21 minute read
7 better communication; more teachers so we can have consistency across grade levels (no teachers teaching multiple grades); more tutoring time - there is none at this time.
The MS campus does need an assistant principal so that the workload can be shared. Our teachers are also doing a phenomenal job. Don't add to their workload with things that they don't need to add. Let them do the wonderful job they are already doing. Not once have I seen any of admin just wandering into classrooms to see what a great job they are doing when they are over for the great meals they bring us. Maybe that's because I am busy in my room getting my work done but they haven't been in the room I am in so that is why I think they need to be more visible to see the great work going on. I know their jobs are hard too, but some see what a great staff we have! This campus has a homey feel and I've only been on one other campus that felt that way in my career. Having that feeling makes a HUGE difference to getting up and coming to work each day.
9 Eeeeee
10 We need additional staff (assistant principal, ESL coordinator, 8th grade math teacher). We need teacher bathrooms that work.
11 Classes are not balanced well. Some classes are very small, and then my inclusion class is one of my biggest. I'd also like to see students able to check their own grades more independently, Our current system is not user-friendly for the student.
12 1.inconsistent class sizes = classroom management concerns = lack of engagement and learning 2. inconsistent proactive monitoring of commons areas
13 Making class sizes smaller that are heavy in special populations
14 smaller class sizes more staff to meet the needs of students-math lab, reading remediation teacher
16 We need an assistant principal, an additional secretary, more special education staff, and a campus police officer. We are growing too large to fast to continue to have our special populations: Special Education, 504, ELL, etc. being led by teachers.
...coming to work at my school each day.
...seeing the results of my work with students.
...working in an educational setting.
Q7 I enjoy:
...coming to work at my school each day.
...seeing the results of my work with students.
...working in an educational setting.
Strongly Di Disagree Agree Strongly Ag Not Applica
...that the other staff members care about and encourage me.
...that learning can be fun and enjoyable.
...recognized for the good work that I do supporting education.
...that compensation is fair and competitive compared with other districts.
...that I am treated with respect by my colleagues.
...that I am listened to when I have ideas for improvement.
...the curriculum for the district gives adequate guidance for instruction.
...there is adequate training provided for curriculum implementation.
Q8 I feel:
Q9 I have the opportunity to:
Answered: 23 Skipped: 5
...develop my professional skills.
...think for myself and not simply carry out instructions.
...get help with problems or questions about the compensat...
...get assistance in understanding policies and...
Strongly Di Disagree Agree Strongly Ag Not Applica…
...develop my professional skills.
...think for myself and not simply carry out instructions.
...get help with problems or questions about the compensation and/or benefits program of the district.
...get assistance in understanding policies and procedures used to manage the district.
Answered: 8 Skipped: 20
1 N/A at this time. STEM cohort thru Rgn10
2 Just working on what is already going on, not adding new things to employees plates each year.
4 I am interested in becoming part of a curriculum or instructional team.
5 I am passionate about instructional technology in the classroom, both for students and for teachers. I would enjoy expanding these skills and working with other teachers to enhance exsisting instructional tech skills.
6 I honestly feel my effectiveness would increase if I had more time to prepare, grade etc. I feel as though I go non-stop from the time I get here until I leave for the day. Most days I have to take work home with me just to stay caught up.
...support staff (librarians, counselors, diagnosticians).
Q11 Morale is high on the part of:
Q12 I believe that:
Answered: 23 Skipped: 5
Strongly Di Disagree Agree Strongly Ag Not Applica…
...every student can learn.
...the instructional program at my school is challenging.
...the school provides an atmosphere where every student can succeed.
...quality work is expected of students at my school.
...quality work is expected of me.
...quality work is expected of all the adults working at my school.
... the vision for my school is shared.
...we have an action plan in place which will get us to our vision.
...effective instruction occurs in the classroom.
...it is important to communicate often with parents.
...I communicate often with parents about their child's progress.
...our superintendent is effective in helping us reach our district vision and goals.
...the school places a strong emphasis on student learning.
...our school board is effective in helping us reach our district vision and goals.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable Total Weighted Average
Q13 What is something about working in the Gunter ISD that is exceptionally good or positive?
Answered: 18 Skipped: 10
1 Teachers at the middle school support one another.
2 My team mates work hard every day to support each other and their students. I love our campus.
3 The majority of the teachers and coaches that work in GISD truly do have the students' best interests in mind and pour into them to help them achieve on a high level. The community really does support the efforts of the school and celebrates the accomplishments of the students. The people I work with and the students I teach are what is exceptionally good about GISD.
4 Love the sense of community and small town feel.
5 All the programs kids have the opportunity to be a part of.
6 Caring Staff, Willing to help others out. New schools on the horizon.Sports
7 The feeling of family on the MS campus and the smaller district. Although that is going to change with growth. I love my principal at MS!
8 Gggg
9 We have some amazing parents who support us in the classroom and through serving in our PTO. We have excellent athletic programs.
10 I enjoy working in Gunter for the freedom to make my own instructional choices while leadership is provided when I need it.
11 I value the teacher-autonomy I have inside my classroom and I feel my principal supports me at every opportunity.
1.Students have opportunities to participate and be successful in multiple areas outside of the classroom=life lessons. 2. As a teacher, I have the opportunity to attend these events and support them outside of the classroom in order to build better working relationships inside the classroom.
13 Great team/family. Always feel supported.
14 It is still a small school where students are more than just a number.
15 The staff and the feeling of family among all of us. Our true dedication to the students even when we are not totally supported by the central office in our endeavors.
16 and the faculty are very supportive and encouraging. We are a family at GMS.
17 It's potential. There is an incredible amount of potential in Gunter; and with growth, so much more.
18 Competitive Programs Community Support
Q14 What is the most pressing issue or concern that you believe Gunter ISD must deal with in the near future?
Answered: 18 Skipped: 10
1 Lack of teachers is leading to more and more on each teacher’s plate. Admin staff has increased while the teacher staff has not. Middle school desperately needs an assistant principal.
2 Obviously, the inevitable growth of our school district is going to be of concern in the next few years. Much work was done in years past to ensure that our district was ready for the growth, but the growing pains we feel now are tough to deal with on a daily basis. As a teacher, I feel that the most pressing concern is is so out-of-touch from what goes on in the buildings on a daily basis that it makes a tough job almost impossible. The feeling amongst the staff is that but most of the time, these opinions and concerns fall on deaf ears and are a waste of teacher's/staff valuable time. There has been a dramatic shift in employee morale in the last 2 years; from one of feeling appreciated and supported, to now where teachers and staff are just peons grinding out work that goes unnoticed by It also feels that if anyone questions , or has a differing opinion than , they are dealt with swiftly by being removed from their position or their life is made so miserable they no longer wish to work for GISD. Several staff members at GMS have voiced concerns about overcrowded classrooms and the desperate need for more teachers only to be told there is no money in the budget to allow more teachers to be hired. However, money is always found for extra cabinet members to be hired. It is impossible to maximize learning in a small room with over 25 students squished on top of each other and try to create those personal relationships that are so necessary for classroom management and learning. Discipline issues no doubt arise and optimal teaching/learning is difficult, to near impossible, in an environment such as this. ESL-we have no one! the positioned was not filled and there has been no one to help with those students. Being resourceful and knowing we have to take care of ourselves, we have found our own resources and reached out to other districts' ESL coordinators to address these student's needs. We should not have to do that...but I'm sure the answer is that there is no money. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen and there is no doubt that the blame would be passed to the principal and teachers. SPED-there is an abundance of high-needs sped students in our building. Some that came from other districts that had one-on-one support, but we obviously don't have the staff for that. I am sure the excuse is no money. These students are forced into the general ed classroom with an aide where they try to keep up with the gen ed students, most of the time unsuccessfully. Their needs are not being met at the level that they should be. The gen ed students needs aren't being met as they should be due to the teacher's attention being diverted constantly by the gen ed population and the sped students that require so much more attention. This is an absolute disservice to all students in the classroom. Teachers, aides, everyone, do the best they can, but again this is a lawsuit waiting to happen. And again, no doubt that the blame for this would be put on the principal and teachers. Support-we feel none from the . Every one at the middle school campus supports one another: from the principal, the secretary, teachers, aides, and janitors, we care about one another and put in more time and work than any staff should have to. It seems that they really don't care about the daily struggles and are just more concerned with Xello, data analysis and the upcoming STAAR tests than they are the people that work for GISD and the students, who should be our top priority. The teachers are at the end of their rope and ready to jump ship. All of us!! Our mental and physical health cannot sustain the toxic work culture that our current has created. But, because we are who we are, we love one another, love our students, and we feel called to this profession, we come back each day for the kids and for one another. I don't know if that makes us crazy or makes us servants, but we do it either way. Things could be done to make this job easier, to create better working and learning environments, and to allow optimal learning to happen for ALL students. It is just going to take someone in upper admin or on the school board with common sense and courage to make it a reality.
2/24/2023 10:16 AM
4 The growth. We need more teachers
5 Staying true to education. We need to have a winning attitude in the classroom as well as outside the classroom. I see a stronger emphasis on sport than on eduction.
8 Future growth is a major concern and accommodating that growth. As a district, we need to address lack of staffing in some areas and overstaffing in other areas. Some campuses are understaffed, but administration appears to be overstaffed. Meeting the emotional and social needs of students is getting harder each year.
9 Growth is a pressing issue as is the perception that Gunter is a "sports" destination district.
10 I feel that our students are not acquiring life skills such as organizational skills, public speaking/presentation skills, study skills, and the HOW of learning. This results in students missing out on the essential skill of knowing HOW to learn new things and to organize their lives in order to take more responsibility for themselves and their own actions.
11 Adequately dispersing staff and maximizing time in the classroom in the appropriate time needed for the school day.
12 Number of staff and class sizes
13 We are outgrowing our buildings and classrooms. We are understaffed in almost all areas. Mental health of staff is a concern due to the pressure to keep up. Losing highly qualified staff due to unrealistic expectations and increasing demands. Basic needs of staff are often not prioritized.
14 class size staffing ESL program
15 The growth in the district and the lack of resources to deal with that growth. A comprehensive discipline policy that is very specific and addresses all issues with equality. The changing behaviors of students and parents also needs to be addressed. We are well educated professionals and need to be treated as such.
16 Big district expectations without the resources available to carry it out.
17 Gunter's vision has been lost. We are not moving in a direction that communicates professionalism or inspires others to be a part of a district with so much potential. There have been walls put into policy and positions that isolates the superintendent from any criticism or critique. Further, the role of campus administrator has been diminished by the implementation of new upper administrative positions. Those new positions have also taken away from new teacher positions that are critically needed. Promises aren't kept and the culture is lead through suspicion rather than trust. Gunter ISD's commitment to public media coverage of ALL student achievements is tilted towards MOSTLY athletic achievements. Other student achievements are largely ignored.
18 Growth and needed improvement in infrastructure
Gunter High School
Q1 My campus assignment is:
...the required student outcomes
Q2 I know that:
Strongly Di Disagree Agree Strongly Ag Not Applica…
...the required student outcomes for my classes are very clear to me.
...the required student outcomes for my classes are clear to my students.
...the teachers in my school communicate with each other to make student learning consistent across grades and subjects.
... teaching and learning is fun in my classroom.
...I love to teach and see students learn.
...good communications among employees.
...an office staff that willingly supports instruction.
...clean and well-maintained buildings and grounds.
...a positive learning atmosphere for faculty and students.
...pride in personal and team performance and achievement.
... practices to keep employees up-to-date on changes in procedures or policies.
...an atmosphere of trust.
...a principal who is visible, accessible and available.
Q3 My campus has:
...treats me with respect.
...is an effective instructional leader.
...facilitates communication effectively.
...supports me in my work with students.
...supports shared decision making with the faculty.
...is effective in helping to reach our school vision and goals.
...treats everyone fairly and equally.
...equally and adequately enforces the adopted dress code.
...fairly and equitably administers the discipline policies and procedures of the district.
...deals firmly and fairly with student and staff problems as they arise.
Q4 My principal (or supervisor):
Answered: 10 Skipped: 17 # RESPONSES is in the Regional Tournament!!
1 Our athletics program as a whole has created an atmosphere of elite expectations and competitive kids that trickles down to even the less talked about programs. Our kids carry themselves with pride in themselves.
5 The volleyball and football earning the state champion honor. The robotics program earning qualification to the state competition.
6 The sports programs are doing well, and Fine Arts is knocking it out of the park as well.
7 Our extracurricular programs are among the best in the state.
Answered: 12 Skipped: 15
1 WE NEED SUBS! We cannot continue to have an effective teaching/learning environment with the amount of staff/teachers that are consistently off. We need permanent subs.... Not all teachers are treated equally. Some can wear what they want, others have to dress professionally. No teacher should be in a parent meeting with sweats and hats on. We need to expect MORE FROM OUR TEACHERS if we expect the kids to be respectful or dress appropriately.
2 The campus in general is confined and not up to par anymore. The number of teachers/staff, which is already too low, cannot even feasibly grow due to the lack of available space. The school has a truly unbelievable, unique amount of participation from the student body in its extracurricular activities. 5A number of students involved those activities with a small 3A staff to support it. Teachers(coaches included) are stressed with the task of constantly, continuously playing catch up because there are often too many of them with too many hats to wear.
3 I have students frequently missing my afternoon classes (due to leaving early for sports events). Not only are they missing instruction or an assessment, but they are not coming in to make up the work they are missing. Coaches/sponsors say they are responsible for the makeup work, but I don't think the students actually understand. Students also don't have the time in their day to come in for makeup work. They have before school practice, film or meetings during break, and after school practice.
4 Repeated disruptions in the classrooms by the same 5 or 6 students. Some students disciplined with ISS, while others seemingly no discipline at all. No bullying policy needs to be more strictly enforced. I have not seen that personally, but have heard from other parents that feel it is not addressed equally.
8 A higher degree of behavioral expectations from ALL students. Being more aggressive in teaching kids right from wrong and not allowing gray areas to be an excuse.
9 1:1 technology so that students do not need their phones (teenager with phone = distracted).
11 Students feel extra-curricular classes are suppose to be 'easy A classes'. Their parents think the same. Most students worried about that 4.0 plus GPA and less worried about actually learning something.
...coming to work at my school each day.
...seeing the results of my work with students.
...working in an educational setting.
Q7 I enjoy:
Answered: 17 Skipped: 10
...coming to work at my school each day.
...seeing the results of my work with students.
...working in an educational setting.
Strongly Di Disagree Agree Strongly Ag Not Applica
...that the other staff members care about and encourage me.
...that learning can be fun and enjoyable.
...recognized for the good work that I do supporting education.
...that compensation is fair and competitive compared with other districts.
...that I am treated with respect by my colleagues.
...that I am listened to when I have ideas for improvement.
...the curriculum for the district gives adequate guidance for instruction.
...there is adequate training provided for curriculum implementation.
Q8 I feel:
Q9 I have the opportunity to:
Answered: 17 Skipped: 10
...develop my professional skills.
...think for myself and not simply carry out instructions.
...get help with problems or questions about the compensat...
...get assistance in understanding policies and...
Strongly Di Disagree Agree Strongly Ag Not Applica…
...develop my professional skills.
...think for myself and not simply carry out instructions.
...get help with problems or questions about the compensation and/or benefits program of the district.
...get assistance in understanding policies and procedures used to manage the district.
Answered: 5 Skipped: 22
...support staff (librarians, counselors, diagnosticians).
Q11 Morale is high on the part of:
Q12 I believe that:
Answered: 17 Skipped: 10
Ag Not Applica…
Strongly Di Disagree Agree
...every student can learn.
...the instructional program at my school is challenging.
...the school provides an atmosphere where every student can succeed.
...quality work is expected of students at my school.
...quality work is expected of me.
...quality work is expected of all the adults working at my school.
... the vision for my school is shared.
...we have an action plan in place which will get us to our vision.
...effective instruction occurs in the classroom.
...it is important to communicate often with parents.
...I communicate often with parents about their child's progress.
...our superintendent is effective in helping us reach our district vision and goals.
...the school places a strong emphasis on student learning.
...our school board is effective in helping us reach our district vision and goals.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable Total Weighted Average
Q13 What is something about working in the Gunter ISD that is exceptionally good or positive?
Answered: 12 Skipped: 15
2 I enjoy that I have freedom within my content and instructional practices. I can adjust my schedule as I see fit. I can teach the content how I see will best help students.
3 Every organization supports each other.
5 Communication is outstanding. We always have a plan and understand expectations.
6 In general, colleagues are all positive and supportive, and here for the kids.
7 There are many families in the community that care about district-wide success and having high expectations. We are at the very beginning stages of growth in the district, and those families want to keep the same expectations throughout that continued growth.
Q14 What is the most pressing issue or concern that you believe Gunter ISD must deal with in the near future?
Answered: 12 Skipped: 15
1 WE NEED BETTER LEADERS. The amount of people running for school board should show that we HAVE PROBLEMS. Let's address them. We have to help the teachers! We are needing support! We are screaming for help, but our Admin is ignoring us! We need accountability for our leaders, our upper admin, excessive number of cabinet members, school board. Get with it and let's try to keep good teachers! I've never seen such overpaid, useless, upper administrative leaders with no consequences. They are unqualified for their jobs and need to be gone.
3 Expectations within the classroom. It seems there is a lot of talk about having high expectations: teaching at a high level, holding students accountable, etc. I have not seen follow through for teachers that do not meet those expectations. It looks like those that are not "good teachers" are given other jobs with less responsibilities (no instruction).
4 None that I can think of.
7 Sudden enrollment growth is going to be a challenge, and will come with with culture shock and expansion of staffing and programs in the district. There needs to be a plan for consistency in curriculum and standards, as well as effective K-12 alignment in content/programs.
8 I believe that the leadership is operating in a way that makes employees feel as though they are not valued or heard. There is a veil of suspicion and coercion. The level of micro-managing from is extremely high, and very few teachers feel as though they are trusted. This is not the same place it was two years ago, and there is one very distinct change that took place. It feels unsafe. It feels untrustworthy. It feels dark. This is not a place where kids are getting the best out of their teachers because their tanks are empty. At no time should a teacher feel as though their best is doubted. Sadly, that is a constant. We have some of the best teachers in Texas in our district, but they aren't treated that way. Many of them work hard, and far past the expectations of the district or state. Why then do those same teachers feel inadequate? That is unacceptable. The praise and public relations of our students' successes is not equitable amongst all programs. Athletes are given far more credit for work done even though non-athletic programs are just as successful. We should be shouting all praises equally.
9 Growth
10 Growth and handling parents
Make all classes challenging as they were in the past. No 'Easy A' classes. Students worked bell to bell.
12 The online dual credit classes are a joke. The students never work on their classes at school, so the assigned periods become nap time. The online courses are not even worthy to be called true college classes. The students can share answers and make an A without ever learning a thing. If there is not a professor on campus, it should not be offered. The students would get much more out of any other offering at the school.
Q1 My campus assignment is:
Q2 I know that:
...the required student outcomes f...
...the required student outcomes f...
...the teachers in my school communicat...
... teaching and learning is fun in my classroom.
...I love to teach and see students learn.
Strongly Di Disagree Agree Strongly Ag Not Applica…
...the required student outcomes for my classes are very clear to me.
...the required student outcomes for my classes are clear to my students.
...the teachers in my school communicate with each other to make student learning consistent across grades and subjects.
... teaching and learning is fun in my classroom.
...I love to teach and see students learn.
...good communications among employees.
...an office staff that willingly supports instruction.
...clean and well-maintained buildings and grounds.
...a positive learning atmosphere for faculty and students.
...pride in personal and team performance and achievement.
... practices to keep employees up-to-date on changes in procedures or policies.
...an atmosphere of trust.
...a principal who is visible, accessible and available.
Q3 My campus has:
...treats me with respect.
...is an effective instructional leader.
...facilitates communication effectively.
...supports me in my work with students.
...supports shared decision making with the faculty.
...is effective in helping to reach our school vision and goals.
...treats everyone fairly and equally.
...equally and adequately enforces the adopted dress code.
...fairly and equitably administers the discipline policies and procedures of the district.
...deals firmly and fairly with student and staff problems as they arise.
Q4 My principal (or supervisor):
Q5 Name or describe any activity or program occurring at your school this year for which you are exceptionally proud.
Answered: 1 Skipped: 11
...coming to work at my school each day.
...seeing the results of my work with students.
...working in an educational setting.
Q7 I enjoy:
Answered: 7 Skipped: 5
...coming to work at my school each day.
...seeing the results of my work with students.
...working in an educational setting.
Strongly Di Disagree Agree Strongly Ag Not Applica
...that the other staff members care about and encourage me.
...that learning can be fun and enjoyable.
...recognized for the good work that I do supporting education.
...that compensation is fair and competitive compared with other districts.
...that I am treated with respect by my colleagues.
...that I am listened to when I have ideas for improvement.
...the curriculum for the district gives adequate guidance for instruction.
...there is adequate training provided for curriculum implementation.
Q8 I feel:
Q9 I have the opportunity to:
Answered: 7 Skipped: 5
...develop my professional skills.
...think for myself and not simply carry out instructions.
...get help with problems or questions about the compensat...
...get assistance in understanding policies and...
Strongly Di Disagree Agree Strongly Ag Not Applica…
...develop my professional skills.
...think for myself and not simply carry out instructions.
...get help with problems or questions about the compensation and/or benefits program of the district.
...get assistance in understanding policies and procedures used to manage the district.
Q10 What program, training, or special activity would you like to be part of to enhance your knowledge and increase your effectiveness?
Answered: 0 Skipped: 12
There are no responses.
...support staff (librarians, counselors, diagnosticians).
Q11 Morale is high on the part of:
Q12 I believe that:
Answered: 6 Skipped: 6
Strongly Di Disagree Agree
Not Applica…
...every student can learn.
...the instructional program at my school is challenging.
...the school provides an atmosphere where every student can succeed.
...quality work is expected of students at my school.
...quality work is expected of me.
...quality work is expected of all the adults working at my school.
... the vision for my school is shared.
...we have an action plan in place which will get us to our vision.
...effective instruction occurs in the classroom.
...it is important to communicate often with parents.
...I communicate often with parents about their child's progress.
...our superintendent is effective in helping us reach our district vision and goals.
...the school places a strong emphasis on student learning.
...our school board is effective in helping us reach our district vision and goals.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable Total Weighted Average
Q13 What is something about working in the Gunter ISD that is exceptionally good or positive?
Answered: 3 Skipped: 9