Competition for Young Gardeners

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Welcome to Estonia!

Dear participants, The stirring idea for the European vocational competition for young gardeners came to me in November 1995. My goal was and still is to open a chance to young people from the gardening sector to get to know Europe. Meanwhile the “European train” has arrived full steam in Estonia. The locomotive of this train was until 2005 the Association of French-German horticulture teacher’s. Out of it the Association of European horticulture teacher’s was established in 2005. The objectives of this Association are to promote European projects and to prepare and carry out exchanges of young people in Europe.

Johannes Peperhove

President of the Society of EuroThis train set out on its course from Munster pean Horticultural Teachers and the (2002) to Laimburg/Italy (2004) and in 2006 at Initiator of the European Vocational the Horticulture school in Roville aux Chenes, Competition for young gardeners. France. In 2008, the “European train” already contained 15 cars, representing 15 European countries that had participated in the 4th European vocational competition in Langenlois, Austria. Each country brings its know-how and thus the parts fit into a whole and the vocational competition is developing more and more. A participant from Belgium said very aptly: “Frankly, at the start Europe was pretty far away for me. But I’ve found out that so many differences do not exist. It’s worth it to be here and to join in, when we build up the Europe of the 21st Century. “He’s right! The association of horticulture teacher’s developed a wealth of processes and projects in cooperation with the European horticultural schools. Like lighthouses in their field, some projects shine particularly brightly, for example, the Glossary of Weihrauch/Gegu/Abel. The authors published a reading matter of 500 horticultural technical terms in French, Italian and German, many years ago. Meanwhile they have completed the Estonian, Czech and Polish translations to the collection. Such projects are an important milestone for young people to open the way for a joint future. To watch this colorful mix of youngsters from across Europe in the projects gives me a lot of fun! This reflects the diversity and vitality of the European projects very well. During the competitions I often observe, that the inhibitions among the youngsters get lost, they go with each other and develop as individuals themselves. Can I want for still more? Yes! - Because a further component of the project is to be explored and promoted. That is cultural interest. We in Europe have joint roots and values. We are shaped by religious and cultural customs. We want to bring you closer during the European Vocational competition. Learning with others, from others, in other structures and foreign cultures is a new form of learning that has become necessary in today’s multicultural society. Anyone who has ever enjoyed a personal and professional stay abroad can say with


certainty that the collected experiences helped to strengthen his personality. Working abroad is therefore more than just a change of place. Abroad, you learn to know new sides of yourselves, new characteristics are discovered, and we often see ourselves even better. We are more curious and often become more confident. To understand this Europe means also, that the participants are able to communicate verbally. In 2020 Europe is to be multilingual! This presents two tasks for us. First, we must maintain the diversity of languages in Europe and secondly encourage multilingualism among young people. The short formula is called “Mother Tongue Plus 2”. The European Vocational Competition wants to inspire and motivate you, because multilingualism is an asset for Europe. Therefore, we must develop creativity and innovation in language learning. My goal is that you build a desire to understand your neighbors. Multilingualism is a goal in academic and vocational learning and today considering the phenomena of globalization, undoubtedly is as a competitive advantage. In addition to English as a universal means of communication is even the non-classical language for some participants.It provides a competitive advantage and an advantage in training and labor. Against this background, the vocational competitions also want to make a major contribution to a Europe-wide network in the field of horticulture. Be creatively active, strengthen your self-confidence, maintain a lively interaction and develop your spontaneity. Be proud of your participation, because worldwide there is no comparable learning management system in horticulture. Participation opens doors to European countries and expands your intercultural skills. You will implement comprehensive projects in the field by self-organized teamwork. You will learn how exciting it can be to introduce your own project work in front of a large audience. This is a big challenge. I am sure that the young gardener’s will meet these requirements with flying colors and you can all celebrate as a successful winner at the end of the competition. I would like to thank Estonia’s preparation team, and especially the Räpina School of Horticulture for the planning and organization of the 5th European Vocational competition for young gardeners from 1st to the 5th September in Räpina / Estonia. Such activities require much time, effort and money. This biennial competition, however, we can perform only with the active and financial support from leading and well-regarded companies in the field of horticulture. I say to you my sincere thanks. Without your help we could not have done so far. Dear young people, You will have your home in the future of Europe, carry the European spirit further, give Europe a soul and help others to do this, who follow the road. So doing you promote the integration of Europe. Tell us where you come from, where you are going to, what “cargo” you have to carry, that can enrich us all. After the vocational competition in September 2010, the “European train” goes on further from Räpina/Estonia and in 2012 is held in Ettelbrück/Luxembourg, in 2014 in Niederlenz/Switzerland and in 2016 makes a stop in Eupen/Belgium! We adapt the train again and again in its progress. We always encourage new countries to join!


To all committed organizers, associations and horticultural schools I say thanks for your support of the European Vocational Competition for young gardeners. I look forward to be able to welcome you all in Estonia. Nice that you can come - not because you are good in botany or plant health, but simply because you exist! You are so valuable to us! I say you a warm welcome!

Previous European Vocational Competitions 2002 Gartenbauzentrum Münster-Wolbeck/Deutschland 2004 Obst-, Wein- und Gartenbauschule Laimburg/Italien 2006 Ecole d’horticulture et de Paysage de Roville aux Chenes 2008 Bildungszentrum Gartenbau, A-Langenlois, 2010 Räpina Aianduskool, Räpina/Estland 2012 Lycée Technique Agricola L-Ettelbruck 2014 Gartenbauschule Niederlenz /Schweiz. 2016 ZAWM

(Zentrum für Aus- und Weiterbildung, B-Belgien)

2018 AOC Terra , MBO NL-Meppel


Dear friends! The Europe is one of the smallest continents on the Earth, but here you can find geographical zones from subtropic to the polar regions. This offers very different circumstances for agriculture and gardening – growing citrus in the south and vast tundra in the north. In spite of the large climatic differences gardening in Europe is well-developed and popular activity – so it is in Central Europe, but also in northern Europe – in Estonia. Gardener is an old and dignified profession, which requires good understanding of the nature and plants. On the one hand gardener may be the producer and on the other hand also someone, who creates something esthetical. To become a gardener, it requires a lot of patience Heino Luiga and time. However, there have always been those who desire to obtain good gardening skills. The best way to The Director of Räpina Scdo this is to find a suitable gardening school. hool of Horticulture An important event happened in Münster in 2002 – the first European Vocational Competition for the Young Gardeners took place there. Today, thanks to this event, there are many European gardening schools in close acquaintance with each other – the fairs, exhibitions, vocational competitions, joint seminars, exchange of students and trainings take place. Despite the fact that the gardener profession is known already for a very long time, there is a growing need to exchange experience and learn from each other today. The vocational competition is the best way to measure the skills. At the same time the competitions provide a good opportunity to meet and communicate with each other. The Competitions of this year are the fifth and for the first time the event takes place in Eastern Europe, in Estonia. Räpina School of Horticulture has been a member of the Association of European Gardening Teachers from the outset and took part of all the European vocational competitions. Now we have the greatest pleasure to host all teams and teamer’s in Räpina. Preparations for the competitions are going smoothly. Räpina town and gardening school have also developed and rejuvenated thanks to the support of the European Regional Development projects and we are ready to greet young gardeners and colleagues from across Europe. We are proud to have the opportunity to be the host of this great competition and hope to provide memorable events of the program in southern Estonia. Welcome to Estonia! Welcome to Räpina!


Dear young gardeners! Welcome to the 5th European vocational competition for young gardeners in Estonia! Your versatile profession teaches you production, as well as the use of machinery and the design of green spaces. You establish important theoretical foundations from the school which you then apply in practice. The vocational competition will require a fast implementation of knowledge and skills as a team. The international competition makes it possible to compare professional knowledge with the young gardeners from other countries, to make new contacts and gain a knowledge of the cultural life of the host country. Each country has a different history, nature, and other Valdur Miller customs and traditions. For the Estonian gardener the The Managing Director of door to Europe and the world was opened in 1990. At the Estonian Horticulture Asthis time the Estonian Association of Gardeners was able sociation to participate in a joint booth at an international flower exhibition in Ghent (Belgium) and at an international horticultural exhibition in Osaka (Japan). After the fairs of Sollentuna in Sweden in 1991 and 1992, there followed IPM Essen in Germany in 1994, 1995 and 1996. At the trade fair of Sollentuna in Sweden in 1992 we first heard about the young gardener’s organization and the meeting of the European young gardeners. In the years 1997 to 2004, we visited 20 members of our Gardener Association, 8 times the IPM Essen, several horticultural businesses and educational institutions in Germany. From the gardening schools w also heard that in Germany they regularly organized vocational competitions for young gardeners. We were then asked whether we were interested to participate in an international competition. At first we were a bit hesitant, but later agreed to it. The organizing committee of the European vocational competition emerged in 1998 and we could send a representative to participate in this work. Our representative was and still is Priit Põldma - a lecturer of the Estonian University of Life Sciences. Through him, the Estonian Horticultural Association has received information about the vocational competition. In 2000 the organizing committee set the dates for the future European vocational competitions. To get an overview of the professional knowledge of the Estonian young gardeners, and to identify a representative team for the European vocational competition, the Estonian Gardeners Association, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, has organized the Estonian vocational competition for young gardeners, since 2002. The best Estonian young gardeners have always represented their home country well in the European Vocational competitions. We hope that they will do so again this year in Räpina! Dear Young gardeners! I wish you a lot of success and many new contacts in this year’s vocational competition, good luck for the future and for the development of European horticulture!


About horticulture in Estonia Although we don’t have old horticulture or floristic traditions, we can still introduce you our beautiful nature, some gardening companies, private gardens, parks etc. We have different vegetable, mushroom, fruit, berry and flower growers. The area of open land vegetable is about 3000 ha and the total production is ca. 51 000 tons. The area of vegetable production under the glass is ca. 280 ha and total production about 12 000 tons. The growers cultivate mostly cabbage, carrots, beet, tomatoes and cucumber. The area of orchards is about 12 000 ha (mostly apple trees) and the surface of berry gardens is about 3800 ha (strawberry, black currant, red currant). The area of ornamental plants is about 20 ha (glass area) and half (10 ha) of which is among the roses. Altogether there are about 450 nurseries in Estonia.

About the Räpina School of Horticulture The Räpina School of Horticulture was founded in 1942, since that has in Räpina received about 6000 gardening specialists their horticultural specialist training. The school has 8 hectares of parks and approximately 6 hectares of garden areas. The park of the manor was layed out early of 19th century in English and French style, as well as a forest park. In the park grows about 300 different tree and shrub species and is thus one of the most species-rich parks of Estonia. Today is taught in Räpina School of Horticulture gardening, landscaping, floristry, environmental protection and textile work. In the school there currently is learning 880 pupils. The school focuses on the skills training and more and more with the supplement training. The school offers its students a teaching practice and internship opportunity. Räpina School of Horticulture has good international relationships with various colleges and frequently takes part at various programs (Leonardo, Comenius).


Austria Team1 Teamer: Zeilinger Richard Participants: Mosbacher Patrick, Kapfenberger Katrin, Wagner Angelika Schulen: Berufsschule für Gartenbau und Floristik (Wien), Gartenbauschule Großwilfersdorf ( Steiermark), Gartenbauschule Langenlois ( Niederösterreich) Hobbys: Fußball, Fischen, Freunde treffen, Autos, Wandern, Schifahren, Reiten Etwas typisches über Österreich: Kulinarik und Kultur, Wälder, Seen und Berge, Kaiserschmarrn und Mozartkugeln.

Austria Team 2 Teamer: Wernhart Peter Participants: Mair Michael, Hribar Gerald, Scheuchenstuhl Sabine Schulen: Berufsschule für Gartenbau und Floristik (Wien), Gartenbauschule Ehrental (Kärnten), Gartenbauschule Langenlois (Niederösterreich) Gartenbauschule Ritzlhof ( Oberösterreich) Hobbys: Spazieren gehen, Tanzen, Ausgehen,Fischen, Singen, Berg steigen, Etwas typisches über Österreich: Tracht: Dirndl, Wiener Schnitzel, Seen und Berge, nette Leute, traditionelles Essen Herzlich willkommen Auf Wiedersehen! Viel Glück! Dankeschön! Bitteschön ! Prosit!


Finland Teamer: Anne Friman, Ulla Sabell Participants: Silja Talvitie, Nadja Prepula, Essi Eskolin School: Huittisten ammatti- ja yrittäjäopisto, Sastamalan koulutus kuntayhtymä Hobbys: The team is group of girls who like singing, flowers and sports. Something typical about country: Nature which gives harmony, beauty and peace to Finnish people, education which is equal and respected. Welcome!/ Herzlich willkommen! – Sydämellisesti tervetuloa! Goodbye!/ Auf Wiedersehen! – Näkemiin! Good luck!/ Viel Glück! – Onnea! Thank you!/Dankeschön! – Kiitos! Please/ Bitteschön – Ole hyvä Cheers!/ Prosit – Kippis!

Sweden Teamer: Margareta von Rosen Participants: Christoffer Elander, Hanna. Gunnarsson, Caroline Karlsson School/Schule: Munkagårdsgymnasiet About the team, hobbies: Caroline- farming at my boyfriends place, tractordriving, Hanna – I haven´t got any hobby, I do what I want. Nothing is impossible!, Christoffer Elander – hunting, Magareta – photography, mostly plants and gardens Something typical about your country/ Etwas typisches über ihr Land: What´s typical for Sweden is our beautiful nature, the woods, the animals, the flowers and much more. An example of a very special Swedish tradition: At midsummer we celebrate with song and dances around the midsummerpole and typically Swedish food as sill, knäckebrot and strawberrys. Welcome!/ Herzlich willkommen! – Välkommen! Goodbye!/ Auf Wiedersehen! – Hej då/adjö/på återseende Good luck!/ Viel Glück! – Lycka till! Thank you!/Dankeschön! – Tack!


Estonia 1 Teamer: Katrin Uurman Participants: Eve Kivi, Aave Tänav, Margit Rahnel School: Räpina Aianduskool Hobbys: flower arrangement, audio books, listening to music, jawfish, roses, collecting plants, gardening Something typical about country: plenty of forists, small nation, Estonian Song-and Dance Festival, reserved people, Estonian language, hill country, four seasons

Estonia 2 Teamer: Raili Laas Participants: Allar Laurend, Kristina Orlova, Kerdi Varm School: Luua’s Forestry College Hobbys: choral singing, cycling, photography, rollerskating, reading Something typical about country: wild nature, song and dance festivals, national bird: swallow, national flower: cornflower Welcome!/ Herzlich willkommen! – Tere tulemast! Goodbye!/ Auf Wiedersehen! - Head aega! Good luck!/ Viel Glück! – Edu! Thank you!/Dankeschön! – Aitäh! Tänan! Please/ Bitteschön – Palun! Cheers!/ Prosit - Terviseks!


Czech Republic Teamer: Pavla Plevová, Bohumil Zavadil Participants: Soňa Vojdulová, Petra Kulíšková, Eduard Varmuža School: Gartenbauschule Rajhrad, Hobbys: Sport, Tanz, Radfahren, Natur Something typical about country: Tschechien liegt im Herzen Europas und ist die Wasserscheide von vielen Flüssen. Hauptstadt Prag mit Prager Burg. Johann Gregor Mendel. Welcome!/ Herzlich willkommen! – Buď vítán! Goodbye!/ Auf Wiedersehen! - Nashledanou! Good luck!/ Viel Glück! - Hodně štěstí! Thank you!/Dankeschön! – Děkuji! Please/ Bitteschön - Prosím Cheers!/ Prosit – Na zdraví!

Hungary Teamer: István Udvardi Participants: Gabriella Bárkai, Péter G.Nagy, Zsolt Banári School: FVM AszK, Szakképző Iskola, Bartha János Kertészeti Szakképző Something typical about country: Paprikaland Welcome!/ Herzlich willkommen! – Szívélyes üdvözletem Goodbye!/ Auf Wiedersehen! - Viszont látásra Good luck!/ Viel Glück! – Sok szerencsét Thank you!/Dankeschön! – Köszönöm szépen Please/ Bitteschön - Szívesen Cheers!/ Prosit – Egészségedre


Latvia, Team 1 Teamer: Participants:

Vita Jansone Madara Zvingule, Diāna Leite, Ieva Garoza

School: Bulduri Gardening School Welcome!/ Herzlich willkommen! – Laipni lūgti! Goodbye!/ Auf Wiedersehen! – Uz redzēšanos! Good luck!/ Viel Glück! – Vēlu veiksmi! Thank you!/Dankeschön! – Paldies! Please/ Bitteschön – Lūdzu! Cheers!/ Prosit – Priekā!

Latvia, Team 2 Teamer: Participants: School:

Gunta Krastiņa Janis Jakobsons, Arita Miltoviča, Dana Ozoliņa Bulduri Gardening School

About the team, hobbies: Teams consist of three students that represent three disciplines: floristics, gardening and park gardening (landscaping). Participants are active in their school life, both, outdoor activities and in their study field. They are active and enjoy sport as well as creative activities like drawing. Students have proven that they are ready to come up with new, creative and interesting ideas. Something typical about country: People in Latvia love to sing and dance therefore one of typical things about our country is song and dance festivals that bring together thousands of singers and dancers. Latvians are eager to highlight their traditions, that have survived throughout the centuries and that make Latvia differ from other countries. We also have a rich cultural heritage. It’s also typical to give flowers when you meet people on special occasions (birthdays, name-days, graduations etc.).From national cousin Latvians like to present hand made black bread or rye-bread. Latvians love ice-hockey and are considered as quite loud fans!


Germany Team 1 Teamer: Elsbeth Hohmeier Participants: Jan-Niklas Berger, Matthias Vornbrock, Markus Vornbrock Welcome!- Herzlich willkommen! Goodbye!- Auf Wiedersehen! Good luck!- Viel Glück! Thank you!- Dankeschön! Please- Bitteschön Cheers!- Prosit

Germany Team 2 Teamer: Elisabeth Weber Participant: Philipp Ludwig, Sabrina Mohr, Darius Schlaudraff School: Willy-Brandt-Schule Gießen About the team, hobbies: Phillipp: einen Garten bewirtschaften, sein Hund, Skilanglauf und Inliner fahren, Lesen Sabrina : schwimmen, joggen, Freunde treffens. Darius: engagiert bei der Feuerwehr, Obstund Gartenbauverein, FußballSchiedsrichter Something typical about country: Deutschland hat eine schöne, abwechslungsreiche Landschaft von der Nord- und Ostseeküste bis zu den Alpen. Es ist eine Indutrienation, aber der Gartenbau – ein eher kleiner Wirtschaftszweig –weist eine große Vielfalt auf, hat sehr viel Tradition und bietet mit Abstand die meisten Ausbildungsplätze im Agrarbereich. Deutsches Bier ist weltbekannt – und die Deutschen können sehr gut Fußball spielen! Die 16 Bundesländer haben ihre Eigenheiten bewahrt – Hessen liegt ‘im Herzen’ Deutschlands. Man trinkt hier ‘Ebbelwoi’ (= Apfelwein) und isst ‘Frankfurter Grüne Soße’, eine Soße aus 7 Kräutern, die in Spezial-Gärtnereien angebaut werden. Große Kontraste prägen Hessen: In der lieblichen Mittelgebirgslandschaft findet man viele schöne Fachwerk-Städte – und in der Rhein-Main-Metropole Frankfurt den zweitgrößten Flughafen Europas.


France Teamer: Elisabeth Hemme Participants: Julie Lucien, Claire Varinois, Pierre Le Cunff School: TECOMAH About the team, hobbies: Julie likes music, outings with friends, riding a quad and spending time with her family. Claire plays table tennis in competition, she likes bromeliacae and has got a private collection of them. Pierre loves foot-ball and plays matches in his football club regularly, he likes playing French bowling (pétanque) with his family members, outings with his friends Something typical about country: France has got more than 365 cheeses, French baguette bread, nice wines, champaign, French perfume, French style gardens, Paris and the Eiffel tower Welcome!– Serdecznie witamy ! Goodbye! - Do widzenia ! Good luck!- Powodzenia ! Thank you! – Dziękuję ! Please - Proszę ! Cheers! - Na zdrowie !

Poland Teamer: Kazimierz Piela Participants: Daniel Budełko, Brtlomie Buda, Mateusz Zieliński School: Zespół Szkół Ogrodniczych im. St. Szumca About the team, hobbies: Gartenarchitektur, Zeichnen, Sport Something typical about country: Wir sind arbeitsam aber bescheiden Welcome!/ Herzlich willkommen! – Srdečne vitajte Goodbye!/ Auf Wiedersehen! - Dovidenia Good luck!/ Viel Glück! – Veľa šťastia Thank you!/Dankeschön! – Ďakujem Please/ Bitteschön - prosím Cheers!/ Prosit – Na zdravie


Slovakia Teamer: Eva Struckova, Martina Karoly Participants: Lukas Markovič, David Brezáni, Katka Szaboova School: Gartenbauschule Piešťany About the team, hobbies: Sport, Studium, Unterhaltung Something typical about country: Nationalgericht –Brimsennockerl, Volksmusik und Tanz, schöne Frauen. Welcome!/ Herzlich willkommen! – Srdečne vitajte Goodbye!/ Auf Wiedersehen! - Dovidenia Good luck!/ Viel Glück! – Veľa šťastia Thank you!/Dankeschön! – Ďakujem Please/ Bitteschön - prosím Cheers!/ Prosit – Na zdravie

Slovenia Teamer: Romana Špes Participants: Maša Grešak, Mihael Lužar, Renata Gorišek School: School for Horticulture and Visul Artes Celje Aboutthe team hobbies: Maša-riding a horse, Mihael- atletic –sprints (110m, 200m), Renata- rollblading Something typical about country: Kurent, Potica, Dianthus, Tillia,Mountains( Triglav), Mediteranian See Welcome! -jobrodoški Goodbye! -nasvidenje Good luck!- Veliko szece Thank you-! hvala Please- prosim Cheers! -nazdravje


Luxembourg Team 1 Teamer: Christel Gottschalk, Thomas Völkening Participants: Nora Pelle, Veronique Bertrand, Tamara Martiny Something typical about country: Luxembourg is a small landlocked country, located in Western Europe. It is one of the smallest countries in Europe as well as the world. Victor Hugo, the renowned French writer, stayed in Luxembourg in a picturesque town that lies close to the German border. The house where he lived has now been turned into a museum, which is very popular among the French and Dutch tourists. The national flower is rose. The national bird is Goldcrest (Regulus regulus)

Luxembourg Team 2 Teamer: Horst Goenen, Christia Hengen Participants: Sylvian Feidert, Mindy Querinjean, Stephanie Stempel School: Lycee Technique Agricole Ettelbruck About the team hobbies: Sylvian- Fahrrad fahren, ausgehen, Mindy-Tanzen, Quad Something typical about country: very small, plenty of different nations, capital- old fortification, center of Europe, jumping-procession in Echternach Welcome! Moien! Salut! Goodbye! Äddi! Good luck! Vill Glećk! Thank you! Merci! Please- Wannechgelift! Cheers! Prfost!


Neatherland Teamer: Dick van Egmond Participants: Luc Rouhof, Hendrikus ter Schure, Lesley Thoen School: AOC Terra, MBO Meppel About the team hobbies: working, fishing, Horses Something typical about country: Heineken, wind mills, Leagelised Weed. Holland has the highest museum density in the world, with almost 1000 museums. The Van Gogh Museum and the Kröller-Müller Museum of Holland house the largest Van Gogh collections in the world. Hollanders usually have a bunch of flowers in their living rooms. The landscape of Holland is dotted with windmills, which have become its hallmark. The country has over 4,400 km of navigable rivers, canals and lakes. The kapital of Neatherland is Amsterdam. There are no more bridges than any other city in the world. Neatherland`s national flowers are tulips. Welcome!- Welkom! Goodbye!- Tot zieng! Good luck!- Veel sacces! Thank you!- dankje Please- alsje blieft Cheers!- Proost!

Italy Team 1 Teamer: Andrea Maria Schulz Participants: Lukas Oberschmied, Magdalena Reinalter, Michael Schuster School: Fachschule für Obst-, Wein- und Gartenbau Laimburg Something typical about country: Berge, Speck, Klima, Wein, Äpfel, Schnee, Schnaps, Ötzi, Lederhose Welcome! Benvenuti! Buongiorno!- Griasti/enk! Goodbye! Arividerci! –Priat/enk! Good luck! Bocca Lupo!- mochs guet Thank you! Grazie- vergelts´Gott, Dankschian! Please- pvego-bittschian ! Cheers! Cin- cin! ,zum Wohl!, Prost!


Italy Team 2 Teamer: Iwancha Lutt Participants: Daniela Andreaus, Julia Fleckinger, Alexander Mair School: Fachschule für Obst-, Wein- und Gartenbau Laimburg About the team hobbies:-Reiten, Fussball, Freunde treffen,snowboarden, gärtnern , tanzen Something typical about country: viele Berge,Wein, Knödel, Speck, Äpfel, Mediterranes Klima (Palmen, Oleander), Schnee. Eyeglasses are an Italian invention. With almost 40 million visitors, Italy is the fourth most visited country in the world. Italy`s national dish is pasta. The average Italian cunsumes 25 kg of pasta a year. The colours of the Italian flag represent three virtues: hope (green), faith (white), and charity (red). Parmesan cheese originated in the area around Parma, Italy. Italians also created many other cheeses, including gorgonzola, mozzarella, provolone, and ricotta. No one knows when the pizza was invented, but the people of Naples made it populaar. Most of Italy’s natural flora and fauna has disappeared due to centuries of cultivation. Most of its natural wildlife has also disappeared due to overhunting. No other country in Europe has as many volcanoes as Italy. This is because the Italian peninsula stands on a fault line. Three major volcanoes (Etna, Stromboli, and Vesuvius) have erupted in the last hundred years. The world’s first operas were composed in Italy at the end of the sixteenth century.


Belgium Team 1 Teamer: Daniella Nols Participants: Mikel Theis, Jenny Hönen, John Vomberg About the team hobbies: Football,Party, Pathfinder Something typical about country: chocolate, beer, french fries, Mustard, “Schnaps”,Ham

Belgium Team 2 Teamer: Andre Knauf Participants: Bettina Justen, Sarah Roth, Matthias Feltes Something typical about country: Europe`s tallest man is Belgian (Alain Delaunois, 2m30). Belgian painters are credited to have invented oil painting in the 15th century. The saxophone was invited in the early 1840`s by Adolphe Sax in Dinant. The national bird is Common Kestrel (falco tinnunculus) Welcome! Hallo! Willkommen! Goodbye! Tshüss! Auf Wiedersehen! Good luck! Alles Gute! Viel Glück! Thank you! Danke! Please- Bitte! Cheers!- Prost! Zum Wohl!


Switzerland Team 1 Teamer: Peter Stadelmann Participants: Franziska Hermann, Eveline Roduner, Stefan Küng About the team hobbies: Fussball, Shopping, barbecueing, meeting friends Something typical about country: Mountains,Chocolate, Fondue, Alphorn

Switzerland Team 2 Teamer: Andreas Kopp Participants: Susanne Stricker, Martin Straub, Jannik Sager About the team hobbies: unihockey, listen to music, play Schwizerörgeli Something typical about country: Most of the world left fondue back in the 70s, but in Switzerland it’s always in style. The classic fondue is bread dunked in Emmental and Gruyère cheeses mixed with white wine, potato flour and a dash of nutmeg consumed, of course, on shag-pile carp Welcome! Willkomme! Goodbye! Tshüss! Auf Wiedersehen! Good luck! Alles Gute! Viel Glück! Viil Glück! Thank you! Danke! Dangge! Dankeschön! Please- Bitte! Cheers! Prost! Zum Wohl! Gsundheit! Proscht!


Kapfenberge A 1 Mosbacher A 1 Wagner A1 Mair A2 Scheuchenst A 2 Hribar A2 Vomberg B1 B1 Hˆnen Theis B1 Justen B2 Feltes B2 Roth B2 Herrmann CH 1 K¸ng CH 1 Roduner CH 1 Straub CH 2 Sager CH 2 Stricker CH 2 Varmuûa CZE 1 KulÌökov∙ CZE 1 Vojdulov∙ CZE 1 Vornbrock D 1

Vornbrock D 1 Berger D1 Schlaudraff D 2 Ludwig D2 Mohr D2 Rahnel EST 1 Kivi EST 1 T‰nav EST 1 Laurend EST 2 Varm EST 2 Orlova EST 2 Talvitie FIN 1 Kankanp‰‰FIN 1 Prepula FIN 1

Katrin Patrick Angelika Michael Sabine Gerald John Jenny Mikel Bettina Matthias Sarah Franziska Stefan Eveline Martin Jannik Susanne Eduard Petra So a Matthias

Markus Jan-Niklas Darius Philipp Sabrina Margit Eve Aave Allar Kerdi Kristina Silja Karoliina Nadja





9,33 8,00 9,67 7,33 10,67 12,33 10,67 11,67 13,00 9,33 10,00 13,33 7,00 9,33 11,00 12,67 10,00 13,00 9,33 6,67 10,67 7,00

10,67 11,67 11,33 11,00 10,67 12,67 11,67 13,00 5,67 9,33 11,00 13,33 10,67 6,67


4,83 11,00 8,00 10 9,67 10,50 5,33 10,33 8,33 4,83 8,33 9,67 9,67 9,17 8,67 9,00 8,33 8,33 9,17 8,67 9,67 8,67

10,83 10,33 9,33 8,67 5,33 9,00 10,33 8,33 4,67 4,83 8,67 9,67 10,83 3,67


10,67 11,00 10,33 11,67 12,00 11,67 11,00 11,00 8,67 11,33 11,33 10,00 10,67 5,67

11,33 7,67 9,67 11,67 9,67 10,67 12,00 11,00 11,00 11,33 10,00 10,00 12,00 7,33 11,33 11,67 10,00 11,00 7,33 11,00 9,67 9,00


3,33 9,33 7,67 9,33 8,67 3,67 9,33 7,33 9,67 7,00 9,33 9,00 3,33 6,00

7,00 8,00 7,33 7,33 9,00 9,67 8,67 9,33 7,33 7,00 7,00 9,00 7,33 3,00 9,33 3,67 7,00 7,33 3,00 9,00 9,00 6,33


22 24 20 20 19 27 28 28 20 19 13 12 14 15

21 27 24 29 26 28 22 18 20 18 23 21 20 19 18 22 20 26 17 23 24 21


24 23 8 21 24 25 20 26 10 9 14 6 4 6

18 22 19 20 22 19 23 20 19 9 26 19 16 23 19 23 14 21 19 16 16 24


29,0 34,0 14,0 19,0 7,5 13,0 18,5 21,0 18,5 22,5 19,0 10,5 5,0 9,5

27,5 32,0 10,5 11,0 19,5 22,5 20,5 10,5 9,0 16,5 9,5 25,0 19,5 20,0 20,0 19,0 4,5 14,5 9,0 10,0 17,5 21,5



7,33 7,33 11,83 8,67 6,83 6,83 9,5 10,17 11,17 7,33 4 9,17 5,5 6,67 8,67 7,83 4 11,17 6,67 6,33 6,83 4,83

9,33 9,67 14,00 9,00 15,67 17,33 14,33 12,33 9,67 9,33 14,67 11,67 8,67 9,00 15,67 11,33 14,67 9,67 9,00 8,33 15,67 9,00


12,67 6,17 15,67 6 10,17 12,33 13,67 6,83 7,67 9,67 8,17 14,67 8,67 9,5 14,33 11,33 7,83 11,33 6 10,17 12,33 14 11,17 9,67 12 9,17 11,67 6 7,33 9,33 12 8,67 15,67 14 9,17 11,67 12,67 6,17 15,67 8 5,83 4,00

6 13,67 11,33 14,67 13,33 8,67 8,67 6 14 6 9 14 6 9,33 12 11,33 9 14 9,33 7,33 13,33 11,33


16,33 17,67 9,00 16,33 13,00 17,33 17,67 18,67 10,67 15,33 11,00 10,67 16,33 10,33

15,33 14,33 9,00 9,00 15,67 13,33 13,00 17,67 18,67 15,33 12,33 10,67 10,67 11,00 11,00 17,33 12,33 18,67 11,00 9,00 15,67 12,67


12,67 11,00 10,33 12,33 12,67 11,33 11,00 11,67 12,67 8,33 12,00 13,67 12,67 11,00

8,33 10,67 11,00 12,67 12,67 14,00 12,67 11,00 11,67 8,33 12,33 13,67 11,67 6,33 12,00 11,33 12,33 11,67 6,33 12,00 12,67 12,00



5,33 5,50 8,17 11,50 6,67 4,50 5,17 8,00 5,33 3,17 7,00 6,50 8,17 11,50 5,67 8,00 7,17 8,67 8,17 9,00 4,67 5,50 5,5 6,00 5,33 5,50 7,33 7,00

8,17 9,00 4,17 7,17 8,33 8,17 6,17 8,33 5,33 6,67 5,67 9,00 5,33 3,17 8,17 11,50 5,67 8,00 8,17 9,00 5,33 6,67 5,5 6,00 4,67 5,00 5,5 5,67 4,67 5,50 7,00 6,50 5,33 6,67 5,67 8,00 5,5 5,67 5,83 4,67 5,33 6,67 5,5 8,17


9 17 8 17 12 23 17 20 18 9 15 16 6 12

13 21 12 18 11 18 12 13 3 8 14 17 20 9 16 18 15 15 14 10 14 17


7,67 7,67 3,67 5,67 2,67 2,67 7,67 6,67 3,67 4,67 3,67 6,67 7,67 3,67

4,67 4,67 5,67 7,67 5,67 5,67 2,67 7,67 6,67 4,67 6,17 6,67 2,67 5,17 3,67 2,67 6,17 6,67 5,17 4,67 5,67 6,67


7,67 11,67 7,17 8,17 7,17 8,67 11,67 8,67 7,17 11,17 11,17 11,67 7,67 8,17

11,17 9,67 8,17 7,67 6,67 8,67 7,17 11,67 8,67 11,17 9,17 11,67 8,67 8,17 11,17 8,67 9,17 8,67 8,17 7,17 6,67 7,67


4,33 4,67 2,83 3,50 3,33 3,33 4,67 7,00 4,00 4,50 4,00 6,33 4,33 3,33

4,50 5,00 3,67 7,00 3,33 4,67 3,33 4,67 7,00 4,50 1,83 6,33 6,33 4,17 4,00 3,33 1,83 7,00 4,17 4,67 3,33 3,67

FLORISTIC TASK 76,3 76,3 74,3 74,3 74,3 77,30 77,30 77,30 74 74 74 78 78 78

80 80 80 75 75 75 75,6 75,6 75,6 82 82 82 81,3 81,3 81,3 81,30 81,30 81,30 78,3 78,3 78,3 76,3

LANDSCAPING TASK 87,14 87,14 66,57 66,57 66,57 77,71 77,71 77,71 75,14 75,14 75,14 57,57 57,57 57,57

75,93 75,93 75,93 78,5 78,5 78,5 78,57 78,57 78,57 78,57 78,57 78,57 77,93 77,93 77,93 75,79 75,79 75,79 62,21 62,21 62,21 87,14

SUMMARY 376,95 404,62 301,87 350,22 319,88 367,34 381,69 390,86 331,18 324,96 338,82 317,42 294,08 268,74

351,75 378,95 347,27 358,68 362,85 378,01 348,18 358,85 346,02 328,39 349,9 379,92 340,58 330,07 360,91 363,42 327,42 374,44 299,35 304,85 342,86 359,45



























Julie Claire Pierre Gabriella Zsolt PÈter G∙bo r Magdalena Michael Lukas Alexander Julia Daniela Tamara Nora VÈronique Mindy StÈphanie Sylvain Ieva Madara Di na Arita J nis Dana Hendrikus Luc Lesley Mateusz Daniel BRT OMIEJ Lukas Gabriel David Renata Mihael Maöa Caroline Hanna Christoffer

Lucien FR 1 Varinois FR 1 Le Cunff FR 1 B∙rkai HU 1 HU 1 Ban∙ri Nagy HU 1 Reinalter I1 Schuster I1 OberschmiedI 1 I2 Mair Fleckinger I 2 Andreaus I 2 Martiny LUX 1 PellÈ LUX 1 Bertrand LUX 1 Querinjean LUX†2 Stempel LUX†2 LUX†2 Feidert Garoza LV 1 Zvingule LV 1 Leite LV 1 Miltovi a LV 2 J kobsons LV 2 Ozoli a LV 2 ter Schure NL 1 Rouhof NL 1 Thoen NL 1 Zielinski POL 1 Pudelko POL 1 Buda POL 1 Markovic SK 1 Nagy SK 1 Brezani SK 1 Goriöek SLO 1 Luûar SLO 1 Greöak SLO 1 Karlsson SWE 1 Gunnarsson SWE 1 Elander SWE 1

4,67 9,67 8,67 9,33 2,33 3,67 4,67 9,67 9,67 2,33 6,33 3,67 10 6,33 8,67 9,67 10,50 8,67 8,33 8,67 5,33 10 9,33 8,00 8,67 10,83 8,00 9,00 9,67 11,00 9,17 8,67 10,50 9,67 8,67 2,33 9,67 6,33 11,00

5,67 7,33 7,00 11,33 10,33 6,67 5,67 7,33 13,33 10,33 6,67 6,67 7,33 6,67 6,67 7,00 12,33 11,00 10,00 7,00 10,67 7,33 11,33 9,67 11,00 10,67 9,67 12,67 10,67 8,00 9,33 6,67 12,33 7,33 11,00 10,33 7,00 6,67 8,00

8,67 10,33 9,00 10,33 11,00 5,67 8,67 10,33 10,00 11,00 9,67 5,67 11,67 9,67 11,00 12,00 10,67 11,33 10,00 9,00 12,00 11,67 10,33 9,67 11,67 10,67 9,67 11,67 9,67 7,67 7,33 11,00 10,67 10,33 11,67 11,00 12,00 9,67 7,67

9,67 7,67 6,33 7,67 7,67 6,00 9,67 7,67 9,00 7,67 7,33 6,00 7,33 7,33 9,00 7,33 9,67 9,33 7,00 6,33 8,67 7,33 7,67 7,33 9,33 3,33 7,33 3,67 9,00 8,00 3,00 9,00 9,67 7,67 9,33 7,67 7,33 7,33 8,00

17 15 18 24 26 17 20 20 25 23 22 22 14 17 26 23 14 18 19 17 20 13 27 15 20 14 20 17 19 21 25 17 28 22 27 22 15 13 12

24 22 2 18 18 20 23 20 23 20 6 14 0 7 24 16 6 17 21 5 21 21 23 26 18 20 10 14 22 12 18 8 20 16 19 9 16 16 20

10,0 9,0 7,5 9,5 6,0 11,5 24,5 20,5 26,5 6,0 21,0 12,0 15,5 12,0 28,0 13,0 13,0 11,0 23,5 12,5 7,0 10,0 12,5 31,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 0,0 9,5 8,5 12,0 16,0 9,5 5,0 6,5 3,0 6,0 9,0 8,5

12 9,17 11,67 14,67 5,67 15,33 11,33 4,83 9,00 13,67 6,83 7,67 12 5 13,33 8 5,83 4,00 12 9,17 11,67 14,67 5,67 15,33 14 9,17 11,67 12 5 13,33 7,33 6,17 12,33 8 5,83 4,00 14,67 8,67 9,00 7,33 6,17 12,33 7,33 6,33 8,33 6 5,5 8,67 8,67 6,83 17,33 12 8,67 15,67 9 4 14,67 11,33 4,83 9,00 8,67 9,5 14,33 14,67 8,67 9,00 13,67 6,83 7,67 11,33 11,83 14,00 9,67 8,17 14,67 12,67 6,17 15,67 11,33 11,83 14,00 11,33 7,83 11,33 13,33 6,83 15,67 13,67 7,33 9,67 9,33 6,67 9,00 7,33 6,33 8,33 8,67 6,83 17,33 14,67 5,67 15,33 9,67 8,17 14,67 12 5 13,33 6 5,5 8,67 7,33 6,17 12,33 13,67 7,33 9,67

10,67 9,67 12,67 9,00 14,67 10,33 10,67 9,67 10,67 14,67 9,00 10,33 9,00 9,00 9,00 10,67 13,33 11,00 12,33 12,67 13,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 16,33 16,33 9,00 17,33 15,67 14,33 11,00 9,00 13,33 9,67 16,33 14,67 10,67 9,00 14,33

12,67 8,67 12,00 10,33 10,33 11,00 12,67 8,67 13,67 10,33 8,67 11,00 12,67 8,67 12,00 11,67 14,00 12,00 12,33 12,00 12,67 12,67 10,33 11,00 12,33 12,67 11,00 11,33 12,67 10,67 6,33 12,00 14,00 8,67 12,33 10,33 11,67 8,67 10,67

7,17 6,33 5,5 6,67 8,17 7,33 7,17 6,33 5,5 8,17 4,5 7,33 6,17 4,5 5,83 4,67 5,67 4,67 5,33 5,5 5,33 6,17 6,67 8,33 5,17 5,33 8,33 7,00 5,33 4,17 5,5 5,83 5,67 6,33 5,17 8,17 4,67 4,5 4,17

8,67 9,17 8,17 4,50 5,83 7,00 8,67 9,17 6,00 5,83 6,67 7,00 8,33 6,67 4,67 5,00 9,00 5,50 6,67 8,17 3,17 8,33 4,50 8,17 8,00 5,50 8,17 6,50 6,67 7,17 5,67 4,67 9,00 9,17 8,00 5,83 5,00 6,67 7,17

6 18 15 12 15 8 17 21 20 9 20 21 21 12 5 19 13 9 11 15 12 12 14 9 12 8 6 9 12 6 6 11 21 15 12 20 8 11 10

3,67 7,17 4,67 9,17 6,67 7,67 3,67 7,17 4,67 5,67 3,67 8,17 3,67 7,17 4,67 9,17 6,67 11,67 4,67 5,67 4,67 6,17 3,67 8,17 7,67 7,67 4,67 6,17 4,67 7,17 2,67 8,67 5,67 8,67 3,67 11,17 6,17 9,17 6,67 7,67 2,67 7,17 7,67 7,67 3,67 7,17 5,67 8,17 5,67 8,17 7,67 7,67 5,67 8,17 2,67 8,67 5,67 6,67 4,67 9,67 5,17 8,17 4,67 7,17 5,67 8,67 4,67 9,17 5,67 8,17 4,67 5,67 2,67 8,67 4,67 6,17 4,67 9,67

4,00 3,67 3,67 2,83 3,17 3,33 4,00 3,67 6,33 3,17 4,17 3,33 7,00 4,17 4,67 6,33 4,67 4,00 1,83 3,67 3,33 7,00 2,83 3,67 3,50 4,33 3,67 3,33 3,33 5,00 4,17 4,67 4,67 3,67 3,50 3,17 6,33 4,17 5,00

78,3 60,9 78,3 60,9 78,3 60,9 81,3 59,6 81,3 59,6 81,3 59,6 80,3 72,1 80,3 72,1 80,3 72,1 71,6 65,1 71,6 65,1 71,6 65,1 74,6 56,9 74,6 56,9 74,6 56,9 76,3 59,9 76,3 59,9 76,3 59,9 82 53,3 82 53,3 82 53,3 79,6 59,6 79,6 59,6 79,6 59,6 58,6 69,6 58,6 69,6 58,6 69,6 48,60 50,80 48,60 50,80 48,60 50,80 60,6 65,7 60,6 65,7 60,6 65,7 74 60,6 74 60,6 74 60,6 79,6 60 79,6 60 79,6 60

311,74 325,22 294,21 315,4 320,07 288,07 352,44 355,92 384,25 308,87 305,38 296,37 309,18 279,18 319,84 313,05 319,21 319,88 326,63 297,31 311,81 322,38 326,7 346,54 320,05 309,21 299,54 263,73 292,75 267,92 287,14 283,64 341,81 314,62 331,45 302,77 290,45 288,28 311,12 889,85





























Working safety


Making a birdcage

Budding of fruit tree

Conifer cuttings

Container planting

Find species





Lawn seeds

Plant diseases and pests

Right cultivar to the right species




Pealing potatoes

Emplacement of garden string and making flowerbed


Pesticides and fertilizer

Third place Austria 2

Second place Estonia 1

The winner Germany 1


Tel: +372 673 5565

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Europ채ischer Gartenbaulehrerinnen und Gartenbaulehrer


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