A Privilege and an Honor – Charlotte, NC | June 1, 2019
The Flying Horsemen
449th Bombardment Group (H) B-24 Aircraft Long Range Heavy Bomber WWII European Theater 15th Air Force, 47th Bomb Wing 449th Bombardment Group Bomb Squadrons: 716, 717, 718, 719 January 1944 – April 1945 Grottaglie, Italy Bombardment Targets Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Rumania, Yugoslavia 254 Combat Missions In 475 days of combat, 111 B-24 bombers lost, 199 Axis fighters destroyed Personnel Loss/Intered or Evaded 396 KIA / 63 DED (other deaths) 359 POW / 186 Evaded / 9 Interned Distinguished Unit Citations (DUC) Bucharest, Romania, April 4, 1944 Ploiesti, Romania, July 9, 1944
SEC. OF THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION, CUTTING THE CAKE WITH VETERANS Sitting under the wings of the US Airways Flight 1549 Miracle on the Hudson, listening to United States Secretary Robert Wilkie give an impassioned speech honoring our veterans and challenging us to carry on their legacy.
When I sent out an inquiry to the 449th board last year asking if anyone might have an idea for a banquet keynote speaker, I was in hopes we could come up with a couple of good possibilities. Then Sandra Latta (449th public relations) got back and suggested the possibility of asking Robert Wilkie as our keynote speaker in Charlotte. My mind was spinning, trying to process what Sandra was suggesting. The newly appointed Secretary of the Veterans Administration, the former Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs & national se-
449th Flying Horsemen |
nior director of the National Security Council under Condoleezza Rice, serving in the Naval Reserve with the Joint Forces Intelligence Command, Naval Special Warfare Group Two and the Office of Naval Intelligence, a reserve officer in the U.S. Air Force reserve assigned to the Office of the Chief of Staff, a graduate of the College of Naval Command and Staff, Air Command and Staff College, The United State Army War College, and the Joint Forces Staff College... THAT Robert Wilkie? “You have got to be kidding me,” was my first thought. As it turns out, Sandra and Secretary Wilkie had worked together and become trusted friends over many years. (Continued on Page 2) 1
(Continued from Page 1) I have been witness to many speeches in my life. Some great speeches, inspiring, and motivational! Some not so good, where you begin to squirm in your seat after a short time, hoping that the next sentence will be the last. But I must say, I have never had the privilege to witness a more gifted speaker! A speech that went straight to the hearts of the 449th, a man that knows us, is one of us. Beyond motivational, Secretary Robert Wilkie’s speech was delivered with deep-felt appreciation for the sacrifices of our veterans & an impassioned plea to carry on the legacy so what these brave men will never be forgotten. I introduced my grandson to the Secretary before our meal was served at the Air Museum. Cameron is in the 82nd airborne stationed at Fort Bragg and is
scheduled to deploy to Iraq in early May. Secretary Wilkie’s father was stationed at Ft. Bragg when he was growing up, so a 15-minute exchange of thoughts ensued about Ft. Bragg and the army. The Secretary then thanked Cameron for his service, wished him the best of luck, and handed him a challenge coin. A coin, I am sure, Cameron will carry with him always.
just witnessed the most impassioned, inspiration speech I had ever heard, thoughts of how best to pick up the challenge of carrying on the legacy of the 449th were emerging, and then there was the duty of cleaning up after the banquet and settling up with the caterer. But then a twinge of sadness popped into my mind, something was wrong, something missing.
It was truly a privilege and honor to meet the Secretary and the man — a patriot in the truest sense of the word, a man that serves our country with integrity, intellect, and distinction each and every day he goes to work. I just feel safer knowing that a man like Sec. Robert Wilkie is watching over our country.
I thought of General Floyd Trogdon. The man that had served so valiantly in the war and carried the leadership of the 449th BGA for so many years was not there. I missed him and my scattered thoughts focused on Floyd and all that he had sacrificed for the 449th and his country. In many ways, Robert Wilkie and Floyd Trogden were the same kind of men, following similar passions to serve their country.
As I sat at our table after the speech, my mind was charging in all directions. I had
449th Bomb Group Association Officers | 2019-2020 President: Floyd H. Trogdon, BrigGen/Retired, 719th
Archives Manager: Denise Riegel, 2nd Gen, 718th
Public Relations: Sandra Latta, 2nd Gen, 718th
Vice President: Richard Lapham, 2nd Gen, 719th
449th BG Museum: David Duane Livingston Memorial Museum Dan & Carol Livingston, 2nd Gen, 718th
PX Officers: Gary Smith & Debbie Utz, 2nd Gen, 717th
Secretary: Mary Crowley, 2nd Gen, 717th Treasurer: Thad Mahoney, 2nd Gen. 719th 449th BG Historian: Mark Coffee, 2nd Gen, 718th
Chaplain: Rev. Denise Trogdon, 2nd Gen, 719th Executive Assistant: Rod Miller, 2nd Gen, 716th
Veterans Correspondence: Deborah Hill, 2nd Generation, 718th Social Media Research Tad Garner, 3rd Gen, 717th | 449th Flying Horsemen
It was an impressive presentation that gave all in the 449th a much clearer understanding of the recovery issues. In conclusion, Dr. McKinnon stated: 1. T he site was incredibly difficult to work due to topography (water) remoteness, resources (generator), and seasonal access (Feb/Marcold, May/Jun-high mosquito). 2. The site is incredibly disturbed by years of changes to the landscape. 3. N ow believed that there is a wide disbursement of wreckage continues into a smaller pond, which was not investigated. 4. A ll these factors would contribute to a costly project.
Analysis of the Kendall crash on Isle of Morgo During the Charlette reunion, an open forum was held for the families and friends of the Kendall Crew regarding a 2018 investigation of the January 30, 1944 crash site. Presenting was Johnie Webb Defense (POW/MIA Accounting Agency, Pearl HarborHickam, HI) and Dr. Jennifer McKinnon, Associate Professor in the Department of History’s Maritime Studies Program at East Carolina University. In February of 2018, Dr. McKinnon lead a team to perform an archaeological investigation of a downed U.S. B-24 Liberator on the island of Morgo – Grado Lagoon (Northern Italy 80 miles north of Venice). The investigation was funded by a Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency contract whose mission is to search for, recover and identify potential remains from missing personnel. Dr. McKinnon, presented the precise methodology used to investigate the site and a detailed finding that included miscellaneous metallic parts, remains of a fire extinguisher, and some type of clothing, possibly a flight jacket. The investigation was primarily focused on the larger of two ponds. In order to determine the site boundaries, a number of equipment was used: Subbottom profiler, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and metal detection.
449th Flying Horsemen |
Asked if she thought a recovery project was a possibility, she responded, YES, that it would be possible with proper funding. At last we understand the difficult challenges, but it can be done. HOPE! PICTURES FROM DR. MCKINNON’S PRESENTATION
Isle of Morgo – Grado Lagoon (Northern Italy 80 miles north of Venice).
GPR Results Color along lies denote potential buried material
High Metal Concentration
Possible piece of a leather jacket
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squadron. By the time his tour with the 449th ended he had been promoted to the rank of Captain and had advanced to become a lead navigator. Floyd flew in his first mission on 20 April 1944 and completed the required 50 missions on 7 October 1944. Included in his mission list were five sorties to Ploesti, one of the most heavily defended targets in Europe.
I had first met Floyd Trogdon some years ago at the Washington D.C. reunion. On his arrival at Grottaglie, he was assigned to the 719th squadron flying with the Harton crew. My dad was also in the 719th during the same time period so we had common ground for some interesting conversations. An interesting twist occurred when my dad was wounded on 24 May 1944 on a mission to Wiener Neustadt as co-pilot with the Gentry crew flying Harton’s plane. “Patches,” Gentry crew’s plane from the Point of embarkation in Florida was being outfitted with 4 new engines, so they were assigned to fly Harton’s plane. With the plane riddled, one engine feathered, hydraulics shot out, front tire blown away, Harton’s plane made it back to base to fly another day. Toward the middle of the D.C. reunion Mary Crowley came to me and said that the Gen-
eral would like to meet and discuss something. I asked what the “something” might be but got no reply. Not one to stretch things out, Floyd got right to the point and said he thought I would be a fine candidate for VP of the 449th and how happy it would have made my father for me to take the position. Oh, then he added, he was very happy that I was volunteering for the position. Floyd was one of those people that I liked the minute I met him. He was intelligent, keenly intuitive, decisive, and a resolute leader. What I didn’t know about Floyd before researching this article, he could also be an incredibly humble man. Floyd H. Trogdon was assigned to the 449th Bomb Group on 14 April 1944 as a nineteen-year-old 2nd Lieutenant. He and the Charles Harton crew, for which he was the navigator, were assigned to the 719th
Lead aircraft often flew with an additional navigator manning the nose turret where the view aided in finding navigational landmarks. Flying in the nose turret as pilotage navigator on the 4 July 1944 mission to Ploesti, Romania, Floyd was credited with shooting down a Messerschmitt Bf-109. The 449th came under heavy fighter attack on the mission and claimed 4 fighters destroyed, one probable, and one damaged. Floyd was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his performance as section lead navigator on 15 July mission to Ploesti. The ship in which he was flying sustained significant flak damage at the beginning of the bomb run, knocking out the radar and most of the navigational instrumentation. Floyd nevertheless navigated the section over the target and led the section home avoiding known flak concentrations despite having no remote or magnetic compass operational. Floyd was released from active duty December 1945 and was in the inactive reserve while attending Duke University. In 1947 General Trogdon accepted a regular commission in the U.S. Air Force and returned to active duty. He served as a pilot with the 20th Tactical Fighter Wing at Shaw Air Base in S.C. until May 1948 when he entered the University of Maryland to study electrical engineering under the Air Force Institute of Technology program. From 1951 to 1961, General Trogdon served in a number of key positions in nuclear weapons system research and development. He had a tour of duty at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory where he participated in the development and test of many of the early nuclear weapons; and in July 1954 he (Continued on Page 7) | 449th Flying Horsemen
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joined the Air Force Special Weapons Center at Kirkland AFB, N.M. In August of 1958 he went to England for duty with the British Royal Air Force to assist in their Nuclear Weapons Program. In 1962 Floyd attended the Army War College and concurrently earned his master’s degree in international relations. Floyd also served as nuclear weapons staff officer in the office of the Deputy Chief of Staff (research and development), vice commander Electronics Systems Command (Andrews AFB), and deputy director programs for Defense Communications Agency where he was responsible for engineering & acquisition for the worldwide Defense Communications System. In 1971, he was assigned as assistant chief of staff for communications-electronics U.S. Military Assistance Command Viet Nam. Two years later General Floyd Trogdon was assigned as director, aircraft & missile systems, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense. During my 10+ years working with Floyd as VP, I was never made aware of his background or accomplishments during his military career. He never said a word about his background, always focused on the accomplishments of the Veterans of the 449th BGA. I am sorry that Floyd was not with us to witness the memorable speech given by Secretary Wilkie. He would have understood it because he had lived it. These are two men cut from the same bolt of cloth. And the message from both is essentially the same. They have challenged us, the 2nd and 3rd generation & beyond, to not let the sacrifices and accomplishments of the 449th and the generation that it represents, to be lost and forgotten.
STILL MISSING IN ACTION BUT NOT FORGOTTEN: MACR12511Hanson Crew 1Lt Howard Hanson, Pilot / T/ Sgt Lawrence W. Brady Flight Engineer and T/Sgt Lawrence F. Nally Radio Operatort
• On February 28, 1945, a crippled B-24 piloted by Hanson, crashed in the Adriatic Sea, 11 crewmen perished • In the years following the incident 5 of the 11 crewmembers were recovered • Although the wreck site had been well known to recreational divers for years, the identity of the aircraft was unknown. On September 22, 2013 a group of recreational divers located a vertical stabilizer bearing the aircraft serial number which positively identified it as the Hanson aircraft. • In October 2015, the DPAA underwater team completed the excavation of the Hanson Crew crash site in the northern Adriatic Sea. Three human remains were recovered along with additional bone fragments and personal items. • In 2017, the MIA families of 2nd Lt. Clarence L. Dragoo, 2nd Lt. Richard M Horwitz, and T/Sgt Thomas M McGraw, were contacted by the DPAA. In the Fall of 2017, the three airmen were buried with honors in their hometowns. • I n October 2017, at our San Antonio Reunion, two of the three families of the airmen still missing (1st Lt Howard Hanson, T/Sgt. Lawrence, W Brady) met with a representative of the DPAA. They were informed of the probability that additional remains of an airman from the Hanson crew had been recovered. A body, wearing an electrically heated flight suit had washed ashore in May 1945 in the vicinity where another crewman had been found a few days earlier. The body was buried as an unknown in Florence, Italy • Recent documents state that in 2017, the body had been exhumed and had been sent to the DPAA laboratory for identification in the US.
449th Flying Horsemen |
• In 2015, all three families submitted DNA kits to the DPAA • As of April 2020, the families of Hanson, Brady & Nally ARE STILL WAITNG 5
Save the Date! The WWII Flying Horsemen 449th BG Association
Over the years the veterans of the 449th Bombardment Group (Heavy) have documented the stories of their valiant service. Many of those stories can be found in the four books that the 449th BGA has published or the many books the veterans have produced. But what is missing are the stories of the roles the veterans played after the war. Some became famous like Senator and Treasurer Secretary Lloyd Bentsen. Others played less glamorous roles. But each member of the 449th BG(H) that returned from the war played a role in building our country into what it is today. The focus of our last two reunions has been on the formation, training and service of the 449th BG(H) in WWII. The 449th BGA’s next reunion will focus on what our veterans did after the war. We need your help adding these stories to our next reunion, the 449th website and our permanent archives. Are you interested in sharing the story of your vet in WWII, coming home and starting the rest of their life? We are asking for a couple of paragraphs telling this story including duty in Italy and returning to the states. Did they marry? Have children? What career did they have? Did they carry on with the military or stay involved in aviation in some way? Did they go to school on the GI Bill? What role did they play in their community? Just as documenting the role of the cooks, mechanics and medics of the 449th BG(H) was important, there is no role after the war that is too “unimportant” enough to be included. We would appreciate your help in this project. Send us a narrative including your veterans’ post-war story. Limit it to no more than 4 or 5 paragraphs. However, even a few sentences would be fine. In addition, please send a picture of your veteran from their life after the war if possible. It’s been 75 years since the war ended. Let’s honor their sacrifice and dedication by telling the story of how our veterans contributed to society as we know it today.
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NASHVILLE, TN Oct 1 – 4, 2020
BANQUET / Ray Stevens CabaRay Tours: Back Stage Grand Ole Opry, Franklin, TN, Countryside & Minnie Pearle’s Home
CALLING ALL Veterans, Widows, Family, 2nd & 3rd Generation and Friends
ALL are encouraged to attend this event!
EVENT EXCEPTIONALLY HANDICAPPED FRIENDLY Holiday Inn Vanderbilt 2613 West End Ave., Nashville, TN 37203
Ph: (877) 327-4707
Please reference 449th BGA Reunion | 449th Flying Horsemen
NASHVILLE, TN | OCT. 1 – 4, 2020
persons attending.
Are you the Veteran or Spouse/Widow of Veteran
Unknown Yes
If NO, please state relationship & Veteran’s name: Name(s) of all attendees as they will appear on the NAME TAGS:
Name(s) of all attendees as they will appear on the NAME TAGS:
Home Address: City:
Zip Code: Check if appropriate:
This is my 1st reunion
I have attended
Please make check payable to: 449th BG Association
# of Reunions
Mail check to: Deborah Hill / Reunion Registrar 4335 West 1325 South Cedar City, Utah 84720
Phone: New Home Address You will be traveling by:
New Email Address Plane
Please call if you have any questions. (Mountain T ime) Cell: 714-658-6802 Fax: 714-846-0965
REUNION & HOTEL REGISTRATIONS must be made by Tuesday, September 1, 2020 HOTEL: There are a limited number of handicap rooms available. Please remember to request a room if needed. Veterans have priority. Holiday Inn Vanderbilt 2613 West End Ave | Nashville, TN 37203 877-327-4707 HOTEL RATES: $179 Standard King $189 Standard Double Double Please reference 449th BGA Reunion when you are making your reservation • TRANSPORTATION There is no hotel shuttle service to or from airport
* Room rates are also applicable two days before the reunion. When making your reservation you should book through Sunday, departing on October 4, 2020 * Please note that the hotel rate is significantly less for any hotel in the area given its location to downtown and September is Nashville’s peak season * Hotel is location directly across from Centennial Park & Parthenon and is in walking distance to Vanderbilt University * The hotel offers free shuttle service to downtown from 7:00am – 12:00am
* Distance from the airport to Holiday Inn is approx. 10 miles / 20 minutes by car
Register before Saturday, August 1, 2020 and win a chance for your hotel accommodations for three nights to be paid for by the 449th BGA.
* The cost of a UBER. LYFT or TAXI is approximately $25-30 depending on time of day and size of car
(Standard King or 2 double beds with double occupancy).
* Overnight self-parking $26 per night.
Drawing/Winner announced at Get Acquainted Night
REFUND POLICY: If a crisis forces a cancellation, refunds will be available for all items, except registration fee / September 1, 2020.
NASHVILLE, TN | OCT. 1 – 4, 2020 Registration
Veteran (Accompanied by a Spouse or ONE Traveling Companion) OR Primary Family Member
Each Additional Family Guest (all ages) $20 Oct. 1 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM — Back Stage Grand Ole Opry Tour and sites of Nashville $44 •W alk in the footsteps of country music’s superstars and get an exclusive look at what happens behind the scenes of the show that made country music famous. A must-see opportunity! (Military group rate ticket – Great savings!) • Stop for lunch – TBA • Relax in your luxurious bus seat for a city tour: Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum, Ryman Auditorium, Honkytonk Row (center of Nashville Nightlife), State Capitol, the Parthenon and much more. • Price of lunch not included • Tour Handicapped friendly
3 - 6 PM REGISTRATION / PX & Memorabilia Room Gathering 3 - 6 PM BUBBLES & GAB Get-Acquainted-Party with Cash Bar. Dinner immediately following on your own. *The 1940’s evening will come alive with vintage dress, song & entertainment! $22 Oct. 2 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM Franklin, TN, Countryside & Minnie Pearle’s Home $28 A little bit for everyone, from the events of Civil War, viewing stately architecture of Victorian and Antebellum homes, to stories of moonshine and bootlegging! •T his quaint historical town, named after Benjamin Franklin, is nestled a mere 21 miles south of Nashville and is brimming with true southern charm. •T he tour will begin with a historical commentary about the area that was affected by the Civil War and one of the bloodiest conflicts - Battle of Franklin. We will visit the Lotz House (admission extra & optional – some stairs) •N ext, you are on your own. Time for lunch and to wander Main Street. Experience authentic Southern food such as barbeque pork slider, fried green tomatoes, origins of some Tennessee-born flavors. •A s we wave goodbye to Franklin, we will take the road less traveled through the rolling hills, passing by sprawling horse farms and homes of such celebrities as Martina McBride, former homes of Minnie Pearl, George Jones & Tammy Wynette, and the Governor’s Mansion. •P rice of lunch & Lotz House not included •T our Handicapped friendly (exception Lotz House – optional)
6:00 PM 449th SQUARDON DINNER $42 Oct. 3 BREAKFAST On your own 10:00 AM MEMORIAL SERVICE Respectful attire and or military dress 12:00 – 4:00 PM This afternoon is free to explore, all within a short walking distance • Suggestions & Destination - Downtown: Music City Center, Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum & Walk of Fame, Honky-Tonk Central (restaurant & bars), Ryman Theater, – Walking: Centennial Park/Parthenon Replica, Vanderbilt University OR 12:00 -3:30 Wildhorse Saloon – World famous historic saloon. Iconic / Must visit! • Lunch on your own — enjoy a great Nashville experience • 449th BG Private Group 1 Hour Nashville Line Dancing Class
Class & Bus
Bus Only
•T ransportation included. A true honky-tonk boot stomping experience. (Boots Optional!)
5:00 – 10:00 PM BANQUET - CabaRay DINNER & SHOW Nashville’s Premier Entertainment Experience! •F eaturing Ray Stevens, legendary music and comedy icon, renown country singer, songwriter, known for his Grammy winning records, and 2019 inductee into the Country Music Hall of Fame. Ray Stevens has provided a complementary ticket to all WWII Veterans who attend! •B us departs at 5:00 / ELITE section seating at 5:30 •S how at 7:30. Presentation with Ray Stevens after performance / Meet & Greet. Business Attire Very handicapped friendly
VETS No Charge for Dinner, Show or Bus
(Continued from Page 6) The narrative can be added to our website at this link:
We appreciate your help in telling this important part of the story of the 449th BG(H)’s impact on the world.
Or you can email it to Denise Riegel at
NOTE: Your email and phone numbers will not be made public and will only be utilized by the website administrator for verification and/or clarification of submissions.
Don’t forget to include a picture! If you want to write it and send via US mail just give Denise a call at 805-865-6064 and she will help you add this story to our 449th historical records.
2 0 1 9 R E U N ION I N C HA R L OT T E , N C
Vernon Petersen, 716th BS, Calverton, New York Bivens Crew, Bombardier / 25 Missions (101 years young) Bud Rosch, 716th BS, Bethpage, New York, Wilding Crew, Radio/Op /Bailed 28 Dec 44 / Lady in the Dark EVD/ 51 Missions (98 years) Francis Herres, 717th BS, Drove from Venice, Florida, Morton Crew, Tail Gunner/Downed 5 May 1944 Ploesti,
449th Flying Horsemen |
Shack Happy 49th Mission, Romanian POW (97 years) Harvey Gann, 718th BS, Lago Vista, TX, Kendall, B. Crew, Flight/Engineer Downed 1/30/44 POW / 14 Missions / Original Cadre (98 years) Reese Mathieu, Jr., 718th BS, Dallas, TX, Progar Crew, Navigator / 50 missions (96 years)
Robert Geisert, 719th BS, Oregon, OH, Geisert Crew, Pilot, Downed 14 July 1944 OUR BABY POW / 19 Missions (98 years) Ewing Miller, 719th BS, Washington, D.C., Thrailkill Crew, Co-Pilot / Downed 7 Feb 45/ German POW / 25 Missions (96 years)
F ROM T H E DE SK OF M ADAVIS, RK C OF F 716TH E E , G RO U P H I S TOR IA N BY ALAN 2ND GEN, (For documentation and research contact
75th Anniversary of End of Combat A
April 26 will mark the 75th Anniversary of the final combat mission of the 449th Bomb Group. It was the last of 254 missions flown in just under 16 months of combat operations. An additional five-night missions were flown by the Group. Twenty missions were flown in the first 26 days of April 1945, making it a busy month.
The Allied forces in Western Europe crossed the Rhine in late March 1945. In northern Italy, the US 5th and British 8th Armies had driven the German forces back toward the natural barrier that was the Alps. The mission of the 15th AF became one of containment to prevent the German forces from crossing the Alps back toward Germany, and direct support of ground operation.
The year 1945 started slowly for the 449th. Only 4 missions were flown in January due to persistent bad weather. The pace would pick up markedly — from January 31st through the end of combat would see the 449th fly 60 missions in 86 days. The Group marked its 200th mission with the February 9th attack on the oil refinery at Moosbierbaum, Austria.
Many missions flown during the period were concentrated on railroad targets to cut off both the supply lines and possible escape routes of the German ground forces. Other missions were directed at German troop concentrations in northern Italy. Even these missions had their danger. Of the 393 men killed in action, the last such casualty occurred on March 31, 1945 when the navigator flying with the McGrath crew was killed by flak. On April 8, the Ellis crew of the 718th bailed out of their flak damaged ship over Switzerland and the crew was interned until the end of the war. The last aircraft lost in combat by the 449th occurred on April 17 when the Parkins crew crash landed at Pontedera due to flak damage.
The Fifteenth Air Force when founded was tasked with four primary objectives: 1) Destroy the German Air Force, 2) participate in the land battle in Italy, 3) attack strategic targets in the region, and 4) weaken the German position in the Balkans. By 1945 most of the remaining German fighter force had been withdrawn back into Germany proper to defend the homeland. Thus, fighters were a reduced threat to 15th AF operations. The Balkans had been reduced and the Soviet Red Army had taken control of the ground. By late March, the 15th AF – and thus the 449th – was running out of strategic targets. That left support of ground operations as the remaining task for the Group for the remainder of the war.
The final 449th mission turned out to be anti-climactic. On April 26 the Group sent 32 aircraft to bomb an ammunition stores dump near Casarsa, Italy. Due to poor weather over the target, no attack was made. One aircraft landed at the fighter strip at Falconara due to engine failure and the rest of the Group returned their bombs to base. A mission order was prepared to attack the marshalling yard at Niklasdorf
on April 27, but the order was rescinded, thus the 449th’s combat tour was over. On April 28 orders from the 47th Wing took the 449th off operations. The Group began preparations to depart Italy for possible redeployment to the Pacific. V-E Day was declared on May 8, and by the middle of the month, the Group loaded onto transport ships and sailed for the United States. At least 260 individual aircraft passed through the 449th during their combat tour. Of these 111 were lost on combat missions and another 16 were lost in operational accidents. Many aircraft were sent to the Gioia del Colle Depot for major repairs and not returned to the Group. Others were declared “war weary” and sent to the depot to be salvaged. On April 29 the 60 aircraft then on hand were flown to the Depot in “Operation Farewell” (also referred to as “Mission 255”) and turned in. Of these, 13 are known to have been returned to the US. The majority of the B-24s were salvaged at the depot. The field at Grottaglie was now empty save to the lone B-25 utility ship that remained as the Group packed to leave. After arriving in the States, the men were given furloughs. The new home of the 449th was Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The Group was to transition to B-29s for redeployment to the Pacific, but V-J Day arrived before that happened. The combat history of the 449th Bomb Group was now complete. (Continued on Page 12)
10 | 449th Flying Horsemen
B-24 Liberator Flying for Nashville The aircraft that would be named Two Ton Tessie rolled out of the Ford Willow Run plant in the fall of 1943. While at the factory she was signed by Hollywood star Gloria Swanson while on a publicity tour. The ship arrived at Bruning, Nebraska on October 27 and was assigned to the George Fergus crew of the 719th Squadron. Gloria Swanson while on a publicity tour signs her name to Two Ton Tessie from Nashville
Two Ton Tessie received her name by way of Jim Kervin, co-pilot of the Fergus crew, whose wife was named Tess. There was also a British singer Tessie O’Shea whose song “Two Ton Tessie” was probably part of the inspiration of the name. Finally, “from Nashville, Tenn.” more than likely references the pilot’s hometown. Tessie flew 30 missions before her demise on May 29, 1944. The target that day was the Wollersdorf Airdrome at Weiner-Neustadt, Austria. Approaching the target area, the aircraft lost a turbocharger on
the #2 engine. Near the Initial Point of the bomb run, a second turbo was lost and the crew could no longer keep pace with the formation. Jettisoning the bomb load, the aircraft was turned south to head for friendly territory. Before long a flight of German FW-190’s found the straggling ship and riddled it with gunfire. The crew had to abandon ship and all 10 were captured and held as prisoners of war.
FERGUS, JR, George Pilot
POW 29-May-44 Org. Crew Lavergne, TN
POW 29-May-44 Org. Crew Plymouth, IN
POW 29-May-44 Org. Crew Little Rock, AR
FINCH, Henry
Bombardier *
PHILLIPS, JR, Ruben Flight/ Eng BOLDEN, Russell
Lt Waist
Org. Crew Marianna, FL
POW 29-May-44 Org. Crew Haynesville, LA POW 29-May-44 Org. Crew Reidsville, NC
LITTLEJOHN, George Radio/Op
POW 29-May-44 Org. Crew Dallas, TX
WALKER, Donald
COOLEY, Edward
Tail Turret
POW 29-May-44 Org. Crew Brentwood, MO
Ball Turret
Org. Crew Alpena, SD Org. Crew Brooklyn, NY
Bombardier POW 29-May-44 1st Mission Little Rock, AR
FOX, Harold
POW 29-May-44 McArthur Chicago, IL
Top Turret
POW 29-May-44 Easter
Fort Worth, TX
Fergus’s Crew 719 Sqdn. Flew “Two Ton” overseas 29 Nov 43. Standing, L to R: Fergus (P), Kervin (CP), Truemper (N), Finch (B). Front row L to R: Corso (BG), Bolden (WG), Littlejohn (R/O), Walker (WG), Cooley (TG), Phillips (FE)
449th Flying Horsemen |
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AWARDS OF THE 449TH Presidential Unit Citation: 2 Mission: 4/4/44 To Bucharest, Romania –A ircraft Loss: 7 KIA: 37 POW: 34 –D owning 40 enemy fighters –A lmost total destruction of Marshalling Yard Mission: 7/9/44 to Ploesti, Romania –A ircraft Loss: 2 Damaged: 13 KIA: 5 Evaded: 9 –A lmost total destruction of refinery –E xceeding dangerous flying conditions: –T hick smoke screen, fighters, intense flak
Deborah Hill, 718th BS, Voice of the 449th Daughter of Rodger Meek, Bills, Willard Crew, Navigator / Bailed out 26 July 1944 in Hoppy over Graz, Austria mission, evaded capture and returned to base to complete tour with 50 missions. Deborah was presented an award as the Voice of the 449th at the 25th reunion in Charlotte last year. Each year, Deborah calls our veterans, wives and widows to check in and let them know we are thinking of them. Her relationship with many of our 1st Generation has grown stronger each year. She is at it again right now, making sure our information is current. Thanks, Deborah, for the time and dedication you extend to each of our most precious members. It is greatly appreciated by all. If haven’t heard from Deborah, give her a call, she may have an old phone number. Additionally, if you are reading this and your father/mother have passed, please call or text her. (Utah) 714-658-6802.
Individual Awards: Distinguished Service Cross..............4 Silver Star..........................................45 Distinguished Flying Cross............322 Purple Heart....................................299 Legion of Merit....................................6
Mrs. Patricia Latta, Widow of J. Edward, 718th BS Blaney Crew, Flight / Engineer / Bailed out over Adriatic in Peppy on 13 Oct 1944, rescued by Air Sea Rescue. 41 Missions.
Air Medal.......................................9,980
At banquet night, Mrs. Latta is escorted by her grandson Brett Cress. The red rose she is carrying is in honor of her husband. It was fitting that this 25th reunion was held in her home state of North Carolina, for she has attended ALL Twenty-five, 449th BG reunions since 1983.
Battle Credits:
And, it was equally fitting for Mrs. Latta, to have ascended to the Banquet podium and lead the audience in a final closing song for the evening. It was a traditional airmen song, she remembers, sung at many of the earlier reunions As Flak Goes By.
Soldier’s Medal.................................27 Bronze Star........................................61
1. Naples-Foggia and Rome-Arno 2. Southern France 3. Air Combat Balkans 4. Northern Apennines 5. Air Offensive Europe 6. Normandy 7. Northern France 8. Rhineland 9. Po Valley
Denise Riegal, 718th BS Group Archives Board Member: Archives Manager & twin sister to Deborah Hill. Invaluable (in-val-yuh-bl) — Priceless, inestimable worth, indispensable, value beyond estimation, value too great to measure. Enter Denise Riegel, 449th Archives Manager, overseer of Veterans oral histories, which now includes some 80 videos, BG photos and documents, newspaper stories, and extraordinary organizer for anything that is in need of organization. Always there in time of need, Denise intuitively steps in to avert issues before they become problems. Think of her in the tail turret with 4 FW-190’s closing at 6:00 o’clock for a pass... she’s always there to cover our back. Denise is truly an invaluable part of the 449th family and instrumental in the great success of our reunions. Contact: | 449th Flying Horsemen
Home of the 449th BGA Archives & Memorabilia Located dire ctly behind the nose gu nner sits th e Bombardie r. He enters the A/C by craw ling under th e flight deck toward the front of the airpla ne
te and es absolu ardier tak for the ft a cr The bomb ir a and of the m m Norden co e l th ta to aided by t, e rg ta e Until he run on th t system. w. d autopilo n a te rd si o b w is la bom way,” his a s b m o says, “B
Norden ated behind the Bombardier se section se no D 24 B e bombsight in th
Norden Bombsight – One of American’s Secret Weapons Escorted under an armed guard, one of the last items to be installed on a B-24 as it rolled off the assembly line was the Norden bombsight. Its advanced technology provided unprecedented accuracy for daytime bombing from high altitudes. Thus, the importance of the Norden bombsight in achieving air superiority in WWII cannot be overemphasized. Young cadets who were chosen to be trained as Bombardiers in the operation of this famous bombsight were honored with the duty of keeping one of our country’s most closely guarded military secrets. After completing bombardier preflight training an airman would be sent to bombardier school where a special oath was requisite promising on his life to protect the secret of the sight. During Bombardier school, which was 12 to 18 weeks duration, a student dropped
449th Flying Horsemen |
up to 160 bombs. These practice bombings were conducted both in daytime and night with precise records being kept of hits and misses. The elimination rate was 12%. A highlight of the training was the Precision Bombings Olympics conducted June 1943. This gathering pitted three students from each of the eight bomb schools to compete against each other while practicing their training. One of the 449th Bomb Groups best, 2nd Lt. David D. Livingston, 718th Squadron and flying with Chandler’s crew, was chosen for his prestigious honor. On graduating, a bombardier moved on to an operational training unit joining a crew being trained for duty overseas. By war’s end more than 45,000 bombardiers had been trained for duty. THE BOMBARDIER’S OATH Mindful of the secret trust about to be
placed in me by my Commander in Chief, the President of the United States, by whose direction I have been chosen for bombardier training...and mindful of the fact that I am to become guardian of one of my country’s most priceless military assets, the American bombsight... I do here, in the presence of Almighty God, swear by the Bombardier’s Code of Honor to keep inviolate the secrecy of any and all confidential information revealed to me, and further to uphold the honor and integrity of the Army Air Forces, if need be, with my life itself. • David Duane Livingston Memorial Museum has one of the largest collections of WWII bombsite • All of the Group’s original B-24H models had the Sperry S-1 bombsight. The Group began receiving B-24J’s with the Norden in the Spring of ‘44 and afterward had a mixture of both sights.
Florence American Cemetary and Memorial, Tuscany, Italy
Traveling to Italy last September, I had two objectives: taste testing (Vino, Gelato, and Limoncello), and secondly, to visit with Freddy Furlan, archaeologist/researcher/historian of the Kendall & Hanson crash sites. But, before heading towards northern Italy, I wanted to visit the American Cemetery near Florence. In 2014, the 449th BG research team began the process of identifying MIA families of the Hanson crew. When contacting the family of S/Sgt Albert Acampora, we became aware that the airman had been brought home to the US and buried in New Haven, CT. An email was sent to Freddy Furlan in Italy for assistance. He confirmed that the airman’s body had been recovered, buried without Allied authority, exhumed, identified and send back to the US for burial. Mark Coffee, our Group Historian, then submitted the documentation to the DPAA for the airman to be reclassified as KIA. It is a little over a half mile walk from the main gate of the cemetery, passing hundreds of rows of white grave markers, before you arrive at the Tablets of the Missing. I arrived at the tablet, AND . . . . there it was! The very first name on the tablet; *ACAM14
PORA, ALBERT S/SGT 716 BG 449th BG (the asterisk indicating: found, KIA.) Upon leaving, I also spoke with the Duty Superintendent of the cemetery and she was aware of three more asterisks that will be added for the additional Hanson crew members recovered in 2017, pending official paperwork.
and gratitude. He never believed that he would hear Harvey’s voice, the man from Kendall’s crew he had researched and written so much about. Additionally, conversing with Mark, who he had corresponded with over many years, and the Livingstons, who were instrumental with research for his book, Sinner’s Dream (449th BG B-24, Downed Jan 30, 1944, Chandler Crew.) It was a privilege to sit next to this man, who has preserved the historical account of the horrific air battle that took place Jan 30, 1944 over the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region with great accuracy, detail and in-depth research. And yet the 449th BG is a mere cog in the work that Freddy has accomplished over the many years for so many people and countries. He is a humble man of great knowledge about WWII aviation over Italy and is greatly respected by the British, Germans & Italians historians for his investigative research.
I left Florence and headed to the quaint seaport town of Grado for a rendezvous with Freddy Furlan. Grado is the closest location to the B-24 Kendall crash site. Located between Venice and Trieste in north-eastern Italy, I passed between ancient Roman columns along the roadside, then crossed the long shallow motorway bridge over the Grado Lagoon. Freddy was early for the meeting and began by apologizing for his lack of English (which by the way, is quite good!) Initially thinking the meeting would last for a couple hours, it extended into lunch, another glass of Prosecco and five hours later we decided to call Mark Coffee in Georgia at 7:30 AM EST, Harvey Gann in TX 6:30 AM CST , and the Dan and Carol Livingston in San Jose, CA 4:30 AM PST! The reaction of Freddy’s face was priceless as he interacted with each one, with such modesty, sincerity | 449th Flying Horsemen
John Colson, Jr. never knew his father, Left Waist Gunner, S/Sgt John Colson, 717th BS. Colson, Sr. had been aboard the ill-fated Thunder Bay “BABE” that crashed into the mountainside near Mostar, Yugoslavia (Bosnia) on March 24, 1944. The crash resulted in 6 KIA and 4 POW. One of the few items recovered from the crash site was Airman Colson’s wedding ring that was eventually gifted to his son. Even after the passing of seventy-five years, John’s father, a recipient of the Silver star for bravery in action, was never far from his thoughts. Finally, in the summer of 2018, John Jr. and his son Jonathan set
out for Bosnia in search of Thunder Bay Babe, the place where his father had been killed in action. Prior to their departure, JPAC (now DPAA), provided them with Latitude/Longitude coordinates of the crash. Hiring a local guide upon arrival, they were off on their quest. After three days of hiking up steep jagged cliffs & sliding down dangerous ravines in sweltering 90-degree weather, dodging European vipers, and being stung by bushes with nasty stickers, they were unable to find the exact location of the crash site. Oh, but were they close! John had noticed that the MACR (Missing Air Crew Report) had called out degrees and minutes, but not seconds which would have pinpointed the crash site much closer. One second is equivalent to about 90 feet, which would translate to a 90-foot by 90-foot search area. An area of about 8,100 sq. feet that is approximately the size of two basketball court. John Colson, Jr. gave an account of his
trip at our last reunion during Squadron night. Spoken with passion, precise detail and skillful narration, the audience was spellbound. He is now looking into the possibility to see if drone technology can be utilized to locate the crash site of Thunder Bay Babe. I asked him if he would go back if they in fact find the crash site. He said he would certainly consider it. My response, “I’m in!”
.50 CAL AMMO CANS | PRESERVE THE 449TH BG LEGACY The purchase of ammo cans help support the veteran organization Purple Heart Originals. Front and Back: $79 plus $10 for shipping • Authentic Government issue Ammo Box used by the United States Military in training or action. • Refurbished by wounded and or injured Veterans. • Professionally powder coated in Olive Drab finish. • Paracord wrapped handle. • Felt Pads on bottom. • Makes for a one-of-a-kind, unforgettable gift and/or tribute to your WWII Veteran. Display proudly and use to store treasures and memories from their time in the service. Keep their story alive and pass from generation to generation. Rank:
Aircraft (if known): Optional
All information will be verified before your order is placed. Any questions, email Mary Crowley:
449th Flying Horsemen |
16 | 449th Flying Horsemen
449th Flying Horsemen |
CHAPLAIN’S CORNER C HA R L OT T E , N C , J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 9
A warm welcome was given by Vice President, Richard Lapham, who in turn called for the posting of Colors by the Honor Guard of UNC Charlotte’s Detachment 92 Color Guard Team. This was followed by the reading of the 2019 Roll Call of Honor. One by one, airmen’s names were read by squadron. Roses were escorted down the isle and placed on the squadron’s Missing Man Table. (Roses were given to families who were present and to members who assisted with the additional rose escorts by families not present.) Each year the Roll Call of Honor consists of known deceased airmen who have passed away within the last year, airmen whose names have not previously been acknowledged and the names of the deceased airmen from the state in which the reunion is being held. The Roll Call of Honor also includes the names of airmen whose families are in attendance and names of airmen whose families have requested an escort. Additionally, several crews were represented by a single red rose.
ROLL CALL OF HONOR — MEMORIAL SERVICE — ORDER A ROSE Coveys Respect, Love, and Courage — Nashville, TN - October 3, 2020 As part of this sacred and honorable tribute given to our fallen heroes each year, it has come to our attention that there are families who have not been able to attend the service, but wish to have their AIRMAN’S name or a specific CREW to be included in Roll Call of Honor during the Memorial Service.
For those who would like to have their AIRMAN’S name read or that of a specific CREW, please enclose your check with this request to:
For a minimal donation of $25 or more (to cover cost of roses and facility expenses) your airman’s name will be placed on the Roll Call of Honor and read within his squadron. A RED ROSE will be escorted down the aisle when the name is read and then placed on the Missing Man Table. The Red Rose will remain on the Missing Man Table for the banquet held later that evening. After the reunion, a Memorial program will be sent to you.
449th BGA Thad Mahoney, Treasurer 205 Lynn Dr. Seville, OH 44273
In honor of Airman / Crew
Squadron (if known)
Given in honor by Non-Profit Organization Federal IRS Tax Exempt, Int. Rev. Code 501 © (19) #43-129704. Beautiful (Limited Edition) High Quality Print. 18 | 449th Flying Horsemen
NA M E S R E A D AT T H E 2 5 T H R E U N ION M E M OR IA L SE RV IC E 716 th Squadron
717th Squadron
716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th
717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th 717th
John R. “Doc” ALLEN Jr.* Albrecht D. Allen* Lynford Austin, KIA* Bernard W. Bannigan C. “Ted” BEALE Charles Bentz, KIA* Robert Bilodeau* Kenneth Blake, Jr* Gerald Burgess* Paul J. Christoff* Frank CIAVARELLA* Herbert Clements, EVD* John B. COLLINS James P. Collins, POW* Arnold DEHN, MIA/KIA George O. Earll Edward Eisler* Paul FARRELL* Joseph P. Flynn James Galvin Eugene T. Gordon Howard Hanson, KIA* Donald HOGLUND* Richard Horwitz, KIA* Willis Howard Arthur Jean* Walter Kaess, POW* Wayne Kennedy* Virgil Marson James B. MILLER* John W. Miller* Frederick T. Movey Lawrence Nally, MIA/KIA* Einar NIKLASON Kenneth D. Parkins* Donald A. Peterson Jesse W. PRIEST* Kenneth Race Frank J. Shoaf, Jr.* Stanley Steinkamp Harold Swenson*
716th Crews & Teams 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th 716th
Bryan* Easy Queen 11 POW Collins* 9 POW 9 June 44 Cunningham* Shirley Jean Forbes* 10 KIA Hanson* 11 KIA Kinsinger* Ken Kinsinger* John Miller* George Wingard* McGrath* 3 KIA Medical Team*
Robert C. ANDERSON, POW* Richard Asbury* Lenville (Buck) Ashworth* John E. Aulner, POW* John A. Banas* Ellsworth (Hank) Bedette & Burp* Ray G. Bohn Lyle Brown Percival Chadwick, POW* John COLSON, KIA George Conway, KIA* Ray Vaughn Copley Ellsworth Whitey Daniels* Raymond Daugherty* Clifton DENNY, Jr.* John Desmond* Donald Dietz* Warren Endly* 717/HQ Richard R. German Wally R. GREEN* Clarence E. Grimes* Donald Guimont* Andrew R. Hanna* Jack Hartle* John M. Howell* Preston L. Joiner, jr Robert Kaley* George Kangian Lynn R. Kinnamon* Robert E. Lang Raymond C. Logies* Fred (Tick) Mossman* James “Bud” MULLEN, POW* Jack NEWMAN, POW* Edward T. Oliva Harold Padgitt Jack Pizztola* James R. Pollard Tony (Lopez) Pompa, KIA* George Potts, KIA* J. D. Roper* Albert G. SCHWARTZ* Roger R. Trumbull* Warren M. Woolsey Warren Wyckel* Peter C. Zuzzolo*
717th Crews 717th 717th 717th 717th
Bontley* Reluctant Liz 2 KIA 7 POW 1 EVD Ivers* Holy Joe 2 KIA 8 WIA McInvale* Old Ironsides - 9 EVD Samuelson* Cinnsy’s Margie
718th Squadron 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th
Robert Behler* Stanley E. Bills Stanley Bills* Francis Boyle * Lee Cantrell* Allen CARRICO, EVD Frank N. Catanbzarite* Jim Chipper Paul R. Cole George Ditzhazy* Russell Donovan Thomas F. DUFFY, JR* Salvatore Esposito* 718/HQ Howard M. Feldman Alfred R. Flory Joe Fritsche Nick GAVALAS MIA* Charles GRAN* Given Grooms, KIA* Robert E. Hathorn* Paul R. Harper, EVD* Pershing Hill, MIA/KIA* Jack Jenny* Max E. Johnson J. Edward LATTA* Charles LYNN Richard MACAK* Rodger MEEK, EVD Willam Nosker, KIA* Charles Orrico, KIA* Richard Peacock* Anton Reinders Clinton Rodefer* Joseph S. Rogers Robert K. Schmitz Charles A. Shepherd* John Sinkule George SKIDMORE Eugene WARD Edward J. Way* Henry W. Wojda
718th Crews 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th
Sinners Dream 6 KIA 4 POW Thomas Chandler, KIA* Robert Winter, KIA* Peter Ihrie, KIA* David Livingston, POW* Edward Fechko, KIA* Roland Vickery, POW* John Wood, KIA*
(Continued on Page 20)
449th Flying Horsemen |
449th Bomb Group
Mary Crowley, Secretary 2nd Generation 16292 Content Circle Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Phone: 714.840.1805 Fax: 714.846.0965 Email:
The term LATEPASS refers to the control tower CALL SIGN at Grottaglie SPRING 2020 NEWSLETTER 449th Bomb Group Association 716 - 717 - 718 - 719 Bomb Squadrons
Info RE: Mailing List / Removal / Deceased Member Please report any changes, or removal, of your mailing address or information regarding a deceased Veteran to Mary Crowley.
For WWII 449th BG documentation and research, please contact: Mark Coffee / Group Historian
*No membership dues assessed. Reprinting in whole or in part, without written permission, is prohibited. All rights and contents are reserved by the 449th BGA, A Not for Profit Organization, funded by member donations and contributions. Contributions to the 449th BGA are deductible on IRS1040 Schedule A, if not made for merchandise or services.
HON OR ROL L (Continued from Page 19) 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th 718th
Edward Lucy, POW* Charles Tibbetts, KIA* Charles Murphy* Fox Crew* Harper Crew* 1 POW 6 EVD Kendall Crew* 9 KIA 1 POW Pistol Packin’ Mamma Roger Crew* 1 KIA 8 POW 1 EVD
719th Squadron 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th
Thomas C. Ackerly Rudy Acosta* Leonard Adler Dalton Allen* William C. Apgar* James C. Ash Emil Baer* Denver Barnett* Ted Allen Bratzler* James BUBENKO Alvin Charnes* Hobart Cole* Bruce R. Curry* John CYRUS* Wilbur Debnam*
719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th
Preston Farish Henry Flesh III* Joseph E. Fluet Paul F. Fuller* William Herman* Reginald Johnson* Orville R. KERN Donald LAPHAM Donald Liddycoat* Harry MAHONEY Dale Martz, EVD* John M. McCormick, POW* Roy C. Meyer Max W. Minton* Alexander Molnar Howard D. Moore Fernando O’DELL, EVD* Bartholoeo Peluso* Eugene W. Price Cylde O. Oye Stewart S. Taylor* Ralph W. Todd Lt. Joe Truemper Truemper* Donald D. VAN LIER Edward L. Wall*
719th 719th 719th 719th
Nelson Woods* John L. Zimmerman Sheldon J. ZIMMERMAN, KIA* John L. Zimmerman, POW*
719th Crews 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th 719th
Kirland* 3 KIA 4 WIA McCormick* 4 KIA 5 POW Stubbs* Weaver* Wood* Zimmerman* Paper Doll 7 KIA 3 POW
HQ & Attached Companies Randolph* Jack L. Group CO Brewer* Scott R. HQ Tarrant* Burr HQ BYNUM* Walter H. Attached Ordnance Steinke Jack M. Attached 348 In Loving Memory Mrs. Berry, Loving wife of B/Gen Floyd Trogdon * President of the 449th BG Association
Names that appear are known deceased airmen who have passed away since Sept 2018 and airmen who have not previously been acknowledged. BOLD NAMES indicate: In honor of 449th BG airmen, family members were in attendance at the 2019 Memorial Service BOLD NAME* (With Asterisk) RED ROSE. A RED ROSE was escorted and placed on the Missing Man Table for airmen who families have donated to the Legacy Project