Bu4auo 3axoAoM csirosoi @eAepauii YxpaiHcurrx xiHo.rnx opranisauirz
Toponro, Ka:earc 1996
si6pa-ua: Ipr,tra Pycuax
pe$ep. Hap. Mr4creurBa.
O6xnaauura: 3oq HuxaHxiscrxa-Jlicoscxa
Dialogue Comrnunications
rpa@ivne o@opu,reHHs ra ApyK
C(DyXQ darcye nani Ipuni fficnarc sa eifipaHHfl lilamepiania do quoeo )oeidruurca.
B 3axiaHifi
Toponmo-Karuada, 1996
Ukrainian Museums Galleries & Collections in the Western Diaspora
Toronto-Canada, 1996
BCTYIIHE AIOBO Cnirosa (De4epaqir Yxpaincrrurx )Gno.rux Opranisauiir o6'e4Hye xino-
ui rpafioni opranisauii
Ha pisurax KoHruHeHTax.
3acrauouqrcqlrcb HaI [parlerc Tr4x oprauisaqifi ra HaI x AocsrHeHHrrMr4, crBeppKy€Mo, ruo xinorlrso n yrpaiucrrifi ai-qcuopi 6yno roJroBHr4M upoMoropoM y s6epexeuui ra nponaryBanni yrlpaiucrxoi HapoAuroi cuagurrHu (rynrrypu). B pisnm< rpaiuax uicrax ra - B ronoBHr,D( nanir y MeHrrrux cKyfiqeHHfl( yrpaurclrro< noceJreHrlin rnopeno uysei, nocriirui Br4craBKr4 qu npsMo rolercIii yrpaiucrroro HapoAHboro Mlrcrerlrsa. ik 3aBAaHHsM 6yno nporucroflTrl acurrai-urqii, euafionauru uolo4r i neyxpainrliB is 6ararcrsorra yrpaiucrxoi Kynbrypu ra 3iururruru rylrrypuuft ocepeAoK AJUr Harrroi rrrolo4i, rvrafi6ymix noroniHr ra Mfl ncix, rrryKaru iu@oprraauiri upo Yxpairry ra ii rynrrypHy cra4rlrrHy.
Pe$epenrypa HapoAHboro Mr4creurBa COyXO 3ailnlr:rrquru si6paru 4ani npo qi rynrrypui ycranosu i nularn x iuQopuau4BHraM AosiAHr,rroNa, 11106 yci saqkarureni Malv uo>rcuuaicrr x niasi.(aru .ra 1urut My3e-sM Yxpainu ap;pecv AJr.s rBopeHHq Kynbrypuux i sul,riHuux gn'qgrin. Mrl cni.qoui roro, uo He nci uysei oxorureni y 4oni4uraKy, Ta Mu Ha nporxsi ABox porin crapurvcfl si6parn Bce, ulo 6yno MoxJrr4Bo rrpr4 uoNao.ri xpaftonux xino.{rax oprauisaqifi ra upr4BarHux oci6 y ncix rpaiHax, Ae e yxpaincrri noceleHH.rr. Ha xalr, He sci si.unoninu na narui 3anr{THuKlr. fleaxi ycraHoB]r npvcnaurur nau cnoi 6poruypxu, rcni-nerlui
qiraauun inQopnaaurqv,n. Mrt ne Mourr,r Bylg.ar.Hr, pivni snirv is BCrOTO nOUiCrUrll y 3aAyr!(aHoMy Aoni.quury. Bu.qaeuo onnparoqvcq Br4KJrroqHo Ha [oAaHux HaM in@opnaaqirx, vacou Ayxe o6uexenrax.
flo Aonruift sacraHoni, piueHo uoAarra ix@oprraauii no rpaiuax: n xoxHift rpaiHi uu 6patm Ao yBarr4 pir sacnynaHHrr Aauoi rvrulcreqrxoi ycraHoBt4, 6es oux4y rru ue uyserlr, uocrilina BrrcraBKa .ru xolexrlir. B yrpaiucrrift gaxi.unift ai-scnopi snaxo4r,rMo Ayxe 6araro rolexuiouepin yrpaiucrroro Mr4creurBa, alre ue npunarni xolexqii, x nal6auHa He e niAxpuri N$ uy6niru i ruu caMr4M He € noMiueHi B HaruoMy .uoni.qHnry.
Mu rqnpo
nciu, xro AorroMir sau si6parn Aaui A-rs rlboro
CnoAisaeMocq, ruo uefi iu@opnaarunuuit Aosi.(Hux, 3 MrrcrerlbKlrM o@oprvueHH.anr o6K[a,ur,rHKx
3oi Hnxanrincrroi-Jliconcrxoi,
cBoe [pu3HarIeHHrI.
Ipuna fficnarc, peQ. napodruaoeo Mucmemr4mea C@YX(O
FOREWORD World Federation of Ukrainian Women's Organizations (WFLIWO)
our traditional values, as well as fostering the development of
founded in 1948 in the U.S.A. It currently comprises 2l member organizations representing 13 countries on 4 continents. Ukrainian women's organizations in the diaspora played an important role in cultural and educational spheres. They were guarding and promoting
Ukrainian language, history and arts, to strengthen the Ukrainian identi-
ty in the world. Ukrainian museums were formed in various countries in order to inform and familianze the general public about our Ukrainian heritage. The Arts Committee of WFUWO has launched the publication of this directory with information about these museums and their locations. It is hoped, that this informative directory will be of value to the interested visitors.
Iryna Russnak Chairpercon
Arts Committee of WFUWO
Myeefi Vrepaincorcoeo Mucme4mea npu Coflopi ce. eepx. An. Ilempa i llaeaa e Metoflopni, Aecmpofia floHa,q 3.000 eKcnoHarin yrpaiHcbKoro HapoAHboro, uepKoBHofo
riftuoro Mr4creurBa ra Kariuroru npoBeAeHr4x Br,rcraBoK. Pix sacHynaHHq: 1968, pix eiarprarrs: 1979. lnpexrop
i peai-
o. 3eHoH Xop-
IoAuHr,r Bunluuu: KoxHoro AHq 3ronocytrtz.cfl .uo uapoxi-a.nbHoro AoMy.
Ar* & Craft Museum
35 Canning Street
North Melbourne, Victoria
Australia The Museum has over 3,000 exhibits of Ukrainian folk art, religious art and catalogues of past exhibitions. For information call: Director Rev. Zenon Chorkawyj tel.03-3282566. Visiting hours: every day by appointment.
B uysei
Myeeil Yrcpainctnoeo Mucme4mea yrpaiHcrroro Hapo4Hboro
BrrcraBJreHo 3pa3Kkr
e apxin yrpaiucrroro frocereHHir s flinAeHuift Ancrpa;rii. Pix sacuynaHHfl: 1979. [raperrop Iltntr. Pocrex
foAuHr,r ni.uni.qun: neAiJrs 3:00-5:00.
Ukrainian Museum 6 George Street Hindmarsh, S.A. 5007 Australia The Museum has displays of Ukrainian folk art and archives of Ukrainian Immigration in South Australia.
For information call: Director Lidia Rostek tel.27l-4962. 24a Five Ave.
Torrens Park 5062 Australia Visiting hours: every Sunday 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
flnacmoeufi Mysert-Apxie eKcnoHarlr rrpo AiqnrHicrb MoJroAevoi oprauisauii "Ilracr" s cycnimHoro )KilTtfl Ai-qcnopu. Pix sacuynaHHr'. 1981. forosa - rur. cen. OuensH Cro6oAqH. ren45 -7 808. Biasfu krHrt sa AoMoBJreHHsM.
rvrysei â&#x201A;Ź
Ihe Plast Museum-Archives 312 Tapleys Hill Road Seaton 5023 I.A.
Exhibits of Youth Organization "Plast" activities and community life in the diaspora. For information call: Director Omelan Slobodian. tel.45-7808.
Visiting by appointment.
Coros Vrepairuorc Aecmpattii, BiAAir,
Oawu Eacapaf
Konerqi-q - uocrifiHa BprcraBKa HapoAuroi uotui, 3pa3Ku-Konii icropurrHoro oryry, BulrlrBKrl, trvrcaHKlt1 pisr6a, repauixa. Blacraera npuuiuleua n YxpaiHcbKoMy ToaapucrKoMy i KylrrypHoMy K-ttto6i upu
floui Yxpaiucrroi Moroui. Io-nona
Tass, Bopeqr.
ren.(047)3 6-5656. 3a in$opvraui-srvrra
raKox MoxHa 3Beprarucfl Ao - f a:nulr^u [auro.
roJIoBt4 Creftrouoi
Yupanu Corcsy YxpaiHor rer.(047)5 4-1404.
Collection of Ukrainian Folk
Art, Ukrainian Youth Club
1l-15 Church Street Lidcombe, N.S.W. 2141 Australia Exhibits of Ukrainian folk dress and copies of historical dress, embroidery, pysanky, woodcraft, ceramics, etc. For information call: Ukrainian Women's Association in Australia, Branch President Tania Borec. ter.(047)36-s6s6.
Myeeil Cenmo-Murcoaaiecorcoi Yrcpatnctrcoi llpaeocaaenoi l[eprcou Tyr nucraBJreHo 3pa3Kr,r yrpaiHcrroro HapoAHboro M[creurBa, flK BvIrrILrBKr,r, pyruHLIKLI,
copoqKlr, rlJlaxru ra crapi qepxonni xpecrll,
inuri qepxonui ercnoHarr4. 3a inQoprr,ra\tnMvr 3Beprarlrcs Ao o. Hacroqrena ,{opoura Ha HrDKqe rroAaHy aApecy.
Museum of St. Nicolas IJkrainian Orthodox Church Exhibits of Ukrainian folk art: embroideries, shirts, old religious books, crosses, church vestments, etc.
For information write to Father Dorosh: Museum of St. Nicolas Ukrainian Orthodox Church c/o Father Dorosh 6 Mackay Gardens Turner, ACT (Canberra) 2601 Australia
Koaercqin Vrcpairucorcoeo Hapodrutoeo Mucmeqmsa
flaHi 3. Bosx Yrpainru.
n. 3iruu Boerc iu. Jleci
rorroBa nraairy Corosy Yrpaiuor Ancrparii
Mrs. Zina Wowk's Collecfion of Ukrainian Folk Art Mrs. Zina Wowk is the President of the Ukrainian Women's Association
in Australia, Branch in Girroween. For information call: Zina Wowk. tel.636-8484. 12 Tangana Road
Girroween, N.S.W. 2145 Australia
Ancrpir Austria
EmruoepaQiunuil Mysefi
y Kimmsee
rtoHa,u 1.000 eKcrroHarin yrpaincbKoro Hapo.qHboro MVcrerITBa. Bi6nioreKa HarrucJrroe rimxa rucflt KHLDKoK nepio4nqHux Br,rraHb n pisuru< MoBax, Brc[rcrrHo s yrpaiucrKolo, y 4i-rrxnxax Qo-rrrruropy. Hofrat Dr. Klaus Peitl Pix sacuynaHH-n: 1974. flzperrop
B vrysei 3HaxoAlrrbcs
IoAuura siIni.u,rH: ruoAHrr, 3uMorc 10:00-4:00,
Enographisches Museum Kittsee
2421 Kittsee
Austria The Museum has over 1,000 exhibits of Ukrainian folk art. The Library has a few thousand books and periodicals of folklore in different languages, including Ukrainian. For information call: Hofrat Dr. Klaus Peitl, tel.(01143)02143-2304, fax. (0
143)02143- 0205.
Visiting hours: every day, in winter: 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.ffi., in summer: l0:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Yrcpaiructrcufi Myeefi )Kittortoi Opearuisa4ii npu
flocriftuo rr,rcaHKn,
Br4craBJleHi - Hapo4Hq Ho[ra, Kyutvtwyt, TKaHr,rHtI, Br,urrHBKtI, pelirifiHi eKc[oHaru, SororpaQii ra iHrue.
Pix :acnyBaHHq: 1972.
p. ni.qxpuro norunperuufi rrayseft-6i6niorery.
Pexina lllnax-Py6iueun.
foAraHr niasiAr.rH: KaHuenrpi.s noAacrr iHQoprraaqii, ren.(041)224-5597.
Museu Ucraniano
- Oraganizacao Feminina funto Uniao Agricola Instrufiva
Rua Augusto Stelfld, 795 CEP: 80.410-740 Curitiba, Parana Brazil Exhibits include Ukrainian folk costumes, kylymy, embroidery, woodwork, Easter eggs (pysanky), religious articles, photos etc. Director Regina Shpak-Rubinec. For information and visiting hours call (041)224-5597.
Myeeil Tucnqoaimmn
Ifatw'tmnux Tapaca llfeeqeutea
Bucmaerea " 100-piuun Vrcpairucorcoi Imirpaqii e llpydenmonoai" Bi,[xpnrra Br,rcraBKH nia6yloca a cepnni 1995 p. Bucranra BKrrroqaâ&#x201A;Ź
rtpo icropilo yrpaiHcrxoi iuirpauii, eKcnoHarn xarHroi o6cranonrra, peui AoMauHboro Bxr,rrKy rreptulrx noceJreHuin, eHiuxn,
o6paau, oAqf, 3pa3Kr,r Hapo.tlHboro npr,IKJIaJIHoro Mr4creurBa, Hanpr4KJIa,[: rcepauixa, BlIrur,IBKr,I, flucaHKr,r, TKaubKufi napcrar. 36epexeHo KHI,Irtr xpexleHHr, ur-nrc6in i nonaeprurax nil 1896 p. Pix aacHyeaHHq: 1989. 3a iHQopuauicrvru 3Beprarr,rcr: Mupoclana Kpuna.
ren(042)446- 1383, a6o Ao o. rapoxa uepKBr4 cn. frocaOara.
re*(042\446-1140. foAnHn BEnr.uuH: noueAi.nox-r'qrHnu, 8:00-l l:30 npauui
nononyAHi a6o 3a AoMoBrreHHcM.
Museu de Milenio - Rua Candido de Abrou, s/n Monumento a Taras Chewtchenko - Proca Ucrania
84.400-000 Prudentopolis, Parana
Brazil The exhibits include such historical documents of the first immigrants to Brazil petaining to baptisms, weddings and deceased persons, since 1896. There are also photos, pictures, folk costumes, ceramics, embroideries, Easter eggs (pysanky) and household implements of the first Ukrainian immigrants.
For information call: Miroslava Kryvyj. tel.(042)446-1383, or St. Josaphat's Ukrainian Church rectory, tel.(042)446-1140.
Visiting hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. and l:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Also by appointment.
KanaAa Canada
Ocepedorc Yrcpatrucorcoi Kyatmypu
B ra;reperx ra
BucraBKax Ocepeary npeAcraBneuo 6ararcmo yrpaiuKynbrypr4: TBopr,r naucrqin, yrpainctre HapoAHe Mucreurno, pi4ricui Marrr4 i.qoryrraenru. Ei6nioreKa Maâ&#x201A;Ź rIoHaA 40.000 KHI,IXoK, @iruMis rouo. Y xpauH[.rqi Naoxrua ua5yru KHI,IxKI4, BIIIITI4BK]I, [peAMerI4 HapoAHboro i upurcrraAHoro MllcrerurBa) a raKox ronenipni nupo6z. Pir sacuyBaHHs: 1943. 3a inQopuaui-sN,{u 3Beprarl4cq Ao Orcanra Eaa-sc.
foAnnu eirsiruH: ninropor-cy6ora, 10:00-4:00.
[Jkrainian Cultural ond Educational Centre 184 Alexander Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3B 0L6 The Ukrainian love of beauty found expression of even everyday objects of their lives - and that beauty is demonstrated in the Museum's series of exhibits and displays. A priceless centuries old icon forms the heart of the Art Gallery's superb collection of traditional and contemporary art. Rare maps and documents, journals, posters, hlms, even videotapes and data on all aspects of the Ukrainian-Canadian experience are stored in our professionally run Archives. From children's literature to folklore, to the arts and sciences, Oseredok's Library is home to more than 40,000 books, magazines, periodicals and journals - hnding their way here from virtually any place in the world where Ukrainians live. The Boutique offers momentos for every taste - from books and records to folk art items, from intricate embroidery to exquisite jewellery. For information call: Oksana Balas tel.(204)942-0218, fax. (204)9 43 -2857
Visiting hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
e Cacrcamyni, Cacteaueoat Myeeri 3acHoBaHr,rri Corcsolr VxpaiHox Kanalu i uae siIAinH y BanryYrepaiructrcurt Myeefi Karuadu
nepi, E4uoHroHi, Kaarapi, BiHHinesi ra Toporuri. B rvryserx npeAcraBJreHo icropirc [epurnx [oceJreHuin, excnoHarr,r yrpaiuctxoro HapoAHboro MncreurBa: HapoAHfl Houra, Kytlvv.vt, TKaHIHH, pisr6a, repauixa, nucaHK[I Ta eKcnoHarv 3 peliriliHoro i rponaa,ucbKoro xtrrrq. B rpaunuvqi
e npeAMerI,I HapoAHboro KacerKI,I ra iHure.
nprarcrr4gHoro Mr,rcreurBa, KHr,rxKH, KaprKI,I,
Pix sacHyaaHHs: 1941. Kepyro.rraft grapexrop - A-p Escraxift fyrraenrox. rer.(306)244-3800. foAuHll nr,uniaran: noneni.nox-cy6ora I0:00-5:00, ue4i;rr I :00-5:00.
(Jkrainian Museum of Canada 910 Spadina Crescent East Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 3H5 Founded in l94l by the Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada Exhibits include: Pioneer Gallery story of immigration, regional folk
costumes, kylymy and other weaving, woodcarvings, ceramics, and pysanky. Temporary exhibits feature: cultural displays, hne arts, folk arts, and travelling exhibits. The boutique offers books, fine art, ceramics, folk
art, Easter egg supplies, tapes and CD's, cards, and clothing. For information call: managing director Stan Humeniuk, Ph.D. tel.(306)244-3800 or (306)244-3824 or (306)37 4-402r, fax. (306)652-7 620. Visiting hours: Monday-Saturday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.D., Sunday l:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. l3
Vrcpainctrcufi Myeefi Karuadu (Orumapirtcbrca fuit in Coney Vrepaiaorc Kanadu) ExcnoHarn My3ero BKa3yrorb Ha Br,rcoKy KynbrypHy, cycnilrHy ra icropuvny cnaArlr,rHy yxpaiHcbKr,rx uioHepin y Kana.ui. [o nocririnoi BI,ICTaBKI,I BXOAqTb: HapOAHq HOUIa, KVIITVIMVI, TKaHHHI,I, BHIUI,IBKI,I,
si ncix qacrr,rH YrpaiHn, rpa.qnuiriHi ra penirifiHi eKcloHarr,r, reorpaQivni uann, .rrirorpa$ix i rHuxrn. [o nepecynnoi BHcraBKr,r BxoIgTb: penpoAyKuii rerruaHcrroi norui, xorerui.fl r.srboK y Hapo4Hix
oAqrax ra a6ipxa roJroBHr,rx y6opin.
Pix aacnynaHHr: 1944. 3a iH@opMaui.sMr,r 3Beprarr,rcfl ro Oni
Io.unHu sirni.qraH: ninropox-HeAi-[q I :00-4:00.
(Jkrainion Museum of Canoda - located in St. Wadimir's Instiute complex Address: Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada - Ontario Branch 620 Spadina Ave.
Toronto, Ontario Canada M5S 2H4 The Museum programs and exhibits bring to life the cultural, social and historic heritage of Ukrainian pioneers in Canada. Exhibits include: Ukrainian regional folk costumes, kylymy, textiles and weaving, embroideries, pysanky (Easter eggs) from all regions of Ukraine, traditional and religious artifacts, engravings, maps, photographs and books. Travelling exhibits include: reproductions of court attire from the 8th to l8th centuries, and regional headdresses.
For information call: Ola Hamara. tel.(4 I 6)923-331 8, fax. (4 I 6)923 -8266. Visiting hours: Sunday l:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Jliru Vrcpainctrcux Kamotaqbreax Xfinorc Konadu @YPI{K) e Edmonmorui
Y uysei - eKcnoHarr,r yrpaiHcbKoro HapoAHboro Mucreurna, icrop[.rHoi uouri, iHQoprraarusHi rHr,rxxu ri Manu Nrfl Tt4x, xro xoqe .uocliAxynarn yrpaiHcrxe HapoAHe Mr,rcreurBo. Pir aacnynaHHq: 1952. forosa Bipa flasrraxoncrxa-Kynqa.
foAuur,t Bununn: nra r-pasHs Ao xiHu, ceprrHfl: - noneAi-nox-n'qrHr,ruq 9:00-5:00, nra sepecHr Ao xrirHs: KoxHoi cepe.ura l:00-4:00, a raKox
y nianani KareApu ca. froca$aTa, ulo â&#x201A;Ź BI,I3HaHa flaM'qrKorc nponinuii furr6eprr,r. 3a AoMoBJIeHH.qM. Myseri npulaiuteuuit
Ukroinian Catholic Women's League of Canada (aCWLC) Art and Craft Museum 10825-97 Street
Edmonton, Alberta Canada T5H 2M4 Collection focuses
on the Ukrainian settlement in Western Canada. Exhibits include: historical costumes, ceramics, handwoven textiles, woodcarvings, kylymy, Easter eggs, embroidery and household implements. Reference books and maps for those wishing to research topics pertaining to Ukrainian folk art are available. For information call: Vera Pawlykowska-Kunda, May - August: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. tel.(406)424-7 505, October-April & evenings: (406)466-7210. Visiting hours: May - August: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., September-April: every Wednesday l:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. or by appointment.
Mysert "Vrcpairua" e Cacrcamyrui, CacrcaueeaH EruorpaSivna xoaeruIiq ayxoeoi Kynbrypl{ ra HapoAHboi cnaAuluuu Y<paiura: pisr6a, TKaHLrHr,r, reparrira, uysuuui iucrpylreurl4, HapoAHq HoIrIa, BI4ITII,IBKI4, flvrcaHKlrr, AoMaurHâ&#x201A;Ź 3HapsAA-fl. Y rpanruuqui flpoAarorbcf, TBopu uicuenux uuctqin, xy4oxHi uapo6u s Yrpaiura, KHIlxKu ra
Pix sacHyBaHHs: 1952. 3a iH@oprraaui-sNara 3Beprarrlcq Ao IOAuua lOp4urra rer.(306)244-4212. foAusu sirsiAuu: cy6ora 1l:00-5:00, ue4i-rtx l:00-5:00.
Ukraina Museum
M South Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada S7M 2K4 Mailing address: Box 1003 Saskatoon, SK Canada S7K 3M4 202 Avenue
of exhibits: ethnographic collection representing the spiritual, material and folkloric cultural heritage of Europe's largest country Ukraine. Interpretive tours portray Ukrainian civilization from prehistory to the commencement of emigration. Ukrainian Eastern Byzantine Rite Nature
architecture, afi and iconography of the adjacent cathedral may be viewed upon request. Collection: rtzba, weaving, pottery, musical instruments, folk dress, embroidery, pysanky, and farm implements. Art GalleryBoutique-Gift Shop features works of local artists, works from Ukraine, books and publications.
For information call: Udyta Urdyga. tel.(306)244-4212.
Visiting hours: Sunday: 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Myeefi Om4io Bacwtian Myseir rpeAcraBnfle y sHiN,rxax i excnonarax pe-niriftny ra HapoAHro Kynbrypy reptulrx yxpaincrxvx roceJreuqin ra rr,riciro oo. BacruixH y KaHaAi. B rpauuu.rui e yniranrui npeAMerr4 HapoAHboro ra peliriftuoro Mr4CTeUTBa.
Pix sacnyraunfl.: 1953. 3a in@opnaaui-suu 3Beprarrlcfl Ao o. Jlanpenria fyqynara, TICBB, ren(403)7 64-3887 . foAnuu nileiruu: ul.r,.ufi pir: noueAi-ror-n'crHr4us 10:00-4:00; nurreHbcepneHb: cy6ora i neliJrs 1:00-5:00. Basilian Fathers' Museum Mundare, Alberta Canada T0B 3HO The Museum presents the history of Ukrainian settlement and Basilian Fathers' Mission in Canada, with a combination of photographs, religious and cultural artifacts. Visit their gift shop for unique crafts, souvenirs and a large selection of religious articles. For information call: Father Lawrentij Huzulak.
tel.(403)764-3860, fax.(403)764-3961. Visiting hours: Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Myeefi Jliru Vtcpairucorcux Komorrutlbtcux )lfiruorc Karuodu Toponmowcbtcoi
Uirn My3elo - [oKa3aru yrpaincbKy HapoAHy Horry ra MLrcrerlrBo, a6epiraru raM'flrKu yrpaiHcrroi ryntrypu qK AoKa3 yrpaincrxoi cauo6yrnocru. Myeefi uae 6arary s6ipry. Pix aauryaaHHrr: 1964. [uperrop - Hals. Cracusa. Bi.qsi.uaHu 3a AoMoBneHH.sM. rcr.(416)621-2036.
Museum of Ukrainian Catholic Women's League of Canada, Toronto Eparchy The Museum was established at the 1963 Congress of UCWLC Toronto Eparchy. Its Statement of Purpose was "to collect samples of authentic national Ukrainian dress, embroidery and artifacts... to keep in safekeeping this memorabilia of Ukrainian culture... as a testament of our forefather's grandeur for the benefit of our future generations". The Museum has an excellent collection of artifacts for visitors of all ages. For information call: Nadia Stasyna tel. (4 I 6)621 -2036.Yisiting by appointment. Address: 278 Bathurst St. (2nd Floor) Toronto, Ontario, M5T 2S3 t7
Yrcpainctrca Cnadquna i Myeefi e Karuadi Myaeft cnoiuu eKc[oHarauu s6epirae yrpaiHcbl(y cnaAuII,IHy ta sHaftoMr,rrb is xurrqr{ yrpaiucrrurx noceJleHuin y Kanaai. Myaeft 3acHoBaHnft n TopoHro 1969 p.,6ys ni.urpurufi y 6ylraHry Kaca Jlonaa n TopoHro, OHrapio. B 1988 p. repeAanufi lo Orranu .qo Canadian Museum of Civilization. 3a inQoptuaui-sMl,I 3Beprarucfl Ao Po6epra B.
Klnuarua Ha Hr,rxqe noAaHy
Canadian Museum of Civilization The exhibits highlight the main features of Ukrainian history and culture, and provide an idea of the life of Ukrainian pioneers in Canada. The Ukrainian Cultural Exhibit was established in 1968 by the Ukrainian Heritage Association and was located at Casa Loma in Toronto, Ontario. In 1988 it was moved to Ottawa. For information write: Canadian Museum of Civilization Dr. Robert B. Klymasz, Curator, East European Programme 100 Laurier Street, P.O. Box 3100, Station "B"
Hull, Quebec Canada J8X 4H2
farcpia e Niagara Falls, Ontario
Koaerqi.s MprcreubKnx raopin KaHaAcbKoro yxpaiuus Bacn-ne Kypenexa. B rarepii BrrcraBJreHo 200 Kaprr4H, cepeA Hzx cepir "Crpacru Xpucroni". fanepiro nigxpu.nu s 1970 p. Muxora i O-rrrra KorqHxincnri. 3a inQopMaui-sN,ru 3Beprarr.rc, Ao Epaen Cunrrcri, ren.(905)356- 1514. foAuHu sr,[nr.ur,rH: noHe.[i-nox-n'qrHr4uq 10:00-5:00, cy6ora i Heai-nc l:00-5:00.
8058 Oakwood
Niagara Falls Gallery Dr., R.R.#2
Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada L2E 655 The William Kurelek (1927-1977) Collection is the major focus of the Gallery. With just under 200 works of art, it is the largest Kurelek collection in the world, and is made up of a cross section of the artist's work. The core of the collection is the 160-piece "Passion of Christ Series" painted in guache, tempera and oil. The rest of the collection contains
works of Kurelek's paintings, drawings and lithographs. For information call: Brian Smylsky, tel.(905)356-1514. Visiting hours: Monday-Friday l0:00 a.m.-5:00 p.ffi., Saturday and Sunday l:00 p.m.5:00 p.m. Closed Tuesday.
Vtcpainctrcufi Mysert Kanadu (,hofiepmcoreurt eiddia) forosa - Mupocnan Kyur. foAuuu niasiAr,rH: nia rpanHq Ao ceprHq: roHeAi.rox-n'qrHvtts 10:00-5:00. Bia nepecHrr Ao
:acHyBaHHr: 1944.
3a .uoMoBJreHHqM.
Ukrainian Museum of Canada (Alberta Branch) l06l
l-l l0 Ave.
Edmonton, Alberta
T5H lH7 Canada For information call: Chester Kuc, tel.(403)474-3352.
Visiting hours: May August: Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.ffi., - appointment. September April: by -
Vrcp airucorco
Kaaadcwurt Apxie - Myoefi .Lndepmu
rvrysei HapoAHboro Mr4creurBa eKcrroHyerbc-s HapoAHs Houra saxi,qHkrx 3eMeJIb Yrpainu, rpaauuifi ui rvrysuvni iucrpyvrenrv, BnuryrBKlr, TKaHr{Hrz., rMcaHKr4, AepeBopisr6a ra xepauixa. Y uysei s6epiraerbcq croB'qHcrxa Ei6nis z 1751 p. Ao uatZ6ararurl4x eKcrrouaris Harrexrrrb s6ipxa xino.roi norui si.q IX ao XVIII cr. B apxini s6epirarorbcq pyKorucu, @ororpaQii, ruoAeHHuKr4, Marru, nporoKoJrrr, poAr4Htti ttucrv ra iurui uiuHocri. Be.nura $ororpaQivna s6ipra fpraropir ilormra so6paxye xtrrrfl yrpainqin-nioHepin n A-rrr6epri s vacy repruux roceJreHrlis. Y 6i6nioreui, uo HapaxoBye 12.000 rouin, 3aAoKWeHToBaHo xr4rrfl yrpaiuqinuiouepin y Kauaai sA 1907 p.
Pir< sacuyBaHHs: 1974. 3a iu$oprraauiqrara 3Beprarr4cfl
L-pa OlercauApa Marapa.
rer.(403)424-7 580.
foAuun nianiarau: ninropox-r'f,rHrufl
10:00-5 :00, cy6ora I 2:00-5:00.
Ukrainian Canadian Archives & Museum of Alberta 9543-110 Ave.
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
T5H 1H3
The folk-artifact museum contains a display of traditional apparel from the western regions of Ukraine, traditional musical instruments, embroidery, weaving, Easter eggs (pysanky), woodcarvings and ceramics. Church artifacts include icons and banners, as well as one of the first Slavonic Bibles in Canada, circa 1751. UCAMA's 12.000 volume library includes books in both English and Ukrainian, on Canadian history and development of Ukrainian pioneers in Alberta from 1907. The archives contain vital historical materials, which include manuscripts, photographs, diaries, maps, etc. The Yopyk Collection of photographs constitutes a major pictorial resource on Alberta's Ukrainian pioneer history. For information call: Dr. Oleksander Makar. tel.(403)424-7 580.
Visiting hours: Tuesday-Friday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.n., Saturday 12:00 noon-5:00 p.m.
Karuadcorco-Yrcpairucorca Mucmeqbrco (Dyndaqia, Toronto, Ontario
flocrirlna Mr4creubKa KoneKuiq @yHaauii naae npu6nusuo 200 rapruu i cKynbrrryp, u1o pe[pe3eHTyrorb rBoppr B[3HaqHrlx yrpaiHcbKr,rx uucruin rrorr4pbox feuepaqirl. <DyHaauia nocriura
iniuiqrusi ra s Oouais
uurie Muxafita ra ,fpoclanra llla@paurcxin. 3a
iH$opNaauiqlau 3Bep-
flasra Jlouaru, re*(416)766-6802. foAuHu siAniAraH: ninropor-cy6ora I 2:00-6:00, He4i-rrx I :00-5:00. rart4es Ao
Ukrainian Canadian Art Foundotion 2118,{ Bloor Str. W., 2nd Floor Toronto, Ontario M6S IM8 The Ukrainian Canadian Art Foundation was established in 1975, due to the generosity of its founders, Mr. and Mrs. M.Y. Szafraniuk, who, for this purpose, donated their valuable collection of Ukrainian art and the building at Bloor Street West in Toronto. The pernanent foundation includes some 200 paintings and sculptures, featuring works of prominent Ukrainian artists from four generations. For information call: Pawlo Lopata. tel.(416)7 66 -6802, fax.(416)7 62-9298,
(416)7 62 - 808 I .
Visiting hours: Tuesday-Saturday 12:00noon.-6:00 p.ffi., Sunday l:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Myeeil llfeeqewrca
B uysei MoxHa ornsHyrr4 [ocMeprHy MacKy Ko6sapr, ronirc
noprpery" (nuroHaHy Mlrcrrleu BoloALrMr4poM Koxanerra), a raKox ronii Ae.sKr4x axnapelin Tapaca Iller.reuxa. Ercnosuui-f, N,rysero BKJrrcqae raKox Br4craBKy HapoAHboro Mr4creurBa i Heserlrry 6i6lioreKy. Pix siArpvrtn: 1995. flupexrop - B. fapacuu, ren.(416)672-9129. foAuuu si.qsiluu: rrerBep i cy6ora l:00-4:00, a6o sa AoMoBneHHrrM. Taras Shevchenko Museum 1614 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ontario M6P lA7 Tel. (416)762-9t29. Visiting hours: Thursday and Sunday l:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
or call for
Koaercqia crt.
n. CmeQaruii Caeayrc
Konexqig npuruilqeua n 6i6nioreqi YxpaiHcbKoro Haqiona.rrbHoro O6'eAHaHlur n Topouri. BnrunsKu, eKcloHarra yrpaiucbKoro MI4creIITBa, JrsrlbKpr B HapoAHoMy ol.sgi s pisurax perioHin Yxpaiuu. Pevi si6paHo sir 1987 ao 1988 p. Yupaaurenr YHO - u. fI. Macrrnfi.
IoAuuu sirsirnH: nintopor 6:00-9:00 Be.r., r'rrHuuq 1:00-9:00 Beq., cy6ora 1:00-4:00.
[Ikroinian Nationol Federation 297 College St.
Toronto, Ontario Canada
Collection of Mrs. Stefania Sawchuk includes samples of Ukrainian Folk Art and dolls dressed in Ukrainian folk costumes from many regions of Ukraine.
For information call: P. Masnyj, tel.(416)921-0231. Visiting hours: Tuesday 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m., Friday 1:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m., Saturday l:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Ceao Cnadquruu Vrcpairucbrcoi Kyatmypu Tyr npeacraBJreHo xrrrr.f, yrpaiucrrux noceneuuin n fuir6epri 18921930 pp. Y rvryeei ni.q surpr4rvrM ne6ou crBopeHo aruocQepy MI,IHyJIoro, ua ui icropuvnux 6y4ine-rrb 3 ueHTpa-rrrso-cxi,(nroi A-nr6eprn. flpunecirr cnifi uonyleHoK ra Qororpa@ivuuft arapar. Cero CuaAulunra Yrpaiucxoi Kynrrypu po3ralxoBaHe Ha cxia nta ElMoHToHy ro Aopo3i .r. 16, 25 xnwmru isAla anroM Bu E4uourony. 3a inQopuaqi-suu teneQouyrZre Ha u. ren.(403)662-3640. c/o 8820 112 St., Edmonton, AI|, Canada T6P 2G8 The Ukrainian Culural Heritage Wlage This Historic Site tells the story of Ukrainian immigrants and the development of the Bloc Settlement in East Central Alberta from 1892-1930. Take a guided tour through the farmsteads, townsite and rural community. Ride a horse-drawn wagon, or explore the site on your own. Bring a picnic lunch and your camera and enjoy a relaxing day with friends and family. The Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village is located 25 minutes east of Edmonton on Highway 16. For further information call: (403)662-3640. Address: The Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village
c/o 8820-112 St. Edmonton, Alta, T6P 2G8 22
in. Iearua (Dporureo B rraysei Br4craBJreHa xorexuiq HapoaHboi Horui a pisHux paftouin YxpaiHr,r. Mix eKcnoHaraMu 3HaxoAqrbcq rex rII4caHKH, BI4TTIHBKH, Myzeil Hapodnaoeo Mucme4m6a
repauixa, pisr6a, uosaira, Kt4lrluvr) JtflJrbKla B HaponHl4x orqrax ra in. Pix sa*ryBaHHq: 1964. 3a iHSoprraauiqN,tr 3Beprarncq Ao A-p â&#x201A;ŹsreFlii flacrepuax. ren.(905)820-057 3, fax (905)8 20-8134.
folusr,r nraeiruH: ruo.(Hq 2:00-4:00 nono.rrylHi.
of (krainian National
& Embroidery
Founded in 1964. The exhibits consists of a large collection of folk costumes from various regions of Ukraine, incrusted artifacts, ceramics, Easter eggs, embroideries, mosaics and dolls.
Visiting: daily 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Director: Dr. Evhenia Pasternak. tel.(905)820-0573, fax (905)820-8 134. Address:
3058 Winston Churchill Blvd. Mississauga, Ontario L5L 3JI
Icmopaaruufi Mysert Vrcpahrcorcoi l{eprceu e Karuadi Murpa rrepruoro yrpaincrxoro KaroJrl4ubKoro err]Ics6epiraerrcq B Kora n CIIIA Corepa Opruucrroro, Molui cn. nepx. arlocroJla flerpa. Beryrxa s6ipra opulinarrrnux QororpaQift (aesKi rue 3 1900-rax porin), qKi .qoKryeHTyrorb icropiro I{eprnu, crapi -rriryprivni ra iurui uepronui rr,rysei
3a iusoprraaqi.strtn 3Beprarl4cs Ao o. Tapaca [ycanincrKoro. (905)9 37 -3366, 9 :00-3 :00.
Historical Museum of the [lkrainian Catholic Church in Canada The Museum has in its collection the mitre of the first Ukrainian Bishop to the USA Bishop Soter Ortynsky, and a reliquary with the relic of St. Peter. Several hundred original photographs, some from the
l9th century, doc-
umenting the history of our church, liturgical and other Church books printed over a century ago are also on display. For information call: (905) 937-3366. "St. Sophia" Religious Association of Ukrainian Catholics in Canada 85 Lakeshore Rd. St. Catharines, Ontario L2N 2T6
fuirrriq England
Myeeil Vrcpairucorcoi Buseoaonoi Eopomtfiu in. Cmenana Earudepu B rvrysei s6epirarorrc.s oco6ucri pevi uposiAHraKa OyH CrenaHa Earuepn y6pauHq, nocMeprHa MacKa, pisHi loKyMeHryr, ue6li is nouerrJKaHlrrr, poArauni Qororpa@ii ra imue. OpuriHanrHi nfuni-tnui BlrpLa:gr:grs OyH, ynA! yTBP 40-50-rr,o< pp., noprperz i Qororpa$ii sugHa.rHn< oco6ucrocreft yrpaiucrxoro Brl3BoJrbHoro pyxy, 3 6oporr6u yTLA, pisui Aor(yN{enrr,r ft pevi, HarpuKrral: KoMrrac reH.-xop. Polaana lllprennua (Tapaca tlynpuHror), @ororpaQii, aoryrraenru i oco6ucri peui uorirra.rHr,D( n'qgHis 50-nar i uisuirurD( porin, Br4rrrr4BKr4 yrpaiucrron<
csirrlaqi i 6ropa ftoro
xinox-norirs'sgHiB y xonryra6opax (Ipznu CeHur, CreQu Illa6arypu ra
iu.). 36ipKa KaprrlH O. HonariBcbKoro, O. Kynrvuurroi, C. Eopauxa, O. fprarueuxa, M. Moposa, B. Coporur, IO. Typvenra ra in. Pix sacnyeaHH.fl: 1962. folona - Bacutrs Orecrxis.
rer.(071)607 -6266. f oAuuu si.qsiluu : noueAi-nor -rf flrr.n\s.
9 : 00 - 6
Bandera Museum of the (Ikrainian Liberation Struggle 200 Liverpool Road
London NIILF Great Britain The Museum contains the personal items of Stepan Bandera - the Leader of the Orgaruzation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN): the blood-stained suit in which he was killed, his death mask, various documents, fumiture from the guest room of his house and offrce, family photographs. Also in the collection may be found original underground publications of the OUN,
the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council (UHVR) of the 1940-s and 1950-s, portraits and photographs of prominent activists of the Ukrainian liberation movement, and numerous other documents and artifacts. The compass of General Roman Shukhevych - Taras Chuprynka, the commander in chief of the UPA is of great interest to visitors. Photographs of political prisoners from 1950-s and after, embroideries produced in Soviet concentration camps by Ukrainian women political prisonen (Irena Senyk, Stefania Shabatura et al), and various documents and personal items from that era are also included. There is a small collection of works of art by O. Nowakiwskyi, O. Kulchytska, S. Borachok, O. Hryshchenko, M. Moroz, B. Soroka, Yuriy Turchenko, et al. For information call: Wasyl Oleskiw. tel. (07 I )607 -6266, fax.(07 1)607 -67 37 . Visiting hours: Monday Friday 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
3unoeidnurc-Myeeu o. Moprcianta lllarurceeu'ra npu Ceamo-Iforcpoecbrcowy Xpani e fafiQarcci uysei npe4Craueui eKCIIOHaTI4, qKi BKa3yIoTb Ha BeJII4q nOCrari
o. Mapri-aua IIIauxeBI4rra. BucrasreHi: nopqer-flHoBe nolpyAAfl, KHIIxxa "Pyca-uxa [nicrpoBa", noprperu iepapxin Yxpaiucrxoi Karoluqrxoi IJepxnra s ix UuraraMz IIpo o. Mapxixua fllaurxeBl4qa ra iuuri.UpyrosaHi uarepialu. â&#x201A;Ź ryror yrpaiucrxolo HapoAHbolo MucTeUTBa, irouu i rap-
yrpaiucrroro ceJla is crlaresorc uepKBolo. sacuyBaHH-sr 1987. T. TapauuruuH, Myseela gasi.qye ryparopi-a: roroBa
M. Creurcx, crap6uux - M. fauuyx. 3a iu$opuauiquu 3Beprarl4cq lo T. Tapautlurttna Ha HIDKqe noAaHy aA-
pecy. fo4raHu
sirnirvu: xoxsoi
HeAi-ni, a6o ga AoMoBreHHqM.
Markian Shashkewych Centre in Halifax Ukrainian Catholic Church Lemoh Street, Queen Road Halifax HXI OLN England
The Museum exhibits objects which point to the greatness of Rev. Markian Shashkewych, such as his bust, a book "Rusalka Dnistrova", paintings of Ukrainian Catholic Church hierarchs with the quotations and expressions,
books and other printed materials about Rev. Markian Shashkewych. There is also a collection of Ukrainian folk art. The Museum was established in 1987. The Museum is directed by a group of curators: President T. Taraniszyn, secretary M. Steciuk, treasurer M. Hapchuk. For information:
Mrs.T. Taraniszyn 160 Hebble Lane, Wheatley
Halifax HX3 5JN England
Visiting hours: Sunday, or by appointment.
Vrcpairucorco?o Hapodrutoeo Mucmeqmsa in. ,Lutu fopcorcoi, Opearuisaqia Vrcpaincarcux )Kiruorc y Benurcirt Epumaruii.
Pix sacuynaHH-fl: 1964. Pe@epeHrKa HapoAHboro Mr4creurBa OyX Otrs, Paru.r. 3anisyova My3eâ&#x201A;ŹM Mapix Kapanara, ren.(071)229-0140. foAusu si,{siruu: neAiJrq 1:00-4:00, a6o ga AoMoBJreHHsM.
Alla Horska Museum of Ukrainian Folk Art 31 Smedley Lane, Cheethan Manchester, M8 8XB Great Britain For information call: Maria Karapata, tel.(07 l)229-0140. Visiting hours: Sunday 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. or by appointment.
(DpaHqir France
Vrcpairucorca Eidaiomena
Cwtorua ffemttrupu o llaputrci
B 6yaznry 6i6niorerur 3HaxoAsrbcfl: 1. Mysefi CuuoHa flerarcpn 3opr. 1930 p. 2. Myzefi BusnomHrax 3uaranb pp. l9l7-1920 iv.. C. IlernroplI, 3opr.
1922 p.
3. Eruorpa$ivuuft Myseft
y3opr4, Br,rrrr4BKI4, HapoAHLIft oAsr.
Bacrur Muxaarvyr., ren42-02-29-56.
ni.qsiAraH: ninropor-cy6ora 2:00-6:00, a6o sa AoMoBneHHsM.
Bibliotheque Ukrainienne Symon Petlura d Paris 6 Rue de Palestine 75019 Paris France
In the library building
1. Symon Petlura Museum
2. Museum of the Ukrainian Liberation Struggle l9l7-I920 3. Museum of Ethnography: Ukrainian embroideries, folk art and folk attire.
For information call: director Wasyl Mychaltchouk. tel.42-02-29 56, fax.48 -03 - 14 - 12.
Visiting hours: Tuesday-Saturday 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. or by appointment. 27
flonnua Poland
in. Eoedarua
Hecmopa Jlenrcoeo
B uysei MoxHa ousHyrr4 apxinui llarepialn npo Eor4aua Jlenroro, ixo-
uu, yxpaiucxi ue4ari, uourrosi MapKI4, rcni-nefiHi KoBeprI4, a raKox apxeororiqsi nau'srrra V cr. rI. X. s posronxis Onrsii: csirl4nrHl.,Iru g
i reparrairra. sacHyoaHH-s: 1993. 3a iuQopruaqi-sMra 3Beprarllcq
6pousu, KaMeHIo
Mupoua flperopiyca
ren.36-80-41, a6o Ao OrercauApa Kypranra
fo.uuuu ni,qsiAraH: ninropox 3:00-5:00, qerBep 3:00-5:00, ue.qi-rr-f, 1l:00-1:00. florrainxa O6'eAHauna YxpainuiB y flolrqi, re*21-06-25
Museum dedicated to Bohdan Nestor Lepleyi
Ul. Paulinska 28 Krakow, Poland The Museum has archives of the Ukrainian poet Bohdan Nestor Lepkyj. Exhibits include Ukrainian icons, commemorative medals, postal stamps and archeological mementos from V cent. B.C., like candleholders made from bronze, stone and ceramics. For information call: Myron Pretorius, tel.35-80-41
or Oleksander Kurylo tel.22-11-38.
Visiting hours: Sunday 1l:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
,fiepctcoenurt Myzefi Yrcpaincorco-fucueoi Kyaomypu y Ceuduurcy B uysei e erHorpaSi.rHi Br,rcraBKlr: uapoAHift oAgr, BlurJr,rBKra, nlrcaHKlr, pisr6a no AepeBy, xepauixa, HapoAHq apxirerrypa rorrlo. @oroapxiB HapixoBy€ 14.000 suiurin, 20.000 u xiHoruinxra, 185 u laarHiroQousoi ruinru. <Di-rricnr Mysero Yrpaincrxoi Kylrrypra: l. flau'srna xiuHara o. AyxxoBr,rqa n Tonoli. 2. f aurep:u. irnr. A. Murloro y CnuaHnKy Ha nyl. flaprusaHcrKift. 3. CxaHceH - erHorpaQivHa eKcro3r,rqis nra nigxpnrnrra He6ou poaruiI.t1y€Tbct Ha ruouli noHa.( l0 r n paMKtx KynbrypHo-cnoprr,rBHoro apearry M. CsUIHt,tx. Pix saurynaHH.s: 1956. 3a iHQopuaqisnau 3Beprarr.rcs Ao A-pa icropuvHlrx HayK Mnpocnasa Co-
IoAnnu cyOora
niani.qrnn: ninropox-n'trTHr,rqs
i xe.qin,
State Museum of Ukrainian-Rusyn Culture, Slovak Republic
ul. Centralna 089
The Museum has ethnographic exhibits: folk costumes, embroideries, Easter eggs (pysanky), woodcarvings, ceramics, folk architecture, etc. The photoarchive has 140,000 photographs, 20,000 m. of film and 185,000 m. of audiotape. Branches of the Museum of Ukrainian Culture are:
1. Memorial room of Rev. Duchnowych in Topoly 2. Gallery in the name of D. Mydley in Svydnyk, Partisan
3. Skansen
- an ethnographic exhibition, located on an area of 10 hectares of land, showing original houses and agricultural implements of the first
Ukrainian settlers. For information call: Dr. Myroslav Sopolyha, Sc. D. tel.42-937 -213 -65, fax.42-937 -21 5 -69 . Visiting hours: Tuesday - Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Saturday
Sunday 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Vrcpoinctrcufi Mysefi
i Eidaiomerca e CmetwSopdi,
Myseft vrae 6arary ro-uerqirc HapoAHboi ce.srxonoi, neci-nruoi ra 6yleuHoi Horui s pisuux oKonrrub Vxpaiuu. Myser;rua 6i6niorexa Maâ&#x201A;Ź noHaA 20.000 rouir pisnnx Bvrp.aH4 oco6ruso uiuui s6ipxl,r icropii I{epxnu, uosHi Btz,I;aHlg.fl rnopin Tapaca IITss.rsHKa, InaHa @panra ra iHrulax r.;rtqcuris i cyracuux anropin.
Pir sacuynaHHfl: 1935. luperrop - A-p Bacum Jleuuur.
rer. (203)324-0388, a6o (203) 324-457 8. Kyparop i 6i6nioreKap - JLo6on Boruneqr. IoAranu silsiAraH: uoueAi-uor-qerBep 1:00-5:00, a raKox 3a AoMoBneHHqM.
Ukrainian Museum
& Library in Stamford,
16l Glennbrook Rd. Stamford, Conn 06902 USA The museum has a large collection of folk costumes from many regions of Ukraine. These costumes are representative of holiday, wedding and day to day attire. The museum library contains over 20,000 volumes of books. The library specializes in Ukrainian history, and possesses one of the hnest collections of the complete works by Taras Shevchenko, Ivan Franko and other classical Ukrainian authors. For information call: curator Dr. Wasyl Lencyk, or librarian Mrs. Lubow Wolynetz. tel. (2 0 3 ) 3 24 -0488, or (203)324 - 4 57 8, fax. (203)9 67 -99 48. Visiting hours: Monday-Thursday l:00-5:00 p.m. or by appointment. 30
Yrcpaincorcufi Ha4ionattnuil Mysefi Myseft noci,uae [reAeBpr4 yrpaincrroro naqioHzurbHoro Mr4creurBa, Hayroni rnopu, 6i6nioreKy i seJruKvrir yrop-sAKosaHuir apxin. Pix sacuynaHHfl: 1952. flrapexrop - O.nrra Mpovxo-KuurlrMoH.
ren.(312)421-8020. foArauu si.(nifluu: none4i-uor-cepeAa 3a AoMoBJreHH.sM.
Ukrainian National Museum
N. Oakley Blvd. Chicago, lll 60612 USA The museum has a collection of Ukrainian folk art, including embroideries, woodcarvings, metalcarvings, ceramics, beadwork and Easter eggs 721
The Ukrainian National Museum together with the Ukrainian-American Library Association, is organizing within the Museum, a Ukrainian Bibliographical Reference Centre, wich will provide students of Ukrainian subjects with bibliographical and other necessary information. For information call: director Olga Mrochko-Kalymon. tel.(312)421-8020.
Visiting hours: Thursday-Sunday 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.ffi., Monday-Wednesday by appointment.
Vrcpaiructrcail Myeefi
Eruorpa$i-a, Illenveurixua, Mrrcre(rBo, icropix, nepio4uxa. 16.000 KHT,DKoK ra 6araro apxiruoro uarepi-*rry npo )<l,rrrs roceneHrlin y K-rriruren4i, Orafio. Pix sacuyoaHH.fl: 1952.
- Asapifi (DeAuucrrufi. ren(216)781-4329. foAuur,r ni.qni.qrau: cy6ora 9:00-1200, a6o sa AoMoBreHH-flM.
Ukrainian Museum-Archives, fnc. 1202 Kenilworth Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio 44113 USA The exhibits are divided into two rooms. There is a room dedicated to Ukrainian Easter eggs (Pysanky) from various regions of Ukraine, and mannequins in national dress from a few regions of Ukraine. On the sec-
ond floor is a room filled with religious memorabilia. Much exhibits' memorabilia is of Ukrainian immigrant life in Cleveland. For information call: director Andrij Fedynskyj. tel.(216)7 8l-4329 , fax. (2 1 6) 5 22-0550
Visiting hours: Saturday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon, or by appointment. 31
Yrcpoiacorcuil Hapodnuil Apxie, Myoeil i Eiflaiome,eo I ,\emportmi B apxini-rr,rysei s6epiraorbc, eKcroHarr4 [erbMaHcnxoi cnaar.ul4Htr-cKap-
6in, opuriHansHi 3HaqHHx
ogno6, crapoBr4Hui st4ulNnKH Ta floprperu BH-
rrcleft yxpaiHcuxoi icropii.
Pir:acHyBaHHq: 1958. Kyparop Pouas Aauro.
re.n.(3 l3)366-9764.
fonuHn eilsiaraH: cy6ora
Heains 9:30-2:00, a6o sa AoMoBreHHqM.
Oiniq My:ero y Boppen, Miu-r. lnpexrop
- Ipeua 3axaprie. Aapeca: 26601 Ryan Road., Warren, Michigan 48091
Ukrainian-American Archives, Museum
& Library, Inc.
11756 Charest St.
Detroit, Michigan 48212 USA In the Museum-Archives one can find original samples from Hetman's treasures, in the form of silver and gold embroideries, and portraits of prominent people in Ukrainian history. For information call: curator Roman Dacko. tel.(3 t3)366-9764.
Visiting hours: Saturday and Sunday 9:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. or by appointment.
Director of the Branch in Warren 26601 Ryan Road
Warren, Michigan 48091
Irene Zacharkiw.
Vrcpairucorcurt Jletwrciecarcurt Myoeu
Jlel{rciscrxnft Mysefi sHaxoAr,rrbcq B npnuiuteHui YrpaiucbKoro My:ero n Crerra$op.qi, KoH. B rraysei s6epirarorrcq uiHHi eKcnoHarll HapoAHboro Mr,rcreurBa Jlerraxisrlrl4HH, qK Hanpr4KraA: HapoAHl Hotua, TKaHilHtI, IOCnOIapCbKe 3HapC.[Aq.
Pix sacHyBaHHq: 1969. Kyparop re.u.(203)7 62-5912.
CreQau fasaucrxuft.
I-oAunn ei.(si.(uH: nose1i-nox-r{erBep l:00-5:00,
3a .[oMoBJIeHHqM
KyparopoM, a6o aartainicrpauiero Crer,aSopAcbKoro My3elo.
[Jkrainian Lemko Museum
Glenbrook Road
Stamford, Conn. 06902 USA The Lemko Museum is located in the Ukrainian Museum of Stamford, CT. In the Museum are exhibits of folk art from the Lemko region of Ukraine: folk costumes, embroidery, weaving and agricultural implements. Call Ukrainian Museum in Stamford (203)324-0488 or (203)324-4578. For information call: curator Mr. S. Hawanskyj. tet.(203)762-s912. Visiting hours: Monday-Thursday l:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Address: Mr. S. Hawanskyj P.O. Box 7 Clifton, N.J. 0701I USA
Myeert lteprceu flo*t'smruawo co. Andpia flepeoeeawuoeo Vrcpaiructrcoi llpaeocaaeruoi lteprceu e CIIIA B rraysei rroKa3aHo 3pa3Kr4 yxpaiucrxoi eruorpa@ii, penirifiHo-qepKoBHo-
ro Mr4creurBa Ta apxlBHl
sacrryBaHHq: 1961.
Ipuna IJerenrcrra
fo.uuuu nilsirraH: cepeAa,
cy6ora 9:00-3:00.
Memorial Church Museum P.O. Box 262 So. Bound Brook, N.J. 08880 USA
The Museum exhibits samples of Ukrainian ethnography, and religious artifacts.
For information call: director Iryna Cehelska. tel. (908)356-9105.
Visiting hours: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
B ra-rrepii MoxHa ou-sHyrl,r uucreurri npaui
sacnyBaHH.,r: 1970. 3a iHSoprraarli-f,rvru 3Beprarr4cq ao
Iopis MoruuucrKoro.
ren.(303)778-1796. Fax: (303)756-9364 sryr 12 sHo.{i ao 7 paruo, nini-s nigrpura ni,{ .rac p.lg.s norele@oHyBarl,I.
Art Gallery
E. Darmouth Ave.,
Denver, Colorado, 80210 USA In the Gallery are exhibited art works of the Moshynsky family.
For information call: Mr. Moshynsky. tel. (303)77 8-
96, fax. (303)7 56 -9364.
Line is open 12:00 midnight-7:0O a.m. Other times - telephone first. Visiting hours: Monday-Saturday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Vrcpaiucorcufi Incmumym Modepnoeo Mucmeqmea Myseli Maâ&#x201A;Ź nocriftny nracraBKy MoAepHoro Mr,rcreurBa, a raKox KoporKorpl,IBani wrcrasKu rnopin c)^racHr,rx Natacruis. Pir saurynaHH.s: 197l. fo.uona - O.rer Konepro. ren(312)227 -5522. foAuHr,r siAni.qrH : ninropox-He.uiJrq
Ukrainian Institute of Modern ,,lrt 2320 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago, lll 60622 USA
The Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art in Chicago was founded in 1971. The Museum has a permanent exhibit of modern art and short term exhibits of contemporary Ukrainian artists. For information call: president Oleh Koverko tel. (3 12)227
522, fax.(3 12)489 - I 57 3.
Visiting hours: Tuesday-Sunday 12:00 noon.-4:00 p.m.
y Huo-fropny
Vrepaiuctrcufi Myoert
YxpaiHcnrurft Myseft, 3acHoBaHuir 1976 poKy, y Aocurb KoporKoMy uaci s.[o6yB BH3HaHHI flK oAr,rH s Hafiuixaeiruux i HarT,uranauiquiruux MuIIIux uyaein y Hrro-ZopKy. Myaeft Ma€ Ha rraeri Ha6yBarvt, s6epiraru, BHcraBlrtTvt fi inrepuperyBaTla eKcIIoHaTu MI,IcTeUxoi, icrOpuvnoi ra nayroaoi Baprocru, nos'qgaHi s yrpaiHcbKolo Kynbrypoto ft yxpaiucbKl,IM xlrTrqM. Anq sniricHeHHs csoix 3aBAaHb rrryseft ynauroBy€ BtIcraBKI,I, opraHisye Kypcu ft cerrainapu, qacro cuilruo s iHllrtal,ru aMepHKaHcbKI,IMI,I My3eqMI'I
ra ocnirHirran ryrnrypHI,IMI,I
ycraHoBaMra. Myseft Mae
3orBopqurT, erHorpaQivHufi ra icropr,r.IHl,Ift apxin.
.(rapexrop - Mapia lllycr. ren(212)228-0 I I 0, Qarc(212)228-1947
foAuHr,r si.(niAI,IH: cepeAa-He,uhq I :00-5 :00.
The Ukrainian Museum, New York 203 Second Ave.
New York, N.Y. 10003 USA The Ukrainan Museum was founded in 1976 and in a relatively short time has become known as one of the most interesting and dynamic small museums in New York City. The Museum's purpose is to aquire, preserye, exhibit, and interpret articles of artistic, historical, and scientific value related to Ukrainian life and culture. In addition to exhibitions, the Museum arranges and conducts workshops, seminars, and lectures, frequently in cooperation with other museums, educational institutions, and cultural centres. The holdings of The Ukrainian Museum are organised into three major areas: Ethnographic, Fine Arts, and Historical Archives. For information call: Maria Shust. tel.(212)228-0 I I 0, fax. (2 I 2)228- 1947 . Visiting hours: Wednesday - Sunday l:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. 36
larcpin "EKO'
ra.rrepii Br4craBJreHi upaui yrpaiucrrurx uucruin. Y xpalauu.rqi NaoxHa r^a6yru 3pa3KV HapoAHboro i nprarnaAHoro yrpaiucrxoro Ml4creurBa.
Pix sacuysaHHfl'. 1975. 3a iuSoprraaui-srvfra 3Beprarr4cq ao Jli.uii Ko-noA.ruH. ren.(810)755-3535, fax. (810)7 55-3706. foAuuu si,usi'{uH: uoHeAbror-n'qrHr4uq I I :00-5:00, cy6ora
Ukrainian Art Gallery
26795 Ryan Road
MI 48091 USA Art work of Ukrainian artists is exhibited in the Gallery. The gift shop has many artifacts of Ukrainian Folk Art. For information call: Lidia Kolodchin. Warren,
tel.(8 I 0)755-3535, fax.(8 I 0)7 55 -37 06.
Visiting hours: Monday-Friday l1:00 a.m.-5:00 p.ffi., Saturday 11:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Cmydifinuil Ocepedorc Yrcpaincarcoi Kyaomypu Ocepegor Menop flxcyHiop Kaae4xy BKrroqaâ&#x201A;Ź rvrysel;ruy s6ipry, apxiru, 6i6niorery i ura.ui, ara4eMi.ruux cryail;r. PisHoruanirsicrr MLIcreubKIax eKc[oHaris nKflro.rae 3pa3Kr4 HapoAHboi Houri pisuux o6racreit Yrpaiuu, ryr{ynbcbKy repauiry i uafi6inuuy s6ipry fepAanis KapnarcbKoro pefiouy, suruusaHi eKcrroHaru yrpaiucbKoro neciffts ra rpaAl4uiftui xni6rE. Pir eacrynaHHq: 1976.
Xpucruua flporo[oBr,rq.
rer. (2 I 5 )8 8 5 - 2360. foAuuu ni.usi.(uH : noueAiror- n'flrHl4us
00- I : 00.
Ukrainian Heritage Sndies Centre/Manor funior College 700 Fox Chase Road & Forest Ave. Jenkintown, PA 19046 USA The Centre includes museum collections, archives, library and an academic studies division. Exhibits include a variety of regional traditional folk dress items, a vast pottery collection, the largest collection of Ukrainian beadweaving, hand-embroidered Ukrainian wedding items and ritual breads. For information call: curator Chrystyna Prokopowych. tel. (2 I 5)8 85 -2360, fax.(21 5)57 6-6564. Visiting hours: Monday Friday 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Ocepedorc Vrcpaiructrcoi Cnadtqawa "Mosaitea" ocepeAKy noKa3aHo 3pa3Kr4 yxpaiucrroro HapoAHboro Mr,rcreurBa, eKcrroHarr,r HapoAHroi uouri, pi:r6u, uapoanix incrpyueHdn, repauixra,
yrpaincrxrax ixou. Bia6ynarcTbcfl BLrcraBKu [pr,rKJraAHoro AeKoparr,rBHofo Mr4creurna. Taxox € KpaMHprqKa.
Pix sacuyBaHHq:
forosa -
1979. Ipr,rHa Pycnax.
ren.(716)342-8423. Pe@epeHrKa Br,rcraBoK Xpucruua Konv, ren(7 16)467 -2865. foAusn sirsirraH: utoHeai-rri 9:00-l:00 ra 3a AoMoBneHHsM. Bucranxu i
€ B .qorir.uHifi gari ueprBI,I cB. frocaQara npu 940 East Piax PosA, Povecrep, H. V. 14621
Ukrainion Heritoge Centre "Ihe Mosaic' 940 East Ridge Rd. Rochester, N.Y. 14621 USA Rectory: tel.(7 16)467 -6457
The exhibits include Ukrainian folk costumes, embroidery, ceramics, woodcarving, Easter eggs, icons and photographs of Ukrainian churches in Rochester and in Ukraine. The gift shop has books, tapes, CD's, cards, embroidered blouses and shirts. The business address and for information: Ukrainian Heritage Centre "The Mosaic" c/o Irene Russnak 314 Liberty Ave. Rochester, N.Y. 14622-1941 USA tel.(716)342-8423 Visiting hours: Sunday 9:00 a.m.-l:00, or by appointment.
Ocepedorc Cnadqunu npu lteprcei c6. apx. Muxafuta
Ercnonarra i @orosuiruxu ocepeAeKy npeAcriL,rqrorb opraHisarlifiHe xr4Trs Hrrc-feftneucrxoi rpoua.qu. 3pasru yxpaincrxoro HapoAHboro oAsry rlpeAcraBneni ua 15 uauexeHax y rroBHr4x aBTeHTurrHrlx HapoAHix o4xrax
a pisnux peliouin Yxpainu. Ilpe.ucran.ueui raxox BI4IITI4BKI4,
Tr4csq KHr4xoK n
yrpaiucrriri ra asuirlcxifi nrorax.
Pix sauryraHHs:
Kr,rJrr4Mvr, TKaHr4r,yr,
pisr6a, xepauixa ra secinrui xoponai. Ei6-rriorexa Mae rinrra
Mapi-a lu>xuir
.{orraaurHa aApeca: 79 Blue
Trail, Hamden, CT
foAuura silsiluH: cy6ora 9:00-2:00, neAiJlfl 9:30-2:00, a6o sa AoMoBreHH-flM.
St. Michael's Ukroinian Heritage Centre 555 George Str.
New Haven, CT 06511 USA The exhibits and photos at the Centre reflect the organized life of the New Haven community. The exhibits consist of 15 mannequins in complete and authentic costumes from different regions of Ukraine. Also kylymy, weaving, embroideries, woodcarving, ceramics and wedding breads (korovay). The library has several thousand books in Ukrainian and English.
For information call: director Maria Hyzyj. tel.(203)288-7637
Visiting hours: Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., Sunday 9:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m., or by appointment. Home address: 79 Blue Trail, Hamden, CT 06518
q. - Ktnca 341
Vrcpaincotca Haqionot bHa Kinnama
BoHa 3HaxoAlrrbcq B Vuiaepcureri flirc6ypry, flencn-nrnaniq. IIq KiMHara BJrauroBaHa n yxpaiHcbKoMy xuTJloBo-ut[rxercbKoMy ctuli, BHKoHaHa roJroBHo s lepesi. â&#x201A;Ź rarra ixourl, rpaauuiftHa KaxJIeBa niv, uncuur s repauivHI,IMH rapi-nraun, nI4caHKH, fiocafoBa cKpI,IHr, Toulo. Miaepur ua I u Br4corr,r i 3 u urupr,rHlr, po6oru Mr,rcru, Peua Earayrlr,ru&, Br,[-
rBoproe yrpaincnri rynrrypHi noaii .uanuix .Iacis. Pir eauryBaHHq: 1990. flnpexrop E. MaxciH EpyHc
ren(412)624-6150. KoopAuHarop ryp
Eap6apa Maepc
ren(412) 624-6000. foAuur,r nianiaran : noHeAirox-n'qrHllrr.fl cy6ora 9:30-3:00
Heai.nq ll:00-3:00.
Ukrainian Nafionolity Classroom #341 Location: University of Pittsburgh's Cathedral of Learning Fifth & Forbes Avenues - between Bigelow & Belllteld Avenues
Oakland, Pittsburgh, Pa USA Mailing address: Nationality Rooms Program 157 Cathedral of Learning Pittsburgh, Pa 15260
The Ukrainian Nationality Room represents a reception area in the residence of the Ukrainian nobleman where, in the welcoming warmth of carved wood, glowing copper, fine icons, and a monumental tile stove, private and formal meetings would have taken place. The room reflects the Ukrainian Baroque style, which flourished in the lTth and 18th centuries.
Nationality Rooms Program & Intercultural Exchange Program
Director Maxine Bruhns. tel. (412)624 - 6 r50, fax. (4 12)624 - 42 I 4. Tour coordinator Barbara M yers, tel. (4 12)624 - 6000. Visiting hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Sunday and Holidays ll:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. 40
Koaercqia Vrcpairucarcoi Mapiaruu
y 1979 p. y Bcecnirnrouy yHinepcrareri n y ulo upurraiuleuvir Karonr4ubKoMy AocnianoMy UeHTpi, rra. flefiron, Orario, 3acHoBano YrpaiHcbKy Mapificrry Koneruiro. Tyr s6epirarotbcq KHr4xKu Ha reMarr,rKy npo flpevucry Aisy Mapiro, ixoHra, o6pasxra, ue4amr7roHr4, MoJI[ToBHr,rKI4 ra inrui eKcrroHaru, txi cniguarr, uo rouaua Boropolraui e Br4.sBoM yrpaiHcrroi xyrrrypu. Pix sacuynaHus'. 1979. 3acuonunr i 4raperrop - lwtulaa Hurornruun. BiA 1990 p. @yHaauia Yxpaincrxoi Mapi*ru.
rer.(513)229-4214. f oAuura ni.qsilraH : noueAbror
-\' srttut\q
9 : 00
(Jkrainian Marian Foundation, fnc. c/o The Marian Library University of Dayton Dayton, Ohio 45469-1390 USA The Ukrainian collection includes books, icons, medallions, prayerbooks and other items, which demonstrate that devotions to the Mother of God's cult are a part of Ukrainian culture. For information call: founder and director Halyna Nykolyshyn. tel. (5 13)229 -421 4, fax. (5 13)229 -4590. Visiting hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Saturday and
Sunday by appointment.
fierump Vrcpairuct coeo Mucmeqmea
B ueurpi MoxHa ou.sHyrr4 eKcnoHarn yxpaiucbKoro HapoAHboro MlrcTeIITBa: lep4aHkr, pisr6y, repauiry, rrr,rcaHKrr, KyltvMvr, Beperu ra BuIUI4BKr4. Taxox Br{craBJreHi o6pasu, irosu ra cKynbnrypu. B qeurpi MoxHa ua6yrv pevi yrpaiucrxoro HapoAHboro [prlKJra.qHoro Mr4creurBa, yrriraa*ri ronenipni aupo6u, KaprKr4, KHTDKKT{ ra inrue. Pir :aurynaHHq: 1986.
i upesugeHr ren(213)668-0172. 3acnonnur
Aapts gafixoncrra.
fo4rauu si.4niluu: ninropor-cy6ora 1l:00-3:00, ra 3a AoMoBneHHsM.
Ukrainian Art Centre 4315 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90029 USA Established in 1986 to preserve, promote and develop Ukrainian folk art in Los Angeles and Southern California. The Centre exhibits Ukrainian
traditional and contemporary crafts, paintings, prints, icons and sculptures. The Centre offers unique gifts, jewellery, cards and craft kits. For information call: founder and president Daria Chaikowsky. tet.(213)668-0t72. Visiting hours: Tuesday-Saturday ll:00 a.m.-3:00 p.n., or by appointment.
Vteau C@yX(O - crutadoei opearuisa4ii
Ancrpani,a Ancrpi-a AprenuaHa
Yrpainor Ancrpalii
. YrpaiHcnxuir )Gno.rufi Coros Ancrpii
Corcg Yrpaiuox Apreuruuu
Yrpaiuor BraporxeHHq
. O6'eAnanns XiHor flpocnirra
Eenrri-s Epasrutia
. O6'eAuanux Yxpainox Eenrrii .
OpraHisaui.f, YrpaiHcrrurx )Kiuox XOC Bpasunii
Berura Epurani-e . Oprauisaqi.s YrpaiHcbKr4x )Gnox y Bennrift Epnrauii
. Tonapucrno
Xiuor iu.
O. Teniru
Beuecyerx KaHaAa
. O6'eAnannr
. Opraniearlir YrpaiHor iu. Onrrur Bacapa6 . Jlira Yrpaiucrxnx
. Jlira YrpaiHor KanaAu
HiNaeq.rr.rHa . O6'eAnaunx
flo.unula CIIIA
Yxpaiucrxux )GHox y Hivrevvuni
Corcg Yrpainox
Corog Yxpaiuox Anaepurur
y flonrui
. Yxpaincrrufi 3onoruir Xpecr, CIIIA
. O6'eAuaHns XiHor O6oponu 9oruprox Cso6iA Yrpainu
@pauqi-a Illnafiqapi-a
O6'e,uHauHx Yrpaincrrrax flpanocraBHux Cecr.praqrn y CIIIA
Corog YxpaiHor
y <Dpauuii
. Yrpaincxe XiHove TonapucrBo y Illnairqapii
BcrynHecnoBo Ancrpanix Ancrpix Epasrrrrix KaHa,qa AHrnis OpaHuis florrua Crona.r.ruHa.. C.III.A.
......4 .....6 .......9 .....10 ......12 ..
.....27 .....28 .....29 ......30
9nenu COIDKO - cKrra4oBi opranisauii
Table of Contens
Foreword Australia Austria
......5 ......6 .......9
Canada England France Polarid Slovakia
......12 ......25
.. ..
.27 .28
......29 ..
Member Orgaruzations of WFUWO . . .43
!,epen'nHa uepKBa s Hosoi florqHrla. Cxauceu, Myseft YxpaiHcrxoi Kynrrypu, C.nonaqquHa.