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The Great Outdoors Golf Club
July Golf Rates
Green Fee Includes Use of Golf Cart • Rates are Plus 7% Sales Tax Non-Resident Rate 18 Holes $38 Before Noon $30 After Noon 9 Holes $21 Before Noon $18 After Noon TGO Resident Rate 18 Holes $33 Before Noon $25 After Noon 9 Holes $18 Before Noon $16 After Noon
137 Plantation Drive Titusville, Florida 32780 321-269-5524
For Tee Times and more information www.thegreatoutdoorsgolf.com After 2 PM $25 All Players
5-Round Punch Card Special TGO Residents $150 + Tax
(Plus Military and First Responders) Non-Residents $175 + Tax
Golf Gift Certificates Available
Purchase in the TGO Golf Shop or CSA Office

All prices subject to change with or without advance notice
Instruction by TGO PGA Professional Chuck Kandt
Clinic Information is posted on the information board at the Golf Shop Private Golf Lessons are Available by Appointment The Avengers Men’s Day Results
6 Hole Scramble League July 5 Results July 13, 2022 Progressive Tees
1st Ray & Cindy Dotson 24* Charlie Scott 2nd Pam Taylor, Karri Conover 24 Cindy Clark, Karen Arthur * Won on tie-breaker
July 12, 2022 Results
Gold Tee Winner Rick Conover 73 Red Tee Winner Ron Wagner 72 3rd Al Renzi 73 4th Jim Marigliano 75 Closest to Hole #4 Jeff Basanta
The Open Challenge
July 16, 2022
1st Susie Jones 22
Colleen & Jim Marigliano 2nd Cindy Clark, Karri Conover 23 Pam Taylor, Jeanie Dent
Sport is a wonderful metaphor for life. Of all the sports that I’ve played - skiing, baseball, fishing - there is no greater example than golf, because you’re playing against yourself and nature. - Robert Redford 1st Dave Ward 61
Cam Young Tie 2nd Lynne Anderson 63 Jordan Spieth Steve Wimberly 63 Cam Smith Ken Garasz 63 Tommy Fleetwood 5th Lynne Anderson 65 Patrick Cantley

TGO Golf Club - Meet The Staff

Susie Boyd was born and raised in San Diego, CA and grew up loving everything outdoors, especially if it concerned water. She loved swimming, water skiing, surfi ng, snow skiing, and especially jet skiing. Her husband was a salesman and this prompted them to live in many diff erent places over the years, including Washington state, Indiana, Branson, MO, and Vero Beach. In 2012, they came to The Great Outdoors for a month’s vacation, fell in love with this area, and decided to buy a place on Coach Club where she lives to this day with Shadow, her Poodle/Wheaton Terrier mix. Jeff Smutek has lived in TGO for seven years and has worked at the Pro Shop since June 2021. Previously, Jeff worked in real estate in Cleveland, OH, his hometown. He is married to Stephanie, and between the two of them, they have fi ve children and three grandchildren. He enjoys golfi ng, swimming, and riding bicycles. Jeff is considered the utility man at the Pro Shop in that he works both inside the Pro Shop and outside at the cart barn, doing whatever is needed. Jeff is a great guy so don’t hesitate introducing yourself to him and talk about golf.
The Golf Pro Shop has it all! If you’re looking for new clubs, a golf bag, logoed apparel, and hats, sunglasses, gift certifi cates and more, make sure to stop by, take a look around, and say hi to our friendly staff .