www.vote411.org Celina City Council (Place 1)
Celina City Council (Place 6)
Candidates are placed in their ballot order. All responses were taken directly from Vote411 and complied for your convenience by:
Questions: Motivation: Why do you want to serve on the city council, and what qualities would you bring to this position?
I have been a resident of Celina since 2014 and served on several Boards and Commissions including Main Street, Parks and Recreation, Special Events Advisory Committee and Charter Review Commission. I also have served for six years as my HOA President and have been the Republican Precinct Chairman since 2017. I was awarded Celina’s Volunteer of the Year Award in 2021. I have a passion to make Celina the best it can be in all areas and open to new ideas and thinking.
I feel that the Next 3-5 years will be the most important for Celina. The growth here and coming needs to be managed in a smart way while not forgetting our rural small-town charm. The growth is not just about more houses on the ground but what this does to our infrastructure, public safety, city staff, and culture. Because of my in-depth experience on Planning & Zoning & Chamber of Commerce board of Directors, I know that I can be of great value to the citizens of Celina. I believe in service to the community in which one lives, and I have shown that over the 17 years I have lived here
In August 2020, I retired as the Celina Police Chief. I am a dedicated public servant and a servant leader. I want to serve on the city council to ensure that our community members are put first and are not compromised by development agreements, and the lack of needed infrastructure. My character is based on integrity and servant leadership. I served over 20-years in law enforcement, and I served in the United States Air Force. I have a comprehensive working knowledge of municipal government, a M.S. degree in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management, and extensive public safety knowledge.
Strategic: What actions should the city council take to ensure a thriving community in the longterm?
One of the great reasons for calling Celina home is our culture and community feel. As the city grows in population and diversity, new and established ways to make people feel connected will be crucial (such as events, leadership meetand-greet, community forums, etc.). Other actions include planning and building a robust infrastructure network, an outstanding park systems, social facilities for our seniors, best-in-class public safety and proactive community communication to ensure transparency.
We need to keep going with the great #LifeConnected program that exists to keep our citizens engaged and involved. One of the main priorities needs to be our infrastructure and making sure we lay the groundwork correctly and grow smartly to avoid future long term issues. I firmly believe that continuing what past councils have started with interconnecting neighborhoods, new and old will be a great way to keep us connected.
The city council must balance growth with community harmo- Make sure we have proper infrastructure and support our ny. A comprehensive long-term plan developed by community first responders. input, must be followed, and updated as necessary. The city council must consider the short and long-term effect of approving residential development agreements that create Public Improvement Districts and Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones (TIRZ). Under TIRZ, city property tax funds are paid to the TIRZ to cover private development costs, leaving the city with reduced General Fund revenue to cover services such as public safety. Celina currently has ten residential TIRZ.
Services: What changes should be made, if any, to city services? What would it take to make these changes?
As the footprint for the city expands, providing first responder services is more of a challenge. They are physically located at greater distances and the roads they have to travel are not always ideal. So, continue to build out more local police & fire substations is crucial. Water prices are another concern. Work has been done to equalize this and help users monitor the amount of water they use. But more work specifically aimed at sewer charges is needed to provide more reasonable charges. Lastly, a quick response plan to address potholes that occur during significant weather events.
We have a tremendous city staff. They are professional, highly competent and believe in the best customer service possible. Our employee engagement survey numbers were through the roof positive. Supporting our city staff in a by keeping their pay competitive and provide training is key.
The City of Celina has a dedicated group of personnel who pro- Technology is always changing just stay up to date with the vide city services. Services in public safety (police, fire, and times. Review new processes that are available and make EMS) must be carefully monitored to ensure adequate cov- sure they are implemented. erage for the rapidly growing community. The city currently has developments in areas where emergency response time is unacceptable. The hiring of public safety personnel comes down to General Fund Budget revenue resources. To obtain and maintain the effective public safety response, city budget and property tax management must be improved.
Infrastructure: What are the most urgent infrastructure projects in the city, and how would you get them done?
The city is growing so most new infrastructure projects re- Roads and drainage, we are currently working on this in arlate to supporting that growth. That makes sense and it’s eas all over town. It’s a Capital expenditure issue, so the city needed. However there are older portions of town subject has a plan over the next few years to work on it. to recurring flooding, poor drainage, long road repair times, etc. I would get this done by not prioritizing new development over what is already here. There must be a balanced approach to make sure we maintain what is already built while supporting what’s needed for growth. The net result would be all areas of Celina are built to a high standard and not just newer communities.
The Celina downtown area is in urgent need of road, water, and sewer updates. This area is receiving some attention but is still inadequate. The city needs to focus resources on this area and get the infrastructure update completed. Infrastructure work pertaining to new developments should be put on hold until downtown is completed. The city is experiencing traffic congestion issues in areas where new development population has far outpaced the roadway system available. Adequate roadway systems should be in place before authorizing additional development in affected areas.
Finance: What would you like to change, if anything, about the city budget and taxation?
The city is growing rapidly and more revenue is needed to support on-going expansion and increased costs. However, the property tax system is a percentage of home valuations. As home valuations have risen, the tax rate has remained unchanged. The net effect is folks pay more in taxes using the same tax rate. I would re-examine the rate in relation to home valuations. As valuations rise, the tax rate can be reduced to keep the out of pocket cost for homeowners close to neutral. New homes coming online will provide the lift in additional revenue to fund the services and infrastructure they need.
We haven’t seen a tax increase in many years. Granted, we all pay more because of rising property values. I see no need for any increases in taxation. In addition, our budgeting process is excellent and gets high marks from auditors.
The General Fund Revenue generated by city property tax is re- Our tax rate has been flat since I have been on council and duced due to development agreements allowing for the creation we implemented changes on the budget a few years ago and of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones (TIRZ) in residential de- seeing the rewards today velopments. Celina has approved ten residential developments with TIRZ. The loss of property tax funds, a reliable source of revenue, could result in a shortage for funding of vital services like public safety. This use of city property tax funds to assist residential developers through a TIRZ must be discontinued. I support lower property tax rates and the fiscally responsible expenditure of city funds.
Housing costs have soared and it’s causing many to be priced out of the market. It’s important to have a range of housing options to accommodate the different needs of people. Multi-family and/or high density housing serves a niche in community to attract younger professionals, provides more affordable housing options for fixed income earners and allows people to “step up” as they progress in life (i.e. rental, first home, larger home, retirement community). Through proper planning, a wide variety of housing options for a wide variety of resident demographic can be built-out in a smart way.
I believe we do need a mix of all types of housing. We do need housing for seniors and people just entering the work force, students etc. We’re seeing that happening now, and I intend on being supportive of this in the future. Of course, these projects need to fit with the current zoning overlays and the trajectory of the City.
Master planning of the city must include adequate and desir- We have some senior housing coming and in discussions for able senior housing alternatives. As our population ages, the insecure residents housing needs for seniors varies. It is our responsibility to ensure that these housing needs are met. Large mixed-use developments could include senior housing or supported in a single development. Currently, Celina is not experiencing a housing-insecure population. Religious organizations and civic organizations like Rotary by partnering with Habitat for Humanity are meeting the needs of housing-insecure individuals and families.
Housing: What, if anything, should the city do for senior housing and housing-insecure residents?
I have served on the city council for 3 terms and past Mayor Pro tem Council place 6. Bank President and involved in the community for 18 years. Qualities: I have relationships with local and regional partners to help with the growth of our city. My banking background helps me make decisions when opportunities are presented. Celina is a one of the fastest growing cities and a council helps manage the rapid growth.
Water/Sewer is always urgent. Our Director of Public works does her best to keep us ahead of the growth and implement projects to keep up with the needs
Emergency management is a priority of mine and needs to Our first responders are up to date and prepared for those be a priority of the city. As our population grows and the city perils. We have relationships with the county for additional expands geographically, the need for emergency manage- support ment increases. The city must increase its Outdoor Warning System to cover all areas of our city. The city must enhance its emergency management organizational structure with clear responsibilities outlined. The city must ensure it has the capability to operate an Emergency Operations Center with an all-hazards approach. More community preparedness and education in emergency management is needed.
Natural Disasters: What, if anything, should the city do to better prepare for natural disasters, like tornadoes, fires, and freezing?
The city should maintain a fast response team and plan to deal Candidate has not yet responded with unexpected disasters (like a tornado). This would allow life-saving services dispatched faster and property damage more mitigated. For disasters that are more foreseeable (like a large rain event forecasted that will cause flooding), the city needs a plan to quickly respond to areas that we already know will be problematic. An example is downtown flooding after heavy rain events so clear drains and other obstructions to lessen the damage and potential life threatening issues (such as loss of power, water, sewer backflow, etc.
Other issues: What other important issues are facing the city council, and how would you address them?
A big issue for me is transparency and full disclosure. I think any kind of governing body should conduct business in an open way so there are no questions as to motivations, conflicts or questionable business practices. I’m not saying this is the case with our city council now, but I am saying it’s not something I would condone if elected.
I believe that we need a cooperative and unified council. Disagreements and debates are part of the process, but an alignment of Council and agreement that we are heading in the right direction. And incredible plan has been put in place during my time on P&Z and I will work hard with my peers on Council to continue that work.
As the city organization grows, we must ensure that city Keeping up with the growth and traffic flow. We are currentemployment positions are created only by strategic human ly, building roads to help keep up with the growth resource analysis. Analysis must clearly define the need for the position and the job description. I will not approve or vote for budget allocations funding positions that are not defined and justified by strategic human resource analysis.
Biographical Information and Contacts:
Education Bachelor of Business Administration from University of North Texas Experience Elected HOA President for 4 terms for 337 home neighborhood, Republican Precinct Chairman since 2017, awarded Celina’s Volunteer of the Year 2020, Chairman of the city’s Charter Review Committee 2021, created many signature community events Campaign Email: fergrbrgr@gmail.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile. php?id=100077171914197
Education Gradutared from Plano Senior High School 1999 Graduated with a Busness Degree from Univeristy of North Texas 2005 Experience City of Celina Board of Adjustments 2012-2018 City of Celina Planning and Zoning 2018-Current First United Methodist Church of Celina Trustees and Finance 2017 Current Campaign Email: eric@beckerforcelina.com Website http://www.BeckerForCelina.com Facebook h t t p s : // w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / groups/1552371168319148/ user/100078127752438
Education M.S. Criminal Justice Leadership and Management - Sam Houston State University, BAAS Criminal Justice -MWSU Experience Celina Police Chief (Retired 8/2020), Law Enforcement over 20-years, USAF Sec. Police, Currently - Realtor Griggs Realty Group
Campaign Phone: 469-667-3918
Campaign Phone: 214-707-8208
Campaign Email tonygriggs.team@gmail.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TonyGriggsforCelinaCityCouncilPlace6 Campaign Phone 972-302-4556
SAMPLE BALLOT (MUESTRA BOLETA) Official Ballot General and Special Elections Collin County, TX May 7, 2022
Boleta Oficial Eleccións de General Y Especial Condado de Collin, TX 7 de Mayo de 2022
To vote, completely fill in the oval TO THE LEFT OF YOUR CHOICE(S). Use pen or pencil. DO NOT ERASE. If you make a mistake you may request a new ballot. If your vote for a candidate or question is marked in such a manner that your intent is not clearly demonstrated, your vote for that office may not be counted. To protect the secrecy of your vote, do not put your name, initials, or any identifying mark on your official ballot. a la izquierda de su(s) elección(es). Marque solamente utilizando la pluma o lápiz provisto. Para votar rellene completamente el óvalo NO BORRE. Si comete un error puede solicitar una nueva boleta electoral. Si su voto por un candidato o pregunta está marcado de tal manera que su intención no es claramente demostrable, su voto por ese cargo podra no ser contado. Para proteger el secreto del voto, no escriba su nombre, sus iniciales o cualquier marca distintiva en la boleta electoral oficial.
Constitutional Amendment Election Proposed Constitutional Amendments (Elección sobre Enmiendas a la Constitución) (Enmiendas Propuesta a la Constitucion)
State of Texas Proposition 1 (Propuesta Número 1 Del Estado De Texas) “The constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for general elementary and secondary public school purposes on the residence homestead of a person who is elderly or disabled to reflect any statutory reduction from the preceding tax year in the maximum compressed rate of the maintenance and operations taxes imposed for those purposes on the homestead.” ("La enmienda constitucional que autoriza a la legislatura a proveer la reducción del importe de la limitación sobre la cantidad total de impuestos ad valorem que pueden fijarse, para fines generales de las escuelas públicas primarias y secundarias, sobre la propiedad residencial de una persona de edad avanzada o discapacitada para reflejar cualquier reducción reglamentaria del año fiscal anterior en la tasa comprimida máxima de los impuestos de mantenimiento y operaciones fijados para esos fines sobre la propiedad.") For Against
(A Favor) (En Contra)
State of Texas Proposition 2 (Propuesta Número 2 Del Estado De Texas) “The constitutional amendment increasing the amount of the residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation for public school purposes from $25,000 to $40,000.” (La enmienda constitucional que aumenta el importe de la exención de impuestos ad valorem de la propiedad residencial para fines de las escuelas públicas de $25,000 a $40,000”.) For Against
(A Favor) (En Contra)
City Of Celina General And Special Election (Ciudad De Celina) (Elección General Y Especial) Councilman, Place 1 Vote for none or one (Lugar 1, de Concejal) (Vote por ninguno o uno) Philip Ferguson Eric Becker
City Of Celina General And Special Election (Ciudad De Celina) (Elección General Y Especial) Councilman, Place 6 Vote for none or one (Lugar 6, de Concejal) (Vote por ninguno o uno) Tony Griggs Chad Anderson Proposition A (Proposición A) Shall Sections 1.03, 3.02, 4.03(9), 4.03(11), 7.03, 8.06, 8.07, 11.04, 11.06, 14.04 and 14.09 of the City Charter be amended throughout to correct non-substantive errors such as misspellings, punctuation, grammar and sentence structure; eliminate provisions which have been superseded by state law; and revise provisions related to practices which are outdated and no longer applicable to the City. (¿Deben enmendarse las secciones 1.03, 3.02, 4.03(9), 4.03(11), 7.03, 8.06, 8.07, 11.04, 11.06, 14.04 y 14.09 de los Estatutos de la Ciudad para corregir errores no sustanciales tales como faltas de ortografía, puntuación, gramática y estructura de oraciones; eliminar las disposiciones que han sido sustituidas por la ley estatal; y revisar las disposiciones relacionadas con prácticas que han quedado obsoletas y ya no son aplicables a la Ciudad?) For Against
(A Favor) (En Contra)
City Of Celina General And Special Election (Ciudad De Celina) (Elección General Y Especial) Proposition D (Proposición D) Shall Section 9.03 of the City Charter be amended to expand the Park and Recreation Board to 7 members and require that members be a resident of the City? (¿Debe enmendarse la sección 9.03 de los Estatutos de la Ciudad para ampliar la Junta de Parques y Recreación a siete (7) miembros y exigir que los miembros sean residentes de la Ciudad?) For Against
(A Favor) (En Contra) Proposition E (Proposición E)
Shall Section 14.09 of the City Charter be amended to shorten the deadline from 6 months to 90 days to file a claim against the City for death, injury or damage? (¿Debe enmendarse la sección 14.09 de los Estatutos de la Ciudad para acortar la fecha límite de 6 meses a 90 días para presentar una demanda contra la Ciudad por muerte, lesiones o daños y perjuicios?) For Against
(A Favor) (En Contra)
Celina Independent School District General Election (Distrito Escolar Independiente de Celina) (Elección General)
Proposition B (Proposición B) Shall Section 3.06(a) of the City Charter be amended to require that the Mayor Pro Tem be elected no later than the second regular Council meeting after the election? (¿Debe enmendarse la sección 3.06(a) de los Estatutos de la Ciudad para exigir que el alcalde interino sea elegido a más tardar en la segunda reunión regular del Concejo después de las elecciones?) For Against
(A Favor)
Chuck Hansen Vicky Hogue Trustee, Place 2 Vote for none or one
Proposition C (Proposición C)
(Regente, Lugar 2) (Vote por ninguno o uno)
(¿Debe enmendarse la sección 4.02 de los Estatutos de la Ciudad para autorizar a los concejales a designar cargos clasificados como jefes de departamento?)
(Regente, Lugar 1) (Vote por ninguno o uno)
(En Contra)
Shall Section 4.02 of the City Charter be amended to authorize the City Council to designate positions classified as Department Heads?
Trustee, Place 1 Vote for none or one
(A Favor) (En Contra)
Ballot Style 10 Precincts: 13, 22, 29, 154, 240
Choc Christopher Dan Williams