4 Legs & a Tail LK Summer 2022

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1 Simple, Safe Injection for a Year of Pain Relief

Synovetin OA Anne Culp, VMD


ynovetin OA is a new kind of joint injection to treat osteoarthritis (OA) in the elbows of dogs. It works to break the cycle of inflammation and pain, improving mobility and providing long-lasting relief. One treatment can lead to up to one year of pain relief through a simple and safe injection. It can even help control arthritis well enough to reduce the pain medications your dog may be on.

What is Canine Osteoarthritis (OA)? OA is the gradual wearing and inflammation of the joints over time. It is most commonly seen in older and larger breed dogs, but it can affect any dog. As this wear continues, the cartilage is broken down. From there, we see actual changes to the bone and associated pain. Over time this

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vicious cycle leads to worsening arthritis. Signs that your pet may have arthritis include slowing down or lagging behind on walks, limping, not wanting to jump up as much, and even crying out in pain.

How does Synovetin work with OA? The joint injection contains the active ingredient, Tin-117m, a microscopic medical radiation particle. This ingredient targets inf lammatory cells like macrophages and synoviocytes. Not only does this reduce pain in the joints, but it will also slow down the progression of arthritis by decreasing inflammation.

Summer 2022

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