44 DEGREES 2016 Different Options

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ABOUT THE MAGAZINE 44 DEGREES is an online magazine dedicated to the promotion of contemporary Israeli artists. The magazine showcases various artists such as digital media artists, painters, sculptors, and curators, with each issue focusing on a different theme. Artists showcased in the magazine may be contacted via the URL posted. The magazine may be viewed in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem information archive room and in Tel Aviv Museum Library. 44 DEGREES online art Magazine was founded by the artist TAMMY MIKE LAUFER She created the concept and she's also the Designer\ Editor \Art director \Curator Producer \ Website Director. The





Tammy Mike Laufer lives and works in Israel. She is an international contemporary artist and art director. She is graduate from the extension of the "Technion" Israel Institute for Technology in the department of Graphic Design, and continuing education program for designers at Sivan College Tel Aviv. She has been engaged with Digital Media for two decades. Tammy Mike Laufer's digital media works were exhibited in Museums, art projects in places such as Italy (53 Venice Biennale) Greece, Japan, the US, Portugal, Latvia, Israel and more.



All rights reserved Š 2013

Art on the front of the magazine by Tammy Mike Laufer



































































































“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.” Albert Einstein

Come and meet Israeli artists ‫בואו להכיר אמנים ישראלים‬



• SUE ELA My "Peace Dove" sculpture depicts my belief that most people on both sides of a conflict strive to live together in peace and harmony. One side of the sculpture portrays a peace dove and the other side a couple dancing, symbolizing that it takes two individuals to live together harmoniously. Based on my abstract sculptures, I have designed an experiential and interactive family sculpture park which encourages direct contact between children, adults and sculpture. Two of these interactive sculptures were built and placed in Modiin in 2013. One of the proposed models is a "Peace Dove Slide" on which children could slide and play together. The "Dynamic Family" sculpture depicts the concept of the modern family which takes on different forms as compared to the traditional family of the past. This sculpture consists of numerous abstract figures which could be moved, allowing each individual to create the family as he perceives it or imagines it could be. In my dynamic sculpture "Revolving Doors" the figures can be turned according to the mood and perceptions of the observers.

Peace Dove Clay 25x25x15

The Dynamic Family 2 Clay height 10-30 cm

www.sue-ela.com sue.ela1@gmail.com

Revolving Doors Clay 30x23x20

• RUTH GOLAN HENEL I start with a single, fleeting moment: a gesture, a sensation that touches me and asks to be touched. That moment passes through me and through the material that I handle, and as it does I try to reach out to a human experience of impermanence. I came to this practice following a great personal loss. That devastation changed me. It exposed me to fragility and pain, but it also demanded reflection. I learned to experience beauty more deeply.

I work with Clay and Bronze. Like our own bodies Clay returns to dust whilst Bronze, akin to the human spirit is bound for a higher fate, defying it's very substance by being timeless.

Point of View, Bronze, 78x40x18 cm

rutygol@gmail.com www.ruth.co.il

The Seagull, Bronze, 40x36x40 cm

Childhood, Bronze 44x24x24 cm

• SHLOMIT RADAY Metal mesh is a unique, unusual material. It offers an opportunity to investigate not only the relations of shape and form but also those between inside and outside, separation and connection. Metal mesh has captured my heart and in the last 15 years I focused my work on this art form. The simplicity of the material, the way it surrenders to me, the surprise of creating something from nothing and the transparency within and among the images inspire me. Sometimes it is the material itself, the mesh, that represents the concepts around which the sculpture revolves, as it does here. Shlo2004@netvision.net.il http://noamklopper.wix.com/shlomit

• LIORA KANTEREWICZ The main source of my art; my personal life, my emotions and reality around me, Disappointments, fears and sadness entwined with happiness, a sense of freedom, love and beauty. My aspiration is that my art will stimulate those watching it to look around, into themselves and will fill them with passion, freedom and love, if only for one little moment. http://www.liorakstudio.com liora@liorakstudio.com

Schoofdog (OwlDog), sculpture coated with gold leaf, casting, dimensions: 42x25x31 cm

Blue, sculpture, wood constructions covered with gift ribbons, dimensions: 100x100x100 cm

Red, sculpture, wood construction covered with gift ribbons, dimensions: 100x100x50 cm

• ITAMAR SHIMSHONY As an artist, one of my many aspirations is to alter people’s conventional way of thought. My works are innovative, they try to crack the enigma of how the world functions and what happens when the world of art and design encounter and slowly trickle into daily life. I examine the influence of life on art and art on life. I operate in the realm of humor and irony and strive to point out an unconventional look and interpretation on life, a view that simplifies art to the masses. I view my role as an artist as one that is required to ask inquisitive questions, to offer new ideas, to contemplate philosophical questions of existence and to bridge inherent gaps through my art. I see it upon myself to spread this way of thinking as my art can speak volumes to all; it is a common, universal language coherent not only to the art world. My body of work from the past several years confronts the viewer with ethical, moral questions.

Mechanical-cat, mixed media, 50x30x30cm

itamarshimshony.com Cookie-shrimp, mixed media, 25x50x30cm


Batman, mixed media, 70x60x30cm


• ZIPI BIRAN The art of sculpting is significant in manifesting my independence and individuality. I enjoy feeling the raw material in my hands and the total freedom to create with my hands that which I choose, whilst coping with the materials' constraints. The materials I use are clay, resin, glass, stone, and wood. In carving I attempt to capture the natural essence of the material and its shape. My love of people and animals and the state of mind which I am in are projected in my first look at the wood: I search for clues of the images that are inherently within the wood before I started working. Thus, the result is significantly influenced from the initial and natural shape of the material. biranzipi@gmail.com www.biranpsalim.com

Untitled, Avocado wood, h- 103 cm

Crisis, Eucalyptus wood, H-90 cm

• TAMAR ISTRIN I was born and raised in Tel Aviv, Israel. I am a sculptor fascinated by threedimensional works. I start with a lump of clay, and shape it until it “turns alive”. In my recent works I engage with the meaning of life. Becoming a grandmother recently, deepened my understanding of the importance of the family unit. This sculpture of a great-grandmother lovingly holding her great-grandson in her lap, symbolizes the circle of life. In this work I use different options to emphasize the inter-generational relationship. My creations have been displayed in a variety of solo and group exhibitions in Israel and group exhibitions abroad. Burnt clay sculpture H60x35x30 CM istrint@gmail.com www.istrin.co.il

• GILEAD TADMOR My creative work grows out of a tension between a love of humanity, a tendency to see the ironic and the absurd in the human condition, a Bacchanalian urge to cross boundaries, both in space and between the real and the fantastic, and a pool towards the orderly and well defined. My goal is often to harness internal tensions and contradictions both within a creative theme and between the visual tools in my disposal. This is demonstrated, in particular, when comparing the treatment of the same or similar subject by different techniques such as pastel d pencil andrawing vs. print-making, papier-mâché sculptures and reliefs, watercolor, acrylic and ink paintings. www.pinterest.com/gileadt tadmor.gilead@gmail.com

A philosopher out of a box - pastel & papier-ma_che

A charging warrior - papier-ma_che_ & etching

• DANIELLE FELDHAKER Living and working in Tel Aviv. Born in the USA in 1982. I currently work predominantly with painting in mixed media on Plexiglas, wood and canvas, and with installations that focus on the seam between painting and sculpture. I strive to create images that range from the figurative world to the abstract, and am interested in motifs of beauty and chaos and how these can produce a new aesthetic space. Furthermore, I aspire to bring street art and the urban space into the private and personal space, into inner walls, and form a relationship between the inside and the outside, between soft and hard. I usually paint with acrylics, spray paint and markers, with large and wide brushes that allow space, rhythm and movement. The painting surfaces also vary and include large scale canvases, wooden pallets, plywood, found wood panels, and recently mostly Plexiglas. My work is not only painting-based, but is also collagist in nature, incorporating PVC and working with textures of molding paste and different paints. In a number of exhibitions I have shown recently, my emphasis was on creating a painting installation and examining the relation between the paintings and their influence on the activation of the space. This was also manifested in my approach to any format that examines the boundaries of the medium within itself (the surface, the transparency, and the language of the painting), as well as in approach to the entire assembly which produces a type of a "painting installation". daniellebinstock@gmail.com www.daniellefeldhaker.com

Mixed media (spray paint, slide, marker and pvc) on plexiglass, 40x50 cm, 2015

Mixed media (acrylic, spray paint and pvc) on plexiglass, 50x60 cm, 2015

Mixed media (acrylic, spray paint, marker, masking tape and pvc on plexiglass) 122x244 cm 2015

Mixed media (acrylic, spray paint,marker, pvc and newspaper) on plexiglass, 50x70 cm, 2015

• MEIR SALOMON Fire and water drawing is a new way of drawing, I put pigments on paper, and draw with water on it, creating a relief with the use of the brush. The water create paper waves and a soft relief is formed, "sculpture" is born of a mutual collaboration between human handwriting and that of nature. Using fire flames to continue the composition and finishing with blowing air with paint on the paper. Bringing together fire, earth, air and water, the constructed and the destroyed, the real and the unreal. meirsalomon@gmail.com

And air 27 40x32.5 2015


And air 18 40x33 cm. 2015

And air 26, 40x36, 2015

• TAMMY MIKE LAUFER My works are similar to mental puzzles, where you can travel from one point to another by analyzing a picture’s symbolic objects. There is always something for the observer to discover. I never force my vision or push my philosophical opinion on the viewers each and every one, can give theirs philosophy to my creation. My art is surreal reality, all in my head. The viewer take a journey to places just as real as those you might find in this reality. When I start working on a new scene, it's like enter to a fantasy dream. like starting your new only virtual world. “Everything is possible” and in the majority of my works I am trying to combine visual realities, with subconscious emotions and philosophical thoughts. I create my virtual world, with 3d software and 2d paint software. Using combinations of renderings, lightings, textures and shapes. The images can be printed on any material in any size.

tamylauf@netvision.net.il www.TammyMikeLaufer.com

2014, Balls Digital Media, Drawing

2014 Untitled, Digital Media, Drawing

2014, How many are there?, Digital Media, Drawing

2014, Almost touch, Digital Media, Drawing

2014, Storm, Digital Media, Drawing

• LARA GAVRIELY I investigate the physical affect that art work have on our spatial cognition and I aspire to destabilize this perception by creating optical illusions and using different kinds of illuminations. My works are associated with the material they are made of, which is in fact, light. I make an attempt to question our observation of light and space. I aspire to make the invisible visible, to search for the magic within the reality I created and draw the viewer into this fictional world.

laracapara@hotmail.com http://laracapara.wix.com/laragavriely

'illumination'- inkjet print on an archive paper, 80x54 cm

'Water writer'- kinetic object with video mapping on water, Perspex , iron. 135x75x35 cm

'Water writer- fireworks'- kinetic object with video mapping on water, Perspex , iron. 135x75x35

Bruised reed- inkjet print on an archive paper, 30x40 cm

• ALEXANDER MENDELEVICH There are thousands of moments, through our everyday lives, which make us aware to our senses. I am looking to find these moments in the ordinary things that fill our lives, such as our emotions, events at work or with our family. In this series, I wanted to capture the special condition in which the couple is during pregnancy. Period of pregnancy is a very important in the life of the couple, but when I watched at pregnancy albums it seemed to me too sweet and superficial, while it’s possible to show beauty as something that's full of substance and emotions. After all, pregnancy is a process, the real test for parents who are going through it together. I would like to convey sensations and experiences namely of both parents as a one whole. Their bodies and souls are in a real transformation. Sometimes the man detects on himself the symptoms of pregnancy. Usually a lot of moments and nuances stay out of the convention when shooting pregnancy. Therefore, adding some amount of humor, I tried to do it differently. Media: Digital Photography Size: 90x60 cm mezalem@gmail.com http://alexandermendelevich.com

• RUTEA S. NOY I am a visual narrator, multidisciplinary artist, working both with tangible and digital mixed media. Blending materials, forms and techniques is stimulating, limitless and keeps me away from artistic labels and stereotypes. I am happy to use brushes, chisels, cameras, computers etc. & integrate my work with artists in other disciplines. noyfilms@gmail.com

Stream of Time-digital art


Hands of Love-fine-art photography

Cool Couple-photography

IdiMorphosis-digital art

• GALIA ROGNER I started my journey in the digital photography world at the end of 2008. At the beginning I was focusing on self portraiture as a tool for dealing with existential issues. Since then I've been photographing other people, landscapes, details‌anything that catches my eyes and mind. When the need arises I photograph myself. Through my photography I'm interested in eternalizing the impermanent by capturing the elusive nature of reality and facing intimidating existential conditions as isolation, solitude and mortality, which have taken center stage in my life since I was diagnosed with breast cancer a few month ago. My current body of work has been created during the time of diagnosis, surgery and chemotherapy I've been getting. Over the years I've been exhibiting my work in solo and group exhibitions, in Israel and around the world, my work has been published in photography books, on line magazines and I took part in various photography projects. galia.rogner@gmail.com http://galiarogner.wix.com/photography

• EVE SHER 1966 Born in Bogota, Colombia. Through photography I perpetuate the action of placing real tridimensional words in distinctive environments. My intention is to render the idea of its transformation, thus opening up avenues for personal meaning or interpretation as a mediated experience which still contains a narrative, without an open ended meaning. The words are carefully chosen as reflection of life experiences and from my readings of poetry and scientific articles. They are carved in Styrofoam, covered with colored gesso, then positioned in natural and urban sites, which are selected for the richness of textures and deepness of horizon. www.eve-sher.com t0548114420@gmail.com

• IRIS ZEMECH It's All About Water. I like to bring the reality as an abstraction. My photography is often considered more as a painting, either because the way I use of the camera lens, or due to deliberate movements of the camera while photographing. I am trying to bring to the viewer the reality aesthetics has not experienced in the past, and surprise him. http://irisphotography.co.il/ irisim3@bezeqint.net

• NOFAR HOROVITZ The following images are a part of a large ongoing project that was created as a result of my increasing curiosity across the years. I was searching for the core, that which is common to all women, which unites them all and could be understood via photography. In the course of my work I photographed women with different body structures, of different ages and different life stories. I got to know them and their ambitions and wishes. I have realized that despite many changes that have occurred in women's status over the years, many still see themselves through an outdated, rigidly structured prism, as if it is something they cannot avoid. They find it hard to detach themselves from specific stereotypes that have been engraved into their consciousness . Therefore, in my work I have tried to isolate secondary variables and establish a common denominator to all women, so as to emphasize the one thing that has not changed over the years, which every woman has – womanhood . http://www.compositzia.com/#!art/c1mst compositzia@gmail.com

• NOA NAHARI I am interested in art which examines the boundaries of the physical body. In my work I try to create experiences in which the human body interacts with the art object and is modified in this process. In my video installation Side Walk, I constructed a cinderblock surface made to resemble a pedestrian walkway, beneath was a layer of elastic spongy material. I wanted the person walking into this space to activate the surface, and in turn to be activated by it. When the floor responds with its flexibility and dynamic movement, the cinder-blocks grate against each other, and the hard familiar surface succumbs to the body and integrates with it. My fascination with elasticity – of the body and of the mind – often leads me to examine cyclical actions: expansion and contraction, stretching and compression, rising and falling. I like to observe the way these processes pervade all walks of life: bodies pulsating in a gym, kneeling and swaying in prayer, twirling in spiritual ecstasy. I incorporate these images in my videos, in order to show the larger patterns which define the envelope of the individual body. I believe that through this choreography of human movement we can achieve a modified state of awareness, and it is this transition that I wish to capture in my art. http://www.noart.co.il noanahari@gmail.com

Elastic memories photography documentary_40X50cm

View point_Installation 290cmX150cm


Side Walk_Installation_35Sq m room+videoloop 35sec

• YNIN SHILLO I am a conceptual interdisciplinary artist. My work is charged with local pure substance elements, both ancient and contemporary, and in theological and Genealogical materials, dealing with issues of 'man- place Language' at this time, substances that are very tense between holism and deconstruction. shilloart@gmail.com http://www.yninshillo.com/

• MALKA INBAL The series, WHITE INK, is devoted to a female observation on a male’s point of view, trying to understand their perception and ways of thinking. I tried to observe from a pure nonjudgmental attitude, away from the feminist discussion. The works are a product of encounters with my colleagues which served as the inspiration for white papier-mâché figures I created. Through particularly lighting, focusing and angels chosen to photograph, I brought out many layers of these characters. The outcome has a rigid and rugged look that extenuates the emotional clamping up of men. Media: Photography malka.inbal@gmail.com www.malkainbal.co.il

• HILA MIZRACHI As an artist – photographer, photography for me is a tool to document life , to express myself and my feelings and also a tool to create a new reality. www.hilam.carbonmade.com mizrachi.hila3@gmail.com

• AMIRA OPPENHEIMER Against All Odds A daily walk around my neighborhood is part of my routine. I always with my camera looking, searching wondering, discovering. I meet along my way people: new and old acquaintance. I observe and follow the changes in all living around. I try to find the meanings, interest and beauty in the most mundane trivial, simple happenings around. I follow the emergence, growth, blooming and decaying of what is near me, in my world, my 'umwelt'. Taking pictures is my way of contemplating and arranging my thoughts and feelings. Photography is for me a way of experiencing different options and point of views about my place and about the values as well as the pain and social injustice done here. The most neglected, ignored, even rejected are the weeds. Some of them immigrant to my county but all very well adjusted. Too well most people would say. They are symbol in my eyes to survival against all odds and of the complex coexistence of nature and urban surrounding. Although ignored and dislike these weed have at the same time therapeutic values. amiraopen@gmail.com Facebook

• MOSSI ARMON Born in 1949. As an urban creature, I'm lately attracted to the Negev desert. The ultimate target is a place untouched, a place one can watch to all four directions with no any sign of civilization. Places of this kind are already rare, which proves that the Negev is in an intensive development process. Being the only wild-open place in Israel, creates a need for an original thinking about its future. I try to show the tension between the desert and its visitors. The need to make it accessible to travelers compared to the necessity to preserve it. Enough sources of employment for a growing population, and a massive building of army bases, make it very complicated. My study deals with road sings, rough or fine, marked on the Negev's lands. mossiarmon@gmail.com

• BOSMAT NIRON I deal and researches the philosophy and the Infinity of the sublime. I binds together the female experience, the ecological basics, the nature, and the mystics and presents my collection bearing the name "Goddess". The female character is characterized with strength and constitutes a symbol to the myth that Goddesses symbolized life, eternity and constant regeneration. The contexts of the Goddess constitute an extraordinary combination of messages, enlightenment, and sensitivity, longing and yearning. The Goddesses are captured while meditating; appear in nature that integrates energetic symbols and spiritual iconography that are identified with the Magna Mater, part of which is recognized by the collective memory. My goal, is to arouse awareness of the environment, to offer an esthetic Approach to an art carrying values, to bring about the rise of forgotten, hidden lights of hope for the human family as a whole, as well as to arouse the beholder's yearning for sublime nature." bosmat@bosmatniron.com http://bosmatniron.com/

• ELI GROSS “Aspire to happiness, to calm a tempestuous soul, towards serenity" - that’s the nature of my art. My longing for happiness is molded into the harmonious movement of children and also conveyed in a silent embrace or pastoral landscape. There is only one pretty child in the world, and every grandfather has it. That quote might be told from many different perspectives - how we see or feel about – even they are so far. So far ... I can not hug them, And yet so close ... I bring you out of my imagination, with rivers of color, to the canvas. So far ... you can reach the end of the world ... But as long as I have your love ... you are always close.

Brothers, Acrylic on Canvas 40-50 cm 2015

http://eligross.wix.com/eligrossart eligross@orange.net.il Abigail 6 years old, acrylic on Canvas 40-50 cm 2015

Dawn could not be more beautiful, Acrylic on Canvas 40-50cm 2015

Daniel will build a sand castle, Acrylic on canvas 40-50 cm 2015

• DIMA MOGILEVSKY I was born in Kiev, Ukraine, 38 years ago. During my childhood, I learned to draw, and spent long hours at my parent's work place – the theater. Backstage, I observed the actors and was amazed by their ability to create a whole world just by changing their facial expressions. I arrived in Israel as a teenager in high school. I studied programming and was employed as a programmer by a high-tech company. Although the job required working long hours every day, which left me little time to paint, I began drawing mostly portraits of famous persons, which are easily recognizable. By using a new personal technique that combines visual accuracy and impressionism, I focus on facial expressions that reveal the person’s internal world by using bright colors and the effects of light. This is reminiscent of the actor’s expressions I remember from my childhood. I try to enables viewers to discover hidden aspects of both themselves and the well-known personalities in my paintings.

Marilyn Monroe



Albert Einstein


Muhammad Ali

• RUBI BAKAL Born in 1981. Living and working in Tel Aviv, israel. Graduated of the multidisciplinary department at Shenkar college.


"I came to work with dust as a result of the questions, how to document memory, how to deal with the past and how to represent the past in the present. Over the last number of years, while mastering dust as a new artist's medium, I have attempted to answer these questions. The dust's function is threefold: not only does it stand for a pigment used to 'paint' the artworks, it is actually tiny particles of the places themselves, and it's very accumulation operates as a timepiece. Thus, with a single material I have defined location, time & narrative."

hertzliy museum,porch,130X100, dust on canvas,2014

http://rubibakal.com/ rubibakal@gmail.com

levinsky,120X140cm,dust on canvas,2014

urial miron,dust on canvas,60X47 CM .2015

roy kuper,dust on canvas,58X47CM ,2015

oren alihav,dust on canvas64X50CM ,2015

• RONIT GUREWITZ Ronit Gurewitz, who was born in 1966, lives and works in Emek Hefer. Graduate of the Bezalel 1966 and learned in various courses over the years with Amnon David Ar, Aram Gershuni, David kassan. In my paintings I travel with my soul through topics such as body, beauty, femininity, sexuality, childhood and motherhood. Gender images and motifs are repeated in various forms over the years, bound and intertwined with body, femininity and beauty. I paint mostly in oil colors on various substrates - paper, glass and wood.

Deformation 03 oil on paper 100-70cm 1994

RONIT@GUREWITZ.CO.IL http://www.ronitgurewitz.com/ Deformation 02 oil on paper 100-70cm1994

Deformation 01 oil on paper 100-70cm 1994

Deformation 04 oil on paper 100-70cm 1994

• ETTI CHECHOVER Graduated from "Bezalel" Academy of Arts. In recent years the portrait interests me very much. I explore the subject by drawing the same character several times. Also, I paint it with different materials and on various substrates. The paintings here are on paper, cardboard, canvas, and are painted in oil and charcoal.


• ILANA LANIADO The "Medusa - Self-portrait" series derived from my former series "The sea shore", from the jellyfish in the sea, I came to the mythological Medusa. Medusa was punished with snakes hair and a gaze that stoned and froze everyone who saw her. I also was "punished" with a curly, frizzy hair that goes to all directions. So I took selfie photos with my IPhone, looking straight ahead and very serious, with threatening expressions. It is a theatrical issue of disguising and a search for different options. In some of the paintings I "corresponded" with other artists like: Caravaggio, Jawlensky, Andy Warhol, Yitzhak Livneh and Lucian Freud. In that series I used the same photo of my face and the same oval format with the same blue background. I only changed the shape of the hair and the portrait colors. The oval format is also an object- a shield or/and a mirror- referring to the Medusa mythological story. Perseus succeeded to kill it while he was looking indirectly through his shining shield. Medusa is like the artist that freezes a moment, an image, killing them, but at the same time gives them an eternal life. All paintings are acrylic on canvas, size 50x40 cm. ilanazion@gmail.com

• SHLOMI ASHER My life motto is to connect to the good and beautiful, with Israeli culture as a main theme: the diversified Israeli culture. I'm in love with the city of Tel Aviv, where I live and idealize reality. I paint public places, charming corners, neighborhoods, markets, the beach and more. In my paintings, I draw attention to the Israeli lifestyle and to Israelis' body language. My painting style ranges from the realistic to the naïve, with touches of a gone-by era… from a longing to the simplistic and good old.

Florentin2- acrylic on canvas 100/100

shlomiasherart@gmail.com At the beach- acrylic on canvas 40/60

Magen David square-acrylic on canvas 80/120

Shabbat at Gordon Beach-acrylic on canvas80/112

The beach-oil on canvas60/106.5

• ODED BERGHAUS As a child, my dream was to become a fireman. While waiting for my dream to come true I spent most of my time sketching and drawing. At school I used to draw even in my copybooks and wherever I found an empty space. When I left school I joined the army and served for three years in a combat unit. All this time, during my army service, I was drawing whenever I could, enjoying it..I never thought that my art will become so important and a center issue in my life. I realized that I have to explore and widen my knowledge in the field. Therefore I decided to study in an Israeli college for fine arts. As I graduated I took a position of an art teacher and for 10 years I was teaching people with special needs. In order to make a living I am working today as a taxi driver and of course still draw and paint . I showed and exhibit my works in several alternative spaces. I hope that this brief description will enlighten your interest. • •

Paintings: oil on paper size 30\42 cm Drawings: charcoal on paper size 21\30 cm


• Dr. TAMAR RECHTER Views, plants, animals and portraits are the main subjects of my work. I like drawing and as I'm working as Psychotherapist .I have passion for art and I'm painting regularly every week for the last 15 years. My painting is a process where I give an expression of who I am. I'm trying all kind of techniques that are changing over the years. Also the materials that I'm using changes from time to time according to the subject I draw . The influence on my work is all kind of artists and exhibitions and teachers that I had during the years.

OIL ON WOOD 25X35 cm

tamarrec@walla.co.il tamirechter.weebly.com



• ZIVA CASPI It has been almost 20 years since I started painting. Without any art education – besides my B.A. in languages – I started drawing still life with pencils and charcoal and gradually switched to acrylic colors on paper and boards. For the last 7 years I have been studying at Reuven Tishrey Studio taking courses with Reuven Tishrey, Yoav Effrati, Maric Lechner, Yaacov MIshori, Eitan Ben-Moshe and Hugit Borenstein. After years of expressionist acrylic and oil paintings at all sizes, it happened that I found myself, gradually, looking for minimizing the expressionist and emotional painting, and finally, during the last year, I found my new way – translating the images I see (usually photographed by me) into clean and straight lines, yet preserving the colorful aspect and even magnifying it. The sometimes day-to-day images and scenes become alive in a completely different manner. All of them now are acrylic paintings. I've participated at group exhibitions and one private exhibition. Zivaca1@netvision.net.il Facebook

• MARITA MILKIS Immigrate to Israel in 1992. Since then work as an artist and make works By Individual Customer's Orders (Ink, Acrylic, textures, leather, wood and metal). All over the time of art-life, made private exhibitions in USSR, France, Israel. I created a lot of different works. From abstract graphics on paper to the three dimensional panels of wood, metal, leather and, of course, the colors! In my work there is a lot of my different worlds: the conscious and subconscious, reality and fiction, the beautiful and the ugly, harmonious and discordant to the horror. I like to create! In my work, there are different styles, textures and directions ... Pencils, pens, paint, fabric, wood, metal - all that excites my imagination!.. It makes me happy!

Rendezvous - acrylic on canvas 100x60


Windows - acrilic on canvas 100x100

Thinking - Acrylic on Canvas 100x100

Illusion - acrylic on canvas 100x70

• YAEL AVIV I've always had great interest in people. I find looking at them fascinating. Staging them and letting them play is a thrill for me. I want to know their story: how they perceive and present themselves to the world. They are my material and motivation, together with the paint and the medium that have always been a fabulous expressive toolkit for me to put a thought on a pedestal and differ it from regularity. In my previous series, Say Cheese, I sought to glorify and extract, criticize and adore how people attempt to manifest their identity in a frame. At times they were close friends, at others they were strangers to one another, but always subjects in my experiments of mixing concepts of identity with a playful yet semi-erotic dynamic, that's formed between people participating in my own painting laboratory. Say Cheese 14, Oil on canvas, 80x40

www.yaelaviv.com Yalishere@gmail.com

Say Cheese 10, Oil on canvas, 80x120

Say Cheese 12 - Golden, Oil on canvas, 70x100

• MICHAL VITTLES For over four decades I paint figures. I consider these figures and not portraits, because they are not a specific person and I do not intend or refer to anyone in particular, although they are, at least in recent years, �as-realistic"." Alone in a frontal pose with an attentive expression, or just watching in or out, usually on a neutral background that doesn't suggest any particular place. During the first decade - the decade of learning - I painted a living model with the feeling that I had to study the subject.. During the second decade I abandoned the model and experienced an outbreak reflected in large formats, very colorful works with industrial paints on plywood. During the third decade I returned to oil on canvas, with an almost abstract style in which the figure blends with the background. Now, for several years, I paint as-realistic figures based on drawings or photographs that are used as a skeleton for the painting.

Flowered dress, Oil on canvas, 130X80 cm, 2015

michalvittels.com vittels@012.net.il

Sitting man in yellow and black, Oil on canvas 150X100 cm, 2010

A park bench, Oil on canvas, 130X80 cm, 2015

Lying woman, Oil on canvas, 130X80 cm, 2013

Nude and carpet ,Oil on canvas, 130X80 cm, 2015

• RAM COENCA I was born in Israel where I currently live and work . I spent most of my life as a professional musician. I found fine art by chance, if you will It all started in my search for healing after a hard separation. To my surprise painting was to me the best form of therapy. I get my inspiration from nature and from man made urban view. In my paintings I deal with how nature and men communicate with each other and the conflicts that are created between the power of nature and the power of men. http://www.coenca-art.com/ coenca@gmail.com Abstract - acrylic on canvas 50x35 cm

Carnaval - acrylic on canvas 125x95cm

Nesher Fectory- acrylic on canvas 125x95 cm

Tel Aviv – acrylic on canvas

100x100 cm

• TALI IRONY The purpose of my painting is to turn to people emotions. The best respond I wish to get to my paintings is that they are touching, moving. My paintings are about common, daily situations. In some of my works the background is full with details, while in others the setting is quite schematic. One way or another – the world outside intensifies the inner world. My work usually starts with a song, which influences the painting’s content and atmosphere.

"Help on the way“ acrylic on canvas 200x180 cm

www.tali-irony.com tali.irony@gmail.com

"Spit on a stranger“ acrylic on canvas 200x180 cm

"Kick in the teeth“ acrylic on canvas 180x210 cm

"Greens and blues“ acrylic on canvas 180x180 cm

• ISRAEL HERZL In my work l bring to vent my internal visions, the colors, dimensions, lights, and imaginary landscapes. I believe in making my art accessible to everyone according to Victor Vasarely and Walter Benjamin ideas. I combine their ideas with my digital art capabilities. My works have symbols: eyes, heads, fractals, citations from nature. I made homage works to artists that I love and have influenced me, such as Mondrian, Picasso, Vasarely, Riley and Warhall. Hence I try to combine them all and create my own unique language. herzli99@gmail.com Web site

• EVGENIA NOVIKOVA I deal with ink drawing. Each work begins with collecting materials, noticing the minutest details, imagining their transference to the paper. Stones, rusty iron wires, wilted flowers, dried-out chameleons and butterflies. All these things are around us. They just don't get enough attention. On the paper, the connection between the objects takes place. It's not enough for me just to translate them to an ink line, but to find relationships among them. Paper has the ability to absorb any idea. What fascinates me about ink is its permanence, its inability to be modified or deleted: what goes into the paper gets locked inside it. Another aspect of my work is joining past and present together. Images may sometimes pop out of my memory, like the images of a little girl, embroidery, or maybe caption in Russian. Each work is a journey into the unknown. Usually there is just an idea or an image initially from which it develops. From initial, small images, the whole world can evolve.

Untitled, ink on paper, 2012, 20X30 cm


Envy, ink on paper ,2012, 25X25 cm

Untitled, ink on paper, 2016, 20X30 cm

• SEFI SENDIK My artwork seems as if it is “about to move”, the patches of color almost in motion, alive organism. This series of paintings was completed in joy, with continual surprise, facing the picturesque scenery revealed before my eyes. The painting is created “by my hand yet not through me”, my control exists yet it is limited, as in life itself. In my work I feel like a “hunter for beauty”, in pursuit of a very taut point, and that is where I let it loose, releasing. Stopping. 60x80 CM

Oil & mixed media on aluminum.


103x80 CM

103x80 CM

100x80 CM

103x80 CM

• NOA YAFFE “it is only with the heart that you can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye” antoine de Saint - Exupery. my heart is painting when i hold the brush, my heart is making the decisions in the painting, i almost never know how the painting will look like when it will be finished, and after its finish, my heart is in a long conversation with it. i mostly paint with acrylic on canvas or wood. and nature is one of my biggest influencers. before starting to paint i sometimes take long walks in a natural surrounding. i was born in 1972, painting since i am 6 year old, i was studying on “talma yalin” art school. and on “betzalel” art academy. my work from this year is mainly on health subjects since i diagnosed with breast cancer and was going throw the treatments. i used art and its unconditional connection to my heart, to help me throw my healing.

Acrylic paintings on wood or canvas. bubonoa@gmail.com

• YARIV AMITAY Human situations absurd or funny drives my work. For me, behind the absurd and grotesque there are characters telling stories of love, friendship, compassion and acceptance. History and imagination combined, I let the colorful characters to reflect my feelings and thoughts through the situation. My inspiration comes from history books, old journals and forgotten pictures. since I was a child I always felt a need to give a visual aspect, to document everything around and inside me. I love to work with bold watercolors and ink. It helps me to re-create my childhood drawing experience and to wonder off to a faraway journey.

The Road To Jericho


froggy and toad

The Mighty Thor And The Firefly Starship

–Watercolor Size: 17 cm diameter

• HAVA GAL- ON The dialogue that I am conducting with the canvas is the most important element that precedes the commencement of a new work. The act of applying paint to the canvas and spreading it by means of the brush is not merely physical. In fact, I am transferring my feelings, my senses, my thoughts and the subject itself to the canvas... My artwork can be read as stories created by color surfaces, laid down in layers of symbolical paint, representing a specific transformation of ideas. In recent years, I have taken more interest in and gained more insight into ‘mystical’ things. Genesis the story of the miracle of Creation did not end after seven days but, to my mind, it keeps recurring every day. ‘Art’ is a kind of Creation. From the time of my artistic maturing I endeavor to widen my understanding of the mystical aspects of Creation, of the enigma of God and of the rules governing the Universe. Sanctity is omnipresent - it exists in every object and in every human being. I paint using various techniques, with expressive brush strokes and paint gushing straight from the tube. I enjoy uhveiling new meaning from readymade objects from my private surroundings (suitcases, ironing board, closet mirrors, food trays, trampolines, personal shoes) as well as items from the Israeli cultural surroundings (jerry cans, tire strip etc) These take on a whole new meaning while dressed up with new context of colour and text. http://www.havagalon.com/ nirit.hann@gmail.com

Upper floor oil paiting 150 x 60 cm

hey, dolly! 3 oil painting 120 x 120 cm

landing oil painting 120 x 120

danagal moc.liamg@5

• DANA GAL Art caught me at an early age and I have experimented with many different forms. I have graduated from the School of Visual Arts, New York with focus on Interior Design. The purpose of creating for me is to pour my emotions onto the canvas; to express my state of mind and have my viewers connect with me and share my thoughts and to make them feel something. Whether its peacefulness, bliss, relaxation, joy, desire, or longing to be someplace else, I wish to affect and change moods. Decision making during the creative process comes solely from my heart. It is strictly emotional, the colors and strokes portray the mood I am in. It is a dance like ritual of paint and brushes where I am being led blindly into the creation. It is quiet, smooth, flowing and free of ego. My most recent work is inspired by traveling and relationships. I love to capture the beauty of nature, to turn it into my own memory and pass the feeling it portrays onto others. The abstract paintings are a result of passion and love, they are usually faster and done in the heat of the moment when the thought is fresh, resulting in an emotional splatter, using a palette knife or my fingertips. Art allows me to communicate a new type of reality, one that is solely my creation. danagal5@gmail.com Facebook

"Monet copy", acrylic on canvas, 50X60 CM

"Sunset", acrylic on canvas, 45X60 CM

"Beach in black and white", Acrylic on canvas 40X50 CM

• RICKEY BENJAMIN I was born in India 1965, my family moved to Israel a year later in 1966. I studies art and design in NYC where I lived for 14 years. Today I live and work in Rehovot, Israel, as a graphic designer and a video editor but my real passion is art. The (attached) images are Digital illustration. Some are based on common idioms and expressions taken into the political world. I use humour and ridicule to describe political Personality and situations. All images are Digital illustration

giraphic@hotmail.com https://www.pinterest.com/giraphic/

“A Carrot and Stick” (Barack Obama): 20x30cm

“All In The Same Boat” 25x35cm

Political Football 35x25cm

“Kill Two Birds with One Stone” 20x30cm

• ELI TSUR I draw not because I want to, but because I have to. Usually in Coffee shops. Characters sit, stand, move, confront, ignore… The gap between them, the relationships among them, the world and each other. Their dogs too… I almost never draw what I can see with my eyes. Only what I can imagine because of that which I see. My drawings usually begin on a blank notebook page, using a simple thin black pen. It moves to my PC after photographing with my mobile phone where it becomes happily and digitally alive. Moving between Photoshop and its Illustrator neighbor it gradually puts on its colorful garments. The meticulous and unyielding notebook lines become forgiving, the background clears of unnecessary lines or is bolstered by textures accumulated while creating the drawing. Coffee stains, Croissant jam, red wine droplets from a moving glass, or accidental bird shit from a passing dove. All of it is present to become a meaningful part of the end result. I guess that’s what I’m trying to accomplish these past few years - make the onlooker seek meaning that cries out of the drawing, or hides in the background, or is masked as something else, or entirely missing. eliktsur1@gmail.com www.eli-tsur.co.il

Aleksandr Popov-Mikhaylov Aleksandr Popov-Mikhaylov paints to explore the lessons life presents him to be shared with others through the ideas journey toward understanding, eternal mysteries and seeking for universal truths. Some of works are about transformation after death and the realization of the invisible connections between us all. He puts together visual symbolic elements onto the canvas embracing spiritual aspect in each image while listening to an inner voice. Read more about the artists at http://artnyny.com/aleksandr-popov-mikhaylov/

Yulia Altas Yulia Altas' formal classical education is revealed in her colorful mix-media paintings depicting elements found in nature that are filled with picturesque features which are characteristic of a combination of a well-lived and nurtured childhood in addition to the explicit graphic details learned during her college years. Her works are tender and emotional and she finds many opportunities in the open air to recreate her inspiration with the total energy of life. Read more about the artists at http://artnyny.com/yulia-altas/

Dmitry Klevansky Dmitry Klevansky has always been interested in photography but as a teenager his biggest passion was music. As years passed, he grew more enamored by the wonders of the visual art. His favorite subject to study and capture through the photography is people. Being mostly self-taught, he infuses his work with a flavor that’s more typical to the classical art of renaissance than the modern photography. His images are about what he feels rater then what he sees. He creates from his heart. Read more about the artists at http://artnyny.com/dmitry-klevansky/

Jean Leclercqz Kelza Jean Leclercqz started his career as a graphics designer in Germany, then crossed all of the continents. Today he continues his work in Brussels and expresses his creativity through his graphical communication company “Altitude.” His travels and his professional activities have induced themes such as altitude, space and aviation, which are now an inherent part of his artwork. The first “Flying machine” appeared somewhat by designing a logo for a European aerial navigation program. The artist wishes his imagination to run free and his machines create a weightless universe, in which all colors and shapes are possible. Read more about the artist at http://artnyny.com/jean-leclercqz-kelza/

Flying machines above New York City Hall.

Adriana Torres Adriana Torres is "Torchez," a Mexican artist who paints Hugs. She dedicates her work specially for those with Autism and Asperger Syndrome. Born in México City in 1971. She earned a degree in Industrial Design from Universidad Iberoamericana one of the top Universities in Mexico City. Her main artistic output is in the form of mixed media and jewelry. The primary intention of her work is to create a visual experience of a hug, using simple forms, basic Colors, and typographic texture as a language. Open arms forget loneliness. Adriana believes in the greatness of the human being and in every brushstroke and phrase used, transmits joy and hope. Read more about the artist at http://artnyny.com/adriana-torres/


Anat Rosenwasser Born 1967 Israel, living in Switzerland since 1969. After obtaining her Economics degree at the University of Lausanne, engaged in professional experiences in business and in the scientific community. Her life mission crossed in 1998 to her passion …PAINT! New mode of expression, new way of living and expressing emotions. In 2004, the prize for painting at the Kent Foundation gave special recognition to her work which she continues. Read more about the artist at http://artnyny.com/anat-rosenwasser/

From One to The Other

Transition II

Oriela Margalit Oriela Margalit is a freelance photographer. Born in Rochester, New York, Oriela now lives and works in Israel. At the age of twenty-one studied photography at the renowned art college Wizo, Haifa using traditional film. After graduating she began to explore and find an alternative technique in order to create her art. She also studied jewelry and has been active in that field for fifteen years. A few years ago she discovered digital photography and fell in love with the field, manipulating and processing digitally. Read more about the artist at http://artnyny.com/oriela-margalit/

A Dress Hanging

Raw Egg

Matthew Thompson His art has been displayed worldwide in many National Newspapers, Art Journals & Art Books, also on national & local TV channels in his home country of Ireland. Matthew is well known in many countries for his aesthetic, innovative art & skills in exhibition management. Through his love for art & artists who share innovation, civility & warmth, he founded international ARTRAIN Association for progressive professional advancement. Read more about the artist at http://artnyny.com/matthew-thompson/

Ballerina, 1997

Cosmos. A Voyage Through Time

Toni Quest As a self-taught artist, Toni Quest engages in art to express her feelings genuinely and with impact. The canvas has been a vehicle for her to discover feelings that linger deep within. She became an artist in 1994 after surviving a head on auto collision. Multiple injuries left her head spinning, her boyfriend bolting, and her heart and soul screaming. While recovering at home in much physical and emotional pain, she began painting faces giving birth to her Screaming Woman 速 series. Read more about the artist at http://artnyny.com/toni-quest/

African American

American Blanky

www.tammymikelaufer.com All rights reserved to Tammy Mike Laufer Š

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