Ask the Expert 2019

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Expert When considering any task, it’s important to do your homework. These professionals have offered their expertise on an array of popular subjects in order to help you decide what’s right for you.


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Ask the Expert

Katie Dunn Fitzgerald

Q&A Wealth Advice Q: What is the most rewarding part of your career? A: As a senior wealth consultant, I help clients achieve

their goals by matching them with the right resources to meet their needs, whether those are within or outside of Mariner Wealth Advisors. I have the opportunity to get to know clients and gain an understanding of their goals and challenges. The most rewarding part of my career is helping clients develop personalized plans and making sure they have the resources in place to help them achieve their longterm objectives.

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ABOUT Mariner Wealth Advisors is a national wealth advisory firm that provides wealth advice focused on meeting client needs. Founded in 2006 with $300 million in assets under advisement, the firm has grown to more than $24 billion as of Jan. 31, 2019. The firm’s mission is to help clients and their families navigate their financial future, charting a course to achieve their goals today, tomorrow and for years to come. As a senior wealth consultant, Katie Dunn Fitzgerald helps business owners and senior-level executives formulate and implement financial plans, while actively volunteering in the Kansas City community. Katie’s current community involvement includes serving the following organizations: the University of Kansas Health System, Greater Kansas City Community Foundation, the foundation board for Johnson County Community College, the United Way of Greater Kansas City Tocqueville Society, BOTAR, multiple women’s causes and her children’s grade school.

Q: H ow do you balance the demands of your career

and family while still finding time to be active in the community?

A: I grew up in a family that believes in giving back to the community, and it’s important to me that my husband and I make serving the community a priority for our family as well. I’m fortunate that my career provides flexibility to allow me to attend events and play an active role in many organizations. My family also realizes the importance of my community involvement and provides endless support. I’m most grateful for the legacy of service I believe I am leaving for my children, as they already seek opportunities to serve others.

Mariner Wealth Advisors 5700 W 112th St., Suite 200, Overland Park, KS 913.647.9700 |


Ask the Expert

Tim Herre DDS ABOUT Dr. Tim is a graduate of Saint Thomas Aquinas and UMKC dental school. He is a third generation dentist in Johnson County and is passionate about Kansas City. He practices holistic and biological dentistry with an emphasis on treating TMJ disorders and airway/ sleep issues. His wellness philosophy aims at helping you be the best version of yourself.

A: Up to 70 million Americans are affected by chronic

Q&A Family Dentistry Q: I s there a solution to my chronic TMJ pain? I can’t deal with this!

A: Jaw pain, worn teeth, receeding gums, headaches, ear

aches and clenching or grinding your teeth are all common TMJ symptoms. These are all signs that the chewing system is breaking down and not functioning properly. By focusing on the root cause of the symptoms, the chewing system is able to be conservatively rejuvenated back to a state of optimal health and well-being. This type of dentistry isn’t focused on managing the disease with a typical night guard but asking why and what is causing the breakdown and providing a permanent fix. The good news is there is hope for those suffering from long term chronic pain.

Q: I don’t sleep well, I snore, I never feel rested when I wake up and I’m tired of wearing a CPAP! What is going on?

sleep disorders. It’s well known that sleep apnea can cause systemic disease such as high blood pressure, fatigue, weight gain, and diabetes. Now we know that grinding one’s teeth and snoring can be directly linked to the size of one’s face, jaw and airway. When our jaws don’t grow properly, our airway from inside the nose to behind the tongue become a choke point to our breathing. As a result, we aren’t able to breathe properly, we get inadequate restorative sleep, and our health suffers. This can make us more irritable, anxious and stressed, wrecking havoc on our personal and professional lives. The good news, we have the ability to permanently change the size and volume of ones airway for 24/7 improved breathing with the use of a biological dental appliance. No more managing with just a nighttime appliance or CPAP. M y goal, help you BREATHE, SLEEP, THRIVE!

Q: S hould I be concerned if my child snores, mouth breathes, grinds their teeth, has ADHD or wets the bed?

A: YES! The above symptoms plus crowded teeth, enlarged

tonsils, tongue tie and inability to nurse are all signs there is a problem. In our modern society, there is an epidemic among children due to poor growth and development of their jaws and face. If not addressed early in life, the airway becomes constricted and may predispose your child to needing teeth removed for orthodontic purposes, sleep apnea, TMJ and other health issues. We screen and evaluate all kid’s growth, airway and tonsils with a 3D scan of their jaws. The ideal age for this is three to six years old to harness the child’s true growth potential. My goal is to catch any potential airway issue at an early stage so your child can grow and develop to their full potential.

Dental Health by Herre 11201 Nall Ave., Suite 120 Leawood, KS 913.491.4466 |

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Ask the Expert

Maniza Ehtesham MD, FACP ABOUT Dr. Ehtesham is the medical director and a board certified sleep physician. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Missouri Kansas City and enjoys teaching medical students and residents. She has also served as the Associate Residency Program Director at UMKC. She is currently a staff physician at Advent Health Shawnee Mission and Excellhealth Sleep Center.

A: Sleep disorders have been linked to many chronic

Q&A Sleep Disorders Q: How many hours should an average adult sleep? A: Preferably seven to eight hours, but a minimum of six hours.

Q: Common symptoms with sleep disorders? A: Snoring, gasping/choking in sleep, excessive sleepiness

or naps in day, attention/concentration/focus/memory problems during daytime, weight gain, trouble with sleep onset or maintaining sleep, frequent awakenings, frequent urination at night, headaches, decreased productivity at work, nightmares, acting out dreams, restless legs etc.

Q: W hat are the risks of leaving a sleep disorder untreated?

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diseases. Persons with sleep apnea have been found to be at increased risk for cardiovascular diseases like hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease and irregular heartbeats. Cardiac arrhythmias have been found to be more common among those with disordered sleep than their peers who sleep normally. Additionally, sleep apnea and hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) appear to share some common physiological characteristics, further suggesting that sleep apnea may be an important predictor of cardiovascular disease. Strokes appear to have similar mechanisms as above and are generally linked to sleep apnea. Laboratory research has found that short sleep duration results in metabolic changes that may be linked to obesity. Epidemiologic studies conducted in the community have also revealed an association between short sleep duration and excess body weight. Studies have also indicated that depression may decrease once sleep apnea has been effectively treated and sufficient sleep cycles are restored. The interrelatedness of sleep and depression suggests that irregular sleep is a driver for this disease. Diabetes research has found that insufficient sleep is linked to an increased risk for the development of Type 2 diabetes. Sleep duration and quality of sleep have emerged as predictors of levels of Hemoglobin A1c, an important marker of blood sugar control. Recent research also suggests that optimizing sleep duration and sleep quality may be important methods of improving blood sugar control in persons with Type 2 diabetes.

Q: What are other common conditions associated with untreated sleep problems?

A: Memory problems, dementia, acid reflux, chronic

kidney disease, anxiety, depression, ADHD/ADD are some of the other problems associated with poor sleep. Sleep apnea/sleep disorders can contribute to seizures and migraine headaches as well. Excellhealth Sleep Center 8901 W 74th St., Suite 350 Overland Park, KS 913.203.4040 |


Ask the Expert

Greg Kincaid Attorney at Law ABOUT Greg Kincaid has been practicing law for over 30 years, most of those as a divorce mediator. He has mediated thousands of divorces, has been certified by the state of Kansas as a divorce mediator and recognized by his peers as a “Super Lawyer.” He is also the New York Times bestselling author of “A Dog Named Christmas,” and many other fine novels.

Q&A Amicable Divorce through Mediation Q: Are there different ways to get a divorce? A: Too many families pack their bags and head out the door

without a clear sense of direction, not realizing that there are lots of options. For example, families can try to complete the process on their own, perhaps by downloading forms from the internet; more typically, each spouse hires their own lawyer; or, for more cooperatively minded individuals, both spouses work with one lawyer as a neutral mediator. Divorce is not a one-size-fits-all situation. Your circumstances dictate the best approach.

Many families are rightfully concerned that the legal system will pit one spouse against the other and, when this happens, their divorce can quickly devolve into unnecessary and destructive conflicts. In my practice, I’ve become known as one of the leading advocates in our community for using one lawyer as a neutral mediator. I find the process to be far less expensive, and an overall healthier way for a family to move into different living arrangements. As a neutral lawyer/mediator, I sit down with both spouses and together we agree on the ground rules for the process. Typically, that means a full and fair disclosure of all relevant information, keeping the interest of the children (if there are any) paramount and reaching agreements that balance individual interests against the best interests of the family as a whole. Using a divorce mediator can give both spouses more control over the process, with less risk for destructive conflict. Even if a family ultimately decides they are best served when they each have their own lawyer, starting out with a mediator to agree on goals and ground rules can still be helpful. Likewise, even when they use a mediator, they can still retain their own lawyers. Please visit my webpage for more information

Kincaid Mediation Kreamer Kincaid Taylor Lipsman Arney Wait & Bottaro, L.C. 7450 W 130th St., Suite 140, Overland Park, KS 913.210.8347 |

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Ask the Expert

Roses Ammon Vice President ABOUT


As Vice President, Roses handles the Sales and Marketing for Staffing Kansas City. She works with clients to determine their needs and how to best fill those needs. Marketing the brand is simple when everyone involved is striving for a win-win-win. Staffing Kansas City is an independently owned, WBE certified employment agency. Ammon works with small to mid-sized companies and their office support teams to determine their hiring needs and the best strategy to fill them. At Staffing Kansas City, through the recruiting process, experienced recruiters interview, reference check and skill test candidates for each of our clients’ specific hiring needs. Clients choose direct hire, contract-to-hire, or contract placement services. They are confident in Staffing Kansas City’s replacement guarantee offered with a direct hire or contract-to-hire. A team of hands-on owners and powerhouse recruiters, along with a desire to help top companies and top talent find each other, has led to a track record of more than 20 years of successful client partnerships. In many cases, Staffing Kansas City has identi­f ied and placed candidates who became long-time employ­ees and are now hiring managers themselves.

culture set forth by your organization. Utilizing an employment firm saves time and money and guarantees you’ll find an employee you want on your payroll.

Q: What is the cost of a bad hire? A: The cost of a bad hire ranges from one to five times the

The Cost of a Bad Hire Q: H ow can I justify paying a placement fee for employees?

A: It’s been my experience that companies tend to overlook

the internal cost incurred during the hiring process. We need to look at the man hours, and cost of those hours, for the person doing the recruiting, screening and interviewing. We also need to realize that by focusing this time on hiring, the manager is taken away from their primary responsibilities—away from their “unique abilities.” In today’s candidate-driven market, where time is of the essence, working with an employment firm allows you to only view backgrounds of “top performers” who possess the skill set and experience you request and will fit within the

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annual salary of that position. Additionally, the multiplier effect of a poor hiring choice can echo throughout the company by damaging worker morale and performance. The onus of a bad hire doesn’t solely rest on the hiring manager. Candidates also bear the brunt of a bad decision in the form of a mismatch in work culture and management style, lack of clear expectations and positions that don’t match a job listing or expectations delivered during the interview process. To learn more about how to fulfill your hiring needs and reduce the chance of hiring failures, contact Staffing Kansas City for “Personnel Services with a Personal Touch.”

Staffing Kansas City 9930 College Blvd. Overland Park, KS 913.663.5627 |


Ask the Expert

Amanda Boyd Center Manager Rachelle Worrall Owner ABOUT By age 53, illness, menopause and a stressful profession as a custody lawyer left me weak, especially in my hands. I heard about OsteoStrong and took a weekly journey to the nearest location in St. Louis. Using OsteoStrong profoundly improved my hand function in just a few sessions. I wanted my loved ones to benefit as well, so I opened an OsteoStrong in Prairie Village. A year after starting OsteoStrong, I’ve reversed my osteopenia and my hands are stronger than ever, but the most gratifying changes are those I see in my clients who are dialing back their own limitations. – Rachelle Worrall

Q&A Reversing Osteoporosis Naturally – and Easily Q: What is OsteoStrong? A: OsteoStrong is based on Wolff’s law: Pressure on bone

remodels bone. As children, we built our skeletal system effortlessly with high impact play. OsteoStrong uses impact emulation to trigger the same cellular response that occurs from high impact childhood activities, such as jumping from a tree, but without the risk of injury associated with high impact activity.

Q: How does OsteoStrong differ from going to the gym? A: According to a recent scientific study, it takes 4.2 mul-

tiples of body weight to trigger bone density changes in the hips. It is difficult to reach that level of impact in the gym without injury. Our sweat-free and pain-free circuit promotes “growth trigger events” through simulated force pressure, allowing users to comfortably exert many multiples of their body weight. OsteoStrong can also improve balance, muscle density, joint stability and posture.*

Q: Are there scientific studies showing the effects of OsteoStrong? A: Studies show that OsteoStrong’s technology increased

bone density in post-menopausal women an average of 14% in six months and lowered HbA1c an average of .6 in six months.

Q: Who can benefit from OsteoStrong? A: Whether a young athlete seeking a performance edge,

or a grandparent wanting the strength to lift grandchildren, all ages and abilities can benefit from a stronger skeletal system. OsteoStrong is great for anyone trying to maintain independence or struggling to exercise due to their old injuries. Many OsteoStrong clients have reversed their osteoporosis and osteopenia as demonstrated by their bone density scans. OsteoStrong does not replace conventional medical treatment, but can enhance your current care. Anyone who has been cleared for exercise can usually participate. If your doctor or you have any questions, please call OsteoStrong for further information. *Results vary by individual OsteoStrong 4621 W 90th St., Prairie Village, KS 913.999.4888 |

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Ask the Expert

Ruth Brackney ABOUT Ruth Brackney is a Partner at Lathrop Gage, LLP. She counsels families on estate planning and trust administration, premarital agreements and planning for children with special needs. Before Ruth’s son started his freshman year in college, she made sure he signed the documents mentioned below.

situations. Having an adult child sign a Health Care POA (“HCPOA”), HIPPA and Financial POA (“FPOA”) may help avoid uncertainty in making decisions.

Q: W hat is the difference between a HCPOA

Q&A Powers of Attorney (“POA”) for Adult Children and HIPAA Authorizations (“HIPPA”) Q: M y child turned 18. Why would I need a POA if my child is an adult?

A: Once a child turns 18, a parent is no longer an autho-

rized legal representative and may not be able to receive medical information related to an adult child. Although the child is considered an adult, he/she may not be qualified to make important decisions in emergencies or other critical

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and a FPOA?

A: POAs are legal documents that permit a parent to make certain decisions on behalf of an adult child. A HCPOA allows a parent to make decisions regarding the adult child’s healthcare matters. A FPOA authorizes a parent to make decisions regarding the adult child’s financial matters. Q: What is a HIPAA and why is it needed? A: Under a HIPAA, the adult child grants the parent

permission to obtain medical information on his/her behalf. Without such authorization, if a child is injured, the parent may not have access to medical records or be able to speak with the child’s doctor. By planning for possible emergencies, families can initiate difficult but necessary conversations, and a parent serving under a POA can be confident they are carrying out their adult child’s wishes.

Lathrop Gage Overland Park: 10851 Mastin Boulevard Building 82, Suite 1000 Overland Park, KS | 913.451.5100 Kansas City: 2345 Grand Blvd. Suite 2200, Kansas City, MO 816.292.2000


Ask the Expert

Leslie Davis President & Founder ABOUT Leslie Davis is the founder and president of True Peace Financial Solutions, based in Overland Park, Kansas. Her experience as a broker, consultant and now owner of her own agency since 2010 gives her a unique perspective when it comes to creating tailored strategies for her clients.

financial products and learn what makes a good product and what makes a bad one. After a few years of working for an FMO, I started my own firm and here we are!

Q: B ased on that experience, what is the biggest

struggle for people getting ready to begin retirement planning?

A: There are a lot of glorified mutual fund pickers out

Q&A Retirement Planning How to Keep Your Money Safe Q: Tell me about your background? A: I graduated from both high school and college early and

wanted to head to Wall Street but chose to stay in Kansas City instead. My first job was at a brokerage house that did traditional management: stocks, bonds and mutual funds. During that time, I watched many fellow advisors treat their clients’ money like they were at a casino; it was more about who had the expensive car and an $8,000 watch than how to put together an income plan. After two years there, I left and became a consultant for a local Financial Marketing Organization (FMO), where I got to look under the hood of

there. Relying on that alone is akin to walking into the doctor’s office with chest pain and him throwing you a bottle of medication and saying, “Have a good day!” That’s not addressing the root of the issue. You can have a great product or investment, but if you haven’t planned for taxes and other important factors, then you can get into trouble.

Q: W hat are some hurdles on the horizon for retirees and pre-retirees?

A: The traditional “4 percent rule”, an old-school approach of withdrawing 4 percent from a retirement account each year for income, is no longer effective. Today, we can’t do what our parents and grandparents did and haphazardly take income from our assets that are floating around in stocks and bonds. I believe proper income solutions will be the biggest challenge. At True Peace Financial Solutions we work to preserve your assets, protecting your future. Q: How have things changed since you began? A: I think people are becoming more aware that there

are other ways to invest. The market has been volatile and people are looking for new and better ways to protect and grow their money.

Q: What do you love about financial advising? A: Showing people who walk through our door and think

they can’t retire that they can walk away from work — the amount of happy tears we have in our office is crazy.

True Peace Financial Solutions, LLC 7450 W 130th St., Suite 215 Overland Park, KS 913.681.2609 |

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Ask the Expert

C. Lan Fotopoulos


ABOUT C. Lan Fotopoulos, M.D., is an interventional physiatrist specializing in minimally invasive and interventional procedures in the treatment of spinal disorders, including epidural injections, vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty, radiofrequency ablation, spinal cord stimulation and sacroplasty. From skillful diagnosis to advanced treatment options and attentive follow-up care, you’ll find a comprehensive range of orthopedic services at Dickson-Diveley Orthopaedics. His partner, Dr. Koreckij, assists in his Intracept Procedure.

body. When the Intracept probe burns that nerve, it blocks the pain signals before they have a chance to branch to those end plates.


Q: Who would benefit from the Intracept Procedure? A: Intracept is indicated for patients with chronic low back

pain who don’t have a spinal instability or scoliosis, but they do have changes present on an MRI, called modic changes. These patients generally have experienced chronic low back pain for more than six months and have not responded to nonsurgical treatments. Intracept addresses modic changes that stem from degeneration rather than a tear or rupture. An MRI and physical examination will be performed to determine patients who qualify.

Q: W hat are the key benefits of the Intracept

Physiatry Q: W hat is the Intracept Procedure? A: When patients don’t respond well to nonsurgical treat-

ment methods for lower back pain, they often think spinal fusion surgery is their only remaining option. But for some, there is another type of treatment that could relieve their back pain: the Intracept Procedure, an outpatient, minimally invasive procedure that targets the basivertebral nerve, which is located in the bones of the spine (vertebrae).

Q: H ow does Intracept help relieve chronic low back pain?

A: The pain-sensing basivertebral nerve is responsible for

applying innervation to the bony end plates of the vertebral

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A: Intracept is a minimally invasive, outpatient proce-

dure, so the recovery period is rapid – often not more than a couple of days. It is implant-free and preserves the structure of the spine. There are no restrictions placed on patients afterward, and in many instances the pain relief is almost immediate.

Dickson-Diveley Midwest Orthopaedic Clinics Kansas City Orthopaedic Institute: 3651 College Boulevard | Leawood 913.319.7678 | Saint Luke’s Hospital: Medical Plaza Building 1 4320 Wornall Road, Suite 610 | Kansas City, MO 913.319.7678 |


Ask the Expert

Michael Leblanc DDS ABOUT Michael LeBlanc earned his Doctorate of Dental Surgery in 2003 from the UMKC School of Dentistry. That same year, he received the distinct Pierre Fauchard Award for clinical excellence and the prestigious Arthur Iwerson Award for excellence in pediatric dentistry. Following graduation, Dr. LeBlanc completed a two-year pediatric dental residency at Children’s Mercy Hospital. Dr. LeBlanc is also a member of the American College of Dentists, the International College of Dentists, the American Dental Association, the Fifth District Dental Society of Kansas and Board Certified by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

Q: How can a pediatric dentist help?

Q&A Dental Anxiety Q: W hat is dental anxiety, and where does it come from?

A: Dental anxiety describes the worry or stress experienced

in relation to dental situations. It’s a common problem for children that can create delays in treatment and stress for the whole family. Various factors can cause the anxiety. Social experiences, such as children overhearing stories of the pain of having a cavity filled, can make children fear the dentist. Infrequent dental visits can also contribute to anxiety, as more time between visits means less familiarity of the people and the process.

A: Pediatric dentists complete two to three years of specialty training in working with children and helping them feel comfortable. Pediatric dentist offices advance this goal with a welcoming atmosphere full of comforting décor, movies, games and more. Pediatric dentists will also use fun incentives like balloons and prizes to make your children’s experience more enjoyable. We also give patients choices throughout the visit, granting them a sense of control over the experience. Q: How can I help ease my child’s dental anxiety? A: First, schedule regular check-ups every six months for

your child. These appointments allow dentists to build a positive rapport with your child and educate them on good dental hygiene habits. Next, be a good role model. Children respond to your thoughts and concerns, so stay positive before and throughout your visit. Remind kids that a dentist is a friendly doctor for their teeth. Praise children when they demonstrate healthy dental hygiene habits. Go to the park before or after the appointment to minimize stress. Finally, find the right dentist who can help alleviate your child’s stressors. At Jenkins and LeBlanc, we have excellent pediatric dentists whose specialized training equips them to treat both the dental and emotional needs unique to children. They are trained to be calm and positive, helping your child feel more at ease. If you establish good habits and positive experiences early, you will set the foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth.

jenkins & Leblanc Dentistry for Children 14220 Metcalf Ave. Overland Park, KS 913.387.3500 |

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Ask the Expert

Karin Ross ABOUT Karin Ross Design + Remodel is an award-winning husband-wife team with a combined 30 years of experience in the remodeling industry. Their projects have been featured in local and national magazines and television stations including 435 Magazine, KCH&G, Dwell and HGTV, among other outlets.

Q&A Kitchen Design Q: What are the kitchen design trends for 2020? A: For 2020, the pure white shaker-style cabinets are

absolutely out. They are everywhere now and have become overused. So be warned, the ‘all white kitchen’ is going the way of Johnson County beige. For those who still feel they must have a white kitchen, they should go for mixed white or an off-white with brown or grey undertones. This can be accomplished with highlights and glazing which create a richer, more elegant option. We won’t be seeing solid grey islands, either. In 2020 you’ll see grey-blue or just plain blue. Blue is having a strong impact in new design and the blues can range as dark as a navy or as light as azure. Newer kitchens will have at least

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two supporting areas for contrasting colors. So, not only will the island be the accent color, but so will the coffee or wine bar. If you don’t drink coffee or wine, then the accent color can be supported in the backsplash. When it comes to countertops for 2020, if someone suggests anything that looks busy or that would remind you of the granite look from several years ago -- run away! Lighter colors such as pale or subdued greys and blues are popular now. Countertops are taking a backseat and need to let the backsplash do all the talking. And backsplashes, too, will be a variation of blue. The tilework can be glass or porcelain, but make no mistake about it -- if you’re installing a new backsplash in 2020, it’s most likely going to be blue. Another important trend for 2020 is the mixing of elements of hardware. We are seeing more and more combinations like the use of a rosy gold champagne faucet with stainless steel or brushed nickel knobs and pulls. We are also going to see wallpaper back in a big way. This time it will be self-adhesive paper that applies easily and removes easily. Visit the online retailer tempaperdesigners. com for a wide variety of dramatic designs and ideas; used as an accent wall or as a border the patterns are spectacular and can add a real ‘wow’ factor to your kitchen.

Q: W hat’s new in appliances for 2020? A: Appliances such as refrigerators, stoves and dish-

washers will be moving back to colors such as light blue or matte black. Small appliances such as coffee machines will be in the blue range, and airfrying ovens are also popular.

Karin Ross Designs 1260 NW Sloan Lee’s Summit, MO 816.425.2815 |


Ask the Expert

Pierce & Knight Family Dentistry ABOUT US For more than 40 years, Pierce & Knight Family Dentistry has delivered exceptional care, with outstanding service to Lenexa and the greater Kansas City area. Dr. Robert Pierce and Dr. Ashley Knight focus on providing care to both adults and children that is comfortable and personalized to each patient’s individual needs. Pierce and Knight Family Dentistry utilizes the best and latest technology to deliver all aspects of cosmetic, restorative and preventive dentistry.

Preventative Dentistry Q: Do whitening toothpastes really work? A: Over-the-counter and professional whitening products contain

hydrogen peroxide (a bleaching substance) that helps remove stains on the tooth surface and deep in the tooth. They are an excellent choice for helping to improve the shade of your teeth. However, none of the whitening toothpastes come close to producing the bleaching effect you get from our office’s chair-side bleaching or KÖR bleaching. Whitening toothpastes can lighten your teeth color by about one or two shades. In contrast, whitening conducted in our office can make your teeth four to eight shades lighter. A combination of whitening toothpastes and professional whitening is a great option for maintaining a healthy, bright smile!

Pierce & Knight Family Dentistry 8615 Rosehill Road Lenexa, KS 913.888.2882 |

DexaFit, Christian Jackson ATC, LAT ABOUT Christian Jackson is a licensed and certified Athletic Trainer who has experience working in clinical and occupational health settings. Since 2011, DexaFit has democratized health & wellness by making testing that was once only accessible in laboratories, academia and elite athletic programs available to everyone. Experience for yourself our medical-grade equipment, highly trained staff and excellent one-on-one support. Our vision is for everyone to use DexaFit’s affordable services to increase body awareness and body positivity. See the change in YOU. #DiscoverDexaFit

DEXA Body Composition Q: What is a DEXA scan? A: The DEXA Scan is considered the “gold standard” for body composition

analysis. Using medical grade technology, the DEXA scan gives clients an accurate reading of their lean vs. fat tissue, visceral fat, body type, muscle imbalances and bone density. Using a low emission X-Ray allows the DEXA scan to separate between muscle, fat and bone making it the most accurate way to determine body fat percentage.

Q: Who needs a DEXA scan? A: A DEXA scan will benefit anyone, especially those that are serious about

their health and well-being. The results from a DEXA scan can help determine if you may be at risk for health conditions based on your visceral fat. It will also tell you if you are susceptible to injury due to muscle imbalances and can help determine if you are losing bone mass as you age. From here, you can seek out assistance to correct or prevent these issues from worsening.

DexaFit 14008 West 135th St. Olathe, KS 913.444.3141 |

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Ask the Expert

Greg Chambon MD ABOUT Dr. Chambon was born and raised in Kansas City, graduating from UMKC School of Medicine in 1984. He has been Board Certified since 1987. Dr. Chambon did three years of residency in Jacksonville, Florida, and moved back to Kansas City in 1994. He has been the owner/medical director of Reflections Body Solutions since 2009.

Smart Lipo Q: W hat is Smart Lipo and how long have you performed this procedure?

A: It is a laser-assisted, minimally invasive way to do liposuction. I have been

performing the procedure for fourteen years – with advanced training in Canada, and I was the first in the state/region to perform this procedure. Call to schedule a free consultation.

Q: How is it different from other fat-reduction procedures? A: Smart Lipo is a one-day procedure that provides more predictable and supe-

rior results when compared to “Cool Sculpting.” Performed with a local anesthesia, it is safer and less traumatic than traditional liposuction.

Q: What areas of the body can be treated? A: The most common areas treated are the upper and lower abs, upper back, love

handles, outer and inner thighs, knees, buttocks, upper arms, chin, neck and jowls.

Q: What is recovery like? A: You’ll experience swelling and bruising, but less severe than traditional liposuc-

Reflections Body Solutions, LLC 7824 W 119th St. Overland Park, KS 913.322.3433

tion. You must wear a compression garment for 4-6 weeks after treatment with no exercise for 2 weeks.

Golden Belt Beef Co. ABOUT US Golden Belt Beef, located at 8020 West 151st St in Overland Park, offers its customers prime & choice farm-fresh Angus beef from our farm located in Central Kansas.

BBQ Q: What’s special about your beef? A: You can truly taste a difference. Our beef comes directly from our farm/

feeding facility in Central Kansas where it is hand selected and delivered “from our farm to your table.” We’re a third-generation business delivering quality prime & choice angus beef to our customers.

Q: Why should I visit your store? A: With more than 50 years of experience, we are knowledgeable in every

aspect of the beef industry. We take out the middle man, which enables us to deliver quality, wholesome, desirable products, aged to perfection, at an affordable price.

Q: How can I shop with you? A: We offer walk-in service located in Overland Park, as well as our site-tostore option. We also offer shipping nationwide.

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Golden Belt Beef, Co. 8020 W. 151st St. Overland Park, KS 913.787.1776 |


Ask the Expert

Julie Gadwood Real Estate Broker-Realtor TM ABOUT Licensed since 2005, Julie Gadwood began her real estate career with Coldwell Banker Regan before moving to Keller Williams. In 2012, Julie went out on her own and opened Gadwood Group Realty Company Inc. Her brokerage quickly grew to 26 agents without any recruiting. Julie’s philosophy as a broker is “Quality over Quantity.”

Real Estate Brokerage Q: W hy did you choose to partner with NextHome over the other real estate franchises that approached you?


I built my boutique brokerage based on helping people achieve their real estate goals instead of focusing on dollar signs. NextHome was in line with my mindset, as their corporate philosophy is #Humansoverhouses. Also, their branding is very clean and crisp. The mascot is a little orange Frenchie dog named Luke that is very eye catching. In February, NextHome was named the No. 4 franchise in the country by Franchise Business Review. Most recently, NextHome was named one of the fastest-growing private companies in the U.S. by Inc. 5000.

Q: What sets you apart from other brokerages? A: It’s all about culture for my agents. We have a very collaborative environment,

which results in faster sales of our listings and that ultimately benefits our clients. We offer top notch services to our clients in Kansas and MIssouri without the extra charges. All of our listings include a 3D virtual tour with virtual reality walkthrough and 3D floorplans. All of our signage has a Bed/Bath/Garage rider and a call to action text code. We use Smartzip analytics to find buyers for our listings.

NextHome Gadwood Group Shawnee: 12430 W 62nd Terrace Shawnee, KS Overland Park:11026 Quivira Rd Overland Park, KS Gravois Mills: 15809 Sante Fe Trl Gravios Mills, MO 913.206.4228 |

Luke Joliff DDS ABOUT Dr. Luke Joliff practices biological, holistic dentistry, understanding the correlation between dental health and overall health. A graduate of UMKC School of Dentistry, Dr. Joliff has pursued a career with an emphasis on family, cosmetic and implant dentistry. He is passionate about bringing healthy, vibrant smiles to Kansas City.

Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry Q: Do I really need to floss? A: Yes! Flossing is vital to maintain good oral hygiene. Using floss to clean

between your teeth once a day can significantly reduce the presence of gingivitis and bacteria in your mouth.

Q: How can I avoid staining my teeth? A: It might sound simple, but brushing is the best way to remove the plaque and staining agents we accumulate on our teeth throughout the day. Try to limit food and drinks that commonly stain, such as coffee, tea, red wine, and soda. As a general rule, anything that would stain your clothes likely stains your teeth.

Q: What are dental implants? Are they an option for me? A: Dental implants give us the opportunity to replace missing or broken teeth.

They do not get cavities and boast a 10-year success rate of over 98 percent. In order to determine if implants are the best option for you, we utilize a simple CT scan of your facial bone structure. Implants are a great treatment option and can have a profound effect on your smile.

Leawood Dental 11551 Granada, Ste 200, Leawood, KS 913.642.3939 |

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