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Classifi ed Ads and Sudoku
Classified Ads
All Classifi ed Ads - For Sale, Rent and Wanted - will cost $10.00 per ad, per issue. Payment is by cash or check, payable to “CSA.” Classifi ed ads list tangible and real property owned or wanted within TGO by the resident who places the ad. All ads must be brief, 25 words or less. Over 25 words are charged an additional 30¢ per word. Forms are available at the Plantation Manor CSA Offi ce, 145 Plantation Drive. The placement of new ads and the renewal of existing ads must be made, with payment, no later than 5:00 pm on the Friday before the upcoming publication date. The (exp) date shown is the fi nal issue of publication for which an ad has been paid. Errors must be reported within one week after the initial publication. No refunds for early cancellation of ad. All ads are placed on a fi rst-come basis. Space is limited.
FOR RENT: RV Lot at 19 Sunset Drive. Lake view, April thru November. Daily, weekly, monthly. Contact Dale at 207-233-7191 or email to rent19sunset@gmail.com (exp 06-10-22) FOR RENT: RV Lot at 50 Sunset Drive. May-December openings. Monthly rental preferred. Discount for consecutive months. Call/text Dave at 616-450-4509. Email: dverstra@comcast.net (exp 12-23-22) FOR RENT: 234 Plantation. May thru October. Beautiful 2 bedroom 1.5 bath, washer & dryer, screened in porch, car port. Call Dick Fridley at 269-207-6472. (exp 07-22-22) FOR SALE: Park Model at 535 Lake Drive. Two bedroom, 1.5 BR, Laundry, sunroom. Furnished. Stainless appliances, Newer air, roof, plumbing. $323,999. Open house-Tuesdays 1 - 4 pm. Contact 508-410-0029 (exp 06-24-22)
WANT TO RENT: TGO Park Home or Resort Home. 3-4 months from January through April 2023. (Would consider 1, 2, or 3 months also). We have rented at TGO for the past 6 years and can provide references. No pets, non-smokers and will take excellent care of your property. Please contact: Heather Overholt (905-682-6584 hoverholt65@gmail.com) or Dick (905-380-7141, doverholt70@gmail.com) (exp 06-24-22)
NOTE: TGO has a new Facebook page dedicated to Lost & Found items within the park. Simply open your Facebook page and search for TGO Lost & Found. Then attach a photo of what you found or what you lost, with a brief description of where to fi nd it or where you may have lost it. This is a great idea from Kris Lee-Scott, who is also the Administrator for this site. It will be very popular when all the residents return!
SUDOKU puzzles have one solution that can be reached logically without guessing. Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row, column, and 3x3 square must contain one of each digit. Here’s an “Expert” version. No solution is provided.
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