Strategic Objectives There are four strategic objectives that guide the work of the International Federation:
Strategic Objective
To promote quality and inclusive education, which takes into account diversity; which contributes to the integral development of individuals and to community social promotion; to generate in participants’ attitudes knowledge, skills, and critical values that enable them to transform their realities of exclusion, poverty, and marginalization.
Juan Camilo Olaya Gomez was born on December 24, 1996 in Pereria, a city in the Republic of Colombia, the capital of the Risaralda administrative district with 464,719 inhabitants and located in the central-western region of the country in the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. He is the only son of the Olaya Gomez family. “My father is a driver and my mother is a housewife, the two of them have been responsible for giving me many of the foundations that make me who I am; I was raised with much love, I think that helped me become a secure person, full of dreams. Last December, the 17-year-old received a strange e-mail. “I didn’t believe it. In the e-mail it said that I had won a prize, and it invited me to travel to Bogotá with my father; I really only believed it when I saw the plane tickets.” Juan Camilo, a student at Colegio Fe y Alegría Santa Juana de Lestotnac, was awarded by the Colombia Ministry of National Education as having the best scores in the SABER 11 exams in the Risaralda administrative district. The SABER 11 exam is a test administered by the State for students who are completing their 11th grade education.