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Happenings Around TGO
Happenings Around The Great Outdoors
The Hooray for Hollywood night at the Blue Heron brought out some unique characters. Left to Right: Marlene Zawadsky made an excellent 1920s Flapper Girl. Marilyn MonMoe and Tuco Witschi were looking for a street grate. Larry and Lynne Murkerson were styling at the BH.
We had a lot of volunteers show up for our recent “stocking of the ponds.” 1,175 fi ngerling catfi sh were distributed throughout our 32 ponds. Ron and Dori Peoples stepped up to ramrod the project and help out John Roberts. See more photos on page 70.
Happenings Around The Great Outdoors Pet Corner
Mufasa, a 6-year-old Morkie, is barking out orders as his human, Gerri Helms, chauff ers him around TGO.
A Good Samaritan Award was given to Rick Reinish from Courtesy Patrol. He was one of the fi rst people on the scene of a bad accident on Plantation involving a man on a motorized scooter and a vehicle. Without hesitation, Rick began fi rst aid on the accident victim. He administered CPR using the AED from the trunk of his Courtesy Patrol car until the EMS vehicles arrived.
The Sip and Paint class held at the Blue Heron has become a popular activity. Here, Jeanie Dent, Marlene Zawadzky, Tacy Crispin and Diane Kay show off their latest creations. How many Nature Centure volunteers does it take to hold up a ladder for the bat queen Ariel Horner?