3 minute read
As an extremely active 83-yearold, Jack Morris has undergone life-changing, dental implant treatment that has given him the smile he has always wanted.
Jack has also seen the benefits to his health and confidence too – and it’s all thanks to the professionals at Renovo Dental. Seeking specialist dental treatment, patients throughout the UK travel to the new, Ribble Valley-based Renovo Dental, where there is a top team of dental specialists, in-house dental technicians and general practitioners working with some of the very latest state-of-the-art technology.
After wearing loose dentures for several years and being advised on numerous occasions there was insufficient bone for dental implants, Jack felt he had come to the end of the road in his attempts to resolve the problem.
But when he asked for a consultation with the team at Renovo Dental, he began to see light at the end of the tunnel, as he explains: “I had lost my upper teeth at quite an early

Dr Usman Riaz of Renovo Dental, having undergone implants with him almost a decade ago.
“She was highly pleased with her implants,” says Jack. “I had always been told that I had insufficient bone to have implants and that it would be too complex – I wasn’t making any progress in improving the situation so I asked Shirley if Usman would see me for an assessment.”
Usman, a highly experienced clinician with a special interest in aesthetic and implant dentistry, readily agreed to see Jack, who went along to the beautifully restored Renovo surgery in the village of Chatburn: “Usman carried out the assessment – and while he said implants would be quite complex, he said it was possible.”

Usman explains: “Jack had been told that implants just weren’t possible, but he persevered. He was struggling with loose fitting, partial dentures and was finding it difficult to eat.

“During the initial assessment a CT scan was done and yes, it revealed Jack didn’t have sufficient bone. So, we agreed that bone grafting was the solution.”
Bone grafting was performed to replace destroyed bone surrounding the teeth roots. The bone graft then helped to serve as a platform for the regrowth of natural bone.
Testament to their skills, the team at Renovo, carried out the bone graft procedure in the same visit as the implant placements.
“The team at Renovo have been superb! I can’t recommend them highly enough. They treat you as a client with total respect –you’re not just a number.
“All the staff are so reassuring. It’s made a terrific difference to my life,” says Jack, who spends time with Shirley in Tenerife each year. “I can now eat okay – and I like my food!” says the former award-winning Bolton butcher.
Speaking about Jack’s treatment, Usman adds: “Jack is a really sociable guy, prominent in the community and resolving his dental problems was a big thing for him. It wasn’t just about aesthetics it was a functional issue that was affecting his quality of life.” we FIRST MeT JAck eARLIeR ThIS yeAR ANd INFORMed hIM hOw NOT ONLy hOw we cOuLd heLp, buT we cOuLd gIve JAck The SMILe he ALwAyS wANTed…
As a brand-new clinic, Renovo has invested in the latest digital dental technology, including a state-of-the-art CT scanner which allows the team to plan and perform very precise implant surgery. This CT-guided surgery for implants is faster, easier and more efficient for surgeons and safer, more comfortable and results in faster healing for patients.

Preparation is the key to the success and the team of dental nurses, dental technicians and implant surgeons, all play their part on the day.
“No two smiles are the same, so there is no ‘one-size-fits all’ when it comes to this level of Implant dentistry,” says Usman. “Like all our other patients, the implants have completely changed Jack’s smile,” adds Usman. “Implants can transform people –they gain confidence and restore self-esteem. It may sound clichéd, but this treatment really does change their lives.” n
Renovo Dental treats patients throughout the region, who have been referred by their general dentist as well as self-referrals
Working alongside Usman on Jack’s dentistry was highly experienced specialist periodontist and implant surgeon Dr Khurrum Hussain, who completed specialist training in periodontology at the prestigious Eastman Dental Institute, London.
As a periodontal specialist, he deals with gum disease and the soft tissue surrounding the palate, degenerating bone issues and failing implants.
Following treatment to improve bone density and the health of Jack’s gums, a period of healing followed before the final implant-supported teeth were fitted – and the results have been transformative for Jack:
Renovo Dental Pendle House, Clitheroe Road

Chatburn BB7 4JY 01200 441000 hello@renovodental.co.uk renovodental.co.uk