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Located on Florida’s Space Coast 2022-2023
Stay a Night... or a Lifetime!
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For more information call 800-621-2267 www.tgoresort.com
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TGO Rules and Regulations
It’s good to know the rules and now you can easily access them online at www.tgocsa.org. This newly consolidated TGO CSA Rules & Regulations online pamphlet contains the defi nitive CSA rules for everyone in TGO. This online version can also be downloaded as a PDF if you would like to print it.
TGO Firewise Guide
Our Firewise Committee works closely with our Brevard county and Titusville Fire Rescue and St. Johns Water Management to put together this guide to help serve our community for preparation and evacuation of TGO in case we experience a wildfi re. You can view the complete guide on the online version of The Happenings.

TGO Magazine
Is now available to pick up at the TGO Realty Welcome Center. This annual magazine includes hundreds of photos and features about our real estate services, the golf course, Blue Heron restaurant, Nature Center, TGO Church, Mailroom Center, community activities and all the resources available to our residents and visitors. The TGO Welcome Center is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm every day, so stop by and pick one up.
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Doggie World Hours
Just a reminder, the hours at Doggie World are designed to group the same size dogs together so they can play with friends the same size.
The TGO Farmer’s Market is every two weeks, the Saturday after The Happenings comes out.
The Great Outdoors Community Services Association (CSA) publishes The Happenings for the information and enjoyment of its members and their guests. The CSA assumes no liability for any information, omission or inadvertent error contained herein; or injury or damage resulting from the use of this information. The ideas, opinions, suggestions, classifi ed ads, and commercial ads are to be used at the reader’s discretion. The CSA and group or individual contributors do not signify any approval, authentication, or endorsement by inclusion in this publication. For information regarding advertising rates, contact The Happenings Editor at Happenings@tgocsa.com.