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CSA Business
Board Of Directors Meeting
Plantation Manor • Wednesday, May 18, 2022 • 2:00 pm The CSA Board of Directors are responsible for the entire operation of The Great Outdoors Community Services Association. The following list shows the current Board of Directors: Chairman Tom Wheir 253-249-8201 chairman@tgocsa.org District 0 Bruce Hayes 321-268-2470 district0@tgocsa.org District 1 Peter Wehnau 321-267-4834 district1@tgocsa.org District 2 Bernard Hatch 321-269-5063 district2@tgocsa.org District 3 Ann Strauss 302-382-2400 district3@tgocsa.org District 4 Lauren Clark 607-761-0092 district4@tgocsa.org District 5 Colleen Marigliano 845-656-8394 district5@tgocsa.org District 6 Matt Willey 518-321-1134 district6@tgocsa.org District 7 John Comeau 321-269-5525 district7@tgocsa.org District 8 Barbara Yeager 508-410-0029 district8@tgocsa.org District 9 Cliff Creech 404-391-7271 district9@tgocsa.org Also part of the Board of Directors Organization are CSA Manager Billy Specht, Architectural Review Committee Chairman Leon LeBlanc and CSA Secretary Sharon Sanford. The CSA website at www.tgocsa.org has individual biographies and contact information for each director. Owners are encouraged to attend all the Board of Director meetings. Green speaker cards are available if an owner wishes to address the board for three minutes about any issue. An informational packet with the meeting agenda is given to each household that attends. Prior to the meeting, the agenda is posted on offi cial bulletin boards and shown on our TV Community Channel 732. The actual meeting is televised LIVE on this same channel. CSA Board of Directors meetings are held on the third Wednesday from October through May. Planning meetings to set the agenda for the Board of Directors meetings are scheduled October to May on the second Wednesday of the month in the Plantation Manor at 10:00 am. They are open to attend for any TGO owner.
District Meetings
There are ten CSA voting districts at The Great Outdoors. They are non-geographical, but are determined by the last digit in each property’s street address. The District Meetings are held monthly from October through May. Various districts join together to hold combined monthly meetings. There are two meetings per month with fi ve districts in each one. Please note the upcoming meeting schedule if you want to attend your district meeting. PAVILION Districts 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 - Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 10:00 am Districts 0, 1, 4, 7, 9 - Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 1:00 pm
Architectural Review Committee
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next ARC Meetings will be held on the following Wednesday dates at 10:00 am on the Plantation Manor Porch: May 18, June 8, June 29, July 20, August 10, August 31, September 21 The Architectural Review Committee meets for planning purposes on the Plantation Manor Porch at 10:00 am on the Monday before an ARC meeting. All changes to your property that are visible on the outside require advance approval from the Architectural Review Committee. Application forms and ARC Guidelines may be obtained from the Community Services Association offi ce or printed from The Great Outdoors Community Services Association website at www.tgocsa.org. All completed ARC forms must be submitted to the CSA offi ce by Noon on the Wednesday before the next Wednesday meeting. Results will be available to pick up after the ARC meeting or from the CSA Offi ce. Be sure ALL necessary paperwork is included with your ARC application. No approval will be given without having all the required data available at the ARC Meeting for review. TGO property owners are encouraged to suggest modifi cations to the ARC Guidelines, which will be discussed during an annual review. Please submit them to the ARC Secretary, in writing, no later in the year than October 1.
The Second Quarter Maintenance Assessment for 2022 will be due July 1. Please drop off your payment of $900 at the CSA Offi ce or mail it to: The Great Outdoors at 100-D Plantation Drive, Titusville, Florida 32780. You can also fi ll out a form to have your payment drawn directly from your bank account. The payment must be received by 5:00 pm on April 21, 2022 or there will be a $25 late fee.
CSA Business
A Message From Chef Ace French At The Blue Heron
I just wanted to personally thank you for the great reception I have received since becoming your chef. Your warmth and graciousness have made me feel at home very quickly. Your support means the world to me, and I thank you. I want to take a moment and write to you about the new menu. I know for some of you, it may have been stressful, confusing and to some, even frustrating. I completely understand your feelings and I have tried to make the transition as smooth as possible. When I fi rst looked at the old menu, I saw a menu that was very heavy on fried foods and predominantly chicken. It was a fi ne menu but operationally I had some concerns. I have tried to create a menu that is, fi rst, healthier. Every opportunity to cook in a healthier style is used. Only canola oil is used, frying is greatly reduced as sautéing and blackening are being used more often. Second, I have added a greater variety of proteins, including pork, Certifi ed Angus Beef, fresh fi sh, Florida-caught shrimp, and clams. Lastly, I have added almost entirely scratch made food. The old-school way food should be made with no preservatives or additives. We now make all our own desserts, sauces, seasonings, and cook our proteins from a raw state. We buy fresh bread daily from a local baker. But most importantly, I have instilled a sense of pride in the food we serve from our staff . They are genuinely proud of each dish we put out. We miss the mark sometimes, but we always are striving to improve and grow. Your support of the new menu has been overwhelming and I appreciate it. I just hope that we can continue to move forward and grow. We have a lot of exciting new things to try together, some will be a success, some not, but let’s enjoy it together and have fun doing so. Thank you... Chef Ace
President’s Council Meetings
Beginning with the fi rst meeting in October, we will meet at the CSA Pavilion on the third (3rd) Tuesday of each month at 10:00 am. The dates for the monthly meetings are: October 18, 2022; November 15, 2022; December 20, 2022; January 17, 2023; February 21, 2023; March 21, 2023; April 18, 2023. Gerri Helms is the Chairperson of this committee and Chuck Benoit is the Vice Chairperson.
2022 Condominium/HOA Presidents
CONDO PRESIDENT PHONE# EMAIL I Steve Sabotka 810-434-5878 stephensabotka@gmail.com II Bill Delle Donne 302-542-7337 bill@thedelledonnes.com III Ron Young 540-294-4044 yngrd07@gmail.com IV Don Payne 407-222-0583 dpayne5737@gmail.com V Paul Barzler 719-373-7214 tgocondo5vp@gmail.com VI Laura Dedrick 386-341-7537 deedslj@gmail.com VII Gerri Helms 407-274-0519 gerrihelms@gmail.com VIII Ed Kamptner 321-264-0584 ekamptner1@gmail.com r IX Don Parsons 321-383-0466 don1017@aol.com X Cindy Marini 321-268-0481 clmarini@aol.com
CONDO PRESIDENT PHONE# EMAIL XI Jim Arthur 434-989-6176 jimarthur47@gmail.com XII Matthew Willey 518-321-1134 condo12tgo@gmail.com FHOA Jim Heiden 321-225-8801 jimheiden22@gmail.com XIV Jan Gunnell 614-565-8574 janetgunnell@aol.com XV David Spahn 207-468-6760 dspahn@mac.com XVI Chuck Benoit 978-314-9945 condoxvi@gmail.com XVII Pete Bronson 315-263-6469 condoseventeen@gmail.com XVIII Ed Garman 717-360-1999 edwardgarman@gmail.com XIX Leon LeBlanc 423-791-3158 pres@tgocondo19.com APHOA Kimberly Nesbitt 352-572-7974 wolfskimba@cfl .rr.com
Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Members - Contact Information
Chair - Leon LeBlanc 423-791-3158 Dist 0 - Jim Leibold 321-243-3888 Dist 1 - Harold Witschi 716-998-6393 Dist 2 - Jeff Smutek 440-878-8700 Dist 3 - Robert Fraser 407-491-2500t Dist 4 - Pete Bronson 315-263-6469 Dist 5 - Chris Christian 931-628-3675 Dist 6 - Greg Mackey 219-322-5555 Dist 7 - VACANT Dist 8 - VACANT Dist 9 - Lisa Babcock 903-372-8849