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Around TGO
Happenings Around The Great Outdoors

The 3rd annual Scavenger Hunt turned out to be a big hit! Karri Conover and Belle Maropis took top honors, Betty Salter and Margaret DiGiulio fi nished 2nd and Phil and ReShelle Enoch were 3rd. Ray Kite presented each of them their trophies - which he custom made. Karen Arthur, Doris Aliev and Susie Jones were part of the hunt as were Jen Isbill and Bill Kahl who were attempting to kidnap Karma - the sweetest puppy on the planet. This year there were 27 carts and 45 people who joined in the fun.

Happenings Around The Great Outdoors

John Hardy, Jeremy Bain and Guy Sampson are making headway in converting the old Jukebox Cafe into additional CSA offi ce space and a new game room that will include a poker table, pool table, ping pong table and dart board.

On Cinco De Mayo all full-time CSA employees were treated to a taco lunch and then a representative, Jose Graulau, from FFVA Mutual, TGO’s wokers comp insurance company, provided safety tips along with videos on a variety of topics like how to prevent heat related illnesses, treating insect and snake bites, proper handling of equipment and correct ways to lift heavy objects, among other topics. This was a mandatory meeting and very informative for all our employees. Safety on the jobsite is our number one priority.
Pet Corner
When not busy patroling the CSA grounds, TGO’s Courtesy Patrol Offi cer, Pete Hallock, enjoys spending time with his goldendoodle and labradoodle, Lily and Lucy. You’ll fi nd them at the Dog Park and cruising around TGO in their golf cart. Both dogs are rescues - Lily is 10 years old and Lucy is 10 and a half. We’re not sure what breed or how old Pete is.