What Are We Doing?

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What Are We Doing?


short description of our departments

Transforming lives and communities

what are we doing? OM exists in Romania to serve the Church in the Great Commission by mobilizing, training, equipping and sending out missionaries for short or long term trips in Romania and overseas. After so many years of Romania receiving help from other countries, we believe now the time has come for Romania to be a blessing for others!



As a first step we try to find and train coaches who can set a good example. We organize competitions and training camps where the players have the opportunity to hear the Gospel! Teams are organized in age groups: from 8 up to 30 years old. They can exchange experiences and testimonies with teams from other parts of the country.





Hope for the

Building and


Today, in Europe as well in Romania, the gypsies are considered a social problem. They feel discriminated and some of them develop unsocial behavior refusing to integrate in society. We want to help through social projects and encourage them to cherish education and send their children to school. Currently the gipsy church is going through a revival like never before.


We organize activities to reach out in practical ways to poor families or communities. We try to help by building or renovating facilities for them to have a better living environment. Our teams are led by professionals but consist of people with a desire to gain practical skills in order to make a difference for people who cannot do these things on their own!

www.ro.om.org info.ro@om.org

In different periods of the year we organize competitions and educational activities for children and teens. The activities last between one day to two weeks, which can be day-camps or touristic camps. Some games are made up in such a way that the whole family can participate and win prizes! All games are build around Gospel Messages!

Bus4Life is an old bus transformed into a book shop that travels around Eastern Europe. Through this project we try to encourage people to cherish books. When the bus comes to Romania, we use it as a tool in the hands of the local churches, in order for them to be a blessing for their community in a new and creative way.





Feeding the




Once a week, in partnership with local churches, we offer a warm meal to the poor. The vast majority of these people are children from families with great problems, elderly people neglected by their families, or even whole families who cannot afford good nutritious food at home. Your donation can make a big difference for one of them!

Too many young people leave Romania to work overseas! Through our projects we want to encourage and train people to do something here such as opening a small business. We could support them in the process to develop and earn a living in their country. We can help new business get started so that it can become a blessing to the community.

Transforming lives and communities

OM Romania Str. Morii 109, Ghimbav, BV, (004) 0268-253-613

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in Administrat

HEADQUARTERS At the moment we are busy renovating HQ as it used to be an old farmhouse. We are transforming it into a place with better facilities in order to accommodate more visitors and events. This is also where we have our offices.




OM exists in Romania to serve the Church in the Great Commission by mobilizing, training, equipping and sending out missionaries for short or long term trips in Romania and overseas. After so many years of Romania receiving help from other countries, we believe now the time has come for Romania to be a blessing for others!

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