P O R T F O L I O nami smith
402.380.9208 CONTACT 444namidesign@gmail.com
TABLE OF CONTENTS infographicslogobrochuresdesignpostercarouselstoriesbannersillustrations 48-5342-4734-4128-3322-2716-2112-154-11
brochure design concept create a brochure to guide and show users about beauty products. focused on layout, readability and cleanliness. brochures were placed with every order to enhance customers unboxing experience. tools indesignillustrator
brochure 01
brochure 6 portfoliocreative
layoutbrochure 7
brochure 8 portfoliocreative
layoutbrochure 9
brochure 10 portfoliocreative
layoutbrochure 11
logo design concept create a logo that represents companies’ brand. tools illustrator
logo 02
logo 14 portfoliocreative
designlogo 15
poster design concept create eye catching posters to promote events. tools photoshopilllustrator
poster 03
poster 18 portfoliocreative
designposter 19
poster 20 portfoliocreative
designposter 21
instagram carousels concept a multiple image post used to tell a story through compelling images. tools adobephotoshopIllustrator
social media carousels 04
mediasocial 24 portfoliocreative
desingncarouselmediasocial 25
mediasocial 26 portfoliocreative
desingncarouselmediasocial 27
instagram stories concept create attention grabbing advertisement to promote products or upcoming events. focused on layout, aesthetic, and tone of brand. tools adobephotoshopIllustrator
Decks 05
mediasocial 30 portfoliocreative
storiesinstagrammediasocail 31
mediasocial 32 portfoliocreative
mediasocialinstagramstories 33
banner design concept create aesthetically pleasing banners with catchy titles and subtitles to promote new products on company website. tools adobephotoshopIllustrator
banners 06
bannerwebsite 36 portfoliocreative
designbannerwebsite 37
bannerwebsite 38 portfoliocreative
designbannerwebsite 39
bannerwebsite 40 portfoliocreative
designbannerwebsite 41
infographic art concept storytelling and visual learning through the use of graphics. tools adobephotoshopIllustrator
infographics 07
infographic 44 portfoliocreative
artinfographic 45
illustrations 46 portfoliocreative
artnfographic 47
illustration abstract art concept create illustrations while adding abstract elements and a personal creative touch to the drawings. tools adobe procreateIllustrator
illustrations 07
illustrations 50 portfoliocreative
artillustration 51
illustrations 52 portfoliocreative
artillustration 53
T H A N K Y O U .