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Cheryl Baker From Buck's Fizz to Happy Days
Rick Stein's Indian Odyssey
A Holiday for two at a Christian Guild Hotel
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MENOPAUSE ANd ABNORMAL BLEEdING Your questions answered Mr Saikat Banerjee MBBS, MSc, FRCOG, Consultant Gynaecologist at BMI The Runnymede Hospital in Chertsey, talks about what to do if you have unexpected vaginal bleeding, what tests may be involved and what treatments are available. Menopause (“the change of life”) is a natural process, where your ovaries stop producing eggs and stop functioning. As a result your periods (monthly vaginal bleeds) stop. Most women will go through the menopause between 45 to 54 years of age. Treatment of the unwanted effects is individualised. It should include lifestyle changes (regular exercise; staying cool at night; cutting down on caffeine, alcohol and spicy food; giving up smoking) and taking vitamin D with calcium supplements. Use of drugs called hormone replacement therapy or alternatives is individualised. You should ask your doctor. For several years prior to your menopause, there is a gradual running down of your periods as they may initially start to become less frequent before completely stopping. This is normal. When should my vaginal bleeding be a concern? They should not become more frequent or you should not start to bleed between your periods for any reason. Also if you have gone through your menopause (no periods for one year, or six months if over the age of 54) it is not normal to bleed; even if it is just spotting of blood. Do not ignore it. You should seek the help of your doctor.
What could be the cause? Often the cause can be harmless, such as your ovaries misfiring or have one last go (anovulatory cycle). It may be the result of a natural inflammation and thinning of the vaginal skin (atrophic vaginitis) or womb lining (endometrial atrophy). It may be the result of a small noncancerous growth called endometrial polyps or a precancerous problem, called endometrial hyperplasia. Such bleeding can be an early sign of a cancer of the lining of the womb, the cervix and rarely ovaries. For one in ten women with such bleeding, this is the reason. These cancers when picked up early can be curable and abnormal bleeding may be an early sign. What should my doctor do? Check your cervical smear is up to date and have a look at the cervix (internal examination). You should have further tests, which usually involves also seeing a Gynaecologist. Checking out bleeding problems will give you ‘peace of mind’. Problems such as polyps can be easily treated with hysteroscopy. Thinning of the vagina can be treated with medication and hyperplasia, with medication called progesterone; by removal of the lining, or hysterectomy. Cancers will usually be treated by a full hysterectomy. With early identification, rates of cure are good.
For more information about various treatments or to arrange an appointment with Mr Banerjee, call 0800 092 8587 or visit runnymede
These tests include: 1. A vaginal ultrasound scan. A small ultrasound probe is, like a tampon, passed into your vagina to have a detailed look at your womb and ovaries. Although it may feel embarrassing, it should not be uncomfortable and will give your doctor important information. If normal, especially with the lining of the womb being both thin and regular in appearance, this test may be enough. If there is any uncertainty then you may need a biopsy (“endometrial biopsy”) and/ or direct look inside the womb lining (“hysteroscopy”). 2. Endometrial biopsy. A sample of the lining of your womb is taken for testing using a thin plastic tube, which is passed through the cervix. This is done in an outpatient clinic. Although possibly a little uncomfortable at the time it should not stop you from any activities later that day. 3. Hysteroscopy. This is where a fine telescope is used directly inside the lining of your womb to remove any polyps or take a specific biopsy. It takes around 10 minutes. This is often done under a general anaesthetic, although increasingly also done awake. You should discuss the options with your doctor.
Serious about health. Passionate about care. 031132 © BMI 2014
Venice from the Water... Spectacular from any angle.
10-11 Finest Escorted Holidays From Epsom Coaches. 15
Responsible Dog Ownership Over the Summer ... Tips to keep your pet healthy.
16-17 Cheryl's Happy Days ... The bubbly Cockney who helped bring Eurovision alight.
18-19 Take control of your health ... Free NHS Health Check. 20-21 Rick Stein ... In search of the perfect curry. 24
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Graham Smith Twitter Column
Boffins carried out extensive dunk-ometer tests on Britain’s five best loved biscuits and found Rich Tea were still going strong after 20 seconds.
It’s no yak An enterprising farming couple believe they are first to introduce the Himalayan yak to Britain. Helen and Matthew Worth have imported the fearsome looking bovid, usually found on the Tibetan plateau, to the rolling fields of rural Cheshire. Unlike domestic cattle yaks can be left out in all weathers happily dealing with temperatures as low as minus 40C. They also sport four foot wide horns, are very nimble on their feet and are quite capable of jumping a five barred gate if spooked. Don’t call me if they need rounding up. Mr and Mrs Worth imported a bull and three female yaks from Germany and Holland. They have already produced two pure-bred calves and hope to produce another bull. They plan to visit local gastro pubs and farmers’ markets to promote the meat- said to be incredibly lean and low in cholesterol and saturated fat.
The chemical, commonly found in radiator and brake fluids, tastes sweet but causes kidney failure when ingested.
Hobnobs, by comparison, began to crumble after just four seconds immersed in a cup of tea, followed a split second later by Ginger Nuts.
Staff wrote on the facility’s blog: “In Australia, the only antidote we have is alcohol. Alcohol alters the chemical reaction and stops the kidney failure from occurring.
Digestives held on for five seconds and Chocolate Digestives took 11 seconds to collapse, but Rich Tea was the clear winner.
“Charlie had a tube placed through his nose to his stomach. Over about 48 hours, he was given successive doses of alcohol.”
The research, led by Dr Stuart Farrimond for biscuit giant McVitie’s, also established the best dunking time for each variety and the best biscuit dunking angle.
“The easiest form of alcohol is vodka. In fact for the whole weekend, Charlie had a huge party with us in the Pet ICU.”
Dr Farrimond also called for a traffic light system on biscuit packets warning dunkers which varieties were high risk and likely to collapse.
Charlie’s owner Jacinta Rosewarne told the Herald Sun:
“Given the danger of a hot biscuit falling onto a clean shirt, there should be a ‘dunk-o-meter’ traffic light advisory system for all packets of cookies and biscuits,” he said.
“He was definitely drunk. “He was stumbling around, I’d go to pat him and he’d push me away like a normal drunk person, he was vomiting a little, whining like a drunk.” Happily, Charlie is now back to good health, and completely sober. Hic!
Binge drinking saves Charlie!
This really takes the biscuit
Vets in Australia saved a dog from certain death - by getting him drunk in a 48 hour vodka binge.
After the most comprehensive study of its kind, scientists say they have proved that Rich Tea biscuits are the best for dunking.
Charlie, a Maltese terrier, was taken to Animal Accident and Emergency in Melbourne suffering from ethylene glycol poisoning.
“A red circle would indicate short dunk of under five seconds, amber would advise a five to ten second dip and green for longer.” Isn’t it heartening to know that science is being applied to such important matters?
50 Plus Travel
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Venice from the Water Gillian Thornton has been a freelance journalist for more than 30 years, writing everything from parenting features to celebrity interviews, corporate copy to heritage articles. A member of the British Guild of Travel Writers, she has been concentrating on travel writing since 1998 ‘I never mind where I go,’ she says. ‘There’s always something new to discover.’ On this trip, Gillian stayed in Venice on a river cruiser with Voyages Jules Verne Eager for my first daylight view of the Venetian lagoon, I jumped out of bed, pulled back the curtains and quickly 8
shut them again as a water bus packed with commuters chugged past the window. Fortunately I was half decent, but when you book a lagoon-view cabin on board the MS Michelangelo, it pays to pack your pyjamas. Venice is spectacular from any angle, but it’s hard to imagine a more atmospheric or romantic place to stay than on board the river cruise boat MS Michelangelo on the waters of the lagoon. We booked the Venice from the Water package with Voyages Jules Verne, flying to Venice Marco Polo, where a coach collected the group for the half-hour drive to join our vessel at the Maritime Station. Once everyone was settled, the Michelangelo cruised down the broad
Giudecca Canal, past St Mark’s Square and the Doges’ Palace to the Riva Sette Martiri where it moored for three nights. Given the unique location, we felt it worth paying the small supplements for a lagoon view cabin on the upper deck – you simply can’t put a price on drawing those curtains (carefully!) and watching the flotilla of water vessels from the comfort of your holiday bed. VJV run ‘Venice from the Water’ on selected dates from spring to Autumn. We travelled in early November when you obviously take a gamble with the weather, but the chance to see the city without the crowds more than made up for the grey skies. Expect to walk if you want to see Venice properly. Hills are obviously not a problem, but there are many small footbridges up and over the
TRAVEL- LEISURE canals so flat shoes are a must. From the Michelangelo’s mooring, it’s a delightful 15-minute stroll to St Mark’s Square, and I’d recommend going back at least once after dinner to enjoy the illuminated square and quiet canals at their most tranquil. By day, the cruise-boat tourists who flock to St Mark’s rarely walked up as far as our floating hotel. The MS Michelangelo is operated by French company Croisi’Europe and we shared it with French and German travellers. Cabins are compact but very comfortable with big picture windows to take advantage of that view, and if you don’t want to pay the lagoon view supplement, the quay option showcases some elegant buildings. The vessel is immaculately maintained and crew were forever cleaning and polishing, inside and out. We found the multinational staff friendly and efficient, and a lot of effort had clearly gone into the crew entertainment on the final evening in the lounge bar – music, comedy and a modest degree of good-natured audience participation. There was also dancing on two nights to international hits performed by a local singer. Or you can just sit back and watch the others strut their stuff over a drink. Venice from the Water offers full board with wine, beer and soft drinks included with lunch and dinner. Our party of six had a table to ourselves, but couples and foursomes have to share, so intimate dinners are a nogo. We found the food consistently good rather than great, mostly safe international favourites, but always well cooked and attractively presented with three courses at lunch and four at
dinner. Special dietary requirements need advance notice though as there is no menu choice, which may not suit fussy eaters. The package includes a morning cruise of the northern lagoon, past the island of Burano to Torcello. On Day 4, the Michelangelo left its mooring before dawn, gliding silently down the lagoon side of the Lido to the working fishing port of Chioggia where we disembarked to experience a couple of hours in a very different kind of town. On top of that, there are optional excursions that include the Doges’ Palace, the craft workshops on Murano and Burano, Padua, and a gondola ride. Be aware though that minimum numbers are generally required. One wedding anniversary couple was disappointed to miss the musical evening in a historic palazzo on their
big day, simply through lack of other interest from other passengers. But they were offered – and much enjoyed – an alternative opera concert in a church. But the real star of the show is the city itself. You can’t beat just walking the canals, turning off down tempting backstreets, and soaking up all those glorious buildings and iconic views from the deck of a water bus up the Grand Canal. And at the end of each atmospheric day, we carried on watching the water traffic of the Venice lagoon through the windows of the Michelangelo, right up until the very last moment when we closed the curtains on one of Europe’s most compelling views. Fabulous. For further information visit or call 0845 166 7034
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area? And is there somewhere nearby that you can take your dog to exercise? A ground floor room may be more suitable as it means getting your dog out to the toilet at night is much easier. Be aware of extra conditions - Many places may have extra ‘rules’ to protect your dog, you and other guests. For example, some places may ask the dogs are treated for ticks before staying. If they will be exercising in nearby fields where deer and other wildlife graze.
mastiff puppy©iStockphoto.comyulkapopkova
Responsible Dog Ownership Over The Summer Summer- time can place a whole host of stresses on dog owners. With predictions that 2014 will see record breaking temperatures, this year in particular, is a causes concern of dogs overheating*. The holiday period also throws up the dilemma of what to do with your dog if you go on holiday? Fiona Firth, Burns Head Nutritionist, is offering advice on how best to look after your dog this summer: Sun-care sorted - Cars, conservatories and greenhouses - In no circumstances, should a dog be left in a car in hot weather. Other dangerous areas pet owners may not be aware of include environments, like conservatories and greenhouses. They can be just as much of a hazard to your pet’s health and it is best to keep your dog out of these spaces when it’s warm. Walks in the sun - If it is a really sunny day, it is not advisable to go for walks between 11am - 4pm, when the heat is at its peak. This decreases the chance of your dog suffering from heat stroke. Beware of the symptoms: they include: anxiety, excessive panting and in severe cases of heat-stroke – collapse and convulsions. If you think your dog is suffering from heat stroke, remove them from the hot environment and seek veterinary attention immediately. Plenty of water - Keep an eye on how much your dog is drinking and keep their water supply full at all times. Your dog’s breed and weight may make them more prone to over - heating.
Overweight, older dogs and those suffering from heart disease are more likely to be affected. If your dog is well hydrated it should help ward off the condition. Doggy paddling pool- A real novelty experience for your dog, who will no doubt love splashing around in the garden. As well as being great fun, a paddling pool is also a great way for your dog to keep cool in the summer. Holidaying with your dog? A third of pet owners now take their animals on holiday with them and there are now many dog friendly hotels and B&Bs to choose from!** But make sure you research the finer details before you go: Check additional charges - Be aware of differences in price. Some venues don’t charge extra for dogs, others might charge a supplement of £5, £10 or even £20 for extra room cleaning. This can also vary in terms of per dog/per night or for the entire length of the stay. Do they accept multiple dog companions? – Different accommodations conditions may vary. Some places only accept one dog, others only two. Check when booking, if you have more than two this may be trickier. Think about Location - Is the hotel or B&B near a main road? Does it have a fenced, secure garden or exercise
Dog Sitting Options Fully licensed - Many pet owners avoid holidays because they worry about leaving their animals but there are many options available. Ensure that wherever you chose to leave them is fully licensed. This means the business has met various regulations regarding hygiene and safety, a copy of the licence should be displayed prominently. Friends/pet sitters - Your pet’s personality is the best indicator of what care you should chose when you go away. Dogs that are particularly companionable and dislike change, might be best off left with a friend if possible. This may also be best if your pooch isn’t a fan of the company of other animals. Kennels and dog hotels, will of course mean interaction with other dogs. Kennels and hotels - There is such a huge variety of kennels and hotels available. Go and see the accommodation in good time, before your holiday. This way, if you don’t like the kennel you have time to make alternative arrangements. It might sound great on paper but you may overlook details that will be apparent in person. Such as friendly staff or even low entrances on cages or doors can be problematic. This may not occur to you, but if you have a large, tall breed dog it could be uncomfortable for them. The Burns team of pet nutrition experts is available online or over the phone. Whether you need in-depth advice on managing specific health problems or simply fine tuning feeding amounts, Burns has the experience and knowledge to help. The team is contactable via the freephone number 0800 083 6696.
Greyhounds make great pets 15
CHERYL’S HAPPY DAYS When it comes to making your mind up about careers to take talented young Cheryl Baker must have had plenty of choices. The bubbly Cockney who helped bring Eurovision alight in Buck’s Fizz when she and fellow group member Jay Aston had their skirts whipped off did, however, just have one goal in mind. “I always wanted to sing,” she explains. We are chatting half-way through a six-month tour of “Happy Days – The Musical” – the show based on the famous American TV sitcom first broadcast in the 1970s which gave a snapshot of family life in the mid-50s and ‘60s. It spawned the character of The Fonz, a hip youngster who caught the imagination of fans across the world and definitely proved a big hit in England. “In fact, the series was actually bigger in this country than in America itself,” informs Cheryl. In the show, she takes the part of Mrs Marion Cunningham, Fonz’s ditzy Mrs C who unintentionally is extremely funny. Cheryl loves the role, and the whole show. “It really is wonderful,” she enthuses. “The music by Paul Williams is just fantastic and the show is written by the same person who wrote the original TV series so the characters really come to life.” Cheryl herself is a larger-than-life character who has endeared herself to the public, at home and abroad, since the Eurovision Song Contest and the group’s first hit record Making Your Mind Up. She had actually been in Eurovision before that, with Co-Co in 1978, but their song, The Bad Old Days, could only manage 11th place. When Cheryl was contacted by Nichola Martin, who was setting up a new group under the name Buck’s Fizz with a view to entering another song, she joined up. The rest, as they say, is musical history: Making Your Mind Up was a global hit, and Buck’s Fizz went on to five years of success and more hit singles. Perhaps, though, it was always meant to be that Cheryl with all her personality and likeability was
destined for a variety of other things. And that has certainly been the case. A quick look at her c.v. reads like an agent’s dream: she’s appeared in and hosted TV programmes from Record Breakers to Walking the Dog, from baking series to slimming challenges and regularly presented programmes live. She’s done panto, radio and appeared in drama like Dial M For Murder and musicals like Footloose, so her latest incarnation should really be no surprise. “I’m not the kind of person who could ever sit at home and do nothing anyway,” states Cheryl, now 60. “I’ve got a mortgage and bills to pay like everyone else so I’ve got to work. But I think I like doing something creative, and always will. “Mind you, I still get the heeby-jeebies about going on stage in something new. I’m used to the music and lines in this show now, but I think I’m the kind of person to always get those nerves and that adrenaline and you do use that. I come off stage and I feel like I’ve done something really worthwhile.” As well as stage and TV work – she’s due to appear in an edition of TV favourite Pointless in Eurovision week this year – she, Jay Aston and Mike Nolan are still making appearances as Buck’s Fizz. “Yes, I’m still getting that skirt whipped off!” she laughs. “We love it all and people still seem to love the group and that period. We often appear in retro shows and they stand at the front and sing the songs and they know all the words. They even scream when the skirts go off!” When she’s not being Cheryl Baker, entertainer, she lives at home in Kent with her husband of 21 years, Steve Stroud, and their 19 year-old twin daughters Kyla and Natalie. So have the girls seen the show and are they familiar with Happy Days? “They’ve been a couple of times and love it, although they didn’t know the show at all,” says Cheryl.
She believes that Happy Days was a big success originally because it showed us all an idyllic view of what American life seemed to be. In spite of being a real-life Eastender born in Bethnal Green with an accent she’s never lost, she doesn’t find it hard to adopt an American accent for the show. “It’s easy,” she instructs. “You just have to roll your r’s and soften your t’s. Just try it.” Cheryl has never been shy about the weight problem that sometimes shows itself. “I can put on a stone either way anytime,” she asserts. “I’m not the kind of person to be huge, because my parents weren’t, but I’m always on a diet and it’s something I have to watch.” The travelling and unpredictable lifestyle of touring is not ideal for keeping to a healthy regime and this is something that Cheryl addresses. “I started running marathons a few years ago and I still go out for four or five miles when I’m on tour,” she adds. “Running burns the calories and does help to keep you fit. I’ve got little legs like a footballer – just like Bobby Moore’s – but they’ve definitely gone leaner with running.” People warm to Cheryl, they probably always have but her high profile on TV mean that they often feel they know her. “Yes, I’ve always liked that really,” she states. “Our audiences now are great - even though the songs are new, because they’re good and catchy people are enjoying the whole experience.” As for what happens after the tour – which goes all around the country from Sunderland to The Lowry in Salford – one thing is absolutely certain. Cheryl Baker won’t be retiring any day soon. “When you’re doing something you love, and you’re still able to do that, why on earth would you retire?” And then for Cheryl Baker, performer for all seasons, it was back to preparing for that day’s performance in Cambridge - and the warm glow that comes from an audience enjoying their own happy days.
Take control of your health with a free NHS Health Check You can detect potential problems early and put them right before they do real damage. What will happen at the check? The check will only take about 2030 minutes and you’ll be asked a few straightforward questions about your family history and the lifestyle choices which may put your health at risk. Your healthcare professional will make a note of your weight, age, sex and ethnicity before taking your blood pressure. You’ll also have your cholesterol measured.
What happens after the check? Your healthcare professional will talk you through the results and give you personalised advice to help you stay healthy. This could include:
Just because you feel fitter now than at any other point in your life it doesn’t mean it’s not worth having a free NHS Health Check. Think of it as your “midlife MOT” to check that some of your body’s most important systems are running smoothly. If you’re under 74 (the starting age is 40) you’re eligible for an NHS Health Check at participating venues in Surrey. It’s quick, easy and free and could make a big difference to your health, and life, in the long term by working out your risk of developing these serious, but preventable illnesses.
Why do I need an NHS Health Check? The check will help you identify your risk of developing illnesses like heart
disease, stroke, diabetes or kidney disease, so you can take the best course of action to stay healthy and active for longer. The NHS Health Check is expected to save 650 lives, prevent 1,600 heart attacks and strokes and stop 4,000 people developing diabetes each year so why not join the thousands of people across the UK who have already had a check? The sobering fact of the matter is that together, the vascular conditions identified by the NHS Health Check are the biggest cause of preventable deaths in the UK, affecting more than 4 million people. However, you can easily avoid becoming part of this statistic by booking your check as soon as you can.
Making a few small changes to your lifestyle such as trying to be more active.
Having a blood test to check for kidney problems or type 2 diabetes. Your health professional will be able to tell you more about this.
Being prescribed medication to lower your blood pressure or cholesterol levels.
How do I get an NHS Health Check? If you’re under 74 and haven’t previously had a stroke or been diagnosed with heart disease, kidney disease, dementia or diabetes you should have an NHS Health Check now. Visit www. to find out more about booking an appointment with your nearest provider.
Make your health your goal If you’re aged 40-74 get a FREE NHS Health Check Your risk of having a stroke or developing heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes or dementia increases as you get older. A FREE NHS Health Check can help you reduce these risks and stay healthy.
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Rick Stein shares recipes from his latest book My Indian Odyssey
SERVES 4 – 6 250g dried chickpeas, soaked in cold water overnight, or 625g (drained weight) of tinned or jarred chickpeas 1 tbsp vegetable oil 1 large onion, finely chopped 25g/5 cloves garlic, finely crushed 25g/5cm ginger, finely grated 2 fresh green chillis, finely chopped, with seeds 2 tsp ground coriander 2 tsp ground cumin 2 tsp Kashmiri chilli powder 300g vine -ripened tomatoes, chopped 2 tsp salt 1 tsp Garam masala 1 tbsp lemon juice Handful of coriander leaves, chopped.
I would hazard a guess that chana masala or chickpea curry is the most popular vegetarian curry in India. I sternly instructed my son Jack, who tested this recipe for me, only to use proper dried chickpeas soaked and boiled. He stole down to the deli, grabbed a jar of Spanish garbanzos and used the liquid with the chickpeas in place of some of the cooking water. It was a triumph. Maybe I’m too strict on tins and jars. Method If using dried, soaked chickpeas then first drain them. Bring a large pan of water (without salt) to the boil, add the chickpeas and simmer over a medium heat for 45 minutes to an hour, or until soft but still holding their shape. Drain, reserving some of the cooking liquid to add to the sauce if needed. If using chickpeas from a can or jar, omit this stage. Heat the oil in a sturdy pan or karahi over a medium heat. Add the onions, and fry for 10-15 minutes until softened and golden brown. Stir in the garlic, ginger and green chillis and fry for 1 minute, then add the ground coriander, cumin, chilli powder and turmeric and fry for 30 seconds. Add the tomatoes, chickpeas, salt and 300ml water or chickpea cooking water and bring to a simmer. Cook for 20 minutes, stir in the garam masala and lemon juice, scatter with the coriander and serve.
Extracted from Rick Stein’s India by Rick Stein, BBC Books hardback £25 Photography: James Murphy 20
SERVES 4 – 6 60ml vegetable oil 1 medium onion, thinly sliced 15g/3cm piece ginger, finely grated 50g/10 cloves garlic, half crushed to a paste, half thinly sliced 8 fresh curry leaves 1 tbsp Kashmiri chilli powder 1/2 tsp ground tumeric 1 tbsp ground coriander 1/2 tsp toasted ground fenugreek 1 tbsp rice flour or plain flour 2 tomatoes sliced 2 tbsp sliced smoked kokum, washed and soaked in 100ml boiling water for 15 minutes 500ml water 11/2 tsp salt 1 tsp sugar 500g salmon fillet, cut into 3cm chunks 1 tsp coconut oil, warmed to its liquid state, to finish.
This recipe comes from a book called The Suriani Kitchen. The author, Lathika George, who took me on a fascinating trip round a frenetic market just outside Cochin, is an authority on Keralan cooking. She explained that it’s called ‘yesterday’s curry’ because everybody thinks it’s much better the next day. I came across the same curry all over the place - in a kitchen so smoky I couldn’t stay in there for more than a minute at a time, where it featured a giant kingfish head; at the house where I was filmed cooking lots of the recipes in the book, where the cook Mallika had one on every day; and in the hotel where we all stayed for about two weeks. The hotel was the sort of place of air-conditioned comfort where you go quietly mad for want of the warp and weft of everyday Indian life; we had to leave at six o’clock every morning to work a twelve-hour day in enervating humidity. As a matter of interest, I first tasted this dish years ago in a restaurant in central London called Rasa Samudra, and then as now, was taken by its spicy redness and the smoky flavour and souring effect of kokum. As if it wasn’t hard enough to get hold of kokum anyway, now you need to make sure it’s the smoky sort - but don’t worry, tamarind is nearly as good.
Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan or karahi over a medium heat, add the onion and fry for 5 minutes until softened. Add the ginger, crushed and sliced garlic and curry leaves and fry for 2 minutes. Stir in the chilli powder, ground spices and flour and a splash of water, and cook for 2 minutes. Stir in the tomatoes, kokum (plus soaking water) or tamarind, water, salt and sugar and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the salmon and cook for a further 5 minutes. Remove from the heat, drizzle with coconut oil and serve.
The Science Behind Slim author Kay Illingworth creator of the Diet Plate weight management system. Taking the first step to losing weight is always the hardest and choosing the right sort of diet is important, many people attempt strange ways to lose weight that have nothing to do with the way they normally live and failure is almost guaranteed. Trick number one, to losing weight and keeping it off, is quite literally a discipline coupled with real knowledge of the human body, in particular your own, trick number two is realising that a lifestyle change maybe called for. Understanding the science behind being slim gives you more than a fighting chance, there is so much more to know than swapping chips for salad. Metabolism: This is your BMR or RMR; basal metabolic rate or resting metabolic rate. How fast or slow your BMR is, denotes how you use the calories you consume for energy. Knowing this figure will give you a starting point for the maximum calories you can consume before you “leave” your weight loss zone and move into your “weight maintenance zone” or even your “weight gain zone.” Having measured many peoples BMR an average for a 50 year old female, is normally around 1,350 calories a day. Exercise plays a part, just vaccuming the house for thirty minutes can expend around 90 calories (one digestive biscuit), while digging the veggie plot over expends around 315 calories. Funnily enough, the heavier you are the more likely you will start with a higher BMR – why? Carrying the excess weight is a workout in itself, consider carrying a 20lb carrier bag of potatoes for thirty minutes and you start to understand the strain on your body. If you are carrying an extra 3 or 4 stones (11x5lb bags of potatoes) you can start to see why it is imperitive for your health to get down to the right weight for your height. Although being slim might be pleasing to the eye for some, aesthetics should come after your health because without health, quality of life suffers when it really needn’t. Food Groups: There are five in total, and this is true for every nation on the earth, so eating English, Asian food, French, or Morrocan does not matter, controlling the portions is key. Starchy Carbohydrates, bread, pasta, potato, rice, pulses (legumes), cous cous, quinoa, peas and corn. These give the energy, these signal the release of insulin to turn that energy into 22
glucose and make the muscles work harder. Any which is left over turns to fat and stored for use later, or not at all. Protein; lamb, chicken, game, beef, turkey, duck, cheese, eggs, fish, offal and tofu or quorn. These are used for muscle and tissue repair and some for energy, eat too much and the kidneys and liver process it into the waste product which is expelled. The body does not need copius amounts of protein to do its job, 2– 5 oz a day is about it. Those 12 ounce T- bone steaks only serve to overload stomachs and put extra strain on internal organs. Fats and suggary foods; olive oil, rape seed, palm oil, lard, butter, beef dripping, cream, cakes, pastries, chocolate, sweets and puddings and all things we consider naughty... We need a small amount of fat in our diet to transport the vitamins and minerals in foods to our blood stream. Olive oil is great, while bacon fat is not but always in moderation as they’re highly calorific and can soon take you out of your weight loss zone. The naughties, just avoid completely if you have diabetes or trying to lose weight, white sugar carries no nutrients but lots of calories and is an instant hit for your pancreas to release the hormone known as insulin. Too much sugar can cause insulin resistance and that means, Type 2 Diabetes! And, sweetners are now known to release insulin too, much better to go without. Dairy; Eggs, cheese, yoghurt, milk, cream, butter. You can add dairy to recipes if you are practising portion control, many items contain calcium which is good for bones but many are also high in fat, which is not good for your liver, exercise caution, they are calorific and the body does not need a great deal of it. Fruit and Vegetables; with the exception of potato, peas and corn which is starch based, free vegetables, salads and fruit can be eaten freely and in abundance. Your body will love you right back if you make these items the main stay of your diet. Forget five a day and try for eleven a day, the feel good factor will have you dancing naked in the rain. However, if you are diabetic or wanting to lose weight, leave off the smoothies and fruit juices as too much fructose can send blood sugars soaring and release too much insulin. Choose to juice vegetables like carrot and cabbage with ginger, a vitamin boost and tasty too.
Water: Water is probably the best secret aid to losing weight, Drink at least 2-3 litres a day. Calorie Counting: The RDA (recommended daily allowance) for calorie intake is shown below: • 2,000 a day for a woman • 2,500 for a man For children, it is age related but the BDA (British Dietetic Association) recommends an RDA of: • 0 – 5 months 650 calories • 5 – 12 month 850 calories (weaning) • 1-3 years 1,300 calories • 4-6 years 1,800 calories • 7-10 years 2,000 calories Note that after 30 years, calorie requirement may drop if you live a sedentary lifestyle by as much as 200 calories a day and after 50 by a further 200, so weight loss may slow down considerably unless you exercise with cardio and muscle building programmes, which are known to increase metabolism. It is a good idea to do both as weight bearing exercise can help prevent osteoperosis and muscle building helps prevent weakness as we age and is good for circulation.
The lowering of metabolism as we get older is partly responsible for why we gain weight when we don’t seem to overeat. It doesn’t take very many calories to take us into a weight maintenance zone or a weight gain zone and knowing our personal calorific intake maximums for each zone can be of real help in understanding why sometimes we lose weight and why sometimes we don’t. So you can see why calorie counting is very important as part of a nutritionally balanced dietary intake if we are to sustain a weight loss each week. Either that, or we work off the extra calories by upping the exercise we do. The Diet Plate weight management system • provides 1,200 – 1,550 calories for a woman – Female system • provides 1,500 – 1,900 calories for a man – Male system • provides 1,200 – 1,550 calories for a child - Magic system this is excluding extra snacks and milky drinks added to a childs diet to maintain a health height/weight ratio. It is widely accepted and there is a lot of clinical evidence for weight, which backs up the fact, that to lose weight we have to redress the energy balance. This means that, we need to eat less calories than we expend in order for the body to make up the difference by using the excess fat on our bodies. This is a fact in science and if you were to carefully disect many diets which have strange names , you would see that they are of mostly a low carbohydrate, calorie counting style. You may read about many fad diets, many claim to be miraculous and offer rapid weight loss but if you carefully analyse the diet itself and count the calories for each day, you will find that on the whole they adhere to this rule. The exception maybe the Hays diet, which suggests you can eat as much protein on one day as you wish to but absolutely no starchy carbohydrates and starchy carbohydrates on the next day with absolutely no protein. In the course notes we discuss why this works and also why in the long term it doesn’t. Do not risk your health by taking slimming pills, they do not work and can be counter productive to a healthy lifestyle, even over the counter ones are known to cause liver damage and most have been banned in the USA and Canada. What are empty Calories? The empty calories are responsible in the main for making us overweight. Empty calories contain lots of sugar, processed starch like flour or fats and not many nutrients or vitamins that will help us get through the day. In some cases, they stop us from getting through the day
by raising sugar levels for a quick burst of energy, only to plummet our moods moments later into a depressive and lethargic state of mind, which may well spur on another desire for high sugar foods. They are the calories in; alcohol, fatty sugary foods, like biscuits, cakes and sweets, puddings, white bread, processed food, pizza, pies, soda drinks, candies and chocolate. These are loaded with fat and sugar, hidden or otherwise and while they may provide an immediate burst of energy, the damage they cause is the reason why you are reading this now and interested in losing weight. Calories do count and so does the type of food you choose to eat. Sugar in the blood stream is recognised by receptors, that in turn, tells the pancreas to release the hormone insulin, the insulin converts the sugar to glucose energy, which, is then absorbed into the muscle tissue for energy and used to perform whatever daily tasks we have set for ourselves. Insulin has the job of creating fat (lipogenises) in the cells when all the energy is not used up. The release of insulin stops us using up stored body fat and therefore weight loss becomes more difficult. It is the reason why the stablity of the blood sugar is so important to maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding the yo-yoing of gaining or losing weight. By limiting the intake of calories, the body calls on stored fat to use for extra energy, the result is weight loss. Simplified but explains why you need to follow a calorie controlled nutritionally balanced diet. And, why the food you choose to eat is so very important, it is the hormone insulin which blocks the burning of fat, not the calories consumed, it just happens to be that the high sugar, high calorie foods produce more insulin to convert to glucose, energy that the body may not need at that time. It takes 3,500 calories to create 1lb of fat over and above the amount of energy that your body’s needs. Conversely by cutting your calories by just 500 a day, you will see a weight loss of 1lb a week. Aiming for a sustainable 1-2lb a week will ensure a long term result and body fat reduction. The remaining 500 calories can be made up of having higher than average metabolism or doing a little more exercise, the latter is quite relevant especially for toning up limbs. How many calories can I have? The ideal weight loss diet is 1-2lbs a week, which, can be sustained nearly every week if you are using our plan,
you should expect fluctuations in weight loss depending on what you are eating. Therefore a calorie intake of 1200 – 1550 calories a day for a woman and 1500 – 1900 calories for a man is ideal is you are trying to lose weight, otherwise try to adhere to the recommended daily allowance (RDA). As mentioned by cutting your calories by just 500 a day, will give your body chance to call upon the fat you have stored and use it for energy instead. Nutritionally devoid empty calories from fatty sugary foods, will swallow up your daily allowance quicker than anything, which is why planning, mindful eating and care needs to be taken when planning a weekly shop or menus. The food you choose to buy will be a big part of the deciding factor between losing weight and not being hungry while you do so. The food section will provide added information on this. Calories from most vegetables, (the exception being starchy ones like peas and corn) salads and some fruits can be negligible, which is why you always find them on the top of every weight loss diet’s list and why they should be at the top of your shopping list. Ask not, “what vegetables can I put with this meat“ but, “what meat can I put with these vegetables ?“ And, you won’t go far wrong. Vegetables are valuable in a healthy diet, they provide roughage and fibre, vitamins and minerals, they are the jewels in the crown of a healthy balanced diet. Drinks need to be incorporated into your day, empty nutritionally devoid soda drinks like coke or lemonades should be avoided. On average they contain 140 calories a can and about 9 teaspoons of sugar, even the sugar free is now known to cause weight gain, sweeteners trigger the pancreas into relasing insulin! While black coffee, fruit teas and breakfast tea make great fillers, good old plain water, hot or ice cold is the very best you can do for your body at least 2 pints per day which is a little more than a litre, excluding teas and coffee. Thermic Effects of Calories There is research to suggest that eating the same calorific content will result in different weigh loss results, we will cover this more closely in the course. However, basically, if you were to make a chicken salad sandwich on white bread and one exactly the same on wholegrain bread, you would burn the calories in the white bread sandwich a lot quicker. So by choosing the whole grain alternative your weight loss could be nearly 10% or more in a week because you are fuller for longer.
Anti-ageing foods
Age is no barrier to beauty, but no one wants to grow old before their time, and if you can take steps to slow the ageing process, why not give it a try? When combined with regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle, diet is one of your most powerful weapons. A strong immune system and healthy, well functioning cells are the keys to looking and feeling younger, and by eating certain foods you’ll be giving yourself a hefty push in the right direction. Among the substances these foods contain, antioxidants, which zap cell-damaging free radicals, are vital. Anthocyanidins are among the most powerful, slowing down the normal ageing of capillaries and veins so that blood and nutrients continue to circulate efficiently. Eating plenty of essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) is important – they help to keep your heart healthy, and boost immunity and brain power. Vitamin C helps to stop the crosslinking of collagen and elastin fibres, which is what leads to wrinkled, inflexible skin; vitamin E also helps to maintain the skin’s elasticity; and vitamin A and betacarotene protect against macular degeneration. Minerals are just as important, especially zinc and potassium. Try to eat some superfoods every day (a few are listed), and drink plenty of water to keep skin hydrated. n Acai berries are jam-packed with antioxidants, omega oils, dietary fibre, amino acids, calcium and B vitamins. 24
n Blueberries are a great source of anthocyanidins. They may also help brain function, keep eyes healthy, help lower cholesterol and protect against cancer. n Broccoli, kale, cabbage and Brussels sprouts are rich sources of fibre, vitamin C, carotenes and other anti-cancer compounds. n Carrots are powerful antioxidants, protect skin from sun damage and wrinkles, and help maintain a healthy heart. They are one of best sources of betacarotene, which your body converts into vitamin A. n Cherries contain plenty of anthocyanidins, as well as vitamin C; strongly antiinflammatory, they reduce the risk of heart disease. n Chinese leaves are a rich source of betacarotene, help control blood pressure, improve digestion and help combat asthma and bronchitis. n Cinnamon is a powerful antioxidant, and helps balance sugar in the blood. n Dark chocolate (with at least 70% cocoa solids) – two squares give you a dose of anti-ageing flavonoids, and a good measure of antioxidants. n Fish, especially oily fish, contains essential fatty acids, and vitamin D for bones and joints. It also helps your body to eliminate fat-soluble toxins and maintains lipid supply in the outer layers of your skin, which some say smooths wrinkles.
n Garlic helps maintain healthy circulation and lowers cholesterol, plus having beneficial antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. n Green tea comes from the same plant as black tea but the leaves are less processed and so the tea is higher in antioxidants. It may help lower cholesterol, speed metabolism (for weight loss), protect teeth and joints and reduce sun damage to skin. White tea, from the concentrated buds of the plant, is even less processed and more beneficial n Honey boosts the immune system and improves brittle nails. n Nuts and seeds are a great source of vegetable protein, fibre and essential fats and minerals. Walnuts are full of antioxidants; Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, important for the immune system; almonds contain vitamin E; pumpkin and hemp seeds and linseeds provide skin-plumping essential fatty acids and valuable minerals, such as zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium. n Oats contain soluble fibre that helps reduce cholesterol, and B vitamins that, with silicon, help keep skin, hair and nails looking good and bones strong. n Olives and olive oil are full of vitamin E and linoleic acid (an omega-6 fat) and help keep skin hydrated. They also have antiinflammatory properties. n Onions help maintain a healthy heart, and may slow bone loss. They contain vitamins C and B6 (good for muscles) and have anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial properties. n Quinoa is an excellent source of protein and, unlike wheat or rice, contains all the essential amino acids, as well as the whole range of B vitamins. n Tomatoes are full of vitamin C, potassium and lycopene, an antioxidant that protects skin and eyes from sun damage and helps ward off certain cancers. More lycopene is absorbed if tomatoes are heated, canned or made into ketchup, or eaten with olive oil. Feature supplied by the Dairy Diary. For more information on the Dairy Diary, plus recipes, competitions and much more visit
Room Colors and Their Effects Understand that colours behave in three basic ways : active, passive, and neutral. You can easily match every room’s colours to your personal desires, to your taste taste and to the room’s purpose. Light colours are expansive and airy, making rooms seem larger and brighter. Dark colours are sophisticated and warm; they give large rooms a more intimate appearance. Now let’s find out more about colours and what they can do to a room:
Room Colour and How it Affects Your Mood The colours of the rooms within your home need to bring out your personality. While most of us may not spend a lot of time thinking about room colour, it affects every day of our lives. Room colour can influence our mood and our thoughts. Colour affects people in many ways, depending upon one’s age, gender, ethnic background or local climate. Certain colours or groups of colours tend to get a similar reaction from most people – the overall difference being in the shade or tones used. So when it comes to decorating, it is important to choose wisely.
Choose Wisely!
In order to have a beautiful home, you do not have to worry about trends. Colour trends will come and go. The people who live in a home make it beautiful by choosing colours that reflect their likes and their personalities. The trick is to blend those colours you like into a pleasing combination. Choosing colour combinations is one of the most intimidating steps for beginners. Colour has the power to change the shape and size of furnishings as well as the shape and size of the room itself. Selecting colours is not difficult if you equip yourself with some basic information about colour and its effects, so let’s find out more about room colours, and how these influence your mood.
Find clear answers to these questions. If you find this task difficult try to look at magazines, decorating books, blogs and websites for ideas, or let your fabric be your guide. In fact, this is a good approach to take even if you’re starting from scratch. Fabric, carpeting, furniture and tile are available in a more limited range of colours than paint, so choose them first and then decide on your paint colour. Once you find something you like, limit the number of colours in a room to no more than three or four. Too many colours can make a room look busy or cluttered. Paint is fairly inexpensive and transforms a room more quickly than anything else, so you can afford to experiment a little.
Keep in mind that each colour has a psychological value. Think about how those colours make you feel- they can influence any feeling from tranquility to rage. So when trying to create peace and harmony in your home, choose your colours wisely. Some colours in large amounts will have just the opposite affect on you and your loved ones’ moods. What mood do you want to create? Which colours will help you achieve that mood?
Red raises a room’s energy level. It is a good choice when you want to stir up excitement, particularly at night. In the living room or dining room, red draws people together and stimulates conversation. In an entryway, it creates a strong first impression. Red has been shown to raise blood pressure, speed respiration and heart rate. It is usually considered too stimulating for bedrooms, but if you’re only in the room after dark, you’ll be seeing it mostly by lamplight, when the colour will appear muted, rich, and elegant. Red, the most intense, pumps the adrenaline like no other hue. Yellow captures the joy of sunshine and communicates happiness. It is perfect for kitchens, dining rooms, and bathrooms, where happy colours are energising and uplifting. In halls, entries, and small spaces, yellow can feel expansive and welcoming. Even though yellow although is a cheery colour, it is not a good choice to use in main colour schemes when it comes to designing a room. Studies show that people are more likely to lose their temper in a yellow interior. Babies also seem to cry more in a yellow room. In large amounts, this colour tends to create feelings of frustration and anger in people. In chromotherapy, yellow is believed to stimulate the nerves and purify the body. Blue is said to bring down blood pressure and slow respiration and heart rate. That is why it is considered calming, relaxing and serene, and it is often recommended for bedrooms and bathrooms. Be careful, however: a pastel blue that looks pretty on the paint chip can come across as unpleasantly chilly when it is on the walls and furnishings, especially in a room that receives little natural light. If you opt for a light blue as the primary colour in a room, balance it with warm hues for the furnishings and fabrics.
need not mean claustrophobic: visually lowered ceilings can evoke cosy intimacy. As a general rule, dark walls make a room seem smaller, and light walls make a room seem larger.
Purple is rich, dramatic, and sophisticated.
The principles described in this article are as applicable in the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom as anywhere else. A word of warning though; fitting furniture in these rooms is expensive and not something which you are likely to do regularly. Because of that the colour(s) of the furniture must be fashion resistant. By that I mean that if you chose the latest fad you stand the risk of it looking dated in 5 years’ time – well before it is time to look at that room again. The answer for kitchens is to follow these simple rules; 1) Use bold colours on areas you will be changing regularly and which are not expensive to change. To encourage relaxation in the social areas (family rooms, living rooms, large kitchens) consider warmer blues, such as periwinkle, or bright blues, such as cerulean or turquoise. Blue is known to have a calming effect when used as the main colour of a room. Go for softer shades of blue. Dark blue has the opposite effect, evoking feelings of sadness. So refrain from using darker blues in your main colour scheme. Stay with the lighter shades of blue to give you and your loved ones a calm effect. Green is considered the most restful colour for the eye. Combining the refreshing quality of blue and the cheerfulness of yellow, green is suited for almost any room in the house. In the kitchen, green cools things down; in a family room or living room, it encourages unwinding but has enough warmth to promote comfort and togetherness. Green also has a calming effect when used as a main colour for decorating. It is believed to relieve stress by helping people relax. Also believed to help with fertility, making it a great choice for the bedroom. Purple in its darkest values (eggplant, for example) is rich, dramatic, and sophisticated. It is associated with luxury as well as creativity, and as an accent or secondary colour, it gives a scheme depth. Lighter versions of purple, such as lavender and lilac, bring the same restful quality to bedrooms as blue does, but without the risk of feeling chilly. Orange evokes excitement, enthusiasm and is an energetic colour. While not a good idea for a living room
or for bedrooms, this colour is great for an exercise room. It will bring out all the emotions that you need released during your fitness routine. In ancient cultures orange was believed to heal the lungs and increase energy levels.
2) Consider making your bold statement with breakfast bars and splash backs. These are not as easy or as cheap to change as painting walls but they can be much easier and cheaper to change than other changes to your kitchen furniture.
Neutrals (black, gray, white, and brown) are basic to the decorator’s tool kit. All-neutral schemes fall in and out of fashion, but their virtue lies in their flexibility: Add colour to liven things up; subtract it to calm things down. Black is best used in small doses as an accent. Indeed, some experts maintain that every room needs a touch of black to ground the colour scheme and give it depth. To make the job easier, you can rely on the interior designer’s most important colour tool: the colour wheel.
3) Use the kitchen contents to create interest and contrast; stainless steel or coloured toaster and kettle, coloured knife block and knives, open cupboards and cupboards with glass doors* showing brightly coloured contents.
Crimson can make some people feel irritable. Invoking feelings of rage and hostility, this is a colour that should be avoided as the main colour of a room. Sitting for long periods of time in a room painted in this colour will likely affect the peace and harmony you are striving to create in your home.
4) Use coloured doors with wood panels to soften the general look. This will also keep your kitchen looking contemporary for much longer. Many customers avoid open shelves and open units and glass fronted cupboards. Their arguments are that they are traps for grease, dust and dirt. Modern kitchen extractors are so good that this should no longer be a worry. But if it’s too late to give you this advice and you are living with a dated kitchen then replacing doors and panels and possibly even your worktops might be a less expensive option than buying a new kitchen.
Colour Effects on Walls and Ceiling
Ken Chesworth, Senior Designer, Taurus Interiors.
The ceiling represents one-sixth of the space in a room, but too often it gets nothing more than a coat of white paint. In fact, for decades, white has been considered not only the safest but also the best choice for ceilings. As a general rule, ceilings that are lighter than the walls feel higher, while those that are darker feel lower. Lower
Conclusion These general guidelines are a good starting point in your search for a paint colour. But remember that colour choice is a very personal matter. You are the one who has to live with your new paint colour, so choose a hue that suits you, your family and your lifestyle. 27
about lowering fences so it blends in seamlessly with the surrounding landscape. All this helps you to enjoy your garden more. PATHS can create an illusion of space and areas of greater interest; a winding path makes a more fluid design than a straight one and you can make individual areas for sitting or just admiring the greenery. Use path materials to complement those used on the house, matching the tones but varying the layout, perhaps adding a secondary, smaller material to give the path a more distinctive look. Do you want to stride boldly around your paths or are they a more subtle way of enticing people through the garden? In a narrow garden, a fan effect of paths can help the space look wider, or just lay wide rectangular slabs in a less formal way. A PATIO can prove to be a real sun-trap and a place where you can enjoy al fresco dining and entertaining. You can make your own decked area relatively easily, but don’t forget to treat it with stain and preserver products that will protect it from sunlight, water damage and mould.
Taking your lifestyle outside with the help of an awning. Pic by Luxaflex
As a nation we love our countryside and in particular we love our own special piece of greenery attached to our homes. It may be anything from a tiny patch of grass to a paved garden or something lush that stretches over a large area. Whatever the size of your garden, this time of year is when we really appreciate getting outside on fine days and enjoying that private piece of England. And more and more we are now making the very best of our gardens. If you’re planning a garden or improving one, it’s worth deciding first of all how you want to use it. Is it purely a place to grow flowers and vegs? Is it for relaxing, for cooking and entertaining or as a children’s playspace? Is it a “working” garden that has additional storage or even a garden studio?
Once you have decided on its main purpose, come up with a wish-list of things you would like in it – and prune this to fit your budget. Some garden experts suggest, as a rule of green thumb, living with your garden for a year to experience every season and what this means to your garden. Each garden has its own subtle annual patterns and styles – and it needs to suit the property it adjoins to complement it properly. Make the garden that fits the right location: if you’ve got a city garden your space will probably be overlooked by buildings creating shade so use plants that have a chance of blooming. If your garden overlooks your neighbours consider hedges and trees for privacy, but if it’s bordered by open rural space and lovely views think
POTS and PLANTERS placed distinctively around your garden can look great on a patio with a large shrub, can screen areas or make small areas of fascination throughout your garden. Ensure, however, that they are portable enough to move around – if you get tired of them in one place then you can move them to another. Highlight all this with subtle LIGHTING. Invest in beautiful lanterns or LED lights in styles to complement your garden and spotlight your hard work. To take your lifestyle out into the fresh air, AWNINGS are a welcome all-yearround home accessory. They allow for outdoor dining and entertainment and can easily extend living areas outside day or night. They offer shade when it’s hot and protection when it’s not and these days come in beautiful shades and with smooth mechanisms that make using them a pleasure. PERGOLAS, GAZEBOS and ARBOURS come in all shapes and sizes, too, offering a quirky and interesting attraction or simply as a way to enhance your garden walks. The wood used blends in beautifully with the surroundings yet they offer a talkingpoint and bring a different element to your garden. Everyone loves a BARBECUE in the garden and gas or charcoal-burning mobile models are available in various
You can, of course, build your own barbecue from brick, ensuring beforehand that it’s at the most practical and comfortable height for the people using it and that it doesn’t pose a firerisk. Gardens are also wonderful for their relaxing qualities, so finding ways to get nearer to it – and even work within it – make sense for many of us. GARDEN STUDIOS are one clever way of doing this – individually built rooms with plenty of glass and airiness that allow us another handy room outside the house. One company, Sanctum Garden Studios, explained that their clients use their studios as games’ rooms, recording studios, gyms, artist studios, sewing rooms or even as a Man Cave or Quilt Hut!
A greenhouse offers a lovely place to allow the generations to enjoy gardening together. Pic by DJ Archer Photography.
styles and prices to suit all pockets. There are even brazier-like barbecues that heat the area on chilly evenings.
We all know the healing and relaxing power of water which is why PONDS and WATER FEATURES are all so popular in our gardens today. They don’t have to cost a fortune – you can create a small pond on quite a modest budget, install a pump and put in suitable plants plus fish for a reasonable amount. And water features can be as big or small as you want, all involving that lovely sound of trickling water that calms the soul.
If you really want to, literally, push the boat out you could invest in a SWIMMING POOL. You could have a small one in the open air or something larger in its own purpose-built home. Choose carefully and this could provide luxury swimming on site all the months of the year. HOT TUBS have also become very popular in this country over the last decade. Again, these can be used all year round and provide a relaxing and healthy way to chill out at home. Find out more at the British and Irish Spa Hot Tub Association (BISHTA) on www. Gardens are great places in which children and grandchildren can play and there’s a wealth of PLAY EQUIPMENT available – everything from climbing frames, slides and swings to exotic treehouses. And if all you really want to do in your home outdoor space is garden, you can make your life easier with every kind of GARDEN EQUIPMENT. Choose from the latest labour-saving lawnmowers, trimmers and strimmers to all manner of small tools to create the garden of your dreams – and even be kind to your knees with the latest comfy kneeler!
Love your
garden? Treat it to some homemade compost
Buy a discounted bin at Composting A5.indd 1
22/04/2014 12:47
Places to visit and things to do THIS SUMMER... Saturday, July 19, 2014
night talent show.
Supercar Saturday at Brooklands
In the open-air setting of one of the most dynamic racecourses in the world, and after racing has finished for the evening on 30th July, the international superstar who has sold more than 100 million records worldwide will perform a dynamic show with classic hits and special selections.
Brooklands Drive, Weybridge Surrey, KT13 0SL
18 – 20 July 2014
The Garden Show at Loseley Park 2014 Guildford, Surrey GU3 1HS. After the success of 2013, The Garden Show returns to the lawns in front of beautiful Loseley House with a fantastic range of specialist nurseries; garden designers and suppliers; artists; sellers of wonderful gifts and the best country foods. ‘The Great Gardening Show’ of the past has been rejuvenated and recreated as The Garden Show at Loseley Park. A great day out with plenty of opportunity to relax and explore the walled gardens and house and the chance to talk directly to the knowledgeable growers themselves and the chance to join daily tours of the gardens with the Head Gardener and his team. The Plants Doctors, Steve & Val Bradley will be at the show and with plenty of experience to help solve any gardening problem. Once again The Garden Shows’ successful formula will be employed to create a really different event encouraging visitors share a common vision about what is good about their homes and gardens and replant their future! With plenty of entertainment on site for the whole family everyone can enjoy a day out: puppet shows, juggling, craft activities, all the fun of the fair and children’s activities along with The Huxley Birds of Prey and The Wandering Jazz Trio (Sat & Sun only). Life continues to be good in the garden! Ticket Prices: Adults £7, Seniors £5, Child £3 (4yrs and under FOC), Family £18 (2 A & 4 C), Groups £4 (advance booking only 20+) Shop Mobility available. Sorry… dogs allowed in the showground.
Building on the success of last year’s Supercar day, this all-marques event will feature demonstrations on the Mercedes-Benz World track for exotic and exclusive modern and classic cars including Maseratis, Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Mercedes-Benz, Jaguars, top end Alfa Romeos, Aston Martins, Bugattis, Rolls Royces, Porsches, Bentleys and the odd Koenigsegg. A unique opportunity for visitors to enjoy supercars at close quarters. Contact: Phil Ward gbpromotions@ 0845 4631246
Saturday the 26th of July Suspiciously Elvis Saturday 2nd August Motown Supremacy
Burhill Music Festival - Open air music concerts for all the family Burhill Golf Club, Hersham Walton On Thames, Surrey KT12 4AY Saturday the 26th of July Suspiciously Elvis The one night in Vegas Show - The U.K.’s No 1 Elvis Show. Saturday 2nd August Motown Supremacy Featuring motown classics, such as ‘Baby Love’, ‘Where did our love go’, ‘Stop in the name of love’ and many, many more! For tickets call 0844 871 8819 Hospitality tickets: 01932 864845
Wednesday 30th July 2014
Tom Jones at Sandown Live 2014 Sandown Racecourse, Portsmouth Road, Esher, Surrey KT10 9AJ ‘The Voice’ will pack out the racecourse once again on Wednesday 30th July during the summer of music season at Sandown Park Racecourse. Tom’s career has gone from strength to strength, with his popularity as a live performer and recording artist sustained for half a century. He returned to Britain’s TV screens this month as a coach in BBC1’s ‘The Voice’ Saturday
Tickets for Tom Jones at Sandown Live are on sale at Sandown Racecourse, online at or by telephone on 0844 5793012: Adults are £40 and tickets for children aged 5-17 are priced at £20. Children under 5 are free. All under 16s must be accompanied by an adult. There are no reserved seats. Further information can be found online at Call 01372 46 43 48 or email sandown.information@
2nd and 3rd August 2014
The Loxwood Joust The Loxwood Meadow, Loxwood W Sussex RH14 0AL 10am - 6pm. The Loxwood Joust – is the most spectacular mediaeval festival in the UK with an unrivalled programme of mediaeval mayhem taking place at the enchanted Loxwood Meadow. Full contact jousting, a large battle with armoured knights, concerts by the Mediaeval baebes, falconry, mediaeval market, living history camp, childrens kingdom with have a go jousting, pelt the peasant, have a go archery, the learning zone, wandering minstrels, jester, lepers and much much more. Each day from 10am to 6pm. Adult: £12.00 (on the gate £14.00) Child (4-14): £6.00 (on the gate £7.00) Under 4: Free Tickets available from Guildford Tourist Information Centre: 155 High Street, High Street, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 3AJ Telephone: 01483 444334 Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th August 2014
Wings and Wheels 2014 The sensational summer event for the whole family, Wings & Wheels, returns on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th August 2014 at Dunsfold Aerodrome in Surrey (home to BBC’s Top Gear) to celebrate its 10th show. Famous
favourites in the air and on the ground will blow your mind, whilst the attractions and Zones in the Arena will keep you entertained and buzzing with delight the WHOLE weekend.
cavalcade for spectators before taking their place in the Zone’s living history and re-enactment displays including live battles.
Wings and Wheels have had confirmation from the RAF that the Red Arrows, Tucano and Tutor as well as iconic legends from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight - Lancaster, Spitfire and Hurricane - will all be part of the weekend’s aviation line-up. The Red Arrows are celebrating their 50th display season this year and recently unveiled a striking new Union flag tail design to their Hawk aircrafts, the most significant change to the look of the Team’s famous aircraft in its history. Headlining the Show on Sunday 24th August, the Red Arrows will also help Wings & Wheels celebrate 40 years since the Hawk first flew from the Aerodrome. The Wheels Zone features interactive displays from clubs and a crowd line parade whilst the Stunt Zone squeals with the sound of two and four wheeled hair-raising performances. The Military Zone & Paddock adds some classic nostalgia to the ‘Wheels’, as the regal Military Vehicles complete a
NO WORRIES! Bath out - Shower in
The excitement and anticipation doesn’t stop at the main displays as the 32 acre public arena is bursting with a huge variety of interactive attractions containing all you need for a great family day out. The Hot Rod Zone hosts live rockabilly music, themed retail outlets and a stunning display of nostalgic and ‘kustom’ Hot Rod vehicles. The show arena also boasts laser quest, paintballing, kit-plane demonstrations, aviation and motoring simulators, military outlets and displays, static aircraft, fairground, emergency services demonstration and over 80 retail outlets selling a wide variety of products and gifts. As the last plane touches down the party starts across the arena with a mix of musical evening entertainment. Swing, big band and jazz takes over the Military Zone, in the Wheels Zone is a mix of Rock n Roll, Doowop and Rockabilly and finally, taking centre stage in the middle of the Arena, is a covers band with something for everyone.
Taking the hassle out of your day the show includes added extras to make your experience even more enjoyable; over 25 fixed-price catering outlets, 2 bars, hospitality facilities, free on-site parking, public camping, lost children point, disabled access, informative show commentary, opportunities to meet the pilots, a raffle, official show merchandise and grandstand seating. The 10th annual Wings & Wheels will be held over the August Bank holiday weekend; Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th August 2014, at Dunsfold Park near Guildford, Surrey, and is open to spectators from 09:00 until 21:00. Tickets Box Office: Guildford Tourist Information Centre, 155 High Street Guildford, Surrey GU1 3AJ Telephone: 01483 444334
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Tuck in to the best of Kingston-upon-Thames and the surrounding region at the annual Kingston Food Festival. Our anchor weekend of free food events runs Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 August 2014 with the return of an even bigger Big Kingston Market featuring local restaurateurs, exciting hot foods, great local drinks and a host of growers and producers from across Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire, alongside gourmet and international cuisines.
That weekend also sees the free Live Food Show showcasing top local chefs, the Children’s Food Festival packed with tasty treats and hands-on fun for little foodies, plus a line-up of entertainment including the Chilli Challenge and Extreme Food Challenge. Restaurant Week also returns from 28 July 3 August with special offers at participating local eateries, the free Kingston Food Trail on Friday 1 August plus two exciting new events: Make Your Case – our punk wine tasting night –, and the International Chef Exchange!
Woking Food and Drink Festival 2014 Friday 5th - Sunday 7th September 2014 The table is set for the second Woking Food and Drink Festival which will return to Woking Town Centre from Friday 5 to Sunday 7 September 2014 and promises to be a real feast for the senses. The first festival, held in September 2013, was hailed a resounding success with in excess of 20,000 people visiting Woking Town Centre over the three-day event. The mouth-watering and free family-friendly ‘feastival’ aims to build upon the successes of 2013, making it an event you won’t want to miss. Visitors will be treated to a selection of up to 70 stalls
offering a delicious choice of foods and drinks. Showcasing its culinary excellence in the demonstration theatre will, once again, be the Woking-based Tante Marie Culinary Academy. The free to attend event will also feature an assortment of live culinary demonstrations from prestigious local and celebrity chefs, a cake-bake off competition, cookery-related workshops for children, cook-off sessions and a healthy portion of live entertainment. So pop the date in your diary, bring the children along and make it a foodie weekend to remember.
Venue: Jubliee Square, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6YL
For further information on Woking Food and Drink Festival, as and when it becomes available, please visit
Haslemere Food Festival 2014 – Celebrating the Best of Local! Saturday 27th September, 2014 10am to 4pm Lion Green, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 2LA Tel: 01428 645425 On Saturday 27th September 2014, Haslemere will play host to a one day celebration of all things food and drink; a chance to experience the best the region has to offer! This year’s food festival is set to be tastier than ever before and 2014 will see the launch of Haslemere’s Food Market located in the heart of Haslemere on Lion Green, featuring top quality regional food and drink producers in what promises to be much more than a farmers market! The day will also feature a packed programme of food demonstrations, talks and tastings including a school cookery competition involving local schools and much much more! This year’s food festival promises foodie fun for the whole family with a day of activities and entertainment that will have everyone’s taste buds tingling and feet tapping!
As we get older, we have an increasing risk of prostate cancer. Researchers have shown that Lycopene (the red colour in tomatoes and one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants) is beneficial for those at risk as well as those who already have the disease. For example, the following studies all point towards positive benefits: Harvard Medical School, USA A study of 50,000 men showed a significant reduction in the incidence of prostate cancer for men on high (tomato) Lycopene diets. “Frequent consumption of tomato products is associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer.” Kings College Hospital, London A 12 month trial involving men with confirmed prostate cancer found that about 70% of those consuming Lycoplus, a dietary supplement containing Lycopene, benefited from a much reduced rate of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) increase or an actual reduction in their PSA. “Our clinical study lends weight to the probability that dietary supplementation with Lycopene [from Lycoplus] slows disease progression in men with prostate cancer.”
Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, USA Amongst a group of men with prostate cancer who were to have radical prostatectomy, some took a Lycopene supplement, some not. Following surgery it was found in the Lycopene group that more than two-thirds had the cancer confined to the prostate whereas in the other group more than half found the cancer had spread. Similarly, in the Lycopene group less than 20% had tumours larger than 4cc but in the other group the equivalent number was approximately 50%. “Lycopene as tomato extract may not only help prevent prostate cancer but also may be useful to treat prostate cancer.” Although the exact mechanisms are not fully understood, it is known that Lycopene accumulates in the prostate gland. Many researchers think that Lycopene’s antioxidant properties help to protect the body’s DNA from damaging free radicals. Others believe that Lycopene improves cell-to-cell communication, reducing the risk of the uninhibited growth seen in cancer cells. In all likelihood, several mechanisms are at work simultaneously and there is much research currently being conducted across the globe to understand these interactions. In the meantime, many men are not waiting for full scientific explanations but are turning to Lycopene to reduce the risk of prostate disease. Humans possess no mechanism to make Lycopene; instead we accumulate it from our diet. Furthermore, natural Lycopene is hardly taken up at all from the consumption of raw tomatoes and only becomes “bioavailable” if the fruit is cooked and/or processed prior to eating. Consequently, supplements such as Lycoplus EXTRA are an increasingly attractive option.
Reactivating Lycopene with Vitamin C Every time a damaging free radical is removed by a Lycopene molecule, the antioxidant becomes “spent” – in essence, the Lycopene sacrifices itself to protect the body’s DNA. However, research has shown that the presence of plenty of vitamin C allows the “spent” Lycopene molecules to be reactivated, rejuvenating them and preparing them to quench another poisonous free radical. Thus, vitamin C is believed to prolong the antioxidising effects of Lycopene.
STOP PRESS Diet rich in tomatoes may lower breast cancer risk In work to be published in 2014 in the Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Dr Adana Llanos from Rutgers University, USA shows that a tomato-rich diet could help to protect at-risk post-menopausal women from breast cancer because Lycopene affects the level of hormones that play a role in metabolism and cancer risk. The risk reduction was clear for older (50+) women after only 10 weeks of 25mg Lycopene per day – approximately 2 capsules of Lycoplus Extra daily.
Staying Informed George & Partners is committed to providing readable, up-to-date, scientifically robust information about lycopene research, particularly that related to prostate cancer, breast cancer, heart disease and skin health. To sign up for our free newsletter, please call 08000 234 235 or visit Based at Keele University Science Park, George & Partners is the collective brainchild of three internationally renowned professors who have published more than 800 scientific papers over the last 30 years.
Natural Lycopene Supplement Each Lycoplus EXTRA one-a-day capsule contains 15mg of natural Lycopene plus 60mg of vitamin C which reactivates “spent” Lycopene, enhancing and prolonging the effect of the supplement. One box of 30 capsules (one month’s supply)
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As well as replacing any missing teeth, Partial Dentures also look after the future health of your mouth by preventing your remaining teeth from rotating, tilting and moving into positions that prove unsightly and awkward for eating and talking. Depending upon your individual needs and preferences, your CDT may recommend Chrome Cobalt dentures. Following your initial consultation, a Clinical Dental Technician will assess your mouth and develop a personal treatment plan. Working with a Dentist, they will identify any possible problems. In this way, your Denture will be designed correctly and for the longterm, and ensure that you receive the highest standards of care and the right treatment for you and your teeth.
Denture Relines
Why choose Dentures from a Clinical Dental Technician? What is a Clinical Dental Technician? A Clinical Dental Technician or CDT is a registered Dental Care Professional who is trained and qualified to offer a range of Denture Services – services that were previously only available through your Dentist.
What qualifies a CDT to work on my Dentures? With many years experience working as Dental Technicians, CDTs have the advanced technical and clinical skills needed to carefully design and handcraft every denture to the individual requirements of the patient. Every Clinical Dental Technician has following credentials: Graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons l Holds a Diploma in Clinical Dental Technology l Is registered with the General Dental Council as a Dental Technician and CDT l Has appropriate insurance to work with patients l
Never seek Denture advice or treatment from someone who is not trained or qualified to practice as a Clinical Dental Technician or Dentist in the UK.
Complete Dentures If you are experiencing the total loss of all your natural teeth, a Clinical Dental Technician can help you. As well as taking its toll on daily activities like eating, talking and even laughing, total tooth loss can impact heavily on self-esteem and quality of life. A CDT will create and fit the Complete Denture that replaces your missing teeth and adjacent tissue in your lower and upper jaws. A CDT can help you find the Complete Dentures that will: l Help you to form sounds and bring new clarity to your speech l Feel more secure about eating the food you want l Countering sagging facial muscles and sunken features that can make you appear older (especially around your mouth, lips and cheeks)
Partial Dentures If one or several of your teeth are lost or missing, a CDT can help you restore your smile with a Partial Denture. By replacing your individual missing teeth, Partial Dentures can give you back the look and function of a full set of healthy, natural teeth.
If your dentures tilt, wobble or rub, a Clinical Dental Technician can reline your denture, making the small alterations that make a big difference to the way they fit and feel. Please be aware that a Denture Reline will normally require that you leave your dentures with your Clinical Dental Technician so be prepared to be without them for a short period of time.
Denture Repairs If your Denture fractures or breaks, the CDT can mend your dentures as follows, making them wearable once more. l Repairing cracks or multiple fractures l Repairing chipped false teeth l Repairing your Denture base
Over time, the shape of your mouth can change as part of the natural ageing process, as a result of the under use and lack of stimulus for your jawbone. If your Dentures break while you are wearing them, it is probably for one of the following reasons: Poor fit as a result of bone resorbtion (shrinkage) l Excessive force possibly due to tooth grinding l
If you would like your new dentures to replicate all the favourable aspects of your existing Dentures, then a Clinical Dental Technician can help you. From copying exact tooth position and shape, to improving the way they fit with your mouth and gums – your Copy Dentures will be just like the Dentures you have now, only better.
Get your Dentures Direct from a Qualified Clinical Dental Technician AD Laboratories is an established, homely prosthetics clinic, based in Woking, Surrey. Roland Jones has, after already 20 years working as a dental technician graduated from the George Brown College in Canada and the UK’s Royal College of Surgeons a couple of years ago and is a Clinical Dental Technician. At AD Laboratories we take referrals from local dentists as well as working direct with the public. By coming to AD Laboratories direct the patient is often able to get their dentures much faster and we are often able to help out in emergency denture requirements. At AD Laboratories we listen to our customers and together create the denture that would best suit you. All our staff are dedicated to make you really feel at home! You only have to read our visitor’s book to see how grateful our customers have been so far; achieving results that people did work not think where possible.
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All our rooms have ensuite facilities, a conservatory was added to our bar area in 1999, a swimming pool was built in 2000 providing hydrotheraphy for our residents, and we have continued to keep the buildings and grounds maintained to a very high standard.
Woking Homes Residential Care with a Railway Heritage Started as a Children’s Home (for fatherless children) in 1885 in Clapham, London. It was founded by the Canon Allen Edwards who was the Railway Chaplain and Vicar of All Saint’s Church Lambeth. In 1907 a plot of land was purchased in the country and the building was completed for the children to move into in 1909. At that time it was known as the London and South Western Servants Orphanage. We have changed our name several times and finally became “Woking Homes” in 1982. As time went on needs changed and children were being admitted from broken homes. However it always remained a Railway Charity.
In 1947 the Board of Management opened a home across the road caring for retired railway employees and their spouses. From that date until 1990 (when the children’s home closed) we continued caring for children and older people. A major development took place from 1987 when the old Children’s Home was demolished and a new home for the elderly was built, and an existing building was totally refurbished. Since that time we have continued to maintain and improve the standards.
Watch this space for our next venture.... or send for our brochure 36
At the beginning of August 2009 a redevelopment project commenced. Two wings of Grace Groom were demolished and rebuilt. The rooms are larger than average, once again with ensuite facilities and plenty of light. The garden areas have been relandscaped with accessibility for wheelchairs and plenty of seated areas. However, with all of these changes we have not lost sight of our roots and still remain a charity caring primarily for people with railway and other transport backgrounds. We have now expanded this to include people from our local community. The residents' accommodation charges are subsidised from our investment income, which unfortunately has been effected by the drop in the stock market, but our high standards of care, catering and accommodation remain the same. Our staff are trained to the highest standards of care and we received a rating of compliant with the required standards of the Care Quality Commission at our last inspection.
Where the warmth of our welcome is matched only by the highest standards of care • • • • •
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Planning for Your Future Security Introduction
Deputy Orders
As one approaches ones elderly years it is important not to shy away from putting ones estate planning affairs into order. Careful planning ahead of time can help ensure you and your loved ones are taken care of should anything happen to you or your spouse. Effective planning now can also provide greater flexibility and certainty for your family with regards to such things as mitigation of inheritance tax and, to the decree possible, the limitation of the effects of care home fees, means testing.
If there is no Lasting Power of Attorney in place and your affairs need to be looked after if you have insufficient mental capacity to look after them yourself, then someone, usually your next of kin, will need to apply for a Deputies Order from the Office of the Public Guardian. This can be a time consuming and expensive procedure at a time when you or those around you are least likely to be in a position to have the time to wait. We recommend that a Lasting Power of Attorney be put in place as a matter of good practice.
Updating Wills
Asset protection using Trusts
It is important to review your Wills on a regular basis to ensure that you have Executors and Trustees who are capable of looking after your estate and to ensure those members of your family you wish to benefit, will benefit in the way you would like. Often this may involve consideration of the appropriate use of trusts to help achieve your objective. It can also be a perfect opportunity to review out of date trusts which may not work as effectively as they would do if your Wills had been made some time ago.
There are a range of Trusts on the market which are appropriate for the protection of your assets as well as the protection of various beneficiaries you may wish to benefit.
Lasting Powers of Attorney Lasting Powers of Attorney for your property and financial affairs is an important first step to ensure that should something happen to you or your spouse whilst you are still living, that people you know and trust can step in and look after your finances for your care and benefit as well as that of any dependents you may have. Lasting Powers of Attorney for health and welfare (sometimes referred to as personal welfare) can also be an important instrument to have in place to ensure someone you know and trust can make decisions about how you are clothed, how you are fed, where you live, what mediation you receive and whether you want to give them power to switch off life sustaining treatment. This may be particularly important to consider where you have no close next of kin or the next of kin you do have are likely to be in conflict with one another or in conflict with your own interests. Putting in place Lasting Powers of Attorney can be somewhat time consuming and does require a minimum level of mental capacity to understand what a Lasting Power of Attorney is and what its implications are for you and the Attorneys. This is not something that should be left to the last minute even if you believe that you are never likely to lose mental capacity.
Flexible Life Interest Trusts (FLITS) FLITS are commonly used as a way for each spouse to protect their half of their assets and yet benefit their surviving spouse over the long term whilst also providing flexibility in terms of inheritance tax mitigation for the remaining family members. This last aspect is of particular advantage, particularly over standard forms of life interest trusts although it depends on the particular circumstances of you and your beneficiaries as to which Trust is the most appropriate to choose.
Nil Rate Band Discretionary Trusts Nil Rate Band Discretionary Trusts were very popular when saving the Nil Rate Band of the first to die prior to the transferrable Nil Rate Band coming in effect in late 2007. If you have one of these in your Wills it can still be useful in future estate planning though many of the technical aspects could well do with updating given changes to the law over recent years. Whilst a Transferrable Nil Rate Band has come in, Nil Rate Band Discretionary Trusts can still be of particular use for longer term planning down the generations. Trusts can also be set up in your lifetime to allow for lifetime gifting and protection of assets before you die though this needs to be considered as part of an overall picture with regard to your estate planning and the particular requirements of you and your beneficiaries. Trusts can also be used to protect vulnerable beneficiaries such as those who are very young or who are disabled. We recommend that you sit down with an appropriate legal or independent financial advisor to talk through those requirements and consider these and other options available to you to help ensure this achieves the best results in terms of establishing security for you and your family into the future.
For a free half hour consultation please telephone Christopher Lawn on
07857 981 595 And Quote Ref: CGL/A50SW.
Call Chris Lawn on
07857 981 595 or phone 01483 408 780
Helping to secure your future for you and your loved ones! Call Chris Lawn on 07857 981 595 and quote ‘CGL/A50SW’ for a FREE 30 minute no obligation consultation. Alternatively email: Jenner House, 1a Jenner Road, Guildford, Surrey GU1 3PH. Or telephone: 01483 408 780 and ask for Chris Lawn.
Do You Need Help With: Making a Will Making a Power of Attorney Obtaining Probate Intestate Administration Estate Administration Trust Administration Inheritance Tax Compliance IHT Mitigation for Beneficiaries Deeds of Variation International Estate Administration
Contested Estates Contested Trusts Disputed Wills Dealing with Disgruntled Beneficiaries Elderly Abuse Issues Asset Protection Power of Attorney and Deputy Issues Equity Release Arrangements Long Term Care Arrangements Care Funding Issues Live In Care Arrangments
Christopher Lawn is a Senior Consultant Solicitor in the Private Client Department at Setfords Solicitors. He has extensive experience from dealing with simple estates through to complex estate planning involving difficult tax issues, to trust administration and intestacies. He knows that the process of dealing with estate planning requires understanding and patience to help clients through in a timely manner. Chris is a full member of STEP and Solicitors for the Elderly and an Associate Member of the Association of Trust and Probate Specialists. He and the rest of our specialist legal team at Setfords Solicitors are ready to help.
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