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The itchy feet and unrest after being kept from your freedom. The boredom that has haunted you for weeks on end, taking up new hobbies and learning how to make a sour dough bread had become the new norm. In reality all we really wanted was a chance to get the wheels turning and cruise unfamiliar terrain with a like-minded band of misfits. The mix and match beers from the nearest off license had been replaced with flamboyant D.I.Y cocktails in the lounge. Times had changed and travel had been put on hold for the foreseeable. We had to bring it back home, the UK had always been a provider. The restriction to fly helped to take advantage to what was on our doorstep. There is a misconception that you need to get a flight somewhere for a trip to be good. The end result is still very much the same… granted the beers might be cheaper.

course of a few months. There didn’t need to be the latest NBD’s or a series of bangers happening daily. Sanity and a grasp of the old is what we needed. A chance to heckle one another whilst naively overstaying our welcome in our surroundings. This seemed like distance memories for the majority of us and would be re-introduced with welcome arms. Four groups, four weeks, four apartments… give or take. The postcode to which would be our refuge as we naively explored our urban surround. With a few mishaps along the way… one knife incident, a hoard of bed bugs and enough rain to sink Noah’s ark. It felt like the UK had been on our side for the most and let us get back to doing what we do. Ride Bikes!

Postcode was a series conjured up to keep us sane. We needed to have an objective that could span over the _Words & Photos by Fooman

“ I actually think I prefer UK trips not going to lie. It’s nice to go away some where sunny but if the sun is shining in the UK I would prefer to be here, It just feels like home.” -Emerson Morgan (Trip Filmer) FIT /ANIMAL / ETNIES

“A young Asian boy asked if I’d like to be stabbed, he was looking for some other man dem to stab up but luckily Emerson started crying so he left us alone!” -Fathead S&M /ANIMAL

“The spots in the UK make you have to think more about what you’re doing, you can’t just do the “bar ice hard 720 Triple bar to cab whip” because Debra from the council flat across the road is working night shifts and is trying to sleep in the day so she’s giving you shit, and then don’t forget that the rail is so rusty that the last two up rights are sheared off and are like two rusty harpoons sticking out the ground, oh and the ground, don’t crash on that, you’ll catch something.” -Jordan Godwin ETNIES / DOOMED

“One night we finished up riding, grabbed a beer and sat by the Thames watching the sun go down. All was bliss and calm. Then three lads rolled through threatening to stab us, well actually asking “who wants to get stabbed”. They thought we were a rival crew. But for some pretty obvious characteristics we were clearly not the people they were looking for.” -Harry Mills-Wakley UNITED / ETNIES

“If the weather holds out, the UK has some of the best spots, especially London! Footage looks great too because most of the spots look crusty as hell.” -Sam Jones ETNIES / DOOMED

“I think we were there at a good time. Unless we were travelling or going to the shop, I didn’t notice too much difference.” -Michael Attewell (AKA Bonedeath) S&M

“When we were hitting home after the trip this random crackhead started on me and Michael over not giving him a fag, threw me about and kicked and punched Michael in the head.. It was fucked up!!� -Harry Barrett S&M

“Funniest moment was playing the card game called Shithead… the loser received a branding with a bottle top… it was mainly me, I didn’t learn my lesson the first time…” -Kris Bunnage UNITED

“Kris made me a brand on my leg. His way of saying welcome to the team. ” -Marius Dietsche UNITED

“Waking up covered in bed bugs was for sure the weirdest moment for me! FUCK THAT!” -Ben Gordon UNITED

“Take a left, then a right - This is how we would navigate our way through London, and it worked!” -Brandon Steele FIT

“In all honesty London didn’t seem any different during the pandemic, apart from wearing a mask when you’re in a shop” -Frasier Hill UNITED / ANIMAL

“My highlight was watching Tariq eat 4 kebabs 11 burgers and 20 wings every time we pit stopped at a chicken cottage. FAT SCRAN!” -Chase Quantrill UNITED

“Funniest moment? - Russ (the guy in the air BNB below) going on one of our bikes whilst pissed and eating shit!” -Isaac Downey FIT

“After being rained out all day, we found the perfect bank wall setup tucked away and managed to get a session in on it before the rain started up again. For me you can’t beat that feeling of finding of a new spot, lighting it up, and then you and the boys getting a session and clips on it.” -Tariq Haouche FIT

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