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The sports fuelling the rise in Britain’s position in the medals’ table over the past eight years – like athletics, boxing and cycling – were rewarded with more investment. Oddly, swimming, which had its funding cut, performed very well in Rio, but perhaps that just means that swimmers are a particularly hardy breed, determined to win under all circumstances.
Thanks for the golds, Lottery fans IS buying a few Lottery tickets a weekly habit for you as you rely on your “special” numbers and mentally plan how you’d spend your £20 million?
In the bigger picture, what it definitely means is that you are doing a pretty remarkable job by buying a Lottery ticket or five. So, along with that wonderfully stomach-churning, heart-stopping weekly moment when those balls bounce down the chute and you wonder if your life will change forever, just bear in mind that you have already helped change the life of a budding athlete somewhere. Just by buying a Lottery ticket.
I mention this interesting fact not because I’ve just won the roll-over (we stopped doing the Lottery 20 years ago when we fell out badly over how we would spend our imaginary winnings - ridiculous, I know) but because of how important Lottery money has become to sport in this country.
The “baby boomers” are generally those born between 1947 and 1964 and as I fall into that category my interest was piqued. The rest of the headline, however, had me seething “I don’t belieeeeeeve it!” as it read “Generation wants to spend, spend spend, rather than leave cash to kids.” The story was about a new study which revealed that one in four 18 to 34 year-olds questioned said they were relying on inheriting the money built up by their parents so they can retire in financial security. What makes the developing situation interesting is that two out of three of the “baby boomers” questioned said they would rather spend their inheritance than pass it on, and they won’t bankroll the future security of their children. I should think not! While I’m all for helping our children as much as I can and in the way I want, I’d like to think they weren’t making firm future plans based on my bank balance. That way lies trip-wires and unusual-tasting mushroom soup. Personally, I think there’s nothing wrong with spending the money I’ve earned. And if I want to fritter it away on wine, a Hollywood smile, young men called Sebastian in tight trousers, holidays to Paphos or a trout pout then I will.
If it is, you’re one of almost 45 million people around the UK filling in Lottery tickets each week.
The figure announced on the radio the other day was £340 million going from the Lottery to Olympic and Paralympic sports between 2013 and 2017. That was in the same news’ programme as a round-up of the amazing haul of medals won by Team GB in the Rio Olympics. And these two facts are not un-related.
Hands off the cash – I’m spending it I HAD a real Victoria Meldrew moment the other day when I read a headline in a national newspaper about “Selfish Baby Boomers”.
I always thought the greatest “legacy” you could leave your children was the work ethic and a decent set of values. That currency doesn’t change.
Saucy incident left me red-faced I’M not allowed those little cartons of sauce you’re given in cafes and restaurants any more.
The reason is simple. My husband and I were having lunch in a pleasant café which was full of families and office staff obviously on their lunch break.
he gamely said: “No, not really” even though the brown mess had now turned nicely into a map of Australia. They all got up to go back to their office – the girl still oblivious of her brown “backpack” - but for some reason my appetite had deserted me. When we got outside, my husband, who had been serious-faced and sympathetic throughout, doubled up in a heap laughing.
I was having my usual HP sauce on my chips (this is the King of Sauces and I will brook no argument) and it was brought in generous little plastic packs that you ripped off and then squeezed out. Unfortunately, I got my ripping and squeezing a bit muddled and suddenly, a plume of sauce sped over my left shoulder. As it happened, a rather pretty girl in her teens was sitting with a couple of young men, obviously on their lunch hour, at the table directly behind us. It was a nice day and she was wearing a snowy white blouse. In a kind of terrible slow motion, as I turned towards her I could see globules of HP settling in an artistic arrangement all over the back of her pristine top. I felt terrible! I started apologising profusely but she couldn’t really see the damage. “Don’t worry”, she told me, kindly. “Is it very bad?” she asked one of her colleagues. Eyeing my shocked face,
We still can’t talk about this incident without the tears coming – his not mine – and I am now only allowed sauce bottles when we eat out. Shaken very slowly, of course.
Setting a boozy example THE thorny subject of children and alcohol has been under scrutiny again recently. No, not about adults going into offlicences to buy booze for gangs of teens so they can sit in the park and see who can shout the loudest or throw up the longest. This time, it‘s about whether parents should allow children to drink at home before the age of 14. New figures show that half of parents do, and one in 10 even lets them have
alcohol between the ages of five and seven. This is tough because if you make alcohol a no-go completely, there’s the danger of them wanting to try it and going off binge-drinking secretly with their mates. And if you introduce too much at home you might encourage bad long-term habits. Most of us settled long ago for the middle road and gave older children a small drink of wine (which they mostly hated) but banned it for younger ones. More important, possibly, is the parental role model of how we drink – which could affect their behaviour much more than we think.
6th Floor | 120 Bark Street | Bolton | BL1 2AX Sales Enquiries : T: (01204) 860 194 | E:
inside TRAVEL...
PAGES 25-27
Coach Holidays
2017 BROCHUR OUT NOW E Sunny Sussex Eastbourne
The Garden Isle Isle of Wight
Located on the south coast within the Take a short boat ride across the Solent and discover the historic county of Sussex, lies the elegant seaside Isle of Wight, an island of astounding natural beauty with resort of Eastbourne. Renowned for its top sunshine a variety of attractions to suit all ages. records and award winning beaches, Eastbourne is understandably a popular holiday destination for all. Located on the south east coast of the island, the traditional seaside resort of Shanklin is home to golden sandy beaches With a sprinkling of high street shops, centrally located, and a quaint collection of shops housed in traditional a Victorian pier and a rich history boasting a variety of thatched cottages. It is understandably one of the most castles, museums and galleries, Eastbourne is sure to popular resorts on the island with plenty to entertain. cater for your every need. View Hotel Imperial Hotel Visit us online atOcean Situated in a premier location with an idyllic seaside Located just a stone’s throw away from the promenade position, the charming, well-appointed Ocean View Hotel and band stand, this grand Victorian hotel is full of boasts uninterrupted panoramic views across Sandown character and home to a number of spacious, comfortable IMPERIAL HOTEL POSTCARD.indd 11 Bay. The hotel also offers a large sprung dance floor and bedrooms, all accessible via lifts. provides live entertainment most evenings. Guests are able to unwind in the relaxing lounge area Hotel facilities before an evening meal in the Majestic Restaurant, offering hearty, home cooked food. l All rooms are en-suite with telephone, television and hairdryer Hotel facilities l Free WiFi in Public areas l All rooms are en-suite with telephone, l Premier and sea views rooms available* television and hairdryer l Complimentary tea and coffee in all rooms l Free WiFi in Public areas l Waiter service l Premier rooms available* l Traditional English breakfast l Complimentary tea and coffee in all rooms l Lunch snacks available daily l Waiter service l Licensed bar l Traditional English breakfast l Table d’hôte menu l Lunch snacks available daily l Optional a la carte menu available l Table d’hôte menu l Live entertainment most evenings l Optional a la carte menu available l Ballroom/Dance floor l Live entertainment most evenings l Heated indoor swimming pool l Ballroom/Dance floor l Indoor bowling green, table tennis and snooker room l Two lifts serving all floors l Lift serving all floors l Porterage. l Porterage.
Freephone: 0800 083 9900
Please note that on each floor of the hotel, some steps may need to be negotiated.
Delightful Devon Torquay
Located in the heart of the English Riviera, Torquay is renowned for its mild climate, award winning sandy beaches and secluded coves and has been a popular holiday destination since the early 19th century. With its distinctive European atmosphere, sophisticated environment and beautifully varied scenery, Torquay remains a popular holiday destination. Abbey Lawn Hotel If you’re looking to unwind in style, this elegant Georgian hotel is the place to stay. Located in the grounds of the former Torre Abbey with stunning views of the bay, the Abbey Lawn hotel offers an exceptional standard of comfort throughout. The hotel comprises superb facilities, including a heated indoor swimming pool and a conservatory lounge overlooking the bay, where guests can relax and enjoy a drink. Hotel facilities l All rooms are en-suite with telephone, television and hairdryer l Free WiFi in Public areas l Premier and front facing rooms available* l Complimentary tea and coffee in all rooms l Waiter service l Traditional English breakfast l Lunch snacks available daily l Licensed bar l Table d’hôte menu l Optional a la carte menu available l Live entertainment most evenings l Ballroom/Dance floor l Heated indoor pool l Lift serving all floors l Porterage.
Park Garage, Great Harwood, Blackburn, BB6 7SP
The Robinsons Difference ... • Robinsons own hotels in great locations • Executive coaches with extra legroom • Includes excursions
• • • • •
No single supplements apply* High standard of accommodation Table d’hôte menu Optional a la carte menu available Friendly staff
5 days/4 nights
dinner bed & breakfast PLUS TWO EXCURSIONS
• All holidays bonded for passengers financial protection • Payment in instalments • Home pick-up service available *Robinsons own hotels
FROM £139pp
Includes 4 NIGHTS, DINNER BED & BREAKFAST includes 2 excursions
Includes 4 NIGHTS, DINNER BED & BREAKFAST includes 2 excursions
Includes 4 NIGHTS, DINNER BED & BREAKFAST includes 2 excursions
01 Oct £209 05 Oct £205 09 Oct £199 15 Oct £195 £175 19 Oct £189 £169 23 Oct £185 29 Oct £179 £159
02 Nov £189 06 Nov £189 £169 12 Nov £185 16 Nov £185 20 Nov £179 26 Nov £179 30 Nov £179 £159
01 Oct 05 Oct £205 09 Oct £199 £179 15 Oct £195 £175 19 Oct £189 £169 23 Oct £185 29 Oct £179 £159
02 Nov 06 Nov 12 Nov £185 16 Nov £185 £165 20 Nov £179 £159 26 Nov £179 £159 30 Nov -
01 Oct 05 Oct £205 09 Oct 15 Oct £195 19 Oct £189 £169 23 Oct £185 £165 29 Oct £179 £159
02 Nov £189 £169 06 Nov £189 12 Nov £185 16 Nov £185 £165 20 Nov 26 Nov £179 30 Nov £179 £159
Supplements per person: Premier Room - £20
Supplements per person: Premier Room - £30 / Seaview Room - £10
Supplements per person: Premier Room - £30 / Front Facing Room - £10
Includes 6 NIGHTS, DINNER BED & BREAKFAST includes 2 excursions
Includes 6 NIGHTS, DINNER BED & BREAKFAST includes 2 excursions
WAS NOW 09 Oct 23 Oct
£249 £239
06 Nov £259 20 Nov £259 £239
WAS NOW 09 Oct 23 Oct
£249 £239
06 Nov 20 Nov
Includes 8 NIGHTS, DINNER BED & BREAKFAST includes 2 excursions
Includes 8 NIGHTS, DINNER BED & BREAKFAST includes 2 excursions
01 Oct £309 15 Oct £299 29 Oct £289 £269
12 Nov £309 £289 26 Nov -
01 Oct 15 Oct 29 Oct
£309 £299 -
12 Nov £309 £289 26 Nov -
Includes 6 NIGHTS, DINNER BED & BREAKFAST includes 2 excursions WAS NOW 09 Oct 23 Oct
£249 £239
06 Nov £259 £239 20 Nov £259 £239
9 DAYS Includes 8 NIGHTS, DINNER BED & BREAKFAST includes 2 excursions 01 Oct 15 Oct 29 Oct
£309 £299 £289
12 Nov 26 Nov
£309 £309
Why not celebrate Chistmas & New Year at one of our own hotels? Enjoy a stress free break with plenty of fun and celebrating. Choose from the Isle of Wight, Eastbourne or Torquay
come along and meet new friends lots of activities and entertainment to get to know each other. INCLUDES: WELCOME RECEPTION 2 LOCAL EXCURSIONS
Includes: 4 nights dinner, bed & breakfast 3 resort lunches 1 mystery excursion
23 Dec £399 29 Dec £349
5 DAYS/4 NIGHTS DINNER, BED & BREAKFAST Imperial Hotel Ocean View Abbey Lawn 5th December 12th December
£169 £159
£169 £149 £159 £139
£169 £159
See brochure for programme.
Robinsons Holidays, Park Garage, Great Harwood, Blackburn BB6 7SP
50 Plus Travel
sponsored by
By Jennie Carr from Silver Travel Advisor
Are you, like me, done with airport hassle? I simply cannot stand in another queue at some ungodly hour, shoes off, clutching my trousers as now beltless, whilst trying to grapple my laptop out of my rucksack and pop my lipstick in a plastic bag that’s always too small or won’t close properly! No more can I do it. It is Great Britain for me this year. And upon investigation, there are some seriously good holiday options available. Of course, wall to wall sunshine cannot be guaranteed however one of the many of the things we do so very well in Great
Britain is stoic. How many times have you sat on a beach with small children, wrapped for near Siberian temperatures, only to report, once back home, that it was a cracking holiday and the weather didn’t matter? My children report wearing bobble hats, and not as fashion accessories, on a beach in Yorkshire one August Bank Holiday, it’s done them no harm at all. There is much to do around this island, take a look below!
Self-catering, a British favourite Keeping with the seaside theme, Haven Holidays have 36 sites around
the coast, where you can spend really happy times, taking advantage of the amazing array of activities and facilities on offer. Swimming pools and water features are taken for granted, think spas, golf courses and fishing lakes, as well as restaurants and fun evening entertainment. The accommodation ranges from deluxe tents, even yurts, through mobile homes to chalets and lodges. And if you’d prefer to be in the countryside, then Forest Holidays has 9 locations, where you can immerse yourselves in peace and tranquillity surrounded by woodland, doing just as much or little as you’d like. The beautiful cabins, different designs
and sizes, many with hot tubs and log burners, are dotted amongst the trees, providing a high degree of privacy. A central reception/shop/ restaurant provides a good meeting place and can organise trips, cycling, ranger walks, archery and more!
Escorted Tours and Coach trips, there’s nothing better. Rest assured, the coach trip these days is a fine way to see Great Britain and have a holiday. There’s a plethora of variations on the idea: take a Shearings Holidays coach to the south coast, for example, and stay in a comfortable hotel with daily visits, travel in a luxury mini-bus from Collette around Scotland to see the sights, staying in different hotels each night or join a group with Just Go! Holidays which takes in National Trust properties and gardens with expert guides. Coaches really are high quality and superbly comfortable, letting you truly enjoy the journey wherever you’re going. Tour managers are highly experienced and knowledgeable, which means you have no need to worry about a thing.
Cruising and Boats, for our island nation Fancy a gentle trip along the inland waterways, manning your own narrowboat? ABC Boat Hire will help you access 1500 miles of canals
where you can slow life right down. Or should you prefer to looked after, English Holiday Cruises take their 4* hotel boat, the splendid Edward Elgar, around the Cotswolds Severn Vale for beautiful middle-England journeys. Many of the larger cruise companies voyage around the British coast, some visiting the Channel Islands and Scilly Isles too. Try Cruise & Maritime Voyages for traditional British cruising or Voyages of Discovery for specialist garden visits.
Trains Journeys, an easy way to travel You might be amazed at just how many unique railways there are in Great Britain, from the Settle to Carlisle route or the Bluebell Railway, historic steam trains are an exciting adventure still. Or there are tours around Great Britain by train, allowing you to visit major towns and cities on a Great Rail Journey. Christmas is a superb time to take the train to visit British Christmas markets in luxury with Steam Dreams.
Activity Holidays, to keep you busy Why not explore the Great British countryside on foot with Ramblers Worldwide Holidays? Up hill and down dale in the Lake District if you’re up for a challenge, or in more leisurely fashion, along the
Jurassic coast. Walks are graded so you’ll be able to find what’s right for legs and fitness level. Perhaps you’d like to join a group for a painting, photography, music or yoga holiday, based in friendly country house hotels, where there are lively evenings spent in friendly company. HF Holidays have been providing great activity breaks for over 100 years, so you’ll be in safe hands here.
Hotels, to do just as you please A few days of pampering can surely never go amiss! Head for a Warner Leisure Hotel to down tools and relax,
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with spas, a wealth of activities and fine dining. Holidays by coach are all about treating yourself to some of Great Britain’s loveliest locations, with coastal and countryside breaks, where you can come and go at times that suit you. With so very much to do and see without leaving Great Britain, you really are spoilt for choice! There are holidays here to keep you at home for years. You can find out more about all these holidays, and many others at
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BRITISH & CONTINENTAL DOOR TO DOOR HOLIDAYS, SHORT BREAKS & DAY EXCURSIONS MEMORY LANE is a well established coach company offering a high level of service. Our tour programme offers a wide range of UK and Continental Tours to many destinations and represent good value for money. All our Tour Coaches are air conditioned for your comfort and most tours include admission with hot and cold drinks available. Our Diner Coachers offer extra leg room as they are full size vehicles. The on board hostess will offer morning coffee and lunch on touring days. All service and coaches are of the highest quality.
A weekend of dance daytime tuition and evening dancing till late with special guest on the Saturday.
Departure 7th October
Days Price per Person 3HB £169
Single Supplement £12
Doc Martin’s Cornwall - Rosemundy House Hotel
St Agnes is a picturesque village on the spectacularly beautiful Atlantic coast of Cornwall. Steeped in mining and maritime history the village now contents itself with providing a warm welcome for tourists.
Departure 12th October
Days Price per Person 6HB £399
Single Supplement NIL
Enchanting Sidmouth - The Kingswood & Devoran Hotel Once called the town caught in a timeless charm, which is still true. This beautiful resort is full of Regency charm and architecture, fine gardens, leisurely walks along the seafront and striking red cliffs.
Departure 13th October
Days Price per Person 5HB £379
Single Supplement Will apply
Blackpool Illuminations - Park House Hotel
This hotel has an excellent position on Blackpool’s prestigious North Promenade and is within walking distance to the town centre and all major attractions.
Departure 14th October
Days Price per Person 5HB £275
Single Supplement NIL
Warner Leisure - Holme Lacy House
With a huge range of activities, first class leisure facilities, mouth watering menus and live shows and entertainment every night, a Warner holiday most certainly has it all.
Departure 17th October
Days Price per Person 5HB £369
Single Supplement NIL
Tenby - The Belgrave Hotel - ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGE
Llandudno - Queens Hotel - TURKEY & TINSEL
The Queens Hotel has been in the same family for over 25 years and is ideally situated on the sea front just two minutes walk from the main shopping area.
Departure 4th November
Days Price per Person 4HB £225
21st November
Single Supplement £12 £15
Cumbria - Gilsland Spa - TURKEY & TINSEL
Gilsland Spa has a long and fascinating history. The original hotel was called The Shaw’s Hotel (a tectonic woodland) and was built in the 1740s. In 1972, the property was established at the Gilsland.
Departure 11th November
Days Price per Person 4HB £259
Single Supplement £18
Ludlow - The Feathers Hotel - FESTIVE BREAK
Described by the New York Times as “the most handsome inn in the world” the Feathers Hotel is one of Ludlow’s most popular attractions, just 300 metres from Ludlow Castle.
Departure 13th November
Days Price per Person 5HB £299
Single Supplement NIL
Thursford Christmas Spectacular - BW Le Strange Arms This ultimate Christmas musical experience is simply one of the most exciting Christmas Spectacular shows ever. It is the most popular Christmas show of all time in England.
Departure 13th November
Days Price per Person 4HB £370
Single Supplement NIL
Thursford Christmas Spectacular - Holiday Inn, Norwich Departure 27th November
Days Price per Person 3HB £370
Single Supplement £5
Babbacombe - Anchorage Hotel - TURKEY & TINSEL
The Belgrave hotel stands on the sea front overlooking the south beach and Caldey Island. It has been A warm welcome awaits you at the Anchorage Hotel which is situated in the peaceful Cary Park, a few minutes walk from Babbacombe Downs which overlooks the sea. in the Thomas family for many years and offers us a great all inclusive package of dinner, bed and breakfast with nightly entertainment and a free bar 6-11pm. Packed lunches are provided on two days Departure Days Price per Person Single Supplement and afternoon tea on two days.
Departure 23rd October
Days Price per Person 5 £299
Single Supplement NIL
Bridgwater Carnival - Holiday Inn Taunton
There are up to 50 illuminated floats, each one decorated with 1000’s of lights and they all have a different theme. Most will have dancers on board who will be dresed to suit the theme.
Departure 4th November
Days Price per Person 3HB £189
Single Supplement £20
Departure Destination Date
14th November
Valkenburg - Christmas Markets - Hotel Schaepkens The hotel is surrounded by a picturesque garden in the centre of the historic town of Valkenburg. There is a twice daily happy hour at the bar and live entertainment on some evenings.
Departure 1st December
No. of Days
Days Price per Person 5HB £395
Price Per Person
Single Room Supplement
1st December
Drymen plus Christmas Markets - Winnock Hotel 5HB £296 £60
9th December
Scarborough - Esplanade Hotel 3HB £149 NIL
23rd December
Cumbria - Christmas Package - Gilsland Spa Hotel 5SMA £439 £20
23rd December
Dumfries - Christmas Package - Cairndale Hotel 5SMA £395 £60
Llandudno - Christmas Package - Queens Hotel 5SMA £599 £20
30th December
Cumbria - New Year Package - Gilsland Spa Hotel 4SMA £385 £18
30th December
Dumfries - Hogmanay Package - Cairndale Hotel 4SMA £420 £60
Single Supplement £80
Preview of some of our 2017 tours 2017 BROCHURE COMING SOON! book in our office, or ring and pay with your debit card at no extra charge.
Llandudno - Queens Hotel - Decades Break
The Queens Hotel has been in the same family for over 25 years. This tour includes nightly entertainment plus day excursions.
Departure 13th January
Days Price per Person 4HB £149
27th February
Single Supplement £12 NIL
Torbay - Anchorage Hotel 3HAA - Memory Reunion 2 coaches, including Nightly entertainment and £1 bar par promotion, plus day excursions.
Departure 29th January
Days Price per Person 5HB £149
Single Supplement NIL (limited)
Blackpool - Park House Hotel Half Board plus Sunday Lunch
The weekend starts as we arrive in Cleveleys with time to shop and have lunch. Transferring to Park House Hotel around 3pm followed by dinner and entertainment in the evening. On Saturday morning we visit Fleetwood, with an afternoon free in Blackpool. Tonight’s dinner again will be followed by entertainment. Sunday morning free in town, and lunch is at about 1pm. We then return via the old roads.
Departure 3rd February
Days Price per Person 3HB £139
Single Supplement NIL on allocation
Blackpool - Themed Break on The TS Park House MOCK CRUISE - Park House Hotel
Lots of extras included in the hotel. Great value for money. Includes shorter excursion including a visit to Ossy Mill.
Departure 5th February
Days Price per Person 6HB £269
Tenby - Belgrave Hotel Half Board plus ALL INCLUSIVE Bar
Includes an all inclusive bar each evening, three days with packed lunches and two afternoon teas plus two day excursions.
Departure 19th February
Days Price per Person 5HB £295
Single Supplement NIL on allocation
COTE D’ AZUR - South of France Mediterranean Coast - The Van Der Valk Hotel
Based at The Van Der Valk Hotel St Aygulf, located on the sea front and close to Saint Raphael . This fabulous holiday includes visits and admissions to 3 Seated tickets to the Nice Carnival Flower Parade 3 Seated tickets to the Golden Fruit Parade & entrance to Bioves Gardens 3 Guided tour of the Fragonard Parfumeur 3 Outward sea crossing from Dover Calais and return via North Sea Ferries with low berth cabins & dinner. Overnight stops in Orange and near Dijon both include breakfast and dinner. 3 A quality package throughout.
Departure 22nd February
Days Price per Person 10HB £829
Single Supplement £230
Dryman by Loch Lomand - Winnock Hotel ALL INCLUSIVE on Snow Drop Tour Includes nightly entertainment. A first class package.
Departure 27th February
Days Price per Person 5HB £299
Single Supplement £56
Single Supplement NIL on allocation
Cumbria - Gilsland Spa Hotel - LINE DANCE WEEKEND Full Board plus Sunday Lunch A great weekend with instruction and lots of dancing plus a short excursion on Saturday.
Departure 10th February
Days Price per Person 3FB £185
Single Supplement £12
All tours include: 3 Operated by our Fleet of Modern Vehicles 3 Day excursions 3 Dinner Bed & Breakfast 3 Door to Door Pick ups 3 All Ensuite rooms 3 Entertainment most evenings
For full details and daily itineraries see our brochure or visit our website: Booking hotline: 01942 728 960 Memory Lane Holidays & Travel, Heath Street, Golborne, Warrington WA3 3AD
50 Plus Travel
sponsored by
The Land of the Thunder Dragon What’s the name of a country the size of Switzerland, landlocked too, with a constitutional monarchy, located in South Asia and only recently connected to the internet, where the king insists on measuring Gross National Happiness each year? Oh yes, and visited by the Cambridges in April 2016, with great success.
Where? The answer is indeed, Bhutan: a country bordered in the north by China, and India in the south, west and east. So just a tad inaccessible, and mountainous to boot. It really was pretty closed for centuries and has only recently encouraged tourism, although numbers are somewhat controlled. This is, in part, because the number of pilots licensed to land at Paro airport, Bhutan’s only international airport, was just eight, for some time. Flying in from Kathmandu is recommended as you can see Mount Everest if you sit on the left hand side of the plane. And wherever you come in from, Delhi, Mumbai, Singapore or Bangkok, the landing is almost vertical, after an approach through deep valleys, with towering mountains above.
How? You can only visit as part of a group with a designated local guide, and there’s a daily fee for tourists, so it’s not the place for free-wheeling backpackers. Tourist infrastructure is rudimentary as it’s a new-ish development, so signs are not in English and trails not always well-marked when trekking. Guides take charge and add much to the visitor experience. One of the most popular expeditions is to hike in the central region, through the Himalayan foothills, taking a trip for 3 or 4 days, sleeping in tents, passing through traditional villages and immersing yourself in the pristine natural environment.
Why? This is a country that rewards the visitor time and again: it has been compared
to Shangri-La, the mythical utopia of James Hilton’s 1933 book, Lost Horizon. The way of life is happily traditional, staying the same for centuries, and now the outside world is arriving in the form of tourists, television since 1999 and the internet (still only in Thimphu, the capital): so if you wish to experience authentic Himalayan Buddhism in a living culture before it dies out, this is where to go. Even now, there is inevitable change as this society strives to cope with the influences beamed in by satellite. However, there is no doubt that here, ceremonies, practices and Buddhist culture are still of paramount importance. The monthly festivals held around the country are noisy, colourful and steeped in history, they are full of music and dancing, with ancient stories
enacted and celebrated by dancers in extraordinary masks. Tourists are welcome to be part of all this: the Bhutanese love to share the Tourism Council says. Try archery, but maybe not yak riding! Schoolchildren dress traditionally, in the gho for boys, a knee-length, brightly coloured, belted coat with knee-high socks and smart brogues. For girls, a kira is worn, often a full length skirt and neat jacket, equally brightly coloured. The Duchess of Cambridge wore an approximation of the kira during her visit to Bhutan. What is striking about the people in Bhutan is their love for the king, who they truly revere, the Buddhism that defines them and their general joy in life. The current King’s father, King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, was responsible for introducing the measurement of Gross National Happiness, which considers the individual and society in many ways – economic, religious, communal and cultural. It is an intrinsic part of Bhutan, which gives rise to a unique people, whose principles include no harming others and intense reflection. In each town and city centre is the dzong, a fortress-like buildings that acts as a monastery and administrative centre. It is seen as a symbol of the community and very much part of daily life. They are splendid buildings, said to
have been created by llamas, without formal plans, or use of iton or cement. Even the airport terminal is built in this style. Nature too is astonishing here: the landscape is diverse and dramatic: the plunging valleys are often filled with fast flowing rivers. The wildlife is abundant, with little to have encroached on it and the Buddhist beliefs protecting it. Bengal tigers, red pandas, snow leopards, black bears and takins, the national animal, are just a few of the species to be seen. Many rare birds live here too, making it a birders’ paradise. The climate in the south is subtropical, leading to abundant and lush vegetation, poinsettias grow almost as tall as an adult, whereas in the north it is decidedly chillier, almost polar in fact. This gives rise to real contrasts when travelling around. And just a world about the food, it is not all vegetarian, with chilli cheese (Ema Datshi) being a real favourite locally. Should you choose a homestay with a Bhutanese family, which is a popular tourist option, red rice will be frequently eaten too!
When? There are 4 clear seasons here. Spring is magical for wildlife and acres of mountain flowers, including the famous blue poppy which is the country’s symbol. And in autumn the harvest takes place, so you can really appreciate the agricultural way of life outside the cities. The best time to visit is October to April, which is the dry season. The Tourism Board is keen to encourage visitors from December to February when, whilst cooler, days are bright and sunny, and there are fewer visitors. From June to September, there is rain for 2 or 3 hours a day, and conditions can feel almost like a monsoon.
Who? The Tourism Council recommends Bhutan for everyone who wants a unique experience, beautiful nature, geography and people with perhaps a few spiritual insights along the way. In fact, it employs the phrase ‘Happiness is a place’ to describe the country. Can there be any better recommendation? With many thanks to Amit Verma of Cox & Kings and Damcho Rinzin of the Tourism Council of Bhutan
Cox & Kings offer group and private tours to Bhutan. Visit For reviews on this wonderful country, visit, and type Bhutan into the search box.
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Elaine Paige
Stripped Back WHEN it comes to singer Elaine Paige we think we know her so well – but the reality is that this multi-talented performer constantly surprises her fans. While this year alone she is preparing for a lengthy series of weekend concerts around the country, she also hosts her regular – and very popular – Radio 2 programme on musical theatre and film music each Sunday and earlier this year she starred in a new TV version of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream as part of the Bard’s 400th anniversary celebrations. All of which should really be no surprise as Elaine, now 68, has had one of the most varied and glittering careers of any musical theatre entertainer. Especially for one who has always considered herself an actress rather than a singer.
“I don’t know what I’d do without music in my life.” Growing up in Barnet, North London, young Elaine was actually used to the world of showbiz from quite early on. Her dad was an amateur drummer and his daughter was born possessing quite a voice. To encourage her to be an all-rounder and to gain confidence, her parents sent Elaine to a theatre school although show music had already entered her young life to stay there forever.
It is music, though, which has always figured largely in Elaine’s existence. As she explains now:
She set her sights on a musical career and, after touring in shows, made her West End debut in the then controversial musical Hair as a member of the “tribe” - and thus, at one point, naked.
Various other roles in stage musicals followed but it was when she was chosen for the much-coveted part of Eva Peron in the first stage production of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical Evita that Elaine came to national prominence. “It was an amazing thing, really,” she recalls. “They had searched all over the world for the right person and I was pretty much an unknown then so to take that role was just wonderful. It was a perfect piece for me. For once, even my height (5’ 1”) was right for the role!” This part won her a clutch of awards, including the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Performance in a Musical and, at the age of 30, made Elaine a star. It also kickstarted a remarkable collaboration with Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber during which she played some of their most notable characters, including Grizabella in the original production of Cats. This not only
CELEBRITY INTERVIEW cemented her professional reputation but gave her a Top Ten hit with the iconic song Memory. She had another top-seller with Barbara Dickson in I Know Him So Well from the musical Chess, and enjoyed many wonderful stage appearances in some of the best-known musicals – from Anything Goes and Sunset Boulevard to The King and I and Sweeney Todd. Ask her what her favourite role is and she admits that it’s a difficult choice. “I’ve loved so many of them,” she states. “Evita has to be a favourite because it was so important in my career and because I loved it, but I also loved being in Piaf and in Sunset Boulevard.” She has recorded 18 solo albums – four multi-plantinum and nine consecutive gold awards - and been in seven cast albums, picking up a number of music awards along the way. Her theatre work has brought her a whole cabinet full of awards, including Best Actress in a Musical and a Variety Club Award for Show Business Personality of the Year. She was awarded an OBE in 1995 and given an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters by the University of East Anglia in 2012. Her acting has also been highlighted on several notable occasions. She worked twice with Sir Peter Hall’s Theatre Company in The Misanthrope and Feydeau’s Where There’s A Will and is quick to say how grateful she was for the chance. “Peter saw something in me that others hadn’t and cast me in these productions,” she says. “I so enjoyed them!” While Elaine has long had a high-profile theatre career, she has also become a TV favourite. She’s been a guest on dozens of shows, had her own Sky Arts TV show and also acted in programmes including drama series Lady Killers,Tales of the Unexpected, Agatha Christie’s Marple and Where the Heart Is. She was Mistress Quince in Russell T Davies’ version of A Midsummer’s Night Dream – “which I really enjoyed. It was brilliant seeing Matt Lucas at work and to reacquaint myself with my old friend Bernard Cribbins from Anything Goes.” Last year, Elaine celebrated 50 years in showbusiness with a lengthy tour and, although she prefers not to put herself through such a tough touring schedule anymore, she is looking forward to the series of weekend concerts entitled Stripped Back which start at the beginning of October. These involve her performing her favourite tracks with a small group of musicians in venues from Manchester’s Bridgewater Hall to Cheltenham Town Hall and finishing on December 18 at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane. “It will have a real cross-section of music,” she explained. “I spent my teenage years listening to Cilla, Lulu, Helen Shapiro and Patti LaBelle. There were some wonderful songwriters around then like Randy Newman, Harry Nilsson, the Beatles and Carly Simon so I’ll be singing lots of those
along with plenty of what I call my ‘potboilers’ to keep everyone happy!” She was busy preparing for these concerts when we chatted – “singing every day like I always do to keep my voice strong and trying to fit in playing tennis a couple of times a week.” Elaine particularly enjoys her weekly radio programme, Elaine Paige on Sunday, in which she highlights famous and not so famous musical theatre tracks. The formula is obviously a successful one with more than 2.3 million listeners each week. “I get to play some of my favourite music each week – what better way is there to spend a Sunday?” she laughs. And, as someone who has already had such a long and varied career, are there other areas of entertainment she would still like to do? “Oh, yes,” she asserts. “I’d definitely like to do more drama. But I guess we will just have to wait and see what comes up.” And for the country’s First Lady of Musical Theatre it was then back to rehearsals – and dreams of having a tennis back-hand like Roger Federer’s!
* For more details of Elaine Paige’s Stripped Back weekend concerts go to WWW.50PLUSMAGAZINE.CO.UK
Exhibitions at the
17 Sept - 16 October James Hamilton Hay 1874 -1916 Born in Bridge Street Birkenhead, Hamilton Hay went on to be one of the most exciting of his generation of artists. 17 Sept - 16 October Ian Irvine – I had too much to dream last night
coming next 22 October – 20 November Wirral Society of Arts Wirral Art School Fellows 26 & 27 November Oxton Art Fair
Surprising and surreal collages created by a collision of art and vintage photographs.
Remember Gallery 14 shop sells work by Wirral artists and craftspeople, look out for special Christmas stock.
Williamson Art Gallery & Museum Slatey Road, Birkenhead CH43 4UE 20 0151 652 4177
Only a few mintues from Birkenhead Park Open Wednesday – Sunday 10am – 5pm Closed Monday & Tuesday
Have you visited Birkenhead Priory? The small place with a big history?
A site now wholly enclosed by modern Birkenhead, the Priory has the oldest standing buildings in Merseyside and is usually a haven of tranquillity, until the shipyard next door starts banging! The Undercroft Museum tells the story of the mediaeval Priory and the Chapter House dates back to 1150, still in use as church since St Mary’s parish church closed forty years ago. Upstairs in the Scriptorium is the museum dedicated to HMS Conway, the training ship stationed on the River Mersey off Rock Ferry for many years: this is open by arrangement. St Mary’s Tower offers unrivalled views across the River Mersey to Liverpool; watch the ferry sail in front of the site of its original passage – did you know that for 200 years the Priory of Birkenhead operated the ferry from Birkenhead to Liverpool? Look the other way, across Cammell Laird shipbuilders where ships are regularly in the dock next door, and, on a fine day, you can see all the way to Helsby and Runcorn.
Please note that some areas of the Birkenhead Priory site are only accessible via steps.
Open Wednesday – Friday pm only, Saturday & Sunday all day Closed Monday & Tuesday 21 Telephone (0151) 666 1249 or 652 4177 to check times, which vary with the season.
OUT & ABOUT THE ADDAMS FAMILY Dates: 20th - 22nd October St Pauls Operatic Society presents... The weird and wonderful family comes to devilishly delightful life in THE ADDAMS FAMILY. This magnificently macabre new musical comedy is created by Jersey Boy’s authors Marshall Brickman & Rick Elice. THE ADDAMS FAMILY features an original story, and it’s every father’s nightmare, Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family. A man her parents have never met, and if that were not upsetting enough, she confides in her father and begs him not to tell her mother. All your favourite characters are involved: Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, Uncle Fester, Pugsley, Grandma, Lurch. Performed with a LIVE orchestra and Large Ensemble Cast of Singers and Dancers. Presented by special arrangement with Theatrical Rights Worldwide (TRW) Gladstone Theatre Greendale Rd, Wirral CH62 4XB Box Office: 0151 643 8757
THE FOUR TOPS & THE TEMPTATIONS 21 Oct 2016 to 21 Oct 2016 £45.00 per ticket Motown’s timeless legends The Four Tops and The Temptations have announced a UK tour for October 2016, with special guests Tavares. Echo Arena, Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool, L3 4FP Tel: 0844 8000 400
NORTH WEST FASHION FESTIVAL 22 Oct 2016 to 23 Oct 2016 Tickets £16.50 per ticket The North West Fashion Festival is coming to St George’s Hall! It will showcase some of the most exciting brands and designers based in the Northwest; there will be beauty tips and makeovers from celebrity makeup artists and hair stylists, as well as a range of runway shows and fashion exhibitions. Additionally, there will be the chance to do some serious shopping.
Save the date fashionista’s! Tickets from £16.50 and are available from Ticket Quarter. St George’s Hall, St George’s Place, Lime Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L1 1JJ Tel: 0151 233 3020
PSYCHO: FILM WITH LIVE ORCHESTRA Monday 31 October 2016 7:30pm Anthony Gabriele conductor The sinister motel, that strange young man, the raw terror that lurks behind the shower-curtain – there’s never been a thriller quite as terrifying as Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho… and there’s never been a film score quite like Bernard Herrmann’s: those stabbing violins have been the soundtrack to all our nightmares.
asid A se
xpe ing e p p o h
A traditional market with over 200 stalls. A shopper’s paradise for gifts, clothing and household goods. Bag a bargain today! /FleetwoodMarket
So this halloween, what better way to give yourself the fright of your life than with this big-screen showing at the art-deco Philharmonic Hall, with Herrmann’s score performed live by the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra? Join us if you dare: it’s about to get real… Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, Hope Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L1 9BP Tel: 0151 709 3789
THE ELO EXPERIENCE Saturday 5th November 2016 The ELO Experience are the world’s foremost tribute to The Electric Light Orchestra. With a sensational string section, a stunning light show and large screen projection to further enhance the experience, why not come along and enjoy this incredible show.
Open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday all year round from 9am - 4.30pm Also open all Bank Holidays and Tram Sunday
Southport Theatre, Promenade, Southport, Merseyside, PR9 0DZ Tickets:
RIVER OF LIGHT - FIREWORKS 5th November 2016 Liverpool and Wirral are joining forces on a very special event – and there will be fireworks… For the first year ever, this popular city event will take place on Liverpool’s Waterfront where a mid-river firework display will wow the crowds, with some added extras turning it into one of the most ambitious fireworks events in the country.
Victoria Street / Adelaide Street, Fleetwood, Lancashire FY7 6AB Tel: 01253 887651
Fireworks will be viewed from both sides of the Mersey making the event more accessible than ever. Star Fireworks, one of the most successful and experienced firework display companies in Europe and the current British Fireworks Champion of Champions, have been awarded the contract to deliver the show.
QUEEN EXTRAVAGANZA Sunday 6th November 2016 Created and produced by Queen’s Roger Taylor, the Queen Extravaganza returns to the UK to play a special tour celebrating the 40th anniversary of Queen’s iconic album, A Night At The Opera, long viewed as one of the greatest rock albums of all time. Empire Theatre, Lime Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L1 1JE Tel: 0844 871 3017
THE FULL MONTY 7 Nov 2016 - 12 Nov 2016 Based on his smash hit film and adapted for the stage by Oscar-winning writer Simon Beaufoy, this hilarious and heartfelt production stars Gary Lucy, Andrew Dunn, Louis Emerick, Chris Fountain, Anthony Lewis, Kai Owen and a cast of fourteen and is directed by Jack Ryder. Empire Theatre, Lime Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L1 1JE Tel: 0844 871 3017
ROD STEWART 12 Nov 2016 and 18 Dec 2016 Rod Stewart will start his UK arena tour on Saturday 12 November in Liverpool, performing his biggest hits from 1970 to 2016. The ‘From Gasoline Alley to Another Country Hits 2016 will give fans the chance to see him perform a set of both classics and new hits including ‘You Wear It Well’, ‘Maggie May’, ‘Da Ya Think I’m Sexy’, ‘Baby Jane’, ‘The First Cut is the Deepest’, ‘I Don’t Want To Talk About It’, and ‘Tonight’s The Night’. Not only that, he will play his hits off his most recent platinum-selling albums ‘Time’ and ‘Another Country’. Speaking about his UK tour, Rod commented “What a great line-up of venues. These are some of my favourite buildings in my favourite cities. I give you fair warning – fasten your seat belts. I’m pulling out all the stops!”. Rod Stewart is one of the best selling artists in the history of recorded music, with over 200 million records sold worldwide. His signature voice, style and haircut have transcended all genres of popular music, from rock & roll, new wave and even tackling the Great American Song Book; making him one of the few stars to enjoy continued success over five decades. He has garnered two inductions into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and won countless awards including a Grammy and the ASCAP Founders Award for songwriting. Rod Stewart is sure to enjoy many more years of success in the studio and on the stage alike. Echo Arena, Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool, Merseyside, L3 4FP Tel: 0844 8000 400
£8.95 ADULTS £12.95 £35.00 GROUP OF 5 £40.00
0844 256 1111
(24 hr booking, fees may apply)
O LY M P I A , W I N T E R GA R D E N S , B L AC K P O O L
02/05/2016 11:44
OUT & ABOUT Comic Potential
Wednesday 16th Saturday 19th November
Thursday 17th to Sunday 20th November 2016
In the not too distant future in a television studio, has-been Hollywood director Chandler Tate is directing a hospital soap opera, using actoids, or acting robots, instead of live actors. One of them, Jacie Triplethree, has been wrongly programmed and starts to display some human emotions. Enter Adam Trainsmith, the studio boss’ nephew, a budding comedy writer who wants to create a new show for Jacie. However, studio manager Carla Pepperbloom plans to kill off the entire project and to have Jacie reprogrammed. Jacie and Adam decide to make a mad dash for freedom and make a life in the outside world, with hilarious results.
Make Christmas 2016 one that your whole family will remember. book a visit to WHITE CHRISTMAS, THE MUSICAL and start the festive season in Broadway style! It’s a must-see classic, now as a lavish new musical that the New York Times says to “put on your wish list.”
A stunning re-creation of one of the most popular and longest running bands in rock history. When Rumours Of Fleetwood Mac hit the stage, Fleetwood Mac comes to life! ‘An extraordinary emotive performance of Fleetwood Mac’ (Mick Fleetwood)
Empire Theatre, Lime Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L1 1JE Tickets:
Southport Theatre, Promenade, Southport, Merseyside, PR9 0DZ Tickets:
Drawing on many comic influences, from Pygmalion through to the silent comedy of Buster Keaton, with trips, double takes and even a custard pie routine, Comic Potential is one of the funniest and most inventive plays by Alan Ayckbourn, Britain’s grandmaster of comedy.
Saturday 19th November 2016 Rob Kingsley is now recognized as the top Elvis Tribute Artist in Europe by winning the 2008 European Championship at Europe’s Largest Competition. Rob is a world class entertainer, with numerous successful performances all over the world to his credit, including Radio and TV appearances. Southport Theatre, Promenade, Southport, Merseyside, PR9 0DZ Tickets:
Thursday 24th November 2016 Returning by huge popular demand, for one night only. Seven legendary names take to the stage and deliver to you a night never to be forgotten. With the definite feel good factor this is must see 60 ‘ s show for 2016. Empire Theatre, Lime Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L1 1JE Tickets:
It is one of his funniest and most inventive plays, and was a huge success in both London and on Broadway, for which Janie Dee won an Olivier Best Actress award for playing Jacie. “Comic Potential hurts you with the sheer exuberance of its laughter and liberates you with its seriousness.” - The Sunday Times Gladstone Theatre Greendale Rd, Wirral CH62 4XB Box Office: 0151 643 8757
THE LANTERNS AT CHESTER ZOO Watch your children’s eyes light up and their imagination run wild.
Timed admissions are available between 4pm and 7.30pm on limited dates: • 25-27 November • 2 & 3 December • 9-11 December • 16-23 December In its fifth year at Chester Zoo, this year’s event is even more magical and a favourite in the Chester Zoo calendar. Your favourite animal lanterns are back for another year plus more NEW characters and lanterns to enjoy. Take the zebra crossing through a constellation of stars and stroll through
the enchanted forest where you’ll meet our colourful festive characters and catch a glimpse of Santa on his sleigh – the perfect Christmas outing for all generations. The Lanterns at Chester Zoo is designed and performed by The Lantern Company, creators of spectacular illuminated events across the world, for audiences of all ages. The Lanterns is always very popular so we recommend that you book early to avoid disappointment. Chester Zoo, Upton-by-Chester, Chester, CH2 1LH
HOME ORANGERIES. There are plenty of trustworthy companies dotted around the country but try to get one referred locally whose work you can view first. Many installers actually have examples of their work onsite or may suggest homes where they can be viewed. It’s definitely worth seeing what they can do first, and talking to current owners about long-term satisfaction.
HOME LIFE Have you noticed how more and more of us are homebased as our lives unfold? In fact, there has never been an easier time to enjoy life at home, all underpinned by the latest technology, gadgets and services that encourage us to make the most of our lives. But, how do you make your life at home happier, healthier and easier? Well, reviewing your lifestyle and deciding how to improve it is an excellent start. Begin with your HOME itself. Is it too big or too small? Maybe it has outgrown your family’s needs now that your children are adults. Although grandchildren may come to stay for some weekends, it’s likely that you may not need a house with
all the accommodation you had when their parents were young. You may have quite the reverse of this problem and want to EXTEND your home with extra rooms, perhaps as a sewing room, a gym or a spacious TV room. If you need a reliable builder either get someone you know who has had work done to refer theirs (and see the work in situ first) or to find local builders go to the websites of either the Federation of Master Builders at or the National Federation of Builders at The same principle applies to CONSERVATORIES or
HOME ENTERTAINMENT has never been more diverse, or accessible. The latest Smart TVs access apps like BBC iPlayer, stream films on Netflix or surf websites on the big screen. There are Blu-ray players sound bars and laptops all offering programmes and films in your own home and to the highest specs of sound and vision. Or opt for a home cinema system and bring the latest films right into your living room. The choice on the high street is endless but a good place to go for impartial reviews of what is on offer before you buy is Which? magazine on Now may be the right time to invest in a new KITCHEN or to modernise your current one with better units or a revamp on doors and the latest handles. It’s surprising just how modern a kitchen can look with small improvements although there is nothing to beat the sheer style of a brand new kitchen with the latest streamlined and built-in units. We all spend a large proportion of our lives in the kitchen and for many it’s the heart of the home so it’s worth getting it just right. Open up dark spaces with bright paintwork and new window blinds. Invest in some new, comfortable
Have you, for example, got a small TV in the kitchen? Even this addition to kitchen life alters every task you do and encourages you to spend more time there – perhaps emulating TV’s MasterChef and trying out new cookery ideas!
kitchen furniture to make mealtimes or just reading a pleasure.
If you’ve had the same bathroom for many years, you will be amazed at what contemporary styles and fitments are now on offer.
Kitchen appliances have never been more user-friendly. Even kitchen sinks and taps are designed to make life as easy as possible and the latest gadgets make every task – from peeling and slicing to boiling and frying – as easy as can be.
DECORATING rooms not only brightens them up but gives them a new lease of life that can make an under-used room suddenly somewhere you want to sit or work. Use lighter shades to open up dingy hallways and add mirrors to maximise space – a trick you can use all over your home.
Take a fresh look at your FURNITURE. Is it dowdy and past its best? If your sofa is looking a little threadbare or your dining table and chairs scuffed and well-used, it’s definitely worth investigating buying new ones.
HOME bedding can blend in with your new décor and add to that somnolent atmosphere. You may feel that you want to enjoy your GARDEN far more now that you have the time to make the most of it. Getting in an expert to re-design your garden isn’t as expensive as you might think or you can get advice from your local garden centre on creating new areas in which to sit or even work. A new patio or wooden decking can make all the difference to gardens of all sizes, as can the latest garden furniture, a new shed or greenhouse or perhaps a hot tub to take advantage of the outdoors while staying warm and cosseted in the warm, bubbling water. Just fitting new covers for a three-piece suite can make all the difference, although the latest furniture designs span every sort of décor, from ultra modern to comfortable traditional. And with new furniture you will need to realistically assess your curtains and blinds. New additions here to complement any new furniture or decorating can make that special difference that easily give a room the “wow” factor.
Often, it’s not the big differences but the small ones that make our lives more enjoyable on a daily basis – and promote a sense of wellbeing that makes us smile every day.
Could your BATHROOM do with upgrading? If you’ve had the same bathroom for many years, you will be amazed at what contemporary styles and fitments are now on offer. Large tubs, free-standing taps, walk-in showers and clever storage space ideas are all on view at your local suppliers once you start looking at what’s available. The whole concept these days is built around making bathrooms use not only functional but relaxing and stress-free, and even small alterations can move towards this. We spend large parts of our lives in our BEDROOMS so this might be just the right time to improve yours. Beds have never been more varied or dedicated to your comfort with Memory Foam mattresses that mould to your body shape, supporting and ensuring a better night’s sleep. Décor and lighting can be geared to enhancing that relaxation and toning
HOME COMFORTS C h icken cor d on bleu It’s ham, cheese and chicken: that’s all. It’s a simple dish, but like many things in life, the simplest are the best. Cook the escalope in plenty of butter, not oil. By the time the butter is nut- brown, the chicken should be ready to turn over and cook on the other side. You need to allow the middle to become hot, to melt the cheese inside.
Serves 4 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts 175g Emmental cheese, cut into 8 chunks 4 good-quality thick ham slices 75g plain flour 3 eggs, lightly beaten 150g panko breadcrumbs sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 150g unsalted butter 300g French beans, trimmed 25g flaked almonds
Cut the chicken breasts in half widthways nearly all the way through then open out to a heart shape. Lay a large piece of clingfilm on a work surface, and place the chicken on top. Cover with another sheet of clingfilm and gently bat out with a rolling pin until about double the size and 1cm thick. Remove the clingfilm and lay two pieces of cheese over one half of each chicken breast, then fold the ham on top. Fold the other half of the chicken over to enclose the cheese and ham, and press down lightly. Place the flour, eggs and breadcrumbs in separate bowls, each big enough to take a chicken breast. Season the flour and eggs with salt and pepper, then pass the chicken first through the flour, then the eggs, then the breadcrumbs, coating fully. Put 125g of the butter into a large frying pan and set over a medium heat. When the butter is just melted, add the chicken and cook for 4–5 minutes on one side until the butter is golden brown, then turn and cook for another 4–5 minutes. Baste the chicken with the
melted butter as it cooks, keeping it over a medium heat. You don’t want the butter or breadcrumbs to burn, and you want the chicken to be cooked all the way through and the cheese melted. Bring a pan of salted water to the boil. Add the beans and cook for 3–4 minutes until just tender, then drain. Put the pan back on the heat and add the last of the butter and the flaked almonds. Heat until the butter is melted, then toss the beans into the butter and warm through. Season well. Serve the chicken with the beans alongside.
O y ster an d seafoo d pie wit h samp h ire I don’t know that ‘posh’ is the right word for this really, as although it uses oysters and lobster, you can get hold of both of these easily nowadays. It does use a fair bit of champagne, but you can always use prosecco instead. The grated potatoes make a great topping – just give them a thorough squeeze to remove any excess water. Serves 4–6 140g unsalted butter 2 heaped tablespoons plain flour 600ml double cream 350ml champagne sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 500g salmon, boneless and skinless, cut into chunks 400g smoked haddock, boneless and skinless, cut into chunks 1kg cooked lobster, shelled and cut into chunks 8 oysters, shucked 350g raw king prawns, shelled and deveined 100g samphire 1kg white potatoes, peeled and coarsely grated 3 egg yolks 200g frozen peas
Preheat the oven to 220°C/425°F/gas mark 7. Put 75g of the butter into a saucepan and heat until melted, then add the flour and cook for 2 minutes until thickened and light golden-brown.
Put the grated potato into a clean tea towel and squeeze all the liquid from it. Place in a bowl. Melt 50g of the remaining butter in a saucepan, then mix with the potato and egg yolks and plenty of salt and black pepper.
Add the cream gradually, whisking all the time, and cook until thickened and smooth. Pour the champagne in a steady stream into the sauce, still whisking all the time, until thick enough to coat the back of a spoon, then season to taste with salt and pepper.
Sprinkle over the top of the fish, then place on a baking sheet in the oven and bake for 30 minutes until golden and hot through. Bring a pan of salted water to the boil, add the peas and cook for 2–3 minutes until tender. Drain and return to the pan, add the remaining butter and season to taste. Serve with the fish pie.
Place the salmon, smoked haddock, lobster, oysters, prawns and samphire in a large ovenproof dish. Pour the sauce over the top to coat everything.
More Home Comforts by James Martin (Quadrille £20) Photography: Peter Cassidy
Antonio Carluccio’s PASTA Antonio Carluccio shares his love of Italy’s favourite food, providing innovative and exciting recipes. Here we share three from the ultimate book on pasta from the master of Italian cookery!
Minestrone di Verdure Vegetable and Pasta Soup This version of minestrone is influenced by those served in Lombardy and Liguria, but you will find similar soups – and some surprisingly different kinds – throughout the country. Most minestroni use bits and pieces of vegetables left in the fridge, such as courgette, aubergine, carrot, celery, cabbage, quartered Brussels sprouts, etc. You could add some potatoes as well, to add thickness.
SERVES 4 4 tbsp olive oil 1 garlic clove, peeled and finely chopped 1 onion, peeled and finely chopped 2 litres chicken or beef stock about 1kg vegetables (see above), prepared and cubed 150g dried tubettini pasta 1 x 400g can borlotti beans, drained 3 tbsp fresh pesto salt and pepper, to taste 40g Parmesan, freshly grated
Put the oil in a pan and fry the garlic and onion for a few minutes. Add the stock and prepared vegetables, and cook for about 12 minutes. Add the pasta and drained beans, and cook until tender, about another 6–7 minutes, then remove from the heat.
ALTERNATIVES If you don’t want to have a vegetarian soup, you could add some Parma ham, prosciutto, cooked ham or bacon chunks. You could also use rice instead of pasta, or any other shape of pasta.
Mix in the pesto and salt and pepper to taste, and heat very gently. Serve straightaway, sprinkled with Parmesan.
Culurgiones ~ Plaited Sardinian Ravioli Every region has some sort of stuffed pasta on the menu, which is often made in order to use up leftovers. Sardinia has a different kind of stuffed pasta, a so-called raviolo whose filling can vary from potato to cheese. Also known as culurzones (and a number of other names), these ravioli even look different from those of other regions. They are delightful anyway, despite the fact that a little more work is involved.
SERVES 4 fresh egg pasta salt and pepper, to taste 60g pecorino cheese, freshly grated FILLING 30g unsalted butter 200g spinach, blanched, squeezed dry and finely chopped 300g fresh ricotta cheese 2 medium eggs, beaten 80g pecorino cheese, freshly grated 1 sachet powdered saffron a pinch of ground cinnamon SAUCE 50ml olive oil 1 small onion, peeled and finely sliced 120g minced beef 120g lean minced pork 50ml dry Vernaccia white wine 500g canned crushed tomatoes 2 tbsp finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley 1 tbsp finely chopped fresh sage leaves
Make the filling by melting the butter in a wide pan, and frying the dry squeezed spinach for a few minutes. Let it cool, then add the ricotta, beaten eggs, grated pecorino, saffron and the cinnamon. Season with salt and pepper to taste, and work everything thoroughly together to a well-mixed paste.
the tomatoes, parsley and sage. Cook slowly for 30 minutes, then taste for salt and pepper.
Meanwhile, make the sauce. First of all, heat the oil in a large saucepan and fry the onion for about 5 minutes to soften. Add the two meats and brown a little, about 5 minutes, then add the Vernaccia followed by
Cook the pasta in plenty of boiling salted water for 4 minutes or until al dente. Drain, mix with the sauce and serve sprinkled with pecorino.
Meanwhile, roll the pasta dough out thinly, by hand or machine, to 1mm thickness, and cut into 8cm circles. Make and fill the culurgiones .
Pasta by Antonio Carluccio (Quadrille ÂŁ10) Photography: Laura Edwards
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What is a Clinical Dental Technician? A Clinical Dental Technician (CDT) is a qualified dental technician that has under gone further Education and Training in areas such as Medical Emergencies, Cross Infection Control and Oral Pathology (cancers and anomalies) to name just a few sections that make up the Diploma in Clinical Dental Technology as Awarded by the Royal Collage of Surgeons (RCS).
Dentures, like most things, have a limited lifespan; usually around 5-7 years. After this period of time the denture can start to offer inadequate facial support, which can leave cheeks looking sunken and withered as well as lips appearing excessively wrinkled. New dentures can reduce these age related features by supporting the facial tissues without making the teeth looking large and protruded. DENTURE Solutions fully understands the daily problems that wearing a denture can create.
Its clinical technician, Andrew Corlett (CDT, RCS (Eng)) and It is this qualification that allows the clinician at Denture nurse Adele aim to provide a complete professional denture Solutions to be able to be registered and regulated with service, with discreet care and understanding of what your the General Dental Council (the official body for protecting needs and expectations are. the public with regards to dentistry) and carry indemnity insurance. It is this qualification, which means that only Dentists and Clinical Dental Technicians are the Before After only Dental Professionals permitted to supply dentures direct to the public. A dental technician is not qualified to supply a denture directly to the public. However, despite this being an act of Mal practice many technicians will still practice illegally without informing the patient that they are not qualified. If you are unsure if your denture provider is qualified; ask them for their GDC Mrs Graham from Waterloo registration number, then contact the “When I first saw Mr Corlett’s ad, regarding his dental clinic, I was interested, but also GDC to see if they are registered not anxious, as I had not heard of him before. However at my first consultation I realised my just as a dental technician but as a anxiety was not necessary. We discussed what I needed and what would be best for me. CDT. The end result is a perfect set of the most comfortable dentures I have ever had.”
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to the current office as many of our current clients travel from Formby, Hightown and the surrounding areas to use our services.
As an evolving modern family business, Barrington Funeral Service has its roots firmly planted in tradition. For over 60 years Barringtons has enjoyed serving the community, helping families and supporting those in need. From humble beginnings at the family home of Bill Barrington– a mechanic by trade with his two sons, to our main office today on Crosby Road North, Waterloo. The work we do differs every single day as we look after each new family walking through our door. Losing a family member, friend or any relative can be traumatic, emotional and often quite frightening.
It’s our aim to listen, understand and provide help in any and every way possible to create a funeral service around that family and loved ones which is personal and relevant every time. As a family run business, now led by David and Claire our ethos is to provide a strong caring team, fully trained to always show respect, dignity with good value at our core. After over 8 years at our main office we can now look forward to opening our second branch in Formby, Autumn 2016. This will be a natural extension
Barrington’s likes to maintain value which means our prices are kept competitive and do not always increase year after year. There is open opportunity to pop-in anytime and discuss any arrangements, talk about funeral wishes or gather some further information regarding pre-paid funerals. Currently we are the only Funeral Directors for the whole of Merseyside to be listed in the Good Funeral Guide – a publication listing a selection of funeral companies UK wide who pride themselves on excellent customer service. Their aim is to “show a family how to make good choices, get best value for money, find the best suppliers of services and merchandise and create a funeral you’re proud of.” We continue to work with the Natural Death Centre, Greenacres Woodland Burial Ground and develop our community links. Most recently we have sponsored a children’s book called ‘It’s not fair’ which was written to help children understand bereavement more. Children can often become excluded from the involvement around a funeral service – we are more than happy to guide families on how to talk and involve smaller members of the family who have lost someone important in their lives.
“As a family run funeral business we are committed to traditional values and high standards, this said, we
aim to provide every kind of funeral service - green/eco services, modern memorial tributes or simple direct cremations. We aim to ensure every funeral is relevant and completely personal” When you suffer a bereavement, organising a funeral can be a daunting task. Everything your family and friends ever thought about a loved one is expressed on that day. When someone dies it comes as a great shock. Sometimes the death may be expected, but nothing prepares you for the emotional shock of losing somebody close to you. We are dedicated professional Funeral Directors based in north Liverpool who provide a personal service to you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We are here to help and advise in any way we can. We have a small but dedicated team, including a female funeral director, who will look after your every request. All funerals are bespoke and we can help as much as you need us to.
There are many ways to make a funeral service special and memorable, many of these cost little or nothing at all. If you would like any further information or have any questions that you need answering, please call or drop into to see us.
For more information and guidance please send an email to: If you would rather speak to somebody please call 0151 928 1625 and we will be happy to help. You can also call in at the office: 28 Crosby Road North, Waterloo, Liverpool, L22 4QF Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 9.30am -5pm (any other time call 0151 928 1625). The kettle is always on!
independent funeral director makes perfect sense A funeral plan Ask for more information today from your local independent funeral Call FD’S Tel Number The pricemakes of funerals, like everything else, keeps rising. That’s why it director perfect sense
What’s in a name? We at Funeral Director’s Name have a wealth of knowledge and experience in funeral planning.
Funeral Director’s Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3, Postcode.
n a name? When you take out a funeral plan from us, you’ll benefit from: • Protection against rising funeral costs • Reassurance for your loved ones • Flexible ways to pay • A local, personal service
is more important than ever to be planning ahead and preparing for We at Barringtons Independent our future. More than a million people in the UK have taken out a Funeral Services have a wealth of knowledge and funeral plan; however, do you really know who is going to be experience in funeral planning. carrying out your funeral when the time comes? The UK’s largest independent funeral plan provider
To find out more about Golden Charter Funeral Plans from Funeral Director’s Name, please return this coupon, phone us, or call in. Mr / Mrs / Ms
out a funeral plan from us, you’ll benefit from: thing else, keeps rising. That’s whyWhen it you takeagainst Protection rising funeral costs A funeral plan from your local independent funeral <FD Name> is committed to upholding professional Reassurance for your loved ones be planning ahead for director makes perfectand sense.preparing <FD Name> is a truly standards and providing both traditional and Flexible ways to pay independent, familyhave run business the contemporary services. They are not distracted or people in the UK takenwhich outhasa served A local, personal service <FDarea> for years. Many independents have sold out bound by corporate rules meaning that they can eally toknow who is going toto be national chains who continue trade under the former concentrate on providing the personal service that Here’s how the plans compare the time comes? name. With so many independent firms being purchased you and your family can count on.
Use of data: Both Golden Charter and the Funeral Director may use your details including your email address to keep
informed about other products and services. If you would prefer not to receive this information, please tick here: lyou Golden Charter and the Funeral Director respect your privacy and will not share your personal data with any third parties.
and run by these large conglomerates, it’s reassuring to The funeral know that you’ll bedirector’s cared fortobyupholding aservices family run firm. <FD Name> is committed professional
If you would like to find out more about funeral
standards and providing both traditional guaranteed within your plan:and planning with a local independent funeral Local funeral directors proud areor made from £2995 from £3350 from £3630 contemporary services.are They arethat notdecisions distracted director, visit us today at <addressdetails> locally, within the communities they serve, making it easier meaning that they can bound byand corporate Advice guidance onrules all aspects of the funeral <addressdetails> <addressdetails> forarrangements them to offer suitable services and prices while concentrate on providing the personal service that maintaining choice and personal service. or call us on <FDnumber>. on thefamily certification registration you Advice and your canand count on. of the
4 4
death and related documentation
4 4
4 4
4 local 4 A funeral plan from your 4 4 4 independent funeral 4director 4 4 4 makes perfect sense 7
The coffin If you would like to find out more about funeral A simple coffin Transportation of the deceased to a suitable resting place normal planning with a local independent funeral within a 15 mile radius office hours During director, visit us today at <addressdetails> Care of the deceased prior to burial or cremation (excludes embalming) 4 <addressdetails> <addressdetails> Use of a chapel of rest or service rooms 4 or call us on <FDnumber>.
A high quality coffin
A superior coffin
A hearse to a local cemetery or crematorium
from your local funeral director t sense
Limousines Family viewing during office hours
We at Funeral Director’s Name have a today A list provided to the family of mourners who sent flowers 7 Ask for more7information 7 wealth of knowledge and experience in Confidential assistance with bereavement Bereavement Line 1, advice Funeral Director’s 4Name, Address4 counselling, funeralif required planning. When you take out a funeral plan from us, you’ll benefit from:
Optional benefits: • Protection against rising funeral costs
• Reassurance for your loved ones Professionally drafted Will
• Flexible ways to pay •A local, personal service An allowance towards third party costs at the time
of the funeral Ask for more information today
Ask for more information today
Funeral Director’s Name, Address Line 1, Barringtons Independent Funeral Services Address Line 2, Address Line 3, Postcode. 28 Crosby Road North, Liverpool
L22 4QF Call FD’S Tel Number
0151 928 1625
Address Line 2, Address Line 3, Postcode.
Call FD’S Tel Number 4 4 4 4 4 4 The UK’s largest independent funeral plan provider
To find out more about Golden Charter Funeral Plans from To find out more about Golden Charter Funeral Plans from Funeral Barringtons Independent Funeral Services, please return Director’s Name, please return this coupon, phone us, or call in. this coupon, phone us or call in. Mr / Mrs / Ms
Tel no:
The UK’s largest independent funeral plan provider
Use of data: Both Golden Charter and the Funeral Director may use your details including your email address to keep you informed about other products and services. If you would prefer not to receive this information, please tick here: Golden Charter and the Funeral Director respect your privacy and will not share your personal data with any third parties.
To find out more about Golden Charter Funeral Plans from Funeral Director’s Name, please return this coupon, phone us, or call in.
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MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR GARDEN WE all try to enjoy our gardens until the very last days of Summer but planning ahead is as important as planting ahead when it comes to making the most of gardens every year. And, as the Summer winds to a close, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not only a good time to continue getting the most from your little piece of rural England but also to consider how you can improve your garden to enjoy all over again in 2017.
You might want to call in an expert to help with a garden design or pop into your local garden centre for advice. Much, of course, depends on the type of garden you have in the first place.
City gardens have to tick all the boxes â&#x20AC;&#x201C; providing an outdoor space for planting, relaxation, play and entertaining. But you may have only a small area for this so most urban gardens have to be functional spaces or plant-filled havens to help escape city life. The Royal Horticultural Society recommends minimal designs and repeated patterns for maximum effect. Wildlife-friendly gardens feature plants and structures that attract native wildlife like birds, beneficial insects and small mammals. Log piles, hedgehog boxes and bee hotels are among the ideas to help accomplish this.
GARDEN Mediterranean gardens take their inspiration from the shrubby vegetation of the hot, dry climates of the south of France, Italy and Spain. Here, gravel is often used between areas of drought-tolerant plants like lavender, olive trees, rosemary and vines. Contemporary gardens feature clean lines and clever use of space without fussy detail or clutter. Stone, slate and wood are ideal here, along with clipped hedges, specimen trees and simple blocks of planting. Think minimalist. Formal gardens offer a balanced design symmetry and a clear floor plan, and cottage gardens need abundant planting that spills over onto narrow pathways to provide masses of colour and scented flowers. Containers can add seasonal colour to any type of garden. Use them for shrubs, bulbs or annuals or topiary. Many pots are also ideal for growing fruit and vegetables, especially for beginners in this practical field. A cluster of colourful pots can brighten up a patio. Garden centres are great places to look for good-value pots and other types of containers – along with giving you useful gardening advice generally – but using old sinks, chimney pots or even big, old saucepans can offer a quirky, personalised look to your garden. A visit to any sales of garden furniture will also help you plan ahead for your own Great Outdoors next year. There are all types of garden furniture available, from wrought iron tables and chairs to hardy raffia couches and loungers, wooden benches and more modern shapes to suit your own style. Fortunately, browsing through garden catalogues is pleasing at any time of
the year but particularly in the Winter when thoughts of getting out in the garden once more cheer us up! Place a bench at the end of your garden to help “draw” you into your outdoor space, and consider having decking in your garden. A well-planned decking area offers that lovely spot to sit and eat, entertain guests or just regularly enjoy the fresh air with family and friends. Tiered decking with railings around it, for example, provides a fascinating central feature for any reasonablesized garden. And consider painting your decking in vibrant colours if you feel your garden needs a quick brightener. An area of grassed lawn is still a very pleasing sight for many of us and even mowing – thanks to the latest light and effective lawnmowers – isn’t a major chore or too difficult a price to pay. However, sometimes as we get older, trying to regularly mow a large or difficult to access area
becomes just too much so it could be worth thinking about alternatives. Artificial grass has come a very long way from the rather unattractive carpet-like product it once was. Today’s artificial lawns are not only beautiful and very natural-looking but also feel great to the touch and are very hardwearing. They can be both children-proof and pet-friendly so it’s definitely worth an enquiry. Check out someone else’s garden where they have had artificial grass if you can and you could be pleasantly surprised. If you have the space – and the budget – how about your own swimming pool? They come in all shapes and sizes to allow you to exercise in the heated waters anytime you want to, or just to chill and swim casually. They’re always popular with children and on the hottest days of our British Summers they’re an ideal place to cool off and really enhance that time in your garden.
Our highly qualified and caring team are here to help with the following services:
Dementia Care Education, Training, Employment Home Care and Support Individual and Day Support Intermediate Care Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing Reablement Residential Short Stay Shared Lives For further information contact: New Directions, The Investment Centre, 375 Stanley Road, Bootle L20 3EF Email: quoting reference 50plus0916 Tel: 0151 934 2572
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Tree Weekend Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th December Huge range of fresh-cut trees, stands and Christmas decorations. Christmas tree delivery service Fresh made to order wreaths Mulled wine & mince pies Carol singers
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