Watcher Info

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Issue: Discipline UI / UX Design

Designer Shou-Chien Yu / 喻 守 謙

Real World


Project Brief /

Watcher is a therapeutic APP

designed for young people who is suffering from anxiety and depression. By tracking and analyzing user’s sound data, Watcher can provide them emotion-based 360° videos, just like opening a window for their mind in the digital world. Besides, users can share their moods by

Programmer Ting-Shuan Yeh / 葉 庭 瑄

sending anonymous bottle-letter to strangers in the lonely universe. Watcher 是 一 款 個 人 用 的 療 癒 軟 體 , 專 為 焦 慮 、 厭 世 的 年 輕 族 群設計。透過故事引導,讓使用者藉由說話感測情緒,觀看相 對 應 的 360 度 療 癒 影 片 , 在 沉 浸 的 世 界 中 抒 緩 情 緒 。 此 外 , 透

Dimensions(unit:pixel) iPhone 6 : 1334*750

Work Delivery iPhone 6 Info video


Issue /

Target User /

Anxiety problem of younger generation

• Their emotion are easily influenced by over information, living under pressure. • They can't afford professional consulting, and may even feel ashamed. • They hate positive thinking without empathy. Feeling exhausted about the problems that could only be solved by themselves. • 情緒容易受過量的資訊影響,生活充滿不確定性與生存壓力。

Young people age 18 - 30

• 沒有足夠的金錢與時間接受專業的心理治療,甚至覺得丟臉。 • 厭惡缺乏同理的正向思考,知道多數問題只有自己能解決卻感到無力。

Anxiety is invisible Most of the people can’t define their emotion immediately. Urban dwellers may not be aware of living in anxiety.

Psychotherapy is not friendly at all

Positive thinking without empathy

Few can afford psychotherapy due to time and cost.

People always expect depressed people to buck up and go back to the normal lives. However, without empathy, this kind of positive thinking may hurt others again.

Research & Interview /

Target Need counseling

Frequent anxiety


Mental consultant

Anxiety sufferer



Insight /

• 情緒是動態變化的,只能舒緩不能消滅。 • 意識到「我要放鬆」時 = 已經非常焦慮。 • 放鬆時別想著解決問題,專注感受即可並轉移注力。

Draw attention smoothly.

Personal emotion care device.

Express emotion whenever you want.

Soothing regularly instead of emergency care.





Drew attention away.

Something cause anxiety.

Unconscious relaxation e.g., stretching, looking at the scenery.

Anxiety zone

Try to be relaxed on purpose.

It doesn’t work because you are already too anxious.

Ineffective relaxation

Transfer Lose motivation for living. Being anxious about feeling anxious.

Pressure limit

Anxiety level

Remains happy

• Emotion is dynamic, anxiety can only be relieved but not be cancelled or wiped out. • When you realize “I need to be relaxed”, that means you are being anxious. • Don’t think about your problem during relaxing time, just clean up your mind and draw your attention away.



Feeling alright

Little anxiety

Ideal relaxation

Try to be relaxed on purpose till you actually feel anxious.

A consolation for mind. When you feel down, it’s always there.

360° Slow TV video

Idea Feel therapeutic naturally.

Don’t think too much, just draw attention away temporarily and feel better.

Emotion-basic Video Analysis /

Work Flow / Start the journey User could open the app intuitively when they feel a bit down.

Data Analysis /

Mood Groups / on a scale of 0 - 100

使用者感到一絲焦躁,不知道該做甚 麼 下 意 識 打 開 APP 。

Embracive, self-control depressive, aggressive User’s voice

The amount of positivity

Emotion-basic exploring Analyzing the emotion of users to provide them a 360° slow TV based on it. 透過說話感測使用者的情緒,投放




From placid to excited

溫和友善、缺乏自信、不情願 傷心憂鬱、焦慮、侵略性、氣怒

Gloomy or confrontational

Video Type /

適 合 當 下 心 情 的 360 度 影 片 。

The effect of the 360° Video Raise interest

Watching 360° slow TV video After enjoying the 360° world, user will draw their attention away from their own pressure.

Calm down

Cultural wandering

Road trip

Head vision

Following the guide

Nature wandering

Fixed-point observation

Nature scene

Vehicle vision

Head vision

Tripod vision

Sky vision

Changing landscape

Exploring wild nature

Surrounding by creatures

Breathtaking view

沉 浸 觀 看 360 度 影 片 , 無 意 識 中 離 開 焦慮的體態,轉移注意力。

Memory mode When user need to have a sense of security, they could review videos they collected. 回顧過去看過的影片,當成視覺白 噪音,為使用者帶來安全感。

Peaceful but not boring Why watching 360° slow TV videos on mobile Slow TV is a term used for a genre of live "marathon" television coverage of an ordinary event in its complete length. For people who are tired of living, it’s truly therapeutic. The 360° video is exploring rather than simply watching, which can draw people’s attention away more effectively, and ease their mind naturally when exploring.

Steady camera e.g., angle, speed.

A sense of security

Moving objects in every frame e.g., people, scene.

Provoke interest

Creating non-human vision e.g., on the sky.

Aroused curiosity

Knowing users’ mood by their voice.

When users feel down.

Draw attention away and then feel better.

Provide emotion-basic 360° slow TV videos.

“ Take an emotion-based trip in 360° world whenever you feel down. ”

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