CATALOGUE OF 20th to 26th January
is a monthly activity which happens over one week c/o 4bid gallery in the OT301, Amsterdam. 7 artists take a turn in leading a one- day-wor kshop for the others. 4bid provides a ground for the development of
4bid is a group of four people that engages in creative dialogue & colla stallation and curatorial practice. The Gallery is a physical space in which to create, express, expose the product of our elaborations as much as a space that facilitates communication and exchange between us, the indi viduals in the group, and the local community. We like the idea of a small
4bid group
These 4 people, bodies, minds at work came together encouraging di scussions and feedback at end of each workshop, whilst all the process was being documented by an external eye, that of Irina Baldini(4bid), an eye who was part of the project but had no voice throughout its duration. This catalog is the result of her documentation. At the end of the week the
based in the Gallery c/o the OT301. We selected proposals by the 5th of each month. Each participant runs one day of the week’s events and take part in the sessions hosted by the others during the week. You can propose an idea, a question or a thought that you would
Open Call to add to 2 proposals by 4bid members. The guest artists: Tascha Toverwolf and Rosemarijn de Ruiter, they were invited to exchange workshops during the week.
give shape to a public presentation of the work: the Open-Show. This catalog documents the individual sessions and the group result.
Open Show
platform that shows work which has been produced in the space. We
terials from the various weekly workshops. The group has thus chosen to use the layers already present in the gallery to illustrate what has happened during the week simply adding, to invite the spectator, a sofa, a table, cookies and tea. The “Show” therefore exists of welcoming and inviting the visitors to take part in the space with the colours and the works of the week, giving life to a space that is self- explanatory with its presence,
studios, workshops, performances and installations.
own dynamics.
outside the Gallery’s door. An independent entity that is part of the big ger family, the OT301. The space has for us a double function: at times a ‘backstage area’ where activities, studies, processes are visible to an -