COREE June 2017

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central ohio




Member Roger Baker is improving Central Ohio One House at a Time—and Making a $33,000 Profit Doing it!

June Meeting Are Lease/Options REALLY the Perfect Wealth Building Strategy? OREIA Legislative Action Alert on Lead Paint Two for One Summer Saturday Seminars

June 2017


IN THIS ISSUE 4 From the President 5 Legislation Matters 8 What You Missed 10 How do I overcome Paralysis of Analysis? 13 Fundamentals of Wholesaling Registration 14 Lease/Option Registration

FEATURES | June 2017

Your 5 Meet Community Rob Slye

of 16 Calendar Events

ADVERTISERS DIRECTORY 6 Secured 6 The Union Bank Co.

11 Drift Construction Services

1 John M. Hyre, Esq. 7 Autumnwood Funding 1 11 Spectrum 10 Ambit Energy 10 NCCG


C4 Operations

11 PM Title

15 Phoenix Loans

NEW MEMBERS Jamal Basit Laura Buoni Matthew Coy Naomi Coy David Falter Michael Norris Matthew Tway AMBIT Energy

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Remember, we’re back at our regular location, the Doubletree at 175 Hutchinson Ave!

Lease/Optioning: Your Perfect Wealth Building Strategy with Matt Reed The exit strategy of leasing houses with option to buy (“lease/options”) has come roaring back along with the health of the housing market. And no wonder; in some ways it’s the perfect strategy, giving you:

1. Upfront cash (in the form of a non-refundable ‘option fee’ paid by your tenant)

2. Monthly cash flow

3. Tax breaks from depreciation and write offs

4. Back-end cash, when your tenant buys the property at top dollar in 2-3 years

5. Tax-free cash, if you exchange the property or do the deal in your IRA

If you’re looking for a real-life, no B.S., warts-and-all look at how this strategy works right here in Ohio, look no further than our June meeting, when Matt Reed shares his business of buying middle-end homes using private money, renovating them, then lease/ optioning them to moderate-income tenant/buyers. He’ll talk about what types of properties he targets and which he won’t touch with a 10 foot pole, who beats down his door to give him 5-10% cash up front, how many actually buy and why it doesn’t matter when they don’t, and more. Matt is a COREE favorite for his no-hype style and his deep understanding of how the market works. Be

there for this detail-filled presentation. Early meeting for active investors: Make money cutting your utility bills with Chuck Frobose We’ll just get this out of the way right now: yes, it’s an MLM. But it’s an MLM that fits in really well with your real estate business (because the product is cheaper gas and electric) and it’s an MLM that benefits the important work that OREIA does (which is why OREIA executive director Chuck Frobose is hosting), and, frankly, most real estate investors are rich because they HAVE multiple streams of income, not because they run from them. Come see why this might be a great extra revenue source for you. Early meeting for new investors: Introduction to Making Money with Ugly Houses: Wholesaling and Retailing If you’re looking for quick cash in real estate, or if the idea of being a landlord simply doesn’t appeal to you, short-term exit strategies are your answer. Wholesaling (quick-turning) is a low-risk strategy that requires no cash or credit and results in a cash payday in 2-3 weeks; retailing (fixing and flipping) is a more complex, specialized, and profitable strategy that yields $15,000-$20,000 profits in 6 months or less. Learn the basic of these two techniques, including skills and resources you’ll need to do them, and traps to watch out for.



Property Inspection Form

5:30 FREE Dinner + Networking 6:00-7:00

New Investor’s Focus Group


Active Investor’s Focus Group

7:00-7:30 Member Deal Case Study + Buy, Sell, Trade 7:30-9:00

This form will help you walk through properties and easily identify the necessary repairs. This form will only be available at the June meeting… pick it up at registration!

MAIN MEETING Lease/Optioning with Matt Reed

Central Ohio Investor | 3

FROM THE PRESIDENT Mo’ Money, Mo’ Freedom We talk a lot about money in our community: wholesale checks, retail checks, cash flow, cash on cash returns, returns on investment. In fact, the real estate investing/entrepreneurial business seems obsessed with money; we set money goals, we love hearing about other people’s monetary successes, we’re always seeing pictures of checks that represent the success of a particular person or system. All this emphasis on money might lead outsiders to think that we’re all some sort of profit-seeking automatons, and that money is “The Main Thing”. But if you ask around at COREE, you’ll find that for most members, that money is just a way of measuring something much more important: personal freedom. We’ve all had the experience of being short on money at some time in our lives, and we know how scary and threatening that feels. We’ve also all been forced to make life-altering decisions—about where we live, how we get educated, how we take care of our health, how we spend our time— based on a lack of money.

2 years later, he walked away from that job to take one with a startup company in the Carolinas that he was super-excited about, but which paid 60% of what his academic job paid and had the potential to crash and burn within a year or 2.

“It’s about the freedom to do what we want, when we want.”

For most of us, more money isn’t all about more stuff. It’s about more ability to make choices that don’t require anyone else’s cooperation, benevolence, or even agreement. It’s about the freedom to do what we want, when we want. When I think about financial freedom, I think about a student of mine who had a very highly paid job that he absolutely hated. He was a scientist working for the University of Cincinnati, and although the earned 6 figures a year, he disliked everything about the academic environment, from the pressure to get certain results to the internal politics of his lab.

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When I asked him why he didn’t quit, he said, “I can’t. I’ll never find another job this good, with these benefits. If I go anywhere else, I’ll basically be starting all over.

How? He bought 2 income properties that cash flowed over $70,000 a year, and they were enough to free him from doing something that he hated and that stressed him out day after day. $70,000 a year is good money. But the money isn’t the important part: it’s the ability to take risks, to follow your heart instead of being chained to a paycheck that someone else controls.

I’m sure that this student’s colleagues thought he was insane to uproot his whole life, give up his golden handcuffs, and walk away from the security of that awful job. It’s possible that some of them literally couldn’t conceive of such a thing for themselves. But really, isn’t that why we work so hard to learn and implement these new skills? Not because we WILL completely change everything we do every day, but so that we CAN if we want to. Yours,

Vena Vena

MEET YOUR COMMUNITY: ROB SLYE In real estate since: 1987 Full time since: 2014 Last job prior to full-time investing: HVAC contractor, home inspector COREE member since: 4 ½ years Ask him about: training for an Ironman, lease/options, rehabbing, taking the first step How did you get started? My step father had gotten into real estate at some point in the 80s and it looked interesting. I bought a Carelton Sheets course from an infomercial and just did what it said, and that’s how I got going. Tell us about your first deal: it was a single family in Hilltop, close to where I worked. It was a HUD property, and this was back in the day when you brought your offers downtown to the HUD office where they’d open it in front of you and tell you if you won or not. I really wanted to win the bid and I did, by $1500. That house needed a lot of work and I remember a few weeks later standing in the middle of the demolition thinking, “What the heck did I do?” It was a good rental area, though, and it

made good money. I sold in the early 2000s for a profit. Why did you join COREE? Initially I joined to drum up business for my home inspection service, but then the more I attended meetings the more I realized that there as a whole side to the business that I didn’t know anything about. When I started, I had a good job and a big line of equity to buy houses with. When I quit that job, I was struggling to buy more properties because I didn’t know about lease/ options and private financing and all the things I’ve learned at COREE about different ways to buy houses. What’s your favorite kind of deal right now? Right now, I’m buying distressed houses in first time homebuyer areas in northeast Columbus, fixing them, and lease/ optioning them for income. These are houses with after-repaired values of around $100,000-$175,000. I’m using private lenders to finance the deals, and I really like bandit signs for finding them. I put out 30 bandit signs last week and got 4 calls. If you could tell your newbie self one thing, what would it be? Develop more private lenders and don’t use banks as much. It’s easier and

more flexible, and you can help people out who aren’t getting a lot of return on their investments What do you love about the business? It’s a really good feeling when a deal all comes together—and of course when you get a big check. What’s one thing you’d like to tell every COREE member? You HAVE to take action. You HAVE to get out of your comfort zone. Think about something you’re good at now, and then remember how uncomfortable you were to begin with. Real estate is going to be the same way. Make the calls, market to get the leads, and even when it doesn’t work you’ll learn more from your mistakes than you will from just sitting around thinking about it.

LEGISLATION MATTERS: Action Alert! Tell Your State Senator to Support Lead Safety for ALL Children A fight that will affect the availability and affordability of rental housing throughout Ohio is taking place right now between the City of Toledo and the State of Ohio, and it’s time for you to get involved. As you may be aware the city of Toledo passed an ordinance late last year requiring all 1-4 unit rental properties to be inspected for lead hazards and to abate such hazards when they were discovered. While this may seem like a worthwhile effort to protect the health of children living in Toledo, it is (as is usually the case in these matters) a money-grab by the city, which is paid registration fees, permit

fees, and fees to train the inspectors needed to fulfill the requirements. It does little to protect Toledo’s children, because: 1. It does NOT reach children who live in apartment buildings 2. It does NOT reach children who live in homes owned by their parents 3. It will result in the abandonment of many lower-income houses in Toledo, as the cost to lead-abate a property is often greater than the value of that property—and less low-income rental housing isn’t good for children, either’ The evidence that most lead poisoning in children comes from paint in rental houses is sparse in any case; studies

by the University of Cincinnati show that even a fully lead-abated property will quickly reach ‘unsafe’ levels of lead contamination due to blown-in and tracked in soil containing decades of pollution from leaded gasoline. There’s a counter-movement afoot that could save other Ohio cities from Toledo’s fate; Representative Derek Merrin (R., Toledo) recently passed the “lead based paint fairness” budget amendment through the house. Merrin wrote an op-ed piece for the Toledo Blade last month, which is exerpted below:

To…the state’s operating budget, Continued on page 6

Central Ohio Investor | 5

I attached an amendment that reaffirms the state health department’s exclusive authority over lead abatement activities throughout the state. The people of Ohio deserve a statewide plan, uniform standards, and fair enforcement to ultimately solve this problem. I believe current laws must be re-examined to enable the health department to be more proactive rather than addressing lead hazards only after an individual has been poisoned…My amendment has drawn criticism that it will nullify the city of Toledo’s lead ordinance. Let’s start with a simple fact: Toledo’s law is unconstitutional. It targets a small minority of property owners and treats them unequally under the law. Toledo’s law applies only to rental properties with one to four units built prior to 1978, but exempts apartment complexes and owner-occupied homes built prior to 1978…. Rather than treat everyone fairly, Toledo’s elected officials have drawn the public’s ire by essentially exempting their own personal homes from the approximately $400 lead inspection cost and $45 registration fee. And, at least one Toledo official owns an apartment complex, which was purposefully provided an exemption… With my experience working in

real estate, I know Toledo’s law will increase rental rates, depress property values, and likely cause hundreds of homes to be abandoned. The negative impact will be severe, as many investors will decline to invest in Toledo. The city desperately needs investment and entrepreneurs to provide the capital to turn Toledo’s housing stock around. The “bad landlords” with toxic properties will evade the law, while responsible investors will attempt to comply but will shy away from further investments in the Glass City. On March 11, The Blade reported the city has 30,000 water service lines made with lead. Toledo is one of many urban cities that has failed to replace its antiquated lead pipelines to ensure safe drinking water. Although city officials have neglected to take care of their own infrastructure, they insist on their home-rule authority and competence to regulate private property. As a former mayor, I know they do not have this authority nor the capacity to execute implementation. To further erode confidence, Toledo’s ordinance entrusts the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department with managing the new lead regulations. On May 14, The Blade highlighted the local health department’s neglect

to notify dozens of families that they were living in lead-contaminated housing ordered vacated by the state. Yes, that’s the same inept, local bureaucracy the city desires to oversee approximately 55,000 rental properties. Even The Blade was forced to admit the local health department “failed our children.” That is why I am advocating lead policies and enforcement be handled by the Ohio Department of Health, which is better equipped to confront this issue head-on. Lead poisoning is a statewide problem. The Ohio Department of Health continues to be our best option to lead the fight and protect Ohioans. The legislature should do more to equip state officials to proactively identify lead hazards and abate them. Lead hazards will not quickly vanish, which is why a key component must be educational. Ohioans must know the danger, and parents must understand how to minimize risks for their children. A patchwork of local laws that provides false security is not the answer… Merrin is now under constant attack by the advocates of the poorlyconceived, apparently corrupt Toledo law—and by those who’d like to see a similar law in Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, and Cincinnati.

We’re asking you to SUPPORT Representative Merrin and this bill by: 1. Using social media to spread the word about his efforts (you can link to his full letter at 2. Contacting Ohio Senate President Larry Obhof and asking him to support the lead based paint fairness amendment. His email is

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3. Thanking Rep. Merrin himself at We’ll continue to share how you can fight for fairness and your rights on this important issue.


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WHAT YOU MISSED Ride Along with Rob Gillespie

Rob “The House Guy” Gillespie having a laugh with COREE member Doug Goodwin on Ride Along with Rob in Cleveland.

The Fasttrack to Cash with Ron LeGrand

Ron LeGrand bought dinner at La Chatelaine for COREE members who registered early for his Friday workshop in Columbus. Attendees enjoyed a wonderful evening of q + a with the Godfather of real estate, networking and great food.

Real Estate Investor Trade Show

COREE members: Viktor Jonkoff, Cliff Miller, Liza Hopkins, Rosalia Garahan, Mike Jackson, John Henson, Vena Jones-Cox, Bob Chapman, Nate Revello and Daryl Gillette enjoying a great evening at La Chatelaine. Congratulations Matthew and Naomi Coy! Lucky winners of the Mega Door Prize which included a gift card from every vendor at the Trade Show!

COREE member Roger Baker chatting with Chris Knoppe, Sean Knoppe and Brian Knoppe.

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Chuck Frobose of OREIA and Roger Baker discuss upcoming Nov 9-12 Oreia Convention.

John Henson was the lucky recipient of drawing for $50 Home Depot gift card.

Wild Wonderful Women of Real Estate

Naomi and Matthew Coy rocking the Wild Wonderful Woman t-shirt!

Vena Jones-Cox takes the stage at Wild Wonderful Women to present “30 Days to $10K Wholesaling Houses”.

Michigan REIA members Katherine Foster and Corey Stevens enjoyed meeting Vena Jones-Cox and winning all of her course’s ($5000+ value).

Julie Stoll of ACREIA signed up early and was the super lucky winner of ALL of Vena’s courses.

The Wild Wonderful Women: Vena Jones-Cox, The Real Estate Goddess, Dwan Bent-Twyford The Queen of Short Sales, Robyn Thompson The Queen of Rehab, Kathy Kennebrook The Marketing Magic Lady, Donna Bauer The Notebuyer, Brittney Calloway the First Lady of Automation and Wendy Patton the Princess of Pretty Properties.

Central Ohio Investor | 9

HOW DO I OVERCOME PARALYSIS OF ANALYSIS? By Vena Jones-Cox Q: I’ve recently started going to meetings of my local Property Owner’s Association, and I think they’re great. The problem is, there’s SO much information that I don’t know what to pay attention to! Every month, there’s another speaker with another opinion on the “best” strategy for this or that. I’m overwhelmed, and can’t seem to get out and actually do anything. Please recommend a course of study that will help a new investor make a nice, simple deal. ©A.G, St. Louis A: I’ll go you one better than that; I’ll tell you the ABSOLUTE BEST strategy for buying and selling property...or would that be less than helpful?

2-3 months never get around to doing it at all. The fear of doing deals only fades with the actual doing of deals; no amount of “book-larnin” will ever give you the confidence you want. So stop trying to learn everything, and focus on what you need to make the first offers. Those things are:

“...stop trying to learn everything, and focus on what you need to make the first offers.”

New investors who attend real estate association meetings often come away with the same “paralysis of analysis” that you describe. There’s SO MUCH information available, and so much of it appears to be contradictory (buy foreclosures... don’t bother with foreclosures... buy to and sell) that one wonders how anyone ever figures it all out. And adding to the problem, every successful investor is willing to defend to the death THEIR strategy as the BEST strategy. Although they’re trying to be helpful, they often add to the confusion experienced by newbies trying to make sense of it all.

1) Some idea of what you want your real estate to do for you. Know this, and you’ll have a good idea of the exit strategy AND the type, condition, areas, and price range of properties you should be looking at. Want quick cash? You’ll need to wholesale properties. Looking at anything OTHER THAN 1-family junkers is a waste of time. Eliminate other properties and from your thinking and move on.

In my experience, new investors that don’t start making offers in the first

2) A working knowledge of how your ONE exit strategy works. Building

Ambit Energy Watch the 5 minute video your utility company may not want you to see!

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on the last example, once you know that wholesale deals are sold to cash buyers for 60%-70% of as-is value, you know a) how to calculate an offer and b) that you need to start finding buyers NOW. 3) Two or three strategies for finding the types of properties you want. Whatever your chosen strategy, finding the good deals will consume most of your time and energy. So try 2-3 methods all at once for a few weeks. Discard those that fail and amplify those that work, but always use more than one way at a time. 4) The ability to evaluate the properties you’re viewing. In the case of junkers, you’ll need to know how to find the after-repaired value and the cost of the repairs. Don’t worry about figuring out what the property will rent for; it’s not important to your plan. Conversely, if your plan is to buy and hold multis, you’ll need to learn how to calculate the return on investment. 5) A team and a contract that will keep you out of trouble. Why do you need to know how to do a title search when there are folks who do it for a living? Sure, it might be good to know later, but it isn’t crucial for you to know right now. And if you have a well-written purchase contract that allows you to get out of a bad deal before it closes and an experienced mentor that will help you through your first few deals, how can you lose?



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Central Ohio Investor | 11

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Pay only for the searches you need when you need them.

The Fundamentals of Making Big Money Wholesaling In the 2017 Market with Vena Jones-Cox

Saturday, June 24th 9 a.m.-5 p.m. IN CINCINNATI Wholesaling is an awesome strategy—it produces quick checks of $5,000, $10,000, or even more WITHOUT the need to fix or manage properties. It’s one of the few real estate strategies that really does allow you to make money without a lot of cash or credit. But what you DO have to have is education—otherwise, you can’t bring great deals to the table and can’t make money. Join us on Saturday, June 24th in Cincinnati for a detailed full-day workshop about how to make money wholesaling in today’s market. Just look at all you’ll learn: · · · · · · · · ·

About your instructor: Vena Jones-Cox is a nationally renowned expert on the topic of wholesaling, and has wholesaled over 800 properties in the last 20 years.

The key skills you’ll need to have to make money in today’s real estate market Which sellers will sell to you for pennies on the dollar, and WHY they do it How to know, every time, exactly what to offer your seller How to find cash buyers for your deals FAST How to wholesale “non-assignable” contracts How to avoid the hassle and expense of double closings How to hire low-cost virtual assistants to do some of the work of your business How to build you business even further by financing deals for your buyers, without using your own money How to build a wholesaling business that can flip dozens, or even hundreds, of properties each year!

Pre-Registered Members Only $99 for 1, $129 for 2 Non-Members $129 for 1, $159 for 2 by June 19th (After 6/19 all seats are $159

per person if available)

[ ]YES! I want to learn how to make a fortune in wholesaling houses NOW! Sign me up before seats run out! Name: _____________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________ City: ____________________________ St: ______ Zip: ___________

· Phone: __________________________ Email: ____________________ · 2nd Attendee: _______________________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________ City: ____________________________ St: ______ Zip: ___________ Phone: __________________________ Email: ____________________ Please register: [ ]1 attendee after 6/19 ($159) [ ] 2 attendees after 6/19 ($318) [ ]I am member registering by 6/19 , I pay just $99 for 1 or $129 for 2 [ ]I am non-member registering by 6/19 , I pay just $129 for 1 or $159 for 2 [ ]I’m an Express Success member, just letting you know I’ll be there! Method of Payment: [ ] Check #_____ (Made out to COREE) [ ] Credit Card #______________________________ Exp. date ____/____ CID #____________________

Register by June 19th and get: Free Lunch Free CD “7 best ways to find wholesale deals”

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee—You’ll Agree that this Workshop was Worth 2x the Cost, or Your Money Back!


To Register, Call (888) 275-8362, Fax this form to: 513-297-0997 , or Mail to: COREE * 3707 Warsaw Ave. * Cincinnati, Ohio * 45205 Or Register at:

Attendees Will Come from All Over the Midwest for This Workshop, and There are Just 100 Seats Available! Don’t Get Left Out! Register NOW!

Central Ohio Investor | 13

Build a Lease/Option Business for Cash, Income, and Tax Benefits with Matt Reed

Saturday, July 29th 9 a.m.-5 p.m. IN CINCINNATI Lease/options have been described by some as the perfect real estate strategy, combining the income and tax breaks of rentals with the big paychecks of rentals. No one knows this better than Matt Reed, who’s done over 100 of these deals in the last few years. In this all -day workshop, he’ll show you his entire business model, including: · · · · ·

How he picks the right houses in the right areas to get cash flow of up to $400 per month PLUS a $15,000 cash profit in the option and resale process How he gets private lenders to fund these deals for single-digit rates of interest, for 5 years How he chooses the tenants who will take great care of his properties, never call with a maintenance issue, and have the best chance of buying How he documents these deals to protect himself, his lenders, and his tenants How you can reproduce all of this in YOUR favorite area

If you’re looking for a real-life, no B.S., warts -and-all look at how this strategy works right here in Ohio, look no further than this workshop when Matt Reed shows you just how to build your Lease/Option business.

Matt has never shared this information before, so take advantage of your chance to get it!

Pre-Registered Members Only $99 for 1, $129 for 2 Non-Members $129 for 1, $159 for 2 by July 27nd (After 7/27 all seats are $159

per person if available)

[ ]YES! I want to learn how to make a fortune in wholesaling houses NOW! Sign me up before seats run out! Name: _____________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________ City: ____________________________ St: ______ Zip: ___________

Register by July 27nd and get: Free Lunch

Phone: __________________________ Email: ____________________ 2nd Attendee: _______________________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________ City: ____________________________ St: ______ Zip: ___________ Phone: __________________________ Email: ____________________ Please register: [ ]1 attendee after 7/27 ($159) [ ] 2 attendees after 7/27 ($318) [ ]I am member registering by 7/27 , I pay just $99 for 1 or $129 for 2 [ ]I am non-member registering by 7/27, I pay just $129 for 1 or $159 for 2 [ ]I’m an Express Success member, just letting you know I’ll be there! Method of Payment: [ ] Check #_____ (Made out to COREE) [ ] Credit Card #______________________________ Exp. date ____/____ CID #____________________

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee— You’ll Agree that this Workshop was Worth 2x the Cost, or Your Money Back!


To Register, Call (888) 275-8362, Fax this form to: 513-297-0997 , or Mail to: COREE * 3707 Warsaw Ave. * Cincinnati, Ohio * 45205 Or Register at:

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Just 75 can attend! Register NOW!

16% Interest Only 6 Month Term

Same Day Funding Available No Credit Check No Personal Financials

For a Loan Quote Call: (844)355-5363 Central Ohio Investor | 15

Presorted First Class U.S. POSTAGE PAID Cincinnati, OH Permit No. 6207

Central Ohio Real Estate Entrepreneurs 3707 Warsaw Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45205

calendar SUNDAY







1 2 3


WEDNESDAY 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MAIN MEETING 5:30 PM


ES WEBINAR: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 WHOLESALING FOCUS GROUP 6:30 PM




25 26 27 28 29 30 LANDLORDING FOCUS GROUP 6:30 PM



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