4L Magazine February 2015

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Lauren O’Brien Will the REAL




Fully cultured, yet unshaven









Magazine LAUGH

* Fully cultured yet unshaven*



I have a confession to make; I’m a dinosaur. It’s a true story. If you were to ask me where my “happy” place is, I would tell you some remote beach in Mexico with a cooler full of ice cold Pacifico, a good book and my fishing pole. Oh, and no cell service. Social media? No thanks. This probably sounds strange coming from the publisher of a magazine in a society dominated by Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. (And many, many more.) Don’t worry, I get it. There are several great things about social media, and 4L is on all the major platforms. I’m sharing this little nugget of information with you all because my son finally talked me into joining the real world and entering the realm of social media. I’m now on Instagram. That’s right, you heard me correctly. It’s been interesting, and although I hate to admit it, I can swallow my pride and acknowledge that it’s kind of fun. Who knows? Maybe Twitter will be next. As I always say, baby steps. More to come on this later. One of the most rewarding things about 4L is all of the amazing people who we are fortunate enough to work with. With so much negativity in the media these days, it’s refreshing to work with positive people doing positive things. To date, this was one of the most enjoyable issues we’ve done. It was definitely a “feel good” issue from cover to cover. We are fortunate enough to have the very lovely and talented Lauren O’Brien, or LOB as her friends call her, gracing our cover. She is absolutely hilarious and our photo shoot with her was one of the best we’ve done. The fact that she’s always in character had us all cracking up the entire time. If you haven’t seen celebrities stuck in traffic, check it out on YouTube. All I can say is brilliant, or as our old pal Woodsy would say, “Gold!” I’d like to congratulate LOB on recently signing with the William Morris agency and also for opening up for SNL legend Kevin Nealon. This issue also saw the addition of six new contributors, and I can honestly say they’re all incredible human beings. Funny, talented and absolutely great to work with. There will be many, many great things to come from this group.


The Barking Beast runway show benefitting shelter animals is Feb. 20. This awesome event is a must. Beautiful ladies, great dogs and a fantastic cause. Sign me up. This event is the brainchild of Tania Milberg, who has been working her backside off to put this together. Congrats, Tania. For more information go to Barkingbeast.com. The 11th annual Desert Smash benefitting Cancer for College is March 10. Craig Pollard and his right hand man Greg Flores have been working tirelessly getting this event ready to go. Will Ferrell hosts this event, need I say more? If you’ve been, you know how phenomenal it is. If you haven’t, I highly recommend that you attend. Great laughs with an incredibly talented lineup of actors, comedians and athletes for a simply great cause. Desertsmash.com is where you want to go for more details.

SENIOR MANAGING EDITOR CORY WATERHOUSE DIRECTOR OF MARKETING PETE ROCKY CREATIVE CONSULTANT/PHOTO EDITOR JOHN SCHNACK ONLINE EDITOR JERAN FRASER RESEARCHER ALYSSA THOMAS CONTRIBUTORS Meghan Balser, Mike “Mikey Beats” Beltran, Hilary Chambers, Erika Delacruz, Matt Fairbanks, Michelle Lyn, Taj Lyn, Erik Martin, Lara Miller, Bridget Najour, Jeremy Pritchard, Miles Roberson, Jason Stewart, Alyssa Thomas, Max Wettstein, Steve Woods PHOTOGRAPHERS Lauren Fraser, John Schnack

As I wrap this column, I’d like to touch on the recent passing of Stuart Scott. Like most of us, I never had the opportunity meet him. Aside from changing the face of sportscasting and how we watch the highlight reels, he was an incredible man. I bring this up because so often I hear people complain about their daily lives. Stuart Scott had it tough, battling cancer not once, not twice but three times. Through all of the adversity associated with a terminal illness, he was a pillar of strength. He was a role model. He was a leader and most importantly, an amazing father. He refused to let cancer take his spirit. His speech at July’s ESPY Awards was nothing short of brilliant. His doctors begged him not to go and there was genuine concern that he might not make it. Nothing was going keep Stuart Scott from walking up on that stage. Then he delivered a speech that brought tears to my eyes. Literally. Whether we’re battling cancer, we’ve fallen on hard times or just had a bad day, we can all learn a lot from Stuart Scott. About how to stay positive during adversity. How to fight. Or as he said in his speech, how to live. Just live. Mr. Scott, you truly were cooler than the other side of the pillow, and you’ll be missed by many. Boo-yaa!

ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVES Tim Knowles (Senior Account Executive) Amelia Dolsey, Marissa Goodbody, Teresa Strom ACCOUNTING Jessica Murphy




’Brien Lauren O L Will the REA





n , yet unshave Fully cultured

4L Magazine 1880 Diamond St., San Marcos CA Phone: (760) 744-0911 www.4Lmagazine.com

4L Magazine is published monthly except Dec/Jan is bi-monthly. The known office of publication is 1880 Diamond St., San Marcos, CA 92078. 4L is published by Known Publishing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Articles and stories appearing in 4L may not necessarily represent the views and opinions of 4L Magazine. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written consent is strictly prohibited.






GAMBLING 72 TIPS: Common Mistakes



74 GOLF TIPS: Danielle vs. Kenneth — Longest Drive





8 FAST BREAK: Starters & Closers

76 PROFILE: Talentspot

FASHION 78 Winter Warmers


10 MAX WETTSTEIN: Fitness & Nutrition

80 Kelli Shannon



40 EVOTEK: Pursuit of Hoppiness 42 CHEF’S TABLE: Donald Lockhart of Cusp 44 BEATS & EATS: Las Olas + Graham Nancarrow 50 RESTAURANT REVIEW: Isabel’s Cantina 52 UNCORKED: Vine & Dine at Jordan Winery 56 CRAFTY: Kettner Exchange 42 HAPPIEST HOUR: The Compass / Congenial Spirits

82 Aulani Resort and Spa

RHYTHM 88 94/9’s HILARY: Show Date Picks 90 HOT WIRE: Concerts and Show Dates

AROUND TOWN 94 FEBRUARY EVENTS: Local happenings and things to do

62 BEER ME: Stone Brewing Co. 66 TENDER: Anita Love 68 DISH: Lobster Marsala

86 ALL HANDS ON TECH: Lust-worthy gadgets that we all don’t need 6 4L MAGAZINE | FEBRUARY 2015




STARTERS & CLOSERS Are you the most dependable person on your team? BY JASON STEWART

In the beginning of every season of any sport, the coach is looking for players he will be able to trust to start the game. Once the “starters” are selected, then the coach has to identify the players who will substitute and in what order they will come in. In basketball, we identify the sixth and seventh man. Many coaches only play eight players. The rest of the players on the team are fighting every day in practice to break into the “eight-man rotation.” WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL ABOUT BEING A STARTER? Usually the starters are a group of players who’ve shown the greatest amount of ability and tenacity in practice. They have proven themselves to be the most dependable and consistent among the people on their team. Starters set the tone for the game to the opposing team. Most of you have heard the famous phrases “Put your best foot forward” and “First impressions are lasting impressions.” With a great first impression, you can create an atmosphere that bends to your preferences. I’ve seen opposing teams cower and fans give up in the first moments of the game because of the aggressive way a strong team’s starters played in the first quarter. Even the referees sometimes sign off on the winner of a game in the first half if one team is clearly more talented and more relentless than the opponent.

HOW DO I BECOME A STARTER? If you want to be a starter, you must be aggressive in using your talent to produce documentable results. What that means is you must be able to record your efforts. You should know your stats so you can measure your improvement and identify areas of weakness you need to focus on. If you are a starter, you must learn to improve on your skills by consistently producing at higher levels. Being a starter is like performing with a target on your back. The guys who are not starters should always be trying to take your spot, therefore making you better. That is, unless you get lazy. Once a starter becomes lazy, his position is in jeopardy and he will likely find himself on the bench when the game is on the line. This leads us to another important matter: “closing.”

EVERY COACH NEEDS CLOSERS The players who the coach consistently selects to finish close games are usually the most dependable people the coach has on his or her roster. Usually these people are the starters, but not always. A coach may start certain people for different reasons. However, if you really want to know who a coach trusts, watch who is consistently playing at the end of close games. The lineups at the end of close games are usually the players who have shown themselves to be coachable and dependable in the coach’s eyes. These players have earned the coach’s trust. Closers are usually very focused and intentional. They work very well with their teammates and follow the instructions of their coach. Closers also compete with a level of instinctive genius. They see the game and each situation within the closing moments in a way they know what needs to be done on offense and defense. Closers are not afraid to attempt the task at hand no matter how difficult or dangerous. Closers are the ultimate problem solvers. The best closers in professional sports are not consumed with doubt, and they actually believe they are the person for the job at hand. They charge toward the critical moments of the game with courageous effort, faith and intelligence. Closers are great under pressure and find a way to seal the deal!

MODEL STARTERS AND CLOSERS NBA: Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Kobe Bryant, Paul Pierce NFL: Peyton Manning, Drew Brees, Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers MLB: Mariano Rivera, Lee Smith, Dennis Eckersley

Jason Stewart can be reached through his website at www.ProUniversity.net or by email at Coach@ProUniversity.net 8 4L MAGAZINE | FEBRUARY 2015


FITNESS with Max Wettstein

New Year’s Resolution

PROGRESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY! Well it’s that time of year again, when everyone starts failing miserably at their New Year’s resolution to be fitter and healthier. The missing ingredient almost always causing the failure is lack of accountability. Without somebody or something to be accountable to, who is going to call you out when you no-show to the gym or start drinking four beers a night instead of just two? We all need someone to call us out when we steer off course, or something to at least raise awareness.

DISCLAIMER Not medical advice. Opinion only.



Now I’m not saying you have to go out and drop 50 bucks an hour on a personal trainer, although that would be ideal. There are, in fact, many fun, inexpensive ways to incorporate accountability into your fitness and health plan if you cannot afford to hire a trainer: [ DOs ] 01 SIGN UP FOR A RACE: Most races come with an ideal 12 week preparation plan you can easily find online for free. (Try Active.com.) The looming race deadline is what will be holding you metaphorically accountable, and it is physically impossible to train for 12 weeks and not become fitter and leaner! Most of San Diego’s fun races are in April, May and June–perfect timing to begin! 02 BOOK A TROPICAL VACATION: Not only will you score major points with your date if you invite one to come along, but just knowing you will be seen poolside or beachfront in your board shorts will motivate you to buff up to some degree, even if only subconsciously. 03 WEAR A PERSONAL ACTIVITY TRACKER OR FITNESS BRACELET: You know, one of those FitBit things that track your daily fitness data on a basic, approximate level. They sync up with an app on your smartphone and at the very least raise awareness and in some sense create accountability by telling you

[ DON’TS ] What you should NOT do as part of your healthy New Year’s resolution strategy: Buy a detox kit, start a weightloss or diet plan or do a juice cleanse. These are all red flags to steer clear of. These are fads and gimmicks by folks trying to take your money. You must learn to take a long-term, holistic approach to your fitness and health and evolve it into a lifestyle.

how many steps you took, how many calories you burned and much more depending how involved you want to get with the application. These bracelets and trying to improve daily become surprisingly addicting! They’re simple to use, provide realtime feedback yet are very personal at the same time. 04 POST YOUR GOAL OR RESOLUTION ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Post a “before” picture or state your goal publicly and very loudly on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for all to see. Your followers will hold you accountable and even heckle you! Seriously though, aside from the unsolicited advice you will receive from all of the fitness “experts” spamming your news feed, you will also get a lot of encouragement. Don’t be surprised if you motivate some of your friends to join you on your journey! 05 BUY A HOME SCALE: I actually wrote an entire article about this a few months ago. While many trainers and weight-loss “experts” advocate against weighing yourself daily,

Are any of us really out of shape right now? I’m not so sure! Living and training here in San Diego all the through the holidays, playoffs and the New Year, I realized something. We truly are a fit city! I mean, every time there was a swell, the surf was crowded. Every holiday, Coast Highway was filled with bicyclists and runners. The beaches and trails bustled with dog walkers and families walking off their holiday dinners. The volleyball courts were always filled. Fit folks and athletes seem to move here and thrive here, in no small part due to our climate. And that is probably why San Diego was ranked the eighth “Fittest City in America” by the American College of Sports Medicine. This is no empty, fluffy list either!

I am all for it and have done this for years. While it is true most weight fluctuations are temporary or are “water weight,” stepping on the scale daily

(along with looking at yourself naked in the mirror) raises awareness, provides the most basic sense of accountability and helps you get a head start on tracking trends in weight changes. Also, home scales these days are very reliable and affordable and many even come with bioelectric impedance to measure your body composition and body fat level.

06 JOIN A SPORTS TEAM OR GROUP: It doesn’t matter what your sport is, there is a team, league or group of guys out there, at your level, who love to play, too. Find them and join them–this is San Diego, America’s eighth fittest city (see below)–how hard can it be? Because when you start regularly competing in a sport you love, you’ve truly discovered a secret path to longlasting fitness. As soon as you make it fun, you’re winning!

The ACSM American Fitness Index Data Report is a scientific snapshot of the state of health and fitness at the metropolitan level. Every year, the ACSM uses its American Fitness Index to rank the 50 largest U.S. metropolitan areas from fittest to fattest. A multitude of factors determine each city’s ranking, including the number of fitness centers, farmers markets, golf courses and parks per capita, as well as access to health care. The organization also pulls data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Census Bureau and other institutions to assess residents’ individual physical and mental health, fitness levels and eating habits, as well as overall rates of diabetes, heart disease and other health conditions. After some serious number crunching, they come up with the list!

FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 11

NUTRITION with Max Wettstein

VALENTINE’S DAY A DAY FOR HEALTHY ANTIOXIDANT INDULGENCE! This month’s nutrition topic is a fun one, because I get to tell you in good conscious you can drink wine and eat chocolate as part of your healthy diet—though I suspect many of you already knew this. Here at 4L, we tend to be beer drinkers but hey, Valentine’s Day is this month and your gal might appreciate sharing a good bottle of wine. So go ahead and indulge—after I enlighten you with some nutrition facts, of course, as I have done my best to cut through all the anecdotal, bro-science out there! Make no mistake, I am in no way a wine connoisseur, so brand selection is on you. And if you currently don’t drink alcohol, the medical experts all still say the health benefits associated with moderate wine consumption are not enough reason to start drinking. Now that I’ve got those two disclaimers out of the way, let’s get on with it!

DISCLAIMER Not medical advice. Opinion only.



NUTRITION with Max Wettstein

WINE Wine consumed in moderation—one glass a day for a woman and two glasses a day for a man—is widely accepted as good for us and linked to longevity in many cultures. Alcohol in general has LDL or “bad” cholesterol, lowering properties and is a vasodilator–it dilates your blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure. It’s also relaxing. This means alcohol in moderation is heart-healthy for a person currently in good health with no liver problems! Wine adds in another tier of health because it is so rich in plant-polyphenols from grapes, the most noteworthy being resveratrol. The high polyphenol content comes from the grape skins, and since the grapes are fermented longest for red wine, not only does red wine contain more resveratrol content, but it is also lower in sugar. (Remember,

alcohol is NOT sugar.)

All polyphenols are also antioxidants as well, which means they bind to free-radicals and repair oxidative damage. Oxidation is a normal metabolic process of all oxygen breathing mammals, and its free-radical byproducts are also normal. In fact, our bodies are very much equipped to handle all oxidative damage and repair, if we just get out of our own way, and actually, consuming too many anti-oxidant supplements will actually prohibit proper post-workout repair and adaptation. Also, the jury is still out in the efficacy of consuming resveratrol in supplement form, so for now you’re better off obtaining it through whole foods, grapes and wine. You can also drink grape juice, but your Valentine might not be as stoked if you show up with a bottle of grape juice instead of a nice merlot. Plus, grape juice has way more sugar content than wine does per serving–just sayin’!

RESVERATROL I have limited editorial space as well as your valuable time at stake here, and honestly I found so much anecdotal, snake-oil hype out there on the benefits of resveratrol and how it is linked to everything from anti-aging to treating type-2 diabetes. Some of it may be true, but most probably is not. The bottom line: You can’t really drink enough red wine to reap the claimed benefits of resveratrol without damaging your liver from the alcohol, and you can’t drink enough grape juice without skyrocketing your insulin levels from too much fructose, and the jury is still out on taking resveratrol supplements. So instead of focusing on resveratrol, please just enjoy your two glasses of wine for all the other myriad of health, social and romance reasons, just like healthy cultures have been doing together for centuries. And there are many of us out there (myself included) who are allergic to red wine and therefore have to stick to white wine or beer. White wine has nearly all the same health benefits and only slightly lower resveratrol content, and we saw a few issues back that beer is also full of antioxidants, so you’re covered! CHOCOLATE What’s not to love about chocolate, right? Well, I have pretty much nothing bad to say about chocolate—as long as it is real cocoa you are eating! That means “dark” chocolate is key, not milk chocolate. Dark chocolate is the only form (other than bitter chocolate and raw cacao, of course) that has high enough pure cocoa content to make it beneficial to your health. Milk chocolate is simply candy, while dark chocolate is a true superfood! But don’t worry, dark chocolate still tastes amazing. Go for at least 60 percent cocoa content or higher for maximum heart-healthy benefits. There are several ingredients in cocoa that make it a superfood. It has high arginine content, which is a non-essential amino acid that is good for blood vessel health because it increases nitric oxide (or NO), which then causes

the vessels to dilate or expand and makes the vessel’s endothelial lining more slippery, thereby lowering blood pressure and shielding from plaque accumulation. Dark chocolate also has lots of alkaloids such as theobromine, phenethylamine and caffeine, which assist in thermogenesis and fat-burning and increasing serotonin levels, improving mood. The cocoabutter content helps increase HDL-cholesterol, the good kind of cholesterol, because it is a plant-based fat. And finally, cocoa is rich in antioxidants, which as we already mentioned bind to free-radicals, counteract oxidation and help prevent oxidation of the bad, LDL-cholesterol, so it won’t stick to the vessel walls. Remember again, dark chocolate is lower in sugar content than milk chocolate, so that is one more reason to stick with dark. Also consider trying raw cacao nibs, which are even healthier because the cacao has not been roasted yet and no sugar has been added. Raw nibs give amazing crunchy texture when sprinkled into your granola, oatmeal, smoothie or ice cream, and you can’t even taste their bitterness. NATURAL BLOOD THINNERS Besides their high antioxidant content from plant-phenols, we can see the main heart health benefit from red wine and chocolate when consumed in moderation: They are blood thinners and vasodilators. This is actually something to keep in mind if you are the type who also eats raw nuts and nut butters, cold-water fish, olive oil and takes an essential fatty acid supplement, EFA. Because these all combine into a cumulative, blood-thinning effect, which is in most cases better for your health, it also means you need to be careful when taking aspirin or other pharmaceutical, blood-thinning drugs. You could increase your risk of hemorrhage. But for most of, us go ahead and indulge on occasion, and the rest of the time include moderate wine consumption and dark chocolate as part of your every-day diet.

FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 13

A Seat At The


Balls. That’s what I think of when I think of when I think of my friend Lauren O’Brien (LOB for short). First of all, anyone who can take a stage at a comedy club immediately has my respect in the balls department. As someone who’s tried stand up comedy, I know it’s more terrifying than that feeling of the first day of school, your first fistfight and your first kiss, all wrapped together. And LOB does it well. LOB does a lot of things well, actually. I don’t want this to read like an obituary, since she’s obviously alive and thriving, but when I was approached to interview Lauren and write this article on her, I jumped at the chance, if


for no other reason than to congratulate her and let her know how proud she’s made everyone. You’ll read in the transcript of our interview about how it took us awhile to feel each other out. It’s true. Lauren and I had been plucked from the real world, so to speak, and were thrust on San Diego’s airwaves with zero training or experience. I’ll never forget our first day on the air, Feb. 1, 2010. My first words on the air were, “I’m terrified, dude.” I honestly can’t remember LOB’s first words, probably because she barely spoke for the first month we were on the air. But once she did … oh boy.

Some of my fondest memories were the moments off the air, when we were planning a show, or decompressing after five hours of trying to be on, awake, attentive and funny. For example, LOB and I used to co-endorse Ovation Cell Therapy (Thicker, Stronger, Longer … you’ve heard it. You know you have). LOB excuses herself and steps into the other room, outside the studio, and when she returns, she’s shoved a giant afro wig down the front of her pants. As she walks back into the studio, she exclaims, “Hey!!!! Thanks Ovation.” I died. Daily. She’s one of the funniest humans alive.



FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 15

Somehow though, I always knew she wouldn’t last in radio. Not because she wasn’t good enough. She was TOO good for it. We all saw it in her. I’m telling you, had she stayed in radio, she would’ve broken the bank with her next contract. My bosses should consider themselves lucky she left when she did. Just raw talent, man. I’ve honestly never seen anything like it. It brings to mind my favorite story about LOB. We started on the air the first of February, as I mentioned previously. Our company, however, hadn’t had any sort of holiday gathering yet, and it was scheduled for maybe the second week of February. At any rate, everyone from Lincoln Financial gathered at Phil’s BBQ for a little shindig. Our entire cast sat together, not immune to the stares we were getting from the “cool kids” table, made up of people who didn’t want us there in the first place and didn’t do much to hide that fact. (Side note: They’re all gone and out of radio now. They’re not missed, either.) Mind you, our cast barely knew each other, much less ANYONE else at the company. LOB decided that it would be a good idea for us to do karaoke, maybe to help lighten the palpable tension. We were the wacky morning show, after all. I went up and did my horrible Dave Matthews impression, singing “Crash,” thanking God for the five beers I’d downed before taking the stage. Then … out of nowhere, LOB goes up and launches into “Total Eclipse of the Heart,” channeling the Dan Band from Old School. Complete with F bombs. In front of the entire company. All of our bosses, their wives, the cool kids. Everyone. She didn’t skip a beat and she didn’t even seem flustered. She just went up there and nailed it and dropped the mic, as if to say: “You know what … stop taking yourselves so f’ing seriously.” Balls.




Yeah, so, LOB of course and myself worked on The Mikey Show here. We were both radio newbies, we had never been on the radio before. Lauren was actually discovered by Mikey on YouTube. Yeah, that is so weird. At least you were in the industry. I was just an idiot. You were like a stand-up comedian! You did voices and everything else and he reached out to you and like, how long after he reached out to you were you on the air? Oh my gosh. I heard from him the day after Christmas, which would be December 26 for the lay person, then we were on the air February 1. Yeah, and a month before that we were doing a mock on the air, I’m sorry, a week before that. So, yeah, it was about like, five weeks, six weeks. You know, it’s funny. LOB and I, you know, when we met, I think it’s probably safe to say that it took us a while to feel each other out, no? Yeah, yeah. I was just like, um, I mean, I think you are just the same through and through, it doesn’t really matter who you meet. But I think I was digesting “What does that mean?” about what kind of person you were. Yeah, it took a little while. We had some incidents with like, the recycling bin. (Laughing.)

(Laughing.) For those who don’t know, we used to do a bit, we really wanted for some reason to bring a BB gun on and shoot each other with BB guns and because, you know, it’s radio and that’s funny. I recall one Friday, I don’t recall what we did, we probably did like a “Name That Tune” or whatever. Oh man. Woodsy: Well, on the phone with me is my dear friend and former cast mate and radio survivor, Lauren O’Brien. Lauren: Woodsy! HI! How ya doin? I’m doing great. How are you doing? I’m doing great. It’s really weird to interview you. (Chuckles). I know, I know. This is weird, but you sound very professional. Thank you! I have been working on my professionalism since we worked together. And you still dip on the air? I do, I do still. I’m not right now, but I still do enjoy an occasional chew on the air, LOB. Well, so it’s been, God, it’s been a couple years now since you’ve been in this business. Yeah, I know. That’s weird.

It’s strange, right? Yeah, I’ve been going on meetings recently and everyone just basically is a broken record, where everyone wants to know, “So tell me your story!” It’s so weird to be like “and then, in 2012, I left the radio.” I’m like, holy crap! You know, LOB, for people that don’t know, this is going on our podcast as well but it will also be in 4L magazine. But, for people who don’t know and I think that everybody that will listen to a podcast that I’ve hosted, or be interested in an interview with Lauren O’Brien, we went through battles in just a couple of short years, ya know? Oh yeah, yeah. That was a real, real boot camp. Remember those days, like, I, I’ve blocked a lot of it out. Have you? Me too. Oh my gosh, yes. Sometimes, one of you guys will bring something up or, like, I stumbled upon some old blogs that I saved, I must have been of myself and saved a few of them. I had just like one of those, “Oh, yeah! That happened.”

Well, there were BBs on the floor and we were cleaning up the studio to make room for Hilary and I picked up these BBs because I wanted to do my part and I threw them in the recycle bin and LOB chewed me out. (Laughing.) I was like “Those don’t go in there! You can’t put those in the recycling bin!” And I think you had had enough at that point. I think I was done at that point. We were a couple of caged animals. Literally, caged animals and I think back, I actually found the blog, from when we all had to submit a blog a week before we went on the air and say like, this is how we were feeling and the website was going to be launched February 1 right when we went on the air. And so our blogs were sort of like an introduction to San Diego, and I read my blog the other day and I was so positive, pumped, grateful and I can’t believe this is my life, I can’t believe I get to work with these people because we all, you know, we kind of had an instant chemistry.


Yeah, instant. And how, you know, that honeymoon period lasted for a little while. Yeah, I’d say so. I mean ... it was ... we were on the air for what, six months until Siena got let go? After six months and, you know, when she left I think out of necessity, we had to, we had to get tighter. Yeah, we absolutely did. And, you know, the cool thing about it was there were days that, it’s so weird, but there were days that I would have the spotlight, there were days where LOB would have the spotlight and we were both super encouraging of each other having that, you know? There was


never that jealously like, ugh, they’re getting more time in. Right, exactly. You were probably just overall a much more positive person. You were always like a clean slate. Like it didn’t ever matter what happened the night before, the day before, any sort of tension, you pretty much always started with a clean slate and you were like, “What’s up guys!” And I definitely … (laughing).

(Laughing.) Well, you know the problem, I still stand by this LOB, had

our show started at 10, you probably would have been, you would have been the next Robin Quivers. (Laughing.) I know! I am like, the world’s, I told Mikey that when he said, “Do you have any questions for me or any hesitations?” my first


It really does. We had depositions and we had rumors and we got attacked, I got attacked for stuff! And it was just like, man. It put me, and LOB, it really put our lives into a tailspin for a little while, I think both of us. You know? Totally. It was for me, on either ends of my radio career were like, when we started so many people that were diehard music fans were like “Get out of here!” Remember that one guy who wrote us and said, “I hope your whole show dies in a drunk driving accident?” I will never forget. I think he said the whole show and your family members. I will never forget that or reading that. And I will never forget what his little avatar looked like either. Me too. And then on the other end it was “What’d you guys do to Mikey?” And the whole time we had to remain just mums the words and just keep an S-eating grin on our faces. Oh, you can say shit on here, it’s a podcast. Oh, you can? Oh, okay! Shit eating grin. (Laughing.) We did. We had to put on that brave face and then … you know ... um ... I mean, LOB and I talked on the phone, I think every night after everything went down and we were just “What are we gonna do?” So, at some point it got to be, it got to be too much for you. It’s one of those things, as bummed as I was when it happened, for you to just be able to say you know what, this isn’t good for me I’m leaving. Take me through that, what happened? DO you remember? Um, yeah, I think it had been a little, you know, the mornings were killing me, but then we did hit a little stride where I was like, you know what though, it would subside for these little even flows when Mikey was still there, we would have these weeks where it was drama-free and it was like, man, I could really get over waking up and just drink a little more coffee and think, “This is great, this is so worth it.”

thought was just do I have to be there live? I am not a morning person. I am not kidding, maybe two mornings went by that entire almost three years that I was on radio, where I didn’t wake up and say the F-word out loud. My alarm would go off and I was like, “Nooo!” Yeah, and it always took you a couple of breaks to get going but, you know, I can say this, this stuff that we went through with that show, the drama, the stuff that literally people wouldn’t believe. It was stranger than fiction. It honestly was. It really was. I know, it sounds made up.

And then, um, when Mikey was let go, if you want to call it that, then we were like okay, this is a new beginning and we had all these ideas and it was just the three of us, just me, you and Jay and we were just, you know, we were really just like family members at that point, we had each others’ backs and then, um, it didn’t go the way that we wanted it to. It went like, basically, you know, what I saw was that the writing was on the wall. There were three of us doing a job, at one point four because Hensen was there, too. Four or three of us doing a job that really one person could do and I just was kind of like, “Where does this go?” You know? And where does this end? And I wasn’t, um, I don’t know, I didn’t have the love for music and radio that you do and I could tell how much you wanted to. You didn’t care how much you got to talk, you were just so stoked on just, the station and it was just your dream job to be in radio and I could see that. And then Jay is just one of those people where, of course, he was happy to be at that particular place, but he, Jay, you could tell him to dig a ditch and if that’s his job, he will whistle while he works. And I was the weak link that was like man, you know, I was just complaining, I just didn’t feel like it was challenging for me and I felt like I was still miserable waking up in the morning and I kind of was like, alright, well, one of us is gonna get let go in this situation. I don’t know, I just felt like that. It was happening. You know, the gauntlet was getting thrown down; people within the company were getting let go because the station wasn’t necessarily performing as well as they wanted it to. I don’t know, I just foresaw that it was going to happen. Yeah, you know and the real drag of the whole thing is, is for all intents and purposes, LOB, we should still be on the air together. You know, had everything worked the way that it was supposed to, I mean, Mikey’s last show lasted 10 years and we lasted what, two and a half and three? And I mean, I moved out here, my life is a lot different than when I moved here and, you know, that period of my life certainly affected that. You know, it is what it is at the end of the day, but we really … There were times where at the end of the day I would go home and reflect on what we accomplished in the studio and just be like, dude, I don’t care if you hate him, I don’t care if you hate Jesus, I don’t care if you hate FM 94.9, that

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the golden goose. You know? And it just all went to shit. And one day we’re all just like, you know what? Let’s just get out of here, let’s get out into the world, let’s go down to PB and let’s get some lunch. So we’re all in separate cars and I drive down, Mikey drives down and um, Jay drives down. We’re me, Jay and Mikey, we’re all sitting at lunch and we’re waiting and we’re waiting and we’re waiting and we’re waiting and I’m like, “Where is this girl? She’s lost. I know her. She’s lost.” No, she wasn’t lost. She was driving around looking for free parking. That’s my LOB. Driving around looking for free parking. For her car that like, literally, it’s like six feet long. A little tin can. A little tin can. I know. That is like a thing with me. I have gotten a little better in L.A. I’ve come to be like, okay, I’m just gonna have to pay for parking if I’m gonna leave the house. You just eat it now, at this point. Yeah. But anyway, you can’t manufacture that. Let’s enter this stereotype person and then let’s get, you know, I think that’s what Mikey kind of went for, but it didn’t pan out that way. You weren’t just like, the jock that just like, just a man’s man. There were just a lot more layers to you than that. And I was not just the liberal … ...Ditzy blonde that he wanted. Yeah, yeah. Well, I think that was the first thing was let’s see the fun loving ditzy blonde and then obviously that’s not me and then it was like okay, oh, maybe she leans more toward like the liberal chick on the show that’s like, just gonna say feminist stuff. I was like, well, hmm. None fit into these, like, stereotypes that you would think to have on this show. Boy, he wanted us in those boxes though, didn’t he? Well, yeah.

was funny shit. That was funny shit that other shows aren’t doing and really can’t do. You know, we had that. It was a very like, you know, Mikey had always said, you know you wanted us to listen in on a table in a coffee shop where you hear these people laughing and yukking it up and you want to eavesdrop. You want to be like, man, what are they talking about? And we had that. We had it off the air all the time; we would be out to lunch and those were some of my favorite times. They were supposed to be working meetings, but a lot of times they would be like, we flesh out one bit and then we would start cracking up about it. I know, just riffing. Riffing for hours, and an hour, hour and a half. My favorite, though, one of my favorite LOB stories is where we’re all, we leave the, because you know we’re here all morning and granted we had our own private studio, which is just again, Jesus Christ, no shows have that. We literally had


It was, it was really hard because I came on the radio every day and I just tried to be me and who I was at home was me now. At times, that got too big for him and probably others on the show too, but you know I just tried to be me and I think you did the same thing. But it was always with you, it was like, “No, LOB, you gotta be more fun loving.” And you were just like, “Look, dude” ... what we didn’t do, the mistakes we never made, we could’ve just looked and said … look like ... uh-oh, look at LOB, looks like she’s in a bad mood today, like exploited it a little bit. Yeah, just exploited it a little bit. Instead of being like no no, LOB, you gotta be like the liberal blah, blah, blah. The problem was that Mikey was used to radio that was a little bit more contrived than we are as people. We’re not that person. It’s hard for you to bullshit, LOB. Yeah, I know. I really have a hard time faking it. I just think that if we had started in our early twenties, or even just late teens, or whenever some people get started in radio and you’re just old that’s how things work, it probably would have been an easier pill to swallow. It would have just been like okay. But I have already had an entire career. Me too. We had made money. We had made six figures before. You know what I mean? It wasn’t for us the end all be all. It was cool. I mean, I love my job more than anything but obviously for you it wasn’t the end all be all because you were like, you know what, I’ve had enough and you left. You know? So it was like, alright. Once you, you know, I gotta say that for awhile I was worried about you because I was like, man, she’s got benefits, and she’s newlywed, blah, blah, blah. But, dude, what balls you have looking back and you’ve made it and you’re okay and you have massive balls and I’ve always had massive respect for that. Well done.


Thank you. Yeah, it was a hard thing. It wasn’t definitely, immediately paying off, but I think it was the right move. I think, you know, that first week after I left, I stayed up so late watching TV and I slept my ass off and just that alone was just such a little treat. Then I would go through really little, dark valleys of really missing the radio. I mean, I told Kevin when I left, our program director, I said if there is a spot for me at another time, or any capacity where I could fill in part-time, because I really did love the station and the culture at 94.9 and, you know, really all of Lincoln Financial, but it just wasn’t the timing. It was good because then it really pushed me to move to L.A. because it was like, well, if I don’t go now, I’ll never go. And so you have been in L.A. now for a couple years and you are married to the very handsome and beautiful bodied Matt Commerce. In the last couple years, I’ve seen you a few times and we have blown it out in L.A. a couple times, we had a blast, we have had lunches, we always stay in touch via text or talk, but for those who don’t know or don’t have that opportunity to text LOB as many of you would like to do, so for the last couple years you’ve been doing stand-up, you’ve been doing writing workshops, things like that? Yeah, I have been kind of like, and I thought it was sort of working to my detriment, now as it turns out it’s a good thing I was doing these things, I wasn’t hyper focused on any one thing. I’ve said and I’ve heard other people say before that, you know, I just wanna have a seat at the comedy table, how ever that means possible. So yeah, I was trying to wear a couple different hats, trying to network, meet other people. Really trying to find like-minded, similar senses of humor because we had that. We were so fortunate to have that at The Mikey Show. It’s tougher to find here. There are a lot of different people from a lot of different places here. I did Groundlings classes, which is a big improv school out here, a lot of Saturday Night Live alumni have come out of there. I did those classes and I was finding any random acting gig that I could find. You could find me in anything from a Court TV show that’s called Sex Sent Me to the ER (laughing), commercials, music videos, anything that I could get.


Didn’t you and Matt do a country video? We did. (Laughing.) You have to really dig for it to find it, but oh, if you could find it. Oh man. Why don’t you let everyone know where you can find it? Yeah, maybe I’ll send it to you and you can post it. I don’t even know where I can look for it, I will have to really dig for it. But yeah, any random thing. I had a couple cool experiences that I thought were going to turn into something, where you know, you audition for something with a big name attached to it and you’re like “Ah, this is gonna be the thing” and then you do it and you never hear about it and move on. Is that how it works? They just don’t call you and you just don’t hear from them? Yeah, because at the time I didn’t have an agent that was sending me out on things and I wasn’t getting any kind of feedback. It was just me and I don’t have any sort of relationship with anyone to be like “How did I do?” You know and a lot of the time those things just don’t get picked up and they just don’t happen for whatever reason. After I audition for something, I throw out the lines that they give you, they’re called “sides;” I just throw them out immediately and move on to the next thing. And so what a great segue; you just mentioned that you have an agent. Well, one of the things that you are most known for on The Mikey Show was voices. I think that even Mikey, who did a lot of voices, was intimidated because you did so many. I don’t think he had ever seen anybody who could match his chops. I know on his last show, nobody really did voices but him. I did a few just horrible ones that still make me cringe when I think about it. Then I think about yours and the upper echelon and the Nancy Grace, the characters you created that we got to, you know, this is one of my favorite things in the world is getting a chance to, you know, you’ll say, “I’m fried on doing this character Eskimo Bluewaters, Woodsey, if you wanna write for her, have a ball.” And I feel like I knew the character and I could go home and write for her which is such a new, pretty cool experience for me that I really enjoyed doing. So you have all these voices that you do and then one day it all changes for LOB. I am trying to think of anything that anyone, any normal person, could relate to. It was unbelievable. You had put out a couple of one off, little impressions like on Instagram, which is great. It’s like 10, 20 seconds of you doing Miley Cyrus, which is gold. Did the switch in your head that made you think I’ve gotta take this from kind of a vocal impression, to an actual, physical impersonation? Yeah (laughing). I’ll tell you what happened. I’ll try and keep it as brief as I can. The first impression that I did was a Drew Barrymore impression and if you watch it, if everyone hasn’t already seen it should pause and watch it now so you could reference what we’re talking about. I was auditioning for a show, an improv show and they specifically listed characters that they would want you to come in and impersonate. So they wanted you to bring in your own original characters and a couple relevant celebrities and Miley was on the list, Drew Barrymore was on the list and Katy Perry, Lindsay Lohan. I just had this lightbulb like, oh I have never really done a Drew Barrymore and I could see other people doing Miley Cyrus, so maybe I’ll try Drew Barrymore. So in preparation for the audition, I started driving around in my car and as I was driving around I was like, let me see if this looks and sounds the way it does in my head. I started filming myself, I got in the house and pressed play and you know me. I am like, the worst critic.

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Who’s down with LOB – yeah you know … me. BY MERYL KLEMOW

You are the worst. You are so hard on yourself. In fact, sidebar, I tried to get LOB to do an impression of Adele. It was a Friday and we were gonna do a bit on a Monday and I was like, you know, the story is British, maybe Adele can pipe in and then Jay can make fun of her for being chubby and you can attack him. You’re like, “No, please.” I’m like, “Please, it’s gonna be so good.” You’re like, “No, I don’t wanna do it.” “I’m begging you, please do it.” “NO! I don’t wanna do it!” She throws a piece of paper at me and it slices my upper lip, a visible cut. (Laughing.) Oh, God!

Lauren is my best and favorite friend in the whole wide world. She is the Laverne to my Shirley, the Lucy to my Ethel, the Liz Lemon to my Donaghy. If I could choose one friend to choose to move to a remote island with, eat plantains until I pop, fully grow my beard out and have it taped for a sitcom called Crazy Broad Broads Abroad, it would be her. Yes, she is a comedic genius and we have had some very successful videos and sketches together (see her YouTube page for them) and are continuing to make more in 2015. However, one of my favorite Lauren moments was last year when she had a nasty cold and then I caught it from hanging out with her so much (not exchanging fluids; sorry Woods), and we were both at separate CVS Minute Clinics in LA/San Diego at the same time, texting each other photos of the nurses taking our temperatures, blood pressures and generally watching us just being clowns. One of the only girls I know who can make a pamphlet of “You and Your Flu” and a stethoscope into comedic props.


My favorite now, which I can talk about now, one of my favorite moments ever. That was one of my most horrifying moments. That was the nail in the coffin where I knew I had to quit. Like, I just assaulted my co-worker. I really cried about that, I was like, that was terrible. It was always like, we were always falling over with laughter and LOB would make me pee my pants and she would be like, “Eh, I didn’t really like it.” It’s, you know, it’s good though, that you’re never satisfied. You never wanna be the guy who’s like, “Isn’t my impersonation the best?” You know what I mean? Because we worked with one of those, too. Right. So anyway, I watched it and I laughed out loud. I was like, wow, because I never laugh at my own [work]. I usually watch something that I did and I’m like ugh. It makes you cringe? (Laughing.) I know, I just want to delete, delete, delete. This was really a rare occurrence for me where I was like, oh, that’s kind of funny. Yeah, I was just kind of improving and saying random shit, literally just filmed it for a minute, minute and a half, talking like Drew Barrymore. Just saying random stuff, just letting whatever come out and I was like, “I’m gonna chop this up.” And that took me forever to do, until I figured out how to do it on my phone. I was just being like, “Oh, that take was better than the last one.” I put in on Instagram just to see. Like, I’m gonna turn the waters just to see if everyone else thinks this is funny and I got a really good response, people starting commenting and you can see, if you watch that one, that there is no costume because I am literally driving around with a hat on and all I did was put red lipstick on just so I could look a little more like her because that’s what I planned on doing in the audition, so I was like let me see how I look with red lipstick on my face and see if I look like her, when I make the face. Because you know, when I do impressions I make the face. You have to. It helps just flesh out the sound. When you did Nancy Grace I pictured you, you know, you would go in the other room and you would call in as her and in my mind’s eye I would picture a woman with short hair in a business suit, you know what I mean? Because you would turn yourself into them. I used to be blond until I recently decided to dye my hair brown, which now I wanna go back to blond again, so indecisive. I started playing with all these new impressions that I’ve never done before. I was like, “Well, who can I pull off?” I mean, I can’t do Nancy Grace anymore because I don’t have blond hair. I can’t do my Stevie Nicks, so let me think about some brunette celebrities. Then I thought I don’t look like Kristen Stewart, but I can just put my hair in front of my face. I can do Kristen Stewart, then I was like Katie Holmes; you know, she has the weird little side face thing that she does. So then I started playing around with those and then honestly what was a game changer for me was when I started doing the wigs


and the costumes and everything, Meryl, our friend Meryl hit me up and she requested Ellen DeGeneres and that was one I never thought to do before. I was like, okay, well now I have long, brown hair and Ellen has short blond hair so something has to be done about this. I went and dug into my stash of costumes and all that and I found the Justin Bieber wig that I had swiped from the station. … Ha! Oops. Yep, we used to use that here on The Mikey Show. Yeah, so I found that and I was like, “Yeah, that looks kind of Elleny.” Then I had a vest and I kind of started playing around with it, and playing around with my face in the mirror and I was like. “I’m gonna do it!” Then, of course, it was just a snowball from there. Then all of the requests started coming in and that’s when I started having fun with all the costumes and stuff like that. So you put these together, right? Where was the first place you posted it? The first place I posted it, I’ll tell you what, I put them on Instagram. My whole plan was that I didn’t want to post them on Facebook because I want everyone to be interested in Facebook with some content and then on Instagram have different content; my whole plan was let’s keep these worlds separate. But then my buddy and fellow comedian that you know, Jesse Egan, pumped a few of my videos. He was just sharing them just because he’s a good friend and he thought they were funny. He started sharing them. Well, my mom is friends with Jesse on Facebook because he and I did a tour together and she loved him. Yeah, you guys all went up the East Coast, Jesse and a few other people, so she got to meet him.

So she is in my ear being like, “Why can’t I see these videos?! I don’t have Instagram. I want to show these to my co-workers!” My mom is all over Facebook so she had ammo, sharing them all over Facebook, see Jesse’s and then share Jesse’s post and be like, “One of my co-workers saw you on there and they saw you doing Angelina Jolie. I want to see this!” Really, a lot of the motivation was, I’ll string it together in one video and my mom can be the hero and she can share it. All this was done to shut your mother up, basically? (Laughing.) Yeah! Then I shared it on Facebook and it was a totally random, happy accident and honestly I think that if it hadn’t had been organic, it probably wouldn’t have done as well. I agree. I mean, look, we talk about it all the time. Everything on The Mikey Show was improvisational. It was the contrived stuff that we said, “Okay, now you come in with this take and then I’ll come in.” I mean, no dude, the moments that slayed us and slayed our audience were things like when LOB dropped a piece of cherry pie in her lap and then LOB says, completely off the cuff, “Oh, now I know what Jackie Kennedy feels like.” It’s still the single greatest line that I have heard on the radio. Now look, I grew up listening to Stern, all the people he has had working for him. I consider myself pretty funny. I consider myself to have had a few good lines here. It’s so far above anything that could ever be reached. It’s my favorite moment ever. I asked a few cast members that we worked with to leave a memory and of course that is Jay’s memory as well. It was just so legendary. The spontaneity of it, the improvisational deal, you messing around having

fun with it, no pressure made it. When I say this thing went viral, look, we’ve shared something that has had 400 likes and maybe 40 shares, this thing is in the millions. Drew Barrymore, she loved it. She loved it! She saw it, did you almost pee your pants when that happened? Oh yeah. The thing is, it was really weird timing for me. I was moving my parents out of their house that they lived in for 28 years on the East Coast. I was literally on a plane when this happened. I was really, really busy, which I think was a good stroke of luck for me because I would have been obsessed. I would have been round the clock, staring at the computer. I was really just dusting off cobwebs, I was a laborer for four days straight so I would catch glimpses of either people texting me screenshots of things or every once and a while I would check Facebook and I would see something. Somebody else shared with me that Drew Barrymore did that. It was incredible. It went absolutely apeshit. It really went through the roof. I still, just if I still really think about it, it would probably be a bad thing because I would probably be a little overwhelmed about what it actually means to have that many people look at something that you do. It’s so funny too because we talked about it all the time when we were on The Mikey Show when we would do a new bit, or we would do a new character, game or something. We would do it, then we would run over to Facebook and see what people thought. Let’s say 100 people commented and 99 of them were amazing, but one person would be like, “stupid, lame.” It would mess with us the entire day. We would be so butt hurt about it. I tell you, all the websites that posted it and then posted their little

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take on it or whatever, knew who you were or knew what you were doing, the comments were 99 percent positive. Which is crazy! I mean look, LOB is a 10 so that doesn’t hurt. I mean, if you were a hoss doing it, it would be different. You look good and you’re funny. Guys were like, “Oh my God, she is the total package.” I really, literally, tried to not read that many. I was saying the same thing because I know how the Internet is and I was just waiting for the shitstorm to come, for me to get hung up on that. You’re right, for me, being so positive, it was like I was waiting for the bottom to drop out. I did see a site called Barstool… In Philly, right? They are so hardcore. I mean, they were filthy. What the guy wrote was, “I wanted to hate this, but I just couldn’t.” He said some nice things. But, the comments below! My mom was like, “I didn’t like what that one guy said. Why are you on there?” Don’t look at that. That is the last thing that you want your parents looking at. This thing goes out and it goes out all over the world. In Australia, in England I saw and everyone was loving it. What happened after that? First of all, I didn’t know how to turn off my YouTube alerts. Obviously, I can picture you imagining


that. Every time a YouTube comment would come in, or a new subscriber, I was being getting an email, so I had just thousands of e-mails. I was trying to discern. I just wanted to make sure I didn’t delete anything, people were sending me YouTube messages as well. It was insane. Then, I had an open forum on my website that says contact me. When it comes into my inbox, every single one of those has the same subject line. It says “Lauren O’Brien Website.” I had to sift through every single one. Right? Because it could have been, “Hey, we’re doing a casting …” You had to go through them. Probably, a lot of them were just saying, “Hey you’re so funny.” Or, “LOB, remember me? I’m M1 Dickhead …” or whatever from back in the day. Mmm-hmm. A lot of them were so nice. Then all of a sudden all of the managers and the agents and networks and Ellen DeGeneres’ producer. Yeah, that was definitely the first one that made me be like, holy shit, I heard from Ellen DeGeneres’ producers and the video was only at 50,000. So are you going on Ellen or what? I don’t think so. Which is a bummer because I ended up saying no to other shows because Ellen, they wanted exclusive rights to have me on. Then it was

really bad timing because they already had their lineup set from when they went off the air on the 17th of December, or something like that and the video kind of happened right before Thanksgiving. They took time off which was right before Thanksgiving, then they had people coming in promoting labels and books and stuff before the end of the year. By the time they figured out what to do with me, it was kind of like, “Well, now the video is kind of from a couple weeks ago.” Anyway, no I am not going to be on Ellen. I said no to an interview with CNN. I said no to another show called Real Talk, or something. It was a bunch of African-American women, Women of Color is what they called the show, but it runs during daytime television. I said no to Fox News. It was crazy. Then, the craziest email things that really brought me to tears, I heard from William Morris, which is one of the biggest agencies in Hollywood. The e-mail said something like, “Hi, my name is Jared Jackson and I am a partner at William Morris, we loved your video. We represent Amy Poehler …” Just name after name in the e-mail and my face started getting hot, turning red and I am reading these names and it was like, “I would love for you to come in and chat.” I had a lot of meetings, but that was the big one where I was like “wooow.” I met with them and you would have loved it. I walked in, Kevin Bacon was walking out of the elevator when I was going in.


I am so happy and proud of you. That is so incredible. Now listen, ladies and gentleman, kids either reading or listening to this, follow your dreams because they do come true. LOB, you are represented my William Morris. I know. It’s insane. It’s insane. I keep waiting to wake up from it because it’s one of those things that when I got into radio, people would ask me, “I’m interested in getting in radio, too. How do I get where you got?” My path was real unconventional and I got really, really lucky. It’s the same thing with this. I’ve been here for a year and a half. A lot of people have been here for a lot longer, done a lot more work and I got really, really, friggin’ lucky. It comes at a time where I was like, eh, I don’t know how many more years I want to do this. I already started thinking about getting a real job again, having kids. I can’t be trying to be a superstar for too long.


Friggin’ Footloose, dude. That’s my favorite movie ever. I know! It was my birthday. I walked in to my big meeting on my birthday, the elevators open up, and it’s like an episode on Entourage. The place is white. White, white, white. Open windows. Just exactly what you thought it would look like. I see Seth McFarlane, the creator of Family Guy, chattin’ it up in the lobby with a couple of people, just real show biz. I just kept thinking, “Is this staged? Shut up. This is weird. This is so weird.” Yeah, we’re gonna do a new reality show. It’s called Crush a Dream. You have cameras on you and we’re just gonna follow you around and kill your dreams. Yes, that is exactly how I felt. There is no way this is real, there is no way this is happening to me. Then the assistant comes down and gets me and is like, “Well, they’re ready for you.” I start walking back into the office and there are four agents, there are cupcakes sitting on the counter for me because they

knew it was my birthday. They have pictures of every famous person you can imagine around the office. Amy Poehler’s book sitting right there next to the cupcakes and I would be lying if I could tell you I remember anything that was said in that meeting. You’re just nodding. Just yep. It’s just so incredible. It ended with an, “Alright, well, we’re really excited about this.” I literally left the meeting and I didn’t know if I had signed with them or not. I don’t know what this means. I don’t know what just happened. We shook hands, but it wasn’t … Yeah, they don’t just slide you a piece of paper or something … Yeah, it’s just like, we’re doing this. Then it’s just like, you know, I think that just happened. Then, the very next day, my meetings start getting scheduled. So you are represented by William Morris? I am.

Forget that. Well, that was going to be the conversation I was going to have with myself in 2015. I have to reevaluate, what are my goals here? What do I want to accomplish this year? How long am I gonna be doing this for? Then that happened. Again, I keep talking about all the times I have cried. I met with the Happy Madison people; for people who don’t know, it is Adam Sandler’s production company, which are my favorite comedic movies of all time. My favorite comedic actor of all time and I’m in his office and I’m looking at his memorabilia, his pictures. He didn’t come to the meeting, but just knowing that he had sat in there and came up with ideas, signed deals, I just started crying. I just started crying before the meeting even started. When they walked in I was like, “Hi.” That to me is like The Deftones calling me and saying, “Hey Woodsy, I know you’re a big fan. Do you want to produce our next record and hang out with us when we play?” It’s so far above any expectation. It’s also a great lesson in that good things really do happen to good people. It just goes to show you. I’m just blown away, LOB. You met with Happy Madison. Now, you have an agency. You are no longer ... I mean, things are happening where you don’t have to go out and chase anymore? In some ways, more than ever, people are like, “Okay, so what you got?” “Well, I’ve been working on this pilot, it’s like this and that…” “Okay. Next.” “What do you mean next?” It is like people are looking at me to be, “You obviously wrote all that stuff you had on the video and you’re a writer, so what else do you have?” Okay, so I have to tighten up a little bit. Which I did a lot over the holidays. Right now is real, real preliminary and none of these meetings are specific. They’re just meetings and introductions. I have always taken

FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 25

life this way. Where even if this lasts for six months, or even if this only lasts for a year, it’s always going to be amazing that I get to look back and say how cool that I got to do that? When the video got to where it was, I was like all these agents could change their minds when I sit down with them. But, how cool that they even e-mailed me. When I went to Happy Madison it was on the Paramount lot, which is a place I used to drive by when I lived in Hollywood, every day, looking at it like I wanna be in there, I wanna be in there. For the gates to open up and get to go on and have a pass waiting there with my name on it like, “Paramount welcomes you” ... I mean, how cool. Nothing compares to how cool is this. I am really just trying to take every step to like, how cool is this and how lucky I am. It’s crazy. It’s one of those words of advice, just take it in. One of the things that I have always loved about working with you is that we learned in a lot of cases of what not to do. I think both of us were like, okay, let’s keep a level head. I think that has really served you well moving forward. LOB was a stand-up comedian, a waitress at one time. Three weeks before we were on the radio, I was a recruiter. The next thing you know, a week after we’re on the air, there are 500 people at a meet and greet waiting to get our autograph. We’re looking at each other kind of going, “What’s going on?” The cool thing is that I am in the position I want to be in, you are obviously in the position you want to be in, and we both kind of pinch ourselves every day like holy smokes. We learned what not to do in that respect, of let’s not take ourselves too seriously at the end of the day. And that’s one thing I’m seeing from going into these offices; people are sitting in their cubicle and they work for HBO, but they’re still just sitting in their cubicle answering their phones. Whatever industry, whatever job it is that you do, it’s all what we end up doing to pay the bills. And hopefully, if we’re really, really lucky, we get to also love what


we do while paying the bills. But you see. You see those inner workings and you’re like, “You know, Kevin Bacon was just going to a meeting, too. Same place I was.” He has to put his rubbers on and his slickers and go to his meeting at William Morris. With, who also represents LOB, which is just so awesome. Alright, so you’ve got all these meetings. You’re still doing stand-up, right? Still doing stand-up. In fact, after I get off the phone I have to shower and get going over to Irvine Improv tonight. I am doing a show there at 10 o’clock. I found out that they put me as the main name on there, which is just ridiculous. I am on there with people who are much more experienced and, I think, funnier than me. I haven’t really been doing stand-up a whole ton, I’m a little rusty. But, I just recently got invited to open for Kevin Nealon. I heard about this. And this is what I wanted to ask you, then I’ll let you go because I know you’ve got to prepare. You are opening for Kevin Nealon ... Kevin Freaking Nealon. Where and when? Yes. It is American Comedy Co., which is down in the Gaslamp, here in San Diego. It’s January 23rd, 24th and 25th. Two Friday shows at 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., two Saturday shows at 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. and then a Sunday show at 8 p.m. I will be there for one of them, at least. Yeah, I assume that they know he is going to sell out that weekend and that is why they tapped on another show. So I would, depending on how many people listen to this, I would get those tickets right away because I am assuming he is going to sell out. I can’t wait to meet him because he just seems like he is just the nicest, coolest guy.

I met him. I met him at a bar once! Oh, you did? Yeah, I met him at a bar in Addison, Texas. We were sitting there for happy hour and he was going to play at this comedy place across the street. He was in there, this place called Sherlocks, I think. He was having drinks and dinner and, you know me, I just walked right up and was like, “DUDE! I love you man! Kevin Nealon. Super, super nice dude. He seems like it. He brings his own feature with him on the road. I’ll be the opening act, then there will be a feature and then it will be him. His stand-up is so funny that I’m just excited that I get a front row seat to go see him. I can’t wait. I definitely will, if you are free to grab lunch or dinner or something, then we can do that. LOB, much continued success, keep up the great work and we love you and are just so proud of you. And we will see you at the American Comedy Co., my dear. And on the cover of 4L Magazine. Now you know you’ve made it! I know! We did that shoot the other day and it’s gonna be really cool. I hope it ends up even better than I imagine because it’s a really cool concept. Just keep kicking ass, LOB. It’s so good to hear as dark of days as we both faced, that we are both sitting here, me interviewing you, for your cover story, for my podcast here at FM 94.9. I’m writing the cover story. You know, they asked me and I was like yeah, no brainer. Done deal. I’m just so proud of you, I can’t tell you enough. You’re such a genuinely nice and good person and just to see everything that has happened and to see you come through it is pretty remarkable, my dear. Keep up the good work, we will see you in San Diego real soon. Sounds good! Love you!


There’s not enough room in this magazine to share all of the hysterical LOB stories. Seriously. This is the girl who recorded a very sultry “Santa Baby” on her computer for her boyfriend. In the bathroom. This is a girl who got her first headshots off of Craigslist. For free. By some random guy in his apartment in Oceanside. I solicited Facebook for some of her fans’ favorite memories and besides all of the funny stories, a former listener, Amy Quintero, summed it up so well: “Too many on air stories. The list could go on and on, but what really sticks out for me was when I first met her in person. She was kind, friendly and approachable. She has a little girl innocence about her but in a grown up body with a grown up mouth. She’s genuine and the world needs more LOBs.” I couldn’t agree more, Amy. But you forgot one very important thing. Balls. She’s got balls. FEBRUARY 2015 | 4L MAGAZINE 27


Maybe in the past few years, you’ve had your wallet assaulted by the prix-fixe menu at that new restaurant she loves. Or maybe you went frantic, hopping from store to store to get that last teddy bear and box of chocolates that have sadly been sitting on the shelf since the day after New Year’s. Fear not, gentlemen, we’ve got more than a few fantastic ideas for the lucky lady in your life you’re either newly dating, happily married to or maybe just somewhere in between …


777 G St., San Diego | (619) 888-4713 Cost: $$ Not quite your girlfriend but more than just a friend? Keep it laid back and fun with a drink or two at one of San Diego’s hidden speakeasies. Don’t forget to text for a reservation in advance because the 32-seat bar is always busy.



4864 Cass St., San Diego (Pacific Beach) Cost: $$


No need to hop on a plane for an authentic Italian meal, just drive down to PB’s neighborhood gem. It’s upscale without the pretentious servers. I’m no Italian expert, but they serve up a mean Ravioli Rossi. Make sure to save room for the Pope’s Pillow dessert. It might not get you into heaven, but it’ll taste like you’re already there.

Cost: $59.95 for three meals Got a busy schedule and no time to make it to the grocery store? Blue Apron lets you be chef without all the hassle. Delivered right to your door, you’ll receive a box of fresh ingredients (already measured out for you) and step-by-step directions … with pictures! Next thing you know, she’ll be calling you Chef Boyardee.


1775 Garnet Ave., San Diego Cost: $-$$ This might sound casual, but with a bring your own wine policy, drop some cash on a nice bottle of her favorite wine, grab a seat at Fish Shop’s outdoor fire pit and treat her to some oysters. You know what they say about outdoor fire pits.


GEORGE’S AT THE COVE 1250 Prospect St., La Jolla Cost: $$$

Skip the prix-fixe menu and order the Mexican Bay Scallop Ceviche and Sesame Crusted Tombo. And if your lady gets chilly on their outdoor rooftop deck, there’s an easy request for a blanket for you two to cozy on up. Remember to keep it G-rated … you’re still in public.




Valle de Guadalupe, Mexico Cost: $$$

Turn Valentine’s Day into Valentine’s Weekend and whisk her down to Baja’s Valle de Guadalupe for a Mexican retreat at the Hotel Boutique. Enjoy wine tasting or horseback riding through the surrounding valley. At night, top it off with a dinner at Deckman’s en el Mogor. Now open year round, the al fresco set up allows guests to watch owner Drew Deckman and his staff prepare meals from his open air kitchen. Deckman’s farm-to-table menu features dinner delicacies such as the sea bass tartar with sesame and ginger and gooseneck barnacle tempura made from organic and locally grown ingredients.


2990 Murphy Canyon Road, San Diego Cost: $ Not the mushy-gushy type? You’re positive she’s actually the kind of woman who would appreciate an unconventional date night, especially on Valentine’s Day. Take her out to Stadium Golf for a fun night out at the driving range! And maybe she’s looking for a different type of diamond … after the driving range, you two can head over to the center’s batting cages for practice–and to prevent striking out in love this year.


1010 Santa Clara Place, San Diego Cost: prices vary We’re spoiled enough as it is with our weather here in San Diego, but we all know February is not the best time to go for a dip. Though it may be too cold to jump in the bay, take her for the next best thing on the water: a Valentine’s hot tub cruise! (Time machine is not included.)


17550 Bernardo Oaks Drive, San Diego Cost: $ 452 for Valentine’s Day package (2 nights) Surprise her with a staycation at the luxurious Rancho Bernardo Inn. The Valentine’s Day package includes lodging, sparkling wine and chocolate truffles upon arrival, dinner at AVANT and a s’mores-making kit. Really, who could say no to s’mores?

FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 29



1111 Fort Stockton Dr., Suite #G, San Diego Cost: $99


Okay, so she’s the girlie type. Pamper her with a hydrating facial so she gets that Valentine’s Day sparkle, regardless if you even know what a hydrating facial is. Her skin will love the moisturizing treatment that will leave her with a fresh, radiant glow. Again, I understand if you’re confused, but shhh ... just buy it.

3837 30th St. or 7475 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego Cost: prices vary

Did you and your girlfriend just move into your first apartment together? Having trouble deciding how to decorate that blank wall space? Arguing over the room looking too much like a man cave? Pack up the neon Miller Lite sign and head over to George’s Camera. She’ll go gaga over a blown up canvas photo of the two of you from your most recent trip.



She likes jewelry but you’re not ready to put a ring on it: Never fear. Jet Set Candy has got you covered with a San Diego travel charm (in gold or silver) that can be made into a necklace or bracelet. It’s like magic: giving her two gifts for the price of one.

What woman doesn’t love a makeover? Eyelash extensions aren’t just for celebrities anymore. Set her up with an appointment at Blink Lash Boutique for your gal to add some subtle sexiness to her look. Expert tip: Give her this as an early V-Day gift so she can use it prior to that romantic dinner you’ve got planned.

MyJetSetCandy.com Cost: $98


337 South Cedros Ave., Solana Beach Cost: $149


ALEX & ANI AlexAndAni.com Cost: $32

Do you have that hardcore sports fan girlfriend who already has every San Diego Chargers themed jersey, hat, keychain, bumper sticker, phone case, sweatshirt, socks, water bottle, etc.? To add to her collection, gift her with an Alex & Ani Chargers charm bracelet. Soon enough, it’ll become her game day good luck charm.


7853 Herschel Ave., La Jolla Cost: $100 Instead of picking from the thousands of perfumes at the department store, sign her up with a class at Tijon for her to create her own fragrance. I know what you’re thinking: “But she’ll think I’m telling her she smells!” Get over your gift-giving fear; trust me, she’ll love it.


TrashyChicJewelry.com Cost: $38 “Timeless treasures” designed and created using finds amongst new and reclaimed brass, silver, gold and various metals. Trashy Chic Jewelry is designed for those with a conscious and imaginative heart. Appreciating the story and process behind each Trashy Chic piece of jewelry is what sets the work apart.

FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 31


From cage-side to runway, photographer James Law has captured some of the most gruesome, artistic and elegant images over the past decade. Law’s passion for iconic photography paired with his intelligence, work ethic and charisma have led him to collaborate with some of the leading artists in the world, shooting for top names such as Pharrell, James Franco and serving as the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) photo director.

“I’d always loved visual arts and artistic expression, but I never really found my outlet for it,” he said.

Born in San Diego, Law’s interest in the arts seeded as a student at UCSD.

“That is how I wanted my life to look,” he said.


His enthusiasm lacked direction until 2006, when Law came across a blog by a UCSD exchange student from Sweden that was dedicated to photography. Law remembers staring at the website, struck by the images and wanting to know more.


Power Behind the Lens

Shortly after, Law began experimenting with photo equipment and networking with photographers from The Daily Aztec, the campus newspaper. On his buddy’s birthday, Law came to a life-changing realization after an experimental shoot involving his goofy friends, a bottle of Dom Pérignon and a BMW. “That was when I realized when you have a camera, you have a little bit of power and a little bit of authority,” he said. With an equal interest in the arts and sports, Law took his camera down to a local MMA show. He sat cage-side and took what he described as some “pretty horrible shots.” Well, they weren’t that bad, because soon enough Law’s photos were picked up by the Union-Tribune. During the next two years, Law would shoot five additional fights before joining the photography front at the UFC. His day job at a start up advertising company funded his love for photography on the weekends. He began traveling, following upcoming fights and big name competitors. With a degree from UCSD, he managed to balance photography projects and his growing start-up company. Eventually, headhunters tracked him down and offered a promising business manager position at another company. “That was when I had to make a choice. Do I want to be a photographer or do I want to be in business? Do I want to crease my khakis down the middle or do I do what I want?” Law said it was a difficult decision to make. He consulted with his long-time friend and well known San Diego photographer Tim King, who gave him simple and direct advice. “James, leap in!” At 28, Law ventured into professional photography, where his work was beginning to take notice and led to the development of his own promotional company.

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The Kick He continued his relationship with the UFC and on Feb. 16, 2011, he took a photo that would forever shape his future. According to Law, the front kick from Anderson Silva directly to Vitor Belfort’s face was “one of the most memorable events and I was grateful to be working under the heavy.com banner.” He continues, “That photo was used all over the world, in video games, magazines, commercials, cereal boxes, lunch boxes, sides of buses, you name it.” In the days to follow, phone calls flooded in from Getty Images and the UFC. “From that moment, I went from being a casual shooter to someone on the radar,” Law said.


Working with the UFC was an amazing platform to launch from. He served as the UFC photo director for two years and found himself networking with high level photographers from across the globe. “I got to be a part of it because I was producing these shoots and also shooting alongside them.” Law ventured creatively outside fight sports and reached out to En Noir, a men’s clothing line he admired and wanted to shoot for. After nearly a year of emails, the company finally booked him a three-day shoot for their new look book and campaign. He came in guns blazin,’ with nearly $110,000 worth of photo equipment and a keen eye for how to make this shoot a success.


FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 35

Small Risks, Big Changes “It’s funny to see how really small moments and small risks that you take with people who are doing stuff that you admire, turn into huge, life-changing opportunities,” Law said. As a result of this shoot, Law worked with a variety of designers including Daniel Arsham, an established visual artist living in New York City. Law and Arsham were a natural fit from the start, both favoring black and white photography and the monochromatic arts. Arsham teamed up with Law on a number of projects last year, including Pharrell’s shoot for Cultured Magazine and James Franco’s role in a nine-part, short-film series called Future Relic. The cover for Cultured Magazine with Pharrell Williams was later featured in Complex, Hypebeast, The New York Times and TMag. “It’s interesting to see how Pharrell’s presence affects everyone else,” Law said of his first introduction to the megastar. “One of the things that really struck me was how down to earth he is. When he starts talking to you, it feels like he’s been there for the past two hours.” You would think working with such a high level of fame would’ve intimidated Law, but in contrast he found Pharrell’s presence calming and insightful. “His artistic process is always firing. I learned a very valuable lesson that day: to keep yourself really present. When you are with somebody and you have their attention and they have yours, to pay your respects and not be intimidated by a large crowd.”



James Franco vs. Pharrell Naturally, with so much experience cage-side, we had to ask one very important question: If we put Franco and Pharrell, two multi-talented stars, up against each other in a UFC fight, who’s going down? It wasn’t an easy decision but ultimately Law sided with the “Happy” hit maker. “I think that Pharrell would come out as the victor because … well, I think he’s immortal. Have you looked at the guy? He hasn’t aged in forever!”

The Future With his most recent work now featured in Harper’s Bazaar, Law says his biggest goal is to remain humble through so many life-changing moments. “I think humility can start to go away with certain accomplishments you’ve got under your belt. Some people are so authoritarian about what they do, what they use and what they’ve done. But that just takes the luster and coolness, the wonder and the fun away from having this as a job and having this as a lifestyle. So I want to keep having fun, keep exploring and learning and shoot with really fun people, beautiful minds and great talent.” While Law says he does not always see eye to eye with everyone, he has always been drawn to and will continue to work with brilliant people who follow their passion. “You have a friend. You can high five and you can bro out but you can make some really awesome, awesome moments together.”

FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 37






You have yet to meet your “Hallmark Holiday” Hottie and are searching for an ensemble that says, “I’m sexy and not insane.” Well, pants are your best bet for this occasion. Chances are, he’ll take you to a casual restaurant or bar to get to know each other, so a pair of dark skinny jeans is a must. Combine the jeans with a flirtatious top (and don’t be afraid to utilize color). Couple that with a cute jacket to hang on the top of your chair while you chat and a neutral set of pumps or boots. Good luck!

You’ve been dating someone for a while, but you’re keeping things casual, so you opt for a night at home, whipping up a gourmet meal with some Netflix. The key is going to be something Beyonce coined as the “I Woke Up Like This” look: basically looking sexy in a cozy pair of leggings or PINK Victoria Secret sweats. You might also opt for a casual, cotton maxi dress. Either outfit is comfy and low maintenance. The key to this look is going to be in your hair and makeup. Loose “wrap” waves or straight hair is recommended for this look, and lipstick should be very neutral since you’re not out on the town. Now all you need is a good cookbook … or the number for Chinese take-out!

You’re in a committed relationship and are being wined and dined for this occasion. In this case, a classic, kissable, statement dress is totally permitted. Something sleek and black will make you feel sexy, or something bright and flirtatious will make you feel extra special. Either way you will still have his jaw dropping before he can order an appetizer. This date is an excuse to DRESS UP! Let’s face it, we all have that adorable ensemble we’ve been dying to take out of our closets!

(The Chic & Collected Look)

(Latest & Greatest Lounge-Wear)

(No-Shame-Champagne Outfit)

[ MEN ]

Listen up, gentlemen, because you’re about to get the “gifting logistics” for a little holiday called Valentine’s Day., ANY LEVEL!

01 F airly new dating partner, seeking to keep things simple Chocolate or a dessert with dinner, and/or one rose.

(Pink, red or white are all acceptable.)

02 In a relationship, but still trying to keep things on the casual side Chocolate and/a bouquet of red roses with dinner.

03 Y ou’ve met “The One” and want to show her what you’re made of Chocolate in the morning, a mid-day delivery of roses and, after dinner, end the evening with jewelry. (Diamonds or sterling silver are preferred.)

MORAL OF THE STORY: If you picked up nothing more than “women love chocolate,” you’re still treading above water.



Get her something that lasts this Valentines Day and be prepared to get thanked, over and over again. Please visit us at

trashychicjewelry.com before February 10th for guaranteed delivery

Use coupon code 4ELMAG for 20% Off your purchase. FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 39







Magazine LAUGH

TODAY’S TARGET: Bier Garden Encinitas NUMBER OF TAPS/CASKS: 24 NUMBER OF SAN DIEGO-BASED TAPS/CASKS: 21 After the huge success of Evotek’s launch party and the crazy Chargers tailgate party, it was time for the first installment of the Pursuit of Hoppiness. More than 50 people in attendance were able to sample every beer offered as well as all of the appetizers and each of the hamburgers. Today was all about the beer; the crowd was buzzing around with great flavor … figuratively AND literally. BIER GARDEN OF ENCINITAS Originally built in the shape of a T-bone steak in the late 1940s, it was once the home of Tyler’s steak house, and the floor, ceiling and kitchen hood are all still original. The owners of the Bier Garden wanted to keep the integrity of this beautiful and historic building while creating a place for all to come eat, drink, relax and unwind. Not only do they have a large beer selection, they have a full bar and serve California coastal, local and beer-infused cuisine.

PURSUIT OF HOPPINESS Evotek Solutions — with their friends, family and business partners — are now in the hunt for the best beers in San Diego. Their target? Anywhere that makes, serves or makes and serves the finest craft beers that San Diego has to offer. Watch out, all you breweries, brew pubs and taverns out there, the Evotek Invasion is coming your way!



ABOUT EVOTEK EVOTEK Solutions helps companies with their IT initiatives. By providing them with modular solutions, companies can meet their current business requirements but can also be upgraded for future needs through an IT service delivery framework. They specialize in customizing IT solutions for customers at all levels. For those who have not yet fully developed a formal IT strategy or road map, EVOTEK will help them develop a Data Center plan that is in alignment with their business objectives Their goal is to understand the customer’s business, examine all the opportunities, then provide them with point solutions that will fit into the future state of the customer’s Data Center. They don’t simply hook you up with hardware, they are customer advocates that provide services from A to Z.

EVOTEK Solutions Inc. | EvotekSolutions.com


641 South Coast Highway 101, Encinitas | (760) 632-2437 | BiergardenEncinitas.com

FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 41




With Valentine’s Day looming, romantic tables are in high demand. With breathtaking ocean views and a swank interior, Cusp Dining & Drinks at the top of Hotel La Jolla is the perfect spot to bring that special someone for an evening of good food and drinks. Executive Chef Donald Lockhart prides himself on an eclectic menu that blends global cuisine. With a focus on coastal Mediterranean, Lockhart plays around with dishes like a Jumbo Dumpling and an Apricot Crispy Cauliflower dish. Snag a reservation for Valentine’s and enjoy a three-course menu with a toast of bubbly. Stunning sunset and ocean view included.

4L: Describe your cooking style and how it translates into the menu at Cusp. Donald Lockhart: I let the ingredients shine, which results in light and flavorful dishes. I think my food is fun, and I make sure to use a lot of housemade sauces and condiments, like our walnut-praline spread, yogurt chimichurri sauce and smoked tomato jam. You have worked in some interesting places; what did you learn from those experiences? I’ve worked in both Morocco and in Germany. Working abroad gave me a unique perspective on food; you are exposed to different styles and interpretations of cooking, product and ingredients. Do you have a signature dish? Toasted Quinoa with Yellowtail and Curry Cream. As a kid, did you always want to be a chef? No, I actually thought I’d drive trains. I’ve loved trains since before I could walk. As a kid, I would make my grandparents take me to ride the trains at Disneyland and Knott’s Berry Farm, and I’d only get off to eat or use the restrooms. What are some of the dining experiences unique to Cusp? We offer monthly Jazz Nights the last Thursday of the month, where we feature dinner specials and live jazz from some of the best musicians around. Our Wednesday Lobster Dinners are also a hit. What is your favorite thing to cook at home? I love making and creating sandwiches, as well as cooking simple pasta dishes with fresh shaved cheese and roasted vegetables. My favorite dishes to eat are pork sugo with soft cheese polenta or choucroute if I can find it. What are the best things about the restaurant? Our open kitchen is my personal favorite. Guests can sit at the chef’s bar, see all the action and interact with me. And of course, the view of La Jolla, including the hills and ocean, the guests who we get to know and love, and the fun, yet refined food.

CUSP DINING & DRINKS | 7955 La Jolla Shores Drive, La Jolla | (858) 551-3620 | CuspRestaurant.com

FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 43



BEATS&EATS What’s RAD about

BEATS & EATS? The food and the music!




In this installment of Beats & Eats, I spend a beautiful Friday afternoon on the 101 in Cardiff, where my man Graham Nancarrow and I enjoy ice cold Nicaraguan Toña Cerveza at the Mexican restaurant Las Olas.


LAS OLAS 2655 South Coast Highway 101, Cardiff » (760) 942-1860 » LasOlasMex.com

Steve and Chris with the magazine join me on this interview, and once again Steve challenges me to a beer pounding contest. As usual, I lose. While the beer flows, so does the food as the waitress lays down a side of beans, chips and salsa. If you know me, you know I always rate a place on their beans and these beans are good! They are presented in a small flour tortilla bowl topped with cotija cheese and a small drizzle of enchilada sauce. I instantly put my face in the small flour tortilla bowl of beans, devouring them and the bowl within a minute like I’m a pie eating contest entrant. It isn’t that I’m hungry or buzzed, it’s the fact that I am Mexican, therefore I am a beaner. Mikey Beats: Graham Nancarrow, you were born and raised in San Diego? Graham Nancarrow: Yeah, Olivenhain, Encinitas, North County San Diego on a little farm with horses, cows, chickens, goats and peacocks.

miserable would that cow’s life be? Whereas our cows got to live on this beautiful farm and lived a good life that one day ended. Mikey: Did you eat your chickens, too?

Graham: Not really. We mostly used them for eggs. We did have lots of turkeys, and every Thanksgiving we’d have people come over and everyone would get to kill their own turkeys on a stump with two nails and take them home to eat. You’d be surprised what that does to a man. There were some men who would be holding a machete looking for the next one to kill, kinda crazy like. My dad also was a great gardener growing all our vegetables. Mikey: You were raised on a sustainable farm, that’s wonderful!

Graham: Well, we had to go to the store for milk and a few things, but yeah, for the most part we did.

Mikey: That’s a real farm. Did you milk cows?

Graham: No, but we did shoot our cows. I had my friend over one day and he asked my dad where the cow went, and it was funny because my dad said, “Check the freezer.” That was the coolest thing about my dad was that he raised us to think outside the box, like if that cow had grown up on a farm with hundreds of other cows and faced death in a slaughterhouse, how

Mikey: That is real San Diego country. You are defiantly not faking the funk. Where did you go to high school and what year did you graduate?

Graham: La Costa Canyon in ’06. Mikey: ’06? You’re young dude. How’d you get into music and country?

Graham: I had a punk band in high school called Misled Citizen. I was kinda confused and later I was living in San Francisco when I had heard Hank III, the third Hank Williams. I listened to him and heard all the things he talked about, all the country heroes and all the greats. So I started listening to those heroes and did my research. I realized country music was the closest thing to punk rock that sounded good, so I felt that kind of attitude is in the country blood. Mikey: Hank III he has that song “Punch, Fight, Fuck.” Classy tune.

Graham: That’s punk rock and country!


Mikey: What were you doing in San Francisco?

Graham: After high school, I went to San Francisco State and continued with my punk band. We all went up there and signed to a guy’s little record label; he was friends with Rancid. We got Gordy from The Forgotten to sing on our album, and we were doing that for a while. I didn’t do well in school so my parents yanked me out and sent me home. That was a pretty low time. I was devastated because all I thought I was ever going to do was play in that punk band. I figured out that school is not for me. Mikey: It’s not for everybody. I think I did 10 years of college and I don’t have a bachelor’s degree to show for it.

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Graham: Really? We’re friends. (Laughter.) Mikey: We’re definitely friends. You came back to San Diego, figured things out, and that’s when you started the act Nancarrow.

Graham: Yeah, I started with my buddy Joe Weisiger, who got all the best musicians he knew. Mikey: You have a slide guitarist in the band? Yeah, Russel Hayden. Legend. Not only does he rip on that thing, but he is a legitimate outlaw and he gives our band a lot of credibility. Mikey: Yeah, street cred!

Graham: I don’t even want to talk about any detail, but he’s just a legend. Our drummer’s name is Ron Kerner. Tommy Andrews from White Buffalo was originally on guitar; now we have Buzz Campbell. Then we have Joey Guevarra on keys. He does most of his work with Lady Dottie and the Diamonds. He’s also a killer harmonica player, singer, pianist, and he went to Berkeley School of Music.


Mikey: That is an all-star cast! What do you have right now as far as albums?

Graham: We put one out independently and then RandM Records picked us up and put out an EP called Heart. What we’re waiting on—it should be any moment now—is the third record. It’ll be a full length with 12 songs. I think we’re gonna call it Simple Things. We were hoping for a December release, but you know how things go: pictures, publishing, etc. Now we are hopefully releasing by February. Mikey: You currently have a residency in Julian?

Graham: Yeah, I play solo in Julian. That’s actually how I make a living: playing solo and sometimes as a duo with Russel. He plays with a 1929 Dobro, it’s all original. The strings are the only new things on it. It looks more like a teardrop metal banjo, and it sounds like a twangy cool banjo. Mikey: There’s a few songs that I listen to of yours. I think they are originals. Like “Smoky Tavern?”

Graham: Yeah, that’s an original. Mikey: That’s a really good song. I really appreciate that hook.

Graham: Thanks, man. I’ve been bringing that to the table a lot lately because I think that was a favorite of a lot of people. I’ve been playing it solo. Mikey: I can pick winners, my man. Any traveling?

Graham: I just got back from Australia in September. I played at the Birdsville Races, which is in the middle of the Outback. It takes seven plane stops because they have to drop mail off in every town to get there. Once you get there, it’s a town of 115 people. When the horse races come to town, which was when I was there, 8,000 people fly in on their private planes, drive in across the country on their trucks with bull bars because kangaroos will totally total your car if you don’t have them, ya know? So, we all head out there, all 8,000 people, into one pub, and I was the entertainment for every single night. I’m going back!


Mikey: How did you line that up?

Graham: Well, my dad passed away in December …

roos and ranching cattle. It’s cool. I had no idea, besides Keith Urban, that country existed out there. I teamed up with a guy out there named Mick Lindsay.

Mikey: I am sorry to hear about that.

Mikey: Of course his name is Mick.

Graham: No, no worries man. One of his favorite nurses from treatment was a ukulele playing Filipino man. He would come in and play for my dad when he was sick. We stayed in touch and he brought the daughter of another one of his patients to one of my shows. She’s from Australia and was the cook at that pub in the middle of nowhere. She hit me up two days later and was like, “We’re getting you out here.” Not only was everything taken care of, but I’ve never been treated like a king in my life! In another country, I thought they’d call me Yank and give me shit, but they love American country music, more then we do. I swear to God, it’s crazy.

Graham: Yeah, so we played together and had a great time. These Outback folks are way different than the city folks.

Mikey: They relate to the punching, the fighting, the fucking and you experienced that first hand?

Graham: Yeah, there was this one guy named Slim Dusty, who is essentially like the Hank Williams of Australia. He’s dead now, but he’s just so rad. It’s all like American country music with an accent, but instead of talking about American shit, they’d talk about dingos, kanga-

Mikey: Same deal here.

(The waitress lays down our food.)

comes with rice and grilled onions, it’s a whole steak carne asada—not cut up— keeping it super juicy as I cut into it with my fork. There’s also some guacamole, salsa and a cabbage coleslaw with an avocado vinaigrette. Everything is looking really fresh. The table hot sauce that they call “Papatio” is really freaking spicy.

(Steve, who prides himself on his beer chugging capabilities and his leather-like, flame-resistant palate, takes a generous dose of the hot sauce— and then starts hyperventilating, as do I.) Mikey: You’re sweating, dude.

The first thing I notice about the food here is that there are several different types of beans: refried, ranchero style beans and mashed black beans. I can appreciate the variety! We ordered the chili relleno carnitas burrito plate with rice and ranchero style pinto beans. It’s a wet-style burrito topped with enchilada sauce and cilantro. I never thought of pairing a chili relleno with a meat in a burrito, but they give the option of carnitas, seafood, chicken or carne asada. Graham, what did you get?

Graham: The classic combo. It’s a chicken taco, cheese enchilada, black beans and rice.

Steve: I know!

(I start fanning my tongue with my hand.) Mikey: I’m going to move on to the grilled mahi fish taco and hope it cools me down. It looks like a standard fish taco with grilled fish and cabbage on a corn tortilla. There is a light white saucy type of pico de gallo on it that they call their yogurt salsa. Let’s not get complicated with fish tacos; keep it simple as this is. It’s a home run. Likewise with the battered fish taco: It is simple and delicious with pollock fish lightly batter fried. Back to the Beats, what’s your website?

Mikey: That’s what a country boy orders, I guess. On to the carne asada plate that

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Mikey: Have you done any work with KSON, San Diego’s main country station?

figure in the community. Can you talk about his influence on your musical career?

Mikey: Any shows coming up?

Graham: Actually, yeah, they put me on the radio a couple times and I also played CountryFest out at the East County (Lakeside) Rodeo.

Graham: Yeah, we have the full band playing at The Belly Up on Friday, Feb. 20, when we will be opening up for Paul Thorn.

Mikey: You are doing everything with the band on your own with booking and marketing. Can you touch on that struggle?

Mikey: San Diego is not known for country music. Are there other country acts like yourself that are in your age group?

Yeah man, I actually had a hard time where I was making all these calls and sending out all these e-mails, but no one called me back. I kind of took a step back and was like, “How am I ever going to make a living to of this?!” But then all these things sort of fell into place as I just started and went with it.

Graham: I have a song coming out about it on my next album called “Elvis.” He took me on a live shot out in Olivenhain one day, I was like 6, and there were outside speakers on this barn we were next to. Elvis’ “Hound Dog” was blaring and that Christmas, he got me Elvis’ greatest hits and I listened to it nonstop. He played great artists for me like CCR [Creedence Clearwater Revival] and all the old rock ‘n’ roll. What’s funny is I used to listen to a Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash CD he had in his truck, and now we are on the same record label.

It’s www.nancarrow.com and www.grahamnancarrow.com. Also, my Twitter is @nancarrowmusic while my Insta and Facebook are @Grahamnancarrow.

Graham: Jake Loban, one of my very best friends who used to be in a local punk band too, ended up in the same genre of outlaw country as us with The Bender Band. Mikey: This isn’t a new story about a punk rock band that has turned to country. Are there any other bands that have influenced you?

Graham: Social Distortion really opened up that sort of punk goes gangster country vibe to me. They talk about Buck Owens kinda like how Hank III drops names in his songs and then I would go listen to that band.

Mikey: It’s frustrating, especially being in a band in San Diego because the scene has such a short attention span that it is so easy to play yourself out, especially in a genre like country. You have to keep grinding. Some people may or may not know your father Loren Nancarrow, but he was a much loved local newscaster as well as highly respected

Mikey: It’s amazing how that came around with a band you listened to when you were a kid. Don’t stop grinding, my dude. I have it easy as a DJ; I can make good money playing other people’s music, but there is a ceiling to how much money I can make. With original artists like yourself, it’s hard to make a living at first, but there is almost no limit to the money you can make. It may be one in a million artists who make it, but you have as good a shot as the best do.

Graham: I won’t stop. I can’t stop.



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FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 49



ISABEL’S CANTINA They prepare their food from scratch with love and care. Self taught owner, cookbook author and chef Isabel Cruz uses her Latin heritage and the Asian influence she absorbed while growing up in Los Angeles to create a unique dining experience. Don’t forget, they also have a mind blowing breakfast offering, so when you roll out of bed you can also roll right into Isabel’s Cantina for good eats. BY STEVE KANG

ISABEL’S CANTINA 966 Felspar St., San Diego (858) 272-8400 Neighborhood: Pacific Beach IsabelsCantinaSD.com


Latin American, Asian Fusion, Mexican





(Soy chorizo, avocado sauce and pico de gallo) 01 CHILE RELLENO WITH CARNITAS

(Served with a roasted Anaheim pepper stuffed with jack cheese. Comes with Mexican rice pilaf, guajillo chile sauce, cotija ranch and cilantro-lime sauce, and can also be made with soy chorizo)

This thing is oozing cheese! What’s better than that? There’s a load of carnitas on top, smothered in red and green sauce. I am by definition a sauce ho, and this fulfills my saucy needs without any additions.

Paired with Black Berry Mule

(Fresh lime, spirits, sparkling blackberry, angostura bitters, ginger beer in a copper mug) Oh boy, a mule I’ve never tasted before. I love it that they stay true to the mule rule and serve it in the proper vessel. The blackberry flavor makes for a unique offering that takes a classic and makes it new.

When you think of chorizo, you don’t ever think of soy, unless you’re vegetarian. You immediately think of pork or beef. To be completely honest, I’m not a fan of veggie burgers because to me they taste too different. This taco tastes like the real deal. The texture, the spices, but best of all, it’s much healthier with less fat. The side of brown rice, black beans and corn is also delish. Meat lovers, be prepared to be converted. Paired with Pomegranate Mint Margarita

(Pom juice, fresh lime, agave nectar, mint)

It’s got a nice sweetness greeted by a great tang. It’s a nice way to offset the spiciness of the chorizo and hot sauce.


(Roasted free-range chicken in a red chile, cumin rub, chipotle sauce served with coconut rice, steamed kale, frijoles negros and cilantro-lime sauce) Before I even take a bite, I’m thinking it looks and smells crazy. I bite in and it’s super moist with the glaze on the skin accenting every bite. It’s so good that I might just order a side of glazed chicken skin … if they had it. When it comes to chicken, I’m definitely a dark meat guy, but this white meat breast is super tender and juicy. Now I can’t decide. All I know is that this dish is definitely as tempting as El Diablo himself.

Just when I thought my gorge fest with delicious food was over, it happened again. They brought out a crazy dessert. Bye-bye, New Year’s resolution; I’m like a fat kid with cake, I just can’t say no.

Paired with Cantina Sangria

So here we go, coconut flan time. But first, what is flan? A Mexican cheesecake? A crème brule of the south? Whatever it is, it’s smooth, it’s silky, and it’s getting in my belly. I tried to take just a small bite but it’s so good, I ate most of it. I highly recommend this after-dinner treat.

(Traditional red or white Spanish sangria, with fruit and topped with Champagne)

It’s an interesting take on the sangria. The Champagne floater makes it unique. Love the real bits of fruit floating around in the glass until my thirsty mouth can herd it in.


When you first roll up, you see an interesting façade. There is a dragon on the wall peering down at the door. After you walk in, the décor does not disappoint. They have very ornate carvings and molds all around their bar. As you walk around, you can see subtle decorations that really catch the eye once you stop to notice them. Just like the staff, nothing is in your face, everything is very pleasant as you discover it.

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By the time you read this, you may be scrambling for a last minute Valentine’s gift idea. Think outside the box and instead of squeezing in an overpriced dinner reservation with all the other rookies, give your loved one a gorgeous dinner at a vineyard. Jordan Winery just announced their Sunset Supper at Vista Point at their winery in Healdsburg. Although it takes place in July, tickets just went on sale and will sell out quickly.


1474 Alexander Valley Road | Healdsburg, CA | (707) 431-5250 | JordanWinery.com

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Surprise your special someone with a wine weekend getaway and experience an unforgettable winery dinner party surrounded by vineyards and mountaintop vistas. A reception at their Vista Point pavilion will be followed by a seated, multi-course meal overlooking the vineyards—all paired with Jordan wines and panoramic views of Alexander Valley’s rolling hills and mountains during sunset.

1474 Alexander Valley Road | Healdsburg, CA | (707) 431-5250 | JordanWinery.com



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Little Italy continues to become a bigger draw year after year. With the addition of Kettner Exchange, this year will be no different.

is credited with bringing the military to San Diego. KEX is a stunning, two-level, nautical-themed beauty offering indoor and outdoor seating.

Some of San Diego’s best restaurants have moved into this former spaghetti and pizza part of town, making it a well-rounded dining destination. The latest gem to open its doors only a few short months ago is Kettner Exchange.

Upstairs you’ll find cabanas available for rent but instead of bottle service, they offer their very own beer tap and wet bar. The rooftop patio is Little Italy’s only rooftop patio with ocean views. It’s the perfect spot to enjoy a handcrafted cocktail and watch the sunset in America’s finest city.

The name Kettner Exchange pays homage to “Brother Bill” Kettner, who served as a San Diego politician in the early 1900s and


Steven Tuttle is in charge of the cocktail program and describes the menu as tiki

heavy while still offering something simple and approachable for everyone. The menu is seasonal, featuring barrel-aged cocktails and even guest bartenders from other wellknown cocktail bars from time to time. I noticed from talking with Steven that he is passionate in what he does, taking pride in not only his creations and skills while also appreciating the talents of the all-star staff that surrounds him. Steven’s Dream Team offers vast experience and has been part of the San Diego cocktail community for years.


Kettner Exchange has put together some of the better talent behind the bar in a city known for great cocktails. Below is a sampling of the well thought out, balanced and passionate offerings from the gang at Kettner Exchange: 01








Spanish for What’s Up? Well, I’ll tell you what’s up: Mescal, 100 percent agave reposado tequila, fresh lemon juice, housemade ginger syrup, soda water, fresh muddled strawberries and garnished with candied ginger and a fresh strawberry. This tequila cocktail has just the right amount of smokiness from the mescal and is perfectly balanced with sweet, tart and spicy, all perfectly presented in a tall collins glass with a frothy, foamy head. Perhaps one of the best tequila cocktails en todo la tierra! … and that’s Que Onda!

The cocktail menu here is slightly tiki heavy and that’s awesome because Steve and his team do ‘em right. The Shelter Island is made up of Jamaican rum, black rum, fresh pineapple juice, fresh lime and a housemade demerara syrup. Jamaican rum is on the spicier side while black rums are rich and flavorful due to their aging processes. Put the two together with fresh, clean, beautiful, amazing pineapple and lime and you have yourself quintessential tikiness! Nothing better on a warm San Diego afternoon. It’s a safe bet to say this one will make the cut when Steve unveils his spring cocktail menu. It better or I’ll riot!

You’ve probably heard it before: all bourbon is whiskey but not all whiskey is bourbon. Here’s a fact: Bourbon needs to be produced in America and made from 51 percent corn … whiskey does not. Bourbon is America’s native whiskey. Interesting, right? The Artichoke Hold is made with bourbon, of course, Maraschino and Cynar liqueurs and orange bitters. The vanilla, oak and caramel notes of the bourbon combine with the slight bitter almond flavor of the Maraschino, contrasting well with the bitterness of the Cynar and orange bitters. Why so bitter? On the contrary, the bitterness is subtle and balances well. Served on the rocks with an orange peel; you won’t care if the glass is half empty or half full … as long as there’s bourbon in it.

Influenced by The OC’s best tiki bar Trader Sam’s, the Tiki Cross is a rummy concoction made up of 13 ingredients and here they are: Smith & Cross Jamaican Rum, Diplomatico Rum, Matusalem Rum, (that’s three rums if you’re keeping score at home) fresh pineapple juice, fresh lime juice, orgeat syrup, Curacao and falernum liqueurs, black walnut bitters and a floater of Angostura bitters. Garnished with a sprinkle of nutmeg, a mint sprig and a pina leaf, the only thing missing is a tiki mug but after further thought you’ll want to see this masterpiece in all its glory so Steve serves it up in a clear hurricane-type glass. This drink is too pretty to hide in a tiki mug and tastes as good as it looks. The thing about tiki drinks is, although sweet and flavorful, they pack a punch and next thing you know you’re falling into the tiki rabbit hole. This drink is amazing but currently not on the menu. Don’t wait for the spring menu to roll out, go now and ask for it by name. (CONT.)

KETTNER EXCHANGE | 2001 Kettner Blvd., San Diego | Neighborhood: Little Italy | (619) 255-2001 | kettnerexchange.com FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 57



All of the above are only $10! Not too shabby. For you beer connoisseurs, don’t fret, KEX offers an impressive lineup of mostly local brews and a pretty extensive wine list by the glass or bottle. I also heard a rumor that there will be an adjacent donut shop with a rooftop patio! It’ll be detached and named The Donut Joint. My first thought when I heard about this: What kind of coffee cocktails will they offer? Kettner Exchange is open seven days a week for dinner, plus brunch on weekends.

MIXOLOGY MINUTE FISH & OYSTER Dark or Black or Navy Rum: Many cocktail recipes call for dark, full-flavored rums. Usually dark brown or reddish-brown in color, these rich flavorful rums are frequently matured in barrels longer than gold rums and may contain extra dark coloring. Navy rums are often a blend of dark rums, traditionally from English colonies such as Guyana, Trinidad, Jamaica and Bermuda.



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THE COMPASS We have decided to feature a special event for this month’s Happiest Hour. 4L Magazine presents a very special whiskey tasting with Congenial Spirits at The Compass at Carlsbad. Craft cocktail specialist and Congenial Spirits representative Meghan Balser kept the spirits up by keeping the spirits flowing. Owner/operator Sarra Costello kept all the guests smiling with her charming personality, although it also didn’t hurt that the food she serves is so good it breaks your mouth!





Since this was our flagship whiskey tasting event, we decided to keep it to 30 people who had reserved in advance. The people who were lucky enough to attend this event truly got a special experience all for just $15! Make sure you make your way down to The Compass and order yourself a great unique meal and wash it down with a great unique Congenial Spirit.


(muddled sugar, bitters and whiskey)

Considered the first official cocktail invented in 1806. • Manhattan

(Sweet vermouth, bitters and whiskey)

Invented in a Manhattan club in New York City in 1870.

A SAMPLE OF EACH OFFERING: • Twelve Five Rye PROOF: 95 COMPOSITION: 70% rye, 15% malted barley, 15% corn AGED: Minimum two years • Cedar Ridge Bourbon PROOF: 80 KEY INGREDIENTS: 75% corn, 25% barley and rye AGED: Minimum two years in New American Oak barrels • Waterloo Antique Gin PROOF: 94 KEY INGREDIENTS: Corn base, local botanicals and traditional gin ingredients AGED: 18 months in New American Oak barrels

APPETIZERS: • Cold Smoked Duck

(Mango pomegranate)

Duck isn’t good unless it’s cooked to perfection. This duck was outstanding. It was juicy and tender with the mango giving it the perfect sweet complement. • Tempura Squash Blossoms

(Opal basil puree)

Tempura-style vegetables have always been a favorite of mine. The light and airy crunch of the batter still let’s you know you’re eating a tender vegetable. • Braised Lamb Shank

(Herbed demi-glazed heirloom beans, wilted kale and crispy confit leeks) Anytime I hear the words braised and shank, I know it’s going to be melting off the bone and into my mouth. Love me tender, love me sweet, and shank you very much!


4L Magazine loves this place, having often frequented the fantastic establishment since it opened. Some places seem cool at first but they lose their appeal after a while. Not The Compass; they have a classic vibe and keep things fresh. If you want a unique experience of drinks, foods or events, come to The Compass in Carlsbad and treat yourself to a great night of fun and conversation. THE COMPASS | 300 Carlsbad Village Drive #202 | Carlsbad | (760) 434-1900 | TheCompassCarlsbad.com FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 61




Their iconic gargoyle is instantly recognizable along with the well-earned reputation for bold, aggressive, in-your-face beers. Stone Brewing Co. is a name that has crossed all beer lovers’ lips, regardless whether they are experienced connoisseurs or newbies to the craft-beer scene. It’s impossible to go anywhere without running into Stone. I got the chance to venture into the world of Stone Brewing with my co-host for the Rock & Roll Happy Hour, Stone’s Minister of Indoctrination, Mr. Ken Wright. So, where does a brewery known from its unabashed arrogance come from and how does it become one of the biggest names in the craft-brewing industry? You have to look at what it all started from. Ken told me that founders Greg Koch and Steve Wagner both drank plenty of beer

in college, but it wasn’t exactly craft and it wasn’t exactly all that good. Then, by chance, someone introduced them to Anchor Steam and it was a huge wake-up call. This was the beer that sparked their individual passion for brewing craft beer. Until this point neither Greg nor Steve had ever officially met, but that all changed at a UC Davis-sponsored beer seminar. Strangely enough, Greg owned the building in Los Angeles that Steve’s band rehearsed in, but neither knew the other since Steve was always good about paying rent on time. After their chance encounter at that seminar, the two began to hang out until Steve got a gig at Pyramid Brewing. At that point the two realized, with Steve’s brewing know-how and Greg’s business savvy: They had to make beer together and Stone Brewing Co. was born just a few years later in 1996.

Humble ideas have humble beginnings and Stone started brewing in an industrial building in Escondido. What began as a 30 barrel brew house (which they thought was huge at the time) ended up being unable to keep pace with the demand of a company whose beer shattered the norm and developed a cult-like following. Eventually they needed space, so they purchased a Bavarian engineered 120 barrel brew house and enough land in Escondido that they could develop and grow on. Today, Stone Brewing Co. in Escondido operates two 140 barrel brew houses that both run 24/7 to meet demand. But, even that isn’t big enough, so Stone is building a brewery in Richmond, Virginia, that will be running by next year. (*Side note: 1 barrel = 31 gallons*)

STONE BREWERY CO. | Escondido | San Diego | Oceanside | Liberty Station, Point Loma | Little Italy | East Village | StoneBrewing.com



Needless to say, it takes a lot of brewing to feed the demand for beers that are typically bold and very unapologetic. Not to mention that Stone Brewing Co. operates two bistros that are just as renowned for their amazing cuisine as the company itself is for its beers. Both Stone World Bistro and Gardens in Escondido and Stone Wild Bistro in Liberty Station operate under the same guise as their brewery counterparts, with such unique menu items as Quail Knots, Yakisoba and awe inspiring Duck Tacos. Stone’s bistros make as little apologies for their food as their brewing counterparts do for their beers. In addition to both bistros, there are six tap houses—five in San Diego—that you can stop into to sample beer, get growlers filled and purchase kegs, bottles and merchandise. Most notably is Stone Brewing at Petco Park; who says you can’t get great beer at a baseball game?


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Stone beers run the gamut of flavors and styles, but don’t expect to find anything that qualifies as safe. However, you are rewarded for adventurous spirit with flavors that will entice desire and craving. So, you’re asking … which Stone beers should I try? (see side bar)...

TASTING NOTES STONE GO TO IPA 4.50% ABV 65 IBU Style: Session IPA Appearance: Pours light gold with a white-colored head. Aroma: Intense peach, citrus and melon flavors. Taste: Truly a hop forward beer with just enough malt body to make the beer reasonably balanced with a dry and bitter finish. STONE CALI-BELGIQUE 6.90% ABV 77 IBU Style: Belgian IPA Appearance: Golden amber with a delicate lacy head. Aroma: Floral hops aroma with subtle Belgian funk. Taste: This is an elegant, very food friendly beer that can win over even the non-hop head. While the beer is essentially Stone’s IPA, the addition of Belgian yeast adds layers of funkiness to hoppy brightness. STONE ENJOY BY IPA 9.40% ABV 88 IBU Style: Double IPA Appearance: Golden with a creamy white head. Aroma: Intense dankness with hints of tropical fruit. Taste: Smooth malt body that quickly gives way to a massive dose of hops with a subtle peachiness.

(Liberty Station Exclusive)

WITTY MORON 4.80% ABV 32 IBU Style: Black Wit Appearance: Dark in color that almost resembles a stout or porter from a distance. Aroma: Heavy roastiness with a faint hint of banana. Taste: Roasty, caramely flavors with a hint of citrus and spice that give way to a crisp and malty finish. This beer also won a gold medal at GABF. SOUTHERN CHARRED 12.60% ABV 95 IBU Style: Barrel Aged American Strong Appearance: Deep rich amber with a light lacy head. Aroma: Sweet roasty bourbon aroma with a hint of smoke and vanilla. Taste: Intense vanilla, carmel-toffee flavors that meld with rich dark chocolate notes.





if you lob it up, we'll take a shot at it..

www.lobshots.com FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 65





ORIGIN: Born in the City of Angels, but I have been in Carlsbad since I was eight. CREDENTIALS: I’ve been bartending for 10 years. I started at Marie Callender’s and worked my way up. I’ve been here at Boar’s Cross’n for three years. I baked pies and now I sling drinks. SHIFTS: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday nights and Sunday days. WORDS OF WISDOM: All you need is love … Anita Love! SIGNATURE DRINK: Carlsbad Cooler HISTORY: I grew up skateboarding around town. I’ve always been artsy fartsy … still to this day. I am enjoying my journey in life. I love joyful people surrounding me, hugs and loves. It makes my life that much better to be around positive people.

DRINKS MADE TODAY: Carlsbad Cooler


(Stoli Blueberry, Hypnotic, lemonade, fresh lime):

01 What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you while bartending? Anita Love: I made a margarita. I was shaking it and I flipped it over and squeezed a lime straight into my eye. I ran away and couldn’t serve for an hour.

Big Boy Shot

02 What is your favorite pick up line? Do you come here often? No, I just work here! … Idiot!

Biggie, Biggie, Biggie just hypnotize me. This is a summer drink, this is a fall drink, this is a spring drink, this is a winter drink!

(Bourbon, amaretto, sweet and sour, soda water, fresh lemon)

I was nervous about having to hand over my man card because it tasted so girly, but when I found out how much alcohol was in it, my inner beard soared and screamed, “You are the MAN!” L.A Trashcan

(Vodka, gin, rum, Triple Sec, sweet and sour, Chambord, Blue Curacao, Red Bull)

Holy energy drink, Batman. I think I’m drunk and wide awake at the same time! Either way, frickin’ delicious!

THE JOINT If you’re looking for a live venue, a dance club, a pool hall, an outside bar, or just reasonably priced drinks, you have come to the right place. Just check their calendar of events so you can choose the right night for you. It’s a large venue that has a little something for everyone.


03 What famous person would you marry? Johnny Depp because he is an amazingly talented person and he is drop-dead gorgeous and I’m a pirate at heart. 04 If you were stranded on a desert island, what are the three things you need? 1) A compatible companion … self explanatory. 2) Water because you need that more than food. 3) A hammock, so I can relax the rest of my days away. 05 What do you love about working at Boars? It’s a family business. Everybody I work with is like my family. We have no drama and we have great live bands.

BOAR’S CROSS’N 390 Grand Ave. // Carlsbad (760) 729-2989 www.BoarCrossN.net




Lobster Marsala with Wild Mushrooms & Angel Hair Pasta BY LARA MILLER

Love is in the air. Can you feel it? Oh, really? Well, neither can I. It’s kinda hard to feel it when I literally blinked and the holidays ended and now Amore season, a.k.a. Valentine’s Day, is upon us … Already! 68 4L MAGAZINE | FEBRUARY 2015


Luckily, I have been married for about 150 years to my bad-ass husband, and we have three amazing & crazy boys, so we already have our gloriously “romantic” Valentine’s Day dinner planned for us. It goes something like this … Discuss where we would love to go on a date night together, make pretend dinner plans, get really excited, plan pretend dinner outfit. Then, not surprisingly, and almost inevitably, one of our three mini dictators gets sick. Cancel pretend dinner plans, jet to the grocery store (which we already knew we would have to do) and buy up some expensive stuff you wouldn’t have been able to order at the restaurant anyway because they charge a ridiculous golden arm and leg for it or, even worse, some obscure market price!!! Like say, lobster. Market price lobster is my mortal enemy. WTF is market price??? Like, “Excuse me, garçon?” (It’s garçon because my favorite pretend place to go for my pretend date night would be a fancy French restaurant and I would love to call my waiter garçon.)

“Garçon?” “Oui, madame.” “Excuse my French but what the f*@k does ‘Market Price’ mean on the lobster?”

He chuckles, like I’m a nut, which I am, but c’mon, garçon, help a brother out! Then, after the judgmental chuckle, he walks away, all French like. I don’t know what that means exactly, but it seems like it wouldn’t be a good thing. So, instead of wondering how many Benji’s I’d have to shell out for just my one fancy lobster dish at a fancy-ass restaurant, not including all the apps and drinks I would want to enjoy alongside it all, I come up with a really great dinner for us every Valentine’s Day and whoop it up at home. I get my bowchickabowwow face on (after the kids are tucked away, of course!), and make my man a romantic Valentine’s dinner that rivals any night out, ambience not included. Oh, don’t get it twisted. ... There will still be Legos and cars and markers and dirty socks and baseball cleats all over the damn house, but you best believe your mouth will get a sweet taste of a night out like it never has before! Enter my Lobster Marsala recipe that I thought sounded like a sexy new twist on a tired old classic. Kinda like Jennifer Lopez ... excuse me ... JLo. Does that girl actually look better now than she did back in the day?! Even after she married that Skeletor-wannabe Mark Anthony?!!

Well, that’s another story for another time, but that is some serious regime that bitch lives by. Everything’s all perky all the time and nothing ever wrinkles, not even her clothes! OK, focus Lara! Anyway, I have made Chicken Marsala many times and I love the rich and savory sauce with the beautiful seared mushrooms and the infinite amount of flavor this dish brings with so few ingredients. So I thought, “Why not swap out the classic chicken for some beautifully sexy lobster meat, use some wonderfully earthy wild mushrooms instead of the old white buttons, and toss it all with some angel hair pasta?” After all, we will all be getting down like Lady and the Tramp. Just a couple of us devils sharing some angel hair, huh?! Ewww, sorry, is that TMI? I mean, calm down. Kids are in bed now, remember?!! Well, anyway, I hope you all have a great Valentine’s Day whatever you do, but if you want to wine, dine and (you know the rest!) someone special, then get it together and make this Lobster Marsala for them. No need to thank me, the pleasure was all mine.



2 4-oz lobster tails

Zest of lemon

6 cremini mushrooms, sliced

3/4 cup Marsala wine

12 oyster mushrooms

3/4 cup veggie stock

2 large or 4 small shiitake mushrooms, stems removed and sliced

1/4 cup Italian flat leaf parsley, roughly chopped

1/4 cup red onion or shallot, finely chopped

Pinch of crushed red pepper flakes

1 garlic clove, minced fine

Kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper


(optional if you don’t want garlic breath on your romantic date, but it’s a must for me)

1/4 cup flour

2 tablespoons unsalted butter

(I prefer the whole grain)

1/2 package angel hair pasta

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice, depending on how lemony you like it

FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 69


DISH Zest about half your lemon right into the pan and add in your

Remove the meat from the lobster tail and chop each 4-oz tail

08 crushed red pepper (if using).

02 and toss the lobster chunks to coat lightly, shaking off the

Put the 1/4 cup flour with a pinch of salt and pepper in a bowl

09 stock and lemon juice, 1 tablespoon at a time, tasting along


the way, making sure not to over lemon the dish.

01 into 8 chunks, leaving you with 16 pieces of lobster meat.

In a heavy bottom skillet on medium heat, melt 1 tablespoon

03 butter and 1 tablespoon olive oil together and lightly sear the

Toss altogether and then add in the Marsala wine, veggie

10 Add about 1 teaspoon salt and fresh cracked pepper. Turn the heat back down to medium and simmer for about

lobster chunks, about 3-4 minutes total.

11 5 minutes, until the alcohol cooks out and you’re left with a

Remove from heat and set aside for now.

luxuriously rich and flavorful sauce.

Turn the heat up to medium high, add in another tablespoon

04 of olive oil and put in all the wild mushrooms. (Which, by the

way, aren’t really “wild” anymore; they are grown in controlled environments, but they are exotic and different so we will still call them wild for dramatic purposes.) Toss the wild mushrooms around to coat in the olive oil, season

05 with salt and pepper and arrange them in a single layer to let them sear.

TIP: Make sure to taste the sauce along the way to ensure you are

seasoning properly with salt and pepper.

the lobster chunks back into the sauce and let simmer 12 Add another 3-4 minutes. The flour that the lobster chunks were coated in helps to thicken the sauce and adds richness to the dish, so make sure you let it simmer for a few minutes to get that all incorporated.

06 your angel hair pasta done at the same time your Lobster

the lobster has simmered in with the sauce, turn off 13 After the heat and finish the marsala sauce with 1 final table-

Marsala will be done.

spoon of butter for richness and shine, and your chopped parsley for beautiful flavor and color.

In the meantime, get a pot of water boiling on the stove to get

Cook according to package directions, and maybe even take it out a bit before that because you will be tossing the pasta in with the marsala and you want the pasta to absorb all that delicious sauce. After the wild mushrooms have sauteed for about 5-6 minutes,

07 add in the chopped onion and garlic (if using) and cook another

3-4 minutes.


Toss the Lobster Marsala with your cooked angel hair pasta and get ready for your date’s jaw to drop! In more ways than one! Man, I’m disgusting.

My name is Lara Miller and I am a wife to a pretty cool San Diego dude and mama to three handsome little boys. Yes, I am a lone ranger in a pad full of testosterone. Here is my thing... I love to cook. I’m not a chef, but cooking is what makes the world turn for me. It’s like my therapy, and believe me… dealing with three boys on the daily requires some serious therapy! Instagram: ChickpeaKitchen / lara@chickpeakitchen.com



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A 10-part series to play the odds in your favor

To win at Blackjack, a player must have a better hand than the dealer by getting closer to 21 without going over. If the player or dealer goes over 21, it is considered a “bust” and is automatically out of the hand. The player must finalize their hand before the dealer so they have the first chance to bust and thereby an advantage.

WHAT IS THE BOOK? When a person says they play by the book, they mean they play by the odds listed by blackjack instruction manuals. There are several books out there on how to increase your odds of winning. There are slight variations here and there and depending on the situation, but there are certain rules in situations that every “book” is in agreement in making the same move. A lot of “books” out there say you should always assume the card in the hole with the dealer is a 10 or a 10 equivalent and assume every following card is a 10 or a 10 equivalent because there are 16 ten value cards in a deck, more than any other.

PLAYING TOO TIMID 01 Standing on 12 through 16 when the dealer is showing a 7 or higher because you’re too afraid to bust. Since you have to assume the dealer has a 10 or a 10 equivalent in the hole, you have to give yourself a chance to beat his hand even if you might bust. 02 If you’re playing by the book and your own strategy, don’t let others influence you. At the end of the day, everybody leaves with their wins or losses. People at a table may be upset at you for a variety of reasons. Some may get mad at you for not playing by the book and some may get mad at you even if you are. You should never play the game based on the emotions of other players at the table.

PLAYING TOO AGGRESSIVE 01 D oubling down on a soft 12 through 16 when the dealer is showing a 7, 8 or 9. Because you always have to assume the next card is a 10 equivalent, you are not giving yourself a winning hand against the dealer. And since you only get one card, you have less options. 02 S plitting too often. People will take a single mediocre hand and make two mediocre hands by splitting. Additionally, some people will split 10’s to double their bet. You already have a winning hand with a 20, now you’re giving yourself an opportunity to have two lesser values. Or worse, you might end up busting one or both hands.

When you arrive at Sycuan to play Blackjack, find yourself a nice table that you’re comfortable with, especially the limits. If you ever wonder what you’re supposed to do, the dealer will always be nice enough to tell you what the “book” says. Remember, most people play the “book” so if you decide to go against it and it causes the players at the table to lose, people may get upset with you. It’s always awesome when the whole table wins but it’s never fun when you are the cause to the house winning. Be respectful of the dealer and the other players but never forget to always have fun!



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FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 73



The Crossings at Carlsbad Presents


KENNETH: - Works for TaylorMade as a project leader in Athlete Activation; in other words he is the liaison between the brand’s marketing department and their athletes. - Golf Digest recently said he has one of the top 10 coolest jobs in golf. - He was a finalist in a Golf World expedition competition. - And yes, ladies, he is single.

DANIELLE: -S he works for the Crossings at Carlsbad as a communications coordinator, art director and an all around marketing wizard. - She played collegiate golf for Cal State San Marcos. - Sorry, gentlemen, she’s married.

ROUND 1: -H itting a ball left handed is as difficult as it sounds. Kenneth hit solid on the driving range but when he got up to the tee he was zero for five in the fairway. -L ittle Miss Consistency Danielle hits four out of five into the fairway, with her farthest ball traveling 225 yards.

ROUND 2: -K enneth makes solid contact with his first four balls, but they all spray to the right and do not count. On his fifth and final try, he connects but it’s going left again. Luckily, it hits the side of the hill and falls into play by four inches. His ball lands at 226 yards, just a mere foot ahead of Danielle. THE BATTLE BEGINS!


-T he pressure is on for Danielle. She is visibly worried. You can tell beneath her calm exterior lies a competitive demon. She proceeds to hit another four of five balls into the fairway, with her farthest one landing at 245 yards.

THE SET UP: -Hole #2 at the Crossings at Carlsbad -Kenneth is regularly right handed; he has to drive left handed -Two rounds of five drives each -Ball must be in the fairway

DANIELLE WINS! Just for fun, I asked Kenneth to take Danielle’s driver back to the tips and go ahead and hit right handed. Since he is using a woman’s driver with a lot of flex, it takes him a second to dial it in. After he does, he smokes one down the middle 280 yards. Kenneth is clearly a remarkable golfer.

-Longest drive wins



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JF: Where did this idea come from? TP: A few years ago, two friends met (mostly at the beach) to discuss starting a business together and came up with the idea to build cloud applications to solve some of the toughest problems that growing companies face. The two friends, Ozzie and Scott, co-founded ForwardMetrics in Encinitas. Scott’s background includes founding a successful software company on the East Coast near Boston that he sold at the end of 2008. Ozzie’s background includes founding a successful toy company and being part of the founding team of an investment brokerage. After deciding to start the venture with personal funds, the next order of business was to raise outside funding. The pair raised $1.7 million and quickly built a team to produce their first offering. They first set their focus on helping companies be more strategic in their planning and produced FM Navigator. In 2014, with additional funding in hand, they set sights on making an impact in the employment space. What are the problems in this space and how do you plan on solving them? The key problem with the current way that people are selected for a job is the reliance on resume content as the basis for hiring decisions. Ozzie and Scott decided that giving job seekers a way to validate their skills and knowledge gives them an advantage and gives the employer greater confidence in completing the hiring process. A large percentage of job postings are canceled because companies cannot find candidates they know can get the job done. Validated skills solve this. It also allows a job seeker to be evaluated based on their abilities and not more subjective criteria that often lead to turnover.



here’s nothing more disheartening than no reply or one that says, “Thanks for your resume, we’ll contact you if we have interest.” Sometimes you’d rather them say nothing, but today’s job market is more like throwing darts blindfolded. Unfortunately, the only advantage seems to be who you know, not what you know.

As an entrepreneur and someone who has run a few different companies, I am generally on the other side. The current process is difficult. I post a job, pay a lot of money and get more applicants than I know what to do with. Reaching out to my network to find an employee can be just as arduous as a job post. Now granted, some companies have a human resources department dedicated to just that, but when you’re a small company or start-up, the toughest part shouldn’t be sifting through a stack of resumes or 100-plus emails from applicants. As the cloud continues to expand so do the opportunities of creating efficiencies in just about any industry. There’s a new San Diego start-up called Talentspot that has a plan to disrupt the job search space by giving applicants the ability to apply for jobs, but also scoring their skills in particular subsets, i.e. Microsoft Excel, Photoshop, etc. This patent pending process will give those who are seeking employees a better understanding of each applicant’s value to a specific job role. This also gives job seekers the chance to improve on aspects where they might be lacking for a particular job they are interested in. It’s a win/win for job seekers and employers. We sat down with Talentspot to learn more about the platform and how it could change the game for companies and job seekers.


Is the concept to help emphasize the skills that some employers may overlook? A key goal is to help people find great jobs even when they don’t have lots of experience in the specific job title. For example, returning veterans often have tremendous skills that are sought by employers, yet sadly employers focus on experience because they have no other way to know that the veteran has the necessary skills. Talentspot solves this by allowing employers to focus on the requisite skills and to give consideration to any candidate who has validated those skills–which can occur before or after the job seeker applies for the job. Many job seekers fail to identify jobs they are perfectly suited for because the primary focus for job searching is on job titles. Companies use many different titles for the same job, which makes this even more frustrating. By moving toward skills as the focus, Talentspot can identify job openings that a job seeker may have never considered. How is Talentspot different from other platforms? Talentspot was born out the fundamental belief that everyone deserves to have the job of their dreams, and that the process of hiring could be a lot less painful, and even potentially enjoyable, with the right tools and technology. Talentspot is more than a place to search for jobs. For job seekers the site includes tools for building a great resume and online profile, skill validation through a simple and fun mobile quizzing app and technology to identify appropriate jobs based on skills and work style. For employers, Talentspot provides a complete Applicant Tracking System that is very easy to use and based on technology that virtually eliminates the need to read resumes. Just choose the job-related skills and Talentspot will automatically validate skills of all applicants and identify the best-qualified candidates. Thanks for your time and we look forward to hearing more about the success of Talentspot in 2015.






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FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 77



Winter Warmers

It may never get cold enough to break out your parka and mittens, but 50-degree weather is about as close to winter as we get. For those occasionally brisk winter nights, you may need more than your go-to sweatshirt to weather the weather. For the best styles to keep you warm while looking cool, we’ve got you covered. BY BRIDGET NAJOUR

From formal to fun, we’ve decoded the dress code lingo... WINDBREAKER




If the word “windbreaker” conjures up a 1990s Technicolor nightmare, we get it. This style has come along way since your dad was rocking a neon Reebok breaker with his fanny pack, however. Light in weight but protective in nature, a modern windbreaker is the ideal outerwear to combat a chilly coastal breeze. For an updated take on the trend look for a nylon bomber jacket with elastic waistband.

Few accessories give you the immediate sense of bad-assery than a well-worn leather jacket. This vintage style has evolved decade-todecade and trend-to-trend, but the leather jacket remains a staple in any man’s wardrobe. And with affordable faux leather options, you don’t have to break the bank to get one! This season try a collarless varsity jacket in dark brown or classic black.

There’s no easier way to sully a good outfit than throwing a schlubby coat over your put-together look. For those cold work mornings, or a night out downtown, keep your style on point with a sophisticated double-breasted peacoat. For the perfect fit, look for a waist length coat with a slight tailoring at the hips.

For San Diego’s unpredictable winter weather, dressing in layers is key. Quilted vests have the unique ability to blend in with your look, or make it pop! Colorful cotton and nylon varieties add a casual flare, while tweed or pique fleece make for more sophisticated variations.

WORKS WITH: Henleys, v-necks, corduroys

WORKS WITH: Jeans, t-shirts

WORKS WITH: Suits, slacks, blazers, sweaters

WORKS WITH: Flannels, hoodies, khakis



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KELLI SHANNON SAN DIEGO CONNECTION: I was born here, spent years moving up and down the best coast, the West Coast. I recently decided to move back after my mom passed away. It’s like a part of my soul. ZODIAC SIGN: Virgo PROFESSION: As of right now, I am an aspiring actress/model by day and bartender by night. Oh, and also a student of communication. HOBBIES: I like to look for a new adventure in every day. I like to go out and explore and see what the world has to offer me. OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES: Anything near the water and beach area. I like to paddle board and surf but I also like to hike. FAVORITE FOOD: If I’m being bad, In-N-Out Burger. If I’m being good, brussels sprouts! FAVORITE LIBATION: Old Fashioned … basically anything whiskey. … I bleed Jameson. Give me a bottle of Irish whiskey over roses and I’ll forever be yours.

GROWING UP: II was born in San Diego, moved to southern Oregon and then spent the past six years in Portland before coming back to San Diego. I’m the middle child, so I’ve always been a free spirit. I always do what feels right. Growing up we always spent a lot of time in the outdoors and discovering new things. I got my adventurous side from my mom. We would always go discover new things and places.

CAREER: Ever since I was little, I always loved being in the spotlight and in front of a camera! I would love to get into sports broadcasting because: 1) I love sports, and 2) I love the camera. Oh, and I would love to be an extra in The League.

PASSION: Currently my passion in life is to always find happiness in whatever I am doing. To always be happy, to live every day as a new adventure. Sure, I’ve had a few bumps in the road but that’s what has shaped me. It took 25 years to understand that, and with that so many positive things have happened!

FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 81





A Disney Resort and Spa

Ko Olina


When you hear “Disney resort,” you might have visions of characters dancing and singing everywhere you turn, but at Aulani, A Disney Resort and Spa, most of the Mickeys are hidden. Aulani traditionally means “a messenger of a chief; one who delivers a message from a higher authority,” which is fitting as the resort serves as a messenger of the Hawaiian spirit, people and culture. The architecture reflects a connection to Hawaiian tradition and deep storytelling, all told by Disney Imagineers. Mythical Menehune are scattered throughout the property, oftentimes peeking down from the rooftops, keeping a watchful eye. Voted Travel + Leisure’s number one family hotel, Aulani is perfectly positioned on 21 stunning oceanfront acres of Ko Olina on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, where it successfully combines the warmth of aloha with the magic of Disney all in one.


04 01

01Aulani Ka Maka Pool 02 Aulanai Starlit Hula 03 The Spa at Aulani 04 Snorkeling at Aulani Bay 05 AMA’ AMA window dining

A highlight for the young and young-at-heart is the interactive water play structure known as the Menehune Bridge. The legendary Hawaiian Menehune are said to be shy, diminutive beings who are gifted craftspeople, adept at building everything from temples to canoes. The Menehune Bridge brings the legend to life, featuring Menehune as statues … or perhaps frozen in plain sight in the act of cavorting, spilling and shooting water to the delight of even Aulani’s littlest guests.

MORNINGS For a casual breakfast, hit the Ulu Cafe for easy and healthy takeout. Picnic on the beach or stake out a spot at the pool before the crowds come. For a true Disney experience, reserve a spot at the Makahiki buffet-style breakfast and let the kids rub elbows with their favorite Disney characters. Next stop should be Aunty’s Beach House, an interactive kids club where little ones ages 3 to 12 can make secret space goo, go on scavenger hunts and learn to hula. While the kids are entertained, drop into Laniwai Spa and relax in the hydrotherapy garden. After a pass through the outdoor rain showers, indulge in signature therapies such as the Lomilomi Massage, which incorporates lomilomi “pressure point” sticks and warm river stones; and Kilikili, which includes exfoliation and a massage with coconut oil under streaming jets of warm waters.

And, of course, the most stunning part of all is the manmade lagoon. Tranquil waters welcome such water activities as stand-up paddling and canoeing. Tots enjoy complimentary sand toys, and you can snorkel around looking for fish, your best bet being the Rainbow Reef, where you are guaranteed to splash around with 1,300 or so tropical fish.

AFTERNOONS Spend your afternoon in the Waikolohe Valley, the vibrant heart of Aulani. Nestled between Aulani’s two towers and flowing from the lobby down to the beachfront, it is home to three large pools–one is an exclusive adults only quiet pool–water slides, splash zones for kids, a relaxing lazy river and even a misty grotto.


In Waikolohe Stream, the resort’s lazy river experience, guests drift peacefully past rock formations, through caverns and past “mischievous” fountain springs that surprise explorers with a bit of “refreshment.” Occasional hot springs blow off a little steam, too.

FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 83




EVENINGS Just before sunset, make 02 Aulani at Sunset your way over to Mo’olelo 03 Aulani Suite Storytelling. 04 Hawaiian Airlines Guests of all ages gather ‘round a traditional fire pit for a night of enchanting tales—with puppetry, props and magical effects— led by Uncle, a master storyteller and the resort’s Hawaiian elder. Watch the sun dip behind the sea and head to the Olelo bar for happy hour and live music. 01Balcony View

Book a table at the oceanfront, openair ‘AMA’AMA restaurant, and then head over to the events lawn for the Starlit Hui or the Ohana Disney Movie Night. Starlit Hui features traditional and modern entertainment, including hula performers, lively music, Disney characters and more. If it is a movie



Getting There Hawaiian Airlines flies daily non-stop between San Diego and Honolulu. Roomy seating, complimentary meal service and Hawaiian snacks to go along with Hawaiian Airlines’ engaging presentation of the islands’ culture, people and Aloha Spirit throughout the flight make the airline choice a no-brainer. 02


Authentic Hawaiian hospitality separates them from their competitors. From the moment you board the aircraft, your Hawaiian vacation begins as you’re enticed with the sights, sounds and tastes of Hawaii, including plumeria flowers, Hawaiian steel guitar playing throughout the cabin, guava juice and chocolate covered macadamia nuts. When to Go At press time, roundtrip flights between San Diego and Honolulu were $378, so this would be a great time to go. Valentine’s getaway, perhaps?

night, watch family-friendly Disney movies under the stars. For extra amusement, go early and enjoy pre-movie games, activities and trivia competitions. In beautiful and relaxing surroundings, infused with the stories and surprises of Hawaii, Aulani lets guests discover whatever they hope to find in the islands: adventure, romance, tradition and fun.

Book It Go now through March 23, 2015, and take advantage of the winter special: Book four consecutive nights and get the fourth night free with complimentary breakfast! Reservations can be made online at www.DisneyAulani.com.



UPCOMING EVENTS Feb. 7/2015 THE INSANE INFLATABLE 5K | Farm Tractor Museum- Vista

The Insane Inflatable 5K is coming to San Diego and FM 94/9 wants you there! Get ready to experience the most fun, wild and insane obstacle run in the world. Get “pumped up” for a course filled with the world’s largest and most extreme inflatable obstacles ever produced. Here’s your chance to be a kid at heart, and insane by choice!

Feb. 7/2015 – Feb. 22/2015 THE MARVEL EXPERIENCE | Del Mar Fairgrounds

Become part of the Marvel world as you interact with your favorite Super Heroes and Super Villains and help save the planet. The Marvel Experience features 7 colossal domes; a life-size Avengers Quinjet, 4D motion ride, multi-person gaming & the world's only 360 degree 3D stereoscopic dome that puts you in the middle of the action. Be the first to experience the world's first Hyper-Reality tour and allow yourself to be swept away by one exquisite surprise after the next as you uncover the innate luxury of each of Hotel ZaZa's luxury rooms.

Feb. 7/2015 Monster Energy AMA Supercross 2015 | PETCO PARK -100 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101 Listen to win with Woods in the mornings (1/19 - 1/30). Follow us on Twitter for even more chances - @fm949sd.

Feb. 14/2015 6TH ANNUAL BREWBIES BEER FESTIVAL | BAGBY BEER CO. 601 S Coast Hwy., Oceanside

FM 94/9 is proud to present the 6th Annual Brewbies Beer Festival benefiting Keep A Breast Foundation on Saturday, February 14th at Bagby Beer Co. in Oceanside. The Brewbies Festival is a craft beer focused beer festival and 100% of the proceeds benefit the Keep A Breast Foundation. The festival features some of the best local and regional craft breweries around. With specialty pink beers brewed every year from Breweries like Pizza Port, Lost Abbey, Avery Brewing, Ballast Point, Alpine Beer Co, Hollister Brewing, and MANY more!

Feb. 17/2015 THE 2015 MARDI GRAS PARADE | 5th Ave & E Street Gaslamp Quarter

It wouldn't be Fat Tuesday without the 2015 Mardi Gras Celebration and Parade, February 17th, kicking off at 9:30pm. At the top of 5th Avenue and E Street the parade will erupt in visual splendor and sound with multiple music groups, roving performances and acts consisting of hundreds of performers. Look for the FM 94/9 crew and over 40 floats, bringing San Diego the most charismatic, fantastic parade Mardi Gras fans have yet to experience.

Feb. 20/2015 – Feb. 21/2015 SAN DIEGO WINTER BREW FEST 2015 | The San Diego Hall of Champions in Balboa Park

The San Diego Winter Brew Fest will celebrate craft beverages from California and beyond and features live local music, food, and other vendors.

Get more into at fm949sd.com

FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 85





American President’s Resolute Desk Price: $8,000

According to presenters: “For more than a century, nearly every American President has used a splendid desk that, in another life, sailed the seas. The story begins with the British barque-rigged ship H.M.S. Resolute, commanded by Admiral Sir Edward Belcher during his search for the Northwest Passage. Sent to find missing Arctic explorers, it was abandoned by its crew in 1852. American whalers later discovered the ship, and it was purchased, fitted, and restored by the American government and sent to Queen Victoria as a gift from the President and the American people. When the ship was finally broken up, her timbers were painstakingly carved into an elaborate desk, then presented to President Rutherford Hayes by Queen Victoria in 1879 as a heartfelt token of friendship and goodwill. American Presidents have conducted the country’s business across the glorious Resolute Desk ever since.”

Dress Pant Sweatpants Price: $100

According to presenters: “At first glance, Gray Dress Pant Sweatpants appear to be fine wool trousers. Which they are, except for the wool part. In fact, they’re made from French terry, which is wonderfully soft and features a subtle heather texture similar to suit cloth. The result: Pants that look dressy yet feel as comfy as your favorite pair of sweats. They’re great for dressing up or dressing down. Or just lazing around.” 4L Magazine’s take: Now, seeing as how I work at a magazine, they usually expect me to show up in pants of some kind. I think it’s called Business Casual. I’m more comfortable with Bedtime Pajamas. And, apparently, my “No Pants Party” emails are never quite as funny as I find them. Anyway, these pants might help the transition from, “Oh shit, I’m late for work ...” to “Whatever, these are fairly clean. Again.” BetaBrand.com

4L Magazine’s take: Yeah, my first thought was that Nicholas Cage flick National Treasure and then traipsing around the world looking for treasure or Founding Fathers’ inspired hijinks. Or, it’s just a beautiful desk to have in your office while you glower at your timid subordinates. Either way, win-win. HistoryCompany.com

Ford GT Supercar Price: $TBA

According to presenters: “It has a contemporary performance layout with rear-wheel drive and a mid-mounted engine. And it will be propelled by the most powerful EcoBoost production engine ever: a next-generation twin-turbocharged 3.5-liter EcoBoost V6 that will produce more than 600 horsepower. This new engine is based on the same race-proven engine architecture as that used in Ford IMSA Daytona Prototype endurance-racing efforts. The EcoBoost engine will be a paired with a seven-speed dualclutch transaxle for near instantaneous gear changes and exceptional driver control.”



4L Magazine’s take: Cape, supervillain insurance and parental/ego issues not included. Vroooooom! Ford.com 86 4L MAGAZINE | FEBRUARY 2015


Point Home Security System Price: $200

According to presenters: “Point is a smart house sitter. It listens to the sounds of your home, senses what’s in the air and lets you know if anything is wrong. It’s for people who want peace of mind—without cameras at home.” 4L Magazine’s take: There’s just something a bit unnerving about hackers nowadays that makes me nervous about having cameras throughout my house. Then again, I’m not sure anyone would be that intrigued about what they see in my house anyway. A lot of Netflix, couch spudding, and a six-year-old doing endless handstands, farting and then giggling about it. Wait, that’s me giggling, sorry. FormDevices.com

smrtGRiPs Price: $59

According to presenters: “The Most Integrated Connected Bike Upgrade ... Ever. Put the future of cycling in your hands. smrtGRiPS are the World’s First Connected Bike Grips. A bike upgrade that makes your bike smarter, safer and more enjoyable to ride without ever needing a display.”

Pyro Fireshooter Price: $175

4L Magazine’s take: Since I spend most of the time trying not to crash on my bike, I think a little technology to help you find your way can’t hurt, right? Because crashing hurts. A lot. And for some reason, I’ve turned it into some kind of Olympic event throughout Carlsbad. SmrtGRiPs.bike

According to presenters: “This is not a toy. This is a “badass” professional device that allows you to launch fireballs from your open palm. Fire. Since the dawn of time it has been the reward at the end of man’s quest. Both creator and destroyer, it has historically been the element hardest to control. Until now. Your quest is over. The power of fire in the palm of your hand. That’s the power of PYRO. The first of its kind, PYRO is a high-tech, wrist-worn, James Bond-style device that allows you to shoot magnificent balls of fire from your open hand. Featuring four separate chambers for multiple shots, an easy to use remote device, soft touch finish and adjustable wrist strap, PYRO is about to turn up the heat on your performances.” 4L Magazine’s take: Whether it be a man or woman, donkey or princess, child or ninja … there’s no one on this screaming blue dot who wouldn’t want to shoot fire from their hands. Oh shut up, you know you do. Quit being such a candy ass and let’s light some shit on fire! Ellusionist.com







With minimal vocals and maximum radness, San Diego’s Earthless melt faces as they take their audience on a trip to somewhere that’s thrilling and satisfying and would probably be hard to find your way back from without a headlamp. They bring the thickness, you bring the willingness to follow where they lead. It’s sweaty rock ‘n’ roll symbiosis at it’s best, and the Casbah is the perfect venue to see them in. With Mario Rubalcaba (Rocket From The Crypt, Off!, Hot Snakes) on drums, all three guys are supremely talented players and they’ve been together long enough to function like the well-oiled crushing machine of your dreams. If you like it heavy, treat yourself to an Earthless show. You won’t be disappointed.


The Merrow

More Kaiser Chiefs than Arctic Monkeys, Catfish & The Bottlemen bring a welcome edge to this wave of the British Invasion, and they put on a good live show to boot. Their (awesomely named) singer Van McCann looks like a younger, cuter Joey Ramone and sings with the voice of a, well, younger, cuter Joey Ramone. FM 94/9 has been all over their song “Kathleen,” Zane Lowe has supported them heartily on the BBC, and they are signed to the Sub Pop of the UK: Communion Records (a label started by Ben Lovett of Mumford & Sons, another huge fan of the band). Catch them this month at The Merrow because the next time they come to town, they’ll probably be playing a much bigger room.


Belly Up

Steve Poltz is as San Diego as the Padres, or having sand in your sheets, or, say, a late night carne asada fries run, amiright? His live shows are revered for his between-song banter and renowned for his seemingly limitless repertoire of great songs, and if you’ve never been to one of his Belly Up birthday performances, this is the one not to miss. Our friend Steve had a bit of a health scare recently, so I have a feeling this show will be as poignant as it is celebratory. The Rugburns, Tim Flannery, Bushwalla and my new favorite husband-wife duo The Mastersons are all playing, too; it’s going to be an unforgettable night. Happy 50+6th, Steve!




Tours with STP and The Bravery, a number one song on the Billboard Alternative chart, two brothers and a friend who make mind-blowingly great music together ... what’s missing here? At first glance, not much. Take a closer look though, and you’ll see it: What’s missing is a guitar. Wait, what? No guitar? A rock band with no guitar? Crash Kings are just that, and they’re killing it right now. They’re loudly galvanizing sweaty crowds nightly and winning over industry luminaries like Linda Perry and Sylvia Rhone, and they’re doing it all without any guitars. They kinda remind me of Quicksand or, say, Into Another, in the best possible way—Crash Kings are awesome. The secret to their sound is a keyboard-looking instrument called a “clavinet with a castle bar,” played with simultaneous abandon and prowess by singer Tony Beliveau. He plays the keys while bending the castle bar like a whammy bar, and the resulting sound is so guitar-like they fooled Grammy Award-winning sound engineer Bob Ludwig (Led Zeppelin, Nirvana) into thinking it was the real deal. THAT’S how good it is. Crash Kings are a first-listen kind of band, and their live show will win you over even faster than that. Check out their first two full-lengths or grab their new EP, Live Nudes, via Pledge Music while it’s still available.



The Soda Bar has become known for their diversity and taste in music for the San Diego area. The Crash Kings, starting their tour here in North Park, are a perfect fit for the dimly lit and swanky venue. While everyone settles in, and talk about the band buzzes throughout the bar, my friend and I grab a couple local St. Archer Blonde Ales at the wellstocked bar. We met two other fans from Boston, home of the Crash Kings, who had been following the band for years and were stoked to hear some new songs live. The show starts, opening with “Ms. Mysterious” off their first independently released EP. Tommy, on drums, breaks out a unique custom made tambourine, chiming in with the keyboard and bass, adding to the deep and gritty sound. The trio continued to crank through all their hits, such as “You Got Me,” “1985” and my personal favorite “Hot Fire.” The crowd got completely riled up and sang along for most of the show. ‘Mountain Man’ is obviously still a fan favorite with popping drum rifts and an energetic chorus. Their strong encore was a solid finish to the show and the crowd was happy to get two more songs out of them! It was a pleasure meeting and supporting a band of such humble, likable guys. Great blend of band and venue!

FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 89













The North Park Theater

2/07 7 P.M. DEAD MAN’S PARTY, Belly Up Dead Man’s Party is an Oingo Boingo tribute band named after the group’s fifth studio album, which was arguably one of their best. These guys will take you back 40 years with their quirky new wave style that is oft compared to Devo. 2/10 8 P.M. GRANGER SMITH FEAT. EARL DIBBLES JR., Belly Up The country artist and Dallas native began writing and recording his own music at 19 after years of playing gigs locally since he was 14. His first full-length album was completed during his attendance at Texas A&M. After graduating, he continued to play gigs, consistently gaining a loyal following in Texas. 2/11 6 P.M. MOTION CITY SOUNDTRACK, House of Blues The pop/punk rock outfit first formed in 1999 while creating music by pulling influence from the likes of Sunny Day Real Estate, Jawbox, The Flaming Lips and Superchunk. After several member changes over the years, the lineup was finally written in stone when they recorded the album I Am the Movie in 2003. After multiple signings, the group finally settled into Columbia Records. 2/12 8 P.M. ZION I: THE RAPTURE TOUR WITH VOKAB KOMPANY AND LOCKSMITH, Belly Up Vokab Kompany meshes an interesting mix between hip-hop and electronic-influenced music. The group’s founder, Rob Hurt, started the project back in 2004 and the San Diego natives were also featured in 4L Magazine with our very own Mikey Beats in our 2013-2014 holiday edition. 2/12 8 P.M. JUICY J, The North Park Theatre After entering the rap game of the early 90’s in Memphis, TN, and co-founding the southern hiphop group ‘Three 6 Mafia’, Jordan Michael Houston, aka Juicy J, has had an unstoppable career that has helped him rise to the top of the billboard charts today. Or more likely, to the top of your party playlist. 2/13 8:30 P.M. SAINTS OF VALORY, Soda Bar The existing lineup consists of members that united from various parts of the world. They first began as music enthusiasts who wanted nothing more than to immerse themselves in the industry. The group traveled frequently, meeting up with new band members and keeping the hopes of becoming famous musicians along the way. Eventually they gained some buzz after their cover of Lorde’s hit song “Royals.”


REEL BIG FISH House of Blues

2/13 8 P.M. HEPCAT, The North Park Theater Hepcat broke into the music scene in the early 1990’s with their contagious and contemporary mix of reggae and jazz. Usually found playing in the Los Angeles area, their music stands out by having a 1960’s Jamaican ska sound and a vibe that is guaranteed to keep you cruising 2/14-15 7 P.M. OZOMATLI, Belly Up Serving up a dish of urban hip-hop, jazz-funk and a side of Latin salsa, the group originally got together in Los Angeles with a quickly solidified lineup. They began to make a name for themselves in the local club scene after which they made an appearance on the late night talk show Vibe! 2/19 6 P.M. REEL BIG FISH & LESS THAN JAKE, House of Blues Reel Big Fish was one of the bands that wiggled their way into the mainstream music scene, following the success of well known ska punk bands such as No Doubt and Sublime. Like most of the participants of their genre, they had been distinguished by their rowdy and juvenile stage antics in addition to some new wave pop covers. Their breakthrough to mainstream success began with their much loved singles “Sell Out” and “Beer” thanks to modern rock radio and MTV. Regardless of the genre’s decline in marketability, the group continued to maintain a successful and lengthy career.

FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 91





2/20 7 P.M. ALESTORM’S PIRATE FEST, Ramona Mainstage Formerly known as Battleheart, the group created a relatively unexplored genre of music that they refer to as pirate metal. Originally a duo that formed in 2004, they decided to add bass and drums to the mix two years later in hopes of achieving a new and improved sound. The name change occurred in 2007, beginning with the idea that they needed to adapt to their unique new brand of metal. 2/20 8:30 P.M. SURFER BLOOD, The Casbah The South Florida-based indie pop rockers add a surf rock vibe into the mix. Two members had known each other since high school and the rest of the group met at an Ultra Music Festival after party. After determining their official lineup, the group started touring and recording almost instantaneously. 2/21 NOON SHAUN WHITE PRESENTS: AIR + STYLE,

Rose Bowl Stadium, Pasadena

The two-day festival put on by Olympic gold medalist Shaun White consists of multi-genre musical acts such as: Kendrick Lamar, Steve Aoki, The Flaming Lips, Diplo, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Phantogram, Portugal. The Man, Sleigh Bells, The Black Lips, Cults, Surfer Blood, Metz and Bad Things.

2/21 6 P.M. AUGUST BURNS RED, House of Blues The Lancaster, Pennsylvania, natives produce a powerful metalcore sound that has earned them a loyal cult, hard-rock following. The name was taken from a disturbing newspaper headline about a girl who set fire to her boyfriend’s pet dog. The appeal to the bands first EP in addition to several successful tours led to the group’s signing at Solid State Records.



THE FLAMING LIPS Rose Bowl Stadium, Pasadena


2/21 8 P.M. LUCINDA WILLIAMS, The North Park Theater Regardless of her perceived major talent by both critics and fans, inactivity and a bit of untimely networking opportunities prevented her true talent from being recognized by a mainstream audience. The country singer/ songwriter, despite some downfalls, has continued to tour, write and record.



COLD WAR KIDS North Park Theater





The Casbah

2/23 6 P.M. IN FLAMES, House of Blues Former Ceremonial Oath guitarist Jesper Stromblad decided that he was finished being the man in the back and ventured over to In Flames to work on his songwriting abilities. His overwhelming touch of metal with the addition of influences from the likes of Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden led Wrong Again Records to release the band’s debut album Lunar Strain. 2/24 7 P.M. KPRI PRESENTS BRETT DENNEN, North Park Theater The singer/songwriter from Oakdale, California, has a voice that combines the likes of Tracy Chapman and Neil Young. The buzz from his single “Desert Sunrise” eventually led to the release of his album the year after. 2/25 7 P.M. COLD WAR KIDS, North Park Theater Hailing from Long Beach, Cold War Kids added their own soulful blues taste to their indie rock-based sound. They began by recording demos in 2004. The group quickly gained a consistent addition of fans with every tour due to their unique sound.


BOB SEGER Viejas Arena at SDSU

2/22 8 P.M. EL TRI, The North Park Theatre El Tri keeps a classic rock sound that has been thriving since 1968. It’s no wonder they are known as “The Grandfathers of Rock.” Being the band that is influential to the development of Mexican Rock music, they have sold tens of millions of albums in Latin America and have albums consistently going gold in Mexico. 2/23 8 P.M. DAVID COOK, Belly Up The winner of the seventh season of American Idol has a pop/rock voice that leans more toward a post-grunge sound. The Houston native produced his first solo album, Analog Heart, in 2006. Without surprise, his album became a number one seller on Amazon during his time on American Idol in 2008. After grabbing an unexpected win in the competition, Cook continued to tour and record with some prominent musicians.

2/25 6 P.M. BOB SEGER & THE SILVER BULLET BAND, Viejas Arena at SDSU Bob Seger originally began as a hard garage rocker before developing his style, which led to him becoming one of the most influential and appreciated heartland rockers of the 1970s. Although he did not live up to the success of popular icons such as Bruce Springsteen, he still gained a massive following while touring with his Silver Bullet Band. 2/26 6 P.M. TAKING BACK SUNDAY, House of Blues Taking Back Sunday incorporates a melodic hardcore twang to their pop/punk roots. The take off for these Amityville, New Yorkers began with a five-song demo tape and a year’s worth of successful tours before signing with Victory Records. The band’s high-energy performances gained them a consistent and loyal fan base. 2/28 3 P.M. RHYTHM, WINE & BREWS FESTIVAL, Empire Polo Fields The wine and beer tasting event features bands such as: Slightly Stoopid, Ozomatli, Fishbone, The Suffers, Strangers You Know and Penny Unniversity. 2/28 8:30 P.M. THE CHURCH, The Casbah Hailing from the Land Down Under, The Church found their success during the postpunk era. At the start of their career they produced a sound that paid tribute to the psychedelia folk rock phase of the 1960s. As time went by, they eventually found their new voice mixing a sound that contains the essence of pop, art and progressive rock. The band became a massive success in their homeland of Australia before venturing over to the U.K. and the United States.

FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 93






FRIDAY, FEB. 20, 6 P.M.


Wallet: $20 donation Locale: Westin San Diego According to presenters: “The Barking Beast Runway Show is under way! Watch beautiful models strut the runway with rescue dogs available for adoption. The exciting non-profit event benefits animal rescue shelters local to San Diego. As well as beautiful models, there will be celebrities from the sports and entertainment worlds as judges and masters of ceremonies.” 4L Magazine’s take: Dogs and models … how can you not wanna see how that works out? Oh, and if anyone wants a good home for an Alaskan Malamute puppy? Sure, I’ll take one.


FEB. 21

WINTER BOUNTY OF BAJA CALIFORNIA Wallet: $100 Venue: Deckman’s Locale: Baja California

According to presenters: “Five-course dinner paired with wine (with guest chefs from Guadalupe Valley and San Diego).” 4L Magazine’s take: Book quickly at (646) 188-3960 because in January this dinner sold out.

FEB. 5-8

FARMERS INSURANCE OPEN 2015 Wallet: $30-$200 Locale: La Jolla

According to presenters: “The annual PGA Tour men’s golf tournament is played at the Torrey Pines Golf Course in La Jolla, home of the 2008 U.S. Open.” 4L Magazine’s take: Let’s jet off to La Jolla and see how the other half lives. The other half of the 1 percent. Them. I think that’s the “Them” or “They” all the conspiracy wacks talk about.

FEB. 7

FEB. 5

Wallet: $40-$45 Venue: The New Children’s Museum Locale: Gaslamp

Wallet: Members are free, buy tickets early for $20 and $25 at the door. Venue: San Diego Museum of Art Locale: Gaslamp

According to presenters: “We are happy to continue Eat Better Art, a series of cooking classes at The New Children’s Museum.”

According to presenters: “Come enjoy art, music and drinks at the Museum’s after hours Culture & Cocktails! Wear your best Cuban-inspired look to celebrate the Museum’s Cuban Contemporary Art installation and enjoy fun island-themed activities and refreshments.”


4L Magazine’s take: Eat better is code for not getting extra guacamole on my California burrito at 3 a.m., I think. And on being lazy … the other day, I downloaded an app that turned my phone into a remote control instead of getting off the couch because the remote was on the counter. Unfortunately, that’s a true story.


4L Magazine’s take: Insensitive shenanigans: I’m going dressed as Fidel Castrology. Beard, hat, cigar, but also with a cape, a crystal ball and I’ll go around asking people what they’re astrological sign is. Viva la Confusion! FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 95



FEB. 6

KODO Wallet: $27-$77 Venue: La Jolla Music Society Locale: La Jolla

According to presenters: “Kodo Drummers of Japan return to La Jolla Music Society with a new and innovative program, ‘Kodo One Earth Tour: Mystery.’” 4L Magazine’s take: This caught me with the title, “Mystery.” But then I watched the video on the website and I wanted to rush into battle or fight monsters. Man, don’t drink any coffee before you go to this, you might kill everyone in your aisle. FEB. 6

FRIDAY NIGHT LIBERTY A NIGHT OF FREE FRESH ART Wallet: Free Venue: NTC at Liberty Station Locale: Point Loma

According to presenters: “Friday Night Liberty is a free, community art event that happens the first Friday of every month. Meet artists in their studios, see live performances and experience unique San Diego culture. Explore the historic heart of Liberty Station.” 4L Magazine’s take: Take a night off from the bars, and take in some culture you filthy animals. And when there’s a donation offering, just go ahead and do that. It’s like tipping your bartender, it’s good karma. FEB. 6

THE EXPRESSIVE POTENTIAL OF A DRAWING Wallet: Single Class Member ($12), non-members ($15), member series package ($40) Venue: San Diego Museum of Art Locale: Gaslamp

According to presenters: “Drawing in the galleries is an informal drawing workshop at the Museum where students draw from objects in the collection with an instructor. This class visits the Art of East Asia Gallery to learn ‘The Expressive Potential of a Drawing.’” 4L Magazine’s take: I draw like someone whose had a traumatic brain injury, a pot of coffee and just got off eight trips on a hyperspeed merry-go-round. By that, I mean poorly. FEB. 10

LIVIN’ LA VIDA LOCAL WINE DINNER Wallet: $80 (plus tax and please remember to tip, you heathen) Venue: The Patio on Goldfinch Locale: Gaslamp

According to presenters: “A five-course dinner with San Diego County winemakers and local purveyors.” 4L Magazine’s take: Livin’ La Vida Local. Hmmm, I’m not sure how I feel about that title. Oh wait, I do. At some point, someone thought they had a snazzy idea for a title of this dinner. Which isn’t the worst part. The horrible part is other people had to agree with the creator of that slogan. That person must have a lot of money or a fierce right hook. 96 4L MAGAZINE | FEBRUARY 2015

FEB. 9

PERSPECTIVES ON OCEAN SCIENCE LECTURE SERIES Wallet: Public ($8), students/teachers ($5), members (free) Venue: Birch Aquarium at Scripps Locale: La Jolla

According to presenters: “Join us for an up close look at how some of the latest research activities at Scripps Oceanography are helping to shape worldwide conversations about the future of our planet.” 4L Magazine’s take: I love this place, so I highly recommend you go and check this out. I’m a member, so look for me at this event. I’ll be the guy with the giant head, tiny wife and a little blond girl doing 55 handstands in a row.

FEB. 19

THE ART OF MUSIC - ANTHONY DAVIS Wallet: Members ($15), students/military/seniors ($17), non-members, $20 Venue: San Diego Museum of Art Locale: Gaslamp

According to presenters: “The Art of Music Concert Series is a monthly concert program at the Museum and is part of the 2015 initiative The San Diego Museum of Art Celebrates 100 Years of Art in Balboa Park, and the centennial exhibition The Art of Music.” 4L Magazine’s take: I know I sound like a broken record a lot with trying to support art and music, but I remember getting almost none of this at my elementary school growing up, so I think every child should be exposed to this. Nowadays, it’s all math and science. I mean, do we really want our children to grow up to be engineers and doctors? Oh wait ... 4Lmagazine.com

FEB. 13

RED BULL THRE3STYLE WORLD DJ CHAMPIONSHIPS Wallet: $20 Venue: Fluxx Nightclub Locale: Gaslamp

According to presenters: “In the San Diego local qualifier ... Virusss, DJ Ricky Jay, DJ Son, DJ A-KO, AkikoLuv and Dynamix will battle it out at Fluxx Nightclub.” 4L Magazine’s take: Wait, there’s DJ Championships!?! Is that like … who can press play the fastest? Or maybe who can hold up one earphone while simultaneously telling that group of drunk girls that you’re not playing “Shake It Off” again? DJ 4L couldn’t make it this year, so I think I’ll sit this one out.

FEB. 26 - MARCH 1


ROTTERDAM PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Wallet: $27-$97 Venue: La Jolla Music Society Locale: La Jolla

According to presenters: “La Jolla Music Society presents the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, ranked among Europe’s foremost orchestras and internationally known for the intense energy of its performances, acclaimed recordings and innovative audience approach.” 4L Magazine’s take: Actually, I’m gonna change my DJ name to DJ Harry Rotterdammit. Man, I’m so dumb sometimes. Stop laughing, this is your fault I still write stuff like this.

Wallet: $30 Venue: The American Comedy Co. Locale: Gaslamp

According to presenters: “Celebrate The American Comedy Co.’s three-year anniversary weekend with Jay Mohr!” 4L Magazine’s take: I just saw his latest special, and I think he’s actually getting funnier. Plus, he makes fun of his kids, which we all do. Just not publicly and on stage.

FEB. 28


FEB. 21

BIRCH AQUARIUM SEA DAYS - OCEAN LOVE Wallet: Free with aquarium admission Venue: Birch Aquarium at Scripps Locale: La Jolla

According to presenters: “Love is in the air, and the ocean, this month! It’s the time of year when whales are calving, birds are nesting, and fish are spawning.” 4L Magazine’s take: I get a lot of leeway about what I write, but whale sex? I’m not even touching that one.

Wallet: MCASD members and military families (free), non-members ($15) Venue: Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego Locale: La Jolla

According to presenters: “Take part in a Look/Explore Tour and let our gallery educators lead you and your family in lively conversation about the exhibition ‘Laughin: Art, Comedy, Performance.’” 4L Magazine’s take: I’m curious as to what Absurd Art is. Because I’m pretty sure my definition of Absurd differs greatly from the folks at the MCASD.

FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 97



FEB. 6-15

SDJT PRESENTS: FLIGHT OF THE LAWNCHAIR MAN Wallet: $11-$15 Venue: San Diego Junior Theatre Locale: Hillcrest

According to presenters: “Loosely based on true story. Jerry soars to 16,000 feet with nothing but a lawnchair and 400 helium balloons. This is a musical that reminds us that dreams can come true if you believe in yourself.” 4L Magazine’s take: Musical about a guy in a flying lawnchair. By kids. That sounds ridiculous. I’m in. ONGOING


THE MARVEL EXPERIENCE Wallet: Tickets start at $27.50 Locale: Del Martian Territory (Fairgrounds)

According to presenters: “Join forces with Marvel’s mightiest heroes on a mission to save the planet at The Marvel Experience, a first-of-its-kind attraction.”

4L Magazine’s take: I’m going dressed as Han Solo and telling people I’m Captain Kirk. I like to mix genres. I most likely won’t make it back alive. Adieu, kind masses … adieu.


THE DISCOVERY OF KING TUT Wallet: $15-$27 Venue: San Diego Natural History Museum Locale: Gaslamp

According to presenters: “The Discovery of King Tut recreates one of the greatest moments of the 20th century: the discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922.” 4L Magazine’s take: No joke, as a kid, when I read about Howard Carter and King Tut, I wanted to become an archeologist. Then I saw Indiana Jones and I REALLY wanted to become an archeologist. Then reality struck when I read about digging in the dirt, Africa, malaria and zero mentions of Nazi subterfuge, whips, sword fights and ancient relics. 98 4L MAGAZINE | FEBRUARY 2015

Wallet: $85 Venue: A.R. Valentien - The Lodge at Torrey Pines Locale: La Jolla

According to presenters: “A unique farm-to-table San Diego dining experience at A.R. Valentien in the charming seaside community of La Jolla.” 4L Magazine’s take: Around Town is very La Jolla heavy this month. Kudos to The Jewel of San Diego for kicking it up a notch and bribing me … er ... endor$ing their effort$ to make our coa$tal hamlet an enjoyable and arti$tic community. Just kidding, it was money.


THIS IS HOW WE WALK ON THE MOON: COLTER JACOBSEN Wallet: Included with museum admission Venue: Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego Locale: Gaslamp

According to presenters: “Colter Jacobsen’s time-based drawings and found object installations stand as meditations on memory and forgetting, seeing and blindness, lust and longing. The San Francisco-based artist, who has roots in the San Diego County town of Ramona, presents new work inspired by his recent travels by foot and train along the coast of California. Jacobsen’s first solo exhibition in a museum, ‘This is How We Walk on the Moon’ will also include a selective survey of key works made over the past several years.” 4L Magazine’s take: Huh, more art you say? Yes, More Art I Say.

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SAN DIEGUITO PRINTERS 1880 Diamond Street • San Marcos, CA 92078 Phone: 760.744.0910 • sd-print.com FEBRUARY 2015 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | 4L MAGAZINE 99

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