27 minute read
5 Grade levels should be teaching the same curriculum. There shouldn’t be some teaching a certain curriculum, while others teach a completely different curriculum.
We have the most kids at the elementary, the most kids that are way more dependent on adults, yet have the LEAST SUPPORT. We are failing these kids while
6 Teachers need to be allowed to teach instead of spending the majority of their days testing or in meetings about testing. There needs to be a specific curriculum taught across the grade levels. When 3/5 teachers choose a different program than what we are told to teach it causes difficulties as the students move up to the next grade or when classes are split due to lack of subs. There needs to be much better communication of expectations from administration. There needs to be a consistent grading policy across grade levels and within the school.
7 We need an AP.
We also need more staff!! Another Sped teacher and interventionists are needed. Teachers can't keep having more added to their plates and continue to use more of their personal time trying to keep their heads above water at work. Everyone is burnt out more than ever. Planning times have to stop being used for meetings. Staff is already short on time. The school day is too long for littles.
8 This year there were new academic tools introduced to teachers with not enough resources or trainings on how to use them. Without the proper trainings, teachers cannot effectively teach. Another issue that is faced is the lack of communication. The staff cannot properly do their job or stay in the loop with everything that is coming unless they are communicated with.
9 The speed at which TRS was implemented with lack of curriculum and resources. We were given hardly any time during in-service to take our brief trainings to figure out how to change our year at a glance, find resources to go with what TRS said we needed to do each day, and see if our curriculum the district has purchased for us connects with it. We were set up for failure at the beginning of the year because the expectation was to use TRS from day one. We spend so many hours and our own personal money weekly to find resources while also so many hours trying to figure out how to use TRS correctly. It's taken away time to focus on our students. We also are on too many committees, have too many meetings, and communication isn't great.
10 There has been too much change tried to be implemented this year. TRS was a huge leap for us, and we didn't have enough training if we were to do it 100% as expected.
11 There is a lack of teacher support; for example, the teachers will be encouraged to get their class to do something to receive a small class reward, but there is no follow through, so the reward never comes. Students are then disappointed because they worked hard for the reward and then let down because it never comes. There is a lack of consistency in regards to curriculum across grade levels; when it is brought up, admin will tell one teacher one thing and then another teacher something different, so there it appears as if one can decide to do whatever they choose. Communication is lacking with admin. Teachers will email and not get a response for days/weeks.
12 There is a lack of desire to put in the effort to teach rigorously to the TEKS. Worksheets, programs and grades are driving instruction and getting in the way of helping each student grow based on their level of ability.
13 I think teachers planning vertically would help. It is helpful for teachers to know what is expected in the grade above so we can help better prepare our students.
14 We are in need of a licensed school psychologist to assist our teachers with the many issues our students are facing.
15 The dress code for both students and teachers is very lax and not enforced at all. Jeans for teachers would look better and more professional than what some wear.
16 Students need PE more than once a week.
17 Our current students as well as those coming to us from other districts are dealing with a wide range of mental health issues. We need someone on each campus equipped to help our students and their families.
Dress code has been a concern this year.
Communication is not consistent. Teachers who are new to the district have brought their previous districts values with them. They do not respect the culture Gunter has built and the reason why they wanted to come work in GISD. Grade levels are not consistent with the programs being taught. Kindergarten and 2nd grade are still teaching Saxon Phonics. Gunter has been very successful with Saxon Phonics. It is disappointing that new teachers to the district have come in and changed the resources.
19 I have an issue with our phonics instruction. We have taught Saxon Phonics here for almost 25 years.
So, our phonics instruction is not consistent anymore like it has been in the past. I think it would benefit our students if our phonics instruction was consistent in K - 2.
21 When positions are vacated a replacement needs to be hired quickly so that the learning environment in not disrupted by the lack of adequate staffing and by others who are stretched beyond their capabilities,
22 Same old same old, Shortage of staff. Lots of meetings about the shortage but no real effort towards fixing the problem. Nothing being done by Admin to get the word out to the public about the need for subs, or making accommodations to the system to get them in. Classes being split daily. This is not good for the kids or the teachers. We spend too much time talking about nonsense while we cant even keep our heads above water. We need admin filling in for classroom's down here in the trenches with the rest of us. We are no longer providing top notch education we are merely surviving the day. I feel like that is true across all campuses as I have a child at each.
23 Physical Education is important to young children, once a week is not enough.
24 Teachers need to be trusted to do their job.
25 COMMUNICATION - There is a serious lack of communication, timely responses to emails and concerns.
27 Only having PE once a week. That's not enough. Also, there have been so many changes this year, and we haven't had enough training &/or clarity on how to carry out many of those changes.
28 Team leaders need to understand their role as a leader and role in bringing the team together, for the success of our students, and relationships of teammates!
...coming to work at my school each day.
...seeing the results of my work with students.
...working in an educational setting.
Q7 I enjoy:
...coming to work at my school each day.
...seeing the results of my work with students.
...working in an educational setting.
Strongly Di Disagree Agree Strongly Ag Not Applica
...that the other staff members care about and encourage me.
...that learning can be fun and enjoyable.
...recognized for the good work that I do supporting education.
...that compensation is fair and competitive compared with other districts.
...that I am treated with respect by my colleagues.
...that I am listened to when I have ideas for improvement.
...the curriculum for the district gives adequate guidance for instruction.
...there is adequate training provided for curriculum implementation.
Q8 I feel:
Q9 I have the opportunity to:
Answered: 40 Skipped: 11
...develop my professional skills.
...think for myself and not simply carry out instructions.
...get help with problems or questions about the compensat...
...get assistance in understanding policies and...
Strongly Di Disagree Agree Strongly Ag Not Applica…
...develop my professional skills.
...think for myself and not simply carry out instructions.
...get help with problems or questions about the compensation and/or benefits program of the district.
...get assistance in understanding policies and procedures used to manage the district.
Answered: 15 Skipped: 36
1 As the number of Autistic students grows, I think we all could benefit by learning more about strategies to help reach them and enhance their emotional and educational experiences at GES.
2 Teachers could use any trainings right away when we are back in August before school starts. Trainings on the new STAAR redesign would have been helpful, as well as any TRS or curriculum training.
3 I would like to see more educational programs brought into the school, such as author visits and speakers during Red Ribbon Week, etc. I would also like to see after school clubs with paid teacher sponsors.
4 It would be beneficial to allow the teachers to choose training that would directly benefit their grade level students and the problems they are dealing with instead of wasting their time on some umbrella training for students k-12.
5 The activity of time. We are given too much new stuff constantly and no time. We can't increase our effectivness after trainings unless we are given time to prepare and implement.
6 Please structure in-service training to allow us more time on campus with our teams and principal. The 22-23 in-service week contained trainings and talks that were not relevant. Sending out videos that we can watch as a team would be helpful as opposed to spending time away from our classrooms
7 More time to explore TRS and find resources to go along with it.
8 I feel that with TRS, we are no longer consistent between grade levels as to what resources we are to use. I'm still confused as to what is expected. We need much more time during the summer - BEFORE school starts - to get together and have time to plan out our activities and what resources we will use to teach each TEK. Perhaps a couple of days over the summer, and then one each nine weeks during the closest in-service day.
9 I would like to see more grade level/curriculum specific trainings brought in to the district, instead of being handed a book and expected to enforce/teach what is inside.
10 Ask what WE want or need training in to be successful. It seems to be a decision made FOR us not WITH us.
11 Vertical alignment
12 Telling staff of curriculum changes prior to August. This will give us more time to plan accordingly. More input on curriculum and trainings.
13 Training in eduphoria for a better understanding on how keep a record of personal training and how to do lesson planning as a team. Training in microsoft office suite to improve collaboration among team members and sharing documents.
...support staff (librarians, counselors, diagnosticians).
Q11 Morale is high on the part of:
Q12 I believe that:
Answered: 40 Skipped: 11
Strongly Di Disagree Agree
Not Applica…
...every student can learn.
...the instructional program at my school is challenging.
...the school provides an atmosphere where every student can succeed.
...quality work is expected of students at my school.
...quality work is expected of me.
...quality work is expected of all the adults working at my school.
... the vision for my school is shared.
...we have an action plan in place which will get us to our vision.
...effective instruction occurs in the classroom.
...it is important to communicate often with parents.
...I communicate often with parents about their child's progress.
...our superintendent is effective in helping us reach our district vision and goals.
...the school places a strong emphasis on student learning.
...our school board is effective in helping us reach our district vision and goals.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable Total Weighted Average
Q13 What is something about working in the Gunter ISD that is exceptionally good or positive?
Answered: 24 Skipped: 27
1 Teachers and staff at the elementary really are like family. We're flexible and always willing to lend a hand when someone needs it. Friendship among staff members is what I think keeps us going in many cases. I truly believe every teacher at GES loves kids and strives to do what he/she believes is best for them.
2 I LOVE being a part of this small community and really making an impact with my students. I love that I am trusted to teach my kids and do what is BEST for them. I really like that the administration will listen and is never too busy to do so. I think teachers do feel valued and appreciated. This is my favorite district that I've worked in and I have worked in several. :)
3 The staff at GES is supportive and the parents are supportive.
4 Staff all work together as a team.
5 Small town atmosphere and trust, despite the many changes and large school district mindset among the upper administration.
6 Gunter ISD still has somewhat of a small town feel. The administration team will meet with staff to ask for our input, however, it doesn't seem like they always follow through with the input that is given. The staff at GES enjoy their jobs and we all get along well. I look forward to coming to school to see my students and co-workers.
7 Can’t think of anything positive anymore. After 15 years…..I can only find negative. I thought it was bad before this superintendent, but here we are.
8 At the elementary level, you can see the teachers still care about their students. Many of us go out of our way, out of our pay, and take time away from our own families to support our students in and out of school. Teaching teams have fairly good, supportive relationships. Most of us are flexible and willing to help out a peer at any time.
9 Smaller community and ability to be involved outside the classroom and feel supported.
The staff is exceptional when it comes to being flexible. If they need to adjust the plan for the day, split students, or cover a class someone steps up and does the job. We are also very supportive of one another. There is a lot of love and respect for what each of us do, so you can always count on someone else to lift you up or help you when you are in need of something.
12 There is a strong sense of community, and most families enjoy our town and school district.
Good repuation - but that "small town feel" that many come to Gunter for is being lost as we attempt to do things like Allen and Frisco do them.
14 For the most part, most of the school is supportive of each other, they look out for one another, help one another. I feel that most of the teachers truly are looking out for the best interest of the students; emotionally and educationally. I love the smaller classroom sizes which allow us to form the close bonds with our students and families.
GISD would be LOST without her! The dedication she has for these students is phenomenal. Most people don't see how hard she works, and all the work that goes into helping these students. I appreciate all of hard work. She is in our classes more than ever this year. I know this spreads her thin, but it is appreciated by us. She has made an impact on our students.
I have seen lots of our students use the strategies she teaches. I love having her support in difficult meetings.
16 TEKS resource system is amazing. If would be great if we could get all teachers on board with it being our primary tool to drive instruction. Thankfully, our school is a big part of our community and we are all united as Tigers. It is this unity and care for our community that will hopefully help us see that some hard work needs to be done to increase rigor in our schools. are trying to get us there, but are faced with teachers that are resistance to change and hard work. If students can be expected to be tough out on the field, we need to expect them to be mentally tough in the classroom, providing the challenges they need to get there.
She works with us through curriculum issues, parent issues and supports us in anyway she possibly can.
18 I love my co-workers. We have so many people that share positives, and try to make our work day the best day. has been an amazing help to me as a teacher. She has listened to me, she has been an advocate, she has been my shoulder to cry on, and she has carried my burdens. She is also a great help to our students. has had my back with parents in a way that we haven't had before. Every time I have had a problem or a concern with a parent she has had my back. This has made me feel supported. The addition of was tremendous! She has been tremendous at helping our community and families.
19 The coworkers and the involved parents. The people doing the day after day grind with the kids. They care so much about helping each kid succeed.
20 I appreciate the fact that we continue to try to keep small class sizes at the elementary. I appreciate our school board.
21 has set a very positive, caring and welcoming environment. She is focused and attentive and always prepared to manage any situation that may arise.
Q14 What is the most pressing issue or concern that you believe Gunter ISD must deal with in the near future?
Answered: 26 Skipped: 25
1 I believe one of the most pressing issues that needs to be dealt with is leadership, It often feels like the elementary faculty and staff is forgotten or an after it joins the list of so many other elephants in the room.
We often hear of decisions that are made, and we just shake our heads because those making the decisions don’t seem to know how things work on an elementary campus or take the time to ask before making decisions. One example is the compensation for covering other classes. It is completely different at the elementary, but one blanket policy was put into place. Our campus has been labeled "the talkers." We wouldn’t have to talk if anyone ever bothered to tell us things. Last year when a new principal was hired, no one came to let us know or even send out an email. We saw the name on the board agenda, and then It was all very awkwardly handled and caused more speculation and guessing than was necessary. Just tell us things. I feel the same way about the We were all contained on one campus together when we came back from Christmas break.
I would certainly hope that we have the caliber of admin that makes that possible, but I also hope the have enough courage to question things even when it’s hard and uncomfortable. Our kids and staff are worth it.
Many things have fallen through the cracks this year. I feel as though we have given much grace and in doing so have sacrificed pushing for help and answers we’ve desperately needed for ourselves and our students, leaving us feeling frustrated and under-valued.
The lack of help and, in some cases, the questioning of the work we’re doing leaves me asking, is this the place for me? I love my colleagues, and I love my kids, but parent pressures, admin pressures, and feeling at times that we’re on our own makes this job hard. That doesn’t even take into consideration the low pay. I got into this field knowing what it pays, but it’s kind of a hard pill to swallow being told there’s not money for this or that, when we added so many higher paying positions last summer. We’re growing, yes, but we seem to be a bit top heavy now. District wide, I think less thought needs to be given to what the parents think/want and more thought needs to be given to treating each student fairly. I’ve had children graduate from GISD, and I was blessed that they never really faced bullying or dealt with it in their friend group, but I know that is not the case for all students at GISD. I pray that it is being dealt with correctly and in a way that helps empower the victims. Unfortunately, I hear parents say this isn’t the case at the middle or high school.
2 As I stated before, I think we can really reach kids more with our Sped. department. Possibly hire a few more aides and teachers to help with the work load. I also really think we need a full time librarian at the new campus so that we can really meet the needs of all the students and extend upon classroom learning.
3 Clear communication from upper administrators as well as acknowledgment of ideas from staff who have been in the district.
4 The growth of the town and influx of students.
5 We are short-staffed. We have a large population of struggling students that would benefit from working with a specialist or SpEd teacher aside from simply talking assessments. With GES being a title I school, we should have the capacity for both a reading and math specialist for K2 and 3-4.
6 Gunter ISD needs to prepare for the growth. Increase in teacher pay to match other districts would be nice.
They do a lot of talking and take no action. I’ve never seen anything like it. We hired too many upper admin, with not enough growth to substantiate that. They do not support our campus. They do not support our teachers. Their response is always “I’ll look into it.” Then we get nothing. Zero. I don’t think it’s the most fiscally responsible thing to have so many administrators that never actually do their job.
That is FALSE!! You do what is right for kids and staff! You make sure the superintendent and his recommendations are SOUND, RESPONSIBLE, AND WHATS BEST! That is your job. LISTEN TO THIS STAFF, LISTEN TO THE TEACHERS.
8 Teacher burnout is probably the most pressing issue. District expectations are so high, but they do not provide us with the curriculum, the tools, the time, the staff, or salary to be successful. I don’t think you can find one staff member on our campus who is happy with their job this year. The GISD administration acquired new Chiefs this year. WHY??? They are ineffective, take up what little time we have to plan, and two, in particular, have never worked on an elementary campus, yet they dictate how we run our classrooms. They ask what we need to be more effective or where we need help, and when we tell them, nothing happens. Or, worse yet, they promise to help, show up once or twice, then disappear, which invalidates or negates our concerns and creates an atmosphere of mistrust and anger. The only time they spend on our campus is when they show up to “appreciate” our work with food. They stand around chatting with each other for 2 hours when it would be 100% more beneficial to spend that time talking to the staff or helping with lunch duties. We need more paraprofessionals, aids, and interventionists, NOT more administrators telling us how to do our jobs. Our teacher, substitute, and aid pay is terrible, and much less than districts around us. Neither Communication is scarce, decisions are made on the “downlow” by those who aren’t familiar with the students we teach, the problems we deal with on a daily basis, and our concerns. These concerns are swept under the rug or we are told issues will be addressed at a later date. Additionally, it seems one hand has no clue what the other hand is doing.
A few years ago teaching at Gunter ISD was a coveted job. We had high expectations for our students. They were well behaved. Teachers were trusted to put the education of children first. We loved our jobs. Sadly, this is no longer the case.
Finding the right leaders for this district/community. Gunter was always known for their great schools and it seems like that is slowly fading. We seem to be losing great staff quickly. doesn't respond or provide support. They ask questions and seek our input, but there is no follow through or change. ALL staff needs to be heard and supported so everyone can be on the same team and feel they are welcomed, loved, and supported in their passion to help grow kids. It should not be as obvious as it is when you walk into a building that everyone is defeated and affraid to be honest. We are the voice for children and that is a huge responsibility that comes with a moral compass, we should be encouraged to speak up for what is best for kids.
Nine people have applied to run for school board. This sends a very clear message. The most pressing issue Gunter ISD faces is leadership. We have a cabinet filled with six chiefs however we do not have the enrollment to support a large administrative team/salaries. The growth is coming but it is not here. To our school board- please question the positions being added/created to our still small school district as well as the qualifications of those selected for an administrative position.
We are paying out a significant amount of money to our administrators and expect a lot from each of them.
11 The increase in special populations. We do not have the amount of staffing to effectively help these students.
12 Direction on expectations and guidance toward TRS. Elementary students need more recess/PE time. I don't feel we are allowing the little ones to get what they need social/emotionally as well as developmentally.
13 I would love to see smart boards in the classroom where the students can interactively participate in teacher instruction. More books in the guided reading library that follow the Science of Reading to allow our students to have more opportunities to read books on their levels and become successful.
No one has truly stepped in to help her. this group of students would not be receiving the amazing support they receive. The support they receive is ALL due to her and NO ONE ELSE! She is not paid enough for the amount of work she does. She works harder and wears more hats than any aide in the district. I hope she will continue to stay with us.
I feel afraid to ever voice a concern. When you are scared to have an opinion, you have a toxic work environment.
Anytime we have a question, we seem to be referred to Region 10.
There is no real direction, and no one helping me to incorporate technology into my lesson. With us moving more and more online, we need someone who is there to help guide the way. I feel that the poor morale on this campus is going to be blamed on but that is not where it needs to be placed.
Communication. This is district-wide. When we reach out for information we are often not replied to, and if we are replied to it is days/weeks later. When it comes to decisions, we often feel that we are the last to know. We would like to hear back in 24 hours, especially since that is the expectation for us with parents. PARENTS. We have to deal with the parents. I fear that we are going to lose some great educators. We feel constantly attacked and questioned. has supported us, and I know she has our backs, but it takes a huge emotional toll.
Letting go of “we have always done it like this..” Also, teaching to the TEKS; going beyond what tpt programs like Rooted in Reading have lined out to ensure the depth of the TEKS are taught. In other words, use resources like resources.
16 From May 2022 (1146)-January 2023 (1133) we have an overall 13 student increase district wide and hired a cabinet of chiefs in order to prepare for student growth.$$$$$ We do not need more chiefs. If you are going to be employed as a chief you should live within the district. Living within the district gives you the opportunity to vote in school board elections as well as connect with the community. We need a veteran curriculum director Our emphasis at the HS level is placed on sports, not learning
It seems as though they don't care about the past, they won't ask how or why things have been done the way they are, and then need to come in and "fix" the situation. Some things just aren't broken, so don't break them. She never has the answers, and doesn't seem to care to help! Don't change things in August, and do not give us time to adjust. We were told of changes in in-service and given NO time to work on adjusting things. Give us TIME. It feels that does not care for us. The monthly treats are SO kind, but when there is a concern it seems to fall on deaf ears, or they don't ask the stakeholders. We have too many people at the top! We have campus-level needs that we can't/won't hire for, but have very big salaries at the cabinet level that weren't needed. Every time someone leaves we replace them with two people for the one job being replaced. It seems that if you attempt to have a voice then you are punished, moved, or have a target on your back. So, most people just keep their heads down and say nothing. Communication.This starts with the TOP. I feel that the lack of communication starts with , and the campus gets the blame for not knowing. It seems that the community knows before the staff. 18
Communication for one.
That was an email saying we are proactive with communicating. We weren’t in fact since GISD had a situation two weeks prior to Uvalde which then forced our hand and an email was sent out due to Uvalde. It would be nice to hear from him in the sense of a “state of our district” communication at least once a year. We are growing slowly right now and people deserve to know what is going on and what our vision and challenges are. Communication is the only way to move us forward. Make minutes from the school board way more easily accessible and thorough for those that can’t make it. We don’t have a local newspaper that helps spread the information. Staffing. Since the change in Leadership it is apparent our is more concerned about creating high paying jobs and hiring “a cabinet” than hiring staff that actually directly impact our kiddos learning. We need staff that can directly support the kids needs. We are told there is an employment shortage in our area well then what are we doing to incentivize people to work here….pay, perks,etc? Get rid of a cabinet member (until our district is big enough to warrant these positions) and hire two people for the trenches. Understand that the needs of the elementary are NOT the same as the high school. Our district puts way too much emphasis on the high school sports needs than the academic needs of the students. Winning is fun and great but in student athlete ….student comes first. Why would we give all our football coaches two weeks off (with pay I am sure) to “prep” for football games? Did we hire subs on top of that to cover the classes these coaches teach? No. Did female coaches get time off to prep for equivalent games? No they probably had to take their own PTO days. Are we truly making good economical and academic decisions that are good for the whole and jot select group of kids? Compensation plans that are rolled out to support our staff due to a shortage of subs but were designed again for the high school and not the needs of ALL campuses. We need to do better. This did not help the elementary morale at all and was actually a slap in the face to some staff. Staff that we value tremendously yet get nothing but a “chance” to get $ one time per quarter while others get paid every time they cover someone. Do better and think about all impacted before you roll out a plan. At the elementary campus these aides are expected to physically teach kids when they cover not just babysit classrooms (other campuses have all work online when teachers are out). Pay increase, extra comp hours something but show your workers in the trenches they are valued or DON’T roll out a plan unless all angles have been clearly thought out and communicated.
19 Respect of our leadership is a pressing problem due to the vast changes happening within the district. Gunter culture is strong and it is rapidly diminishing due to all of the changes. Teachers coming in from other districts and not respecting how strong the values and ability to work together as a team. Leadership on campus has lost respect as well. The ability to prioritize and ask questions from teachers who have been in the district for years to see how operations work would go a long way for respect. Change is inevitable but morale is low due to the multiple changes without asking questions as to why things are done the way they are. I have mentioned this before but dress code and being professionally dressed has always been a priority. As teachers, we all love to wear jeans and have proven the ability to dress jeans up but yoga pants/leggings without a long tunic for women is definitely disrespectful to our profession.
20 I've been teaching here for over 20 years and maybe I'm old fashioned, but the way our campus teachers have dressed, beginning this school year, has been an embarrassment to our profession. If we want to be respected as professionals, we shouldn't dress like we're going to the gym (tights, yoga pants, joggers, etc)
21 Leadership.
We need a seasoned curriculum director capable of assisting and solving problems for teachers instead of calling Region 10 for support. Our school board must
2/22/2023 ask questions of our superintendent. We do not need six chiefs, we need more teachers, office staff, and paraprofessionals.
22 Growth
23 Staff shortages and student body growth.
24 Staffing, growth. Research needs to be done on the amount of people claiming to live here but do not. Not fair to those who pay our school taxes.
26 Keeping the "Gunter way" and community spirit high as we grow. It feels like we are moving away from many of the things that made Gunter unique - that small town feeling. I hate to see it become the next Frisco, Prosper or Celina.
Q1 My campus assignment is:
...the required student outcomes f...
Q2 I know that:
...the required student outcomes for my classes are clear to my students.
...the teachers in my school communicate with each other to make student learning consistent across grades and subjects.
... teaching and learning is fun in my classroom.
...the required student outcomes f...
Strongly Di Disagree Agree Strongly Ag Not Applica…
...I love to teach and see students learn. STRONGLY
...the teachers in my school communicat...
...good communications among employees.
...an office staff that willingly supports instruction.
...clean and well-maintained buildings and grounds.
...a positive learning atmosphere for faculty and students.
...pride in personal and team performance and achievement.
... practices to keep employees up-to-date on changes in procedures or policies.
...an atmosphere of trust.
...a principal who is visible, accessible and available.
Q3 My campus has:
...treats me with respect.
...is an effective instructional leader.
...facilitates communication effectively.
...supports me in my work with students.
...supports shared decision making with the faculty.
...is effective in helping to reach our school vision and goals.
...treats everyone fairly and equally.
...equally and adequately enforces the adopted dress code.
...fairly and equitably administers the discipline policies and procedures of the district.
...deals firmly and fairly with student and staff problems as they arise.
Q4 My principal (or supervisor):
Q5 Name or describe any activity or program occurring at your school this year for which you are exceptionally proud.
Answered: 15 Skipped: 13
1 We absolutely do the best we can with the staff and resources that we have. I am proud of how the staff steps in to help each other when subs are not available or when a life situation happens. The teachers do their magic in the classroom to teach subject matter in spite of over-crowded conditions and the lack of enough staff to properly cover all learners in the building. The GMS Art program creates amazing artwork, STEAM stretches the students' thinking, and our yearbook class always creates a fantastic product.
4 I am proud of all the programs and activities. The MS staff works very hard to make learning fun as well as relavent while loving on the kids and bending over backwards for them.
7 I am thrilled to see the district adopting MAP testing, and look forward to seeing how it impacts instruction next year.
Answered: 20 Skipped: 8
1 More teachers to teach specific grade level. We have teachers who are prepping for two different grade levels and subjects. And when coaches are out, there’s not enough staff to go around.
2 Dress code and student behavior are problems. Our principal needs an assistant.
3 The classrooms are packed with students because we lack enough staff members to spread the students to other classrooms. The large class sizes inhibit the teacher's ability to teach how they would prefer, and how they know student's learn best, due to the inherent issue of space to move around in the room and also the inevitability of discipline issues arising when students are stacked one upon the other. This also makes it more difficult for the teachers to make those more personal connections with the students that are vital to optimal learning and reducing the discipline issues. Another huge issue is the lack of adequate staff members for our special populations students. The staff we do have do the absolute best that they can, but with the number of students that require one-on-one assistance to function in the general ed classroom, it is impossible for just one teacher and one sped staff member to appropriately support all learners in the classroom. It is doing the general ed students a disservice and is a huge disservice to the sped students.
4 More substitutes, facilities that work properly, follow though and everyone held to the same standards.
5 Staff bathroom
6 Hard to enforce discipline and dress code when the parents fight us on it.