500 NEWS Monthly Community Newsletter
November 2009
Bringing Edinburgh 500 Together
500 News hits shops
n initiative by 6 Star Media Production has seen the birth of the Edinburgh 500 Newsletter which promises to be the premier source of information in the Community. In collaboration with the Edinburgh 500 Community Council, this endeavour seeks to bring the people within the community closer together. At 500 News we seek to deliver an accessible medium to all persons which contains all the information about Edinburgh 500. We will cover current events, sports, business, education and issues which affect the community.
Content: Pg. 1 - Secure your Community 500! Pg. 2 - Fortune 500 - Community Centre Due Soon - Community Council in Action Pg. 3 - Editorials - Taxi Corner - Swine Flu info Pg. 4 - Sports & Entertainment
Issue # 001
Secure Your Community 500!
Police Supervisor advises residents with lack of faith in the police to protect their own community
Secure our community panel from left to right: Superintendent Dullchan, Inspector Bedissee, Interim Executive President McLeod Richardson, County Counsellor Mr. Bailey and Community Development Officer Judy Ruiz
t the last Community Meeting held at Edinburgh Government Primary School, villagers and council members voiced their concerns about the prevelence of criminal activity occurring in the community. The main theme of the evening was how could 500 take back their community. The panel included Superintendant Dullchan, Inspector Chanculal Bedissee, Interim Executive President McLeod Richardson, County Counsellor Mr. Bailey and Community Development Officer Judy Reyes. Superintendent Dullchan offered a solution for the social problem by calling for all residents of Edinburgh 500 to have exemplar attitudes. He went on to say that increasing the number of police won’t make a difference. “Our function as police officers will never be successful unless you take up your responsibility”. Dullchan explained that
Trinidad is experiencing a break down in values and the only thing that can make a difference is taking responsibility for your actions in your community.
“Our function as police officers will never be successful unless you take up your responsibility” He advised the attendants to start looking around their community and when susupicious activity is observed, take positive action. If you see a person jumping over your neighbour’s fence, he alluded, call the police or inform your neighbour, it is very likely that same person would jump over your fence next because he was successful and found a “weak spot.” The Superintendent stressed how important positive interaction with your neighbours is, especially for
their safety and yours. Reminding the crowd of the crime wave which swept Balmoral Park a few years ago, Dullchan highlighted the impact of positive action. Some officers went down to the street in Balmoral Park one day and ordered everyone to get out of their houses. The residents were asked to do a “meet-and-greet” so they could know everyone on their street. He preached a similar message then as well and asked them all to exchange phone numbers so that they could inform each other if something happens. The residents of that street on Balmoral Park also found out who would be home in the day to keep an eye out on the properties. One day, Dullchan continued, one of their residents who was home noticed some strange activity during the day and three strange youths in the area. That person called the police and they found 52 kilos of marijuana and two firearms in one house on the street. They also solved the break-ins of 26 houses in that area on that day.
Anyone interested in journalism, reporting or taking photo’s for 500 news, please contact us at E500news@gmail.com or call 471-0205
To send any Information, News, Anything that you would like the Edinburgh 500 community to know please E-mail E500news@gmail.com or call 471-0205
wesi Wilson, also known as “Tall Oh” by his friends,
collided his passion for business and cars by opening a car wash. He thanks his mother especially for the inspiration and support she has given him. She originally suggested the idea as a means of keeping an eye on him as she disapproved of his constant absence from home. In taking her advice however, Tall Oh began his business in November 2008 with very little materials. Wilson can boast that he is the youngest business owner in Edinburgh 500 at the tender age of 17 and looks to expand his business. He reminisced about when he started in November last year; when they only did exterior washes on cars due to a lack of materials. As time went by the business gradually expanded and started
Eye on Business in Edinburgh 500
Tall Oh’s Car Care Sophisticated Care for your Car Inside - $20 Outside - $25 In & Out - $35 Minor Scratch Removal - From $20 Interior Cleaning - From $50 Shampooing - From $200 Polishing - From $100 House Calls - From $35
Tall Oh’s Car Care is located on #33 Everglade Crescent, Phase 1, Edinburgh 500, Chaguanas
to offer much more services. You can now get exterior cleaning, interior cleaning, buffing, polishing and shampooing at Tall Oh’s Car Care at extremely affordable prices, and all done while you wait. What sets Tall Oh’s Car Care apart even further from any competition is that they offer house calls as well as ‘pick up and drop off’ services. Tall Oh’s Car Care is taking car care to a sophisticated level with professional services at affordable prices. Every month Tall Oh’s Car Care offers free polish specials to the most consistent customer. They are also open on Sundays and Public holidays for your convenience. For appointments or even more info contact Tall Oh at 463-7119 or email qualitybytalloh@hotmail.com.
Community Centre Due Soon other important issues tackled at town meeting
C Community Council in Action
The Edinburgh 500 Community Council has been active recently in attempts to increase the standard of living in Edinburgh 500. Following the Town Meeting they held recently our reporters got the opportunity to talk with the Interim Executive President, Mr. McLeod Richardson. He identified a number of events that the Council are planning, to create a better Edinburgh 500. He relayed that the Council is plan-
ning to strategically place bins in Edinburgh 500 in an attempt to decrease the quantity of litter observed in the area. With the Christmas season coming nearer, the council has plans to have a Christmas event which promises to be entertaining as children are invited to showcase their talent. Lots of prizes and give-a-way’s are promised, but the date and location of the event is yet to be finalized.
ommunity Development productive. Mrs. Reyes then officer for Edinburgh 500, listed the types of programs that Judy Reyes was also pres- would be run out of the Commuent at the recent Town Meeting nity Centre. She mentioned the and gave residents some hope “Community Education Profor a brighter tommorow. She gram” which supports skills traindescribed crime as a social prob- ing, sensitization & awareness lem and it is her Ministry’s aim to and leadership management. encourage social interaction. She Programs to be run out of the Cenrelayed the Ministry’s intention tre will see the residents learnto commence to play “Construction of Community ing construction pan, how of a Commu- Centre starts at the End of to cook and nity Centre other skills the year” in Edinburgh to be dis500 where a variety of govern- cussed in detail at a later date. ment run programs could be Mrs. Reyes further gained aprun. Through these programs proval by the crowd by letting the Ministry seeks to improve them know that an Early Learnthe quality of life through edu- ing Centre will be constructed as cation and community mobi- well, which will assist youths up lization. She claims programs to 5 years old in learning how to created by the government can read. The location and date for be used as a deterrent to crime completion of the Community by engaging idle hands and al- Centre and Early Learning Cenlowing them to do something tre has not been finalised as yet.
Representatives from each Phase and Park needed to help in the organization of Sports Day in Edinburgh 500 please call 471-0205 Page2
Party Supplies
Resident’s views on issues affecting Edinburgh 500
No Deya’s in 500
hile, neighbouring communities twinkled the night away, displaying there skills in bamboo bending and architectural design, Edinburgh 500 was lit only by the sepia toned street lights. While there were sporadic bursts of fireworks and few overtly placed deyas, there was no other indication of this festival of light. One may wonder why Edinburgh 500 with it’s diverse ethnic composition failed to embrace Divali. When asked, some residents commented that did not understand the full meaning of the festival, while others responded
that they chose only to participate in selected activities. Those residents however, who understood the significance of the East Indian festival commented on the lack of community support of the religious festival. According to some Phase 1 residents, the lack of community support
can be attributed to the lack of a community centre where cultural celebrations can be displayed. According to reports gained from the Housing Development Corporation, the establishment of the community Centre is an ongoing project and thus no definite date for its completion can be given. In hinduism, Divali marks the return of Lord Rama to his Kingdom “Ayodhya”after defeating Ravana (the demons king/ the ruler of Lanka in the epic story of Ramayana). On Raama’s return to Ayadohya, he was welcomed by the people who lit candles and deyas to celebrate his return. It also
Dealing with Taxi issues in Edinbugh 500
Will the Real Taxi Drivers Please Stand Up Villagers wary of travelling with ‘new’ drivers in the area
t the “Securing Our Community” town meeting held recently, a young woman expressed her concern about the reliability of the Edinburgh 500’s taxi drivers. She revealed that even though there are some taxi drivers with years of service, there are some new drivers which causes concern for some residents. In a time where kidnapping and abduction is prevelant, some residents find it difficult to enter an unrecognised vehicle driven by an unfamiliar driver, just because he/ she claims to be going into 500. Are potential passengers wrong to second guess a stranger?
I think not. The argument can also be made however that after certain hours, an Edinburgh 500 taxi is a rare sight, so any car passing on Andrew Street looks like a glimmer of hope and escape from the lonely Chaguanas Main Road. That being said, the young lady offered some suggestions that if implemented may improve the residents trust in the drivers. 1. Force all taxi drivers to obtain their taxi license, so they will be “H” cars. 2. Create a Taxi Association for the area so that all drivers will be identified.
celebrates the slaying of Narakasura by Lord Krishna. Both Signifying the victory of good over evil, knowledge over ignorance and Light over Darkness. So the next time you savour that delicious roti, parasad and burfee think about the true meaning of Divali
Swine Flu, No Thank You!
wine flu is spread just like the regular seasonal flu spreads. It goes from person to person through close contact and direct touch, indirect touch, or respiratory droplets carrying the virus from person to person or from person to environmental surfaces through coughs and sneezes. Stay a minimum of six feet away from someone with a known infection, avoid close contact from crowded places. Wash hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcoholbased hands cleaners are also effective. Not every case of swine flu requires a visit to the doctor; according to specialists “98% of all persons who contract the H1N1 virus are not at a great risk”. As early as symptoms are recognized it will prove beneficial to attempt to treat them yourself before running to the doctor as it may not be a severe case of swine flu. Some of the most common symptoms of Swine Flu are; fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Many people with swine flu have had diarrhea and nausea-vomiting.
Play Sudoku among other games here every month
Page 3
Small Goal League Launches
One of the teams from Last year’s 5-A-Side Football Competition
KJKM promotion has returned with the “5-A-Side Football League”. The Competition ran for the first time last year with Foundation from Petit Valley taking home the grand prize of $5000. Over 20 teams from all over Trinidad have already registered and are set to square off from the 9th of October. With matches running every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 7pm on there is sure to be lots of action on the Edinburgh 500 Basketball Court.
Love That Body, Move That Body
Edinburgh 500 Football The Edinburgh 500 came close to achievFootball Team are ing last year. Join us in next month’s edcurrently dotion where we ing well near discuss the the top of their table t e a m s and in excellent form. r e - cent perforCome out and supmances. We port the 500 boys will also inon their journey to terview a key player qualify for the Super from the team. League which they
Edinburgh 500 Basketball Court
If you love that body, you should have moved that body to the Wellness fair held at Edinburgh 500 Recreational Grounds on the 12th of September 2009. If you were there, you probably participated in several fun activities aimed at health promotion put together by The North Central Regional Health Authority. In the opening speech, Wilma Goocharan stated “There is a global rise in lifestyle diseases, example; diabetes, hypertension and heart disease in adults but particularly in young children”. Goocharan stated that this was the reason for providing residents with the information they needed to prevent serious health complications. This day of Health Awareness
started with a marathon in which participants circled phase 4. The fun didn’t stop there but continued with games such as 3-legged race, needle and thread, lemon and spoon among several other games. However, despite this seemingly fun atmosphere, the message of health and nutrition was reinforced by the many booths at the grounds. At these booths, patrons could test their eyes courtesy of Value Optical or sample Enusre meal supplement. They were also made aware of healthy lifestyle choices courtesy of Rhuema Denk and Ministry of Agriculture. A mobile Clinic was also present which offered free Blood Sugar, Cholesterol and Blood Pressure tests.
Getting pressure tested
Fun games at the fest as well
Next month we look at the new Property Tax and it’s Effects on you, as well as a look into the future of how life will be when “The Towers” are open.