Tien yi su portfolio 2005~2014

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Su Tien Yi Architecture & Design Porƞolio 2005-2013 Apply for PennDesign, MLA program

B.Arch, Chung Yuan ChrisƟan University Address | 3F., No. 8, Ln. 30, Tongyi St., Taishan Dist., New Taipei City 243, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Email | suema013@hotmail.com Tel | +886-973357043

Table of Contents I.

Village-Analog in City


2010 Academic, School Project


Visible and Invisible City


2008 Academic, Graduate Project


Chiayi Gong-Sam City Park


2010-2011 Professional Project


New Taipei City Library


2010-under construcƟon Professional Project


Heping Elementary School with Taipei Basketball Gymnasium 2013 Architectural CompeƟƟon


life | city | 1:2000

Village-Analog In City Streets Transforming and Designer Group Academic project Year Fall 2009 - Spring 2010 LocaƟon Tianmu, Taipei, Taiwan Honor NaƟonal University Architecture Design Horizon Award Award of Best Graduate Design

01 - Urban renewal - Street acƟviƟes - Life events - InteracƟon between people

“Village analog” refers to the use of the interacƟve relaƟonships between village residents as an analogy for reshaping city-dwellers street experience and warm their usually cold aƫtudes toward one another. In this case, I analyzed the land use situaƟon in my experimental area, and then focused on fostering cultural and creaƟve acƟvity in the area, creaƟng spaces for city dwellers where public and private co-exist. This approach will create a new living path connected through a greater number of interacƟons with cultural and creaƟve community spots.


lane square

grocery store


yard living room

Route in Village

InteracƟon Experience In compactly structured ciƟes, pedestrians move with purpose, even in their own neighborhoods, making it hard to interact with people. Villages, in contrast, are more loosely structured and people interact on the streets more, with fewer people as purposeful in their walking. This inspired me to think about how city dwellers could enjoy a similar interacƟon experience to villagers.

Route in City







As public and private spaces are clearly divided in ciƟes, there are no intermediary spaces that present interacƟve opportuniƟes. In contrast, public and private spaces in villages oŌen overlap, with their boundaries vaguely defined. Even living rooms and kitchens can be opened up to interacƟon. 02

Shipai MRT sta on level 1: crea ve market, consignment store


Cultural and CreaƟve Industry

me control




H Tie dye



housing work

The nature of the cultural and crea ve industries—flexible working hours, living spaces where public and private overlap—creates greater ac vity in ci es and increases opportunies for interac on, while also driving workers in these industries to need greater interpersonal interac on themselves.

Taipei City

road system

level 2: studio

level 3: brand store commercial interac on

public construcƟon

Experimental Site This site is located in the commercial center of the Tianmu district of Taipei City. Building on the weekly market that takes place at one corner of the site, the plan for the site is to create a new avenue linking the market with the various small stores in the alleyways, and then to the main road that is home to major brand outlets. I thus chose the transi onal area between the two end points as the area of primary focus, crea ng a new, interac ve route linking the weekly market with Zhongcheng Road.


Rd n N.

E. Rd

a ngsh


Department Store

bonƟques and department stores

Department Store

Taipei American School

Eslite Book Store

ResidenƟal Area


ng R

che ong

Zh mu

d E. R

Tianmu Baseball Stadium


, Ti

8 Ln.

unique restaurants

Shidong Rd Department Store

creaƟve stores and market 03

land analysis

Tianmu Crea ve Market

N. R


Tianmu E. Rd




Shin Kong Department Store

Shin Kong Department Store

Linear Park

vacant lots illegal buildings

Tianfu Park

abandoned buildings

Taipei American School

design approach

Eslite Bookstore

Gallery Restaurant

Reading Pavilion

8, T


u E.


Shopfront Transforma on


new building areas alley reconstruc on

City Trellis

building transforma on demoli on Designers’ Studio Group Roo op House


Tianmu Baseball Stadium



New Space DefiniƟon



In accordance with the condi ons of the site, four different design strategies are employed: “release,” “transforma on,” “invasion,” and “implanta on.” The public and private spaces of the site are readjusted, with an increase in semi-open spaces and public pathways that creates greater opportuni es for interac on.

Designers’ Apartments

Bou que Stores

Shidong Rd 0 10


Master Plan 50 100

Dayeh Takashimaya Department Store


STOP 1. Linear Park ReconstrucƟon Residents take a seat in linear park for rest. Children play in sandboxes.

STOP 2. Shopfront TransformaƟon TransformaƟon

STOP 3. Gallery Restaurent

Shopfronts are set back to release a semi-public space. Residents greet workers in stores with a smile or sit outside for a chat.

This restaurant is combined with an art gallery. Visitors come here to dine, look around, and relax on the outdoor deck.

New Building

New Street Experience New living routes are developed and linked through usage. MulƟ-point transformaƟons such as this project can provide local residents with an experience of purposeless wandering similar to that experienced in rural villages, opening the door to unexpected discoveries. Residents can exchange books at a reading pavilion, relaxing under a tree to enjoy an aŌernoon of reading, while trellises provide others a place to grow plants and chat with their neighbors.

STOP 0. start People come from the creaƟve market and take a break in the courtyard in front of the temple. Then they can go to the “new street” which is near the temple.

P ZA PLA Private subsidiary road Semi-Public


main road

Public OPEN

vague space definiƟon

staggered space arrangement

aƩached route


mulƟ-level space

Space Concept 05

STOP 4. Reading Pavilion ReconstrucƟon

STOP 5. City Trallis ReconstrucƟon

STOP 6. RooŌop House

Residents exchange second-hand books and share their reading experiences.

City trallis provides residents with opportuniƟes to grow plants, chat and rest.

These are the basic accommodaƟon units for designers. Units are connected with cross-over bridges.


DemonstraƟon Group The demonstraƟon group is the driving force behind the village-analog city. It is made up of three secƟons—the designers’ studio group, the studio apartments, and bouƟque stores. Within are a wealth of acƟviƟes designed to generate interacƟon with residents, but which also serve as the starƟng point for visitors to the village-analog city.

STOP 7. Designers’ Studio Group New Building

STOP 8. Designers’ Apartment New Building

STOP 9. BouƟque Stores New Building

There are a variety of design studios. Designers have a lot of communicaƟon. Residents and visitors come here to parƟcipate.

Designers who live here have plenty of opportuniƟes to discuss with each other. Residents also can pass through the first floor.

Designers’ stores gather here. People have a number of interacƟon between each other on the square and the decks in front of stores.


DemonstraƟon Site A: Designers’ Studio Group This is a collec on of design studio units which combine residen al, work, and commercial proper es. The site has four entrances connec ng to outside roads, making the ground-floor public ac vity space also a secondary ac vity path for residents. Here, mothers who have taken children to school, neighbors, and visitors from other places can par cipate in various studios and workshops.

A’ A

0 1 2 3 4 5

SecƟon A - A’ 10


DemonstraƟon Site B: Designers’ Apartments This is a studio apartment complex for designers star ng out in their careers. From the plaza and arcades to the entrance, I used a mul -level space to blur the boundaries of public space. Designers living here can discuss their crea ve works with one another here, as well as holding occasional bazaars and flea markets here. From me to me, kindergartens will put on performances and hold ac vi es in the central plaza. B’


0 1 2 3 4 5

SecƟon B - B’ 10


DemonstraƟon Site C: BouƟque Stores Building on Zhongcheng Road’s focus on luxury items and department stores, this area brings together a number of designer-owned brands. Spaces here are laid out in a staggered way to create outdoor decks in front of every store, en cing passersby to stay a while. Inside, the square offers an open space for rest, while stores can also make use of the space for special ac vi es during holidays.



0 1 2 3 4 5

SecƟon C - C’ 10


life | city | 1:500


Visible and invisible city

- ConƟnuous acƟviƟes - Ever-changing face of city - Life demand - City characterisƟcs

Supermarket, Community Center and Park Academic project Year Fall 2008 Loca on Zhongli, Taoyuan, Taiwan Honor Design Merit Award, 2008, Dept. of Architecture, Chung Yuan Chris an University

The “Visible and Invisible City” refers to a par cular aspect of a city with poten al that remains to be tapped. In this area within a 500m radius around Zhongli Sta on, we can develop an area that is representa ve of the city of Zhongli itself. Zhongli is historically a city of a variety of func ons, and I discovered that the ever-changing face of the city is in part due to its being ac ve 24 hours a day. In addi on, I believe that a community center and 24-hour supermarket best represent the lifestyle of Zhongli while also sa sfying its various demands. Appearance Changes With Time

strong difference in eleva on


empty space





Ɵon i Sta



inserted box 10

Transforming City In daylight, the skyline of Zhongli is on full display, with things such as new apartment buildings in old neighborhoods becoming obvious landmarks. As the city enters nigh me, ac vity doesn’t stop, but rather con nues on, however the city’s face is changed by this. As the businesses on lower floors con nue opera ng, the residents of the upper floors sleep, crea ng the impression of the upper half of these buildings disappearing into the night sky.

Site Selected

Where: Site LocaƟon To emphasize the difference caused by this change, I chose the upper floors (9F-11F) of an apartment building as my site. As the middle and upper floors are for offices and residen al spaces, ac vity in these floors is limited largely to day me; when con nual ac vity is implanted into these upper floors, Zhongli’s ever-changing face is made all the more prominent.

1 1



1. Supermarket 2. Exhibi on Space 3. Mu -func on Room 4. Informa on Center



0 1 2 3 4 5

SecƟon 10 11




Store Room

Supermarket Office

12F Original Floor

I chose three elements—a supermarket, a community center, and a park—to sa sfy the lifestyle needs of the area while also representing Zhongli’s high-density popula on. As the supermarket is open all day, I have separated the lines of mo on for the supermarket and the community center, which will also facilitate management. Between the supermarket and community center are a community park, located on the 10th and 11th floors, providing an ac vity and recrea on space for local residents. Supermarket

Exhibi on Space Informa on Room

Community Office Mu -func on Room

9F +256 Plan


What: Local Progams

11F +320 Plan

10F +288 Plan



8F Original Floor Supermarket Community Center Park

The Following Floors and Ground


landscape | suburb | 1:1200

Chiayi gong-san city park


Forestry Culture Park Professional Project Year 2010 - 2011 Loca on Chiayi, Taiwan Site Area 177,190 m² / 282,552 m² Floor Area 626 m²

Parking (motorcycle )

The design and construc on of this case was divided into several stages. I was involved into two stages, overseeing the design of the buildings and landscaping. Designed to be a forest park, with a lychee garden and a blackboard tree forest. Trees for the park were chosen based on flowering season, crea ng different faces for the park with each change of the season. Two other projects are part of the site, namely Beixiang Lake and the North Route Drain, which must be integrated and accommodated for within the plan.

Cherry Blossoms Square

Bo-ai Park Parking (tour bus)

Grass Slope (Flood DetenƟon Pool)

North Route Drain

Parking (car)

Beixiang Lake Outside project to return Beixiang Lake to its former appearance. During weekdays, this area serves as a landscaped rest area, while during the rainy season is collects rainwater as a deten on pond.

Beixiang Lake

Bizihtou Botanical Garden

North Route Drain Outside project to beau fy drain route with the addi on of vegeta on, linking the ecosystems on each side of the drain.

Bo-ai Park


Exis ng facility to be preserved intact as part of the new park.

grass slope

Bizihtou Botanical Garden

original woods

Exis ng facility with management and route planning separate from the new park.

entrance square


parking 13

New Programs

New Habitats

New Routes

New Parking y trainwa

Original Woods


Tour Bus Cars


Site Plan


Spring Tree Bank


Melia azedarach

Calocedrus formosana

Acacia confusa

Cinnamomum camphora

Fraxinus formosana

Michelia formosana

Liquidambar formosana

Acer serrulatum

Terminalia boivinii

Prunus campanulata

Taxodium disƟchum

Samanea saman


Autumn Summer






A sec on of the park is to be used as temporary storage for plants

TransplantaƟon that require transplanta on.

Regional government requires this area be reserved for protec on

Tree Bank of plants being transplanted. PlanƟng Area

This ecologically oriented park will preserve exis ng trees while also accommoda ng facili es such as parking lots. Through the crea on of a dense ar ficial forest, the park aims to call to mind the forests of Alishan. In the north of the park, where the eleva on is lower, is a water deten on area which is normally open grassland, but will double as a deten on pond during rainy season. In the south, Beixiang Lake fulfills a similar purpose. Parking areas for cars, scooters, and tour buses are laid out across the park to spread out traffic. Plant species be er suited to plains were selected for plan ng, while also aiming to create different scenery for each season.


Architectural Design

machinery room

Within the park are two groups of service buildings, each consis ng of a visitor service center, bathrooms, and machine rooms. In line with the forest theme of the park, these buildings all use glued laminated mber, and the roofs are equipped with solar panels. The facades of these buildings use four different materials, with the uppermost sec on of the walls le open to improve ven la on.

service center

women’s bathroom

men’s bathroom

solar panels

wooden roof


steel plate

wooden beam






SecƟon 5

wood wool cement board

wooden columns 15

architecture | city | 1:200


New taipei city library Main Library

zinc and aluminum composite panel

Professional Project Year 2010 - Under construc on Category Public Building Loca on Banqiao, New Taipei, Taiwan Site Area 6,137 m² Floor Area 20,792 m²

waterproof fiberboard


n ntra

micro-reflec ve agglu na on glass

e ain



second entrance

ver cal aluminum sun visor

Detail Drawing - the top of curtain wall

In line with the client’s requirements, this library aimed to achieve the highest standards for a green building in Taiwan. The ground floor is largely dedicated to green space, in hopes of becoming a place for ci zens to rest and relax. The curtain walls to the north, south, and east, meanwhile, are equipped with sun visors of different ver cal and horizontal specifica ons to match the angle of sunlight that hits them.


Basketball Gymnasium Da’an Sports Center

architecture | city | 1:2000

heping elementary school and taipei basketball gymnasium


Professional Project Year 2013 Category Architectural CompeƟƟon LocaƟon Da'an District., Taipei, Taiwan Site Area 41,789 m² Floor Area 58,930 m² / 76,272 m²

Heping Elementary School

For this case, I was responsible for the design and planning of a basketball gymnasium which will serve as a venue for the Summer Universiade to be hosted in Taipei in 2017, as well as a new landmark for Taipei City. The exterior is designed around the concept of a spinning basketball, while the main and subsidiary gymnasiums were planned with verƟcality and specific routes for athletes. The track, meanwhile, is located between the two gymnasiums, facilitaƟng use by both users of the gymnasiums and students of Heping Elementary School.

Main Gymnasium

Track Track

Parking Lot

Subsidiary Gymnasium

Basketball Gymnasium SecƟon 17

structure | city | people



Stucture Workshop and Photographies

1 4 5 2

3 6

2007 SDG _ Kunio Watanabe Tension Structure Workshop In spring 2007, I parĆ&#x;cipated in the school’s work workshop. We were required to design a hyperbolic paraboloid shell structure. We chose wood as the material for the structure and hang it up on the tree with steel rope. Our completed structure not only passed shell structure test but also exhibited a charming structure.

2011-2014 Photographies 1. Relax Corner Jan. 2011, Macau

2. The Street Jan. 2013, Hong Kong

3. Local Life Jan. 2013, Hong Kong

4. How Busy Jan. 2013, Hong Kong

5. My Dear Niece Apr. 2014, Taipei, Taiwan

6. The Intersec on Jan. 2013, Hong Kong


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