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Around TGO
Happenings Around The Great Outdoors
As residents and visitors drive through our beautiful community, they quickly see how patriotic we are here at TGO by the large number of American fl ags fl ying. Unfortunately, the fl ags are exposed to the combination of the harsh sun’s rays, wind, and time, and, therefore, become tattered, faded, and torn. On her travels Barbara Yeager had seen a “Retired Flag Box,” and she felt that our community had a need for such a box. Barbara, along with a team of caring individuals who represent the Sawdust Club of TGO, put their skills together and created our own “Retired Flag Box.” Our box will sit under roof near the entrance to Trimmers. Please place your own neatly folded retired fl ags in the box, and they will be respectfully handled for proper disposal. With May being National Military Appreciation Month, it is fi tting that our “Retired Flag Box” be recognized by the community. Barbara is working on a plan to do exactly that! If the plan can come to fruition, then details will be forthcoming in the next edition of The Happenings. To the “international” team of individuals who provided the idea, expertise, materials, and skills needed so we at TGO could have our own “Retired Flag Box,” we thank you! From Left to right: Charlie Wing, Doc Fraser, Laura Sievers, Tim Emerson, Barbara Yeager, Tracy Hoff man, Wayne Hoff man, Gail Stairs, and Roger Stairs.
A fawn was born in a driveway on Fairways. Here is its fi rst step and then standing upright. Then mom did her duty in cleaning up the new baby.
Happenings Around The Great Outdoors
Loretta Anne’ - AKA the Fish Whisperer - was on hand for the stocking of the ponds. 5,260 Largemouth Bass and 2,955 Bluegill fi sh were distributed throughout our 32 TGO lakes. Thank you to all the volunteers. More on this in the next issue.
The 9:00 am exercise class was really in the Spring spirit and showed it by wearing their spring colors the Friday before Easter. Lucille Coyne was queen for the day.
Pet Corner
Cody is a 22-year-old Green-wing Macaw who loves to climb trees, play with Legos, and take golf cart rides around TGO. Cody has been traveling the country with his “parronts” for the last 17 years and has his own Youtube channel, Parrottrek. We’ve had numerous entries and placed all the names in a hat and drew out Cody this time. All other entries go back into the hat for future issues. Keep sending your pet’s photos to happenings@tgocsa.com.