Comebin city

Page 1

Combine city


Cozy village


Combine city

Cozy village

A. Cozy Village 01. First section Rare park

a3.indd 2-3

011. Second section Temple street

111. Third section Peaceful street

Combine city

Frist section The park is located in the center of Combine city. Flowing river in the middle separates the park from other villages . and each tree has its own feature.

Cozy village

Combine city

Cozy village

a3.indd 6-7

A kind of cherry tree have a rich f lowers leaves.

Baobab trees A kind of columnifera, here punching people may live.

A park in the middle of the combine city is a symbol.

Holly Fir A kind of needle-leaved evergreen forest, with the advent of a hole in the wooden poles are growing.

Prunus yedoensis

Rarity park pattern

01. Raritypark

a branch while wintering in the fall and spring.

This tree is a type of deciduous tree. Do not fall dead leaves hanging on

Deciduous tree

A korean f ir. Loved the Christmas tree.

Korean Fir

Combine city


Cozy village


Combine city

Cozy village

Warm climate Rare.P



components : a rare trees

component : stone, tree

components: petals, tree

pourpose : Healing Space

pourpose : pray no accident

pourpose : Flower Nourishing



green house


Gogo.G gondola



street lamp

component : tree

components: petal, tree

component : petal, tree

pourpose : transportation

pourpose : art human resource

pourpose : light up


the darkness

Pot tower.R



component : stone, tree

component : stone, tree

component : tree

pourpose : pub

pourpose : hypermarket

pourpose : sweet home


a3.indd 8-9




Combine city

Second &Third section Infront of the village is a temple and the place called ‘Gondola’ can be seen from this temple street. As for the back of the village, there are major buildings on the main street, which constitute most part of the village.

Cozy village

Combine city

Cozy village


Combine city

Cozy village


Combine city

Cozy village

011.Temple street turn on

Lamp. A / B : street lamp It is shaped like a f lower bud which is well-known local product of Cozy village. During the day time the f lower closed. But the more darkness comes, the more the f lower bud opend, and light comes out of the f lower.

Lamp. A

Lamp. B

GOGO.G : gondola It’s a useful transportation method among the village and located the outer sub-street of each vil-

Cozy.T : temple for cozy village Thi its building. Just similar to the cozy village, this temple is established with circular, and smoother forms and the upper side is a dome feature. People living in this cozy village wish that plants grow well and enjoy better lives here.

a3.indd 12-13

lage. This gondola is used for 24 hours and had 5 minutes internal, so the Combine city people

favorite this gondola more than other transportation. Gondola is also made of logs and only window is made of glass.


Combine city

Cozy village

111. Peaceful street

Pot tower.R



Cozy village pots in the shape of the building is the most commonly seen. It’s a friendly

Cozy village

Cozy. T Peaceful temple Component stone, tree Pourpose pray no accident



This is a main supermarket which is built in the form of egg.


As an Arts school, this is renowned for the place where many talented individuals academic purposes. It looks like two drums stacked up and has many amenities like roof garden and swimming pool.



Pot tower.R


Combine city


Pot tower.R has a special pattern of shape.It is made by a knit When it is looked at the top, it makes a circle from the


This house in Lazy village reminds people of the Smurf’s house in the famous cartoon. As can be expected, the imagination of those in this area contributes to this special design.




It has a rather charming pattern that contains egg shape.


This place is where people in the village grow a wide variety of plants and looks like a hexagonal pyramid. Each edge of the building is connected by pillars that help grow winders in particular.



From a top view, it seems as if two drums are piled up.


Propensity of people

This area demonstrates distinguished four seasons,

People in the Cozy village are not worried about

has concentrated population due to a moderate

natural climate. As living here is salubrious and

climate, and shows advanced industrial culture. Due to the consistent precipitation, brown forest

creative minds are relatively well-developed, there by

soil, brown leaf forest, westerlies and warm

allowing themselves to enjoy comfortable lives.

current, this region enjoys cooler summers and warmer winters. This area is well known for the mixed agriculture, dairying, and commerce and industry. Due to the tree agriculture, red soil, summer’s high temperature with dry climate, and winter’s warm humid climate, sclerophyllous forest (olive, cork trees) has been Tartan.H


The top view of the house is seen in the pattern.



The main patterns indicate the distribution of the plants, using hexagonal cross sections, circular and triangular blocks.

spread widely. People in this area cultivate fruit

Building features These creative people living in this village has built lots of parks that form the peaceful environment.

Name This is all due to the warm climate.

and barley), and vegetables. Due to the monsoon winter is warm but dry. Rice, tea, citrus, and sugarcanes are harvested.

* nest: [noun] (of a bird) nest

Combine city


Cozy village

Combine city


Cozy village



The structure is mainly

It is composed of f ive

constructed from

f loors. Many cafes are

cement and rocks, and the circular and triangu-

f loors and the third one

lar windows are made

is full of pubs that sell

of glasses.

alcohol at night. The are for restaurants. In f loor, there is a rooftop garden where customers can dine while appreciating various plants.

Diagram It

Name The exterior of this building looks like the pot famous in this region.

Pot tower.R The exterior of this building looks like the pot famous in this region.

a3.indd 16-17


a focus on each f loor and stair.

Appearance In restaurants, pubs, and cafes; therefore, people not only from this village but from other

The pattern that features the external appearance is

villages come here and enjoy.

produced with a pot motif.

This is the most famous hot place in the village.

Combine city


Cozy village


Combine city

Cozy village

Appearance The roof looks like a basket that is interwoven with


barks and bamboos in the pattern of tartan to

We made the model of the rooftop.

protect the house from rain and wind.

Material As for the external materials, the wall is covered with mud, and pillars are built around the wall forvines to grow. The door is made of woods and the window glasses. The house is normally

Diagram The model is made in a way that every aspect of

this warm climate, but tropical hard trees are also

inside can be properly investigated.

used for doors and windows if required.

3F libraryroom

3F bedroom

2F diningroom

2F kitchen

* Tartan: Tartan is the cross-stripes fabric, which is the symbol of the Scotland clan. It is widely used in quilts, and is used in many clothes and fashion designs universally.

Tartan.H This is a typical family home that could possibly appear in fairy tales like the house where the Smurfs live. It is called “Tartan.H� because it symbolizes the Tartan.

a3.indd 18-19

Tartan interior

1F garden

1F garage

Inside Each f loor has its own use. It is composed of three suitable for warm climate. The second f loor has a living room and a kitchen, and the third f loor has two personal rooms. The current picture portrays a bedroom and a library; however, its use can be f lexible according to personal taste.

Combine city


Cozy village


Combine city

Cozy village



Since it is the only market place in the whole village,

It is stably built with

this market is always crowded with a multitude of

cement as the shape is

people. Aside from this, the weather is always nice

circular that is hard to

and warm, which is good for preserving foods.


Therefore, this place can also be considered as a

The window between

storage house of the village.

the roads is composed

There are parking lots on the sixth and seventh

of glasses.

f loors as well as outside the building. Therefore, it creates the formative feature of the building and avoids congestion.



This mart has an open

The pattern of the building is

warehouse look, and each f loor

outlined in form of an egg, and it is designed in a customer-friendly way.

departments. checkout counters and some products. The main stands are

Egg ball.M This egg-shaped building is called Egg ball.M (Mart).

on the second to the f ifth f loor, and the sixth and the seventh f loors are parking areas.

Diagram It is drawn to illustrate the whole inner structure of each f loor at one view.


Combine city

Cozy village


Combine city




Various kinds of plants are cultivated inside the garden. It is also equipped with plant care items on a shelf for commercial purposes.

The interior symbolize the vegetation growing in the garden itself using circular shape and triangle-shaped patterns.


Diagram from the rooftop. Each and every circle indicates numerous plants.



This is a hexagonal place suitable to grow plants that live in a temperate climate and so is

It is designed like a vinyl greenhouse,

its name, Hexagon.Garden.

although the actual material for the outer wall is glass. Aside from that, pillars

Appearance W also growing plants outside does not really matter. However, in order to meet the demands of other villages, Hexagon.G is planted with diverse and extraordinary species of plant life and it occupies a broad area : the whole f loor space measures 50m. Moreover,

a3.indd 22-23

Cozy village

attached to joints help vines grow well and add more beauty in its outward appearance. With a hexagonal pyramid,



The building internally consists of four f loors. This is furnished with theoretical class rooms and special-purpose rooms where students can hone practical skills like dance and swimming.

Diagram The cross section of the structure looks like a pear.



Drumart is a compound word formed from the words “drum” and “art” and the letter ‘C’

To make it a distinctive landmark, this art

refers to the word ‘conservatoire’. People living in a mild climate are very impressible and

school is built in the form of two drums.

many children are talented in art, probably because of the

One is on top of the other and the upper

salubrious, pleasant environment. In addition, residents of other cities, who are willing to

one is smaller. The building is compart-

have art education, wish to enter this school.

mentalized into several art, music and physical class rooms. However, due to its

this six-pointed garden has thirteen faces


including f loor surface.

The main construction materials for this school are iron, glass, and cement.

circular shape students can access their class room by using the entrance doors on every side. Aside from class rooms, there

this garden should f ill the orders from ‘Pot Tower.R’ and Drumart. H for plants on their

are a park and a swimming pool on the

roof garden and manage them.

rooftop so that students can rest.

What kind of things have you imagned?

Combine city


Nest village


Combine city

Nest village

B. Nest Village 01. Fourth section Hammock zone

a3.indd 26-27

011. Fifth section Branches street

Combine city


Nest village


Combine city

Nest village

Tropical climate Nest.T



component : tree

component : manufactured log

component : branch, tree

pourpose : wish a hope

pourpose : sweet home

pourpose : play room for



play room





component : textile

component : textile

component : lesf, log

pourpose : take a nap

pourpose : take a nap

pourpose : swim



component : plant

component : feather

component : star

pourpose : light up the

pourpose : teach student

pourpose : art gallery, museum


street lamp


a3.indd 28-29



swimming pool


Fourth & Fifth section The area is divided into two distinguished areas: one with hammocks and the other with countryside buildings. Because people are trying to relax during the day in hot temperature, hammock is prepared throughout. The temple of the nest village is located right next to the hammocks, and there is a main street right behind the hammock zone.


Combine city

Nest village

01. Hammock zone


Combine city

Nest village

Lamp. A / B : street lamp Lamp.A


It is kind of torch, so the light is made from sourse of oil. And it has a brightness sensor, so it turns on or dark.

turn on


Hammock.A : hammock It is comvenience like a tent, rather than a hammock, actually. Because when it is linked with near trees, three-dimensional

its bottom spreads like a rectangular. So maximum three people can use this Hammock.A comfortable.


Nest.T : temple for nest village There is a pot-like structure inside the squared district. This is one of the characteristics of nest village. This implies putting people inside the structure,

Hammock.B : hammock

This place with the tropical climate patterns is the place where people can relax

It is usual shape of hammock, and people make this

their minds and bodies.

Hammock.B with the carpet, which is famous local product of theirs. It’s for one person only.

aerial view

a3.indd 32-33

and to enjoy the cultural lives.


Combine city

Nest village

011. Branches Street




Nest village has the interior of a normal house and consists of



swimming pool


play room

It is a childcare center designed as a two-storey building with lofty ceilings, air walk and slides.

connected by ladders, not stairs – its distinctive feature.

Starium. M


This building comprises three



The f loor surface is shown in a cross-sectional view.

rough surface and they look as if they are just stacked up.


This is a small school in Nest Village consisting of

size : two for adults and the other two for children.


Nest village

Nest.T Peaceful temple Component tree Pourpose wish a hope

It is the most popular place in this tropical climate. There are four swimming pools in the

is decided based on the preference of residents. Household with children are furnished with a slide that give a sense of joy and enjoyment to them.


Combine city

museum. Its pivots are pillaron the f irst f loor and there is a roomful of art works on the wall.

Climate Feather.S


It simplif ies the longitudinal section of the building

The daily temperature is greater than the annual range for the temperature. This village is between 20°N,S based on the equator. This area has high

Also, due to the high temperature, people take a nap during the siesta time. Diligent with wide heart are people here.

temperature throughout the year, and the dry and

Bulding features

wet seasons are distinguished. On the meadow with

This is the form of nest and constructed made of

the rare trees and tall grass area, a paradise of animal

natural resources around the village. To protect this

has been formed. Soil here is mostly lateritic soil.

building from the harmful insects, this building is constructed far from the living area.

Propensity of people Twing.P


The cross section of the interior describes major buildings that serve as central axis.

Starium. M


The interior decoration carved in the balustrade is described in the cross section.

People are constructing buildings with the soil in


this area. People living in this environmental friendly

The name is created according to the form of nest.

village show higher happiness index compared to people living in other area. Since people are using the natural resources, the maintenance works are frequently required, which makes people in this area diligent and hardworking.

* sand: [noun] the sand * cozy: [adjective] cozy comfort

Combine city


Nest village


Combine city

Nest village

Appearance This nest-like house is suitable to the tropical climate. To protect from harmful insects, people need to climb up the ladder to enter the house. This house is huge with the height of 5M and the width of 3M.

People have to use their body muscles to live in this house, and this is how they can maintain their health and enjoy their well-being lives.

Appearance T This f loor makes people to exercise all the time because it is quite hard to clean. The storage area is rarely found, and most belongings are hung up in the air so that people can stretch all the time when they need anything. The reason for this living area on the second, and the personal rooms on the third. Because of the special entrance system, it is also called 2F, 1F, and B1.

Material The house is made of trees, and the outside is made of woodblocks. All the inner materials are also woods.

Pattern This embodies the house made of woodblocks.


Block.H This building is called block.H (house) because it is made of woodblocks.

a3.indd 36-37

The divided area and the tough f loor is specially represented.

Combine city


Nest village

Combine city


Nest village

Material The Starium.M (museum) is both a art museum and a museum.

Appearance This construction is made of starts that children from the Combine city’s four villages caught from the sky. This Starium.M is made of stars that innocent children caught from the sky. Children learn a lot in this museum by participating in its construction. can be entered by people using the ladder.

Secret_ how you catch the stars? This is one of the annual event that the sky jet scatters starts from the sky for children.

Inside It is supposed to be 7.5M high for three f loors, but it has been constructed in 9M high to make a high

ceiling. It contains various artworks and historical relics. The material of stars: it is made of woods and neon color is painted over.

Starium.M This art museum is made of stars that children caught from the sky.

Pattern The identity of the Starium.M represents starts that symbolizes dream.

Diagram The inner structure and the shape of many accessories combined results in exotic feature.

a3.indd 38-39

Combine city


Nest village


Combine city


Initial C of combine

The secret airship has big wings on its side and tail

tail.The hot air balloon

city is marked on the is processed with special material,it is not

agead as if it swims on through air. People can travel around by this secret airship so peacefully and quietly. That’s why people call it ‘secret’ airship.

The roof is rubber and soft. It does not burst with the expansion power of air injection. It is designed to insert air when it is used and release air when not being used.

These four wings are very big enough to make the airship f lies. It’s possible because of light weight of the secret airship. Whenever the wings f laps, the airship goes up and slowly goes down, and then the wings f laps again. So the secret airships speed is very slow, but many people enjoy its peaceful f light.

The secret airship has a huge basket to contain people. But it has no especially safe device, so people have to hold the bar from the side of basket.

visible from the ground at night.

Nest village

Combine city


Nest village


Combine city




Four main backbones

Furthermore, various plants are planted in each and

Even though it sounds like a complicated building,

supports the building,

every pillars in the building, and children can learn

once you get to know of it, the structure is

and it looks like a ‘+’

about these plants. Because it contains the swing,

very simple composed of six rooms.


slide, safety rod, ladder, and wood balls, children love here. Because the place is quite spacious, a

Twig.P The nest village has the special space called the Twig.P (playroom) for the children, and it is made of twigs.

Nest village

Material It is composed of twigs.

large amount of people can enjoy the room at the same time.

Appearance This room made of twigs looks like a pocket so that children love to be in there and feel relaxed. Because this area can be a bit dangerous to children, parents always should be together.

Combine city


Nest village


Combine city

Nest village




This is the Leaves.Sw (swimming pool) made of

When you climb up you have climb the ladders, then

leaves. Its one of the interesting characteristics is

you can slide down. Inside of the pool is made of

that it symbolizes the hide-and-seek as it looks like it

water-proof woodblocks because the regular woods

is hidden behind the leaves. Because the nest village pattern This symbolizes the swimming pool that is surrounded by the leaves.


has tropical climate, the swimming pools seems to

automatic water level controller, there are two sepa-

be the most attractive attraction in this village.

rate pools: one for adults and the other for children.



Even though there are four to f ive swimming pools

The other construction near the swimming pool is

in this village, because there are so many people

made of leaves, and it keeps the humidity stable.

wanting to use these facility, the village made a huge swimming pool with the diagram of 5M.

This is the Leaves.Sw (swimming pool) made of leaves.

diagram The circular swimming pool is demonstrated.

The backbone of this place is made of the rubber tree’s strong stem and leaves. A huge water balloon hanging on the tree is the overall picture of this swimming pool.

Combine city


Nest village


Combine city

Nest village




The kids in this village

The inside is composed of 3f loors: 1st f loor is the

There is a pattern of birds in this school that is made

think of school whenev-

gym, 2nd and 3rd f loors are classrooms.

of birds’ feathers.

er they see a bird.

Feather.S This is the school of the nest village called Feather.S (school).




As the children are raised in this natural

The building is made of the birds’ feathers so that

This is the school of

environment, the size of the school is relatively small.

the nest village called Feather.S (school). Children in nest village does not go to school for long.

The building is again apart from the f loor, and children can enter the building by a pocket that is using the pulley. The area is 5m height and width, and it is a circular shape.

the building looks like the most nest-like building compared to other buildings in this village; therefore, children can feel the comfort inside this building.

This places are came from my fancy.

Combine city


Sand village


Combine city

Sand village

C. Sand village 01. Sixth section Temple street

011. Seventh section Clay street

Combine city


Sand village


Combine city

Sand village

Dry climate Dry.D



component : sand

component : sand, cement

component : snad, clay

pourpose : dune

pourpose : lock up prisoners

pourpose : wish a hope




component : cray, cement

component : clay, ceramic

component : fabric, steel

pourpose : collect books

pourpose : supply water

pourpose : teach students


Staire.H house

amusement park

component : steel, oil

component : fabric, cement,

component : cement, sand

pourpose : light up

pourpose : sweet home

pourpose : amuse people



street lamp

the darkness


water tank




Sixth&Seventh section The temple of the sand village gives the feeling that has been built on the sand foundation. It is made out of the most prevalent construction style in this Sand Village and demonstrates its unique identity.

Combine city


Sand village


Combine city

Sand village

01. Temple street

Lamp. A

Lamp. B

Dew.W : water tank Dew.w is a import water tank of sanf village very

Lapm.A / B : street lamp

building is supplied water by Dew.w is 5M tall 3M

It is kind of a touch, so the light is made from souce

wide and keep the water form rain or f illing snow

turn on

of oil. And it has a brightness sensor, so it turns on

from the snow mountin into its body. And Dew.W is made of clay and patterns and texts caved out of Dew.W are intaglios as if someone writes a text on the sand.

or darken.


Combine city

Sand village

Combine city


Sand village

Sand.T The temple of the sand village gives the feeling that has been built on the sand foundation. It is made out of the most prevalent construction style in this Sand Village and demonstrates its pattern unique identity.

temple for sand village. The temple of the sand village gives the feeling that has been built on the sand foundation. It is made out of the most prevalent construction style in this Sand Village and demonstrates its unique identity.

+People in sand village always wish to have less sun but more precipitation. People also wish the jail to close as the number of prisoners decrease.


People in sand village always wish to have less sun but

aerial view

more precipitation. People also wish the jail to close as the number of prisoners decrease.



Combine city

Sand village

011. Clay Street




This cube-shaped prison is located in the driest area and is built with sand. Maintenance is a duty of criminals.



Its quadrangular shape is embodied in the pattern.



The most striking feature is triangular blocks in this structure that is located in a dry region. Moreover, there is a humidity control system. This is the most architecturally




The stair structure is represented with quadrangular blocks.

amusement park

It is an amusement park in the form of sand castle in Combine city. The main material, in fact, is also cement blended with sand. Thanks to this, it is called ‘Giant Castle’



Sand village

Sand.T Peaceful temple Component snad, clay Pourpose wish a hope

It is made in the form of ‘Ger’ which is a movable living space, which makes students learn in a comfortable environment. Ger.S(school) is located on the platform which prevents it from vermin.



Combine city


This house is made out of mud, of which the entrance is on ceiling. This is a wisdom of inhabitants of Sand village, which is good for the prevention of harmful insects.



The castle including nine structures inside it is included in the diagram.


Propensity of people

The range of daily temperature is broad.

This dry and hot area is known for the tour industry

Moreover, since the amount of evaporation is more

for the residents to survive. This is how they attract

than the amount of precipitation, trees hardly grow

outsiders to this area. Since the prison is near this

well. The amount of precipitation varies, and trees

area, people here are very interested in academics and

grow only around rivers and by the oasis. The main


industries are oasis agriculture, irrigation cultivation, and underground resource development. Short trees grow near desserts. The soil in this area is chestnut soil (black soil) which is very rick and fertile. Sharp.L


This shows the special outside structure of the Sharp.L.



The stair structure is represented with quadrangular blocks.

Buildingn features There are many structures that features dessert-like

Nomadic life is enjoyed in old world, whereas people graze cattle in new world.

Name Since this area is very dry, sand dessert is everywhere and this is how it got its name. * sand: [noun] the sand

Combine city


Sand village


Combine city




Sand village


Appearance Because there is no need to control the humidity in this sand village to protect books, the library is located in this sand village. To get more winds, the 80% of the wall is made of windows. This spacious place with 8m height and f ive f l

Material The building is built with the material that is mixed with cement and sands. Because of its immense size, it became the main symbol of this village.

Pattern This shows the special outside structure of the Sharp.L.

Inside Y

irst f loor. In fourth to sixth f loors are where

People come to this library to enjoy reading at this huge library. Because the period you can borrow a books is relatively long, there are multiple books for each book.

Diagram This describes the structure of the library which is formed of six f loors.

Sharp.L This is the Sharp.L (library) that has the sharp, triangular holes. It got its name from its special, triangular holes.

a3.indd 62-63

Combine city


Sand village


Combine city




Sand village


Name Even though Combine city is such a peaceful place to live, there are always some who violate the law. This prison is located in the toughest place in this nest village. There is no such felony criminals, but less severe criminals have to go to jail about a month; therefore, the prison is always crowded and the building is huge.

Appearance The outer part of the prison is often destroyed because of sand. When the maintenance is required because of the rainfalls, it is prisoners who do the work. The building is 2x8=16M height, eight f loors, and 5x5x8=200 rooms.

Material A large amount of sands in the desserts.

Inside I and eighth f loor. All prisoners have to use ladders whenever they have to move during mealtime or work out time.

Pattern The pattern you can see from the above is the square that resembles the square rooms for each prisoner.

Cube.P The square Cube.P (prison) looks like castle, but actually it is a prison.

Diagram This diagram shows the inside of the jail.

Combine city


Sand village


Combine city


Sand village

Inside However, the inside of the park is all connected, and large attractions are located

amusement park

in the park. The concept of the amusement park is the Alabama and forty thieves, which creates a magical scene. Furthermore, as it has various attractions such as ferris wheel, roller coaster, Viking and carousel, it is one of the hot places in this Combine city.

Name The only amusement park in this village got its name Castle.A(amusement park)


because it looks like a castle.

The cement with sand



This building is built in cement that has sands, and it looks like a complicated

This pattern shows the seven buildings in the castle.

castle. This a large-scale amusement park that kids love to come, and it looks like


a sand castle by the beach. For the safety, the structure of the amusement park is very strong and seven buildings compose one whole park.

a3.indd 66-67



A map-like diagram that shows the location of attractions.


Combine city

Sand village


Combine city



The carpet on the f loor

Stairs are all the way

also incorporated some

around the building.

Sand village




The second and fourth

The house is formed of

f loor are the classrooms,

sand, and its height is

an the third f loor is

2.5x3=7.5m. The space

a cafeteria where you

is rectangular shape

can eat whatever you

and one window is on each side of the rectan-

f ifth f loor is a gym, and

gular space. You can

the reason it is on the top f loor is because it

room inside. The f irst

gets less heat from the


f loor.

third f loor are personal

This is the residential house of the Ger.S (school) sand village,


Though the fabric is around the house, the inside is made of the material that is mixed of sand and cement.


a3.indd 68-69

The roof can be folded and expanded by using the fabrics and you can enter the building through the stairs.

ind the Ger. The upper

to support the weight, and the carpet is over the upper table for the symbol of the village.

because of the unique stair it has for the building.

The entrance is on the rooftop to avoid the harm from scorpions, or snakes.

This house, Ger in Mongolia, is movable, and it is very cool in summer so that it is suitable for school. To table is about one meters high, and in total of 2.5x5=12.5M high. The upper table is made of cement

This interesting shaped place is called stair.h (house)


and this is formed in shape of Ger.

avoid the heat from the f loor, you stack up the tables and on the 5


and the second and the



This shows the inner

When you see the

space that divides the

building from the

classroom areas.

above, it looks like a consequent cubes

Appearance Although the structure is somewhat complicated, the whole house is formed as stairs so that residents can enjoy the unique life here in this house.

The f irst f loor is lobby, where everyone can come together. People can come upstairs using the stairs which

stacked together that


is in the both sides of the pole.

forms the diagram.

The regular residential places in this dry area are supposed to be built in mud and need lots of wind.

Combine city

Sand village

Combine city

Sand village

What kind of place do you want to live?

Can you describe the place in your mind? a3.indd 72-73

Combine city


Knit village


Combine city

Knit village

D. Knit village 01. Eighth section Train street

011. Ninth section White street

Combine city


Knit village


Combine city

Knit village

Microthermal climate Knit.T temple

snow mountain



component : cement

component : snow, clay

component : steel, knit

pourpose : wish a hope

pourpose : snow mountian




component : baobab, glass

component : cement, knit

component : copper, steel, knit

pourpose : transport

pourpose : teach student

pourpose : cure people




component : snow, radiation

component : knit, wood

component : log, knit

pourpose : light up

pourpose : show a movie

pourpose : sweet home


street lamp

the darkness

a3.indd 76-77






Eighth&Ninth section The area is surrounded by the snow mountain, and the train passes by this snow mountain. In the middle of the snow Over the mountain there is the main street of the village.

a3.indd 78-79


Combine city

Knit village


Combine city

Lamp. A / B : street lamp

It is a train running through the snow moutain. And it is very important transportation, because the knit village is isolated whit other villaige due to the

It is famillar with the mood of the Knit village, the

snow mountain. The Whit.T is made of Bobab tree of the Cozy village. Inside

bottom faundation part is covered whit a textile kit and it is shaped like an ice dessert in a bowl.

turn on

Knit village

15M long and connected by steel rings each ohters.

Except for their head unit, each unit has four entries beside of them.

The Whit.T is not the kind of usual train moved y its wheel, but the rail has many wheels rolled it seleves. The rail is made of Baobab also.

makes a circle.

White.T train for Knit village Lamp. A

units as well.

Lamp. B


Train hood

Train head The front of train

The head unit is shaped like a pensil, so it reduces the air friction. And only the

Train torso

Bobab tree

Connection pintle

Train rail

It is made in the form of removable rings

Rail is made of log and it moves

and this is the only metal treated

automatically before train arrives.


The train operates by the strength and the power of the moving train.


Combine city

Knit village


Combine city

01. Train Street

Knit village

Niddle. Sh



Pattern N is the initial shape of the architect’s pattern. Made on the needle thread weave.



It is a gun store which sells hunting tools to kill f ierce wild animals appeared in

It simplif ies the inner par of each f loor.

cold areas.


Appearance It is decorated with thin iron pillars on the outside, which are tied by knitting

Basically it is made of cement with glass windows and wood doors.

hunting purposes.



It indoor f iring ranges are on the second to the fourth f loors. Each f loor is 0.5 meter higher than that of a normal building, so the total height is fourteen meters.

3F The third f loor is a gun range where people use upper body targets to aim and practice more precise targets.

4F The fourth f loor is a pin point target. This is the place where you can practice for hunting small animals since this place has small target.

1F The f irst f loor is a place where people can rent guns on display and also buy guns.

2F The second f loor is a rif le range where people use full f igure target to aim and practice large targets.

aerial view

Knit.T temple for Kint village. This temple is designed to protect itself from natural calamities like snow avalanches. The structure with a circle-shaped door seems to symbolize the temple in the heavy snow fall region. The line-pattern shows the symbol of this village: the knitting wool.

a3.indd 82-83




Combine city

Knit village

011. White Street




This is a garage in knit village that is a cold region. As it is also a snow-prone and mountainous place, this garage








Igloo-shaped appearance and the place for maintenance is remarkable in the diagram.



This cone-shaped theater is interwoven by knit. A third of seats for the audience are 30% of the building constitutes a big screen. This place is so fascinating that it could be even used as an opera house.


This building looks like a brazier and is planned for central heating. Thus, heat is supplied to each ward from central pillar that is made of iron and copper to facilitate heat conduction.

Knit village

Knit.T Peaceful temple Component cement Pourpose wish a hope

It consists of four f loors with special focus on warmth. The interior is designed to give a sense of comfort and closeness to students..

equipment that can be easily broken and is spacious enough to accommodate two vehicles. The external appearance looks like an igloo.


Combine city


This general house is designed, based on the residents’ requests, who want to live under ground to avoid severe cold. It can also be altered to another form in accordance with their lifestyle. As can be expected, the house is covered by knit for keeping warmth.


The screen and auditorium is shown in the diagram.

It describes the cross section of


Propensity of people

This region has podzol soil and a great annual range

Village people wish for less amount of snowfall and

of temperature.The winter is severe and long, while

warmer winter so that they can live safely. They also

the summer is short and hot. The southern area is known for the mixed woodland (global mixed grains

perform ancestral rites to pay their respects to the souls of all the game they caught. They eat plenty of

zone), and the northern area has coniferous forest

meats to take protein to survive in a cold area.


(forestry is developed). The polar area has white night and aurora. Since the temperature is low throughout the year, it is not perfect area for trees. Moreover, the amount of evaporation is low, which Stove.Hs


This diagram is presented

location of rooms.



It depends on the member of the Cave.H but it mostly geometricizes the position and size of each space.

makes this region very humid. Because the animal here are living in this Moss, Bryophyte, Tundra

Building features H village put into them. All of them are coated with knit that is woven by people in the village in various ways.

zero degrees throughout the year, non-f loral zone,


non-residential area.

The village name comes from the word ‘knit’ that every building wears around them.


Combine city

Knit village

Knit village

Combine city

Appearance In the form of a mud hut, this theater may make the audience feel as if they are at the circus. It is coated with knitted wool to keep warmth. Each piece of the knitted wool is 1.5 meters

in diagram and the total height is twelve meters. Name The theater looks like a cabin. This is how it got the name, Cabin.H(house). Material Angora wool is used for warmth and two big trees function as pillars. 5M




Inside The interior shape is circular and a third of the space is occupied by a big screen. On the opposite side, there are thousands of seats spread over four f loors the exterior, suggestive of circus.

Pattern It shows a plain stitch from a top view.

Diagram It is patterned upon a theater of knit. The pattern symbolizes the knit.

a3.indd 86-87




Combine city

Knit village

Knit village

Combine city

Appearance The base of a tree is ten meters in diameter and they dig a tunnel in the tree to use it as cave houses. It is one of the best ways to live in this cold climate and the number of caves varies in each household. Four pieces of knitted wool are attached to the inner part for keeping warmth, by which people can express their personality. For warmer environment, they imitate a burrowing mammal’s hole with doors


on the ground and underground houses. They can use the underground space within a ten-meter width and a twenty-meter height. Material digging. Knitted wool is also used to keep warmth. 3M



diagram 4M

Inside In the current picture, there are four areas : a kitchen, a living room and two bedrooms. Most households have at least three caves for a kitchen, a living room and a food storeroom.

Cave.H It is ‘Cave.H(house) that looks like a cave and the interior features an ant’s nest.

Pattern They embody annual rings in the pattern, mixed with knitted wool.

Diagram It depends on the member of the Cave.H but it mostly geometricizes the position and size of each space.

a3.indd 88-89


Combine city


Knit village


Knit village

Combine city

This school is a four-storey building where children study. To give a lovely impression, its roof is designed in the form of a woolen hat and the fence is also skirted with knitted wool. The number of windows is minimal because of a cold climate and blinds woven out of wool cover each window. Name This school wears a woolen hat, so they name this school after Russian fur hat Shapka. Material Cement is a main material for the frame and two-thirds of the building is covered with knit.




diagram 7M

Pattern A woolen hat is themed in the pattern.

Inside The total height is ten meters. Each grade has its own class and the top f loor is special-purpose for everyone to enjoy exercising or to have a meeting in groups.

Diagram The inner part of the structure is quite simple.



Combine city


Knit village

Stove.Hs Combine city

As the name suggests, this building is the form of a stove and it can actually make a f ire. When making a f ire, warm air goes up to the inside through the central column. As a result of the brazier, the f irst f loor is located a little bit higher than that of a general structure. Material Copper and iron are major materials for the foundation of this building to maintain high heat conductivity and the surface is treated with cement. Despite the warm environment inside the building, knitted wool still covers its exterior since it also belongs to Knit Village.





Pattern The weave of the knit symbolizes the stove-shaped house.

Inside There are many private wards making a circle with the central column as its which means that patients cannot be moved to another f loor once they are put function rooms.


Diagram I braziers.

a3.indd 92-93


Knit village


Combine city

Knit village

Knit village

Combine city

Appearance Its outward appearance is suggestive of Igloo but it is made of knit, not ice. Voluminously knitted wool covers the Igloo-shaped structure so that oil and other equipment does not get frozen. Added to this, it is ten meters in diameter, spacious enough to accommodate more than two cars. Name tractors and cars because those vehicles and machine components in cold areas like ‘knit village’ are often plagued by breakdowns. Material pile up to build the Igloo. The knitting wool outside


is for keeping warmth.

12M pattern



Inside There are two garages for two cars and various kinds of maintenance equipment are displayed on a shelf for commercial purpose.

Pattern The decagonal f loor surface seems as if it is interwoven with thread.

Diagram It shows the inner structure and the position of garages.


Invite me to your fancy place. a3.indd 96-97

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