Many denture wearers suffer with poor fitting, worn out or artificial (false) looking dentures that cause the wearer to feel a lack of confidence in their dentures.This can present itself when chewing or even by just worrying about the denture dropping during a conversation. All these are issues that ChrisWright Denture Clinics specialise in correcting.
Over recent years there have been many improvements in both the way we construct dentures and in the materials and denture teeth that we use. This means that the end result looks more natural than ever before. Why not call for a FREE Consultation to find out more about these new innovations in denture design and manufacture?
Dentures are in constant use almost 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They are also in a pretty hostile environment in the mouth, being attacked by strong acid, bacteria, hot, cold and spicy food. Denture material absorbs liquids and food odour.
Daily cleaning is essential as well as professional ultrasonic cleaning in a dental laboratory at least once a year. Due to constant bone resorption dentures will become loose sooner or later.
Loose dentures will increase damage to the gums and bone structure, and increase the risk of breakage. Have them re-lined as soon as possible to get a good fit. It only takes a day or two.
Have your dentures inspected by a Clinical Dental Technician at least every two years, or more frequently if necessary.
1. When they become loose.
2. When teeth or denture base discolours.
3. When tooth surfaces become flat.
4. When denture base does not fit around natural teeth (in partial dentures).
5. When you develop deep lines around your mouth.
6. When your chin sticks out, and the corners of your lips are constantly wet, developing sores.
7. When you stop smiling and feel embarrassed.
This is easily remedied by a procedure know as Re-lining. A new layer of Denture base is added to your existing Denture, improving the fit and restoring confidence.
This type of Denture is constructed in conjunction with the Dental Implant Surgeon. This is a very good procedure when the patient has limited control and retention of their Dentures. The finished Dentures ‘click’ into position offering the ultimate in Denture Retention.
Yes, it is very important to have a spare set of dentures for emergencies in case of breakage.
Constructing a functional and aesthetically pleasing set of dentures is the most difficult task in dentistry. We are not only replacing lost teeth, but also lost tissue matter and bone. In other words, we have to re-create your facial features as they were before the loss of your natural teeth.
In most cases we do not know what your teeth looked like, what size they were or what position they were in originally. We have a few indications but mostly we have to rely on our visual and artistic judgement.
At the same time we have to use our technical expertise in order to make the denture stable and functional. Denture construction is more art than science.
A Clinical Dental Technician (CDT) is a qualified dental technician that has under gone further Education and Training in areas such as Medical Emergencies Cross Infection Control and Oral Pathology (cancers and anomalies) to name just a few sections that make up the Diploma in Clinical Dental Technology as Awarded by the Royal Collage of Surgeons (RCS).
It is this qualification that allows the clinicians at Chris Wright Denture Clinics to be able to be registered and regulated with the General Dental Council (the official body for protecting the public with regards to dentistry) and carry indemnity insurance. It is this qualification, which means that only Dentists and Clinical Dental Technicians are the only Dental Professionals permitted to supply dentures direct to the public.
A dental technician is not qualified to supply a denture directly to the public. However, despite this being an act of Mal practice many technicians will still practice illegally without informing the patient that they are not qualified. If you are unsure if your denture provider is qualified; ask them for their GDC registration number, then
contact the GDC to see if they are registered not just as a dental technician but as a CDT.

• Free Consultations
• Denture cleaning and polishing service
• Repair of broken or cracked dentures
• Relining existing dentures to improve fit
• New full dentures
• New partial dentures (following treatment plan from dentist) *
• Sports mouth guards
*Dentist treatment plan can be arranged
It is illegal for anyone who is not a GDC registered Dentist or Clinical Dental Technician to make a dental appliance directly to the public. This includes dentures or tooth whitening. Anyone providing these services should be reported to the General Dental Council or Trading Standards as they are practicing dentistry without the appropriate qualifications or indemnity insurance.
Thank you to all my patients in Chapel-le-Frith over the last 15 years. Your denture needs can still be fulfilled in Macclesfield.

The Pavilion Gardens is a Grade II listed historic venue which superbly showcases the Victorian splendour of Buxton. Situated in the heart of the spa town, it is a beautiful example of the heritage that runs throughout the town.

A venue that is truly a place for all the family to visit. We offer 23 acres of gardens to explore - with a boating lake, miniature train, play areas, fountains and wildlife to see.
The main building offers a botanical garden with a fishpond, retail area, art gallery, cinema and the amazing Octagon Hall that houses all of our large events throughout the year.


Saturday 27th/Sunday 28th/
Monday 29th May
Thursday 4th May
Thursday 8th June
Thursday 6th July
Saturday 29th/Sunday 30th April
Saturday 8th/Sunday 9th July
Saturday 20th May
Saturday 17th June
Saturday 15th/Sunday 16th July
Tuesday 2nd May
Tuesday 6th June
Tuesday 4th July

Staying patient is apparently viewed as a more positive trait by others. Research suggests that people who can stay calm in the face of these constant, petty frustrations are more likely to be empathetic, have a more even temperament and suffer less from depression.

So if you think you’re going to blow a gasket, just breathe, keep your temper and wait patiently.
Patience is definitely a virtue
HAVE you noticed how short-tempered we’ve become as a nation?
That famous British cool – the stiff upper lip and stoic approach –seem largely to have faded away in favour of impatience, temper and an unwillingness to understand the other person’s point of view.
Take to the road and you’ll see how quickly other drivers push to get past you, even if you’re keeping to the speed limit and sensible about driving conditions.
Road rage is now pretty common on a daily basis. According to police figures, there has been a steep rise since 2012 and in one recent year alone there were 18,605 road rage incidents recorded around Britain.
Queue anywhere and you’ll quickly winkle out the impatient people. Grumbling turns to raised voices in no time – and this from a nation so used to queuing post-war that our stoicism was the envy of the world.
In fact, it was hearing about a shocking incident in a Lidl store which reminded me how short tempers have actually become.
A woman waiting in the checkout queue felt another customer was taking too long and ended up screaming and shouting at him.
Worse, when another woman spoke up for him, asking her to calm down, the woman turned her ire on her …. chucking broccoli at her, bizarrely after scanning it first!
Patience is the ability to stay calm while you’re waiting for an outcome that you need or want. According to psychology experts, it comes in three main varieties: interpersonal patience, life hardship patience and daily hassles patience.
I suspect the latter causes the most problems for people and the advice is to focus to achieve what you want and to keep your emotions under control.
Self-discipline is the key here so we probably need to practise this skill more than others.
Yes, life can be irritating and make us impatient but we do need to keep a sense of proportion.
Pets with millions of online followers
LIKE many people of my generation, it has taken a while to get my head around online influencers and their many followers. But just when that all seemed logical, along come ANIMALS with millions of followers on Instagram and TikTok.
Yes, there are cats and dogs out there in cyberspace who are followed regularly by excited people all over the planet. Nor is it just followers they gain but often lucrative contracts for everything from petfood lines to their own feline fashions and doggy accessories.

They sometimes come in twos and threes. Darren and Phillip, alias the blueboys, are two bubbly Staffordshire bull terriers with more than 300,000 followers on TikTok and close to 10 million likes.
They wear cute dog outfits and followers are fascinated by their daily lives.
For bird enthusiasts, Wolfie and Sharky, two blue parrots regularly showcase their skills doing all sorts of tricks like skateboarding and playing basketball.
Now, a black and white cat called Gacek has captured the hearts of tourists visiting Polish city Szczecin. They’ve swapped visiting historical landmarks for a tour with Gacek.
He has his own Instagram page and a section on Google maps. Unfortunately, tourists constantly feeding him have made him a little, ahem, portly but he’s still adorable.
I don’t think our Jack Russell Ollie will be clocking up thousands of followers anytime soon, though.
He won’t keep still for a quick photo, is only interested in dog biscuits and lives a life dominated by naps. Not much to view there.
One such amazing lady is Stacey Victoria who lives in Huddersfield. She has revealed how she saves £200 a month with clever, waste-free ideas which even include re-purposing empty juice cartons into plant pots. She has cut back each month on items the family could do without and overhauled her shopping and now, she states: “I get such a good feeling from making use of discarded items again.”
There aren’t many upsides to the current money woes of people but taking that sort of practical, pro-active approach is a lesson to us all.
Hidden genius of ordinary people
PIANOS have been popping up in train stations and shopping malls for a while with the world and his wife having a go to prove their musicality – or lack of it.
But the brainwave to build a TV series around this with expert judges secretly watching is sheer genius.
This is the idea behind The Piano, a new Channel 4 reality show filmed in train stations in London, Birmingham, Glasgow and Leeds, with the best amateur pianists invited along to demonstrate their skills.
Helping the cost of living
THE severe hike in the cost of living has made all of us re-think daily household costs and general spending.
It’s a tough time, especially for those already struggling to get by, and heart-breaking to hear of many families and individuals whose lives have changed for the worse.

The only slight chink in the gloom is the way it has made many people more inventive with household cash and getting the most from every penny.

The result is surprisingly uplifting to the point of tears as talented youngsters and oldsters alike play, delighting passing station audiences and thousands more at home. Judges pop star Mika and star pianist Lang Lang both prove knowledgeable and enthusiastic.
Many of the performances reveal amazing stories, like 13 year-old Lucy who became blind from eye cancer and young Daniel who fell in love with music during lockdown and taught himself to play through YouTube videos.
The various styles are fascinating but the passion is shared and reveals a hidden national musical treasure trove.
If you’re looking for a way to enjoy the freedom of the open road and explore new destinations, investing in a caravan or motorhome could be a great option. Glossop Caravans is a trusted and reputable dealership that offers a wide range of high-quality caravans and motorhomes to suit any budget and lifestyle. Let’s explore the benefits of buying from Glossop Caravans and why investing in a caravan or motorhome will be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.
The freedom to explore
One of the biggest advantages of owning a caravan or motorhome is the freedom to explore. You can travel wherever you want, whenever you want, without having to worry about finding accommodation or sticking to a strict schedule. With a caravan or motorhome, you have everything you need right there with you, including a comfortable place to sleep, a kitchen to cook your own meals, and a bathroom for your convenience.
Cost-effective travel
Owning a caravan or motorhome can also be a cost-effective way to travel. You won’t have to worry about paying for expensive hotels or eating out at restaurants every night. Instead, you can stock up on groceries and cook your own meals, which can save you a lot of money in the long run. Plus, with a caravan or motorhome, you’ll have the flexibility to travel for as long as you want.
Quality and reliability
When it comes to investing in a caravan or motorhome, quality and reliability are key. Glossop Caravans is renowned for offering high-quality vehicles that are built to last. All their caravans and motorhomes come with a warranty and are thoroughly checked and serviced when being sold, so you can rest assured that you’re getting a vehicle that’s in top condition.
A range of options
Glossop Caravans offers a wide range of caravans and motorhomes to suit any budget and lifestyle. Whether you’re looking for a compact caravan for two people or a spacious motorhome that can accommodate the whole family, Glossop Caravans has something for everyone. Plus, with a range of different brands and models to choose from, you’ll be sure to find a vehicle that meets your specific needs and preferences.
Expert advice and support
Buying a caravan or motorhome is a big investment, and it’s important to have expert advice and support throughout the process. Glossop Caravans has a team of experienced and knowledgeable staff who can guide you through the buying process

and help you choose the perfect vehicle for your needs. Plus, they offer a range of after-sales services, including servicing and repairs, to keep your caravan or motorhome in top condition for years to come.
Jayne & Jason are loyal customers at Glossop Caravans. After owning tourers and static caravans, they decided to head on the open road and switched to a Motorhome & have enjoyed the open road ever since setting up an Instagram mrsts_ travels documenting their journeys!

“We waited a long time for our motorhome but we’ll worth it. Glossop kept us up to date then when collection day arrived we were blown away with the service received on handover. The van was inside full electric on and water to go through everything. It looked amazing.We’ve had tourers and a static and moved to motorhome. Kids grown up 1 granddaughter.We love the layout with the pop up seat-belted seats as when not using can be stored away. I personally don’t like seeing the seat belts all the time.”
“You don’t need lots we have 2 chairs table groundsheet barbecue cool box.We store everything under the bed. People are see to say oh motorhomes rattle around when you travel so a tip from me is I have storage baskets in the cupboards with all the things in plus easier to lift out the basket to get what you need. I also like a proper wine glass and mug so I use bubble wrap to wrap them. All the shelves I’ve lined with like a rubber matting stops things sliding about.”
“What we love with the chatsworth range is you get everything you need on it. Reversing camera canopy outside gas electric points even a shower and can blinds which was a must for me.We’ve had a year now and been to 30 different sites. Planned our European tour for June this year. So easy with a motorhome we decide on a Thursday night right let’s go.”
“Go visit glossop there’s all different layouts there fab to deal with. Great shop too for all your extras. Everybody is very helpful.When eventually we do change we’ll defo be back to glossop.”
Investing in a caravan or motorhome from Glossop Caravans can offer you the freedom to explore, cost-effective travel, quality and reliability, a range of options, and expert advice and support. With so many benefits, it’s easy to see why owning a caravan or motorhome could be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make. So why wait? Head to Glossop Caravans today and start your adventure on the open road!

50 Plus Travel sponsored by

Sally Cope, Regional General Manager, UK/Northern Europe,Tourism Australia spoke to Jennie Carr about the incredible natural beauty in Australia and what Silver Travellers might enjoy best.
First time visitors
Given that this is such a vast country, almost the size of Europe, visitors would be challenged to visit the whole country in one visit. Interestingly, about 50% of all British travellers who do visit return to Australia at least once more.

Sally suggests a three weeks’ trip, starting in Sydney to explore the city, the harbour area the bridge and of course, the Opera House. Next fly to Uluru in the red centre of the country, to experience the remarkable outback landscape and learn about the Australia’s indigenous culture. It’s a very flat region and the skies seem enormous, perfect at night for stargazing with so little light pollution. Finally fly up to Cairns in tropical North Queensland, which is the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef and Daintree Rainforest, both UNESCO World Heritage sites. Visiting these three places will give a real appreciation of the diversity of Australia’s landscapes and a good flavour of the country.
Sydney’s attractions
An absolute must do in Sydney is a harbour cruise, either on a small boat or with dinner on a larger vessel. Even for non-surfers, Bondi Beach can’t be missed, just enjoy a drink, people watch and get a sense of the Australian lifestyle. For great dining, head to Circular Quay and The Rocks area, with the old sandstone buildings whose building blocks were hand-carved by convicts. You can also take a tour with an Aborigine
Great Barrier Reef, Australia

guide and hear the traditional creation stories of the harbour area along with tales of the first European arrivals.
The Opera House is an extraordinary building just to visit, although Sally thoroughly recommends watching a show there if you can. Sydney is also the starting point for trips to the Hunter Valley Wine region and the Blue Mountains’ spectacular landscapes where very accessible bush walks are on offer.
Tasmania, nicknamed Tassie
This large island, off the coast of Victoria in the south east, has no international airport so you have to fly into Hobart, the capital, via another Australian city. Tasmania has over 40% of its land protected in some form of reserve, so eco-tourism and the environment are hugely important here. It’s incredibly easy to get out of the city into wilderness
areas. Coach tours can take you on full island tours or else self-driving gives the freedom to explore as you wish.
Hugely popular for Silver Travellers are multi-day walking tours such as the coastal Bay of Fires trip or Cradle Mountain Hikes, where you could see the famous Tasmanian Devil in the alpine scenery. You carry what you need for the day, then stay at lodges or cabins offering hot showers and a decent meal. So that’s wild walking but not wild camping! Perfect for slowing right down and immersing yourself in the pristine natural environment. Sally reckons it can be really transformational to get out into Tasmania’s wilderness.
Luxury Experiences across Australia
For a collection of superb, small, independent boutique hotels (lodges in Australia), take a look at luxurylodgesofaustralia.com.au. Sally really recommends them for their ‘sense of place’ and for really belonging to where they are located, along with the outstanding guided experiences they provide. Take Lake House, on Lake Daylesford in Victoria’s spa country which offers a school cooking school focussing on local produce: it’s true foodie’s delight. Or Bamurru Plains in the wetlands near Darwin which is akin to a safari lodge, with boat tours of the Sampan river for wildlife and bird spotting. All with high environmental and sustainability standards. As Sally put it, ‘muddy or dusty boots by day with a hot shower and a very good glass of wine in the evening.’
Extraordinary Australia
Lizard Island at the northern end of the Great Barrier Reef, opposite Cooktown, has exceptional accommodation where you can swim out over the reef, possibly sharing the waves with a large green sea turtle. Off the coast of Adelaide in the south, Kangaroo Island is a haven for wildlife, kangaroos and koalas included, which is recovering fast from the fires in late 2019/early 2020: the bush vegetation regenerates swiftly. Just two and half hours from Perth, Margaret River and its surrounds are home to Australia’s premium wines, with self-guided wine tours, outstanding eateries and good places to stay. A must for gourmands.
When to visit Australia
Such a vast land mass, Australia generally does not suffer from over tourism or crowds so you can be confident of having space to enjoy your visits. Being in the Southern hemisphere the seasons are the opposite of those in the UK. In the middle of the year, head north to Darwin, Northern Queensland, Western Australia and the Kimberley for cooler drier weather. Go south in the summer (November to March) for the most comfortable time to travel.
Opera house and Harbour bridge
Next steps

For all things Australian, visit australia.com. Call our Silver Travel Advisors to discuss and book your trip 0800 412 5678, they’ll help you create the perfect, personal itinerary.


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HE’S been a bouncer, a DJ, a rapper and a kickboxer. Oh, and he’s a very successful actor in the UK and the US and is regularly suggested as the next James Bond – although he denies he’d ever do it.
Idrissa Akuna Elba – aka Idris Elba – has the kind of star quality that wannabes would kill for. And, as he reaches his 50s, a timeless magnetism that means his star never looks like waning.

This year sees the return of one of his most iconic characters – dark detective Luther – when a new Luther film comes to Netflix. The tall, deep-voiced actor, however, has managed to resist being totally typecast.
His starry story started in the London borough of Hackney where he was the only child of Winston, originally from Sierra Leone and Eve, from Ghana.
Idris shortened his forename while still at school in Canning Town where he also first became involved in acting. He saw an advert in The Stage for a play, auditioned and later met his first agent while performing the role.
In 1986 he started helping an uncle with his wedding DJ business and within a year had his own DJ company with some friends.
He won a place at the National Youth Music Theatre after receiving a £1,500 Prince’s Trust grant. Later, between roles in his early career, he worked in various jobs including tyre-fitting, cold-calling and night-shifts at Ford Dagenham.
He worked in nightclubs under the DJ nickname Big Driis but in his early 20s began auditioning for TV roles. His first acting role was in a murder reconstructions for Crimewatch and in 1994 he appeared in a BBC children’s drama called The Boot Street Band.
The following year, he landed his first significant role on medical drama series Bramwell, set in 1890s England. Then he was cast as a gigolo in an episode of Absolutely Fabulous, heralding many supporting roles in British TV including The Bill, The Ruth Rendell Mysteries and Dangerfield.
Idris decided, however, to move to New York City, returning to England occasionally for TV roles. In 2001 he played Achilles in a stage production of Troilus and Cressida in NYC.
After being in a supporting role in an episode of Law & Order, Idris won a starring role on the 2002 HBO drama series The Wire. This proved an important step as he appeared in this popular series until 2004 as Russell “Stringer” Bell, giving him his best-known role in America.
In 2005, he appeared in HBO film Sometimes in April about the Rwandan genocide and in a 2007 special Black Men: The Truth. He was in the No.1 Ladies Detective Agency, filmed in Botswana – a series which premiered in 2008 on BBC One and attracted 6.3 million viewers.
In 2009, though, he signed a deal to star in the lead role in the six-part BBC TV series Luther. This aired in May, 2010, and the compelling detective series immediately captured viewers’ imagination. At the 2012 Golden Globes awards, it earned him Best Actor in a Series.
Alongside his TV career, however, he was carving out a very solid career in films. In 2007, he played the lead role in Daddy’s Little Girls as a blue-collar mechanic who falls in love with an attorney helping him gain custody of his children.
The same year, he appeared in 28 Weeks Later and This Christmas and the following year in horror film Prom Night and the Guy Ritchie London gangster movie RocknRolla.
In 2009, he starred in horror film The Unborn and in thriller Obsessed, opposite Beyonce, in a box-office success earning $29 million on its opening weekend.
Idris then played a black ops soldier in Legacy and another in thriller Takers before appearing in Kenneth Branagh’s film Thor based on the Marvel Comics’ superhero.
In 2012, Idris gave an impressive performance as Nelson Mandela in the film Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom based on the African leader’s autobiography.

As part of his preparation for the role he spent a night locked in a cell alone on Robben Island where Mandela had been imprisoned. His subsequent performance earned him a Golden Globes’ nomination.
The same year, he played Captain Janek in Ridley Scott’s Prometheus and in 2013 joined the cast of futuristic Pacific Rim.
It was back to mingling with superheroes when he reprised his role in Thor: The Dark World in 2013 then played a vengeful psychopathic serial killer in No Good Deed in 2014.
In 2015 he was in the superhero blockbuster Avengers: Age of Ultron. Several voice roles followed: in Disney’s Zootopia, as
villainous tiger Shere Khan in The Jungle Book and as sea lion Fluke in Pixar’s Finding Dory.
There’s no doubt Idris plays an excellent villain, showcased next in the Fast & Furious franchise spin-off Hobbs & Shaw but he feels equally at home in other genres – he played Macavity in the film adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical Cats.
Music has plainly been important in his own life. He has appeared in music videos, featured on various singles and performed raps. He even launched his own record label, 7Wallace Music.
Away from the small and large screens, he collaborated with the UK Parliament in their efforts to eradicate ebola from West Africa and in 2016 addressed Parliament about the lack of diversity onscreen in race, gender and sexuality. He said:
“Change is coming but it’s taking its sweet time.”
His love of martial arts resulted in a documentary Idris Elba: Fighter, chronicling his 12-month kickboxing and mixed martial arts training.
In his personal life, he has been married three times and has two children. He has stated that he is spiritual but not religious. He also loves sport and is an avid Arsenal supporter.
In 2016, he was awarded the OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) for his services to drama.
He says he would “never be fearful of any character” and his long and successful career so far ably demonstrates just that.
Thursday 1 June 7.30pm

Saturday 3 June 7.30pm

£32 – £36.50 (Discounts available)
Thursday 8 June 8pm

Thursday 8 June 7.30pm
£19 (Discounts available)
Friday 9 June 7.30pm
Book and Lyrics by HOWARD ASHMAN Music by ALAN MENKEN

£26.50 (Discounts available)
Saturday 10 June 7.30pm
£28.50 – £38.50
Saturday 10 June 7.30pm
£20.50 (Discounts available)
Saturday 17 June 7.30pm THE MAKINGS OF A MURDERER

£32 (Discounts available)
Sunday 18 June 7.30pm
Mon 19 June 7.30pm
£31 – £41.50
Wednesday 21 June 1pm & 4pm
Thursday 22 June 10am & 1pm

£18 – £20 (Discounts available)
Saturday 24 June 7.30pm

£22 (Discounts available)
Thursday 6 – Sunday 23 July
Various ticket prices
Wednesday 26 July 7.30pm
£32.50 (Discounts available)
Saturday 29 July – Saturday 12 August


Various ticket prices
Sunday 13 August 7.30pm
Monday 14 – Wednesday 16 August 11am (Tue – Wed) & 2pm
THE TIGER WHO CAME TO TEA £15 (Discounts available)

Friday 18 August 7.30pm
£29 (Discounts available)
Saturday 19 August 7.30pm

£20 – £22 (Discounts available)
Sunday 20 August 7.30pm
£20.50 (Discounts available)
Monday 21 August 3pm POP PRINCESSES
£20 – £27.50

Friday 25 August 4pm & 7pm
Saturday 26 August 7.30pm
£25 (Discounts available)
Thursday 31 August 7.30pm
£36 (Discounts available)
experience locally and check building firm reviews and ratings online.
Shortlist your favourites and talk to them in person, asking plenty of questions about your project. Don’t rush into anything, especially handing over money, unless you’re completely confident in an individual company and have checked them out thoroughly.
Remember that a new extension, conservatory or orangerie will also need furnishing so ensure you’ve budgeted for everything.
If you are looking to downsize – and around 55,000 households a year do - it’s definitely worth doing your homework beforehand.
This is not just about paying bills, getting more for your money or having a financial plan. It is also about taking a good look at where you live and deciding if this is the best place for you.
Lockdown may have even forced you to assess if the amount of space and lifestyle you have is enough for you. So you may be looking to upgrade your property to something bigger, either by building and altering your current home or moving to a larger property.
Whatever you’re doing next, it’s important to have a realistic plan about, not just money, but also the details of your new life – like the furniture you will want, décor and daily lifestyle needs.
As we get older and children become independent, many people look to downsize and cut their bills, streamlining their way of living to something simpler and cheaper.
Or, you may prefer to upgrade your lifestyle, perhaps moving from a house to a swish apartment. The move may mean you need to seriously assess everything you own because there simply won’t be room for all of it.
Arm yourself with plenty of information whatever you plan to do. If you’re BUILDING onto an existing property, you may need a surveyor as well as a builder.
Ask for recommendations from friends and family or other reliable tradespeople that you’ve already used. Look for builders with
One body of research concluded that 64 is the best age to downsize as people are still mentally agile enough to deal with the house sale process and benefit most from getting rid of unused space. But it’s never too late to take good decisions to improve your lifestyle.
You may have family and friends nearby currently in a support network that can be really important as we get older so there are important questions to ask.
Does your new area have good transport system to ensure you can still get to see them and get about?
Are there good facilities like local GPs and clinics. Can you continue your hobbies and is it pet-friendly if you have a pet to take with you?
What sort of property are you considering? Is it a house, an apartment, sheltered housing, a retirement development or a park home?
Age UK have very helpful information on downsizing and also about the kinds of retirement properties to suit individuals. Go to ageco.co.uk for information.
They also suggest that if you have decided to downsize after careful consideration, put your property on the market then organise and de-clutter - but do give yourself lots of time for all this.

HIKES in the cost of living this year and a greater awareness of all our domestic bills has made many people think about changing the way they live.
If you measure up in your new place beforehand and make a floor plan you may be able to fit in your FURNITURE
It’s quite likely, though, that you may have to get rid of some –especially larger furniture that simply won’t fit into your new existence.
You could sell them on ebay or give them to a local charity or organisation like Freecycle which finds homes for furniture and other items.
It’s a good idea to DE-CLUTTER as soon as you start thinking about moving generally. Improving and refining your present property this way can help with a quick sale by making it more attractive to potential buyers.

If the task seems overwhelming, just try 10 minutes a day for a while to make inroads into it. This is sensible and stops you being exhausted and disheartened.
We also accumulate masses of paperwork over the years but it’s unlikely you’ll need it all so be brutal!
Ensure you give family and friends anything you want them to keep but otherwise be practical about whether or not you use an item and whether it will fit into your new home.
If, for example, you don’t have a garden at your new place or it’s a communal garden, you may not need a lawnmower.
Sell or give what you have identified as not needed and, again, local charity shops are very grateful for donations of all kinds of items including clothes, books and bric a brac.
Will your CURTAINS be useful or suitable for your new property or are you opting for new ones that better suit it? This may be the opportunity to go for new blinds – it’s certainly worth looking at the latest types which can really open up a room and make the most of available light.
Most people leave behind items like LIGHT FITTINGS because they go well with that property but you may have favourites that you feel would look good in your new home. Check details like ceiling height there before you start removing light fittings, though, as this may be pivotal in your choice.
Enjoy planning new colours and styles for your new décor. This is a chance for you to look at the latest shades and home-styles to create a new and happy home all over again.

Get ready for a super spring and summer programme with Derby LIVE
From music and festivals to theatre and comedy, join us this spring and summer for a jam-packed programme for everyone to enjoy.
Kicking spring off in Derby City Centre is the St Georges Day Celebrations on Sat 22 Apr. Working in association with Lost Boys, FOLK3D and supported by St Peter’s Quarter Business Improvement District (BID), Derby LIVE will bring you a feast of family fun. Along with free outdoor performances and dancing you can learn how to be a medieval knight or shoot the English longbow with trained instructors.
Music fans will be spoilt for choice this spring with our line-up of tribute shows coming to Derby Arena. Steve Steinman brings his brand-new production of Anything For Love – The Meat Loaf Story on Sat 22 Apr to Derby Arena following his 2022 sell-out tour. Don’t miss your chance to reminisce about the glory days of rock n’ roll and celebrate the King of Rock n’ Roll with The Elvis Tribute Artist World Tour on Sat 13 May starring three of the world’s very best Elvis tribute artists, Shawn Klush, Dean Z and Ben Thompson. Join us for a musical journey through the decades from the 50s to the 80s with That’ll be the Day on Fri 19 May and catch Fastlove - The Tribute to George Michael as the show zooms direct from the West End to Derby Arena on Sat 20 May. Experience the music of ABBA live at Derby Arena on Fri 26 May with Thank You for the Music and relive the sounds of the 70s with Magic of Motown on Sat 27 May.

If an evening of laughs at Derby Arena is just what you need, plan for next year as Sarah
Millican will be including a stop at Derby Arena in her 2024 Late Bloomer Tour on Sun 24 Mar.
We’re excited to look ahead to the summer months and enjoy what our Derby Parks have to offer as the weather warms up. Get the picnics and the prosecco at the ready and head to Markeaton Park this July for the Outdoor Theatre and Cinema Season Featuring two of Derby’s local theatre groups, Oddsocks Productions, and the Derby Shakespeare Theatre Company, will be bringing a duo of Shakespeare Much Ado about Nothing on Thu 13 - Sat 15 Jul and A Midsummer Night’s Dream on Wed 19Sat 22 Jul. The whole family will enjoy AVP’s Pop up Theatre’s The Magic Story Book which will be showing from Sat 1 - Sun 2 Jul.
If you fancy a warm summer evening with a film and some popcorn catch the Outdoor Theatre and Cinema season’s premier showings of Bridesmaids (15) on Fri 28 Jul and Top Gun: Maverick (12a) on Sat 29 Jul. Don’t miss this unique theatre and cinema experience set against the backdrop of Markeaton Park’s Craft Village.
Markeaton Park will also be hosting the return of The Derby Retro and Classic Car Show on Sun 2 Jul. Showcasing a variety of classic cars, vans, motorcycles, trikes, scooters, and bicycles all in one place, this event is not to be missed for motor enthusiasts or budding hobbyists alike. Plus, there’s still time to register to exhibit. Don’t miss your chance to show off your hard work, visit derbylive.co.uk/whats-on/derby-classiccar-and-retro-show/ for more details.
Over at Darley Park, we’re preparing to welcome the return of the highlight of the August bank holiday weekend, The Darley Park Weekender. The three-day extravaganza from Fri 25 Aug – Sun 27 Aug, which attracted over 12,000 people last year, kicks off with a brand-new show Ultimate 90s. Featuring some of the best-known 90s pop names, including Peter Andre, Atomic Kitten, East 17 and Five on Fri 25 Aug. On Sat 26 Aug join headliner Martin Kemp on the decks along with Scottish pop duo Hue and Cry and ABC plus, 80s Reunion will be taking to the stage for 80s Mix Tape The Darley Park Concert will close the weekend with a bang of spectacular fireworks and classical music by renowned orchestra Sinfonia Vivia on Sun 26 Aug.
Tickets for The Darley Park Weekender are on sale now. Buy your Ultimate 90s and 80s Mix Tape tickets at the same time and save £5. Take advantage of our early bird prices until 30 April prices are £22.50 per adult. From 1 May until 26 August 2023 prices are £25 per adult. The Darley Park Concert tickets are just £4.50 per adult until 31 Jul 2023.
It’s never too early to book for Christmas and the team behind smash-hot Derby Arena pantomimes are back with Mother Goose Mother Goose has a loving family who drive her quackers, a bird sanctuary for peaky poultry in the village of Squalkstone and even a magical goose that lays golden eggs. She has everything anyone could possibly wish for, except the one thing she really wants, to be beautiful. When she makes a deal with Demon Vanity, a little fowl play means she gets a lot more than she bargained for. Join us on this flight of fancy as the egg-selent Morgan Brind returns for this egg-stra special show packed full of hilarious yokes! It’s going to be cracking! Mother Goose is on Fri 8 - Sun 31 Dec. Tickets are £30-£18, get £2 off with our early-bird offer until 31 May.
Tickets for all performances including events at Derby Arena, Outdoor Theatre and Cinema Season and Darley Park weekender can be purchased from Derby LIVE at www. derbylive.co.uk and in person at the Sales and Information Centre Guildhall Theatre, Market Place, Derby, DE1 3AE, or by calling 01332 255 800.

coordination, and balance can help you to do this. You can improve all of these things with exercises like:
• Tai chi
• Yoga
• Dancing
• Climbing the stairs
• Hiking
• Lifting weights
How Can I Tell If I’m Doing Enough?
In order to strengthen your muscles, the exercise you do should work muscles to the point where you need a short rest before you can continue. For example, if you lift weights, lift until you have to put the weight down after a few repetitions before you can carry on.
What Are Flexibility Exercises?
Flexibility exercises will improve your joint’s ability to carry out the movements you need for daily life. Good exercises for flexibility include:
• Stretching
Strength and flexibility are very important. Exercising to improve those can help you to increase your muscle strength, maintain strong bone density (this is very important for women in particular), improve your balance, and reduce your joint pain.
What Are Strength Exercises?
A strength exercise is an activity that works your muscles harder than your usual activity and helps to increase your muscle’s strength, size, power, and endurance. Strength training activity will usually involve using your body weight, or working against a resistance, like weights. See article for some great weight-based exercise ideas.
Aim to do at least two sessions or more of strength training a week. Some examples of strength training that you can do, depending on your ability, could include:
• Lifting weights
• Working with resistance bands
• Heavy gardening, like digging and shoveling
• Climbing the stairs
• Hillwalking
• Cycling
• Dancing
• Body-weight exercises, like push-ups, sit-ups, and squats
• Yoga
What Exercises Are Good For Preventing Falls?
As you get older, you need to maintain and improve your muscle strength to avoid falls. Exercise to improve your leg strength,

• Yoga
• Tai chi
• Pilates
What Are The Benefits Of These Exercises?
Muscle-strengthening activities will help you to keep up with performing everyday tasks and slow down how fast you lose bone and muscle as you age. Doing exercises like this will also help you to avoid falls.
Being more flexible will also help you to improve your posture, which can then reduce the number of aches and pains you feel and make you less likely to get injured. If you’re flexible, you’ll also be better able to carry out everyday tasks, like carrying shopping or lifting children.
How Often Should I Do Strength And Flexibility Exercises?
You should work all the main muscle groups, which are your legs, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms, on two or more days each week. A typical session can take less than twenty minutes so you can fit it into a busy schedule.
Perform these exercises until you find it difficult to do another repetition without assistance. One repetition is one complete movement of the activity, such as one sit-up or lifting a weight. Aim for 8 to 12 repetitions for one set, and at least two or three sets.
Start gradually and build your ability over a few weeks.


Blue Cheese Roasted Lamb ‘Coronadas’ with Leek and Mary Berry’s Blue Cheese Dressing
Prep Time: 15 mins
Cooking time: 1h 20 mins
Makes: 12 medium sized empanadas
600g Lamb shank
½ a bottle of Mary Berry’s Blue Cheese Dressing
1 leek finely chopped
2 tbsp cooking oil
2 onions finely chopped
1 beaten egg
2 sheets ready to roll shortcrust pastry
100g Blue cheese, crumbled
Preheat oven to 200°C. On a baking tray place lamb shank and generously cover with Mary Berry’s Blue Cheese Dressing (about a third of a bottle or 80ml). Marinate overnight for the best results. Season lamb with black pepper and place in the oven for at least one hour or until cooked through. Set aside to cool.
Once cooled shred the meat off the bone and set aside. Bring a pan of oil to medium heat and fry onions and leeks until softened. Add your lamb, the rest of the blue cheese dressing and black pepper to taste. Take the filling off the heat and set aside.
Finely roll the pastry sheets and, using a large cookie cutter or a bowl, cut pastry into circles of roughly 12cm across.
Place two tablespoons of the filling in the centre of each round and fold the pastry over. To seal the empanada, use a fork to crimp the edges together.
Repeat with remaining rounds. You should end up with approximately 12 coronadas.
You can use any remaining dough to cut crowns to decorate the coronadas and give them a coronation themed twist.
Brush with beaten egg and bake for 15-20 min on 180°C until the pastry is golden brown in colour.
Serve with some extra Mary Berry’s Blue Cheese Dressing for drizzling or dipping and enjoy!
Peel the potatoes and cut lengthways into roughly 1cm slices. Cut each slice into fairly thick chips, rinse in cold water and pat dry with kitchen towel.
Heat the oil in a deep frying pan. Carefully lower the chips into the hot oil and fry for 10 minutes, or until cooked through, but not browned. Carefully remove the chips from the pan, set aside to drain on kitchen paper.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place chips on a baking tray and cook for another 8-10 minutes, or until crisp and golden brown.
Meanwhile cut fish into strips and season well with salt and pepper. Place the flour, whisked eggs and panko crumbs in 3 separate dishes, ready to coat the fish. Start by coating the fish in the flour, shaking off any excess. Then coat the fish in the whisked eggs and finish
Fish and Chip Celebration
Cones with Mary Berry’s Blue Cheese Dressing
Preparation time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 45 mins
Level: easy
Total time: 1hr
Serves: 4
4 large potatoes
1 cup vegetable oil for frying
Sea salt (to taste)
2 cod fillets
Salt/pepper (to taste)
1/2 cup Panko crumb
1/2 cup flour
2 eggs, whisked
4 tbsp Mary Berry’s Blue Cheese Dressing to serve
Lemon wedges to serve Chopped chives to serve
them off by coating in the panko breadcrumbs, making sure to really press the breadcrumbs on the fish so they get a good crust.
Transfer the coated fish strips onto a baking sheet. Let the fish sticks rest while you heat the oil in the deep frying pan.
When oil is hot, add the fish strips. Fry for 3 minutes, after which the fish strips should be nicely browned on the underside and can be flipped.
Flip and cook for another 3 minutes on the second side. Then remove and let them cool on a few paper towels.
Serve your double cooked chips and fish in paper cones, with a lemon wedge, sprinkle of chives and a drizzle of Mary Berry’s Blue Cheese Dressing.

Glaze Mushroom Galette Decorated with a Pastry Crown and Drizzled with Mary Berry’s Light Salad Dressing

Prep time: 10 mins Cooking time: 25 mins Makes: 6-8 servings
250g mushrooms cleaned and roughly sliced
1 clove garlic minced
1 tablespoon butter
150g grated Gruyere cheese
1 tbsp Mary Berry’s Light Salad Dressing, plus extra for serving.
1 teaspoon thyme leaves
1 teaspoon balsamic glaze (optional)
2 sheets ready to roll puff pastry.
3 tablespoons milk
Salt and pepper to taste.
Preheat oven to 180°C. Heat the butter in a frying pan and add the mushrooms, garlic, and thyme. Cook for a few minutes until the mushrooms are soft and darkened. Stir in the Mary Berry’s Light Salad Dressing and season with salt and pepper, gently mix. Sizzle with some balsamic glaze over and set aside.
Unroll the pastry and score a ½ inch border around the sheet. Pile the grated cheese followed by the mushrooms into the centre. Cut out a crown shape from the second puff pastry roll. Carefully place the puff pastry crown on the top of the tart.
Brush the edges and the crown with the milk and sprinkle with some fresh thyme. Bake for 20 minutes until the pastry is golden.
Serve warm, drizzled with some extra Mary Berry’s Light Salad Dressing and a side salad. Enjoy!
Despite being within Sheffield's border, the Strines Inn could be a world away. Nestled amongst breathtaking moorland scenery, it is one of the local landmarks in the Peak District National Park.

Traditional Country Pub in Sheffield a perfect destination for walkers and dog walkers

Food and drink
Our menu is based around old favourites and traditional crowd pleasers, from pies and Yorkshire puddings to lasagne. We also have an extensive range of vegetarian options so there is something for everyone. We serve a host of fine real ales, alongside quality wines and spirits of all kinds.
Beer garden
The beer garden at The Strines Inn is the perfect place to enjoy stunning views of the surrounding countryside when relaxing with a pint of real ale. Geese, chickens and peacocks roam nearby, while our enclosed play area means there’s plenty of fun to be had for kids.

There’s nothing like a roaring fire and a good beverage to warm the cockles on a winter’s night, and The Strines Inn’s historic building offers atmosphere in spades to those who come through our doors. There’s plenty of nooks and crannies and quiet corners where you can settle in for an afternoon or evening.
Visit us today and find out why people come from miles around to sample our food, drink and unique atmosphere.
Originally a manor house, it was built in 1275 for the Worrall family, although most of the present day structure is 16th Century. After becoming an Inn in 1771 when John Morton leased the property from the Worrall's, it got its name from an Olde English word meaning the meeting of water, quite appropriate as nowadays it overlooks the Strines Reservoir.
In the height of Winter the Inn attracts walkers and visitors on a daily basis. The roaring fires and stunning views perfectly compliment the excellent food and drink available, with many dishes being homemade.

The Strines Inn is also famous for its numerous peacocks, the previous Landlord having introduced several pairs twenty years ago, there are now over thirty of them.
There is also accommodation available for those people looking to escape for a few days to relax. Our rooms all feature four-poster beds, en-suite bathrooms, hot drinks facilities and colour televisions. Each has a dining table where breakfast will be served to you, offering you comfort and privacy. Two of our rooms have fantastic views across the reservoir, so please ask if you would like a room with a view.
• Four-poster bed
• En-suite facilities
• Breakfast included
just 4.3 seconds thanks to two more cylinders in its straight six, three litre unit.
The eight speed automatic gearbox (available with both engines) is smooth and responsive plus an electronic limited-slip differential is standard on all models. Put the car in sport mode however and this, together with all other safety aids, is shut off and the exhaust note gets noticeably more gruff.
You also get adaptive dampers as standard which take on a firmer setting in sport mode which all makes the Supra a great GT car for cruising at motorway speeds with a relatively comfortable ride by sports car standards and a lot quieter than most of its rivals.
THERE are still a few new cars that really stand out from the crowd and our latest test ride was certainly one of those. In fact the GR Supra Pro is so striking it can make you feel a bit like a superhero with its Batmobile-like styling and ample reserves of power.

So stand out was the Supra that during a week with the curvy car I drew admiring gestures from members of the local ‘youf’ with plenty of grins and thumbs ups while stopped at traffic lights.
And with 254bhp on tap giving a 0 to 60 speed of 5.2 seconds plus a limited top end of 155mph you are not all that far from supercar territory in this very quick Toyota.
Our car had the 2-litre twin-scroll turbo four cylinder engine but there is an even quicker 335bhp version which can hit 60 in
As the car is a collaboration with BMW and shares a lot with their Z4 sports car it is no surprise that the interior has plenty of BMW controls and displays, including the excellent iDrive infotainment system mounted high on the dash right in your line of sight.
The graphics and menus are also good on the Supra’s 8.8in central screen operated by a BMW-style rotary controller while the seating position (both heated) is bang on for sporty driving.
All versions include adjustable lumbar support and side bolsters, a reach and rake-adjustable steering wheel and you sit low in true sports car fashion looking at clear digital dials and a well laid out dashboard. Interior finish features smart-looking plastics and gloss-black trims that lift the ambience.
LED headlights and a rear-view camera are standard on all models plus a sports set up, cruise control and Toyota’s excellent safety systems.
Although it is only a two seater there is still a decent boot space and the 2-litre version will not cost a fortune to run, with an average mpg of around 38mpg, plus the purchase price of £50,485 means a lot of bang for your buck performance-wise.
The Supra comes with an impressive 10-year/100,000-mile warranty as standard beating all its rivals. Equipment-wise it is also in the lead with those heated sports seats, two-zone climate control, 18in alloy wheels, keyless entry, auto lights and wipers and power-folding door mirrors.
The 3.0-litre, at around £56k, gets 19in alloy wheels and wireless phonecharging plus leather seats, a head-up display, ambient lighting, adaptive cruise and extra safety kit.

No wonder then that a Supra can make you feel super!
More info at www.toyota.co.uk



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Saturday 6 May | Bach and his Legacy

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