2 minute read
Firewise by Ed Brown
RESIDENTS REDUCING WILDFIRE RISKS Visit tgocsa.org to view Firewise video and brochure or TGO Firewise on Facebook
Remember, you must have written permission to remove any living shrubs or trees beyond your property line. Contact CSA if you have questions about removal and consult the Architectural Review Board before making landscape changes.
Heat Related Illness
by Ed Brown
Have you noticed, it is Summer? At least in the Northern Hemisphere It is. Decades of weather statistics show that temperatures are higher than in our record-keeping past. This is true for the Northern Hemisphere. What about Winter below the equator? It is Winter now in Peru, Chile, Antarctica? I didn’t mean to make you think outside the box, so let’s stick to the U.S. Did you know that “Heat Related Deaths” are one of the deadliest weather-related health outcomes in the United States? Read on to learn more. What is heat related Illness? Also called HYPERTHERMIA, it is a condition resulting from exposure to extreme heat where the body becomes unable to properly cool, resulting in a rapid rise in body temperature. The evaporation of sweat is the normal way for the body to cool down, except in high humidity. Then the evaporative cooling by sweating is inhibited and your body overheats. Now what? You’re in trouble! 1. Get out of the sun and into air conditioning. 2. Replace fluids to increase sweating. 3. Knock off work. You may be done working for today. These steps are crucial to reducing illness and preventing death! Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke are serious complications. Heat Exhaustion Symptoms: 1. Muscle cramps 2. Fatigue 3. Headache 4. Nausea or vomiting 5. Dizziness or fainting Heat Stroke Symptoms: 1. Body temperature greater than 103 degrees F 2. Red, hot, dry skin (no sweating) 3. Rapid, strong pulse 4. Throbbing headache 5. Dizziness 6. Nausea 7. Confusion 8. Unconsciousness Very high body temperatures can damage the brain and result in organ failures and death! Transport the patient to a hospital Emergency Room via EMS. Heat Related Injuries are no joke! If you suspect Heat Exhaustion or Heat Stroke, get the patient to a medical facility (ER) as soon as possible (ASAP)! Golfers Beware It’s not uncommom for both Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke Symptoms to occur while out golfing during these hot summer months.

Stay Safe - Stay Hydrated!
Firewise Committee - Contact Information
Tim Graham Chairman 561-262-8833 Donald Payne 407-222-0583 Ed Brown 321-383-8253 Mike Lavery 585-472-1538 Ron Peoples 407-509-0486 Betty Salter 321-223-8073 Ed Olefirowicz 919-360-3174 Karri Olefirowicz 919-265-4315 Christopher Miller 407-375-8310 O.M. Butch Jones 804-514-4458 Albert McGuire 810 338 5646 Sharon Maloney 770-294-6362