Volunteer with Transport for Sick Children

We’re looking for volunteer drivers in Rochdale and Oldham, could you help?
The role is driving accompanied children with no other means of transport to healthcare appointments in your own car (we provide child car seats), waiting for the family and then returning them home. The role is flexible so can work around other commitments, you decide which days you volunteer and we reimburse you monthly for your fuel costs.
What is it like being a volunteer driver?
“I’m retired and like driving so I enjoy volunteering for Transport for Sick Children. Meeting the families and helping them is so rewarding, I’d recommend it to anyone!”
Peter Roberts, Volunteer driver
“I enjoy being busy and meeting new people and the parents and carers are so grateful. Hearing a little boy that I’d been taking to appointments for a while talk for the first time after having a hearing implant fitted was just magical.”
Julie Baum, Volunteer driver

If you think you can help or would like more information please call and ask for Laura or Marie-Anne: 0161 443 4122
E-mail: to@transportforsickchildren.org Web: www.transportforsickchildren.org

77 Bridgeman Street | Bolton | BL3 6BY. Sales Enquiries : T: (01204) 238180 E: artwork@mcgrathmedia.co.uk
Transport for Sick Children
We’re a children’s charity with a team of volunteer drivers who take sick children to hospital appointments throughout Greater Manchester. Our aim is to eliminate any barriers a family may face in getting their child to vital medical appointments. Could you be one of our amazing volunteer drivers?
What do the families say about us?
“Transport for Sick Children is a fantastic service that makes what can be a stressful time getting your child to a hospital appointment a significantly easier process, we really appreciate the service. The drivers are always friendly, polite and professional and have been a life saver for us as we don’t drive and would really struggle otherwise. We think it’s an amazing service and are so grateful that this is available.”
A parent/carer
For more information about the service or to volunteer: 0161 443 4122
E-mail: to@transportforsickchildren.org Web: www.transportforsickchildren.org

- because x’ing on doesn’t
sound quite the same

Debate over weighing air passengers and luggage
I SUPPOSE it had to happen eventually but now one airline is weighing passengers as well as their carry-on luggage.
Finnish carrier Finnair, which runs budget flights between Finland and the UK, wants to better estimate the plane’s weight before takeoff.
Apparently, airlines work out the weight of the plane, its interior and passengers to balance the flight and make the journey safer. They may use average weights provided by aviation authorities or collect data themselves.
The weigh-ins are voluntary and they’re not the first airline to do this. Last year, Korea’s largest airline, Korean Air, said it was planning to weigh passengers on international flights for a short time.
This was to reduce wasted fuel and for that more accurate overall weight estimateto, which must be a difficult “sum” to get right.
Not long before Korean Air’s move, EasyJet asked 19 passengers on a flight from Lanzarote to Liverpool to get off the plane because they said it was “too heavy to take off.”
The whole subject of the weight of both passengers and their luggage has sparked an outcry and I don’t know why we’re so surprised.
Not only are there plenty of overweight people around but the increasing cost of hold luggage – and the reduction of what weight airlines allow in a suitcase – has prompted some people to now cram items into carry-on luggage.
You’ve only got to look at what the overhead lockers are holding on the average flight to see where passengers have packed in the most possessions. Just trying to find a space for your own, probably quite modest, bag or backpack can be almost impossible.
The whole subject of passengers and weight is a regular minefield. In 2017, a poll by jetcost.co.uk showed almost 90 per cent of Britons

questioned believed that overweight passengers should pay more to fly.
And nearly 80 per cent said they thought “plus-sized zones” should be introduced on flights.
While there are currently no limits for larger passengers flying on commercial American flights there are some requirements. They must be able to sit with both armrests down, be able to buckle their seatbelts and they don’t block the aisle.
If they can’t comply, they may be asked to pay for a second seat on the flight, unless there are two empty seats together somewhere on the plane.
Either way, now that the subject of weight generally on planes has been broached, it won’t just go away.

House too chavvy? Just not your choice
YOU lay your lifestyle on the line when you put your home on the market these days.
Photos of your currently decorated rooms and décor choices are there for all to see and pick over. And, believe you me, people do like to criticise the decorating style of others.
Take the case of poor Henry Reilly, for example, He is trying to sell a three bedroomed, semi-detached house in Prescot on Merseyside but has found himself caught in an online trolling storm.
Chanel logo rug, black velvet chairs and glitterball-style vase with gold pink roses is “chavvy” and are highly critical of his general style tastes.
OK, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but it seems to me quite snooty to take this high moral tone over what is actually just one man’s choice of the décor he wants to live with.
His neighbours say Henry and his wife are a “lovely couple” and that it’s up to them what they do with the house they live in. As one pointed out: who is anyone to tell someone else how to decorate their home?
The reality is that most people when they move into a new home change the style anyway. You may have just painted the hall, stairs and landing, put in a new kitchen or newly tiled the bathroom before putting it up for sale but if it’s not to the new buyer’s taste, it’s all change.
To unleash a storm of criticism on a homeowner who has simply surrounded himself with the style he enjoys strikes me as rude and snobby.
Few us share the same sense of homestyle and one man’s favourite is another man’s no-go area. We’re individuals and it really doesn’t matter.
Ever been wellied or squiffed?
HOW do you describe yourself when you’ve had one drink too many?
Wasted? Out of it or just plain drunk?
Well, linguistic researchers have discovered that virtually any noun can be transformed into a “drunkonym” – a synonym for intoxicated – simply by adding “ed” at the end.
In fact, they found 546 words that can mean drunk including “trolleyed”, “hammered,” “wellied” and “steampigged.” Then there is “gazeboed”, “carparked” or simply “cabbaged.”
This confirms a suggestion by comedian Michael McIntyre that Britons could understand any word meaning drunk if it is preceded by “I got completely ……”
Researcher Professor Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer of Chemnitz University in Germany believes that this could be down to Britain’s deeply-rooted culture of social drinking and its absurdist Monty Python-style humour.
She also pointed out other types of playful language around being drunk including Cockney rhyming slang like the drunkonyms “Brahms” and “Schindler’s” – short for “Brahms and Liszt” both of which rhyme with pi**ed.
Britain’s favourite drunkonyms, however, also include bladdered, langered, legless, mashed, mullered, pickled, trashed, bevvied, fuddled, hammered, paralytic, ossified, sozzled, well-oiled, leathered, spannered and squiffed.
But perhaps you’ve got you’ve got your own favourites!
Olivia is a star!
Olivia Hughes is studying for a degree while opening her own restaurant in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.
Personally, I think a round of applause and huge envy for her energy and commitment are due but, apparently, some customers look down on her and older staff don’t respect her because of her age. Ignore all this, Olivia. You’re doing a great job, are a terrific role model for other youngsters - and I bet your parents are as proud as punch.

or email: help@aamail.org

When it comes to inviting, relaxing breaks, we have the ideal holiday for you...
Whether you’re looking for a romantic break for two, a family holiday or getting away with friends, Daish’s Holidays offers 12 hotels in 10 of the most popular UK destinations. Our fleet of 35 luxury coaches provide return travel in comfort and style from your pick up point and will take you directly to your hotel, aiming to arrive between 3 – 5pm.
If you’d like to get out and about to explore the local area on your holiday, then all of our breaks can also be booked on a self-drive basis so you’ve got the freedom of having your own car.

Trip Advisor’s Travellers’ Choice
We are proud to announce that six of our group – County, Devonshire, Abbey Lawn, Bournemouth Sands, Daish’s, Imperial – have been awarded the coveted TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice award for 2023.

Wonderful Copenhagen
By Rebecca Underwood, BA Hons | Travel Journalist
Danny Kaye once sang ‘wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen, friendly old girl of a town’, and it sure is! Copenhagen, located on Sealand, the largest island in Denmark, offers visitors an intriguing glimpse into a colourful tapestry of history and culture. In the 10th century, Copenhagen was a Viking fishing village and became the capital of Denmark in the 15th century.
To learn more about the fearsome Vikings I visited the fascinating Viking Ship Museum, located by the fjord in Roskilde; 35 kilometres from Copenhagen. The Viking Ship Hall features five spectacular Viking ships, which were discovered in 1962 at Skuldelev, 32 kilometres from where they are now displayed. These magnificent vessels were excavated from the sea bed in thousands of pieces and reconstructed with spectacular results. Visitors are also welcome to view the collection of traditional Nordic wooden boats berthed at the Museum Harbour and, as I am a committed seafarer, I was simply mesmerised.
Copenhagen attracts millions of visitors keen to explore this wonderful city and its many attractions including Amalienborg. Built in the 1750’s, the site is made up of four identical Danish Rococco style buildings; the palace of Christian VII, husband to Caroline Mathilde of Great Britain, the palace of Christian VIII, the palace of Frederik VIII, great, great grandfather of the reigning Danish monarch
King Frederik X, and the palace of Christian IX, the first monarch of the House of Glücksburg.
Eager to know more, I made my way to the the Amalienborg Museum, located within Christian VIII’s Palace, which displays a wide range of exhibits associated with the Danish monarchy dating back 150 years to Christian IX and Queen Louise.
I decided to mingle with the crowds at 12 noon sharp and I watched the changing of the royal guard marching from their barracks through the streets towards Amalienborg.
My next port of call was the National Museum, housed in the Prince’s Palace on Ny Vestergade. The Danish national treasures include archaeological finds from the Viking Age and the permanent displays include an extensive coin and medal collection, classical antiquities and a toy museum which attracts hordes of ‘grown up’ children!
During the reign of King Christian IV in the 17th century, Copenhagen became the capital of both Denmark and Norway and following the widespread devastation of the plague and subsequent fires in the 18th century the city embarked on a period of restoration and redevelopment, which included the founding of the Royal Danish Theatre, in 1748 and the Royal Danish Academy of Portraiture, Sculpture and Architecture, in 1754.

In the late 1700’s, during the French Revolution, the Russian Tsar Paul I, son of Catherine the Great and Peter III, founded the League of Armed Neutrality to facilitate free trade with France for Russia, Prussia, Sweden, Denmark and Norway. The British Government deemed this to be a hostile act, which threatened the Royal Navy’s supremacy over the French fleet. On 02 April 1801, under the command of Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson led the Royal Navy’s main attack on the Danish-Norwegian fleet. Many of the Danish-Norwegian vessels were destroyed before a truce was reached.
Six years later, during the Napoleonic Wars, the British Government was anxious that Denmark might close the Baltic Sea to British vessels with the possibility of French troops arriving in Sealand. In 1807, the Bombardment of Copenhagen began when the British fleet attacked the Danish/Norwegian fleet and the city was evacuated. Over a thousand buildings were destroyed by fire and the city suffered greatly. The Danes duly surrendered and the British retreated from Copenhagen.
The Danish Golden Age began in the 19th century and Copenhagen was transformed with new buildings reflecting the Neoclassical style and the arts flourished.
German Romanticism emerged and the works of Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg led the way. To view examples of Eckersberg’s works, including the magnificent 1841 masterpiece ‘A nude woman doing her hair before a mirror’ I hurried along to the Hirschsprung Museum on Stockolmsgade. The collection also features works by P.S. Kroyer and the enchanting ‘Summer day at the South Beach of Skagen’, completed in 1884, demands admiring glances from those in the room.
Later in the afternoon I felt the urge to embark on some retail therapy and ‘bag a bargain’. I headed for Strøget, one of Europe’s longest pedestrian streets crammed with international brands including Louis Vuitton, Mulberry and Prada and I browsed around the department store Magasin du Nord. For special gifts to take home I was persuaded to purchase a wide array of goodies from the Royal Copenhagen Flagship Store, founded in 1775 and purveyor to the royal Danish court. Located on Amagertorv, the property is a charming three storey Renaissance house, which dates back to 1616. Displays of the finest porcelain figurines, gifts and dinnerware should entice even the most resistant to part with more than a few Krona!
Weighed down with shopping bags and in need of some pampering I checked into the D’Angleterre hotel, which provides the highest level of comfort and service. Located on Kongens Nytorv, one of the city’s classic squares, this imposing hotel, established in 1755, is an historic landmark, which oozes with charm and sophistication.
I was escorted to a spacious and comfortable deluxe one-bedroom suite, which features elegant furnishings, plump sofas, luxurious drapes and a very grand bathroom. Hotel facilities include an urban spa, a fitness room and a swimming pool, which is the perfect place to unwind after a busy day.
Later that evening I headed for the hotel’s Balthazar champagne bar and whilst sipping on a glass brimming with bubbles I decided to dine ‘in house’ and made my reservation at Marchal, the hotel’s impressive restaurant, recipient of a Michelin star.
I sampled the delicious winter truffle ravioli with Jerusalem artichoke, gruyére and creamy truffle sauce and accompanied by the 2015 Moët and Chandon, it was, quite simply, unforgettable.
After a deep slumber, a long lie-in followed by a rejuvenating shower and a first class breakfast, I decided to take a leisurely stroll along the Langelinie promenade, the site of the Little Mermaid bronze statue by Edvard Eriksen. Based on the fairy tale by Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen, the Little Mermaid statue was unveiled in 1913 and has become an icon and a major tourist attraction, recognised worldwide.
As I took a breather beside the Little Mermaid the sea air filled my nostrils and I reflected on my explorations and suddenly the voice of Danny Kaye sang in my head ‘wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen, salty old queen of the sea’.
Volunteer with Transport for Sick Children
We’re looking for volunteer drivers in Rochdale and Oldham, could you help?
The role is driving accompanied children with no other means of transport to healthcare appointments in your own car (we provide child car seats), waiting for the family and then returning them home. The role is flexible so can work around other commitments, you decide which days you volunteer and we reimburse you monthly for your fuel costs.
What is it like being a volunteer driver?
“I’m retired and like driving so I enjoy volunteering for Transport for Sick Children. Meeting the families and helping them is so rewarding, I’d recommend it to anyone!”
Peter Roberts, Volunteer driver
“I enjoy being busy and meeting new people and the parents and carers are so grateful. Hearing a little boy that I’d been taking to appointments for a while talk for the first time after having a hearing implant fitted was just magical.”
Julie Baum, Volunteer driver
If you think you can help or would like more information please call and ask for Laura or Marie-Anne: 0161 443 4122
E-mail: to@transportforsickchildren.org Web: www.transportforsickchildren.org

Embark on a journey through Scotland's breathtaking landscapes and rich history on our Scotland’s Far North and
Embark on a journey through Scotland's breathtaking landscapes and rich history on our Scotland’s Far North and Perth tour!
Embark on landscapes on Scotland’s Perth
Tour Details:
Join us for a wonderful Norwegian adventure of Fjords, lakes, glaciers, and mountains on our magnificent Norwegian explorer tour!
Join us for a wonderful adventure of lakes, mountains on our magnificent Norwegian
Join us for a wonderful Norwegian adventure of Fjords, lakes, glaciers, and mountains on our magnificent Norwegian explorer tour!
Tour Details:

Explore the remote Castle of Mey, once home to the Queen Mother, and step back in time at Laidhay Croft Museum.
Explore the remote Castle of Mey, once home to the Queen Mother, and step back in time at Laidhay Croft Museum.
Explore the remote to time at

Experience the iconic John O’Groats and the breathtaking Orkney Islands. Finally, enjoy leisure time in historic Perth.
Orkney Islands. enjoy leisure time Perth.
Experience the iconic John O’Groats and the breathtaking Orkney Islands. Finally, enjoy leisure time in historic Perth.
Book Now: Don't miss this incredible opportunity to explore the wonders of Scotland's far north!
From the stunning Telemark region to the iconic Kviknes Hotel Balestrand on the Sognefjord, immerse yourself in breathtaking landscapes of fjords, lakes, glaciers, and mountains. Stay in historic hotels and create lasting memories on this magical journey.
Book Don't this explore the of north!
Book Now: Don't miss this incredible opportunity to explore the wonders of Scotland's far north!
Single Room Supplement £199pp
Single Room Supplement £199pp
Book Now: Call the team on 01772 622222 DEPARTS 27.06.24
Join us as we head to the 4-star Whitehouse Hotel in Worcester for our Cream of the Cotswold’s

Join as Hotel in our Tour!
Tour Details:
Tour Details:
Cruise the River Avon, indulge in a charming 1940s afternoon tea, and meander through the picturesque Cotswolds, known for its golden stone villages and lush countryside. Hop aboard a steam train for a nostalgic ride, visit Sudeley Castle's majestic grounds, and explore the National Memorial Arboretum and World of Wedgwood. Call the team on 01772 622222

Join us as we head to the 4-star Whitehouse Hotel in Worcester for our Cream of the Cotswold’s Tour!
Tour Details: From the stunning Telemark region to the iconic Kviknes Hotel Balestrand on the Sognefjord, immerse yourself in breathtaking landscapes of fjords, lakes, glaciers, and mountains. Stay in historic hotels and create lasting memories on this magical journey.
Book Now: Call the team on 01772 622222 DEPARTS 27.06.24
Tour Details: stunning Telemark Kviknes Hotel Balestrand Sognefjord, immerse yourself in lakes, glaciers, and mountains. Stay on journey. team on DEPARTS 27.06.24
Single Room Supplement £130pp
Join us on an unforgettable journey to County Durham for a spectacular display of legends coming to life in the epic Kingdom of Kynren! Witness 2,000 years of history, myth, and legend unfold before your eyes in a breathtaking outdoor theatre performance


Cruise the River Avon, indulge in a charming 1940s afternoon tea, and meander through the picturesque Cotswolds, known for its golden stone villages and lush countryside. Hop aboard a steam train for a nostalgic ride, visit Sudeley Castle's majestic grounds, and explore the National Memorial Arboretum and World of Wedgwood.
Join us an unforgettable display legends life epic Kingdom of Kynren! Witness 2,000 your
Join us on an unforgettable journey to County Durham for a spectacular display of legends coming to life in the epic Kingdom of Kynren! Witness 2,000 years of history, myth, and legend unfold before your eyes in a breathtaking outdoor theatre performance
Tour Details:
Tour Details:

Book Now: Call the team on 01772 622222
Cruise the River Avon, indulge in 1940s tea, through the Cotswolds, its golden villages and lush countryside. a nostalgic Sudeley majestic National Memorial Wedgwood. Now: Call the team
Room Supplement £100pp
Experience the thrill of King Arthur's quest and immerse yourself in tales from history. This 5-star adventure will leave you spellbound! Plus, don't miss a visit to Beamish, the open-air museum showcasing life through the ages in Northeast England DEPARTS 02.08.24
Experience the thrill of King Arthur's quest and immerse yourself in tales from history. This 5-star adventure will leave you spellbound! Plus, don't miss a visit to Beamish, the open-air museum showcasing life through the ages in Northeast England DEPARTS 02.08.24
Experience the thrill King Arthur's quest and immerse from history. 5-star adventure will leave miss a to Beamish, open-air

Join us as we head to the capital for our City of London and Buckingham Palace Tour!
Tour Details:
Enjoy a full day in London discovering the sights with iconic landmarks , combined with great shopping opportunities and a wonderful food and drink scene. This is a great tour for anyone interested in The Royal Family and history, take this opportunity to visit Buckingham Palace during its short summer opening. Don’t delay, book today Call 01772 622222

for a delightful seaside escape in Llandudno, Wales's largest resort, beloved by Ava Travel guests. Relax in our seafront hotel, perfectly located for exploring this timeless British holiday destination.
Tour Details:

Wander Llandudno's Victorian streets and attractions, from scenic promenades to bustling shops. Visit Plas Newydd House and Gardens, snap a selfie at the famous Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch sign, and enjoy shopping at James Pringle outlet. Book today 01772 622222
Grant had both TV and film work during the late ‘80s and early ‘90s and in 1993 had a supporting role in the Merchant-Ivory hit film drama The Remains of the Day.
At the age of 32 in 1994 - and just as he was on the verge of giving up acting - he was sent the script of Four Weddings and a Funeral. He loved it and accepted the lead role of Charlie, kickstarting his romantic onscreen reputation.
The floppy hair and the charming smile dazzled cinema-going audiences; Grant’s future appeared set. This hugely successful and high-grossing British film did have its downside, though.

Hugh Grant at the New York Premiere of Notting Hill, 13th May 1999
As he said later: “Although I owe whatever success I’ve had to Four Weddings and a Funeral, it did become frustrating after a bit that people made two assumptions.
“One was that I was that character – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth, as I’m sure Richard (Curtis the film’s writer) would tell you.
“The other frustrating thing was that they thought that’s all I could do. I suppose because those films happened to be successful noone, perhaps understandably, bothered to rent all the other films I’d done.”
After a couple of less impressive films - The Englishman Who Went Up A Hill But Came Down a Mountain and Nine Months – what became classic Grant arrived via the much-acclaimed 1995 adaptation of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility as Emma Thompson’s suitor.
After a three-year break, when he successfully made his debut as a film producer in the 1996 thriller Extreme Measures, he was back to box-office winning ways with Notting Hill opposite Julia Roberts.
This funny and heartwarming story about a travel bookshop owner and a Hollywood superstar featured another sharply funny Richard Curtis script and proved an immediate and enduring hit.
His next role that year, in Mickey Blue Eyes, didn’t capture the public’s imagination in the same way but in 2001 he was back on hit form as bad boy Daniel Cleaver in Bridget Jones’s Diary.
He was also a womanizer the following year in the film adaptation of Nick Hornby’s best-selling novel About a Boy, at 41, a more complex and interesting character. This role earned Grant his third Golden Globe nomination while the London Film Critics Circle named him Best British Actor.
He went back to romantic comedy in 2002 with Two Weeks Notice opposite Sandra Bullock in a blockbuster that made $199 million internationally but brought poor reviews.
It was the 2003 comedy Love Actually, featuring Grant as the British Prime Minister, that made fans fall in love with him all over again.
In 2004, he reprised his role as Daniel Cleaver in Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, but by now he was starting to move into darker areas and in 2006 starred in the black comedy American Dreamz.
In 2007, he starred opposite Drew Barrymore in pop culture parody Music and Lyrics and brought his sense of fun in 2015 to Guy Ritchie’s crime thriller The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
He won over both critics and audiences once more, however, in 2016 playing opposite Meryl Streep in Florence Foster Jenkins.
He was an enjoyable villain in Paddington 2 but then surprised many with his believable performance in 2018 as disgraced politician Jeremy Thorpe for TV miniseries A Very English Scandal.
Since then, he has played several roles against his original type, both in the UK and the US and last year, proving he is always up for a challenge, turned up as an Oompa-Loompa in Wonka!
Anyone dismissing him as a one-trick pony during the romantic comedy years has had to revise opinions and acknowledge his skills. Now, his many fans eagerly await what Hugh Grant does next.

Hugh Grant & Sandra Bullock at the Premiere of Two Weeks Notice
Law firm makes Milnrow acquisition as part of expansion plans

Law firm, Pearson Solicitors and Financial Advisers has expanded with the recent acquisition of Sarah Dixon & Co Solicitors.
The growth is part of a strategic plan by the firm to move into new areas, develop its service offering into the Milnrow and wider Rochdale area, and bring good quality legal services to individuals and businesses.
Sarah Dixon is a well-respected and trusted local solicitor, and the move has been welcomed by her, and her team. Staff members will be retained, and Sarah will continue to work alongside the Pearson teams, some of whom will be based in Milnrow.
As well as strengthening and expanding the already existing Family Law and Private Client practice on offer at Sarah Dixon, the move will also bring conveyancing, personal injury, medical negligence, and employment law, as well as legal services for business, and financial services to the area.
Based in North Manchester and Saddleworth, this move by Pearson sees the firm now grow to five offices and over 80 staff.
“Taking over this established Milnrow firm is an honour, and we hope to continue the personal service and excellent client care Sarah has developed for her clients,” said Pearson Director, Joanne Ormston.
“Culturally it is a perfect fit for Pearson as we like to think we place the same emphasis on client satisfaction and will build on the solid foundations Sarah has built, whilst at the same time bringing other legal services into the area,” added Joanne.

“This is a significant move for Pearson and one which reflects our ambitious growth plans for 2024 and beyond.”
Commenting on the acquisition, Sarah added: “I have given this a great deal of thought as the business has been built up by me for many years and is personal to me. Pearson are a wellrespected firm with generations of clients and traditions, but at the same time ready to take the business forward, and finding a firm with the same ethos as myself was a vital factor.
“I am pleased Pearson has taken on board my staff and are bringing a professional full-service law firm to the area, it’s a great fit and I am sure we have an exciting year ahead of us.”
Sarah Dixon and Co will now form part of the Pearson Solicitors and Financial Advisers firm led by Director Joanne Ormston, and other directors Christopher Burke and Richard Eastwood.


If you’ve never tried coach holidays before, why not

We’ve been established for over 120 yearsso we know a bit about coaching holidays!

All our tours include our ‘Door to Door’ service
All our tours include our ‘Door to Door’ service
On the morning of travel we pick you up at a prearranged time and take you to our waiting coach at Birch Services or Stockport.
And use some excellent privately-owned hotels. All visits and excursions are included in the price. We use moder n coaches ans mature friendly drivers.
And use some excellent privately-owned hotels. All visits and excursions are included in the price. We use moder n coaches ans mature friendly drivers.
And use some excellent privately-owned hotels. All visits and excursions are included in the price. We use moder n coaches ans mature friendly drivers.
We normally have everyone on board and we’re on our way. We often have a second pickup at Stockport, but again this is timed for minimal delay.
On the morning of travel we pick you up at a prearranged time and take you to out waiting coach a Birch Services
On the morning of travel we pick you up at a prearranged time and take you to out waiting coach a Birch Services
On the morning of travel we pick you up at a prearranged time and take you to out waiting coach a Birch Services.
We use a wide range of mainly 3 and 4 star hotels, some privately owned many part of larger chains. All entrances and excursions are included in the price stated.
The same happens on the way back too, taxi back to your front door!
The same happens on the way back too, taxi back to your front door!
The same happens on the way back too, taxi back to your front door!
All our tours include our ‘Door to Door’ service.
That means that you are picked up by a taxi or small minibus right from your front door No feeders, no interchanges, no changing coaches, no
That means that you are picked up by a taxi or small minibus right from your front door. No feeders, no interchanges, no changing coaches, no
That means that you are picked up by a taxi or small minibus right from your front door. No feeders, no interchanges, no changing coaches, no
All our tours include our ‘Door to Door’ service. That means that you are picked up by a taxi or small minibus right from your front door. No feeders, no interchanges, no changing coaches, no changing drivers and definately no hassle!
We use modern executive coaches and all our drivers are experienced, mature and friendly!
therefore everybody on board pays the same price.
Your taxi will be waiting for you to take you home.
therefore everybody on board pays the same price.
therefore everybody on board pays the same price.
We are members of the Bonded Coach Holiday group overseen by The Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Ltd. This is a Government Approved Protection Scheme.
We normally have everyone on board and we’re on our way We often have a second pickup at Stockport, but again this is timed for minimal delay
We normally have everyone on board and we ’ re on our way We often have a second pickup at Stockport, but again this is timed for minimal delay
We normally have everyone on board and we’re on our way. We often have a second pickup at Stockport, but again this is timed for minimal delay.

All our customers are offered our coach specific insurance, pre existing medical conditions are covered for UK travel with no upper age limit.
in the UK, we will refund the difference to the whole coach!
Nothing we can think of!
in the UK, we will refund the difference to the whole coach!
in the UK, we will refund the difference to the whole coach! VISIT OUR
Join our facebook community by ‘liking’ our page to view latest offers, customer comments and various photographs.
Join our facebook community by ‘liking’ our page to view latest offers, customer comments and various photographs. ellensmithtours
Join our facebook community by ‘liking’ our page to view latest offers, customer comments and various photographs. ellensmithtours



The Haddon Hall Hotel
The Belgrave Sands Hotel & Spa ~ 4 Star
The Metropole Hotel
The Giltar Hotel, Tenby ~ 3 Star
The Belgrave Sands Hotel & Spa ~ 4 Star
An award-winning resort where elegant Victorian villas, a bustling harbour and palmfringed beaches give the Riviera its well-earned name.
Eastbourne is a town with grace and elegance that has something for everyone – a landscaped, pedestrianised town centre, bordered by a large range of shops, a clean, well-managed beach and seafront renowned for its attractive three-tier flower decked level promenade.
An award-winning resort where elegant Victorian villas, a bustling harbour and palmfringed beaches give the Riviera its well-earned name.
28th March | 5 Days |

The Durrant House Hotel ~ 3 Star
The Durrant House Hotel ~ 3 Star
For these holidays we stay in Tenby, with its pastel-coloured buildings, narrow streets,
The Giltar Hotel, Tenby ~ 3 Star
Mid-Wales is the green heart of Wales. The clears seas, bright harbours and hidden coves of the Ceredigion coastline give way to Red Kite filled skies, busy market towns and dramatic hills.
For these holidays we stay in Tenby, with its pastel-coloured buildings, narrow streets,
Tenby is one of the prettiest resorts in South Wales. Whether you take a stroll through the town or along the beaches, or enjoy a ride along the Pembrokeshirecoast, Tenby is an ideal base.
Tenby is one of the prettiest resorts in South Wales. Whether you take a stroll through the town or along the beaches, or enjoy a ride along the Pembrokeshirecoast, Tenby is an ideal base.
3rd April | 6 Days | £499
Mayfair Hotel~ 3 Star
Royal Hotel
Mayfair Hotel~ 3 Star
With seven miles of golden sands and sparkling sea, the vibrant cosmopolitan town of Bournemouth has it all – a vast variety of shops and restaurants, endless countryside offering peace and relaxation and beautiful, award-winning gardens.
With seven miles of golden sands and sparkling sea, the vibrant cosmopolitan town of Bournemouth has it all – a vast variety of shops and restaurants, endless countryside offering peace and relaxation and beautiful, award-winning gardens.

Step into North Devon where you’ll find Tarka Country, little changed since Henry Williamson wrote his famous novel, Tarka the Otter. The region is full of golden sandy beaches, amazing attractions, great local food and drink and a wealth of cultural experiences just waiting to be discovered.
4th April | 5 Days | £339
4 h April | 5 Days | £339

Best Western Rockingham Forest Hotel
Salutation Hotel, Perth ~ 3 Star
Mercure Daventry Court Hotel
Based in the port of Bideford, this tour combines the best of Beautiful Cornwall and delightful North Devon. Bideford’s narrow back streets and alleyways link the quay and the river, and the old road has a lovelybridge that crosses the river linking Bidefordto other areas of Devon.
Based in the port of Bideford, this tour combines the best of Beautiful Cornwall and delightful North Devon. Bideford’s narrow back streets and alleyways link the quay and the river, and the old road has a lovelybridge that crosses the river linking Bidefordto other areas of Devon. 4th April | 5 Days | £289
The highlight of our tour to the ‘English Shires’ is a visit to Loughborough Bell Foundry – the last bell foundry in Britain. We have combined this with visits to Oakham & Barnsdale Gardens, historic Stamford, and Boughton House - ‘Les Miserables’.
Salutation Hotel, Perth ~ 3 Star
Perthshire is a region of breath-taking variety, from its serene glens and endless expanse of lush forest to its bleakly beautiful moors, rushing rivers and tumbling waterfalls.
Middle England boasts areas of outstanding natural beauty and the home of William Shakespeare, and is steeped in art, history, and culture. We have included some wonderful places in our itinerary, guaranteed to delight.
Perthshire is a region of breath-taking variety, from its serene glens and endless expanse of lush forest to its bleakly beautiful moors, rushing rivers and tumbling waterfalls.
4th April | 5 Days | £339
4th April | 5 Days | £339

4th April | 5 Days | £289 CITY
Dunston Hall Hotel
Best Wester n Brook Hotel, Norwich ~ 3 Star
Best Wester n Brook Hotel, Norwich ~ 3 Star
The East Anglia coast is starkly beautiful, with more, creating an idyll of rural charm. As a contrast, we feature the lovely Cathedral City of Norwich, and the Norfolk Broads.
Explore Norfolk and discover a county with more than 90 miles of stunning coast, beautiful countryside, forest, heath and fens, the unique Broads National Park, seaside resorts, and history, vibrant towns and villages. Our themed tour takes in some of the most beautiful Houses & Gardens the county has to offer.
The East Anglia coast is starkly beautiful, with more, creating an idyll of rural charm. As a contrast, we feature the lovely Cathedral City of Norwich, and the Norfolk Broads.
18th April | 5 Days |
18th April | 5 Days | £389

The Royal Hotel, Skegness ~ 3 Star
The Royal Hotel, Skegness ~ 3 Star
The Holiday Inn Gosforth Park Hotel Northumberland is a land of big adventures, breathtaking beauty, and unlimited possibilities and attractions. Discover romantically ruinous castles, barely visited beaches, bunting-strewn market towns, and enjoy endless experiences.
Experience the best of Lincolnshire with historic towns and villages, a thriving seaside resort and ‘Bomber Country’ heritage.
Experience the best of Lincolnshire with historic towns and villages, a thriving seaside resort and ‘Bomber Country’ heritage. 11th April | 5 Days |

Bells Hotel & Country Club ~ 3 Star
The Royal Victoria Hotel
Bells Hotel & Country Club ~ 3 Star
Experience this magical borderland on a scenic river cruise, a relaxing train ride and visits to historic towns. This is a place where you can recharge your batteries, get off the beaten track and escape the everyday
Experience this magical borderland on a scenic river cruise, a relaxing train ride and visits to historic towns. This is a place where you can recharge your batteries, get off the beaten track and escape the everyday
The Great Little Trains of North Wales are a great way to see some of the best scenery in the British Isles. All of the trains included in our tour are narrow gauge steam railways, some over 100 years old. Join us on this break and relax with a step back in time to the charm of steam!
18th April | 5 Days | £419
18th April | 5 Days | £419
Join our facebook community by ‘liking’ our page to view latest offers, customer comments and various photographs.
Join our facebook community by ‘liking’ our page to view latest offers, customer
Holiday Inn Cambridge Hotel
Best Wester n Blunsdon House Hotel ~ 4 Star
Best Wester n Blunsdon House Hotel ~ 4 Star
Racing is the ‘Sport of Kings’ and you can experience the thrill of the races and a unique insight behind the scenes on this special break for lovers of horses and beautiful countryside alike.
A lovely tour for the summer as we enjoy a visit to unique Sezincote, a 200-year-old Mogul Indian Palace. Spend a day exploring Blenheim Palace and relax with a horse-drawn barge trip on the Kennet & Avon Canal.
A lovely tour for the summer as we enjoy a visit to unique Sezincote, a 200-year-old Mogul Indian Palace. Spend a day exploring Blenheim Palace and relax with a horse-drawn barge trip on the Kennet & Avon Canal.
21st April | 5 Days | £449
21st April | 5 Days | £449


SPRING is a time of new beginnings for Nature and a time of Spring-cleaning and a new assessment of your home and lifestyle.
And if there’s one thing we’ve learned over the last couple of years thanks to lockdown, it’s focusing on what is important to us in life and trying to achieve it.
Even given tough financial times, lifestyles can easily change for the better for many people. The emphasis on work/life balance, budgeting to concentrate on the importance of basic vital elements and making life choices that enhance our lives are all welcome.
Contemporary homes reflect this more and more so Spring is a good time to decide how you want to improve your life and daily living –and take action.
ENERGY consumption is top of everyone’s budgeting list today so perhaps it’s time for realistic advice from your local heating engineer about making the most of your energy supply.
There are many different schools of thought on the best way to heat your home so getting plenty of individual information about your property’s needs is best.
For example, solar panels (with a storage battery) have come into their own now, with many people making use of the stored energy via electric cars in joined-up thinking that makes sense.
One mantra is insulation: ensure your loft is fully insulated. You may be able to get free insulation or support. For more information go to https://www.gov.uk/ apply-great-british-insulation-scheme
There are also simple ploys around the house. For example, ensure back and front DOORS fit properly and don’t lose valuable heat in cold weather.
The same for windows, especially if they’re double-glazed. Check that they all fit properly and don’t let in a draught. If they do, it’s worth considering replacing what you can afford to.
Lined CURTAINS can help your heating work better and feel cosier all year round. Many people are now going for a blinds/ curtains combination that looks attractive on windows and helps with better insulation.
Move furniture away from heat sources. This sounds like a nobrainer but a couch or a bed left in front or very near a radiator or other heat source can just block warm air from circulating around the room.
RECYCLING matters far more to people now that we are all trying to take a more responsible stance on the planet’s resources. The UK produces 26 million tonnes of waste a year but recycling doesn’t just mean separating your rubbish and wasting less food.

The secret to a happy retirement
The positive difference that moving to a retirement living community can make to your quality of life, might just be one of life’s best kept secrets.

Time for a new chapter?
Each year, with the first blooms of Spring our spirits lift, and we start to look forward to brighter days, warmer weather, and new beginnings.
When you move to an Adlington retirement community, you can enjoy a fresh start, with more fun and less to worry about.
Ann and her husband Harry have been loving life since they moved to an Adlington community in Lytham last year: “You don’t have any worries here. When you own a house, you become a servant to it. You have to do all these jobs to keep it sellable and up to scratch, but the days come when you don’t want to have to do that sort of thing anymore. It worries you. Here it’s like being on holiday every day. I can’t get over it. We’re having such a wonderful time.”
Discover a community with a zest for life
In addition to making life more fun, staying socially active in retirement is also really good for you.
Trevor, a retired doctor who moved to an Adlington community in Lytham, last year, said:
“I’m more socially active here than I have been for a long time. I’d become totally isolated and an old curmudgeon! I remember my sister saying to me when I’d only been here for two or three weeks, she said: ‘you’re a totally different person’ and my daughter said the same.
“I think one of the big benefits of moving to a retirement community is the stimulus of other people at this time of life. If somebody has been on their own, as I know very well, you can sink into not wanting to do anything. You lose your ability to think properly, and to converse properly, and you start to go downhill. The stimulus of moving into a place like this can be of great benefit.”

Enjoy the beautiful gardens
Our beautiful, landscaped gardens are maintained by an expert team of gardeners. You can do as much or as little gardening as you want to, and still enjoy the peace and serenity of a quiet corner, afternoon drinks in the summer house or finding a relaxing space to watch the world go by.
Joan and Bill, homeowners at an Adlington community in Cheadle, said: “I have an apartment with a lovely garden in front of it which the gardener comes and manages but I can put my little cyclamen blubs in. We go around dead-heading, but we haven’t got that major responsibility anymore. When our friends are still digging away and the weeds are still growing, we’ve got our Josh who comes and takes up all the weeds or blows the leaves away. That’s brilliant!”.

Come and see for yourself
Why not get a real feel for your options? Get in touch to arrange a private tour by calling 0800 118 1694 or visit adlington.co.uk/50 to find out more

Grazing Board
l Prep: 5 minutes l Serves 4
50g rocket
280g pack mini mozzarella balls, drained
25g mini bread sticks
3 Cooks & Co Red and Yellow Pepper, sliced
16 small Cooks & Co Sun Dried Tomatoes
16 Cooks & Co Frenk Chillies
50g Cooks & Co Sweety Drop Peppers
Arrange the rocket in a large circle on a large platter. Arrange the remaining ingredients evenly on top and serve.
Cook tip
Great for serving with drinks for gatherings. Try adding thinly sliced ham rolled into rosettes for a meaty version.

Creamy Porcini Crostini

l Prep: 10 minutes l Cook: 15 minutes
l Makes 12
12 x 2cm slices French bread
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
50g Cooks & Co Dried Porcini Mushrooms
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
2 Cooks & Co Roasted Red Peppers, thinly sliced
50g cream cheese
2 tbsp chopped chives
Preheat the oven to 200oC, gas mark 6.
Brush the bread slices with 1 tbsp oil, season and place on a large baking tray, bake for 10-15 minutes until golden.
Soak the mushrooms in 300ml boiling water and leave to soak for 10 minutes. Drain, reserving the liquid and roughly chop.
Heat the remaining oil in a large frying pan and fry the garlic for a few seconds, then add the mushrooms and red peppers and cook for 1-2 minutes. Add the cream cheese and 3 tbsp reserved mushroom liquid and bring just to the boil. Stir in half the chives and season.
Spoon over the crostini and sprinkle with the remaining chives to serve.
Cook tip
Try ciabatta bread or whole slices of toast for a quick lunch.
We’ll get you smiling ...

Are your dentures holding you back?
A smile is one of the most basic, biologically uniform expressions of all humans. Smiling is not just a universal means of communicating, it’s also a frequent one. More than 30% of us smile more than 20 times a day and less than 14% of us smile less than 5 times a day.
Smiling has a host of benefits which include:
Mood Boosting - Psychologists have found that even if you’re in a bad mood smiling can lift your spirits.
Boost your immunity - smiling makes your body more relaxed and contributes to a good health and stronger immunity.
Relieves Stress - Smiling releases endorphins which reduce stress and change your mood. Even forcing a smile has the same effect.
Lowering blood pressure - Reducing stress and smiling can also help lower blood pressure.
Smiles are infectious - Not only do others smile when we smile but studies also suggest we appear more attractive to others when we smile.
What if you don’t like your smile, do you suffer from loose poorly fitted or broken dentures? We have been helping denture wearers to get beautiful smiles.
Constructing a functional and aesthetically pleasing set of dentures is the most difficult task in dentistry. We are not only replacing lost teeth, but also lost tissue matter and bone. In other words, we have to re-create your facial features as they were before the loss of your natural teeth.
In most cases we do not know what your teeth looked like, what size they were or what position they were in originally. We have a few indications but mostly we have to rely on our visual and artistic judgement.
At the same time we have to use our technical expertise in order to make the denture stable and functional. Denture construction is more art than science.
A Clinical Dental Technician (CDT) is a qualified dental technician that has under gone further Education and Training in areas
such as Medical Emergencies Cross Infection Control and Oral Pathology (cancers and anomalies) to name just a few sections that make up the Diploma in Clinical Dental Technology as Awarded by the Royal Collage of Surgeons (RCS).
It is this qualification that allows the clinicians at Stockport Denture Clinic to be able to be registered and regulated with the General Dental Council (the official body for protecting the public with regards to dentistry) and carry indemnity insurance. It is this qualification, which means that only Dentists and Clinical Dental Technicians are the only Dental Professionals permitted to supply dentures direct to the public.
A dental technician is not qualified to supply a denture directly to the public. However, despite this being an act of Mal practice many technicians will still practice illegally without informing the patient that they are not qualified. If you are unsure if your denture provider is qualified; ask them for their GDC registration number, then contact the GDC to see if they are registered not just as a dental technician but as a CDT.
Although the appearance of your new smile is important, we aim to create functional and comfortable dentures. We will ensure that you are comfortable with the way you bite with your new dentures, enabling you to eat with optimum efficiency.
Dentures are in constant use almost 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They are also in a pretty hostile environment in the mouth, being attacked by strong acid, bacteria, hot, cold and spicy food. Denture material absorbs liquids and food odour.
Daily cleaning is essential as well as professional ultrasonic cleaning in a dental laboratory at least once a year. Due to constant bone resorbtion dentures will become loose sooner or later.
Loose dentures will increase damage to the gums and bone structure, and increase the risk of breakage.

Affordable Funeral Service

Losing a loved one can be one of life's most upsetting and distressing times. We go out of our way to help ease the worries where funeral arrangements are concerned.
Not only involved with losing a loved one is the emotional upset, but it can also be a time of financial worry and strain and we not only lend a sympathetic ear but also an affordable funeral service too.
Or maybe you see not the need for an elaborate funeral and want only a simple, low key occasion without all the fuss.