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INSIDE... 6-7


Scam Watch What’s your favourite prank to play? Whether it’s with unsuspecting friends or the grand-kids, we’ve probably all pulled – and been on the receiving end of – a trick or two in our time. But what about those tricks that aren’t quite as innocent – the ones that are designed to part you with your cash. Well, you’ll be glad we “made you look” as we go through some of the more common pranks you should be on the look-out for. Shoulder surfers: one of the most common ways for fraudsters to acquire your PIN is not through sophisticated techniques of card cloning, but simply by watching over your shoulder as you enter it. Always be wary of people standing behind you at cash points and when entering your PIN in a shop.

Phishing: have you won a lottery you didn’t enter? Had a




Twittering On... By Graham Smith.


Robinsons Holidays... Affordable peace of mind.


Great British Holiday... Closer to home holiday ideas.


Jane McDonald... Still following her dreams.


Interior Design... New looks for your home this Spring.


The Hairy Dieters... ‘Eat For Life’ recipes.


Celebrity Moments... When Tom Jones Met Elvis!

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request from “your bank” to confirm your details? These are all phishing scams and you will end up losing money. Look out for the email originating from an unusual address, or failing to address you by name. Some can be more convincing and even look like they have been sent to you by friends. If in doubt, don’t give your details out.

Hang-up, no you hang-up: imagine it – you receive a call from

your bank telling you your account had been compromised and you need to act fast to save your cash! You’d do exactly as you were told right? But stop, this is a scam. Your bank would take its own steps to prevent fraud on your account, it would never require you to give out your full account number, password, PIN or hand over your card to a courier – ever. Even if you’re convinced you’re on the phone to your bank – never give out this information.

Payment protection insurance (PPI) refunds: you receive a text or call from someone claiming to be your bank, the Ministry of Justice, or a PPI company telling you that you’re owed money from mis-sold PPI. But, you must pay an administration fee before the refund can be processed. Don’t give away any money! If you have a PPI complaint, you can come to the ombudsman for free and save yourself giving your cash to claims managers unnecessarily. Online shopping scams: many of us are beating the queues

by shopping online these days – and the good news is that the majority of transactions are completed with no problem. But always be wary of a seller (or buyer) who asks you to complete transactions outside of the official payment channels like PayPal – as you may find you’re not protected if the item you’re buying, or the money for the goods you’ve sold, doesn’t show up.

We hope these tips help you get ahead of the game. But if you’ve lost out to a fraudster, don’t panic. Tell your bank what’s gone wrong but if you’re still not able to get things sorted out, the ombudsman may be able to help on 0300 123 9 123 or




ARE YOU READY TO BECOME A GRANDPARENT? The role and demands on grandparents are changing because of new socioeconomic pressures, so whilst you’re immersed in the anticipation and excitement of the new arrival, unexpected friction and conflict can often occur if you’re not prepared, according to cognitive psychologist Dr Lynda Shaw. “The role of the grandparents is ever changing. Baby boomer grandparents may take on a huge chunk of the childcare responsibilities whilst mums return to work, whether it’s doing the school run, helping when the children are ill or stepping in to lend a hand during the school holidays. This is not new in society. But now and in the near future the sandwich generation will find themselves still working well into their sixties, both because they can and financially they have to, as well as looking after elderly parents. Therefore, like never before they can’t or will struggle to take on the caregiver grandparent role too.” Although today’s society plays huge part in the role of the grandparent, psychology theory of grand-parenting is important too. German-born American psychologist, Erik Erikson developed the Generativity versus Stagnation theory, which is typically associated with people who have reached midlife but who instinctively long to create a nurturing environment to support the development and growth of the next generation. For grandparents, they may view this time as a second chance to create a positive impact, a living legacy in the lives of their grandchildren through love and guidance with a hope that they can

make a difference. Stagnation refers to those who find it difficult to contribute positively and who perhaps lack the ability to be involved and connect with others. There are different sorts of grandparenting personalities. Leading gerontologist Bernice Neugarten identified the core five patterns of grand-parenting as:1. Formal grandparent: follows what are believed to be the appropriate guidelines for the grand-parenting role including occasional services and maintaining an interest, but not being overly involved. 2. Fun seeker: primarily provides entertainment for the grandchild. 3. Surrogate parent: takes over the caretaking role for the child. 4. Reservoir of family wisdom: the head of the family who dispenses advice but also controls the parent generation. 5. Distant figure: has infrequent contact with the grandchildren, perhaps appearing on special occasions. Ultimately having a baby is not just one of the greatest milestones for the parents themselves, but it is of huge significance for grandparents. Shaw says: “Having had many years raising their own children, adjusting to ‘grandparent’ status can take a little while and unfortunately, it’s not always a bed of roses. Having already raised children of their own, grandparents are keen to pass on their knowledge and wisdom, but persistent advice and opinion are not always well received. New parents ultimately want the time and space to figure things out for themselves and to be the key decision

makers and not be told how it should or shouldn’t be done. “By contrast, less confident parents can also become too dependent with help at hand and rely entirely on the grandparents for support, leaving them feeling unappreciated and taken for granted. Situations such as these can become awkward for both parties and if the ground rules are not set from the word go, this can lead to a fractured and unhappy relationship in the long run. A huge number of factors are involved in successful grandparenting.” 5 Top Tips for Expecting Grandparents: 1. Spoiling Them The job of a grandparent is all about the really good bits - shower them with as much love as possible, fun and enduring memories instead of mountains of gifts. 2. Two Hands Are Better Than One Looking after a new baby is all consuming and needs round the clock care and attention. Make yourself useful by offering to cook, do some household chores or run some errands. Your contribution is guaranteed to bring much relief and will be appreciate. 3. Give Them Space As exciting as it is that you want to be a hands-on grandparent, it’s really important to be led by the parents and not to assume that they are always going to want your help. More often than not, new parents like to work things out for themselves and will ask for help when needed. 4. Don’t Be Judgmental It’s easy to voice your opinion especially when it’s something you disagree with such as an obscure name you dislike or sleeping arrangements with their baby. Whatever the circumstance may be, he or she is after all their child and not yours. Go with the flow and best to keep your feelings to yourself. 5. The Perfect Bond We’ve all heard funny stories of babies crying uncontrollably when being held by certain people. If you’re a grandparent and this happens to you, do not fret! Persevere with it – it takes time for babies to get used to people other than mum and dad.



TWITTERING ON She told television stations WFLA and WFTS that after she rapidly gained weight last autumn, doctors confirmed she was pregnant. Ms Ford said she thought she was having twins at first. Debbie Moore, a registered nurse at the hospital, said they would "definitely not" have recommended a natural birth if they had known how much Avery weighed, the Tampa Bay Times reported.

Graham Smith

Keeping abreast of the times Celebrity culture is big business. To join this band of elite, dysfunctional people you need certain qualities. You should preferably be verbally challenged to the point where you cannot string a sentence together, tattoos over most inches of exposed flesh are a necessity, metal objects inserted in each bodily orifice add to the attraction, oh, and you must be vulgar. My 2015 award for vulgarity has to go to Leeds lass, I think, Josie Cunningham who hit the headlines after having a boob job on the NHS and then employing an agent of dubious origin to publicise the episode and subsequent miscreant meanderings of a sexual connotation which included offering to have an abortion so she could take part in Big Brother. Worrying isn’t it? In a “fly on the wall” TV documentary this fearsome looking specimen came over as a complete half wit whose antics are capable of extracting large amounts of money from today’s downmarket tabloid media. Her baseball capped agent was shown ferrying her around in a taxi to various photo shoots and locations in his quest to make a financial killing. He’s an oddball who has a grasp of how to manipulate social media so the femme fatale thinks she is rising to iconic proportions in the popularity stakes while, truth is, he is lining his own pocket. There’s enough collagen in her lips to keep a small trawler afloat in heavy seas and her so far untended teeth would mean most sane men would need an anaesthetic and several strong men to drag them under the mistletoe with her. Her dulcet Leeds accent makes a Billingsgate fish wife sound like an elocution expert and she uses enough profanities and vernacular to keep Gordon Ramsay going for six months. Barely a sentence goes by without use

Avery's father, Allen Denton, told the newspaper: "I got a linebacker now instead of a fullback." of the procreation verb or adjective and coming out of that falsely constructed generous gob it sounds like fingernails down the side of a ship. In a scene of blissful domesticity she was shown with her mother painting skirting boards at the family home and holding a tasteful discourse about how much they ******* love each other and anyone who doesn’t like it can go forth and multiply. Their application of the gloss paint was as thick as their awful accents and the result was very similar to their sordid way of life, runny, lacking in finesse and full of drips. Josie describes herself as a model, for what I’m not quite sure. She sets out to shock and invariably succeeds. If your son brought her home you’d leave it. she is surely an ambassador for the cause of celibacy if ever I saw one. In one of her outbursts, proudly sticking out her prosthetically enhanced chest, she said fat people did not deserve a gastric band on the NHS. She deserves two. One around her vile, over inflated gob and the other strategically placed and tightened about six inches lower.

Stone me! A woman in the US has given birth to a baby weighing 14.1 pounds (6.4kg) - and he is already eating double the amount of an average-sized newborn.

Ms Ford, who already has a one-year-old son and a five-year-old daughter, said she "just melted" when she finally held Avery.

Bear necessity Passengers on the London Underground were stunned to see an eight foot polar bear climb aboard a train. The giant bear, created by Hollywood special effects experts FX, was spotted at Charing Cross tube station, as well as Hampstead Heath and the South Bank of the Thames. The huge puppet was made by a team of 19 prop specialists and made from more than 60 different materials including 90 sq ft of white fur. It was controlled by two puppeteers who spent weeks studying footage of real polar bears in the wild before spending five days rehearsing with the device. The bear was created to promote new Sky Atlantic drama Fortitude. Sky Atlantic director Zai Bennett said: "To launch our new Arctic-noir thriller we wanted to bring a realistic polar bear to the streets of London to give people an up close experience of what it must be like to come face to face with one of the biggest, but uncredited stars of our new show."

Maxxzandra Ford's son Avery is the heaviest ever baby to be born at St Joseph's Women's Hospital in Tampa, Florida. Avery, who was delivered in a natural birth lasting 18 hours, is one of the largest-ever born in the state. Ms Ford did not know she was pregnant until about 35 weeks in, according to media reports in the US.





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Win A Robinsons Holiday Win a holiday for two people with Robinsons Holidays to either the Abbey Lawn Hotel in Torquay, the Imperial Hotel in Eastbourne or the Ocean View Hotel on the Isle of Wight.


This is your chance to win a holiday for two people for five days. Prize is valid between 1st July 2015 and 30th September 2015.


Simply choose one of the dates from our 2015 main brochure, a copy of which will be sent to you upon publication. Prize includes half board accommodation and coach travel from any pick-up point in our main brochure. Holiday itinerary is as per relevant brochure tour for chosen date.





Prize is subject to availability and is non-transferable, non- refundable and has no cash redemption value. Prize can not be auctioned on any web-site or used or offered as a prize for any other competition or as a gift or incentive. Prize is not for re-sale. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Closing date for all entries is 31st May 2015.

Post your entry to McGrath Media, 6th Floor, 120 Bark Street, Bolton BL1 2AX

Date Imperial Ocean View Abbey Lawn 09/10 May £369 £369 £369 16/17 May £379 £379 £379 23/24 May £389 £389 £389 30/31 May £399 £399 £399 06/07 June £399 £399 £399 13/14 June £399 £399 £399 20/21 June £409 £409 £409 27/28 June £409 £409 £409 04/05 July £409 £409 £409 11/12 July £409 £409 £409 18/19 July £409 £409 £409 25/26 July £409 £409 £409 01/02 Aug £409 £409 £409 08/09 Aug £409 £409 £409 15/16 Aug £409 £409 £409 22/23 Aug £409 £409 £409 29/30 Aug £409 £409 £409 05/06 Sept £399 £399 £399 12/13 Sept £399 £399 £399 19/20 Sept £389 £389 £389 26/27 Sept £359 £359 £359 03/04 Oct £319 £319 £319 10/11 Oct £309 £309 £309 17/18 Oct £299 £299 £299 24/25 Oct £299 £299 £299 Supplements per person 8 Days: Imperial: Premier Room £35 Ocean View: Premier Room £50 -Sea View Room £15 Abbey Lawn: Premier Room £50 - Front Facing Room £15

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The Great British Holiday IF there is one thing that the recession has taught us it’s about getting value for money. And it’s not just being pro-British to say that you can now get the best holidays here at home. ABTA – the well-respected Association of British Travel Agents – says that their recent research shows that 20 per cent of

people surveyed would be spending more on holidays in 2015. They also discovered that nearly seven in 10 people, that’s 68 per cent, took at least one UK holiday last year. Mark Tanzer, ABTA’s chief executive, believes that good weather in the UK in June and July helped. He says that “the research shows there are reasons to be optimistic for 2015.” All of which is no surprise to the thousands of tourists who flock into Great Britain each year from other countries around the world. They come determined to discover the many attractions here. Perhaps we Brits are simply slower to pick up on noticing the wonders around us, but we are getting better at it. If we can stand back a little from the whole subject of holidays and try to take a dispassionate look at what the UK has to offer, there really is something for every traveller and taste. You can take the whole family – including the dog – to a luxury cabin in ancient woodland in the Forest of Dean in



Gloucestershire, or wake each day on the banks of an ancient millpond in a beautiful dwelling in Deerpark in Cornwall, deep in a peaceful wooded valley. If you like walking, you can see the ruggedly beautiful hills of Wales or the sleepy villages set in rural Yorkshire. Stay in a YHA hostel in the South-east and take a gentle family chauffeur punt down the river in Cambridge or experience the thrill of the rides at Chessington World of Adventures. The great thing about holidaying in the UK with your family is the wonderfully broad spread of activities on offer. Youngsters can run about, take part in planned activity programmes, go swimming or even take their bikes along when you’re having a staycation. They don’t have to endure tiresome flights, hanging around in airports or not liking the food abroad. Children can make themselves understood to everyone, and discover for themselves just how beautiful is their own country. Couples can quietly discover the real Downton Abbey – Highclere Castle in Hampshire – where fact meets fiction in fascinating English history. Our country has plenty of history, with stunning landmarks in Norwich spanning the Norman, Medieval, Georgian, Victorian and modern eras to Bath with its fascinating Roman baths. Visit York, where history leaps out at you around every corner. Travel to the capital and see the magnet of attractions that draw the constant crowds to its major art galleries, packed with masterpieces, the British Museum exhibiting the works of man from historic to modern times or the London Eye where the best views over the city are available to fascinate. A holiday in the UK can turn into the kind of voyage of discovery that used to be reserved for early travellers setting foot in ancient lands for the first time. The sense of wonder is

Daish’s Celebrate 35 years Daish’s Holidays has recently celebrated the end of their 35th year in business. It was 1979 when Jeanne Wilson purchased her first hotel, Daish’s Hotel in Shanklin on the Isle of Wight. Since then a further 6 hotels along with a fleet of 24 coaches have been added to the group to make it what it is today.

on offer in cities, towns and in tiny hamlets boasting a village church and a history recorded in the Domesday Book.

Jeanne commented ‘so much has changed since our very first hotel, the group has grown larger than we thought possible, but we remain a family business through and through, with 3 generations of our family now involved. Our commitment to our core values of friendly service, clean and comfortable accommodation, live entertainment and most importantly great value haven’t changed though and that’s why so many of our customers travel with us time and time again.’

Our coastlines are among some of the world’s most stunning. Just walk along the rugged cliffs of Boscastle in Cornwall and you’ll be treading on rocks first laid down 300 million years ago. Mind you, it’s also got some of the best beaches, too, and the longest: 476 km of luscious coastline.

Looking to the future, its clear Daish’s are looking to grow further. "We are always looking at new opportunities and importantly re-investing on our existing hotels and coaches. Daish’s Hotel has just undergone a £1m refurbishment and the group has recently invested in a number of new coaches for the fleet as well."

You can cycle through the wilds of Yorkshire or take a more sedate luxury barge along the Lancaster Canal – or just please yourself and do both!

As for more hotel’s Jeanne remains tight lipped, but if recent growth is something to go buy, it’s going to be a case of if not when.

The Great British Holiday is the one that you like the best. And it’s completely achievable, even with one eye on the weather.

For details on Daish’s 7 hotels or to request a brochure call 01803 201 432 or visit

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Great south south Great coast holidays coast holidays Coach SELF-DRIVE & & COACH COACH INCLUSIVE INCLUSIVE BREAKS BREAKS SELF-DRIVE


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When itit comes comes to to inviting, inviting, relaxing relaxing When breaks in in the the south, south, we we have have the the breaks ideal holiday holiday for for you. you. ideal Whether you’re after family-friendly holidays, a romantic getaway Whether you’re after family-friendly holidays, a romantic getaway or a group break with like-minded people, our seven hotels cover or a group break with like-minded people, our seven hotels cover the south’s finest locations. From the popular beaches of Cornwall the south’s finest locations. From the popular beaches of Cornwall to the cosy Isle of Wight, there’s something for everyone. to the cosy Isle of Wight, there’s something for everyone. Our coach inclusive option allows guests across the UK to travel in Our coach inclusive option allows guests across the UK to travel in comfort, while our self-drive holidays offer the freedom of having comfort, while our self-drive holidays offer the freedom of having your own car. your own car.

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Barrowfield Hotel

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Local pick up points from, Bristol, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Stroud,


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Local pick up points from, Bristol, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Stroud, Tewkesbury and Worcester make it easy to get away.

Don’t miss these coach inclusive breaks! DATE






Local pick up points from, Bristol, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Stroud, May July Tewkesbury and Worcester make it easy to get away. 03

Devonshire Hotel - Torquay


Daish's Hotel - Isle of Wight











Sands Hotel - Bournemouth


Barrowfield Hotel - Newquay


Daish's Hotel - Isle of Wight




Sands Hotel - Bournemouth








January 18 Barrowfield Hotel - Newquay




March 13 Barrowfield Hotel - Newquay




08 22

Devonshire – Torquay DevonshireHotel Hotel - Torquay

5 6

Half Half

£89 £179

01 17

Devonshire Hotel Devonshire Hotel– -Torquay Torquay


Half Half

£124 £269

12 28

Claremont Hotel – Eastbourne Sands Hotel - Bournemouth

5 6

Half Half

£104 £179

09 23

ClaremontHotel Hotel -– Eastbourne Eastbourne Claremont


Half Half

£164 £339


Claremont Hotel – Eastbourne





Daish’s Hotel – Isle of Wight

Prince Regent - Weymouth




Barrowfield Hotel – Newquay





Sands Hotel – Bournemouth




Russell Hotel – Weymouth







13 01

01 01


Sands Hotel - Bournemouth





£359 £139




Sands Hotel – Bournemouth



Half Half



Barrowfield Hotel - Newquay







Claremont 5 Claremont Hotel Hotel –- Eastbourne Eastbourne 5

Half Half

£234 £124

02 Barrowfield Hotel - Newquay April




Prince Regent - Weymouth




Sands Hotel - Bournemouth





Daish's Hotel - Isle of Wight




Barrowfield Hotel – Newquay Daish’s Hotel – Isle of Wight



Claremont Hotel – Eastbourne

5 6

Half Half



18 02

Sands Hotel - Bournemouth Barrowfield Hotel – Newquay

7 5

Half Half

£289 £99

04 Devonshire 02 DevonshireHotel Hotel -–Torquay Torquay


Half Half

£269 £214

04 22

Sands – Bournemouth PrinceHotel Regent - Weymouth


Half Half

£119 £224

06 Sands Hotel – Bournemouth 09 Claremont Hotel - Eastbourne


Half Half

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Half Half

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Half Half

£109 £339

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Half Half

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11 27 17

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McDonald IT’S amazing to think that it’s 17 years since Jane McDonald first captivated viewers in the BBC documentary-soap “The Cruise.” 12 | WWW.50PLUSMAGAZINE.CO.UK

The no-messing Yorkshire lass, a singer on the cruise ship, immediately fascinated everyone with her broad Yorkshire accent, warm heart and undoubtedly powerful singing voice. Right from the first sight of her, we knew she was a straightforward type of person, and she became the enduring image of that first series. The programme also provided a very useful springboard to success for Ms McDonald. But by then she had more than earned the right to it. Jane grew up in Wakefield. Her father, Peter, was a miner who doubled as a chimney sweep and Jane’s mother, Jean, and Jane’s grandmother ran a boarding house. Singing was what Jane was destined for, however, and for 12 years, she sang in the clubs throughout the North, honing her singing skills and learning to handle every kind of audience. She also entertained on cruise ships and in 1995 she met her future husband, Henrik, onboard The Century. They married in May, 1998, and in January, 1998, the BBC began broadcasting its fly-on-the-wall documentary. The programme was watched regularly by 14 million viewers and her wedding to Henrik, also televised, was watched by a large audience although the couple later divorced. Such was her instant fame that in July, 1998, Jane released her first, self-titled album which spent three weeks at No.1 and went platinum. In November the following year, she released her concert video, followed in 2000 by her second album, “Inspiration.” TV proved to the nation that here was a girl who could not only sing but who was funny and could present. She became a guest presenter on BBC’s “National Lottery” before being given her own show, “Star for a Night”, which helped launch the career of singer Joss Stone. Because of the way the public first got to know Jane, it’s always been difficult for her to shake off the image, as she says herself, of “‘er off the cruise ship.” But, in fact, not only has she carved out a very successful TV career but she has regularly toured all over the country, and all over the world including America, bringing her own brand of glamorous glitz and powerful, entrancing singing to her legions of fans. And she appreciates those fans. “To me, twenty fans are equally as important as twenty thousand fans,” she states. “When I look out, I don’t see a sea of people but individual faces.” She also has very loyal fans. “They travel around the country to see me,” she explains, “write to me, send me things and

are all so supportive. I always make sure when I do a concert or a TV show that I meet the fans afterwards. “There’s been a time when the signing session after the show has lasted longer than the show itself! But I wouldn’t miss that for the world. Without them …. well … I woudn’t know what to do.” Jane especially appreciates her fans since she became wellknown and started touring because of her tough years in the clubs. “When I sang before I’d have to compete with the bingo callers and people chatting at the bar,” she says. “I thought I’d gone deaf on this tour because the audience was so quiet. It took a while to realise they were quiet because they were listening to me.” As well as her touring, Jane became a regular presenter on ITV daytime programme “Loose Women” where her forthright opinions were always loved by viewers. She finally left the series last year after 10 years to concentrate on her music career and toured the country at the same time as her latest album, “Singer of Your Song”, came out. She’s made numerous guest appearances on mainstream TV - from “Ready, Steady Cook” to “All Star Family Fortunes” and “Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway”. She’s reviewed newspapers and had her own autobiography, “Follow Your Dreams” which was published in 2000. Her shows are unashamedly showbizzy and fun with eye-catching sets and costumes, and Jane belts out all the favourite standards to please her fans. Indeed, she always seems to enjoy herself as much as her audience does. She’s 51 now, divorced twice but happy finally with musician Eddie Rothe. They first dated at 18 when he was in the band Liquid Gold, but split up and Jane met him again on the set of “Loose Women”. Her fans are a cross-section of ages, including her own age-group. “I see the same three rows wherever I go,” she states. “I’ve seen them grow up and go through marriages and losses.” And it’s to these loyal fans that she dedicated last year’s album and tour. She’s just finished a stint in panto at Birmingham Hippodrome, in “Jack and the Beanstalk” playing The Enchantress, before going off on another series of sell-out appearances around the UK. But to all those fans who were first enchanted by her in “The Cruise” and who have remained keen to follow her career ever since, it’s plain that – while life may not have been all plain-sailing for Jane McDonald – she’s determined to continue putting a smile on other people’s faces.

For details of her latest appearances go to




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Get expert help claiming compensation for work-related disease For more than 130 years, Raleys Solicitors has helped victims of work-related illnesses and industrial disease secure the compensation to which they are entitled. From cases involving asbestos-related conditions such as mesothelioma and pleural thickening, through silicosis, lung cancer and pneumoconiosis, to dermatitis and Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome - Raleys has represented workers and their families in claims against employers for well over a century. Occupational disease is a specialised area of law and Raleys’ partner and head of the Work-Related Illness team, John Welch, is justly proud of the work his team undertakes. “It can of course be distressing to see previously strong, active individuals destroyed by their illness – they did nothing wrong, all they did was go to work,” said John. “But it is ultimately massively rewarding to obtain justice on their behalf, or indeed for their families.”

John said that whilst many work-related diseases had obvious links to heavy industry and engineering, other occupations often carry inherent risks. “As a firm with close links to the mining industry, we are of course hugely experienced in illness claims relating to mining,” he said. “But it may come as a surprise that we John Welch also handle thousands of cases for people Partner & Head of Workwho have worked as Related Illness team plumbers, electricians at Raleys Solicitors and carpenters, as well as decorators, warehouse hands or even those who have served in the armed forces.

Complex Work

If you’re diagnosed with a workrelated disease, get expert help...

Our friendly and sympathetic team is experienced in handling cases relating to all kinds of work-related illness and conditions, including: • Mesothelioma • Asbestos–related lung cancer • Asbestosis • Pleural thickening • Asthma • Silicosis

• Silica-related lung cancer • Pneumoconiosis • Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome • Dermatitis • Hearing Loss and tinnitus

At Raleys Solicitors, our expert team is on hand to help you in your fight for justice. We offer free initial consultations, so please call for a confidential, no-obligation chat about your work-related illness claim with one of our experts. Providing trusted legal advice for more than 130 years.

01226 211 111 |


“In many instances, exposure to dangerous or toxic materials can take years to manifest as an illness,” said John, who has worked at the Barnsley-based firm since 1999. “Someone who has been fit and strong throughout their life can suddenly find it a struggle to get up the stairs, or maybe finds the walk to the shops tougher than it used to be. As soon as a work-related disease is diagnosed, it’s time to contact a solicitor who understands this highly complex work. “We understand the distress that these conditions can cause, and the need for swift, knowledgeable and effective support,” said John. “We view it as a real privilege to learn about the working history of our clients and hear their life stories, but just being able to obtain all the relevant, pertinent information we need requires patience, an ability to find witnesses - which is why every member of our Work-Related Illness team is a skilled specialist.” John, himself a long-serving member of Barnsley Breathe Easy - a local support group which offers help and advice to those suffering with lung disease – said that successfully pursuing a claim for work-related diseases and ultimately maximising the damages for the client is reliant on a quality, personal service, professional expertise and experience. “In order to ensure they receive the best level of service, anyone looking to make a claim for a work-related disease should make sure they seek advice from qualified professionals with the requisite expertise,” he said. “We at Raleys have a wealth of experience in successfully pursuing compensation on behalf of people who have become ill as a result of their working environment or an employer’s failure to adequately protect them,” said John. “Our expert team is on hand to help you in your fight for justice, and we will be able to discuss your options and advise you on the best way forward - for you.”

Beware dangers of using “unregulated” will-writers, warns solicitor... People across the region are being urged to be wary of “unregulated” will-writing companies offering help with wills and other legal documents which could turn out to be inadequate - or in some cases completely useless.

“The ombudsman’s latest report shows again that will writing is a service which can be and is currently being provided by a huge number of unqualified, unregulated individuals and organisations,” said Charlotte. “What’s equally disturbing is that whilst some of the advice being sold is at best inappropriate, at worst legally incorrect, the findings are that those customers using such a service still have little or no means of redress when things go wrong.

The warning comes after some firms recently targeted elderly and vulnerable people in South Yorkshire claiming to offer “specialist” advice on everything from making wills to ways of avoiding inheritance tax. “In the past few months, we have been Charlotte Hudson contacted by a number of people who have Wills Specialist at been left totally confused after speaking Raleys Solicitors with so-called professional will-writers,” said Charlotte Hudson, a qualified solicitor specialising in wills, trusts and probate with Raleys Solicitors. “Adverts have sprung up all over aimed at convincing home-owners who are in their 50s to act now and amend their wills or risk losing huge sums of money in the future, either through tax or other costs. But when the advice is being given by someone who is not a qualified solicitor, there is absolutely nothing a person can do if that advice turns out to be wrong.”

“Some of these unregulated will-writing firms are using awful sales tactics, just scaremongering and convincing people that they will lose out if they do not sign on the dotted line. Some unscrupulous, unregulated firms are exploiting the fears of vulnerable people to line their own pockets, and it is a disgrace. “The message is clear,” said Charlotte. “For total peace of mind and reassurance, anyone looking to write a will or set up trusts should contact a local solicitor who is regulated by the SRA.”

Charlotte, who has many years’ experience in writing wills and dealing with probate issues, said that she herself had seen such an advert in a local publication. “Whilst some legal measures can and do have a role to play for some people, not all procedures are appropriate for everyone and they should not be advertised as such,” she said. “As someone who fully understands this area of law I was shocked to see this scaremonger tactic was being used to advertise a service to vulnerable and elderly people,” she said. “Whilst some legal documents may be effective where appropriate, in other cases, actions like deliberately depriving yourself of assets could lead to serious problems for you and your family. “Many of these firms are using a sales technique based simply on fear – the fear of losing your house, your money, or the fear of your loved ones being left with nothing when you die.” Charlotte’s comments come shortly after the latest report by the Legal Ombudsman again criticised the lack of accountability for companies providing unregulated services such as will-writing.

Have you made a Will? Our qualified solicitors can help you plan for the future and protect your family, giving you total peace of mind. Our personal approach, coupled with our dedication to professional service, has helped Raleys Solicitors secure accreditation as members of the Law Society's Wills and Inheritance Quality scheme. Talk to the experts at Raleys Solicitors Providing trusted legal advice for more than 130 years.

01226 211 111 |


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Soothing, stylish dining is on the menu with the help of Colours at B&Q

New Looks For Your Home This Spring IF there’s one thing the freshness of Spring brings it’s the chance to take a new look at our homes.

You may want to add the light and space of a CONSERVATORY. The key here is to ensure that it doesn’t look “tacked on” to your property. It’s important to give the appearance of flowing from the main house with the same flooring and décor.

Winter-time tends to make us close the curtains, keep cosy and just enjoy being indoors, but Springtime is all about renewal – and our homes are at the frontline of these plans. This may be the year, for example, when you finally add that much-needed EXTENSION, SUNROOM or ORANGERIE to your home. Or you can make your living room and kitchen into a major open-plan space that could quickly become the heart of family living.

Be careful not to over-extend your property, though, at the expense of your garden. Most of us value that bit of green space especially in the Spring and, if you’ve got the time and the interest, your garden can become a pleasing feature of both your home and your lifestyle. Converting your garage into an extra bedroom or a kitchen extension works well in many homes. Most of us don’t use our garages properly anyway. They can easily become cluttered and many are never employed for their prime use as somewhere to keep the car, so using what your property already has available makes sense.


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Changing your old FRONT-DOOR to a more modern design, preferably with glass to allow in plenty of light, is a simple way to freshen up both the outside and the inside of your home. This can help update the HALLWAY which, after all, is the first opportunity you have to make an impression on any visitor. Bold wallpaper in bright colours on a white background is a great modernising option here. Hallways need light so look at your lighting and consider updating and add a mirror or two to maximise this. Before you start buying items or investing in paint and wallpaper, a simple way to brighten up your home and give it a fresh feel is to undertake some serious de-cluttering. Take an honest look at every room and see what you can take out to allow clearer surfaces, cleaner lines and a general feeling of space. It can be hard breaking the emotional link to many of the items we insist on hoarding but try to be objective about possessions. Most of us happily take the same items through each house move as though they had a right to be in the new place when, in fact, they’re of no real use to daily life. Chuck out what you can’t give to the local charity shops. The same applies to dated pieces of furniture – especially those surplus to requirements. Some charities, like the British Heart Foundation and homeless charity Emmaus, sell second-hand furniture to boost their funds and are often glad to collect saleable items in good condition. Changing your home doesn’t need to be all about costly major changes, though.

light greys and other pleasing shades so that you can eat in a pretty area that makes the whole experience a pleasure. You don’t need to change everything in your BATHROOM – although if you’ve still got an avocado suite that might prove the exception! The most enduring contemporary look for bathrooms these days is still a white suite.

Brighten up that home office space with a lively blind from Direct Blinds at Going for a new COLOUR SCHEME or using WALLPAPER cleverly on a feature wall in an otherwise plain room can transform your property. Steam-clean your KITCHEN area – you’ll be amazed how this lightens the place and update white electrical sockets with chrome. Kitchens are a central area in most homes these days so it’s worth investing in new cupboard doors or work surfaces for a more modern look. Go for inexpensive plain tiles in toning colours to highlight smart units and one of the new textured floor coverings or rustic tiles. Even treating yourself to a set of brightly coloured kettle, toaster and coffee-maker can make your kitchen look chic. Your DINING ROOM or dining area needs to be a place where you enjoy spending time so, even if this is a small space, create something special here. Buy a lovely chandelier and choose cool

SHOWERS are quite futuristic now, as well as being very lifestyle-friendly, so changing your old shower is a practical improvement that won’t break the family budget. Going for natural colours on the walls, whether in tiles or emulsion, can be off-set by jewel-coloured towels and other accessories that can be picked up relatively cheaply. If you’re wanting a major change here and want to invest in your home, having a WET ROOM has become popular. Even smaller bathrooms can be adjusted with concealed shower trays that give the appearance of a wet room which can prove very practical. Get clever with STORAGE in the bathroom in particular. Ditch the laundry basket for a start – you really don’t need to keep laundry here. Replace it instead with a pop-up laundry caddy for each bedroom. Invest in an over-door towel rail, which is great for hanging up your damp towels. And go through all those lotions and potions that everyone has in their bathroom. They take up a lot of space and it’s a safe bet that you’ll never use most of them! New BEDDING can alter a tired-looking bedroom, especially if you complement the shades in the rest of the décor. Jarring colours don’t work well here as this room is all about relaxing and winding down, so go for soothing neutrals with restrained colours. Now so many people work from home, many of us have a HOME OFFICE but the temptation is just to hive off a space and stick a fitted desk in there. Instead, how about creating a work area that really does promote positive thinking with a fresh lick of white paint and a feature blind on the window with a splash of colour?

Turn your bedroom into a contemporary and relaxing place with Somers bedding from LUMA


Don’t forget the WALLS throughout your home, either. An eye-catching painting, much-loved family photo or just a print that you like can come to life with a beautiful frame that adds interest to your home, and helps promotes the feelgood factor of Spring.


Dr. Richard J. Anderson

BDS LDS RCS (Eng) MMedSci Richard qualified from the University of Sheffield in 1987, since when he has undertaken extensive postgraduate education, mainly in restorative dentistry. In 2005 he completed the Certificate in Implant Dentistry on the world renowned, eighteen-month, one-to-one Implant Course at the University of Sheffield . In 2011 Richard completed his Master of Medical Science in Dental Implantology. Richard has undergone training from Europe’s top clinicians in hard and soft tissue manipulation, involving bone grafting and aesthetics. To date, he has successfully placed and restored over 1000 implants and is an active member of the Association of Dental Implantology. Richard has also been a trainer dentist for the last twelve years, and in recognition of his experience and abilities, he has been made a mentor for Nobel Biocare. Outside dentistry, when time allows, he enjoys going to the gym, playing golf and since hanging up his boots, likes to watch Rugby!

Implants A dental implant is essentially a substitute for a natural root, and commonly it is screw or cylinder shaped. Each implant is placed into a socket carefully drilled at the precise location of the intended tooth. Once in place, a crown, bridge or whole tooth replacement can be fixed to the implant or implants to feel and function like natural teeth.

Dr. Richard J. Anderson BDS LDS RCS (Eng) MMedSci


Implants are made from biocompatible materials, which means they are readily accepted by your body, and with proper oral hygiene, can actually last a lifetime. Importantly, implants counteract the bone loss which can lead to wrinkled lips and a sunken mouth and chin. Dental implants actually stimulate bone growth, helping you to maintain a youthful appearance. Using implants as a foundation for a bridge or crown is minimally invasive because there is no need to grind down other healthy adjacent teeth. Employing the very latest All-on-4™ technology, you can even have your brand new smile in just one day! Dental implants have been used successfully for over 40 years. They provide stability and comfort with no need for adjustment after placement.

Smiles with Twilight Sleep For particularly anxious patients we also offer sedation during treatment which is administered by our Consultant Anaesthetist Dr Ken Ruiz. A feature of this technique is that you feel completely relaxed and that treatment time appears to pass very quickly.

If you would like to know more, please call us now on

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C L I N I C 40 Worksop Road, Swallownest, Sheffield S26 4WD | |



| 19

IS YOUR GARDEN READY FOR SUMMER? At last, the Winter’s over and it’s time to drag on the wellies, collect the secateurs and get the garden ready for the coming year. First, prune shrubs including hardy fuschias, and take back buddleia by at least a third, to encourage plenty of new growth. You can also cut back winter flowering ones such as bush honeysuckle and winter flowering jasmine, once their flowers have dropped. And although a lot has been said about the best time to prune the roses, watch out for the first blooms on the forsythia and you can be sure it’s safe to set to work on them.


Pruning roses encourages new growth and is a good opportunity to shape the bush or climber. Use sharp tools which will allow a clean cut. Prune at a 45 degree angle, about a quarter of an inch above an outward facing bud. Remove dead wood, weak spindly branches, and any sucker growth. If you have climbers, tie in long branches horizontally, to encourage more flowers. Mulch well. Next some light and careful hoeing to rid the beds of those tiny weed seedlings sprouting between the shoots of perennials such as delphiniums. If you do it now, you’ll save yourself a lot of work later, and at the same time, you’re letting air into the soil and improving drainage. Snails and slugs are re-emerging, so watch your hostas as the first leaves appear, and spread handfuls of sharp grit around them. Do the same if you’ve planted tulips. Slugs love those first leaves.


Pics as supplied by West Country Nurseries.

Is your patio area covered with moss? Clean it off and check your garden furniture to make sure it’s ready for use on the first warm day. Check out your pots to make sure they’re ready for planting up, and clean up the greenhouse. Are you making the most of your fences? Gardens get smaller with every new home that’s built, and fences provide more scope for increased flowers and foliage, as well as clothing those plain brown screens with colour. The range of climbing plants is enormous and roses are a first choice for many, with a huge range of colours and varieties, from the old fashioned moss rose, to modern patio roses and standards. For the purpose of covering fences and arbors, climbers and rambling roses are the ones to choose. The climbing rose, the double pink Gertrude Jekyll, has everything. Deliciously scented and repeat flowering, every garden should have one. For sheer exuberance, the tiny, scented white flowers of Rambling Rector is also top of the favourites and Iceberg is another white rose, repeat flowering, semi double, lightly scented and almost thornless. So good, it achieved the RHS Garden of Merit Award. The difference between climbers and ramblers is simple. Rambling roses bloom spectacularly once a year, and climbers bloom constantly throughout the summer. Planting Your Roses If possible, attach trellis to your fences leaving a gap between the fence and trellis work of about three inches. This will allow air circulation and an easy structure for tying in. It also shows off the flowers to their best advantage. Dig a hole at least twelve to eighteen inches away from the fence, add a good amount of well rotted manure or compost to the soil, then plant, making sure the roots are gently spread out, before lightly firming in and watering well.

Another very popular climbing plant is the clematis, and different varieties of this species can be obtained which flower almost every month of the year, and some, such as clematis armandii, are evergreen. This particular variety is a wonderful plant, keeping your fence covered in winter with its dark green glossy foliage, followed by white flowers in spring. Planting Your Clematis All clematis like a cool root run. Dig a decent sized hole about eighteen inches away from the fence, and add plenty of compost. Position the plant, making sure the roots are at least 6 inches below soil level and well supported by a cane until it can twine around your trellis. Water in well, top up the hole, then mulch the surface, and add gravel or small stones to keep the surface cool. Other perennial climbers include Golden Hop and sweetly scented summer jasmine. The pink flowered perennial sweet pea is also an old favourite, and for the price of a packet of seeds, annual climbers could include nasturtiums, sweet peas and the delightful yellow canary creeper. I find that sweet pea seeds are best planted two or three to a pot. This causes less disturbance to the roots when they’re ready for planting out. Sweet peas need plenty of feeding, but the scent and colour of their flowers are more than reward for their early care with the added bonus of plenty of cut flowers for the house. The days are getting longer and the birdsong is louder. If you put in the spadework now, you’ll be ready for those long hot days of summer when you can relax and enjoy your perfect garden. Iced drink anyone?

By Sheila Alcock


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FOOD AND DRINK THE HAIRY DIETERS EAT FOR LIFE "We've cooked the recipes in our first book over and over, and they've become much loved standards in our kitchens, along with our other favourite dishes. We enjoy them so much that, like you, we wanted, more so now we've come up with some new ones that we hope you're going to like just as much."

ALL-IN-ONE SPICY PORK AND RICE 395 calories per portion Lean, tender pork with spicy rice and lots of veggies - what more could you want? This is a scrumptiously simple family supper with big flavours that fulfils all your needs. Only problem is stopping yourself eating too much of it! Heat the oil in a large, non-stick deep frying pan or sautÊ pan. Fry the onion wedges over a medium heat for 3 minutes until they’re softened and lightly browned, stirring regularly. Season the pork with salt and black pepper, then add it to the pan and stir-fry with the onion for 2 minutes until lightly browned. Add the chorizo, garlic, peppers and beans and stir-fry together for 2 minutes more. Sprinkle with the spices and stir in the rice, then pour over the stock and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 20 minutes, stirring regularly, until the liquid has been absorbed and the rice and pork are both lovely and tender.

Serves 4 Prep: 15 minutes Cooking time: about 30 minutes 2 tsp olive oil 1 medium onion, sliced into thin wedges 500g pork tenderloin, trimmed and cut into 1 cm slices 50g chorizo sausage, skinned and cut into 5mm slices 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced 1 red and 1 orange pepper, deseeded and sliced 100g green beans, trimmed and cut into short lengths 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp ground coriander 1/2 tsp hot chilli powder 150g easy-cook long-grain rice 750ml chicken stock, made with 1 stock cube flaked sea salt freshly ground black pepper.



THAI BEEF SALAD 239 calories per person (if serving 2); 159 calories per portion (if serving 3) The Kingy and I both love this salad. It’s full of fresh, soaring flavours and plenty of heat, but if you don’t like your food too spicy, leave out the chilli or deseed it before slicing. Make sure you wash your hands really well after handling the chilli! You can make this with chicken or fish too. Trim off any visible fat from the steak and season it with salt and lots of freshly ground black pepper. Heat the oil in a small non- stick frying pan and fry the steak over a high heat for 11/2 minutes on each side until nicely browned. Leave it to rest on a board while you prepare the veg. Use a vegetable peeler to peel the carrots into thin ribbons, turning regularly. Cut the cucumber in half lengthways and scoop out the seeds with a teaspoon, then cut the cucumber into slices of about 5mm. Finely slice the shallot. Trim the pepper at both ends and cut it into thin strips. Put all the vegetables in a bowl, then strip the leaves off the herbs, tearing any large leaves in half, and scatter them on top.

To make the dressing, put all the ingredients in a small blow and whisk until well combined. Cut the steak into slices about 4mm thick and add them to the salad. Pour the dressing over the salad, toss lightly and serve.

Serves 2-3 Prep: 20 minutes Cooking time: 3 minutes 1 lean sirloin or rump steak (1.5cm thick) 1 tsp sunflower oil 2 medium carrots, peeled

1/2 small cucumber

1 long shallot or 2 small shallots, trimmed 1 small red pepper, deseeded 25g bunch of fresh coriander 25g bunch of fresh mint flaked sea salt freshly ground black pepper

Dressing 1 tbsp nam pla (Thai fish sauce) 1 tbsp light brown soft sugar 1 tbsp fresh lime juice 1 red or green bird’s eye chilli, trimmed and very finely sliced.



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A BIG SOUP 157 calories per portion A big soup to make you smaller, this is a tasty wholesome lunch on a cold day. Add a tablespoon of half-fat crème fraiche and a sprinkling of paprika for a guilt-free garnish that adds only 25 calories more per portion. Heat the oil in a large non-stick saucepan or a big flameporof casserole dish. Add the onion and garlic and fry gently for 5 minutes until softened but not coloured, stirring often. While the onion is frying, peel the carrots and slice them into rough 1.5cm chunks. Trim the green beans and cut them into pieces about 3cm long. Add the chorizo, paprika and carrots to the pan with the sliced onion and cook over a low heat for 2 minutes, stirring until the chorizo begins to release its fat. Season with salt and lots of black pepper. Tip the tomatoes into the same pan, add the stock and sugar, then turn the heat up to medium. Bring the liquid to the boil. Reduce the heat slightly and leave the soup to simmer for 12 minutes. Add the canned and fresh beans and the kale and bring it back to a gentle simmer. Cook for 10 minutes until all the vegetables are just tender, adding a little extra water if the soup is looking too thick. Season the soup with salt and black pepper and serve in deep bowls.

Serves 6 Prep: 15 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes 1 tbsp sunflower oil 1 medium onion, finely sliced 3 garlic cloves, finely sliced 3 medium carrots 150g green beans 75g chorizo sausage, skinned and cut into 1cm slices 1 tsp hot smoked paprika 1/2 tsp flaked sea salt, plus extra to season 400g can of chopped tomatoes 1.4 litres chicken stock, fresh or made with 1 stock cube 1 tsp caster sugar 400g can cannellini beans, rinsed and drained 150g curly kale, thickly shredded freshly ground black pepper.



Strines Inn


espite being within Sheffield's border, the Strines Inn could be a world away. Nestled amongst breathtaking moorland scenery, it is one of the local landmarks in the Peak District National Park.

Originally a manor house, it was built in 1275 for the Worrall family, although most of the present day structure is 16th Century. After becoming an Inn in 1771 when John Morton leased the property from the Worrall's, it got its name from an Olde English word meaning the meeting of water, quite appropriate as nowadays it overlooks the Strines Reservoir. In the height of Summer the Inn attracts hundreds of visitors on a daily basis. The glorious sunshine and stunning views perfectly compliment the excellent food and drink available, with many dishes being homemade. The Strines Inn is also famous for its numerous peacocks, the previous Landlord having introduced several pairs twenty years ago, there are now over thirty of them. There is also accommodation available for those people looking to escape for a few days to relax. All rooms have Four poster beds and En-Suite facilities.


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The King and I An extract from Tom Jones’ biography by Sean Smith - Tom Jones: The Life Courtesy of HarperCollins. Available through all good book stores and online at

Tom couldn’t believe it when he was told Elvis and his wife Priscilla had been seen in the foyer of the Flamingo. He thought it was a wind-up but it was true – The King and his entourage, the ‘Memphis Mafia’, had driven from Los Angeles just to see the show. They had been invited by Chris Hutchins, who knew both Colonel Tom Parker and Joe Esposito, Elvis’s road manager, and suggested they come over. Elvis was curious to see how a performer like Tom would be received in Las Vegas, because he was seriously thinking of making a live comeback there himself. His recording career was in the middle of a slump and he needed something to reinvigorate his career – a problem Tom would also face at a later date. The lighting in the audience was quite dark, so Tom had to peer into the gloom to see if Elvis was really there. He had been primed by Chris, so he knew what to say if he caught sight of the man.


Eventually, he realised The King was in the very front row. Halfway through the show, he introduced Elvis, who stood up to take a bow, and the place erupted. It went on for ages and ages, until Tom managed to calm everyone down. Elvis eventually sat back down and Tom said, ‘Don’t forget I’m the star here tonight.’ It was a tongue-in-cheek comment, but took some nerve: Tom was just starting his Vegas adventure, whereas Elvis was the biggest star in the world. After the concert, Elvis and his gang went backstage to congratulate Tom in his dressing room. The ‘Mafia’ usually numbered about half a dozen or so of Elvis’s oldest friends and yes-men. If Elvis told them at breakfast that scarlet was the new colour, they would all have their cars resprayed by lunch. Linda was at the Flamingo that evening and she sat and chatted with Priscilla. Tom remembers Elvis saying he wanted to watch him in concert to see how he put together his act. Tom and Elvis talked about music, something they both never tired of doing. Priscilla Presley believes that Elvis took to Tom because he was a real person – ‘someone who was down to earth that

you could talk to, that was not on an ego trip’. Tom’s show also reminded Elvis how it used to be for him: the adulation of the girls, the applause and the fantastic music. He missed it. He also liked the way Tom didn’t take it too seriously. For his part,Tom thought the Presleys were ‘a great couple’. He gave Priscilla an autographed photograph for their daughter Lisa-Marie, who was six months old. The first meeting went so well that Elvis invited Tom to stay at his holiday villa in Hawaii.When he arrived, Priscilla told him that her husband had popped out to buy a couple of guitars so the two of them would have something to goof around with later.After dinner, the two men enjoyed a sing-song, like a couple of enthusiastic schoolboys, belting out ‘Blue Suede Shoes’, ‘Hound Dog’ and ‘Jailhouse Rock’, as well as ‘It’s Not Unusual’ and Elvis’s favourite, ‘Green, Green Grass of Home’. They jammed together through the night. Tom said simply, ‘I’ll never forget it as long as I live.’ The two men became genuine friends. . Tom spoke graciously of Elvis to the Daily Express: ‘I never sat at his feet looking up to him, because we regarded each other as equals. He was much too modest to be comfortable with someone who fawned around him and was never afraid to admit his own vulnerability – always the mark of the truly great.’ They were rivals, as well as friends, when Elvis began a season at the newly opened International Hotel in July 1969, which two years later was renamed the Las Vegas Hilton. Both shows were ruthlessly

CELEBRITIES advertised. On one side of the strip the huge billboards read, ‘Elvis Presley is at the International’. On the other side, the hoardings declared,‘Tom Jones is in Town!’ Tom moved briefly to the International too, because its show- room was three times the size of the Flamingo’s. In 1971, he finally settled at Caesars Palace. Elvis, meanwhile, stayed loyal to the Hilton, where he lived in the impressive penthouse, which became known as ‘Party Central’. The two friends would take it in turns to visit each other’s suites. Elvis was a reality check for Tom – a stark example of a road he would go down if he didn’t look after himself. Tom tried to keep in shape. At home in the UK, it was relatively easy, thanks to his fitness complex. On the road or in Vegas, it was more difficult, but he swam and took up squash. In the eighteen months before he opened at the Flamingo, he slimmed down from fifteen to eleven and a half stone. He said goodbye to chips for ever. He never stuffed himself with burgers or other junk food and avoided puddings, preferring a chateaubriand steak for dinner with the finest wines. Tom didn’t drink before a concert, which was particularly important where the desert air was so dry and put a strain on his voice. His shows were a workout in themselves, because Tom finished dripping with sweat and as much as six pounds lighter. After a show, he took a long, thirty-minute shower and then enjoyed a vodka martini or opened a bottle or two of Dom Pérignon while he socialised. His friend and backing singer Darlene Love became so sick of the constant supply of vintage champagne that she loathes bubbly to this day and only has a glass if it is mixed with orange juice. Elvis, however, struggled with his weight yo-yoing up and down. Early on, he told Tom that he took pills to stop the pounds piling on. The two men would have many discussions about the merits of drink and drugs. During one conversation, Elvis told him that he had taken every kind of drug imaginable just to keep his ‘head together’. Elvis asked him what he took to keep sane and Tom replied simply,

‘Nothing, that’s why I feel I am sane.’ Tom’s aversion to drugs is very well known. He told Sylvie Simmons of MOJO magazine a funny story of the evening he went to a party in London thrown by Lulu. A rock star sidled up to him and said, ‘You want to see what’s going on in the kitchen!’ Tom, being Tom, immediately thought it might be something involving one or hopefully two women. He was disappointed to see that the great excitement was a pile of white powder on the kitchen table.‘See you later,’ he said. Elvis never took any drugs in front of Tom – he had too much respect for him. Instead, they would be sitting down, listening to records, when Elvis would suddenly disappear into the bedroom and come out a new man. They would listen to a few more records and then the same thing would happen again. They may have had differing opinions on drugs, but both Elvis and Tom had similar views on gambling. Although they were the bait to draw thousands of punters into the hotel casinos, they never indulged themselves. That example was not followed by their respective managers, who lost fortunes at the gaming tables. Gordon incurred heavy losses playing blackjack. He was rumoured, in one disastrous night, to have lost the whole of Engelbert’s fee for a year. Tom just didn’t get the attraction. Why give away so easily what you had worked so hard to earn? One evening at Caesars Palace, Linda came bounding up to him and asked for some money so she and a friend could spend some time at the tables. Tom reached in his pocket and gave her $5. He advised her, ‘Don’t lose it all at once.’ Tom was intrinsically more sociable than Elvis, who preferred quiet evenings in his suite. He loved gospel music and was prepared to stay up even later than Tom, just singing. Tom would say goodnight and be halfway out the door, when Elvis would start something else and Tom would be obliged to go back in and sing another song. For the most part, they kept their friendship low-key. Elvis would slip into Caesars Palace with a baseball cap over his distinctive black hair and sit at

the back of the room. Disappointingly, Elvis and Tom never sang together in public. Elvis might walk on stage when Tom was performing, but he was under strict contract to another hotel, so he would never join in with a quick chorus of ‘Delilah’. Their duets were private moments and Elvis made it clear that they must never be recorded. His manager, Colonel Parker, had told him that he must ensure there were no bootleg recordings, an instruction he followed religiously. Tom was the same where Gordon was concerned: he never forgot what Gordon said. When they weren’t singing, they would talk about music. Elvis once suggested they could do a concert together, with The Beatles as their backing group. They could do their own songs, followed by a few duets and the Fab Four could play all the instruments. Elvis asked, ‘Do you think there is a chance we could get them to do it?’ Tom, who still laughs about that conversation, responded:‘It would be fantastic.’ The pair were such good friends, they exchanged rings. Elvis gave Tom a splendid black sapphire ring, which annoyingly disappeared from his hotel bathroom one night on tour – along with the young lady who was using it. Tom, in turn, presented Elvis with a tiger’s eye ring that he knew he liked. Elvis, for whom death threats were a way of life, was obsessed with firearms and would make sure he was armed even when he used the toilet. He gave Tom a gun with ‘Tom Jones’ engraved on the barrel. Tom has never had to fire his gun, although he made sure he knew how to use it. Perversely, Elvis also gave him a book that he’d enjoyed, entitled The Impersonal Life, a famous text about selfdiscovery and leading a spiritual life. 

Tom Jones: The Life by Sean Smith (HarperCollins)




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Planning For The Future Everyone should consider some basic legal planning to make sure that their families and loved ones are protected in case of future events which can affect anyone. Here we consider the “essentials” of making a Will, Lasting Power of Attorney and Gift of Property into Trust. REASONS TO MAKE A WILL Making a Will is important, particularly when you realise that without a Will, the Government will decide who will receive your money and possessions after you die. Unfortunately this can cause many difficulties for your surviving family and relatives at an already distressing time. By making a Will you can help alleviate additional pressures on your family. The myth that ‘my wife will receive everything anyway’ is not true. Your estate would be shared out in accordance with the ‘Statutory Legacy’ rules and your wife may not receive the whole estate or even enough to enable her to keep the matrimonial home. When it comes to ‘common law husband or wife’, there is no such thing. Only people who are legally married or have formed a civil partnership will be classed as husband, wife or civil partner and only they can enjoy the benefits of automatically inheriting part of their spouse’s estate. If you are not married you would have to go to Court to claim part of the estate which will come with the usual costs and expenses. Children are another reason why it is important to make a Will. If something was to happen to you and your children were still minors or disabled, you can appoint Guardians to look after them. It is also important if you are married for a second time and have children from a previous relationship. If you were to die first and your estate was below the ‘Statutory Legacy’ your whole estate would pass to your second spouse and your children would have no absolute right to anything.


If you are legally separated the ‘Statutory Legacy’ will still apply until the divorce is finalised so if you want your estate to pass to someone else then you must make a Will. You should have your Will prepared by an experienced Lawyer who will make sure all the relevant points are covered especially if your Will is complicated and Tax Planning Advice may be required.

LASTING POWER OF ATTORNEY Most people know they should have a Will, but have you considered what would happen if you were to become unable to manage your own affairs during your lifetime? Who would make difficult financial and personal decisions on your behalf? You can protect yourself by making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA). The LPA is a legal document in which you can appoint another person or persons as Attorney(s) to act on your behalf in relation to your financial affairs and/or personal welfare if you become unable to do so for yourself. The LPA was introduced under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and must be registered with the Court of Protection before it can be used. It is useful if you are ill or in hospital or residential care when it is difficult for you to look after your personal finances or welfare. The LPA comes in two parts - one deals with your financial affairs i.e. managing your Bank Accounts and Investments and also selling your property if required. The other part deals with your personal welfare i.e. issues relating to your personal care and where you should live and also giving or refusing consent to certain medical treatment. It is important to note that you can only make an LPA if you have sufficient mental capacity and this has to be confirmed by a Certificate Provider. In some cases it may be necessary to obtain a Doctor’s opinion if there is any doubt. It is also important to note that it does not take away your independence as one of the main principles of the Act is that capacity is decision specific and Attorneys should assist people to make their own decisions wherever possible. If you should lose capacity without having an LPA in place then it will be necessary for someone to apply to the Court of Protection for authority to deal with your affairs which

FINANCE can be a very slow and expensive process. An LPA is an important legal document which should be properly prepared and explained to you by an experienced Lawyer.

GIFT OF PROPERTY INTO TRUST Most people are concerned about the costs of long term residential care. Currently if your assets exceed £23,250 including the value of your property then you will be self funding and have to pay for the cost of your care yourself. The biggest concern for most people is that you may have to sell your house to pay for the care. However it is possible to avoid this by giving your property away during your lifetime, usually to your children. The gift however must be made in good time and not simply with the intention of avoiding future care fees otherwise it may be caught by the Local Authority’s anti-avoidance measures. You could simply make an outright gift to your children but as you will probably wish to continue to live in your property this could cause problems if you were to fall out with them or they were to experience matrimonial problems or bankruptcy. It could lead to someone else making a claim against their share of your property. Additionally, it could also cause problems for your children as owning a share of a

second property could give rise to possible Capital Gains Tax implications on the eventual sale of the property. We would therefore always recommend that a gift of property should be a gift into Trust which would protect you and your children from most of these potential difficulties. The Trust would provide for you to remain living in the property for as long as you wish on the basis that you continue to be responsible for all the outgoings as at present. The Trust can also provide for the property to be sold and a replacement property purchased for you to live in if you so wished. When you no longer live in the property for whatever reason, the Trust would come to an end and the property could be sold with the proceeds divided between your children. In this way you would no longer be treated as the legal owner of the property if you were to be assessed for long-term care fees and also as you are occupying the property which is held in trust this usually means that main residence exemption from Capital Gains Tax can be claimed although this is decided by the Revenue on a case to case basis.

Obviously giving away your property is a major decision and is irrevocable which requires specialist legal advice.

Wills, Trusts, Tax & Probate SOLICITORS Wath upon Dearne Office: 42 High Street, Wath upon Dearne S63 7QE T: 01709 873321 F: 01709 878637

Doncaster Office: 55 Hallgate Doncaster DN1 3PD T: 01302 321621

Thorne Office: 3 Farriers Court, Horsefair Green DN8 5EE T: 01405 814136 F: 01405 740367


PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE Everyone should consider some basic legal planning to make sure their families and loved ones are protected in case of future events which can affect anyone. Contact us to arrange a free consultation about the "essentials" of making a Will, Lasting Power of Attorney and Gift of Property into Trust. There is no obligation and any work then carried out will be on a fixed fee basis to be agreed in advance. We are happy to visit you at home if more convenient.

Please contact Veranne Bradley on (01302) 321621. E: W: WWW.50PLUSMAGAZINE.CO.UK

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The Gondoliers

The CRUISE Show - Manchester

Montgomery Theatre , Surrey Street, Sheffield S1 2LG From Tuesday 14th April 2015 Until Saturday 2nd May 2015

Discover a whole world of voyages at The CRUISE Show in Manchester...

Dore G&S Society proudly presents Gilbert & Sullivan's Savoy opera The Gondoliers.

26-27 September 2015 |

As Europe’s leading cruise event, The CRUISE Show will host the largest collection of major cruise lines and specialist operators all under one roof for one weekend! Whether you’re looking for a oncein-a-lifetime expedition cruise to a far-flung destination, a sumptuous ultra-luxury voyage, maybe a relaxing cultural river cruise or a tropical family cruise-holiday with lots to entertain all ages - The CRUISE Show at Manchester Central has it all. Packed with information and inspiration visitors can enjoy exclusive money-saving show offers and upgrades, be inspired by the informative free talks, gain essential expert advice that you won’t find in the brochure, discover different ship styles and incredible destinations and hear directly from the cruise lines about what’s new for 2015/2016.

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Dore G&S return to the topsy-turvy world of Gilbert and Sullivan and an excursion to Venice for their 2015 production of The Gondoliers. On her arrival in Venice, the bride of the heir to the throne of Barataria is confused to find that he cannot be identified due to a mix up in childhood with the son of a drunken Gondolier. To complicate things further the King of Barataria has just been assasinated so both Gondoliers must rule jointly until the rightful prince can be identified by his nurse. To make matters worse, both Gondoliers have recently married so one of them is an accidental bigamist. The final complication is the fact that the young queen is in love with another man. Get involved in 19th century Venice to find out how it all ends! Wed April 29th - Fri May 1st at 7:30 pm, Matinee Saturday May 2nd 2:30 pm. Tickets £12 from J Bettridge Tel 0114 2507155, or M White Tel 0114 2360723


The Full Monty

Tue 5 – Sat 23 May at the Sheffield Lyceum 55 Norfolk Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 1DA In 1997, a British film about six out of work Sheffield steelworkers with nothing to lose, took the world by storm! Now, they’re back and this time they really have to go The Full Monty – live on stage. Simon Beaufoy, the Oscar winning writer of the film, has gone all the way with this hilarious and heartfelt adaptation that’s getting standing ovations every night. With songs from the film by Donna Summer, Hot Chocolate and Tom Jones, this award-winning production is one huge package of laughs and emotion starring Gary Lucy, Andrew Dunn, Louis Emerick, Rupert Hill, Martin Miller and Bobby Schofield. This Sheffield Theatres production is presented by David Pugh & Dafydd Rogers, the multi award-winning producers of ART, Brief Encounter and Calendar Girls.

Pride & Prejudice

Thu 14 May – Sat 6 June The Crucible 55 Norfolk St, Sheffield, S1 1DA, South Yorkshire , Box Office: 0114 249 6000 Elizabeth Bennet is quick witted, intelligent and idealistic. In a society bound by class and wealth, she longs to break free from expectation and marry for love, not for financial convenience. When a wealthy young bachelor and his society friends arrive in the village, her world is turned upside down. Whilst her sister appears to make an instant match, Lizzie’s happiness seems out of reach. Can she find love or will her own prejudices get in the way? Jane Austen’s beloved romance is filled with wit and passion – a perfect escape for summer. For more details, please visit

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Family Fun Weekend Sat 16th May - Sun 17th May At Elsecar Heritage Centre

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The Complete History of Comedy Highland Fling Country Fair Graves Park | Monday 4th May 2015 - 10.30am to 5.30pm Don’t miss the Highland Fling Country Fair! Proud to be sponsored by and The Friends of Graves Park, and supported by Heart Radio. Come along and enjoy a great family day out in the park with lots to see and do, including: • • • •

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Tomatoes, Prostate Health and the Mediterranean Diet The Mediterranean diet is often associated with healthy living. Research suggests that the humble tomato is a key constituent of this diet and may play a significant role in human health, especially of the prostate. The belief that tomatoes have health benefits can be traced back to South American Indians, ideas that were brought to Europe by Columbus in the 15th century. Tomatoes were also thought to be aphrodisiacs, sometimes being referred to as Pommes d’Amour or “love apples”. The key ingredient of tomatoes is lycopene, one of the world’s most powerful, naturally occurring antioxidants. Responsible for tomatoes’ distinctive red colour, it is a member of a large family of coloured compounds called “carotenoids” that are found throughout the natural world. Humans possess no mechanism to make carotenoids, instead we accumulate them from our diet. Some, such as betacarotene, are easily accumulated whereas others are much less easily absorbed. Our bodies are hardly able to take up lycopene from raw tomatoes and need the fruit to be cooked or processed prior to eating. Alternatively, “bioavailable” lycopene supplements are becoming increasingly popular. Lycopene is sometimes presented in the National media as a panacea, a miraclefood that cures almost everything. Whilst many claims are exaggerated, there

is a large and credible research base that reports lycopene health benefits, particularly in relation to prostate cancer, heart disease, breast cancer and skin health. The most extensive research has been conducted in the area of prostate cancer. Lycopene is known to accumulate in the prostate gland and this has driven scientists to try to investigate its impact on the disease.

Every time a damaging free radical is removed by a lycopene molecule, the antioxidant becomes “spent” – the lycopene sacrifices itself to protect the body’s DNA. However, research has shown that the presence of plenty of vitamin C allows the “spent” lycopene molecules to be reactivated, rejuvenating them and preparing them to quench another poisonous free radical.

Some of this research has shown not only a positive association between high lycopene intake and a reduced risk of prostate cancer, but also benefits for those who already have the disease. Professor Ed Giovannucci from Harvard Medical School has been following the progression of 50,000 men since 1986, investigating the relationship between prostate cancer and lycopene consumption. In his latest 2014 report he notes: ‘Dietary intake of lycopene was associated with reduced risk of prostate cancer, especially lethal prostate cancer’.

Staying Informed Professor George Truscott and two internationally renowned colleagues formed George & Partners back in 2000. The company provides readable, up-todate, scientifically robust information about lycopene research, particularly that related to prostate cancer, breast cancer, heart disease and skin health. The company also develops food supplements based on the latest research.

A smaller trial at King’s College Hospital, London concluded: ‘Our clinical study lends weight to the probability that dietary supplementation from lycopene slows disease progression in men with prostate cancer.’ Although the exact mechanisms are not fully understood, many researchers think that lycopene’s antioxidant properties help to protect the body’s DNA from damaging free radicals. Others believe that lycopene improves cell-to-cell communication, reducing the risk of the uninhibited growth seen in cancer cells. In all likelihood, several mechanisms are at work.

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Advertorial feature

Getting to know your elderly care options A guide to help you plan for your needs in later life. If you’re concerned about the care of a loved one, it can be difficult to know where to turn. It’s not always easy to talk about elderly care and you may go through a range of emotions, or feel that you’re on your own. Aside from the emotional strain, families also have to get to grips with the implications of paying for care, which can be complex. There’s also the decision about which care to choose, which will depend on a number of factors, including the level of care required. There are several types of care that homes can provide, such as short-stay, residential, nursing and dementia, each of which offers a specific kind of support to meet individual needs. It’s common for someone needing a care home to feel a burden and for relatives to feel guilty about not being able to provide the care themselves. However, life in a care home can bring great benefits; helping people to stay independent for longer in a safe and homely environment, while ensuring help is at hand when needed. Care homes can also offer a real community spirit, where people can interact with their fellow residents, families and friends and enjoy a more active social life based on their interests and hobbies.

Many care homes provide a range of care types at one location giving the home the ability to meet individuals’ changing care needs within a single setting. This means that residents may not need to relocate to another care home should their care needs change in the future. Choosing the right care home is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. For this reason, it is important that you research and fully understand all the different options available to you, including the likely costs, to ensure you make the right choice. If you would like advice based on your personal circumstances, or you are just not sure where to start, whether it’s queries about funding, getting help to look after someone at home, or just starting the conversation with a loved one about care, Bupa offers a free advice service run by experts. They are there to listen to your circumstances and, by explaining your options, help you to make choices that are right for you and your loved one.

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Bereavement Services are continually monitoring and improving the facilities and the services offered to the public. The staff are committed to ensuring that each funeral is carried out in a caring and dignified manner and each funeral service is attended by a Bereavement Officer. The grounds of the cemeteries and crematoria are open every day, including Sundays and Bank Holidays and the opening times are displayed in prominent positions at the entrances to our facilities.

City Road Crematorium City Road, Sheffield, S2 1GD

Please contact either your chosen Funeral Director or Bereavement Services for further advice. If required, a recording of the funeral service can be provided for an additional charge. All crematoria chapels contain either pipe or electronic organs if a more traditional ceremony is required.

Sheffield’s older more traditional Crematorium opened in 1905 and is situated within the grounds of City Road Cemetery which opened in 1881. There are two chapels for cremation services and facilities include induction loop for the hearing impaired, braille and large print service booklets, wheelchair availability and disabled toilets and access.

Gardens of Remembrance adjoining Hutcliffe Wood Crematorium

The Gardens are attractive and peaceful and extend for 9 acres. Whilst the majority of the area is structured and formal there are a variety of trees, flowers and a more informal perimeter which attracts wildlife.

Hutcliffe Wood Crematorium Memorialisation after Periwood Lane, Sheffield, S8 0HN Cremation

Following a funeral, relatives often find great comfort in being able to remember their loved one in some way. Choosing the most appropriate memorial can be difficult. Bereavement Services offer a wide choice of commemorative memorials.

This crematorium opened in 1974 and has one chapel available for cremation services. Facilities include induction loop for hearing impaired, braille and large print service booklets, wheelchair availability, disabled toilets and stairlift to the exit of the chapel.

Musical Arrangements for Cremation Services

An extensive range of recorded music is available at both crematoria to accompany services.

Books of Remembrance

Books of Remembrance are displayed at both Hutcliffe Wood Hall of Remembrance and the Remembrance Room at City Road Cemetery. The books are handcrafted and inscribed by a professional calligrapher with an appropriate inscription of your choice.

Leather Memorial Panels

The panels are covered in dark blue leather and contained within a decorative oak frame. The chosen inscription is in gold leaf.


Memorial Wall Niches The niches are contained within a granite memorial wall situated within the formal areas of the gardens. The niches are large enough to accept two caskets of cremated remains. The covering plate can be inscribed with your chosen inscription, along with an emblem or photograph if required.

Bronze Memorial Plaques

For a more traditional memorial to a loved one, a wall or kerb plaque may be more appropriate. The plaques are cast in bronze to a high standard.

Memorial Mushroom Plaques

Memorial plaques which are placed on a granite memorial mushroom. The mushrooms have been sited under trees and are surrounded by bark wood chippings to create a more natural area.

Memorial Vase Block

Granite vase blocks surrounding an ornamental tree are available in the Gardens of Remembrance. The granite tablet is inscribed and can include an emblem or photograph. The vase block includes a flower posy vase for floral tributes.

Arboria Plaques

The plaques are made from natural timber and placed within a metal frame. Plaques are available within the Room of Remembrance at City Road Cemetery.

Bereavement Services Helping our Birds and Wildlife

You can help the wildlife at the Gardens of Remembrance by sponsoring a bird or bat box in memory of a loved one. For further information and advice on the memorials available, please contact the staff on the telephone number below.


Cremated Remains Graves

These are smaller graves for the purpose of burying cremated remains only. The graves are available at the majority of cemeteries with the exception of Burngreave, Darnall and Norton.

Grave Leases

The Exclusive Right of Burial on all new graves can be leased for 30, 50 or 90 years if required. Leases can be renewed at the expiry date.

Woodland Burial Ground. A further area has also been allocated for the strewing of cremated remains.

Memorial Safety

Creating a safer environment within our Cemeteries Sheffield City Council are committed to providing a safe environment for those visiting and working in our cemeteries.

To comply with current guidelines issued by Health & Safety Executive (HSE) we are required to survey Expired Grave Leases every headstone in all our sixteen Abbey Lane, Beighton, Burncross, From February 1959, the Exclusive cemeteries (see list on this page) to Burngreave, City Road, Crookes, Right of Burial on all new graves were ensure that these remain in a safe and Darnall, Ecclesfield, Handsworth, leased for 40 years. Since February stable condition and do not pose any Intake, Norton, Shiregreen, 1999, these leases have been expiring. immediate danger to visitors and staff Stocksbridge, Tinsley Park, Wisewood If you are the registered owner to the working in the cemeteries. and Woodhouse. Rights of a grave which the lease has expired, please contact Bereavement The guidelines from the HSE have There are 5 cemetery chapels Services for advice. been issued to all burial authorities available for services prior to interment. following a number of deaths and Chapels are available at City Road, serious injuries in the United Kingdom Crookes, Abbey Lane, Shiregreen and over the last 5 years in cemeteries Tinsley Park cemeteries. caused by falling headstones. The following cemeteries are managed by Bereavement Services:

An extensive range of recorded music is available and arrangements can be made for personal tapes and CDs to be played at the service.

New Graves

New graves are available at the majority of cemeteries with the exception of Burngreave, Darnall and Norton.

Existing Family Graves

Existing graves can be re-opened to allow further interments providing the written authority of the present owner of the rights to the grave is obtained.

Wisewood Woodland Burial Ground An area has been set aside within Wisewood Cemetery for woodland burials. Instead of a traditional headstone, a native species tree is planted on the grave which will eventually create a woodland and encourage wildlife into the area. It is possible to purchase full graves and cremated remains plots within the

From January 2002, a team of Memorial Safety Operatives have been surveying headstones in the sixteen cemeteries. Approximately 350,000 memorials are contained within the 350 acres of cemetery grounds. Please ensure that we always have current contact details on record should we need to get in touch.

For further advice, please feel free to contact a member of the Memorial Safety Operative team on the number below.

Staff are available to offer confidential advice and assistance on any of the services mentioned in this article by contacting:

Bereavement Services, City Road Cemetery, City Road, Sheffield S2 1GD Telephone: 0114 239 6068 | Fax: 0114 239 3757 Email: Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm WWW.50PLUSMAGAZINE.CO.UK

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