4 Legs & a Tail Lebanon Winter 2019

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Central NH & VT Winter 2020

Keeping Your Pet Safe ThisScience Winter Forensic and Wildlife Grain-Free. Is it Friend or Foe? Love to Spoil Oh,Your If Your Cat Dog? Could Talk

Grain-Free. Is it Friend or Dog? Foe? Keeping Your Pet Love to Spoil Your Safe ThisForensic Winter Science Oh, Your and IfWildlife Cat Could Talk

Inside this issue of 4 Legs & a Tail


4. 4 Legs & a Tail Dateline Pet and animal news from around the world 6. Stop Smoking For Your Health and Your Pets’ Health Need a reason to quit? Consider the dangers of second-hand smoke to your pet

8. Wassail Parade Sue Miller A look at this South Woodstock, Vermont tradition 10. Celebrate National Walk Your Dog Month 11. About the British Labrador A Lab like no other, the “gentleman’s dog” might be

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the perfect companion for you

12. Ten Questions Your Cat Wants Answered If your cat could talk, ever wonder what they would ask? 16. The Best of Both Worlds Marti Eagle Should you keep your cat inside or let it out to roam? 18. An Introduction to Therapy Dogs Deb Helfrich The benefits your dog may bring to others 20. Big Love Cathy White Life with five Newfoundlands! Pg. 18

22. Flea and Tick Prevention Is Just As Important During the Winter Months

23. Peanut Butter Treats The recipe for a fun snack to make this winter 24. Do You Love To Spoil Your Dog? Paula Bergeron What happens when we love our dogs too much 26. How Forensic Science is Saving Wildlife Catherine Greenleaf 28. Farewell Old Friend Scott Borthwick Recalling the fond memories of Kaci 30. Winter and Holiday Safety Tips Catherine MacLean, DVM 32. Fat or Fluffy Is your pet overweight? Winter 2020

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Inside this issue of 4 Legs & a Tail


34. So You Think You Want A Wolf-Dog Hybrid? Skye Sosinski A few things to consider before you welcome a wolf-dog into your home

36. Going The Distance Cathy White One local rescue goes to extraordinary lengths to save Asian Sighthounds from a tragic fate

38. The Winter Blues Did you know that pets can suffer from

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depression too

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40. UTI Ingrid Braulini Looking for Urinary Tract infections 42. Alternatively Speaking: Grain-Free Diets - Friend or Foe? Anne Carroll, DVM 46. February is National Pet Dental Health Month Erin Forbes, DVM There is a 70% chance that your pet will have

periodontal disease. Have their teeth checked this winter!

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48. When Things Go Wrong, Sometimes They Go Really Wrong, Part 2 Sandra Waugh, VMD, MS 50. Helen Keller’s Dogs Kate Kelly The canine involvement of this legendary figure will surprise you

56. A Scent in the Wind Alexandria Whitelock Even in winter, the Vermont search and rescue K-9 is hard at work


4 Legs & a Tail Volume L.419 P.O. Box 841 Lebanon, NH 03766 603-727-9214 TimH.4LT@gmail.com 2 4 Legs & a Tail

Publishers: Tim Goodwin, Tim Hoehn Senior Editor: Scott Palzer Graphic Design: Kristin Wolff Sales: Karyn Swett Scott Palzer

If you have a tale about a tail or a photo that will make us smile, we’d like to hear from you. 4 Legs & a Tail is published quarterly and distributed free of charge throughout Central VT & NH. 4 Legs & a Tail, Inc. is locally owned and operated and acts as a moderator without approving, disapproving or guaranteeing the validity or accuracy of any data or claim. Any reproduction in whole or part is prohibited.

Winter 2020

Winter 2020

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THAILAND - In this photo, the female green turtle nicknamed “Bank” swims in a pool at Sea Turtle Conservation Center n Chonburi Province, Thailand. Veterinarians operated on “Bank,” removing less than 1,000 coins from the endangered animal. Her indigestible diet was a result of many tourists seeking good fortune tossing coins into her pool over many years in the eastern town of Sri Racha.

MONGOLIA - Runner Dion Leonard and the stray dog who ran with him through the Gobi desert as part of the 2016 Gobi March race. The dog, named for the desert, later went missing in China, but Leonard was able to find it after a search using new and old media. Leonard has written a book about the experience, and their story has been sold to 21st Century Fox for a movie.

CALIFORNIA - The U.S. Navy found a missing puppy that fell off a fishi n g b o a t n e a r l y f i ve weeks ago in the waters off Southern California. Luna, a German Shepherd puppy, was presumed to be lost at sea after falling overboard on February 10. She was reunited with her surprised family. 4 4 Legs & a Tail

Winter 2020

IDAHO - This undated photo provided by Adam Pearl shows Pearl with his pet squirrel Joey in Meridian, Idaho. Joey made headlines in February 2017, when police nabbed a burglary suspect who reported fleeing a home after being attacked by a squirrel. Pearl says Joey was so young he still had his eyes closed when friends found him on the ground late in the summer of 2016 after he fell out of his nest. Pearl says Joey climbed onto his shoulder for an affectionate goodbye earlier in June 2017, then scampered up a backyard apple tree at his Meridian home and hasn’t been seen since.

NEW YORK - A couple of NYPD cops paid $40 of their own money to bail out a goat that escaped a slaughterhouse in Jan. 2016, taking the gruff former fugitive to a Long Island sanctuary. “He fought crime with us,” Sgt. Mary Humburg said. “Best $40 I’ve spent.

MAINE - A dog in Maine shifted a car into gear, rolling it into a lake. The local police department thanked a local towing company for their help retrieving some submerged property after “a dog took a truck for a wild ride.”

NEW HAMPSHIRE - Fluffy the cat almost froze to death when her owners found her in a snowbank, snow crusted in chunks around her fur. The 3-year-old cat, whose temperature didn’t register on the clinic’ thermometers when she was first bought in, later made a miraculous recovery. The temperature outside where she was found was just below freezing.

Winter 2020

TENNESSEE A coyote made its way into a bathroom at Nashville’s Music City Center Sunday, Jan. 12, 2019, police said. The animal, which police said was scared, was safely trapped and released in a wooded area.

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Stop Smoking For Your Health and Your Pets’ Health


ou don’t need us to tell you the harm that smoking can do to your body, or the risks posed to children and others from secondhand smoke. But perhaps you’re unaware of the harm it can be doing to your pets. Because pets share our environments, they also share our

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environmental exposures – including tobacco smoke. Dogs living in homes with smokers have significantly higher levels of cotinine (a breakdown product of nicotine) in their blood, indicating exposure to nicotine through secondhand smoke.

A 1998 study found that environmental exposure to tobacco smoke resulted in an increased risk of cancer of the nasal cavity and sinuses of dogs, particularly those with longer snouts (such as collies, greyhounds and many other popular breeds); and the more packs the smoker smoked, the higher the dog’s risk of cancer. This is likely because their longer nasal passages accumulate the cancer-causing toxins. A 1992 study found that dogs with short- and medium-length noses were more than twice as likely to develop lung cancer if a smoker lived in the home, most likely because shorter-length nasal passages don’t accumulate the cancer-causing toxins, allowing them to enter the dog’s lungs instead. Pet cats living in smoking households are more than twice as likely to develop malignant lymphoma (a type of cancer) compared to cats in nonsmoking households. The risk increased with the duration and amount of exposure, and cats with five or more years of exposure to secondhand smoke were more than three times as likely to develop malignant lymphoma. Have you ever had anyone tell you that your clothes smell like smoke? Well, it’s not the just the smell that can linger – it’s the potential toxins, too. If you smell smoke on your pet, consider the toxins that may be on your pet’s fur. Chances are, they’re ingesting them when they lick the toxins off during grooming. Birds’ respiratory systems are particularly susceptible to airborne contaminants. Significantly higher concentrations of cotinine were found in the blood of birds living in smoking households compared to birds living in nonsmoking households. Birds with exposure to secondhand smoke can develop pneumonia, lung cancer, and problems with their eyes, skin, heart and fertility. Smoking outside the home reduces the concentration of environmental tobacco smoke in the house, but doesn’t eliminate it. A 2005 study found that environmental tobacco levels in homes of smokers who smoked outdoors were still five to seven times higher than in households of nonsmokers. And it’s not just the secondhand smoke that poses a risk for your pets: discarded cigarette butts or other tobacco products left within reach of pets can cause gastrointestinal problems or even nicotine toxicity if your pet finds and eats them. If you smoke, please consider quitting – if not for your health, then for your family’s health and your pets’ health. Looking for inspiWinter 2020

"To quit smoking" is one of the top New Year's Resolutions

ration or resources to help you make the commitment to quit? The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have great resources for you and the American Cancer Society also provides resources to assist you in your effort to quit smoking. What about e-cigs and vaping? Although vaporizers, e-cigarettes, e-pens, e-pipes, e-hookahs and e-cigars don’t contain tobacco or emit smoke like traditional cigarettes, cigars and pipes, they still pose significant risk to pets because of the nicotine levels. Regular cartridges can contain nicotine levels equivalent to 2 or 3 cigarettes, and concentrated refill cartridges contain 10 times as much nicotine or more; if a pet ingests the contents of the cartridge, potentially fatal nicotine toxicity can occur within 15-30 minutes of exposure. The scents and flavors of the liquid may be attractive to pets, increasing their risk of ingestion. Signs of nicotine toxicity include excessive drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, agitation, increased respiratory rate, disorientation, tremors, seizures, heart abnormalities, paralysis, coma and death. If you know or suspect that your pet has ingested a cartridge, seek immediate veterinary care. Contact your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 1-888-426-4435 (a charge may apply). If you choose to use these products, take precautions to keep your pet safe: • Keep all cartridges and nicotine devices away from pets and children. • Don’t use the devices around your pets if possible; if you do, make sure there is proper ventilation. • If you suspect or know that your pet has been exposed to the liquid, contact your veterinarian or Animal Poison Control immediately. Do not wait for signs of toxicity to develop. Winter 2020

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High Horses Therapeutic Riding Program has been hosting the parade since 2010.

Wassail Parade W

Sue Miller

hat is a wassail parade you ask? Well Wassailing is an ancient tradition that dates back centuries where folk would go from house to house singing, now replaced with caroling, sometimes exchanging gifts and drinking from a wassail bowl that held warming ambrosia of mulled cider to keep everyone

warm and merry. The tradition of wassail was for marking the end of harvesting season where a community would share their good will and wish everyone good health into the new year. Here in Vermont the tradition of the Wassail Parade in South Woodstock Vermont has become a tradition in and of itself.

Retired Therapy horse Joe with Program Director Sue

The parade began 35 years ago with the help of Antoinette Matlins the first parade had about 50 participants horseback or in carriage d r e s s e d i n t ra d it ion a l C u r r ie r and Ives holiday attire. The Green Mountain Horse Association hosted the event for several years and has encouraged the parade to grow while the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce has developed an eventpacked Wassail Weekend, making it a destination for locals and visitors from all around the world. Sue Miller is a PATH Registered Instructor & ESMHL, PATH Vermont State Chair and President of the Vermont Horse Council.

This year's Wassail Weekend is December 13-15 8 4 Legs & a Tail

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Therapy horse UVM Worthy in the parade

Therapy horse Bart with instructor Diana

Hoofin’ It for High Horses


et me tell you just how valuable riding a horse can be to a child with cognitive or physical challenges. A young rider who had never said a word suddenly said “Walk on!” to their horse. Because she built her confidence by riding, one little girl is no longer afraid to be on the playground swings & in fact was delighted to go to a water park with her family this summer. A young child was able to speak louder in the classroom because they had become stronger and their respiration is better from riding the horse. One little boy with severe cerebral palsy is working hard on his posture and sitting tall. He walks better after his time riding and is more determined to do things for himself after. Although these victories may seem small to the average person, you & I know that they are not. That’s why your donation in any amount is so valuable. The riders and I are full of gratitude for your generosity. Donors like you help make our therapeutic riding programs possible, ensure that our horses are well fed, housed, trained, and guarantee that we can offer scholarships to children and their families who could not, otherwise, afford these life-enhancing activities. I want you to be an active member of our community too. Please visit our website at www.highhorses.org to sign up for our emails and newsletters under the Join Our List! Tab at the top of the page in the right hand corner. Do watch for invitations to our events such as the High Horses Magic in Motion Gala and all the other educational equine events we offer all year round. You can send a donation through the Hoofin’ It page, http://www.hoofinit.org/participant/1080373 or send a check to: High Horses PO Box 278, Sharon, VT 05065. Thank you for your generous donation.

Winter 2020

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Celebrate National Walk Your Dog Month J

anuary is Walk Your Dog Month. Get up, get moving and don’t let the plummeting winter temperatures slow you down. Dogs need plenty of exercise throughout the year and, the best way to keep them active in winter is to take them for regular walks. Even a short walk around the block on a cold day can make a big difference. So, begin this year with a pledge — better health for you and your dog!

Shake things up Change your walking route so that your dog has something new to sniff at. Dogs learn by discovering their surroundings and need some excitement every now and then. Get some company Get a friend with a dog to walk with you. Not only will you enjoy a good chat, you can also keep each other motivated to walk in the winter! Throw a dog sweater party in the park Now, that’s another reason to walk all the way to the park! Make sure you have plenty of treats.

WHY WALK YOUR DOG MONTH IS IMPORTANT Your dog’s health depends on it To stay healthy and live long, dogs need plenty of exercise, even in winter. Besides, a walk is good for your health too! Walking is in their genes Most dog breeds have been selectively developed for herding, sporting, or working. Which means they need to stay active, or they will become hyper and resort to excessive chewing, digging, and scratching. It’s a great way to bond Spending quality time walking and bonding with your dog is the best way to beat the gloomy and lonely winters!

History of Walk Your Dog Month 2011 Walking Strong The largest dog walk, “The Great North Dog Walk” was organized in the U.K. 22,742 dogs took part in it.

1964 New York’s First Dog Walker In New York, Jim Buck started out walking an acquaintance’s dog. Later he went on to employ assistants that were walking hundreds of dogs. He also opened a training school for dogs.

1929 Service with a Walk The first school for training service dogs in Nashville, TN, started training dogs to become intelligent walking companions for the visually impaired.

7000 B.C. The First Strong Walkers In north-eastern Siberia, dogs were getting trained to pull sleds in the snow and go to places that were inaccessible to humans. 10 4 Legs & a Tail

Winter 2020

Jodi Anderle welcomes their new puppy, Lilly


British Labrador Physical Characteristics The British Labrador is unique in many ways. British Labs are shorter, slimmer, and have finer features than American Labs. Females typically run 45-60 pounds and males run 50-75 pounds. British Labradors come in three colors: black, yellow, and dark reddish-yellow (fox red).

Temperament The British Labrador has been bred for centuries to have a calm and relaxed temperament. Unlike other breeds, these labs are calm and relaxed from the day they’re born. They are not high-strung dogs - they don’t typically chew, bite, jump, etc. British Labradors are a highly intelligent breed of dog that analyzes situations more so than other breeds. These calm, sweet, loving, and even-tempered dogs are easy to train and need a soft hand both on the field and at home. The easy-going temperament and playfulness of the British Labrador makes it the perfect choice for a family dog, as well as a hunting companion. They are especially good with kids.

Hunting Ability Along with their calm nature comes a very strong drive to hunt and retrieve. British Labradors are kind of like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde - they’re mellow dogs that just hang out around the house, but put them in the hunting field and they turn into hunting machines. They’re calm enough to hunt with handicapped hunters, yet have enough heart and drive to hunt for groups of 6-10 hunters releasing over 200 birds in one day. Many people find it hard to believe that there is such a difference in temperament and hunting ability between the American Labrador and the British Labrador. What we’ve discovered is that a Labrador with a good pedigree, whether British or American, is typically bred from a line that contains many field trial champions. A British Labrador will have more calmness and hunting drive bred into it, while an American Labrador will be bred to be “amped” and to withstand high pressure. This is due in large part to the way field trials are conducted in the UK versus in the US. In the US, AKC field trials involve dogs mechanically obeying commands - some of which are counter-intuitive to the dog - and retrieving dummies or dead game. In the UK, field trials involve live game and real-life hunting and shooting scenarios. Dogs must mark and then retrieve dead and wounded game. Finding and retrieving game is of utmost importance. In addition, dogs are not allowed to even whimper when on the line or they’ll be disqualified. Therefore, British Labradors are bred for strong hunting and scenting abilities as well as a calm temperament. Above all, the British Labrador’s scenting ability is extraordinary and far superior to other breeds. They are exceptional upland game bird dogs and strong swimmers, making them excellent waterfowl dogs as well. Considered a “gentleman’s dog,” British Labradors are easy to train and, once trained, become an exceptional hunting companion. Winter 2020

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Questions Your Cat Wants Answered Maggie Clancy

January 22nd is National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day!

Cats are complex creatures. Some of their actions may indicate they are nihilists (“I can knock this vase off your night stand and watch it shatter because morality is a false construct”). Others suggest they take pleasure in withholding, like when they walk over to be pet, bite you, and walk away. Cats’ bizarre behaviors only make us wonder even more: what could they possibly be thinking about? Well, they probably wonder about some of our strange behaviors, too. That’s why National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day is so much fun! We get to think about what questions our cats would ask us, then answer those questions for our kitties’ benefit. Do they understand our answers? Who knows? It’s just for fun! Here are ten things our cats would probably ask us if they could on National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day. 1. Why Do You Yell At Me For Scratching The Large, Soft Scratching Posts Throughout The House? Scratching is 100 percent normal for cats; expensive, imported Scandinavian furniture is not. To cats, your new love seat is a very large, intricate scratching post to help keep their claws from getting too long or to stave off boredom. Scratching is also used as a stress reliever for cats. Your cat probably has questions about YOUR stress reducing habits, like that bottle of red stuff you sip while looking at a glowing box.

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2. Why Do You Take A Hundred Photos Of Me Daily? You’re cute, cat. Deal with it. To keep your cat from dodging your Inst agram photo - capt uring tactics altogether, opt out of using a flash. And be sure to get them at their best–nobody wants to see a photo of your cat looking miserable or in distress like when their claw gets caught on something. 3. Why Do You Bring Strangers To My Home? I always have to hide because they want to pet me and *shudders* pick me up. New humans in a familiar environment can be very confusing to your cat. To reduce anxiety, try letting your cat meet your guests on his or her own terms. After all, your cat doesn’t invite a bunch of his friends over and expect you to be completely chill with it. 4. Can’t I Go Outsi d e For Ju st A LITTLE Bit? You should have just named me Rapunzel. Just like human children, your cat may not understand when you are making a decision that seems to suck, but in reality is in their best interest. If your indoor cat looks like they’re pining for the great outdoors, consider getting them a window perch or a nice cat tree near a window so they can get a glimpse of the other world. If you have an outdoor cat, be sure they have free access to get back inside your home.

5. Why Do You Take Away My Personalized Heating Pad? I like laying on it and don’t get why you’re frustrated. In t he cat world, laptops and other electronics are heating pads, not communication or work tools for their humans. We take it away because we need it to work so we can continue to feed our kitties and buy them all of the catnip they deserve. Continued Next Page

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If your cat keeps climbing on or laying on things that they’re not allowed to, consider some training to break the habit.

7. Why Do You Freak Out If You Can’t Find Me? Sometimes I just need my space! Cats are crafty and will find a way to hide in the least expected of places, such as a large pot underneath your sink or in 6. Why Do You Keep Petting Me When the lining of a futon. If they’re scared or I want You To Stop? unsure of their environment, cats will Don’t you see my tail flicking about hide. As long as you are positive they and feel me trying to squirm away? have not found a way outside, there’s While we always want to give our no need to panic. Let your kitty hide cats plenty of love and affection, in peace until they feel comfortable force-petting or holding your cat is enough to come out. not the way for them to understand your love for them. Be sure to train yourself in cat body language so you can tell when they enjoying being pet or brushed–and when to back off.

8. What’s That Loud Demon Machine You Run Across The Floor? Vacuums, while terrifying to you, dear kitty, are a necessity to any cat owner. Fortunately, there are ways for us to help keep kitty’s fur from going everywhere, like feeding a nutrientrich food to keep their coat silky and brushing regularly to keep shedding to a minimum. To keep your cat from freaking out too badly while cleaning, give them a safe space from the vacuum, like a cat tree.

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9. What’s With The Brushing? I Can Groom Myself! We know you can groom yourself, kitty. But we don’t want to live in a fur covered environment, much like you don’t like using the litter box when it is too dirty. We take care of that, too. Winter 2020

10. Why Are You Obsessed With My Poop? Seriously, you scoop it out daily and put it in a little bag. This question can be avoided all together if you are up to the task of training your cat to defecate in the toilet. For most people, that isn’t going to happen, and some things, like your mysterious poop obsession, will forever remain a mystery to your cat, no matter how many times you try to explain it.

Jokes aside, it is impor tant to educate yourself on the way your cat can actually communicate to you via body language, little chirps, and meows. Even if you can’t answer some of your cat’s questions directly, you can still do a pretty good job of listening to what they have to say. Maybe that will help you come up with answers your cat can understand on National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day.

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The Best of Both Worlds Marti Eagle - Corinth, VT


t’s a question most cat owners will ask themselves: “Should I keep my cat indoors or let it roam outside?”. Many factors will need to be considered. Will the cat be in an urban or suburban environment where cars or neighborhood cats pose a threat to their safety? Or is the cat in a rural environment where natural predators abound? When we lived in a more suburban environment, my husband and I allowed our cats to go outside. Although both our previous cats survived to old age, they both suffered wounds from fights with other cats and “went missing” for a day or more, causing us great emotional distress! After the death of our last “indoor/ outdoor” cat and our move to a much more rural area, we decided that our

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next cat or cats would stay indoors. Nine years ago we adopted two cats (brother and sister) from a local shelter who were 9 months old at the time. At first, we stuck to our guns and kept Darcy and Lizzy inside, although there was a part of us that felt they should be able to experience the sights, sounds and smells of being outside. But fear of them being attacked and killed by a predator, or going off to explore and not returning home strengthened our resolve to keep them inside and safe. Our vet had told us shortly after we adopted them that the average age of an indoor cat in Vermont is 15 years, but an outdoor cat is only 2! Friends and fellow cat-owners told us: “You know what they’re missing, but they don’t!”. Two years ago I began to wonder if it might be possible to teach our cats how to walk on a leash. Most websites I visited said that the older the cat, the more difficult it is! Our cats were over 7 years old at the time so it didn’t seem very promising. Many pet stores offer nylon harnesses but they looked pretty flimsy and I thought our big Norwegian Forest cats would be able to escape pretty easily. Then one day I found a website that sold what’s called “The Kitty Holster”. This is a soft vest with super-strong velcro closures that fasten under the neck and belly. There is an “O” ring on top where you attach your lead. We decided to give it a try and ordered a tiger print vest for Darcy, our male cat (to match his beautiful orange and white Winter 2020

fur) and a grey vest for Lizzy, who is grey, black and white. Hey, if we’re going to take our cats outside, we want them to look stylish! We started by laying the vests on the floor so the cats could inspect them. Next came laying the vests on them, but both cats would immediately lay down on the floor. Finally, we decided to just do it and while I held Darcy, my husband got the vest on him. We attached the lead, carried him outside and put him down on the grass. He loved it but as he began to pull on the lead I was afraid that somehow he would get out of the vest. That first walk was pretty short, but we began to take him out each day and as time went on, he became accustomed to the feel of the lead (we use extending leads so we have some control over how far we let them go). Meanwhile, Lizzy seemed interested and would watch from the window but resisted the vest for a while. Eventually, she indicated that she wanted to go outside, too, so we followed the same procedure with her. She was not as adventurous at first, wanting to stay very close to the house, but over time she also has come to love her walks. In fact, it has become a daily routine to take them out as soon as we get home from work. During the summer, they like to find a spot to watch for chipmunks, so my husband and I carry portable camp stools and will sit while they patiently wait and watch. Lizzy has actually caught two chipmunks while out for her walk and has quickly released them, not being sure of what to do with them! Things will change soon when winter comes when both cats prefer to stay in their cat beds by the woodstove. But next spring we expect to be outside with them again. We feel that they truly are getting the best of both worlds - experiencing the outdoors and getting some exercise, all while remaining safe.

Winter 2020

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We Bring Communities Together

An Introduction to Therapy Dogs Deb Helfrich - Therapy Dogs of Vermont


2 South Park St • Lebanon, NH 603-448-1203 www.uppervalleybusinessalliance.com uvba@uppervalleybusinessalliance.com

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t’s been a dreadful day. The car wouldn’t start. Traffic made you late. You spilled coffee on your new pants. The boss moved your deadline UP by a week. Full of frustration, you throw the front door open…and there is YOUR dog. Her entire body wags. She rolls on her back for a tummy rub.

You can’t help but smile. As you touch her soft fur and feel the warmth of her body, thoughts of stained pants and looming deadlines slip away. Think about the capacity our own pets have to ease stress, make us happy, offer comfort. Apply this to elders in nursing homes, patients in hospitals, children in day cares—this is the heart of canine therapy. Canine therapy works toward the emotional health of people in a wide variety of settings. In fact, elder care facilities may be one of the most frequented types of places for therapy dog vis its. Visiting with elders can be a wonderful experience for both dog and handler! For example, the highlight of my week is visiting my friends at Starr Farm Nursing Center. I’m sure any of our TDV members can tell you a heartwarming story or two about the places they visit and the people they meet. It is a joy to me when my dog lights up the face of an elder who perhaps doesn’t get many visitors, and I enjoy listening to the wonderful stories elders carry with them. And, the special moments when I can comfort an elder who may be depressed, disoriented, anxious, afraid, or ill are ones that simply make everything worth while; these are the moments when the magical interaction between animal and human is unmistakable. Tears dry. Frowns become smiles. Inactive hands caress soft fur. Silence becomes a conversation whispered softly in a dog’s ear. During visits, dogs may play ball with a patient, sit to be patted, do a few tricks, or take walks with those who are able. For a bedridden patient, a dog might hop on the bed and rest quietly with him or her. Sometimes, all a dog can do is be there for someone to look at. There are all sorts of activities and levels of interaction possible—based on whatever the person needs at the time.

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Dogs can have a profound ability to touch and engage people. For example, during their visits, therapy dogs routinely: • Bring joy and laughter to institutions that might feel sterile, cold, and frightening. • Give something to do, talk, and think about other than the illness, difficulty, or problem. • Help people cope with illness, loss, depression, and loneliness. • Stimulate the senses, facilitating exercise and activity. • Encourage communication and break the ice. • Provide a source of touch and affiliation. • Boost morale and lower stress levels. Therapy Dogs of Vermont (TDV) is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization of well-mannered, sweet tempered, people-loving dogs and their handlers. Our handler/canine teams work toward the emotional health of people in a variety of settings such as hospitals and other health-related venues, nursing and retirement homes, child and adult day care centers, correctional facilities, and schools. All dogs are certified and insured. For more information about becoming a certified therapy dog team, to request therapy dog visits, or to make a donation, please email us at admin@therapydogs.org or visit our website: therapydogs.org Winter 2020

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Cassie, Poppy and Seamus lead the good life as therapy dogs

BIG LOVE Cathy White - Walpole, NH


magine that your beloved dog weighs a whopping 150 pounds, devours two pounds of raw food daily, sheds his thick black coat yearlong, and has some issues with drool. Now imagine that you live with five of him! That’s life for Rob and Deb, childhood sweethearts who went their separate ways, but reconnected and married in 2003. They live in a sleepy rural town near Keene and share their modest cape-style home with five enormous Newfoundlands. “Newfies” to aficionados of the breed, (who are many - they rank 38th in AKC registrations) are massive dogs. Living with one can present challenges. Living with a pack of five is an adventure! Let’s meet this weighty bunch: Cassie and Rosie, 10, are littermates. Poppy, 8, is next in the hierarchy, and then come “the boys”, Seamus, 7, and the baby of the group, Boom, 3. That’s approximately six hundred pounds of Newfoundland. How did they end up with these five behemoths? The couple isn’t quite certain themselves. Obviously, they adore the breed; well-known for its friendliness, devotion and huge heart as well as its huge physique. (Seamus is even a registered Therapy Dog and Boom is about to become one.) They were friends with the various breeders of their dogs, and started out by helping to care for each litter...and walking away with a puppy every time. (Two, in the case of littermates Cassie and Rosie.) Deb felt that three was “enough.” But when Seamus and Rob met, an unbreakable bond was forged; and who could say no to Boom? 20 4 Legs & a Tail

Deb’s love of Newfies began with her uncle’s dog, Sam, who stole her heart when she was only eight. Twenty seven years later, she finally had her own Newfoundland. Named Arlo, he was the first in a total of twelve thus far. Rob, interestingly enough, brought two Cockapoos to the relationship; but he’s been sold on Newfies since Rosie and Cassie came into the couple’s lives in 2006. What’s daily life like with a houseful of giants? There’s no apparent pecking order. All the dogs get along and have a comfortable dynamic. “Wrestling” play may start indoors, but is soon encouraged to continue outside, where the dogs have two appropriately large, enclosed play areas. Anywhere near the woodstove is a coveted spot in cold weather; while central AC keeps these heavycoated dogs cool in the summer. All have indoor/outdoor access through what must be the world’s largest dog door. When asked where they all sleep, Deb’s answer comes swiftly, “Wherever they want!” The dogs consume a LOT of food. But due to its raw nature, it’s very efficiently used, resulting in surprisingly little waste. There are no mealtime squabbles, as the dogs are all fed in separate crates. Feeding time finds them filing into their individual spaces in an orderly manner; a sight perhaps reminiscent of dairy cows coming into the milking barn. Life with Newfies is not for the neat freak. Drooling, and shedding what appear to be smaller versions of themselves are typical. How do you keep the house clean? “I don’t!”, Deb laughs, addWinter 2020

ing that she’d have to vacuum twice a day to keep their home fur-free. When the upright does makes an appearance, the dogs choose to remove themselves from the room; though Rosie very much enjoys a good grooming with the shop-vac. Newfies don’t drool constantly, so it’s really only with food and when it’s hot outside. None-the-less, walls will periodically require a wipe down, and sofa and chair arms are often covered with toweling. This is more for any potentially squeamish visitors than for the couple themselves. And of course, there are Newfie-sized bibs. Having five Newfoundlands randomly splayed about the house requires some agility on the couple’s part; especially during meal preparation. “I have to high step over dogs every time I work in the kitchen”, says Deb, adding “They are my cardiovascular workout.” There’s always a party at the door when either returns from work (he’s a nurse, she’s a data analyst), with a canine crowd busy vying for attention. All dogs have some health issues and the Newfoundland is no exception. As with all large breeds, bloat and orthopedic issues can be concerns. But there’s a specific condition common in this breed that Deb wants people to be aware of; especially if they are considering ownership. Newfies can suffer from a congenital heart defect called subaortic stenosis (SAS). This life threatening problem cannot be detected in puppies younger than ten weeks; thus it is vital that puppies be tested, checked and cleared no earlier than that before being placed in a home. Logistics aside, it’s evident that this couple wouldn’t have things any other way. Deb states that what she loves most about this breed are “Their hearts.” They are “devoted, loving, sweet animals.” Would they add any more of these plussize sweeties to their family? Maybe. While they know Newfie owners who have “downsized” to smaller breeds, Rob and Deb don’t know what they’d do without these wonderful giants in their lives. Cathy White lives in Walpole with her husband, Jeff. They have been owned by Labradors of every color for almost 30 years. Cathy is a Boston University alum, with a degree in print communications.

Winter 2020

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Flea & Tick Prevention Is Just As Important During The Winter Months


lea & Tick Prevention Is Just As Important During The Winter Months Many pet owners make the mistake of thinking that when winter begins, it is time for f lea and tick prevention to end. This could not be further from the truth. Just because your pet will be spending more time indoors

during the colder months doesn’t mean you stop. Fleas and ticks can threaten your pet’s health and your home year-round if allowed. Even in colder climates, leaving your pet exposed to the diseases and harm that fleas and ticks can cause exposes your pet to a variety of problems.

Here is the reason why. Even though many fleas, flea larvae, and even the flea eggs will not survive the harshness of the winter, flea pupae actually can. This means that the threat of fleas never really goes away. Just because your pet isn’t scratching, does not mean there is not something lying beneath the surface. Also, take into account if you travel with your dog or live where the climate is warmer and adult fleas can still thrive. Your pets are like your kids, you never know what they may get into. If fleas are already inside your home then they will continue to thrive in the environment you have provided for them. It doesn’t matter how much you vacuum or spray, it is very likely you still have a flea or two still kicking around between the cracks or corners of your own home. It only takes one of those fleas to find your pet and start a new infestation that will grow and spread. Fleas aren’t the only year-round problem to worry about. Ticks and even heartworms also hang around after the temperature drops to cause harm to your pet. Contrary to popular belief, ticks do not only reside in tall grasses, woods, or brushy areas, Ticks can also be found in your home and in other areas such as your patio and a parking lot. There seems to be a misunderstanding that when the winter comes, the bugs just go away and for some insects that may be true, but for the ones that can harm your pet and home it is not. Please don’t put your pet at risk by being stubborn and thinking these parasites are just a seasonal threat. Your pet needs protection all year long and to do that your need to continue to provide flea and tick treatment year-round. If you are unsure about winter flea and tick prevention or want to try a new product to further protect your pet, consult with your veterinarian first. One of the busiest times for veterinarians is during the winter months. Book your appointment at your local vet now and ask them about how to protect your pet from fleas and ticks year round today. For expert tips on pet care, visit the professionals at Lebanon or Claremont Pet and Aquarium Center.

22 4 Legs & a Tail

Winter 2020

Peanut Butter Treats INGREDIENTS: • 2/3 cup pumpkin puree • 1/4 cup peanut butter


trea These are a part of yo ur dog, not . the daily diet ty! en pl is t ui sc One bi

• 2 large eggs • 3 cups King Arthur Whole Wheat Flour, or more, as needed

DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 350° F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat; set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat pumpkin puree, peanut butter and eggs on medium-high until well combined, about 1-2 minutes. Gradually add 2 ½ cups King Arthur Flour at low speed, beating just until incorporated. Add an additional ¼ cup flour at a time just until the dough is no longer sticky. Working on a lightly floured surface, knead the dough 3-4 times until it comes together. Using a rolling pin, roll the dough to ¼ - inch thickness. Using cookie cutters, cut out desired shapes and place onto the prepared baking sheet. Place into oven and bake until the edges are golden brown, about 20-25 minutes. Let cool completely. Winter 2020

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Do You Love To Spoil Your Dog? W

hat happens when we love our dogs too much. When I meet with new clients I often hear phrases like, “he’s spoiled” or “I love to spoil my pets.” Such phrases are accompanied with an edge of pride expressing a desire to tell me just how much they care about and love their dog. While I appreciate the willingness to give to their dog, there

Paula Bergeron - Grafton, NH

needs to be an understanding between what we love to give and what our dogs really need to live their best lives. Some of the things I see that people love to give their dogs in excess are: attention, freedom, excitement, protection, affection, and of course fooooood! Here are some of the issues that can come from too much… 1. Attention: Too much attention can affect a dog’s ability to handle alone time. Giving attention every time he/she whines can result in a dog feeling uncomfortable when they are not receiving attention. This is one of the common origins of separation anxiety. It is healthy for your dog to have downtime that is not snuggle time. So unless you are never going to leave your dog give them a healthy balance of attention, and time on their own. 2. Freedom: When a dog has no boundaries the results are often unruly behavior. Tantrums complete with barking, howling, whining, chewing and destruction can be expected if you suddenly try to ask for better behavior. Another big issue with too much freedom is it can increase anxiety in dogs who are unsure of themselves. Boundaries provide a mental structure for dogs, calming the brain and allowing for a clear sense of success which is incredibly important for anxious pups!

3. Protection: Humans often want to treat their dogs as tiny infants, but this is truly unhealthy. I see people step in whenever their dog encounters an obstacle or challenge. For example when a dog is learning a new behavior there is a period of time when they do not understand exactly what is expected. This can look like fear, or worry. If we constantly step in to save them from the discomfort that comes from learning our dogs are denied the confidence that comes from the joy of attaining success. 4. Excitement: Too much excitement can create a dog unable to relax. We see this with dogs who constantly circle, jump, whine, and bark. Dogs can even become addicted to the dopamine that is released during the excitement causing them to constantly try to engage in overexcited activity to regain that rush. 5. Food: We all understand that giving our dogs too much or unhealthy food can cause our dogs to become fat, but do we consider that we are shortening our dog”s life, setting them up for pain in their joints and spine, or causing them to be at risk for disease? If we truly love our dogs we will limit the amount of food treats and incorporate other treats such as a brisk walk, some training exercises, or a fun ride to a new destination to explore.

So can you really love your dog too much? Well, I am not sure about that exactly but can we express our love in unhealthy ways. To help you change your unhealthy habits with your dog next time you think about spoiling him/her reflect on what spoiling truly means. To spoil something is to allow it to go bad, to let it rot. Picture the last spoiled food you had to throw out and maybe that will help you recognize the damage you can do to your dog’s behavior and sense of self. Provide a balanced life for your dog filled with discipline, structure, boundaries, exercise, peace and downtime, along with the loving snuggles, exciting play, and treats now and again. With restraint, you can truly love your dog into their best healthy and joy-filled life.

Happy Training

24 4 Legs & a Tail

Paula Bergeron and the gang at Good Dogma embrace a holistic approach to bringing balance to your dog’s behavioral issues. Exercise, training, relaxation, massage, grooming, play, socialization and energy healing are incorporated into your dog’s routine. www.Goodogma.com Winter 2020

Winter 2020

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How Forensic Science is Saving Wildlife Catherine Greenleaf

W ildlife trafficking is big business. According to multiple government

investigations, poachers and smugglers earn $20 billion each year illegally capturing and transporting wildlife or wildlife body parts over the borders into foreign nations. Nearly every day, law enforcement officers at Miami International Airport seize and confiscate live birds, reptiles, and mammals from criminals attempt-

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ing to smuggle animals into and out of the United States illegally for big profits. Wildlife body parts like the powder of rhino horns (which purportedly enhance male virility) or tigers’ whiskers (which supposedly prevent tooth aches) also offer a big cash pay-out to people willing to sneak these items over the border. The tragic irony is that 80% of all live smuggled animals die in transit. Even more disturbing are recent find-

ings by global wildlife law enforcement that insurgent groups throughout Africa and the Middle East, including Al-Qaeda, are now turning to wildlife trafficking as a way to make big money, which is then used to buy weapons. HOPE FOR WILDLIFE This is where wildlife forensics enters the picture. Wildlife forensics is the application of science during a criminal investigation regarding wildlife cruelty. The aim of forensics is to produce compelling evidence that links the animal in question with the suspect and the crime scene, thereby leading to a conviction and prison time. A wildlife forensic scientist is faced with quite a challenge. While a human forensic scientist must be knowledgeable about the male and female human body, the wildlife forensic scientist must know or have access to knowledge about the intricacies of thousands of species of animals. Imagine law enforcement bringing a tiny piece of bird bone to a forensic specialist and asking for identification. Thanks to improved, state-of-the-art DNA analysis, identification can now be made quickly on thousands of species, speeding the prosecution of court cases. HISTORY OF AMERICAN WILDLIFE PROTECTION In the year 1900, the United States federal government took the first step ever to regulate ownership of wild animals by forming the Lacey Act. There had been a great deal of transport of live game between states during that era and non-indigenous animals were destroying valuable eco-systems and trampling farmers’ crops. However, hunting still went largely unregulated, resulting in the mass slaughWinter 2020

smuggling of thousands of rare turtles from New Jersey marshes, which were sold to underground animal dealers in Canada. He is now facing prison time along with owing over $500,000 in fines. This case has had an astonishing chilling effect on some major black market operations, and law enforcement officials are crediting several new forensic technologies, along with enhanced DNA analysis, as instrumental in the swift apprehension and conviction of wildlife criminals. Catherine Greenleaf is the director of St. Francis Wild Bird Center in Lyme, N.H. If you find an injured bird, please call (603) 795-4850.

ter of wildlife. Hunters were shooting migrating hawks by the thousands as target practice every fall at Hawk Mountain in Pennsylvania. Water bird populations in the Florida Everglades were decimated for their beautiful feathers to adorn ladies’ hats, and passenger pigeons were shot and killed by the millions, resulting in their extinction in 1914. And then the Endangered Species Act was passed in 1966. This was the first act formed to truly protect wildlife and had the teeth of enforcement. In 1969, the first list of Endangered Species was compiled by the Department of the Interior and released to the public. Today, the U.S. government also issues a Threatened List as well as a List of Species of Special Concern. In 1972, the Marine Mammal Protection Act was passed, safeguarding whales, seals, walruses and manatees. NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN ENFORCEMENT Another big push toward stronger enforcement occurred in 1975,with the formation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. CITES maintains protection of 35,000 wild species all over the world. Over 175 countries, including the United States, are signed on to cooperate with CITES in its efforts to carefully monitor and prevent illegal poaching and smuggling. But the most promising development for wildlife protection occurred in 1989,when the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory was opened in Ashland, Oregon. It is the only lab in the world completely dedicated to investigating crimes against wildlife. The Ashland lab takes on 800 to 1,000 highprofile cases every year and has been instrumental in reducing the number of Pangolins being poached in southeast Asia. Thanks to the lab’s success in getWinter 2020

ting convictions, over 150 new wildlife forensic crime operations have opened in various countries around the globe in recent years, all of whom are modeling their practices on the Ashland protocols. WILDLIFE CRIME DOESN’T PAY Thanks to an anonymous phone tip and efforts by forensic experts, a Pennsylvania man just pleaded guilty to charges involving the poaching and

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Farewell Old Friend

Scott Borthwick - Canaan, NH


ormally in this column, I talk about dealing with nuisance wildlife and the problems they cause. This issue however I would like to write about our dog Kaci who we had to put down this last October after 14 years. Kaci came into our life 13 years ago after a friend’s niece tried cage training

her. She did not like it and one day the young lady forgot to properly latch the cage and Kaci got out after everyone had left for the day. Being a Pit Bull puppy she decided to entertain herself by disemboweling the brand new $5000.00 couch the family had just purchased. The niece’s parents were not amused and Kaci needed a new home. My wife Donna and I have had the good fortune over the years of receiving other people’s unwanted dogs. Seven so far. Kaci was now part of this group. She fit in well with the other dogs and never bothered our couches which at the time had a value of about $5.00. I guess she had expensive tastes. We live out in the boonies which makes a great place for dogs to run around and be dogs. Kaci enjoyed this as well. The only negative was her fondness for Meadow Muffins fresh out of the oven. She loved to run around with the horses. We have never had a dog as vocal as she was. She had a different howl when she wanted out, another when she wanted in, and another when she wanted dinner. As my business grew my employees got to know her as she would come to greet them when they returned to the shop. First to receive a treat of some sort and second to inspect what sort of creatures were brought back. Kaci had a full tail it was always wagging. We had to make sure nothing breakable was in its way. She will be missed. Scott Borthwick owns Estate Wildlife Control. He lives in Canaan, NH with his wife Donna, two dogs, a couple of horses and one tough old chicken named Henrietta.

28 4 Legs & a Tail

Winter 2020

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Winter 2020

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Winter & Holiday Safety Tips Catherine MacLean, DVM Grantham, NH


ith the Holiday season upon us and the cold weather arriving, here are some safety tips for you and your pet.

Holiday Plants

Mistletoe - If ingested can cause gastrointestinal upset and cardiac issues Poinsettias - may cause vomiting and diarrhea Lilies - acute kidney failure in cats Holly - vomiting, diarrhea and nausea Christmas Trees - make sure they are properly anchored so it doesn’t fall over if an adventurous pet goes exploring.


Tinsel - kitties love its magical sparkle and can’t resist chewing on it. If ingested, tinsel can cause a gastrointestinal obstruction, which can become life threatening and require surgery. Clinical signs of an obstruction can include, but are not limited to vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, and dehydration. These signs warrant immediate veterinary attention.

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Candles - curious pets can knock these over. This can lead to a fire in your home. Pets have also been known to burn themselves when overly curious about candles. Winter 2020

Wires and Batteries - both of these things If at any point you are concerned that your pet may have injured pose a risk to your pet. If a pet bites into themselves or ingested something they shouldn’t have, call your veteria wire it can cause an electrical burn in narian. Have a safe and winter season! their mouth. Chewing on batteries can Dr. MacLean completed her Bachelor of Science from Penn State University, her lead to chemical burns and batteries can Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from Atlantic Veterinary College, and her pet be very dangerous if ingested. Do not wait acupuncture certification from Chi Institute. Her areas of special interest include to take your pet to the vet if they chew a general practice and acupuncture. She opened Sugar River Animal Hospital in wire or chew/ingest a battery. 2013, and she has been practicing veterinary medicine since 2010. Dr. MacLean’s family consists of her husband Matt, her daughter Katarina, son Alexander and Ornaments - pose a risk if broken or their three pets: Jack and Misty, two cats, and Arrow, a dog. ingested. A pet may cut themselves on a broken ornament or could possibly have complications from ingesting an ornament (especially if the hook is attached).


Xylitol - avoid sugar free treats and gum and check ingredients carefully. Xylitol can cause severe low blood sugar and lead to death. If your pet ingests a product with xylitol call your veterinarian right away. People food - rich food and foods high in fat can cause your pet to have vomiting and diarrhea. These foods can also cause your pet to develop pancreatitis, which is when their pancreas becomes inflamed from the rich and fatty food and can lead to them needing to be hospitalized for supportive care. Beware of bones in food as well since they can be ingested and cause an obstruction. Don’t forget chocolate, raisins, and macadamia nuts are also toxic to your pet. Alcohol - if ingested by your pet it can cause them to become weak, ill and possibly go into a coma which can lead to death.

Winter Safety Tips

Keep your pet warm. If it’s below 20 degrees and your pet has a thin hair coat, consider putting a coat on him/her. If the coat has a belly strap, make sure it is out of the way on male dogs when they urinate. Salt is mildly toxic to dogs. More importantly, it’s a skin irritant and can cause GI upset if directly ingested. Consider using pet friendly ice melting products around your home and wiping your pet’s paws off with a damp cloth when they come inside from a walk. Frostbite can occur when the temperature is below 20 degrees or if there is a significant windchill. The ears, toes and tail tip are the most vulnerable areas. Clinical signs of frostbite include redness, swelling, coldness to the touch, and sloughing of the tissue. If you notice these clinical signs, immediately bring your pet inside and start slow rewarming and contact your veterinarian. Winter 2020

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32 4 Legs & a Tail

he exploding number of obese humans in the US is mirrored by the exploding number of obese pets. We want to show our pets that we love them, but sometimes we are loving them into shorter and less fulfilling lives. Before we even talk about food and treats let’s establish if our pet is fat or fluffy. We see photos of clearly overweight animals and think…my pet is not that fat! So maybe your pet is not obese…but are they overweight? Dogs and cats with longer hair make it that much harder to detect if your pet is car r ying a bit too much weight. It can be a slight difference and in smaller pets it can be something as small as a pound. What should you look for? Here is a transition of a dog or cat from underweight to overweight. If your pet is furry then I would suggest you go by feel. If you feel your pet’s mid-section softly you should be able to feel their rib cage without fat covering them. Their ribs should feel like the back of your hand. Your pet should have visible a waist (which is most easily judged from looking down over them). This can be a delicate subject. In general people do tend to over feed their pets and it is more common than not that pets are slightly over-weight. Did you know that a pet that maintains a healthy weight averages 1.8 years longer life? The consideration of quality not just quantity of life is important too. Healthy weight will lower the risk that your dog will have pain in their joints etc., reduce risk of injury, but also research tells us they suffer lower amounts of anxiety and have more general well-being. Winter 2020

Body Condition Score





1 Ribs, lumbar vertebrae, pelvic bones and all bony prominences evident from a distance. No discernible body fat. Obvious loss of muscle mass.

2 Ribs, lumbar vertebrae and pelvic bones easily visible. No palpable fat. Some evidence of other bony prominences. Minimal loss of muscle mass.

3 Ribs easily palpated and may be visible with no palpable fat. Tops of lumbar vertebrae visible. Pelvic bones becoming prominent. Obvious waist and abdominal tuck.

German A, et al. Comparison of a bioimpedance monitor with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry for noninvasive estimation of percentage body fat in dogs. AJVR 2010;71:393-398. Jeusette I, et al. Effect of breed on body composition and comparison between various methods to estimate body composition in dogs. Res Vet Sci 2010;88:227-232. Kealy RD, et al. Effects of diet restriction on life span and age-related changes in dogs. JAVMA 2002;220:1315-1320. Laflamme DP. Development and validation of a body condition score system for dogs. Canine Pract 1997;22:10-15.

4 Ribs easily palpable, with

minimal fat covering. Waist easily noted, viewed from above. Abdominal tuck evident.

5 Ribs palpable without excess fat covering. Waist observed behind ribs when viewed from above. Abdomen tucked up when viewed from side.


6 Ribs palpable with slight excess fat covering. Waist is discernible viewed from above but is not prominent. Abdominal tuck apparent.

7 Ribs palpable with difficulty; heavy fat cover. Noticeable fat deposits over lumbar area and base of tail. Waist absent or barely visible. Abdominal tuck may be present.

8 Ribs not palpable under very heavy fat cover, or palpable only with significant pressure. Heavy fat deposits over lumbar area and base of tail. Waist absent. No abdominal tuck. Obvious abdominal distention may be present.

9 Massive fat deposits over thorax, spine and base of tail. Waist and abdominal tuck absent. Fat deposits on neck and limbs. Obvious abdominal distention.


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OK, so my pet might be a little pudgy…. and calorie intake is a great idea. Choose what next? Here are some tips to getting a food that uses good quality ingredients with high digestibility, so they are getting your baby in tip top shape: the most nutrition from their calories and #1 - Portion Size. This is a more stay satisfied. complex question than you might think. Every food has general feeding instruc- #2 - Feeding Schedule. If you are tions for a pet based on weight, but this still free feeding your pet this is a great can vary drastically based on the activity place to start. Control the amount of level of your pet and frankly the quality their daily intake at scheduled times of the food. Every pet can also have a dif- throughout the day. Once you have idenferent metabolism, so one 40-pound dog tified their portion size divide that into may need a different portion than another at least 2 meals. If your schedule allows 40-pound dog. The best thing to do is to for 3 per day even better. start with what the current portion is and reduce it from there. If you are going to keep the same food start with a 15-20 percent reduction in portion and see if their weight changes in 1-2 weeks. If you have not seen a difference then you will want to cut their portions by another 10%, until you can find a portion that causes weight loss. When the ideal weight is reached, increase 5% at a time to determine a portion that maintains their current weight. The goal is to see a gradual reduction, not a sudden swing. A 5% change in weight in a two-week period is good progress. Premium pet foods with higher quality ingredients will tend to have smaller portions prescribed for the pet to receive balanced nutrition. A high-quality food designed for limiting fat Winter 2020


#3 - Reduce/Discontinue Snacks. Who doesn’t want to show our pet we love them by giving them a treat…right? Food rewards will only perpetuate their weight problem. Especially difficult to gauge the calorie consumption for their proportional size are the human foods. You must realize a 1 oz. cube of cheese given to a 25 lb. dog is the equivalent of a human eating 2 cheeseburgers! One single potato chip is like us eating an entire chocolate bar. So even if you have a 25-pound dog on a strict diet of 2/3 cup twice a day, that can all be ruined with an ounce or two of cheese. If you must give an occasional human treat try a small piece of apple, banana or a bite of carrot. Remember our pets most valuable reward in the world is our attention.

Reward your pet with love, hugs, kisses and snuggles. Our undivided attention and praise are just as valuable to them as food. #4 - Increase Activity. The same principles apply with pet fitness as with humans…increase the burn and reduce the intake. Adding some exercise will make a huge difference. Start with a short walk and increase gradually. Maybe your schedule does not allow long walks. Get a ball and have your pet chase the ball even if it is while you sit on the couch watching TV. Also practice obedience, the mental exercise can provide increased calorie burn. Be strong for your loved one. They may act like they are starving all the time, begging etc. Their stomach will begin to adjust to their new plan. Once you see them in ideal physical condition you will realize what a great thing you have done for them. Let your pet be their best…. overweight pets really are not to blame for their condition, we are the hand that feeds them and exercise them. It is worth repeating- maintaining a healthy weight will prolong their life and will reduce their likelihood of painful injury. Always review your pet’s fitness plan with their vet. www.4LegsAndATail.com 33

So You Think You Want A Wolf-Dog Hybrid? Skye Sosinski


here are a few things to consider when welcoming a wolf-dog into your home… Ever y wolf- dog is a complete behavioral gamble. Every wolf-dog will vary in the percentage of wolf content, and some “wolf-dogs” will likely have no wolf content in them at all, despite how they are being advertised. There will also be variation in the breed or breeds of dog that went into the breeding pair. Furthermore, because wolves and dogs do produce fertile offspring, there are also different generations of wolf-dog hybrids that can be produced. A wolf-dog produced from a 100% wolf and a 100% dog would be referred to as an “F1” hybrid. A wolfdog with 50% wolf content would be a dog that would be unsuitable to own in a normal household environment. That is too much wolf, and here is why. Wolves are not dogs. Wolves are territorial and need to roam several miles every day, and the instinct to mark their ter ritor y is much stronger than with dogs. A mature wolf-dog may show increased aggression toward s dogs outside of its pack, or worse, with human strangers. Wolves have stronger predatory behaviors than dogs, which makes them more dangerous around small pets and children. Humans have domesticated the predatory drive out

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of modern dogs, and it took centuries for humans to accomplish this. Wolves have d i f ferent social structures than dogs. Wolves will reach sexual maturity anywhere from 1 to 4 years of age and will experience more significant hormonal changes than a dog would. When they reach sexual maturity, it is natural for them to challenge other canines or even the humans in the household. They may be more opportunistic about perceived weakness in you as a leader if you are physically or mentally unwell. Some individuals will always be ready to challenge your leadership. If you intend to keep a wolf-dog as a pet, it is strongly recommended that you spay or neuter them at an appropriate age. This may curb some of the animals’ dominance behaviors, but it certainly will not change the fact that they are part wolf. You don’t own a wolf-dog. No matter where the individual wolf-dog’s personality falls in the social hierarchy, be ready to accept one universal truth: you are not the boss of the wolfdog. Though they are fully capable of learning tricks or behaviors, they tend to be more cat-like in their response, and will never reliably respond to such commands under stressful conditions. They will never look to you for guidance or boundaries. They will see you as an equal, and you will learn to do the same. Do not expect to win any obedience competitions! They are smart...really smart. Wolf-dogs are active and curious Winter 2020

and will need tons of mental and physical stimulation to keep them satisfied. If you do not meet their physical and mental needs, they will be sure to let you know by destroying your things, howling, digging, and my personal favorite, pacing. Wolves are most active in the morning and the evening, so be prepared to burn the candle at both ends! Life is scarier for wolf-dogs. They seem to be more prone to panicking in a novel or scary situations. They can be massively destructive and difficult to contain. They are not above: learning how to open doorknobs, chew ing through doors, scaling 6-foot fences, chewing through their leash and/or slipping the collar. My wolf-dog is constantly testing the integrity of his confines and has a fierce thunderstorm/fireworks phobia. He hates meeting strangers, and doesn’t even like being looked at by them, which is a tragedy because he is so beautiful! I never thought that I would be a wolf-dog owner. Being an educated dog connoisseur, I knew what kind of work and devotion went into keeping a wolf-dog hybrid. I am fortunate that my wolf-dog, Oberyn, turned out to be a wolf-dog with a low percentage of wolf in his heritage. That being said, I still observe many of the wolf-like behaviors that I have described above and he keeps me on my toes constantly. I feel fortunate to share such a special bond with such a special animal, but I will never get another wolf-dog. They are trapped between worlds, and sometimes that inner battle between their genetics makes for wildly unpredictable behavior. Sometimes that behavior is silly, but sometimes that behavior will be dangerous, either to themselves or others. It is a major commitment when you choose to become a wolf-dog owner. Bear in mind that many wolf-dog owners do not keep them beyond the age of 3 years, which coincidentally aligns with sexual maturity. On a final note, know the law in your state and the local area. Wolf-dog hybrids are illegal in many states and require special permits to own in others. Skye Sosinski has been working in the Animal Care field for almost 15 years and is currently the Veterinary Technician Assistant Supervisor at the VCA Windham Animal Hospital. She enjoys studying animal behavior and dog training in her spare time, as well as spending time with her menagerie of pets. Winter 2020

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One Local Rescue Goes to Extraordinary Lengths to Save Asian Sighthounds from a Tragic Fate Cathy White - Walpole, NH


hile most Americans find the idea of consuming dog meat repulsive, in many nations, it’s commonplace. China and Korea are the largest consumers of dog. Surprisingly, any breed, from Golden Retriever to mutt will suffice, their meat value determined solely by their weight. Canines can and do come from anywhere. Street strays are snatched, pets Alfie (despite collars and tags) are stolen, “breeders” raise dogs specifically for meat. Dogs over a certain height are even seized by the

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government. Greyhound racing exists in the margins of legality, particularly near Beijing; but when dogs have outlived their usefulness as racers/ breeders, they land, at best, in overfull shelters. At worst, they are jammed onto trucks with other dogs on a twelve plus hour journey to vast slaughterhouses near the Korean border. In Chinese shelters, dogs aren’t spayed or neutered. They live in large, open pens, fending for themselves. The strongest get food, the

weakest don’t. Few are adopted. And they all breed. So what hope do these dogs have? For some fortunate dogs, that’s where Fast Friends Greyhound Rescue (FF) in Swanzey, NH comes in. FF has previously worked with international adoptions; initially importing Irish racing greyhounds and Spanish “galgos” (rabbit-hunting sighthounds closely related to greys). But rescuing greyhounds from Asia was a unique challenge. It began when Sharron Thomas, FF’s director, became aware of and reached out to a British sighthound organization, Candy Cane Rescue (CCR), who had established ties in Beijing. Bringing dogs from China to New Hampshire is no small feat. Numerous volunteer organizations need to work cohesively to make this long-distance rescue possible. Given the horrific circumstances dogs were suffering in Asia, Sharron couldn’t look the other way and began to examine what it would take to get greyhounds here. Turns out, it takes an awful lot. CCR works with other organizations, chief among them Plush Bear in China, which physically intercepts canine transport trucks en route to the slaughterhouses and purchases dogs on the spot. The stats are horrific: In a country with a population of 1.4 billion, 25% consume dog meat (that’s not including other Asian nations). Ten million dogs in China alone are butchered yearly for meat. Additionally, according to Plush Bear, “...there is currently not a single animal protection law that exists in China.” CCR pulls sighthounds from Plush Bear’s interceptive missions. Not all are greyhounds; lately, FF has also been rescuing Borzois. (Think “feathery” greyhounds.) The process of getting them here is a logistical marathon. Once the dogs are obtained from Plush Bear, they are then housed and cared for by CCR in Beijing. They go to a variety of global sighthound rescues from there, with CCR determining the best fits for each organization. The number of rescues, governments, customs, airlines, layovers, quarantines, Winter 2020


to China on rescue missions five times this year! It’s this dedication that sets FF apart. They’re now the model that other sighthound rescues countrywide look to in the hope of saving Asian dogs from the meat market. Their absolute commitment is reflected by their fantastic success rate in placing these beautiful dogs in happy homes. Keep flying, Fast Friends! Cathy White lives in Walpole with her husband Jeff and Labradors Harry and Pippa. Cathy is a Boston University alum, with a degree in Journalism.

facilitators and ultimately even the USDA that must necessarily be involved are mind-numbing. Without a veritable army of volunteers and devoted FF staff, none of this would be possible; even a human “air patron” is required for every five dogs exiting China. While dogs travel in a climate controlled cargo hold, that doesn’t make their journey any less grueling. Four hours are spent flying from Beijing to Taipei, where they then endure a threehour layover. Sixteen hours aloft again lands them at Chicago’s O’Hare. Their day in the air is followed by a road-trip, manned by two FF staff/volunteers who drive the dogs to Swanzey in the relative comfort of a special van. The dogs, who are anywhere from 7 months to 5 years old, have a bit of freedom in the back of their transport for this leg of the trip, but it’s still another endurance test. Upon arrival, the dogs are fed, bathed (which they don’t always appreciate), and quarantined (voluntarily by FF). They are checked over thoroughly by one of two local veterinarians, who inspect them head to toe and also perform cultures, swabs, and checks for canine influenza as part of their physicals. The dogs don’t know a word of English, only Mandarin; and they have had very little socialization with people or other dogs. But the staff at FF make it a priority to work extensively with them. Sharron says that “Our mantra here is never set them up to fail”, which means heaps of love, individual attention, snuggles, and socialization for these exhausted pups. Sharron adds: “Our staff is everything. Every staff member loves every dog that comes through these doors.” Personifying that sentiment is Amy Roy, FF’s development director, who most recently shepherded their latest transport (a litter of Borzoi puppies, so neglected by their Asian “breeder” that he surrendered them to CCR) through the seemingly endless maze required to bring these Asian immigrants to their loving forever homes. She’s been Winter 2020

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The Winter Blues… Pets Suffer From Depression Too S

Jill Feinstein

hort gray days at this time of year can make anyone feel a little low. I attended college in Binghamton, New York where the sun didn’t shine from late October until late April. I can tell you with certainty that when I was there, I suffered from seasonal affective disorder (SAD)… winter depression. It’s a problem for many people. But how about our pets? Is it possible they’re affected by seasonal changes too? And what about depression in general? Can our pets be depressed? If your pets are used to enjoying the outdoors—long walks in the park, games of fetch in the yard, hikes in the mountains— you can be sure they’re feeling down if bad weather’s keeping them housebound. Are you noticing signs of the winter blues? Our pets don’t care if the weather’s nice or not. They still want and need to exercise… both their bodies and their

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brains. Keeping a regular exercise routine, even if you have to take it indoors to an agility gym or play games of “Find It”, is essential to keeping your pet happy in every season. But what about just generalized depression? Have your pets ever been in a bad mood at other times of the year? It’s likely pets experience depression, but maybe not in the same way people do. We can’t be sure how our pets feel depressed because they can’t tell us. In humans, doctors diagnose depression through dialog with a patient. The patient can tell the doctor what they’re experiencing. An animal has no ability to explain their state of mind. So it’s a little more challenging to say they’re suffering from depression, as we think of depression. But we know our pets suffer from depression-like symptoms. Because of their inability to talk to us

though, we can’t be sure that the symptoms they are experiencing are being caused by depression and not a medical problem. The signs of depression are also linked to other health issues. See your veterinarian as soon as you notice any of the behavioral changes I talk about in this article to rule out a health problem that needs treatment. How do you know if your pet is depressed? A pet that’s depressed will act differently. So take notice of any changes in their normal behavior. Things like: • Lack of interest in playing • Sleeping more • Changes in appetite • Drinking less • Hiding • Destructive behavior • Aggression • Pottying in the house or outside the litter box • Lack of or excessive grooming • Lethargy • Withdrawing from attention • Moping • Pacing • Whining or crying

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What would cause your pet to become depressed? In pets, depression is shortlived, and it’s generally brought on by change. A new home, a new baby or pet in the house, or a stay-at-home owner getting a job outside the house. These can all lead to depression. But the most common reasons for depression in our pets are the loss of an owner or companion animal. Unfortunately, loss is a part of life… for everyone. But there are ways to lessen the blow for our pets. How can you keep those tails wagging? During periods of change in your home, try to keep your pet’s routine the same. Keep up with daily exercise, play and cuddle time—even if your new circumstances make it difficult. Your pet needs their regular routine. If your pet is moping, try not to reward that behavior by lavishing affection on them. Instead, get them to do something that makes them happy and reward that behavior. For instance, grab the leash for a walk. If they wag their tail and show excitement, praise that happy behavior. With a cat, give them their space. But when they come to you, try to engage them in an activity they like and give them affection when they respond.

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If you use this method of behavior modification early on, you can often avoid a prolonged period of depression. Most pets bounce back in a few days or weeks. They just need a little more TLC, exercise, and attention. But if your pet falls into a depression you aren’t able to help them shake, talk to your vet about meds. Some of the medications used for depression in people are also available for our pets. Vets often prescribe drugs like Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft. Medication takes time to kick in—up to 2 months. But your pet probably won’t need to be on it for more than 6 to 12 months. If you prefer to take a more holistic approach, herbal supplements are available for pet depression. A holistic vet can help you find the one that’s right for your dog or cat. But remember, never give your pet any drugs or supplements without talking to your vet first. They can have adverse effects if your pet is sick or is on other medications. Depression is treatable in people and pets. It just takes a little education to see the signs so you can act… because happiness is something we all want for our pets. Has your dog or cat suffered from depression? How did you know and what did you do about it? Share your experience in the comment section at the top of the page.

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UTI Ingrid Braulini - Grantham, NH


hile you are away, two key components of cat care are to make sure your cat’s health is optimal and their stress level remains as low as possible. Oftentimes, it is thought that cats do not need the same support, frequency, or quality of care that dogs need. Nothing could be further from the truth. All reputable pet sitters will insist, at the very minimum, to care of your cat once a day. Cats tend to get into trouble due to their innate desire to study every nook and cranny as well as to get into mischief…just because. So, anything less than every day care is not appropriate. Cats need to be fed and have their litter cleaned. They need to be checked and coddled, or at the very least, not made to feel abandoned. When I first started pet sitting I let clients tell me how many times I should visit their cats, but as I began studying and learning more about the care and wellness of animals and managing my

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own pet care business, I learned that if a pet parent insists on less than a visit a day, they are probably not suitable for my company. Cats need more than that obligatory feed and scoop. Health issues can abound for any pet. Some seem not only connected to food and water but also stress and boredom. Two of these dangers that pet or cat sitters keep an eye out for are Urinary Blockages or Urinary Tract infections (UTI). These are emergencies that necessitate an immediate vet visit. When sitters assess a cat, we look for signs that could point us to a blockage or a UTI. Signs that could include unusual crying, straining in the litter box, bloody urine, dribbling urine, loss of appetite, vomiting (not of the hair ball variety), not grooming, moping and/or urinating outside the litter box. Distress from the inability to urinate is an emergency. A UTI occurs when bacteria travel up the urethra and into the bladder. Urine in the bladder is supposed to be sterile, but once bacteria reach the bladder, the bacteria can grow and reproduce, causing the UTI. A blockage is caused when poisons (chemicals), that are normally excreted in the urine, accumulate in the cat’s system. This blockage can cause severe illness, organ damage, coma and death. More than half the cats (such as my cat, Pharo) have recurring urinary tract issues. Avoiding stress for him such as fear, loneliness, or travel can help. Increasing his water intake by adding an extra bit of water to his wet food helps control UTI events. A processed, dry food diet can increase water excretion into a cat’s colon. So, little or no dry food in addition to a grain-free, wet diet (especially excluding sugars, corn and wheat which can cause high alkaline urine) are all ways to help reduce UTIs. Since switching Pharo’s lifestyle to more stimulation and better food choices, we have been able to avoid any more issues. In order to diagnose UTI’s and blockages, blood work and a urinalysis will need to be done to rule out any other potential health conditions that could be causing the problem. X-rays will also be ordered to rule out kidney stones, and a cystoscopy may be performed to check for polyps, cysts, or stones in the urinary tract. Winter 2020

After examining your cat, a vet may recommend antibiotics, raising his f luid intake and changing your pet’s diet. It may be necessary to surgically remove any bladder stones, place a urinary catheter, or surgically remove the blockage. Professional pet sitters are an important resource for you when you are away. They are trained in caring for your pet and being mentored by and mentoring other professionals. Belonging

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to organizations such as the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters and the Upper Valley Pet Sitter’s Association help them network with other like-minded professionals. Ingrid Braulini is the owner of Pet First Aid & Wellness. She is a Certified Pet Tech and Wellness Instructor, a NAPPS Board Member and NAPPS Certified. For more information, visit www. PetAidClasses.com.

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Alternatively Speaking: Grain Free Diets – Friend or Foe? Dr. Anne Carroll DVM, CVA - Chelsea, VT


he choice of what to feed dogs has always been a challenge, especially for those trying to use nutrition to promote health. The variety of pet food brands grows all the time with store shelves lined with f lashy packaging, all saying they are better than the bag next to it. Even in our office, we are looking up new pet foods on a daily basis. The advent of grain-free (GF) diets has further complicated the choice especially with recent fears about nutritional links to heart disease in dogs, so it is no wonder that many shoppers feel uncertain in making food decisions for their furry family members. What is best is not an easy question to answer since the perfect ingredients or food type varies from dog to dog. We will try to tackle this 42 4 Legs & a Tail

universal issue in this first part of a two-part series. First, we will look at the history of dry foods for dogs, and how to read labels to know what you are buying. In the next edition, we will look at how to balance dry foods with fresh to minimize the effects of processed foods, and how to tell if what you are feeding is the ‘best’ for your dog. Let’s begin with how we got so many food choices to begin with. Years ago there were a handful of dry foods to pick from at the store. But as reliance on dry foods increased, pets ate less fresh meats and prey on the farm and inflammatory issues associated with processed diets started to be linked to medical issues. At first, new dry foods Continued on Page 44

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appeared in the veterinary office with special ingredients for allergies and digestive problems - lamb and rice! Changing ingredients helped many pets, so these foods were popular and pet food companies quickly started using similar ingredients. As a result, after a few decades, we have run out of ‘new’ proteins to use medically and vets use hydrolyzed (pre-digested) diets for patients, while stores have foods with bison and trout and just about everything imaginable. However using novel ingredients was not a cure for many pets, and the starch content in dry foods

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became suspect. R aw and dehydrated foods were not new but were starting to grow in popularity due to their lack of processed starches. Other small companies had a similar intent, to mimic a dog’s natural diet but wanted to keep the convenience of dry food. It is hard to make a cookie without a f lour binder, but they developed an allmeat dry dog food, and ‘grain free’ (GF) dog food was born. Right or wrong, this feeding philosophy resonated with consumers and suddenly grains became taboo. Dog food makers scrambled to create their own GF diets and in some cases, bought up the original smaller companies to eliminate the competition. But to make GF food profitable in grocery aisles, they had to minimize the meat content and suddenly potatoes and all kinds of beans became a staple in dog food with the GF label. This shif t in ingredients was not based on any nutritional wisdom to improve pet health, it was to preserve the bottom line. Now my goal is not to demonize the pet food industry. I do not doubt that diet formulators from the start thought we could achieve convenience and good nutritional using more profitable ingredients, just like we have done with production animals that eat corn instead of grass. Some still think that is true. But holistic opinion, supported by science and what we see in our medical offices, disagrees. Processing food alters its physical structure and nutrient content and changes how available it is to the body compared to fresh foods. Changing to atypical ingredients and processing them adds another layer of unpredictability. While Mother Nature may have things all figured out, we are still novices in understanding the intricacies of nutrition and how some foods enhance or interfere with digestion and absorption of nutrients. This has never been more evident since this February when the FDA issued a warning that GF diets may be involved in some cases of heart disease in dogs. We now know that the role of diet is less certain (see the links below for details) and the FDA’s most recent statement this July said this was a “complex scientific issue that may involve multiple factors”. Using beans in dog food is relatively new and studies are ongoing to tell if anything in GF diets can impact heart health, it may not. But we do know that certain breeds can struggle to make or get taurine, Winter 2020

cysteine, and methionine from their food, so it is possible that diets foreign to a dog’s natural menu may impact these nutrients and affect dogs with genetic risk for heart disease. Inf lammation also plays a role in heart disease, and diet clearly impacts all of these factors. While we wait for answers, if you have a breed prone to heart disease, talk to your veterinarian about screening tests or nutritional supplementation no matter what food they are eating. So here we are back in the store, trying to pick a pet food. Many dogs do see a benefit from avoiding certain grains or meats, but you may want a diet with rice or potatoes and limited beans. So step one is to read the ingredient panel so you know what you are feeding. Remember, the bag is all advertising, and labeling rules allow them to say misleading things. For instance, you see fresh veggies, but on the list, there is more sugar than carrots. Or the name says “turkey and sweet potato” but the ingredient list has chicken, beef, and fish too. Remember to read the whole list! Companies know that if the first ingredients are meat, they can often get away with less desirable things lower on the list. In GF diets, look for multiple beans like chickpeas, lentils, or peas, which when added up could mean the bag is half beans. Ideally, limit one bean and potato in the top 8 ingredients, and look for multiples such as pea fiber, peameal, peas, and dried peas. Each of those will be lower down on the list but together make peas a top ingredient. As for the panel that shows the percent of protein, fats, etc. these values tend to stay within set standards, and only a special medical diet would be dramatically different. We used to gauge the meat vs carbohydrate content of foods by adding up the fat, protein and moisture on the label – the remainder is carbs. But with GF foods, beans have protein too so they may be replacing meat content more than a grain would. Lastly, and more important for canned and raw foods, make sure the label says the diet is complete and meets AAFCO standards, and that it is appropriate for the breed and age of dog you are feeding. If you still need help deciding what is best for your dog, talking to your veterinarian is a good place to start. In our practice, dietary goals are based on your dog’s constitution, which dictates what foods may be most helpful to keep him or her healthy. We will always try to include some fresh feeding, but dry foods are here to stay and are a good match for many dogs as part of their meal plan. Unfortunately we can’t help with the number of bags of food you will have to choose from, but armed with a little information hopefully you can now tell that you are getting what you intended to, and will have more time to go outside and play with your pup rather than be paralyzed in the pet food aisle! https://www.hemopet.org/fda-updates-heart-diseasedogs/ https://www.hemopet.org/dcm-heart-disease-dogsexotic-ingredients/ Dr. Anne Carroll is the owner of the Chelsea Animal Hospital where she and her associates practice conventional medicine and surgery as well as several alternative modalities including traditional Chinese acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. For more information on alternative veterinary medicine visit their website at www.chelseaanimalhospital.com . Winter 2020

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February is National Pet Dental Health Month Erin Forbes, DVM - Mountain View Animal Hospital


he Vermont Veterinary Medical Association would like to remind all pet owners that February is National Pet Dental Health Month. Sponsored by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), National Pet Dental Health Month message reminds pet owners that dental health is a very important part of your pet’s overall health. Your pet’s teeth and gums should be checked at least once a year by your veterinarian to check for early signs of a problem and to keep your pet’s mouth healthy. Veterinary dentistry includes the scaling, polishing, extraction, or repair of your pet’s teeth and all other aspects of oral health care. These procedures must be performed by a veterinarian and begins with an oral exam of your pet’s mouth. If there is dental disease present, dental work will be recommended. Most dental disease occurs below the gumline, where you can’t see it, so dental work is all performed under anesthesia in order to be safe and effective. Signs of dental disease include bad breath, broken or loose teeth, abnormal chewing or drooling. One may also notice bleeding from the mouth, reduced appetite, and swelling around the mouth. If you notice any of these signs, schedule an exam for your pet. Periodontal disease is the most common dental condition in dogs and cats, in fact by the time your pet is 3 years old there is an estimated 70 percent chance they will have periodontal disease. The earlier it is detected, the faster treatment can be recommended, which is important as advanced periodontal disease can cause severe problems and pain for your

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pet. Periodontal disease is an inflammatory condition of the gum and bone support (periodontal tissues) surrounding the teeth. It starts with plaque that hardens into calculus. Calculus above the gumline can often easily be seen and removed, but below the gumline it is damaging and can cause infections and damage to the tissues or bone. This can cause loose teeth, bone loss, pain around the tooth, and fractured teeth. Prevention of periodontal disease in pets consists of frequent removal of the dental calculus that forms on teeth that are not kept clean. Regularly brushing your pet’s teeth is the single most effective thing you can do to keep their teeth healthy between dental cleanings and may reduce the frequency or even eliminate the need for periodic dental cleaning by your veterinarian. Daily brushing is best, but it’s not always possible and brushing several times a week can be effective. Most dogs accept brushing, but cats can be a bit more resistant – patience and training are important. There are many pet products marketed with claims that they improve dental health, but not all of them are effective. Look for a seal of approval from the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) and make sure to discuss any dental products/diets you are considering with your veterinarian. If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s dental health, please contact your veterinarian. The Vermont Veterinary Medical Association (VVMA), founded in 1898, is a professional organization of 370 veterinarians dedicated to compassionate animal care and quality medicine.

Winter 2020

Winter 2020

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When Things Go Wrong, Sometimes They Really Go Wrong, Part 2 Sandra L Waugh VMD, MS


hen we last saw the Portuguese Water Dog he was 24 weeks and 1 day old and had managed, with some help, to have 5 upper incisors and 2 lower incisors appear. He still had 4 baby canine teeth. There were more incisors to uncover and the adult canine teeth still needed to appear. He was still growing, of course, and it was time for the molars to appear as well. When he was 27 weeks and 3 days old, he had lost all but the upper right baby canine tooth. There were bulges and holes in the gum over the adult canine teeth, but it seemed that these teeth would also need some help. In addition, the lower molars were also covered with a thick covering of gum.

The last remaining baby canine

The pink spot was a small hole in the gum over the lower canine tooth.

There was thickened gum covering the lower first molar.

Right Side

After the surgery. The top of the crown of the first molar is now visible. 48 4 Legs & a Tail

It doesn’t look like much, but the top of the crowns of the canine teeth were also visible (Blue arrows).

Left Side

Dental X-ray of the lower incisors and canine teeth. The lower incisors had moved into a more normal position but were still covered by thick gum tissue (Yellow arrows). Winter 2020

The blue arrows point to the newly uncovered lower canine teeth. The gum which had to be cut open and away from these teeth is quite a bit thicker than normal. (Yellow arrow).

Unfortunately the lower corner incisors that were visible in the last article had to be extracted because they were preventing the canine teeth from erupting. The other lower incisor teeth had moved up towards the top of the jaw and were uncovered.

Dental x-rays of the lower right first molar (Red arrows). On the left is the tooth at 27 weeks and 3 days old. After removing the thick covering of gum, the tooth could erupt into a more normal position. The second x-ray was taken at 31 weeks and 6 days old and the tooth is in a normal position. A tooth has the potential to erupt as long as the bottom of the root is not fully formed, or is open. All of the teeth in the above x-ray still have open roots (Yellow arrow)

Dr. Waugh is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. She also holds a Masters Degree from Washington State University of Veterinary Medicine and is owner of Windsor Pet Dental, PLC.

31 weeks and 6 days old. The blue arrows point to the adult canine teeth. The gum around the incisors had healed. The lower left canine is hidden by the upper incisors in the middle and far right photographs. The upper canine teeth were erupting nicely but the lower canine teeth were impacting with the upper incisors. In the next issue of 4LT you will see the final outcome. Winter 2020 www.4LegsAndATail.com 49

Helen Keller’s Dogs Kate Kelly


elen Keller’s life was filled with dogs. Though she was born before dogs were being trained as guide dogs for the blind, Keller knew what dog lovers around the world know—dogs are great companions. “A dog never let me down,” she once wrote.

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Helen Keller’s Childhood Helen Keller was born to a wellto-do family in Tuscumbia, Alabama. When she was just 19 months, she became ill with what was probably scarlet fever. When she recovered from the illness, she was deaf and blind. The family looked for solutions, consulting doctors and other advisors. For Helen, they hired an aide to be with her at all times. Helen encountered much frustration and vented her emotions by having tantrums. By necessity, she and her companion devised a personal form of sign language so that Helen could make her basic wants known, but she was young, and the process was imperfect. Her calmest, happiest moments were with the family dogs. Winter 2020

As correctly depicted in The Miracle Worker, it was Sullivan’s spelling of the word “water” followed by putting Helen’s hand under cold running water that opened the world to Helen. Once Helen understood that the hand movements provided information on specific objects, she was hungry for knowledge. She eagerly went from object to object for Sullivan to provide her with the name. Within a matter of days, Helen learned more than a hundred words.

Anne Sullivan Arrives Helen was almost 7 when the family connected with Anne Sullivan who was recommended by the staff of the Perkins School for the Blind. Sullivan could identify with some of what Helen experienced as she had low vision, even after several surgeries on her own eyes. Sullivan’s early work with Helen required patience. Helen was accustomed to getting what she wanted, and she fought and kicked if she was not satisfied. Sullivan asked that she and Helen be permitted to live alone in a small cottage elsewhere on the property so that Helen would learn to trust and rely on her. Sullivan knew that if there was a way to build more advanced communication between the two of them, then she needed to teach Helen sign language. Because Helen could not see the signing, Anne would teach by making the signs in the palm of Helen’s hand.

Family Dogs Numerous photographs of Helen Keller depict her with various dogs. When Helen was a girl, her dog Belle was a particular favorite. She writes that she tried to teach Belle sign language, but Belle was utterly bored by the process and napped instead. The family also had a dog named Jumbo that may have been a Chesapeake Bay Retriever, and there was a bull mastiff named Lioness. Teaching Continues The Kellers managed to work out a plan where Anne Sullivan remained with their daughter for the rest of her schooling and beyond. Sullivan accompanied her to boarding school, and Helen f ulfilled her dream of Continued Next Page

The Breakthrough As they worked together, Sullivan signed various words in Helen’s palm over and over again. Helen learned to mimic some of the spellings but did not understand the purpose of what she was doing.

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being accepted to attend Radcliffe. During this time, Sullivan married a fellow named John Macy who also became a part of Helen’s life. Dog at Radcliffe By the time, Helen Keller entered Radcliffe, newspaper reporters often took note of her whereabouts and her activities. One story that became syndicated concerned a visit Helen and classmates made to a dog kennel in nearby Newton, Massachusetts: “Last October the group visited the Newton Kennels. One of the keepers released the dog, Sir Thomas. Though the dog was said to be averse to strangers,

he deliberately looked over the group of girls and walked over to Miss Keller and laid his head on her knee. Efforts to entice him away were in vain. “Since that time, the blind girl [sic] often expressed a wish to own Sir Thomas [identified as a Boston terrier], but without any expectation of doing so. Her college friends took up a collection and purchased the dog to present to her.” Helen was thrilled when she received the little dog as a gift. At some point, Sir Thomas Belvedere became known as “Phiz.” Phiz was with Helen on campus at all times, patiently sleeping through college lectures. Life Continues After receiving her college degree, Helen Keller lived with Anne Sullivan Macy and her husband John Macy, who was now part of Helen’s support team. During this time, Keller devoted herself to writing and campaigning for what she believed. She stood up for worker rights, women’s suffrage, and became involved in the newly-formed American Civil Liberties Union. However, her primary focus was campaigning for funds to help the blind. She became the official representative of the American Foundation for the Blind and traveled the world for the cause. During the Depression, administrators with the AFB established a trust for Helen to take care of her financial needs for the rest of her life. She continued to travel and speak on their behalf until she suffered a stroke in 1961 and had to curtain her work.

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People and Dogs in Her Life Anne Sullivan Macy’s devotion to Helen was life-long. Though she and John Macy eventually divorced, Helen continued to live with Anne, and John remained part of their support system. Later when Anne Sullivan Macy suffered health problems, Helen and Anne Winter 2020

added an assistant to their team. Polly Thompson became an important figure in the household and traveled frequently with the women. As an adult, Helen always kept dogs with her. One dog was named Stubby, and a French bull terrier was called Kaiser. Helen described Sieglinde, a Great Dane, as the most beautiful and intelligent of her dogs. (More on Sieglinde in a moment.)

with the children: She told them: “Were my Maker to grant me but a single glance th rough these sightless eyes, and I could choose but two objects to behold, I would without question pray that my eyes First To Bring Akita to U.S. por tray of all In the late 1930s, Helen Keller visthings beautiful, ited Japan on behalf of the American first a child and Foundation for the Blind. She was enorthen a dog.” mously popular with the Japanese, and she loved her experiences there. And More About During her trip, she heard the story Sieglinde of Hachiko, a loyal Akita (a medium- Sieglinde, the sized Japanese breed). Hachiko lived Great Dane, was with his owner near Shibuya (the busi- to make headlines ness center of Tokyo). One day the man later for learning left on a business trip for Hong Kong, to talk. In 1926, leaving the dog with others. The fellow a reporter named died during his travels, but for the rest Virginia Swain of his life, Hachiko met the train that visited the Keller should have brought his owner home. h o u s e h ol d t o At the Shibuya train station, there is a learn more about bronze statue honoring Hachiko. this amazing feat. Keller loved meeting other Akita dogs T h e s u b while there, and the story of Hachiko’s headline to her devotion truly touched her. She asked if resulting story she could have an Akita to take back to read: “Virginia the United States. A few months later, Swain Hears Canine, Taught Like a well-known Japanese Akita breeder Blind Girl, Say Mama.” sent a staff member to the United States The article is priceless on many by ship with a gift for Keller… an Akita levels, but from the beginning, Swain named Kamikaze-Go. realizes this is no ordinary pet. She is let in by a houseman and Swain writes: ”A New Akita Arrives great tawny animal catapulted against Only months after the dog’s arrival me and I staggered.” to live with his new mistress, he died of “Sieglinde won’t hurt you,” the housedistemper. (There was no commercially man reassured her about the animal available vaccine for the disease until Swain describes as “the color of honey 1950.) When the breeder heard what and “smaller than a pony.” happened, he sent Kenzan-Go, a younger Swain is then joined by Helen Keller’s brother of Kamikaze as a replacement. assistant, Miss Polly Thompson. Thompson Kenzan lived many years with Keller. enters the room and speaks to the dog. She referred to the breed as “angels in Swain: “Sieglinde ceased her gyrations fur—gentle, companionable, and trusty.” and climbed upon the davenport.” Kenzan-Go, however, must have been a bit of a wanderer. There are two separate mentions in Connecticut newspapers (Keller and Sullivan Macy lived in Easton, Connecticut for a time) noting that the police received a call about the fact that “Helen Keller’s Japanese dog” was missing. The dog was always found, but the household members must have been very worried.

As Thompson talks of the dog, she explained to Swain that Sieglinde never gets out of anyone’s way—except for Helen’s. “If we stumble over her, she considers it our own affair.” But when Helen enters the room, Sieglinde steps aside and watches her master until she is settled. Once Miss Keller sits down, Sieglinde runs to her puts her head in her lap to be petted. Teaching the Dog to Talk Sieglinde lived in the household for a few years, and the women were impressed by her intelligence. One day Continued Next Page

“If I Could Choose but Two Items…” In late 1929, Helen Keller was in Paterson, New Jersey, where her purebred Great Dane, Sieglinde, was to be shown in a dog show. While there, she visited a school, and a local columnist named Arthur Dean reported on her visit Winter 2020

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Mrs. Macy announced that she thought the dog could be taught to talk. She used cakes for training and started with the word “mama.” Though Helen learned to voice sound by feeling the vibrations in Sullivan’s throat, the women felt Sieglinde could be taught to imitate sound by hearing it. Work with the dog became a pleasant entertainment for the women, but when nothing happened, Helen asked them to stop. She felt Sieglinde was unsettled by not being able to learn what was being taught. “Mama” Then Thompson explained: “A couple of months later we were all in the study when Sieglinde suddenly sat up and said “Mama! “We all startled at the noise.” Over time, Mrs. Macy worked with her further to refine the sound, and now Sieglinde very clearly says “Mama!” Swain verified that the dog really did say the word. She concluded the article with: “The dog now knows that’s her trump card. “We are quite accustomed, when the

meat platter passes, to hear a pathetic voice calling ‘mama from Sieglinde’s side of the table,” says Miss Thompson. “If anybody questions the story, we are always ready to prove it.” Thompson noted that they had not shared this story before was “because we should have to carry Sieglinde around country with us to prove the story. And she is too heavy to travel with.” One presumes Sieglinde got to travel a little more than before. The Love of a Dog “Nobody, who is not blind, as much as they may love their pet, can know what a dog’s love really means,” Helen Keller once told an interviewer. Even without sight or hearing, she could feel the inquisitive nudge of a dog’s wet nose and sense the love from a canine as he rested his head in her lap. While any lover of dogs will feel that they, too, understand the importance of the love of a pet, no one will disagree with the fact that Helen Keller set a stellar example of human spirit and potential. If she achieved what she did with a dog by her side, so much the better for her and for the world. This article first appeared on the website, www.americacomesalive.com America Comes Alive publishes more stories about American dogs and other animals. Visit the website and sign up for “American Dogs” to receive the stories in your In Box. Or email Kate Kelly at kate@americacomesalive.com

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A Scent in the Wind T

Alexandria Whitelock

uesday evening. In Vermont early November means damp & cold with temps dropping once the sun has gone down. The end of a long day, you sit down looking forward to supper and the evening news. The phone rings…caller ID states “unknown caller”. You debate dealing with a possible marketer…you hit answer and hear the Lieutenant’s voice. Instantly you know what this means. He’s the head of the VT State Police Search and Rescue team. He received a 911 call, a 7 year old missing child… the worst kind of situation. Small children lack body mass and are unable to handle suddenly dropping temps. They also lack problem solving skills. The urgency rating is at the top of the scale. Grabbing pen & paper you note key information about the child, time the call came in, time the child went missing, Incident Command location, and number of search dog teams requested. Immediately you dial team members asking their availability and giving them needed data. You go down the list, then pause…taking care not to rush, haste makes waste. You line out in your mind what you need to do, making a mental checklist and quickly sequence these in the most efficient order. At the computer you pull up topo maps and get them printing, while changing into your field uniform. Remember to pack water and 1-2 meals for the dogs, put your full search pack into the car, hiking boots, extra socks & boots, snack & water for yourself, the team laptop and printer, search base materials, a handful of extra batteries…pause…calm yourself and think…..what else do I need to do? Training teaches you to stop, think, plan, THEN act efficiently with haste. You put your excited dog in the vehicle crate. They know instantly what is up, there is nothing they want to do more than hunt…for missing humans. You put your other dogs outside in the kennels with water and chew bones. You sit in the vehicle and review your checklist. Pack – check. Dog – check. Cell phone – check. Radio – check, etc. Enter Command location into vehicle GPS, back out closing the garage door and 56 4 Legs & a Tail

roll, driving quickly, always within the speed limit. You review what you know about behavior of missing children as you drive, planning your search strategy. At search base, you report in, signing in on the required sheets, get briefed by the overhead team, coordinate with fellow team members and other responders, get your area assignment, drive to it, safely park your vehicle off road, get your gear together and decide on how you and your flanker will cover this area. You call into search base establishing radio contact, and repeat every ½ hour. There is a deep drainage in this area, known to be people traps. It’s decided to search this first…..you tell your K9 partner “Go Find” and he explodes into the woods hunting for any tendril of human odor, nose high, scanning the airwaves. You take one side of the drainage, your partner the other. You watch your dog carefully for any sign of odor recognition. You and your partner scan the area for anything that might have been dropped by the child. He is 7, last seen wearing a blue woolen cap and tan jacket. His name is Jack. Periodically you call out his name and blow a whistle, waiting to listen. Look at the muddy banks hoping to see a footprint – SIGN to searchers, he was wearing sneakers. Up you both climb, your K9 ranging widely as you have taught him to do, hunting for humans. He wears a bright orange vest and wears a bell, so you can hear his movements. Human odor is carried on the air…the dog will scan these air currents searching…searching…searching, breathing in deeply. At the top of the ridge you decide to head NE, to the downwind side of your assigned area. You whistle for the dog, who joyously bounds over and happily follows your direction ahead. You have taught him to be your partner, like a couple on the dance floor. Two passes across the far side of your area, making wide parallel passes…you see a head snap – your heart leaps – maybe? Could it be? The dog races off following an invisible thread of odor. Like magic to us visually oriented humans, we are unable to experience this…and it is amazing. Winter 2020

Vice, a Belgian Malinois Search & Rescue K9

An invisible fish hook that grabs their nose and pulls them into the wind. It is a true privilege to accompany these highly trained animals who hunt and hunt for hours, straining up steep cliffs, scrambling down ravines then up the other side, searching for the lost. They do this in training several times a week, being rewarded with a rousing game of tug and lots of praise. They have no concept of what it means to be lost, frightened, cold, worried, exhausted, or injured. They just know the pure joy of working determinedly until they locate the subject…racing back to tell you and lead you in. Standing there listening to the bell… it becomes fainter…then it stops. Your heart leaps, but you tell yourself not to be too assured. It could be a fellow searcher in the adjacent area. You mark this place on your GPS for later review. This is added to your track recorded on your GPS marking your footsteps. The bell starts up becoming louder… Could it be??? It is dark, cold, drizzle is starting, concern for this child’s survivability is high, so you hope… You see your dog racing back in that manner you know so well, the light stick on his vest bouncing rapidly with each bound. He races to you and slides into a sit – Continued Next Page

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the trained indication that you have worked so hard to solidify, that says, “I’ve got him!!!”, and spins back in the direction he came from, all three of you run…trying not to fall face forward, catching a toe on a bramble. The one with the four legs looking back patiently, while the bipedal pair try to follow. Four legs are far better than two, for running in the woods. The dog stops and waits for you to join him. There, curled up at the base of a tree, sitting on a pile of pine branches for insulation is Jack…the joy is insurmountable!!! He is extremely cold, but has covered himself with a black garbage bag to keep dry and hold in body heat. A head-hole torn at the end, taught to him in the “Lost but Found Safe & Sound” program offered at Jack’s school. Jack remembered what he was taught and knew how to stay put, to ‘hug-a-tree’ and wait for searchers, perhaps with dogs who would find him. You tell him you are a search team, and very soon he will be back with his parents, eagerly waiting back at base. You toss the ball on a rope to the dog who is overjoyed, sensing your delight in his work, wrap your parka around the boy, and call the ‘FIND’ into the team’s search base, which relays this to the Incident Commander (IC).

Alex Whitelock & Iko, an air scent, cadaver & water recovery K9 Fellow searchers in the field hear the call with delight. A possible very long night, shortened joyously – subject found, safe and sound. Job well done. All those hours of training, tears, bruises, hours of driving - all paying off. Teamwork – dog & handler team; inter-team coordination; state resources and other search teams coordinating, all working like synchronized swimming – each part moving in unison with the others. A finely-tuned choir with a joyous sound. You plan the most efficient route back to the vehicle and take turns carrying an exhausted boy down the hillside. There you are greeted with overjoyed and relieved parents, rushing to hug their beloved son. You pause, take a deep satisfying breath, take off the heavy pack, put the dog into his crate with a snack and bowl of water, and return to Command Base to sign out. Download tracks and waypoints marked on the GPS, pour a cup of coffee for the journey home, thank fellow team members, and remind everyone to drive back safely….the perfect ending to an evening. Alexandra (Alex) Whitelock became involved in search & rescue in 2002. She has been a member of 2 K9 wilderness teams before founding Vermont Search & Rescue K9, Inc. (VSARK9). She has trained 4 dogs and currently has two certified K9s, one dual certified as a wilderness air scent dog and as a cadaver dog with the Intl. Police Work Dog Association (IPWDA). Both dogs also work water recovery.

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Vermont Search and Rescue K9, Inc. (VSARK9) is a non-profit wilderness K9 search and rescue team, trained and certified in locating and relieving the distress, and preserving the lives of persons who are missing or lost in the backcountry, remote areas, or waters of the State. They work at no charge, day or night, 24/7 in all weather conditions. Their dogs are trained in air scent, land cadaver and water recovery. VSARK9 is composed of K9 handlers, field support and communications personnel. All members assist in the training of the dogs. VSARK9 responds only to those agencies in Vermont which have statutory jurisdiction for missing persons. We do not respond to private requests nor do we respond to requests for missing pets. Our dogs are trained to indicate on human scent only and are trained not to respond to any animal scent.

VSARK9 members are trained in: Incident Command System (ICS) SOLO Wilderness First Aid Land Navigation Search Management CPR Crime Scene Preservation Canine 1st Aid • Sartech III (NASAR) Mantracking • Scent Theory

For more information on how you can help, visit www.VSARK9.org.

Rosie enjoying the first snow of winter

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Central NH & VT Winter 2020

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