A BTEA PROJECT CASE STUDY Wednesday, February 19, 2014 WH EN
Wednesday February 19, 2014 8:00 am – 10:00 am
WH ERE Santander Auditorium 45 East 53rd Street New York, NY 10022
A BTEA PROJECT CASE STUDY Hines’ MoMA Tower Our Meet the Owner seminar will focus on an in-depth case study of Hines’ MoMA Tower at 53 West 53rd Street. Designed by Ateliers Jean
Nouvel, the iconic residential condominium project will be adjacent
Meet The Owner: A BTEA Project Case Study
to the Museum of Modern Art. This 72-story, 750,000-square-foot
AG E NDA 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM Breakfast and Registration
tower will house 145 high-end condominium residences, designed by world-renowned architect Thierry Despont. In addition, the building’s lower floors will include 36,000 square feet of new exhibition space for MoMA distributed over three floors.
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Presentation
The seminar will feature presentations from Hines, Ateliers Jean
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM Panel Discussion
project, as well as past and anticipated challenges. These industry
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Question & Answer Session
Nouvel and Lend Lease who will discuss the vision behind the leaders will provide an inside look at one of the most anticipated development projects in New York City today.
SPEAKERS BERTRAM BEISSEL VON GYMNICH | PARTNER | ATELIERS JEAN NOUVEL Bertram Beissel von Gymnich joined Ateliers Jean Nouvel in 1998 and became a partner in 2002. He directed a variety of European and international projects, and recently completed the design and construction of One Central Park Towers in Sydney, Australia. Currently, Mr. Beissel is AJN’s Project Director in the USA and is leading the design of 53 West 53rd Street towards its anticipated start of construction in June 2014.
TOMMY CRAIG | SENIOR MANAGING DIRECTOR | HINES Since joining Hines in 1982, Tommy Craig has been involved in a variety of development projects and transactions aggregating approximately 16 million square feet. In 1996, Mr. Craig’s responsibilities at Hines have included managing development, redevelopment, acquisition, construction, modification and/or interior fit-out on a variety of high-profile projects. Mr. Craig attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he received his Bachelor of Arts in History/ Economics, and Columbia University, where he earned his Master of Business Administration.
TIMOTHY FLYNN | VICE PRESIDENT OF CONSTRUCTION, EAST REGION | HINES Timothy Flynn is a Vice President of Construction for Hines’ East Region, and has been responsible for construction oversight of a wide range of large-scale construction projects during his tenure. Mr. Flynn received his Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering degree from Clarkson University, and a Bachelor of Arts, Physics, from the State University of New York at Geneseo.
NICHOLAS GRECCO | SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, PROJECT EXECUTIVE | LEND LEASE Nicholas Grecco has over 30 years of professional construction management experience, participating in the construction of a variety of building assignments in both a management and field supervisory capacity. He has completed and worked on projects in the mixed-use, residential, judicial and commercial/office market sectors. His proven abilities have been demonstrated on many urban and local New York Metropolitan area projects, resulting in a unique management style gained from an extensive local project experience base.
SPEAKERS (CONTINUED) DAVID PENICK | MANAGING DIRECTOR | HINES David Penick is a Managing Director in the Hines New York office and has been responsible for a wide range of real estate assignments during his 21 year tenure, totaling over 6 million square feet in the New York metropolitan area. During this time he has served as Project OfďŹ cer for the development of several high-proďŹ le New York City projects. Mr. Penick graduated from Cornell University and is a registered architect in New York State.
PROGRAM SPONSORSHIPS For more information about Tickets or Event Sponsorship, please contact Bailey Eells at (212) 450-7300 or beells@bermangrp.com
W HEN Wednesday February 19, 2014 8:00 am – 10:00 am
W HER E Santander Auditorium 45 East 53rd Street New York, NY 10022
T H E EV E N T Meet The Owner: A BTEA Project Case Study
PLATINUM SPONSOR – $5,000 • Special recognition in conference presentation • Name added to conference invitation • Full-page color advertisement in E-Program • Signage with company logo in prominent locations • 8 tickets per conference GOLD SPONSOR – $2,500 • Special recognition in conference presentation • Full-page black & white advertisement in E-Program • 5 tickets per conference E-PROGRAM AD – $1,000 • Full-page black & white advertisement in electronic conference program
SERIES SPONSORSHIPS ALSO AVAILABLE 2014 BTEA SERIES SPONSOR – $15,000 for All Four 2014 Conferences PLATINUM SPONSOR – $8,000 for All Four 2014 Conferences GOLD SPONSOR – $5,000 for All Four 2014 Conferences E-PROGRAM AD – $3,000 for All Four Conferences For more information about Sponsorship, please contact Bailey Eells at (212) 450-7300 or beells@bermangrp.com REGISTRATION
AGE NDA 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM Breakfast and Registration 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Presentation
Individual Tickets: $150 per ticket Special Discount: $125 per ticket available for groups purchasing 3 or more tickets Name: Title: Organization:
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM Panel Discussion
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Question & Answer Session
City/State/Zip Code:
Facsimile: E-mail: Guest 1: Guest 2:
PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: The Berman Group, Inc. 380 Lexington Avenue 19th Floor New York, NY 10168 Attn: Bailey Eells
Guest 3: Please attach additional names.
q Platinum Sponsor | $5,000 q Gold Sponsor | $2,500 q E-Program Ad Sponsor | $1,000 All reservations must be accompanied by a check and received prior to program date. There will be no refunds.