4L Magazine July 2013

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SUMMER LOVIN’ Stay-Cations Guys Guide to Wine Tasting Collaboration Kitchen

DRAFT REVIEW Forecasting the Charger’s season

Brande Roderick Quintuple Threat







R V C A . C O M



FROM THE EDITOR * Fully cultured yet unshaven*

volume 1 * issue 2 * july 2013

Publisher/Editor Chris Lapham

As I sit down to write this column, I feel a mixture of pride, encouragement and sadness. Four EL has been our baby for over a year, and last month we debuted with a product that, to say the very least, we’re extremely proud of. The feedback has been astonishing, and we want to thank everyone who has been a part of this journey. We also want to thank all of the readers who have responded so positively; the kind phone calls and emails have been very humbling. We’re just getting started and it’s already been an incredible ride. One of the main identities of Four EL is to promote the concept of living in the moment and focusing on the things that really matter in life. Family and friends, being active and fit, and enjoying everything this great city has to offer. However, the process of starting a project of this nature can be daunting. Factor in friends doing business together and multiple deadlines, it can be tough for even the good ol’ folks at Four EL to remember the basic principal of why we started this whole project to begin with. If you could have been a fly on the wall during some of our meetings, I’m sure you would have been laughing your ass off. Sadly, the family at Four EL was reminded just how precious life is on May 12. Tragically, we lost one of our contributors, Dustin Kinney. You may recognize him as the author of “Cowbells and Cancer” from our premier issue. To us, Dustin was a husband, father and friend. I can say, without bias, that he was one of the good guys. Kind hearted, intelligent and always trying to help better the lives of the people around him, Dustin will be greatly missed. He is survived by his wife Juelia and daughter Ireland. We miss you already my friend. As we move forward, we have some really cool surprises headed your way. If you liked the first two issues, just wait for August. That’s about the only tease I can give you, but we’ll just say that the cover story was not only inspirational but also really fun. San Diego is America’s finest city all year round, but it’s the summer and fall that really make it shine. We’ll be talking sun, surf, sports and everything cool to do during the summer months, both indoors and out. There is even a rumor about an OTL tournament, for charity of course. Stay tuned … There are several people that I would like to thank. My business partners, all of the amazing and talented contributors, and the people behind the scenes who helped get this magazine off the ground. I would also like to thank all of the generous companies that donated their time, money and products at our launch party. We had a fantastic silent auction because of it and raised some great money for Angels Foster Family Network. Last, I want to give a very special thanks to Kim Lalla, Cory Waterhouse, Jeran Fraser, and we certainly can’t forget The Palace Ballroom. You guys are rock stars (literally), and we couldn’t have done it without you. In closing, I can say that I’ve been doing this type of thing for a very long time, and nothing really surprises me anymore. That was not the case as we launched Four EL. I was reminded of how many truly good, selfless people exist in society today. Kind hearted people who wanted to get behind us, behind our charity, or just be involved with the hope they can help spread a positive vibe. It was humbling to be involved with so many cool, talented and generous people. You all made it an incredibly positive experience. Until the next tide…

4 Four El | JULY 2013

Director of sales/Senior Editor Steve Kang Senior Managing Editor Cory Waterhouse Director of Marketing Pete Rocky Creative Consultant/Photo Editor John Schnack Online Editor Jeran Fraser CONTRIBUTORS Mike “Mikey Beats” Beltran, Anna Dimond, Dr. Ken Fujioka, Chris Goldsmith, Dale Hersey, Ryan Kelly, Lara Miller, BJ Penn, Brady Phelps, Miles Roberson, Holly Sheets, Jason Stewart, Max Wettstein, Steve Woods photographers John Schnack, Andi Pianalto



Stay-Cations Tasting Guys Guide to Wine Collaboration Kitchen

DRAFT REVIEW Forecasting the Charger’s season

Brande Roderick Quintuple Threat

Philip Rivers is so much prettier than I remember...

Photo by Lauren Fraser


This magazine is not affiliated with or endorsed by the San Diego Chargers or the NFL.

Four El Magazine 1880 Diamond St, San Marcos CA Phone: (760) 744-0911 www.fourelmagazine.com

Four El Magazine is published monthly except Dec/Jan is bi-monthly. The known office of publication is 1880 Diamond St., San Marcos, CA 92078. Four El is published by Known Publishing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Articles and stories appearing in Four El may not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Four El Magazine. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written consent is strictly prohibited.




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1200 garnet ave pacific beach




JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 5



28 STAY-CATIONS When we live here, why do we need to go anywhere else!

32 GUYS GUIDE TO WINE tasting Exploring Temecula, Santa Barbara, Napa and Sonoma

24 brande roderick The sexy model, actress, TV personality, author, entrepreneur AND mother and loving wife. Phew! That was a mouthful.

38 COLLABORATION KITCHEN Let’s all get along. And Eat.

6 Four El | JULY 2013



TUNA CHALLENGE August 23-25, 2013


Tuna Challenge has raised over 2.6 million dollars for Make-A-Wish速 San Diego. This all-volunteer committee is proud to have been granting wishes for over 24 years. The mission of Make-A-Wish速 is to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. For Fishing Tournament Applications, Sponsorship Pledge Forms or Tuna Challenge Banquet Tickets, please visit tunachallenge.org.

GRANT A WISH For more info, go to www.TunaChallenge.org

CATCH SOME FISH 100% of Net Proceeds go to Make-A-Wish速 San Diego



sports 58 preview: Charger’s draft preview

ON PAR 62 review: The Crossings at Carlsbad

Fitness 10 defense: Standing Punch Offensive 12 How-To: Downward Facing Dog 14 team: Are we talking about practice? 16 action: Rodger That 18 CHALLENGE: Alpha Warrior

travel 66 mallorca: Adventures

relationships 70 offspring: Parenting 72 dating: Summer Says

20 w/max wettstein: Family Fitness

native population


74 teri reeves: Beauty and Brains

21 w/max wettstein: Vacation Eating 22 the doctor is in: Taco Tuesday

rhythm 80 up and coming bands: Local rock stars


84 hot wire: Concert and show dates

43 BEER ME: St. Archer Brewing Co.

around town

44 BEATS & EATS: Quality Social

86 JULY events: Local happenings and things to do

48 epicurious: Hillcrest

90 RECAP: Recent events

42 HAPPIEST HOUR: The Compass

50 TENDER: Meet Marissa 52 CRAFTY: Chandler’s 54 mixology: Mai Heavens 56 RECIPE: Lobster Tacos

76 All Hands on Tech: Lust-worthy gadgets that will truly make your life more enjoyable 8 Four El | JULY 2013




Maneuver: basic stand up


There are many styles of fighting. If you are engaging in a stand-up situation and intend to fight using your fists, you have to be aware of how your opponent is going to approach you. There’s boxing, kick boxing, Muay Thai kick boxing and several types of wrestling styles. In each of these situations, your stance is going to have to change to accommodate the type of attack.

STANCE: A person’s stance is unique and has to be comfortable for them. Although things can slightly differ from person to person, there are some basic elements that have to be the same.

STRIKING: There are a limited number of types of strikes. What makes stand-up striking so dangerous is the infinite number of combinations that can be thrown.

– Right handed people should have their left foot in front – You should be standing on the ball of your foot with your right foot in back – Keep legs at a slight bend

– Left and Right Body Hook

– Left and Right Hook

– Left and Right Upper Cut – Left Jab – Right Overhand

– Always keep your hands up by your face to defend and take quick shots at your opponent – Elbows should be tight and next to the body; this will enhance your vision and allow you to see your opponent better

– Your chin is very vulnerable so keep it down – Keep your eyes up at your opponent at all times – Bob and weave to see everything that’s going on in front of you

10 Four El | JULY 2013

– Right Straight

Now you have to be creative to come up with your own combinations. It’s your job to come up with the ones that are most comfortable for you. Start shadow boxing to figure out which you are most comfortable with and comes the most natural for you. Obviously, when engaged in a fight, you must adapt your combinations to what your opponent has for you in return. Warning: Avoid fighting if at all possible. Fighting is left to those in a ring or cage. You can be seriously

injured and this article is for entertainment purposes only. If you’re not a trained fighter, do not attempt. The Four EL Magazine staff do not condone fighting unless its for the last doughnut at meetings.


waterproof weatherproof sweatproof sound. secure fit design for athletes. Powered by H2O Audio’s patented waterproof technology, the Surge ear buds come with 5 ear tip sizes, guaranteeing a comfortable and secure fit for running, biking and swimming. Add the Amphibx Fit waterproof armband for your device or the Interval system for swimming to bring your training soundtrack to any climate or terrain. Breaking the Barriers of sound at X-1.com JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 11



Downward facing dog By Mary Miskelly

Registered Yoga Teacher

Although a lot of the top yogis (people proficient in yoga) are men, more than 70 percent of participants are female. Men need to give yoga a chance. It simultaneously increases your flexibility and strength while giving you a sense of calm. You can use yoga as your primary source of exercise or as a training method for other activities. It gives you a physical and mental advantage in the “manly” sports that you enjoy, including golf, basketball, surfing, etc. You’re in a quiet, calming environment surrounded by lovely, flexible ladies.

Downward dog, also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana (in Sanskrit) While in yoga classes, teachers may refer to this as a resting position, but don’t be fooled by the name. This posture is incredible for building strength as well as flexibility, and when mastered has a direct effect on brain function, control over heart rate and breath. With that said, don’t be afraid to prop or back off completely if it becomes intense, or the breath gets choppy or jagged! The goal isn’t to muscle your way through the pose—even though it’s tempting. Props are there to guide your body into the proper alignment, creating a safe version of the pose, so you can maximize the benefits from it.

Beginner Position Benefits: – STRETCHES: Back, shoulders, chest – STRENGTHENS: Shoulders, arms, core – FUN FACTS: While elongating the cervical spine and relaxing the head,this posture stimulates brain activity as well as the parasympathetic nervous system; quieting the mind, improving memory, concentration, and focus

Reasons Men Give For Not Doing Yoga:

Reasons Why Men Should Do Yoga:

1) I’m not flexible enough

1) You will gain flexibility

2) I don’t feel like I’m exercising

2) You will strengthen your entire body

– Glaucoma: This will be a contraindication for any pose where the head is lower than the heart.

3) It’s boring

3) You will become calmer and feel better

– Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

4) It’s for chicks

4) You will meet chicks

– High Blood pressure

5) I don’t have enough time

5) You only need an hour per session

– Injury or weakness in the wrists


beginner CONTINUED

limber out 12 Four El | JULY 2013

Mary Miskelly is a registered yoga teacher. She provides private lessons and corporate classes for beginner, intermediate and advanced skill levels. Email her at Mary.miskelly@gmail.com FourElmagazine.com

Props you may need: 2 Blocks, Strap Beginning on hands and knees in a table top position; bring the wrists directly under the shoulders and the knees under the hips. Make sure that your middle finger is facing straight forward and spread your fingers widely-this creates a solid base and helps to protect the wrists. Take a moment to press the floor away from you by engaging the triceps. Tuck the toes under and on an exhale begin to lift the hips up and back.


Make sure that the lower tips of the shoulder blades are drawing into each other (rhomboid major), as well and down the back (scapula/lattisimus dorsi), and towards the spine. To do this, imagine trying to wrap the outer rim of the armpit down around the side of the face-this will make the upper back broader; then shrugging the shoulders a far away from the ears as possible Once you lift the hips, rise up on to the toes, bend your knees as much as necessary to take the stretch out of your hamstrings and lower back. Each INHALE squeeze the inner thighs and glutes up towards the ceiling. Each EXHALE draw the lower abdominals up and in, press the arms in towards your ears and allow the chest to soften towards the top of your thighs. You should feel a strong stretch under the armpits, through the upper back and chest. Take 5-10 DIAPHRAGMATIC BREATHS here and release slowly to table top. TIPS FOR BEGINNERS: If you are very tight or stiff in the shoulders, from all that power lifting, and find it challenging to release through the upper back and shoulders, try placing your hands on top of the blocks, or the seat of a chair. This bridges the gap between yourself and the floor. You may also find the strap helpful for shoulder alignment. From table top position, use the strap (or belt, tie, old t-shirt) and place it around the upper arms, just above the elbow. It should be tight enough to keep the alignment as you lift the hips up and back.

Intermediate Posture

Advanced Posture ADDING A TWIST Additional Benefits: – Improves: Balance, increases blood flow – STRETCHES: Torso and ribs – STRENGTHENS: Internal obliques and core – fun fact: Internal obliques and core Make sure to do both sides with the pose, and identify any differences between them. From downward facing dog, spread the fingers on the right hand a little more widely and actively press down between your index finger and thumb. You should be feeling lighter on the left palm as you transfer the weight over. Hug the right bicep towards your face and re-engage the core. Lift the left hand up and grab onto the right leg. For LESS intensity, grab higher on the leg—up towards the thigh. Avoid pushing or pulling on the knee at all by grabbing above or below the joint. For more intensity grab the ankle. Press evenly into the outer and inner edge of the left foot. Root the right big toe into the ground. Level the pelvis by contracting the inner thighs and drawing the front of the right hip down. Lock the legs in place, use the left arm as leverage, INHALE allow the sides of your body to expand outward, let the belly soften. On the EXHALE contract from the pelvic floor (the inner groin up into the perineum [taint]) and begin the twist from above the belly button. You should not feel the hips move, rather the left side of your rib cage moves under, and the right side wraps up. ALIGNMENT CHECK

The neck is an extension of the spine, keep the chin parallel to the shoulder and gaze under the right armpit towards the ceiling. Keep in mind that these alignment cues don’t need to be giant movements. Often they are so small, in fact, that we miss them completely, so try and relax all the go-go-go in your head. I promise holding this posture for 30 seconds to a minute will have you sweating! And for those of you who can twist your dog with ease…

Additional Benefits: – STRETCHES: Hamstrings, hip flexors – STRENGTHENS: Quads, shins From the beginner posture, each EXHALE press the thigh bones straight back (contract the quads strongly, while lifting the knee caps up towards them) and work the heels slowly towards the floor. ALIGNMENT CHECK

Do not compromise the space in the shoulders and upper back to press the heels down. Keep the spine long and contract the muscles above, behind and below the belly button up and in to draw the weight away from the wrists and UP into the hips/heels. To deepen this posture press the hands and feet evenly and away from each other. The lift comes from core Core CORE strength, so squeeze the inner thighs up, continue that zipping sensation through the groin (between your anus and your balls), and into the lower abdominals. Eventually making the way into the lower ribcage—pull the bottom of the ribcage into the spine.

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 13



yes, we are talking about

Note: This double dribble is legal...

PRACTICE by jason stewart

I recently interviewed a couple local high school senior basketball players who were about to graduate. Both are going on to play college basketball at Division II schools. I asked them what they would do differently if they could do it all again in terms of their sport. They said that they would have hit the weight room harder and taken their basketball workouts more seriously. I watch guys in the gym all the time. Groups of all ages come in to casually shoot around and play. I’m shocked at how many competitive players rely solely on competitive games to improve their skills. When I go to the gym, I have a couple goals in mind for that day. For example, I may go in to improve my ball control and speed of dribbling. Before I go, I make up in my mind how long I am going to work, 45-60 minutes. Notice, I said “work” and not “play.”

One of the first things that I do before I leave the house is get online and find video of an NBA player who has similar attributes and physical qualities that I have. This is so important for many reasons. Here are two of them:


One: You can study someone like you. You don’t want to watch how 6-foot-9, 250-pound LeBron James runs through people on his way to the basket if your parents are only 6-foot-2. Lord knows I learned a lot from 6-foot-9 Magic Johnson when I was growing up. But let’s just say that dribbling the ball at the three point line with my back to basket against full court pressure defense didn’t serve me too well as a 5-foot-4 freshman in high school. So find someone appropriate to fashion your game after.

Two: Watching video allows your eyes to etch into your brain images of the correct way to do things. Our photographic memory is amazing. If you go out and try to do what you saw, you’ll be surprised at how close you will come to doing the real thing. The more you practice it, the better you will become. The moves will become your goals.


On the way to the gym, I’m visualizing the moves in my head. (Tip: Use visualization for your pre-game routine also). When you show up to the gym and there are guys playing

three on three or five on five, and they invite you to play, I know it’s tempting but you have to tell them, “No thank you.” Get your work done first, then you can practice your new moves against those guys when you’re done. Don’t allow yourself to be undisciplined. This slows down your development. Remember the graduating seniors I interviewed.

When I’m done stretching and it’s time for me to now practice a new move, I put myself on the same spot on the court that I saw in the video I studied. I start slowly, about half speed, then I examine my footwork. If my natural way of doing the move is not the same as what I saw earlier, then I back up and ask myself, “How can I move the way they did?” I always practice with questions in my head. Questions like: If I do this, what position does that put my opponent in? Every offensive move you practice should have a “counter move” or alternate plan in case the opponent is ready for the initial move. Once my body has the move memorized, I try it at top speed. Finally, whatever you can do on the right side of the court with your strong hand and footwork, you should practice on the left side of the court with your weaker hand and footwork. You may have to teach your feet all over again. What are we talking about here? We are talking about intentional practice. Remember this when you practice: “Individual workouts should

be harder than team practices and team practices should be harder than games.” You are in control of how prepared you will be for competition.

I’m not saying that you have to be serious all the time. Sometimes I go to the gym just to clear my head while shooting baskets. However, I am saying that if you are an ambitious, competitive, junior high school age player or older, then your serious intentional practice days should outnumber your fun “just-playing-with-friends” days. In doing this, you will elevate your game to new levels.

jason stewart Currently coaches and teaches clinics in San Diego. He is also President of ProUniversity, a change management company, which helps athletes at all levels prepare for the transitions in life. To contact him, email Jason.Stewart.52@gmail.com

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Rodger that // How learning to save lives has helped him save his own

by ryan kelly photo by Aaron Schall

Sitting in a lifeguard tower at La Jolla Shores, a bright-eyed, alert and healthy Rodger Eales scans the crowded surf for potential hazardous situations. At thirty-years-old, the San Diego native, San Diego City Lifeguard and semi-professional surfer has come a long way. Rewind 8 years. Those same eyes are still scanning the beach, though at 22 years old, the view is a lot hazier and Rodger Eales is hardly what one would call “healthy.” Growing up in the well-to-do neighborhood of Point Loma, Rodger had the typical middle-class childhood. He grew up in a nice house on the point where his parents raised him, his brother, and his two older sisters. He played the usual sports; baseball, football, basketball and soccer, and thanks to being raised near the ocean, he surfed.

16 Four El | JULY 2013

Right around the age of twelve, when kids begin to transition into middle school and decide if they want to continue playing any of the youth sports they participated in, Rodger’s body made the decision for him. Though he was much smaller than most of his teammates growing up, even earning the nickname of “Termite,” Rodger was a menace both on the field and on the court. He may have been the smallest guy out there but he had the biggest heart; ironically, he would later find out that the same heart that gave him his never-say-die attitude was keeping him from hitting the growth spurts that had his peers shooting up like bamboo. Fortunately for him, surfing doesn’t care how tall you are, so Rodger decided it was time to ditch the traditional stick and ball sports and make a commitment to competitive surfing.

By the age of fourteen, Rodger’s heart had earned him a sponsorship from Volcom, enough surfing trophies to fill a warehouse and even earned him a full page spread in Surfer Magazine. It also earned him a trip to the operating room, where he underwent open-heart surgery to repair a heart murmur, giving him Frankenstein-esque scars on his chest and helping him finally hit his long-awaited growth spurt. Along with those scars came a new lease on life.

“After going through open-heart surgery, it almost fastforwarded me into the idea of extreme behavior. I’d come as close to death as you could possibly come and I thought nothing could stop me now. I thought I was invincible.” As his surfing accomplishments became more frequent, so did his recreational drug use and his grades began to slip. Like most teenagers, Rodger dabbled in a variety of drugs, but mostly stuck to smoking pot and drinking alcohol. Un-


fortunately for him, his competitive drive wasn’t specific to sports; it drove him to do everything bigger and more extreme than his peers no matter what the activity was.

“When I went to a party it wasn’t good enough to just sit down and hangout. It was like; let’s make this as potent as possible. If we’re gonna do it, let’s do it to the maximum.” After getting kicked out of high school for a year, Rodger was readmitted for the spring semester of his senior year, and was able to walk with his friends at graduation. Though he had a diploma, his transcripts weren’t looking too impressive, so as many of his friends left to go away for college, Rodger was left at home, hanging around with the same crowd that had been enabling his demise. The next handful of years would prove to be trying as Rodger struggled to stay sober while attending community college, finding himself in trouble with the law and ending up in rehab. But something that never waivered was his love for the ocean and his ability to surf extremely well, which, along with his family and friends, would prove to be his savior.

“My dad was a super big reason why I became a lifeguard. He was constantly looking for something for me to do that would match my passion for the ocean. He would take me to lifeguard academy tryouts. I remember the first time I tried out and I thought I was hot sh*t. I had to do a 500-meter swim in under ten minutes. I did it in eight and a half, came to the beach, got dizzy and just started vomiting. I got beat by girls who were doing it in seven minutes and my dad just said, ‘Think you’re hot sh*t, huh?’”

Rodger Eales, in action

Fast forward a few more years, a few more stints in rehab and a few more wrecked cars and Rodger had had enough. After buckling down and becoming a San Diego City Lifeguard and getting his grades up enough to apply to 4-year schools, Rodger was accepted to the University of San Francisco.

Rodger attributes his ability to get through that difficult period to the support of his family and close friends.

“Through everything, my dad used to constantly tell me; ‘do what’s right with all you’re might.’ But the fact of the matter is the good choices are always harder than the dumb choices. It’s easier to do stupid stuff than it is to do good things. So I just kept trying to focus on doing good.” Not all was lost through Rodger’s tribulations; with a clear mind he could now channel his competitive drive in healthier ways. With his lifeguard and first responder training he became even more confident in the water, leading him to start pushing his big wave limits at places like Todos Santos and Mavericks.

“Through lifeguarding I’ve learned a lot of things that are valuable for surfers. I’ve learned and had to use CPR. I’ve learned how to manage wounds and even how to splint broken bones. Lifeguarding has taught me to be prepared. When preparation meets desire, you’re done. You’re there.” Surfing big waves and putting himself in life-threatening situations has also shown Rodger that you don’t need to do drugs to experience those highs, there’s other, healthier ways to alter your mind.

“When you come in from surfing big waves and your body has been in full-on limbo between fight or flight mode for three hours, there’s endorphins that you get running and once you come in there’s a super intense high that can last for the rest of the day. It’s like nothing else I’ve ever experienced…and it’s natural.” His mistakes also helped him choose his major (education), and eventually graduate from USF this past fall. He wants to teach kids because he knows what it’s like to be in their shoes.

“In college, while student teaching in 4th and 5th grade classes, I could already spot the kids that were like me. At that age I had made my mind up that I wasn’t good at school, so I used school as a place to go and screw off. Now I want to help those kids that are wobbling on the fence and make sure they don’t choose the easy way like I did.”

photo by Aaron Schall

He wants to become a teacher because what kid wouldn’t be stoked to have a teacher that surfs huge waves and has the experience to save lives in more ways than one?

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 17



CHALLENGE with Max Wettstein

Alpha warrior

We get a lot of requests from public relations companies to cover their products and/or events. When Morgan from Smack Media! called, we were very intrigued. She told us about the Alpha Warrior and it seemed to be right in our wheel house. She got our fitness expert, Max Wettstein, a spot on UTTV, and an entrance to the Alpha Warrior for media coverage.


Alpha Warrior is a new type of obstacle course that will push in ways that you’ve never been pushed before. It is about having fun with your friends and attempting obstacles you’ve rarely seen in real life. It is not measured in miles or distance but focuses on the obstacles themselves. It is one insane obstacle after another–pushing your physical and mental limits. The objective is to complete each obstacle on the course and finish with a 100 percent completion rate to become a PROVEN Alpha Warrior.


Forged by an unparalleled team of architects, engineers and athletes, Alpha Warrior obstacles are designed to challenge every muscle in the human body while testing one’s athletic ability, both mentally and physically. It is a course that is completed by many, but conquered by few. Each obstacle is carefully designed to destroy specific muscle groups and push you in ways like never before.

I have to admit when I finally checked out the course’s website and some of the many online videos posted by weekend warriors before me, it not only looked fairly benign but really fun. It was an absolute blast, and the course’s 24 obstacles certainly delivered as they were challenging both physically and mentally. Most became a lot easier if you took an extra minute to analyze the simplest way through them, over them or under them.

18 Four El | JULY 2013


Four EL Magazine Fitness Expert

Domestic Dad or Alpha Warrior… I like to claim I am both! Or so I thought; these days it seems I’m more of the former as taking on the Alpha Warrior obstacle course at San Diego’s Qualcomm Stadium truly whooped my ass! I guess I’m a glutton for punishment because I like a good ass-whooping. When Four EL’s Senior Editor Steve Kang called to ask if I was up for doing Alpha Warrior for a feature in the magazine, I replied yes without hesitation or any investigation.

Yes up to r lived

arrio claim: Alpha W and its e m a n its ourse ed the c t le p m I co uer it! OT conq N id d I but



All in the family

with Max Wettstein


The sleeve police called...


Many of us are fathers with young children, whom we spend a lot of time with. Many of us are fathers with young children with whom we spend a lot of time. This is especially true if Mom works and the kids are home from school. But this is no excuse for letting your workouts slip. In fact, time spent with your kids can be a catalyst for getting more exercise, and even rediscovering your passion for playing sports. This is pretty much my situation. I have two daughters; one who is in elementary school and one who is only 2. I also have a wife who works part time, which means I spend a lot of time on daddy duty! However, being that I’m a fitness professional, I’m not allowed to let my fitness slip no matter what excuse. So I’ve made family fitness a method of life around my house; it’s just a given everyone will be fit. And the thing is, kids are up for anything. It’s all an adventure to them. Of course, I haven’t had to deal with teens yet! With my 2-year-old, it’s pretty simple because I either work out while she is napping, run/hike with her in the jogging stroller, pull her in the bike carriage, or train in my backyard while she plays nearby. If she wants to interact, I don’t ignore her. Rather, I invite her to try or use her as a human, 25-pound dumbbell–seriously! Push-ups with a toddler on your back or crunches while holding a toddler or squats or lunges with a toddler on your shoulders make it all more effective and your kid will love it. With my 9-year-old, I’m also her “coach” for surfing and skating, and since I enjoy these activities too, most of the time I simply do them with her after school and simultaneously get my workout while

20 Four El | JULY 2013

coaching her. She is an athlete in her own right, so she knows how to train with intensity, and how to push her body for the sake of fitness. So we can actually train together now–she gets it. This is a very rewarding experience for any father that I highly encourage. To get interested in the same sports as your kid, so that you can play with them and train with them and perhaps even coach them. We’re lucky in our family that my wife Donna surfs too, so we can go to the beach and all take turns surfing while one of us stays on the beach to watch the little one. It’s great because we’re all exercising, having quality family time outside, and my oldest daughter is also practicing her favorite sport as well. There will be a sport or activity that your kids will enjoy doing with you too. And you may think it’s just fun and games, but playing with your kids can definitely count as a real workout. Think again. Just wait until your kid starts leaving you in the dust and you’re trying to keep up–it happens sooner than you think! The resilience and recovery time of your child compared to yours will amaze you and give you a reason to fight aging more than ever. You will truly be motivated to take better care of yourself. Also, if you happen to become your kid’s coach, then you’re obligated and accountable to their consistent practice schedule. That alone may be the greatest fitness gift of all, because it will outweigh all the excuses that you would normally let interfere with your own daily workout time.


NUTRITION with Max Wettstein

vacation eating How to Indulge guilt-free while on Vacation

Even though we may not admit it, some of us diet before going on vacation, to look respectable in our boardshorts, especially if we want any luck poolside meeting gals. That’s acceptable, but dieting while on vacation is no fun at all, and seriously, don’t we deserve a little time to indulge and let loose? Indulging on occasion is perfectly healthy and can serve as a reward for our discipline throughout the rest of year. Occasionally overeating and drinking can actually boost your metabolism. Go ahead and indulge while on vacation, which means doing it guilt-free. A few days or a week of excess calories isn’t going to hurt you in the long run, so don’t stress it. Just get back into your normal routine upon your return home.

You may gain a few pounds, but fear not: This extra weight gain is most likely not all fat but is more likely extra water retention, stored muscleglycogen (“carbo-loading”) and just a small portion of actual fat gain. How it works: When we overeat and insulin is heavily triggered, we don’t just immediately start storing fat. In fact, insulin is a glucose shuttle-hormone primarily secreted to store excess carbohydrates within the muscle cells and liver as glycogen first and foremost For every gram of glycogen stored within our muscles, three grams of water is also required and that can add up to a lot of non-fat weight. Have you ever noticed the day af-

ter heavy overeating that not only did the number on the scale increase but that in the mirror your muscles appear “fuller” and perhaps more muscular? You will be stronger in the gym, too. Athletes call this “carbo-loading”– not getting fat! Of course, carbo-loading on a daily basis will quickly lead to fat gain. Some of us actually enjoy incorporating a quick daily workout while on vacation, as opposed to just lying around poolside before transferring over to the bar. If this describes you, then simply by fitting in a short morning workout your metabolism will be better equipped to handle that bucket of beers. A quick highintensity cardio or weight-training session is almost all it takes to offset your later imbibing throughout

the day. Guys can actually return home from vacation in better shape than when they left because they’re not stuck at the office all day and actually have time for themselves. Or their vacation centers on some sort of eco-adventuring, like surfing or skiing or hiking. Most major hotels these days have a basic fitness center. If not, there is always a jogging trail close by or body-weight exercises available. Bust out a quick workout in the morning before the family gets going and you’ll be able to indulge guilt-free for the rest of the day. But remember, you’ve worked hard for this vacation and you deserve to enjoy yourself and be a little lax on your diet. Once you return home, you’ll get right back into your groove and any extra vacation pounds will easily dissipate with no extra effort. Cheers!

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 21



dieting on taco tuesday by Ken Fujioka, m.d.

Well, it’s Tuesday and work is winding down. Your buddies are going out for Taco Tuesday and a taco and beer sound real good right about now. You want to go but you have a problem: You started your diet on Monday and have been on track all day. Since you started your diet yesterday, you went to the gym and did a nice combination of cardio and free weights—and so you’re hurting today and going to the gym would be counter productive. So the real question is: “Can I diet on tacos and beer?” One issue with tacos is calories and the others are carbohydrates and fat. No matter how you look at metabolism, calories still matter. Most “street tacos” that are severed on Taco Tuesday are about 100 to 130 calories per taco. The tortilla is clearly smaller and is only about 8 grams of carbs or about 30 calories. The tortilla is usually corn and thus low to no fat, so maximum calories would be around 40 for the tortilla. Adding in the meat, onions, and cilantro will bring the calorie count up to 100 to 130 for the whole street taco. If you do add in salsa or hot sauce, feel free to pile it on, as the number of calories is almost zero. The area of danger is the sour cream and guacamole. As expected, those ingredients are high in fat and can double the calories in a blink of an ojo. The size of the street taco is consistent with “portion sizing.” If you are an average 5-foot-9 guy, you can easily have three to four tacos and your calorie count will be right at 500 calories or less. If you have a couple of beers with your tacos, you can easily keep the overall calorie count below 800. A pilsner or even a typical American lager will usually be less than 150 calories a beer and will go well with a chicken or grilled fish taco. If you want something with more of a kick, a typical IPA will go well with a spicy carnitas taco. Most IPAs will be in the 175- to 200-calorie range but can easily exceed 200 calories as the alcohol and carb content increase. Depending on who you ask, this increase in calories from alcohol may not matter, as calories from alcohol are difficult for humans to convert into fat. With that said, it is still always better to know your calorie count. I recently visited several of my favorite watering holes that have Taco Tuesdays to see if I could “stay on my diet.” I work with professional weight loss experts who do not like the word “diet” and prefer using the phrase “practicing appropriate lifestyle changes.” Anyway you put it, I was pleased to see that is was not too hard to do. The street taco clearly was the right portion and, with the right beer, very satisfying.

Fuji Fact

Nutritional content of a Classic Street Taco Carbs: About 8 grams Protein: 7 to 10 grams Fat: 4 to 5 grams Calories: 100 to 130

22 Four El | JULY 2013

The only time I struggled was when I went to a “nicer” high-end restaurant that had Taco Tuesday. The tacos were more expensive ($2 to $5 each) and were made with full-size flour tortillas. They also put on a nice creamy sauce that was made to compliment the different tacos (you could choose from half a dozen different types). Needless to say, even though I only had three tacos, I went over my limit of calories. The bottom line is this: You can diet on Taco Tuesday as long as you get the classic street tacos. Pile on enough salsa and hot sauce and you will even get your vegetable serving for the day. Add a good beer and it should be a fun night out.

Special thanks to the Registered Dietitians Misha Biden and Janet Nash at Scripps Clinic for fact checking and proofing


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brande roderick

As we all know, San Diego is a melting pot. It’s not unusual to find a Padres game full of Cubs fans, or Cheese Heads pushing their way through San Diego’s Red Trolley on Chargers game day. That’s the nature of a city that draws its population based primarily on the weather. The good news is we have some amazing people who live in San Diego, some of whom play a role behind the scenes in making San Diego live up to its motto: America’s Finest City. interview by Steve Kang foreword by jeran fraser

24 Four El | JULY 2013


Brande Roderick is a highly visible person who has an impact on San Diego. Her recent stint on Celebrity Apprentice proves she’s got it all. Her beauty certainly doesn’t undermine her amazing business talents. From Baywatch to Playboy to several successful business endeavors, Brande has always found a way to make it happen. As her career has continued to evolve, Brande has taken on some new roles as co-founder of Southern California-based startup FantaZ. The concept, which is currently in beta testing, is one of the largest online gaming platforms in the country and looks to be a real contender in the online gaming space. As any entrepreneur, it’s about one thing: diversifying the business portfolio. Brande has that all figured out. From real estate to her involvement with a Italian shoe company Pantofola d’Oro, she’s a woman on a mission.

Steve Kang (Four EL Magazine): Hi Brande, thanks for taking some time off to chat with me today. Brande Roderick: I’m actually multi-tasking today. I’m painting some rooms in my house and I’m off to Home Depot to buy some more supplies. Steve: You were born and raised in Northern California, why did you decide to move to Los Angeles? Brande: I moved down to LA because I was an actress. In San Francisco, they don’t really have major acting roles. You can do independent films, commercials, or extras. In order for me to take the next step, I had to move to Los Angeles.

Steve: So your move wasn’t specifically for Playboy, being a playmate just came later? Brande: Yes Steve: It seems like a lot of actresses went directly from Playboy to Baywatch. What was the connection? Brande: Yes, Baywatch loved the playmates and the playmates loved Baywatch (Brande laughs) Steve: So it was easy to jump into Baywatch if you were a Playmate? Brande: No, it definitely wasn’t easy because a lot of the girls want to be on it but only a few of them actually make it. The Baywatch people definitely liked the pretty girls. Steve: Were they all Playmates of the Year, like yourself? Brande: I was the first Baywatch girl to become Playmate of the Year. Steve: You were a part of Baywatch Hawaii... was the Hoff in it as well? Brande: He was only in the first season but he was in Baywatch the movie with us, which was also set in Hawaii. We shot that in the North Shore. Steve: You also starred in a Bollywood film called Out of Control. Indian films seem to be very dramatic and always culminates into a big song and dance number at the end. What was your role? Brande: Well, I was the very first American actress to ever do a Bollywood film. We sang and danced throughout the movie. That’s exactly what they do. They do the dancing around trees and lip syncing. I actually spoke and sang Hindi in the

film. It was definitely quite an experience. Steve: How did this come about? How did you land the role? Brande: It was during the Baywatch hiatus. Originally they wanted Pamela Anderson but for whatever reason it did not work out. Their next choice was me so they gave me a call and it all worked out. Steve: You’ve also participated in two reality shows, The Surreal Life and The Celebrity Apprentice. What were those like? Brande: They were completely, absolutely different. The Surreal Life was just twelve celebrities being documented living in a house together for ten days. Whereas, The Celebrity Apprentice was a competition where somebody was getting fired each week. Steve: I know that you’re very driven, so I would imagine that you enjoyed doing The Celebrity Apprentice more. Brande: The Surreal Life for sure was actually more fun. I would never describe the celebrity apprentice as being fun. Did I love doing it and find it challenging? Absolutely. Was it a great experience in primetime, and on a major network? Absolutely. As far as the fun factor, The Surreal Life was more enjoyable. We just sat around and did fun stuff for ten days. Steve: So it was difficult doing The Celebrity Apprentice? Brande: Yes, you have to work eighteen hour days, six days a week. And depending on how long you stay, you could be there for up to five weeks. It was a grueling schedule.


Playmate of the year 2001

Baywatch Hawaii 2001

the surreal life 2003

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 25

Steve: Tell me about your affiliation with the local San Diego charity Promises 2 Kids... Brande: It’s the charity I support. They’re an organization that founded the Polinski Center. It’s an emergency shelter for severely abused and neglected children. They also fund foster care programs. It’s an amazing organization that helps kids that don’t have parents or family like you and I. I want to make sure I try to help kids out there who don’t have anyone to support them. Steve: So, you’re a mom, a wife, an actress, a entrepreneur, and have started a new online business with your husband. How do you balance work and life with such a busy schedule? Brande: You forgot author... (laughs) Steve: Oh, I’m sorry, an author too. You wrote Bounce, Don’t Break. You’re also painting your own house. How do you find enough hours in the day?

produce a horror film. He first followed me on TV on The Surreal Life. He decided that I was going be the girl he was going to marry, so he called my agent and had me audition for a role.

(Laughs) Steve: Well it looks like it worked out... (laughs) Brande: Well, I got the role and I got the guy...

(laughs) Steve: Your husband is an ex-NFL player. Does he still follow the it closely?

Steve: OK, I got ya. Brande: So, they’re like designer tennis shoes. You can either dress up or dress down. With a sport coat and jeans, or jeans and a t-shirt, they are super cute. We also have a women’s line designed by Ginny Hilfiger. Tommy Hilfiger and Adam Levine are both partners. It’s blowing up in San Diego. Everybody here has them now. It’s another business that we started with some friends here in SD. It’s moving along and it’s super exciting. We always support local events and charities. And sponsor fun events around town.

Brande: Definitely, he still follows it very closely. Steve: Do you enjoy watching football with him or is he super intense? Brande: It can get intense. I only like to watch my team, the 49ers, play, I’m not like him, he likes to watch every single game.

Steve: What’s your favorite part of San Diego, why do you enjoy living here? Brande: So, I am really not a Downtown person, I generally hang out in North County. Whenever people ask us to go South, we always say, nooooo... you come here! We are very much beach people, we go twice a week.

Steve: Does he have a favorite team? Brande: You know, it’s actually really tough. I won’t say it’s easy, it’s hard to do it all. I’m very lucky to have a husband who is a hands-on dad. He’s not one of those guys that just goes to work and expects me to take care of the kids. I just manage my time well. I work hard, hard, hard so it leaves me with quality time that I can spend with my family. It’s hard to balance but I manage it, and it works well for us. Steve: You met Glenn, your husband, on the set of a horror film? Brande: He was helping his friend executive

Brande: Well... of course the Broncos, because that’s who he won two Super Bowls with. Also, because we run FantaZ, he has to keep track of all the teams. Steve: What is Pantofola d’Oro? Brande: It means the Golden Slipper in Italian. It’s a San Diego based Italian-made shoe company. The company in Italy has been going for 100 years. We bought the rights to it in the States. Hold on, I’m getting out of my car. Can you hear me?

Steve: What are your favorite restaurants? Brande: Zenbu in Cardiff. I also love the Malarkey restaurants. I love Herringbone in La Jolla. I’m super excited to see Searsucker replace Burlap in Del Mar. I also love Il Fornaio in Del Mar because I used to go to it in LA... it’s my favorite Italian place. I enjoy the Del Mar area and I’m really excited about race season. Hang on, I’m trying to pump my gas right now. Steve: Wow, you really are a multi-tasker! Tell me more about FantaZ. Brande: It’s a global gaming platform that offers skill-based games that are all legal and compli-


the celebrity apprentice 2009

26 Four El | JULY 2013

starsky & hutch 2009

bounce, don’t break 2010


ant in the U.S. to be played for money. We offer games like fantasy sports, trivia, memory, and strategy games. We have a live interactive game coming out soon where you can play on a live event, like the Oscars, or the Superbowl. Questions will come as the event is happening. We have partners in Singapore where we’re opening up cricket and soccer.

Steve: The Hoff? Why? Brande: He is the youngest, so I wouldn’t have to take care of him as much as the other two... (laughs) And he’s, I’m sure, by far, the best swimmer. Since he had to swim in the ocean a lot on Baywatch... (laughs) Steve: That’s true, great pick for great reasons... (laughs)

We partnered with Frank Stronach, the largest owner of US race tracks, to offer horse racing. I’m very excited about it because I love horse racing!

Steve: Any parting words? Brande: Enjoy life everyday because, hey, we live in San Diego, don’t take it for granted, we live in paradise... (laughs)

We also have NFL players and celebrities promoting games for their charities and we provide universities a platform to utilize their alumni database by playing customized trivia games. All of this under a social network that allows people to meet from all over the world

Steve: Thank you Brande, for taking the time to speak with us, that was fantastic! Brande: Thank you so much, I appreciate it.

Steve: If you were stranded on a desert island, who would you pick to be there with you? Hugh Hefner, David Hasselhoff, or Donald Trump? Brande: OK... on a deserted island... ummmm... let’s see... (laughs). I would say Hasselhoff.

Visit branderoderick.com, fantaZ.com, Pdoitalia.com and www.promises2kids.org. Twitter: @BrandeNRoderick

From hustling with The Hoff, to wooing Hugh, and dancing with the Donald, Brande has clearly made her mark in Hollywood and beyond. This San Diego power mom is kicking butt and taking names. Her energy, drive, compassion, and attitude will undoubtedly contribute to her success. Check out her websites and support this San Diego superstar.

the celebrity apprentice all star 2013

fantaz 2013

Pantofola d’Oro 2013

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 27




STAYCATION by cory waterhouse

Trying to vacation in a town famously known as a tourist destination can lull you into a sense of lazyassness. Yes, it’s a word … and no, don’t look it up. We’ve just met and you’re already being an asshole. Jeez, relax. Look in the mirror, my friend. You definitely need a staycation. Oddly enough, I was hesitant to even use the term “staycation” because it sounded like something my younger, much cooler friends would say. And I’m neither young, nor cool. The first time I heard it, I actually thought my friend was drunk at 11 a.m. on a Tuesday and was slurring the word vacation. Which he may very well have been. He’s a boozy oaf. But I digress ... Being spontaneous has morphed into pure planning and structured scheduling. Our daughter has ballet and gymnastics and our son has baseball and wrestling, so sometimes you have to make due and adapt to your situation as best you can. Even plunking down a thousand dollars for flights isn’t always an option, seeing as most people want to continue to have the ability to pay their mortgage, keep the lights on, eat ... Most parents I know, or even people who have demanding occupations, always tend to find an excuse or flimsy reason to stay home and not embrace the beautiful city we live in. I say NO MORE! It’s time to branch out, explore and live a little. It’s not called America’s Homeliest City ... So, here’s a geographic spread of San Diego with a few places that will keep you in town, exploring and celebrating parts you might have never enjoyed otherwise.

28 Four El | JULY 2013


W hoteL

whiskey girl



downtown san diego If you live in San Diego, going downtown is a quick and easy destination, as long as you’re not on the freeway from 2 p.m. through 7 p.m. Might I suggest perhaps a hovercraft or jetpack? So, avoid those times but definitely don’t avoid enjoying all of what DTSD has to offer. From restaurants to bars and a smattering of top notch hotels to lay your weary head, you can’t go wrong visiting Downtown. W Hotel www.thewsandiegohotel.com Whiskey Girl www.whiskeygirl.com Barleymash www.barleymash.com

star of india

Star of India www.sdmaritime.org/star-of-india

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 29



roughin’ it

San Elijo State Campground As a young turk, a friend and his family would trek from the broiling ‘burbs of El Cajon to the temperate coastal beauty of Encinitas and park the RV right up next to the sand. My friend Ryan and I would fumblefall out of the RV door and sprint into the surf as young beasts are prone to do. It was right around that time that I got the beach bug and kept my future dwellings fairly close to our North County coast. San Elijo State Beach www.parks.ca.gov 1st Street Bar www.1ststreetbar.com Q’ero Restaurant www.qerorestaurant.com Lux Art Institute www.luxartinstitute.org

country (ish)

julian Famously known for its wondrous pastries, Julian possesses a beautiful, small-town appeal you rarely find in Southern California. With a population of just more than 1,500 people, it’s also one of those destinations where it just doesn’t seem like you’re in San Diego anymore, Toto. Winter or summer, it’s a definite spot on the map you need to throw an X on. But seriously, on the topic of pies, you can’t leave Julian without having one, warm and from the source. It’ll change your life. Or most definitely your cholesterol.

san elijo state campground

Julian Pie Company www.julianpie.com Main Street Carriage Company 760.765.0438 Apple Blossom Art Gallery www.julianappleblossom.com AdventureCorps Bicycling Retreat and Wine Tastings www.adventurecorps.com And yes... Oasis Camel Dairy www.cameldairy.com 1st Street Bar

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Coronado Island Coronado is absolutely one of my favorite places to go in San Diego. It’s always seemed like a world away, but it’s actually only about 20 minutes down the 5 South. Just driving over the aptly titled Coronado Bridge was like taking a deep breath because you knew that once you hit the other side, a small town greeted you with beaches, bars and amazing restaurants. Be warned (and be nice): Navy SEALS train here. Unofficially. So be kind and courteous. Unofficially. Hotel Del Coronado www.hoteldel.com Lamb’s Player’s Theater www.lambsplayers.com Sea Spa at Loews Hotel and Resort www.loewshotels.com/en/Experiences/spa Vietnam Unit Memorial Monument www.vummf.org

If you plan to visit the monument, be sure to view the website for directions and instructions for getting an escort onto the base required due to security regulations.

Dr. Boyd’s Pet Resort www.drboyds.com So you’ve finally figured out a way to leave the house and make your way around San Diego. But what to do with your pooch or feline friend? Dr. Boyd’s Pet Resort has you covered. Anything from dog and cat boarding and training to spa services. Dr. Boyd’s is a fantastic place to have four legs.

Like I said, my wife and I don’t get out much because our little beasts tend to gobble up our time and resources. But it’s perfectly acceptable to get out of your own comfort zone and smell the proverbial flowers on occasion so you don’t feel the need to drink scotch for breakfast and flying front kick random passersby. San Diego is a fantastic town for doing just that. Exploring … not morning scotch and flying front kicks, silly. Screw it, Macallan and omelets it is … after all, it’s still a vacation. JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 31




Guys Guide to

Easy weekend getaways, without the snobbery By Anna Dimond

Forget the flowers. Jettison the jewelry. And take a break from the texts. Real romance happens on the road amid rolling hills and sunsets, with more wine to sip than Buds on Super Bowl Sunday. Don’t know your “fruity finish” from your “dry whites?” Don’t fret: Wine tasting doesn’t have to be a stodgy affair. A few vineyards to try, a couple of phrases to say and a little local knowledge can guide the staunchest guys’ guy to an impressive and successful outing. Leaving from San Diego, there are diverse options for day trips and weekend getaways that will impress every companion, from the naïf on your first mini-break to the connoisseur, decades after tying the knot.

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Just an hour away, Temecula’s a good pick for a fun afternoon or an easy overnighter. A little farther is Malibu, where there’s fertile land for growing more than perfect point breaks and oversized SUVs. For a bigger outing, Napa’s a short flight (or longish drive) away with a vineyard for every style, from rustic cool to nouveau riche. Somewhere in between is Santa Barbara, with a mix of in-town tasting rooms and scenic vineyards in the Santa Ynez Valley. (Yes, she’s seen Sideways, so you better know your Merlot from your Pinot.) With idyllic mountain scenery, nearby surf breaks and lively urban offerings, the region has it all.


Here are a few spots to kick off the adventures in oenophilia (that’s a love of wine), tips for managing the driving (hint: sip slow and eat often), and key phrases to drop along the way.


Vineyards Wiens Family Cellars: For the sweetheart who’s serious about her sipping, start here. Considered one of the best in the region, this family-run winery features a beautiful tasting room, where $15 will buy you a flight of six pours, and a reserve cellar room for private groups (read: you and your date will sip the good stuff, away from the riff-raff). Wiens is also known for its red wines, with bold, bright flavors.

Wilson Creek Winery: Prefer your wine with a dash of party? Wilson is known for its fun, family atmosphere—and its crowd-pleasing Almond Champagne. On the weekends, this hotspot is practically standing-room only, where even their Golden Retrievers are part of the action. A bonus is the option to pack a picnic to enjoy in the Lower Garden, or to order food from the on-site Creekside Lounge.

Dropping knowledge: Winemaking is relatively new for Temecula, which is known more as a residential, bedroom community than a happening hotspot for grapes. The first modern vineyard opened in 1968; more than 25 wineries have opened since, and the region is now certified as an American Viticultural Area (AVA). Temecula’s climate is warmer than many grapegrowing regions and favors Zinfandel (bolder taste, fuller-bodied, fruity), as well as Syrah (spicy finish) and Cabernet Sauvignon (fullerbodied, hints of chocolate). Pinot Noir (lighter, hints of berries) doesn’t do as well here—look for it farther north, starting in Santa Ynez.

Be a Baller Want more bang for your wine-tasting buck? Book a tour with Sunrider Wine Tours. With visits to three wineries in open-air Jeeps, the tours make tastings feel like wine safaris, more than studied events in sipping.

Bonus: The tours offer local knowledge and keep you out of the car and focused on your drinking companion.

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 33

malibu Vineyards Malibu Wines:

Dropping knowledge: A handful of vineyards and tasting rooms are tucked away in the mountains of Malibu, making for a perfect day of surfing and sipping, or a wine-centric afternoon above the coast. Unlike Santa Barbara or Napa, it’s tougher to find a tasting in the vineyards themselves, but most are close enough to the grapes to feel authentic. With a mix of morning fog and afternoon sun, Malibu is a versatile spot for grapes. Saddlerock features varietals including Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc (light, citrusy), Syrah, Malbec (ripe flavor, peppery notes), Grenache (full-bodied, hints of cinnamon), Mourvedre (usually used in red blends) and Viognier (heavier, sweeter— taste at your own risk).

More like an outdoor, allday party than a traditional sipping experience, this is the open-air tasting room for Malibu Family Wines, which grows their grapes on nearby Saddlerock Ranch. In addition to live music on the weekends and a festive vibe, this secluded spot welcomes picnicking and makes it easy to pop their bottles on the lawn.

Cielo Malibu Estate Vineyard: Cielo has a unique setup with its tasting room, The Sip, situated just off the road and featuring an outdoor seating area and fire pits for maximum romance. The rustic, woodsy spot offers three types of tastings: an Estate Flight for $25, a Monster Flight for $18 and an ironyfree White Flight for $10. Bonus: Get more favor from sip-happy bikers, who stop long enough to try Cielo’s rich reds and refreshing white blends.

Be a Baller Before dark, head down the hill to catch sunset at Moonshadows, on PCH. Lambos line the driveway, and Mel Gibson went postal just outside, but on the deck out back it’s a regular drinking crowd, enjoying the view.

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santa barbara

Gainey Vineyard: Sure, Wine Spectator named it one of the best wineries to visit in the Central Coast, but Gainey’s sun-splashed courtyard, boozy day-trippers and picturesque picnic spot make it a perfect mix of sophistication and fun—for just $15 a pop. Tours of the winery are available daily; with big casks, cavernous rooms and a friendly guide, the tours make it all transcend run-of-the-mill day-drinking. Bonus: If you forget to pack your own tea sandwiches, the tasting room sells

cured meats and other classy snack packs to pair with your vino.

Kalyra Winery: A good spot for surfers with distinguished palates (read: PBR was so last year, brah), this Aussie-run vineyard’s name comes from the Aboriginal word for “a wild and pleasant place,” which suits the lively and totally unpretentious vibe. Kalyra gets bonus points because the bar was featured in Sideways and, at $10 and $12/pop, the tastings are reasonable. Feed the romance and your belly with a stroll on the deck, which offers a break from the daily party Down Under, and a quiet spot to picnic.

Dropping knowledge: It was religion that first brought wines to Santa Barbara, with clergy tending vines starting in the 1800s. Grapes thrived here until Prohibition, but later bounced back, in a big way. These days, the Santa Ynez mountains are home to more than 100 wineries, from mom-and-pop shops to corporate growers. Chardonnay (buttery, usually with an oaky finish) does well here, along with Pinot Noir and Syrah, but the blends are big too, and the county is known for its creative approach, shedding some of the stodgy for a cooler sensibility. The Gaineys have run their vineyard for more than 50 years, and now grow their grapes at three locations on the California coast.

Be a Baller There’s nothing better than Mexican food to chase a wine-soaked afternoon, and Santa Barbara’s La Super-Rica Taqueria is just the fix. After that denizen of taste, Julia Child, raved about Super-Rica on national TV, it blossomed from an ordinary stand to a foodie destination. Translation: It has all the cache without breaking the bank.

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sonoma napa Dropping knowledge: No day of wine-tasting is without its share of surprises: spotty cell phone service, a sour sauvignon blanc and unruly tasting crowds can all put a damper on a boozy outing. But managing the bumps in the road is a key to romance; it’s OK to let her see you sweat, as long a cold rosé is waiting when you get out of the car. With some planning, a sense of adventure and acceptance of mispronouncing names of wine, any guy can host a romantic wine-tasting venture, practically in his own backyard.

Vineyards Francis Ford Coppola Winery: Welcome to the Triple Crown, the Stanley Cup and the World Series of California winetasting regions. With such a vast selection, start big at Coppola. That’s right, the titan of Hollywood also makes a mean, full-bodied Zinfandel, among other varietals. Located northeast of Napa in Geyserville, the winery features swimming pools, a cafe, cabins, bocce courts, and a movie gallery. In short: It is like The Godfather of vineyards, with a selection of tasting options (two pours of table wine are free; a flight of four California wines is $10, and four from Sonoma County will cost you $15).

Quintessa Wine: Down in Napa, Quintessa Wine is an elegant affair where visits require a pre-booked, private tour, which takes guests through the vineyard, underground caves, and the winemaking facility. Each tour is followed by a private, sit-down tasting, and runs $65 per person. Picnicking is not permitted, but Yountville is just down the road, with an array of trendy restaurants and mom and pop eateries.

Be a Baller Buy a bottle of Quintessa’s Estate wine to uncork later; then head to dinner at The French Laundry in Yountville. Sure it’ll be a four-figure meal—but it also ensures baller-status for life. If two figures is more your deal, try The Girl & The Fig on Sonoma Square–all the class, none of the stuffiness.

36 Four El | JULY 2013


Cool as Ever


CHANTAL SUTHERLAND Professional Jockey

acing R

JULY 17 - SEPT. 4 DELMARSCENE.COM JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 37


collaboration kitchen

38 Four El | JULY 2013

FourElmagazine.com FourElmagazine.com



Local chefs // local seafood Brought to you by Catalina Offshore Products & Specialty Produce


ne of my favorite things in life is finding a hidden gem. There’s just something about it that I can’t entirely explain. Maybe it’s that remote beach, little hole in the wall restaurant or secret vacation destination that hasn’t hit the map yet.

you; underneath the tough guy routine is a heart of gold. The original motivation for this event, which started 3 ½ years ago, was to raise money for people who are in need or are less fortunate, primarily kids. That ideal, along with educating people on healthy and sustainable eating habits, local seafood, produce and ingredients, remains the primary motivation still to this day. Enough said.

Welcome to Collaboration Kitchen and Catalina Offshore Products. In certain circles, it’s not so hidden, especially to a-fish-ianados and high-end restaurants and sushi bars. But to the general public, it’s largely a mystery. I guess by writing this piece it’s not going to be so hidden anymore, but that’s OK. Any opportunity Four EL can take to promote somebody doing good for the community or people less fortunate, we’re going to take.

The event that Four EL covered featured chef Sara Polczynski, a San Diego native and the consulting executive chef for the Blind Burro. The Blind Burro belongs to Good Times Design, an all-encompassing restaurant and entertainment venue design and consulting firm. The Blind Burro serves authentic south of the border street food, with a modern flair and an emphasis on local, sustainable seafood, heavily inspired by the Baja region. Polczynski is also an associate professor of Culinary Arts with San Diego Community College’s Continuing Education program, making her the perfect fit for this event. According to Chef Sara, “Collaboration Kitchen is a unique educational and foodie experience rolled into one and that is what pulled me in. As an educator, it is a perfect opportunity for me to have a captured audience to share my passion with.”

COP and Specialty Produce team up to produce Collaboration Kitchen. If I were to describe it one phrase, I guess I would have to say “food rave.” Each event is hosted by Tommy Gomes on the packing room floor of COP and features local, celebrity guest chefs. Tommy is the main man and marketing guru when it comes to Collaboration Kitchen. For those who know him, Tommy is quite a character to say the least. But don’t let him fool

As usual, this event was sold out. One of the most fun and interesting parts of these functions is the setting. You are literally right in the middle of the action. Sitting on the packing room floor of COP, you are surrounded by filet tables, ice chippers and state-of-the-art packaging devices. Chef Sara did not disappoint. The menu featured fresh, premium seafood along with simple but elegant Bajainspired ingredients that blended together flawlessly. As is his normal custom, Tommy had a few surprises, another one of my favorite things about Collaboration Kitchen. A quick demonstration on properly cleaning fish was followed by co-host Dan Nattrass’ visual presentation revealing the hidden gems behind the refrigerator door. Nothing sparks an interest and gets the taste buds prepped better than the sight of large white seabass, halibut and all of the other extremely fresh seafood fare. Of course, there was an added bonus not on Chef Sara’s menu, which was incredibly fresh and delicious yellowtail sashimi (Hamachi). The meals are served in courses and prepared by each chef with a full demonstration on proper techniques, from the prep work to cooking and plating. It’s a totally educational experience that allows the crowd to take home with them tips they can incorporate into every-day life. Tommy seem-

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ingly always has something to say, pun intended, and if you factor that in great food and an educational experience, you have yourself quite an evening of entertainment. The history behind COP is interesting. Founder and owner Dave Rudie started his operation harvesting red seaweed off Catalina Island. As a diver, he later started harvesting sea urchins (Uni) in the winter months. In the beginning, it was truly a family operation, running out of his garage with the help and support of his wife and sister. Fast-forward to modern day, and you see the commitment in every aspect of COP. Green business practices, something near and dear to Four EL, are the norm. Ninety-six percent of COP’s energy is produced from solar panels, running everything from ice machines and refrigerators to the offices. There is also firm commitment and partnership with Specialty Produce, collaborating on deliveries of both fresh produce and daily catches to minimize traffic and their carbon footprint.

Chef Sara Polczynski’s

Collaboration Kitchen menu * Oysters with Sangrita Granita, Mexican white shrimp in Guajillo salsa * Enselada de Quinoa, Jaiba y Corazones de Palma Pepita-Orange Vinaigrette * Moon Scallop Aguachiles Tostada, smashed avocado, pickled onions * Clams with chorizo oil, vanilla and charred nopales * Cured Yellowtail Tacos with Sweet Corn Mole * Paletas Mango Chile/pineapple coconut

As for the future, who knows what is in store next at COP? Recently, they have opened up their operation to the public. Consumers can visit the purveyor and select from the amazing assortment of fresh, daily catches. Tommy and his team will gladly work with you in selecting the proper seafood to meet your needs. In addition, there are guest chefs on site doing demonstrations and educating every Friday from 10 a.m. Until 1 p.m. Most recently, they have opened up the front of the house and made it a nutritional and educational center. As Tommy says, “You are what you eat.” COP has clearly made education and healthy, sustainable eating habits one of its main priorities, along with green business practices. Kids also play an enormous role in their future plans, both from an educational and health standpoint, as well as charitable activities. As evidence of the amazing quality COP has to offer, you can find their products in more than 60 percent of the local high-end sushi restaurants. Additionally, establishments such as Georges at the Cove, The Lodge at Torrey Pines and Pamplemousse Grille all call on Catalina Offshore Products for their premium seafood needs. As Chef Sara Polczynski says, “I truly respect what Specialty Produce and Catalina Offshore Products bring to San Diego and our industry and I intend to carry on a long-lasting relationship with them throughout my career.” You simply can’t buy endorsements like that. To this very day, Catalina Offshore Products has what is considered by many to be the most premium Uni available. The commitment to quality and sustainability, along with the loyalty to relationships with fishermen, employees, and strategic partners have been the foundation that has allowed COP to grow into what it is today.

Parting Shots: This is for the fellas. If you want to escape the typical dating scene and do something original, grab a bottle of wine and make a reservation for the next Collaboration Kitchen. Great food, great entertainment and you’ll have fun while learning something productive that you can apply to your daily routine. Who doesn’t like to drink wine, eat great fresh food and learn a little at the same time? Trust me, she’ll be blown away.

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300 Carlsbad Village Drive #202 » Carlsbad » (760) 434-1900

The WhatchaLike Questions Owner Sarra VS. Chef Adam

Favorite Compass Dish Chick Pea Fries Bacon Wrapped Corndogs Favorite Compass Drink Glass of wine Double Jack IPA Favorite Animal Horse


The QUIZ 1. How many shots in a pint? 16 8 2. What part of the pig is bacon from? Side Belly 3. What Does IBU stand for? Int’l Boobie Union Int’l Brewed Utility 4. What % of Alcohol in Vodka? 80% 12.5% 5. What is hotter than a Habernero? Ghost Chili Ghost Pepper 6. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Edward Jacob Winner is: TIE! Answers: 1) 16 2) Belly 3) Int’l Bitterness Units 4) 40% 5) Viper, Infinity, Ghost, or Trinidad 6) Neither, it was a dumb question 42 Four El | JULY 2013

Open Daily 11 a.m. to 2 a.m.

When you see the long line of craft brew taps surrounded by nice bottles of liquor, you are instantaneously drawn to the bar like a starving beer zombie. Then you realize that they also have a great wine selection as well as fine gastro pub fare. Once you sit at the bar, a table, or a booth, you notice an attractive, attentive, and friendly staff. Filling yourself up with food and drink in this environment makes you never want to leave and when you do, you immediately make plans for your next visit.

Happy Hour

EVERY DAY 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Drinks: $2.00 Off Craft Beers $2.00 Off Craft Beer Flight Trays $3.00 Off Well Cocktails $2.00 Off Wines By the Glass Food and Snacks: Happy Hour Price Regular Price Soy Ginger Edamame:



Pomme Frittes



2-Bacon Wrapped Corn Dogs



Spicy Boudin



Pork Sliders


Happy Hour Only

Pork Belly Taco


Happy Hour Only

3-Deviled Eggs


Happy Hour Only

Chick Pea Fries


Happy Hour Only



Josh Landon Partner

THE LINEUP Blond/Kolsch: (4.8% abv) A German style represented by a very clean crisp flavor and a refreshing finish. A gateway craft ale for the masses soon to be converted. This beer is a perfect fit for any BBQ, yard work session, or after a long day at work.

St. Archer Brewing Company

9550 Distribution Ave., Miramar

Kim Lutz Lead Brewer

(858) 225-2337 www.saintarcherbrewery.com By dale hersey

Action sports are not that different from starting a brewery. Home brewers craft suds for themselves. They realize after a few years that their stuff is good, maybe they could start they’re own brewery. One day the lucky few have the skill to reach the craft brew equivalent of the X Games: their name, their brew house, their beer. Where there is a passion, progress is inevitable. Progression and action sports go hand in hand. A good comparison might be the progression from a young grom learning to paddle out to a lineup legend slashing flawless S-turns. The path has many bumps, bruises and disappointments. Cue San Diego’s St. Archer Brewing Company in Mira Mesa.

Though impressive, it’s easy to get lost in the numbers. But that’s not the most unique part. The collaboration of the brewery’s more than 21 partners is. And not just anyone, some of the most influential people in the action sports industry with a combined social media follow-

ing topping (back to the numbers) 5 million. Names like Taylor Knox (surfing), Todd Richards (snowboarding) and Paul Rodriguez (skateboarding) to drop a few. There won’t be any signature pro-model ales, but don’t be shocked to see Knox pouring your pint in the tasting room. Josh Landon, St. Archer proprietary partner, is no stranger to action sports. He’s been surfing some of the most influential spots up and down the West Coast for many years. He made a living capturing the soul and feeling of San Diego’s action sports culture and pioneers on film. With such titles as Flow, Against the Grain and Me, Myself and I (must see!) on his resume, Landon’s travels with some of surfing, skateboarding and snow-

Pale Ale: (5.2% abv) Originally intended not as a Pale Ale but as a session-able IPA (high on the hops and low on the abv). In other areas of the US this may be considered a full on IPA, but here in San Diego its just another day at the office. The hops aroma excites while the malty backbone keeps it easy. Very enjoyable. IPA: (6.8% abv) Open a bottle after a hot day at the beach and you’ll realize what many others already have, hoppy equals happy. Seven different hops go into this brew, insuring that happiness. A IPA with citrus notes that is also fairly low on the IBU’s (international bitterness units) allowing your taste buds to keep tasting.

Action sports are not that different from starting a brewery.

A massive 17,000-square-foot warehouse that can produce an annual capacity of up to 50,000 BBLs, St. Archer already has 200 iconic logo tap handles behind various bar-top locations. If you’re trying to wrap your head around that figure, consider it took Stone Brewing Company two years to reach that number of tap handles. With a lineup of just three initial craft styles, St. Archer has attained a distribution contract allowing them to be distributed in 17 different states.


boarding’s elite have led to A-list partnerships. But while financial backing came from international action sports stars, Landon also received guidance came from San Diego’s craft-beer family. Working with Steve Wagner, Stone Brewing CEO, has helped quite a bit. Not many can boast having a sit down with an executive of a company that is arguably one of the biggest movers and shakers for the craft beer industry in the country if not the world. St. Archer is also fortunate to have someone like lead brewer Kim Lutz. She may be a minority in a predominantly male field, but taste one of her beers and you’ll see that she holds her own quite well . Listed among the top brewers in the U.S., Lutz won silver at the Great

American Beer Festival for her La Perouse while she was with Maui Brewing (her first brewing job). The initial styles seem to appeal to the novice craft beer fans (Kolsch/ Blond, Pale Ale, IPA), yet the experience from her time spent at the J.Lohr Winery indicates barrel aged beers are just around the corner. Her homemade brewing “rig” that she has used for experimenting on different brews means that you can also stop by the St. Archer tap room and find other styles such as Scotch Ale and Double IPA. You may read blog postings with concerns that it’s not about the beer. When asked to comment on the negative blogs, Josh replied, “There will always be haters.” Amen Josh.

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QUALITY social Quality Social’s Nicole Novak schools the Gaslamp on great food and excellent house music. She sat down with Mikey and the guys from Four EL by mikey beats

44 Four El | JULY 2013


What’s RAD about

Beats and Eats? The food and the music

Mikey Beats:

(pointing at the duck wings)

That right there is rad. What is that? Nicole: Duck wings. Mikey: I’ve never had duck wings before. Nicole: We try and do very classic kinds of American dishes but with our twist. Every place has wings, we just do them better. Mikey: They are so juicy. I love it. I’m double dipping in this… What is this?

bones and (looking at Chris) some napkins for the drooler. Steve: (pointing to the shrimp) Explain this one. Nicole: This is our grilled mango-glazed shrimp with spiced squash and the rice is a coconut flavor. In one bite you’re supposed to get a little bit of the spiced squash and the coconut flavored rice along with the shrimp. Mikey: Holy crap! Definite food boner right there! Oh my gosh. And now the pretzels… Nicole: Mmm, hmm house made pretzel bites.

Nicole: It’s a cucumber mint raita. The wings are tossed in harissa, a north Tunisian spice. It’s our chef’s little creation here.

(Chris dumps raita sauce on his polo after dousing a duck wing in it.) Mikey: You need some soda water sir? Maybe a bib? No worries, I forget where my mouth is too. Chris: It’s not my fault, it’s so good.

(A super cute waitress comes over with a large, tip worthy smile and a bundle of napkins) Super cute waitress: Here are some plates for the

Mikey: (pointing to a generous helping of warm saucy delight accompanying the pretzel bites alongside deli mustard) What’s that?

(After many moans of pleasure, mixed with deep sighs and eye rolling, Nicole shifts her stance and gets down to business.) Nicole: The executive chef is Jared Van Camp. He’s also one of the partners in the company. We have four venues in Chicago. This is the only one in San Diego. Our restaurant Nellcote is the first restaurant in the United States that actually mills it’s own flour on site. Everything there is made from scratch. The whole kitchen is on another level. We also have Old Town Social out

there and RM, which is champagne and wine salon. As well as Leghorn Chicken, which will be opening soon. We’re really into progressive food. Mikey: (to Chris) You had some questions about craft cocktails? Chris: Yeah, I have a question. Is it a trend, craft cocktails? Nicole: There will always be the drink menu at the bar. That will never go away. I think that there are some trends that are ‘Mad Men’-influenced, like a modern 50s era kind of a thing. We even have a version of the Old-Fashioned that’s hip and definitely a trend in craft cocktails. Chris: That’s kind of a trend in décor too. Nicole: Totally. The concept of our place is classic American style but a also little bit upscale. The artwork and creative vibe here is mostly pin-up or vintage style inspired including: flyer concepts, promo cards, table tents, etc since that’s a classic look. It’s definitely super popular right now. Mikey: Food, drink, and now I’d like to talk about music.

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Nicole: That’s what I do. Mikey: That is what you do and you do it well. You and I met right when you got the job here. What drew me towards you was when I looked at your calendar, you were bringing something different to the Gaslamp. A lot of these shows would have been pushed out to North Park or North County but you brought them here. Chris: How did you get the job here? Nicole: I came from U-31 in North Park, where I was the GM and entertainment director. Mikey: I knew Steve Billings when he owned a laundry mat next to Thruster’s in PB. (Nicole nods her approval and continues on.) Nicole: I started right out of college in 2007 there as a door girl when I was 21 and worked my way up to a cocktail waitress, daytime bartender, nighttime bartender, etc. Eventually I started booking the events and became the GM. Mikey: Started from the bottom and now you’re here. (Laughs all around.) That’s why I always say don’t piss off the bussers or the door girl or the security guards. Nicole: You never know where they are going to end up. (Nicole laughs; Mikey

smiles while Chris and Steve nod their approval.)

Mikey: What residencies do you have here? Nicole: Thursdays, we do a 91x night, it’s all indie and rock jams. Christie Taylor is always here and Robin Roth has played for my Thursdays before. She played with Miami Horror. Robin’s awesome. She’s been supporting me since day one. Glenfiddich on the stairs. Do not try this at home.

Mikey: You had the Miami Horror here? How did I miss that? Nicole: It was last August. Those boys were great. On Fridays and Saturdays I have residents that I rotate through depending on how the month is going: Gabe Vega, Saul Q, Groundfloor, Kid Wonder, Junior the Disco Punk, Method, Schoeny, and Frankie M. I take good care of the people who were with me since day one and are still with me now. Mikey: I love all your residents; solid kids right there and they all demonstrate an excellent ear for music. Because I’ve watched this place since before you got here, I can honestly say you turned this place around. I remember I would come here and it was always dead and there wasn’t much of a vibe. Now, it’s beyond a vibe, it’s become a scene. This is a place for the cool kids, the bar industry kids, the people I like to hang out with, you know? Nicole: I try to do my big shows every couple months, when I land something that’s a big fish. I do things on random days of the week like Tensnake. That was on a Monday and that was the first time he ever played in San Diego. It was at capacity here. He told me afterwards, “You know, in my travels, everyone told me not to come to San Diego, that the music scene was super behind and that I wasn’t going to be well-received. You guys just proved everyone wrong, and you did it on a Monday.” It gave me chills. I hope he went back to his DJ circle and said San Diego was awesome. Mikey: Oh hell yea!

46 Four El | JULY 2013

Nicole: I’m trying to do the music that is against the grain, to do things that are in spite of, or in reaction to, the way that everybody else does them. The SD music scene has been known to be behind. It has gotten so much better over the years. I used to have to drive to LA every weekend to get music like this. Acts would never come here. They would go to San Francisco, LA, then Phoenix or Dallas. They’d just skip right over SD. Now they’re getting routed through as we are getting better relationships with those agents. It’s a snowball effect and it’s getting easier to draw these acts to San Diego. Chris: Do you find that you have a bigger draw from a female or male demographic? Nicole: If we do disco house, there’s more chicks in here than guys. Mikey: And they’re bouncing! Nicole: You go to a disco show and people come in and they’re like “what’s happening right now?! Where did all these gorgeous girls come from?” Mikey: I think the people that appreciate disco are genuinely happy people because when you hear disco, you just can’t help but end up feeling the good times.


Nicole: Girls are in little shiny outfits, dresses and heels, all done up. They want to go out and hear disco.

Soundcloud mixes while I’m getting ready, that’s about it. Mikey: Oh wow, that’s surprising. So you just get your fix here and that’s it?

Mikey: Absolutely. Steve: I want to go to a disco show. Nicole: Dimitri from Paris’ performance was incredible. We had him here at Quality on June 20th. He is absolutely amazing, basically a God of his craft in Europe. The states are starting to catch on. Mikey: Notable shows that you’ve already done at Quality Social? Mikey: Tensnake, the Magician, Miami Horror, The Juan Maclean, Human Life, Plastic Plates, Goldroom and Dimitri from Paris coming up.

Nicole: Pretty much. I can’t usually go anywhere for shows either. Really the only nights that I’m not here closing are like Monday and Tuesday. Not much goes on any of those nights, unless it’s an industry night. So if someone huge is playing somewhere, for the most part I can never go. So if I ever want to see an awesome show, I have to book it.

(Laughter and smiles all around.) Super cute waitress: (pointing at the almost licked clean plates.) Can I get anything out of your way? Mikey: I think we’re done here.

Mikey: Can I just come to your house and download your iTunes?

Steve: Can you put these bones in a box? (Laughs

Nicole: I don’t have any music on my computer or on my phone either. I’ll put on Hypem or

Super cute waitress: I totally could.

all around)

789 6th Ave., Gaslamp » (619) 501-7675 » qualitysocial.com

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Salt and Cleaver Bringing back the ancient art of sausage making, Salt & Cleaver marries quality ingredients and precise sausage-making techniques with a robust collection of craft beers and traditional cocktail selections. Inspired by 1860s industrial Chicago, Salt & Cleaver’s design elements reflect period furnishings and décor meshed with modern touches. Modern meets age-old tradition in the sausage-making just up 5th Avenue in Hillcrest as well. Showing off the versatility of his favorite foodstuff is Executive Chef Carlos Sanmartano, who merges the freshest local ingredients available to create flavor combinations inspired from cuisines around the

48 Four El | JULY 2013

globe. The result? A menu assembled with 19 different flavor schemes. From bratwursts to knockwursts, Salt & Cleaver has a palatepleaser awaiting you. Don’t worry, vegetarians, Carlos doesn’t leave anyone out. He’s created a soonto-be favorite called “The Faceless.” This mixture of quinoa, asparagus, peppers and cauliflower is wrapped in a cauliflower leaf and served with citrus slaw and herb aioli on a house-made bun. Like it hot? Try the jalapeño and green chilistuffed rabbit sausage. Another recommendation is the “Duck, Duck, Pig,” which is duck and bacon sausage, crispy duck confit, bacon-aze and orange marmalade on a house-made bun.

Link up at the bar, too. Salt & Cleaver offers a specially curated craft beer list featuring 20 beers on tap and another 30 bottles as well. A full selection of great spirits and cocktails brings guests back to the roots of mixology. After walking in, we tried the IPA Bratwurst paired with Stone’s Imperial Russian Stout Espresso. The bratwurst in itself has a good IPA flavor but when paired with Stone’s unique stout, the coffee crashes against the hops. This experience leaves your mouth with a savory explosion. The hint of sweetness from the espresso works well against the pretzel bun surrounding the Bratwurst.

Next, we enjoyed the Chicken Mango Madness paired with a Moonshine Mule. The sweet mango-infused chicken sausage topped with mango slaw was complemented with a contrasting taste of bitters, ginger beer and lime juice in the Mule. When you follow each sweet bite of the sausage with a gulp of this spiced libation, you hope never to get full so you can eat on and on and on. When it comes to creating sausages that celebrate a rich history dating back as far as 500 B.C., Salt & Cleaver is on the cutting edge, bringing old traditions to life in a new and irresistible way.

3805 5th Ave., Hillcrest » (619) 756-6677 » enjoysausage.com FourElmagazine.com

Brazen BBQ

The name speaks for itself. Given the innovative restaurant’s bold flavors, delicious dishes with unique twists and incredible Southern-style barbecue, Brazen BBQ has every right to be unabashed about its cuisine. Located on the corner of Washington and 5th Street, the Hillcrest eatery’s edifice resembles a cross between a rustic barn and modern warehouse, which perfectly reflects its mixture of traditional and innovative offerings on an ever-surprising menu. While the Brazen BBQ team is garnering awards for its true Southern smokehouse cooking, it’s their bold and original new cuisine that sets them apart from the local barbecue scene. Ask yourself when was the last time you tasted real wood-smoked meats, or a Texas-Style BBQ Reuben, or Crawfish Corn Fritters? Those are just a few of the innovative dishes and tastes that await you.

441 Washington St., Hillcrest » (619) 816-1990 » brazenbbq.com

fig tree café

Happy to be a new member of the neighborhood, Fig Tree Café brings the food and service that has made its award-winning Pacific Beach location so popular to Hillcrest. And now they also have alcohol! They are excited to have you drop in to sample their California modern cuisine or inquire about their numerous catering and banquet options.

416 University Ave., Hillcrest » (619) 298-2010 » figtreecafehillcrest.com

Chef Alberto Morreale’s culinary experience began in Sicily at the age of 14. After becoming certified in Italian cuisine and working in some of the finest restaurants in Northern Italy, he moved to one of the new culinary hot spots in America, San Diego. Here, he rose to the level of executive chef at La Focaccia, bringing his Italian influences to California modern cuisine.

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BARTENDER (Mixologist):

Marisa Turnbow

Come see Ms. Turnbow for a fun and funny time.

ORIGIN: La Mesa, San Diego born and bred CREDENTIALS: Harbor Town Pub since opening day 11/19/11 SHIFTS: Various Saturdays and Sundays SIGNATURE DRINK: The Halo-GIN, muddled jalapeno and fresh cilantro with house made gin WORDS OF WISDOM: Be fun and funny but not rude history: In 2003, Marisa graduated from cosmetology school and became a color specialist at a renowned hair salon in San Diego. Four years later, she packed her bags and moved to Ocean Beach, landing a chair at HydeEdwards Salon and Spa. Because she loved the service industry, she continued to wait tables at a La Mesa bar. When the drive became overwhelming, she looked for something local. Her friend Stacy told her that the owners of The Waterfront were opening Harbor Town Pub in Point Loma. Juggling two jobs can sometimes be tough, but she would rather be busy bringing home the bacon than sitting at home eating bacon and watching reality TV. “That shit can’t be good for you,” she reckons.

the joint At first glance, you would think that this place was your average gastro pub like the ones popping up everywhere. When you look a little deeper, you find out that there are whimsical elements in the décor, the staff and the atmosphere. Every time I see the large painting of Andre the Giant standing in the swamp, I feel like I’m at home. If you run into servers Kayci or Val, make sure to stay calm and never look directly into their eyes. They may hypnotize you into drinking Don Julio Anejo Tequila shots.

Harbor Town Pub

Open Monday - Thursday 11 a.m. to Midnight, Friday 11 a.m. to 1 a.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to 1 a.m., and Sunday 8 a.m. to Midnight 1125 Rosecrans Street, San Diego For more info call (619) 224-1321 or visit www.harbortownpub.com

50 Four El | JULY 2013

FIVE QUESTIONS 01 What was your worst and best tip and who was it from? Marissa: $100 on a $150 tab was the best from a local dude. $0 on a $120 tab was the worst from a Euro dude. 02 What is the funniest or most memorable pick-up line? Marissa: Excuse me, are you ovulating? Because you look like you’re hurting for a @#$%! 03 When is it time to cut somebody off? Marissa: The worst thing you can do is pick fights. You’re bounced automatically and we take note of who you are so we can keep an eye on you when you come back. Falling asleep at the bar is a no no too. A lot of people claim that they are just tired. If that’s the case, you can go home and sleep.

04 When is a customer annoying? Marissa: When a customer tries to engage me and have long conversations with me when it’s obviously super busy. It’s hard to walk away from a customer telling me their life story because I don’t want to be rude. It’s cool when it’s dead but when there are people waiting, I don’t want to get them upset with slow service, this is how I make money. 05 When is a customer appealing? Marissa: I like fun and funny people. They can poke jokes at me and take jokes right back. Everything is in good fun and nobody is actually getting their feelings hurt. I like to laugh and have fun while I’m working. On the flip side, some people try to be funny and it just comes off as weird. I think the main thing is that you shouldn’t try to be funny to get my attention, just be yourself.


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Old Fashioned – New World

THE SCENE at Chandler’s at The Hilton Carlsbad

The Kentucky Mule


A perfect example of a top notch, local county establishment taking note is Chandler’s at The Hilton Carlsbad. Featuring subtle spins on classic cocktails, these guys have created a drink menu fit for the connoisseur of the cocktail.

by Miles Roberson

With its laid back vibe, the sophisticated level of mixology transforming the bar scene in San Diego may come as a surprise. But throughout the county, long gone are the days of bartenders solely serving simple vodka sodas, rum and cokes or gin and tonics. Gone are the days when unbalanced, overly sweet cocktails were the rage. Instead, we have seen a revival of the classic cocktails of yesteryear. In order to have a successful beverage program in this day and age, it is important that the bartenders understand the classics and what makes them great. The hottest trend is undoubtedly mixology. Shaken or stirred, “tenders” are transforming classic cocktails into innovative, one-of-a-kind creations that incorporate the freshest ingredients for craft libations. San Diego is well-known for its thriving craft beer culture, so it would be easy to mistake it for a one-trick pony, but quality cocktails have spread through the local scene, coming on strong over the past few years. There is a short list of young, creative artisans pushing the boundaries to create a culture versus settling for the status quo. These guys treat their cocktails as great chefs treat their signature dishes. This has resulted in competing watering holes forced to step up their games to appeal to the evolved customer.

What follows are two highlights. The Kentucky Mule: Similar to a Moscow Mule but made with bourbon rather than vodka, this simple and delicious drink is a mix of Eagle Rare Bourbon, masterfully crafted and carefully aged for no less than 10 years, fresh lime juice, bitters, fiery ginger beer and a muddle of mint. It’s the perfect summer drink for bourbon and non-bourbon drinkers alike.


The Old fashioned – New World: This World War I era cocktail with a spin contains Bulleit brand rye, sweet vermouth, an aromatized fortified wine flavored with various botanicals (roots, barks, flowers, seeds, herbs, spices), Benedictine Liqueur made of herbs, roots and sugar with a Cognac base, dash of Angostura and Peychaud’s Bitters, similar to Angostura but with a lighter body, sweeter taste and more floral aroma. A lighter version of the classic Old Fashioned, you can enjoy this while watching the sunset over the Pacific Ocean.


Mixology moment: A bitters is an alcoholic beverage flavored with herbal essences and

has a bitter or bittersweet flavor. Numerous brands of bitters were formerly marketed as patent medicines but are now considered to be digestifs rather than medicines. They commonly have an alcoholic strength of 45 percent ABV and are used as digestifs and as flavoring in cocktails.

Located at 1 Ponto Road, Carlsbad (directly off Pacific Coast Highway) | (760) 683-5500 | ChandlersCarlsbad.com 52 Four El | JULY 2013




2 FOR 1 BURGERS (Some restrictions apply)

1044 South Coast Highway 101 | Encinitas | 760.943.7180 | encinitasalehouse.com

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 53



mai heavens

“If you try to find me where the sky meets the sea”... words from the song “Bali Hai” by Rodgers and Hammerstein and the words hold true for this legendary institution by the same name “Bali Hai” located on Shelter Island where the sky meets the sea.

By Miles “no guava” Roberson

The World Famous Knockout Mai Tai One thing I really appreciate about the Mai Tai at Bali Hai is that when you take your first sip, you know it is anything but virgin. It’s the kind of potent concoction you give a stir to, thinking you’ve tapped into a pool of alcohol at the bottom. But then you find after working your way to the end of the drink, it packs that high-grade octane all the way through. With more than 2.2 million Mai Tais sold since 1955, the original recipe stands to this day. “Bali Hai Mai Tais are like boobs: one is not enough and three is too many.” If it’s a little too much for you, ask for a side of guava juice. They are more than happy to oblige. Since 1955 The chic, sleek Polynesian paradise Bali Hai restaurant opened on the northern tip of Shelter Island in 1955. Family owned and operated for more than five decades, the swank restaurant’s iconic architecture is one of a kind, offering an amazing 360-degree view of San Diego Bay and the city skyline. The delicious food features farm-fresh ingredients with Hawaiian, Chinese and Japanese influences. If you get a chance, ask owner Frank about the legendary Mr. Bali Hai and the Goof on the Roof. do try this at home

Bali Hai’s World Famous Mai Tai Be careful with this one... it’s very potent! INGREDIENTS


1.5 oz Light rum

Fill 14 oz glass to the top with shaved ice (the ice is key, must be shaved or even pellet ice). Pour in the rums, Triple Sec, Orgeat and splash it with a little sweet and sour. Stir to mix and garnish with a pineapple slice and cherry. If you’re feeling crazy, toss in a cocktail umbrella.

1.5 oz Meyer’s Original Dark rum 1/2 oz Triple Sec 1/2 oz Orgeat A splash sweet & sour

TIP: This drink is not for the faint of heart. If it’s too strong, reduce the rums to 1 oz. each and increase the sweet & sour to 1 oz. and perhaps even add a splash of guava juice.

Betcha didn’t know: The cocktail umbrella is believed to

have arrived on the bar scene as early as 1932 courtesy of Bergeron, although it is, by Vic’s own admission, a presentation picked up from Don the Beachcomber.

54 Four El | JULY 2013

“Anybody who says I didn’t create the Mai Tai is a dirty rotten stinker.” – Vic Bergeron, a.k.a. Trader Vic

The Mai Tai may be Polynesian in name, but it’s American in origin, created not on a tropical lagoon but in San Francisco’s East Bay in 1944, by a legendary California restaurateur, the late, great Vic Bergeron of Trader Vic’s fame. This classic cocktail originated from the tiki culture of the post-Prohibition era. Bergeron said before he died, “I originated the Mai Tai. Many others have claimed credit. All this aggravates my ulcer completely. Anyone who says I didn’t create this drink is a dirty stinker.” Don the Beachcomber claimed he created the drink but circumstantial evidence favors The Trader who, in the 1947 book The Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide told how he originated the Mai Tai in his Oakland restaurant: What does “Mai Tai” mean? It comes from the Tahitian phrase Maita’i roa a’e. – Maita’i means “good” (compare Hawaiian maika’i, Rarotongan

meitaki); – Roa means “very” (compare Hawaiian loa); – a’e is an emphatic particle. Thus, “Maita’i roa a’e!” means “Very good, and how!” In other words, in Trader Vic’s words, “Out of this world, the best!”

With a wave of tiki madness sweeping the nation, the Bali Hai is more popular than ever. Where you sip a Mai Tai is almost as important as the ingredients. If you’re not lucky enough to be in a thatch hut on a

lagoon with coco palms lining the shore, the Bali Hai is the next best thing. Join me and celebrate National Mai Tai Day August 30th at the Bali Hai. FourElmagazine.com


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Since summertime is officially upon us, I decided to get serious. I mean, seriously serious. I’m talking about some lobster tacos! I can’t think of a better way to kick off summertime than this light and refreshing dish. Living in San Diego, we all have our favorite little places for burritos and tacos. Most times, when I order a lobster taco though, I feel like I end up with

these minuscule lobster pieces that leaving me thinking … what the??? Where’s the meat? Those piddly, itty bitty lobster tails from some unknown country that doesn’t even taste anything like lobster just doesn’t do it for me. I mean, c’mon! Is it too much to ask to have some lobster meat in my lobster taco? I’m talking big, fat, juicy, sweet, delectable lobster chunks.

That’s where this recipe comes into play. I know most of us tend to bypass those live lobsters in the tanks because of their high price tag, but it’s time to rethink that. Let’s be friends with lobsters ... boil them … and eat them. OK, friends may be too strong a word for what we plan on doing with them, but you catch my drift. by lara miller

This dish is a little something I like to call, “Champagne taste on a beer budget.”

My name is Lara Miller and I am a wife to a pretty cool San Diego dude and mama to three handsome little boys. Yes, I am a lone ranger in a pad full of testosterone. Here is my thing... I love to cook. I’m not a chef, but cooking is what makes the world turn for me. It’s like my therapy, and believe me… dealing with three boys on the daily requires some serious therapy!

56 Four El | JULY 2013




1 large ripe avocado, peeled, seeded and diced

This recipe will

will feed 4-6

1 garlic clove 1 bunch of fresh cilantro

of your nearest and dearest

1/2 cup of sour cream

(You can use a light sour cream or even greek yogurt if you prefer)

LOBSTER TACOS One 1 1/2 - 2 lbs. lobster, steamed, shelled and cut into 1-inch pieces

(Sidenote: Typically, wherever you buy your live lobster, they will happily steam it for you, free of charge. A win/win!) 1 small red onion, chopped 1 garlic clove, minced 1 cup sweet yellow corn, fresh or frozen 1 cup canned black beans, rinsed and drained 1/2 - 1 whole chipotle pepper in adobo sauce, depending on how hot you like things Juice of one lime 3/4 - 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon fresh cracked pepper 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons unsalted butter When you bring your steamed lobster home, it’s time to get crack-a-lacking. You can use nut crackers to get the shells open, but if you don’t have them fear not. Grab two paper plates and a rock and get ready to blow off some steam of your own. Put the lobster claws between the paper plates and get to whacking (not too hard, you don’t want the shells to break into tiny pieces and mix in with the lobster meat).


Your wife forgot to pick up your dry cleaning? WHACK! Your girlfriend is acting up again? WHACK! Your kids are driving you insane? WHACK, WHACK, WHACK! You do remember that we are whacking the lobster here, right?

OK, now that that’s over, carefully remove the shells from the meat and set the meat aside. To break off the lobster tail, twist it away from the body and pull. It should come off easily enough. Then you can slice it down the middle with a knife and the tail meat should come out clean.


Tip: If, when taking out the lobster tail, you see some green stuff

on it, don’t be scared. It’s not bad. That’s called the “tomalley” and it is edible and quite good, if you like that sort of thing. I will let you Google what it is.

Now that you have separated the meat from the shell, chop the meat into about a one inch dice, a nice meaty mouthful. You should end up with about 2 cups cooked lobster meat when all is said and done.


In a skillet, melt the butter and olive oil over medium high heat and add the onion. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper. Then add the chipotle pepper(s) and mix around for about 30 seconds. Add in the onion and sauté for about a minute. Season with salt and pepper. Add the corn and and season with a little more salt and pepper. Cook the corn for about 7-8 minutes, until it develops a little char on it. Add in the garlic and black beans and season with more salt and pepper.


Tip: It’s very important to season every ingredient as you put it into the pan so you are layering the flavors. Just add enough salt and pepper as you see fit for each ingredient. Add the lobster meat at the very end and just let it 5 heat through. You don’t want to cook it because it’s already been steamed and is fully cooked. Otherwise, it will get tough and then you might as well call 9-1-1 and have yourself arrested for committing a hideous crime of turning the beautiful, delicious crustacean into rubber. No bueno, my friends.

Zest of a lime Juice of 1/2-1 lime 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1/2 - 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper Throw everything in a food processor, or if you’ve got the coveted Vitamix, throw it in there and let ‘er rip. Taste for seasoning and it’s done! This creme is so simple but adds so much depth to these luxurious tacos. I recommend using about a four to six-inch sized tortilla in order for these to feed a few of your peeps. You can top them (the tacos, not your peeps) with your favorite taco toppings… tomatoes, fresh chopped cilantro, chopped onions, hot sauce, diced avocado, guacamole, salsa, cheese. I could go on but I think you get the idea. You make these for your friends and family and I’m sure they will be in awe. Super simple, super fresh, super delicious. And now I’m super hungry. Tip: These tacos would pair amazingly well

with an IPA that my husband and I love. It’s a Hop Head Red by Green Flash. They come in a four-pack and have a piny and citrusy aroma. This beer is quite hoppy but a nice caramel malt balances it all out. Enjoy!

After heating the lobster meat through in the mixture, turn off the fire and squeeze the juice of one lime over everything. At this point, your taco filling is done. Now, onto the Avocado Crema that will rock your world. For reals.

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 57


nfl preview


chargers Draft Review By Brady Phelps

Twitter handle: @lobshots | www.lobshots.com

Summer has arrived and with Chargers training camp starting on July 24, the smell of football is in the air. Sniff … Mmm, leathery.

The new era of GM Tom Telesco and Head Coach “Magic Mike” McCoy has begun. They’ve got some pieces to work with … notably a starting quarterback who is looking to bounce back after a couple of down years under former head coach Norval Turner, and a safety in Eric Weddle who lived up to his massive contract and then some. Even still, this offseason will prove to be an important one because owner Dean Spanos isn’t trying to build a playoff team, he’s trying to build a Super Bowl champion. The past three years have been spent basking in the glory of mediocrity. Now that the 2013 draft and the offseason for the Chargers have come and gone, it begs this question: What do we have to show for it? Is this really a new regime? Can fans be legitimately excited for the 2013 Chargers? Let’s take a look. We’ll start with the first three players the Chargers drafted.

58 Four El | JULY 2013


D.J. Fluker

Offensive Lineman // University of Alabama He was the Chargers’ sole first-round pick and No. 11 overall. By the time it was the Chargers turn to choose, all the top tier left tackles were gone. So they took the best O-lineman left on the board. At 6-foot-5, 340 pounds, Fluker is a big, big kid. Up close, he could pass for a foot taller and a Benjamin heavier. Just huge. He dominated defensive fronts while he was at Alabama. He is projected to make an immediate impact starting at right tackle. Poor battered Philip Rivers has taken a beating at QB the past couple years, and he could use a break from getting knocked on his ass. Fluker’s footwork could use some polishing, but his strength and massive paws that would snuggly fit Mickey Mouse gloves can make up for it. The blind side protection from the left tackle gets all the hype, but front side protection is important too, kids. I’m really looking forward to seeing what Fluker can do in the professional ranks. He’s long, he’s strong ... though I cannot confirm if he’s down to get the friction on.

Keenan Allen

Wide Receiver // Cal Berkeley

This kid has incredible upside. Many thought he might be the top receiver in the draft. His speed and some injuries allowed a first-round talent to fall to the third round, with the 76th overall pick. At the risk of sounding like a broken record ... I love this pick. It will be really interesting to see how Magic Mike uses Keenan. Toward the end of mini camp, he was taking reps with the first team offense. That speaks volumes because the squad already has veteran Malcom Floyd, last year’s breakout star Danario Alexander and the receiver the San Diego media speaks of like he’ll be the next Jerry Rice, SDSU’s own Vincent Brown. Notice I didn’t even mention Robert Meachem and Eddie Royal? The one-time stars dramatically underperformed last season. Meachem had only 207 receiving yards in 2012 ... after averaging 660 yards per season over the previous three with Drew Brees’ Saints. Eddie Royal had 234 yards in 2012, a far cry from the 980 yards he had in his 2008 rookie campaign for the Broncos.

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 59


nfl preview

Manti Te’o

Linebacker // University of Notre Dame

There are two types of Chargers fans in this world: The ones who are still making Lennay Kekua catfish jokes, and the ones who have an ounce of self-respect for themselves and let those jokes go months ago. For the sake of argument, I’ll assume everyone reading is the latter, that they are logical, forgiving people willing to accept what happened with Manti while he was at Notre Dame and move past it. There’s a reason Manti was a Heisman finalist. He didn’t get there by the luck of the Irish. He will make an immediate impact on this Chargers team. His poor performance against Fluker’s incredible

60 Four El | JULY 2013

Alabama team in the National Championship game, coupled with the catfish scandal, gave the Chargers a gift: a first-round talent plucked in the second round, 38th overall. This kid already has a trophy case bigger than most retired NFL Pro Bowlers. He’s a leader on the field and in the clubhouse. I think he’ll be an upgrade from an aging Takeo Spikes (who I love and was sad to see go this offseason). Te’o may not have been blessed with the physical talents and speed that many NFL players have, but he’s a winner who is going to work harder than everyone else in the locker room.

Before we move on to our next draft pick, I’d like to make note of one comparison to Te’o I did not make ... Junior Seau. That was intentional. These comparisons need to stop. These are two very different players. Junior’s tragic ending aside, he will always be a legend in this town for what he did ON the field. He’ll always be in the discussion when reminiscing about the greatest players to ever wear a lightning bolt. Te’o, just because he shares Seau’s Polynesian-Samoan descent and plays linebacker, doesn’t belong in the same conversation. Let him make a name for himself so he’s not living in the shadow of a football legend.


A couple other guys the Bolts grabbed in the draft should see some playing time: cornerback Steve Williams and defensive end Tourek Williams. If quarterback Brad Sorensen can make the roster, he’ll learn a ton from Magic Mike and Philip Rivers. Who knows, maybe he’ll develop into “the guy” when Rivers decides it’s time to hang ‘em up? (Many, many years from now.) Since the Bolts couldn’t fill all their needs in the draft, to free agency they went. Chris Gronkowski will be competing with Le’Ron McClain for reps at fullback. (If it were that other Gronk, well, that’d be a story.)

Then there’s Danny Woodhead. As much as we all want Ryan Mathews to be the answer here in San Diego, instead of scoring touchdowns, he’s been auditioning for the role of Mr. Glass in Unbreakable 2. The dude just can’t stay healthy, and when he is ... he can’t hold on to the ball. If nothing else, Woodhead will light a fire under Mathews and give the offense a weapon it hasn’t had since Darren Sproles went to New Orleans. It’d be nice to see Magic Mike work some of that Belichick magic and get the most out of the scrappy Woodhead, who you might remember from his role in Dazed and Confused. Oh, that wasn’t him? Coulda been.

Max Starks will only be here for a year ... but oh, what an important year it will be. Every Chargers fan is still gargling mouthwash to get rid of the bad taste Jared Gaither left at left tackle last year. Just a terrible gamble gone wrong. Hopefully, this year’s experiment will be the opposite, and we’ll see if Max Starks, a talented and proven left tackle, has anything left in the tank.

You know the name Dwight Freeney, and if you don’t just ask P Riv. Freeney is one of the best pass rushers to ever play the game. San Diego is crossing its collective fingers that our city proves to be the fountain of youth for Freeney. There are no words to describe the joy that I’ll feel if he’s able to sack his former Colts QB, the man he was never allowed to touch in practice, Peyton Manning. I hope Telesco worked a $10,000 bonus into his contract for every Manning sack. That goes for Eli too. Hell, if he sees Archie in the parking lot, bump the bonus up to $20K.

Make no mistake, San Diego is a Chargers town. The 2013 Padres, after starting 5-15, recently hurdled the .500 record mark. San Diego sports fans were thrilled! In contrast, if the Chargers don’t finish well over .500 and make the playoffs, fans will be calling for Magic Mike’s head on a platter. Did you know there are only 10 Chargers remaining from the 2009 AFC West championship squad? Ten. The longest tenured Bolts? Antonio Gates, Mike Scifres and Malcom Floyd. They’ve been here since 2003.

The times they are a-changin.’ Let’s give this 2013 squad a chance. Let’s start the season with a heavy dose of chill pills and see if Telesco and Magic Mike have surrounded Rivers and Weddle, the offensive and defensive cornerstones, with the necessary pieces to lead this team to the promised land. San Diego wants Super Bowl rings, and we don’t have 40 years to wander around looking for them. Bring us the rings, Mike McCoy, use your magic.

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 61

on par


the crossings at carlsbad

5800 The Crossings Drive, Carlsbad TheCrossingsAtCarlsbad.com Tee Times/Pro Shop: (760) 444-1800 Restaurant: (760) 444-1880

Green fees

18 Holes Monday - Thursday: $95

18 Holes Friday / Sunday: $99

18 Holes Saturday / Holidays: $110

Discount Rates: Yes San Diego Resident, Carlsbad Resident, Club Crossings, Twilight & Late, Seniors, Military, Juniors, and 9 Holes.

Course Rating: 71 Slope Rating: 129 Distance: 6,467 (Blue Tees) Grass: Bentgrass Greens, Bermuda Fairways, Rye Rough Designer: Greg Nash Dress Code: Collared shirt, no denim Club Pro(s) / Lessons: Yes Practice Area: State-of-the-art practice center that features that features new tee-line technology. Includes putting greens, chipping areas, and night time lights.

62 Four El | JULY 2013


ith the sparkling blue Pacific Ocean to the west and the Southern California Peninsular Mountain Ranges in the distance to the east, this state-of-the-art, 18-hole championship municipal golf course and event facility offers visitors magnificent views and a relaxing natural environment. Developed and owned by the City of Carlsbad, this public course is nestled among more than 1,000 acres of Carlsbad’s coastal terrain and natural habitat. It’s home to wetlands, sage brush and other plant, animal and bird life. Named for the five bridges - or crossings - that were designed into the course to meet existing environmental and topographic conditions, The Crossings at Carlsbad also features a lighted practice center and access to The Crossings Trail, a three-mile round-trip walking path that links with the Carlsbad’s extensive Trail System. The Crossings also offers a 28,000-square-foot clubhouse complete with a golf shop, banquet facilities, a spacious fireplace-lit dining room, full-service kitchen and an outdoor deck with ocean views. The Canyons restaurant, located in the clubhouse, will serve breakfast and lunch daily.


Four EL Magazine

playing the course: You jump in the cart and you realize that there’s an iPad mounted to your dashboard. But wait, it’s not an iPad, it’s their giant GPS system. You simply drag your finger around the screen and you can determine exact distances to everything! Put your laser binoculars away and stop looking for sprinklers and markers, information is now at your fingertips. Now, if it could only find my lost balls too, they seem to always be stuck in some strange bush. Walking up to the first tee box is a bit daunting. You stand on an elevated tee box looking over a deep valley covered in brush. The fairway on the other side is pointed slightly to the left. It’s a tough first tee shot from the front tees but from the back it’s even tougher, it’s a semi-blind shot over the hill across the valley. If you go too far left, there is another valley behind it filled with brush waiting for your ball. You take a deep breath, aim slightly right of the hill, and hope you don’t have to take a breakfast ball. After all, a mulligan is cheating, even if it’s early in the morning and you’re hungry and hung over, right? When you reach the 7th hole, it finishes at a majestic man made waterfall. This par five is difficult to reach in two, especially if you have aqua-phobia like me. It’s not super long but your second long iron shot has to carry a large pond at the base of the massive waterfall. It’s an easy wedge to make it on in three and you get the pleasant sounds of water flowing down rocks while you’re putting, good thing the restrooms are coming up. The 11th hole has an elevated tee box looking down at the fairway what seems to be 100 yards below your feet. When you’re standing there, it almost feels like you can drive the green. It’s 375 yards away from the Blue tees but the extreme elevation makes it so tempting. Fortunately the landing area is so wide that it’s hard to miss. Unfortunately, I tried to crush it. I sliced it way to the right and landed in the environmental hazard, 1 stroke penalty, thank goodness it’s a lateral drop. The Crossings at Carlsbad is an 18-hole championship golf course, located in San Diego California, designed by Greg Nash, a nationally recognized course designer/architect. The Crossings at Carlsbad, a 6,835 yard public golf course, features multiple options and terrain to challenge golfers of all skill levels. The course and its design offer an array of features including: Five separate teeing areas at each hole, allowing golfers to determine not only the length of the hole but also the manner in which they play it. (view scorecard)

The scenery is breathtaking, the course is well kept, and the staff is professional. Although you are actually several miles away from the ocean, you still get great views and your ball still breaks towards it on the putting green. Some people will say you should just put your driver in the bag. The course plays short and most of the trouble is off the tee box, so just use your irons. In reality, the fairways are wide and inviting once your mind get past the optical illusion. You just need to relax and carry your drive over the intimidating valleys. Hitting a long drive always makes me feel good and sets the tone for my game. So I say, go ahead, drive for show, fo sho.

Generous fairways and large greens with numerous pin placement options State-of-the-art amenities Electric golf carts for transportation along the seven-mile cart path that meanders about the course While the predominant theme of the course design was to preserve the existing habitats and expansive City Trail System, TCAC golf course offers an aesthetically pleasing, yet challenging and fun experience. Players will remember each hole for its individual design characteristics, encouraging repeat play.

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 63

THANK YOU Four EL would like to formally thank each sponsor for your generous donations to the Angels Foster Family Network. Your good deed does not go unnoticed. Barrel Wine


Black Box Distribution

Rancho Bernardo Inn

The Crossings at Carlsbad

Reserve Land Management

Fisherman’s Landing

San Dieguito Printers


SDSI & Bill Walton

Frends Headphones

Sean Seaman Real Estate

Gravity Skateboards

Sleep Train Mattress


Sport Rx


Taylor Made

Quality Social

Wingstop Carlsbad X1



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JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 65



mallorca by Erik Martin

Along the river I walk with the summer sun warming my face and the ocean breeze swaying the palm fronds up and down, back and forth. The water shimmers as it glides under the medieval bridge and silhouettes cross from side to side under the Victorian lamps. The smell of freshly cut grass wafts up from behind as the ringing bells of the 14th century church call me home. Life In Palma de Mallorca.

Paseo de Marit at Sunset

66 Four El | JULY 2013



hether you are looking to entertain the family or entertain your dream of traveling solo before starting the family, you should consider the Mediterranean island of Mallorca. Unlike its obnoxious little sister, Ibiza, which has dubstepped its place onto the world’s stage, Mallorca has opted to remain an island getaway. While twentysomethings rush to Ibiza with their glow sticks in hand, those looking to partake in a wider selection of outdoor activities and experience Spanish culture tend to make their way to Mallorca. That’s not to say “big sister” doesn’t let her hair down from time to time. If you’re looking for pacifier-pounding House, dreadlock-dropping reggae, or any style of music that will get you and the girls dancing, Palma de Mallorca’s Paseo Marítimo is where you’ll end your evening stroll. Sweaty and ears buzzing, you will find any of these harbor-front clubs an exciting reminder as to why you chose Mallorca over Yucaipa for this year’s summer vacation. In contrast to the stuffy and loud world from which you just emerged, the Mediterranean

Colorful Nightlife

breeze that plays with the palm trees overhead will cool you while the tranquil sound of boats rocking in the moonlit harbor rehabilitates your ears. That is until a group of beautiful Spanish ladies, dressed like only European women know how, catches your eye, takes a hold of your arm and leads you to the next club. A night out on Paseo Marítimo is only one example of how Mallorca’s serenity is complemented by its more exhilarating side; the Jekyll & Hyde of the Mediterranean. The same holds true outside of the city as the drive to Formentor in the northeast corner of the island takes you through several quaint, medieval towns. As you drive through such towns as Valldemosa and Sóller, you can’t help but notice all the white and pink leaves collecting on your wipers as they fall from the almond trees that line the narrow mountain village streets. The mountains jump up from the valley floor and wear a skirt of pine, palm and fern. The vegetation hangs precariously over the sheer cliffs that stand tall next to the dark blue sea that sparkles 1,200 feet below. And once again, Mallorca’s serenity is accompanied by its stirring landscape which tempts you to descend that 1,200-foot cliff. You leave the sightseeing behind momentarily, clear those soothing almond leaves off the hatchback and grab your climbing ropes and shoes.

As you continue northeast, a stop along the way leads to a hike through Cascada Orient, where next to beautiful waterfalls lay medieval strongholds that are in ruin and being overrun upon by vibrant, green moss. The sun shines through the furry, green trees and points to more enchanting waterfalls downstream. Mallorca’s tempting you to enter the canyon to the lower portion of the river and leave behind the tranquil hike. So long leprechauns, pixies and serenity. On goes the wetsuit, helmet and backpack. Closer to Formentor, the road lowers itself down next to the coast where hundreds of small, purple jellyfish hover through the Mediterranean swimming pool. You squat at the edge of the water and are mesmerized by their fluorescent color and fluidity. Mallorca’s warm water is electrifying and tears you away from your Sunday drive. The stand-up paddle board comes off the roof of the car, sunscreen is quickly applied and you’re making a quick barefoot dash over the rocks and pine needles to the dock. Why observe beautiful animals from a dock when you can stand-up paddle through them? Like paddling through the small, purple ghosts of the Mediterranean Sea, the coastline roads weave their way from one little cove to the next; white sands, translucent water and a warm breeze coming down off the green hills put one

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 67



Stand up paddleboarding

at ease. But with every cove (cala in Spanish) Mallorca offers another one of its thrilling activities. Son Serra tempts you to surf some of the best waves in the Balearic Islands. Arenal won’t let you leave without throwing a sail up and either windsurfing or kite surfing. The waters of Santa Ponça calm you before the bird reserve that is Malgrat Island lures you to stand-up paddle out and around it. With its beautiful tide pools and gorgeous homes dotting the top of the cliffs, Cala Figuera relaxes you before

Breathtaking views at Formentor Vista

68 Four El | JULY 2013

its boulders give you no choice but to chalk-up and throw on your climbing shoes. Mallorca offers its natural beauty and tranquility but always has her adrenaline opportunities on display. This is Mallorca’s yin and yang; the older sister that knows when to be reserved and when to let loose. And as Paseo Marítimo proved earlier, Mallorca’s attractions do not discriminate between sundown and sunrise. At sunrise in Palma de Mallorca, liquid gold laps up against old fishing boats in the harbor and the sun’s rays crawl their way up the century-old, Gothic walls of the cathedral. Whether it is a night out on Paseo Marítimo or the early morning bells of one of the XIIIth century churches, it’s nearly impossible to miss one of the city’s beautiful sunrises; by choice or not. So if you don’t have the energy for rock climbing, surfing and/or kite surfing, and you’re looking to spend the day in Palma, a morning walk through the city center’s cobblestone streets to Ca’n Joan de S’Aigo is a must. As you move from the outskirts of town and into the city center, you find that the high, stone walls of the medieval buildings have yet to be breached by the morning sun. The slight morning chill of the shaded, stone streets makes that first cup of café con leche special. The warm ensaimadas (Mallorquine sweet bread) that Ca’n Joan

de S’Aigo has been baking since they opened in 1700 are light and fluffy pastries covered in powdered sugar. Love your swine? Order a tapa of sobrasada; pork sausage cured with paprika. A “cheese snob?” Don’t pass on a small plate of the sharp, aged Mahon cheese as it’s difficult to find in the States. Garbage disposal? Savor a clay bowl of arroz brut; a rice soup with everything in it from vegetables to rabbit and chicken to snails. If you want to eat and drink in more of the Spanish culture after a day of shopping and touring the magnificent medieval city of Palma, make your way to Es Baluard Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani. Located within the Sant Pere bastion that dates back to the 1500s, the Renaissance wall is now a museum and restaurant/lounge. The stone-laid patio juts out from the 500-year old bastion, presenting magnificent views of the Mediterranean and cathedral. As the evening light slides down the back of Bellver Castle up on the hill, the smell of the Mediterranean waves pass your nose and the lights of the cathedral sway with the waves in the ocean below. It is only appropriate that a glass of Spanish wine is raised in toast to Mallorca and its decision to remain the lesser-known, well-rounded elder.


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Book tee times and restaurant reservations online JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 69



Parenting By Cory Waterhouse

The Plague.

Toxic pillow

That’s my daughter Samantha’s baby pillow/comfort device.

And it’s awful.

A stinky, stained mess and, as I write this, I’m hesitant to even photograph it for fear someone will call CPS and report my wife and I for allowing her to keep that thing near her face. We’ve replaced more than a few iterations over the years, since I don’t want to deprive her of a debilitating childhood tchotchke, but I think we’re on v.4 of the Plague Project. Sam, if you’re reading this, that little threadbare Plague swatch you’ve kneaded, rubbed and carried around in your purse, briefcase or nanographene backpack as an adult is not The Plague. The original Plague was involved in an “unfortunate incident” and was regretfully retired in 2011.

Finding out I was having a daughter was both traumatic—and traumatic for me. My mind flashed back to the faces of the dads who answered the door when my younger, even dumber self showed up on their doorsteps to take their daughters out. They displayed part fear, part anger, with smatterings of seething violence just barely brimming under the surface of their seemingly calm suburban veneers. Which is now me. I live on a cul-de-sac and yell at kids who run across my lawn.

We’ve had to return to Sears numerous times and buy another $5 travel pillow for you to spill, drool, stain and paint with your lifestyle.

I can already imagine that schlepping prepubescent turd knocking on my door, hoping to spend time alone with my beautiful, intelligent daughter. Though horribly cliche, I do own a gun, and the thought of cleaning it as he waits for Samantha is becoming easier to imagine. If he honks his horn, he will indeed be a sad tweenager.

Alas my dear, for such a lovely and amazing little girl … you’re kinda gross. But hilariously gross, so I’m OK with that.

But luckily, she’s a spirited and very driven little lady. And I almost feel sorry for whomever stands in her way.

70 Four El | JULY 2013

As for now, she’s infatuated with gymnastics and ballet. But I was thinking maybe next year we can mix in some Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai. Not having a consistent blood flow to the carotid artery might help to remind future suitors to behave more appropriately. Just a thought ... Now, I also have a stepson named Cole. I met Cole years ago when he was about Sam’s age. He’s always been the type of child who was six going on thirty. He wakes up, feeds himself and stays entertained without the need of any adult intervention. Half the time I feel like he’s supervising us. I had college roommates who weren’t nearly as disciplined as he is. Alas, Cole is now closing in on his teen years and I’ve been eyeing him, waiting for the initial clash with us, his Parental Overlords. But other than a few dings for chatting in class and banal infractions involving overuse of his Kindle and Xbox, he’s offered very little resistance to The Man.


Granted, with how thoroughly he trounces me during our Call of Duty skirmishes, I’ve been tempted to ground him on that fact alone. But, alas, he’s just a nice, well-adjusted kid. Which on one hand makes me extremely proud of him for being a mature young man who understands how to conduct himself in a civilized manner. Someone who teachers, parents and coaches all speak in glowing terms. It makes me feel like perhaps my wife and I might be doing something right and not churning out a shiftless layabout who’s going to grow a terrible mustache and live at home until he’s blowing out 30 candles. Now, at the other end of the spectrum, I was a total asshole growing up. I had a quip, comment or sneer for any authority figure who had the audacity to do their job and tell me what to do. Which, for the most part, has burned a streak into my personality that continues to this day.

(Pause for the collectively growing smile of those people in my life who love to hear me admit this.) So, I guess I’m waiting for Cole to be an asshole like me. But like I said, he’s a nice kid (fortunately). And kind and considerate with his little sister. Which is rare, and one of the few things you’d expect from an 11-year-old who’s entering junior high. It also helps we have a good relationship and have consistent communication with Cole’s dad, Sky. If there is the rare infraction in Cole’s behavior, it’s passed along without drama or problems in the two households. That makes for a much easier existence for all of us. In the grand scheme, I’m very lucky. Lucky to have the family I see daily and live in a town like San Diego. Fortunate like most of the planet isn’t. When raising children, you realize in the early years that you don’t want to break them physically and in the later years you don’t want to break them mentally. With all the horrors in the media today about what children are facing and how social media is turning their lives into a digital Lord of the Flies, it’s nice to take a step back sometimes and be happy with whom my children are as people. So when I feel the need to bitch and complain about watching another horrible episode of Horseland for the 700th time, or asking Cole to please take his elbows off the table and not eat like he’s merely smearing the food across his face, I have to take a second and remember these times. Because in the next few years, I won’t have the access or hold the same reverence with them that I have now. They’ll be out of the house, off to college and on their own paths. Pretty soon it’ll just be us and The Plague. Which brings tears to my eyes for an entirely different reason.

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 71



summer says:

the Four El man should finish first Baseball great Leo Durocher was the first to say “Nice guys finish last.” Immediately, I want to say, “NO! Nice guys do finish first!” I truly believe that the nice guy will be on the sidelines and win her hand when she realizes the bad boy is just going to be a waste of time and heartbreaker. But maybe that’s just me always rooting for the underdog … or me thinking I live in a fairy tale life. At the same time, I can argue both sides. I certainly have male friends who are truly the nice guy, and they are finishing last. Everyone is constantly questioning why. I will tell you why: you are going for the wrong girl! Let’s be honest: You want the physical attraction. I am a firm believer in being physically attracted to your partner but, trust me, there is so much more than that. Unfortunately, men and women are constantly working against the evolutionary/biological

reasons that we get hot and bothered by the behaviors from the opposite sex that categorize someone as the bad boy/girl. When I look at my guy friends who are the nice guys, the one common denominator is that the good guy keeps going for the bad girl. I really want to challenge you. It’s time to try something new. I am not asking you to compromise on physical attraction, as that is what initially interests you in a woman. But stop fantasizing about being with “that girl.” At the end of the day, she probably doesn’t have the intellect, class or personality that gives this relationship a fighting chance. This is not relationship material, which means at the end of the day it doesn’t work out, and you’re left wondering why.

Proverbial “nice guy”

I thought it would be worthwhile to give some advice on traits or characteristics you should be looking for in a woman if you are ready for a relationship: 01 Look for the girl who lights up the room. There is a difference between her and the girl who all the guys are staring at. The girl who lights up the room has personality. People around her are smiling and laughing. The girl who the guys are all staring at? Totally different picture. When you break it down to this level, you will actually see there is not much personality exuding from her or the group she surrounds herself with.

02 Passion. This is probably one of the best qualities you can find in a person. A woman who has passion about something (anything) can appreciate and be tolerant to the things that are important to you, i.e football, surfing, basketball, friends, beer, etc. Think back to the relationships you’ve had in the past where she was constantly annoyed or insecure about the interests you have. A woman with passion will understand and appreciate the things that you are passionate about.

03 Look for someone who values friendship. Whether she has a small group of really close friends or even a large group that she loves to surround herself with. This girl understands the importance of relationships. She knows what it means to give and take. She feels great about knowing she has people to love and support her and loves the satisfaction she gets from being a good friend. She respects, loves and trusts others. All of these components enable her to give, take and compromise in a relationship.

04 You deserve a woman who is genuinely interested in getting to know you. This is a tricky one because when you meet someone and are engaged in a conversation, there is obviously information you are sharing back and forth. Initial conversation typically begins with the “what do you do” questions. Is she showing interest? Is she responding with follow-up questions? You should be looking for someone who is craving to learn more about you.

I really do believe that the good guys can finish first, but to do so you have GOT TO STOP setting yourself up for relationship failure by going for the wrong girl. There are so many amazing women in America’s Finest City, and they are looking for the perfect Four EL Man. I invite you to send me any of your dating or relationship questions at summer@fourelmagazine.com. Cheers to a summer of fun in the sun! 72 Four El | JULY 2013





JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 73

native population

beauty and brains

Beauty and brawn

74 Four El | JULY 2013


San Diego

Natives Teri reeves

San Diego Connection: Went to grad school at UCSD, lived in UTC after graduation Zodiac Sign: Cancer Profession: Actress Outdoors Activities: Running, hiking, swimming, kayaking and horseback riding Hobbies: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, yoga, playing the piano, swing and salsa dancing Favorite Food: This is so lame… Kettle Corn Favorite Libation: Whiskey, neat. I’m partial to Johnny Walker Blue I was a very social child and a big fan of Magnum P.I. I’m told that I would waddle up in my diapers to complete strangers and say, “Hi guys,” just like Thomas Magnum would. Growing up, my best friends were my sister and my imaginary friend, a duck named Norman. I spent most of my twenties trying to get comfortable in my own skin. Now that I’m in my thirties, life is much more fun. As a little girl, I watched Katherine Hepburn in The Philadelphia Story. I wanted to be her. After I learned that she was only “acting” and that wasn’t really her actual self, I wanted to act. Once I got on stage, it was all over, I couldn’t get enough! I come from theater training and have my BFA and MFA in acting. My favorite roles in plays were in Blood Wedding, The Three Sisters, Twelfth Night and Current Nobody. My recent TV credits include Chicago Fire, Battleground, NCIS: Los Angeles, General Hospital, Rules of Engagement, Three Rivers, Numbers and Days of Our Lives. I mostly aspire to just continue to be working, which in the field of acting is very difficult. Beyond that, I want to be an actress whose first commitment is to telling the story of a script with as much honesty as I can. As a woman in this industry, I stand for promoting stories about females that embody strength and vulnerability. I want to promote a healthy body image and be known for generosity on set.

I got into Jiu-Jitsu because I was an actress. I have always wanted to play strong female characters, fighters, warrior types, and the industry kept casting me as the girl-next-door. I decided I must need to change something on my end for them to see me differently, so I looked up the nearest martial art academy to my house. Gracie Barra was down the street. I tried it, thought I’d go for a month, put it on my resume and be done. I haven’t stopped going and now it is two-and-a-half years later. Turns out I love it. I started much later in life than most people. I was 29 years old, but JiuJitsu is one of those martial arts you can practice your whole life. I now hold a second degree blue belt, and I’m on the mats at least four times a week unless training for a competition, in which case I’ll sometimes go even twice a day. Jiu-Jitsu makes me stronger physically and mentally. My confidence has grown exponentially. The men and women I train with have become like family. Plus, when you’re on the mats, you don’t feel like you’re working out. You’re trying to survive, which is much more fun I think. It ups the excitement of exercise. San Diego is the place where I grew into an adult. San Diegans are super down to earth and accepting. They let you grow, change and just be who you are. It is an endless supply of activities, different cultural experiences, and beautiful outdoor settings to get lost in. In short, San Diego holds a special place in my heart.

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 75



TECH all hands on


Available: Now Price: $30

Oh, you witty corks. Chillsner … Pilsner. I get it. I’m smart. The Chillsner is a new beer-chilling tool that promises to keep your drink cold from the first beer to the last. Just throw it in the freezer and, once it’s cold, open your (bottled) beer and put it down inside. Thanks to openings in the top, you can drink straight through it, or use it to chill your beer as you pour it into your favorite mug. www.corkcicle.com

Meat Shredders Available: Now Price: Around $5

The pulled meat craze? Is this really a “craze?” Are people becoming frantic and homicidal because they can’t seem to separate the pork and beef? Well, I guess if you’re having problems, you can use these Meat Shredders. Personally, I think I’d run around my house claiming to be Wolverine, just to scare the children. But that’s me. www.williams-sonoma.com


The Macallan 60 Years Old in Lalique


Available: Now Price: $20,000

I know its not technology, but it doesn’t get much better than this: The Macallan 60 Years Old in Lalique is not only one of the oldest and rarest single malt whiskies ever bottled by the distillery, it’s also one of the best looking when it’s sitting on your shelf. That’s because it lives inside an elegant Lalique IV decanter that pays homage to the small stills in which the spirit is made. It’s topped off with a crystal stopper with a copper cap made from an old Macallan still. Well, this is pretty much the pinnacle in terms of scotch. Granted, you’re going to have to swallow the fact that each glass comes out to about $1,000, but what’s a few grand between mega mergers and successful Third World coups? www.themacallan.com

76 Four El | JULY 2013


BBQ Dragon Available: August Price: $50

We’re all pretty hip to the fact that gas grills work quickly with minimal clean up and that a charcoal grill imparts flavor but that coals take longer to heat up. Or at least it used to be that way. The BBQ Dragon is a new grilling gadget that starts charcoal faster than a traditional chimney by blowing large amounts of low-velocity air at the fire. Capable of starting a charcoal grill in just 10 minutes—without the need for lighter fluid—it also works great for campfires, fireplaces, wood stoves and smokers, all while giving you more precise control over the temperature. www.bbqdragon.com

Mmmm... Bacon

Logitech Harmony Ultimate Remote

The Prophets of Smoked Meat: A Journey Through Texas Barbecue Available: Now Price: $19.98

Texas is the land of Big Stuff. Capital BS. Wait, not that BS. I meant ... whatever … you know what I meant. This snazzy little page turner by barbecue honcho Daniel Vaughn takes you on a savory tour of Texas BBQ via recipes, tips and secrets guaranteed to help get your smoked meat love affair on. Puns intended (perverts). www.fcg-bbq.blogspot.com

Available: Now Price: $350 Though it’s a little pricey, who doesn’t want one remote TO RULE THEM ALL? I have to say I’ve owned more than my fair share of universal remotes in my time, and they all turn out to be universally worthless within a month. True to its grandiose name, this powerhouse might look a lot like the Logitech predecessors, but it uses RF signals to communicate with a Hub that in turn issues signals over Infrared and Bluetooth to everything from TVs to PS3s. It also controls Philips Hue lights and offers its own 2.4-inch touch screen—but you can also download the Harmony app and operate all your devices from your tablet or smartphone. www.logitech.com

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 77


TECH all hands on


Balcony Grill Available: Now Price: $80

Does your 400-square-foot, $2,800-a-month mini loft prevent you from entertaining like you think you should because of the small size? Well, think again, my mini-mansioned friend. The Balcony Grill is crafted from stainless steel and features a sleek black paint job and a cooking area of roughly 161 square inches. The grill is designed to hang on flower pot supports, ensuring a larger guest list that can include the geezer down the hall so he can finally stop calling the goddamn HOA. www.connox.com

Professor Phardtpounder’s Colon Cleaner Hot Sauce Available: Now Price: $6.50

Yankee Man Candles II

Available: Now Price: $20-$30

You know your house stinks. We know your house stinks. Hopefully, these candles will help your place stink a little less. But then again, I think I’d be really annoyed if I smelled buttered popcorn or bacon and only had melted wax to eat. Just doesn’t sound as appetizing as you’d think. Plus, they have a candle named, “First Down” that smells like a combination of orange, patchouli, vetiver and leather. Yeah, I don’t know either ... What the hell is vetiver? www.yankeecandle.com

78 Four El | JULY 2013

Colon Cleaner Hot Sauce is a wonderfully angry blend of mustard, scotch bonnet peppers, salt, onions, water, vinegar, sugar and some other goods that’s ready to add a bit of mouth pain to whatever you shake it on. I’d error on the side of caution and not have any plans for 10 hours after consuming this edible lava. Personally, I’m a huge fan of any hot sauce that can possibly melt my face off. And at least this stuff is being honest. Or maybe it should be called, “Don’t Sneeze” or “Hope You Don’t Have a Cough.” www.hotsauce.com


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up and coming

BANDS The Palace Ballroom | The-Palace-Ballroom.com These five gentlemen know there’s something wrong with your heart. Packed into some of the finest song craft and catchiest hooks around, the band’s emotive, confessional songs hold a magnifying glass to your chest. They’ll either leave you curled up with a bottle at 4 a.m. or singing with the windows down as you cruise the coast highway. Veering between acoustic ballads and buzzing electric guitars, singer-songwriter honesty and indie rock edge, the music defies easy categorization, but it¹s familiar and straightforward, and the songs echo in your head for miles. The Palace Ballroom won¹t leave you unmoved. Their music hits like heartbreak but heals like the world’s oldest friend. It’s break-up rock in sunny San Diego. Former lead singer of Buckfast Superbee TJ heads this fantastic crew of troubadours who were kind enough to play the Four EL premiere party at the Belly Up Tavern.

80 Four El | JULY 2013


Little Hurricane | LittleHurricaneMusic.com

Little Hurricane is a rock/dirty blues band based out of San Diego that formed in 2010. The band consists of frontman Anthony “Tone” Catalano and drummer Celeste “C.C.” Spina. Their influences include Van Morrison, Dead Weather, The Gorillaz, James Taylor and The Beatles. Be sure to check out their video for the song “Haunted Heart.” The slick music video enhances an already cool song. Word around the campfire is these two are about ready to hit superstardom. Be cooler than your friends by seeing them before they’re on Letterman.

The Drowning MeN TheDrowningMen.com The Drowning Men is an indie-rock quintet from Oceanside. The members are Nato Bardeen (vocals, keys, guitar, mandolin), James Smith (lead guitar, vocals), Todd Eisenkerch (bass, vocals), Rory Dolan (percussion) and Gabelani Messer (keys, vocals). Based on the songwriting of Bardeen, the band was formed by close friends Nato, Rory, James and original bass player Jason Young in April 2005. The unnamed group played their first show that fall. Bardeen’s love of songwriters like Leonard Cohen and Nick Cave culls together with the wide-reaching musical backgrounds of his band mates, allowing the songs to become expansive and indefinable. It’s clear that by making music, the Drowning Men actually did make a career. Their gritty, thoughtful tracks revel in originality, something that is simply the product of five musicians creating something as one. All of the the album All of the Unknown inflates this further, evolving the music from the group’s past releases to embody grander choruses and involve bigger musical payoffs.

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 81

The Howls | TheHowls.BandCamp.com

San Diego’s the Howls have only been around for a few years, but their reputation already precedes them. It only takes one listen to the band’s music to see why. The Howls’ sound is reminiscent of those timeless early Wilco and Ryan Adams albums, with some boozy old-school Stones thrown in for good measure. It’s alt-country bliss.

Dead Feather Moon | DeadFeatherMoon.com

Dead Feather Moon is a San Diego-based band whose distinguished sound combines rock with alt-country and psychedelic blues. Their heartfelt performances and rapidly growing fan base have established them as one of San Diego’s most sought-after musical acts. Their debut full-length album, Dark Sun, won Best Alternative Album at the 2012 San Diego Music Awards. After its release in the summer of 2011, the album quickly generated enough buzz to garner the attention of San Diego’s FM94/9 radio station, where the band receives consistent airplay.

82 Four El | JULY 2013


Photo by Brian Nevins


Live Performance by Switchfoot Sneak peek at Switchfoot’s

AuctionNight Soiree

debut feature film, Fading West

Silent & Live Auctions Opportunity Drawings

Friday, July 12

Sheraton Carlsbad Resort & Spa Special room rates available for the night

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$150 each; VIP $225 (include meet & greet with Switchfoot) www.switchfoot.com/bro-am



HOT WIRE 7/13 :

Switchfoot Bro-Am Moonlight Beach, Encinitas

7/10: Portugal the Man presented by Ones to Watch, House of Blues 7/10: Casbah presents Palms, Belly Up Tavern 7/11: Say Anything, House of Blues 7/11: Nico Vega, The Griffin 7/12: Wag Halens Beach Cities Jam with a portion of the proceeds going to the Keep a Breast Foundation, Belly Up Tavern 7/13: Switchfoot Bro-Am, Moonlight Beach, Encinitas 7/14: Hi Roots, Lafayette Hotel 7/15: FM 94/9 welcomes Black Flag presented by the Casbah, SOMA


The Fixxas part of Green Flash Concert Series

7/17: The Fixx as part of Green Flash Concert Series, Birch Aquarium at Scripps 7/17: Adam Ant, Balboa Theatre

Birch Aquarium at Scripps

7/18: Aquabats, House of Blues 7/19: The B-52’s, Del Mar Racetrack 7/20: Slightly Stoopid, SleepTrain Amphitheatre 7/20: Patton Oswalt, Spreckles Theatre 7/21: Passenger, House of Blues 7/21: FM 94/9 welcomes The Postal Service,

Open Air Theatre @ SDSU


The B-52’s Del Mar Racetrack

84 Four El | JULY 2013

7/21: Rogue Wave, Belly Up Tavern 7/21: Reeform, Lafayette Hotel 7/23: KPRI presents Johnny Lang, Humphries






Sammy Hagar & The Wabos

Bruno Mars

Balboa Theatre

Del Mar Racetrack

Valley View Casino Center

7/24: Matchbox 20, Goo Goo Dolls,

Valley View Casino Center

7/24: BoDeans, Belly Up Tavern 7/25: HOB 20th Anniversary presents Electric 13 Tour with The Cult, House of Blues 7/25: Johnny Winter, Belly Up Tavern 7/26: FM 94/9 presents Fitz and The Tantrums, Del Mar Thoroughbred Club 7/26: The 1975, The Casbah 7/27: Sammy Hagar & The Wabos, Del Mar Racetrack 7/28: FM 94/9 presents Rancid with The Transplants and The Interrupters, House of Blues 7/30: Bruno Mars & Ellie Goulding, Valley View Casino Center 7/30: Jeff Bridges and The Abiders, Belly Up Tavern 7/31: Gipsy Kings, Humphries 7/31: Albert Lee, Belly Up Tavern 8/1: Redlight King with Icon for Hire, House of Blues 8/2: Iration, Del Mar Racetrack 8/2: Son Volt, Belly Up Tavern 8/3: FM 94/9 welcomes Sublime with Rome and 311 with Cypress Hill, Pennywise, G. Love, SleepTrain Amphitheatre 8/5: The Heavy with The Silent Comedy, Belly Up Tavern 8/6: Chimaira, House of Blues

JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 85

around town



July 20: Best Damn Bourbon and Beers II Locale: Downtown Price: $50 in advance; $55 at the door Get ready for year two of Best Damn Bourbon & Beers. Only 75 tickets will be available so buy early before they sell out. New this year will be some really awesome bourbons and single malts to taste right alongside a huge selection of brews. To quote the great Rudy Toombs, “One bourbon, one scotch and one beer.” Now go Google Rudy Toombs and Amos Milburn. You’re welcome!

July 3:

Tavern at the Beach Grand Reopening

Locale: 1200 Garnet Ave., Pacific Beach Price: varies depending on what you order Grand reopening! WOO-HOO! Come in! I think I’ve had too much coffee! WHY AM I SHOUTING?!?

86 Four El | JULY 2013

August 3: Gourmet Food Truck Festival Locale: Del Mar Price: Free admission to the food truck area with paid racetrack admission of $6 for adults. Children under 18 are free. It’s the third annual event where you can enjoy a variety of some of the hottest eats in Southern California. More than 50 food trucks, all in one location, have real gourmet chefs serving their eclectic bests at super prices. I’m not gonna say diarrhea. But yeah, diarrhea. FourElmagazine.com



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2508 El Camino Real, C1 Carlsbad, CA

Located at 78 Hwy & El Camino Real, in the Vons/CVS Shopping Plaza across from the mall © Wingstop Restaurants, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

July 17-September 4: Del Mar Racing Season Locale: Del Mar Racetrack Price: Stretch Run $6; Clubhouse $10; reserved Seats sold separately Come booze your way to fame and fortune all the while viewing the goony hats and pinkies mid-air, sipping fancy cocktails. You too can mingle with the other common folk who have no idea how to bet on horses. August 2-4: San Diego Padres vs. New York Yankees Locale: Petco Park Price: Varies visit www.sandiego.padres.mlb.com/ticketing If you like the Yankees, you’re probably one of those people who roots for Darth Vader and the Fratellis. Your only excuse for accepting the pinstripes into your heart would be that you’re actually from New York or you’re mostly dead on the inside. Any other reason can only mean you ride the Jeter bandwagon. JULY 2013 | Fully cultured, yet unshaven | Four El 87

around town




July 19-20: Deathsquad Supershow Locale: Gaslamp Price: $15

July 16-August 18:


Locale: La Jolla Playhouse Price: tickets start at $15 Buckle up for this whirlwind road trip as two sharp-tongued bachelors cope with their midlife crises involving wine, women and disappointment. Yeah, this is a play based on the novel that inspired the movie where Paul Giamatti loses his shit over the possibility of drinking Merlot. Oh, and it helped everyone to discover what Pinot Noir is. Spoiler alert: red wine, it’s just red wine. #WorstSpoilerEver.

Brian Redban is the creator of the Deathsquad Podcast Network and producer and co-host of The Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Redban hosts live stand-up comedy shows at the Ice House in Pasadena each week, featuring the cast of The Ice House Chronicles. He records, produces and appears on every podcast on his network. Basically, the title of this show got me. Plus, I’m sure it’s funny. But mostly it’s here because it has a funny name. Lemme know how that works out for you.

July 31-August 23: La Jolla Music Society’s SummerFest Locale: MCASD Sherwood Auditorium Price: $45-$75 for single tickets and $400-$700 for subscriptions Fancy pants culture San Diego style. All the pretense except you get to wear flip flops and board shorts. No, actually, don’t do that. Well, you can but they won’t let you in. Were you born in a barn? You’re embarrassing.

August 1-22: Flicks on Bricks Locale: La Jolla Price: Individual screenings are $17 for members; $22 for nonmembers. Four films and four wine tastings are $60 for members; $80 for nonmembers The Athenaeum’s popular film and wine series returns for a seventh year. Guests are invited onto the outdoor patio for balmy summer nights and screenings of classic cinemas al fresco. So hit the bricks! That was not witty. I apologize. 88 Four El | JULY 2013






We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who came out and helped us celebrate at Four EL’s premier party. We were very fortunate to have Trent Hancock and The Palace Ballroom amaze and dazzle with fantastic sets. The most important aspect was being able to help Angels Foster Family Network to continue doing fantastic work throughout San Diego. We’re committed to doing our part to help those in need. Thanks again and stay tuned...

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[TENACIOUS D [featuring Jack Black & Kyle Gass] [ED HELMS

[The Office & The Hangover Trilogy]

[NICK KROLL [The League & Kroll Show]

[HANNIBAL BURESS [CHELSEA PERETTI [Comedy Central 2012 Club Comic of the Year]

[Variety’s Top 10 Comics to Watch]

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