Youth’ Y outth’’s passion pa asssion for kids takes us to o the nooks and Bridges For Youth’s wn n. There, Ther ere, off offff the beaten path, th, amongst the crannies of town. hundreds of kidss who o live l orhood, you will hundreds in a single neighborhood, ave become come invisible and forgotten otten by so many. many y.. find those who have C i f gi ss, and d a firm fi t d to t never give i up on Compassion, forgiveness, stand ashioned us into unique e neighborhood any kid is what has fashioned are available a from ages a youth centers that are for kids from 6 to 18.
I believe we help the mostt through through of offering fering a place like where Bridges wher e kids and their t families can experience unconditional love. For giveness and unconditional Forgiveness hundreds love have helped the Bridges Brid dges staff staff build hundr eds of nurturing relationships relationships over oveer the years. Our centers are are provided attendance, turned pr ovided at no cost for att tendance, so no kid is tur ned don’tt have the money money.. away because they don’ are enforced Boundaries and disciplinee ar e enfor ced each day at very learn the centers, and in a ver ry big way kids lear n to be rrespectful espectful and unselfish. were “Daniel and his brother brother we ere being raised by grandma, interested because all mom was int erested in was partying and going out on the town. This Th his was years ago and Daniel, an 11 yr old was playing pool. Everything was fine until I rreminded eminded him thatt we did not swing the pool around. adamantly stick ar ound. Daniel adam mantly refused refused to stay within problem the boundary and I addressed add dressed the pr oblem again. Minutes later Daniel was doing it again. Not backing probably hardest down is pr obably the har rdest and best thing that we do for kids. I told Daniel he would have to go home wouldn’tt obey the rules. since he wouldn wouldn’ rules This is when the proceeded temper tantrum arose arose aand nd he pr oceeded to knock mouth words over trashcans and mout th cuss wor ds as he exited followed the building. As I followe ed Daniel to the edge of the property pr operty he informed mee of what he thought of me more exchanges words. with a couple mor e exch hanges of cuss wor ds. Then there comment forever ther e was the popular co omment that will live for ever history.. “I’m never in the annals of Bridges FFor Youth Youth history coming back to Bridges ever again.” I had took a Daniel’ss wo words, thrashing with Daniel’ ords, but quickly told him he away.. could come back again tomorrow. ttomorrow. He walked away gathered together entered I gather ed myself togeth her and enter ed the youth center.. I was only a few feet there center f inside when ther e was a door.. As I tur turned rapping at the front front door ned I was surprised to tears. see that it was Daniel in te ars. I opened the door to find a young man who was begging b for forgiveness and chance. asking for another chance e. If we would have castaway 13
program Daniel we would have failed and D d our pr ogram would b worth nothing in our eyes.” be great A gr eat way to get involved as a volunteer is on Friday from one e evenings fr om 5:30-8 at any on ne of the Bridges For Youth Y outh Centers. Groups are Gr G oups or individuals ar e alwayss needed to help with Rarely n needs we have at the 5 Bridgess facilities. Rar ely do needed w have monies to pay for neede we ed work, so volunteers are incredibly a and material donations ar e incr redibly valuable to us. W.. Madison is still under O newest facility at 1230 W Our rrenovation enovation and is being completed ed with volunteer help. are, Our Upcoming Events coming up O p ar e, Raiser-- Scr Scrooges Wanted. Holiday Fund Raiser H ooges W anted. Fundraising G Goal of $82,000. Miracle on Madison Bridges For Y M Youth outh Center W.. Madison (Acr (Across from McGregor 1230 W oss the str sstreet eet fr om McGr egor E Elementary) support N Need donations and monthly su upport to support this facility.. n new Bridges facility has partnered TThe Darr Family Foundation ha as partner ed with us projects throughout o various youth center pr on ojects thr oughout the Virginia Darr,, and Thomas and ccommunity.. Bill and V community irginia Darr value M Marsha Slaight, have seen the va alue of our work, and We b blessed Bridges For Y Youth outh with h their support. W e w would like to say thank you!
834 N National A 8 Ave ve v S Springfield, MO. 65802 4 417-864-8430 w www net S Sponsor | Mr Mr. r.. and Mrs. W William illia am H. Darr
2012 Members of Springfield 2012 Members CARESof Springfield CARES Mission: To provide medical, educational, and financial resources for children from birth through 18 years of age and their families in southwest Missouri and northwest Arkansas. Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals cares for all children regardless of socio-economic status.
“Pearl is 3 years old now, but when she was 4 months old she was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy and air lifted to St. Louis. This began Pearl’s journey of medical treatment and diagnoses. When Pearl was a year old, she began swelling severely. Upon examination at the Cox South ER, they found a mass in her kidney. She was then airlifted to St. Louis where she was diagnosed with bi-lateral kidney cancer, a symptom of Denys-Drash syndrome. She began T 12 weeks of chemotherapy immediately, and spent several months in the hospital. She eventually had both kidneys removed as well as part of her liver. She remained in the hospital for 4 months waiting on a donor kidney to become available. In summer 2011 a kidney became available, and Pearl received the transplant! She is now home, and doing well. Her family was able to spend their very first Thanksgiving at home together, and not in the hospital! She still has recovery ahead of her, and monthly check-ups, but she is such a fighter and amazing little girl. We were able to provide her family with gas money to travel back and forth to St. Louis twice a week, as well as money to stay in a hotel while in St. Louis.” We provide financial assistance to children with special medical needs. CoxHealth is our sponsoring hospital, and they give us a budget each year, which allows 100% of our donations to go directly to help local kids! We serve a 32 county area in southwest Missouri and northwest Arkansas. We can help kids with anything from prescription medication and legbraces, to CoxHealth hospital bills and therapies, to travel expenses to get to an out-of-town appointment. The range of services we provide grows each year. We have a mobile medical unit called the C.A.R.E. Mobile, which travels to outlying areas and provides physicals and well-child checkups, free of charge. We underwrite 14
educational programs like Wasted (anti-drinking and driving) and Never Shake A Baby. We have over 60 events each year, from a small craft sale at the hospital, to the Telethon live on KY3. We can use volunteers for all capacities at our events, as well as volunteers in our office to help us with administrative duties. If you’re interested in volunteering, just call our A office at 417- 269-KIDS and we can help you find the job that is right for you! We will be having our Radiothon on Power 96.5 in March, and our Telethon will be on June 3rd on KY3. We have too many events to list, but you can call 269KIDS to get more information on what events we have coming up, or visit our website at www.coxhealth. com/cmn. We have so many local supporters like Walmart, Dairy Queen, RE/MAX, Credit Unions and Krispy Kreme. Most recently, we would like to thank Power 96.5 for doing our first Radiothon on their station! The event went beyond expectations, raising over $60,000 in 3 days! We are so excited to do another Radiothon in March with Power! We can’t thank the station and staff enough for all their hard work and time they devoted to this event, and raising money for local kids.
3525 S National Ave Suite 203 Springfield, MO 65807 417-269-5437 Sponsor | Cox Health Systems
2012 Members of Springfield CARES
Mission: The mission of and the WomenConnect4Good Foundation, Inc. is to make connections among women interested in living rich, meaningful lives. When WomenConnect4Good we can help each other achieve success in health, finances, relationships, careers -- all the while helping social profit organizations in our communities.
Suzette thought she was the only one struggling with her self-image. She felt isolated and irrelevant as she grew older. Then she took part in Dr. Nancy’s research and learned many others shared her concerns. After reading the book Timeless Women Speak: Feeling Youthful At Any Age, she gained insight into fulfillment at every stage
of life. Now, she thinks less about her age and focuses instead on advancing her career while she connects and has fun with other women in her community who are doing important work. Thousands of women like Suzette have benefited through the education and networking provided by encourages women to use their power to make positive changes. We provide inspiring actions, examples, education and networking connections. We are rolling out the “GoMentorWomen” campaign in social media and helping Female Leaders in Philanthropy (FLiP) plan a Women’s Summit in 2012. Get involved!! Take the WomenSpeak “GoMentorWomen” pledge on facebook and encourage others to do the same. Women are the key to building strong institutions in our communities, but we are not yet excellent at supporting other women. If each of us mentors another woman — and inspires one other woman to do the same -- we can transform the world. I want to thank the hardworking women in Female Leaders in Philanthropy (FLiP). Together, they provide weekend backpacks of food through Springfield Public Schools, help women in transition dress to re-enter the workforce through the Suit Yourself Boutique, provide prom outfits to teens through Formally Yours and mentor women who are trying to improve their lives.
NEED ADDRESS AND INFO HERE PLEASE Sponsor | Dr. Nancy O'Reilly PsyD 15
Springfield CARES Magazine is excited to introduce our Membership Program available to the Not For Profits with 501c3 Status. What does this mean? Our first issue of CARES was printed in June of 2010. Since then, we have continued to include articles from Charities in the community in an effort to increase awareness about the impact they make to Springfield. It has been an incredible experience to become immersed in this project and to see first hand the caring community we live in. It seems to me that there is something for nearly anyone that has need here. The biggest challenge is letting everyone know when events are, getting volunteers when you need them, and making sure that people know who you are so that when someone needs help, they know where to go to get it. We recognized the challenge that most non profits face as they “hope” that their press releases get picked up, and the cost of advertising when they need to get the word out. Every penny they have to spend to create awareness is less that they can spend on their mission. Our program gives them a set amount of space that allows them to schedule their pages when they need it most, and at a low membership fee so that more of their dollars can go to those in need. Our Membership Package is $799 for the year. We wrestled with pricing as we wanted it to be affordable, allow enough space for marketing to make a difference and still make enough revenue to keep going. In the end, we decided to reduce the advertising fees by 90% so that our Not For Profits can take part. What does this include? Here are some details: 1 Featured Full Page (includes article title on cover)* 2 Full Pages of Event Coverage (includes photography of the event) 4 Full Pages to be used as needed (may be split into ¼, ½ and Full Pages) Unlimited Use of Online and Print Calendar Online Directory (Full Page on our Website) Listing in our Membership Directory (Page 3 of the magazine) * Limited Amount Available: First 60 Members only; after which will become a Full Page with no title on the cover. A Business or Individual has sponsored many of our New Members. We would like to sincerely thank our Member Sponsors: Dr. Nancy O’Reilly Psy.D Mr. and Mrs. William H. Darr Southwestern Women’s Health, LLC, E. A. Beguin Jr MD, FACOG Tom and Marsha Slaight dvLaRue Design, Printing and Development Cox Health Systems If you are interested in making a donation to our Scholarship Fund to provide a membership to your Charity, please give us a call. 417-849-CARE(2273)
The Voice for the Non Profits in our community; bringing awareness of the impact they make, sharing information on events, stores of hope, volunteer opportunities, what they offer and how they can help those in need.
Dear Amy, Thank you fo r th about our Aug e beautiful and inspiratio nal article yo ust 24 dinner u wrote w families. As you well know ith our Ronald McDonal d House , these famil magical even ies will neve ing that was r forget the provided for most difficul them during t times of th one of the eir lives. We recognized al are so thankf l of the thou ul that you ghtful busine made this ev sses and indi ening possib viduals who le in your O Cares. ctober issue of Springfie ld Our commun ity radiates su ch wonderful th a giving spir at you show it and I think case so man it is publication. y of these ef forts in your With sincere appr
Bonnie Kelle r President an d CEO Ronald McD onald House Charities of the Ozarks
tting us ain for le g a s k n a “Th t!” w projec great ne
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onth! for this m e in z a g a the m ait to see “I can’t w o!” u o r all y d d and all Thanks fo us informe
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sa e remark with the ry positiv e v n TIC JOB e S tt A o T g N e A 'v F e a “W did t CASA is sue! You y on wha n a m o s August is cated and edu ves it!!” material, o ry e ne lo v E .. t. u all abo over to
,c ry month azine eve g a m e th “I read cover!”
We love the great feedback and we are very excited to continue to share news from our Members. We will also be including some new feature articles this coming year. You can find us on Facebook or online at You can always read the magazine online, and if you want to stay up to date, scroll down to the bottom of our page and enter your email address. We send an update once a week and a sneak peek of our newest issue before it comes out. We love all kinds of feedback so if you have something you would like to see in the magazine, please email us We are also looking for writers and photographers that want to volunteer their time for our feature articles and event coverage. If you’re interested, please give us a call or an email! We would love to hear from you! And lastly, if you would like to advertise with us, please call our CARES line or send an email to Wishing you all the best this holiday season! Warmest Regards, Amy Michael Publisher
2012 Members of Springfield CARES ® Mission: T o rrecruit, ecruit, train, and support community volunteers who To assist the court in pr protecting otecting the best inter ests of abused interests and neglected childr en. As a partner with other agencies, children. CASA advocates for the highest quality of car e for these care childr en, pr oviding the opportunity to change the course children, providing of their futur e. future.
“My name is Luke. Our mother abandoned my two brothers younger br others and me. (All under age six.) She put nowhere, us on a nine-hour bus ride to nowher e, telling us we weree going to live with rrelatives. wer elatives. When we got off, off, discovered theree to greet we discover ed no one was ther greet us. Once in care, from foster car e, we bounced fr om home to home, always wrong feeling as though we had done something wr ong and deserved this. My CASA volunteer was a wonderful,
caring lady who encouraged us and helped us believe three in ourselves. She spent thr ee years with us, helping aree us get into a wonderful adoptive home. Today Today we ar great. We aree still friends with our CASA and doing gr eat. W e ar will be for life.” In addition to becoming a Court Advocate, we have other volunteer opportunities: Special Events, Cards, Marketing Car ds, “Man” booths at events and Volunteer V olunteer Fairs, office work, etc. You You can also invite church a speaker to come to your community club, chur ch learn or gathering of friends to lear n more more about CASA. We cards W e will be selling car ds year-round year-round that are are created created children here community.. We by childr en her e in our community We offer offer Valentines Mother’ss Day, V alentines Day Day,, Birthday, Birthday, Thank You, You, Mother’ Day, Cards! and Christmas Car ds! Also, we will have a volunteer training this February for those who would like to volunteer! We are Volunteers. W e ar e so thankful for our CASA V olunteers. They each take the time to encourage and support a child. provide children They pr ovide these childr en with a voice, when they would have been without.
1111 S Glenstone A Ave ve Springfield, MO. 65804 417-864-6202 www Sponsor | dvLaRue Design, Printing and Development
2012 Members of Springfield 2012 Members CARESof Springfield CARES Mission: FLiPMission: will engage and encourage the women in our community to become as philanthropists, as The mission of involved and the advocates and as mentors. Foundation, Inc. is to make WomenConnect4Good connections among women interested in living rich, meaningful lives. When WomenConnect4Good younger brother, so all of my extra money goes into caring for them. we can help each other achieve success in health, So needless to say, I forgot all about myself a long time ago. Today finances, careers -- all theabout while helping you guys relationships, made me feel really great and good myself. Thank social profit organizations in our communities. you so much and God Bless!” Rachel “A network of women helping women.” FLiP has several active committees that members can become Currently, FLiP’s primary focus is on those issues that affect women involved with: and their children. There are three critical issue areas: Children of life. Now, is shea clothing thinks less about her age andwho focuses Suzette she was onlyFamilies. one struggling Suither Yourself Boutique boutique for women are at Risk, Basic Needs & Selfthought Sufficiency and the Health We with instead on advancing her career while free she of connects She felt isolated and as sheentering grew or re-entering the workforce to shop chargeand for focus on helping toself-image. build a woman’s self-esteem and irrelevant getting them with other womenclothing. in her community who are older. Then she took part in and Dr. we Nancy’s and has and fun workplace appropriate workforce ready through Suit Yourself Boutique focusresearch on interview learnedhunger. many others herinconcerns. After reading doing important work. Thousands of women like Suzette helping to end childhood FLiP is shared a partner the Weekend benefited works through the education networking book Timeless Public Women Speak:with Feeling Youthful At haveCommittee Membership to develop memberand recruitment for Backpack program the in the Springfield Schools, Ozarks by Any Age, she gained insight into fulfillment at everyfundraising, stage provided programming, and member education. Food Harvest. From a Suit Yourself Shopper: “I came in today in need of work clothes. I have a 5 year old of my own and also take care of my
women useSuit theirYourself power Committee worksencourages with women whotoare to amake positivementoring changes. session. We provide inspiring actions, shoppers in one-on-one examples, education and networking connections. Special Events Committee works primarily with our signature are rolling out the works “GoMentorWomen” campaign in event, AnWe Evening in. The event with the art community and social mediapieces and helping Female Leaders Philanthropy auctions off original of art as well as a funinsilent auction. (FLiP) plan Women’s in ‘special 2012. event’s’ that FLiP This committee also aworks with Summit any other holds. Get involved!! Take the WomenSpeak “GoMentorWomen” pledge on working facebookwith and encourage others do theWay same. Anyone interested FLiP, should call to United of Women are the keyand to building strongHowell institutions in our the Ozarks at 417.863.7700 ask for Cindy or Autumn communities, but wewill arebe notSunday yet excellent at supporting Porter. Our signature event July 29, 2012…An women. If each of us mentors another woman — Evening inother Provence. and inspires one other woman to do the same -- we can the world. and businesses that have supported There are transform so many individuals FLiP and the projects since Roseann Bentley, Sally Hargis and Mary want to women Female Kay MeekI started it inthank 2003.the But hardworking in 2010, OakStar Bankinand their Leaders Philanthropy Together, they provide management teaminworked to help(FLiP). Suit Yourself have a home at backpacks of food through Springfield its currentweekend location of 320 W. Pershing. Their generosity has Public made Schools, help awomen in transition to women re-enterwho the and continues to make difference in the livesdress of the workforce through the volunteers Suit Yourself providea shop there. With their help, FLiP are Boutique, able to provide outfits through Formallyexperience Yours and mentor consistentprom location andtoateens wonderful shopping for our women are trying to improve their lives. ladies. Thank you who OakStar!
NEED ADDRESS 320 N Jefferson Ave AND MO. INFO65806 Springfield, HERE 417-863-7700 PLEASE SponsorSponsor | Dr. Nancy PsyD PsyD | Dr.O’Reilly Nancy O'Reilly 19
2012 Members of Springfield 2012 Members CARESof Springfield CARES ®
Mission: The mission of the Good Samaritan Boys Ranch is giving aMission: troubled boy the opportunity for a better life through personalized treatment and education. To recruit, train, and support community volunteers who assist the court in protecting the best interests of abused
We have had the privilege of working with a We are a residential treatment facility for boys and neglected children. As a partner with other agencies, young man – Josh Snyder - who despite having 12-18 who have problems in their life due to CASA advocates for the highest quality of care for these a rough start in life, he has become a responsible past abuse/neglect. Many of our boys are in the opportunity change the course care Missouri Children’s Division adult working in ourchildren, community.providing Charged withthefoster future. a crime just short ofofhistheir sixteenth birthday, he refers many to us. Our goal is to help them work was placed in a community-learning center by through their negative behaviors and hopefully leave our facility with a positive outlook to the Division of Youth Services. succeed in life. We also operate a transitional While there, Josh earned his GED, overcame a living facility in Springfield that helps young “My name is Luke. Our mother abandoned my two caring lady who encouraged us and helped us believe substance abuse problem and learned coping men ages 16-21 learn to live independently in younger brothers and me. (All under age six.) She put in ourselves. She spent three years with us, helping skills. When he was ready to move on, there the community. us on a nine-hour bus ride to nowhere, telling us we us get into a wonderful adoptive home. Today we are were few options for him to start his life over. were going to live with relatives. When we got off, doing great. We are still friends with our CASA and He had no family in the area and little support. We have a great need for volunteers who will we discovered no one was there to greet us. Once in will be for life.” That’s when he was referred to Footsteps visit the boys at the Ranch who have no family foster care, we bounced from home to home, always Transitional Living Program - a project of the or anyone who can come and pay them a visit feeling as though we had done something wrong and In addition to becoming a Court Advocate, we during their stay. The time commitment is very Good Samaritan Boys Ranch. deserved this. My CASA volunteer was a wonderful, have other volunteer opportunities: Special Events, flexible, we just ask that volunteers try to visit Marketing Cards, “Man” booths at events and Josh spent the next four months in the Footsteps at least once a month. They must complete a Volunteer Fairs, office work, etc. You can also invite group home located in Springfield, then was background check and an application. a speaker to come to your community club, church transferred to or gathering of friends to learn more about CASA. a p a r t m e n t s We are excited to be part of the 2nd Annual We will be selling cards year-round that are created where he Sertoma High Stakes Chili Casino Night on by children here in our community. We offer began to learn February 16, 2012. We are one of six charities Valentines Day, Birthday, Thank You, Mother’s Day, how to live that will benefit from this night of casino games and Christmas Cards! Also, we will have a volunteer which is a kick-off party for the Sertoma Chili independently. training this February for those who would like to “ F o o t s t e p s Cook-off the following Saturday. The night will volunteer! taught me how begin at 6 p.m. at 319 Event Center on Walnut to budget my downtown. Tickets are $25 in advance and We are so thankful for our CASA Volunteers. They money, manage include an appetizer buffet and $100 in play each take the time to encourage and support a child. a bank account money. A silent auction and 50/50 raffle will They provide these children with a voice, when they and actually save also take place. would have been without. money,” says Josh. He also We would like to thank our founder, the late 1111Rev. S Glenstone Ave Robert Johnson who had a calling to open learned the value Springfield, 65804 a home forMO. wayward boys in 1959 and with of setting short the help of his church, Seminole Baptist, he and long-term 417-864-6202 purchased the land on Highway 13 where the goals, which he plans to put into campus is today. Because of his dedication to Sponsor | dvLaRue Printing children over fiftyDesign, years ago, we have helped practice as he and Development pursues opening over 5,000 boys turn their lives around at the his own business. Good Samaritan Boys Ranch. Josh has been employed at 242 E Norton Rd Rick’s Automotive Springfield, MO. 65803 for the past four 417-864-6698 years and dreams of buying his own house. Sponsor | Mr. and Mrs. William H. Darr 20
2012 Members of Springfield 2012 Members CARESof Springfield CARES
Mission: Mission: aid in theofalleviation of distress and suffering The To mission and the of animals by operating a shelter for WomenConnect4Good Foundation, Inc. is toanimals make in need among of care,women placinginterested animals inin suitable connections living homes when possible, and offering educational rich, meaningful lives. When WomenConnect4Good programs thatother promote animal welfare. we can help each achieve success in health, finances, relationships, careers -- all the while helping social profit organizations in our communities. We strive to be the region’s leading shelter with the financial and community support to guarantee the welfare of animals and will be focused on controlling pet overpopulation and the reduction of homeless pets Suzette thought she was the only one struggling with her in our community. self-image. She felt isolated and irrelevant as she grew older. Thena she part delivered in Dr. Nancy’s researchSociety and Griffin, smalltook dog was to the Humane learned many others shared her concerns. After reading and was unable to eat or play after being displaced. the Once book he Timeless Speak: Youthful At began Women to socialize withFeeling staff, volunteers and Any other Age, she gained insight less intoshy fulfillment every dogs, he became and his at fun and stage bubbly
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nature began to shine! Not long after his arrival, he was adopted by a wonderful new owner and has become a permanent fixture at the Humane Society after winning not only our hearts, but being crowned King of the Humane Society’s 2011 Hound Dog Homecoming! Now, he enjoys an adventurous and fun life with his adoptive family. Griffin is just one of many special pets that have thrived as guests at the Humane Society of Southwest Missouri.
here at the Shelter. encourages women to use their power toNext makeVolunteer positive changes. provide January inspiring16, actions, Session isWe Monday, 6:00 examples, to 8:30 education p.m. You and mustnetworking pre-registerconnections. by calling Danita
The Humane Society of Southwest Missouri was incorporated on October 19, 1956, as a non-profit organization dedicated to homeless animals. The shelter building sits on ten acres of land donated by Ruby S. Vella. The original building was built in 1960, and small additions were made to the existing building over time, along with satellite buildings for storage, etc. In 2005 a capital campaign committee was formed to raise the money necessary to build a state-of-the-art facility to replace the aging, crowded buildings. Operations were moved to the new facility in September of 2009 and the organization’s name was changed to the Humane Society of Southwest Missouri. The Humane Society of Southwest Missouri welcomes volunteers! Here are just some of the areas where we need your help: UÊ7> }Ê` }ÃÊ UÊ- V > â }ÊÜ Ì ÊV>ÌÃ UÊ i> }Ê i i ÃÊ> `Ê Ì iÀÊ>Ài>ÃÊ vÊÌ iÊLÕ ` }Ê UÊ Ü }Ê> `Ê Ì iÀÊÞ>À`Ê > Ìi > Vi 21
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NEED 3161ADDRESS W Norton Rd AND INFO Springfield, MO. 65803 HERE 417-833-2526 PLEASE Sponsor| Dr. | Dr.Nancy NancyO'Reilly O'ReillyPsyD PsyD Sponsor
2012 Members of Springfield 2012 Members CARESof Springfield CARES ® Mission: Mission: To recruit,Lost train, and support community volunteers who & Found’s mission is to provide grief support assist theservices court inin protecting the best interests of abused a safe and supportive environment, and neglected children. a partner with adults other agencies, at no charge, toAschildren, young and their CASA advocates for the highest quality of care for families grieving the death of a loved one. these children, providing the opportunity to change the course of their future. One of the families that attend Lost & Found came to us following from other kids their age because they are 5 times more likely the death of their mother. They are a family of five children, ages to complete suicide, 9 times more likely to drop out of high 3-15. The father is now a single dad, facing all the challenges of school, and 10 times more likely to engage in substance abuse. caring lady us and helped name is Luke. Our mother myLost two & Found, we who haveencouraged a forward moving model.usItbelieve is not parenting alone, trying“My to cope with his own grief whileabandoned helping At in ourselves. She spent three years with younger brothers and me. (All under age six.) She put it”helping to find his children though-out their grief and the many adjustments about “getting over grief” we work to “get throughus, us get into a wonderful adoptive home. Today we are us onhousehold a nine-hour bus ride to nowhere, telling us wenormal. a new they must make to a busy without a mother. were going to live with relatives. When we got off, doing great. We are still friends with our CASA and for life.” we discovered nothe onechildren, was thereeach to greet Once in will are be needed to work in our grief groups. Facilitators With such a broad range of ages in childus. Volunteers foster care, we bounced from home to home, always experiences their grief in different ways. The teenagers assist the group coordinator with the night’s activity and interact feeling asof though we had done something In addition to becoming a Court Advocate, withand the children or parents. This volunteer activity provides we an understand the permanency the loss and have a clear wrong deserved this. My CASA volunteer was a wonderful, have other volunteer opportunities: Special Events, realization of the challenges they face. At age three, the opportunity for you to help mend the heart of grieving children Marketing Cards, “Man” booths at events and youngest does not have the ability to fully comprehend his and families. Volunteeroptions Fairs, office work, etc.anyone You can also invite for volunteer, interested in mother’s death. All the children miss the daily presence of There are multiple a speaker to come to your community club, church their mother and all the routine things she did for them, such volunteering, can call our office at (417) 865-9998. or gathering of friends to learn more about CASA. as laundry, preparing meals, helping them with homework, and We will be cards areHope, created of selling Hope will beyear-round a night ofthat Help, & daily family routines. The dad has restructured his life to allow Our 2012 Evening by children here in our community. We offer at time for meal preparation, laundry, helping with homework Healing. The event will take place Saturday, January 28th, Valentines Day, Birthday, Hills Country Club. Thank You, Mother’s Day, and hundreds of others items that have now been added to his 6pm at Hickory and Christmas Cards! Also, we will have a volunteer routine in addition to going to work each day. training this February those who woulduplike to On February 16, 2012, six local for charities will team with volunteer! At Lost & Found, dad and all five children are receiving the Sertoma. Lost & Found Grief Center is one of the benefiting support they need to assist them in working through their grief. They are able to share what is on their hearts without feeling like they are placing a burden on others in their family. They are learning to deal with their emotions, incorporate the loss of their mom into their lives, and develop a “new normal” for all of them. According to the National Alliance for Grieving Children, 1 in 9 children will lose a parent before age 20. 1 in 7 will lose a sibling. When a death occurs, children feel especially isolated as their peers lack the knowledge or capacity to offer support. Family members are drowning in their own grief and can’t help each other. Unresolved grief can result in many issues such as health problems, family conflict, poor school performance, difficulties in relationships, and a host of other problems. A death disrupts the entire family, changing the routines for everyone, often resulting in overwhelmed parents and chaos within the family. Teens and young adults suffering from unresolved grief differ 22
charities of the High Stakes Chili event at 319 Event Center. We are so thankful for our CASA Volunteers. They each Grief take the time toMemorial encourage and support a child. Lost & Found Center Balloon Release and They provide these children with a voice, when they 5K Run/Walk on May 24, 2012, will serve as a communitywould havethat beenwill without. wide memorial event provide participants a beautiful opportunity to honor their loved ones.
1111 S Glenstone Ave Springfield, Our golf tournament takes MO. place 65804 at Hickory Hills Country Club each year in417-864-6202 late June. Lost & Found has been very blessed by the community. We have Sponsor | dvLaRue many wonderful supporters and Design, advocatesPrinting who CARE for the and Development grieving children and families in southwest Missouri. Thank you to all of our generous supporters and volunteers!
1006 N Cedarbrook Ave Springfield, MO. 65802 417-865-9998 Sponsor | Mr. and Mrs. William H. Darr
2012 Members of Springfield CARES Mission: To increase the understanding of human needs and to mobilize resources to meet those needs.
This is a story of a young woman who found the Boys & Girls Club of Springfield and it made a tremendous difference in her life. United Way funds programs for the Boys & Girls Club. “My name is Taylor. I am currently 18 years old. When I was younger my grandmother was the person who took care of my siblings and me. When she passed away my birth mother never stepped up and took the mother role. I was seven or eight when I stepped in as the mother role for my siblings. I had to find rides for everyone, and tried to keep them all away from the bad things in the world. When I was eight, my mother enrolled my siblings and me into the Boys and Girls Club, Musgrave Unit. I got to hang out with people, and I got to be a kid. When I became depressed and got involved with bad people at school, the only people I felt I could trust with it were from the club. Staff and friends helped me fix my situation so I could be there for my siblings. When we took in another four children under the age of eight, I had to be a mother to them as well. I hardly had any time to do anything I wanted to do. If it hadn’t been for the Boys and Girls Club, I would not have been able to go anywhere. I ended up going to the Boys and Girls Club of Springfield for ten years and even worked there a summer. The Boys and Girls Club, and the people who went there and worked there, helped me get my life together, helped me say strong for my family, gave me a job when my family and I truly needed it. Now I am a freshman in college and I have the confidence that the friends I made back home will be with me for the duration of our lives.” We focus funding in six critical issue areas:
UÊ Vi ÌÀ>Ì }Ê Ê «À Û ` }Ê >««À «À >ÌiÊ behavioral counseling and necessary medications for the underinsured. UÊ i «ÃÊ «À Û `iÊ Àià ÕÀViÃÊ Ì Ê LÕ `Ê i> Ì ÞÊ lifestyles for families. UÊ VÕà }Ê Ê«À Û ` }Ê ÌiÀ>VÞÊ> `ÊiV VÊ education and providing the fundamental needs of food, clothing and housing. UÊ Vi ÌÀ>Ì }Ê Ê V Õ ÌÞÊ Ã>viÌÞÊ > `Ê disaster relief. UÊ Õ ` }Ê ÃÌÀ }Ê V >À>VÌiÀÊ i`ÕV>Ì Ê Ü Ì Ê positive role models. UÊ*À }À> ÃÊv VÕÃi`Ê ÊÌ ÃiÊV `Ài ®ÊÜ Ê cannot speak for themselves.
agencies. These volunteers then make funding recommendations for each of our partner agencies to our Board of Directors. The process requires a time commitment of approximately 4-4.5 hours, beginning in May and finishing in June. The only requirement to serve on one of the panels is that you must be a United Way donor.
Each year, United Way of the Ozarks allocates the largest pool of unrestricted dollars to our community.
United Way 2-1-1 connects those who need help with basic survival needs from health and human service agencies 24/7. It’s a free and confidential lifeline. 2-1-1 can also find ways for you to volunteer time or resources. Dial 2-1-1 or 1.888.427.4626 or visit
There are several ways that you can become a volunteer with United Way. A great way is to become involved with your workplace campaign committee. Being a part of the committee builds a great sense of teamwork. i > iÊ i>`iÀÃÊ Ê * > Ì À «ÞÊ qÊ ÕÀÊ 7 i ½ÃÊ i>`iÀà «Ê Ì >Ì ÛiÊ ÃÊ >Ê Ü>ÞÊ v ÀÊ women to become active in the community and help to affect change in issues that concern women and children in our area. / iÊ > `ÃÊ Ê v ÀÊ -i ÀÃÊ Ì >Ì ÛiÊ i «ÃÊ seniors with minor home repairs and property clean up if the senior is unable to physically and/or financially get the project done. During Day of Caring each August more than 1,800 community volunteers from over 90 local businesses and organizations complete over 170 project with United Way’s 23 partner agencies and affiliated groups. Each spring volunteers come together to review written funding requests and listen to the presentations of our 23 partner 23
Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for March 14, 2011. To find out how to become involved, an individual just needs to call the United Way of the Ozarks at 417.863.7700 for volunteer opportunities.
It really is impossible to single out an individual or business…it is every individual who gives, volunteers or advocates for United Way. Thank you for everyone’s contribution which makes a difference in someone’s life and by Ü À }Ê V iVÌ Ûi ÞÊ qÊ LÞÊ V Ã }Ê Ì Ê 6 Ê 1 / ÊqÊiÛiÀÞ iÊ ÃÊ> Ê>}i ÌÊ vÊV > }iÊ> `Ê works find solutions that will create positive long lasting change for our community and region.
320 N Jefferson Ave Springfield, MO. 65806 417-863-7700 Sponsor | ANPAC
2012 Members of Springfield CARES
Mission: To provide prevention education services to help community members avoid victimization; 24-hour crisis intervention to assist victims immediately following trauma; Counseling for those who have been victimized; Support to victims and interfacing with the police, criminal justice system, and medical personnel.
Allison first received counseling at The Victim Center when she was four because a family member had sexually abused her. Like many individuals, Allison was very resistant to counseling because she DID NOT want to talk about bad things in her life. Fortunately, her therapist Nancy was able to help Allison through her trauma by playing games and having fun. Allison started to heal, but only a few years later, she had to come to Nancy again due to another abuse in her life. Once again, Nancy worked with Allison to overcome her trauma. By the time Allison was in high school, she had seen Nancy off-and-on her whole life due to numerous counts of abuse. Nancy remained the only constant adult in Allison’s life, and when Allison needed help coping with the pressures of adolescence compounded by her abuse, Allison once again turned to Nancy. Today, Allison is a thriving young college student who wants to become a therapist. In a recent email to Nancy, Allison said, “Thank you for being such a positive and constant part of my life. If it wasn’t for the therapy I received through you and The Victim Center, I wouldn’t be who I am today!” The Victim Center provides free-of-charge counseling, advocacy, court support, and 24-hour crisis intervention to men, women, and children victims of violent or sexual crime(s). The agency also provides free-of-charge prevention education to schools, community groups, and professionals on topics related to crime victimization. The Victim Center is always looking for individuals to serve on committees for its fundraisers in the spring. In addition, the agency relies on a large base of volunteers to serve as Volunteer Victim Advocates. These victim advocates respond to the 24-hour crisis hotline by providing crisis intervention and advocacy to victims of violent or sexual crimes. Volunteer advocates must be 21-years-old or older; must have a valid driver’s license, and must be able to pass 24
a criminal background check. Extensive training is typically provided twice a year for new volunteers. To find out more information about volunteering, call 863-7273. UÊ «À Ê£ ]ÊÓä£Ó\Ê Ài> v>ÃÌÊ vÊ «i]ÊÇ\ÎäÊ>° °Ê>ÌÊ1 ÛiÀà ÌÞÊ * >â>Ê Ê-«À }wi `°Ê* >Ìi`ÊLÀi> v>ÃÌÊ> `Ê«À }À> °Êf{äÊ«iÀÊ plate. UÊ >ÞÊ £Ó]Ê Óä£Ó\Ê Ì iÀÉ >Õ} ÌiÀÊ i iLÀ>Ì \Ê Õ V ]Ê Ã i ÌÊ >ÕVÌ ]Ê > `Ê v>Ã Ê Ã Ü°Ê ££\ääÊ >° °Ê qÊ Ó\ääÊ «° °Ê The Tower Club in Springfield. UÊ >ÞÊ£{]ÊÓä£Ó\Ê/ ÕÀ > i ÌÊ vÊ «i°Ê ÕÀ > ÊÃVÀ> L i]Ê }> iÃÊ > `Ê >Ü>À`Ê ÀiVi«Ì °Ê } > `Ê -«À }ÃÊ Õ ÌÀÞÊ Club. Call 863-7273 for more details on fundraising events. There are so many individuals, businesses and Foundations in our community that support The Victim Center’s mission, and have done so for 36 years. We are very humbled by the dedication and compassion that is shown to our agency and most of all to those we serve on a daily basis - men, women and children who have been the victims of violent or sexual crimes. Financial support and active volunteerism by our victim advocates and our volunteer Board of Directors and committees are the core foundation for The victim Center. 7iÊ Ã « ÞÊ V Õ `Ê ÌÊ LiÊ Ì iÊ V «Ài i à ÛiÊ Ó{ÉÇÊ >}i VÞÊ ÃiÀÛ }Ê Ã Ê > ÞÊ Ê -«À }wi `Ê > `Ê Ã ÕÌ ÜiÃÌÊ Ãà ÕÀ Ê without this continued support. “Thank you” seems like a small phrase considering the immense positive impact made in the lives of so many - an «« ÀÌÕ ÌÞÊv ÀÊ i> }ÊqÊLÕÌÊ/ iÊ6 VÌ Ê i ÌiÀÊ> `ÊÌ ÃiÊ we serve do say a heartfelt thank you to all of our supporters.
819 N Boonville Ave Springfield, MO. 65802 417-863-7273 Sponsor | Dr. Nancy O'Reilly PsyD
Fulpower Enterprises Indoor and Outdoor Ser vices Tree Care & Removal s Stump Removal Tree Hazard Assessments s Landscaping Gardens s Fences s Excavations Preventive Maintenance s Lot Clearing Clean Up and Hauling Improvments s Home Maintenance Repairs s Water Drainage Solutions P.O. Box 9702 Springfield MO 65801
c a l e n d a r
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If you have a charitable event you would like to add, please email us at events@goicar January 01, 9:00am: January Victory V ictory Mission Ministry Center - New Year’s Y ear’s Day Brunch A hot buffet buffet brunch for the homeless, hungry and poor. poor. Fr om 9-11am at Cook’s Kettle, 200 W. W. From Commercial Commer cial St. For more more information, information, call 417.831.6387 Janu ary 01, 10:00am: January Discovery Center - Get moving to Let's Get Active, an interactive exhibit where where you can test your fitness level and learn learn new ways to prevent prevent disease and lead a healthy lifestyle. Call DC at 417.862.9910 for mor more e infor information mation January Janu ary 04, 6:30pm: The Creamery Creamery Arts Center - Writing Writing Workshop W orkshop for Teens Teens offers offers young writers the opportunity to flex their talents. free Participation is fr ee and open to the public, and no prior registration registration is rrequired. equired. The group group meets at The Creamery Cr eamery Arts Center in the Arts Library from fr om 6:30 to 8 pm every Wednesday. Wednesday. Call 417-862-2787 for mor more e infor information. mation. January 06, 6:00pm: January Downtown Springfield - First Friday ArtWalk! ArtW alk! Join the galleries of the DownDowntown Arts District for a amazing evening of art, music, food, family fun in over 23 participating venues. January 07, 6:00pm: January Discovery Center - Launch of their year long series of citizen science projects. projects. They will help you lear n how to gather learn data and send your collected data to scientists who ar e researching researching a variety are of topics. No registration registration required, required, admission fr ee for this Kick-off Kick-off event!! free
January 12: January Alzheimer's Association - Let's cheer on the Drury Panthers!!! At the O’Reilly Family Event Center while honoring ols Coach Pat Summit for her Lady V Vols courage in sharing her diagnosis of Questions? Alzheimer’s disease. Contact Patricia Chapman 1.800.272.3900 or January 13: January Creamery Arts Center - Call for The Creamery Artists to participate in the 4th annual from January 13 “Hearts for the Arts” from -February 3, 2012 at
There will food, prizes and lots of ment. There great cause. $50 ticket fun for a great includes Casino Games and Food or Texas Hold 'Em Poker Tournament Tournament and Texas Tournament food. $30 ticket for Poker Tournament Tower Club on only. Event held at the Tower 901 E. St Louis, 21st Floor Springfield MO. January January 21, 9:00am: eene County Botanical Springfield Gr Greene Gardening Series. AdmisAdmisCenter - Into Gardening e-registration is required required sion fee $10. Pr Pre-registration or by calling at 417.891.1515
January 14, 10:00am: January Workshops. Discovery Center - Robot Workshops. Pre-registration and pre-payment Pre-registration pre-payment required. Cost is Child/Parent Child/Parent Duo $20 required. Member $25 Non-members plus the robot $12. cost of Robot. Cost of robot
January 22, 9:00am: January Visitors can learn learn Discovery Center - Visitors Year celebration is similar how the New Year and different different than our own U.S. New Year Celebration. Hands-on activities Year that will enhance the understanding of culture. General Admission Chinese culture. From 1-5pm applies. From
January January 20, 6:00pm: Alzheimer's Association - second annual “Can you tackle trivia” event at Knights of Columbus Hall. Come support our cause with your team of 8 for a $100 donation or as an individual for a $20 donation. Questions? Contact Patricia 1.800.272.3900 or Chapman
January 26, 8:00pm: January Discovery Center - Cub Scouts Night. Activity stations available to support a variety of achievements and badge requirements. No pre-registration requirements. pre-registration required for Cub Scout Night at the required Museum. Non-member: Scouts $10, Adults $5; Member: Scouts $5, Adults free. free.
January 20, 7:00am: January Gyn Cancer Alliance - Chips Against Cancer. Benefiting the GYN Cancers Cancer. e will be craps, roulette, roulette, Alliance. Ther There tourna nablackjack, slots, and a poker tourna-
Calendar of Events
The new year always marks fresh beginnings with renewed hope for a better year. This year, Springfield Cares magazine is starting 2012 by partnering with the Center for Nonprofit Communication at Drury University to bring you a series of articles on the nonprofit industry. Each month this year you will find an article highlighting a topic relevant to those who have an interest in nonprofit organizations. To start, let’s explore what a nonprofit organization is all about. The term “nonprofit” (sometimes spelled as non-profit) is also referred to as “not-for-profit” and in some international settings, is called an NGO or non-governmental organization. A nonprofit organization is a corporation that is organized to advance a public or community interest rather than for individual personal or financial gain. It is perfectly legal for a nonprofit to earn revenue, but the organization cannot distribute earnings or pay dividends; any surplus must be used to further the organizational purpose. Nearly all nonprofits qualify for tax-exempt status with the IRS. This means the organization does not have to pay federal corporate income taxes. It also means contributions to these organizations are deductible from federal income taxes. Every organization that qualifies for tax-exempt status is classified as either a private foundation or as a public charity. Many people think of the word “charity” when referring to a nonprofit organization. But there are many other types of nonprofit organizations that don’t fit that category. According to the IRS, there are more than 25 different classifications of nonprofits, including professional associations, charitable organizations, civic leagues, labor unions, fraternal organizations, foundations, and social clubs, to name just a few. The best known type is the IRS classification of 501(c)(3), which serves charitable, religious, scientific, educational, literary, protecting children or animals, fostering national or international sports, or testing for public safety. Within this group you’ll find mental health organizations, United Ways, colleges, environmental groups, day care facilities, food banks, and other agencies that help those in need.
Ron Penney CFP®, ChFC® Private Wealth Advisor
Helping you create the future you envision.
Without question, nonprofits are a big deal. The work they do is critical to practically everyone. Consider the impact of nonprofits in Springfield and southwest Missouri. Many of the area’s largest employers are nonprofits: St. John’s/Mercy Health Cox Health Drury University Assemblies of God Headquarters Citizen’s Memorial Hospital OTC In addition to these well-known organizations, there are more than 2,000 other nonprofits in Greene County. In this group you’ll find hundreds of churches, clubs, and associations doing important work to make our community a better place to live. They feed the hungry, build homes, provide after-school programs, read to children, assist the elderly, shelter the homeless, protect the vulnerable, and provide hope to the those facing tragedy and chaos. These organizations are essential to our community. They often use volunteers to do much of the work and operate at a fraction of the cost of most for-profit organizations. All rely on the community for donations of time and resources, especially the smaller ones. I hope you will check in each month for more articles to learn more about nonprofit organizations. Dan Prater, Director Center for Nonprofit Communication at Drury University
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New Year to Fitness Tips into it, take it slow at first. Concentrate on getting the basics right before moving into complex or lengthy workouts.
The calendar has rolled over to January. This means many of you have made New Year’s resolutions. If statistics hold true, most have you have also resolved to lose weight. Unfortunately it’s not only the most common resolution made it’s also the one most commonly broken.
3. Trying to be a morning exerciser if you’re not a morning person. This also applies to those who commit to an after work workout and are not naturally energetic at that time. Don’t try to force yourself to be something you aren’t, at least in the beginning. Over time your commitment to health and fitness might change those patterns, I know it did for me. When asked what time is the best time to work out, I always say the time you will actually do it.
According to the American Council on Exercise, 50% to 65% of new exercisers will cease a new fitness program within 3-6 months. If I had to judge by the crowds at local gyms, I would say many of those people lapse in the first 60 days. It’s not for lack of motivation, however. Many people sabotage themselves by making some common yet easy to fix mistakes. These are the ones that I see most commonly.
4. Not sharing your goals with those closest to you. If you are really going to make this work you have to get buy in from your spouse or significant other. You need their support or at the very least they have to be aware of your goals so they don’t accidently derail you.
1. Not having a plan. Roaming from machine to machine in the gym will not give you the results you desire. If you don’t have a plan with clear goals and objectives, including an appropriately designed workout and sound nutritional advice, you will just end up being frustrated. Make a plan, seeking the help of a professional ideally, document it and stick to it.
5. Working out hard but still eating junk. In my opinion the biggest part of the battle is your nutrition. You can’t out train a bad diet, so starting an exercise program and changing your nutritional habits go hand in hand. Running 30 minutes then eating a muffin and drinking a giant whipped coffee drink will not get you where you want to go. Start with small and simple steps like giving up soda or eating breakfast.
2. Overdoing it. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is very normal when starting a new workout. Generally it lasts two to three days then subsides. However, I see many people flushed with new found enthusiasm try to lift too much or go too far who end up feeling it for many days, even weeks. This can lead to injury and creates a negative feeling from exercise instead of a positive one. Ease
Knowledge is power. Now that you know the most common mistakes and how to fix them, you have the power to defy the odds.
Pamela Hernandez is a ACSM Certified Personal Trainer and ACE Certified Lifestyle & Weight Management consultation. She owns Thrive Personal Fitness in Springfield. Follow her on Twitter @ThriveFit for more tips and tools for a healthy life.
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1 Try to fill in the missing numbers.
Use the numbers 1 through 9 to complete the equations Each number is used only once.
X +
Each row is a math equation. Work from left to right.
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Each column is a math equation. Work from top to bottom.
Home-Made Donuts A fun and easy recipe that your kids will love to help with! You’ll need: The most inexpensive can of biscuits you can find! Vegetable Oil Sugar Cinnamon A Soda Cap And one “little helper” Prepare: Mix one cup of sugar with cinnamon to taste. Set Aside Have your “helper” cut donut holes out of the biscuits with a soda cap. This is a lot of fun for them! In a skillet, heat the oil at medium high heat. You’ll know it’s ready when there is a slight sizzle when you put in your first “donut”. Place the donut and holes in the skillet. Once they are lightly browned, flip them over to brown the other side. Once browned on each side, remove them from the oil and put them on a clean plate. While they are still hot, sprinkle the cinnamon sugar over them on both sides. Enjoy!!!!
Dear Non-Profit,
We want to talk to you! Springfield CARES Magazine focuses on non profits and bringing awareness of the impact they make in our community. Does this sound like something you want to be involved in? Call today for an appt, 849-CARE (2273)
P.S. Visit our website at and while you are there sign up for our FREE iCARE Package!
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