1 minute read

BREAST SCREENING Saves lives through detecting cancer early

The National Breast Screening Programme invites all women aged between 50 – 70 every 3 years for a mammogram. Each GP Practice is screened in turn and all women registered with a GP will receive an invitation.

What happens when I reach 71?


Women over the age of 71 will not be sent an appointment automatically but they can self-refer for a mammogram every 3 years by contacting us.

Why do I need to be screened?

1 in 8 women in the UK will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point during their lives. Breast cancer is now the most common cause of cancer in women in this country.

Early detection saves lives

What is breast screening?

Breast screening (or mammography) is an x-ray of the breast that is used to find any changes in the breast tissue that could be cancer, so they can be investigated early.

South Lancashire Breast Screening is your local service, covering Wigan, West Lancs and Chorley and South Ribble

01942 774713 bsuappointments@wwl.nhs.uk www.wwl.nhs.uk/specialities/breast_screening

South Lancashire Breast Screening Unit

Most breast changes will not be cancer, but if cancer is found, the treatment needed will often be less intense and the chance of making a full recovery is much higher

The earlier breast cancer is found, the better the chances of survival

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